Catholic Observer - September 2018

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Volume 54, No 3 SEPTEMBER 2018 $2.00

RiseUP Praise and Worship Rally

A message from Bishop McKenna


ear Friends in Christ, October is the month of the Rosary. Of course, the Rosary belongs to every month, but in October the Church celebrates this prayer in a special way: reminding us of its simple beauty and gentle power. It is a time of grace for us to return to this prayer if we have let it slip away: or perhaps to discover for the first time, in the company of Mary, how the Rosary can guide us into unpretentious prayer. In prayer, we tune in to the voice of God and learn to distinguish it from among the many voices that surround us. In prayer, we can learn to love God’s will and want to do it. In prayer, we can find the perseverance and hope that will sustain us when following God’s call becomes difficult or when its fruits do not appear at once. The words we repeat in the Rosary come mostly from the Scriptures. The events in the lives of Jesus and Mary that we reflect on in each “decade” - an Our Father, ten Hail Marys and a Glory Be - repeat the story of our salvation. At 3pm on Sunday, 7th October, I am inviting everyone who can, to come and pray the Rosary with me at the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Carcoar. If you can’t be there, please pray a Rosary wherever you

are. We’ll be united that day all around the world with people asking Mary’s intercession for the renewal of our Church and the nations. Our Lady of the Central West, pray for us. +Michael McKenna Bishop of Bathurst

104th World Day of Migrants and Refugees


he message Pope Francis selected for the 104th World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2018 was “Welcoming, protecting, promoting and integrating migrants and refugees”.

mercy and solidarity, according to Fr Fabio Baggio CS, Under-Secretary of the Migrant and Refugee Section, a Vatican office directly guided by Pope Francis.

Each year, the universal Church commemorates the contribution migrants have made to local communities.

“Our shared response may be articulated by four verbs: to welcome, to protect, to promote and to integrate. This is part of a common action that should be actively promoted by all the local Churches”, Fr Baggio said.

The Catholic Bishops of Australia selected the last Sunday in August each year to be the date when Masses are celebrated for the enrichment these communities have provided in the Church. Policies addressing migrants and refugees should always respond with

The missionary priest visited Canberra and Melbourne in August as part of Australia’s week-long celebration of the contribution migrants have made, culminating Migrant and Refugee Sunday, 26th August, which was recognised throughout the Diocese.


104TH WORLD DAY OF MIGRANTS AND REFUGEES Migrant & Refugee Week 20th - 26th August 2018


Source: Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office

Our Front Cover


tudents from across the Diocese joined together recently in Orange for RiseUP - a praise and worship rally for students in Years 9-11. The atmosphere is high energy, brimming with excitement, fun and freedom, which has been perfectly captured in the image on our front cover of Reg McPherson and his friends from St

John’s College, Dubbo and James Sheahan Catholic High School Orange. The photo was taken by Mr Rob Exner, Religious Education Co-ordinator at St John’s College, Dubbo. Full coverage of RiseUp is featured on page 22 of this edition.

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For the long haul


any in our region are suffering the effects of on-going drought and the Diocese is responding to their needs in a variety of ways. It will take years to recover; and droughts are becoming more common. We need to provide both immediate and long-term help, to ensure communities build a level of resilience for the future. To this end, the Diocese has set up an appeal, which will be managed by Centacare Bathurst. Centacare has also earmarked $100,000 of its reserve funds to assist in the journey to recovery. Director, Mr Robert George, said “Recovery will not be easy or quick. As part of the Diocesan initiative, Centacare will provide ongoing psychosocial assistance and will be with the community for the long haul”. Counselling will be offered free of charge, and it is hoped to establish a telephone counselling service, to avoid travel costs. Many parishes have begun fundraising and some have gratefully received generous donations from parishes outside the Diocese. These have been distributed to ensure maximum direct benefit to those in need.

Bishop Michael McKenna recently called for a day of prayer across the Diocese. “As people of faith, we are already praying for rain and for everyone whose lives and livelihood depend on this blessing. Our prayers acknowledge our dependence on God our Creator for all things. In praying for one another, we are motivated and guided to works of practical support”. The Bishop also urged families experiencing any financial difficulties to speak with their school principal if they are struggling to meet school

fees. “We certainly do not wish to add to the financial burden families are currently experiencing, as money should not be a barrier to children attending Catholic schools”, he said. For help, or to make a donation, call Centacare on 1800 231 118 or 6331 8944. An on-line donation facility will be available shortly, with details at All donations above $2 are tax deductible. Fiona Lewis

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TIMoThy CAIN | JANE KENSIT C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t • September 2018 • Page 3

Diocesan Launch of World Mission Month


ope Francis’ message this year for World Mission Day 2018 was “Never think that you have nothing to offer, or that nobody needs you. Many people need you. Think about it! Each of you, think in your heart: many people need me”.

St Raphael’s Catholic School took these words to heart as Bishop Michael McKenna launched World Mission Month (WMM) in St Raphael’s Church Cowra on the 6th September. Principal Michael Gallagher welcomed all in attendance, especially student and teacher representatives from almost every Catholic school and college across the Diocese. Special guests included Bishop Michael McKenna, Parish Priest, Fr Laurie Beath; Executive Director of Schools, Mrs Jenny Allan; and Diocesan Director of Catholic Mission, Mr Michael Deasy. The event was also supported by

parishioners and parents from St Raphael’s community. WMM is celebrated every year in every country where there are Catholics committed to building a better world for all of God’s people; a world where everyone has all they need to live a dignified and fulfilling life. It is a time to reflect on the urgency of proclaiming the Gospel in our times. The launch liturgy reminded everyone present that there is a place for all in this world; and all people are glorious. Sometimes circumstances prevent many in the world from living a fully dignified life. That’s when we need to be who we are called to be, listen to our hearts, make no apologies - but be committed to being and doing our best to bring justice to this world. WMM’s message of Healing a Nation through Education was brought to life when Diocesan Director of Catholic

Mission, Mike Deasy introduced the Catholic Mission video on Myanmar, formerly Burma. He spoke about the precious gift of Catholic education to the Diocese of Bathurst, the State of NSW and Australia. Mike said “The video gives testimony to the loss of this precious gift in a SE Asian country that had suffered the forced closure of church schools, the expulsion of missionaries and the confiscation of school properties by the state in 1962. The consequences were decades of conflict and instability”. The video spoke of the aspirational hopes of the Myanmar bishops to return the gift of a Catholic education to a new generation of Burmese children so they too my dream the “impossible dream” for a brighter future that was denied their parents. Peta Bischof

Please support the people of Myanmar to build their nation for future generations. 2018 CHURCH APPEAL Freecall: 1800 257 296 Page 4 • September 2018 • C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t

NATSI Sunday


arishioners gathered at Centrecare in Bathurst on 6th June and in Dubbo on 13th June for a workshop with Darlene Murdoch and Leanne Fawns from Catholic Education, Diocese of Bathurst. The purpose of the day was to assist parish communities to prepare for the annual National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (NATSI) Sunday on 1st July.

This gathering was an initiative of the Diocesan Pastoral Council’s Participation of Indigenous Catholics Working Group. Darlene unpacked the various resources available for parishes from the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council, with this year’s theme being ‘Because of Her we can’. On NATSI Sunday, we acknowledge that God has been walking with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, making his presence known through a continuous living culture over many thousands of years. We pray in thanksgiving for these ancient peoples who have enriched and sustained our continent over all that time. In particular we praise God for the people who nurtured the land here in our Diocese that we call home. Joanne Brown

Preparing for Plenary Council 2020


rom August until mid-November, the Plenary Council Candle and Our Lady of the Central West Icon will travel around the Diocese as a means of launching Plenary Council discussions in each parish community. Pope Francis has approved the Australian Bishops’ decision to hold a Plenary Council in Australia in 2020 and 2021. It is a significant moment for the church in Australia to make decisions about the future. To prepare the agenda for the Plenary Council, all of God’s people are invited to reflect on the question: “What do you think God is asking of us in Australia at this time?” It is encouraged to ask every group and activity in your parish to take the opportunity to pause and ask the question and provide feedback through the Plenary Council website. This is the chance for every member of our church community to have their say. The presence of the Candle and Icon in parishes intends to promote discussion and provide an opportunity for parishes to gather together to listen and dialogue as part of the Plenary Council process. The schedule of when the Candle and Icon will be in your parish is available to view at To conclude the journey of the Candle and Icon around the Diocese, there will be sessions held in Bathurst, Orange,

Canowindra parishioners with the Icon and Candle Mudgee and Dubbo which will be facilitated by the Plenary Council Facilitation Team. Find out more about the Plenary Council 2020 at www. or contact Sr Alice Sullivan or Tony Eviston or phone the Chancery Office on 6334 6400. Fiona Lewis

C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t • September 2018 • Page 5

Ask Centacare


One of my son’s friends recently died by suicide. My son seems to be coping as well as can be expected, but I want to make sure I’m doing everything I can to support him and his friends, especially as they face HSC exams at the same time. What can I do for him?

In Australia, the suicide rate for 15-19 year olds is currently at the highest in 10 years and the statistics are alarming. The impact of suicide is far reaching and unfortunately this scenario is becoming all too familiar. Young people respond to suicide in unique and wide ranging ways, influenced by their personality, relationship with the deceased, what is happening around them and their general ability to adjust to change.

by the circumstances of their friend’s suicide. If we see signs there are doors opening for conversation, we have to accept the invitation, even if the conversation is indirect. We have to emphatically state that there is a fine line between dangerous and deadly behaviour and help our child to reflect on the behaviour of the friend and its impact, without condemning or judging.

Parental understanding, reassurance, attention and availability are all very important when a friend dies, especially in the case of suicide. We should not let the fear of not knowing what to say keep us from saying anything at all, as long as we stay clear of giving advice. Our inclination to rush the process of healing may not work - our preparedness to offer love and support for the long haul will help in their healing journey.

For a teenager, the death of a friend drives home the scary reality that anyone can die, despite being young. They may not have the language to express their anguish; this is a terrible space to be in without support and reassurance. Their grief reaction may come out in their behaviour and parents may get caught unaware. Children can feel anxious, angry, betrayed, hurt or guilty. They can get stuck on questions like ‘Why didn’t I know?’, ‘Why didn’t my friend tell me?’, ‘Why didn’t anyone do something?’and we need to be patient with them and be present. They need a safe way to express feelings such as confusion, anger, aggression, withdrawal, fear, guilt, denial, blame, betrayal, abandonment, hurt and sadness.

If they are going through other significant losses and changes such as parental separation or divorce, death or serious illness of a family member, they may become easily and more upset. The HSC is obviously an additional stress factor and it would be important to put the perceived significance of HSC into a realistic perspective. Your child may have a lot of questions. With our contemporary social media frenzy, there is often very little time spent processing ‘information’ and children end up with plenty of misinformation. Get them to think and process the things they hear - help them ‘reality check’ the rumours. Sometimes young people are intrigued

It is also important to create some routine and include some activities your child enjoys, without being too insistent. Teenagers are more likely to depend on their peer group and spend time with them. Any routine will have to allow for time with peers. However, we need to ensure that they do not get into dangerous behaviours, such as use of alcohol or drugs, as a peer activity to deal with their grief. Organise a get

together of your child’s friends at your home and stay connected with other parents, giving each other a ‘heads up’. Talking to the GP, priest and school about what might be going on, and offering the help of a professional are also important. As parents we must pay extra attention to ensure that during this time, children’s basic needs are met - selfcare is vital. The body needs sleep and nutrients to survive and recuperate unfortunately often forsaken during difficult times. Spiritual support is also valuable. Assisting children to pray for their friend and making sure that we do so as well, will be a very genuine gesture. Many of the above points are further elaborated in a useful resource developed by Headspace called ‘Suicide Postvention Toolkit’. Sandy Dengate Manager, Clinical Services For more information and help Contact Headspace: 1800650890 or Centacare Counselling Teams: Bathurst 6331 8944 or Dubbo 6885 0277 Beyond Blue: https://www. Reachout Australia: https://parents. Kids Helpine: 1800 551 800 or https://

Caring for Families Counselling & Mediation Services ADULTS | CHILDREN COUPLES | FAMILIES For more information about Centacare’s services visit or to make an appointment please call 1800 231 118 Page 6 • September 2018 • C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t

Survey explores young people’s hopes and challenges


rchbishop Anthony Fisher OP, the Bishops’ Delegate for Youth, says the largest survey of young Catholics ever conducted will further shape the Church’s engagement with young people and help the bishops tackle some of the many challenges our youth face in contemporary society. The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference last year initiated a survey of people aged 16 to 29 as part of international preparations for the Synod of Bishops on Young People - the Faith and Vocational Discernment, which will be held in October this year. More than 15,000 young people responded “passionately and earnestly”, Archbishop Fisher said, with the survey results highlighting some of their key concerns: mental health issues; questions around identity - ethnic, spiritual and sexual; loneliness; relationships and friendships; the direction of society, politics and the Church; and living out their faith in a secular world. “These are big issues that affect us all and they are all things about which the Church cares deeply and on which it has much to say”, Archbishop Fisher said. “Even amidst the challenges raised in the survey, there is cause for great hope. For millennials, there has never been a more important time to rededicate themselves to the message and life of Jesus Christ. If ever we needed new John the Baptists to call people to repent and believe, to offer

some really Good News amidst all the bad, and to point people to Christ, it is right now. Never in history have young people been more necessary. Never have young people had more opportunities to be the spiritual heroes our nation and our world needs”. Trudy Dantis, director of the Pastoral Research Office which conducted the survey, said the overwhelming response from young people created rich data that can help the Church understand where its ministry is bearing fruit and where additional efforts might best be directed. “It’s clear that many young people highly value what the Church has done and is doing for them; while others were willing to share their disappointment in the Church, which is sometimes harder to capture and analyse”, Dr Dantis said. “This survey sought to really listen to what young people are saying. The bishops and all who work in the Church will better understand the views of young people after considering the findings of this survey and assessing how they can

renew and energise the Church”. Malcolm Hart, director of the ACBC’s Office for Youth, said the survey will help inform the Church’s ongoing ministry to young people through schools, parishes, youth groups, ethnic communities and other less formal settings. “We heard that many young people enjoy gathering in a structured setting, like Mass and liturgical events. Others liked the ‘big event’ approach to their faith and others still preferred the casual nature of meeting in cafes and pubs to consider the big faith and life questions”, Mr Hart said. “The Church wants to continue to engage with young people, wherever they choose to gather, and help be a focal point for their personal and spiritual growth”. Access the Australian Catholic Bishops’ Youth Survey at: www. Source: ACBC Media Office

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C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t • September 2018 • Page 7

Diocesan Assembly 2018


he Diocesan Pastoral Council will gather for its annual meeting with Bishop Michael - our Diocesan Assembly - on the last weekend in October.

Daniel Ang, who directs the Office of Evangelisation in the Diocese of Broken Bay, will also be a guest facilitator. Daniel is familiar with our Assembly process, having assisted us in previous years. He will lead the group in Plenary Council 2020 sessions and assist in work on various proposals for the Assembly to discuss.

To be held at the Cathedral Parish Centre, the meeting will also be attended by Diocesan Clergy, Seminarians, Chairs of our Diocesan Councils and others invited by Bishop Michael. Each parish has two representatives on the DPC. They are appointed by the Bishop to one of six working groups, which we have found cover most matters that arise in our Diocese: Hearing and Proclaiming the Word of God; Worshipping God in Prayer and Sacrament; Building a Community of Love and Service; Participation of Indigenous Catholics; The Domestic Church: Marriage and Family and the Participation of Young Catholics. These groups have been working steadily since the last Assembly, looking at practical measures we can take to renew our

Lorraine will lead participants in helping to make our parishes more missionary centred.

The Assembly Mass will be held in the Cathedral of St. Michael and St. John on Sunday 28th October at 10.00am. Lorraine McCarthy from Alpha parishes and fulfil our baptismal call to be missionary disciples. This year our guest speaker is Lorraine McCarthy, a leader in the Alpha Programme in Australia, which focuses on evangelisation.

Bishop McKenna has again encouraged the Diocese to rediscover the gift of the Rosary during the month of October and asks for your prayers for a fruitful Assembly.

Fiona Lewis

The Good Samaritans remembered


he Kandos Parish came together recently to remember and celebrate an important part its history: the local presence of the Good Samaritan Sisters from 1923 to 1973.

On 5th August, seven Good Samaritan Sisters joined local parishioners for Mass celebrated by Parish Priest, Fr Owen Gibbons, assisted by Deacon Charles Applin. A recently installed plaque commemorating the presence of the Sisters was blessed at the conclusion of Mass. The plaque also honours the four Kandos women who joined the Good Samaritan Sisters: Mary and Catherine Gallagher, Lola Junge and Monica Sparks. Significantly, among the returning sisters were Sisters Catherine Bell and Janet Colbourne, both of whom had served in Kandos prior to the closure of the Convent and who have maintained contact with the local community over the years. The Mass was followed by a parish lunch, which provided an opportunity for reminiscing and storytelling that

Sisters Janet Colbourne and Catherine Bell was aided by the surrounding display of parish photographs. At the conclusion of the lunch, the Sisters were presented with books on local church history and a painting on timber of the former Good Samaritan convent.

For the Sisters, an additional highlight was the opportunity to visit their former convent which is now a private residence, thanks to the generosity of the owner, Mrs Margot Palk. Sr Kath Luchetti rsj

Page 8 • September 2018 • C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t

Executive Director of Schools recognised for excellence


n recognition of her outstanding work, Mrs Jenny Allen, Executive Director of Schools for Catholic Education in the Diocese of Bathurst, was presented with the prestigious Australian College of Educators (NSW branch) Excellence in Education Award at a dinner celebrating the State’s leading educational institutions.

the entire school community”, Ms Jentz said. “Educators like Jenny are shaping and influencing the lives of thousands of students and creating opportunities they never dreamed existed. It’s wonderful the Australian College of Educators can recognise her outstanding contribution to the teaching profession, not just in Bathurst, but throughout NSW”.

Jenny is responsible for 9,000 students and 930 teachers and introduced a program which has transformed the culture throughout the Diocese’s 33 schools.

The awards dinner was held on Friday 7th September to formally recognise recipients and celebrate excellence in education throughout NSW. Some members of our Diocese attended the evening to congratulate Jenny on her Award and celebrate her achievement along with her family and colleagues.

“The program encourages, supports and empowers educators and allows them to work collaboratively instead of in isolation”, Jenny said. “This professional and personalised approach to learning is tailored to meet the needs of students, whatever their aspirations may be. The program also allows our teachers to be the best educators they can be and gives our principals the freedom to lead”. These awards are given to educators who lead their teams in areas such as excellence in curriculum development, student wellbeing, professional development, technology, pedagogy, leadership, innovation, scholarship,

indigenous education, learning support and disability education. Australian College of Educators CEO, Helen Jentz, said it’s educators like Jenny who make students want to learn. “Jenny is a trailblazer. Her passion for education is infectious, and it’s not just the students who benefit, rather her colleagues and

On behalf of the Diocese, I would like to congratulate Jenny on this truly well-deserved recognition of her commitment to Catholic Education within our Diocese. We are very fortunate to have her leadership and dedication to the students and staff in our care.

Fr Paul Devitt Episcopal Vicar for Education

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C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t • September 2018 • Page 9

Disciples in Dublin


at Phoenix Park. During Mass, the Pope expressed renewed sorrow for the wrongs that have occurred, due to the sins of clerical abuse.

heWorld Meeting of Families (WMOF) was held in Dublin at the end of August, a three-day event that brought together 37,000 people from 116 countries, including Pope Francis.

He called us all to be the missionary disciples we need to be for our world, and most importantly, our Church, to be renewed. He encouraged us to expand our net of contacts to help others to become aware of the important place the Church sees families have in our world.

Deacon Josh Clayton, his wife Anna and their four children Jack, Maria, Lucy and Patrick, represented the Diocese of Bathurst and Australia at this important gathering. Deacon Josh gives us a snapshot of his family’s experience at the WMOF 2018: Day 1: What a great start to the WMOF! We have heard from many great speakers who drew on the great importance of families being strong and loving with each other. One memorable quote from Archpriest Mikhail Nasonov was, “We must stoke the fire of love between members of our families or we end up with just cold embers”. For our family, it was an important quote. Sometimes we can all forget this! After a wonderful celebration of the Eucharist, we were lucky enough to have generous members of the Trim Parish take us home to the parochial house. Like any good pilgrimage, we have been able to experience the generosity of others, which will leave a lasting mark for us. Day 2: We heard from experienced leaders about how we can help couples to be truly prepared for their marriage, not just ticking the marriage preparation box, but helping them and walking with them as they journey through their marriage.

The Irish delivered good organisation and rain, one appreciated and the other tolerated; but it was a wonderful celebration of our ‘family of families’, the Church. Cardinal Cupich, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Chicago, along with an expert panel, presented a session on the beauty of intimate love. The panel spoke about how we can help others to know the Church is not saying ‘no’ to things, but rather giving an image of what beauty is possible in a loving marriage.

It was also announced that Rome would hold the next meeting of families in 2021, another wonderful chance for families to gather and share their faith in our loving and merciful God. Deacon Josh Clayton

During a plenary session, Cardinal Nicholls from Westminster gave eight tips for marriage used in his archdiocese. This was followed by Mass and a time of worship lead by Rend Collective, the performers and writers of the muchloved song in the Diocese of Bathurst, ‘My Lighthouse’. Day 3: What an amazing time! We concluded our time at the WMOF with Mass celebrated by Pope Francis

The Catholic Observer is published by the Catholic Diocese of Bathurst (Diocesan Publications) PO Box 246, Bathurst, NSW, 2795 ph: (02) 6334 6400 fax: (02) 6331 9453 email: Editor ~ Fiona Lewis Communications Co-ordinator ~ Kimbalee Clews Designer ~ Jacqui Keady Printed by: Rural Press Printing, Richmond NSW All material in this magazine is copyright and may be reproduced only with the written permission of the Editor. The Catholic Observer is a member of the Australasian Catholic Press Association.

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Page 10 • September 2018 • C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t

Mudgee Men’s Breakfast


n 5th July, the first Men’s Breakfast was held in St Mary’s Parish Centre with 27 men of all ages joining in for a social gathering and a veritable feast. This was the initiative of the Parish Pastoral Council and was very well received. We wish to thank our Pastoral Council and volunteers, who prepared, cooked and cleaned up afterwards, for a very successful event. Patti Kiddle

Diocese responds generously to global poverty


any thousands of supporters across parishes and schools have joined in solidarity with the world’s poor, donating more than $10.8 million to Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion campaign. In the Diocese of Bathurst, parishes and schools donated more than $135,000 - a wonderful result. Caritas Australia is the Catholic Church’s aid and development agency and part of one of the largest humanitarian networks in the world. Held annually over the six weeks of Lent, Project Compassion raises awareness and funds to address

extreme poverty and promote justice across the world. This year’s Project Compassion theme of “For a Just Future” highlighted the role that young people have to play in the solutions to the challenges facing their societies globally. To learn more about Caritas Australia and Project Compassion visit: www. Susan Duric Students from The Assumption School, Bathurst making Roti as a fundraiser for Project Compassion. Photo: Chris Seabrook

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Jubilee Mass


n 26th June, Bishop Michael McKenna was joined by the clergy of the Diocese for the annual Jubilee Mass in the Cathedral of St Michael and St John. The occasion celebrated all priests and their commitment and dedication to their vocation. Of special note, Fr Laurie Beath, Parish Priest of Cowra, celebrated 30 years of priesthood in August. The date of the Jubilee Mass also marked the ninth anniversary of Bishop Michael’s ordination and installation as Bishop of Bathurst. Kimbalee Clews

Drought care packs for women in our farming communities


he Parish Pastoral Council of St. Mary’s, Mudgee has prepared and delivered ‘care packs’ to the women in our local farming communities, to give them a much needed boost in these difficult times. With the very generous support of the Mudgee, Gulgong and Kandos Parishes, together with visitors from afar, we have been able to get together some wonderful personal care products such as shampoo, perfume, soaps, hand creams and makeup, to help put a smile on their faces after so much distress around them. With the support of the ‘200 Bales Project’, another initiative of the Mudgee community, we have been able to deliver the packs to these women, while also delivering some much needed hay for their stock. So far, we have delivered 80 care packs around the Mudgee region and as far as Dunedoo and Coolah. Patti Kiddle Right: President of Mudgee’s Parish Pastoral Council, Mrs Julie Keipert

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Page 12 • September 2018 • C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t

Never see a need without doing something about it


ith our farming families and local businesses feeling the full brunt of the drought, the generosity of spirit of many people in our Diocese, and neighbouring dioceses, has been something to behold. Fr Greg Kennedy, Parish Priest of St Brigid’s, Dubbo was approached by a number of parishes with offers of help. “The Holsworthy Parish, Sydney sent $2,000, which was very gratefully received” he said. “The Foster Tuncurry Parish have not only sent $10,000, but also provided 22 tonnes of hay and a car load of groceries. The money and hay was directed to the Quambone district and shared amongst 30 families. The food was taken to Gilgandra, where St Vincent de Paul distributed food parcels to families throughout the region, right up to Coonamble” Fr Greg said. Fr Greg spoke about another great initiative in the Gilgandra district that is being co-ordinated by the Bendigo Bank. “The Bank has set up an account for donations and the funds are used to create prepaid cards that can only be redeemed at businesses and shops in Gilgandra. This ensures the retail outlets that are also struggling are also supported” he said. Many of our Diocesan schools have also held fundraisers, and received amazing support. St John’s College, Dubbo held a “2 for a Ewe” day and raised more than $1,500. Cathedral Primary School, Bathurst raised over $3,100 last month to support the school community of St Brigid’s, Coonamble. The School also made a “Pantry Run” to Baradine, with two massive trailer loads of groceries as well as a generous cash donation, which was received with tears of joy. Fr Reynold Jaboneta, Parish Priest Coonabarabran and Coonamble, received a generous donation of $12,000 to the local St Vincent de Paul, from the Parish of Our Lady of Fatima, Kingsgrove. Father Casey Ureta contacted Fr Reynold about the drought and its effects in the area. “I answered Father Casey by

Fr Casey, Carmelo Furfaro and Paul Callaghan with Fr Reynold, Lois Sutton and Lorna Clare of Vinnies, Coonabarabran explaining the drought is really taking its toll”, said Fr Reynold. Fr Casey, with parishioners Carmelo Furfaro and Paul Callaghan, visited Coonabarabran to see the effects first hand and deliver the very welcome cheque. Fr Reynold said, “I give thanks to God for Father Casey and all his wonderful parishioners for this concrete act, extending help and uplifting our spirit at this time of drought. God bless all of you”. The ethos of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop - “Never see a need without doing something about it” - is being lived out wholeheartedly in this time of need. The prayer and practical support given by so many is wonderful, and is very much appreciated. It is hoped that this support will continue for the long road ahead. Kimbalee Clews

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C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t • September 2018 • Page 13

••• Vocation

Further study takes Fr Reynold abroad


ur priests undertake many years of study in while they are preparing for ordination to the priesthood, but it doesn’t stop there and throughout their ministry they are encouraged and supported to continue their learning and formation, something they greatly value. Parish Priest of Coonabarabran and Coonamble, Father Reynold Jaboneta, recently travelled to the USA to spend some time studying at The Liturgical Institute, University of St. Mary of the Lake, Chicago. The Institute serves a diverse international student population of laity, religious and clergy and aims to prepare students for a ‘new era in liturgical renewal’. Fr Reynold tells us a little about his studies… The Liturgical Institute “The purpose of the Sacraments is to sanctify men, to build up the body of Christ, and finally, to give worship to God” (Sacrosanctum Concilium no. 59) To sanctify, to build up and to give worship to God: I could say this became the framework of my studies at The Liturgical Institute.

While I was away, I wrestled with four subjects:• Liturgical Traditions of the East and West - this provided a comprehensive introduction to the rites and practices of the non-Roman Western Christian traditions and to the liturgy as celebrated by Eastern Christian churches (both Catholic and Orthodox).1 We had the

opportunity to attend a liturgy of The Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East, in the Archdiocese of Chicago, where Aramaic is the language of their liturgy; • Ritual, Symbol and Worship - the course description states that symbol is the ‘fundamental medium for religion and its ritual elaboration’. The nature and function of symbol and ritual in liturgical worship was considered and several topics examined for their relevance to the understanding of Catholic worship; • Music and Worship - where we examined the historic role of music in presenting the mysteries of the Christian faith. The official documents of the Church, particularly those produced during the 20th and early part of the 21st centuries, were studied and discussed; and • Reconciliation, Anointing and Death - the rites of the Church’s sacramental ministry to the sick and the dying, and her funeral liturgy, were placed in the context of an anthropology which expressed the paschal character and eschatological significance of a Christian’s illness and death. Thank you to Bishop McKenna and to the Diocese, to the parishioners of St Lawrence’s Coonabarabran/Baradine and Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Coonamble and to all priests who supplied for me. To each of you, from my heart, thank you... the garden, the church, the presbytery, my pet birds...God bless you. Father Reynold Jaboneta

DOMINICAN SISTERS OF ST CECILIA To contemplate and to give to others the fruits of our contemplation

Founded in Nashville, TN in 1860 Established in the Archdiocese of Sydney in 2007 and the Archdiocese of Melbourne in 2018 To learn more, visit, find us on facebook @dominicansistersaustralia, or contact the sisters at Page 14 • September 2018 • C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t


The Journey from Vietnam to Bathurst


was born in Vinh Hoa village, in Vietnam and I am the third child in a family of five. I grew up in a devout Catholic family and village where the majority of people are Catholic. There are approximately 1,800 parishioners in my home parish and making sticky rice cakes is a special occupation which is very famous. When I was a little boy, I went to Church twice a day and served at Mass as an altar boy. By attending daily Mass and serving in the church, I came to be inspired by the Holy Spirit and began to feel the call to the priesthood. My love for God and serving others was the divine motive which urged me to make the decision to follow my vocation to the priesthood. Being aware of my vocation, I began to focus more of my time on being with God, helping in the church and working with the youth of my parish. My love of serving people and the church led me into the Vinh Catholic Student Group at Thai Ha Parish in Hanoi, where I attended university in 2008. This was a great time for me, as I experienced a lot in terms of my life, faith and vocation. During my time in the Group I was the Head of the Communications Board and worked for some Vietnamese Catholic newspapers as a journalist. I also joined the Vocation Group in Thai Ha Parish and participated in some charitable works and youth activities in other parishes around the country. I first met Bishop Michael McKenna when I visited Archbishop Kiet in February 2012. At that time I was unable to speak a word of English, so Archbishop Kiet acted as my interpreter. I was very happy to see Bishop Michael and I believed that this meeting was a part of God’s plan for my life. In late 2013, I touched down in Australia and was sent to Dunedoo-

Nam with Bishop McKenna at Nam’s installation as a Lector Coolah parish, which became my I always tell myself that “my vocation first “home” in this country. The is first to God and his love, so different way of life and the culture wherever God is, I am”. This phrase surprised me at first, but the people helps and encourages me to overcome were very welcoming and showed the challenges that I face. Indeed, me lots of love. Throughout my time being a seminarian for the Diocese of in Australia, I have had the amazing Bathurst is very challenging, but also opportunity to experience the support a great privilege! and love of the people of our Diocese Thanks be to God for all the things in places such as Dunedoo, Coolah, that he has been doing in my life, Bathurst, Wellington and Cowra. especially in regard to my priestly In 2015, I was sent to the Seminary vocation. I would like to take this of the Good Shepherd in Homebush, opportunity to express my sincere Sydney. I have recently completed gratitude to the people of the Diocese my third year and I am currently of Bathurst for all their love, support spending a year in Mudgee Parish to and prayers. I pray that one day I will improve my English and learn more be serving you with the love of Christ. about parish life and culture. This Please do not forget to pray for me as year has been a great experience for I pray for you. me. I have really enjoyed my time with the friendly, lovely people in the Nam Le Dinh beautiful town of Mudgee.

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Vocation Awareness

Why did I become a Sister?



he most common question I am asked is, “Why did you become a Sister?” That’s probably the hardest question to answer.

Maybe married people get asked “How do you know that “he/she” is the one?” The answer is probably quite simple “You just know” by following your heart, following your deepest desire. A vocation is not a job. A vocation is your whole life. Simple, but profound all at once. Vocation comes from the Latin word vocare - “to name or call”. It takes great conviction to follow a vocation - to follow a call that you can’t really name or explain to others. Growing up in Australia from a Middle Eastern/ Mediterranean family, my faith was treasured and encouraged. Family values of support and care of one another, reaching out to others, knowing your family background were all explored and appreciated. One vocation was not put higher than the other. Priests and Religious were always respected and I knew growing up that all vocations through Baptism were valued. But how and when did I discover I might have a vocation to religious life?

Sr Rita Malavisi rsj

After finishing secondary school at Year 12, I was involved in youth leadership training in Rosies (held in Rosebud, Victoria in those days). It was through this training and involvement that I discovered that religious life would be an enormous gift to me, and to the Church. Mary MacKillop took her final vows on 8th December 1869 and the next year, she wrote this profound statement in a letter to her mother, Flora: “Believe in the whisperings of God to your own heart”. I listened to those whisperings and I realised that God was not asking me to be perfect. God was only asking me to be faith-filled. And so, using the vow formula for the Sisters of Saint Joseph, “I give myself completely to God, and I choose to express this commitment in joyful and loving service of God and the Church”, I made my commitment to religious life on 8th July 1989. So how did I know? I had a sense that my life without being a religious sister would somehow be incomplete. It was a call I sensed deep inside myself.

ng i l a e H f o e Women p o H d n a Nurturing relationships of compassion, justice, mutuality and healing

My life as a sister has opened new horizons for finding joy. Rita Malavisi rsj


C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t • September 2018 • Page 17

••• Vocation

Ministry Formation Program


he Diocese of the Bathurst introduced the Ministry Formation Program (MFP) at the end of last year. The program intends to inspire and equip women and men to work in different forms of ministry across the Diocese. This formation will give a basis for ongoing development to support the mission of the local church. It also gives participants the opportunity to further deepen their faith and understanding of our vocation as Baptised members of the church community. The first group of candidates are progressing well as MFP candidate, Kristie Newman reports: The MFP is now in full swing. We have settled into our routine of meeting each month and submitting assessments. We have all been challenged, learnt new skills and grown in our faith. In July, we came together at The Vale Lodge, Perthville. This gave us the opportunity to reflect on our journey so far, both as individuals and a group. We all agreed that the program has allowed us access to some extraordinary presenters. Each one has given us a new insight into our faith, building our knowledge and giving us the ability to better support our parishes. It has been a time of personal growth and development. It has given us time for discernment and a deeper appreciation of the gift of our faith. We have looked at the scriptures, the

sacraments and many other teachings. It was wonderful to recently share a session with members of the Diocesan Pastoral Council working group, Worshipping God in Prayer and Sacrament. This session was facilitated by Dr Clare Johnson, from Australian Catholic University, furthering our understanding of liturgy. We all feel privileged to have been given this opportunity and look forward to the rest of the program. Kristie Newman

Training for Extraordinary Ministers of Communion


ver recent months, our Ministries Team has been working closely with Bishop Michael to develop practical training for Extraordinary Ministers of Communion. Members of the team have visited a number of parishes to conduct training and provide important information about this crucial role. In July, Chancellor, Tony Eviston and Sr Alice Sullivan rsj visited St Joseph’s Parish, Gilgandra and spent time with the Extraordinary Ministers of Communion. This was a very enriching experience for those present.

Tony gave an outline of the theology of Eucharist and everyone agreed it is a privilege to assist at the Altar and to take Communion to those unable to come to Mass. He also spoke of the importance of having a Working with Children Check clearance and the process to obtain one.

The materials provided will be a great help in passing on this wonderful ministry to others, as well as keeping parish records. All Extraordinary Minister will receive a copy of the ‘Rite of Communion in the Home’.

Thank you Tony and Sr Alice for coming to Gilgandra in the cold to help us.

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Sr Robyn McNamara rsj


The Vocation of Married Life


arriage is a covenant that is a sacred, life-long interpersonal promise made between two people. It is directed toward the good of the couple and the procreation and education of their children.

As a sign of God’s love for us, the gift of marriage is a sacrament - a physical sign of a spiritual reality. Like God’s love, marriage is a full and unreserved gift, freely given, faithfully lived, and open to the fruitfulness of new life. Because the bond of marriage is an image of God’s love, a love which is never ending, it is a bond that cannot be broken. Like all vocations, Christian marriage is not an easy way of life, rather, it is a long path toward sanctification. This is because all vocations are an invitation to discipleship, to take up our cross and follow Christ. On the cross, Christ showed us that love seeks to give even when it hurts. Love demands self-sacrifice. Married couples who have reached old age together will testify that the moments of delight are never won without some pain and self-sacrifice. But in the same way that Jesus Christ showed us that love demonstrated in faithful perseverance and self-sacrifice brought him glory, it is the love won through patiently giving ourselves to our spouse and family that we find life’s greatest reward. Source: The Marriage Resource Centre

Blessing of Married Couples


n the morning of 7th October, Bishop McKenna will celebrate the annual Blessing of Married Couples Mass in the Cathedral of St Michael and St John, at 10.00am. Parishes have been encouraged to have their own celebrations on this day, acknowledging and supporting the vocation of married people.

Can you hear God’s call? You’ll never know unless you begin to open your heart in prayer to the possibilities; and then to speak to someone whose faith and judgment you trust. God does not usually reveal his will in a sudden dramatic way, but in the quiet steps of prayer, sacrament, service, reflection and sharing with other Catholics. Peter began to say to him, “See, we have left everything and followed you.” Jesus said, “Truly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or lands, for my sake and for the gospel, who will not receive a hundredfold now in this time, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions, and in the age to come eternal life.” (Mk 10:28-30)

For more information about exploring your vocation contact Fr Carl Mackander: or Fr Reynold Jaboneta: C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t • September 2018 • Page 19

Encounter, Achieve, Flourish


atholic Education Diocese of Bathurst (CEDB) has conducted some market research to provide further insights into why families choose to enrol their child into one of our Catholic schools. As we continue in our efforts to build thriving, sustainable schools, it is vitally important for our schools to successfully attract, welcome, enrol and retain students. The market research showed that parents are seeking first and foremost, a good school as defined by the quality of the teaching practices, one which is caring and acts always in the best interest of the child and one which supports the development of the whole child academically, spirituality, socially, emotionally and physically. The concept of best fit for the individual child is also a key consideration for parents. With such parental drivers, our schools are indeed well placed to attract and retain students. In relation to the sources of information that parents use to determine their choice of

school, it was perhaps not surprising that word of mouth and the input of family and friends were the key sources of information considered. At our term three principals meeting, the market research report and the sharing of current effective practice by schools in attracting and retaining families was workshopped. One of the key discussion points at the meeting was this assertion: The key to a successful promotion, enrolment and retention strategy is creating, fostering and nurturing relationships, with colleagues, peer schools, the wider community, parish members, and most importantly the families who choose our schools. In the last Observer, I extended an invitation to parishioners who may not be familiar with our schools, to take the opportunity to visit or to learn more about them. Our schools are an integral part of our parish communities. Given the role that word of mouth plays in drawing students to our schools, seeking ways to become familiar with the unique nature of each of our schools will

greatly enhance the frequency of that word of mouth recommendation. Parent, parishioner and community advocates for our schools is an important concept to nourish. CEDB, in partnership with Catholic Schools NSW, will be developing what can be referred to as an “advocacy toolkit” which will provide some practical tips. More information will follow in subsequent editions of the Catholic Observer. At the heart of all of these efforts is Jesus, whose mission we serve. Let us continue to pray and advocate for our schools, our faith filled, Christ centred professional learning communities. Encounter, Achieve and Flourish is our pastoral care and wellbeing frame for our schools, which in Wiradjuri is: ngan.girra, dhurarra, buwanha-gu. It is also our hope and vision for each student across our 33 remarkable schools. Join with me in proclaiming and affirming the good work of our schools.

Jenny Allen Executive Director of Schools

Holy Family Catholic School Kelso Holy Family Catholic School Kelso promotes high quality, integrated learning, in a fun environment

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How to make Year 12 the best year ever!


he Diocese of Bathurst recently engaged the services of Dr Justin Coulson, renowned speaker, author, researcher and psychologist. Dr Coulson visited Dubbo, Orange and Bathurst, speaking about topics previously identified by students, teachers and parents. The Year 10 presentation, “How to have a healthy relationship with your phone”, resonated with the students who were challenged to use their phone as a tool rather than a distraction, or a medium for questionable social media activities. Teachers were invited to afternoon sessions titled “Elevate How lifting others lifts you at work, at home and in life”. This topic aimed at developing strategies to empower and enable teachers to improve the wellbeing of others around them and, consequently, their own wellbeing. The presentation, accredited by the NSW Education Standards Authority, was valuable in supporting our Diocesan teachers in the stresses and demands placed on them. In the evenings, two-hour interactive sessions with the theme “How to make Year 12 the best year ever” were held. Year 11 and Year 12 students attended the professional learning with their parents, so both were hearing the same information and able to be interactive in their comments and questions. Building the capacity of parents to understand and support their children’s learning is a major focus in engaging them to

Parents with Year 11 and 12 students at the recent Professional Development evenings improve student learning outcomes. The number of parents in attendance and the positive feedback made this initiative rewarding and worthwhile for those who went. Parents were appreciative of the information around study strategies and ideas to support their children as they complete their high school studies. Thank you to Pauline Walkom and Vince Connor for organising this opportunity on behalf of Catholic Education, Diocese of Bathurst. Gerard Davies

Christmas Story Art Exhibition and Competition 2018


his year, all Diocesan primary school students in Year 5 and Year 6 are invited to submit artworks for the Christmas Story Art Exhibition and competition. As in previous years, workshops have been held with students and teachers in Term 2 with Orange artist and teacher at James Sheahan Catholic High School teacher, Mr Leslie Quick. Since May, students from all around the Diocese have been busily preparing their masterpieces to bring alive the story of Christmas. This year the exhibition will be held at Merrick Hall at Catholic Education, Diocese of Bathurst, 223 Gilmour St. Kelso.

The official opening will be at 11am on Thursday 20th September. Prizes are awarded to exemplary works by

Bishop Michael McKenna; Executive Director of Schools, Mrs Jenny Allen; Mayor of Bathurst, Mr Graeme Hanger; and a guest judge. The high standard of entries from previous years, can be viewed at http://christmasartbth.weebly. com/. The exhibition will be available for public viewing from Monday 24thFriday 28th September. If you would like to attend the official opening, please call Catholic Education, Diocese of Bathurst to RSVP by Monday 17th September on 6338 3000. We thank the Catholic Development Fund and Eckersley’s Art supplies for their continued and generous sponsorship of the exhibition. Joanne Stewart

C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t • September 2018 • Page 21

CSYMA Students RiseUP


he Diocesan student gathering RiseUP was held on 3rd August at the Orange Function Centre. This proved to be an incredible event with over 350 young people and teachers attending from secondary schools from across the Diocese. The students who attended were those who have opted to participate in the Catholic School Youth Ministry Australia (CSYMA) program implemented at their school this year.

The gathering featured key sessions from Roby Curtis from Blind Eye Ministry and focused on the theme of ‘Come and Follow Me’. This message was taken even deeper with music by Emmanuel Worship. The LaSallian Youth Team from Sydney ran a brilliant session and held workshops allowing students the opportunity to delve into the many areas covered in the presentations, forming small groups where students were able to share their thoughts, fears and their faith. The gathering was co-ordinated by our Diocesan CSYMA Youth Ministers: Alex Rushton, Nicole Misfud, Emily

Meeting new friends: Students from MacKillop Collge, Bathurst and St John’s College, Dubbo Bennett, Jemarnie Orge, Liz Bower and Tom Fiander. Our Youth Ministers facilitated the day beautifully, making

it a memorable event for all those who attended. Dr Angelo Belmonte

The Diocesan Youth Ministers: Alex, Jemarnie, Emily, Nicole, Liz and Tom Page 22 • September 2018 • C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t

Our amazing APs and Creative Co-ordinators


ur assistant principals and primary co-ordinators came together recently for a day of sharing and learning at Merrick Hall in Bathurst. The day was devoted to a focus on instructional leadership, particularly in Religious Education formation, understanding our SWANS (Students With Additional Needs), schools of the future, governance, and sharing and discussing school challenges and dilemmas. We were pleased with the engagement and productivity on the day and feel extremely fortunate to have this calibre of supportive leadership in our school communities. Janine Kearney

APs and Co-ordinators ‘expressing’ themselves

Meditation making its mark


ur Diocese is introducing meditation as part of our reflective Catholic tradition and in response to the increasing levels of anxiety that seem to be becoming part and parcel of our 21st Century culture. We believe that the development of the skill of being ‘still and calm’ in our busy world is one that will be of great benefit to our students. The Kindergarten children at St Lawrence’s, Coonabarabran are already confident and reflective little meditators, with this practice forming a small but important part of their school day. Janine Kearney Meditation makes a difference in this classroom

Great things come in small, colourful packages!


ou would appreciate the truth of this statement if you were to visit St Columba’s Primary School, Yeoval. This amazingly vibrant and engaging school community provides a wonderful Catholic education - and a barrel of fun for all. The recent school review affirmed the great work of the principal, teachers, students, parents and parish in ensuring that “Community, Catholicity and Creativity” are priorities, and a privilege that accompanies being part of this wonderful school community. Janine Kearney ‘Hanging Out’ at St Columba’s is fun C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t • September 2018 • Page 23

Living Laudato Si


OWRA: Staff and students of St Raphael’s Catholic School have this year been concentrating on living Pope Francis’ encyclical, ‘Laudato Si’. A focus of the encyclical is the relationship between global poverty, catastrophic inequality and gross consumerism, which leads to environmental destruction. The whole school has been examining the document and looking for ways to be better stewards of the Earth. As part of their retreat, staff members had a trip to the local materials recycling factory, to learn more about recycling and how to better implement it in their lives and workplace. Everyone was impressed and amazed with what happens at the facility. It is certainly something that as a town we can all be proud of. However, Religious Education Coordinator, Peta Bischof, said recycling should be our last line of defence. “The focus should be on refusing, reducing and reusing. The banning of single use plastic bags by supermarkets over the last few months has been very exciting”, she said. “It’s a shame not all people see this as a positive move”. Teacher, Danielle Gibbs, said the students had been learning about the impact of single use plastic bags and have written letters to the supermarkets involved, congratulating them on their decisions and supporting their efforts in corporate social responsibility. “Now we all need to develop good habits and remember to take our reusable bags. We should all take responsibility for doing the right thing - if we all keep buying new bags each time we go, the problem does not get solved at all. As for complaints about the cost, this is not a problem if you do the right thing and reuse”. Other initiatives the school is developing further are water harvesting, solar energy, paper and plastic recycling, reducing single use items, sustainable vegetable gardens, flora regeneration and promoting ‘nude food’. Some of the students’ letters… I think that banning single use plastic bags is an important step in caring for our environment. However I think more can be done such as replacing vegetable and fruit plastic bags with recyclable bags like mushroom bags and only selling mesh bags at the counter rather than the 15c bags. Thank you for starting a good initiative. D.W.

We are the Year 12 students at St Raphael’s Catholic School, Cowra and we would like to personally thank you for working towards a more sustainable future for us. Your recent decision to ban plastic bags and other forms of single use plastics, is the beginning of your contribution to reducing plastic in our environment. We have learnt that: • 10 million plastic bags are used a day in Australia and are one of the deadliest types of plastic pollution. • Plastic pollution affects at least 700 marine species. • Some estimates suggest that at least 100 million marine mammals are killed each year from plastic pollution. We hope this is the first step in reducing all other forms of plastics in grocery stores and will help the public of Australia to understand the negative impacts of plastic on our environment. We are glad you are upholding your corporate social responsibility and representing the ethical values of your future customers. Thank you. St Raphael’s Year 12 Myself, as well as many St Raphael’s students, are very thankful for your plastic bag ban. You’re helping our environment regardless of some people’s complaints. You’re doing what is truly right and good in this world by making a significant environmental change. We thank you very much. Isobelle

Everyone at St Raphael’s is very happy that you have banned the one use plastic bags. We are proud you have taken the idea and put it into real action. You are helping Australia and the world from pollution. We thank you. Annie Thank you for removing plastic bags. It has made a big impact on the environment. Thank you again for saving so many fish, whales, birds and other animals. Ky The decision to phase out single use plastic bags is an excellent initiative to change the future of the environment. I know it will significantly improve the state of the environment and raise awareness of environmental issues. Jack and Isaak Students at St Raphael’s Catholic School in Cowra appreciate the decision to ban plastic bags. Thank you for helping save the environment and encouraging others to be more environmentally friendly. We hope you continue to promote your great work, knowing that St Raphael’s students and many more people support you, and are backing the change. Kate Cheers for helping the environment by creating a plastic bag ban. We appreciate the decision as it is saving our community, native animals and improving our overall world. This is the start of a chain reaction we hope to see happen not only throughout Australia, but the world. Abbie

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NAIDOC Week celebrations


LAYNEY: NAIDOC Week was celebrated at St Joseph’s Primary School in July. It was a lovely way to begin our term, as it was the first time that our Y3 students joined with us as a school community to receive the Eucharist since making their First Holy Communion at the end of Term 2.

The theme of NAIDOC week this year was “Because of her, we can”. Students, teachers and members of St James’ Parish were able to engage and become culturally and spiritually enriched during our NAIDOC activities and Mass. St Joseph’s students engaged in some excellent activities organised by Miss Annika Dicker and Mrs Livingstone. These included sport games, research about inspiring Indigenous female leaders and traditional art activities using dot paintings inspired by nature.

Fr Paul Devitt with St Joseph’s students

Many thanks to Father Paul Devitt for celebrating this Mass with us and for sharing some of his knowledge of the Aboriginal language. At Mass it was said “Don’t say anything unless it is said with love”. We are reminded that when we respect each other, ourselves and the world in which we live, we are able to love and be loved. We have to continue to do this as our NAIDOC journey of learning at St Joseph’s goes on, not just in NAIDOC Week, but every day. Sally Ostini

Here is a great way to serve God in 2018! In 2018 we will need Special Religious Education (SRE) Teachers & Assistants. More men who have flexible working hours would be especially welcome! Could you be a Prayer Partner with a SRE Teacher & Assistant? OUR CHALLENGE FOR 2018 is to have.. SRE Teachers & Assistants for every Primary class in public schools A Prayer Partner for every SRE Teacher & Assistant Please note you will need a Working with Children Check number

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C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t • September 2018 • Page 25

Gardening Gurus at St Joseph’s


ORTLAND: The students at St Joseph’s are very excited as they get ready to pick their first piece of broccolini. They have also grown peas, cabbages and strawberries in the school garden. The garden came about as a result of the 2017 fundraising campaign run by the Year 6 students. It was their suggestion that the school purchase two garden beds so the younger children could experience the fun of growing fresh vegetables. The gardens are very easy to maintain and the Year 5/6 class have a roster for watering and weeding. So far the vegetables have thrived, even in our cold winter! The students understand the importance of looking after their plants and the commitment that is required to grow a small crop. All the children are praying for rain and for the farmers and their families throughout NSW. Robyn Nicholson

Sacred Heart’s Mission Day


OOLAH: Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School ended Term 2 with a bang, holding our Catholic Mission Day event, raising an amazing $276.65 (from a student population of only 26!). We were joined by the kids from the Coolah Pre-School and lots of parents and grandparents, which made the day even more special. Each of our Year 3 to Year 6 students had a stall of their own design, with activities ranging from selling ice-cream to sock wrestling. It was a wonderful day and we are all very proud of our students’ commitment to helping others.

Newton O’Dea

Whole School Liturgy


ITHGOW: On 2nd August, La Salle Academy held a whole school liturgy celebrating the life and legacy of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop. The liturgy was led by students in the Y9 CSYMA class, who conducted themselves very reverently. As a reflection during the liturgy, they performed a drama about Mary MacKillop’s life and ministry. All of the students involved are to be congratulated. Emily Bennet Youth Minister Page 26 • September 2018 • C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t

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Infants’ Dinosaur Excursion


ULGONG: On 19th June, the Infants’ children of All Hallows travelled to Bathurst to visit the Australian Fossil and Mineral Museum as part of their Science learning unit, ‘Dinosaurs and more’. On arrival, they listened to a talk about the history of the museum and explored the many minerals found there. After discussing how minerals can be found in the rock left after a volcano, the children observed an experiment using bi-carb soda and vinegar to create a volcanic eruption. They then entered the fossil section of the museum to view and discuss the dinosaur bones, eggs and fossils. The children particularly enjoyed the opportunity to create rubbings of different fossils and explore the amber with insects inside, using a magnifying glass to get a closer look. Following the Museum, we visited the Dinosaur Park. It was time for children to become little palaeontologists, digging up dinosaur bones in the sandpit and exploring the giant footprints throughout the park. Along with some other park fun, it was a fitting end to our dinosaur adventure. Alicia Menchin

RISEN - Formation for our future leaders


n the July school holidays, students gathered at Shalom House of Prayer, Carcoar for formation as youth leaders. The training was led by our Diocesan Youth Ministers Emily Bennett, Lithgow; Elizabeth Bowmer, Orange; Tom Fiander, Dubbo; Nicole Mifsud, Bathurst and Alex Rusten, Mudgee. This experience equipped the students to develop skills to be used in a retreat or within the school community. The St John’s College, Dubbo rock band, Decimal Point provided fantastic music throughout the retreat. Seminarian, Karl Sinclair, was musical director, assisted by vocalists Niamh Sinclair and Emily Bennett. Dale Pangilinan from James Sheahan Catholic High School, Orange said “During RISEN, my friends and I were trained to be leaders for the RISE Youth Festival in October later this year. We were also given the opportunity to make new friends and to be closer to God through activities such as Reconciliation and group discussions. It was a wonderful experience”. Thomas Gray from St John’s College, Dubbo said, “I enjoyed the music, the people and the way we got to collaborate and learn to become leaders”.

Kayleen Mortlock from Mackillop College Bathurst said, “It was a great opportunity for me to further discover and strengthen my relationship with God. RISEN was one of the most eye opening and enjoyable experiences I’ve had and I look forward to meeting with everyone again and creating even more memorable moments in October at Perthville”.

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Joanne Stewart

Making Maths Relevant


UDGEE: Four students from St Matthew’s Catholic School are rocking-it-out in this year’s CHOOSEMATHS Competition, being selected among the top 10 finalists from across Australia. The ‘Nerdicorns’ team had to create a short video based on the theme ‘Our World Needs Maths’, explaining a mathematical problem, or the application of mathematics in an entertaining way. ‘Nerdicorns’ member, Jessica Nipperess, says the competition has been a rewarding process and shown her a new side to maths. “Having almost got into the finals last year, we threw ourselves into it again and the experience was worth all the trouble. I really enjoyed the challenge of the project, working with friends and being able to combine maths with creativity, Jessica said. The ‘Nerdicorns’ will travel to Melbourne to accept their award at the CHOOSEMATHS Students Awards in early September. Sandra Egan, Mathematics Teacher at St Matthew’s Catholic School, says the girls have worked extremely hard to create, produce and submit a video of this quality. “It is hard to believe that they are only in Y7 and have already made such an impact. “The competition is a great opportunity to highlight the application of mathematics in the real world and show the students how skills can be carried on beyond their schooling lives. We are so lucky to have such committed students who value their own contribution to making maths relevant”, Mrs Egan said.

Lara Disher, Jessica Nipperess, Rikeya Alhovirta and Anthea Kearins Another member of the ‘Nerdicons’, Jason Hanrahan, Principal at St Lara Disher, said although the planning Matthew’s, says as finalists, the girls are and filming for the competition took up showing other students that learning a lot of their free time, it allowed all four goes beyond the classroom and can be of the girls to work collaboratively. “We entertaining at the same time. “This is have spent multiple weekends meeting a wonderful achievement for the School up with one another. We have been and we are so proud of the girls! It shows jumping in rivers, flying drones and the fabulous way our teachers have sewing costumes, all while making the instilled a love of learning creatively in our students. These opportunities are video”, said Lara. st “Travelling to Melbourne for the first invaluable for the development of 21 century skills such as creative thinking time to attend the awards ceremony as a finalist team is an amazing and and problem solving”, he said. unexpected reward for all our hard work”. Lara’s mother Rachel says the whole While the students voluntarily experience has been very rewarding for participated in the competition, St the girls and puts them on a level playing Matthew’s offered ongoing support field with students all over Australia. where needed. “This competition is “Despite living in a little country town in student-led, so teacher involvement is regional NSW, the girls can compete with very limited, but we helped as much students across the country and succeed. as we could. During this process, our What better way to have your hard work Maths Department offered weekly rewarded then to receive a return trip to tutoring sessions and student support”, Melbourne for the awards ceremony”. Juanita Egan Mrs Egan said.

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News from Stannies RESPECT Week


n August, students and staff focused on the meaning of the word RESPECT and its application in practice at the College and within the broader community.

Each morning during RESPECT week, students in their tutor groups participated in a range of activities that focused on embedding respect within the Stannies community and into one’s personal life. To celebrate the conclusion of the week, each student was issued with a wristband containing the following message: Respectful, Responsible Learner Stannies: It’s a privilege, not a right. Bleed blue and white. Stannies students leading the way when it comes to Respect

This message was composed by two of our senior students, Paul Mongta and Fletcher Smith.

Year 5 Experience Day


arlier this month, over 120 Year 5 boys from The Assumption, Cathedral, Holy Family, St Philomena’s and St Joseph’s, Blayney and Oberon visited the St Stanislaus’ College for a Year 5 Experience Day. Our visitors were welcomed in the College Performing Arts Centre where they joined in a Q and A session about Stannies with Year 7 students. For the rest of the day they enjoyed a range of different activities, including programming and constructing robots before a battle, participating in a sports circuit, learning how to play the popular song ‘Havana’ on the ukulele, rehearsing for a drama performance, touring the school and a BBQ lunch.

Kobi, James, Mac and Brendan from St Joseph’s Primary School, Oberon visiting Stannies

A successful day was had by all with many new friends made between Year 5 boys from local Catholic primary schools and Stannies’ students. We look forward to many more interactions! Dr Anne Wenham

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Page 30 • September 2018 • C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t

Confirmation at St John The Baptist

Forbes eisteddfod success


UGOWRA: On 24th June, Bishop Michael McKenna Confirmed five students from St Joseph’s Catholic School, Eugowra, at a Mass concelebrated by Parish Priest, Fr Laurie Beath. Celeste Gavin, Jack Fazzari, Lachlan Haynes, Eve Moore, Kirbie Mongan prepared for this special Sacrament with their teacher, Mrs Rosemary Townsend, and were blessed by the Holy Spirit with fellow students, family, friends and parishioners as their witness and support. All enjoyed a celebratory cake and supper afterwards. Sarah de Lange


n June, after nearly 10 years since their last participation in an eisteddfod, St Joseph’s students excelled in a performance at the Forbes Eisteddfod Small Schools Choir. Being presented with a first place certificate and trophy was most exciting for all the children and their teachers. Thanks must go to not only the children for their efforts, but also to music teacher, Nerida Cuddy, for preparing the them. Well done everyone!

Fr Laurie Beath and Bishop McKenna with the Confirmandi

Sarah de Lange

And the winner is…


UNEDOO: St Michael’s Primary School have been successful in applying for a grant of $3,000. This is one of five grants offered by the Independent Education Union and sponsored by Teacher Mutual Bank, to help with environmental projects. Teacher at St Michael’s, Sally Dent, co-ordinated the submission for the School, describing St Michael’s as a small, rural school community with 38 students. The School’s vision is for an outdoor classroom to expand the current curriculum, with practical environmental projects to improve understanding of our impact on the environment. “It will provide a communal learning space not only for the students but also for the wider community of Dunedoo. The aim is to utilise this space as a platform for further environmental projects, such as partnering with the new solar farm to learn about conserving energy, working with the

Sally Dent and students at St Michael’s excited about the new outdoor classroom local Landcare to create a seed bank we look forward to seeing the outdoor and developing our natural school classroom in action. grounds”, Sally said. Congratulations to St Michael’s and

Kimbalee Clews

C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t • September 2018 • Page 31

New secondary campus for St Matthew’s, Mudgee


ishop Michael McKenna has approved a decision to move forward with the construction of a new secondary campus of St Matthew’s Catholic School, Mudgee after receiving a recommendation from the Diocesan Catholic Education Council.

Bishop McKenna also received the support and consent of the Diocesan Finance Council and the Diocesan Consultors to progress the project. The second campus of the existing St Matthew’s Catholic School is planned to be constructed on the Broadhead Road site in South Mudgee. St Matthew’s will continue as a K-12 school, with the K-6 campus retained on the current school site in Lewis Street.



A TH Fr Paul Devitt, EV AN PR DE Episcopal Vicar IL L XC E L LE NCE W for Education for the Diocese, said “These are the very first steps in a long journey ahead. The project is a major undertaking and there is significant work required in planning and preliminaries before construction can begin”.


This is the result of a long period of consultation and examination of various options with the St Matthew’s Mudgee Capital Works Reference Group, the school management and staff, and the wider Mudgee community, facilitated by personnel from Catholic Education, Diocese of Bathurst.

This will be the largest single investment the Catholic Diocese of Bathurst has made in the development of education in the Diocese, with a project budget of $30 million.

“All new schools are considered as a State Significant Development and as such, require State Government approval, which alone could take up to 12 months”, he said. The Diocese will work closely with the Mid-Western Council and State Government departments to meet the necessary local and state government requirements in order to move forward. “This is an exciting step in ensuring the future of quality Catholic education in the growing Mudgee region”, said Fr Devitt. Further updates will be provided as the development of this project progresses. Kimbalee Clews

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Page 32 • September 2018 • C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t

Canberra Excursion


ULGONG, DUNEDOO and COOLAH: All Hallows School, Gulgong Year 5 and Year 6 were joined by students from St Michael’s, Dunedoo and Sacred Heart, Coolah to enjoy a four day action packed excursion to Canberra recently. Apart from having a wonderful time and making new friends, we learnt a lot about democracy, Australian history and our nation’s capital. We visited the National Exhibition Centre and learnt about Canberra and we had a wonderful time exploring Questacon. We also had a tour of Parliament House and visited the War Memorial. We had the opportunity to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, pay respect to the soldiers that each child had researched and reflect on the wonderful artefacts on display. “I really liked the War Memorial and being able to watch the videos of the wars. I also really enjoyed putting a poppy next to my soldier’s name. It was really nice to just reflect on what he and other soldiers have done for our country. When we walked into the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, I was amazed at how big it was. I was surprised at how the builders completed it - the dome, the tomb, the pillars and mosaics all blew me away. The Australian War Memorial gave me a better understanding of the war and another layer of respect for the soldiers”. Phoenix “At the snow we had a snowball fight against the teachers. I had this really big one and got Ms Statham in the face! Obviously, we beat the teachers! Ella “Year 5 & 6 went to Canberra for 4 days. After a long 6 hour drive, we heard a little story of how Canberra was built. We went to Laser Tag and beat the teachers like we said we would! At our hotel, we were split into groups of 3 or 4 for our rooms. We visited The Mint, Old and New Parliament Houses, the Australian Institute of Science, Telstra Tower, Questacon, the War Memorial and the snow. Gulgong, Dunedoo and Coolah had heaps of fun”. Ally Katrina Isbester C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t • September 2018 • Page 33

World Rosary - coast to coast across Australian schools


ountries around the world are joining to hold global Rosary rallies on 7th October 2018, The Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary.

This year, the National Rosary across Schools is hoping that local schools will join in with this initiative. Although it occurs in the school holidays, we are hoping that schools can participate on Thursday the 27th September at 10.30am or sometime in the last week of the school term in NSW.

The initiative started in Poland with over 1 million Catholics on their borders on 7th October 2017. It then spread progressively from country to country. In May this year, Australia held Oz Rosary in over 250 locations, with some schools involved. Countries involved include USA, Poland, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Lebanon, Denmark, India, Mexico, and Panama.

Australian intentions for the World Rosary will be family, rekindling of faith, continued Godly protection and, of course, our youth. Schools can register your participation at the following OzRosary website You can also follow updates on the National Schools Rosary Facebook Site at https://bit. ly/2MxjEDG Jane Chifley

Founders’ Day


UBBO: St John’s College celebrated Founders’ Day on the final day of Term 2. The day was one where staff and students called to mind the LaSallian and Mercy legacies of the College. The College houses play a significant role on Founders’ Day, as they are named in honour of this joint legacy. La Salle and McAuley houses are named after the founders of the two religious congregations, while the other two houses, Lennon and Moore, are named after Br Julian Lennon and Sr Therese Moore, who played significant roles in the early days of the College. Staff and students commenced the day with a liturgy, followed by a range of activities to foster house and school spirit, including the St John’s Amazing Race and annual talent quest.

Fr Greg Kennedy and Mrs Kerry Morris with LaSalle house leaders

This year’s celebrations had special significance with the opening and blessing of gardens dedicated to the four house patrons. The construction and design of the gardens was overseen by Mr Mark Scullard and Mr Kirk Watts, who aimed to create usable, interactive spaces to immerse students. Within each garden are large signs containing three words which encapsulate the spirit of the house patron. These words provide opportunities for staff and students alike to contemplate the Christian example of these men and women, whose legacies are pivotal to the College. Each garden also contains plaques outlining the history of each founder and a prayer which encompasses their spirituality. Parish Priest, Fr Greg Kennedy, blessed the new gardens accompanied by College Principal, Mrs Kerry Morris and the captains of each house. Sandy Abbey

Maddi Burden, Sophie Anderson and Mrs Elissa Burden

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Papal Award for Helen


ishop Michael McKenna recently presented Mrs Helen Howard, from Bathurst, with an award from Pope Francis. The Cross Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice is bestowed by the Pontiff for distinguished service to the Church and is the highest medal that can be awarded to the laity by the Pope. A Diocesan Bishop may petition the Holy See, providing biographical information for someone he feels deserves to receive the award, which dates back to 1888.

Recently retired after 47 years of service at the Chancery and Catholic Development Fund, Bishop Michael thought Helen a worthy candidate. He asked the Holy Father to grant the award as a tangible sign of appreciation for Helen’s many decades of service to our local church.

of our Development Fund”, Bishop Michael said.

“For many years, she has built solid and trusted relationships with the clergy, religious and laity of the entire Diocese. Her good work has been regular and reliable and to many, she is the ‘face’

Helen joined the Bishop and her former colleagues for prayer in the Chancery Chapel on 21st June, where Bishop Michael blessed her and presented her with her medals and certificate.

Bishop Michael and Helen - The Cross Pro Ecclesia Helen was overwhelmed and humbled to receive the award. Both she and her family have expressed their deep gratitude to the Bishop for acknowledging her long commitment to the Diocese in this very special way. Fiona Lewis

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C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t • September 2018 • Page 35



Cathedral restoration progress continues


he restoration of the Cathedral of St Michael and St John continues to progress well, with the stone and brick repointing of the Keppel Street side of the Cathedral and Sacristy now completed. The sandstone at the base of the building was exposed after the concrete that had covered it was removed to allow for the damaged stones to be replaced. Stonemasons from Stone Restorations have also replaced the stone crosses on the Sacristy. New plumbing, electrical and flooring in the Sacristy is due for completion by end of September. Development Application lodged for the next stage A Development Application has been lodged for the next significant stage of the project, which will include the proposed changes to the landscape, upgraded bathroom facilities and a new entry through the area currently used by the Cathedral Gift Shop. Options explored for the Cathedral’s interior With the completion of the Blessed Sacrament Chapel flooring, the Restoration Committee has been reviewing the feedback and experience of the current temporary liturgical layout of the interior of the Cathedral and is considering the next steps in our restoration journey. After extensive consultation and debate, it has been determined that the historic High Altar should be restored to its original condition, with the relief of the fallen Jesus (removed in the 1983 changes) to be reinstated. At the same time, the sanctuary platform constructed in the

1983 renovation will be removed, exposing the original terrazzo features, and lowering the floor level back to the original levels. Once this work has been completed, an alternative temporary layout of the Cathedral’s seating plan will be trialled. This option will move to a more traditional cruciform shape with the altar located behind the graves of Bishop Matthew Quinn and Dean John Grant, which lie beneath the beam that joins the two pillars. Seating will remain in the former Blessed Sacrament Chapel space, and will share a side view of the altar with the seating in the Keppel Street side of the Cathedral, which will also contain the music ministry, in its former location. The rationale for these changes is that it creates a key focus for the Sanctuary, visible from both the nave and the transepts on either side. Seating will also be closer on these three sides. The Blessed Sacrament will be reserved in the tabernacle within the High Altar. The side aisles in the nave will have the seating removed to give the Cathedral a more spacious feel, with temporary seating to be available to be used on the occasions it is required.

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This trial will be in place from the end of September for several months. At the conclusion of the trial, parishioners will be given the opportunity to provide feedback on the alternative layout. Cathedral Restoration partners thanked for their support Phil Burgett, Chair of the Cathedral Restoration Management Committee, recently made presentations to the partners of Raine and Horne, as well as to Steph Camplin and Phil Cole representing Stereo 2BS/B-Rock. Partners were presented with a framed reproduction of an original watercolour of the Cathedral by William Tibbet (1837-1906), acknowledging their continued support of the restoration of the Cathedral. We thank you for your patience and willingness to assist us as we continue to restore our Cathedral.

Steph Camplin, Phil Burgett and Phil Cole

Grant Maskill-Dowton, Michelle Mackay and Matt Clifton with Phil Burgett

Please give generously to the Cathedral Restoration Appeal. Donations can be made:

In Person ~ Catholic Chancery Office Bathurst, or your local Parish Office By Phone ~ 1800 451 760 By email ~ Online ~ where you will find more information. Or via the app ~ Cathedral Restoration Appeal Donations over $2 are tax deductible C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t • September 2018 • Page 37

A Place to Call Home


he Australian Catholic Bishops’ Social Justice Statement for 201819 is titled A Place to Call Home: Making a home for everyone in our land. It confronts the growing challenge of homelessness and housing insecurity in Australia. The latest census figures show that more than 116,000 Australians are homeless - something unacceptable for a rich and well-resourced nation like ours. Yet these people are only the tip of the iceberg: welfare agencies report growing numbers of families and individuals struggling to meet the cost of mortgages or rents and turning to specialist housing services, which are often unable to meet demand. The scriptural basis of the Statement is Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30–35), about an outsider who does something that rich and influential men refuse to do: he stops to help a man in desperate need, takes him to safety and pays for his care. The Statement also draws on the example of Pope Francis, who has reached out to men and women on the streets of Rome and reminded us forcefully of the rights of people experiencing homelessness around the world. Homelessness is a challenge for all levels of society: for government, for Church and community, and for us as individuals. Each one of us can make a difference and, when we join with others, we can be a real force for change that ensures everyone has a place to call home. Please keep this in mind as we celebrate Social Justice Sunday on 30th September. The Social Justice statement is available to read at: Source: Australian Catholic Social Justice Council

St Joseph’s Heritage and Conference Centre, Perthville The St Joseph’s Heritage and Conference Centre offers retreat, conference and accommodation facilities for groups, offering day, overnight, short or long stays. It is ideal for prayer days, retreats or work related conferences. The beautiful onsite Chapel is available to guests. • 14th-21st October. A six-day retreat “Leaning Together” Biblical reflections on living with pressure, with self and with others. Bernard McGrath osb. Cost: $660 • 11-18th November. A six-day retreat “Time and Space with the Lord”. A morning talk, afternoon voluntary shared reflection. This retreat will foster silence offering both community silent prayer and time for individual silent prayer. Fr Steve Sinn sj. Cost: $660. • 4th December. Advent Prayer and lunch hosted by the Sisters of St Joseph. St Joseph’s, Perthville, 11.00 am. RSVP: 28th November.

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Vale Sr Fidelma Travis rsj 27th November 1921-18th June 2018


t Joseph’s Chapel Perthville was filled with family, Sisters and friends for the Mass of Christian Burial for Sr Fidelma Travis who died peacefully at St Catherine’s Aged Care, Bathurst on 18th June. Bishop Michael McKenna presided at the Mass with eight priests concelebrating. Sr Fidelma was born Eileen Travis in Gulgong in 1921 to parents Joseph and Catherine Travis. One of nine children (four of whom died before Eileen was born), she grew up with her three brothers and one sister in Gulgong and then in Dunedoo. Eileen was educated by the Sisters of St Joseph in both towns, being the first student to successfully sit for, and gain, the Intermediate Certificate in Dunedoo. She entered the Convent at Perthville on 8th December 1937 as Sister Mary Fidelma of the Holy Family and was professed on 3rd October 1940. Musically gifted, Fidelma gained an A Mus.A in both piano (1943) and singing (1947) as well as certificates in violin and harmony. Fidelma was a very talented music teacher who helped many students of all faiths to fulfil their musical ability in Millthorpe, Yeoval, Stuart Town, Perthville, Canowindra, Molong, Portland, Oberon, Blayney, West Bathurst, Coonabarabran and Gulgong. She successfully trained many choirs for eisteddfods. In 1978, Fidelma was missioned to

Years at Strathfield followed, where Fidelma entertained the seniors in hostels and nursing homes with her music. She was also the accompanist to a professional violinist and to the string quartet at Christian Brothers, Strathfield.

the newly established John XXIII Community at Modbury, Adelaide as a member of the parish team responsible for liturgy and co-ordination of the catechetical programme. This was a time of great significance to Fidelma for which she was ever grateful. She proved to be a natural for this ministry and she both blossomed in her natural skills and helped build this new parish community. She returned to the Diocese of Bathurst in 1984 and took on liturgy and school/parish liaison ministry in Blayney and then parish ministry and liturgy at West Bathurst. In 1990, Fidelma retired to North Ryde and engaged in hospitality and visitation, particularly of the mentally ill patients at Macquarie Hospital.

Fidelma was blessed to be able to live independently in Bathurst during her failing years. Then, with ill health, she was pleased to enjoy the care she received in the beautiful, new St Catherine’s. Fidelma remained very faithful to her daily prayer and visits to the Blessed Sacrament, even when her body was reluctant to move. She kept a friendly relationship with her family and her many music exstudents, who remained loyal to her right up until her death. Sister Fidelma’s love of music and beautiful things remained an ongoing support to her. She brought a lot of joy and laughter to the world, and to the Sisters, through her gift of music and singing. Often, she was spontaneously drawn to a piano and people would gather around her for a sing-song or a dance. She was thrilled to celebrate her 75th Jubilee of Profession at Mary MacKillop Place, North Sydney in 2015 with the other Sister jubilarians, at the invitation of the Congregational Leadership Team. May she rest in peace. Sr Therese McGarry

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