Riverside Journey 04_06

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Vol: 04 Issue: 06

September 07 to 20, 2011

24 Aug : CLASSIFICATION TALK Rtn. Mahendra Thakkar

From President’s Desk. . . . Dear Riverside Rotarians,

28 Aug : ‘ROTARY PARICHAY’ Orientation Seminar for Prospective Members

President Bhadresh offered floral welcome to PP Dr Lalit Katkar and AG Dr Girish Bhirud by Sec. Harsukh.

Forthcoming Meetings th

Meeting postponed on 10

10 Sept HALFDAY PICNIC & FAMILY FELLOWSHIP At SPRINGTIME CLUB This is afternoon event, details shall be sent by President Bhadresh.


(Continued on Page 3)

Forthcoming EVENTS 11 Sept, Sunday

07 Sept

14 Sept

What Leaders say

When I joined Rotary I was not aware of importance of the “Change” in Rotary. I am talking of Change in leadership every year. Last two years of our Club was a Experience to me for making my Year also a Remarkable & Memorable Year. Many activities I have planned and out of which few executed some are on the way to be executed. But I request you all that please come forward with at least One project this year. Before I vacate my chair of President in Jun 2012, my dream is to see our all members wearing Taj of Project Chairman. When you decide to become Project Chairman of your Own dream project , “Toh uski Maza hi Kuch aur hai” .

"If we train our youth properly, we need not have any fear as to the future of the world."

WATER HUT PROJECT At Ganesh Ghat 4.00 PM to 11.00 PM

- Percy Hodgson RI President 1949-50


Inaugural Address 1949 Rotary Convention, New York, USA

25 Sept,Sunday

18 Sept,Sunday


We meet every Wednesday at 8.30 pm at Bapurao Adharkar Primary School, Beturkar Pada, Kalyan (W).

The Object of Rotary & Avenues of Service (Guiding Principles) The Object of Rotary The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster: 1. FIRST. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service; 2. SECOND. High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian's occupation as an opportunity to serve society; 3. THIRD. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian's personal, business, and community life; 4. FOURTH. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.

Avenues of Service For years, Rotary’s commitment to Service Above Self has been channeled through the Avenues of Service, which form the foundation of club activity.

Club Service focuses on strengthening fellowship and ensuring the effective functioning of the club. Vocational Service encourages Rotarians to serve others through their vocations and to practice high ethical standards. Observed each October, Vocational Service Month spotlights Rotary club projects related to this avenue, offering opportunity for clubs and districts to use their professional skills in service projects.

Community Service covers the projects and activities the club undertakes to improve life in its community.

International Service encompasses actions taken to expand Rotary’s humanitarian reach around the globe and to promote world understanding and peace. Rotarians can support International Service by sponsoring a project in another country, seeking international project partners to support projects in their own communities, or by personally volunteering at an international project site.

New Generations Service recognizes the positive change implemented by youth and young adults through leadership development activities as RYLA, Rotaract and Interact, service projects, and creating international understanding with Rotary Youth Exchange.

Mission The mission of Rotary International is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders

With Best Compliments from

Dr. Vikrant Bhatt Dr. Pallavi Bhatt Shop No. 12, Mahaveer Nagari T(4) Opp Gokul Nagari, Khadak Pada, Kalyan (W) 421301

Rtn Sachin Nagwani

Tulip Handlooms Shop No. 19-20-21, Flower Valley, Khadak Pada Chowk, Kalyan (W) Tel: 2210565/66, 3254732

Rtn. Jayesh Vora Rtn. Keval Vyas

SHREEJI GROUP TUITIONS For Perfect, Proper & Personal Educational Guidance Tel: 6517025, Mbl: 9820565585

Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood. Sept 07 to 20, 2011

RIVERSIDE JOURNEY, The Bulletin of Rotary Club of Kalyan Riverside

Page : 2

From President’s Desk (continued from page 1)

I am sure everyone must have something in mind about project, Please come forward and plan it . And I am sure every Member of the club will come forward to make your dream true. Secondly I am thankful to you all for participating in Meeting, Projects & events due to which even this month attendance is 74%. I really appreciate your efforts to make it happen. Keep it up and make club one of the Strong Club of our District.

Yours in Rotary Service President Bhadresh Shah


Club Meeting

Rotary Parichay

24 Aug, 2011

28 Aug, 2011

Our club’s regular weekly Very first meeting on 24th Aug was one of organized the special meeting as Rtn Mahendra Thakkar was invited to speak on his classification.

The fellowship at dinner time was wonderful and the hall was packed. Everyone get surprised when President Bhadresh has invited all who were with Rotary Pin, and offered a floral greeting to all.

Isn’t this was a burning desire of few of us? Let us enjoy 18th Sept, Sunday at Visawa Resort, Murbad. Common transport for all. You will get snacks in bus & more at Resort, Lunch, high tea and ‘good bye’ dish to eat something. All this at just Rs 500 damage for adults. Kids below 12 will cost just Rs. 300. Come-on friends, lets enjoy!!!

time, our club has orientation seminar

‘ROTARY PARICHAY’ on Sunday morning. We have invited about 50 prospective members. Though it was too heavy rain, 21 guests were present. To make the subject interesting, we have invited PP Dr Lalit Katkar and AG Dr Girish Bhirud. Convener of the seminar Ch.P. Dinesh Pandya had brief the audience about need of the seminar. Dr Lalit had made it clear that ‘What is Rotary’ and ‘Why to Join Rotary’. AG Dr Girish had explained the ‘Role & Responsibility of Rotarian’ and ‘Structure of Rotary’.

Our Rtn Girish Bhade and Rtn Jigish Barot together presented their ‘thoughts’ about Rotary. How Rotary had connected them and how they are enjoying the Rotary.

Friends, we have a golden opportunity to see the END POLIO NOW Campaign to its logical conclusion. The light at the end of the tunnel we have been travelling since the last 2 decades is now visible! Let us give it all we have. Can we afford not to? There is too much at stake. Lets honor the only pledge taken by Rotarians worldwide, let us END POLIO NOW! - Rtn PP Dr Suhas Kulkarni (DPPC Dist-3140)

Nitin Collection


Mini Vodafone Shop

Equipment for Steel Process Line Cut to Length Line for Steel

Tip Top

All types of Mobile & Accessories Shop 3, Maitri Park, Opp IDBI Bank, Tilak Chowk, KALYAN 421301


Farsan Mart


Rtn Nitin Gandani : 9802449972

Rtn Dinesh Pandya : 9821334108

Ganesh Towers, Agra Road, KALYAN 421301

सेवा छोटी है या बड़ी, इसकी कीमत नहीं है . वह िकस भावना से की जा रही है , उसकी कीमत है . Sept 07 to 20, 2011

RIVERSIDE JOURNEY, The Bulletin of Rotary Club of Kalyan Riverside

Page : 3

Rotary International President’s Message September 2011 My dear brothers and sisters in Rotary, We have a color for the 2011-12 Rotary year, and that color is green. Why green? Because green is the color of spring, of new life, of bright leaves bursting forth from spreading branches. And there is no doubt that it is time to “green” Rotary – to lift our deepening pallor of gray and replace it with brighter shades of green. Overall, in Rotary, only 11 percent of our members are under the age of 40, while 68 percent are over 50 and 39 percent are over 60. It’s not too hard to see where this will lead us in 10, 20, and 30 years down the line, if we don’t do something about it now. It is not enough to simply bring in new members. We need to bring in younger members, who will breathe new life and new vigor into our organization. How can we be more attractive to younger members, who are so different in so many ways from the young professionals of a generation or two ago? We have to come to them where they are – and for most young people, where they are is on the Internet, on Facebook, on Twitter and e-mail, and on their smartphones. A club that doesn’t have a presence on the Internet simply doesn’t exist as far as they are concerned. A club’s website is its public face – and it has to be a good one. More than anything, I believe we need to bring back the idea of the family of Rotary. We need to look at all of Rotary as one family: Rotarians, their families, and also Rotaractors, Interactors, Youth Exchange students and alumni, Foundation alumni, and so on. And we need to consider retention as an idea that applies not just to Rotarians, but to the entire family of Rotary. Too often, we look outward to find new members, and we do not see our own young generation, waiting to be called upon. We must look to them to find the capable and enthusiastic new members who will be the club presidents, the district governors, and the RI senior leaders of tomorrow. We owe it to our Rotary family – past, present, and future – to make sure that our generation of Rotarians is not the last. We must, in a very real sense, reach within – to embrace our Rotary family, so that we can better embrace all of humanity. Kalyan Banerjee President, Rotary International

Active Rotarians : 100% attendance in August, 2011 Rtn Anil Sarodaya Pres. Bhadresh Shah Rtn Deepak Brid Rtn Deven Thakkar Ch.P Dinesh Pandya PE Girish Bhade Sec. Harsukh Patel Rtn Hina Pandya Rtn Jigish Barot

Jagdish Agencies Stockist for

UltraTech Cement, 3M India Ltd, Pidilite Industries Ltd Shop No. 6 / 7, Daffodils Apt, Lal Chowky, Agra Road, Kalyan 421301

Ph: 0251-2314537

Rtn Dr Lalit Borale Rtn Mahendra Thakkar Rtn Minal Bhade Rtn Rakesh Manraja Rtn Shripal Shah IPP Sunil Sharma Rtn Suyog Kulkarni Rtn Vijay Vaidya also Mr Makarand Pundalik

Chaitanya Marketing

Serene Hills

Complete Computer Solution under one roof

A Bunglow Project

Sales, Service & Networking

Kishore Village, Murbad Road, just 24 Km from Kalyan Rtn Bhadresh Shah : 9821209498

Shop 4, Nav Annapurna Dham CHS, Pandurang Wadi, Lane 2, Manpada Road, Dombivli (East)

Mobile: 9821238158, 9324719479

A lie may take care of the present, but it has no future. Sept 07 to 20, 2011

RIVERSIDE JOURNEY, The Bulletin of Rotary Club of Kalyan Riverside

Page : 4

ती दोघं

नसतेस घरी तू जे हा जीव तट ु का तट ु का होतो, जग याचे िवरती धागे संसार फाटका होतो….

आ हा दोघांना अितशय भावलेलं गाणं. पितप नीं या आयु यावर, यां या भांडणांवर, स याफुग यांवर, दोघां याही सासर माहे र या नातेवाईकांवर आजपयर्ंत आपण अनेक जोक्स, लेख, मनोगतं वाचली आहे त.

लग्न झालं िक पिहलं वषर् एकमेकांना आिण सासरकड या मंडळींना समजून घे यात जातं. घर, नातेवाईक, किरयर, ऒिफसची

प्रेशसर् यामधून एकमेकांसाठी आवजन ूर् वेळ काढला जातो. दोनाचे चार झालेले हात, चाराचे सहा िकंवा आठ होतात. हणजे एक िकंवा दोन ब चांची वाढ कुटुंबात होते. आिण ती दोघं राजाराणी संसारा या रामरगा यात पुरती अडकून जातात.

मुलां या ऎडिमश स, बेबी िसटींग, नातलगांची लग्नं कायर्, ऒिफस मधून धावत पळत येउन घ्यायचा अ यास, पॆर स िमिटंग्ज, पिरक्षा, ऒिफस या टुसर्, टाग स, ई कम टॆ क्स िरट सर्, सणांची खरे दी, वाढिदवस, फोन बी स, बाप रे बाप. या सग यांम ये

एकमेकांना िदला जाणारा वेळ हळूहळू कमी होत जातो. अधुन मधून ट्रीप, िपकनीक अशी टीनला चटपटीत कर यासाठी अरज

केली जातात. एकमेकांशी बोल यातले िवषय बदलतात. आपोआप, नकळत. यातही काही जोडपी आप या ना यातला चामर् िटकव याचा आटोकाट प्रय न करतात.

तुला माझी कदरच नाही, मी हणून इतकं सहन केलं, दस ु री कुणी असती तर समजलं असतं, अशी ित या त डची वाक्यं. तर दस ु रीकडे तु हाला काय जातंय बडबड करायला, आरामात घरी बसता. आ ही बाहे र राबराब राबतो ते हा तु हाला हा आराम िमळतो

अशी या या त डची वाक्यं. आप याही नकळत आपण एकमेकांना अगदी प्र येक गो टीत ग्रुिहत धरायला लागतो. एकमेकां या सोबतीची सवय होउन जाते आिण अचानक एक िदवस यां यातील एकाला काही कामािनिम त बाहे रगावी जावं लागतं.

यात जर याला बाहे रगावी जावं लागलं तर ितचा वेळ घरात या असंख्य कामांम ये रमू शकतो. पण ितला बाहे रगावी जायची वेळ आली तर याला संपूण र् घर जसं काही खायला उठतं. िदवसभर थकून भागून आ यावर घरी आपली वाट पाहणारं कुणी नाहीए आज

ही जािणवच बोचरी वाटते. घराम ये आजूबाजूला सवयीने ितचा वावर जाणवतोय, ितचा सुगंध दरवळतोय पण प्र यक्ष ती मात्र नाहीए. ित या माहे री जा याव न िमत्रांम ये केलेले जोक्स यावेळी टा या घेउन जातात. पण प्र यक्ष ती वेळ येताच या

ं हशांमधला फोलपणा जाणवतो. एखादी शिनवारची सं याकाळ वा रात्र िमत्रांबरोबर बॆचलसर् पाटीर् हणून ऎजॊय कर यात जाते. पण

रात्री अंथ णावर पड यावर मात्र उ याकडे नजर लावली जाते. िदवस पार पडला तरी सं याकाळ, रात्र खायला उठते. आिण मग रात्री अपरात्री फोन िफरवन ू उ या या उ या घरी िनघन ु ये अशी आजर्व वजा िवनंती केली जाते.

ितकडे ितचीही अव था काही वेगळी नसते. िदवसभरा या असंख्य यांित्रक कामांमधन ु अचानक िमळालेली सट्ट ु ी ती एखाद दस ु राच ं िदवस ऎजॊय क शकते. पण नंतर मात्र आप या घराची, आप या माणसाची ओढ वाटू लागते आिण कधी एकदा घरी आप या हक्का या घरी परतून पु हा सगळी सूत्र आप या हाती घेते असं ितला होतं. आिण ती परतते. पु हा आप या घर यात.

ती अशी कुठे तरी गेलेली असताना या या झाले या अव थेचं फार सुंदर वणर्न या गा यात केलंय. जगात या सम त ’ती’ वगार्ने मनापासन ू ऎकावं असं. आपण जर काही कारणाने गावी गेलो िकंवा ऒिफसमधन ु यायला उशीर झाला की, त ू कुठे आहे स? कधी

परतणार? असे फो स ये यामागची यांची मानिसकता समजते. घरी परत याची फक्त आप यालाच ओढ नसून तो ही िततकीच

आतूरतेने वाट पाहतोय ही भावना सुखावणारी, जणू काही जग िजंक याचा आनंद दे णारी असते. यासाठी वषार्तन ू एकदा तरी

आपण टीन मधन ु वेळ कढून दोन‐चार िदवसांसाठी बाहे रगावी जावं आिण याला घरीच ठे वावं. पु हा याच उ कटतेने भेटावं आिण न या उमेदीने, एकमेकां या संगतीने पु हा आयु याला, न या न या आ हानांना सामोरं जावं. काय, कशी वाटते क पना? - रोटे . िमनल भदे

Speak Well English Academy

Keyur Award Shoppee

Shivaji Chowk, Kalyan Tel: 2205911

Awards, Trophies, Medals, Lapel Pins, Corporate Gifts, Frames, Certificates Shop 3, Maitri Park, Tilak Chowk, Post Office Lane, KALYAN (W)

Rtn Deven Thakkar

Rtn Keyur Manek : 821282094

Avani Insurance and Investments Life & Health Insurance, Mediclaim, Vehicle, Postal Investment, Tax Saving Bonds, MUTUAL FUNDS etc. Rtn Minesh Desai : 9821109686

કોઈપણ યિક્ત અયોગ્ય હોતી નથી ફક્ત તેને પારખવાની દૃિ ટ હોવી જ રી છે . Sept 07 to 20, 2011

RIVERSIDE JOURNEY, The Bulletin of Rotary Club of Kalyan Riverside

Page : 5

The Bathtub Test During a visit to the mental hospital, a person asked the Director 'How do you determine whether or not a patient should be admitted to the hospital.' 'Well,' said the Director, 'we fill up a bathtub, and then we give a teaspoon, a teacup and a bucket to the patient and ask him to empty the bathtub.' 'Oh, I understand,' the person said. 'A normal person would use the bucket because it's bigger than the spoon or the teacup.' 'No.' said the Director, 'A normal person would pull the drain plug. Well....... Do you want a bed near the window?' - contribution by President Bhadresh.

ROTAL 2011 Rotary Club of Thane has announced ROTAL 2011. ROTAL is the annual singing and dancing competition for the Rotary family. The preliminary rounds will be held on 12/13th and 19/20th November. The finals are planned for end Nov/ first week Dec. In case RCT receive sufficient entries, they will also conduct the preliminary rounds in South or Western Mumbai along with Thane. In addition to Hindi, the singing competitions will be held in all regional languages provided there are adequate numbers of entries for that language. ROTAL 2011 is strictly for Rotarians, Anns, Rotary members’ children, Inner-wheel Members, Rotractors, and Interactors. The Participant’s Name must appear in the respective club’s Roster. Family members listed in the Roster will be allowed to participate

Rtn. Jigish N Barot

MADHURIMA SWEETS Ram Baug Lane -4, Kalyan (W) Tel: 2324348

Rtn Sanket Mhaskar

Visawa Resorts Murbad Ph: 9833247266

Rtn. Yogesh Kalhapure

Ayushi Associates Insurance & Investment Service Shop 3, Yashoganesh CHS, Opp Sharda Mandir School, Lal Chowky Mbl: 9223502082, 9223331555

If you cannot find the truth right where you are, where else do you expect to find it? Sept 07 to 20, 2011

RIVERSIDE JOURNEY, The Bulletin of Rotary Club of Kalyan Riverside

Page : 6

ુ યા – Crunchy Bullets મેથી નાં ઠ

સામ ી : ૨૦૦ ગ્રામ જીણી સમારે લી મેથી ની ભાજી (methi bhaji) ૧૦૦ ગ્રામ બેસન, (besan), ૩૦૦ ગ્રામ રવો, મીઠું (salt) વાદ પ્રમાણે, મરચુ ં પાવડર ૩ ટી પ ૂન, હળદર ૧ ટી પ ૂન, ધાણાજીરું ૨ ટી પ ૂન, ગરમ મસાલો ‐ વાદ પ્રમાણે, સાકાર ૩ ટી પ ૂન, ૧ ‐૧/૨ લીંબુ, તેલ ‐ ૪ ટેબલ પ ૂન,

રીત: જીણી સમારે લી મેથી ની ભાજી માં મીઠું, મરચુ,ં હળદર, ધાણાજીરું, ગરમ મસાલો, સાકાર, લીંબુ અને તેલ નાખી ને થોડુ ં મસળવુ (mix well). તે ં માં બેસન અને રવો નાખી િમક્ષ કરવુ.ં જ ર પડે તો થોડુ ં પાણી નાખવુ. લોટ કઠણ રાખવો. (hard dough). હાથ તે ં લ વાળો કરી બાંધેલો લોટ મુઠી માં લઇ તેના લાંબા મુઠીયા વાળવા ( 2 inch long). અડધો કલાક માટે સુકાવવા દે વા. પછી તેલ માં તળવા (deep‐fry). ચા કે કોફી સાથે ના તા માં આપવા. કોથમીર ની લીલી ચટણી સાથે વધારે મઝા આવે. ઊંિધયા માં નાખવા માટે ના મુઠીયા આજ પ્રમાણે બનાવવા. - Rtn. Hina Pandya

Husband was seriously ill. Doc to wife, "Give him healthy breakfast, be pleasant & in good mood, don’t discuss your problems, no TV serial, don’t demand new clothes & gold jewels, . . . . . Do this for 1 year and he will be ok". On the way home husband asks, "what did the doc say ?", Wife :- No chance for you to survive.



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TRF Seminar

24th Sept 2011, Saturday evening , 7 pm Venue: Hotel Ramada Inn, a star Grade Hotel. (just 5km from Shilphata , Total 23km from our city) The seminar will be followed by Happy hours, DJ, Dinner and lots more. Registration charges are Rs 300 per head. President wish to send 100% registration.


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SUDOKU How to play





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Fill in the grid so that every horizontal row, every vertical column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 19, without repeating the numbers in the same row, column or box. You can’t change the digits already given in the grid. Every puzzle has one solution. This puzzle level: Mild

DEWATS (Decentralised Waste Water Treatment System) Seminar 8th Sept 2011, Thursday, evening 6 to 9 pm Venue : Town Hall, Ulhasnagar – 3 Host : RC of Ulhasnagar Sapnagarden This event supported by the Municipal Corporation of Ulhasnagar, Kalyan, Dombivli,Ambernath and Badlapur Municipal Councils. Speakers from Bangalore, Nagpur to show the way around it and in the process help us to Reuse Waste Water.

Forum Leader : DGE Dr Bal Inamdar

शत्रन ु े केलेली तत ु ी िहच सव तम िकतीर् होय. Sept 07 to 20, 2011

RIVERSIDE JOURNEY, The Bulletin of Rotary Club of Kalyan Riverside

Page : 7

Attendance Report CLUB GREETINGS Birthday

24 Aug : CLASSIFICATION TALK by Rtn Mahendra Thakkar Rotarians R.Ann, Guest Visiting Rotarian

19 1 1 2

TOTAL 23 28 Aug : ROTARY PARICHAY Seminar for Prospective Rotarians Rotarians 17 R.Annets 2 Guest 21 Visiting Rotarian 2


07 12 15 19

: IPP Sunil Sharma : Annet Girija Anant Ieetkar : R.Ann Shilpa Jigish Barot : Rtn Deepak Brid

Anniversary 11 : Rtn Dr Anant & Dr Manjusha Ieetkar


THE 4 WAY TEST Of the things we think, say or do

1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?

4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

FROM www.rotary.org for you . . . .

Attendance President Bhadresh happy to announce that August month’s attendance figure is all time high 74% average attendance and 17 Rtn with 100% attendance.

¾ Hours after a massive earthquake hit Haiti in January 2010, Rotarian Claude Surena, a physician turned his home into a makeshift triage center, sheltering more than 100 injured people. ¾ Between 1 July 2010 and 1 May 2011, the Foundation received 1,912 Matching Grant and District Simplified Grant applications for humanitarian projects on five continents. The grants, which totaled $51,385,906, would not have been possible without your contributions to the Annual Programs Fund. ( Rs. 231,23,65,770 considering Rs 45 = 1$, just think about it ! )

“The best way to win the esteem of others is by He, who loses money, observing the simple rules loses much; He, who loses a friend, of decency. If they won’t accomplish the desired loses much more; He, who loses faith, result, nothing will.” loses all.

SMS Khazana Speak Sweetly, So That, If You Have To EAT Your Words Back, They Don't TASTE BAD.

- Paul Harris, This Rotarian Age, page 62

(Rtn. Jigish Barot)

Epsilon Design Enggs Pvt Ltd. Complete solution for HSE in hotels hosptal & hospitality Ashwin Ijantkar, 902 , Bluebell, Everest World, Kolshet Rd, Thane (W)

T V Enterprises Supplier for pipes n fittings in SS, MS, GI with non IBR & IBR TC. R I CONVENTION 6‐9 MAY, 2011

This bulletin is for Private Circulation for Rotary Club members only. If you observe any error / omission, please inform. Edited and Published by Rtn. Dinesh Pandya, A/A 401, Swapna Nagari, Godrej Hills, Khadak Pada, Kalyan (W) 421301 Sept 07 to 20, 2011

RIVERSIDE JOURNEY, The Bulletin of Rotary Club of Kalyan Riverside

Page : 8

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