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JHARKHAND SPACE APPLICATION CENTER (An Autonomous Organisation under Department of Information Technology, Govt. of Jharkhand) 2nd Floor, Engineer’s Hostel No. 1, Dhurwa, Ranchi-834004,Tel : 0651-2401719, Fax : 0651-2401720

Advertisement No: - JSAC/IT/-14-2010 Jharkhand Space Application Center (JSAC), Ranchi wishes to recruit bright, hardworking, reliable and competent professional on purely temporary basis for the ongoing projects of JSAC. The posts are on contract basis for a minimum period of one year. The details of the posts and emoluments can be seen below: Sl. No.

Name of Post

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Project Coordinator Project Scientist Computer Programmer Meteorologist Technical Officer Field Supervisor Junior Research Fellow Data Entry Operator Project Assistant

Total monthly emoluments (Rs.) 20000 18000/15000 18000 18000 15000 10000 8000 + HRA 5600 5000

Total no. of posts

01 15 01 01 01 03 19 15 01

The details of the post according to reservation criteria, essential and desirable qualification, monthly emoluments of each post & the project can be seen in our website with format for application. Completed applications should reach the Director, Jharkhand Space Applications Center, Engineers Hostel-I, Near Goal Chakkar, Dhurwa, Ranchi – 834004 (Jharkhand) latest by 27.09.2010. Applications should be sent by post only and will be not be accepted in person at this office.

Sd/Director, JSAC

JHARKHAND SPACE APPLICATIONS CENTER (An Autonomous Organisation under Department of Information Technology, Govt. of Jharkhand) 2nd Floor, Engineers Hostel-II, Dhurwa, Ranchi – 834004 Ph. No. 0651-2401719, Fax No. 0651-2401720

Advertisement No: - JSAC/IT-14/2010 Jharkhand Space Application Center (JSAC), Ranchi wishes to recruit bright, hardworking, reliable and competent professional on purely temporary basis for the ongoing projects of JSAC. The posts are on contract basis for a minimum period of one year. The details of the posts and emoluments can be seen below: Total Number of Vacancies Post Code

Name of Post






Total Monthly emoluments (Rs.)


Project Scientist








Project Coordinator








Field Supervisor








Project Scientist








Project Scientist








Technical Officer








Project Assistant








Junior Research Fellow








Project Scientist















11 12

Computer Programmer Project Scientist

01 01




01 01



Project Scientist








Junior Research Fellow








Project Scientist








Junior Research Fellow








Data Entry Operator







18 19 20

Junior Research Fellow Data Entry Operator Junior Research Fellow

01 03 03

01 01 01


01 01

02 05 05

8000/-(+HRA) 5600/8000/-(+HRA)

21 22

Data Entry Operator Project Scientist

03 01

01 -


01 -

05 01


For the Project of Watershed Management Information System Watershed Management Information System Watershed Management Information System Remote Sensing Data & GIS Analysis for Mineral Exploration in Jharkhand Jharkhand Agriculture Information System Tele-education Project in Jharkhand State Soil Carbon Pool Assessment under NCP JharPol-GIS Jharkhand Weather Services with Space inputs. Jharkhand Weather Services with Space inputs. Micro level Survey of RMC Micro level Survey of RMC National Project ‘Geomorphological & Lineament Mapping. Infrastructure mapping of Coal block. SIS-DP Thematic mapping in 10000 scale SIS-DP Thematic mapping in 10000 scale SIS-DP Thematic mapping in 10000 scale UNICEF-Water qualities GIS UNICEF-Water qualities GIS DVC-GIS Project DVC-GIS Project DVC-GIS Project

While selecting the candidate, reservation rules of Government of Jharkhand will be applicable. Wherever reservation exists for OBC, SC and ST the same is meant for the persons having their domicile in the State of Jharkhand for which they will have to attach a copy of relevant caste certificates and domicile certificate issued by Competent Authority along with their application. Candidates belonging to reserved categories or General categories from State, other than Jharkhand, will be treated as General Candidates. In case vacancy is available in the General category against a particular post, their merit will be prepared in the General category only. The minimum/desirable qualifications and job profile for each post is given below. Candidates are required to ensure that they meet the essential minimum qualification in all respects before applying. In case a candidate is found ineligible at any stage, even after appointment, his/her candidature will be cancelled.

DESCRIPTION FOR EACH POST:POST CODE-01: PROJECT SCIENTIST Sl. Minimum Qualification, Desirable/ preference for post, Job Description No. Ph.D. in any field of Agriculture Engineering/ Civil Engineering/ with specialization in Water resource, Hydrology, Soil, 1 and Water Conservation, Remote Sensing or Ph. D. in Agriculture with specialization in Agronomy and Soil Sciences; or M. Tech./ M.Sc. (Engg.)/ M.E. or equivalent in the above fields from recognized university or institution with first class and minimum 1 year relevant experience; or B. E./ B. Tech./ B.Sc. (Engg) / M. Sc. Degree or equivalent in the above fields with first class and Minimum 2 years relevant experience. Desirable/ preference for post : Experience in Remote Sensing and GIS applications and watershed management will be preferred. Job Description : Remote Sensing and GIS application of watershed management studies. POST CODE-02: PROJECT COORDINATOR Sl. Minimum Qualification, Desirable/ preference for post, Job Description No. 2 Ph.D. in any field of Agriculture Engineering/ Civil Engineering/ with specialization in Water resource, Hydrology, Soil, and Water Conservation, Remote Sensing or Ph. D. in Agriculture with specialization in Agronomy and Soil Sciences and Minimum 1year experience; or M. Tech./ M.Sc. (Engg.)/ M.E. or equivalent in the above fields from recognized university or institution with first class and minimum 2 year relevant experience or B. E./ B. Tech./ B.Sc. (Engg) / M. Sc. Degree or equivalent in the above fields with first class and Minimum 5 years relevant experience. Desirable/ preference for post : Experience in RS & GIS application and Watershed Management will be preferred. Job Description : Coordinate various activities related to watershed planning, prioritization, monitoring and management. POST CODE-03: FIELD SUPERVISOR Sl. Minimum Qualification, Desirable/ preference for post, Job Description No. 3 Bachelor degree in any Stream and 6 months Diploma in Computer Application with 2 years relevant work experience. Desirable/ preference for post : General knowledge of data entry. Job Description : Data Collection/ Data Entry and Field Supervision. POST CODE-04: PROJECT SCIENTIST Sl. Minimum Qualification, Desirable/ preference for post, Job Description No. Ph.D. in Geology/ Applied Geology/ Earth Science; or M. Tech./ M.Sc. (Tech.)/ in Geology/ Applied Geology/ Mining 4 or equivalent in the above fields from recognized university or institution with first class and minimum 1 year relevant experience; or B. E./ B. Tech.(Mining)/ M. Sc. Degree in Geology/ Applied Geology or equivalent in the above fields with first class and Minimum 2 years relevant experience. Desirable/ preference for post: Experience in Remote Sensing & GIS application in Geology and Mineral Exploration. Job Description: Remote Sensing & GIS based study in Mineral Exploration and application of programmes of the organization and execution of any other duty as assigned from time to time.

POST CODE-05: PROJECT SCIENTIST Sl. No. Minimum Qualification, Desirable/ preference for post, Job Description Ph.D. in the of Agricultural Engineering Remote Sensing & GIS; or 5 M.Tech. /M.Sc.(Engg.)/ M.E or equivalent in above field from recognized University or Institution with first class and minimum 1 years relevant experience; or B.E./ B.Tech. / B.Sc. (Engg.)/ M.Sc. Degree or equivalent in the above field with first class and minimum 2 years relevant experience. Desirable/ preference for post: Experience in Remote Sensing and GIS applications in Agriculture of Hydrometeorology Job Description: Remote Sensing and GIS application in agriculture monitoring studies POST CODE-06: Technical Officer Sl. Minimum Qualification, Desirable/ preference for post, Job Description No. 6 B. E. in Electronics and Communication or equivalent in the above fields from recognized university or institution with first class Desirable/ Preference for the Post: One Year experience of similar nature of work and ability to work independently. Job description: Management of Edusat Hub operations and coordination with remote SIT’s.

POST CODE-07: PROJECT ASSISTANT Sl. Minimum Qualification, Desirable/ preference for post, Job Description No. Graduation/Diploma in Agriculture/ Soil Science/ Rural Development or equivalent 7 Desirable/ preference for post: Experience in Soil Surveying is preferred. Job Description: Collection of Soil Samples. POST CODE-08: JUNIOR RESEARCH FELLOW Sl. No. 8 M. Tech./ M.Sc. (Engg.)/ M.E. or equivalent in the any field of Geography/ Geology/ Forestry/ Geoinformatic and Remote Sensing or equivalent from recognized university or institution with first class or B.E./ B.Tech/ B.Sc. (Engg.)/ M.Sc. Degree or equivalent in the above fields or M.Sc. in Geography/ Geology/ Forestry/ Geoinformatic with first class. Desirable/ Preference for the Post: Experience in Remote Sensing and GIS applications. Job description: Remote Sensing and GIS application in Forestry or Geography monitoring studies POST CODE-09: PROJECT SCIENTIST Sl. Minimum Qualification, Desirable/ preference for post, Job Description No. M. Sc. in Agronomy/ Plant Physic/ Soil Science / Atmospheric Science with minimum Two Years experience. 9 Desirable/ preference for post: Knowledge in Remote Sensing & GIS Job Description: To providing farmers advisory service based on Space & Weather inputs. POST CODE-10: Meteorologist Sl. Minimum Qualification, Desirable/ preference for post, Job Description No. 10 Ph. D. in Physics/ Mathematics/ Atmospheric/ Computer Science; or M. Sc. in Agrometorologist/ Atmospheric Science with minimum Three Years experience. Desirable/ preference for post: Knowledge in Remote Sensing & GIS Job Description: To providing farmers advisory service based on Space & Weather inputs. POST CODE-11: Computer Programmer Sl. Minimum Qualification, Desirable/ preference for post, Job Description No. 11 B. E. in Computer Science or MCA (regular course) with 1year experience. Desirable/ preference for post: Experience inVB, .net Job Description: Urban utility mapping & modeling POST CODE-12: Project Scientist Sl. Minimum Qualification, Desirable/ preference for post, Job Description No. 12 M. Tech. in Remote Sensing/ Geoinformatics with 1year experience. Desirable/ preference for post: Knowledge in Remote Sensing & GIS Job Description: To coordinate urban utility mapping. POST CODE-13: Project Scientist Sl. Minimum Qualification, Desirable/ preference for post, Job Description No. 13 M.Tech. in Geology/ Applied Geology with First Class from recognized university or institution with Minimum 1 year relevant work experience in the field of Geological/ Gemorphological mapping and Image Processin; or M.Sc. in Geology/ Applied Geology with first class from recognized university with Minimum 2years relevant work experience in the field of Geological/ Gemorphological mapping and Image Processing; or M.Tech. in Remote Sensing/ Geoinformatics with First Class from recognized university or institution with Minimum 1 year relevant work experience in the field of Geological/ Gemorphological mapping and Image Processing; or M.Sc. in Remote Sensing/ Geoinformatics with first class from recognized university with Minimum 2years relevant work experience in the field of Geological/ Gemorphological mapping and Image Processing. Experience with Geology as a subject at Graduation level. Desirable/ preference for post: Experience in the field of survey Job Description: Geomorphology & Lineament mapping. POST CODE-14: Junior Research Fellow Sl. Minimum Qualification, Desirable/ preference for post, Job Description No. 14 B. E./ B. Tech.(Remote Sensing)/ M. Sc. Degree in Geology/ Applied Geology/Geography/Remote Sensing or equivalent in the above fields with first class

Desirable/ preference for post: Experience in Remote Sensing and GIS applications will be preferred. Job Description: Infrastructure mapping of coal blocks. POST CODE-15: Project Scientist Sl. Minimum Qualification, Desirable/ preference for post, Job Description No. 15 Ph.D. in Geology/ Applied Geology/ Forestry/ Remote Sensing/ Geoinformatics; or M. Tech./ M.Sc. (Tech.)/ M.Sc. in Geology/ Applied Geology/ Forestry/Remote Sensing/ Geoinformatics/ Environmental Engineering in the above fields from recognized university or institution with first class and minimum 1 year relevant experience; or B. E./ B. Tech.(Remote Sensing/ Geoinformatics)/ M. Sc. Degree in Geology/ Applied Geology/ Forestry/Remote Sensing/ Geoinformatics in the above fields with first class and Minimum 2 years relevant experience. Desirable/ preference for post: Knowledge & experience in Image Processing Analysis and GIS software Job Description: Thematic mapping at 10000 scale POST CODE-16: Junior Research Fellow Sl. Minimum Qualification, Desirable/ preference for post, Job Description No. 16 B. E./ B. Tech.(Remote Sensing/ Geoinformatics)/ M. Sc. Degree in Geology/ Applied Geology / Remote Sensing/ Geoinformatics in the above fields with first class. Desirable/ preference for post: Experience in Remote Sensing and GIS applications will be preferred. Job Description: Thematic mapping at 10000 scale POST CODE-17: Data Entry Operator Sl. Minimum Qualification, Desirable/ preference for post, Job Description No. th 17 12 pass or equivalent any discipline with One year Diploma course in Computer Application from recognized university or institution and minimum 1year experience in Data Entry work. Desirable/ preference for post: Knowledge of GIS Job Description: GIS data base creation POST CODE-18: Junior Research Fellow Sl. Minimum Qualification, Desirable/ preference for post, Job Description No. 18 B. E./ B. Tech. (Remote Sensing/ Geoinformatics)/ M. Sc. Degree in Geology/ Applied Geology / Remote Sensing/ Geoinformatics in the above fields with first class. Desirable/ preference for post: Experience in Remote Sensing and GIS applications will be preferred. Job Description: Water quality GIS POST CODE-19: Data Entry Operator Sl. Minimum Qualification, Desirable/ preference for post, Job Description No. th 11 12 pass or equivalent any discipline with One year Diploma course in Computer Application from recognized university or institution and minimum 1year experience in Data Entry work. Desirable/ preference for post: Knowledge of GIS Job Description: Water quality GIS POST CODE-20: Junior Research Fellow Sl. Minimum Qualification, Desirable/ preference for post, Job Description No. 20 M. Sc. Degree in Geology/ Applied Geology/ Remote Sensing / Geoinformatics/ Civil/ Agriculture Engg./ Informatics in the above fields with first class. Desirable/ preference for post: Knowledge in Remote Sensing and GIS applications. Job Description: DVC GIS POST CODE-21: Data Entry Operator Sl. Minimum Qualification, Desirable/ preference for post, Job Description No. th 21 12 pass or equivalent any discipline with One year Diploma course in Computer Application from recognized university or institution and minimum 1year experience in Data Entry work. Desirable/ preference for post: Knowledge of GIS Job Description: DVC GIS data base generation.

POST CODE-22: Project Scientist Sl. Minimum Qualification, Desirable/ preference for post, Job Description No. 22 Ph.D. in Water resources/ Environments Engg; or M. Tech./ M.Sc. (Tech.)/ in Water resources/ Remote Sensing/ Geoinformatics Environmental Engineering in the above fields from recognized university or institution with first class and minimum 1 year relevant experience; or B. E./ B. Tech Civil/ Remote Sensing/ Geoinformatics/ Informatics Technology/ Agriculture; or M. Sc. Degree Remote Sensing/ Geoinformatics/ Informatics Technology/ Agriculture in the above fields with first class and Minimum 2 years relevant experience. Desirable/ preference for post: Knowledge of GIS software Job Description: DVC GIS Project Selection Procedure: The candidates will be short listed on Merit basis for interview and the final selection would be done based on interview to be conducted in Jharkhand Space Application Center, Ranchi only. Intimation regarding conduct of interview will be sent separately to the eligible candidates. Decision of JSAC will be final in this regard. A panel of suitable candidates will be prepared which may be valid for a period of one year from the date of selection. Person from the panel may be appointed against the vacancies as and when need arises. Cut off Date: The cut off date for the purpose of acquiring educational qualifications, age etc. will be 30.09.2010 Pay and Allowance: Persons appointed on Short Term Contract and purely temporary on project basis for minimum period of One year with entitled monthly emoluments shown against respective post. • The place of posting will be at Ranchi. However, the incumbent is liable to be posted any where in Jharkhand State as & when required. • The appointment will be purely temporary on project basis. • Candidates who do not possess the prescribed educational qualifications as on 30.09.2010 NEED NOT APPLY. • Degree specified in this advertisement for the posts means “FIRST CLASS” only. • Applications should be accompanied with attested true copies of the qualifications / experiences / proof of date of birth / caste, residential proof, etc. along with testimonials, mark sheets of all examinations and two recent passport size photographs. • Candidates will have to produce the proof of the details furnished in their applications in original at the time of interview. • SC/ST and OBC candidates claiming reservation should apply with valid document mentioned above. • Applications without the requisite information asked for in the prescribed format on A4 – size paper, without signature / without photograph / without attested true copies of the testimonials and mark sheets / without enclosures and incomplete, and those received after due date shall be rejected. • Mere fulfillment of the qualitative requirements of the post will not entail a candidate to be called for interview. • Jharkhand Space Applications Center (JSAC) reserves the right not to fill up the post, if it is so decides. • No interim correspondence will be entertained. • Canvassing in ANY FORM will be a disqualification. • Applications as per the format given hereunder in A4 size paper (210 x 297 mm) should be sent. Interested candidates may send their applications on A-4 size plain paper duly indicating (i) Post applied for (ii) Advertisement & Post Code. (iii) Name in full (in block letters) (iv) Date & Place of Birth (v) Nationality (vi) Name of Parent / Spouse (vii) Address for Correspondence (in block letters) (viii) Permanent Address (ix) Whether SC/ST/OBC (x) Educational / professional qualifications (indicating clearly the examination passed with percentage of marks (xi) Details of previous / present employment held, if any, in chronological order starting from present position backwards (indicating the name of the employer with full address, post held, salary drawn, period of service, nature of duties (xii) If selected minimum time required to join the post (xiii) Any other information you wish to add including references. DECLARATION TO BE SIGNED BY THE CANDIDATE I here by certify and declare that: (i) I am an Indian National (ii) I have read the provisions for recruitment of JSAC. (iii) All statements made and information given by me in this application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event or any information or part of it being found false or incorrect before or after the written test/interview or appointment, action can be taken against me by the JSAC and my candidature/appointment shall automatically stand cancelled/terminated. (iv) I further declare that I fulfill all the conditions of eligibility regarding age, educational and professional qualifications, etc. prescribed for the post applied for as on 30.09.2010. The essential qualifications prescribed are possessed by me, proofs of which have been enclosed. (v) In case my application is not received by JSAC within the stipulated time due to postal delay or otherwise, JSAC will not be responsible for such delay. Place : Date :

Signature of the candidate

Completed applications should reach the Director, Jharkhand Space Applications Center, Engineers Hostel-I, Near Gol Chakkar, Dhurwa, Ranchi – 834 004, Jharkhand State latest by 27.09.2010 Applications should be sent by post only and will not be accepted in person at this office.

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