Udacity Timer

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Challenge Overview

This project presents the deep studying function for Udacity classrooms. This function applies the Pomodoro Technique, which helps users focus on their studying. The technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. The Udacity classroom presented from April 2017. Currently, the Udacity process tracking features could support the student in managing the overall progress like deadlines, and how much additional time will be required to finish the next lesson. While the study plan feature could set a long term vision for students, students could not track their studying time using Udacity interface.

Research question

[Needs] What is essential for time management in MOOC program Why student really need this function? Why this function help Udacity and their student in the long run? How this function help student self-regulate? How they interact with this function? How many functions should be added? [Behaviors] Do learners currently manage their time? How do success learners use existing time managing products?


Design proposal: May 1—3, 2020 Recruiting: May 2—4, 2020 Sessions: August 4—6, 2020


I tried to connect with Udacity alumni on Linkedin.com. After they accepted my invitation, I interviewed them how they manage their time to graduate at Udacity

Key finding

1. Success Udacity alumni tended to start their assignment as soon as possible. 2. While Udacity alumni interested in the content, they tried to put them under pressure by restricting the studying time


1. Time tracker could improve the opportunities of success for current and new students 2. Award students after 25 minutes of studying

Udacity Audit

On May 2020, Udacity does not offer iOS or android apps. So my assumption is that the vast majority of students learn on PC or Mac with a monitor, a keyboard, and a mouse or trackpad. Table illustrates time managing functions are provided for Udacity students

Study Plan function which helps students plan 10 hours per week working for the next two weeks. After setting up, Study Plan could email and message students for their studying. While this function could be useful, this is a one-way action from Udacity, a time tracker function could help students manage their time more actively.

Lesson cards provide how long a student should spend on the lesson. The figure seems depend on how long video lesson run

Screenshot of current Udacity classroom interface, the names of the lesson appear three times in full screen mode, and two times in scale mode.

Themes and Opportunities

Feature Ideation

Design: Concepts

Design: Rapid Prototyping

Design: Low-fidelity exploration

Design: Iteration 1 Invision Prototype https://www.figma.com/proto/CAEDYYW0tDVgArqQ1C5GN9/ Digital-Prototype-Iteration-1?node-id=35%3A0&scaling=contain

Test: Usability

4.What influences your decision in allocating the time for your study? [Motivation:​what did participants hope to achieve?] Follow-up questions: 4.1Could you share with me how you decide the various times? 4.2How was the learning experience? 5.What principles of learning did you apply to maintain steady reading culture and time across your studies? [Motivation:how did participants continue their studying until graduate?] Follow-up questions: 5.1 What are your major achievements? 5.2 What are your major achievements? 6.Could you tell me what method did you use to create your timetable? Follow-up questions:

6.1 Please discuss your considerations?. 6.2 How do you track your progress? ​[Do users care about progress?] 7.What practice of learning do you use to be consistent with your schedule reading routine? ​[Motivation:Does participant have a daily routine? Is it spontaneous?] Follow-up questions: 7.1Tell me what you did to make up for loose hours. 7.2 Ask participants why they choose to use the app in certain locations or during certain times 8.Could you explain how you distribute your study period evenly across your Modules? [​ Motivation:How participant spent time for their studying?] Follow-up questions: 8.1Tell me how this was done

Develop: Iteration 2 https://www.figma.com/proto/CAEDYYW0tDVgArqQ1C5GN9/Digital-Prototype---Iteration-1?node-id=214%3A215&viewport=181%2C1806% 2C2.082650661468506&scaling=min-zoom

Test: Accessibility https://www.figma.com/file/CAEDYYW0tDVgArqQ1C5GN9/Digital-Prototype---Iteration-1?node-id=192%3A0

Foureground Color: #FFFFFF Background Color: #02B3E4

Foureground Color: #FFFFFF Background Color: #0D0D0D

Develop: Iteration 3 https://www.figma.com/proto/CAEDYYW0tDVgArqQ1C5GN9/Digital-Prototype---Iteration-1?node-id=300%3A995&scaling=min-zoom

Test: Accessibility Foureground Color: #FFFFFF Background Color: #02B3E4


Foureground Color: #FFFFFF Background Color: #0D0D0D

Before; Old focus button

After: New focus button

Test: Design Performance • The layout of Lookbak.io is not friendly for testing in low rtesolution monitors. • Two first testers did not see my Focus button. This lead to the requirement of designing a Responsive Web Design button for this funcion. • Most tester understand how to use the button within first 10 second of the test • The fifth tester using iOS could use Focus button function • 50% of user see the focus button when open the Lookbak.io


Screen Resolution

1440×900 1366×768

1502×1002 1502×1002 752×1344 1366×768 1440×900 1366×768 1280×720

Using Focus button

Have to scale window

KPIs: Optimise a Landing Page Increase the visible of Focus button, so users could be able to use this function Optimise a Landing Page: • Creating a response solution for a small resolution screen • • The sidebar will collapse in small resolution screen, this sidebar will be opened by a button • Replacing icon buttons will iterate on the text buttons, these icons have the same flow with the text buttons Hypothesis 50% of users have to scale window to see Focus button,

Classroom UI for Screen larger than 1400x900

Classroom UI for Screen smaller than 1400x900 sidebar will collapse in a low resolution windows

Text button replaced by a icon

Develop: Iteration 3 https://www.figma.com/proto/CAEDYYW0tDVgArqQ1C5GN9/Digital-Prototype---Iteration-1?node-id=318%3A0&scaling=min-zoom

Solution & Impact Overview Udacity provides a Study Plan function which helps students plan 10 hours per week working for the next two weeks. After setting up, Study Plan could email and message students for their studying. While this function could be useful, this is a one-way action from Udacity, a time tracker function could help students manage their time more actively. During the 2020 Coronavirus outbreak, Udacity offers 30 days free access for their nanodegree programs. The free month of access could help Udacity get in-demand skills in programs like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Digital Marketing. A month of deep learning from Udacity could not only help their student gain a significant amount of knowledge but also could improve their 34% current graduation rate

About Me My projects and research are driven by the human senses; I think the feeling of users the most interesting, I have worked as a designer and draftsman in multiple architectural offices and studios in Vietnam. I collaborated on the wide range of projects which vary from small housing schemes to high-quality retail outlets. My responsibilities included architectural concept and scheme design, visualisation, animation, and mass modelling and I had an additional role as IT manager.

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