THEATER CAMP-MAINSTAGE & JUNIOR Dear Parents, It’s almost time for Belfry Theater Camp 2011. Aladdin is a family favorite. I hope you are looking forward to it as much as I am! Mainstage and Junior Theater Camp begin Monday, June 20. Please try to arrive on time so we can get your camper checked in and settled in with fellow campers. Scheduled programming starts every day at 9:00 a.m. Please arrive on time for your camper to put their things away, check-in and be ready to begin promptly at 9:00. This year there will be three performances of Aladdin They are Thursday, July 21st at 7:00 p.m. and Friday July 22nd at 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Please mark your calendars for these important dates and remember to encourage all of our actors and actresses to get plenty of rest that week. Tickets may be purchased now online on the Belfry Theatre section of our Home Page at They may also be purchased at the door. Keep an eye out for a letter from the costumers in the first few weeks of camp, asking our campers to bring in simple items from home to augment their costumes. Each day, we take a break for a snack. In preparing your child’s snack, please be mindful of the fact that there are often children present with serious peanut allergies. Please bring healthy snacks (fruit, vegetables, cold-cuts, etc). Campers who eat junk food for snack, often do not have the energy and concentration they need to keep up with our demanding schedule. Theater Camp is an active pursuit. Please make sure your camper wears clothes and shoes that enable them to dance and move comfortably. Sandals and flip-flops are great for the beach, but dangerous for dance. Your camper may not be allowed to participate in the day’s rehearsals if they are not wearing appropriate footwear. On a final note, we will be taking most of the first few days of the Mainstage camp to evaluate where best to use everyone’s talents. While some campers will be asked to formally ‘audition,’ many more will be placed through more casual workshop- type formats. Experience has shown that most children are more comfortable and perform better in these settings. Rest assured, every child is seen by our staff. This can be a stressful time for campers, and we do everything we can to make it easier. At home, you can help by accepting our decisions and letting your camper know you are proud of them whatever role they receive. All of us on the Belfry Theater Camp staff look forward to working with your camper. Here’s to another fun and productive summer!
Best Wishes,
K Richardson Belfry Camp Director 267.405.7235