FOUNDERS’ DAY In 2020 a new format was introduced to celebrate Founders’ Day. Held on Saturday 7 November, it was all about community and included several events across the afternoon and early evening: the Old Girls’ League AGM followed by a high tea for the Senior Old Girls, a chapel service and then cocktails in the Arts Centre. It proved such a success that the Old Girls’ League has decided to continue the format in 2021 for the 110th Founders’ Day celebrations.
Third time lucky After two previous attempts (both thwarted due to COVID restrictions), the Old Girls’ League was finally able to welcome a special bunch of women to School. On Friday 19 March, 40 Dio
Old Girls who are also parents of current Dio girls gathered for a lovely informal breakfast in the School House dining room. This is set to become an annual event.
Look out for information about 2021 Founders’ Weekend on the Auckland Dio Old Girls’ League Facebook page and by email.
CLASS OF 2016 – SAVE THE DATE: 5-YEAR-OUT REUNION Saturday 6 November Diocesan School More details to come – follow the 2016 PY Facebook page CLASS OF 2020 – SAVE THE DATE: 1-YEAR-OUT REUNION Thursday 16 December, 6.30pm La Zeppa Kitchen and Bar, Freemans Bay, Auckland
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