Catholic Observer - October 2015

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Volume 50, No 3 OCTOBER 2015 $2.00

Social Justice Sunday 2015 T

he plight of millions of people displaced from their homes is this year’s focus for Social Justice Sunday in Australia. The Australian Catholic Bishops have published a statement entitled “For Those Who’ve Come Across the Seas” on our response to refugees and asylum seekers. I encourage you to read it and to pray and reflect on it with your fellow parishioners. What practical steps, as a community of love and service, could we take? Recently there have been dramatic developments in the Syrian refugee crisis. These developments have raised public awareness and prompted some welcome action by governments, including our own. But the fundamentals of the worldwide problem and the

or quickly, but that does not mean we can do nothing. In the simple advice of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop: “Never see a need without doing something about it”. God bless the generosity of all those already working to care for refugees, wherever they response from us it demands, to suffer. The sheer size of are on the journey. May our remain the same. the disaster tempts us to look prayers be accompanied by our away, so helpless do we feel works. In our peaceful, well-fed life about helping its victims and here, it is difficult to imagine + Michael McKenna amending its causes. the physical and emotional Bishop of Bathurst distress that these people have We cannot lift all the suffering, been through and continue or deal with its causes easily

September 2015

Candidates for Ordination as Deacons O

n 9th August 2015, Charles Applin and Terry Mahony were admitted as Candidates for Ordination to the Diaconate. Bishop Michael McKenna celebrated Mass at the Cathedral of St. Michael and St. John and spoke of the journey taken to this point by Charles and Terry and of the road that lies ahead. Bishop Michael previously explained the role of Deacons in the Church today; “Deacons can baptise, preach and officiate at marriages and funerals. There are specific functions in the celebration of the Liturgy reserved to them. They cannot say Mass or administer the sacraments of Anointing, Penance, Confirmation or Ordination. However, this is a limited way of understanding who the deacons are and what they can do”. “Deacons, like bishops and priests, may join in many activities and serve in ways which could also be done by lay faithful:

Charles and Joan Applin, Bishop McKenna, Terry and Christine Mahony but they represent in them they are, with us and for us”. commitment to the Catholic a particular sacramental Diocese of Bathurst. presence at the service of Congratulations Charles and Kimbalee Clews ecclesial communion. It is Terry. We thank you for your not so much what they do, Front cover: Bishop Michael McKenna with Candidates for with us and for us, but who the Diaconate, Charles Applin and Terry Mahony

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Thanking our Fathers T

he Diocese held its annual Fathers’ Day Appeal in September, for the ongoing support of our retired priests. Parishioners throughout the Diocese had the opportunity to offer their support to our retired clergy by making a donation to the Appeal at Masses on the Fathers’ Day weekend. Provision for aged and infirm priests is the privileged responsibility of the faithful, to whom these men have given their lives. Having borne the heat of the day in pastoral service, their modest needs should now be addressed with dignity and respect. With 10 priests currently retired and a further three reaching the age of 75 or over by 2020, the need is obvious.

Acknowledging that these men have journeyed with parishioners and their loved ones in joy and in sorrow, financial support for them can be an expression of gratitude by all those whose lives they have touched. If you would like to contribute to the Fathers’ Day Appeal, you can still do so by sending your donation to: The Clergy Retirement Foundation, PO Box 246 Bathurst NSW 2795 or email your enquiry to: Monsignor Peter Shannon is now living at St. Catherine’s Hostel after leaving his home in County Clare, Ireland, to serve the Diocese of Bathurst almost 59 years ago. Monsignor Shannon still takes great interest in the happenings within the Diocese and enjoys football, horse racing and golf, “now as a spectator”, he says. Kimbalee Clews


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C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t • October 2015 • Page 3

Remarks on Laudato si’: Care for Our Common Home


hen the Encyclical of Pope Francis, “Care for Our Common Home”, was released, I commented that it was “big” - not merely in its length and detail, but in its vision and its strong voice. I said that it would be around for a while: studied and quoted, sometimes misunderstood or misrepresented. And so I urged people to read it for themselves. This concern about uninformed commentary proved well-founded in an exchange between a Catholic bishop and a retired politician on Q&A recently. The politician’s criticisms of the document were undermined with the simple question, “Have you read it?” No he hadn’t, but he’d seen a report about it on the TV news. So, I’m very grateful that the Rahamim Centre is running this series which begins to unpack the message of the Encyclical section by section, encouraging a careful reading of the whole. Out of this study, everyone needs to consider what he or she could do to influence the change that Pope

Francis is urging. There are three brief observations that I would offer: 1. The great theme that runs through Laudato si’ is interconnectedness. In Chapter Six, Francis notes that “Christians have not always appropriated and developed the spiritual treasures bestowed by God upon the Church, where the life of the Spirit is not disscociated from the body or from nature or from worldly realities, but lived in and with them, in communion with all that surrounds us”. This theme of interconnectedness is a corrective, not only for those who would spiritualise their faith, but also for those who would try to think and act about environmental concerns without serious engagement in the ethical, political and, yes, spiritual realities involved. 2. This leads to another theme: the place of human beings in creation. Right at the beginning, as the Pope lays out the

structure of his argument, he talks about “our unique place as human beings in this world”. Throughout the Encyclical, he returns to a picture of humans as part of, not alongside, creation. “The ultimate purpose of other creatures is not to be found in us. Rather, all creatures are moving forward with us and through us towards a common point of arrival, which is God…” (n.83). Note that Francis says “with and through”. The creator has given us a unique place and destiny; and the power to destroy or care for the earth. This is not a licence for exploitation, but a great responsibility. 3. This is a political document. I am not talking about the superficialities of party politics, but about political and economic power and how it is used. In 1st July edition of ‘The Monthly’, Robert Manne wrote a thoughtful reflection on the Encyclical and its political message. “The papal encyclical is the first

work that has risen to the full challenge of climate change,” he stated. Manne compared it to Al Gore’s ‘An Inconvenient Truth’, which, for all its strengths, tended to depict the human contribution to the environmental crisis as a well-meaning accident. Pope Francis, however, repeats forcefully the teachings of his predecessors on the folly of entrusting our future to unregulated markets whose narrow goals are simply profits and economic growth. Indeed, it is worth noting that the Encyclical is full of references to a century of Catholic social and ecological teaching, especially from the Pope’s two immediate predecessors. It brings all this to bear with a sharp focus on the needs of this moment in human history and the history of the planet we share. With his gift of communicating this to all people of good will, Pope Francis does a great service to the Gospel and the world it comes to redeem. +Michael McKenna Bishop of Bathurst


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Vale Father Douglas Akehurst CM 1949 ~ 2015


he Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians), the community of St. Stanislaus’ College and the Bishop, priests and people of the Diocese of Bathurst joined many others recently in mourning the sudden death, on 4th September 2015, of much loved Vincentian priest, Father Doug Akehurst. Douglas Damien Akehurst was born on 24th November 1949, the son of Harry and Molly Akehurst - a brother to Brian (deceased), Robyn, Kathleen, Frank, Sue and Christopher. He studied at St. Joseph’s Eastwood and St. Stanislaus’ College, Bathurst, and was ordained to the priesthood on 30th August of living the faith was opened to 1975. him. It was as though he now Fr Doug had enormous pride had a theology on which to hang in Stannies, where he spent his his heart’s longings …to truly formative years as a student, follow Vincent de Paul in caring where he taught (1976-1981) for those in need” Fr Michael and where he spent the last years said. of his life as President (2005- “In 1992 he was appointed to 2015) and Chaplain (2014- Fiji. Doug loved Fiji. He loved 2015). Head of St. Stanislaus’ the people. He loved the culture. College, Dr Anne Wenham, said: He loved living in another “All who encountered Fr Doug culture. He loved the lifestyle. have their own story to tell”. He loved the music and dance, Father Michael Walsh, and he loved the work. He spent Provincial of the Congregation a little while in our parish in of the Mission, offered Natovi, but mostly Doug was words of remembrance at the involved in the preparation of concelebrated Mass of Christian young men for the priesthood. Burial, held at the Performing Having experienced a closed, oppressive Arts Centre at Fr Doug’s beloved authoritarian, Stannies on Monday 14th training programme himself, he went about developing a September 2015. Father Michael told how, as formation programme based a young priest, with other on personal responsibility. The enthusiastic young religious, Fr Fijian priests still quote the Doug set up youth ministries in mantra, You are the agent of your Bathurst and throughout NSW. own formation”. After a few years, Fr Doug was appointed Rector of Pacific Regional Seminary, where his contribution was immense, and he also taught sociology there. “As you can imagine, there was never a dull lecture” Fr Michael said. “Even now, many years later, I am still reminded by young Fijian priests of how they learnt so much in Doug’s “He was blessed in his lectures”. appointment to undertake Bishop Michael McKenna paid studies, firstly with the tribute to Fr Doug saying “I first Columbans in Turramurra and met Doug when he was Rector of then in Chicago. He thoroughly the Seminary in Suva. He was a enjoyed those years; a new way dynamo. He later welcomed me He spent some years as a Vocation Director and lived in Sydney, where he lived with young men who were considering becoming priests. It was in these years in Sydney that he truly came to experience life with the poor. He started to immerse his life into the Indigenous culture, a commitment he kept throughout his life.

his room afterwards and would reappear sometimes after several days, ready for the next big challenge”. The last liturgy Fr Doug celebrated at Stannies was the National Launch of World Mission Month, just three days before his death. Dr Wenham said he “…laboured with love over the preparation of the final prayer - he wanted it to embody the hope for all present, particularly the 500 students from 14 Bathurst Diocesan schools, to reflect on the gift of life given in love, to be shared with others, in love”. Fr Michael said the Stannies’ Community had been “given a wonderful, living lesson of a magnificent life, lived in more recent times, under great difficulties. Look around… see the crowds here. Fr Doug’s lesson to you: live your life to the full. Live it for others and when life sends you terrible blows, stand up again and continue to serve others”.

to Stannies and Bathurst when I came here and was a constant friend and source of affirmation, ideas and inspiration. As a College President and member of the Bishop’s Council of Priests, he lived out the Vincentian charism of being truly a part of the local church. He was a great confrere, a great friend, a great support to those who struggled “In the midst of a very busy life, and a tireless advocate of the Doug became much more openly poor and the marginalised”. reflective. He loved the quiet Father Doug shared a special times, simply being, listening to relationship with our Diocesan good music as he contemplated clergy. “Doug loved to be with the life. Doug was not stupid; he Diocesan clergy and with Bishop knew he would not ‘make old Michael. He enjoyed the banter, bones’; he prepared for his death the arguments; they all knew continuing to serve the Lord where he stood on all topics” in his people but also in quiet Fr Michael said. “And he loved peacefulness in himself and in the Vincentian community here His God”. in Bathurst, Jim, Brendan, Tony Bishop McKenna reflected on and Greg. He was always a great how, faced with the burden ‘community man’ contributing of serious illness in his life, in all sorts of different ways. Fr Doug did not step back We enjoyed his presence in from continuing his mission community and will be deeply as a priest and educator. “He missed at all future gatherings”. was an example of St. Paul’s “He also loved the people of declaration ‘When I am weak, Bathurst and the Central West. I am strong!’. Urged on by When he could, he attended the love of Christ, Doug used all sorts of religious and civic and transcended his physical events. He thoroughly enjoyed limitations to let God work and celebrating weddings and let us see God at work in him. His baptisms associated with ex- hope and courage brought out students of the College. He felt the best in others and pointed to honoured to be able to celebrate their origin in God. May he rest funerals and to be present to in peace and rise in glory”. those who mourned”. “He loved to celebrate the big liturgical events of the College, such as Graduation and Opening of School. He would retire to

(NB: Fr Michael Walsh’s Words of Remembrance are available on our Diocesan website - www.

C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t • October 2015 • Page 5

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Coona raises $11,000 for Caritas I

n an extraordinary fundraising effort, more than $11,000 was raised in St. Lawrence’s Parish, Coonabarabran for the victims of the catastrophic earthquakes that devastated Nepal earlier this year.

Aniello and Eve Iannuzzi, Mount Eyre Wines, Hunter Valley.

First prize was two nights at the Colonial Court Villas valued at $620, plus a $200 dinner voucher at the Mudgee Brewing St. Lawrence’s Parish would like Co. This was won by Mrs Kay to thank everyone who assisted Smith, Coonabarabran. or contributed to the success Second prize was a $400 Harvey of the raffle, which will greatly Norman gift voucher and was assist the Nepal Appeal. won by Mr David McWhirter, Special thanks goes to the Coonabarabran. residents of Coonamble, Third prize was a $300 mixed Baradine, Binnaway, Mudgee, case of Hunter Valley, Mount Dubbo and Coonabarabran, who Eyre Wines and was won by M made the raffle so successful. Sinclair, Dubbo. The Parish would also like to The money raised has been recognise the sponsors of the sent to Caritas, which has team raffle who were very generous in members on the ground in donating the sensational prizes; Nepal, working with the people Keith and Frances Doolan at the who have been displaced as a Colonial Court Villas Mudgee, result of this disaster. Gary and Debbie Leonard at the Mudgee Brewing Company and Margaret McKinnon

Book Review F

or some, the very mention of Canon Law makes eyes glaze over and interest wane. If you are still with me, congratulations! You are about to read a review of a book that explores some important areas of Church life. Canon Law is the codification, or the writing down, of agreed laws based on Doctrine and lived tradition in the Church. It is important to remember that Canon Law always follows, and is inspired by, Doctrine. After the end of the Second Vatican Council, it took until 1983 for the theology and teachings of Vatican II to be expressed in Canon Law.

In his book, ‘Canon Law in Action’, Monsignor Daly reflects on real life experiences in parish and dioceses, where Canon law is influential in decisions and the way members of the community interact. The Monsignor is well qualified to reflect on the interactions of Canon Law and individuals; he holds a doctorate in Canon Law, is a lecturer on the topic at Good Shepherd College and is an Associate Judicial Vicar of the Tribunal of the Catholic Church in New Zealand.

at the laws of the Church and their importance in our understanding of God. It will also be of interest to clergy, who may deal with more in-depth issues associated with Canon Law. His insights into areas surrounding Canon Law, such as sexual abuse, are pertinent in our current experiences of Church and in Australia, the ongoing Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

The raffle was drawn at St Lawrence’s Primary School by Constable Lundberg, pictured here with Margaret McKinnon and Assistant Principal Natasha Milford.

that future publications will look at other areas concerning Canon Law such as the laity, marriage and parish leadership, which would be of great interest to parishioners and clergy alike.

Canon Law in Action, by Monsignor Brendan Daly, is available from St Paul’s Publications - ISBN: 9781921963476 Joshua Clayton

The author also refers to councils and the development of theology in certain areas, based on the teachings of the Church. A selection of topics is covered including; Priestly Obedience to their Bishop, Clergy moving to another diocese, Sharing the Eucharist with other Churches, The Seal of the Confessional and Sexual abuse. The simple format and chapters that deal with the various topics enable an in-depth analysis of individual issues that will awaken in the reader a desire to understand more about particular subjects, as well as how the Church responds.

Monsignor Daly has used his extensive parish and formation The book is a practical experience in compiling this resource for parishioners, as work. As his book is so accessible it assists individuals to look and easy to read, I only hope C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t • October 2015 • Page 7

Catholic Mission National Director, Martin Teulan; St. Stanislaus’ College Head of College, Anne Wenham; School Captain, Jack Ayoub; Bishop Michael McKenna; Executive Director of Schools, Jenny Allen; Catholic Missions Bathurst Director, Michael Deasy and St. Stanislaus’ Head of Religion, Mark Elliott.

National launch of World Mission Month held at St. Stanislaus’ College T

he next generation of potential missionaries gathered at St. Stanislaus College in Bathurst on 1st September 2015, to celebrate the national launch of World Mission Month (WMM) - for the first time outside a major metropolitan area.

today will listen to God in your hearts about where He wants you to go and what He wants you to do”. Provincial of the Congregation of the Mission, Father Michael Walsh cm, was unable to attend but in a message he said: “It is of course appropriate that WMM 2015 will be launched at St. Stanislaus’ College. The College has always had a strong Mission focus, challenging young men, over many years, to be aware of the needs of the wider Church and the world”.

The month will focus on the work of dedicated missionaries throughout Australia, with the aim of raising critical funds to support those dioceses engaged in pastoral outreach and ministry to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander In her address, Mrs Jenny communities in the most Allen, Executive Director of isolated parts of Australia. Schools for the Diocese of Students from Stannies and Bathurst, commended the MacKillop College were joined WMM campaign to all Catholic by more than 500 others from schools and colleges in the 14 schools across the Diocese Diocese, for their prayerful and for the event. Bishop Michael financial support. McKenna officially launched WMM with a request to the students in the audience: “My great prayer is that all those here

Catholic Mission Diocesan Director, Mr Mike Deasy, said the event was made possible because of the incredible

support Catholic Mission had three days after the Launch to received from the Catholic learn of the sudden death of Diocese of Bathurst. Father Doug. His obituary is “This is the first time the on page 5 of this issue).Catholic national launch has been held Mission National Director, Mr outside Sydney. It was only Martin Teulan, said the launch possible because of the support was exceptional and a credit to received from the St. Stanislaus’ all those involved. “I thought it was an extraordinary celebration; I was incredibly impressed by the talented and inspirational students involved in the liturgy”. Mr Teulan said the Month “The venue was superb. The aimed to encourage everyone liturgy, with its elements of to “love your neighbour as prayer, scripture, music, song, yourself”. dance and the ecology, was beautifully crafted. It was a “The message to every young tribute to Father Doug and person is how they can reach Mark Elliott, the College’s Head out to people in need” he said. College community; its Head of College, Dr Anne Wenham; and Fr Doug Akehurst CM, as President of the College and an outstanding liturgist” he said.

of Religion, and an outstanding “As Christian people, God is collaborative effort by St. supporting them to be the best Stanislaus’ College, MacKillop person they can be in their lives”. College, the four Cathedral Information courtesy of Parish Catholic primary Jacinta Carroll schools and the Catholic Education Office”. (The College Photo: Chris Seabrook community was saddened just Western Advocate

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Mathew 22:39

Reach out to your Australian brothers and sisters C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t • October 2015 • Page 9

Year of Consecrated Life

Religious Life


alk to a religious and you will find a person who has found their heart’s desire. To be a religious is to be drawn into a love affair with God and to want to do great things for God. Religious live a community life, a life of prayer and a life in the service of others. They can be found in every walk of life: teachers, contemplatives, counsellors, prophets on the margins, prisons… The list is as large as the needs of our world. Religious communities have a founder whose spirit they continue to live to contemporary situations. out, adapting that spirit to the At the core of religious life are needs of our contemporary vows or promises - usually of world. At the heart of religious life are the vows or promises made – usually poverty, chastity and obedience. These promises are the outward sign of an inward, joyful offering of themselves to God and his call to uncover and celebrate a world that Jesus has already set in motion. Religious life is a vocation. It offers a way of life, blessed and authorised by the Church for men and women who wish to dedicate their lives completely to a deepening relationship with God and to the mission of Jesus among the People of God. There are many Congregations and Orders of religious life within the Church: Contemplative Orders, Monastic Orders, Apostolic Congregations and Secular institutes to name just a few. Over the centuries, expressions of religious life have emerged in response

chastity, poverty and obedience - prayer and a commitment to some form of community living and service.

More information about the religious orders within the Catholic Diocese of Bathurst can be found at

Religious Life in the Catholic Diocese of Bathurst In addition to the Diocesan clergy, the Catholic Diocese of Bathurst has been blessed with the presence and ministry of many congregations of religious men and women since its beginnings in 1865. These orders and congregations established and ran Catholic institutions providing education, health and social welfare. Most of their members were originally from Ireland and France, then from local parishes across the Diocese. Orders that have or have had a presence in our Diocese include:

●● Brigidines - education ●● Carmelites of Mary Immaculate - priests in parishes

marginalised people

●● Patrician brothers - education and orphanage ●● Sisters of Charity - hospital and nurse education ●● Sisters of Mercy - from 1866 education, boarding schools, orphanages

●● Vincentian priests and brothers - education and boarding school

Some young men and women from the Diocese of Bathurst also joined religious orders in other parts of Australia such as the Contemplative Carmelites, Cabrini Sisters, Daughters of Charity and Jesuits. All of them are committed to the Catholic faith and to social justice values expressed according to the needs of the time.

●● Daughters of Charity - education and orphanage ●● De la Salle Brothers - education After the second Vatican Council, Catholic In●● Dominican Sisters - education and boarding stitutions in the Diocese began to be handed school

●● Jesuits - spirituality and social justice ●● Josephite Sisters - education and boarding schools

●● Missionaries of Charity - outreach to

over to the laity and the work of religious in the Diocese of Bathurst diversified and expanded to other parts of Australia and the world. Some aspects of the lifestyle of religious also changed at this time such as not wearing the habit and where they resided.

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A reflection of mercy


n recent Jubilee celebrations in Bathurst, Sister Patricia Powell rsm acknowledged Sister Miriam Gibbons and in doing so gives a picture of Mercy at work in the world.

family members, who are so proud of her and of whom she is so proud, attending funerals and comforting the bereaved or just being with the Aboriginal elders on trips or at meetings.

It is an honour to congratulate Sister Miriam on the occasion of her Diamond Jubilee, because it is an honour to acknowledge and celebrate someone who, for 60 years, has been “like a tree, planted near running water”. She has put down deep roots, drawing from the spiritual strength of her relationship with Jesus through Mary and Joseph and has spread out wide branches, embracing all with her compassion and love, especially those most in need of mercy. This Diamond Jubilee celebrates who Miriam has become and what she has achieved in her living of religious life as a Sister of Mercy.

Living with Miriam in those years, I learned some valuable lessons about mercy and I’d like to focus on some of them on this occasion:

I had the privilege of living with Miriam in Dubbo for ten years in the 1980s, when we opened a house for temporary and emergency accommodation for Aboriginal people from further out west, coming to Dubbo for essential services. This initiative came out of Miriam’s experience in Redfern with Mum Shirl and Father Ted Kennedy and the community who worked with them and with the Aboriginal people there and in Wilcannia. I went into that situation as “Sister Miriam’s friend” which guaranteed me a trust and acceptance which otherwise might not have been accorded me for several years. Such was the esteem in which Miriam was held by Aboriginal people from across the eastern states. Those years constitute only one sixth of Miriam’s ministry as a Sister of Mercy. But they capture some of the qualities Miriam brought to her life and work, whether she was preparing wonderful meals for large communities of sisters and boarders, working tirelessly in the laundry, visiting the gaol or the hospital, sharing with

Mercy listens attentively: Miriam’s capacity to sit quietly, patiently listening to the outpouring of grief or joy - in person or on the phone brought healing and peace to many. Often she hardly said a word. But the quality of her gentle presence communicated concern, respect and encouragement. While many people of that era held opinions about what was good for Aboriginal people, Miriam was always guided by what Aboriginal people believed was good for themselves and their people and she supported their initiatives establishing the Dubbo Aboriginal Preschool, the Dubbo Aboriginal Medical Service and the Dubbo Aboriginal Legal Service. This became the cardinal rule for the our back shed at Fitzroy Street into accommodation for an Dubbo Aboriginal Ministry. Aboriginal man who was Mercy is practical: Like a recovering alcoholic and Catherine McAuley, Miriam needed the support that Miriam understood that the poor provided for him for over 12 needed help “NOW”. While months. Miriam did not flaunt she worked with others on the rules and laws, but if they slow process of trying to change stood in the way of common unjust structures that kept sense and compassion, she Aboriginal people marginalised certainly found ways around in society - marching in them. You definitely could land rights demonstrations not say she identified with and actively participating in the local constabulary. But other protests against racism the police had the greatest and discrimination in the respect for her and frequently education, health and welfare called on her to assist them systems, she also organised a with accommodation for a simple bread run, collecting the domestic violence victim, bread left at the end of the day knowing that both mother and from the baker and distributing children would be safe with it to needy families every her. Black or white, they knew the perpetrator would not dare evening. cross her threshold. Mercy takes risks: Had they known about it, I am not sure Mercy is tough love: While that either the Congregation or most people were grateful for the local civic authorities would the help they received from have approved of our converting Miriam, there were always

some that took things for granted and, indeed, literally took things from the house when they departed. Not that Miriam looked for gratitude or reward and she would have given the shirt off her back to someone who needed it, but time and again, she welcomed ungrateful people back and gave them another chance, albeit calling their bluff with a few firm and well-chosen words. So thanks Mim. Thanks for your friendship. Thanks for your mentoring me in mercy and justice. Thanks for your physical and spiritual solidarity with the Sisters of Mercy for over 60 years. And thanks for facilitating my entry into the Aboriginal community and the community of the unfolding Universe. Sister Patricia Powell rsm

C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t • October 2015 • Page 11

Bishop blesses restoration work at St. Mary’s, Mudgee S

t. Mary’s Catholic Church, Mudgee held a blessing of the recently completed heritage works on the historic building. Current Parish Priest, Father Tony Hennessy, welcomed the gathering and said, “Today is an important day. We acknowledge the work people have done and also why we do that work; to build a place of worship and also a place that in many ways symbolises our community of Mudgee”. Bishop Michael McKenna was on hand to bless the restoration work and see what has been achieved. Project manager Martin Milton said “for me it’s been a real privilege to be involved in this work” and architect Barbara Hickson also said she appreciated the opportunity to work on such an important and historic local building. Parish priest at the commencement of the works, Father Garry McKeown, returned for the blessing and said “the church is more than a building but in the community of Mudgee it’s probably the most photographed building in town”. General manager of MidWestern Regional Council, Brad Cam, said that coming from a construction background he had a keen eye on the work and talked about the importance of the church to the region. “It’s a magnificent building and it’s been a privilege to watch it be transformed”, he said. “St. Mary’s Church has certainly been regularly featured in photography, which illustrates the beauty of the region which we live in. It certainly is a common occurrence to see tourists taking photos of the street scape with the church being the main feature. We’re very privileged to have such a lovely historic building in our area, I’m sure that the people who built it in the 1800s never knew how iconic it would become”. Parish


president, John Witheriff, said the “parishioners are rightly proud of the achievement” and explained the process of the restoration.

“The wheels for this day were set in motion when Sister Alice Sullivan submitted an Council application to the Office of

Environment and Heritage for a roof drainage. grant to restore the stone work and drains”, Mr Witheriff said. “The heritage grant came through, and with the addition “Sparked by a grant of $10,000 of parish funding, the stone from [MWRC] and the hail restoration could be completed”. insurance claim and parish funds, Ray and Ben Ashford Courtesy of Sam Potts started and completed the Mudgee Guardian copper work on the spire and

Page 12 • October 2015 • C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t

Sacraments of First Eucharist and Confirmation at Coonabarabran S

unday 14th June 2015 was a special day for the Parish of St. Lawrence’s, Coonabarabran and the 16 children who received the Sacrament of First Eucharist. Father Reynold Jaboneta celebrated Mass and made it a lovely day to remember for the children making their First Holy Communion. Congratulations to Eden Allen, Cooper Birks, Ignatius Blackman, Siarne Davis, William Elton, Wyatt Ernest, Riley Fleming, Kira Holmesby, Emily Larkin, Harrison Milford, Matilda Pickette, Reuban Shannon, Piper Walker, Amara Watton, Darcy Weatherall and Jace Weatherall. On Sunday 2nd August, seven Y6 students received the Sacrament of Confirmation at Mass at St. Lawrence’s. Bishop Michael McKenna confirmed the young people, who were supported by their parents, sponsors, teachers and families. Congratulations to Harry Allen, Benton Ernest, Madison Heywood, Callum Reedman, Charlie Selmes, Myah Sullivan and Evan Sulter. Mrs Judy Over

The Catholic Observer is published by the Catholic Diocese of Bathurst (Diocesan Publications) PO Box 246, Bathurst, NSW, 2795 ph: (02) 6334 6400

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C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t • October 2015 • Page 13

Lithgow and Wallerawang Catechists honoured O

ver the weekend of 27th28th June 2015, Mrs Vicki Mair, SRE Co-ordinator for the Diocese of Bathurst, spoke at Mass at St. Patrick’s, Lithgow and at Sacred Heart, Wallerawang about the work of our dedicated catechists in the area. Vicki presented awards to recognise the efforts of our retired catechists who have volunteered their time and effort over many years. In Lithgow, Terry Fitzpatrick taught SRE at Lithgow Public School for approximately ten years, retiring at the end of 2014. Valerie Williams taught for more than ten years and retired in 2010. Alan Kennedy received an award on behalf of himself and his wife, Margaret. Margaret sadly passed away earlier this year. Both Margaret and Alan taught SRE to the primary children at Lithgow Public School for six years until

the end of 2013. Linda Durnford, Betty Boardman and Christine Nott also taught at Lithgow Public School. These ladies, along with the present catechists, were acknowledged and thanked for their dedication. One of the special feautures of the Lithgow parish is that it is one of only three parishes in the Diocese where Catholic scripture is still taught. Vicki said “The work of the Catechists is love in action. It is sharing the God News of God’s Alan Kennedy, Valerie Williams and Terry Fitzpatrick in Lithgow great love with young children that may never have heard it Colleen Murphy, who taught at being used and shared by many Wallerawang Public for about SRE teachers throughout the before”. five years until her health meant Diocese. In Wallerawang, Vicki praised she was unable to continue. Colleen would say “teaching the work of Sister Therese Colleen was called to her eternal scripture was just some little Patterson, Patricia Wilkinson home in March of this year. thing that she did for God”. and Peter Dowling, who teach The little prayer that Colleen If you would like to know more SRE at Wallerawang Public taught the children is still about this vital ministry and School and have done so for prayed by some of the classes at how to become involved, please many years. Wallerwang Public and many contact your parish priest for Special mention was made of of her teaching ideas are still more details.

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14/09/15 2:07 PM

St. Columba’s - Yeoval Christian Living Camp 2015


6 students from St. Columba’s Primary School thoroughly enjoyed their time at Christian Living Camp at Ridgecrest. They made many friends and particularly enjoyed the sessions facilitated by Chris Doyle.

Diocesan Spelling Bee


ongratulations to Simon Brown, Amelia Vaughan, Jorja Lees and Althea Pastor who competed in the Diocesan Spelling Bee at St. Mary’s, Wellington on Thursday 4th June. Duncan Job, Justine Smith, Althea Pastor, Jorja Lees, Annabelle Englert and Julia Englart Milo Hunter at the Christian Living Camp.

St. Mary’s Catholic School, Wellington Visit by Marist Brother


ecently, the St. Mary’s Catholic School hosted a visit from Marist Brother Paul Hough, who works in children’s courts and schools, primarily amongst Aboriginal children and youth. A number of community groups that support the school including TAFE, WACS, Boomali, and the Wellington Council, attended a consultation meeting. Brother Paul congratulated St. Mary’s on its inclusive welcome it offers the Aboriginal community. He said that few schools he has visited is able to provide such a welcome. The work of Aboriginal Education Worker, Denise Kelly is again recognised. Simon Price

Parent and Student involvement in Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)


t. Mary’s is fortunate to have staff, parent and student involvement in the school’s PBL committee. Alison Owens has recently accepted the parent representative position and the school captains have been members of the committee for a number of years. Currently, Maddison Hunt and Jack Broome have also joined the representative team. The PBL committee meets a number of times each term and reviews the framework, examines behaviour data, plans PBL focus lessons and the rewards. This has resulted in very successful changes to the Framework this year, with major rewards being awarded each term as opposed to the end of each year being a key feature. Jennifer Simpson

Page 16 • October 2015 • C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t

Indonesia Sister School Exchange A

sense of excitement and awakening was always at hand for St. John’s College students and teachers who took part in the 2015 Indonesia Sister School Exchange trip to the city of Cilegon. With a population of 400,000 (considered modest by Indonesian standards), Cilegon sits 200km North West from Jakarta on the island of Java. From the first day of the trip, the students were bombarded with colour, pomp and ceremony. This heightened level of festivity was also due to this being the first visit from St. John’s College Principal, Kerry Morris, to both SMANDAKS Senior School and SMPIT Junior School. St. John’s students made strong connections with Indonesian students, mainly through their extensive “selfie” obligations, made greater by the emphasis on “group selfies”. With the respective billeting arrangements, students were able to gain firsthand experience of everyday Indonesian life, allowing them to witness the warm hospitality, tasty Javanese cuisine and profound Islamic faith; including the customary 4.30 am wake up call for morning prayer. Outside of Cilegon, students first visited Jakarta which entailed a fun day at Dufan theme park. From there, it was onto Bandung to witness an Angklung (Indonesian xylophone) concert and a visit to a nearby sulphur lake.

Upon returning to Cilegon, it was time for St. John’s College students to show off their skills and talents to the Indonesians. Things started off in front of the Governor of the Banten province no less, where students performed an enthusiastic rendition of “Call me maybe”. In sporting pursuits, St. John’s College students battled hard in the humid conditions when playing SMANDAKS in a game of Futsal. Junior students dressed up in traditional Javanese clothes and took part in a charity fundraiser performing a few songs on the Angklung. A visit was also made to the Cilegon Mayor’s office, which resulted in Lillian Guelen and Emily Exner finding their way into the local newspaper. As for teachers, Madame Strahorn provided Indonesian students with a French lesson, bringing new meaning to the phrase “lost in translation” and Mr Josh (as called by Indonesian pupils) delivered a dynamic lesson on Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet which culminated with his class singing Waltzing Matilda. Throughout the stay, the most memorable feature was the sincere warm heartedness and care of the Indonesian people, made all too obvious by the lengthy farewells at Jakarta airport. The families went to and comfortable experience their kindness in 2016. great lengths to provide the possible. As a community, we Joshua Croake students with the most enriching look forward to reciprocating

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C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t • October 2015 • Page 17

Our Dynamic Education Community I n response to the ever evolving needs of our school and parish communities, our Catholic education system of schools is certainly a dynamic one. Our schools are continually improving indeed, transforming various aspects of their daily operations across the domains of faith, learning, stewardship. In previous editions of The Observer I have written about the current re-culturing of each of our schools as Professional Learning Communities (PLC). The three big ideas of this are: a focus on learning, a collaborative culture and results orientation. Some of our schools are also undergoing a significant change to their overall structure. St. Matthews, Mudgee this year introduced its first Year 11 cohort on its journey to become a K-12 school in 2016. St. Raphael’s, Cowra will introduce its first Year 11 cohort in 2016 as it follows a similar journey to become a K-12 school by 2017. Following a period of discernment by the St. Joseph’s, Oberon school community during 2015, it will take on its new identity as a K-6 school from the commencement of the 2016 school year. Given the significance of the change in each of these three schools, the PLC model will provide a strong framework in support of continuing the culture of quality Catholic education which prevails in each of these three school communities. Each of these schools was involved in the initial trial period for PLCs in 2012 and their positive

Construction at St. Raphael’s is underway for the expansion to cater for Years 11 and 12. implementation and evaluation of the model has led to the adoption of this approach by all of our 33 schools. The essence of the model has been captured very succinctly in St. Joseph’s, Oberon Vision Statement, which the School community recently revised: At St Joseph’s Catholic School, all students learn at high levels in a nurturing, collaborative and Christ-centred environment. The deep reflection by the

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School and the realignment of its overarching vision with the PLC framework, positions it well to move confidently and successfully into an exciting new phase as a K-6 school. In transitioning to their new identities, the staff and parent bodies have worked exceptionally hard, under the guiding wisdom of their parish priests and principals, over a substantial period of time to ensure the success of the journey and, ultimately, the enhanced

faith, learning and wellbeing outcomes for students. I look forward to keeping the Diocesan community updated as the journey of these three school communities continues, in the knowledge of the ongoing prayerful support of our diocesan community united under Bishop Michael’s motto, Legato Con Amore, bound with love. Mrs Jenny Allen Executive Director of Schools

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Page 18 • October 2015 • C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t

School-wide Positive Behaviour 4 Learning S PB4L is a framework that has a strong emphasis on teaching appropriate behaviours and providing systems of support to bring about these positive behaviours. The framework is focused on proactive strategies for defining, teaching and supporting appropriate student behaviours to create a positive school environment.

students.’ (Sugai & Horner 2001; 2002)

SPB4L is part of a broader movement that seeks to increase the application of evidence-based practices in schools and is in line with the principles of Quality Teaching.

Four schools from our Diocese are preparing to implement the SPB4L framework. Staff from St. The aim of SPB4L is to actively Laurence’s, Dubbo; St. Joseph’s, teach and reinforce desired Molong; St. Mary’s, Wellington behaviour while implementing and James Sheehan Catholic High consistent, reasonable, mostly School, Orange came together in positive intervention to address Dubbo recently to look at how we problem behaviours. Preserving gather and effectively use data to and building students’ self-esteem make decisions. and image, building relationships, Sacred Heart School, Coolah is as well as encouraging selfhoping to be on board in the near monitoring of behaviour are future. vital components of the positive Students at St. Joseph’s, Molong approach. have been involved in designing SPB4L places the emphasis on a mascot for the framework in school wide systems of support. their school. Some great thoughts ‘SPB4L is a broad range of systemand fun images have been created. ic and individualised strategies for Well done St. Joseph’s. achieving important social and Vicki Hagney learning outcomes while preventing problem behaviour with all Education Officer

PD from ‘The Heart’ S acred Heart School, Coolah is one of the many schools across our Diocese taking full advantage of the professional development being offered to schools to assist them in their growth and development as Professional Learning Communities.

This is a key focus for us as a system of schools and the professional development, facilitated by experts in the field and “home grown”, is tailored to support schools on their journeys within their particular school contexts. Janine Kearney

Our ‘home grown’ Mrs Jenny Allen and Mrs Pauline Walkom working with the Sacred Heart staff

C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t • October 2015 • Page 19

St Michael’s teachers get involved in ‘Crazy Hair Day’ in Dunedoo

Wacky Weekdays! O ur schools tend to have a few of these - in the name of community support, student engagement, tradition; and even good old education gets a guernsey or two. One would be forgiven, however, for being somewhat bemused and

confused by the teachers at St. Michael’s, Dunedoo and St. Pius X, Dubbo this term. St. Michael’s staff spent the day giving their hairdressers ‘the willies’ with their Crazy Hair Day to raise money for, and awareness of, cystic fibrosis. Sister Margaret

St Pius X staff doing their Time Warp

Flood definitely gave Goldilocks the 150 year celebrations of St. a run for her money. Brigid’s Parish and Colonial Day. The ‘Sisters’ certainly looked the The staff at St. Pius looked as part. Students, thankfully, were though they’d really ‘taken their also involved in the antics at vows’ in bowing to their heritage, both schools. as they stepped back in time to honour the feast of St. Pius X, Janine Kearney

Omnia pro te cor Jesu, “All for the Heart of Jesus”… T his is the school motto at St. Joseph’s in Manildra. It comes from the tradition of the Sisters of St. Joseph. “All for the Heart of Jesus” reminds us that the spirit of love challenges us to cherish and model the life and teachings of Jesus.

This ‘spirit of love’, ‘challenging’ and ‘modelling’ certainly characterise the happy, studentfocussed, Catholic learning community of St. Joseph’s. The recent school review proved to be an opportunity to affirm Mr French and his teachers for their commitment to their students and to witness firsthand the quality lessons, learning and laughter that are the heart of this vibrant, connected community. Janine Kearney

The Heart of St. Joseph’s - the students

Page 20 • October 2015 • C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t

Encyclical series generates fresh thinking and lively debate O

ver 40 participants have engaged in a comprehensive four-part study series on Pope Francis’s recent encyclical, Laudato si’. Facilitated by Sister Patricia Powell rsm, and hosted by Rahamim Ecology Centre, Bathurst the series engaged many voices from the Bathurst community. Sister Patricia’s renowned expertise on the Universe story and Earth Literacy coming from a Christian faith perspective has prepared her well for responding to such a papal encyclical which, she said, “seeks to nurture in us a spirit in our tradition which has not always been at the fore”. The series engaged participants in passionate, rigorous discussion around the consequences of Pope Francis’s urgent call to protect ’our common home’, and to “look for solutions in a change of humanity” instead of “dealing merely with symptoms” (LS 9). Participants reflected on the words of Pope Francis and other faith leaders, interpreted Biblical texts, meditated on the place of the human in the Universe story, considered the ancient wisdom of indigenous peoples and learnt about practical strategies for change in the future. In response to the encyclical, Wiradjuri Elder, Bill Allen, shared his culture, stories, ritual and language to further enrich the message of Pope Francis. Participants also heard from local climate scientist Jim Lavis, Parish Priest Father Paul Devit, and members of the Wholefood Co-op to explore practical changes that could result from reflecting on the encyclical. Bishop McKenna’s remarks on the Laudato si are on page 4. Sally Neaves Sustainability Educator Rahamim Ecology Centre C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t • October 2015 • Page 21

St. Mary’s, Dubbo Rugby team victorious O

n Monday 10th August 2015, St. Mary’s senior Rugby team was successful in winning the NSW Catholic Primary Schools Rugby 10s State Finals and was presented with the Chris Gangemi Shield. The finals took place at the excellent playing fields of St. Joseph’s College, Hunter’s Hill. The team qualified for the finals after winning the Bathurst Diocesan 10-a-side Rugby Union Finals that took place in June. The nine winning school teams, representing the various dioceses from throughout NSW, competed on the day. These included Broken Bay, Armidale, Lismore, Wilcannia/Forbes, Canberra/ Goulburn, Wollongong, Syd-

ney, Newcastle/Maitland and Bathurst. The St. Mary’s team was placed in Pool A and won its four games in the preliminary. In the semifinals St. Mary’s played a combined team of St. Augustine’s, Narromine/St. John’s, Trangie from Wilcannia/Forbes and won that game 24-0. In the finals, St. Mary’s came up against a strong team from the Maitland/Newcastle Diocese, St. Catherine’s, Singleton. Singleton had won the semi-final against an unbeaten Holy Trinity team from Inverell. The St. Mary’s team played extremely well in the final, winning 36-0. The players represented their School and the Diocese of Bathurst with

pride and courage on the day. They also made history, being the first St. Mary’s School team to win this state wide competition under the direction of their

passionate and experienced coach, Mr John Nugent. Once again, well done to all the boys! John Wagner

Confirmation at St. John the Baptist Eugowra


n Sunday 16th August 2015, Jordan Moore, Ty Jones, Lily Wallace, Jim Riley and Max Gates were presented to Bishop Michael McKenna to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Family, sponsors, friends and parishioners were there to witness this important step their faith journey. Afterwards all shared supper and a special cake in the hall. Sarah De Lange

St Matthews Catholic School

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4 Lewis St Mudgee Phone: 6372 1742 New website: Page 22 • October 2015 • C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t

Dedicated works of timber 2

015 is the first year that St. Stanislaus’ College has offered the Industrial Technology Timber and Furniture Products Course, and congratulations go to the boys involved in this successful inaugural venture. Alexander Bennett, Jack

Blatch, Kaspar Crawley, Braydon Groat, Ethan Kelly, Jack Miller, Jake Pilley, Kyle Stait and Lachlan Williams designed, constructed and completed a variety of quality pieces of furniture that they should be extremely proud to have on display for the

BOSTES (Board of Studies Teaching and Educational Standards) markers. These young men worked in a dedicated manner to complete both major design projects and portfolios by the due date. I wish all the lads success now for the final component of the course

- the BOSTES HSC exam. I would like to congratulate all members of the 2015 course for their attention to detail and excellent workmanship and I wish them all the success for their future career endeavours. David Glasson


As a boys’ school we strive to enrich the learning experiences of our students whilst providing them with the broadest range of opportunities for life beyond the classroom. Enrolment applications for 2016 welcome. year 9 & year 11 scholarship applications for 2016 now open. Enquiries are welcome. Contact the College Registrar on 6331 4177 or C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t • October 2015 • Page 23

Soup for the Soul at Cathedral School In the Spirit of St. Vincent


n conjunction with our Confirmation unit, Y6 students organised a soup drive, in the spirit of St. Vincent, to help feed the homeless and unfortunate in our community. All students at Cathedral School, Bathurst participated and donations were collected and boxed up by students on a daily basis. At the conclusion of our soup drive we had collected 211 cans and 119 packets of soup which equates to 195 litres. This is enough to feed 780 people a warm meal. There are a lot of people out there who don’t have a warm place to sleep or dinner to eat. This is our way of helping them. On Friday 26th June, Gerry from Vinnies came to collect all the soup that we had collected. We hope that our contribution has helped to improve the lives and spirit of those less fortunate in our community. Sam Griffin and Olivia Hudson-Hitchens Y6 students

Student Catechist Program F

or the first half of term three Helen Ryan and I travelled to St. Raphael’s Central School in Cowra each Monday to train four Y9 students to become Student Catechist Helpers. Coralea Tapp, Grace Gallagher, Holly Proctor and Lilly Pilcher volunteered and completed the program to become Student Helpers. They learnt about child protection and working safely with children, classroom management, nurturing their own faith and the Christ our Light and Life program which is used by our catechists to teach Catholic SRE. On completion of their training, the students were presented with the Certificates of Achievement at their school assembly on 11th August. The student helpers will now assist Catechists deliver Special Religious Education in State primary schools in the Cowra area.

Coralea Tapp, Grace Gallagher, Holly Proctor and Lilly Pilcher with Vicki

Thanks goes to the catechists who have volunteered to pick up and return the students to school. Special thanks to Mr Michael

Gallagher, Principal of St. program which is of great benefit Raphael’s and Mrs Peta Bischof, to the catechists and students in Religious Education Coordinator the State primary schools. for their support in this vital Vicki Mair

Holy Family Primary School Kelso

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Page 24 • October 2015 • C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t

Holy Family - Kelso “In The Spirit of Catherine MacAuley Award”


oly Family School, Kelso has introduced a new weekly award for students. The award recognises the School’s charism and historical link to the Sisters of Mercy. Honouring the Founder of the Sisters of Mercy, the award is given weekly to a student who has demonstrated a sense of mercy and has carried out an act of kindness within the School community. School Chaplain, Father Owen Gibbons, was on hand to present the first two Catherine MacAuley Awards to students Jacob

Gittany (Y6) and Juanita Hann (Y4). The School has also had a recent focus on the corporal and spiritual works of mercy, which can also link to the new award. School Principal, Mr Kevin Arrow, said “The Catherine MacAuley Award aims to further develop in students, a real sense of mercy work and we are encouraging the students to show acts of kindness to one other every day. This will be a practical lead in - to the Year of Mercy at our School, which is coming up”.

2015 Paul Kelly Cup AFL State Champions


onday 17th August 2015 will be a date long remembered by the Holy Family School Girls AFL team! Having completed our mission at the preceding Bathurst, Orange and Blacktown AFL carnivals, our girls were in the final eight teams for NSW schools. At the historic Sydney Cricket Ground, the girls won their three pool matches: HFS 45-0, Radford College: HFS 34-6, Bega Valley Public School: HFS 12-7, Hay Public School. In our semi-final, HFS defeated Yamba Public School 38-0. The final decider put HFS up against a very strong Cherrybrook Public School. In a close encounter, we took out the match 16-7. Our team members were each

Jacob Gittany, Father Owen Gibbons, Juanita Hann

presented with a State medal and Holy Family School received a State AFL Plaque to recognise this wonderful achievement. Congratulations to the team which includes: Tayla Brasier, Tula Foster, Micayla Asimus, Cushla Rue, Grace Pucci, Isabelle Renshaw, Emma Bromhead, Mia Ryan, Aaliyah Blenman, Talliah Blenman, Abbey Tilley, Georgia Lane, Kate Fallon, Taylah Noonan and Tomika Speer. All team members displayed excellent sportsmanship and they promoted a very positive attitude towards their sport. Our girls were excellent representatives for our school. Kevin Arrow

St Lawrence’s Primary School Coonabarabran

The Girls’ Team

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C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t • October 2015 • Page 25

Reflection Day O

n Wednesday 29th July, the students from St. Lawrence’s, Coonabarabran and St. Johns, Baradine joined with other Confirmation candidates from the Parish to reflect on the Spirit in preparation for Confirmation. The day provided a time to be together and join in activities which focused each candidate on the Spirit in our lives and the gifts that we receive from the Spirit. Father Reynold Jaboneta joined with the children who were able to participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Some students felt that this was a highlight of the day. It was great to renew the friendships that the children had made during our recent trip to Canberra and to share some laughs and reflections. Mrs Bunner helped the candidates to make Confirmation stoles, which were worn over the red robes.

Confirmation at St. John’s


n Friday 31st July 2015, six young people from the Parish of St. John’s Baradine were Confirmed. Cameron Worrell, Fleur Andrews, Ted Matthews, Jimmy Bunner, Brody Whillock and Madison Masman participated in the preparation programme run at St. John’s Primary School as well as taking activities sheets home to complete with their families. During their time of preparation, the candidates also actively participated in the Parish Mass. As part of their home preparation, we asked their parents to write each candidate a letter, which helps them to share their memories and hopes for their child. This keepsake is then added to their special Confirmation book. The liturgy was a beautiful reflection of this special sacrament. Bishop Michael McKenna spoke to each candidate before the ceremony and made each child feel special. Following the Mass, we celebrated with the Parish family by sharing supper. Kim Tym

Boarding at MacKillop College, Bathurst-Perthville


oarding at MacKillop College provides a unique experience of residential community living, ten kilometres from MacKillop College at St. Joseph’s Boarding House, located in the picturesque village of Perthville. It was here that St. Mary of the Cross MacKillop would visit her sisters and run retreats. The boarding experience offers a Catholic education in a Josephite tradition meeting the individual needs of modern young women. Personal growth and friendships are developed through the building of relationships based on respect and dignity in a family orientated environment. Students are encouraged to be independent, self-confident and to achieve their personal best in all aspects of life. Boarding may be seven days per week during school term or Monday to Friday, known as weekly boarding. Occasionally, when parents are travelling overseas, day students may board during this time, depending on vacancies.

A Director of Boarding, supervisors, a nurse and counsellor staff the boarding house. Teachers from the College tutor in the evenings in prep time. MacKillop has a proud academic tradition. Our students have achieved excellent results in the Higher School Certificate and in a wide range of external

examinations and competitions. A large proportion of the graduating class consistently receive university entrance offers while many students are the recipients of scholarships at tertiary level. In 2014, with a cohort of 89 HSC students, the girls were awarded 40 Band 6 and 198 Band 5 results. Isabella Barrett is from near

Page 26 • October 2015 • C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t

Coonamble, and was a boarder at MacKillop College graduating last year. Isabella achieved an ATAR of 99.2. She believes being a boarder at MacKillop really helped her keep a routine and with study supervisors to help, she could not have wanted more from an education. Maureen Moore

St. John’s Primary School, Dubbo I

n August, St. John’s Primary School Y2 students enjoyed an excursion around Dubbo as part of their History Unit: “The Past in the Present”. They learnt about the history of Dubbo and how things change over time. Students visited the old St. Brigid’s Catholic Church, Old Dubbo Gaol, Victoria Park and the Western Plains Cultural Centre. It was terrific to see the children come dressed up in costumes from the past. David Schwager Phoebe Spora, Chloe O’Keefe, Grace Peters, Brianna Shuttle and Kiara Konz enjoyed the day.

St. Ives Brigidine College visits Coonamble O n Tuesday 4th August 2015, the staff and students at St. Brigid’s School were fortunate to have a visit from 14 students from their Brigidine sister school in Sydney.

The Y10 students were enroute to Goodooga and broke their journey with a stopover in Coonamble. Following a tour of the Church and school, the girls then joined their younger friends for recess. It was wonderful to see the great interaction between the students. The St. Ives girls certainly were wonderful ambassadors for their School and the Brigidine motto of strength and gentleness. Patricia Crawley

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Serving the Central West for over 30 years Phone: 6331 8711 Fax: 6331 6546 C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t • October 2015 • Page 27

Local teacher gains Masters in Theology


arah Brangwin, a former teacher in the Diocese of Bathurst, recently graduated from the Master of Theology with The Broken Bay Institute and The University of Newcastle. We asked Sarah what inspired her to study theology. “I was teaching a religion lesson and one of the kids asked me a question and then said ‘I don’t believe in Jesus’. I’d read some children’s literature and responded as best I could, but I thought, ‘I owe it to the kids I’m teaching. I should be better informed’”. Initially disheartened by the idea of studying for several more years so soon after graduating from teaching, Sarah firstly enrolled in the one-year Graduate Certificate in Theology. “I grew up Catholic and religion was always a big part of my life. I also thought if I am going to be a really good teacher, I have to be as well-equipped as I can”. After completing the Graduate Certificate, she realised she wanted to keep studying. “I looked up the units for the Masters and they sounded really

Sarah Brangwin graduating from the University of Newcastle with a Masters in Theology

interesting and I thought ‘Why not?’ I’m really glad that I did. It’s helped me grow as a person, prepare for teaching and form a better understanding of my faith”. One of the unexpected benefits Sarah found was the way theology challenged her to get out of her comfort zone. “One of the most challenging parts of the course

was how it made me take my teacher hat off and think about myself. I found it hard to talk about my faith or challenge other people’s ideals in the discussion forums, as we were encouraged to do. I’ve definitely learnt from being able to discuss things with people who have totally different ideals and beliefs”. Sarah’s favourite part of the

course was being able to pass on objective knowledge within the classroom setting. “For me, studying theology was about getting that tool box and knowledge so I could give my students the information and resources to guide them to find their own belief and faith”. Amelia Morris Broken Bay Institute

NAIDOC Day at St. Brigid’s School, Coonamble S

t. Brigid’s School community held their annual NAIDOC celebrations on Friday 26th June. All staff, students and many visitors wore red, black and/or yellow clothing. The theme for this year was, “We all stand on sacred ground: Learn, Respect and Celebrate”. The day began with an Acknowledgement of Country and the raising of the Aboriginal flag. At noon, everyone participated in Mass, with the Liturgy prepared by Y3 students. Sausage sandwiches were provided for lunch with staff and some students from Coonamble High, who are involved in the Clontarf program, carrying out the chef duties and with several relatives helping to organise the food. Everyone appreciated their efforts. After lunch, the students were divided into their six peer support groups and moved around the variety of activities. These included devouring freshly cooked Johnny cakes, playing Aboriginal games, listening to Dreaming stories, learning more about the NAIDOC Week theme for 2015, conversing in local language and decorating a cardboard boomerang. Prior to the day, all students had drawn their face. These have been combined to make tea towels that each family will receive. We are very grateful to the organisations that provided staff who assisted on the day and for the generous grants that ensured that our NAIDOC Day observance was an outstanding success. Patricia Crawley

Page 28 • October 2015 • C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t

The Lion King at St. Michael’s - Dunedoo T

he sounds of the savannah rang out at St. Michael’s Primary School in Dunedoo recently when the School performed the musical, The Lion King. The performance was held on Wednesday 26th August with a matinee and evening performance at St. Michael’s School Hall. From rainbow lorikeets to meerkats and zebras to lions, all students from K-6 were involved in the play, which received rave reviews from the many parents, grandparents, friends and family who enjoyed the fabulous performances by all involved. Peta Brennan


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Our Diocesan Social Service Agency Centacare Sunday - 13th September On 13th of September, the Diocese of Bathurst celebrated its social service mission and the work of Centacare. Now in its 27th year, Centacare reaches out to thousands of people within our Diocese and beyond. With 10 offices

across the Diocese and outreach to regional and rural centres, Centacare continues to live out the social mission of the church in our Diocese. We are very grateful for the continued support from the parishes.

Report Card Programme Type

No: of participants 2013-14

No: of participants 2014-15

Counselling and related services



Marriage preparation and enrichment



Drought Assistance programme



School Anti-bullying programmes



Life stage programmes



School readiness programme - families



Professional Development



Indigenous Community Information and Referral Service Indigenous Community Capacity Building

Occasions of service to Indigenous people: 9,118

Occasions of service to Indigenous people: 13,071

Our Programmes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

Family Relationship Counselling General Counselling Family Mediation Workplace mediation Indigenous Community Development- Community Safety and Wellbeing Indigenous School Readiness, Education, and Achievement Programme Families and Children Drought Assistance Bathurst Early Learning Support Orange - Cowra Aboriginal Families Strengthening Activity Did You Know - Young Aboriginal Families and Parenting Initiatives Radio Waves - Parenting Awareness Campaign Broadband for Seniors - Internet access for senior citizens Home Interaction Programme for Parents & Youngsters (HIPPY)- school readiness School Wellbeing Programme – Catholic Primary Schools Life Stage and Personal Development Courses Parenting After Separation Parenting Education and Skills Enrichment Pre-marriage Education and Relationship Enrichment School Chaplaincy Professional Development for Practitioners Community Capacity Building Employee Assistance programmes Central West Family Law Pathways Network

Centacare Prayer Blessed are you, Lord, God of mercy and love, who through your Son gave us a marvellous example or charity and the great commandment of love for one another. Send down your blessings upon us so that when we are called on in times of need, we will faithfully show your light and love our neighbour. May we go forward confident in the intercession of our mother Mary, and in the name of our creating, liberating and ever loving God. Amen

For more information about Centacare’s services visit or to make an appointment please call 1800 231 118 Page 30 • October 2015 • C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t

Office Locations Address:


107 William Street BATHURST (Head Office)

6331 8944

28 Cobra Street DUBBO (Regional Office)

6885 0277

6/62 George Street BATHURST

6332 3763

94 William Street ORANGE

6363 1857

Old Convent Building Byng Street ORANGE

6331 8944

142 Percy Street WELLINGTON

6845 1895

91 Carrington Avenue DUBBO

6884 5889

114 Warren Road GILGANDRA

6842 3971

1/2 Sussex Street COONABARABRAN

6842 3971

174 Landa Street LITHGOW

6852 4868

2/164 Main Street LITHGOW

6331 8944

Robert George Centacare Director

You can help strengthen the work of Centacare in our Diocese by making a tax-deductible donation to Centacare •

Payment by Cash: at 107 William Street Bathurst or 28 Cobra Street Dubbo

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DONATIONS OVER $2 TO CENTACARE ARE TAX DEDUCTABLE Your gift will be receipted and acknowledged, and will be put to work where it is needed most.

C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t • October 2015 • Page 31

Palliative Care - putting patients back in the driver’s seat


diagnosis of terminal cancer or other life limiting illness is a distressing experience for anyone, but more recent advances in Palliative and Supportive Care are putting patients back into the driver’s seat when it comes to deciding how their treatment will unfold and how they and their family will experience the journey ahead of them. Although a relatively new area of medical specialisation, Palliative Medicine has developed in recent decades into a sophisticated, patient-centred, multidisciplinary approach to care. The World Health Organisation describes it as: “an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problems associated with lifethreatening illness, through the prevention and relief of suffering by means of early identification and impeccable assessment and treatment of pain and other problems, physical, psychosocial and spiritual”. It is this attention to the whole person that sets it apart from other medical specialities, says Associate Professor Natasha Michael, Director of Palliative Medicine at Cabrini Health in Melbourne. “The WHO definition of Palliative Care is very explicit, that it is about providing holistic care, where you pay attention to the physical, the psychosocial

and the spiritual dimensions of support and care to patients and families living with a life limiting illness”, she says.

Dr Natasha Michael

“And it also talks about early integration, so that you see people early on in their disease trajectory, when they’ve just been diagnosed with such a condition, and you provide care through the illness continuum, and right through to the bereavement period for the family. And that care is provided by a multidisciplinary team. “I always say that for many of our patients, we can’t really change the end point, although we have good data now showing that good symptom control can actually prolong life”, she says. “But what we can truly influence is how you experience your journey of care between now and that end point”. Dr Maria Cigolini, Clinical Director of Palliative Medicine at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital,

Sydney, says many people’s fears of death and dying stem from bad experiences with the death of a loved one in the past. “In the past, people didn’t really talk about dying and there were a variety of problems that would occur around death which would go unmanaged”, she says. Dr Cigolini says recent decades have seen a rapid growth in cancer medicine, as well as treatment of other chronic diseases, such as heart and renal disease, meaning that people often live longer with progressive disease and develop more symptoms. “But the amount of knowledge in the management of dying and management of best supportive care has also expanded exponentially over the last two decades in particular”, she says. “Our role is to try to keep people symptomatically well and controlled to get on with their life, as well as being able to get through their treatments to prolong their lives. “And, when the disease becomes refractory to treatment, then our role is to assist them in planning in advance how they want to be managed when curing the disease is no longer a priority. “This would include considering such things as place of death, how they want things to be for them, as well as supporting them in the community to either achieve a death at home or to be kept at home as long as possible through

community palliative nurses and doctors in cooperation with the GP and specialists. And an important role is also to support relatives, friends and carers in their role to be able to live this part of their lives the best they can until death ensues”.

Dr Maria Cigolini

Dr Cigolini says that one of the most important aspects of good palliative care is that it can return a measure of control to a patient who might feel their life had spiralled out of control upon diagnosis. “With all the resources we now have and the human experience in dedicated social workers, psychologists, chaplains, therapists and wonderful nurses, this time of dying becomes a very human and whole experience”, she says. “I feel we can really say that it is definitely possible to have a good death. It is possible and it is happening”. Debra Vermeer

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C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t • October 2015 • Page 33

STOP THE PRESS - State champions again for St. Mary’s - Dubbo A

nother State title for St. Mary’s School, Dubbo with a recent win in the NSW Independent & Catholic Primary Schools 13-a-side Rugby League (RL) Challenge. This follows their finals win in NSW Catholic Primary Schools Rugby 10s State Finals two weeks ago, making history being the first St. Mary’s School team to win this state wide competition. The team qualified for this competition after winning the David Peachey Shield in June. The 16 winning school teams represented each RL region from NSW, competed in the State Championships, with St. Mary’s representing the Western Region. The team beat St. Patrick’s, Gundagai (Riverina region) in the preliminary round 34-0. In the quarter finals they played the strong team from the St. George Region, Christian Brothers, Lewisham, winning 31-10. The semi-finals and final took place on Thursday 27th August at St. Mary’s Stadium, St. Mary’s. The Dubbo team played the highly organised and professional outfit from St. Columbkille’s Catholic School, Corrimal (Illawarra). This was a very tough game with some big tackles and fast and

solid breaks from both sides. The teams were evenly matched in the first half but the skillful St. Mary’s team was leading 12-0 at half time after scoring two tries. In the second half they dominated in attack and won the game 28-10. The final against St. Joseph’s School, Taree was another exciting and competitive game but the highly rehearsed Dubbo team dominated in both attack and defence. Half time score 18-4 to St. Mary’s. In the second half St. Mary’s stuck to the game plan

playing aggressive but professional football, tight in defence and dangerous in attack. Final score 34-4. Credit goes to all players for their team work and never give up attitude. Their success is also attributed to their experienced and passionate coach Paul Yeo, who gently but firmly prepared the boys, gave individual advice to each player and enabled them to achieve greatness. The players, their coach and their success will long be remembered and spoken about for many years to come in

the School, Dubbo region, the Diocese of Bathurst and rugby league circles. The team included Joe Yeo, Jack Pay, Felix Connors, Fletcher Haycock, Will Johnston, Lachlan Townsend, Jye Wilson, Deakin Wilson, Latrell Fing, Braye Porter, Cameron Longhurst, Mitchell Martin, Connor Lindley, Harry Stimpson, Patrick Duffus, Austin Grey, Hugh Sienkiewicz and William Malloy. All could be rugby league or union legends of the future. John Wagner

Diocesan Information Network


ne of the most effective ways to keep up with what’s going on in the Catholic Diocese of Bathurst is to become part of the Diocesan Information Network.

This is an email group that Bishop Michael McKenna makes use of to communicate directly with the people of the Diocese. Members of the network receive

regular updates from the Bishop’s office as well as messages from Bishop Michael via email. Everyone is welcome to join the network and you can do so

by emailing comms@bathurst. and asking to be added to the Diocesan Information Network. Kimbalee Clews

Our Lady’s Rosary Makers of Australia Inc. Our Lady’s Rosary Makers are seeking new members to join us to assist with the making of Rosary Beads which are sent to the Missions overseas and distributed in schools where needed. Please contact: Marie McLellan: (02) 6822 1598 Bev Ryan: (02) 6822 1474 Irene Reeves: (02) 6822 1108

Email: Email: Email:

Page 34 • October 2015 • C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t

Celebrating 150 years of mission


n this, the 150th year of the Catholic Diocese of Bathurst, the people of the local church give thanks to God for the service of those within the Diocese who have undertaken mission work overseas or in remote Australia over the years. To acknowledge this service,

a celebratory dinner for those involved in current or past missionary outreach from the Diocese was held on Tuesday 1st September 2015 at The Carrington in Bathurst. More than 70 people attended the dinner, with 20 of the people who have spent time on missions in attendance.

Bishop Michael acknowledged each of the missionaries who gave service to the Church beyond our boundaries. Sister Kath Luchetti rsj responded on behalf of the missionaries, giving an insight to some of the challenges, achievements and learnings

she experienced throughout her time on mission here and overseas. The dinner was a great opportunity to reunite with friends from the past and honour some truly inspiring people from our Diocese. Kimbalee Clews

C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t • October 2015 • Page 35

Raine & Horne Bathurst becomes Cathedral Visionary Partner C

elebrating 154 years this year since its construction as the Parish church, the Cathedral of St. Michael and St. John is in urgent need of repair. The Cathedral Restoration Appeal aims to raise the funds necessary to repair damage sustained over the years and to restore the beauty and function of this historic, much loved public building. We are delighted to announce that Raine & Horne Bathurst has agreed to become a Visionary Partner of the Cathedral Restoration Appeal, committing to providing significant support to the restoration of the Cathedral. Established in 1982, Raine & Horne Bathurst has gained a reputation as one of the leading Real Estate Agencies in the Bathurst area. In the past five years alone, they have sold more than 1,250 properties across the region and in 2014 they were again named Raine & Horne’s Top Country Office. In the same year they were also named Raine & Horne’s Number Two Sales Office Australia wide. These remarkable achievements are thanks to the depth of talent at Raine & Horne Bathurst. The leadership team comprises three of the region’s top real estate professionals; Directors Matt Clifton,

Cathedral Restoration Chairman, Phil Burgett with Raine & Horne Directors Matt, Michelle and Grant.

Michelle Mackay and Grant ensures that every facet of Maskill-Dowton. the business is run to the very highest standard. As A major point of difference well as being a sales agent, of the Raine & Horne Matt is responsible for the Bathurst team is that one of operations of the whole office the Directors, Matt Clifton, and its Property Management among the most experienced Department. and credentialed property all-rounders in Bathurst, Raine & Horne Bathurst’s is involved in every aspect property specialists are of the operation. This passionate and knowledgeable

about the Bathurst real estate market. They have the experience and expertise to guide you every step of the way through the most important financial decisions you’re ever likely to make buying, selling or managing your property. Kimbalee Clews

Please give generously to the Cathedral Restoration Appeal. Donations can be made: In Person ~ Catholic Chancery Office Bathurst, or your local Parish Office By Phone ~ 1800 451 760 By email ~ Online ~ where you will find more information. Or via the app ~ Cathedral Restoration Appeal Donations over $2 are tax deductible

Page 36 • October 2015 • C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t

Reflection on the life of Sister Margaret Bubb rsm


ister Margaret Bubb, baptised Shirley Margaret, was born at Bondi on 22nd December 1930, the second child of Lucy Ella Hourn and James Albert Bubb. Her older brother John predeceased her, leaving a wife, Audrey and five children. Her two younger sisters, Jeanette and Patricia, survive her. During the Depression, the family moved from Bondi to Katoomba, where Margaret completed her primary schooling and part of her secondary education. After World War 2, the family moved to Wellington and here, in 1947 at St. Mary’s High School, Margaret gained her Leaving Certificate with the Sisters of Mercy. Margaret already felt drawn to religious life, and after two years working as an office assistant, she entered the Sisters of Mercy at St. Joseph’s Mount, Bathurst on 2nd February 1949. Margaret trained as a primary school teacher, graduating with a Diploma of Teaching from the Catholic Board of Education in 1951. She was professed that same year on 14th September. For the next 17 years, Margaret taught in the Catholic schools of both Bathurst and WilcanniaForbes Dioceses, establishing her as an educator - the ministry

at which she excelled at primary, secondary and tertiary levels, as well as cross-culturally and within the Australian context. In 1969, Sister Margaret Bubb was appointed to Goroka in the Chimbu region of Papua New Guinea. She became a registered teacher with the PNG Department of Education. In PNG at this time, the emphasis in education was on enabling the indigenous teachers to run their own schools effectively. She quickly found herself involved in field training and supervision of teachers, mainly in village schools. Because of a shortage of secondary schools in PNG, the majority of children completing primary school were unable to go on to high school and they had little to offer in the way of practical help to life in the villages to which they returned. Margaret now turned her attention to vocational training for the village children of the Chimbu. Within six months, the Sinasinar Vocational Centre was opened as a registered vocational training centre. The centre aimed to teach skills and to encourage enterprise, so a percentage of the sale of all produce was paid to the students. As manager of the

Centre in 1972 and 1973, as well as area advisor for the region, Margaret received high praise from the PNG Department of Education for her excellence as a teacher.

In 1974, Margaret returned to Australia, and after gaining a Diploma in Religious Education at the National Pastoral Institute in Melbourne, she was appointed to Dubbo to work in religious education in the Catholic schools, assisting lay teachers in their new roles within the Diocesan education system. Margaret returned to PNG in 1979 as the Co-ordinator of Religious Education in the Goroka Diocese. Her work was with catechists, parish leaders and women religious. She became Regional Superior of Goroka Province of the Sisters of Mercy and a member of the

first Council of the United PNG Mercies. Margaret qualified for an amateur radio operator’s licence in PNG in 1981. Her station, P29NUN, was set up with the help of ex-patriot friends. Operating originally from an antenna made up of two pieces of wire attached to a broom handle, her call card was “Nun on a Broomstick”. She made contact with people in over 50 countries and received a special award for her ham radio communication in 1982. Many in the Bathurst Diocese will remember Margaret for the ministry of the last third of her life: PRH – Personality and Human Relations – a process for human growth and development. She became a licensed PRH educator in 1986. Sister Margaret retired from formal ministry in 2000, but she continued her involvement with the Mercy Associates and the parish and local community in Dubbo. She died, after a period of illhealth, at Gosford Hospital on Saturday 18th July 2015. May she rest in peace. Sister Patricia Powell rsm

Cathedral Restoration Appeal launches App in an innovative way to raise funds T

he Cathedral Restoration Committee responsible for raising money to fund the repairs of the Cathedral, has recently released an innovative app that allows people to donate to the project by buying ‘bricks’ in a ‘virtual tower’, as well as discovering information about the Cathedral and its diverse history.

Bishop Michael McKenna said, “As we replace these physical bricks, from 154 years ago, this application using today’s technology, gives everyone the opportunity to be remembered by contributing the virtual bricks that will fund this important work”.

Bishop McKenna recently launched the app with students from Cathedral The Cathedral Restoration Catholic Primary School. Appeal app is available free “The generations before us of charge at the App Store have built and cared for the and at Google Play. It gives Cathedral. Now it is our turn” Bishop Michael McKenna with Cathedral School student people the opportunity to he said. leaders: Chelsea Bestwick, Mikayla Cooke, Ethan Smith donate to the cause at various Kimbalee Clews and Nicholas Parnell. levels. C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t • October 2015 • Page 37

Good Shepherd Sunday Appeal O

n Sunday 26th April, we celebrated Good Shepherd Sunday and launched the Good Shepherd Sunday Appeal in support of the education of our priests. Bishop Michael McKenna was delighted with the response and the generosity shown by God’s people in the Catholic Diocese of Bathurst and passes on his sincere thanks to everyone who

donated to this worthy cause.

men undertaking studies at the Seminary of the Good Shepherd and, like any form of tertiary education, this is a costly exercise. So thank you for your assistance in providing for the wellbeing and support of the seminarians as they focus on preparing for priestly life.

To ensure we have priests to serve the Catholic Diocese of Bathurst in the future, it is important that we invest in their education and vocation development now. It is the responsibility of the Diocese to support our seminarians as they study for the priesthood. Please keep our Seminarians We currently have five young in your prayers as they answer

their calling from the Lord. If you would like further information on the Education of Priests Fund, please call 1800 451 760 or email enquiries to: au Donations may be sent to: The Education of Priests Fund, PO Box 246, Bathurst NSW 2795. Kimbalee Clews

Years of voluntary work honoured R

osemary Gawthorne is well known in the Parish of St. Mary’s, Mudgee. Her kindness and generosity has been honoured with Rosemary receiving a Papal Blessing on her 60th Birthday. Rose, as she is affectionately known, has also been recognised for 34 years of voluntary service as a Sacristan. Rose originally came to fill-in for Sister Rose (aptly named) for two weeks 34 years later we are still blessed to have her presence. Rose has seen many priests come and go and is fondly remembered by all. One such priest rang for her 60th singing “Happy Birthday” to her. Rose is also a familiar face in the St. Matthew’s School canteen where she also volunteers, as well as at Kanandah Aged Care Hostel. She is well known for her love of babysitting and often helps out parents who are more than grateful for her assistance. Father Tony Hennessy recently congratulated Rose on behalf of the Parish, thanking her for so many years of voluntary work. Jennifer Maloney

Rosemary Gawthorne received the Papal Blessing from Parish Priest Fr Tony Hennessy

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Page 38 • October 2015 • C a t h o l i c O B S E RV E R , T h e D i o c e s e o f B a t h u r s t

Priests’ and Secretaries’ Dinner


ith 17 parishes spread across a vast 103,680 square kilometres that makes up the Catholic Diocese of Bathurst, it proves somewhat challenging for priests, secretaries and chancery staff to all meet in the one place. Monday 3rd August 2015 was one of these rare occasions when the majority of them came together and shared a meal with Bishop Michael McKenna.

Father Brien Murphy and Jenny Seabrook

It was an opportunity for those who work hard in all areas of parish life and the running of the Diocese, to catch up, put names to faces and compare notes. It was also the first day the annual conference for Parish Secretaries. Kimbalee Clews Sandra Robinson, Father Greg Kennedy and Tony Eviston

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