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Bishop Michael Mulvey, STL DD

Director of Communications and Public Relations

Katia Uriarte Philipello kuriarte@diocesecc.org

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Jesse DeLeon jdeleon@diocesecc.org

Managing Editor

Susanne Janssen sjanssen@diocesecc.org

Theological Consultant

Very Rev. Richard Libby, Chancellor rlibby@diocesecc.org

Communications Specialist Adel Sauceda asauceda@diocesecc.org

Social Media Coordinator and Videographer

Elizabeth Morales emorales@diocesecc.org

Broadcast Technical Director

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Communications Administrative Assistant

AnaLisa Iber aiber@diocesecc.org


Rebecca Esparza and Jessica Rohr


Gloria Romero

Graphic design

Alexis Harborth

Contributors: Emily Salazar, Layna Souza

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4 | INTERVIEW FROM THE BISHOP: Reflections after World Youth Day: Young people are the hope and future of the Church – but they need to meet people, not an institution

6 | ENTREVISTA CON EL OBISPO: Reflexiones después de la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud: Los jóvenes son la esperanza y el futuro de la Iglesia, pero necesitan encontrarse con personas, no con una institución

8 | YOUNG PEOPLE AND FAITH: A BYGONE CONNECTION, OR LOTS OF POTENTIAL?: 71% of young people consider themselves “religious,” but over half of young people have little to no trust in spiritual institutions

10 | LIVING THE GLOBAL CHURCH: What Diocese of Corpus Christi pilgrims share about World Youth Day 2023

13 | VIVIENDO LA IGLESIA GLOBAL: Lo que comparten los peregrinos de la Diócesis de Corpus Christi sobre la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud 2023

15 | “A RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE TWO OF US… AND GOD”: Marriage is a vocation that requires discernment and preparation. Janice Bourgeois (24) and Sean Coburn (22) share the journey leading to their wedding.

16 | BEING ATTENTIVE TO HIS VOICE: How to discern a vocation to the priesthood

18 | “GOD IS MY BEST FRIEND”: We asked a few youths and young adults what God means to them and how their faith impacts their lives

20 | DEEPENING THE FAITH… AND CONNECTING WITH PEERS: The Young Catholic Adult group tries different ways to connect with young Catholics

22 | DISCOVER HOPE AND FAITH THROUGH ART: Gen Verde, an international performing arts group, offers a free 5-day camp and concert in October

24 | FOLLOWING JESUS: Fr. Brady Williams, SOLT, commenting on “Mary arose and went in haste” (Luke 1:39)

25 | SIGUIENDO A JESÚS: P. Brady Williams, SOLT, comentando en “María se levantó y se fue de prisa” (Lucas 1:39)

26 | WOMAN OF STRENGTH: ST. MARIA GORETTI: She protected her purity at all costs

28 | BIOETHICS 101 – A NEW COLUMN OF STC: Some guidelines about medical decisions at the end of life

30 | “GOD LOVES YOU AS YOU ARE NOW”: Excerpts of Pope Francis’ messages to young people at World Youth Day 2023 in Lisbon

32 | LOSS AND SEARCH FOR SOLACE: Fall Concert Series at the Cathedral starts with “The Sacred Veil” by Eric Whitacre on October 24

ON THE COVER: The pilgrims of the Diocese of Corpus Christi with Bishop Michael Mulvey on the last day of their journey at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fátima. Picture taken by Faith Journeys

Bishop Michael Mulvey and the staff of the Office for Safe Environment and Child and Family Resources are committed to assisting those who have faced abuse of any kind. For immediate assistance, support, and referral information, please call Victim Assistance Coordinator Stephanie Bonilla at (361) 693-6686.

El obispo Michael Mulvey y el personal de la Oficina del Medio Ambiente Seguridad y Recursos para Niños y Familias están comprometidos a ayudar a aquellos que han sufrido abusos de cualquier tipo. Para asistencia inmediata, apoyo e información de referencia, llame al Coordinador de Asistencia a Víctimas Stephanie Bonilla al (361) 693-6686.

In the spirit of proper stewardship, the Diocese of Corpus Christi encourages reporting any financial abuse concerns or related issues. Report confidentially to: financialconcerns@diocesecc.org

En el espíritu de una administración adecuada, la Diócesis de Corpus Christi alienta a informar cualquier inquietud de abuso financiero o problemas relacionados. Informe confidencialmente a: financialconcerns@diocesecc.org

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