South Texas
Catholic APRIL 2020
“I believe in life everlasting”
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VOL. 55 NO. 4 Publisher Bishop Michael Mulvey, STL DD Director of Communications Julie Stark
Managing Editor Mary Cottingham
Theological Consultant Ben Nguyen, JD/JCL.
STC Support Staff Elizabeth Morales Correspondents Jesse De Leon and Rebecca Esparza
Photographers Ervey Martinez and David Mendez
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(USPSN 540-860) Published monthly, excluding September, by the Diocese of Corpus Christi for $25 per year. Periodical postage paid in Corpus Christi, Texas, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to South Texas Catholic, 555 N Carancahua St, Ste 750, Corpus Christi, TX 78401-0824. Keep up with the faith at
An Act of Spiritual Communion
Editor’s note: In light of the recent Coronavirus pandemic, we would like our readers to be informed that dates listed throughout April’s issue are likely subject to change.
Office Manager Adel Sauceda
Translator Gloria Romero
The Church prays that no one should be lost: “Lord, let me never be parted from you.” If it is true that no one can save himself, it is also true that God “desires all men to be saved” (1 Tim. 2:4), and that for him “all things are possible” (Mt. 19:26). – CCC, n. 1058
Rockport RCIA program renewing lives: Father Raynaldo Yrlas, Jr., pastor at Sacred Heart Parish in Rockport, bonds with candidate, Patrick Allen Murphy, Jr. in the RCIA class in Rockport.
7 Christian stewardship is paying it forward OUR FAITH
NEWS FROM THE DIOCESE 9 Meet Warren Phipps, new executive director of Catholic Charities
11 VOCATIONS Seminarians installed as lector and acolyte 19 EVANGELIZATION Jesús en el huerto de Getsemani 25
NATIONAL NEWS How to handwash Catholic style
NEWS 29 VATICAN Amid coronavirus isolation, Catholics are united in Christ, Pope Francis says
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Help Us Prevent Financial Abuse The Diocese of Corpus Christi at the recommendation of the Diocesan Financial Council and Presbyteral Council have furthered their commitment to good stewardship and nancial accountability on behalf of generous donors by instituting a nancial abuse hotline. The Diocese of Corpus Christi has selected an independent third party, The Network, to provide you with a new way to anonymously and condently report nancial abuse and fraud. Employees, parishioners, volunteers, vendors and other interested parties will be encouraged to report concerns they have regarding nancial misconduct within the Diocese of Corpus Christi. All inquiries will be treated promptly and discreetly. Callers will have the right to remain anonymous. Call 1-877-571-9748
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(361) 884-2411 (361) 994-6551 Bishop Michael Mulvey and the staff of the Office for Safe Environment and Child and Family Resources are committed to assisting in the healing process for victims and survivors of abuse. If you or someone you know is in need of such services, call Stephanie Bonilla, Director of the Office for Safe Environment and Child and Family Resources at: (361) 882-6191 for immediate assistance.
Office for Safe Environment and Child and Family Resources
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Dear Brothers and Sisters, Thank you for your support, prayers and generous financial assistance to the Stewardship Appeal. Please know how much I appreciate having you as partners; you have become an integral part of what I do as bishop. As Jesus gathered his first disciples, it was clear that he was forming them to be a community of faithful men and women who shared in his mission. They would assist him in proclaiming the good news, not as individuals, but together. For this reason, Jesus gave them the commandment to love one another. With him among them then as now all things would be possible. Without him, nothing can be done. The ministries you help me fund assure our brothers and sisters that we will accompany them on the journey toward our common destiny. I want you to know that you and your loved ones are in my prayers each day. This is my first and most joyful responsibility. I ask you to pray for me as well. Your brother in faith,
Most Reverend Wm. Michael Mulvey, STL, DD Bishop of Corpus Christi
G O D LO V E S E V E R YO N E | A P R I L 2 0 2 0 | S O U T H T E X A S C AT H O L I C  
Gracias por compartir tus dones!
Gracias a ti y a otros, dimos
más de $ 1.7 millones de dólares para apoyar a nuestros ministerios y ser discípulos misioneros para nuestro hermanos y hermanas.
Queridos hermanos y hermanas: Gracias por su apoyo, por sus oraciones y por su generosa asistencia financiera en la “Llamada Católica a Compartir” conocida como “Stewardship Appeal” Por favor, quiero que sepan, cuánto aprecio tenerlos como socios; se han convertido en una parte integral de lo que hago como obispo. Cuando Jesús reunió a sus primeros discípulos, quedó claro que los estaba formando para ser una comunidad de hombres y mujeres de fe, que compartían su misión con fidelidad. Que lo ayudarían a proclamar las buenas nuevas, no individualmente, sino en conjunto. Por esta razón, Jesús les dio el mandamiento de amarse los unos a los otros. Con El entre ellos, como ahora, todas las cosas serían posibles. Sin El, no se puede hacer nada. Los ministerios que me han ayudado a financiar, aseguran a nuestros hermanos y hermanas que los acompañaremos en el viaje hacia nuestro destino común. Quiero que sepan, que usted y sus seres queridos están en mis oraciones todos los días. Pues esta es mi primera y más alegre responsabilidad. Les pido que recen por mí también. Su hermano en la fe,
Reverendísimo Wm. Michael Mulvey, STL, DD Obispo de Corpus Christi
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Billy Quintanilla, a parishioner at Most Precious Blood, is scheduled to be ordained to the permanent diaconate in November.
Christian stewardship is paying it forward By Billy Quintanilla Contributor
A Christian steward is one who receives God’s gifts gratefully, cherishes and tends them in a responsible and accountable manner, shares them in justice and love with others, and returns them with increase to the Lord. ~USCCB Pastoral Letter “Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response.” Editor’s note: The following column is part one in a four-part series from four men who gave a talk on the importance of stewardship during a Sunday Mass at Most Precious Blood Church.
Why should I give to the Bishop’s Stewardship Appeal?
oday we have a special opportunity to support the ministries and services of the Diocese of Corpus Christi with a gift to the 2020 Bishop’s Stewardship Appeal. Giving to this appeal is an opportunity for us to be good stewards of God’s gifts as we show our love for one another. It allows us the opportunity to act together as a family of faith and support the programs and services which no single individual or parish can offer by themselves. When you give to the Bishop’s Stewardship Appeal, you support the mission of the Church across our entire diocese, which consists of 69 parishes, 32 missions, Catholic Charities, Mother Teresa Shelter, and the Diocesan Communications Network, along with 15 diocesan schools. The Bishop’s Stewardship Appeal supports diocesan ministries and services, bringing the “Joy of the Gospel (Evangelii Gaudium)” to those who might not otherwise get a chance to experience it. Those who make a gift,
participate in the mission of the Church to bring the light of Christ into darkness, confront hate with love, and offer hope in place of doubt in all 12 counties of our diocese and reaches people of all ages, faiths, ethnic and economic backgrounds. This appeal allows us to act together as a family of faith and support the programs and services no single individual or parish can offer by themselves. The programs of our parishes are vital because most work of the Church takes place at the local level, but there are numerous specialized services for which the diocese is responsible. These are the services for which individual parishes are unable to provide on their own. The Bishop’s Stewardship Appeal is the vehicle, which enables the diocese to fund these programs and services and allow the faithful of God to participate in the ministerial work of the Church, and help continue the work of our Lord in the midst of those who otherwise would not be reached. Perhaps more importantly, it encourages and assists the individual faithful to become a part of the work of the larger Church and share their gifts with others who depend on the work of the Church of south Texas. The reading from Isaiah 58:7-9 says, “Is it not sharing your bread with the hungry, bringing the afflicted and the homeless into your
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house; Clothing the naked when you see them, and not turning your back on your own flesh? Then your light shall break forth like the dawn, and your wound shall quickly be healed; Your vindication shall go before you, and the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard. Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer, you shall cry for help, and he will say: ‘Here I am!’” You may ask yourself what is Isaiah telling me here? We are all blessed with numerous graces in our life. But it is on us to take care and help our neighbor, our fellow man and woman. Have you ever heard the term “pay it forward?” It’s an action that gives a certain fulfillment in your life when you can do it. We can consider the Bishops Stewardship Appeal a way of paying it forward. The numerous people we can help and the appreciation they would have will be repaid to you in abundant measure.
What should I give to the Bishop’s Stewardship Appeal? God has given each one of us gifts, graces, talents, and
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abilities, which are to be shared responsibly and wisely with others. Stewardship is more than occasional acts of charity and service. It is a way of life, a commitment to giving our time, talent, and treasure for all the blessings we have received from God. To be true stewards of God’s gifts and blessings, we have a responsibility to return a part of what he has blessed us with to the Church, the poor and needy. While there are many calls on each of us, accepting that we receive all things from God helps us focus our attention on the needs of those less fortunate. Being a good steward is rarely convenient or easy, but by being called to be disciples of Jesus, we often must move beyond our own personal wants and become concerned with the needs of others. Everything we have is a gift from God, and our gratitude to him needs to be returned to him in abundance. We, as a diocese are asking for 100% participation. I once again ask that you prayerfully consider if your household can make a sacrificial gift to the Bishop’s Stewardship Appeal. Remember, no gift is too small or too large. With everyone’s participation, our mission will be a monumental success!
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Mary Cottingham | STC
Warren Phipps (left) speaks at the press conference where Bishop Michael Mulvey officially welcomes him as executive director of Catholic Charities on March 11. To see more photos of this event go to
Meet Warren Phipps, new executive director of Catholic Charities By Mary Cottingham
South Texas Catholic
he new executive director of Catholic Charities and Mother Teresa Shelter is a servant leader. He has served the U.S. Army in a variety of high-level positions: as deputy commander general in San Antonio, as general commander of an entire division at Fort Hood, as senior advisor to the Afghanistan minister of defense in Kabul, Afghanistan, and as deputy director of regional operations in Washington D.C. More recently, he has served as executive director for the Coastal Bend Disaster Recovery Group, and mobile pantry driver for the Coastal Bend Food Bank – responsible for delivering
food to residents hardest hit by Hurricane Harvey. Retired Major General Warren Phipps, Jr. or “Warren” as he now likes to be called, began serving as executive director of Catholic Charities and the Mother Teresa Shelter on March 2. Warren is an Army veteran, whose tours of duty included serving in combat during the Kosovo, Bosnia, Afghanistan and Iraqi conflicts, earning him two bronze stars. “I had a very fulfilling career in the Army. I joined the Army to serve. Then after passing the physical, I got to fly,” he said. He became a pilot and ran the flight school for fixed-wing helicopters. He flew Kiowas (Bell OH-58), Cobras (Bell
AH-1), and piloted in the first squadron of Apache (AH-64) helicopters. “My last flights were in combat, [flying Apache], and that was fine – I wanted it that way.” Warren likes to claim he’s from Texas because he was stationed at Fort Hood and San Antonio for many years, and his wife Sylvia Phipps is from El Paso, but he was actually born in Baltimore, Maryland. Warren’s family of origin were equal parts Episcopalian and Catholic, but he and his sister were baptized and confirmed in the Episcopal Church. Shortly after graduating from high school in the small community of Edgewood, Maryland, and two weeks after turning 18, Warren began his career in
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“There is a lot that the government can do, but there’s a lot the government can’t or won’t do, and without those safety nets, people go for naught. I’m inspired by Catholic Charities’ value of the dignity of each life and understanding that – I think it’s a challenge in our modern society to see the homeless when we walk by them. “That’s why I’m excited to come to Catholic Charities because that’s their vision: To get somebody to where they are self-reliant and self-sufficient. It’s about the dignity of each person and the Church sharing the blessings that we all received with those who haven’t received them. “Warren is a servant leader and will be a great asset to our diocese and especially Catholic Charities and the Mother Teresa Shelter,” Bishop Michael Mulvey said.
Mary Cottingham | STC
the military at West Point, New York. His earliest memories of attending a Catholic church was as a cadet at West Point. He began attending Mass at Most Holy Trinity Church along with his roommate, his roommate’s family and girlfriend. They lived nearby in Rockland, New York, and would often come to take them out to eat after attending Mass. Also, he added smiling, “the Catholic Masses were more frequent than the protestant services, and they were a welcome respite from the rigors of military training. I would also benefit from whatever goodies my roommate’s mother and girlfriend would bring.” In his 20s, he converted to Catholicism after attending RCIA classes and before marrying his wife of 37 years. They have two sons and three grandchildren. Now a self-proclaimed devout Catholic, Warren said that as he progressed in his military career, Church became his sanctuary. It became a place where he could let go of things he’d seen and done in combat. “It’s ugly, there’s nothing clean about it, and I live with that, I carry it around with me every day,” he said. “It’s like when I’m in a church – I sort of drop that rock.” During his retirement ceremony from the military, he said he felt he was transitioning. “I was looking for a vocation of service. And I envisioned what my life would be like after the military; I was looking for what that was,” he said. “I was very attracted to Catholic Charities.” Warren recalled working for the mobile pantry right after Hurricane Harvey hit. He saw the devastation in Refugio – people packing up everything they owned into the backs of their trucks, heading to the Valley, or Houston. He saw the loss of hope in people’s eyes. Then when faith-based organizations brought workers and volunteers to help clear the debris and rebuild what was destroyed, he saw a fog lift from the eyes of those that stayed, “we brought hope and strengthened a faith that was lacking,” he said. Most recently, Warren was executive director for Coastal Bend Disaster Recovery Group, a non-profit corporation directly responsible to a board of directors. He worked closely with faith-based groups and over 30 volunteers to aid in long-term recovery across six counties in response to the devastation wrought by Harvey. “After two years of working with disaster recovery and working with all the faith-based organizations, two things hit me. I was overwhelmed by the impact that faith-based organizations have on the community and underwhelmed about how they’re recognized for all they do,” Warren said. Along with Disaster Coordinator for the Diocese of Corpus Christi, Deacon Mark Arnold, Warren testified before the Texas Legislature Committee on County Affairs and tried to express to them that church organizations were like a large safety net catching [helping] a lot of people. “Even some of the clients don’t know,” he said. “They think it’s another government entitlement. I would tell them ‘look I’m not FEMA, I’m not the Red Cross – everything we’re doing comes from private donations. It’s the collection plate going through the Church’ – that’s the value and importance of faith.
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Warren Phipps at the blessing of Catholic Charities Choice Pantry on March 2. To see more photos of this event go to
Seminarians installed as lector and acolyte South Texas Catholic
St. Mary’s Seminary
ixteen seminarians, including James Craig from the Diocese of Corpus Christi, were installed to the ministry of lector at the installation on Feb. 16. Bishop Mark Seitz from the Diocese of El Paso presided over the ceremony during Mass at St. Mary’s Seminary in Houston. This rite takes place within the celebration of the Eucharist, just after the proclamation of the Gospel. Bishop Seitz preached, urging them to follow the light, Jesus Christ. Then after praying for them, he presented the Scriptures to them one-by-one as they knelt before him. He said, “Take this book of holy Scripture and be faithful in handing on the word of God, so that it may grow strong in the hearts of his people. The Mass continued so that the new Lectors received the “Word made flesh” in the Eucharist for the first time as lectors who are charged with proclaiming the Word in the midst of God’s people.
James Craig receives the Scriptures from Bishop Mark Seitz when installed as lector.
Mark Randall | PNAC
hirty-eight seminarians, including Raymond Pendleton from the Diocese of Corpus Christi, were installed to the ministry of acolyte in the Immaculate Conception Chapel at Pontifical North American College in Rome in a ceremony on Feb. 23. Following his homily, Archbishop Augustine DiNoia, OP instituted the men, and during the rite presented each candidate with a paten filled with hosts. As he handed over the paten, he instructed them: “Take this vessel of bread for the celebration of the Eucharist. Make your life worthy of your service at the table of the Lord and of His Church.” Before anyone is promoted to the permanent or transitional diaconate, he is required to have received the ministries of lector and acolyte and to have exercised them for a suitable period of time.
Raymond Pendleton receives a patten from Archbishop Augustine DiNoia, OP, during his acolyte institution ceremony in Rome.
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The Corpus Christi International Seamen’s Center held their traditional St. Patrick’s Day celebration while celebrating 45 years of service to foreign and domestic merchant seamen. “We are honoring Quentin Williams, a longtime chaplain who continued boarding ships into his 80s. This year, he will be 97. He’s a great guy,” said Sharon Emerson, executive director of the Corpus Christi International Seamen’s Center. The celebration took place at the Seamen Center located on 1501 Mesquite Street in Heritage Park on March 12. More than 90% of world trade is carried by sea, providing work to 1.5 million seafarers. When a seafarer reaches a Port, some of them leave the ship to go into town for relaxation; others may not be allowed to leave the ship. The Seamen’s Center is a ministry of presence. Many seafarers come from predominantly Catholic countries. Still, the Apostleship of the Sea, which is a membership organization, works closely with other denominations to provide for the spiritual needs of all seafarers. The Corpus Christi
Contributed photo
Seamen Center’s ecumenical ministry honors chaplain
Quentin Williams (second to the left) had been a chaplain for many years. He continued boarding ships into his 80s. This year, he will be 97.
International Seamen’s Center is a “home away from home” for foreign and domestic merchant seafarers visiting and working in the Port of Corpus Christi. Bishop Michael Mulvey appointed Father Roy Kalayil, pastor of Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish, and Deacon Richard Longoria from St. Helena of the True Cross of Jesus Church as chaplains for the center through
Student receives appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy St. John Paul II High School student, Maximilian Kimmel, received a conference call from Congressman Michael Cloud on Feb. 18, announcing his appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy. Only eight to nine percent of applicants to the U.S. Naval Academy are selected. Maximilian has been an outstanding student at St. John Paul II High School not
only academically but also as a member of the swim team and the academic Challenge team for four years. With an unweighted grade point average of 3.98, Maximilian is number three in his class. St. John Paul II High School instills three core values, fides (faith), ratio (reason), and virtus (virtue), and Maximilian exemplifies those values. Maximilian is the
the Apostleship of the Sea ministry in the Diocese of Corpus Christi. The Center needs additional chaplains and ship visitors. If you would like to join this ministry, call Deacon Richard Longoria at (361) 446-2291 or Chaplain Tom Reilly at (361) 510-5639. For more information about the International Seamen’s Center visit,
son of Matthew and Terri Kimmel. The U.S. Naval Academy is currently celebrating its 175th anniversary, and it is the second oldest of the five service academies. Maximilian Kimmel
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Bishop Michael Mulvey has issued a decree for the Diocese of Corpus Christi, following local government, health department, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and World Health Organization recommendations
to prevent the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Get the latest statement from Bishop Mulvey and available Catholic resources at Please continue to pray for an end to the spread of this virus and all affected by it.
How can we transmit a living, personal Catholic faith to future generations?
By coming to know Jesus Christ and following him as his disciples In preparation for the Eucharistic Congress, the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis has invited Sherry Weddell, author of “Forming Intentional Disciples,” to the Diocese of Corpus Christi. The presentations will connect with the first part of Bishop Mulvey’s pastoral letter for the Eucharistic Congress: “ The DNA of Communion – The Four Characteristics of God’s Love.” Sherry will take us through the steps that will help Catholics make the conscious
choice to follow Jesus as his disciples, transforming parish life and, ultimately, the life of the whole Church. Sherry Weddell is co-founder and serves as executive director of the Catherine of Siena Institute, which trains Catholic leaders in 21st century evangelization, forming intentional missionary disciples at the parish and diocesan levels, and facilitating the discernment of the charisms and vocations of all the baptized. Sherry and her network of collaborators have worked directly with 170,000 lay, religious, and ordained Catholics in over 1,000 parishes in 200 dioceses across North America and Europe, Asia, and Oceania. Sherry is the author of
missional resources used by hundreds of thousands of Catholics around the world, including the “Called and Gifted” discernment process and “Forming Intentional Disciples: The Path to Sherry Weddell Knowing and Following Jesus.” The workshop on Forming Intentional Disciples will be on Saturday, Oct. 3 from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. at St. Pius X Parish Hall.
Fear and Friendship – A Message About the COURAGE Apostolate in Corpus Christi By Father John C. Ouellette, Contributor
One of the most powerful guides of our behavior is fear. It is, in itself, not a bad thing. In fact, our bodily safety is often safeguarded by our natural instinct to fear dangers to our well-being. I can certainly appreciate having such feelings growing up in Detroit, where in the streets there were many eminent and real dangers to safety. However, fear is not always our ally. Sometimes, fear is more our enemy than our friend. In fact, fear can keep us from authentic friendships themselves. I am the chaplain for a chapter of Courage International, here in the Diocese of Corpus Christ. I was first asked by then Bishop Roberto Gonzalez to be the first director of Courage in our diocese in 1996.
It was a wonderful experience for me to minister to a number of good Catholics who had same-sex attraction (SSA) working to live authentically as beautiful children of God in the Holy Catholic Church. We enjoyed a number of activities centered around regular meetings. The gatherings were alive and supportive as we learned more about the wonderful faith that has been given to us by Christ. For a while, the diocese had suspended the apostolate. But it is back! And I have been again asked to lead the ministry. As a priest, I know what it is to trust that God will not abandon me in my situations of life – including my obligation to a chaste life. I have found great spiritual strength from our Lord in my chastity, calling me to authentic celibacy, truly seeking to align
myself with Christ Jesus. Living such a life is always challenging in a world that mocks such charisms of the Holy Spirit. The world may be trying to pull us away, but God is also pulling us back through his commandments, his teachings, and his sacraments,truths in which I live and believe. I take your privacy very seriously. If you are interested in visiting with me about Courage, you can confidentially communicate with me at my Courage phone line, (361) 522-1303. The phone is monitored by me alone. Leave a message, and I will be happy to return your call. Or you can email me at I am excited about having this ministry alive again in our community. Don’t let fear keep you from something you will enjoy. Peace and Joy!
G O D LO V E S E V E R YO N E | A P R I L 2 0 2 0 | S O U T H T E X A S C AT H O L I C
Mary Cottingham | STC
Cyrstal and Grace Matern take a moment to bond at the Mother/Daughter program on Feb. 23. The program is designed to facilitate dialogue between mothers and daughters.
Mother/Daughter program helps facilitate dialogue Mothers and daughters learn about growing up, and God’s plan for them as their bodies begin to change into women at the Mother/Daughter Program at St. Patrick Parish Hall. The Mother/Daughter Program, organized by Director Beth Nguyen from the Diocesan Office of Laity, Family and Life, enlisted the help of other women, Monica Gatlin, Therese Castillo, Mariana Cady, Sarah Gomez, and Mary Pat Van Epps, the program’s developer and presenter. Van Epps’s fertility program has been used in several dioceses
throughout the country. The purpose of the program is to help facilitate a dialogue between mothers and daughters. These conversations include changes occurring during puberty, issues of fertility, and the beauty and gift of being a woman. “We explain the beginning stages of human development; life beginning at conception,” Nguyen said, adding, “we do tell them what conception is, but we don’t get into specifics. We call it ‘the marriage act’ – reserved for a man and a woman in the sacrament of marriage.”
“Respect for Life was a big part of the program, because we talk about how our bodies are change, potentially getting ready to become mothers one day,” Nguyen said. “The program is designed to make it simple for that age group to understand, so they use terms like “new baby bed” to explain what their bodies go through every month,” she said. “It also gives mom’s words to use that are age-appropriate as well.” To see more photos of this event, go to mdprogram.
IWBS old motherhouse set for demolition In July 2015, the Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament moved their Motherhouse to 5201 Lipes Boulevard.
Since that time, they have continued to staff Incarnate Word Academy and serve in parishes in the Corpus Christi area. Accepting that the “old motherhouse” was taking up precious campus space, they are now in the process of demolishing this structure that no longer offers safe or
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effective service. Recognizing the sentimental significance of this building, the Sisters hope that their true legacy will be recognized in the lives of the thousands of students who have attended IWA. Watch for more of this story in the upcoming May issue.
Rockport RCIA program renewing lives Rebecca Esparza
simple question from her six-year-old son helped inspire Anne Vaughan to rekindle her relationship in the Catholic Church. “He’s a student at Sacred Heart School, and I was attending a Mass during school one day,’” she recalled. “He asked me why I didn’t go up to receive communion.” She explained to him that she considers herself Catholic but had never been baptized in the Church. “We talked about it a bit, and he told me he wanted to be baptized. So, we eventually decided to do our sacraments together.” A single mother, Vaughan, was born and raised in Rockport. She also attended Sacred Heart School as a child, and although her faith wasn’t nurtured at
home, it never left her heart. (RCIA) classes at her parish, Another turning point was Sacred Heart in Rockport, when she accepted a friend’s was the next logical step. invitation to an ACTS Every year in the Diocese Retreat. of Corpus Christi, hundreds “I was hesitant to go of people are welcomed into because I didn’t know what the Catholic Church during to expect, and I don’t like the Easter Vigil Mass. The to let my guard down. Then RCIA program begins with my friend said I was given a Period of Evangelization, a scholarship to attend the Anne Vaughan which includes building a retreat, so I didn’t really have relationship with Jesus Christ a good excuse not to go,” she and starting an open dialogue chuckled. with a parish priest or religious education Vaughan said the retreat was an team member. eye-opening experience and one that solidThe program progresses into nearly a ified her decision to make the final steps to yearlong program of weekly classes where become a Catholic “officially.” Attending catechumens learn more about the Caththe Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults olic faith in structured lectures.
Mary Cottingham | STC
Sister Jude Janacek, IWBS, coordinator for RCIA class at Sacred Heart, Rockport, reads the “Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.”
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“It was at the ACTS Retreat I was little. She inspired communion of saints has been such a beauwhere I finally decided to let go me by the way she treated tiful thing to experience. People would of the anger from my past, stop people and was my biggest ask me how my faith formation is going, blaming others and let God into inspiration to become a and I had to tell them, it’s a feeling like no my life completely,” she said. Catholic,” she said. “I know other,” he said. “I spoke to Father Ray, and he she’s smiling down on me Murphy said he values the structure of mentioned RCIA classes had now from heaven.” the RCIA program and feels like it is intejust started, but it wasn’t too Patrick Allen Murphy, Jr. gral to the program’s success. late to join. Everything fell into moved to Rockport many Classes begin in September during the place perfectly.” years ago from California. season of Advent and end a few months Fellow RCIA catechumen Lanaia Janette He left after Hurricane Har- after Lent and Easter. “They couldn’t have Lanaia Janette Watkins was Watkins vey but came back to help picked a better time to start and end the raised a Baptist, but her mother out with relief efforts and classes,” he said. and grandmother were both Catholic. Born ended up staying once again. According to Murphy, the spirituality and raised in Fort Worth, she moved to “I’ve actually been interested in becom- of the Catholic Church is unmatched by Rockport 15 years ago to be with her dying ing a Catholic since I was 14 years old other faiths he has experienced. father and loved the area so much that she when I first saw the movie “Sister Act.” “During the priest’s homily, he is evandecided to stay. But the devastation caused I was enthralled with the message of the gelizing on behalf of Jesus, with the authorby Hurricane Harvey was another turning movie: it’s a story of repentance ity Jesus had. I sometimes point in her life. and penance. But I just wasn’t feel like the priest is look“We were all searching for some hope. I able to finish the classes,” he ing right at me, telling me think we were all depressed in Rockport,” explained. something I needed to she said. “I’ve learned so much about the Fast forward to his living hear that day. The readCatholic faith during my classes, and Sis- in Rockport, when Murphy ings would coincide with ter Jude is amazing. Learning about the said he talked with Sister Jude feelings or problems I was Eucharist has brought me closer to God. about attending RCIA classes having,” he said. “I feel this It has been overwhelming at times.” about three years ago, just synchronicity between my Watkins said her grandmother played a before the hurricane. After he life and the Word of God significant role in her decision to become returned, he signed up right I’ve never felt before. I say a Catholic. away. with absolute certainly: Patrick Allen “She was an amazing person, and I “The Holy Spirit has filled this is the Church that Murphy, Jr. remember going to church with her when my life so much and the Jesus founded.”
Mary Cottingham | STC
Anne Vaughan reads from the handbook, “Practicing Catholic Dedications,” along with Harriet Braswell (background), one of the instructors in the RCIA class at Sacred Heart.
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IWA students serving the community Denise Calderon
ngel Outreach began during the 2018-2019 school year at Incarnate Word Academy’s Middle Level as an entire week dedicated to serving local nonprofits and learning how each of them makes the community better. This year, Angel Outreach took on a new form: every student, from age three to high school seniors, participated in a service-related activity during the day. Service varied across the student body and all events glorified the Incarnate Word. The youngest Angels hosted drives and welcomed guest speakers to campus who explained how acts of kindness create a ripple effect to benefit the larger community. The older Angels left campus to get involved with local nonprofits and learn about the selfless work being done in the local community. Students at the elementary level participated in an array of activities. During art class, Angels helped make cards to include in care packages that
Contributed photos
Students from Incarnate Word Academy Elementary Level deliver stuffed animals to Sister Milagros Tormo, MJMJ from The Ark. Pictured in the left photo, Talon Chanyaman holds up his letter that will be sent to soldiers serving in the U.S. military. Pictured in the right photo, Stella Carrillo, from left, and Casey Wesselski pack dog food for the Animeals Program.
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Contributed photos
Pictured clockwise, from left, are Michael Resendez, Joshua Tschickardt, William McCauley, and Darien Delgado painting signs for the upcoming Fr. Walsh’s Summer Bible Camp for Ministry and Life Enrichment for Persons with Disabilities Program at Catholic Charities of Corpus Christi. See more photos at
will be sent to American soldiers who are serving the country. Each student made at least one card thanking the soldiers for their service and drew a picture to help brighten their day. Angels at the middle level volunteered at the Coastal Bend Food Bank as part of the day of service. Students helped sort, inspect, and box food to be distributed into the Food Bank’s 11-county service 18
area. Middle level students also volunteer at Hi Again Resale Shop to help arrange and organize the shop’s clothing displays. High school level students served at the Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living. The Angels painted the fence that runs along the property and spruced up the landscape at CBCIL. Students also visited the Spirit Center, Catholic Charities of Corpus Christi, Christ the King
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Parish, The Purple Door, and Our Lady of Corpus Christi to donate their time and learn about how these organizations make our community a better place. The day of service started in support of Incarnate Word Academy’s school’s vision “to become an image of Christ within our community” and in response to Pope Francis’ call to “spread the Good News of the Gospel.”
Jesús en el huerto de Getsemaní Por Gloria Romero
T Corresponsal
Profundizando en el significado del Triduo Pascual, Henao nos habló del significado de la Ultima Cena, la Pasión, Muerte y Resurrección a través de la Pascua Judia. Jesús como buen Judío celebraba la Pascua con sus discípulos. En el antiguo testamento se narra como la celebraban y cuales eran los alimentos que debían consumir, “esta tradición Judía está llena de simbolismos Juan David Henao a través de los cuales el Christiano va entendiendo la vida de Jesús” dijo Juan David Henao, añadiendo que “la Evangelización de la Iglesia Católica hoy en día es por la atracción a la persona de Jesús”. Los alimentos que un Judío comía la noche de la Pascua también llamada “la fiesta de los Asimos” y “la fiesta del Cordero”, fueron los mismos alimentos, que enraizados en la tradición Judía, Jesús comió con sus Discípulos en la ultima cena. 1. El Cordero es el primer alimento, debía ser sacrificado de determinada manera, debía ser macho, sin mancha y sin ningún hueso roto. Con la sangre de ese cordero, los Judíos rociaron las puertas de sus casas para que el angel de la muerte pasara de largo y no matara a sus primogénitos. En Jesús, es El mismo quien pasa hacer el Cordero de Dios que nos libra del pecado y nos lleva a la resurrección. Es la alianza entre el Antiguo y el Nuevo Testamento.
Gloria Romero | for STC
ransportar la mente y los pensamientos de la gente a las narraciones evangélicas de las últimas horas de Jesús con sus discípulos en el huerto de Getsemani fue el cometido del Retiro espiritual que organizo el ministerio de evangelización de la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de San Juan de los Lagos, Madre de la Iglesia. El salón parroquial se lleno de feligreses provenientes de diferentes ciudades y parroquias de la Diócesis de Corpus Christi, a quienes el Padre Juan Fernando Gámez como anfitrión les extendió la bienvenida. La predicación estuvo a cargo del teólogo Juan David Henao, de la Escuela Bíblica Católica Yeshua, con base en Medellín, Colombia y del Padre Juan Fernando Gámez. Con una concurrencia de alredador de cien personas, Juan David Henao encaminó la imaginación de los asistentes a profundizar sobre aquellas horas de Jesús en agonía, sudando sangre y llorando ante su Padre en el huerto de los olivos. “!Abba, Padre!, para ti que todo te es posible, aparta de mi este caliz pero no se haga mi voluntad sino la tuya.” (Marcos 14: 35, Mateo 26: 36, Lucas 22: 42) Analizar las palabras de Jesús a su Padre y a los Apóstoles, fue el tema central de reflexión en el retiro y en un ejercicio que llevo a cabo el Padre Fernando, quien activo la comunicación entre los feligreses al establecer algunas preguntas que relacionaban sus vidas en familia y en sociedad, con sus temores, angustias, enfermedades, y demás padecimientos del ser humano en paralelo con los momentos que Jesús vivía como ser humano en aquel encuentro con su Padre.
Los participantes escuchan con atención los resultados del disernimiento sobre las reflexiones que el Padre Fernando Gámez les dio a cerca del significado de las palabras de Cristo a su Padre y a los Apostales. G O D LO V E S E V E R YO N E | A P R I L 2 0 2 0 | S O U T H T E X A S C AT H O L I C
A la izquierda, Padre Juan Fernando Gámez y el Teologo Juan David Henao comparten felices comparten felices el resultado del Retiro Espiritual, que se llevo a cabo el 14 de marzo, a pesar de la crisis mundial del “Coronavirus”. A la derecha, Brenda Hernandez proporciono la música y todos cantaban, “Nadie te ama como Yo...” Ver más fotos de este evento ení.
Gloria Romero | for STC
2. El segundo alimento es el pan Asimo. Es un pan sin leva- entendimiento a la persona de Jesús. dura: en la tradición Judía se compara con el pecado porque “En cada Eucaristía estamos recordando la Pascua de Jesús, que la levadura hace el pan grande, lo hincha y lo que hace Dios está en nuestra vida, que nos hace libres de la esclavitud y el pecado en nuestro corazón es llenarlo de soberbia. De de los Egiptos que vivimos, (vicios, adicciones, pecados) porque manera que significa que el pan ásimo no tiene pecado. el Cordero se ha entregado para la salvación del ser humano, Así como Jesús, que es igual a todos los seres humanos, y nos alimenta espiritualmente de su cuerpo en el pan y de su menos en eso; sin pecado. La hostia es un tipo de pan sin sangre en el vino. El recuerdo de la vida de Jesús nos edifica en levadura. Jesús dijo: este ya no es pan, es mi cuerpo, partido lo interior para amar y seguir en el camino”, dijo Henao. y repartido por ustedes para la Salvación. 3. El Vino que en la tradición Judía son cuatro copas de vino: cada una tiene un significado especial: la copa de la bendición, la copa de la santificación, la copa de la acción de gracias, y la copa de la alabanza. Y Jesús toma ese vino y dice: este ya no es vino, es mi sangre. 4. También vamos a encontrar las hierbas amargas, que son una ensalada con rábanos, apio, perejil, y lechuga a la que le ponen agua con sal, porque ellos recuerdan las lagrimas que derramaron cuando eran esclavos en Egipto. La Pascua celebra que Dios nos sacó de la esclavitud. 5. Un adereso llamado – Jaroche, hecho con los frutos de la tierra prometida: nueces, dátiles, higos, y manzanas que tiene el color rosado de los ladrillos que tenían que pegar en Egipto, pero que cuando lo prueban sabe a la tierra prometida. Lo cual recuerda donde estamos y adonde vamos. 6. El ultimo alimento que se usaba era un huevo duro que es de los pocos alimentos que frente al fuego y al calor en lugar de ablandarse, se pone duro y simboliza la fe. Mediante la fe se saca valentía fortaleza y coraje. La fe que le hace frente a la adversidad. Ramiro Padrón y Laura Loera, meditan las palabras que el La tradición Judia debe ser valorada porque Jesús en predicador dijo; a cerca del “Encuentro con Jesús vivo”. ese contexto de la Pascua Judía le da plenitud y mayor 2 0
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Hospital chaplains’ work connects death to life Jesse De Leon
F Contributor
or Father Arularasu Mathias, the role of hospital chaplain at Christus Spohn Shoreline has been one which allows him to minister to patients in a way that is both personal and pastoral. Very often, patients and their families who are dealing with serious illnesses are in need of spiritual guidance to better deal with emotionally difficult medical conditions. It is a challenge that Father Mathias embraces on a daily basis. He has been working as a chaplain for 13 years, and his experience has given him greater perspective and insight into this vitally important ministry. “My aim is to be there with patients and their families as they go through hard times,” Father Mathias said. “It is important for me to be there in a compassionate way, and equally important that I am there for them in their suffering.”
Father Mathias reflects that his ministry encapsulates the full spectrum of life and death. Being present in a variety of scenarios has enabled him to gain a deeper and more profound sense of awareness of the link between life and death. As a chaplain he is an important presence – when a family welcomes a newborn baby and when a family faces the loss of a loved one. He sees both situations as life affirming regardless of whether the occasion is joyous or sorrowful. He says the most important thing for him is to always be there if anyone needs to pray or needs comfort. “The most fulfilling part is that I am there to offer not only last rites but also other sacraments, like reconciliation and communion,” he said. “Very often, I get to form relationships with the people I minister to, and that is comforting for both them and for me, as well.” That comfort is also something that Chaplain Ray Claveria
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There’s a thin line between life and death. It’s God’s Grace that shows us how fragile we all are. —Timothy Pina strives to offer the families and patients he serves in his role as contract chaplain at Christus Spohn Hospital as well as Bay Area Hospital. Chaplain Ray cites the loss of his own son years ago as the spiritual guidepost by which he is able to prayerfully minister to the patients and families he serves. “I focus on the New Testament and all the things that Jesus did,” says Claveria. “He came to show us the way home and that our time on this earth is a journey. Jesus wants us to understand the final outcome is to find our way home to him.” In addition to his ministry as a hospital chaplain, Claveria holds grief support meetings every Tuesday night at Our Lady of Perpetual Help parish and has even written a booklet of reflections called “Death: The Gift of Life.” “For a lot of people, the difficulty in dealing with death boils down to selfishness,” reflects Claveria. “People do not
want to let go of their loved ones, but there always comes a point where people have to allow God to take over.” Claveria adds that his faith has not only deepened his commitment to his ministry as chaplain, but it has also allowed him to see how his work gives him the unique opportunity to walk a thin line between life and death every day. It is a steady, if sometimes challenging path, but one that continues to deepen his faith as well as underscore the importance of trusting the Lord by leaving our troubles to him instead of holding on to them. “Tomorrow is not promised, and yesterday is gone so let’s do the best we can today so we can make it to where we are going to go,” he said. “We should always remember to never give up hope in the face of loss and that the blessings are there if we only open our eyes.”
Catechism of the Catholic Faith The Church prays that no one should be lost: “Lord, let me never be parted from you.” If it is true that no one can save himself, it is also true that God “desires all men to be saved” (1 Tim. 2:4), and that for him “all things are possible” (Mt. 19:26). – CCC, n. 1058 ARTICLE 12 “I BELIEVE IN LIFE EVERLASTING” The Christian who unites his own death to that of Jesus views it as a step towards him and an entrance into everlasting life. When the Church for the last time speaks Christ’s words of pardon and absolution over the dying Christian, seals him for the last time with a strengthening anointing, and gives him Christ in viaticum as nourishment for the journey, she speaks with gentle assurance: Go forth, Christian soul, from this world in the name of God the almighty Father, who created you, in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, who suffered for you, in the name of the Holy Spirit, who was poured out upon you. Go forth, faithful Christian! May you live in peace this day, may your home be with God in Zion, . . . .May you return to [your Creator]. – CCC, n. 1020 22
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El trabajo de los capellanes en el hospital es conectar la muerte con la vida Jesse De Leon
P Contribuyente
Esa satisfacción y afabilidad es también algo que el Capellán ara el padre Arularasu Mathias, el papel de capellán en el hospital CHRISTUS Spohn Shoreline le ha Ray Claveria se esfuerza por ofrecer a las familias y pacientes en permitido ejercer su ministerio entre los pacientes su papel de capellán contratado por el Hospital Christus Spohn de una manera personal y pastoral. Muy a menudo, y por el Hospital Bay Área. El capellán Ray cita la pérdida de su tanto los pacientes como sus familias se enfrentan propio hijo hace años, como la guía espiritual mediante la cual con enfermedades graves y necesitan orientación puede ejercer su ministerio en oración, a los pacientes y a las espiritual, para lidiar mejor emocionalmente con condiciones familias a las que sirve. “Me concentro en el Nuevo Testamento y en médicas difíciles. todas las cosas que hizo Jesús”, dice Claveria. “Vino Es un desafío que el padre Mathias abraza a diario. para mostrarnos el camino a casa y que nuestro Él ha estado trabajando como capellán durante 13 tiempo en esta tierra es un viaje. Jesús quiere que años, y su experiencia le ha dado una mayor perscomprendamos que el resultado final es encontrar pectiva y comprensión de este ministerio de vital nuestro camino a casa y a El”. importancia. Además de su ministerio como capellán del hos“Mi objetivo es estar allí con los pacientes y sus pital, Claveria celebra reuniones de apoyo para las familias mientras atraviesan por tiempos difíciles”, personas en duelo, todos los martes por la noche en dijo el padre Mathias. “Es importante para mí estar la parroquia de Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro allí de una manera compasiva, solidaria, acompañáne incluso ha escrito un folleto de reflexiones llamado dolos en su sufrimiento”. Muerte: el regalo de la vida. El padre Mathias piensa que su ministerio encap- Padre Arularasu “Para muchas personas, la dificultad para lidiar sula el espectro completo de la vida y la muerte. Mathias con la muerte se reduce al egoísmo”, piensa Claveria. Estar presente en una variedad de escenarios le ha “La gente no quieren dejar ir, a sus seres queridos, permitido obtener un sentido de conciencia cada pero siempre se llega al punto en que las personas vez más profundo sobre el vínculo que existe, entre tienen que permitir que Dios se haga cargo”. la vida y la muerte. Claveria agrega que su fe no solo ha profundizado Su presencia como capellán es importante: tanto su compromiso con su ministerio como capellán, en los momentos en que una familia le da la biensino que también le ha permitido ver cómo su travenida a un bebé recién nacido, como cuando una bajo le brinda la oportunidad única de caminar una familia enfrenta la pérdida de un ser querido. Él línea delgada entre la vida y la muerte todos los días. ve ambas situaciones como una afirmación de la Es un camino constante, aunque a veces desafiante, vida, independientemente de si la ocasión es alegre es un camino en el que se continúa profundizando o triste. Dice que lo más importante para él es estar la fe, es de suma importancia confiar en el Señor, allí siempre, bien sea que alguien necesite rezar o Capellán Ray al dejarle nuestros problemas a El, en lugar de afeque necesite consuelo. rrarnos a ellos. “La parte más satisfactoria es que estoy allí para Claveria “No se nos ha prometido un mañana, y el ayer se ofrecer no solo los últimos ritos sino también otros sacramentos, como la reconciliación y la comunión”, dijo. “En mi ha ido, así que hagamos lo mejor que podamos hoy para llegar a ministerio es muy frecuente, establecer relaciones con las personas donde iremos”, dijo. “Siempre debemos recordar no perder nunca con las que hablo, y eso es muy reconfortante tanto para ellos la esperanza ante la pérdida y que las bendiciones están ahí si tan solo abrimos los ojos”. como para mí”.
Hay una delgada línea entre la vida y la muerte. Es la Gracia de Dios la que nos muestra cuán frágiles somos todos. —Timothy Pina G O D LO V E S E V E R YO N E | A P R I L 2 0 2 0 | S O U T H T E X A S C AT H O L I C
Ayudenos a Prevenir el Abuso Financiero La Diócesis de Corpus Christi por medio de la recomendación del Concilio Diocesano de Finanzas y el Concilio Presbiteral han llevado su dedicación mas allá para la buena administración y responsabilidad nanciera en nombre de donantes generosos al instituir un “hotline” para reportar el abuso nanciero. La Diócesis de Corpus Christi ha seleccionado un tercer partido independiente, La Red, para proporcionarle a usted con una manera para reportar anónima y condencialmente el abuso nanciero e fraude. Los empleados, los parroquianos, los voluntarios, los vendedores, y otros partidos interesados estan impulsados para reportar las preocupaciones que tengan respeto a la conducta de påca ética nanciera dentro de la Diócese de Corpus Christi. Todas las investigaciones serán tradas inmediatamente y discretamente. Personas que llamen tienen el derecho de mantenerse anónimas.
Llamada 1-877-571-9748
Obispo Michael Mulvey y el personal de la Oficina de un Ambiente Seguro y de Servicios para Niños y Familia se comprometen a ayudar en el proceso de curación de las víctimas y sobrevivientes de abuso. Si usted o alguien que usted conoce está en necesidad de estos servicios, llame a Stephanie Bonilla, Directora de la Oficina de un Ambiente Seguro y de Servicios para Niños y Familia: (361) 882-6191 para asistencia inmediata.
La Liturgia Católica en Español se transmite por Internet todos los domingos por la mañana a las 11 a.m. en vivo, desde la Catedral de Corpus Christi, y disponible para todo el mundo en: La santa misa se retransmite a traves de los sistemas de cable de Corpus Christi (public access cable) los martes a las 10 a.m. y los jueves a las 7 p.m. Todas las transmisiones en vivo y grabadas son producciones de CCN “Catholic Communications Network”. Ver transmisiones por cable en
Oficina de un Ambiente Seguro y de Servicios para Niños y Familia
“Con Permiso” Programa de Radio en Español
en KLUX 89.5 HD-1 y “Listen Live” en Domingos a las 7:30 a.m.
con el P. José Salazar, Jaime Reyna y Gloria Romero 24
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Patrocinado por la Oficina del Ministerio Multicultural
“How to hand-wash Catholic style” – It suggests Catholics say the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be as they follow the protocol for hand-washing being recommended around the globe as one of many ways for people to protect themselves against the coronavirus, designated COVID-19 by world health authorities. “Clean hands are life savers … and prayers save souls!” says the Dallas diocesan guidance on hand-washing for 30 to 45 seconds. The guidance is just part of a number of protocols issued by Dallas Bishop Edward J. Burns to protect the faithful from coronavirus, like his brother bishops and other church leaders in this country’s nearly 200 archdioceses and dioceses.
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An Act of Spiritual Communion It has long been a Catholic understanding that when circumstances prevent one from receiving Holy Communion, it is possible to make an Act of Spiritual Communion, which is a source of grace. Spiritual Communion is an ardent desire to receive Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament and lovingly embrace him at a time or in circumstances when
one cannot receive Him in sacramental Communion. The most common reason for making an Act of Spiritual Communion is when a person cannot attend Mass. Acts of Spiritual Communion increase our desire to receive sacramental Communion and help us avoid the sins that would make us unable to receive Holy Communion worthily.
My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you in my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, Come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there And unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you.
David Eucaristía from Pixabay
Divine Mercy Sunday is April 19
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Anxious about the global pandemic? Advice from a Catholic psychologist By Perry West
Catholic News Agency
hile the coronavirus has Americans scrambling for canned goods, respirator masks, and especially toilet paper, one Catholic psychologist has encouraged people to take deep breaths and remain calm. The World Health Organization labeled the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, a world-class pandemic. Since then, panic and anxiety have become common experiences. Dr. Christina Lynch, a supervising psychologist for Denver’s St. John Vianney Theological Seminary, told CNA that fear of the pandemic is normal. But even in the global health crisis, she said, peace is not beyond our reach. “Being frightened about something that we don’t understand is normal. I think the first thing we have to do is normalize our emotions and realize it’s okay. We all are uncertain. We don’t know what the future holds,” she said. “We fear the unknown. We want to be in control.” As of March 13, the virus has infected over 140,000 people and claimed nearly 5,400 lives, the NY Times reported. U.S. President Donald Trump declared the crisis a national emergency Friday afternoon. Coronavirus expert Dr. Anthony Fauci said the situation will worsen, noting that the pandemic will last for several months. The option of a complete social shutdown is not off the table for Americans, he said. Amid the anxiety, people have rushed to local supermarkets to stock up on medicine, hand sanitizer, and, curiously, toilet paper. Videos have appeared online under the hashtags #toiletpaperpanic or #toiletpaperapocalypse, which show stores with empty shelves, and even fights breaking
out over rolls of two-ply. Lynch said that the hoarding of toilet paper conveys a panicked mob mentality taking root. But there are means to remain calm in the face of the upcoming storm. She offered a few techniques to help quell rising anxiety levels. Lynch encouraged people prone to anxiety to pay close attention to expert advice on avoiding the virus, like washing hands, wiping down surfaces, and limiting interactions with large crowds. She said that for most people, following substantiated advice will help diminish any sense of panic and worry. She also suggested Catholics can make the practice of handwashing an opportunity for prayer. For example, she said washing hands while saying a Hail Mary takes about 20 seconds, the expert-recommended amount of time at the sink. Lynch also said anyone can benefit from reflecting on how they’ve already conquered anxiety, and then practicing calming routines that have worked in the past. “It’s a very normal reaction to be fearful or concerned…[but] you don’t want to fan the flame of that fear. So what are the steps that you can take, knowing yourself?” she asked. In general, Lynch said, people can benefit from breathing techniques, which help equalize the body and reduce anxiety. “Breathing is one of the best self-calming tools we can have. You know, just relaxing and creating a habit twice a day to just take some deep breaths, close our eyes, hold our breath and exhale... You [may] pray a Hail Mary while you’re holding your breath and then you calmly exhale.” Lynch said there are also plenty of spiritual practices to help Catholics handle anxiety.
Lynch suggested Catholics look up the devotional practices recommended by their local diocese. Even if churches have canceled their Masses, she said, Catholics can also watch the Mass on channels like EWTN, or online, she said. “We’re so blessed to have our faith, the Catholic faith because we have so many tools from a spiritual perspective. I think this is a great opportunity because we’re so busy in our daily life that we can use this to actually develop some spiritual habits, and incorporate them in this attempt to reduce her anxiety.” “Maybe develop a habit of just spending five to 15 minutes every morning when you first get up. Maybe get up a little bit earlier and just pray, whether it’s silent … read[ing]scripture ... or pray[ing] a decade of the rosary,” she said. Lynch urged people monitor their intake of media, especially news sources that have politicized the virus or promoted fear. “Some of the things that we know we can do to counteract fear is limit your media coverage from sources that want to instill fear. Like, those that politicized the virus or those that only focus on the bad stuff that’s happening with the virus or what could happen rather than the facts,” Lynch advised. She acknowledged that the virus is likely to spread and there is a chance that many people will be impacted. She emphasized the value of taking practical steps in being prepared for self-quarantine. And Lynch encouraged Catholics to see the spiritual opportunity in the weeks ahead. “We’re so used to being in control. This is a great opportunity to know that God’s in control and to just give him more control and pray a prayer of trust to God every day.”
G O D LO V E S E V E R YO N E | A P R I L 2 0 2 0 | S O U T H T E X A S C AT H O L I C
Pope Francis encourages small acts of love during coronavirus quarantine By Courtney Mares
Catholic News Agency
mind when he made a short walking pilgrimage through the empty streets of Rome on Sunday to pray in front of a Marian icon in the Basilica of St. Mary Major and a crucifix in another church that had been used in prayer processions during the plagues in Rome’s history. “I asked the Lord to stop the epidemic: ‘Lord, stop it with your hand.’ That’s what I prayed for,” he said. Nearly 200,000 people have been infected by COVID-19, a respiratory illness that has been linked to the deaths of 7,954 people worldwide as of March 18, according to Johns Hopkins University. Italy has been the hardest hit country outside of China with over 31,500 documented coronavirus cases, and 2,941 deaths, mostly in the north of the country. Francis urged people to remember that one’s personal choices and actions have consequences for the lives of others. The pope cited an article written by Italian journalist, Fabio Fazio, who said that people’s failure to pay their taxes in Italy has hurt the country’s ability to provide for all those who
Daniel Ibanez | CNA
hile many are stuck at home during the coronavirus pandemic, Pope Francis says that there are many small acts of love and kindness one can do for others without leaving the house. “We must rediscover the concreteness of little things, small gestures of attention we can offer those close to us, our family, our friends. We must understand that in small things lies our treasure,” Pope Francis said in an interview in an Italian newspaper published on March 18. “For example, a hot meal, a caress, a hug, a phone call... They are familiar gestures of attention to the details of everyday life that make life meaningful and that create communion and communication among us,” the pope said. Pope Francis said that the quarantine many people are living through right now provides a particular opportunity to grow in personal relationships at home, but this requires disconnecting from technology to spend quality time together. “In their homes, families often eat together in great silence, but not as a result of listening to each other, rather because the parents watch television while they eat, and children are on their mobile phones,” he said. “Here there is no communication, whereas listening to each other is important because that’s how we can understand the needs, efforts, desires of the other.” The pope also asked everyone to reach out to those who are alone or who have lost loved ones. “Consolation must not be everyone’s commitment,” he added. In the interview with Italian journalist Paolo Rodari published in La Repubblica, Pope Francis explained what was on his
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are sick. “He [Fazio] is right, for example, when he says: ‘It has become evident that those who do not pay taxes do not only commit a felony but also a crime: if there are not enough hospital beds and artificial respirators, it is also their fault’. I was very impressed by this,’” Pope Francis said quoting the journalist. Pope Francis also said that people can find strength in their families and in the love of the people around them, even if they do not yet have the gift of faith. “They are all God’s children and are looked upon by Him. Even those who have not yet met God, those who do not have the gift of faith, can find their way through this, in the good things they believe in: they can find strength in love for their children, for their family, for their brothers and sisters,” he said. “During these difficult days we can find small, concrete gestures expressing closeness and concreteness towards the people closest to us, a caress for our grandparents, a kiss for our children, for the people we love. These are important, decisive gestures. If we live these days like this, they won’t be wasted,” P o p e Francis said.
Vatican Media.
Pope Francis offers a private Mass in the chapel of Casa Santa Marta March 15.
Amid coronavirus isolation, Catholics are united in Christ, Pope Francis says By Hannah Brockhaus
Catholic News Agency
s many Catholics are unable to attend Mass or gather because of the coronavirus pandemic, Pope Francis recalled the Church’s spiritual communion as the Body of Christ, united in prayer. “In this pandemic situation, in which we find ourselves living more or less isolated, we are invited to rediscover and deepen the value of the communion which unites all members of the Church,” Pope Francis said March 15. Speaking at the end of his Sunday Angelus address, he said “united with Christ we are never alone, but we form a single Body, of which He is the Head.” “It is a union that is nourished with prayer, and also with spiritual communion in the Eucharist, a highly recommended practice when it is not possible to receive the sacrament,” he urged. “I say this for everyone, especially for people who live alone.” Due to the global coronavirus outbreak, Pope Francis prayed the midday Marian prayer via live video from his library in the Vatican’s apostolic palace. Usually he leads the prayer from a window overlooking
pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square. “These days St. Peter’s Square is closed,” the pope remarked, “so my greeting goes directly to you who are connected through the media.” “Thank you so much for all the strength each of you gives to help during this very difficult moment,” he said. “May the Lord bless you and Our Lady guard you.” He renewed his closeness to the sick, those who care for them, and to workers and volunteers helping people who cannot leave their homes. Francis also expressed his closeness to those who are helping to meet the needs of the poor and homeless during the coronavirus pandemic. He thanked the archbishop of Milan for his closeness to his people and to God in prayer. He also thanked priests, especially those in northern Italy, for being creative in their solutions to help Catholics feel supported during this time. Pope Francis offered his morning Mass at Casa Santa Marta March 15 for all those who, during the coronavirus pandemic, keep the city running with their work: “employees of the pharmacies, the supermarkets, transportation, policemen.”
“Let us pray for all those who are working so that community life, city life, can go on at this moment,” he said. The pope’s morning Masses, which will continue to be livestreamed every day next week, are being offered for those who are sick with coronavirus and for the suffering. In his homily, Francis reflected on Jesus’ conversation with the Samaritan woman at the well. At this meeting, Jesus reveals his identity as the Messiah for the first time in the Gospels. He reveals his identity to a woman, a sinner, who had the courage to tell him the truth about herself, the pope said. The Samaritan woman then had the courage to proclaim the news of the coming of the Messiah to others. Before the Angelus, Francis said “if our searching and our thirst find their full fulfillment in Christ, we will show that salvation does not lie in the ‘things’ of this world, but in the One who loved us and always loves us: Jesus our Savior.” “May Mary Most Holy help us to cultivate the desire for Christ, the source of living water, the only one who can satisfy the thirst for life and love that we carry in our hearts,” he prayed.
G O D LO V E S E V E R YO N E | A P R I L 2 0 2 0 | S O U T H T E X A S C AT H O L I C
April Liturgical Calendar 1 | Wed | Lenten Weekday | violet | Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95/Jn 8:31-42 (253) 2 | Thu | Lenten Weekday | violet [Saint Francis of Paola, Hermit] Gn 17:3-9/Jn 8:51-59 (254) 3 | Fri | Lenten Weekday | violet | Jer 20:10-13/Jn 10:31-42 (255)
Mass: Is 61:1-3a, 6a, 8b-9/Rv 1:58/Lk 4:16-21 (260) Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14/1 Cor 11:23-26/Jn 13:1-15 (39)
41/Jn 20:11-18 (262) Pss Prop
10 | Fri | Friday of the Passion of the Lord (Good Friday) red Is 52:13—53:12/Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9/Jn 18:1—19:42 (40) Pss Prop
16 | Thu | Thursday within the Octave of Easter | white Acts 3:1126/Lk 24:35-48 (264) Pss Prop
24 | Fri | Easter Weekday | white/ red [Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Priest and Martyr] Acts 5:34-42/Jn 6:1-15 (271)
17 | Fri | Friday within the Octave of Easter | white Acts 4:1-12/Jn 21:1-14 (265) Pss Prop
25 | Sat | Saint Mark, Evangelist | red | Feast | 1 Pt 5:5b-14/Mk 16:1520 (555) Pss Prop
18 | Sat | Saturday within the Octave of Easter | white Acts 4:1321/Mk 16:9-15 (266) Pss Prop
26 | SUN | THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER | white Acts 2:14, 22-33/1 Pt 1:17-21/Lk 24:13-35 (46) Pss III
19 | SUN | SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER | white (OR SUNDAY OF DIVINE MERCY) Acts 2:42-47/1 Pt 1:3-9/Jn 20:19-31 (43) Pss Prop
27 | Mon | Easter Weekday | white | Acts 6:8-15/Jn 6:22-29 (273)
11 | Sat | Holy Saturday | white | Easter Vigil: Gn 1:1—2:2 or 1:1, 2631a/Gn 22:1-18 or 22:1-2, 9a, 1013, 15-18/ Ex 14:15—15:1/Is 54:5-14/ Is 55:1-11/Bar 3:9-15, 32—4:4/Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28/ Rom 6:3-11/Mt 28:1-10 (41) Pss Prop
4 | Sat | Lenten Weekday | violet [Saint Isidore, Bishop and Doctor of the Church] Ez 37:21-28/Jn 11:45-56 (256) 5 | SUN | PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD | red Mt 21:1-11 (37)/Is 50:4-7/Phil 2:6-11/ Mt 26:14—27:66 or 27:11-54 (38) Pss II
7 | Tue | Tuesday of Holy Week | violet | Is 49:1-6/Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 (258)
12 | SUN | EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD | white | Solemnity | Acts 10:34a, 37-43/Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8/Jn 20:1-9 (42) or Mt 28:1-10 (41) or, at an afternoon or evening Mass, Lk 24:13-35 (46) Pss Prop
8 | Wed | Wednesday of Holy Week | violet | Is 50:4-9a/Mt 26:14-25 (259)
13 | Mon | Monday within the Octave of Easter | white Acts 2:14, 22-33/Mt 28:8-15 (261) Pss Prop
9 | Thu | Thursday of Holy Week (Holy Thursday) white | Chrism
14 | Tue | Tuesday within the Octave of Easter | white Acts 2:36-
6 | Mon | Monday of Holy Week | violet | Is 42:1-7/Jn 12:1-11 (257)
15 | Wed | Wednesday within the Octave of Easter | white Acts 3:110/Lk 24:13-35 (263) Pss Prop
20 | Mon | Easter Weekday | white | Acts 4:23-31/Jn 3:1-8 (267) Pss II 21 | Tue | Easter Weekday | white/ white [Saint Anselm, Bishop and Doctor of the Church] Acts 4:3237/Jn 3:7b-15 (268) 22 | Wed | Easter Weekday | white | Acts 5:17-26/Jn 3:16-21 (269) 23 | Thu | Easter Weekday | white/ red/red [Saint George, Martyr;
Saint Adalbert, Bishop and Martyr] Acts 5:27-33/Jn 3:31-36 (270)
28 | Tue | Easter Weekday | white/ red/white [Saint Peter Chanel, Priest and Martyr; Saint Louis Grignion de Montfort, Priest] Acts 7:51—8:1a/Jn 6:30-35 (274) 29 | Wed | Saint Catherine of Siena, Virgin and Doctor of the Church | white | Memorial | Acts 8:1b-8/Jn 6:35-40 (275) 30 | Thu | Easter Weekday | white/ white [Saint Pius V, Pope] Acts 8:26-40/Jn 6:44-51 (276)
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