The Joyful Commission - September 2020

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September 2020

In this edition A Word from the Pastor - Fathers; Day, Sacraments, Alpha, Partners in Prayer Alpha Returns Springtime Alpha launches 29 September RCIA Congratulations Welcome to our new Catholics Partners in Prayer St Catherine of Sienna Parish, Caroline Springs Ministries Update stage 3 continues St Mary’s Renewal Update - some photos from the work site

OUR VISION: SURRENDER DISCIPLESHIP MISSION The Parish of St Mary and St Joseph is a healthy, growing Catholic community that worships God, welcomes the searcher, and invites people to a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. Members of our community surrender their life to Jesus through an experience of the Holy Spirit, commit to life-long discipleship, and joyfully accept the mission to go out and make disciples.


A WORD FROM THE PASTOR Fathers’ Day, Sacraments, Alpha, Partners in Prayer


ongratulations to all the fathers in the parish this Fathers’ Day. Fatherhood is a special gift and responsibility: every father makes God’s Fatherhood present in the world. That’s why we need fathers who are of good character, who are truly committed to a loving partnership with their wives, and who are physically, emotionally, and spiritually present to their children. This weekend, we also commend to God our fathers who have gone before us. May they find rest from their labours in the presence of the Eternal Father. Fathers’ Day is also our annual collection to support the retired priests of the Diocese. These men have given their lives in service, let’s now support them in their latter years. You can make a donation in support of our retired clergy by picking up one of the special envelopes in the Church and returning it to the normal collection basket next week. You can also give in the following ways: Online: Donate online at Phone: Call the Chancery Office on 02 6334 6400 Mail: Send your donation to The Fathers’ Day Appeal, Catholic Diocese of Bathurst, PO Box 246, Bathurst NSW 2795 During July our elect were finally received into the Catholic Church and celebrated the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and First Holy Communion. Congratulations to Sherene, Ashlee, and Trevor. Welcome to our parish community. Thank you also to Amy for all her hard work throughout the year: this was her

first time guiding our ‘Becoming Catholic’ group to the sacraments. Our new group has been meeting for 5 weeks and is already halfway through the first part of the programme Symbolon. Last week many of our year 3 students celebrated their First Holy Communion during special Masses. It was a different experience this year: there was no congregational singing and each child was only able to have 4 guests. But it was a joyful occasion, nonetheless. The most important thing is that we receive the real presence of Jesus into our hearts through the sacrament. Unfortunately, I was ill last week and could not celebrate with the children and their families, but thank you to Fr Karl and to Fr Mathew for celebrating Mass with the children and thank you to our parish staff and Catholic school teachers who worked hard to prepare the children. In a special way, thank you to Liss, our Sacramental Coordinator, for her hard work over many months. Later this month we expect a final decision about whether Confirmation will take place this year. Confirmation, more than any other sacrament, is very difficult to administer in a Covid-safe manner. The sacrament requires physical contact with many people through the laying-on of hands and anointing with the sacred Chrism. At this stage, it would seem very unlikely that we would be able to celebrate Confirmation in 2020.

Once we have a definite decision, the parish will invite parents of year 6 students to register their interest through our sacraments form: If the sacrament goes ahead this year, we will let parents know the enrolment and preparation process. In the more likely event that the sacrament is postponed to 2021, we will store your details and be in contact next year when we have a definite plan. We are all very excited that Alpha is being launched again in our parish, 6 months after its sudden cancellation due to the Covid-19 lock-down. Our Family Educator, Josh Dunn, has taken over from Carla as our Alphaorganiser-in-chief. We are returning to real face-to-face gatherings, including the meal. Every effort has been made to ensure these gatherings are Covid-safe and compliant with government regulations. We have all been a bit disconnected during the pandemic. Alpha is a wonderful opportunity to connect with other people socially and to explore the Christian faith. If you have not done Alpha yet, I would like to specially invite you to register for our spring season, which begins the evening of Tuesday 29th September. There are postcards and information in the centre aisle of St Joseph’s. You can register online: or contact Josh through the parish office 6362 2378. We are looking forward to warmly welcoming you! Our parish has been participating in a programme called ‘Partners in Prayer’. This initiative of the Australian Confraternity of Catholic Clergy spiritually partners one parish outside Victoria with a parish in Victoria. Though under restrictions, we can go to Mass and celebrate the sacraments, but Catholics in Victoria do not have this freedom during their stage 3 & 4 lockdowns.

Catholics have a supernatural vision of life. We believe that our prayers make a difference. So, let’s join together in praying for our Victorian brothers and sisters during this difficult time. Our partner parish is St Catherine of Siena Parish, Caroline Springs. We are praying for the parishioners of Caroline Springs during each Mass. We have also dedicated the times of Eucharistic Adoration on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays to this intention. I also invite you to pray for the people of Caroline Springs at home in your families. You can read more about the initiative here: What are the priorities for our parish leadership team during the coming month? The first priority is to promote and support the relaunch of Alpha. This is our parish’s big missionary and evangelising effort. We will also begin planning for the blessing and reopening of St Mary’s Church and the subsequent recommencement of Masses. This will also involve transitioning parish gatherings such as Alpha, Symbolon, and Baptism Preparation to the new gathering area at St Mary’s. Another priority is forward planning for Christmas: a tricky endeavour in these uncertain times. We are also approaching the end of the second stage of the St Joseph’s Windows restoration project and will begin stage three in November. This will involve the progressive removal and restoration of all the remaining windows in St Joseph’s over a period of 2 ½ years. A final priority is calling and training some new sacristans and readers since there are still a few gaps in the roster. This year has certainty been busy and unexpected, and there is still plenty of activity going on. May God continue to bless and guide us.


ALPHA RETURNS! Springtime Alpha Launches September 29


ow many times do we think the weeks are just passing by in a flash and almost roll from one into another? Or are we ever part of a great experience and hardly remember what happened? Or do we ever have conversations with people, but our minds are so far removed we have struggled to recall what was said? Alpha gives us a chance to stop and hop off the ‘treadmill’ of our lives. To connect with others, to think, reflect and be challenged, and to be a part of discussions on the meaningful things in our lives. Oh! And there are delicious home-cooked meals! Like most people considering Alpha for the first time, I held all the skeptical ideas: I don’t normally go to things like this; it’s definitely not for me; I won’t get anything out of it; once a week is too much of a commitment; why bother? But it took just one personal invite and some gentle encouragement for me to change my

thinking from ‘why?’ to 'why not?’ and say ‘yes’ to that invitation. What I then received was an adventure unlike any I’d experienced in recent years. The important things we all hold, such as values, beliefs, past experiences, future plans, likes and dislikes, were opened up for me each week in a safe and supportive environment that enabled me to think clearly about things that are important to me whilst forming connections with others along the way. Our parish would now like to extend that invitation to you! Take the first step and register your expression of interest at to give me the chance to get in contact with you to chat about Alpha and to answer any questions and concerns you may have. This may then lead you towards joining us for the Springtime Season of Alpha!


RCIA CONGRATULATIONS Welcome to Our New Catholics

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.� (Jn 14:6)


ongratulations to Sherene Gould, Trevor Baker and Ashlee Maguire who received the sacraments of initiation on Sunday 19 July 2020. Please continue to pray for them as they continue on their faith journey as members of the Catholic Church. I would like to once again thank the parishioners who have walked with Sherene, Trevor and Ashlee through this process.

Through the Symbolon course, Lenten prayer, the Sycamore course, prayer, cuppas, and conversation, these parishioners have been a wonderful example of discipleship. They have demonstrated that no matter where we are on our faith journey, we can share this journey together, learn from each other and support each other.


PARTNERS IN PRAYER St Catherine of Siena Parish, Caroline Springs


n July 3rd, metropolitan Melbourne entered “Stage 3 Lockdown” and are now enduring a “Stage 4

Lockdown”. As a result, churches throughout Victoria have been closed. One such parish is St Catherine of Siena Parish, Caroline Springs. For those unfamiliar with Melbourne’s suburban geography, Caroline Springs is on the edge of the metropolitan area in Melbourne’s western suburbs. The Parish Church is modern in design and features a baptismal font at the entrance to the Church, a semi-circular worship space, an eight-sided altar, an Italian bronze statue of Our Lady of the Way, fourteen Italian bronze plaques of the Stations of the Cross, and a marble and gold tabernacle that once resided in the Chapel of the Sisters of Charity at St Vincent’s Hospital in Fitzroy. The parish was established 18 January 2006 in a rapidly growing part of Melbourne (from 2011 to 2016 the population and Catholic population of the parish grew by 25%) and is currently lead by Fr Richard Rosse and Deacon Chris Creo. They seek to be “an inclusive, welcoming and dynamic faith-filled Catholic community, living and sharing the Gospel, to set the world ablaze.”

We will be praying for St Catherine of Siena during Adoration, at each Mass and at home in our individual families and they in turn will be praying for our parish during their livestreamed Sunday Mass, their weekly parish Rosary via ZOOM and also at home in their individual families. Each of our Orange Catholic Schools has also joined in partnership with the schools in the St Catherine of Siena Parish: James Sheahan with Catholic Regional College, Catherine McAuley with Christ the Priest Primary School, and St Mary’s with St George Preca Primary School.

Our Parish Prayer for the Catholic Community of St Catherine of Siena Parish, Caroline Springs Almighty Father, You are our constant companion as we confront the uncertainty of COVID-19. May your comforting hand come upon Victoria as they fight local outbreaks of the pandemic. May your strength and love be upon the parishioners of St Catherine of Siena Parish, especially as they are unable to participate in the Eucharist. Comfort those who are struggling with isolation. Protect their health. Prevent the continued spread of the disease. Help us appreciate all you have given us. And help us surrender to your will. Amen. St Mary, pray for us. St Joseph, pray for us. St Catherine of Siena, pray for us.


MINISTRIES UPDATE Stage Three Continues


t has been a relatively stable couple of months in ministry, for which I am very grateful. It is giving me some time to work on projects behind the scenes for when we return to the new normal. In addition, we have restarted two liturgical ministries (sacristans and readers), we are now recording a twice-monthly Liturgy of the Word for our nursing home and homebound parishioners (available on Youtube) and we have started our new season of Symbolon. I would like to thank everyone for helping us to be COVID-Safe. Staying home when not well, using hand sanitiser, signing in for Mass and private prayer, maintaining 1.5m distancing and wiping down your seat will help to keep us all healthy and able to worship together. The main change to COVID guidelines is the Government’s request for people to wear face masks when attending places of worship. I have started wearing a mask when attending Mass and adoration, and I just have to say - I hate it. It seems as though as soon as I put it on, my nose itches, my glasses fog up and I can’t get the right breathing rhythm for saying the responses. But I choose to wear it anyway. Not for myself, I’m not worried about catching anything from someone else. But I want our vulnerable parishioners to be safe and to not catch something from me. If you haven’t started wearing a mask, I ask you to consider doing so, not for yourself, but for others.

There are some gaps on our current ministry roster. If you would like to be trained as a sacristan or reader, please contact me on 6362 2378 or


ST MARY’S RENEWAL PROJECT Site Visit Progress Report


ast week I went on one of our regular site inspections of the St Mary’s precinct. The project has certainly advanced, albeit slower than I would have hoped. Here are some observations from my last inspection. Sanctuary Area The wood flooring has now been laid on the sanctuary and is looking good. It is sound absorbent, so there is no ‘tap tap’ as people walk around on it. Our main altar now has a ‘modesty panel’ inscribed with the ‘IHS’ symbol, which is a monogram for the name of Jesus in Greek. The stone alcove for the tabernacle has been created and is designed to harmonise with the black-grey marble look of the rest of the sanctuary furniture.

Baptistry The wood flooring of our new baptistry area has been laid. This is the area that previously held the tabernacle. The baptismal font is in place. The permanent Paschal Candle stand will be installed shortly. The shelf that previously held the tabernacle remains at the same place and

will now hold the ambry. An ambry is a cabinet for the holy oils. The oils were previously on a shelf in the sacristy but will now be prominently displayed in the baptistry. The baptistry floor level is one step from the floor of the nave. We are ordering a moveable ramp that can be easily put in place so parents and God parents in wheelchairs or with mobility issues can easily access the baptistry.

Statue of Our Lady The statue of Our Lady will remain in the same position. It will now rest on a new plinth with has the same look as the other sanctuary and baptistry furniture. The votive candles will rest next to the statue in the alcove between the confessional and the outside wall. This alcove will also have wooden flooring rather than carpet. Music Area The entire space that was previously for the choir and the ‘crying room’ is now a single space for musicians. The ceiling of this space is designed to reflect sound into the nave. This area will be one step up from the

ground level, but there will be a railing on the side wall for those needing assistance. Crucifix and Ceiling On inspection, the large central crucifix was found to be significantly cracked. It has dried out over the years and begun to splinter. It’s very fortunate we found this cracking when we did. The cross has been repaired and oiled to stop further deterioration. The clear windows above the sanctuary proved to be a significant challenge. Although these windows seem OK looking up from the ground level, they were in fact leaking considerably and causing significant condensation issues. Although we could not yet see the damage from inside the church building, water had been running down the ceiling for years and pooling at the back of the church. The ceiling has been repaired and re-stained. Many of the wooden ceiling panels at the rear of the church had to be replaced because of water damage. The windows above the sanctuary have been replaced with a double glazed system that includes a pocket of gas between the two panels. This will prevent condensation and further leakage. The broken electronic shutters have also been repaired.

Body of the Church The new carpet in the nave (main body of the church) has been laid and the pews returned to their places. The new carpet is

blue tiles, which will make it easier to replace sections in the future. A new feature of the carpet is that the central aisles are a different shade of blue and will naturally stand out. There is different carpet in the entrance foyers which is more hardy and good for getting mud off people’s feet before then enter the nave. The carpet in the gathering area will also be a different design. The different styles of carpet will clearly indicate the different parts of the building: the place for prayer, the place for entering and exiting the building, the place for gathering and socialising.

Work Areas The work sacristy behind the sanctuary is being redeveloped. Our sacristans will work out of this area and, for the first time, we will have a proper secure safe for church metalware. And there will be hot water! This area will also house the new video-audio equipment. Our new altar server vesting area has been created in the space that was the old confessional. It will have completely clear doors for professional standards reasons. In fact, all our workspaces will have transparent doors or glass panels so people can easily see into the space. The old kitchenette has been substantially transformed into a new kitchen and servery

area. The joinery work and some of the appliances have now been installed. The priests’ sacristy is likewise substantially complete, as well as a new storage area that will be accessed from the gathering space. This storage area will be for tables and chairs to be easily rolled into the gathering space for meetings and then easily removed after the meeting.

school (north) side now includes a pedestrian walkway up the hill, complete with railing and motion-activated lighting that will come on at night.

Gathering Space The concrete slab, walls, and much of the outside brick work has been completed in our new gathering area. Now the walls are up, it looks big and spacious. It will be ideal for Alpha, Symbolon, Baptism Preparation, and social gatherings. The space will have its own unisex toilet, four screens, large picture windows that afford a beautiful view of Mount Canobolas, and of course large doors for welcoming parishioners. This space will be airconditioned, and vents in the ceiling will allow some movement of fresh air into the main body of the church during summer, which will be a relief to many! Drop-Off Zone The entrance to St Mary’s on the Croagh Patrick (south) side will access a large covered drop-off area for the elderly and people with mobility issues. It will be only a very short covered walk into the church. The outside statue of Our Lady has been returned this week, on a new taller plinth, and is in a prominent position facing the drop-off zone and gathering area. The

The End is in Sight Although we are behind schedule, the project has been going well and within budget. I look forward to announcing an opening date in the coming month and a schedule for the return of some Masses to St Mary’s. I think our patience will be rewarded with a beautiful and useful building that will serve the parish for decades to come.

OUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY The Parish of St Mary & St Joseph, Orange The Parish of the Sacred Heart & St Lawrence O’Toole, Molong Mass Centres: St Mary’s (Orange) St Joseph’s (Orange) Sacred Heart & St Lawrence O’Toole (Molong) St Michael's (Manildra) St Brendan’s (Mullion Creek) St Patrick’s (Cargo) St Columbanus’ (Cudal)

Orange City Weekend Masses Saturday 5.00pm St Joseph’s (100 max) 5.10pm Kenna Hall (90 max)

Orange City Confessions Friday 5.10-5.40pm St Joseph’s Saturday 4.15-4.45pm St Joseph’s

Sunday 8.30am St Joseph’s (100 max) 8.40am Kenna Hall (90 max) 10.00am St Joseph’s (100 max) 10.10am Kenna Hall (90 max)

Orange District Masses Tuesday: 5.00pm Cargo (20 max) Wednesday: 5.00pm Mullion Creek (10 max) Thursday: 5.00pm Cudal (20 max) Saturday: 8.30am Manildra (40 max) 10.00am Molong (40 max)

Orange City Weekday Masses Monday: 5.45pm St Joseph’s (100 max) Tuesday: 9.30am St Joseph’s (100 max) Wednesday: 5.45pm St Joseph’s (100 max) Thursday: 9.30am St Joseph’s (100 max) Friday: 5.45pm St Joseph’s (100 max) Orange City Eucharistic Adoration Monday: 5.00-5.40pm St Joseph’s Wednesday: 5.00-5.40pm St Joseph’s Friday: 5.00-5.40pm St Joseph’s

Nursing Home Masses Suspended until further notice Public Holidays: Mass 9.30am at whichever Orange Church usually has Mass that day. ANZAC day Mass is always 8.30am at St Joseph’s. For information about weddings, baptisms, funerals, and visits to the sick, please contact the Parish Office.

Contact Our Parish Team PARISH CLERGY TEAM Fr Greg Bellamy Fr Mathew Humtsoe Fr Karl Sinclair

Parish Priest Assistant Priest Assistant Priest

PARISH MISSION TEAM Ms Amy Sullivan Ms Melissa Ryan Mr Josh Dunn Sr Frances McAleer rsj Mr Matthew Brown

Director of Ministries Sacramental Coordinator Family Educator Resident in Molong Youth Minister

PARISH MISSION SUPPORT TEAM Mr Michael O’Mara Ms Sandy Livermore Ms Anne Wykamp

Project Manager Parish Secretary Parish Receptionist

PARISH OFFICE Phone Email Address Facebook

6362 2378 84 Hill Street (P.O. Box 44) Orange 2800

Office Hours

Monday 11.30am - 4.30pm Tuesday - Friday 8.45am - 4.30pm

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