Online HOSTESS CHECKLIST For sharing the fun of Thirty-One!
Follow these simple steps to have fun and help you earn amazing rewards!
Before the party Use the opposite side to build your wish list. TIP: Parties with $1,200+ in orders get you the MOST free, half-priced and exclusive items!
Brainstorm your guest list and personally invite 20-40 friends and family members.
After the party Follow up with all guests with a thank-you text or personal message. Collect any outside orders from guests who weren’t able to participate. This is a great way to boost your party total!
TIP: Identify 15 Very Important Guests. These are the people you REALLY want to shop with you!
Add each guest to the group page AFTER receiving a “Going” or “Yes” RSVP to ensure an active audience that wants to participate. (This can mean more rewards for you!)
It’s party time! Once the party begins, engage with your Consultant’s posts. Your guests value your opinion and will have fun interacting with you! This will also help ensure your guests see the party posts in their newsfeed. TIP: Ask questions! It helps break the ice, and your friends may be wondering the same thing.
Share your wish list to highlight the products you’re loving. Tag your friends in party posts, whether it’s to share a tote you know she’d love or to ask her thoughts on a particular product.
Consultant name: Phone: