Holy Trinity
reigns supreme
2  South Texas Catholic | November 2015
VOL. 50 NO. 10
Publisher Most Rev. Wm. Michael Mulvey, STL DD Editor Alfredo E. Cárdenas ACardenas@diocesecc.org
The Holy Trinity reigns over the Cathedral. God the Father is depicted as an old man with simple lines and little color because he was revealed as Father, but transcends human distinctions. God the Son is shown in much greater detail and in colors since he became a man. The Holy Spirit is hovering over them in the form of a dove.
Mary Cottingham, South Texas Catholic
Theological Consultant Ben Nguyen, JD/JCL. Editorial Staff Mary E. Cottingham MCottingham@diocesecc.org Adel Rivera ARivera@diocesecc.org Madelyn Calvert MCalvert@diocesecc.org
of Corpus Christi broke ground for a Newman Catholic Center adjacent to 10 Diocese the campus of Coastal Bend College in Beeville. The facility will also be available to area parishes for retreats and conferences.
Correspondents Rebecca Esparza, Luisa Scolari, Dayna Mazzei Worchel If you or someone you know would like to receive the South Texas Catholic call us at (361) 882-6191 Office Address: 620 Lipan Corpus Christi TX 78401-2434 E-MAIL: stc@diocesecc.org www.southtexascatholic.com FAX: (361) 693-6701
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Keep up with the Faith at www.SouthTexasCatholic.com
INSIDE 4 VIEWPOINTS Mercy and the external
expressions of internal truth
6 VOCATIONS Cultivating a healthy
reverence for the priesthood
8 Speakers emphasize
justice and mercy
NEWS BRIEFS 19 National Vocations Awareness Week slated for Nov. 1-7
VIDA CATÓLICA 24 Todos pertenecemos a la cultura de Cristo
NATIONAL NEWS 29 Papal favorability numbers rise following U.S. visit
VATICAN 31 The Report puts ‘human face’ on threats to religious freedom
OUR FAITH 34 The job of angels is to assist us on our road to salvation
October 2015 | South Texas Catholic 3
Most Reverend Michael Mulvey is bishop of the Diocese of Corpus Christi.
Mercy and the external expressions of internal truth Bishop Michael Mulvey South Texas Catholic
n September, along with several pilgrims from our diocese, I attended various events connected with the visit of Pope Francis to the United States. When people ask me which of the pope’s addresses was my favorite, I tell them it was the speech the Holy Father gave to the Joint Session of the United States Congress. That speech expressed and identified the contemporary dilemma that we face as a society today, namely, the disconnect we have between our internal spiritual reality and how we express ourselves externally. Watching the pope enter the congressional chamber was like watching the soul of humanity enter into a house of legislation. Of course, just laws and the maintenance of good order are vital to any human society. We in the United States are fortunate that our society still strives to respect the rule of law and the common good. Nonetheless, many of our laws, and for that matter mandates, need to be rooted in the Natural and Divine Law written in the heart of every person. In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus was challenged regarding his 4 South Texas Catholic | November 2015
lack of observing the ritual of washing. Rather than merely rebuke his host, he offers a poignant answer regarding the externals of life and the internal spirit of the human person. Christ called them, and calls us, to strive for a harmony between spiritual truths found within and the outward expressions of them (Lk 11:37ff ). “Although you cleanse the outside of the cup and the dish, inside you are filled with plunder and evil. You fools! Did not the maker of the outside also make the inside?” He continued to unveil their hypocrisy in the following verses. The message of the Gospel that our Holy Father presented to the Congress of the United States expressed the internal truths of human nature to those responsible for regulating our American society’s external functioning. It is important to keep in mind that external expressions in and of themselves are not evil. In fact, external expressions and actions can be beautiful expressions of the truth of the human person. God created us to be
both spiritual and physical. Yet it is when these are not in conformity with God’s Divine Law that they become shallow expressions devoid of the true dignity that he has bestowed on each human person. The internal spirit of every human person bears the image and likeness of God. Thus, the human person, capable of love and called to love, must never be treated as a means to another’s selfish ends. External expressions, whether by ourselves, by others or directed towards others, must always respect and protect this eternal truth of human dignity. While our society is in great need to hear this truth, it also seems equally unable to break itself of the temptation to judge others only according to the external, devoid of the internal truth that must accompany it. It is precisely this that Pope Francis brought into the legislative chamber of the U.S. Congress. Throughout his visit to the United States, Pope Francis modeled this harmony between the internal and external through his transparency, his honesty and living what he preaches.
striving to have the same attitude as Christ.❞
–Phil 2:5
When asked in one of his interviews “as Jorge Bergoglio, who are you?” he responded immediately, “I am a sinner.” He was not ashamed to admit externally the truth that he knows internally–that he, like all of us, falls short of the glory of God (cf. Rm 3:23) but that he is, like all of us, on the journey of Christian life to synchronize our internal beauty as children of God with our external actions. The Christian life is nothing less than striving to “have the same attitude as Christ (cf. Phil 2:5), ” to see ourselves and others as Christ sees us, to treat ourselves and others as Christ would, since we are in Christ.
This is why the Church, in her wisdom, encourages us to do a daily examination of conscience, particularly at the end of the day. It is our opportunity to examine what is both internal–how we have stayed in union with God or not–and what is external–how we have expressed ourselves with the attitude of Christ or not. As we approach the Holy Jubilee Year of Mercy, we begin to prepare for that time when so many hearts can be returned to Christ. We should each look at ourselves and ask: do my external behaviors, particularly the way in which I treat others at
home or at work, truly witness to who I am inside as a child of God? Do I allow that internal relationship with Jesus Christ to be expressed sincerely in my relationship to others? The Holy Year of Mercy is truly a call from our heavenly Father through the Church to examine ourselves, to open ourselves, and to reflect in ourselves and in our external actions that mercy which Christ Jesus has shown to us through his death on the cross. It is our call to show that same mercy to countless others, so that they too may find their way home to the Father’s love.
Headlines from southtexascatholic.com ✝ Bookmark our Web site to keep up to date on all the happenings in the Diocese of Corpus Christi.
• St. Joseph parishioners hold spiritual retreat in Victoria
• Diocese choirs, musicians receive training
• Prayer was focus of Rosary Fest
• Corpus Christi youth choir will sing at International Congress in Rome and Vatican City
• Robstown mission gets new Catechetical Center, Parish Hall • St. Joseph honors fallen deputy, police officers
• 700 attend 95th Anniversary Convention of National Council of Catholic Women
• Sacred Heart school holds science fair • Faith-based retreat allows Incarnate Word Academy seniors to reflect • Health Clubs tour Kingsville Pharmacy School • Students serve as ushers at Red Mass, dinner November 2015 | South Texas Catholic 5
❝The Christian life is nothing less than
Cultivating a healthy reverence for the priesthood Father Joseph Lopez, JCL, is Vocations Director for the Diocese of Corpus Christi.
Father Joseph Lopez, JCL
healthy reverence for the priesthood in the parish goes a long way in encouraging priestly vocations, for obvious reasons. When the priesthood is revered and admired, young men notice. “That could be me,” becomes a welcomed thought. But the key word is healthy; it is possible to have an unhealthy reverence for the priesthood, too. On one hand, sometimes priests are put on a pedestal simply because of their priesthood. They can be thought of as “holier” or “better” than other members of the Church, but the office does not make it so. Holy orders imparts a sacred character to the soul for a ministerial purpose, but personal holiness is a separate matter; priests, like everyone, become holy through God’s grace and the practice of virtue. On the other hand, it is important to recognize the separate roles of the priesthood from the laity. While appropriate participation of the laity in many aspects of the life of the Church is encouraged, we must be careful not to conflate the roles of laity and clerics in an attempt to make everyone “the same.” Pope Francis recently gave this admonition: “Priests are subject to the temptation to
6 South Texas Catholic | November 2015
clericalize the laity, while many laypersons ask on their knees to be clericalized, because it is convenient. This is a sin committed by two hands. We must resist this temptation.” A healthy reverence for the priesthood is also distinct from a “cult of personality.” Sometimes there is a tendency to overemphasize the personal qualities of a priest, to develop an undue attachment to him for the wrong reasons. But this can create resentment, for example, when a priest is transferred to a new assignment, and the priest who replaces him does not have the same qualities. While it is good to recognize the personal qualities, talents and interests of our pastors, and for parishioners to be able to connect with them through these things, a “cult of personality,” which overemphasizes personal qualities is detrimental to the life of the Church. Healthy reverence for the priesthood is not reverence for the priest himself based on his own qualities or personal holiness–it is reverence for Jesus Christ, in whose place the priest acts. And, rightly so, this reverence should reflect the fact the Jesus is our Lord! Therefore, it is correct to show reverence to the priesthood by calling priests “Reverend Father,” or kissing the bishop’s ring. These are beautiful signs of devotion when done with the understanding
that the one being revered is Christ himself, through his representative. A priest, in humility, should not dismiss a sign of reverence given to Jesus through him, nor should the faithful forget that this reverence is actually given to Jesus. It is not about him, it’s about “Him”. A diminished reverence toward the priesthood can also have a diminishing effect on vocations. If a young man knows his priest only as a fun-loving guy who has great personal talents for serving in the parish, he could rightly say, “I don’t need to become a priest to do that!” But if he sees his pastor taking great joy in his sacramental ministry, and participating in the spiritual and social welfare of his parishioners in a way that is particular to the priesthood, he will be able to see that the sacred office of the priesthood is a unique, important vocation that is worthy of discernment. Is our own reverence for the sacred office of the priesthood healthy? Do we try to treat every priest with appropriate dignity and respect, regardless of the personal gifts or faults we perceive? Let us try to be aware that every priest is acting in the person of Christ. In doing so we will help to promote a healthy reverence and love for the priesthood which can have a positive influence on young discerners.
By Maria Elena Romero, DCJ
Maria Elena Romero, DCJ is with the Congregation of the Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus and is presently assigned to Mount Carmel Home in the Diocese of Corpus Christi.
O Contributor
n Oct. 8, 1925, the first sisters of the Congregation of the Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus arrived at their new home on Alameda St. in Corpus Christi. They had been invited to come to the Diocese of Corpus Christi by Bishop Emmanuel Ledvina. The sisters set up a day nursery and by 1945 began to consider the possibility of establishing an additional foundation in the area to serve the aging. Bishop Ledvina saw a great need in the diocese for this type of facility and gave his consent, as well as $1,000 towards the purchase of land on S. Alameda St. During the next few years, many benefactors gave generously to the building fund and a groundbreaking took place on Feb. 2, 1953 for Mount Carmel Home. Blessed Maria Teresa of Saint Joseph founded the Congregation of the Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus on July 2, 1891. It was founded as a contemplative-apostolic religious congregation of Pontifical Right. Mother Maria Teresa put the contemplative spirit of the Carmelites into the active service of the direct apostolate. This union of prayer and service became the congregation’s life and mission. The life of the congregation is the reparation for sin and the sanctification of souls. Especially dear to the congregation is the
sanctification and protection of priests. Today the Carmelite sisters are spread over four continents, ministering in senior homes; day care centers for children; day nurseries; center treatments for children and youth; and independent and assisted living homes for the elderly. I entered in the Carmelite house that was located four blocks away from my family’s home in Nicaragua. I joined the congregation on Dec. 27, 1983 and took final vows on July 2, 1991, the same year the congregation was celebrating 100 years since its foundation. Throughout the years, I have served in different countries and apostolates, but mostly in health care ministries. One of my first assignments was at our Mission on Maracaibo, Venezuela in our health care clinic for the poor. Here my biggest challenge was to draw blood from babies. But I saw the face of Jesus in all the sick patients that came daily to receive medical care. Sometimes patients were sent from the hospital to our clinic because they did not have the personnel for their care. I could get any patient in with the help of a caring doctor, even though the clinic was always overwhelmed with the number of patients. In 1998, I was transferred to Texas and began working with the elderly and learning English, not an easy task. I never expected to come to the US; I was preparing myself to serve
in a remote little town in the mountains of Nicaragua. In Corpus Christi, my ministry was primarily with the elderly; my task was mostly in distribution of medication, which I have done for about 22 years. I always feel a great sense of responsibility knowing that a mistake could cause great harm. At present, my work consists of assisting my superior in her vocational ministries. As mistress of postulants and novices, I have received much help from Father Jesus Sancho, a Carmelite priest, Mother Katharina, our former general superior, Sister Philiberta and Sister Mary Joseph. They all gave me a helping hand while preparing for my journey as formator. I am always working in promoting vocations wherever I go. Our foundress once said that the zeal of the sisters in the service of the Church must be renewed in every generation until the end of time. God has placed his work in our weak hands, we need to be filled with awe and gratitude for how mysterious and yet how wonderful are his ways. Therefore we ought to trust in his power and mercy and serve him joyfully. Anyone that has ever contemplated, or is now contemplating, a vocation in consecrated life, please do not hesitate or be afraid to follow the call; there will be many challenges, but there are more rewarding experiences.
November 2015 | South Texas Catholic 7
Consecrated life: Rewards outweigh the challenges
Annual Red Mass
Speakers emphasize justice and mercy Dayna Mazzei Worchel Correspondent
exas Supreme Court Justice Eva Guzman grew up in humble surroundings in Mexico, but she said it never affected her father’s perception of things. “My dad used to invite our priest over for lunch. I understood we were poor and I was embarrassed by our small, crowded house, but it didn’t bother my dad,” said Guzman, who added that her parents might have been short on money, but not love. Her father believed hosting a man of God was something to respect, no matter what the host’s economic situation. And those lessons of pride and honor have remained with Guzman throughout her career as an attorney, district judge and Supreme Court Justice in Texas. She made the remarks at the annual Red Mass, celebrated at the Corpus Christi Cathedral on Oct. 1 before a congregation of judges, attorneys, state officials and others from throughout the Diocese of Corpus Christi tasked with the important of seeing justice is done. The Red Mass, which dates to 13th century England, has the name because the Three Supreme Court Justice and a member of the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals participated in the Diocese of Corpus Christi Red Mass on Oct. 1. Dayna Mazzei Worchel for South Texas Catholic
8 South Texas Catholic | October 2015
celebrants wore red vestments, symbolizing the fire of the Holy Spirit’s guidance to all who pursue justice. At the Mass, both Bishop Michael Mulvey and Guzman emphasized the need for judges and attorneys to adhere to the law, but to have compassion for those standing before them in their courtrooms. Guzman spoke about a passage from the Bible that states “but let justice run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream (Am 5:24).”
“The Bible combines both law and spiritual guidance. Worship without justice is meaningless. We must fight for justice,” Guzman told the congregation. Judges and attorneys have an obligation to make sure all citizens, especially the indigent, have access to courts, said Guzman, who is also the liaison for the Texas Access to Justice Commission. The Commission is responsible for oversight and funding of the state’s legal assistance programs for the poor.
prison walls. “They feel the need for punishment, but also the need for hope,” the bishop said. A reception and dinner at the Omni Hotel followed the Mass. The reception included a panel discussion with Guzman, Texas Supreme Court Justice Jeff
Brown, Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Judge Kevin Yeary and 13th Court of Appeals Justice Gregory Perkes. Corpus Christi attorney Bill Criss moderated the discussion, in which the panel talked about the need for judges to be fair and impartial during their judging and not to allow political influences to play a role.
Texas Supreme Court Justice Eva Guzman was featured speaker at Red Mass. Dayna Mazzei Worchel for South Texas Catholic
The Pax Christi Sisters and the Pax Christi Liturgical Retreat Center will be hosting
Las Nuevas Tamaleras Saturday, Nov. 21 at 7 p.m.
9768 La Branch in Corpus Christi, TX 78410 Las Nuevas Tamaleras is written and directed by San Antonio playwright Alicia Mena. The bilingual play captures three contemporary Latinas in an uproariously comical attempt at making tamales for the first time. Things become even more entertaining when the spirits of two seasoned tamaleras, Doña Juanita and Doña Mercedes, appear to help the novices make the perfect tamale!
Tickets are available at (361) 445-7834 or (361) 241-2833 with Stella Hatch. Tickets run from $18.00-$25.00. Twelve or more tickets get a 12% discount. Church and civic groups are encouraged to purchase tickets by the dozen. October 2015 | South Texas Catholic 9
“You are their voice. Imagine justice as flowing water and you are the catalyst for justice. You are there for children and veterans. This is the justice that will flow like a river,” she said. During the homily, Bishop Mulvey asked the judges to consider three things: the person in front of them; that he is made in the image of God; and whether their own house in order before passing judgment, and to have hope in the person. “It’s too easy to equate actions with the person himself. A person is not evil. His actions are evil,” Bishop Mulvey said. Bishop Mulvey also spoke to the legal community about the renewed call among U.S. bishops for the abolition of the death penalty. “Punishment must have rehabilitation,” he said. He discussed letters he receives on a regular basis from a prisoner in Texas who said that no one can take his freedom away, whether he is inside or outside
Beeville Newman Center wi
Rebecca Esparza
ariah Sauceda recalls being a freshman at Texas State University at San Marcos and feeling terribly alone. As a first-generation college student who was raised in
and Alfredo E. Cardenas South Texas Catholic
Bishop Mulvey is joined by other dignitaries to break ground for the Newman Center in Beeville, from left,contractor Jose Graveley, Father Richard Gonzales, Orlando Zepeda, Father Lukose Thirunelliparambil, Deacon Luis Trevino, Bishop Mulvey, Dr. Beatriz Espinoza, retired Army Gen. Marc Cisneros, Father Peter Martinez, Santos Jones and Kayla Jones. Alfredo E. Cardenas, South Texas Catholic
10 South Texas Catholic | November 2015
Beeville, the culture shock was intense. “Having a Catholic student center on campus helped me feel closer to my faith during a crazy period in my life,” she said. “Getting through those transition years from high school to attending university or college are tough. Knowing God is on
your side every step of the way makes all the difference in the world.” A new Young Adult and Catholic Campus ministry building in Beeville will soon meet the spiritual needs of Coastal Bend College students. Enrollment at the school is more than 1,000.
While plans are still being developed for staffing the center, initially priests from area parishes, including three in Beeville, will take turns in celebrating Mass and bringing the sacraments, including confession and Eucharist. Father Richard Gonzalez, pastor at St. Joseph in Beeville, said there
are a lot of things that can be done for the students, who oftentimes do not have transportation and cannot make it to local parishes for Mass. In addition to serving as a Newman Center, the facility will also serve high school and junior high school students
November 2015 | South Texas Catholic 11
will offer spiritual respite
with retreats, such as confimation and youth spectacular events. Adults will also benefit from the center, where Pre Cana engagement retreats and other services will be offered. Located across the street from the main campus, the 4,000 square-foot Newman Catholic Center was made possible by the Legacy of Faith - Future of Hope capital and special endowment campaign of the Diocese of Corpus Christi and a grant from the John G. and Marie Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation. The building will accommodate 180 people with a large community room, chapel, two meeting rooms and a kitchen. “The young people are our future. This center is a special service to them, to serve the needs of their deepening faith,” Bishop Michael Mulvey said. “It will be a place where we can come together to seek the truth, to seek the beauty of love and the beauty of God together.” Bishop Mulvey also noted the center could be used by local parishes for various events and programs. “I’d like to see it serve as a center of dialogue. We hope this is an opportunity to
12 South Texas Catholic | November 2015
work together with Coastal Bend College on making our community a better place to live and worship. Across the street, students will develop their minds and here at the Newman Center, they will nourish the spirit,” he said. At the groundbreaking ceremony in September, officials announced construction would start immediately, with an expected completion date in the fall of 2016. Estevan Vasquez, athletic director at Coastal Bend College, said the Newman Center will be a valuable recruiting tool for the college. “We recruit many student athletes from out of town, even out of state. One of the first things parents ask about is where the students can attend religious services.
To see more photos of this event go to:
SouthTexasCatholic.com South Texas
Having this center so close to the school allows us to strengthen our recruiting tool and make our campus even more attractive to prospective students,” he said. The center will not only be a resource to the college, the college will offer its facilities for use to the center. Vasquez said that college gymnasiums and athletic fields would be available to the Newman Center when they hold retreats. “Any time we can bring additional resources—especially faith-based community resources—to our students, it is so supportive for them to continue their education…to know they’re not alone in this process, in their journey,” Coastal Bend College President Dr. Beatriz Espinoza said. “We are seeing how we can participate and bring resources together to interest all students.” San Antonio native Hannah Gamez, a second year student at Coastal Bend College studying special education, said she is looking forward to utilizing the new center. “I think it’s important to have a place of our own to worship, something closer to school,” she said. Meanwhile, Sauceda, a Dual Enrollment
Specialist at the College added her faith was strengthened at a school-based center during her university years. She hopes the Newman Center in Beeville will provide the same for current and future students alike. “There is nothing like reinforcing your faith during troubling times,” she said. “When you are in transition, away from home, family and friends, it is easy to stray away from your faith. Every school needs to have a center like this, on-site, to keep young people close to God.
Bishop Mulvey blesses grounds for Newman Center in Beeville. Bottom left, priests and other community leaders joined dedication, as did college and community members (bottom). Alfredo E. Cardenas, South Texas Catholic
November 2015 | South Texas Catholic 13
14  South Texas Catholic | November 2015
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SouthTexasCatholic.com/store The Catholic Directory: Diocese of Corpus Christi 2015-2017 includes information on: • Deacons • Organization • Seminarians Structure • Consecrated Life • Parishes • Agencies and • Schools Institutions • Priests • And More! November 2015 | South Texas Catholic 15
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16 South Texas Catholic | November 2015
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November 2015 | South Texas Catholic 17
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Help Us Prevent Financial Abuse The Diocese of Corpus Christi at the recommendation of the Diocesan Financial Council and Presbyteral Council have furthered their commitment to good stewardship and nancial accountability on behalf of generous donors by instituting a nancial abuse hotline. The Diocese of Corpus Christi has selected an independent third party, The Network, to provide you with a new way to anonymously and condently report nancial abuse and fraud. Employees, parishioners, volunteers, vendors and other interested parties will be encouraged to report concerns they have regarding nancial misconduct within the Diocese of Corpus Christi. All inquiries will be treated promptly and discreetly. Callers will have the right to remain anonymous. Call 1-877-571-9748
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Bishop Michael Mulvey and the staff of the Office for Safe Environment and Child and Family Resources are committed to assisting in the healing process for victims and survivors of abuse. If you or someone you know is in need of such services, call Stephanie Bonilla, Director of the Office for Safe Environment and Child and Family Resources at: (361) 693-6686 (office) or (361) 658-8652 (cell) for immediate assistance.
Office for Safe Environment and Child and Family Resources
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TOUGH is sponsored by the Diocese of Corpus Christi Office of Youth Ministry (361) 882-6191 To register go to: www.diocesecc.org/youth and return registration packet to: Diocese of Corpus Christi, c/o Office of Youth Ministry, 620 Lipan St., Corpus Christi, TX 78401.
18 South Texas Catholic | November 2015
The Catholic Church in the United States will celebrate National Vocation Awareness Week, Nov. 1-7. This observance, sponsored by the U.S. Bishops’ Committee on Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations, is a special time for parishes in the U.S. to foster a culture of vocations for the priesthood, diaconate and consecrated life.
In observance of the week, the Diocese of Corpus Christi will hold a Vocation Awareness Retreat on Nov. 6 – 8. The discernment conference will be held at the Pax Christi Liturgical Retreat Center. Single men and women of faith, ages 18-35, who are searching and discerning God’s call in their lives are invited. The retreat will be a weekend of
prayer, silent reflection, presentations, group discussion, and sharing oneon-one encounters and guidance from priests and religious sisters and brothers, to learn more about priesthood and religious life. For more information contact Rachel Dimas at (361) 334-2781 or email rdimas@diocesecc.org.
Day of Giving: make pre-schedule donations starting Nov. 1- 9 The countdown is on for the Coastal Bend Day of Giving, a 24-hour online opportunity to raise funds for nonprofits at the forefront of assisting people in the greatest need in the Coastal Bend. This community give-together begins at midnight on Nov. 10 with a minimum gift of only $10. Each of the 40 participating nonprofits, including the Ark Assessment Center and Emergency Shelter for Youth, Catholic Charities, Corpus Christi Hope House and Mother Teresa Shelter, is eligible for a $16,250 match, enabling them to raise at
least $32,500 on that Day.
New to the Day of Giving Web site this year is the ability to schedule donations between Nov. 1 – 9 for payment on Nov. 10 and the acceptance e-checks in lieu of credit or debit cards. To donate that day, log on to www. coastalbenddayofgiving.org–a dedicated Web site that will make giving a quick, easy and secure process. Please visit www. coastalbenddayofgiving.org for more information. In 2014, more than 6.500 donors help the Day of Giving raise more than $1.5 million.
Diocese choirs, musicians receive training The Office of Divine Worship presented three workshops in the Deaneries of Alice, Corpus Christi and Kingsville to 120 parish musicians, including directors of music, organists, pianists, choir members, cantors and guitarists. Twenty parishes participated in the workshops. “Part of the success of this first round of workshops was due to the music deans I appointed throughout the diocese to be in contact with each and every parish within their deaneries,” Director of Music Lee Gwozdz said. All participants received copies of “Sing to the Lord” (both in English and Spanish) as well as complimentary handbooks on “being a music minister” and the “role of the cantor.” “A lot was covered in the two and half hour workshops,” Gwozdz said. “Our next workshop will be skills sessions at Del Mar College in the winter/spring for choir directors, singers, organists, pianists, guitarists and ensembles that sing for Spanish Masses, including Mariachis.”
Lee Gwozdz leads diocesan music ministers in workshop. Mary Cottingham, South Texas Catholic
November 2015 | South Texas Catholic 19
National Vocations Awareness Week slated for Nov. 1-7, diocese will observe with retreat
Enter the nave
(Editor’s note: In August, we began a virtual tour of the Corpus Christi Cathedral. Because of the demands of time and space of Pope Francis’ visit to the United States we were unable to continue it last month. We pick up the tour by entering into the nave–the central part of a church building, intended to accommodate most of the congregation. Most of the second part of the tour is taken from pamphlets published by the Corpus Christi Cathedral authored by Cathy Picone circa 2003 and a second one by Msgr. James Harris.)
he decoration of the cathedral stresses the role of the Blessed Sacrament in the entire life of the Mystical Body of Christ. To begin the tour, Msgr. James Harris—in the pamphlet “Corpus Christi Cathedral: History and Tour Guide,”—suggests that one advance through the nave of the church
20 South Texas Catholic | November 2015
toward the sanctuary, stopping at the communion rail. As you walk to the sanctuary, one notices 12 Corinthian columns in the Cathedral, six on each side, which represent the Apostles, to whom the bishops of the church are direct successors. As he stands in front of the communion rail, the visitor finds Christ in the role of priest of the new law facing the central figure
Mary Cottingham, South Texas Catholic
feel God’s presence of the ornamentation over the main altar. It depicts Christ in the role of eternal high priest and king of kings, surrounded by a select court of those prominent in his Eucharistic life. To Christ’s left (as the visitor faces the altar) is his mother Mary and to his right is St. Joseph. Others flanking Christ are (on the right) St. John, the beloved disciple; St. Margaret Alacoque, devoted to the Blessed Sacrament;
and St. Pascal of Baylon, patron of Eucharistic congresses and societies. On the left are St. Peter, the rock upon which Christ built his church; St. Thomas of Aquinas, priest and doctor of the Church; and St. Tarcisius, the boy martyr of the Eucharist. The main arch separating the elaborate decorations of the sanctuary depicts the church’s sacramental system through symbols that cover its surface. November 2015 | South Texas Catholic 21
Christ in the role of priest of the new law is the central figure of the ornamentation over the main altar at the Cathedral. It also depicts Christ in the role of eternal high priest and king of kings, surrounded by a select court of those prominent in his Eucharistic life.
The main arch separating the elaborate decorations of the sanctuary depicts the church’s sacramental system through symbols that cover its surface. Mary Cottingham, South Texas Catholic
The green marble in the sanctuary altars and reredos (altarpiece) were decided upon when the Cathedral was originally to be dedicated to St. Patrick. Located behind the main altar is the cathedra—the Latin word for chair—of the bishop of the Diocese of Corpus Christi. A church is designated a cathedral when it is the church of a bishop containing his cathedra. Above the cathedra, is seal of the current
bishop. The side altars are dedicated to the Virgin Mary and St. Joseph. To the far upper left of the sanctuary is a statue of St. Patrick and to the far right is a statue of St. Therese of Lisieux. Also, to the right of the sanctuary is the pulpit from which the Word of God is proclaimed and preached. Christ and the four evangelists flank the pulpit on three sides. To the left of the sanctuary is the green marble baptismal font with brass cover. The font is ringed with clover leaves, a symbol of the Most Holy Trinity, and a remnant of the original St. Patrick motif. Visitors will notice that all the holy water fonts in the Cathedral are smaller versions of this main font, symbolizing that holy water is, to remind us of our baptism. While at the communion rail, turn around and look up. Up in the choir loft at the back of the At left are the bishop’s chair, called the church is a very large “cathedra” and above the window, flanked by chair sits his crest. At right two small ones. These are the side altars. One of were the first stained the side altars features the glass windows to be Virgin Mary and the other installed and were in St. Joseph and the child place for the dedicaJesus. Above the side altars tion in 1940. are statues of St. Patrick and The large window St. Therese of Lisieux. represents the Holy Trinity, and by virtue Mary Cottingham, of its size and posiSouth Texas Catholic tion it reigns over the
22 South Texas Catholic | October 2015
whole basilica (pictured on the front cover). God the Father is depicted as an old man with simple lines and little color because no one knows his exact appearance. God the Son is shown in much greater detail and in colors since he became a man. There is, however, a deliberate resemblance between them because Jesus said, “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father.” The Holy Spirit is hovering over them in the form of a dove.
Jesus is dressed as a priest and holds the chalice and host in his hands just as the priest does when during Mass he says, “Behold the Lamb of God…” Since Vatican II, this window has an added significance to its location. It is the window most clearly seen by the priest as he presides at the altar. It is a constant reminder to him that the Holy Trinity must reign supreme, not only over the Church but also over his own heart. Next month we will look at the remaining windows, which are not only beautiful but tell an important story of the Cathedral and the Church. To the left of the sanctuary is the green marble baptismal font with brass cover and on the right is pulpit from which the Word of God is proclaimed and preached. Notice Christ and the evangelists flanking the pulpit on three sides. Mary Cottingham, South Texas Catholic
November 2015 | South Texas Catholic 23
Todos pertenecemos a la cultura de Cristo Luisa Scolari Correspondent
l sábado 10 de Octubre, y como seguimiento a lo que el Papa Francisco pidió en el Congreso Mundial de las Familias, la parroquia de Our Lady of Perpetiual Help ofreció un retiro de sanación para familias. El retiro empezó con el Obispo Michael Mulvey celebrando una misa en español y siguió con una serie de conferencias. Oradores invitados incluyeron el Diácono Jorge González de la Diócesis de Brooklyn, New York, el Padre Frank Martínez pastor de la parroquia Our Lady of Perpetiual Help y el Padre E. Julián Cabrera, pastor de Our Lady of Guadalupe en Alice. Dieron un nuevo impulso a las formas de enseñar el evangelio. “Si buscas la sanación, es a través de Cristo Jesús en la Eucaristía y en la adoración a Jesús,” dijo el Padre Cabrera. El sacerdote dijo que los milagros los lleva Dios a cabo a través de nosotros mismos en las cosas cotidianas, simples, tangibles y tan comunes como el pan y el vino, para traer la sanación. “A veces buscamos que otros llenen nuestra alma, cuando el único que nos la puede llenar es Cristo,” dijo el Padre Cabrera. “Cuando estamos vacíos y enfermos, Cristo en la Eucaristía nos da de comer y beber. Debemos unir nuestro sufrimiento al de Cristo en la cruz para la salvación y sanación de nuestra alma y de todo el mundo. Si buscamos sanación, el único que puede sanarnos y a nuestras 24 South Texas Catholic | November 2015
❝Como Católicos, todos
pertenecemos a la cultura de Cristo y esto es lo que nos une. Tenemos un bautismo y una palabra del Señor. Esto es la cultura del Señor, quién en la unidad de la santísima Trinidad nos comunica la cultura de Dios.❞
–Obispo Michael Mulvey
familias es Cristo Jesús, por eso debemos abrirle nuestro corazón y reconocer que estamos enfermos.” El Diácono González comenzó su presentación con una frase del Papa Francisco, “Lo más lindo que hizo Dios, fue la familia…¿Y a Su Hijo dónde lo mandó? ¿A un palacio, a una ciudad, a hacer una empresa? Lo mandó a una familia.” El papa explico que Dios creó al pueblo como un acto de amor y lo puso en una familia, y toda la creación maravillosa se la entregó a una familia. Es por eso es que la familia es el lugar en que debemos de experimentar más plenamente el amor de Dios y compartirlo con los demás, ya que el amor de Dios transforma, libera, renueva, sana y ahuyenta el dolor y cuando toca la fibra de nuestro corazón, nos despierta,
dijo el papa. Al reconocer la dignidad de otras personas como hijos de Dios, nos convertimos en recipientes del amor de Dios y en el medio por el que este amor fluye hacia los otros, dijo el Diacono González. “Dios quiere desbordar su amor en cada uno de nosotros de una manera plena, no limitada, pero nosotros para poder compartir y ofrecer ese amor, primero debemos experimentarlo, y cuando el amor de Dios nos invada, tendremos la capacidad de practicar la misma misericordia y paciencia que el siente por nosotros y podremos perdonar, servir y reconciliar,” dijo el diacono. Este amor debemos vivirlo con el prójimo, con el que convive contigo y el más cercano es la familia. En todas la familias se presentan situaciones difíciles, roces y
El obispo Mulvey da bendición a participantes en le retiro de sanación en la parroquia de Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Luisa Scolari para el South Texas Catholic
problemas que a veces escalan de nivel, pero cuando el amor de Dios reina en nuestros corazones nos ayudará a superarlos. Vivimos en una sociedad en la que se promueve otro tipo de amor, un amor egoísta que busca la satisfacción personal, un amor que impone, el amor de mí y a través de mí, a diferencia de el amor de Dios que no es egoísta, es entrega. Si el amor de Dios no gobierna nuestro corazón, otro tipo de amor vendrá a llenarlo, un amor terrenal que vendrá a gobernar nuestras acciones y nuestros impulsos, dijo el Diacono González. Debemos permitir que el amor de Dios se haga presente en nuestro hogar, ya que debe de ser el cimento de toda familia. “Me encantaría que volviéramos a la mesa dejando la televisión y teléfonos
para poder compartir lo que somos, nuestros sueños e ilusiones y enfrentar los retos juntos como familia,” dijo el diacono. “Debemos desalojar estos ‘inquilinos’ que se interponen en la capacidad de comunicarnos y que han dividido y aislado a las familias ya que no favorecen el trato, el calor humano, el deseo de estar juntos haciendo nada, el rezar juntos como familia, ya que ‘la familia que reza unida, permanece unida’.”
Para ver más fotos de este evento
SouthTexasCatholic.com South Texas
Es necesario que la familia se renueve mediante la renovación de las cabezas– los padres–a través de la experiencia profunda del amor sanador, liberador y transformador de Dios. La gente debe recordar que en la parroquia se encuentra la familia extensa alrededor del altar compartiendo la Eucaristía y la fe. Dios derrama su amor constantemente, no solo a veces. La abundancia de su amor–después de rebosar nuestro corazón–se derrama hacia a los de nuestro alrededor para que amemos como el quiere que amemos. El amor de Dios impregna y nutre a los demás amores–a la pareja, a los hijos, al prójimo. En su homilía el Obispo Mulvey menciono la invitación que el Papa Francisco ha hecho sobre la unidad. “Como November 2015 | South Texas Catholic 25
Católico y como Iglesia estamos llamados a la unidad, a esa unidad que hace que la diferencia de cultura no nos separe pues tenemos una cultura más poderosa e importante, que es la cultura de Jesús,” dijo el Obispo Mulvey. Como Católicos, dijo el obispo, todos pertenecemos a la cultura de Cristo y esto es lo que nos une. Tenemos un bautismo y una palabra del Señor. Esto es la cultura del Señor, quién en la unidad de la santísima Trinidad nos comunica la cultura de Dios. “En esto somos uno. Recibimos el cuerpo y la sangre de nuestro Dios supremo, quien lleno de amor nos da su vida,” dijo el Obispo Mulvey. “Santa Clara nos pide que ‘Cada día nos contemplemos a nosotros mismos en la palabra de Dios como un espejo, porque la palabra de Dios somos nosotros’. Esta cultura entre nosotros es unidad, porque cuando recibimos la Eucaristía somos la familia de Dios con una sola cultura de Jesucristo.” El 8 de Diciembre empieza el Jubileo Extraordinario de la Misericordia en que el santo padre nos da la oportunidad como diócesis y como familias de recibir la misericordia de Dios. Nos pide comunicar en nuestras familias la misericordia y la palabra de Dios. El papa dijo que “La misericordia es cosa central de la iglesia.”
El obispo Mulvey y padre Cabrera celebran la santa misa en la parroquia Our Lady of Perpetual Help durante el retiro de sanación. Luisa Scolari para el South Texas Catholic
26 South Texas Catholic | November 2015
El reto del sínodo
Catholic News Service
espondiendo a solicitudes de editores de una muestra de comentarios de actualidad de la prensa católica, he aquí un editorial no firmado que apareció en la edición del 8 de octubre de The Catholic Register, periódico católico nacional con sede en Toronto. El papa Francisco ha energizado el debate sobre la amenaza contra el ambiente natural del planeta. Pero ahora él enfrenta un reto aun mayor, movilizar a los católicos y a la sociedad en general a atender la amenaza hecha por la humanidad a los cimientos del ambiente familiar: la familia. Eso es lo que más de 300 cardenales, obispos, sacerdotes y laicos católicos están abordando en el Sínodo de los Obispos sobre la familia, que continúa hasta el 25 de octubre. La mayoría de los titulares previos al sínodo se enfocaban en los asuntos de las anulaciones, la Comunión para parejas divorciadas y recasadas y las uniones homosexuales, pero esos temas escasamente comienzan a raspar la superficie de la agenda de los obispos. Es importante mantener eso en mente durante los próximos días. Para el papa Francisco pocos temas son más apremiantes que atender las heridas abiertas que la era moderna ha infligido en la vida familiar. Él
ha hecho la familia, en el sentido tradicional de la palabra, una prioridad de su pontificado y audazmente le pidió a sus obispos tirar una amplia red para examinar varios puntos de presión complejos e interconectados que hacen la vida familiar difícil para tantos en la cultura de hoy día. Él quiere que el sínodo profundice en el impacto de la pobreza, de la guerra, de la migración y del desempleo; que explore las consecuencias del cambio climático de la Tierra, del consumismo y de los medios de comunicación masiva; que estudie los retos creados por el feminismo, por la teoría del género, por la infertilidad, por la reproducción artificial, por el aborto y por el envejecimiento; que reflexione sobre la formación matrimonial, sobre la consejería, sobre las razones por las cuales las parejas retrasan o rechazan el matrimonio y tienen menos hijos; y que considere el rol de la fe, de la oración y de la catequesis en el fortalecimiento del lazo entre la iglesia y la familia. El papa ha llamado la familia “la célula esencial de la sociedad y la iglesia” y dice que la célula está en crisis. Es una crisis que inflige “devastación” espiritual y material en incontables personas, él dice. Particularmente, según la sociedad se torna indiferente al matrimonio, a la procreación y a la estabilidad familiar, los más gravemente
impactados son las mujeres, los niños y los ancianos, los débiles y vulnerables, que en muchos casos caen en la pobreza. “Siempre son ellos los que más sufren”, él dijo. La iglesia, él cree, está obligada a reaccionar agresivamente a esta emergencia desarrollando respuestas que combinen el respeto por la doctrina eclesiástica con el apoyo pastoral, el estímulo y la misericordia. Enfoques moralistas, él declara correctamente, solamente impulsan a la gente a abandonar una iglesia que siempre debería ser receptiva, particularmente hacia aquellos que más sufren. Así que él está retando a sus obispos a, sí, ser fieles a la doctrina, pero también a ser creativos buscando maneras de confortar y apoyar las familias que estén envueltas en caos espiritual y físico. Encontrar ese equilibrio en un mundo propenso juzgar y condenar apresuradamente requerirá valentía, humildad y oración, dijo el papa Francisco. Eso es cierto. Pero las familias que confrontan tantos retos no merecen menos de parte de sus obispos. --(Las opiniones y posturas presentadas en este o cualquier editorial invitado son las de las publicaciones y no necesariamente representan las opiniones de Catholic News Service, la Conferencia Estadounidense de Obispos Católicos, la Diócesis de Corpus Christi o el South Texas Catholic.)
familia, dijo que un escenario común sería el siguiente: “el sacerdote habla acerca del Evangelio, ‘Pedro dijo esto, Juan dijo eso’ y luego termina, y todo se acabó”. Sin embargo, los católicos quieren que el sacerdote “abarque hechos reales de lo que pasa en la familia y de la importancia que tiene la familia en el mundo de hoy”. Gomes, que en su calidad de observadora no tiene derecho a voto, les hizo un llamado
a los sacerdotes para que establezcan una conexión entre el Evangelio y la vida diaria de las personas y esto fue el centro de su presentación ante el Sínodo. El acompañar la palabra de Dios con ejemplos verdaderos o historias de la vida de alguien les ayuda a las personas a que “conozcan el hecho de que hay muchas otras personas que tienen problemas” y cómo Cristo les ofrece curación.
Homilías necesitan que conectar Carol Glatz
Catholic News Service
as familias necesitan escuchar homilías que tengan conexión entre el Evangelio y los problemas y gozos que experimentan en la vida diaria, dice una participante del Sínodo. María Gomes, directora de Familia y Vida de la iglesia de Santa María en Dubái, una de las personas asistentes al Sínodo de Obispos que se enfoca en el estudio de la
November 2015 | South Texas Catholic 27
Obispo Michael Mulvey y el personal de la Oficina de un Ambiente Seguro y de Servicios para Niños y Familia se comprometen a ayudar en el proceso de curación de las víctimas y sobrevivientes de abuso. Si usted o alguien que usted conoce está en necesidad de estos servicios, llame a Stephanie Bonilla, Director de la Oficina de un Ambiente Seguro y de Servicios para Niños y Familia: (361) 693-6686 (oficina) ó (361) 658-8652 (celular) para asistencia inmediata.
Programa de Radio en Español en KLUX 89.5 HD-1 y “Listen Live” en KLUX.org Domingos a las 7:00 a.m.
Oficina de un Ambiente Seguro y de Servicios para Niños y Familia
con el P. Juan Fernando Gámez P. José Naúl Ordóñez
Ayudenos a Prevenir el Abuso Financiero La Diócesis de Corpus Christi por medio de la recomendación del Concilio Diocesano de Finanzas y el Concilio Presbiteral han llevado su dedicación mas allá para la buena administración y responsabilidad nanciera en nombre de donantes generosos al instituir un “hotline” para reportar el abuso nanciero. La Diócesis de Corpus Christi ha seleccionado un tercer partido independiente, La Red, para proporcionarle a usted con una manera para reportar anónima y condencialmente el abuso nanciero e fraude. Los empleados, los parroquianos, los voluntarios, los vendedores, y otros partidos interesados estan impulsados para reportar las preocupaciones que tengan respeto a la conducta de påca ética nanciera dentro de la Diócese de Corpus Christi. Todas las investigaciones serán tradas inmediatamente y discretamente. Personas que llamen tienen el derecho de mantenerse anónimas.
Llamada 1-877-571-9748
MINI-CONFERENCIA JUVENIL Esta Conferencia es para toda la familiar. Sesiones en Español y sesiones para jóvenes. Presentadores Principales son Dr. Ray Guarendi y Jackie Francois.
Adultos: $30 hasta 11 de diciembre $40 en la Puerta Adolescentes de Secundaria y Preparatoria: $10 hasta 11 de diciembre $15 en la Puerta Cuidado de Niños: $10 per el Primero/a $5 per niño/a adicional
7 A.M.
28 South Texas Catholic | November 2015
MISA 8:30 A.M.
Catholic News Service
Marist Poll survey commissioned by the Knights of Columbus found Pope Francis’ favorability made significant gains among Catholics and among Americans overall in the wake of his Sept. 22-27 visit to the United States. Among practicing Catholics, 90 percent now say they view Pope Francis favorably, up from 83 percent in August, one month before his visit. Among all Americans, the pope’s numbers jumped from 58 percent to 74 percent. Asked if they are clear about Pope Francis’ vision for the Church, 55 percent of Americans said yes, up from 43 percent, and 88 percent of practicing Catholics said the same, up from 73 percent. Fifty-six percent of Americans said they now feel better about their own faith because of his visit, including 86 percent of practicing Catholics. Strong majorities of the respondents said they agreed with the pope on: • Supporting religious freedom: 85 percent of Americans surveyed agreed, while 7 percent said they were more likely to agree now than before the papal visit. Of the practicing Catholics surveyed, 87 percent and 7 percent, respectively, shared that view. • Being more respectful of the earth and the environment: 84 percent of Americans agreed, and 7 percent were more likely to agree now. For practicing Catholics, the numbers were 81 percent and 10 percent, respectively. • Respecting life at every stage of development, including for the unborn: 62 percent of Americans
agreed, and 6 percent were more likely to hold that view now. For practicing Catholics, the numbers were 81 percent and 5 percent, respectively. • Allowing people to opt out of actions contrary to their religious beliefs: 57 percent of Americans agreed, while 5 percent were more likely to agree now. For practicing Catholics, it was 70 percent and 6 percent, respectively. • Upholding marriage as between one man and one woman: 55 percent agreed; an additional 4 percent were more likely to agree now. For practicing Catholics, it was 60 percent and 7 percent, respectively. There was more divergence among respondents on the death penalty, according to the survey results. Regarding the overall American response, 41 percent agreed with the pope on opposing capital punishment, and an additional 5 percent said they were more likely to agree now; 44 percent disagreed with the pope, and another 4 percent were more likely to disagree now. For practicing Catholics, the numbers on both sides of the issue were similar. Another survey finding showed that 58 percent of Americans, and 82 percent of practicing Catholics, are more likely to engage in charitable activity as a result of Pope Francis’ trip. The telephone survey was conducted Oct. 1 – 9 among 1,095 U.S. adults ages 18 and up, including 269 self-identified Catholics, 160 of whom said they practice their faith. The margin of error in survey results was plus or minus 3 percentage points for Americans, plus or minus 6 percentage points overall for Catholics, and plus or minus 7.7 percentage points for
practicing Catholics in that group. Landline telephone numbers were randomly selected for one survey sample and cellphone numbers were randomly dialed for a second survey sample; the two samples were then combined. “The data clearly show that Pope Francis’ trip to the United States was a success by any measure,” Carl Anderson, supreme knight of the Knights of Columbus, said. “Not only is the pope viewed more favorably on the heels of the trip, but Americans also feel he made a real difference in their own lives—motivating them to become more involved in charitable activity, and making them feel better about their own faith.” The Marist Poll is a service of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion, which operates out of Marist College in Poughkeepsie, New York. During the papal trip, the Knights of Columbus contributed funding and volunteers and covered printing costs for the 350,000 programs used at the Sept. 27 Mass that the pope celebrated to close the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia. The 24-page program, printed on recycled paper, was designed as a keepsake for Massgoers, according to the Knights. It included the prayers, readings and music for the Mass—with portions printed in English, Greek, Latin, Spanish and Vietnamese. On the cover was an image of the Holy Family commissioned for the world meeting. The Knights also printed prayer cards and booklets related to the Sept. 23 canonization of St. Junipero Serra at an outdoor Mass Pope Francis celebrated on the grounds of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and the adjacent campus of The Catholic University of America. November 2015 | South Texas Catholic 29
Papal favorability numbers rise following U.S. visit
Synod members are focused on helping families Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service
hile “a few problems” are grabbing media headlines, members of the Synod of Bishops on the family are highlighting the good things happening in the Catholic Church and identifying programs they think should be done better, Archbishop Jose H. Gomez of Los Angeles said. “For me, it’s a little bit frustrating to talk about just a few problems when we have so many things out there we need to address in the future,” the archbishop said. “I think the important thing is that the synod must provide the Holy Father with advice on what to do in those specific things.” One of the often discussed issues at the synod is marriage preparation. In the synod’s first week, many calls were made for a more extended program of preparation for marriage. Archbishop Gomez echoed the sentiments of several synod fathers, saying that it is an essential part of the Church’s response to challenges facing marriages and the family in today’s society. Pope Francis noted how long seminarians prepare for the sacrament of ordination and how, in some places, preparation for the sacrament of marriage is just one weekend. Archbishop Gomez said marriage preparation should not last as long as seminary training, but he stressed the importance of improving the “good, solid programs of 30 South Texas Catholic | November 2015
Archbishop Jose H. Gomez of Los Angeles leaves a session of the Synod of Bishops on the family at the Vatican. Paul Haring, Catholic News Service
❝[it is] important…for young people to understand that God has a plan for the human person and for marriage. Marriage is a vocation: a call from God to grow humanly, supernaturally and to make an influence in society.❞ –Archbishop Jose H. Gomez formation” that currently exist. He said in his synod presentation, he emphasized “how important it is for young people to understand that God has a plan for the human person and for marriage. Marriage is a vocation: a call from God to grow humanly, supernaturally and to make an influence in society.” The archbishop said he is “a little anxious” about the synod and media coverage of it because ministry to the divorced and remarried is not the only issue synod participants are considering. “There are so many good things that we are doing and so many good things we can do: preparation for marriage, support those who are newly married, support for the families in providing good education to their children,” he said. An issue close to the archbishop’s heart is immigration reform, one that is affecting families around the world because of poverty and war. Archbishop Gomez believes that Catholics should take immigration reform
seriously. “Catholics need to understand that the immigration issue is a serious matter,” he said. “We live in a global society, people are moving. We see the crisis in the Middle East and how people are moving from the Middle East to Europe. We have the reality of people moving from all over the world to the United States.” It is up to elected officials and the people of the United States to lead the world in having “an immigration system where people can move and have the rights and obligations of any member of society in the United States and actively participate in the life of the Church,” he said. With more than 2 million people deported from the United States in the past six years—one in four are separated from their families—Archbishop Gomez said the Church must help in advocating for legislation for a solid immigration system in the United States.
Carol Zimmerman
Catholic News Service
eligious freedom “extends way beyond mere tolerance,” Secretary of State John Kerry said when announcing the U.S. State Department’s release of the 2014 International Religious Freedom Report. He said it demands that faith practitioners “understand that they have no right to coerce others into submission, conversion or silence, or to literally take their lives because of their beliefs.” But coercion, violence and killings, in the name of religion, are occurring, as the dense Congressionally mandated report outlines in its account of nearly 200 countries and territories. In the Washington news briefing, Kerry said violators of religious freedoms have not just been governments but more recently groups, including terrorist organizations. Rabbi David Saperstein, the State Department’s ambassador-at-large for international religious freedom, put it even more strongly, telling reporters the greatest emerging challenge to religious freedom around the world is “abhorrent acts of terror committed by those who falsely claim the mantle of religion to justify their wanton destruction.” He also said the report puts a “human face” on such threats. In the Middle East, Sub-Saharan
Africa and throughout Asia, terrorist groups “have set their sights on destroying religious diversity,” the report says. In those regions, it adds, religious intolerance has often led to violence while “governments stood by, either unwilling or unable to act in response to the resulting death, injuries and displacement.” Specific terrorist groups named in the report include: Daesh, an Arabic acronym for the Islamic State group, al-Qaida, Al-Shabab and Boko Haram. The groups have given captives the choice between conversion, slavery or death. Children, who have often been among the victims, also have been forced to witness or participate in executions even of their own family members. Entire populations of religious minority groups have been targeted for killings and young girls have been forced into slavery. “The repugnance of these acts is only multiplied when the perpetrators seek to
justify themselves by pointing a finger at God and claiming somehow that God licensed these acts,” Kerry said. Another trend highlighted in the report is the impact of Sharia blasphemy and apostasy laws, particularly in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Sudan. Blasphemy laws make it illegal to speak or act in ways contemptuous of God or the divine while apostasy laws make it illegal to abandon one’s faith. The laws have been used to justify violence in the name of religion to create impunity for those who use this type of violence. Another rise in religious freedom abuses is against religious minorities, said Kerry, noting that religious minorities should have the same rights as religious majorities, which is not the case, according to the report in Myanmar, Iran, Pakistan, Russia and Saudi Arabia. The report, which can be viewed online on the State Department’s website, www.
A Pakistani Christian boy holds a banner during a protest in Karachi after attacks on churches in Lahore. Shahzaib Akber, Catholic News Service
November 2015 | South Texas Catholic 31
Report puts ‘human face’ on threats to religious freedom
state.gov, is the 17th one issued by the State Department. Kerry said it aims to give governments “an added incentive” to honor the rights of their citizens and also to provide people “with an arsenal of facts” about abuses and problems. The report notes antisemitism and anti-Muslim actions and sentiments in Europe and highlights struggles for persecuted Christians in the Middle East. Rabbi Saperstein, who began his appointment this year, said his office is “pushing very hard” to help the Christian community, particularly in the Nineveh Plain in northern Iraq, where last year thousands of Christians and nearly 40,000 Syriac Catholics, were driven out by Islamic State militants. “Across the Nineveh Plain, church bells have pealed for 1,600 years. Today they are silent. And we are not going to rest until people have a right to live out their religious lives back in their home communities in accordance with their conscience,” the ambassador-at-large said. Pope Francis has similarly pleaded for an end to anti-Christian persecution in the Middle East, urging thousands gathered in St. Peter’s Square Aug. 30 to “do something to put a stop to the violence and oppression” and pointing out that there are more martyrs today “than there were in the first centuries” of Christianity. Religious freedom was a key theme during the pope’s visit to the United States. It was central to his address in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia, but he also mentioned it in his remarks at the White House and in his address to a joint meeting of Congress. In Philadelphia, he spoke more at length on the topic, stressing that religious freedom “certainly means the right to worship God, individually and in community as our consciences dictate.” But he also said such freedom “transcends places of worship and the private sphere of individuals and families” since it is “part of the culture of every people and every nation.” The pope also spoke about the need to stop the abuses to religious freedom. When religion is used as a pretext for hatred and brutality or when religions are reduced to subcultures without a voice in the public square, he said. 32 South Texas Catholic | November 2015
Vatican Museums app use growing Nicole Pellicano
Catholic News Service
one are the days when regularly discussing one’s favorite works of art in the Vatican Museums and funding the restoration of historic pieces was limited to a very small group of people. “Patrum,” an app launched in mid-August by the Patrons of the Arts in the Vatican Museums, is “the first ever cultural institution app bringing together instant chat technology, crowd-source fundraising and online community building,” according to its website. Juliana Biondo, the digital initiatives manager for the patrons group, told Catholic News Service that while finding people to help fund projects was important, it was not the main goal. “Patrum is intended for people who can’t get to the Vatican,” she said in a telephone interview Oct. 15. The Vatican is “a world treasure, so the question is, how do we make a world treasure accessible to someone who can’t travel the distance?” “It was quite a feat to be able to integrate donation technology into the app, and we’re looking to add some more user functionality just in terms of having fun,” Biondo said. “But I think that the cool thing about the app is that it’s pretty new in the cultural institution field.” Through the app users can choose to donate a minimum of $10 to a restoration project. For those hoping to make larger donations, there’s an option to become a patron. On average, one to two people apply to become a patron each month; since the app
launched a total of 13 have inquired, Biondo said. The app has a daily news feed and four categories: • “Idea,” which gives fun facts about the museums’ collections, the pope, papal gardens and more. • “Person,” which spotlights a museum staff member, curator or patron. • “Event,” where one can find various events patron chapters are hosting worldwide. • “Restoration Projects,” where one can find projects that need restoration funding. There is also a push notification capability that notifies users whenever something they have previously shown interest in is updated. The news pieces can be saved to a “My Interests” page for later referral and can also spur conversation through the apps chat feature.
Christmas Giving Giving “If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” – Mother Teresa
Christmas shop and help the homeless at the same time! Make a donationtotothe theMother MotherTeresa TeresaShelter Shelterin in honor honor of of loved loved Make a donation onesones and and we will themthem a Beautiful Handmade Christmas we send will send a Beautiful Christmas Card.Card. Yourgift giftofof$10 $10orormore moreper perChristmas Christmascard cardwill willhelp helpprovide provideday day Your shelterfor forthe thehomeless homelessininCorpus CorpusChristi, Christi,Texas. Texas.AAChristmas Christmascard card shelter
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November 2015 | South Texas Catholic 33
Father J. Patrick Serna is pastor at Our Lady of Guadalupe in Sinton.
The job of angels is to assist us on our road to salvation Father J. Patrick Serna
G Contributor
od communicates with his children on Earth in varied ways, be it in the Divine Liturgy, in the divinely revealed words of Scripture, in the beautiful manifestations of nature, and sometimes God communicates with us through his messengers, who are commonly referred to as angels. Angels are spoken of in the Bible from the first book of Genesis, when Cherubim closed the gates to the garden of Eden, to the last book of Revelation, when angels will be busy at work with the end times. Angels are busy at work in all the other books of the Bible, like the time they protected Lot, or when an angel wrestled with Jacob all night long. God could have spoken directly to Mary about the offer to be mother of God the Son, but instead, the archangel Gabriel was sent. After an angel rolled away the stone from Jesus’ tomb, there was “a great earthquake.” The stories of the Bible cannot be told without telling the role of God’s angels. We are reminded throughout Scripture that there are some evil angels who try to get in the way of God’s salvific plan for mankind. The magisterium of the Church tells us “Satan or the devil and the other demons are fallen angels who have freely
34 South Texas Catholic | November 2015
refused to serve God and his plan. Their choice against God is definitive. They try to associate man in their revolt against God (CCC #414).” The blood of the lamb and the good angels defeated these fallen angels, and they continue to be defeated time and again over the millennia, so we are not very impressed with them. Saints in the Catholic tradition have written extensively about the angels since the time of the early Church Fathers, but the first Catholic writer to treat the topic of angels at great length and depth was Pseudo Dionysius the Areopagite. Pseudo Dionysius, also called Dennis, gave attention and to nine choirs of angels, in his fifth century work, “The Celestial Hierarchy.” Theologians, commentators, popes and saints have referred to Dennis’ authoritative treatment on the angels for centuries, and his reasonings were the basis for further reflections on major theologians, like St. Anselm, St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Bonaventure. Dennis used the Bible tradition and logic to substantiate his division of the angels into three orders of celestial beings, with three choirs of angels in each order. The nine choirs are as follows: angels, archangels, principalities, powers, virtues, dominations, thrones, cherubim, and seraphim.
The seraphim, according to Dennis, are the closest to God, and as such they “occupy a more exalted place than all the others, being immediately present with God. Therefore they are named ‘The Glowing Ones’, ‘Streams of Wisdom’, ‘Thrones’ (C.H. ch 7).” The seraphim are the angels of fire, that is, of love, and as such it is believed by saints like Aquinas that none of the seraphim fell with Lucifer and the bad angels, since love never betrays or injures. Dennis says that the cherubim are the angels of greatest wisdom, since they sit closest to the wisdom of God: “Their power is of knowing and beholding God, their receptivity to the highest Gift of Light, and they are filled by participation in Divine Wisdom (C.H. ch. 7).” The thrones, according to Dennis, sit closest to the throne of God, and as such, they are most removed from all passion and matter. These angels can help us fight against concupiscence. The middle order of the celestial beings consists of the dominions, virtues and powers. Of the dominions, Dennis says that they enjoy “...freedom from all that is of the Earth, and experience liberal superiority to harsh tyranny, an exemptness from degrading servility and from all that is low: for they are untouched by any inconsistency (C.H. ch.171).” These
❝The word angel
means messenger, and the lowest choir of celestial beings, the angels, are they who regularly give to humans the messages of God.❞
–Father J. Patrick Serna
they serve a middle role between the principalities and the angels, who are the lowest on the hierarchy of celestial beings. The archangels disseminate the princely authority of Jesus, from the principalities, and make this authority accessible to the angels.
The word angel means messenger, and the lowest choir of celestial beings, the angels, are they who regularly give to humans the messages of God. Archangels give the most important messages to humans, which accounts for the “arch” in front of “angel.” It is impossible to understand the importance and role of angels, without understanding the regard that God has for humans. While God made angels primarily for his glorification and love, it is also true that God made angels to help humans in their salvific journey. If God has given a large role to angels in the history of human salvation, and he has, then we are also assured of the role of angels in our own lives even now. Would that we sought the angels’ assistance more frequently and fervently, after all, it is their job! “For he commands his angels with regard to you, to guard you wherever you go (Psalm 91:11).”
November 2015 | South Texas Catholic 35
angels help us fight against the sins of attachment to earthly prestige or power. The word “virtue” comes from the word “vir,” which connotes “strength.” The angels referred to as virtues exhibit, according to Dennis, “...a certain powerful and unshakable virility,” and they help us humans avoid the weakness which can lead to sin. Dennis explains that the powers lead humans to the power of God, and with the power they receive from God, they assist us against weakness, which is made attractive by the enemy. The third order of celestial beings consists of the principalities, the archangels and the angels. Dennis explains that their demeanor of princeliness and authoritativeness best recognizes the principalities, and they enjoy these attributes because they are closest to the Prince of Princes. The principalities help us humans against temptations of vulgarity and baseness. The archangels enjoy a unique role in the third order of angels, since
November Liturgical Calendar 1 | SUN | ALL SAINTS | white | Solemnity | Rv 7:2-4, 9-14/1 Jn 3:1-3/Mt 5:1-12a (667) Pss Prop 2 | Mon | The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed | white/violet/ black (All Souls’ Day) Wis 3:1-9/Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9/Jn 6:37-40 (668), or any readings from no. 668 or from the Lectionary for Ritual Masses (vol. IV), the Masses for the Dead, nos. 10111016 Pss Prop 3 | Tue | Weekday (Thirty-First Week in Ordinary Time) | green/white [Saint Martin de Porres, Religious] Rom 12:516b/Lk 14:15-24 (486) Pss III 4 | Wed | Saint Charles Borromeo, Bishop | white | Memorial | Rom 13:810/Lk 14:25-33 (487) 5 | Thu | Weekday | green | Rom 14:712/Lk 15:1-10 (488) 6 | Fri | Weekday | green | Rom 15:1421/Lk 16:1-8 (489) 7 | Sat | Weekday | green/white [BVM] | Rom 16:3-9, 16, 22-27/Lk 16:9-15 (490) 8 | SUN | THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME | green | 1 Kgs 17:10-16/Heb 9:24-28/Mk 12:38-44 or 12:41-44 (155) Pss IV
9 | Mon | The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica | white | Feast | Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12/1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17/Jn 2:13-22 (671) Pss Prop 10 | Tue | Saint Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church | white | Memorial | Wis 2:23—3:9/Lk 17:7-10 (492) 11 | Wed | Saint Martin of Tours, Bishop | white | Memorial | Wis 6:1-11/ Lk 17:11-19 (493) 12 | Thu | Saint Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr | red | Memorial | Wis 7:22b— 8:1/Lk 17:20-25 (494) 13 | Fri | Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, Virgin | white | Memorial | Wis 13:1-9/Lk 17:26-37 (495) 14 | Sat | Weekday | green/white [BVM] Wis 18:14-16; 19:6-9/Lk 18:1-8 (496) 15 | SUN | THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME | green | Dn 12:1-3/ Heb 10:11-14, 18/Mk 13:24-32 (158) Pss I 16 | Mon | Weekday | green/white/ white [Saint Margaret of Scotland; Saint Gertrude, Virgin] 1 Mc 1:10-15, 41-43, 54-57, 62-63/Lk 18:35-43 (497)
17 | Tue | Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, Religious | white | Memorial | 2 Mc 6:18-31/Lk 19:1-10 (498) 18 | Wed | Weekday | green/white/ white [The Dedication of the Basilicas of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles; Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne, Virgin] 2 Mc 7:1, 20-31/Lk 19:11-28 (499), or, for the memorial of the Dedication, Acts 28:11-16, 30-31*/Mt 14:22-33* (679) 19 | Thu | Weekday | green | 1 Mc 2:1529/Lk 19:41-44 (500) 20 | Fri | Weekday | green | 1 Mc 4:3637, 52-59/Lk 19:45-48 (501) 21 | Sat | The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary | white | Memorial | 1 Mc 6:1-13/Lk 20:27-40 (502) 22 | SUN | OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE | white | Solemnity | Dn 7:13-14/Rv 1:5-8/Jn 18:33b-37 (161) Pss Prop 23 | Mon | Weekday (Thirty-Fourth or Last Week in | green/red/white/red | Ordinary Time) [Saint Clement I, Pope and Martyr; Saint Columban, Abbot; Blessed Miguel Agustín Pro, Priest and Martyr] Dn 1:1-6, 8-20/Lk 21:1-4 (503) Pss II
24 | Tue | Saint Andrew Dũng-Lạc, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs | red | Memorial | Dn 2:31-45/Lk 21:5-11 (504) 25 | Wed | Weekday | green/red [Saint Catherine of Alexandria, Virgin and Martyr] Dn 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28/Lk 21:12-19 (505) 26 | Thu | Weekday | green/white [Thanksgiving Day] Dn 6:12-28/Lk 21:20-28 (506), or, for Thanksgiving Day, any readings from the Lectionary for Ritual Masses (vol. IV), the Mass “In Thanksgiving to God,” nos. 943-947 (see esp. Sir 50:22-24 [943.2]/1 Cor 1:3-9 [944.1]/Lk 17:11-19 [947.6]) 27 | Fri | Weekday | green | Dn 7:2-14/ Lk 21:29-33 (507) 28 | Sat | Weekday | green/white [BVM] Dn 7:15-27/Lk 21:34-36 (508) YEAR C – WEEKDAYS II 29 | SUN | FIRST SUNDY OF ADVENT | violet | Jer 33:14-16/1 Thes 3:12—4:2/ Lk 21:25-28, 34-36 (3) Pss I 30 | Mon | Saint Andrew, Apostle | red | Feast | Rom 10:9-18/Mt 4:18-22 (684) Pss Prop
PARISH SCHOOL FUNDRAISERS All fundraising events will include a variety of food, games, entertainment and fun. To find out more information go to www.SouthTexasCatholic.com/events St. Joseph 2015 Annual Fall Festival | Nov. 1 from 1:30-9 p.m. at St. Joseph (710 S. 19th St.) in Corpus Christi. Western Dance & Dinner | Nov. 7 from 6-11 p.m. at Schoenstatt Movement Center (4343 Gaines Street) in Corpus Christi. Social at 7 p.m., dinner at 8 p.m. Our Lady of Guadalupe Mega Festival | Nov. 7 from 11 a.m.-11 p.m. at San Patricio Fairgrounds (219 W 5th St.) in Sinton. Casino Night on the USS Lexington | Our Lady of Perpetual Help presents Casino Night on Nov. 7 begins at 6 p.m. on the USS Lexington (2914 N Shoreline Blvd) in Corpus Christi. 36 South Texas Catholic | November 2015
IWA Angelfest | Nov. 7 from 6-11 p.m. at IWA Mother Patricia Gymnasium. St. Patrick’s Altar & Rosary Christmas Bazaar | Nov. 14 from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. at St. Patrick Parish Hall (3350 S. Alameda) in Corpus Christi. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church 5th Annual Parish Festival | Nov. 14 from 11 a.m.-10 p.m. on the grounds of St. John the Baptist Catholic Church (7522 Everhart Road) located on the corner of Yorktown and Everhart in Corpus Christi. Music starts at 11 a.m. Family Fun Festival | Nov. 14 from 12-10 p.m. at Our Lady of the Assumption (2414 Main St.) in
Ingleside. St. Mary Church Jamaica | Nov. 14 from 5:30 p.m.-12 a.m. at St. Mary Church (1500 S. Duval St.) in Freer. Bingo at 5:30. p.m. Annual Turkey Dinner in San Patricio | Nov. 15 from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. in St. Patrick Mission (FM 666) in San Patricio. Annual Turkey dinner to be held in the parish hall. Dine in or to go for $8 per plate. The 101st Annual Thanksgiving Day Picnic in Vattmann Nov. 26 from 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m. at Our Lady of Consolation Parish (Vattmann is South of Kingsville from Hwy. 77, travel 5 miles East on FM 628.)
Nov. 2 from 7-8:30 p.m. at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church (7522 Everhart) in Corpus Christi. Celebration of Sacred Music on the Commemoration of All Souls.
Marriage 6 Worldwide Encounter Weekend
Newman Catholic Student Center (7002 Ocean Drive) in Corpus Christi. For more information go to www.ccpriest.org
CMSE CORE & Recertification Classes For schedule and more information go to the Diocesan Website at www.diocesecc.org/events
Word 10 Incarnate Academy Day of Giving
Nov. 10 from 12 a.m. - 11:59 p.m. IWA has received a generous sponsorship that will enable the school to conduct a Day of Giving. The IWA Day of Giving will match all cash, check or credit card donations and pledges made on this date dollar-fordollar up to a total of $20,000. For more information, visit www.iwacc.org/dayofgiving
7th Annual Coastal Bend Day of Giving
Nov. 10 beginning at midnight and ending at 11:59:59 p.m. the same day. Financial gifts to the Ark Assessment Center and Emergency Shelter for Youth, Corpus Christi Hope House, Catholic Charities and the Mother Teresa Shelter or one of the other nonprofits will provide basic needs and will be matched dollar for dollar up to $16,250 per agency.
Melchizedek 12 The Project
Nov. 12 from 6-8 p.m. at the
Our Lady of Corpus Christi Retreat Center is offering a weekend Women’s Spiritual Exercises Retreat Nov. 12-15. A weekend to go deeper in our relationship with Our Lord through the power of prayer and silence. Learn to listen to His voice in prayer by praying with scripture according to the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Register www.deepprayer.org or call (361) 289-9095, ext. 321.
Nov. 14 from 8:45 a.m. - 4 p.m. at Corpus Christi Cathedral (505 North Upper Broadway Street).
Nov. 14 from 8:45 a.m. - 4 p.m. at Pax Christi Liturgical Retreat Center (4601 Calallen Drive) in Corpus Christi. Deadline to register is Nov. 6. For more information or online registration go to www.diocesecc.org/convalidation
Nov. 14 from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. at Pax Christi Liturgical Retreat Center (4601 Calallen Drive) in Corpus Christi. Registration deadline is Nov. 6. For more information or online registration go to www.diocesecc.org/precana
IWA/CCCA/CCA Alumni Homecoming Reunion Weekend Nov. 19-22 at Incarnate Word Academy (2929 S. Alameda) in Corpus Christi.
Women’s Spiritual Exercises Retreat
Confirmation 14 Adult Retreat
Nov. 19-22 at Our Lady of Corpus Christi Retreat Center (1200 Lantana). Gain a deeper understanding of the mercy of God, learn to trust in Jesus and live our lives reflecting his mercy to others. Begins Thursday 5 p.m. and ends Sunday 1:30 p.m. Register www.deepprayer.org or by calling (361) 289-9095, ext. 321.
Billings Ovulation Method Teacher Training
Nov. 12-15 at Pax Christi Liturgical Retreat Center (4601 Calallen Drive) in Corpus Christi. Begins Thursday, Nov. 12 at 6:30 p.m. and ends Sunday at 3 p.m. Deadline to register is Nov. 6. For more information go to www.diocesecc.org/nfpmethod
Nov. 6-8 at Our Lady of Corpus Christi Retreat Center (1200 Lantana). For more information call Rolando and Nelda Garza at (361) 851-8306 or apply online at www.mecorpuschristi.org
Mercy 19 Divine Weekend Retreat
22 NFP Class
Nov. 21 from 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. at Education Service Center (1426 Baldwin) in Corpus Christi. Deadline to register is Nov. 13. For more information or online registration go to www.diocesecc.org/nfp
Catholic Campaign for Human Development
Second collection on Nov. 22. Grants are awarded by the Subcommittee on the Catholic Campaign for Human Development with the approval of local bishops.
Diocesan Altar 22 2015 Server Recognition Ceremony
Sunday, Nov. 22 at 3 p.m. at Corpus Christi Cathedral.
To see more calendar events go to:
SouthTexasCatholic.com South Texas
November 2015 | South Texas Catholic 37
2 Sacred Music Mass
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November 2015 | South Texas Catholic 39
November 2015 Issue SOUTH TEXAS CATHOLIC P.O. Box 2620 Corpus Christi, TX 78403 (361) 882-6191