The Joyful Commission - February 2020

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February 2020

Monthly newsletter of the Catholic community in Orange District

the joyful COMMISSION

Visit of the Relics of St Thérèse of Lisieux and her parents St Zélie and St Louis Martin Friday 28th & Saturday 29th February 2020

surrender discipleship mission

The Parish of St Mary & St Joseph is a healthy, growing Catholic community that worships God, welcomes the searcher, and invites people to a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. Members of our community surrender their life to Jesus through an experience of the Holy Spirit, commit to life-long discipleship, and joyfully accept the mission to go out and make disciples.





Sign up for Alpha today. Our first season for 2020 begins on Tuesday 18th February. Register here:

Friday 28th & Saturday 29th February we will receive the relics of the Martin family in Molong and Orange.

Have you or someone you know been considering becoming Catholic? Find out how to begin the process.

Preparation for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion is about to begin. Don’t miss the parent meeting.

A Wo r d f r o m t h e P a s t o r

A Month of Blessings Fr Greg Bellamy Parish Priest

February is a very busy month which, I think, will be full of special blessings for our community. There are many opportunities coming up to grow in your faith and in fellowship with other Christians. ALPHA Our first public season of Alpha last year was a great success. God really blessed us. As you can see in this edition of The Joyful Commission, so many people in our local community had a fantastic experience, even a life-changing experience. I am certain good fruit will flow from Alpha in the life of our parish. If you have been coming to Mass for years and feel like you need an experience of encouragement and support, then Alpha is for you. If you are feeling lonely or there have been life-changes recently that have left you feeling somewhat disoriented, then Alpha is for you. If you are not sure what you believe or you can go on having faith, then Alpha is for you. If you are searching for meaning and somewhere to belong, then Alpha is for you. If you are young or if you are older, then Alpha is for you. Our first Alpha for 2020 commences on Tuesday evenings at 6.00pm on 18th February in Kenna Hall and is already half full. I encourage you to have a go this year. Register at: ST THERESE AND HER PARENTS VISIT ORANGE I am very excited that the relics of St Thérèse of Lisieux, ‘the Little Flower’ along with the relics of her parents St Zélie Martin and St Louis Martin will be visiting Molong on Friday 28th February and Orange on 28th-29th February as part of a national pilgrimage. The relics are in Australia for several months and this a rare opportunity to connect in a tangible way to three saints whose lives

have inspired people all over the world. The details of the visit are in this magazine. During February more details of how you can be involved, including special periods of prayer for particular groups and particular needs, will be advertised. THE ORDINATION OF TWO NEW PRIESTS Friday 21st February will be a joyous occasion for our Diocesan family. At 7.30pm in the evening we will celebrate the ordination of two new priests in the Cathedral in Bathurst. It has been many years since two men have been ordained together in our Diocese. After ordination, Deacon Dong Nguyen will be assistant priest in Mudgee while Deacon Karl Sinclair will be assistant priest here in Orange and Molong parishes. I would like to invite all our local community to make the journey to Bathurst on Friday 21st to be present at the ordination. Deacon Karl will be working here with us and it would be wonderful if we could support him spiritually and practically through our presence in Bathurst. On that day, our Mass in St Joseph’s will take place at 9.30am in the morning and there will be no evening Mass. Please consider coming to Bathurst that day and offering our two new priests your welcome and support. An ordination is a good occasion to encourage our young people to consider a vocation to the priesthood or religious life. God is calling young people to serve him in these ways and the Church cannot be fully herself without religious and priestly vocations. If you are a young person considering where God may be calling you, please feel free to speak to one of the priests or religious sisters in our parish. To all our community: please pray for vocations and encourage our young people to be open to God’s call. Answering God’s call is not a threat to our freedom and dignity, but the very path to joy and fulfilment.

BLESSING OF CANDLES This weekend of 1st & 2nd February we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, also called ‘Candlemass’, 40 days after the birth of Jesus. During the presentation of the baby Jesus in the Jerusalem Temple, the prophet Simeon and the prophetess Anna recognised that the baby was the Light to all the nations. The Feast of the Presentation is the day on which all candles used for Christian prayer are blessed. Each candle is itself a little symbol of the light of Christ. Representatives of our Orange Catholic schools will be attending the 9.30am Sunday Mass with their school candles. BLESSING OF THROATS This Monday 3rd February we will celebrate the feast day of St Blaise. Blaise was a Bishop in Armenia in the 4th C e n t u r y. H e b e c a m e famous because he was reputed to have miraculously cured a little boy who nearly died because of a fishbone caught in his throat. From the 8th Century, St Blaise has been invoked on behalf of all the sick. Traditionally, on the feast day of St Blaise two unlit candles blessed on the Feast of the Presentation are held in a cross shape to bless the throats of all the faithful, praying for healing and protection from serious illness. The blessing of throats will occur at the 5.45pm Mass Monday 3rd February at St Joseph’s, Orange.

February 2020 1/2 February - Blessing of Candles on the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord at all weekend Masses (also called ‘Candlemass) 3 February - Feast of St Blaise: Blessing of Throats during 5.45pm Mass at St Joseph’s, Orange 5 February - First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion Parent Information Meeting 18 February - Alpha commences in Kenna Hall (register at 21 February - Priestly Ordination of Rev. Dong Nguyen and Rev. Karl Sinclair 7.30pm at the Cathedral in Bathurst (Regular Parish Mass 9.30am at St Joseph’s - no evening Mass at St Joseph’s)

New School Year Opening Masses 4 February 9.30am St Mary’s at St Mary’s School Hall 7 February 9.10am James Sheahan at Mercy Hall 8 February 6.00pm St Joseph’s Manildra at St Michael’s 12 February 9.15am St Joseph’s Molong at St Lawrence’s 13 February 9.30am Catherine McAuley at St Joseph’s

26 February - Ash Wednesday - 8.00am Mass at St Joseph’s, Orange - 9.10am Mass at Mercy Hall, Orange (James Sheahan attending) - 9.15am Mass at St Lawrence’s, Molong (St Joseph’s Molong attending) - 10.00am Mass at St Joseph’s , Orange (St Mary’s & Catherine McAuley attending) - 10.30am Mass at Manildra (St Joseph’s Manildra attending) - 5.45pm Mass at St Joseph’s, Orange 28/29 February - Veneration of the Relics of St Therese of Lisieux and her parents, St Zelie Martin & St Louis Martin

M ak in g Dis c ip le s

Alpha Launches Soon! Carla Ghisla Director of Mission

We are excited to launch our second season of Alpha on Tuesday February 18th, 6pm in Kenna Hall. Thanks to the many of you who invited your family and friends to Alpha- we are already at over half our capacity for guest registrations.

I would encourage you to give yourself the gift of Alpha and see where God might wish to lead you. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I commend the journey to you and wish you God’s blessings on it.

Alpha is a great way to meet people, explore the Christian faith and talk about the deeper issues of life. Each Alpha evening starts with dinner, has a video session and an opportunity for discussion. Everyone is welcome and no question is off limits. Alpha is completely cost free.

I’ve got post-Alpha withdrawal

If you are looking for more from life, there's still time to come join us at Alpha, register at We can’t wait to meet you! Give Yourself the Gift of Alpha by Catherine Coster

by Martin Blumenthal I really enjoyed Alpha. It was so great meeting the people in my group. Some of us were a bit unsure to begin but everyone really warmed up by the end. I’m suffering from post-Alpha withdrawal. I miss the Tuesday night meal, I miss the laughs with my group. Definitely looking forward to the next step.

I have been blessed to have experienced the Alpha journey twice in my life and both times have had my shaky faith enriched and deepened. I grew up in a household where my mother was a devoted Catholic and my father a devoted and vocal atheist, so trusting in God has been a struggle for me. Alpha provided me with a two-fold experience: I received an objective view of the Christian religion and for the first time I saw my faith through an evidenced based, well researched lens. It was also the vehicle where I experienced the Holy Spirit’s love for me and gained healing for wounds I had barely acknowledged.

Alpha begins 6.00pm Tuesday 18th February in Kenna Hall Register today:

I would like to invite you If you are looking for more from life, join us at ALPHA, which launches on the evening of Tuesday 18th February 2020. Register today:

Visit of the Relics of St Thérèse of Lisieux and her parents St Zélie and St Louis Martin

Alpha is a great way to meet people, explore the Christian faith and talk about the deeper issues of life. Each Alpha evening starts with dinner, has a video session and has an opportunity for discussion. Everyone is welcome and no question is off limits. Alpha is completely cost free.

3.00 - 4.30pm at St Lawrence’s Molong: Welcome, Liturgy, Devotions, Veneration.

What our guests in Orange are saying:

5.30pm Welcome at St Joseph’s, Orange and procession of relics into the church.

“Alpha is for everyone, not just Catholics. I think everyone would get something out of it. You have to give it a go. We really enjoyed it and we recommend it to everyone.” - Leanne & Duncan “I really enjoyed Alpha. It was so great meeting the people in my group. Some of us were a bit unsure to begin but everyone really warmed up by the end.” - Martin “I loved being able to share about my faith. There were people with all different beliefs in our group and as everyone shared their view, each person was respected.” - Grace “It’s amazing - a bunch of strangers has become a community that really cares about each other. We encourage one another in life it’s a real support network.” - Carmel

Friday 28th February 2020

5.45pm Opening Mass with the relics at St Joseph’s, Orange, followed by veneration, devotions, readings, confessions, and silent prayer, concluding at 9.30pm.

Saturday 29th February 2020 9.00am - 3.00pm at St Joseph’s Orange: veneration, devotions, readings, confessions, silent prayer. 6.00pm Final Mass at St Joseph’s Orange followed by veneration till 8.00pm. 8.00pm Farewell relics from parish with procession from Church at St Joseph’s, Orange. Blessed medals of St Thérèse will be available during veneration of the relics.

Visit of the Relics of the Martin Family

A Family of Saints Visits 28th & 29th February 2020 Molong & Orange

THE WATCHMAKER - Louis Martin Louis Martin (1823 - 1894) was a watchmaker by trade, and quite a successful one. He also skillfully managed his wife's lace business. But, as with so many men, Louis' life had not turned out at all the way he had planned. Born into a family of soldiers, Louis spent his early years at various French military posts. He absorbed the sense of order and discipline that army life engenders. His temperament, deeply influenced by the peculiar French connection between the mystical and the military, tended toward things of the spirit. Eventually, Louis settled down in Alencon, a small city in France, and pursued his watchmaking trade. He loved Alencon. It was a quiet place and he was a quiet man. It even had a lovely trout stream nearby, offering him the opportunity to pursue his favorite recreation. At twenty-two, young Louis sought to enter religious life at the monastery of the Augustinian Canons of the Great St. Bernard Hospice in the Alps. The blend of courage and charity the monks and their famous dogs manifested in rescuing travelers in Alpine snows appealed powerfully to Louis Martin. Unfortunately, the Abbot insisted the young candidate learn Latin. Louis, whose bravery would have carried him to the heights of the Alps in search of a lost pilgrim, got himself lost among the peaks and valleys of Latin syntax and grammar. His most determined efforts failed. He became ill and dispirited, and abandoned his hopes for the monastic life.

THE LACE MAKER - Zelie Guerin Zelie Guerin (1831 - 1877) was one of Alencon's more talented lace makers. Born into a military family, Zelie described her childhood and youth as "dismal." Her mother and father showed her little affection.

As a young lady, she sought unsuccessfully to enter the religious order of the sisters of the Hotel-Dieu. Zelie then learned the Alencon lace-making technique and soon mastered this painstaking craft. Richly talented, creative, eager, and endowed with common sense, she started her own business and became quite successful. Notable as these achievements were, Zelie was yet to reveal the depths of the strength, faith, and courage she possessed.

THE MARTINS Louis Martin and Zelie Guerin eventually met in Alencon, and on July 13, 1858, Louis, 34, and Zelie, 26, married and began their remarkable voyage through life. Within the next fifteen years, Zelie bore nine children, seven girls and two boys. "We lived only for them," Zelie wrote; "they were all our happiness." The Martins' delight in their children turned to shock and sorrow as tragedy relentlessly and mercilessly stalked their little ones. Within three years, Zelie's two baby boys, a five year old girl, and a six-and-a-half week old infant girl all died. Zelie was left numb with sadness. "I haven't a penny's worth of courage," she lamented. But her faith sustained her through these terrible ordeals. The Martins' last child was born January 2, 1873. She was weak and frail, and doctors feared for the infant's life. The family, so used to death, was preparing for yet another blow. Zelie wrote of her three month old girl: "I have no hope of saving her. The poor little thing suffers horribly....It breaks your heart to see her." But the baby girl proved to be much tougher than anyone realized. She survived the illness. A year later she was a "big baby, browned by the sun." "The baby," Zelie noted, "is full of life, giggles a lot, and is sheer joy to everyone."

Death seemed to grant a reprieve to the Martin household. Although suffering had left its mark on mother and father, it was not the scar of bitterness. Louis and Zelie had already found relief and support in their faith.

everything well and with love. She believed that just as a child becomes enamored with what is before her, we should also have a childlike focus and totally attentive love. Therese's spirituality is of doing the ordinary, with extraordinary love.

The series of tragedies had intensified the love of Louis and Zelie Martin for each other. They poured out their affection on their five surviving daughters; Marie, 12, Pauline, 11, Leonie 9, Celine, 3, and their new-born. Louis and Zelie named their newborn; Marie-Francoise-Therese Martin. A century later people would know her as St. Therese, and call her the "Little Flower."

She loved flowers and saw herself as the "little flower of Jesus," who gave glory to God by just being her beautiful little self among all the other flowers in God's garden. Because of this beautiful analogy, the title "little flower" remained with St. Therese.

THE CARMELITE - Thérèse of Lisieux At the age of 14, on Christmas Eve in 1886, Therese had a conversion that transformed her life. From then on, her powerful energy and sensitive spirit were turned toward love, instead of keeping herself happy. At 15, she entered the Carmelite convent in Lisieux to give her whole life to God. She took the religious name Sister Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face. Living a hidden, simple life of prayer, she was gifted with great intimacy with God. Through sickness and dark nights of doubt and fear, she remained faithful to God, rooted in His merciful love. After a long struggle with tuberculosis, she died on September 30, 1897, at the age of 24. Her last words were the story of her life: "My God, I love You!" The world came to know Therese through her autobiography, "Story of a Soul". She described her life as a "little way of spiritual childhood." She lived each day with an unshakable confidence in God's love. "What matters in life," she wrote, "is not great deeds, but great love." Therese lived and taught a spirituality of attending to everyone and

St Zélie and St Louis Martin St Thérèse’s Parents

Her inspiration and powerful presence from heaven touched many people very quickly. She was canonized by Pope Pius XI on May 17, 1925. Had she lived, she would have been only 52 years old when she was declared a Saint. "My mission - to make God loved - will begin after my death," she said. "I will spend my heaven doing good on earth. I will let fall a shower of roses." Roses have been described and experienced as Saint Therese's signature. Countless millions have been touched by her intercession and imitate her "little way." She has been acclaimed "the greatest saint of modern times." In 1997, Pope John Paul II declared St. Therese a Doctor of the Church - the only Doctor of his pontificate - in tribute to the powerful way her spirituality has influenced people all over the world. Read more:

Visit of the Relics of St Thérèse of Lisieux and her parents St Zélie and St Louis Martin

Molong: Friday 28th February Orange: Friday 28th & Saturday 29th February

St Thérèse of Lisieux ‘The Little Flower’

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

Becoming Catholic Amy Sullivan Director of Ministries

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (Jn 14:6) One of the many privileges in my role is to accompany those that wish to enter the Catholic Church through baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist (Becoming Catholic - also known as the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults or RCIA). It may appear that the journey starts when candidates attend an enquiry evening in July, but the journey actually starts much earlier than that. It starts with the call to initiation. The new year is a time when many people look at their lives. Many new year's resolutions are focused on our physical and mental health gym memberships are taken up, weight loss programs are started, Parkrun attendance records are broken, commitments are made to catch up with friends more often, etc. There may also be a call to examine the spiritual life. Someone may have been coming to Mass with a spouse for many years and now wants to find out more about what their spouse believes. Someone may have a desire for their child to receive sacraments. Someone may just have a feeling that there is something more to life and wants to find out what that is. No matter where the call comes from, or what stage of life, or stage of faith, each person is invited to be part of the journey of Becoming Catholic.

The first stage of Becoming Catholic is enquiry, and those that are not baptised or fully initiated into the Catholic Church are called “enquirers”. The enquirer asks, is this whole Christianity/ Catholic thing what I am searching for? Do I want to belong to this community of believers? We want to welcome new members to our community. But with its formality, and strange postures and actions that everyone is expected to know already, Mass can be a difficult introduction to faith, especially for someone with no background in Christianity. It can also be difficult to ask questions of faith in a society where religion is taboo. Therefore, we ask people to attend Alpha. Alpha is a great way to introduce people to Christianity, by providing a safe space to discuss ideas of faith, to ask all the awkward questions, to make friends in a faith context and to introduce people to the person of Jesus Christ. After Alpha, there may be a desire to dive more deeply into the Catholic faith. This is where we transition to the second stage of Becoming Catholic - the catechumenate. After being f o r m a l l y w e l c o m e d t o t h e c o m m u n i t y, unbaptised enquirers are called “catechumens” and baptised enquirers seeking full initiation are called “candidates”. The main question a catechumen or candidate asks is, do I want to deepen my relationship with Christ through formation and prayer? Do I want to learn more about what Catholics believe? If the answer is yes, we ask our catechumens/candidates to join

parishioners and complete the Symbolon course. Symbolon runs from July to December, and covers all aspects of the creed, as well as sacraments and social teaching. Symbolon is a safe space for all parishioners and catechumens/candidates to explore the Catholic faith, to ask all the awkward questions and to deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ. Catechumens/candidates also receive spiritual direction from a priest in the parish to guide them on their journey. After completing Symbolon, the catechumens/ candidates discern whether to be initiated into the Catholic Church at Easter. They are now asking, do I want to receive the sacraments at Easter? Do I want to live my faith through the behaviours of the Church? If the answer is yes, on the first Sunday in Lent, at the Rite of Election, the catechumens/candidates commit to be initiated. The catechumens are now called “elect”. During Lent, the elect and candidates enter a period of intense spiritual preparation before receiving the sacraments at the Easter Vigil. After initiation, the elect/ candidates are now known as “neophytes”. They have a new beginning, and enter further into the mysteries of the faith during the period of

mystagogy. On completion of mystagogy at Pentecost, the neophytes are commissioned to live their baptism in whichever way God calls them, and especially to continue to know and love Jesus. For those that were baptised as infants or children, it may sound like a long process. A child isn’t required to go through over 12 months of preparation to be baptised! The difference is pre- and post-baptismal catechesis. When a child is baptised, the parents and godparents provide the foundation for faith, by committing to bring up the child in the Catholic faith. The parents’ and godparents’ commitment starts the process of life-long faith and learning for the child (known as postbaptismal catechesis). As an adult, the process for becoming Catholic is designed to lay the foundation for life-long faith and learning before the adult is baptised. "By God’s help, they will be strengthened spiritually during their preparation and at the proper time will receive the sacraments fruitfully.” [RCIA #1] Are you, or is someone you know asking questions about their faith? Is there more to life than this? Who is Jesus? Are you thinking about becoming Catholic? Go to and sign up for Alpha. Yo u c a n a l s o c o n t a c t m e a t or call me at the parish office on 6362 2378. This is the first step on your journey to Becoming Catholic.

Interested in Becoming Catholic? FIND OUT MORE TODAY Contact Amy 6362 2378

Sign up for Alpha (begins 18th February)

Celebrating the Mysteries

Children’s Sacraments 2020 Vanessa Colquhoun Outgoing Sacramental Coordinator

An important part of the faith-life of Catholic families is working together with the local parish to discern when your child is both ready and willing to request a sacrament. This is a decision made by both your family and the family of the Church. Not all families and not all children are ready for sacraments at the same time: everyone is different. All families with a child requesting a sacrament in 2020 (Baptism, Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, or Confirmation) need to attend a short individual meeting with a parish representative to help support you in your family faith development and to facilitate some real personal contact between you and the parish. We want to meet you! Only one meeting is required per family, regardless of how many children are requesting sacraments. Baptism The first step for requesting your child be baptised is attendance at a parent meeting. At the meeting, you will meet other parents who are also requesting baptism. You can expect to receive enrolment information at this meeting, including what dates are available for the baptism. To book into the parent meeting and begin the process of preparation for baptism, please e m a i l our new Sacramental Coordinator, Liss Ryan on

For the baptism of school-aged children and teenagers, please contact the sacramental coordinator. Sacramental Preparation To receive the other sacraments a child needs to be a baptised Catholic, have a family that actively lives a faith-life, and freely wants to receive the sacrament after a period of instruction and spiritual formation. Our Catholic schools support children with this instruction and formation, but they never replace the family’s role. Receiving a sacrament is not an automatic part of enrolling in a Catholic school: it’s a freely-made request by a family to the local parish. At the same time children who do not attend a Catholic school are warmly included in the full sacramental program of the Church and receive a period of similar instruction and formation. In 2020 the Missionaries of Charity will be preparing children who do not attend Catholic schools to prepare for their sacraments. First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion 2020 is the first time that Year 3 children in Orange and Molong will receive BOTH sacraments within the same year. The sacrament of First Reconciliation will occur in Term 1 to be followed by First Holy Communion in Term 2. As children will receive both sacraments within the same year there will be:-

- ONE Parent Information Session* - ONE Online Enrolment to cover both Sacraments; and - ONE Family Faith Meeting. * Parent attendance at the Parent Information Session is obligatory. Reconciliation and First Holy Communion Parent Information Session is in Kenna Hall: Wednesday 5th February, 9:30-10.30am* OR 7.00-8.00pm* *Families of children not attending St Mary’s or Catherine McAuley are required to stay for an additional 20 mins to meet with the Missionaries of Charity who are conducting After School Preparation Classes in 2020. At the meeting, you will be given access to the online registration process. Online enrolments will open on 5th February and close on 17th February 2020. Children requesting First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion must be at least in Yr 3 at school and be a baptised Catholic.

Confirmation Young men and women requesting the sacrament of Confirmation must be at least in Yr 6 at school and be a baptised Catholic who has received First Holy Communion. The request to be confirmed should be freely made by the candidate after a time of formation, which includes prayer and learning about the Sacrament, particularly the baptism promises which they will be required to answer for themselves on the day of their Confirmation. When the formation process nears completion, each candidate will be invited to write a letter to the parish priest requesting the sacrament. In the letter, the candidate will also explain what they understand Confirmation to be about and why they are freely requesting this sacrament. Confirmation Parent Information Session is in Kenna Hall: Wednesday 6th May, 9.30am-10.30am* OR 7.00pm-8.00pm*

Celebration of the sacrament of Reconciliation will occur during Lent and in June 2020.

*Families of children not attending St Mary’s or Catherine McAuley are required to stay for an additional 20 mins to meet with the Missionaries of Charity who are conducting After School Preparation Classes in 2020.

If you have a child requesting the Sacrament of First Holy Communion they must have already received Reconciliation during Term 1 2020 or at a previous time.

Attendance at one of the information sessions is obligatory. At the meeting, you will be given access to the online registration process.

Celebration of the sacrament of First Holy Communion will be celebrated at all weekend Masses in Orange and Molong Parishes on 27/28 June 2020.

Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation will be held in Orange Parish on 15/16 August and in Molong Parish on 22/23 August.

Reconciliation and First Holy Communion Parent Meetings Wednesday 5th February in Kenna Hall 9.30am - 10.30am OR 7.00pm - 8.00pm Families not attending St Mary’s or Catherine McAuley remain for an additional 20 minutes meeting with the Missionaries of Charity.

Forming Disciples

Ministries Update Amy Sullivan Director of Ministries

Thank you! A huge thank you to all those people that gave their time in ministry over Christmas! Our Masses cannot happen without your contribution. Now that Christmas has wrapped up, we now turn our minds towards Lent and Easter. There are many opportunities to be involved, including Ash Wednesday Mass, Stations of the Cross (Fridays, 5:15pm during Lent) and Holy Week. I encourage everyone to sign up to ministries as we prepare to celebrate the Lord’s resurrection at Easter. Communion of the sick and housebound Thank you to the parishioners who have been faithfully taking Communion to the sick in our parish, whether the sick are in nursing homes, hospitals, or in the family home. This is a really important ministry and is in the process of being reformed to bring us into line with Diocese of Bathurst requirements. The first step of this reform was in 2019, when those currently undertaking this ministry made contact with the parish office. The next step is training in the Diocese of Bathurst Rite which will be used in the Orange parish from Saturday 7 March 2020. If you currently or wish to take the Eucharist from the church in a pyx at any time and for any person, including your own family member, you are invited to attend a training session on Tuesday 25 February, 2:00-4:00pm at Kenna Hall. This session will outline the Diocese of Bathurst Rite for providing Communion to the sick and housebound. After completing this

session, you will be able to be commissioned to undertake this ministry. If you have not undertaken the training and been commissioned, you will no longer be able to take the Eucharist from the church in a pyx. From Saturday 7 March, the Eucharist will no longer be placed into pyxes in the Communion procession. Communion Ministers will need to provide the pyx and fill in a card before Mass (at the lower credence table in St Joseph’s) to indicate how many hosts are required. The pyxes will be distributed by the priest at the conclusion of Mass. You must wear your authorisation card when receiving your pyx and when providing Communion. Thank you for your patience as we reform this ministry, to ensure the safety of those that receive Communion outside Mass and the proper respect for this most precious sacrament. Upcoming training There are several training opportunities coming up during February and March: •

Thursday 20 February, 7:00-8:00pm, St Joseph’s Church: Communion Ministers at Mass - Distributing the Chalice. This session is a follow up to the small group sessions held last year and is designed for new Communion Ministers to learn how to distribute the chalice. New Communion Ministers are especially invited, and any existing

Communion Ministers that would like a refresher or to assist in training. •

Tuesday 25 February, 2:00-4:00pm, Kenna Hall: Communion Ministers of the Sick and Housebound - Bathurst Diocese Rite. Thursday 5 March and Thursday 12 March, 6:00-9:00pm, Kenna Hall: Safe Church Awareness Workshop.

Please RSVP to these sessions by contacting me at or 6362 2378. Are you being called to ministry? Do you want to be involved in a Mass-related ministry? There are a number of opportunities for you to be involved, and training is available for all ministries. Is God calling you to use your gifts to serve Him and your community? Saturday Vigil: 1 commentator, 3 extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion

St Joseph’s 8:00am: sacristans, 1-4 screen operator(s), 2 readers, 7 extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion St Mary’s 9:30am: 7 extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion St Joseph’s evening: 2 commentators, 1 reader, 4 extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion Weekdays: sacristans, commentators, readers, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion If you are musically inclined, we always welcome singers and musicians for all Masses. Please complete a ministries expression of interest form (available at the cross aisle at St Joseph’s) and place into one of the collections, email me at or give me a call at the Parish Office. There is no time like now to answer God’s call to ministry!

Communion to the Sick and Housebound If you like to be part of this or any other ministry or if just want to find out more, contact Amy: 6362 2378 Training Session for New and Continuing Ministers of Communion to the Sick and Housebound: Tuesday 25 February, 2:00-4:00pm at Kenna Hall

Training Session for Ministers of Communion at Mass Distributing the Chalice: Thursday 20 February 7.00-8.00pm at St Joseph’s Church

Integrity in Ministry

Safe Churches Amy Sullivan Director of Ministries

Bishop Michael McKenna has called for everyone in the diocese to attend to our attitudes and practices today, for a better tomorrow in relation to safe churches. Our parish should be physically, emotionally and spiritually safe for all, especially children and vulnerable adults. During 2019, the parish focused on developing new policies and practices to ensure that we are a community safe for all. The following practices have been implemented: •

Staff are provided with regular pastoral supervision;

All staff and clergy have completed a Safe Church Awareness Workshop and their appropriate clearances are up-todate

The following practices are being implemented: •

All involved with ministries that may bring them into contact with children have been cleared to work with children; Safe Church Awareness workshops for all parishioners in voluntary ministries, with the requirement that all volunteers will have completed a Safe Church Awareness Workshop by the end of 2020 in order to continue in ministry, with the requirement of a refresher every few years; Reforming ministries to ensure ongoing formation, regular team meetings, and appropriate feedback on how a minister is performing in his/her ministry; and

Finalising policies and procedures to deal with unsafe behaviour on Church premises so that any verbal harassment, name-calling, or bullying of paid staff, other parishioners, or the public will be dealt with promptly and professionally.

All parishioners, especially those involved in ministry, are invited to attend a Safe Church Awareness Workshop. The next workshop in Orange is on Thursday 5 March and Thursday 12 March, 6:00pm (byo dinner). You must attend both sessions to complete the workshop. Visit, scroll down to Safe Church Awareness Training and click on the link. The link is also published on our Facebook page. The parish is covering the cost of these workshops. Alternatively, you can call Amy on 6362 2378 and she will register you for the workshop.

Safe Church Awareness Workshop The first workshop of 2020 takes place over two evenings, starting at 6.00pm (byo dinner): Thursday 5th March AND Thursday 12th March The parish will cover the cost of the workshop. Register today: - click on ‘Safe Church Awareness Training’

Claim the Date: Fr Pius’ Farewell

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Come along and farewell Fr Pius Khaoya after 3 years of service in Orange and Molong Parishes:

Our Facebook Page:

Friday 6th March 5.45pm Mass at St Joseph’s 6.30pm Drinks & Supper in Kenna Hall CatholicOrangeNSW

Lent 2020

Read our monthly magazine on issuu:

The forty days of the Lenten season begins on Ash Wednesday, 26th February. Mass times for Ash Wednesday are printed in the ‘events’ information on the third page of this edition of ‘The Joyful Commission’. How will you mark Lent this year? It is a season of repentance and penance through which we deepen our spiritual lives. The Lenten disciple is traditionally marked by prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Consistent practice in these disciplines improves our spiritual wellbeing by stripping away all that is unnecessary so that we become more mindful of how God is working in our lives. Why not challenge yourself this year and go beyond the usual ‘giving something up’? Here are some suggestions: - Make a commitment to read the Sunday Scripture readings before you go to Mass. - Try a new spiritual practice. For example, come along to one of the silent periods of Adoration on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. - Think about what you usually spend money on: Do you spend too much on clothes? On eating out? Pick one type of expenditure that you can ‘fast’ from and give the saved money to Project Compassion. - Reach out to other people: 40 acts of kindness; 40 encouraging letters; 40 positive phone calls. - Go to a weekday Mass one day a week. - If you don’t have one already, buy a cross and hang it in your bedroom or another place in your house. - Pick one Gospel and prayerfully read it from beginning to end during Lent. - Unplug from noise and screens. - Join a Lenten prayer group. - Commit to learn about one social issue and give to an appropriate charity: human trafficking, racism, child poverty, the environment, domestic violence, etc.

The Diocese of Bathurst website:

The Parish of the Sacred Heart & St Lawrence O’Toole, Molong Six Months YTD to December 2019 Income Planned Giving Income Investment Income Other Income Total Income

$16,642 $3,008 $360 $20,010

Expenditure Administration Costs $217 Repairs & Maintenance (including Molong Presbytery) $2,750 Diocesan Levies $6.538 Insurance Utilities $10,490 Total Expenditure $19,995 Operating Surplus/(Deficit)


The Parish of St Mary & St Joseph, Orange Six Months YTD to December 2019 Income Planned Giving Income: Investment Income: Other Income: Total Income:

$177,032 $135,877 $15,545 $328,455

Expenditure Administration Costs Pastoral Costs Repairs & Maintenance Insurance & Utilities Employment Costs Diocesan Levies Other Expenses Total Expenditure

$34,698 $8,279 $23,097 $64,267 $231,874 $29,956 $114 $392,285

Operating Surplus/(Deficit)


Our Catholic Community The Parish of St Mary & St Joseph, Orange The Parish of the Sacred Heart & St Lawrence O’Toole, Molong Mass Centres: St Mary’s (Orange), St Joseph’s (Orange), Sacred Heart & St Lawrence O’Toole (Molong), St Michael's (Manildra), St Brendan’s (Mullion Creek), St Patrick’s (Cargo), St Columbanus’ (Cudal)

Orange City Weekend Masses Saturday 5.00pm (6.00pm during Daylight Savings) St Joseph’s Sunday 8.00am St Joseph’s 9.30am St Joseph’s 5.00pm (6.00pm during Daylight Savings) St Joseph’s Orange City Weekday Masses Monday 5.45pm St Joseph’s Tuesday 9.30am St Joseph’s


Wednesday 5.45pm St Joseph’s Thursday 9.30am St Joseph’s Friday 5.45pm St Joseph’s

Orange District Weekend Masses Saturday 9.00am Cargo (Sunday Liturgy) 5.00pm (6.00pm during Daylight Savings) Manildra Sunday 8.00am Mullion Creek 8.00am Cudal 9.30am Molong Orange District Weekday Masses Wednesday 9.15am Mass at Molong Orange District Confessions Wednesday 9.45 -10.15am Molong Saturday 4.40-4.55pm (5.40-5.55pm Daylight Savings) Manildra Nursing Home Masses 11.00am on 1st Thursday of the month Benjamin Short Grove

Orange City Eucharistic Adoration

11.00am on 2nd Tuesday of the month St Francis Aged Care 11.00am on 2nd Thursday of the month Calare Nursing Home

Monday 5.00-5.40pm St Joseph’s Wednesday 5.00-5.40pm St Joseph’s Friday 5.00-5.40pm St Joseph’s Orange City Confessions Friday 5.10-5.40pm St Joseph’s Saturday 4.15-4.45pm (5.15-5.45pm Daylight Savings) St Joseph’s

Public Holidays: Mass 8.30am at whichever Orange Church usually has Mass that day. ANZAC day Mass is always St Joseph’s.

2.00pm on 1st Friday of the month Ascott Gardens Hostel

11.00am on 3rd Thursday of the month Cherrywood Nursing Home 11.00am on 4th Tuesday of the month Gosling Creek Aged Care 11.00am on 4th Thursday of the month Wontama Hostel

Contact Our Parish Team

PARISH CLERGY TEAM Fr Greg Bellamy Fr Pius Khaoya Fr Mathew Humtsoe

Parish Priest Assistant Priest Assistant Priest

PARISH MISSION SUPPORT TEAM Mr Michael O’Mara Ms Sandy Livermore Ms Anne Wykamp

PARISH MISSION TEAM Ms Amy Sullivan Ms Carla Ghisla Ms Melissa Ryan Mr Josh Dunn Sr Frances McAleer rsj Mr Matthew Brown

Director of Ministries Director of Mission Sacramental Coordinator Family Educator Resident in Molong Youth Minister

For information about weddings, baptisms, funerals, and visits to the sick, please contact the Parish Office.

Operations Manager Parish Secretary Parish Receptionist

PARISH OFFICE Phone Email Address Facebook

6362 2378 84 Hill Street (P.O. Box 44) Orange 2800

Office Hours Monday 11.30am - 4.30pm Tuesday - Friday 8.45am - 4.30pm

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