The Joyful Commission - March 2020

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March 2020

Monthly newsletter of the Catholic community in Orange District

the joyful COMMISSION

LENT 2020 surrender discipleship mission

The Parish of St Mary & St Joseph is a healthy, growing Catholic community that worships God, welcomes the searcher, and invites people to a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. Members of our community surrender their life to Jesus through an experience of the Holy Spirit, commit to life-long discipleship, and joyfully accept the mission to go out and make disciples.





Once again this year Pope Francis invites us to open our Church for continuous prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. 20-21 March.

Have you experienced ‘Encounter Evening’? An opportunity to encounter the mercy of God. 7.30pm Tuesday 7th April.

Our parish has three candidates to become Catholic at Easter this year. Meet Sherene, Trevor, and Ashlee.

The theme for 2020 is ‘let’s go further together’. Will you support the work of Catholic Mission this Lent?

A Wo r d f r o m t h e P a s t o r

Walking the ‘Little Way’ Fr Greg Bellamy Parish Priest

This February God blessed our parish through the visit of the relics of St Therese of Lisieux and her parents St Zelie and St Louis Martin. It was truly a remarkable 24 hour period during which hundreds of people came to pray with the relics. Our two healing services were particularly moving. I would like to sincerely thanks those parishioners and staff who worked very hard to make the visit such a success. Thank you for your efforts. St Therese is famous for her ‘little way’. The ‘little way’ is the expression she uses to describe her insight that the primary vocation of the Christian is to love and that love is shown through all our daily activities, no matter how small or ordinary. You don’t have to do famous works to grow in holiness: you can do small things with loving attention each day and so grow in holiness. Lent is a time in which we focus our attention on walking this ‘little way’. Every Lent is different. My Lenten journey this year should be a bit different from my Lenten journey last year, because I am a bit different. A lot can change in 12 months. Each Lent I am called to recommit myself to listening to what Jesus is saying to me personally this year. What does he want me to stop doing? What does he want me to start doing? Who does he ask me to be? The traditional Lenten discipline of prayer, almsgiving, and fasting should help reveal our true selves. A renewed commitment to prayer strengthens my love of God. A renewed commitment to almsgiving

strengthens my love of my neighbour. A renewed commitment to fasting strengthens my love of my authentic self. If I enter into the three-fold discipline of Lent with commitment, all three of my key relationships are renewed: with God, neighbour, and self. This Lent we farewell Fr Pius and wish him the best as he takes up his appointment in Coonamble. Fr Kane is battling some health issues and this week transferred to Ascott Gardens. He continues to be a part of the parish, but will now receive more direct nursing care. He is in Rm 111 and would welcome visitors. We also welcome Fr Karl Sinclair to the parishes of Orange and Molong. It’s such a blessing to have a newly ordained priest in our community. With Fr Karl taking up his appointment in Orange-Molong, and Fr Dong taking up his appointment in Mudgee, its a good time to invite our community to keep vocations to the priesthood in our prayers. Without priests there is no Eucharist and without the Eucharist there is no Church. Let’s make this one of our prayer intentions this Lent. Finally, I invite you to participate this year in 24 Hours for the Lord. This initiative, called by Pope Francis, opens our churches for 24 hours of continuous prayer before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and includes the opportunity to experience Jesus’ mercy in the sacrament of Penance. The encouraging theme for this year is Jesus’ words: “Your sins are forgiven” (Lk 7:48).

Frequently Asked Questions

24 Hours for the Lord 20 & 21 March 2020 in the Old Convent Chapel

What is 24 hours for the Lord? At Pope Francis’ request, churches all around the world will be open for 24 hours, with continual Eucharistic Exposition and times for the sacrament of Reconciliation (confessions). This year’s theme is inspired by the words of Jesus in Luke 7:48: ‘Your sins are forgiven’. When is it? The 24 hour period will begin after the Friday evening Mass on 20 March and will conclude in the afternoon on Saturday 21 March. Where is it? Old Convent Chapel, Byng Street, next to St Joseph’s Church.

participants, we ask that at least two people pre-register for each hour. I’m not sure about my work roster and I can’t pre-register, can I still come? If you are unable to pre-register, you are welcome to come along whenever you are available. Can I come for more or less than one hour? Of course! You are welcome to spend time with Jesus for as long as you like. If you have pre-registered for a particular hour, please come for at least that hour. Why are you asking young people to preregister for the night hours? The path from Byng Street to the Old Convent Chapel is narrow and can be difficult to negotiate in the dark. We ask that younger people pre-register for the late night and early morning hours so that less mobile parishioners can come at a time that is more suitable for them. Where is the Old Convent Chapel?

How do I sign up? Sign up sheets are available at the cross-aisle at St Joseph’s, or you can register online at https:// The link to register online is also available on our Facebook page.

The Old Convent is accessed from Byng Street. Go up the stairs near the front end of the church, walk around the church (to the right) until you see the white door in the building on the right. The door will be closed between 8:00pm and 8:00am, so just open and enter when you arrive. Where do I go for more information? Call the parish office on 6362 2378.

Why should I pre-register? Jesus is present in the Eucharist, and we can't let Jesus be by himself outside the tabernacle at any time. To ensure the safety of both Jesus and

24 Hours for the Lord 20 & 21 March Old Convent Chapel

Experience t he Mercy of Go d t his L en t

Encounter Evening 7.30pm Tuesday 7th April 2020

The Encounter Evening is designed to create the space you need to have a personal and moving encounter with Jesus. Rather than a formal Second Rite of Reconciliation, this evening is an informal experience of music, readings, Adoration, and priests will be available for Reconciliation throughout the evening. You can come and go throughout, and if there are people still wishing to receive Reconciliation after the end, that is ok priests will be available until everyone is finished. Why not give Encounter Evening a go? Many parishioners did during the last Encounter Evening in November - here is what they had to say.

Josh Dunn It was with a sense of curiosity and wonder that I felt drawn to attend the ‘Encounter Evening’ just before Christmas last year. In recent years I had experienced previous ‘encounters’ with my faith and Jesus at other events, so it was with hope that this evening would be something similar.

Bernard Carroll It has been my good fortune to have been able to attend the recent Encounter Evening. As I have also attended most of its predecessors in this parish for quite a number of years. I found this one particularly engaging. The balance of singing and choice of songs; with the short interlude of music for reflection. Coupled with the excellent reading taken from the works of Pope Francis. The synergism of these elements I found produced a particularly fertile environment for the examination of my conscience, prior to the reception of the sacrament of Reconciliation. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of those who made a contribution to the success of the evening.

I was quick to discover that this ‘Encounter Evening’, although different to other experiences I’d had, would provide a great opportunity to encounter Jesus and connect with my faith. The atmosphere created in the church was one of peace, openness and comfort, which allowed me to quickly settle into a state of relaxation and mindfulness outside of my busy week. The readings sparked thoughts and ideas from scripture, but it was the music that really encapsulated me and connected me to the evening. Our amazingly talented

musicians composed an ongoing selection of music that at first captured, and then took us on a journey of praise and worship that truly enhanced the atmosphere in the church. All of this led us beautifully to the presentation of the blessed sacrament and time for adoration. Worship, prayer and reflection naturally occurred at this time before the evening concluded and I left into the evening feeling reconciled, renewed and alive! Maybe it is with curiosity and wonder you look at the invitation to attend the next ‘Encounter Evening’ in Lent, but I encourage you to take the same step I did and enjoy the experience that will follow. Catherine Coster In my busy everyday life finding time and opportunity to sit and be with God is a challenge. Too often another day, another week, another month is gone without any deepening of my relationship with Jesus. Thus it was wonderful to experience an evening designed primarily for reflection and prayer and give myself the opportunity to encounter Jesus. Jesus did not fail me and brought to my attention an area of my life that I had not even known was a roadblock in my relationship with him. I was then able to bring this new found insight into reconciliation which gave me immeasurable peace. I have learnt that when I show up with an open heart Jesus is already waiting for me. May I encourage you to show up and be amazed at what he can do in your life.

Lent Encounter Evening 7.30pm Tuesday 7th April (during Holy Week) at St Joseph’s

March 2020 9.30am Sunday 8th - Catholic Schools Week Mass in St Joseph’s 6.00pm Thursday 5th & Thursday 12th - Safe Church Awareness Workshop Weekend 14/15 - Fr Karl Sinclair begins appointment as Assistant Priest Weekend 14/15 - First Scrutiny and Presentation of Creed to RCIA candidates 5.45pm Monday 16th - Vigil Mass for the Solemnity of St Patrick in St Joseph’s 9.30am Tuesday 17th - Mass for the Solemnity of St Patrick in St Joseph’s 5.45pm Wednesday 18th - Vigil Mass for the Solemnity of St Joseph in St Joseph’s 9.30am Thursday 19th - Mass for the Solemnity of St Joseph in St Joseph’s Friday 20th - Saturday 21st - 24 Hours for the Lord at Old Convent Chapel, commencing with Mass 5.45pm Friday in St Joseph’s Weekend 21/22 - Second Scrutiny of RCIA candidates 9.15am Wednesday 25th - Mass for the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary at St Lawrence’s 5.45pm Wednesday 25th - Mass for the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary at St Joseph’s Weekend 28/29 - Third Scrutiny and Presentation of the Lord’s Prayer to RCIA candidates

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

Becoming Catholic Amy Sullivan Director of Ministries

Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’ (Jn 14:6) As we move into the Lent season, our catechumen and candidates are preparing to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil. Please pray for Sherene, Trevor and Ashlee as they continue their journey towards Easter. Meet our catechumen: Sherene Gould

Meet our candidates:

My name is Sherene and I am on my journey of being baptised. Oddly enough, I began my journey when my 5 year old and I were talking about his baby sister’s baptism and why I wasn’t baptised. I have met some wonderful people and learnt a great deal so far. I am looking forward to what is coming and how I can see it having a large place in my heart.

Trevor Baker My name is Trevor and I have been blessed to have the experience to be a candidate for the RCIA. This has been a great experience for me as I would love to be closer to God. I have met some wonderful people through this experience including the other catechumen and candidate on our journey to becoming Catholics through the Catholic faith. I would like to ask the parishioners of St Mary’s and St Joseph’s to keep me in their prayers as I continue on this journey. Ashlee Maguire My name is Ashlee and this Easter I will become part of the wonderful Catholic community that exists in Orange. I have two little boys Will, 7, and Nash, 8 months. Originally I wanted to get involved so I could

help my son Will throughout his schooling life as he attends Catherine McAuley. I then found myself welcomed into a place that helped me find love, hope and faith. To know there is comfort to be found in suffering and that I am gifted pure love from God. I have been given these amazing gifts through my time with Symbolon and have made some lovely friends along the way. I am beyond excited for Easter so I can continue my faith journey that I will no doubt share with my children. So please feel free to say hi.

sacraments. The Rite has two names, firstly as a sign that the Church has made its election, i.e. the choice and admission of those catechumens who are fit to take part in the sacraments of initiation. The Rite is also called Enrolment as the catechumens inscribe their names in a book that lists those who have been chosen for initiation. During Lent, the elect and candidates enter a period of purification and enlightenment. As is the case for the rest of our community, the Lenten season is a time for spiritual recollection in preparation for the celebration of the paschal mystery. At Mass they will celebrate the scrutinies. The scrutinies are meant to uncover, then heal all that is weak, defective, or sinful in the hearts of the elect; to bring out, then strengthen all that is upright, strong and good. The candidates also celebrate the presentations. The Church entrusts the Creed and The Lord’s Prayer to the elect/ candidates in order to enlighten them. By learning and reciting these with the congregation, the elect/candidates will grow in faith and realise the new spirit of adoption by which they will call God their Father.

The Lenten RCIA Journey After months of preparation, on the first Sunday of Lent, the catechumens celebrated the Rite of Election or Enrolment of Names. This rite signals the end of the catechumenate and the beginning of a period of intense preparation for the

Are you thinking about becoming Catholic? Contact me at or call me at the parish office on 6362 2378. This is the first step on your journey to Becoming Catholic.

Interested in Becoming Catholic? FIND OUT MORE TODAY Contact Amy 6362 2378

Forming Disciples

Ministries Update Amy Sullivan Director of Ministries

Lent and Holy Week There are many opportunities to be involved throughout Lent, including Stations of the Cross (Fridays, 5:15pm), 24 Hours for the Lord (20-21 March), and Holy Week. Is God calling you to do something extra over this time? There are a few roles that are new this year. Last year I did many of these roles myself, and I would like your help this year to ensure the smooth running of Holy Week services. Training is provided for all roles. The new roles include: •

Palm Sunday procession coordinator: invites 6 people to carry palms into the church as part of the entrance procession

Palm Sunday outdoor sound coordinator: sets up and monitors a portable speaker and microphone for the priest

Holy Thursday Procession of the Oils and Offertory Coordinator: ensures smooth running of Procession of the Oils (entrance procession) and Offertory Procession

Holy Thursday washing of the feet coordinator: explains the washing of the feet to the participants; ensures the smooth running of washing of the feet

Good Friday veneration coordinator: organises the people that carry the cross in procession for veneration

Normal Sunday rosters apply for Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, so if you are not available please arrange for someone to replace you. Sign up sheets for ministries extra roles, and roles for other Masses/services are in the cross-aisle of St Joseph’s. Please sign up early to avoid disappointment and allow time for training. Communion of the sick and housebound Thank you to those that attended the training session for Extraordinary Ministers of Communion of the Sick and Housebound. I had initially indicated that the collection of hosts during Mass would change from Saturday 7 March. To allow time for paperwork and ministers to complete the Safe Church Awareness Workshop, we have pushed the date of the change back to 4 April. From 4 April, the Eucharist will no longer be placed into pyxes in the Communion procession. Communion Ministers will need to provide the pyx and fill in a card before Mass (at the lower credence table in St Joseph’s) to indicate how many hosts are required. The pyxes will be distributed by the priest before the final blessing. You must wear your authorisation card when receiving your pyx and when providing Communion. Thank you for your patience as we reform this ministry, to ensure the safety of those that receive Communion outside Mass

and the proper respect for this most precious sacrament. Are you being called to ministry? Do you want to be involved in a Massrelated ministry? There are a number of opportunities for you to be involved, and training is available for all ministries. Is God calling you to use your gifts to serve Him and your community? S a t u r d a y V i g i l : 1 c o m m e n t a t o r, 3 extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion

Three Solemnities we celebrate during Lent St Patrick, Patron of the Diocese of Bathurst 5.45pm Monday 16th March Vigil Mass at St Joseph’s 9.30am Tuesday 17th March Mass at St Joseph’s St Joseph, Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary

St Joseph’s 8:00am: sacristans, 1-4 screen operator(s), 2 readers, 6 extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion

5.45pm Wednesday 18th March Vigil Mass at St Joseph’s 9.30am Thursday 19th March Mass at St Joseph’s

St Mary’s 9:30am: 7 extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion

The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

St Joseph’s evening: 2 commentators, 1 reader, 4 extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion

9.15am Wednesday 25th March Mass at St Lawrence’s, Molong 5.45pm Wednesday 25th March Mass at St Joseph’s

Weekdays: sacristans, commentators, readers, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion If you are musically inclined, we always welcome singers and musicians for all Masses. Please complete a ministries expression of interest form (available at the cross aisle at St Joseph’s) and place into one of the collections, email me at or give me a call at the Parish Office. There is no time like now to answer God’s call to ministry!

Stay up to date … Our Facebook Page: CatholicOrangeNSW

Read our monthly magazine on issuu:

The Diocese of Bathurst website:

Communion to the Sick and Housebound If you like to be part of this or any other ministry or if just want to find out more, contact Amy: 6362 2378

Pro je ct Co mpa ss i on

Let’s Go Further Together Caritas Australia

Project Compassion is Caritas Australia's annual Lenten fundraising and awareness-raising appeal. Millions of Australians come together in solidarity with the world's poor to help end poverty, promote jus@ce and uphold dignity.

“For the future, I am planning to extend the shop and to establish a permanent shop. I can move around my village, visit community members and talk to them, I feel happy and my social life and network has improved.”

Sakun received support from Caritas Australia to set up a thriving kiosk and is now involved in village decision-making. Sakun lives in a village in central east India. She developed polio as a child and has difficulty walking. Un@l now Sakun, an indigenous Gond woman, has been isolated in her community and unable to earn a living. Caritas Australia’s partners, Caritas India and Samarthan, helped Sakun to access a custom-made tricycle. This has helped her get around, so she is less isolated. Sakun also undertook training in microbusiness development. With a small grant, she set up a kiosk, selling food near the local school. Sakun’s business is thriving, her kiosk is always busy, as she sells to around 900 students. Please donate to Project Compassion 2020 to help upliS vulnerable communi@es and support the rights of indigenous peoples around the world. You can donate through Parish envelopes, phoning 1800 024 413 or by visi@ng projectcompassion.

Sakun now earns her own income and makes a small profit which goes towards her family’s basic needs. She is more resilient, more confident and more independent.

Support Project Compassion this Lent through the envelopes, phoning 1800 024 413, or by visiting projectcompassion

Integrity in Ministry

Safe Churches Amy Sullivan Director of Ministries

Coronavirus/Covid-19 Bishop Michael McKenna has requested that parishes in the Bathurst Diocese suspend providing Communion under both kinds for the time being. This is due to the uncertainty regarding the spread of the coronavirus in Australia. This request has been implemented with immediate effect - Communion will be provided as hosts only at all Masses. The NSW Chief Medical Officer has stated that there is no need to change normal practices, including attending Mass or handshaking, as the risk of infection is low if you have not been in an affected area or had contact with someone that has. However, we recognise that some people may be uncomfortable with handshaking in the current environment. If you do not wish to shake hands during the Sign of Peace, you can wish people peace through smiling and nodding. This is completely optional. Please respect each person’s choice. The Diocese of Bathurst and the parish will continue to monitor the coronavirus situation. There may be other changes if there is an outbreak locally, or the ACBC, Diocese or health a u t h o r i t i e s r e q u e s t c h a n g e s . We w i l l communicate any changes through The Joyful Commission, the Parish Overview, and at Mass.

parish should be physically, emotionally and spiritually safe for all, especially children and vulnerable adults. All parishioners, especially those involved in ministry, are invited to attend a Safe Church Awareness Workshop. Upcoming workshops are being held in: •

Orange, Kenna Hall: Thursday 5 March and Thursday 12 March, 6:00pm (byo dinner). You must attend both sessions.

Molong, Jubilee Room: Saturday 2 May, 9:30am - 3:30pm (byo lunch)

Visit, scroll down to “Safe Church Awareness Training” and click on the link. The link is also published on our Facebook page. The parish is covering the cost of these workshops. Alternatively, you can call Amy on 6362 2378 and she will register you for the workshop. Safe Church Awareness Workshop The first workshop of 2020 takes place over two evenings, starting at 6.00pm (byo dinner): Thursday 5th March AND Thursday 12th March

If you have visited affected areas, we ask that you follow the Government’s quarantine guidelines.

The second workshop of 2020 takes place in one day at Molong, in the Jubilee Room: Saturday 2 May, 9:30am - 3:30pm (byo lunch)

Safe Church Awareness Workshops

The parish will cover the cost of the workshop.

Bishop Michael McKenna has called for everyone in the diocese to “attend to our attitudes and practices today, for a better tomorrow” in relation to safe churches. Our

Register today: - click on ‘Safe Church Awareness Training’

Our Catholic Community The Parish of St Mary & St Joseph, Orange The Parish of the Sacred Heart & St Lawrence O’Toole, Molong Mass Centres: St Mary’s (Orange), St Joseph’s (Orange), Sacred Heart & St Lawrence O’Toole (Molong), St Michael's (Manildra), St Brendan’s (Mullion Creek), St Patrick’s (Cargo), St Columbanus’ (Cudal)

Orange City Weekend Masses Saturday 5.00pm (6.00pm during Daylight Savings) St Joseph’s Sunday 8.00am St Joseph’s 9.30am St Joseph’s 5.00pm (6.00pm during Daylight Savings) St Joseph’s Orange City Weekday Masses Monday 5.45pm St Joseph’s Tuesday 9.30am St Joseph’s


Wednesday 5.45pm St Joseph’s Thursday 9.30am St Joseph’s Friday 5.45pm St Joseph’s

Orange District Weekend Masses Saturday 9.00am Cargo (Sunday Liturgy) 5.00pm (6.00pm during Daylight Savings) Manildra Sunday 8.00am Mullion Creek 8.00am Cudal 9.30am Molong Orange District Weekday Masses Wednesday 9.15am Mass at Molong Orange District Confessions Wednesday 9.45 -10.15am Molong Saturday 4.40-4.55pm (5.40-5.55pm Daylight Savings) Manildra Nursing Home Masses 11.00am on 1st Thursday of the month Benjamin Short Grove

Orange City Eucharistic Adoration

2.00pm on 1st Friday of the month Ascott Gardens Hostel

Monday 5.00-5.40pm St Joseph’s Wednesday 5.00-5.40pm St Joseph’s Friday 5.00-5.40pm St Joseph’s - Stations of the Cross in Lent

11.00am on 2nd Tuesday of the month St Francis Aged Care

Orange City Confessions

11.00am on 3rd Thursday of the month Cherrywood Nursing Home

Friday 5.10-5.40pm St Joseph’s Saturday 4.15-4.45pm (5.15-5.45pm Daylight Savings) St Joseph’s

11.00am on 2nd Thursday of the month Calare Nursing Home

11.00am on 4th Tuesday of the month Gosling Creek Aged Care 11.00am on 4th Thursday of the month Wontama Hostel

Public Holidays: Mass 8.30am at whichever Orange Church usually has Mass that day. ANZAC day Mass is always St Joseph’s.

Contact Our Parish Team

PARISH CLERGY TEAM Fr Greg Bellamy Fr Pius Khaoya Fr Mathew Humtsoe

Parish Priest Assistant Priest Assistant Priest

PARISH MISSION SUPPORT TEAM Mr Michael O’Mara Ms Sandy Livermore Ms Anne Wykamp

PARISH MISSION TEAM Ms Amy Sullivan Ms Carla Ghisla Ms Melissa Ryan Mr Josh Dunn Sr Frances McAleer rsj Mr Matthew Brown

Director of Ministries Director of Mission Sacramental Coordinator Family Educator Resident in Molong Youth Minister

For information about weddings, baptisms, funerals, and visits to the sick, please contact the Parish Office.

Operations Manager Parish Secretary Parish Receptionist

PARISH OFFICE Phone Email Address Facebook

6362 2378 84 Hill Street (P.O. Box 44) Orange 2800

Office Hours Monday 11.30am - 4.30pm Tuesday - Friday 8.45am - 4.30pm

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