Spreading the Good News - SRE Newsletter - Term 3 2020

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No 116 Term 3 2020

Spreading the Good News

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11

WELCOME I pray this newsletter finds you well and safe. Welcome to Term 3 and what an interesting time Term 2 has been for everyone. A time like no other, but a time where we can choose to see the good it has brought or we can dwell on the negatives, and there certainly have been many. I know some of you found this time of pausing restful and refreshing, whilst others remained productive and used their time well by updating, sorting and culling SRE resources. Some of you discovered and made good use of Zoom by participating in Zoom meetings and training. If any of you took up the offer from CCD Sydney to join in with some of their Catechist Formation Sessions via Zoom, I know that you would have found the various guest speakers both inspiring and thought provoking. It’s not too late to join, you can find details below. Please know that if you are in the Vulnerable Health Category and have chosen not to return to SRE this term, you have our support. To those of you who will be going back into the SRE classrooms this term, I wish you well as you reconnect with your students. There are some helpful hints and things to remember when entering the schools listed below under Resumption of SRE Classes. Attached are two introductory lessons for Term 3 from the producers of the Christ Our Light and Life Program - “Returning to SRE during COVID-19”, which you may also find helpful. Please remember that often when we go into the classrooms we sometimes feel inadequate and feel that we don’t have enough knowledge, but be reassured that all the knowledge in the world cannot replace the faith you hold with in you and the relationship that you have with Jesus. This will shine through during your lessons to the students in your SRE classes. If you ever feel unsure or lacking in confidence, gently ask the Holy Spirit to help you and be with you whilst you give your lesson. Take care, Vicki MESSAGE FROM JACINTA It’s great news that SRE will be returning to schools in Term 3. It’s encouraging to hear that lots of you have been in contact with your schools and that they are looking forward to SRE classes starting again. Thank you to all of you who took Term 2 as a time to update your training and make resources. The Diocese has a new resource available called Pray@home. At the moment, it is suitable for Year 3 students who attend Catholic Schools, however, a version suitable for combined Christian SRE classes is in the pipeline. When it’s available, check with your principal to ask if you can distribute them to your class. Every blessing as you start this new Term.

RISE: Reloaded The annual Diocesan RISE Youth Festival for students in Year 6- Year 9 went online this year and was held 9th-10th July. Participants from around the Diocese gathered online for 3 two-hour sessions. Some parishes held hubs where the participants gathered and shared a meal and games while there was a break in the online activities. Participants were part of small groups, participated in workshops, prayed together, reflected on Scripture and competed in a Lip Sync Battle. Fr Rob Galea was our special guest on Friday afternoon and answered questions that the participants had about discipleship, prayer and being in a relationship with Jesus. RISE: Reloaded was a fantastic festival and a testament to what can be achieved when we think outside the box and are willing to give something new a try.

A BLESSING I pray the Lord will bless and protect you, And that he will show you mercy and kindness. May the Lord be good to you and give you peace. Numbers: 6-24-26

REFLECTION- compliments of Sr Alice

CONNECT@home Consists of daily readings and reflections from the Catholic Diocese of Bathurst. To register to receive Connect@home, simply go to the Catholic Diocese of Bathurst webpage – www.bathurst.catholic.org.au and follow the three simple steps. RESUMPTION OF SRE CLASSES As SRE teachers, our Government considers you essential in schools. This is why you are being allowed back in schools, even when parents are not. You support the wellbeing of students and their families, which is particularly comforting in times of crisis. We are all very excited to be returning to the SRE Classroom. Some points to remember when entering the School  Don’t come to school if you are feeling unwell or have flu like symptoms.  Wash or sanitize your hands when you arrive and before you leave the school.  Complete the EXTERNAL VISITORS TO SCHOOL SITE form using your own pen.  Limit the number of items you take with you into the classroom.  Avoid sharing resources, pens, pencils, white board markers etc with the students.  If you hand out bibles they will need to be wiped over at the end of each lesson or before another student uses them.  Ask your school before returning to SRE if you are able to have a helper with you in the SRE classroom? Helpers may not be permitted in some schools.

 Ask the school if you are able to do singing with the students? You are permitted to play music in the classroom however.  It is recommended that Student Activity Books remain in the classroom and that they are distributed and collected at the end of each lesson by the students.  Children are not required to social distance from each other in schools but adults must maintain a physical distance of 1.5 metres from each other and the students, this includes teachers and support staff.  Avoid shaking hands.  Maintain respiratory hygiene. Cover your cough or sneeze through coughing or sneezing into your elbow or tissue, disposing of tissues immediately. Always wash your hands after you have coughed, sneezed or blown your nose.  If in doubt about any of the above, just ask your Coordinator or school because individual schools will have different rulings on certain issues. SRE PROPS - WHAT A GOOD IDEA? Recently, Beth Smith, one of our SRE Teachers from Dunedoo, was updating her props that have worked really well over the past few years in her SRE lessons. A classroom teacher commented “Beth, you have the best props ever! They make the lessons clear”. Beth has kindly offered to share some of her ideas with you. One that works really well is a wooden box Beth found in her uncle’s shed and she saved it from being thrown out. She turned it into the Ark of the Covenant with the Ten Commandments written in stone and placed in the box, complete with broom sticks for priests to carry it through the water. Blue material/sarongs are used to represent the water that the children use to make the waves. Beth said that she used all these props in the Exodus stories - Joshua, the Promised land, Moses and the Ten Commandments etc. It then reappeared in Jesus’ teachings summing up the law of “Love God and Love Each Other” and treating others as you yourself would like to be treated. The children were led to see that God does not want us to keep the law on stone tablets in a box but Jesus shows that we should keep it in our hearts, written there so that it will help us to make good choices in life. Beth said that the children loved handling the box, water and stone tablets and it helped them to remember all the lessons. During the break, Beth decided to give her box an update by covering it in gold paint and adding handles on the sides rather than the top so four children could carry it. The hands-on lessons work best, insists Beth, even if it’s only a woolly sheep or a soft toy picked up from Spotlight for the Shepherd story.

Another box which Beth plans to update is her treasure box. Beth made the box to hold her picture bibles. The box is covered in pretty gold paper and is called Beth’s Treasure Box. The children love taking the bibles out of the treasure box and finding the stories for themselves. Beth’s music suggestions: (Remember if you are using songs from YouTube, watch them first to see if they are suitable for your class. Have them ready to play before the lesson starts, so the ads don’t play during the lesson.) Creation for Yr 3/4 up - Creation Song, Graythwaite https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SV9ZP8ZTPnM

Infants - My help comes from the Lord, Jami Smith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFx3zMCwces

The Ten Commandments rap, 2015 Kingdom Kid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYwgcAFcao is very popular with 3/4 up. Years 5/6 love the dance moves in ... “Every move I make, dance a long”, C J n friends, kids worship... it’s great for this age group to teach them worship can involve dance. Even the boys jump up and do the moves. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPvnZILn6EY Another one for infants with actions is: “I've got the joy joy joy”, Sunday school song, teachers hub. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTW5WCY37zU If you have some good ideas to share, please send them to Jacinta or myself and we will share them in one of our future Newsletters.

WWCC - Working with Children Check Your WWCC needs to be renewed every five years. You will receive an email from the Office of the Children’s Guardian a few months before your expiry date, reminding you to renew. Jacinta and I will remind you also. Renewal can be done online at- https://www.kidsguardian.nsw.gov.au/child-safe-organisations/workingwith-children-check you must then take your application number and proof of identity documents to Services NSW or you can go to your nearest Services NSW Centre and ask for assistance to renew. If you need further assistance to renew online you can phone the Office of the Children’s Guardian on - 9286 7276 Note: The Children’s Guardian has extended all WWCC clearances that were due to expire from 26th March 2020 to 26th September 2020 for a further six months. The six-month period applies from the date of the person’s current expiry date. Further extensions may be applied should they be needed.

The Office of the Children’s Guardian have new proof-of-identity requirements in NSW Employees and volunteers applying for or renewing a WWCC will need to meet new proofof- identity requirements. These have been enforced by the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission to reduce the risk of identity theft and to further protect the safety of children. The identification documents you provide must be original, hard copy documents and must include at least one photo ID. The combination of the identity documents collected must contain the applicant’s: First name and surname in full (if you have changed your name you will need evidence of this) Date of birth Photograph The types of document you will need are One commencement of identity document (such as a birth certificate)  One primary use in the community document (such as drivers licence)  Two secondary use in community documents (such as Medicare card and bank card) When you receive your new expiry date, you need to pass this information onto standards@bathurst.catholic.org.au or your parish has reply paid envelopes that you can use to post it to the Chancery. CCRESS ONLINE TRAINING Every SRE Teacher is required to update training regularly. The CCRESS online training is one option for completing the required modules to become an authorised SRE Teacher. The modules consist of videos and readings followed by questions to check your understanding. You can work at your own pace and your progress is automatically saved so you can easily pick up where you left off. It was great that so many of you were able to attend the Zoom training where we worked through the Introduction to the Bible module together. To enrol in any of the modules please contact Jacinta via email sre2@bathurst.catholic.org.au Jacinta will register you and you will be asked via email to enrol. A certificate will be issued once a module is completed. lf you would like to know what is on your training record please contact Jacinta.

SAFE CHURCH AWARENESS WORKSHOPS The Diocese is committed to running Safe Church Workshops for all those involved in Ministry across the Diocese. COVID-19 hasn’t stopped us providing the workshops - we have just moved them online. The National Council of Churches have released a special workshop that is can be run over Zoom. Thanks to those of you who have attended one of these workshops. As restrictions lift, we are going to be moving back to the face-to-face workshops. If your Child Protection Training is due soon I encourage you to go to https://bathurst.catholic.org.au/?i=6322&safe-church-awareness-training to see what workshops are coming up. RELIEF SRE RECRUITMENT Below is a short video which has been put together by CCD Broken Bay Diocese and Christian SRE which can be used in your parishes as part of an immediate short term media campaign to recruit Catechists/SRE teachers for this interim period. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lONdRTBJwxo&feature=youtu.be CATECHIST FORMATION SESSIONS – CCD SYDNEY We have been invited to take part in some very interesting webinars which are being run by CCD in Sydney. “Join us in our CCD Faith Formation Series via Zoom Webinar as we explore, learn and discover our beautiful Catholic faith together.” – Anita Lee Each session goes for no more than an hour which includes question time. The couple of sessions which I have attended, I have thoroughly enjoyed and I can highly recommend. The time is always 10.30-11.30am on various days. No cost involved! You can attend all or choose your preference. RSVP is essential so that Anita can send you the Zoom link. To RSVP contact Anita Lee, anita.lee@ccdsydney.catholic.edu.au Below are listed some of the sessions still to come Date

Speaker and Topic

Thursday 16 July

Sr. Cecilia Joseph “Go Disciple” - a teacher to teacher session! Sr. Cecilia will share advice about teaching, catechesis and answer questions that you may have that will help you feel confident walking back into the classroom. Fr. Richard Leonard SJ on “Why bother Praying

New **Friday 24 July Thursday 30 July

Fr. Michael McLean on “Understanding the Apostles’ Creed”

ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM Did you learn how to use Zoom last term while SRE classes were being suspended? During this time of isolation, many Catechists/SRE teachers took up the opportunity to learn how to use Zoom in order to meet and catch up. SRE CCD directors and coordinators from 11 diocese in NSW normally meet twice a year, taking turns to host one of these informative gatherings. CCRESS (Catholic Conference of Religious Educators in State Schools) members were unable to meet in Sydney for our usual May conference; instead, 30 or more members representing all NSW dioceses, connected via Zoom. SRE coordinators from the Diocese of Bathurst also met via Zoom. It was great to be able to connect in this informal way, to put a familiar name to a face, in some cases for the first time. This was a wonderful opportunity for coordinators to ask questions, share ideas and to be updated on important issues to face when returning to the SRE classroom. Jacinta facilitated one of the CCRESS online training modules titled: “Introduction to the Bible” via Zoom. The module took the 11 participants two hours to complete. Thank you to all the organisers and participants of these virtual gatherings. Hopefully there will be more such SRE training opportunities available in the future.

SCHOOL CALENDAR Term 3 – July 20th – September 25th Term 4 – October 12th – December 18th

TERM THREE OVERVIEW OF CURRICULUMS Our advice to you is to just continue on from where you were up to in Term One. CHRIST OUR LIGHT AND LIFE As you are not going to be able to complete the entire years program this year just ensure that you cover the essentials – EASTER, PENTECOST, MARY, THE MASS, ADVENT and CHRISTMAS over the next two terms. Please see attached an Introduction/ First lesson back for Infants and Primary students titled Returning to SRE during COVID-19.

Please see below a suggested term overview for Term 3 & 4 Week


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

July 20 Term 3 July 27

Intro lesson Prayer place (coveragai n that Jesus is with us)

Intro lesson 9 Great News! Women at the tomb.

Intro lesson

Intro lesson

Intro lesson

Aug 3

Aug 10




Sept 7


Sept 21

Year 5

Intro lesson 9. 10 10 10: Jesus is The Road To The Great The Risen, Truly Emmaus Commissionin Upper Risen! g Room Mary Magdalene 11 13 12 5 Jesus 12 12 The Holy Pentecost Pentecost Jesus Washes Come People Promises The Holy the Feet of Spirit Comes Holy Spirit His Spirit Friends 12 14 13 13 Alive 6 The Last 13 Changed People of The Church New Life In with the Supper By The the Holy Grows The Holy spirit Spirit Spirit Spirit 14 13 15 14 Peter And 14 7 Baptised Saints The Holy John Act With Fruits of New Life In God’s Spirit In Our Courage the Name Lives Spirit 15 14 Living as 11 15 15 10 You Are Jesus Would We Celebrate Someone To Trinity Breakfast Copy with Jesus Welcome Like Us To Live 18 12 16 11 We 12 The 16 Sunday, Being a Good Jesus Is Present Our Parish, believe World God Our Neighbour In The Mass Our Church Jesus is Made Special with us Day 17 19 Jesus 18 17 16 13 Together Feeds the Moses And The Gathered Jesus’ The At Mass Great Crowd Commandments In His Name Ministry Animals God Made. 19 20 Jesus 19 Daniel And 18 Living Out 17 Feed 14 Feeds Us The Lions The Word Of my God Made Joseph’s Coloured God Lambs Me Coat 16. My 20 Joseph 21 A Time of 20 Bartimaeus, 19 Do This In 18 First Church And His Thanksgivin Blind Man Of Memory Of Me Christian family Brothers g Faith s

Year 6 Intro lesson 9. Hope in the Risen Lord 12 People Of Penteco st 13 Gifts of Spirit 14 St Paul 16 We belong 18 We Gather

19 Sent forth 20 Living Our vocation 21 Holy Orders


Year 1

Year 2

Oct 12 Term 4


18 Together at Mass

Oct 19

19 Noah

Oct 26

20 Abraham

21 Moses And The Burning Bush 24 The Seed That Grew And Grew 25 Buried Treasure

22 Jesus 24. The Rich 22 Teaches Us Young Man Mary Our to Pray Guide To Jesus 23 Time 25 The Man 23 with God Who Changed The His Ways Wedding At Cana 24 Signs of 26 Turning 24 Called To God’s Love Back To God Follow Jesus

Nov 2

21 Baby 26 The Moses Man Who Said ‘Thank You’ 22 David 27 How Often Should We Forgive? 23 Jonah 28 Good Choices, Bad Choices! ...


Nov 16

Year 3

25 David 27 and Reconciliation Goliath – Making Things Right Again 26 God of 25 The Man Freedom Who Changed His Ways

Year 4

22. Renewing the Earth

24 The Word Of God

23. Sabbath time

25 Matthew, Mark, Luke And John 26 Faithful To God

26 Jesus 26: Heals On Anointing The Sabbath Of The Sick 27 The 28 John The 27 The 28: All Right Way Baptist Be-Attitudes Generation to Live s Shall Call You Blessed A 32. 29 Mary Said 29 Advent - 29: Liturgical “Yes” A Journey To Advent Year Christmas. Begins The Liturgical Year A 28 The 30 Mary Shares 30 Advent - 30: People The Good News A Journey In Prepare Who Faith The Way Waited For Jesus

27 Angels Of The Lord

31: Joy To The World, A Saviour Is Born 31 Jesus 32. Flight 31. Gifts 32 Celebrate 32. The 32: Jesus is Born into Egypt for a King Christmas ... Journey of Is The Son the Magi. Of God

31 Christ’s Mass

28 Mary 29 Waits for Special Jesus ... Time Called Advent

Nov 30

29 Get 30 Ready for Special Jesus ... Mother Called Mary 30 31 Mary’s 30 A Holy 31 Christmas 31 Mary Advent Boy Child Night Good News And Joseph Journey To Bethlehem

Dec 12

Year 6

19 To the 23 Teach ends of the us to pray earth

25 Living By 25: God’s Laws A Change Of Heart

Nov 23

Dec 5

Year 5

28 Mary Model Disciple

29 Mary A Woman For All Tim

30 Advent - A Time Of Longing ...

32 Christmas - A Time To Remember

GODSPACE GodSpace recognises that this school year has been anything but normal. As schools start to allow SRE Teachers to return, GodSpace have created an additional free lesson that is designed to help ‘bridge the gap’ for the time while SRE has been on pause. PRAYER AN ANTIDOTE TO WORRY will allow students space to discuss fears or concerns they may have regarding COVID-19 and the time they were learning from home. Download











CONNECT Again, our advice is to continue on from where you left off at the end of Term One from the A1 Teacher’s Manual making sure that you include the Easter story. No A2 Student Activity books will be ordered for the remainder of the year but if you really wanted to include some of the A2 lessons you are welcome to do so using the A2 Teachers Manual. RESOURCES We have SRE resources available for borrowing from the Chancery Office at 118 Keppel St Bathurst. These include Big Books, posters, Picture packs, Children’s Bible stories, Music CDs and DVDs. PRAYING THE MASS is a booklet suitable for infants and primary children, which Sr Alice Sullivan has put together and kindly made available for the Catechists to use. It is available for borrowing as a Big Book and smaller student size (A5) versions are also available. If you would like a class set for your class let me know and I will organise for a class set to be photocopied for you.

ONLINE RESOURCES Sermons4kids has simple sermons and activities for kids. In the Sermon Index you can see the sermons sorted into Year A, Year B and Year C. You can also search for other scripture passages. https://sermons4kids.com/ Bible App For Kids has popular Bible stories and short activities to go with each one https://bibleappforkids.com/

CHURCH CALENDAR July19th - 16th Sunday in Ordinary time 22nd - St Mary Magdalene 25th - St James the Apostle 26th - 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time 29th - St Martha 31st - St Ignatius Loyola August 2nd – 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time 6th – The Transfiguration of the Lord 8yh – St Mary McKillop of the Cross 9th – 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time 15th – The Assumption of Our Blessed Virgin Mary 16th – 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time 22nd - Queenship of Mary 23rd – 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time September 6th – 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 8th – The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary 12th – The Most Holy Name of Mary 13th – 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time 14th – Triumph of the Cross 20th – 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time 27th – 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time & St Vincent de Paul 29th – St Michael, St Gabriel & St Raphael the Archangels DIRECTORY Vicki Mair Southern Region SRE Coordinator Home- 6332 2835 Email: vicki.mair@bathurst.catholic.org.au Jacinta Thatcher Northern Region SRE Coordinator Mobile- 0418 631 684 Email: sre2@bathurst.catholic.org.au

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