Avoiding a Love Break Up

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==== ==== For more relationship advice check out: www.trafficclash.com/f/394 ==== ==== Avoiding A Love Break Up If youve ever had your love break up you know how painful it is. And if you thought back after the relationship ended, you probably saw all the signs that you didnt recognize before. If youll remember those signs and keep them in mind, they can help you prevent a break up in the future. And they can also help you get back together after a split. One sure sign of impending love break up is the lack of physical contact. This doesnt just mean sex. If your partner suddenly stops having an interest in sex, thats a good sign that a break up is coming. But the normal flow and rhythm of a relationship has times when theres lots of sex and times when theres not much. This is natural. A love break up is probably on the horizon though, if your partner stops holding your hand for no apparent reason. Or he or she stops putting an arm over your shoulder at the movies or in public when he or she always did it before. Any sudden changes like not touching you much outside the bedroom when your partner was always very affectionate before could signal problems. If it goes beyond not touching to the person actually becoming uncomfortable at your touch, then you definitely need to have a conversation with your partner about whats going on. Dont just assume that because your partner flinched away from your touch that theres about to be a love break up, though. Many things can cause a person to not want to be touched at any given moment. A person might have been thinking of something else and been surprised or startled by the touch. He or she might think that your touch signals that its time to have sex, if youre not very affectionate except when you want to be intimate. And maybe your partner isnt in the mood for sex now and chose to show you that by moving away from your touch. That doesnt mean youre headed for a love break up. Your partner might simply not feel good. Every change in a persons behavior doesnt signal an impending love break up or even anything wrong with the relationship. You have to watch them closely for a while to determine if some behavior is an occasional thing, something brought on only during certain times, or if its a permanent part of the persons make up. Catching your partner in lies, even what seem like small and harmless ones, could be a sign of problems, too. After all, if a lie is small and harmless, why tell it in the first place? Where theres one tiny lie, larger and more damaging lies can grow. Dont become convinced its a love break up right away though. People lie about many things that arent bad, like surprise parties and reunions. Your partner might be trying to keep a harmless and fun secret like that, instead of scheming about a love break up.

==== ==== For more relationship advice check out: www.trafficclash.com/f/394 ==== ====

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