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SPARK Ladies, Can We All Agree to Stop Worrying About Being «Needy»? Make Him Fall I Cheated on my Husband...

How to Get Your Ex Back Permanently –

5 Step Plan

Hot Tips For Hot Lips


Table of Content • Ladies, Can We All Agree to Stop Worrying About Being «Needy» • 7 Love Life Lessons We Wish They Taught in College • Make Him Fall • Are Your Friends The Reason Your Marriage Sucks • I Cheated on My Husband • How to Get your EX Back Permenantly 5 Steps plan • What do Men want in a woman?The Real Truth • Hot Tips for Hot Lips • Five Kisses a Day, the Perfect Relathionship • Put the Spark Back in Your Relationship • Happy Couples: How to Keep Your Relationship Healthy • How to be Romantic Without Being Cheesy • 8 Girl-on-Top Sex Problems, Solved

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down to the college hookup mentality or us not being right for each other, I blamed myself for expecting too much, pushing too hard, wanting more than I deserved. Even though I never did anything that would land me in the bunny-boiler category, it took me years to realize I was wrong. I›ve had sweet, successful relationships, but the ones that failed reinforced the idea that I was being too demanding. Society tries to feed us this narrative that as women we›re constantly one wrong move away from morphing into a clingy harpy every man hates. And sure, it›s not great to latch on too tightly or try to become serious too soon. But I bought into this message so much that I would worry about sending a text first, or think I had to be totally fine with the guy I was hooking up with taking someone else home in front of me. I would rein in my feelings to be the Cool Girl that Gillian Flynn›s Gone Girl so perfectly lambastes men for believing in: «Cool Girls never get angry; they only smile in a chagrined, loving manner and let their men do whatever they want. I finally got completely fed up. I was sick of constantly worrying that expecting a guy to text me back was too much to ask for. I didn›t enjoy questioning myself for wanting to actually get taken on dates or made someone›s girlfriend when it just seemed like the natural progression of things. So I stopped the self-interrogation. I trained myself to look at my relationships as though they were my friends: Would I think they were being needy if they did XYZ? Would I tell myself they were acting a tad too clingy if they said such-and-such? I treated myself with the kindness I had, up until then, reserved for everyone else. Even more than that, I realized that a woman speaking up for what she wants is the opposite of needy. Needy is actually going along with whatever suits the guy even if it makes you unhappy because you can›t bear the thought of scaring him off. A friend and I discussed this whole issue this week, when she explained that she›d had a tough time talking to her boyfriend about something she was upset about. «I just don›t want to seem insecure,» she admitted with a shrug and a smile. I told her I›ve more than been there, but that now when a «you›re being too needy!» alarm goes off for me, I mute it and tell my boyfriend what›s up. It›s only made my relationship better, but most important, it›s made me value myself equally in my relationship. Being open and honest about how you feel and what you want is impressive, no matter whether you›re single or coupled up. Really, it›s what great women are made of. <3>

Ladies, Can We All Agree to Stop Worrying About Being «Needy»?

When I was dating around, I loved nothing more than the euphoric feeling of talking to a guy and just knowing, without a doubt, that we were going to have something. It was this flirtiness shot through with electric anticipation, and the high would carry me through our first few dates. But as the relationships progressed from the guy chasing me to more of an equal situation, a nagging doubt would start to edge its way into my happiness. By Zahra Barnes As my spark-magazine. to get his attention. It pretty me, giving them subtle clues com biography says, I›ve always much always worked in the instead of the equivalent of a been boy-crazy. In high school, beginning; I›d get the guy and flashing «I like you!» billboard that translated into me going moon over him like a typical bright enough to earn a place after the guys I crushed on high-schooler. But sometimes on the Las Vegas Strip. But still, much like a cheetah chases after it ended with him pulling away, when my quasi-relationships its prey. It›s so dissolved around embarrassing me, I would find to look back myself trying to on now, but I hold on harder was shameless in response. I can in pursuing still remember someone I that moment of liked, whether panic when I it was by texting would realize, no, him way too he wasn›t just busy often or changing my AIM away leading me to cling even harder. with sports practice or trying to message (remember those?) In college, I decided to make cram for an exam: He was over to something cringe-worthy a change. I let the guys pursue it. Rather than realize it all came <2>

1- A guy will show you he loves you. If he›s serious, you won›t have to second-

guess his feelings because he›ll make them known. He won›t just tell you the things you want to hear, because he knows it isn›t enough. He›ll prove them instead. 2- Don›t broadcast your insecurities. Being overly self-deprecating just draws attention to «flaws» a guy probably wouldn›t have noticed otherwise. I still remember reading about this in Glamour Jake›s book Always Hit on the Wingman. He talked about how a woman fixating on a perceived issue with herself, like thinking she›s too fat, can almost convince a guy it›s true (even when knows it›s not!).

3- Having sex doesn›t make you a slut. Getting physical «too early» won›t make the

right person like you less. It also won›t make the wrong guy like you more. As long as you’re safe, consensual, and doing it because you truly want to, you›re golden.

4- It›s scary, but sometimes love isn›t enough. Distance and timing are a few annoying culprits that make this one true.

5- A single phase is normal. We pretty much all have them. Even if yours spans years, it doesn›t make you a pariah. It can be a time of incredible self-discovery, and no matter how unfathomable it seems, one day you›ll look back and wish you had taken full advantage.

6- As is a douchebag one. The guy who strings you along, the one who cares only about his orgasm, and the one who seems to hate the entire world and everything in it will only make you more sure when you find the right one. Plus, they become excellent stories once the sting of actually dating them has worn off.

7-Never desert your friends for a guy. It›s not worth it. Not just because you might break up and

need your friends but because your friends are people deserving of respect whether you›re coupled .up or not <5>

By Zahra Barnes


MAKE HIM FALL “There is something about words. In expert hands, manipulated deftly, they take you prisoner. Wind themselves around your limbs like spider silk, and when you are so enthralled you cannot move, they pierce your skin, enter your blood, numb your thoughts. Inside you they work their MAGIC!!!”

By Heather Rinder

Wouldn’t it be cool if there were certain phrases you could say to any man to get him to go totally CRAZY for you, and start thinking of you as his one and only true love? Sure, it sounds pretty freaking fantastic, right? Thanks to Kaley Diamond, assistant for multiple Hypnosis Coaches and the coach of “Obsession Phrases”. Trigger Phrases” to manipulate others mind and make them fall for you. These phrases were carefully researched and developed by many years of studies and worked so well because they sink deep into the emotion producing part of the human brain and spark up any emotion you want a person to feel. Emotions like euphoria, joy, pleasure and even LOVE,



Everlasting Attraction Phrase:

Use these phrases to throws a man’s emotions on over-drive and he’ll enthusiastically tell you how you’re his sweetheart, soul mate and his ultimate dream come true. He will feel such unconditional love for you that he will crave to be with you, around you, beside you, and close to you all the time. Monogamy Awaker Phrase: Use these phrases to convince himself that you’re the only woman he’d ever want to be with. He will wish to wake up every day to your beautiful face and will look forward to the day he finally gets to walk down the aisle with you and say “ I do…..” Whiz-Bang Phrase: This makes him see you as the most important person in his life and inspires him to treat you like this prized possession that he is really lucky to have.

Subconscious Bonding Phrase


This make him feel, believe that you are his ultimate soul mate. His love for you will grow stronger as days go by and he will care for you so deeply.


tionship hotlines. «I have a girlfriend who›s been saying ‹I›m done with him› for seven years,» one woman groans. «I get texts from her at night saying, ‹I feel hollow,› when I›m trying to sleep!» The leader of the workshop, held in a hotel conference room in Chattanooga, Tennessee, is th mild-mannered Bill Doherty, a grayhaired, bespectacled professor of family social science at the University of Minnesota. A staunch believer that all but the most miserable marriages can be saved, he made waves in the early 2000s by claiming that the prevailing «marriage neutral» stance among his fellow therapists was causing couples who could actually be hap-

py together to split. This latest project grew out of his frustration with the limited impact of his profession, even at its best. «Many people are reluctant to see a therapist, or by the time they do, it›s really late,» Doherty says. His brainstorm: Teach civilians— friends and coworkers who are already hearing relations h i p gripes— to handle them more like he would. With such minimal training, people won›t know how to navigate land mines such as triangulation or transference, says Jamie Turndorf, PhD, author of Kiss Your Fights Good-bye. Adds Laura Dabney, MD, a psychiatrist at Eastern Virginia Medical School, friends usually


Are Your Friends The Reason Your Marriage Sucks? Marital First Responders course, designed to teach people to help friends with relationship troubles; By Judy Dutton. A woman volunteers that she›s divorced, wiser for it, and wants to keep others from making the same mistakes. A few confess they find it stressful to serve as veritable rela-


What first responders should do instead, Doherty says, is listen—not for dirt but for feelings. People often lead with «hard feelings,» such as anger, and while it›s fine to let the fury fly for a while, the ultimate goal is get to the underlying «soft feelings,» such as sadness or insecurity, which open the way for more productive conversation.


lack the objectivity to be effective: «It›s like asking a member of the Celtics to referee a game between the Celtics and the Lakers.» But Doherty insists Marital First Responders aren›t mini shrinks. In fact, he recommends that they point friends toward professionals when they spot issues beyond their expertise, such as addiction or abuse, or when they repeatedly hear the same trouble from someone. At the workshop, Doherty lays out a taxonomy of friends› reactions to relationship complaints: The «What a Jerk–er!»


slams the partner; the «Pollyanna» rushes to ressure; the «Distractor» segues into soliloquies about her own man/woman woes; and the «Wimp» lets confidantes blab on when they need to be jarred out of their rut. But it is probably the most common type is what Doherty calls «Mr./Ms. Fixit.» they know it all, they know everything. «Of course you have opinions about how the relationship should go, but if you go charging in with advice, you›re bound to get ‹Yes, but I tried that,› « he says. «As soon as you hear ‹Yes, but,› you know you›ve gone too fast.»

My first chance is with a friend I›ll call Laura*, who, a week earlier, had informed me she was going to kick her husband out. After quitting his job as a computer programmer, he hadn›t worked in five years, yet he still felt entitled to run up their credit card on rock concerts and road trips. I›d tsk-tsked through her tirade, then agreed her husband was deadweight. Laura takes the bait, so I continue. «I think things with your husband have got to be more complicated than what I›ve been hearing.» Doherty says this line can be applied to just about any marital dispute because it›s true: You›re only getting one side. To my surprise, Laura doesn›t bristle at all. «What would he say if he were here?» she says. «He›d say, ‹I contribute a ton around the house: the laundry, the grocery shopping, the cooking, errands.› Which is all true.» As she rambles on about his stellar qualities, I realize it feels good to ditch the husband bashing—the horror stories may be fun to hear, but they foment bitterness.


Reason #2: «We began to resent each other.»

When Vanessa Myers*, 28, married her husband six years ago, they both couldn›t wait to have children, but after their wedding day, something changed for her. «I started to really love my job, and kids didn›t seem to fit into the picture,» she says. Her husband was hurt by her change of heart, and began to resent her. «We started fighting a lot, and I resented him for resenting me and we were just constantly hurting each other,» she says. «One night I caught him trying to slip off the condom and that was pretty much the end of our sex life. ” Ultimately, the lack of intimacy lead Vanessa to cheat. «I met a guy online and we dated for about a year,» she says. «It ended when my husband caught me.» Vanessa and her husband agreed to seek therapy separately and together, and were able to save their marriage. «The biggest lesson I learned was that if I was unhappy in my marriage, my husband was only 50% to blame.» she says.

Reason #3: «I was bored and unhappy.»

At 35 years old, Barbara Gisborne was living the American dream. She lived in Madison, Wisconsin, with her loving husband and two children — but she was miserable. «My husband was a good man, but I was bored inside and out,» she says. «In our community, I always felt like a square peg trying to fit in a round hole.» That year, she was in Chicago on business and met Bob, an Australian man, on an elevator. «We had an instant connection. We exchanged numbers, and them we started talking until that we began to regurally keep in touch, and I decided to fly out to Australia to see him and get him out of my system,» she says. «Instead, I fell in love.» She left everything she knew — her hometown, her husband, her job and her country — to start her life over with Bob in Australia. «I became strong, independent, confident and much worldlier,» she says. «That was 25 years ago and now I can say that my affair was the turning point in my life’s journey. Today, Bob and I are married, own a winery in Australia, and have five children and 10 grandchildren between us.» <15>

The first question that comes to mind when a spouse cheats is: Why? A study by the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada, attempted to answer that question and found that the reasons behind infidelity differ greatly between the sexes; By Colleen Oakley. For men, it›s typically about the sex — the more sexually excitable they are, the more likely they are to cheat. For women, it›s more about the level of satisfaction in her relationship; if a woman is unhappy in her marriage, she›s 2.6 times more likely to cheat. Regardless of the reason, there’s one thing that’s certain: Infidelity is devastating. And often, being unfaithful finally brings some long-hidden relationship problems to light.

Reason #1: «My husband was abusive, and I wanted comfort.»

«From the day I married my husband, I knew it was a mistake,» says 50-year-old Elizabeth Smith.* «He was abusive, controlling and expected me to quit my job to make a home for him.» A little over a year into the marriage, she began having an affair with a man that she worked with. «I had no illusions that I was in love, but it was eye-opening to be with someone that made me feel good about myself, made me laugh and respected me for who I was — not who he wanted me to be,» she says. «The affair helped me find myself and proved to me that I could live a life independent of my husband. <14>

Reason #4: «My husband was a workaholic.»

For 10 years, 49-year-old Barbara Singer created a life independent of her husband because he was never around. «Gary was totally consumed and exhausted by his work — there was nothing left for me,» she says. «I was totally committed to my family and gave it my all, but knew in my heart that I certainly did not want this for rest of my life.» One night, she met up with Tom, an acquaintance, and ended up staying out all night with him. Within a few weeks of meeting him, she ended her marriage, and two years later, she and Tom were married. But within a month, he died of a heart attack. «Meeting Tom was the best and worst thing that ever happened to me. He came into my life and woke me up, showing me ... that life is precious and that at any given moment, it can all be taken away, so if I have a dream or a goal, I better get moving on it,» she says.

Reason #5: «He was unfaithful first.» Larie Norvell had only been married about a year when she found out that her husband had cheated on her. «I was very angry, but I was also very hurt, because I felt like I wasn›t enough for him — like there was something I wasn’t doing for him as his wife, which is why he felt the need to go outside of our marriage,» says the 33-year-old. That jumble of mixed emotions was the impetus for her affair. «I cheated on him — mostly for revenge, but in retrospect, it was also because I wanted validation. I wanted to know that I was still desirable to other men,» she says. Once her affair was discovered, the couple separated for a few months — but then began to seek counseling and were able to salvage their marriage.


Deadly Mistake #2: Begging And Trying To Use Pity If begging worked after a breakup, no one will ever break up with anybody. They decided to leave you and they are prepared to go through your begging and pleading. Whatever the reason for breakup was, it’s not going to change with your begging. The only thing that begging will do is make you look like a weak and insecure person. Deadly Mistake #3: Let Them Walk All Over You Your instincts will tell you that if you just agree to everything your ex wants, they will come back. Your instincts will tell you that your needs, your values, your desires, your goals don’t matter. Your instincts will tell you that the only thing that matters is to get your ex back. And for that, you can sacrifice everything.

Deadly Mistake #4: Showering Them with Affection Your instincts tell you that if your ex just realizes how much you love them and how much you care about them, they will come back. You just need to make them believe that no one in the world will ever love them the way you do. How can they reject you once they realize how much you love them, Right? Deadly Mistake #5: Freaking Out When Your Ex Starts Dating The thought of your ex being with someone else is a gut wrenching one. But in reality, it’s not that bad as we make it out to be. We will get into that but before that that let’s take a look at how your instincts react when you find out your ex is dating someone else. <19>

How to Get Your Ex Back Permanently – 5 Step Plan Winning your ex boyfriend or girlfriend back isn’t really the hard part. The hard part is keeping them. After all, they left you once, what is to stop them from leaving you again? What is the point of getting your ex back if you can’t keep them PERMANENTLY? I have seen people make these mistakes over and over again. Having a plan gives you a sense of direction and removes all the confusion. A plan will give you something to look forward to when you are feeling down and unsure about yourself. A plan will give you hope. This article is that plan; By Kevin Mar.

STEP #1. The Instincts aka The Deadly Mistakes

I call this part “The Instincts” because all these mistakes are a direct result of people following their instincts. Most of the advice in this 5 Step Plan is counter-intuitive, but it works. When you read it, you will understand why and it will all start to make sense. So let’s start by going over the deadly mistakes that you should avoid at any cost. Deadly Mistake #1: Calling And Texting Them All The Time Kevin, we broke up 8 days ago. Since then, I have messaged him everyday constantly and he barely replies. I have to text him a hundred times before he replies just once. I really love him and want to be with him, but I don’t understand why he is acting like this. He said he loved me and then suddenly this. <18>

3. You must become an attractive happy person during this time. You need to take a step back and reevaluate your life. You should make a lot of positive changes in your life. When you meet your ex after the no contact period, you want them to be attracted to you. And the best way to do it is to start enjoying life and being an overall happy person. Don’t take this point lightly. This could be the difference between getting your ex back or losing them forever.

STEP #3. Taking Care of Yourself aka What to do in No Contact

This is the part where most people screw up. No contact will be of no use unless you try to make a positive change in your life during this time. If you just want to stay at home and just be miserable for the next one month, things are not going to change even after no contact period. Yes, you need to grieve after a breakup and yes, there’s some benefit in spending some time alone, grieving and analyzing your relationship. But, at one point you have to go out there and do something with your life. 1. Give yourself some time to grieve. I know how hard it is to be happy after a breakup. I remember I was a complete mess for at least two weeks. I didn’t sleep properly, didn’t eat properly, and I was just thinking about my ex girlfriend all day. In a way, this period is necessary for you. You give yourself some time to grieve everyday. 2. Write in a journal. Write your thoughts and your feelings down. Writing is therapeutic and it’s probably going to help you release all those emotions from inside. 3. Go out with friends. Spend time with your loved ones. Your friends and family are the people who are always there for you and who always love to spend time with you. Go out and have a good time with them. 4. Do some meditation. Be aware of yourself. Know your weaknesses and strengths. Be proud of yourself. Accept yourself for who you are. That’s what confidence is all about. Neediness (which is very attractive) comes from doubts within yourself. Whereas confidence comes from awareness and accepting yourself. 5. Go out on a date. This is absolutely essential and if you are reading this, then I will recommend that you definitely go out on a few dates before ending no contact with your ex. It’s absolutely imperative for you to get some perspective right now and meeting new people is the best way to do it. Meet new guys, find a different men that you can learn from, but don’t lower yourself with those who will brind you down instead of pulling you up. Some men can make your ex jealous, while there are some others who won’t make any difference. <21>

STEP #2. No Contact aka Give Yourself Time And Space If you’ve been searching about breakups and getting your ex back online, you’d know that there is a thing called no contact rule. It’s simple and a very effective. All you have to do is stop all the communication with your ex for a short period of time. 1. Your ex needs some space and time to remove all the negative associations from the breakup and start missing you. People have a common misconception that if you don’t contact your ex, they will forget about you. But in reality, if you don’t contact your ex, you will give them time to miss you more and they will be wondering all the time why you are not contacting them. Remember all the mistakes in Part #1 of this guide. Every one of them made your ex think of you as a needy person. By not contacting them, you immediately become not needy in their mind. 2. You also need some space and time. You need to get a hold of yourself and gain some perspective. The fact is, you are a mess after the breakup. And you need to calm down and analyze your relationship thoroughly to realize whether or not being with your ex is in your best interest. It could be that you are just missing your ex. You need to learn to enjoy your life without your ex. You need to prove to yourself that you can be happy without your ex. You will eventually realize that you DON’T NEED YOUR EX to be happy. Maybe you’ll still WANT them, but there is a big difference between needing something and wanting something.


STEP #4. Contacting Your Ex aka Re-attraction

Remember when your ex left you? They thought of you as a needy, clingy and desperate person with little to no self-respect. After not being in contact with you for a while, they must be wondering what the heck happened to you. They will slowly start to forget that image of yours (the needy desperate one) and start remembering the things they liked about you. They will start remembering the things that they found attractive in you.

STEP #5. The Grind aka The Ninja Techniques

Since trying to get your ex back takes time and going through the no contact period is an everyday struggle, I’ve designed Part 5 of this guide to be an email series. What do you get? One inspiring, helpful , insightful and motivating email everyday. The reason why these everyday emails are so effective is because you get a small dose of inspiration, motivation and useful information every day.The no contact period is the most important part of the plan and with Part 5, you will get support during the no contact period.


Men want a woman who confidently asks for her wants and needs to be met.

They want a woman who can see the truth and tell it like it is while communicating with kindness. Men want a woman who can communicate without being too critical, who cares about preserving his and her dignity.

A tip for women

Great men want and need straightforward, courageous communication without anger or criticism. One way to attract a great man and build a satisfying relationship is to learn how to communicate your truth and needs effectively.

Men want self-sufficient, secure, confident women.

Men want a woman to choose them out of want rather than out of desperation — either materially or emotionally. Men need to be wanted and needed by their partners, but they want their partners to have a separate identity.

A tip for women

Men want what women want — a whole partner. One powerful way to attract a great man and build a vibrant relationship is to create a full, rewarding life for your own fulfillment.


What Do Men Want In a Woman? The Real Truth...

I have discovered a stark contrast between what each sex thinks the opposite sex wants from them, and what the opposite sex really does want; By Mark Scott. What women think men want from them causes women to have resentment and anger toward men, and feel hopeless about ever developing a wonderful, warm, romantic partnership. What men think women want from them causes them much of the same feelings and frustration. I asked a number of men and women who are actively involved in personal growth and development what they want from a partner in order to build a great relationship. Discover what men said they want from women as contrasted with what women think men want. Honest communication is top priority for men. They want a woman who answers questions honestly, and perhaps even volunteers information.


Men want women who know how men need to be treated Many women treat men in ways that diminish their egos, making them feel inadequate. Men would rather have more praise, more acknowledgment of what they do right, more acknowledgment that they are great guys who are loved and appreciated.

A tip for women

Most men want acknowledgment and appreciation from women. Learning to acknowledge instead of making your partner wrong is one of the most powerful relationship survival tools available to you. Great men want and need straightforward, courageous communication without anger or criticism. One way to attract a great man and build a satisfying relationship is to learn how to communicate your truth and needs effectively.


Men want a manipulation-free relationship Men want no manipulation of any kind. They do not want to read their partner’s mind or try to interpret signals. They do not want to be forced to move faster in a relationship than they are ready. They do not want to be manipulated into taking all the blame for things gone wrong. They do not want to be on the receiving end of game playing.

A tip for women

Men will not tolerate manipulation of any kind for any significant length of time. To attract a great man and build a wonderful relationship learn to ask without hesitation for what you want and need in every area of your life. Learn to be aware of his timing and his time-line. Learn how to acknowledge and bestow praise.

Men want growth, personal responsibility, and ownership

Men want a partner who can laugh at herself and who has courage and strength. They want a woman who can see her part in relationship dynamics and own it. She has to be emotionally stable.

A tip for women

Men want women who are emotionally mature. Maturity does not mean lack of emotions. It does mean the ability to handle emotions responsibly. To attract a great man and build a long-term relationship, learn to take responsibility for your emotional experience and expression.

Men want fidelity and a commitment to the relationship

Fidelity is an absolute must. In fact, men want a woman who does not have a “roaming eye” and who can wholeheartedly commit to the relationship. Many may define commitment as fidelity plus the willingness to work on the relationship — even when the going gets tough

.A tip for women Here is great news for those women who are resigned to the myth that all men cheat: infidelity and “a roaming eye” are as distasteful to men as they are to women. Great men know how to build a wonderful relationship, and they know fidelity is the main ingredient.


Hot Tips For Hot Lips

How amazing are Angelina Jolie’s lips? Seriously?! If there’s such a thing as lip envy then we have it. They’re perfectly plump, naturally glossy bee stung lips and we’ve found out how to get them using a few simple home remedies. That’s right, no expensive treatments needed, just simple little tricks that you can try out from the comfort of your bedroom to achieve a full, Jolieisque pout. Sultry pose is optional; By Gerrie Summers.

1– It’s not just your face that needs regular

exfoliation, sometimes our lips need a good scrub too. Make your own DIY lip scrub by mixing together a pinch of sugar and a drop of water and rubbing over the lips for few minutes. 2- Use a soft bristle toothbrush on the lips for up to 2 minutes. Not only will it help to remove dead skin but the stimulation will make the lips appear redder and plumper. 3- Give yourself a lip mask. All you need is some honey, a spatula and cling wrap. Apply honey to the lips liberally using the spatula. Then cover the lips with the cling wrap and leave on for 10-20 minutes. The hydrating and healing qualities of honey will work wonders on your pout.

4- Lip balm isn’t just something you use

throughout the day. Apply an extra layer before bedtime and let it soak in over night to wake up with a hydrated pout come morning. 5- Heading out? Just before you hit the rode, then apply a little gloss on the centre of the lower lip and on the cupid’s bow. Finally, Applying the lip gloss is one of the most importnat last touches that adds a glow to your lips. the lip gloss on these points makes your pout look naturally plumper.


A hot makeup trend this season is bright or neon-colored lips. Makeup artist Carmindy says that the key to making a bright lip work best is to keep your eyes and face neutral. simple and natural , always work it. <29>

ses a Day Relationship or expensive presents for a relationship to be deemed faultless – it’s more about appreciating the time you have together and telling each other you love them.” Other indicators of a harmonious partnership include sharing the same taste in films, sharing the cooking, having at least one romantic meal a month and being able to admit you are wrong after an argument. The exemplary couple also stated ‘talking’ as the top activity they like doing together the most and travelling together to new places. Typically the ideal couple will have a cuddle five times a day. They will also have three mutual friends on average with it only taking fourteen months from meeting ‘the one’ for a relationship to become totally perfect. For a relationship to travel the distance, the couple will also go on two romantic weekend breaks a year, with the Lake District being the ideal destination to visit. Other favoured hot spots include Cornwall, Devon and Edinburgh – with taking in the scenery being a couple’s favourite thing to do once there. But it’s not an entirely dreamy existence – bad driving, leaving dirty clothes on the floor, arguments over spending on the monthly budget and lack of washing up were all listed as things that irritate us most about our partners.


Five Kiss The Perfect Five kisses a day, a three and a half year age gap and a romantic meal once a month are among the key ingredients for a successful relationship, By Telegraph Reporter. Other crucial factors to keep your other half happy include admitting blame after an argument, sharing household chores and sex twice a week. The list of 20 factors is designed to ensure that couple spend time together and are openly affectionate. However, having children was not among the top 20 factors in a survey of 2,000 adults. Sharing two hobbies, saying ‹I love you› at least once a day - particularly before you go to sleep - and regarding your partner as your best friend are also signs of a lasting liaison. If both partners work full-time that is also seen as an added bonus, the survey found. It also emerged three quarters of the adults polled said for a relationship to be perfect the couple didn’t necessarily have to be married. Spokesman Andrew Robertson said: “It’s encouraging that today’s perfect relationship is based on simple things such as meals out, travelling together to new places, daily kisses and telling each other ‘I love you’ before going to sleep. “It’s also clear that Brits aren’t demanding lavish holidays


Whether you›re engaged, a newlywed, or long married, there are times when we can all use a little help breathing life into our relationships. We take each other for granted, or the stress of wedding planning or buying a house is wreaking havoc on our companionship, but there are plenty of ways to reignite the fire in a relationship that›s simmering.

By Kellee Khalil

Read on for eight ways some are simple, small gestures, others are more significant relationship retooling techniques to discover your partner in a whole new way.

1. Recreate your first date.

Reminiscing about the early days of your relationship can help remind you of why you fell in love. Recreate one of your early dates, hold hands, talk about how you felt when you first met, and recommit to each other.

2. Do something together that you›ve never done before.

Whether it›s going out dancing, taking a long hike, going on a zip-line adventure, or enrolling in a woodworking class, doing something unexpected can be just the thing to break up your routine and make you feel excited about your life and your partner.

3. Look at your partner the way other people do.

If you›ve been together a few years, you may look at your spouse and see someone who forgets to clear the hair from the drain, who leaves dirty dishes in the sink, or always tells that same story at dinner parties. But your friends see a fun, funny, energetic person — and they see also see the wonderful things you and your partner do for each other. Go out with another couple and sneak in a side conversation with one of your friends for a little reminder about how great your partner can be.

4. Speak your partner›s «love language.»

The gist of the «love languages» phenomenon is this: We each want, perceive, and understand love in different ways — be it through physical touch, quality time, or words of affirmation, for example — but we need to speak our partner›s «language» in order to give them the love they crave in an effective way. held more, give her more physical contact. If he feels loved when you take on more household chores, work a little cleanup time into your daily schedule.

5. Write a love letter.

Sometimes we just need to slow down and tell our partners we appreciate them. Writing out a list of things you love and appreciate about your beloved can bring you closer together. <33>

Put The Spark Back In Your Relationship


6. Set aside distraction-free time for each other.

Living together or having a constantly pinging smartphone can mean that the time you spend with your love isn›t necessarily quality time. So clear some time on the calendar, even if it›s just for hanging out together at home! Then you can look forward to it — and maybe spruce yourself up a little bit before your «date» — and really relax knowing there›s nowhere else in the world you need to be.

7. Reassess your values.

When you first got together you probably discussed your values and goals — for example, buying a home, seeing your family at least once a month, completing a half-marathon — but over the years it›s possible that your values have changed and you›ve drifted apart. If this is the case, you may be feeling disconnected from your partner and unsure whether you›re both still on the same page. Talk through what you want to achieve in the next five to 10 years and what matters to you most now, and see if you can get realigned.

8. See a counselor.

Even if you think your relationship just needs a little pick-me-up — as opposed to a lifesaving mission — counseling can be the perfect way to help you communicate a little better and clear the air of any built-up resentments or tensions that may be threatening to stamp out your spark.


jects. Keeping concerns or problems to yourself can breed resentment. When discussing tough topics, though, it pays to be kind. Researchers have found that communication style is more important than commitment levels, personality traits or stressful life events in predicting whether happily married couples will go on to divorce. In particular, negative communication patterns such as anger and contempt are linked to an increased likelihood of splitting up. Disagreements are part of any partnership, but some fighting styles are particularly damaging. Couples that use destructive behavior during arguments — such as yelling, resorting to personal criticisms or withdrawing from the discussion — are more likely to break up than are couples that fight constructively. Examples of constructive strategies for resolving disagreements include attempting to find out exactly what your partner is feeling, listening to his or her point of view and trying to make him or her laugh.

Keeping it interesting

Between kids, careers and outside commitments, it can be difficult to stay connected to your partner. Yet there are good reasons to make the effort. In one study, for example, researchers found couples that reported boredom during their seventh year of marriage were significantly less satisfied with their relationships nine years later.


Happy Couples: How To Keep Your Relationship Healthy Romantic relationships are important for our happiness and well-being. Yet with more than 40 percent of new marriages ending in divorce, it’s clear that relationships aren’t always easy. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to keep your romantic partnership in good working order; By Helen Earley.

Talking Openly:

Communication is a key piece of healthy relationships. Healthy couples make time to check in with one another on a regular basis. It›s important to talk about more than just parenting and maintaining the household, however. Try to spend a few minutes each day discussing deeper or more personal subjects to stay connected to your partner over the long term. That doesn›t mean you should avoid bringing up difficult sub-


To keep things interesting, some couples plan regular date nights. Even dates can get old, though, if you›re always renting a movie or going to the same restaurant. Experts recommend breaking out of the routine and trying new things — whether that›s going dancing, taking a class together or packing an afternoon picnic. Intimacy is also a critical component of romantic relationships. Some busy couples find it helpful to schedule sex by putting it on the calendar. It may not be spontaneous to have it written in red ink, but setting aside time for an intimate encounter helps ensure that your physical and emotional needs are met.

When should couples seek help?

Every relationship has ups and downs, but some factors are more likely than others to create bumps in a relationship. Finances and parenting decisions often create recurring conflicts, for example. One sign of a problem is having repeated versions of the same fight over and over. In such cases, psychologists can help couples improve communication and find healthy ways to move beyond the conflict. You don›t have to wait until a relationship shows signs of trouble before working to strengthen your union. Marital education programs that teach skills such as good communication, effective listening and dealing with conflict have been shown to reduce the risk of divorce.


#3 Talk about feelings. Yes, this seems rather obvious at first. But how often do you ever come home at the end of a long day, sit close to your partner and talk about your day? And how often do you ever just spend a lazy Sunday afternoon cozying up and talking about the good old days? but staying connected plays an important role too. #4 Compete with each other. Competition works in two ways. If you let ego get in the way, you’ll hate each other after a friendly fight. But if you respect each other, a bit of fun and games can bring both of you closer together and bring in a lot of laughs too. #5 Take breaks often. If both of you are leading busy lives away from each other, go away on a vacation or a little getaway a few times a year to rekindle the together times and the romance. Even an overnight getaway will do just fine. #6 Create memories. Memories last a lifetime. There’s nothing in the world that can feel more romantic and romance inducing as perfect memories. As time flies, we forget those stolen glances and those special moments that are so full of love. Create memories often, either by snapping away your cherished moments or by videotaping it. #7 Be nice to each other, especially when both of you are out together. If you’re the guy, be chivalrous. If you’re the girl, compliment your man and make him feel like a protector. When you treat each other with

love and respect, you subconsciously feel better about yourself and the relationship. #8 Publicize your love. Love is experienced between two people, but is best experienced when the world knows all about it. As much as love may be a private moment, we’re still humans with the need to feel better about ourselves. #9 Hug your partner. Or kiss them when they least expect it. Have you ever felt an overwhelming rush of affection towards your partner? Don’t stop yourself when you feel love well up inside you. If your lover’s working or cooking, walk up from behind and give them a warm hug and a kiss for no reason at all. #10 Humor. Tease each other all the time. Have fun, play little games, and pull each other’s legs and cuddle at the end of it all. The more you laugh and have a good time with each other, the more love and romance you’ll bring into the relationship.


How to be Romantic Without Being Cheesy

Romance doesn’t always have to be cheesy or make you cringe. Find out how to be romantic and loving, without feeling awkward about your behavior; By Francesca Marie.

To be romantic, you need to understand 10 ways to be romantic all the time the essence of romance. #1 The little things you do. Love is in the What is romance, and what is being romantic? details, we’ve all heard that but hardly a few of us To put it simply, being romantic is a way of ever do anything about it. If you want to be roletting your partner know that you still love them, mantic, learn to be selfless. #2 Give your attention. When you’re out and letting them know that you depend on them with your partner, don’t ignore them, especially and need them. If you can do any of these things in your when you’re with others. Just because you’re havown way, you’re definitely being romantic no mat- ing an interesting conversation with someone else doesn’t mean you should neglect your partner. ter what you do.

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8 Girl-on-Top Sex Problems, Solved

1. I›m a tiny nymph who is cowgirling Paul Bunyan. Instead of looking into his eyes, I›m staring directly into his…nipples. What to do? Change it up and move the action onto the couch—he sits, you ride. 2. I have killer curves and he›s a skinny-jeans hipster. Am I crushing him? Cowgirl is the perfect way to bang a diminutive dude. 3. I›ve kind of skipped the gym—for my whole life. So, um…what about #EnduranceProblems? Take steamy horizontal breaks by lowering your chest onto his body and keeping the action going by moving your butt up and down.

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4. He has a supersize peen! Help! If you›re already lubing up, just take as much of him as you can handle. The outer third of a woman›s vagina is the most sensitive, and he›ll like the shallow thrusting because it works the head of his penis. 5. He…doesn›t have a supersize peen! Help! Count your blessings that he doesn›t have a Subway footlong in his boxers, which can make leaning forward during girl-on-top uncomfortable. nt like a mad sex scientist! Try clockwise circles, counterclockwise circles, all the letters of the alphabet. 7. What if I›m not coordinated enough to spin around from cowgirl to reverse-cowgirl? The most foolproof way to pull this off is to make sure you›re low enough on him so that he doesn›t slip out when you spin. But if this isn›t in your bag of tricks, chill: We›re not all Cirque du Soleil–trained porn stars. Just break and switch positions. 8. I have great abs but don›t love my boobs. He›ll have a perfect view of all my imperfections. If he›s worth riding, he loves your body.

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