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“Be merciful, just as your father is merciful.” Luke 6:36
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2 South Texas Catholic | March 2016
VOL. 51 NO. 3 Publisher Most Rev. Wm. Michael Mulvey, STL DD Editor Alfredo E. Cárdenas ACardenas@diocesecc.org Theological Consultant Ben Nguyen, JD/JCL.
At the Consecrated Life Day of Reflection, Sister Karen Elliot, CPPS shared a slide depicting a statue of Jesus with no hands. The stature is at a 15th century monastery in Santo Domingo in Antigua, Guatemala. Her nursing students placed their hands in front of the statue, symbolizing they are the hands of God.
Sisters of the Precious Blood for South Texas Catholic
Editorial Staff Mary E. Cottingham MCottingham@diocesecc.org Adel Rivera ARivera@diocesecc.org Madelyn Calvert MCalvert@diocesecc.org Correspondents Rebecca Esparza, Luisa Scolari, Joshua Stephens, Dayna Mazzei Worchel If you or someone you know would like to receive the South Texas Catholic call us at (361) 882-6191 Office Address: 620 Lipan Corpus Christi TX 78401-2434 E-MAIL: stc@diocesecc.org www.southtexascatholic.com FAX: (361) 693-6701
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15 St. Patrick School Principal Evelyn Burton listens intently to threeyear-old Tristan Gonzalez, who took a tour of the school with his parents during a recent open house event. Tristan will be in Pre-K 4 in the fall. Rebecca Esparza for South Texas Catholic
4 VIEWPOINTS Say thank you to women
NEWS 33 NATIONAL Scalia dies at 79; was longest-serving
7 Interested in priesthood?
37 VATICAN Pope expresses joy after meeting Rus-
and men in consecrated life for following Jesus when he called
Breaking the news to family and friends
11 Mother Teresa Shelter client
remembered as helpful, peaceful
justice on current Supreme Court
sian Orthodox patriarch
OUR FAITH 41 Year of Mercy challenges us to ‘walk the walk’
2016 LENTEN ACTIVITIES VIDA CATÓLICA 46 23 Elesserro maio berit ut inimus sequo Keep up with 2016 Parish Lenten mo qui voloriSum
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March 2016 | South Texas Catholic 3
Women and men in consecrated life follow Jesus’ call to serve Bishop Michael Mulvey
South Texas Catholic
Most Reverend Michael Mulvey is bishop of the Diocese of Corpus Christi.
he first Sunday of Advent 2014, 14 months ago, we began a journey of reflection on the lives of consecrated women and men. As the Universal Church we have rejoiced with them and have shown our gratitude for their call to follow Jesus Christ in service to his Body, the Church. Over this year they have had an opportunity to reflect upon and review the call that Jesus gave them at one point in their life. In the Gospels we see Jesus along the river Jordan approaching the table where Matthew, the tax collector, sat and saying to him “follow me.” And along the Sea of Galilee, he tells fishermen to put their nets down and follow him. Jesus—in so many passages in the Gospel—approaches people asking them to follow him without reserve. In a striking account, Jesus met the rich young man who asked, “What must I do to gain eternal life.” Jesus gave him the list of the Commandments to which the young man responded, “I’ve done all these things. What more must I do?” Jesus looked at him with love, stared him in the eyes and said to him, “Give what you have to the poor and come follow me (Mt 19:16-21).” The prophet Jeremiah also provides us a beautiful account of his encounter with the Lord: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you…(Jer 1:5).” We are all born in the mind of God, even prior to entering our mother’s womb. Nothing is more personal than this: God knowing us in the womb and Jesus looking us in the eye with love to say, “come follow me.” I hope that during this year my sisters and brothers in consecrated life have had time to reflect on those two very well-known passages of the sacred Scriptures and that they have had an opportunity to look into the eyes of Jesus on the cross, in a moment of adoration with the Blessed Sacrament or in the depth of their hearts. Most likely, during this special year, our sisters and brothers have looked into the eyes of Jesus and said, “Thank you. Thank you for calling me. Thank you for giving me that special look, my vocation.”
4 South Texas Catholic | March 2016
God initiates all vocations. God calls. It is in our power to say no, but it is God the creator, the Supreme Being of all of us who plants in our life the vocation to follow him. Jesus says, “It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you (Jn 15:16).” The men and women in consecrated life have generously answered his call to ministry. They were not called to serve themselves, but to serve the body of Christ. When the Church needs them to teach, they are there. When the Church needs catechists of the faith, they are there. When we needed comfort in the hospital, when we were sick, dear sisters and brothers, you have been there to visit us and pray with us. And when we just needed a prayer we could call the convents and know that you were there to pray for us. When we have been hungry, without clothing on the streets, you have been there to welcome us into a shelter, to feed and clothe us. When we have become elderly and near the end of life and needed extra assistance, you have been there for us. When we needed time for retreats to spend more time intimately with our God and our Savior Jesus Christ you have offered us a place to pray. I say us in all of these things, because when you serve one you serve the whole Body. Women and men in consecrated life are an integral part of the incarnation of God’s mercy. That is why we now fold the conclusion of the Year of Consecrated Life into the opening of the Year of Mercy. More than ever, men and women in consecrated life find their identity with Christ during this year. Pope Francis has said that the beauty of consecration is joy; there is no holiness in sadness. Joy is the foundation of the Christian life. Joy is a necessity. So we forge ahead, together thanking God for the vocation of consecrated life, serving in the present moment and looking ahead with tremendous hope with unbounded joy. Thank you to the many consecrated men and women who have served the Church so faithfully in the past. Thank you to all of you who serve today in a selfless way. May God’s infinite mercy be yours this year in a generous way.
Sister Constance Veit, LSP is the communications director for the Little Sisters of the Poor in the United States.
Sister Constance Veit, LSP Contributor
few weeks ago, I received a New Year’s card that read, “This will be the best year yet.” We Little Sisters of the Poor are fervently praying that 2016 will be remembered as the year we were able to return to our quiet lives at the service of the elderly after a happy resolution to our long legal struggle over the HHS Contraceptive Mandate. Although we had never before involved ourselves in politics, in March 2012 we felt compelled to publicly voice our opposition to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Contraceptive Mandate. Since then our convictions, based on Catholic teaching, have taken us from the District Court of Colorado to the U.S. Tenth Circuit Court and finally to the U.S. Supreme Court, where our case will be heard in oral argument this March. Along the way we have received hundreds of supportive notes, as well as more than a few negative comments, including the following, often voiced with a note of disdain: “Why don’t you stop being so stubborn and just sign the form?” This question refers, of course, to the so-called “accommodation,” which the federal government hoped would silence all the conscientious objections to the “mandate”. Form 700, more commonly called “the form” or “the piece of paper,” is not what a lot of people think it is. Contrary to how it is often presented, Form 700 is neither a simple declaration of conscientious objection, nor an “opt out” regarding the HHS Contraceptive Mandate. Form 700 is a permission slip. Signing it would allow HHS to commandeer the infrastructure of our health care plan in order to use it to distribute abortifacients and contraceptives to our employees. In other words, signing Form 700 would involve us in formal cooperation with wrongdoing, which is never permissible under Catholic doctrine.
Not only would such cooperation with moral evil constitute grave sin on our part, but it would likely also cause scandal, leading others to sin as well. This is serious stuff, especially for women like us who are devoted to the service of the Church. Through our vow of hospitality we are bound, in the eyes of God and the Church, to upholding the sanctity of human life, from the moment of conception until natural death. Very simply, Form 700 involves the taking of innocent human life. That is why we cannot “just sign the form.” Throughout the four years of this legal journey I have found courage by turning to the great cloud of witnesses that surrounds us on our earthly pilgrimage. Specifically, I often think of St. Thomas More, and of the Old Testament figure Eleazar. The story of Thomas More is well known, thanks in part to the classic movie, “A Man for All Seasons”. Thomas More was imprisoned for refusing to sign an oath acknowledging Anne Boleyn as King Henry VIII’s legitimate wife and recognizing the king’s authority as head of the newly formed Church of England. A year later he was beheaded after famously proclaiming that he was “the king’s good servant but God’s first.” Each time I watch “A Man for All Seasons” I am inspired by More’s responses to those who tried to persuade him to “just sign the oath.” Using the proverbial “everyone else is doing it” argument, the Duke of Norfolk suggests, “Why can’t you do as I did and come with us, for fellowship?” Refusing to compromise his convictions, More responds, “And when we die, and you are sent to heaven for doing your conscience, and I am sent to hell for not doing mine, will you come with me, for fellowship?” More’s daughter then pleads with him to consider the impact of his actions on the family, suggesting that he “take this oath with your lips, but think otherwise in your heart.” March 2016 | South Texas Catholic 5
Why we cannot “just sign the form”
❝Not only would such cooperation with moral evil constitute grave sin on our part, but it would likely also cause scandal, leading others to sin as well. ❞ –Sister Constance Veit, LSP
Again More resists the temptation to fall into dissimulation. “Daughter,” he responds, “what is an oath but words you speak to God?” Obviously, More could not “just sign the form.” More’s integrity is indeed inspiring, but my favorite martyr of religious liberty is Eleazar, described in the Second Book of Maccabees as “one of the foremost scribes, a man advanced in age and of noble appearance (2 Mc 6:18).” As he faced torture and death because he refused to defile himself by eating the king’s food, friends of
the old man pulled him aside and tried to persuade him to fake it by secretly eating his own provisions. But Eleazar feared the scandal he might cause the younger men by compromising the prescriptions of their faith, so he died honorably, proving himself worthy of his old age and “leaving in his death a model of nobility and an unforgettable example of virtue (2 Mc 6:31).” I hope that these reflections help to clarify why we cannot “just sign the form” with regard to the HHS Contraceptive Mandate’s so-called
accommodation. To do so would allow the federal government to commandeer our health plan. It could cause scandal by giving the example that it is okay to ignore clearly stated Catholic doctrine. And it would no doubt lead to the taking of innocent human life through the use of abortifacient drugs. Inspired by Eleazar and St. Thomas More, we feel compelled to affirm that we wish to be good citizens and servants of our nation’s elderly, but faithful daughters of the Church first.
Headlines from southtexascatholic.com ✝ Bookmark our Web site to keep up to date on all the happenings in the Diocese of Corpus Christi.
• St. Patrick men reflect on Year of Mercy at Hill Country retreat • St. Anthony bands together to care for those in need • Lenten Mission will be held at St. Elizabeth of Hungary Parish • Women complete ACTS retreat at St. Patrick Parish in Corpus 6 South Texas Catholic | March 2016
• Diocese celebrates Ash Wednesday • Emmanuel and Blessed Sacrament chapels at Cathedral serve the people of God in different ways • Parish personnel learn about the mercy of stewardship • Mercy, family highlight annual Ministry Conference
• St. John Paul II students volunteer at Habitat for Humanity building project • Swim teams are state bound • Theology Bowl on tap to become annual event • Holy Family School has Religion Olympics • Ss. Cyril and Methodius school takes part in Fitness Challenge
Breaking the news to family and friends Father Joseph Lopez, JCL
Father Joseph Lopez, JCL, is Vocations Director for the Diocese of Corpus Christi.
aybe you are considering the priesthood and you feel peaceful about following God’s call and applying for seminary. But what about your family and friends? What if they do not understand? What if they reject your choice, or—even worse—reject you? It is true that breaking the news can sometimes be difficult. When surveyed, more than half of the priests ordained in 2010 reported some degree of parental opposition when they first voiced an interest in priesthood. But the good news is that by the time a man reaches ordination, family and friends almost always “come around” to his decision—mostly because they perceive that he is happy and peaceful. Throughout their ministry, most priests receive tremendous support from their families, even from the moms and dads that were initially skeptical about the idea of entering the seminary. Here are some pointers to consider when it comes time to approach your family and friends: Emphasize God’s call, not your decision. When speaking with people about entering seminary, emphasize that you think this is what God is calling you to do; it is not just an ordinary career decision. “No one takes this honor upon himself, but only when called by God…(Heb 5:4).” Be realistic about their reactions. When you announce your intentions, give family and friends plenty of time to process what may seem like difficult news. Assure them you are not abandoning them, but pursuing your vocation. Realize that some people will not accept this news right away—but that over time, most will. Do not talk in absolutes. Do not say, “I’ve decided to become a priest.” The truth is that you are years away from possible ordination and that only about 60 percent of men who begin formation are actually ordained. Let people know that you are thinking about going to seminary to continue to discern if the priesthood is your vocation. Tell people when YOU are ready. It is okay to speak freely about your desire
to become a priest, but most men feel hesitant about broadcasting their intentions. You may want to wait until you have talked to the vocation director and he indicates that you should apply to seminary. An exception is talking to a trusted person—perhaps your parish priest—who can help during your discernment. Do not be fearful about what others may think. Speculation about what people might think can be a major source of stress, and can possibly prevent true discernment of God’s will for you. Remember that God never speaks through fear. Do not give in to pressure. Some people may try to dissuade you from pursuing the priesthood, thinking they are helping you. A particularly common reaction is for people to say, “Wait until you are older and have more life experience.” In some cases this may be true, but not all. There are plenty of 18-year-old men who enter the seminary. Bottom line: be careful that you prayerfully consider what God wants you to do, not what others want you to do. While you are bound to honor your father and mother, when you become an adult, you must make your own decisions and follow your conscience (CCC # 2217). Be prepared to accept whatever reactions you encounter. Part of the sacrifice of any vocation is accepting the rejections that may occur when you do something out of love for God. Remember that our Lord suffered rejection while following the Father’s will—and from his own disciples! But also remember that our Lord promised that we would receive 100 times whatever we leave behind—plus eternal life. The most important things to remember when talking to your friends and family about your vocational discernment are charity and patience. Parents or friends may be distraught because of misunderstanding, and may just need a little time. In the end, if priesthood is your vocation, the people who love you are likely to accept a life decision that leads to your holiness and happiness. March 2016 | South Texas Catholic 7
Interested in priesthood?
Sisters celebrating their jubilees at World Day of Consecrated Life at Corpus Christi Cathedral on Jan. 31 are (standing, from left) Sister Rosemary Lichnovsky, IWBS, Sister Dorothy Anhaiser, IWBS and Mother Maria Elena Reyes, PCI. Alfredo E. Cardenas, South Texas Catholic
Diocese recognizes men and women in consecrated life Mary Cottingham
South Texas Catholic
he men and women in consecrated life have generously answered his call to ministry. They were not called to serve themselves, but to serve the
8 South Texas Catholic | March 2016
Body of Christ,” Bishop Michael Mulvey said as he closed out the Year of Consecrated Life at a Mass on Sunday, Jan. 31, at Corpus Christi Cathedral. “God initiates all vocations. God calls. It is in our power to say no, but it is God
the Creator, the Supreme Being of all of us who plants in our life the vocation to follow him. Jesus says, ‘It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you’,” Bishop Mulvey said. The bishop recognized eight sisters that
Sister Karen Elliot of the Sisters of the Precious Blood from Dayton, Ohio led the sisters in reflection. Below, Sister Karen engages sisters on Day of Reflection at St. Pius X. Mary Cottingham, South Texas Catholic
were celebrating their jubilee this year. Observing 70 years in service to God were Sister Dorothy Anhaiser, IWBS and Sister Bertha Horning, SSpSAP. Fifty-year honorees included Sister Mary Rosemary Lichnovsky, IWBS, Sister Mary Ann Korczynski, IWBS, Mother Maria Elva Reyes, PCI and Sister Mary Carmen Sandoval, SOLT. Sister Mary Helen de la Paz, SOLT and Sister Mary Ann Virginia Navarro, SSpSAP observed 25 years in consecrated life. “My sisters, you have committed yourselves to the Lord through professing the evangelical counsels of celibate chastity, poverty and obedience. On behalf of his Church, I thank you for your years of dedicated service,” Bishop Mulvey said to the jubilarians. Bishop Mulvey invited all those in consecrated life present at the Mass to renew their commitment to follow Christ in consecrated life. He, in turn, called on the assembly to assure them “of our continued payers and support.” The day before, on Saturday, Jan. 30, many sisters attended the annual day of reflection at St. Pius X Parish. Bishop Mulvey celebrated Mass and visited with sisters at the beginning and end of the day. During his homily at the day of reflection, Bishop Mulvey encouraged sisters to re-consecrate themselves to Jesus Christ, “…everyday, but tomorrow especially. Put Jesus in the center of your life. Put his word as the book of light in your life,” he said. Sister Karen Elliot of the Sisters of the Precious Blood from Dayton, Ohio led the sisters in reflection. Sister Karen teaches religious studies, medical ethics and mission and New Testament spirituality for health care professionals. She began her morning talk by asking those present to join her in a prayer written by St. Teresa of
Christ has no body but yours, No hands, no feet on earth but yours, Yours are the eyes with which he looks Compassion on this world, Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good, Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world. Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, Yours are the eyes, you are his body. Christ has no body now but yours, No hands, no feet on earth but yours, Yours are the eyes with which he looks compassion on this world. Christ has no body now on earth but yours. – Teresa of Avila Avila called, “Christ Has No Body”. In her talk she encouraged the sisters to be the hands, feet and eyes of Jesus. A lot can be communicated in a touch, she said. “Don’t touch someone when you are angry, because they feel it,” she said. She shared stories and pictures and explained to sisters they bring the reality that Christ is the central figure in their lives. “Christ is the emanating force of
March 2016 | South Texas Catholic 9
Men and women in consecrated life attended the Mass for World Day of Consecrated Life at the Cathedral on Jan. 31. The Mass marked the close of the Year of Consecrated Life called by Pope Francis and which began Advent 2014. Alfredo E. Cardenas, South Texas Catholic
who we are,” she said. “Theology is where we live and move and have our being in Christ. Theology is what we do. Theology is working at a homeless shelter; it’s working taking care of babies; it’s working helping the elderly; it’s taking someone to a doctor’s appointment; it’s the dignity that we treat the other likeness of God, which we call a human person.” She recalled that her grandmother did a tea ministry. People would come to her with their problems and she would pour them tea and by simply holding their hand she would ease their burdens. She also remembered her grandfather scolding her brother saying, “when it says in the Bible, ‘when I was hungry and you gave me something to eat and when I was 10 South Texas Catholic | March 2016
thirsty you gave me something to drink’… director of the office. it didn’t say anything about whether you He thanked the sisters for a joyful evedeserved it or not.” ning of food and songs on the day of reflecWhen Pope Francis declared 2015 to tion. “You should’ve seen them last night be the Year of Consecrated Life “I think we had mariachis and we made them sing. he was saying ‘the Church needs you.’ The It was a very joyful,” he said. Holy Father called us to be grateful, hopeful… to reinvigorate, to lift up our spirits,” (Alfredo E. Cardenas contributed to this article.) Sister Karen said. At the Sunday Mass, Bishop Mulvey thanked the Sierra Club of Corpus Christi To see more photos of this event for their attendance and efforts in assisting and praying for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life. He South Texas also thanked Sister Annette Wagner who served as director of the diocesan Office of Consecrated Life at the start of the SERVING THE CHURCH IN THE DIOCESE OF CORPUS CHRISTI Year of Consecrated Life and Sister Gloria southtexascatholic.com/news/closing Rodriguez, MJMJ who presently serves as
The day Christopher Sanders was found, Bishop Mulvey presided over a prayer service on the patio of Catholic Charities. Many of his friends at the Mother Teresa Shelter joined in the service. Corpus Christi Caller-Times Photo
Mother Teresa Shelter client remembered as helpful, peaceful Dayna Mazzei Worchel Correspondent
he cheerful bed of marigolds 50 year-old Christopher Sanders planted at the Mother Teresa Shelter on Sam Rankin Street before his untimely death are part of the legacy he has left there. Marigolds are also planted on his grave at the cemetery in Flour Bluff where he was buried just days after he died in a situation police are still investigating. “He was very unselfish, very giving and was always ready to help. He was my
friend,” said Gerry Burns, who performs maintenance duties at the shelter. Sanders, originally from Brownsville, was described as a quiet man by those who knew him best at the shelter. He kept to himself and visited mainly with shelter staff when he came in each day. He liked to lend a helping hand when he could, Burns said. “Chris loved computers and Facebook. He was very intelligent,” Burns said. Sanders’ body was found in front of the Sacred Heart Church, just blocks from the
shelter, early in the morning of Jan. 7. The death was quickly ruled a homicide by Corpus Christi police and medical examiners because of blunt-force trauma to the head. As of this writing, no arrest had been made in the case, Lt. Chris Hooper of the Corpus Christi Police Department said. “The case is being aggressively investigated,” he told the South Texas Catholic. The day Sanders’ body was discovered, Sister Rose Paul Madassery, operations supervisor at the Mother Teresa shelter, was called to identify him. Police were March 2016 | South Texas Catholic 11
already at the scene, she said. Sister Rose searched for family members to notify them of the death and found an uncle and a brother-in-law but no one came forward to claim the body. Employees with the Mother Teresa Shelter and Catholic Charities of Corpus Christi wanted to do something for Sanders, Sister Rose said. He had been a regular client of the shelter for at least 10 years, shelter records show. “It had been over 20 years since he had any contact with his family,” she said of Sanders. “He had a name and he was a person, like Bishop (Michael) Mulvey said,” Sister Rose said. “The day the body was found, Bishop Mulvey did a beautiful prayer service here on the patio. We wanted to recognize Chris as a person and to say that our clients aren’t just homeless, they have a name,” she said. The funeral services for Sanders were just one of many for the homeless that Sister Rose has arranged in her 13 years of working at the shelter. “If I know them and they are a regular client, then I will make the arrangements for them,” she said. Sanders was buried with the help of Guardian Funeral Home and $650 in funds from Nueces County, said Bishop Emeritus Edmond Carmody of the Diocese of Corpus Christi. Bishop
Carmody, along with Msg. Seamus McGowan, presided over Sanders’ graveside service. About 17 people from the shelter and from Catholic Charities attended the service, Sister Rose said. “I just wanted to recognize him. He had been very helpful and close to us,” she said. Pope Francis called for 2016 to be an Extraordinary Year of Mercy because of all of the violence and suffering in the world. The corporal works of mercy call for providing shelter for the homeless and to bury the dead. The biggest part of showing mercy is to love someone who cannot return the deed, as was the case when the burial service was arranged for Sanders, Bishop Carmody said. “Every society is judged by its love for the dead,” he said. “The dead can’t reward us in any way…mercy is when you love somebody who can’t show that love to you.” While Sanders stayed at the shelter, he and the others there became family because they had no one else. “When he died, they experienced a loss. He had no home on this earth,” Bishop Carmody said. Sanders suffered and lived a very uncomfortable life while living on the streets, Carmody said. He was not sure when he would eat again or where he would find food. “Now, he’s at rest. He lived in darkness, but he will live eternity in light,” Bishop Carmody said.
Bishop Emeritus Edmond Carmody of the Diocese of Corpus Christi, along with Msgr. Seamus McGowan, presided over Sanders’ graveside service. Contributed photo
12 South Texas Catholic | March 2016
Confessions will be focus of ‘24 Hours for the Lord’ Joshua Stephens
f you have not gone to confession in some time, you will have a great opportunity to remedy that situation on Friday-Saturday, March 4-5, when the Corpus Christi Cathedral will offer confessions for 24 continuous hours. In the midst of the Year of Mercy, Pope Francis called for Christians to spend “24 Hours for the Lord.” This initiative calls for taking 24-hours to engage in prayer, Eucharistic adoration and especially the reception of the sacrament of reconciliation. The pope explained in his Bull of Indiction calling for the Year of Mercy “The season of Lent during this Jubilee Year should also be lived more intensely as a privileged moment to celebrate and experience God’s mercy.” In the midst of the Lenten season, Pope Francis asked the faithful “place the sacrament of reconciliation at the center once more in such a way that it will enable people to touch the grandeur of God’s
mercy with their own hands.” Encouraged by the large number of young people returning to confession, the pope encouraged every diocese and parish that is able to make 24-hours available for penitents to receive the sacrament of reconciliation and engage in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. At the Corpus Christi Cathedral, 24 Hours for the Lord will begin with the Stations of the Cross at 11:40 a.m. on Friday, March 4, followed by Mass and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at 12:05 p.m. Every hour after Mass, a Cathedral ministry group will lead those present in other devotions, such as praying the rosary, the Divine Mercy chaplet, Stations of the Cross, night prayer and Benediction. A priest will be available in the confessional during the entire 24-hour period. The 24-hours will end with the noon Mass on Saturday, March 5. The Year of Mercy, which started last
December, has featured such activities as the opening of Doors of Mercy in churches and hospitals around the world. The Holy Father’s addresses have frequently found mercy as their theme and he has encouraged the faithful to be more mindful of mercy in their lives, as well, both by practicing mercy with those they encounter and also acknowledging the mercy that they have experienced in their own lives. This is not the first time that Pope Francis has called for a renewed emphasis on the sacrament of reconciliation. A greater awareness of mercy, conversion, and repentance has been a central theme of Pope Francis’ pontificate. His general audiences and Wednesday catechesis lessons have frequently found confession as their topic. Bishop Michael Mulvey has also encouraged priests in the Diocese of Corpus Christi to offer more occasions for reconciliation. The 24 Hours for the Lord initiative in the midst of the Year of Mercy seems tailor March 2016 | South Texas Catholic 13
made for the Holy Father’s prioritization of the sacrament. His vision of a church as a field hospital to help heal sinners is as an inspiration for this initiative. His emphasis on the sacrament of reconciliation seems to be having an effect. Many people are returning to the sacrament, especially young people. There is statistical as well as anecdotal evidence to support the claim that young people are returning to the sacrament of reconciliation. The millennial generation has shown an uptick in reception of the sacrament from the post-Vatican II generation; 27 percent of millennials participate in confession at least once a year, up from 22 percent of the generation immediately following Vatican II. Pope Francis hopes that the 24 Hours for the Lord initiative will resonate particularly
with young people. This is especially relevant for this diocese, which includes Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, Texas A&M University–Kingsville, Del Mar College and Coastal Bend College, with many students who participate in the robust Catholic ministries present at these campuses. High school and middle students in the diocese have also shown enthusiasm for devotions offered by the Church. St. John Paul II High School and Bishop Garriga Middle Preparatory School in Corpus Christi will also offer 24 Hours for the Lord at the Immaculate Conception Chapel, beginning at 11:30 a.m., March 4, with a talk by the schools’ chaplain Father Patrick Higgins about the history of Divine Mercy and its message. This will be followed at noon by Exposition
of the Blessed Sacrament and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Throughout the following 24-hours, a number of devotions will be prayed, including a Midnight Mass. The 24 Hours for the Lord will conclude with prayer of the Divine Mercy Chaplet at 11:50 a.m. on March 5. To commence the 24 Hours for the Lord in Rome, Pope Francis will preside at a penitential celebration in St. Peter’s Basilica. He is also expected to receive the sacrament of reconciliation at this service, as he has done in previous years. Bishop Mulvey has encouraged the celebration of 24 Hours for the Lord at the parish level, encouraging all parishes to participate in an appropriate manner. (Alfredo E. Cardenas contributed to this article.)
In Memoriam
Msgr. William T. Thompson
sgr. William T. Thompson died Saturday, Feb. 13, at Christus Spohn South in Corpus Christi. Msgr. Thompson was born on Aug. 12, 1925, to Leo J. Thompson and Katherine McKeown Thompson in Beeville. After attending Beeville Catholic and public schools and graduating from A.C. Jones High School in 1943, he attended St. John’s and Assumption Seminaries in San Antonio and was ordained to the priesthood on May 1, 1954 by Corpus Christi Bishop Mariano Garriga. His first assignment was assistant pastor of Our Lady of Sorrows in McAllen. He served in McAllen until he was called to Corpus Christi to be Secretary and Vice Chancellor to the bishop. He was named Chancellor of the Diocese of Corpus Christi in 1976 and held that post until he was chosen to head the office of Vicar General. Msgr. Thompson also served as chaplain 14 South Texas Catholic | March 2016
Aug. 12, 1925 ~ Feb. 13, 2016
at Incarnate Word Covent; pastor of Christ the King Church in Corpus Christi from 1968 to 1980; pastor of Blessed Sacrament Parish in Laredo from 1980 to 1990; and in 2000 he retired from Most Precious Blood in Corpus Christi after serving as its pastor for 10 years. When Msgr. Thompson retired in August 2000, he had 46 years of active ministry and he continued to be active in assisting his bishops and brother priests when needed. He served as Chairman of the Diocese Board of Personnel and was the chief Financial Officer of the Diocese. He was a member of the Nueces County Historical Society, the United Way, the Sons of the Republic of Texas and a Knight Commander of the Order of the Holy Sepulcher. Msgr. Thompson traveled extensively and led many pilgrimages to Holy Shrines and sites around the world. Several of the highlights of these trips included attending a private audience with Pope John Paul II and offering Mass at the Tomb of the Holy
Sepulcher in Jerusalem. Msgr. Thompson is survived by his brother, Leo Thompson and his wife Bea; his cousin Terrell Sanders and his wife Joanie; and his nieces Martha Wooten, Janet Ragsdale and Judy Garcia. He was laid to rest in Beeville.
Two-year old Adam Varagas and his brother Nicholas, 5, listen intently as teacher Adriana Mora of St. Pius X School explains the use of a chalice during First Communion. Mora was giving a tour of the school during a recent open house event at the school. Rebecca Esparza for South Texas Catholic
Catholic school education: ideal learning environment Rebecca Esparza Correspondent
elocating from Seattle to Corpus Christi for a great career opportunity might seem like a daunting task filled with endless details, but Cristal Rice said choosing a school for her five-year-old daughter Morgan was a top priority. During the Open House event at St. Patrick School, Rice was able to
visit Morgan’s classroom and meet her teachers. The enthusiastic kindergarten student proudly showed her mother and grandmother where she sits in the cafeteria for lunch. “I did research on schools in the area, prior to relocating and St. Patrick was rated one of the highest,” she said. “Local colleagues and acquaintances also shared personal experience with their children or family members who attended St Patrick.
There were consistently favorable comments, as well as advocacy in the quality education which provided a strong foundation for high school.” Although six months may seem like an eternity for some, Catholic schools throughout the Diocese of Corpus Christi are already enrolling for the 2016-17 school year, which starts in the fall. Two local schools, St. Patrick and St. Pius X held “Open House” events March 2016 | South Texas Catholic 15
during National Catholic School’s Week in February. Evelyn Burton, principal at St. Patrick, said the school has a long tradition of academic excellence. Enrollment at the school is just under 300, serving students in K3 through sixth grade. At St. Patrick, many students continue on to Incarnate Word Academy for middle school and high school, which is just down the street from the elementary school. “We’re celebrating 65 years this year and the tradition continues today as we educate our children for the world of tomorrow. Our children receive an education that nurtures their spirit and heart,” she said. The dedicated faculty and staff at St. Patrick implement strong instructional strategies and a comprehensive curriculum resulting in outstanding academic achievement, Burton said. The focus is on the development of the whole child. “Each child is unique, possessing special individual gifts and talents. We respect and nurture differences, while developing all students to their fullest
16 South Texas Catholic | March 2016
potential. We want our children to be happy children, who love learning and when they leave us, they have a strong academic background enabling them to achieve any goal they set out to accomplish,” she said. At St. Pius X, Principal Bryan Krnavek said the goal is to provide a “strong spiritual and academic foundation in a loving, nurturing and welcoming environment.” In 2007, the school was designated a “Blue Ribbon School,” an honor bestowed on top academic institutions by the U.S. Department of Education. Currently, St. Pius X has 180 students, from K3-sixth grade. “We are also proud of the fact we have several desktop computers, iPads, SMARTboards and document readers in all classrooms,” Krnavek said. At St. Pius, he noted, students in all grades receive a strong emphasis in reading, math, science and social studies. “In addition, our students receive Accelerated Reading and Math programs, library classes, daily PE classes, and weekly Music, Spanish, art, computer and counseling
classes,” he said. “Students attend daily religion classes and weekly Mass as well as receive instruction in the Atrium where the Catechesis of the Good Shepard program is taught. If you want to educate your children, not only academically but spiritually, a Catholic education is where it happens.” Meanwhile, Rice is confident a Catholic school education is the ideal learning environment for her daughter Morgan. “I trust St. Patrick will offer a positive and protective environment to allow my daughter to receive the best education,” she said. “And develop into a confident, independent young woman.”
Cristal Rice (left) listens as her daughter Megan explains how much she loves her class at St. Patrick School. Toni Nelson her K4 teacher at the school offers Megan a “high-five”. Rebecca Esparza for South Texas Catholic
March 2016 | South Texas Catholic 17
Join the
18  South Texas Catholic | March 2016
Bishop charges Guild:
Strengthen Church through education
ishop Michael Mulvey recently announced that the Bishop’s Guild would undertake a new mission as ambassadors for Catholic education. The Bishop’s Guild is an organization of Roman Catholic laypersons and other friends dedicated to helping the bishop of Corpus Christi meet critical needs within the diocese. Organized in 1999 by Bishop Roberto Gonzalez, the Bishop’s Guild initially supported specific projects of the bishop. Members came together from throughout the Diocese of Corpus Christi and contributed an annual gift of at least $1,000 to help with the bishop’s projects. Bishop Mulvey is looking to deepen the Guild’s roots in service and generosity, by creating a long-term vision for the Guild that can transform the way the diocese views education. The bishop challenged the Guild to become ambassadors for Catholic education by helping him promote all levels of education in the diocese. “We will put education as a priority to benefit as many people from the monies raised, as it directly affects schools, students, staff, clergy and laity,” said David Smithwick, who with his wife Mellie serve as the Bishop’s Guild co-chair. They are parishioners of St. Elizabeth of Hungary Parish in Alice. The bishop laid out a five-part process
on how the Guild can lead the charge: 1) instituting a Catholic education endowment; 2) making teaching excellence grants; 3) providing professional laity with tuition assistance; 4) underwriting priest formation; and 5) providing scholarships for graduating high school seniors. The goal is designed to utilize funds to serve a maximum amount of people. “The Office of Catholic Schools is thrilled to partner with the Bishop’s Guild in the Diocese of Corpus Christi with a collaborative focus to promote and to impart the value of a Catholic education,” said Rosemary Henry, Ph.D., superintendent for Catholic schools in the Diocese of Corpus Christi. “Recognizing excellence in teaching and leadership is a springboard to enriching our outstanding programs. Our students PreK-3-12th grade deserve the best,” Twenty percent of all monies raised by the Bishop’s Guild will be directed to a Catholic Education Endowment fund. The money generated from this endowment will be used to directly support the Catholic Schools Tuition Assistance initiative that assists parents of students who need help with tuition. Additionally, the endowment’s earned income will be used in other ways in cooperation with Catholic schools. Beginning the fall of 2016, Catholic schoolteachers will be able to apply to the Bishop’s Guild for micro grants of
up to $2,000 to assist them to acquire technology, such as iPads and e-readers; lab equipment, like science materials; and reading resources or special education programs from authors or other experts. Starting the fall of 2017, lay persons who are employed by a parish, Catholic school or a diocesan organization will be able to compete for tuition assistance for an advanced academic degree that compliments or augments their ministry. The assistance may cover up to 50 percent of tuition, once the course is fulfilled. Subsidies will be made available to priests seeking advanced degrees to assist them in their ministry. Some priests are using this support to pursue doctoral degrees in medical bio-ethics and Liturgy. Finally, funds will be made available by the fall of 2016 for scholarships to any graduating high school senior from both Catholic and public schools. Applicants must be pursuing a degree or certificate in an accredited institution, either in a liberal education setting or a vocational trade. The primary attributes seniors will be scored on will be service and leadership in their parish, while maintaining an academic grade of “C” or better. “Bishop Mulvey understands Catholic Schools are essential to our diocese, but he also recognizes there are thousands of Catholics who don’t attend Catholic Schools or who are no longer in school,” said Cande de Leon, Director of Parish March 2016 | South Texas Catholic 19
Bishop Michael Mulvey addresses Bishop’s Guild at a recent gathering while David and Mellie Smithwick, Guild co-chairs, listen to his presentation along with rest of the Guild members. Ervey Martinez for South Texas Catholic
Stewardship and Development of the Diocese of Corpus Christi. “Bishop’s intent is to reach out to all people encouraging them to strengthen their education, so they can ultimately help strengthen the Catholic Church with the gifts God has given them.” To achieve the bishop’s vision, de Leon said that membership in the
Bishop’s Guild needs to grow. Anyone interested in becoming a member of the Bishop’s Guild should contact de Leon at cdeleon@diocesecc.org or at (361) 693-6643. Annual memberships start at $1,000, and can be paid in installments over a year’s time. Membership also includes three social events throughout the year, and an opportunity to meet
Bishop Michael Mulvey and the staff of the Office for Safe Environment and Child and Family Resources are committed to assisting in the healing process for victims and survivors of abuse.
If you or someone you know is in need of such services, call Stephanie Bonilla, Director of the Office for Safe Environment and Child and Family Resources at: (361) 693-6686 (office) or (361) 658-8652 (cell) for immediate assistance.
A Weekly Retreat from The Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity
Begins February 18
Catholics from throughout the diocese. “The support and creative energy, in partnership with the Guild, will ensure Christ-centered learning environments focused on spiritual, intellectual, moral and social development. Faith, knowledge and service, the pillars of our schools, will stand firm and strong,” Henry said.
Office for Safe Environment and Child and Family Resources
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South Texas
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20 South Texas Catholic | March 2016
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Cindy Wooden
Catholic News Service
l 17 de febrero en la frontera de México y Estados Unidos, el Papa Francisco bendijo una cruz monumental en memoria de todas las personas que han cruzado la frontera. El Papa dijo nada, pero simple unió sus manos con fuerza y la inclino su cabeza rezando una oración en silencio. Dejó un ramo de flores en una mesa delante de la cruz. Entonces, a la gran alegría de la gente— incluyendo inmigrantes reunidos en El Paso, Texas, en el otro lado de la cerca, el Papa les mando un saludó con la mano. Todo esto duró menos de tres minutos. Sin embargo, con cientos de miles de personas esperando en un recinto ferial en las inmediaciones de la misa, el Papa tenía la intención de tomar el tiempo para reconocer la importancia de la localización. A los pies de la cruz grande había tres pequeñas cruces, que el Papa también bendijo. Esas cruces irán a las diócesis de El Paso, Ciudad Juárez y Las Cruces, Nuevo México. De acuerdo con el Centro de Investigación Pew, había 11,3 millones de inmigrantes no autorizados en los EE.UU. en 2014—lo que hace aproximadamente un 3,5 por ciento de la población del país. Los mexicanos representan alrededor de la mitad de todos los inmigrantes no autorizados, dijo el centro en un informe publicado en noviembre, aunque su número ha ido disminuyendo en los últimos años. Había 5,6 millones de inmigrantes no autorizados mexicanos que viven en los EE.UU. en 2014, frente a 6,4 millones en 2009, informó el Centro de Investigación
El Papa Francisco reza en frente de una cruz en la frontera con El Paso, Texas, antes de celebrar la misa en el recinto ferial de Ciudad Juárez, México 17 de febrero. Paul Haring, Catholic News Service
Pew. De acuerdo con cifras dadas a conocer por el control de fronteras de Estados Unidos, 4.353 personas han muerto tratando de cruzar la frontera en 2005-2015. El cardenal Sean O’Malley de Boston, uno de los varios obispos de Estados Unidos en la misa del Papa en Ciudad Juárez, dijo que el breve momento del Papa en el monumento de la frontera era “una gran señal de esperanza para las familias separadas y sufrimiento.” Con 20 años de experiencia atendiendo principalmente a los migrantes, el cardenal dijo que puede garantizar, “traen una energía y una ética de trabajo y un espíritu de aventura que hace de Estados Unidos un gran país”. Lily Limón, de Nuestra Señora del
Monte Carmelo en la Parroquia de El Paso, cuyos padres eran inmigrantes de México, puso su mano sobre su corazón cuando vio que el Papa bendijo la frontera. “Para saber que estaba tan cerca de nosotros, y se tomó el tiempo para bendecir y mirar por encima de nosotros, a los VIPs sentados aquí, nuestros inmigrantes, a nuestros jóvenes que han cruzado, nuestros trabajadores migrantes indocumentados, esto es sólo un increíble gesto y para nosotros una experiencia inolvidable “. Había alrededor de 550 personas en el lado estadounidense del Río Grande participando en la misa. (Nancy Wiechec en El Paso contribuyendo a esta historia.) March 2016 | South Texas Catholic 23
En silencio, el Papa recuerda a los que cruzan la frontera
Papa Francisco visita a la Virge Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service
l 13 de febrero, el Papa Francisco cumplió con su deseo de orar en silencio ante la imagen milagrosa de la Virgen de Guadalupe. Era un sueño que el Papa tenia desde mucho tiempo. Después de celebrar la primera misa de su viaje papal a México el 13 de febrero el Papa se dirigió a la “camarín” (“el cuarto pequeño”) detrás del altar mayor de la basílica dedicada a la Virgen María. El manto milagroso, que normalmente se enfrenta a la congregación, se puede dar vuelta para permitir un momento más personal de veneración. Después de poner un ramo de rosas amarillas en frente de la imagen, el Papa se sentó en silencio rogando con los ojos cerrados y la cabeza inclinada. Después de aproximadamente 20 minutos, el Papa se levantó, puso su
24 South Texas Catholic | March 2016
en de Guadalupe Francisco celebra la misa en la Basílica de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en la Ciudad de México el 13 de febrero. Paul Haring, Catholic News Service
March 2016 | South Texas Catholic 25
mano sobre la imagen y se apartó de la pequeña habitación. Cerca de 12.000 personas llenaron la basílica para la misa papal y otras 30.000 estaban viendo en las pantallas instaladas en el patio exterior. Construido en 1976, la basílica de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe se encuentra cerca de la colina del Tepeyac, el sitio de las apariciones de María a San Juan Diego en 1531. Con unos 12 millones de personas que visitan cada año, es el más popular santuario mariano del catolicismo. En su homilía, el Papa reflexionó sobre la lectura del Evangelio, que recuerda la visita de María a su prima Isabel y la humildad de María al decir “sí” a la voluntad de Dios. El Papa dijo, que era una respuesta “que la impulsó a dar lo mejor de sí misma, yendo al encuentro de los demás”. Esa misma humildad le llevó también a aparecer a un indígena pobre, el Papa dijo. “Del mismo modo que se obligó a presentarse a el pequeño Juan, también sigue revelándose a todos nosotros, especialmente a aquellos que se sienten—como él—’inútil’”, dijo el Papa. Recordando la milagrosa aparición de la imagen de María, Francisco señaló que a través de un milagro, “Juan apreció en su propia vida ¿qué es esperanza, y que es la misericordia de Dios”? El Papa dijo que a pesar de los sentimientos del santo indígena de insuficiencia, María lo eligió para “supervisar, cuidar, proteger y promover la construcción de este santuario”. “De esta manera, María despertó algo que Juan no sabía cómo expresar, una verdadera bandera del amor y la justicia: nadie podía quedar fuera en la construcción de ese otro santuario: el santuario de la vida, el santuario de nuestras comunidades, nuestras sociedades y nuestras culturas”, el dijo. El verdadero santuario de Dios, añadió, es la vida de sus hijos, especialmente a los jóvenes sin futuro, los ancianos que son no se reconocen y son olvidados y familias que no tienen ni las necesidades más básicas. “El santuario de Dios son los rostros de las muchas personas que encontramos cada día”, dijo el Papa. Francisco dijo que los que sufren no lloran en vano y sus sufrimientos son una oración silencia que se eleva al cielo, “siempre encontrando un lugar en el manto de María”. Al igual que San Juan Diego, los cristianos están llamados a ser embajadores de María y consolar a los que están colmados por pruebas y sufrimientos, el Papa dijo. “ ‘¿No soy yo tu madre? ¿No estoy aquí contigo?’ María nos dice esto de nuevo. Vayan y construyan mi santuario, ayúdenme a levantar la vida de mis hijos e hijas, sus hermanos y hermanas”, dijo el Papa. 26 South Texas Catholic | March 2016
En el sur de México contra la disminuid
David Agren
Catholic News Service
l papa Francisco advirtió contra las iniciativas para disminuir la importancia de la familia, salpicando su charla con anécdotas improvisadas, observaciones que mantuvieron un estadio de fútbol lleno vitoreando, riendo y aplaudiendo. Hablando bajo un sol abrasador mientras decenas era tratadas por golpes de calor, el papa dijo que la vida de familia no siempre era fácil y a menudo era una lucha, pero abogó por la perseverancia, diciendo que la vida de familia es una de las soluciones para el aislamiento y la incertidumbre y sus consecuencias no deseadas. “Prefiero una familia herida que hace esfuerzos diarios para poner en juego el amor, a una sociedad que está enferma de aislamiento y es habitualmente temerosa de amar”, dijo el papa Francisco el 15 de febrero frente una bulliciosa audiencia de familias, que vinieron de todo el sur de México y de la cercana Guatemala para una celebración en la ciudad de Tuxtla Gutiérrez. “Prefiero una familia que hace repetidos esfuerzos para comenzar de nuevo, a una sociedad que es narcisista y obsesionada con el lujo y el confort. Yo prefiero una familia con las caras cansadas de darse generosamente, a los rostros con maquillaje que no saben nada de ternura y compasión”. El énfasis del papa sobre las familias cambió el enfoque de su visita de seis días hacia las cuestiones pastorales después de golpear duro contra asuntos tales como la corrupción, el crimen y la explotación de las empobrecidas poblaciones indígenas del país.
Durante el evento, una pareja de la ciudad de Monterrey—uno de los cuales estaba divorciada—habló del estigma y la sensación de no pertenecer al no ser capaces de recibir la comunión, pero ellos encontraron un hogar en la Iglesia Católica sirviendo a los demás y organizando proyectos pastorales. “A medida que nos acercamos a nuestra iglesia, recibimos amor y compasión”, dijeron Humberto y Claudia Gómez, que están casados civilmente, pero no por la iglesia. “Es maravilloso tener un matrimonio y una familia en la que Dios está en el centro”. Otra oradora, la madre soltera Beatriz Muñoz Hernández, de 52 años, habló de una infancia marcada por “la pobreza, la violencia y el abandono” de su padre, y luego de quedar embarazada cuando era una adolescente. “He encontrado el amor de Dios a través de su iglesia y él me ha liberado, me anunció que él me quería, que él no me rechazaba y, sobre todo, que él me perdonó”, dijo Muñoz, añadiendo que su fe le ayudó a superar la tentación de ver el aborto como una solución a varios embarazos. El papa Francisco intercaló chistes lo largo de su discurso y se desvió de su texto preparado. Se dirigió a un par de casados durante 50 años y les preguntó “¿quién era el más paciente”. La respuesta era obvia para el Papa: “Ambos”. Saliéndose de las declaraciones preparadas, ofreció consejos para la creación de familias felices y mantener la paz en tiempos de turbulencia. “No terminen el día sin hacer la paz”, dijo el papa Francisco. “Si terminan el día en la guerra, el resultado final será
o, el Papa advierte da importancia de la familia El Papa Francisco abraza Humberto y Claudia Gómez, que están casados civilmente, pero no en la iglesia, durante una reunión con las familias en el estadio Víctor Manuel Reyna en Tuxtla Gutiérrez, México, 15 de febrero Paul Haring/Catholic News Service
la guerra fría, y una guerra fría es muy peligrosa para la familia, porque va a socavar las familias desde abajo”. El papa Francisco se centró más en la superación del aislamiento y la incertidumbre y sus efectos insidiosos. “La incertidumbre no es sólo una amenaza para nuestro estómago (lo que ya es grave), sino que también puede poner en peligro nuestra alma, nos desmoraliza y nos priva de energía, por lo que buscamos soluciones aparentes que, al final no resuelven nada”, dijo. “Hay una especie de incertidumbre que puede ser muy peligrosa, que puede deslizarse en forma subrepticia: es la incertidumbre que nace de la soledad y el aislamiento”. Citó el ejemplo de Humberto y Claudia y su servicio a los demás como una solución. Otra solución, dijo, era con una política pública inteligente, “que proteja y garantice las necesidades básicas de la vida para que cada hogar y cada persona pueda desarrollarse mediante la educación y el empleo digno”. “Las leyes y el compromiso personal”, dijo el papa, “son una buena pareja para romper la espiral de la incertidumbre”. La familia es a menudo vista como una red de seguridad social en México y un pilar en una sociedad baja en confianza, aunque las estadísticas estatales muestran que las personas se casan menos, se divorcian más y cada vez más viven en familias no tradicionales. March 2016 | South Texas Catholic 27
En hospital infantil, papa prescribe ‘terapia de la bondad’ Junno Arocho Esteves
U Catholic News Service
n poco de bondad puede recorrer un largo camino cuando se está recuperando de una enfermedad, el Papa Francisco dijo a un grupo de pacientes jóvenes. “No sólo la medicina, sino también la “terapia de la bondad puede hacer que usted vive su tiempo aquí con mayor 28 South Texas Catholic | March 2016
alegría”, dijo el Papa el 14 de febrero. El Papa llegó a el hospital infantil Federico Gómez en la Ciudad de México después de una visita a Ecatepec, al norte de la Ciudad de México. La primera dama de la republica Angélica Rivera y 38 pacientes jóvenes que sufren de cáncer le dieron la bienvenida a la sala de oncología del hospital. En una internada por la cuarto, el Papa
saludó a todos los niños individualmente, repartiendo a cada uno un rosario. Le dio a un niño lo que dijo era su propio rosario, bendiciéndolo y pidiéndole a el niño “cuídalo por mí y reza por mí cuando puedas.” Era difícil para los pacientes jóvenes contener sus excitación y varios se levantaron de sus sillas de ruedas para abrazar el Papa. Mientras el Papa visitaba en todo el hospital, los niños le entregaron dibujos.
El Papa Francisco da una vacuna a Rodrigo López Miranda, 5, sostenido por la primera dama de México Angélica Rivera durante una visita al Hospital Infantil Federico Gómez de México en la Ciudad de México. Paul Haring, Catholic News Service
Un paciente sorprendió al Papa con una interpretación sentida del Ave María de Schubert. Dándoles las gracias por su calorosa bienvenida, el Papa dijo que estaba agradecido por la oportunidad de visitarlos y “compartir un poco de sus vidas y las vidas de los que trabajan aquí”. El Papa dijo a los niños la historia de la presentación de Jesús en el templo y cómo la reacción de Simeón como la de un abuelo es una lección que enseña “dos actitudes:. gratitud y la alabanza”. “Por mi parte—y no sólo debido a mi edad—siento que puedo relacionar bien con estas dos lecciones de Simeón”, dijo el Papa de 79 años de edad. “Al entrar aquí y ver vuestros ojos, vuestros sonrisas, vuestros caras me ha llenado de un deseo de dar gracias”. El personal del hospital le pidieron a el Papa Francisco que les ayudara a lanzar una campaña de vacuna contra la polio. Con la cooperación voluntaria de un niño de 5 años de edad, Rodrigo López Miranda, el Papa cooperó con la solicitud. El niño abrió la boca ancha mientras el Papa apretó la medicina de un gotero y dijo, “tragarlo”. El niño recompensado al Papa con un dibujo y prácticamente se subió en sus brazos para un abrazo. La sensación de ser cuidado y acompañado es importante en la recuperación de uno, el Papa dijo. El Papa dio las gracias a los médicos, enfermeras y familias presentes por su ternura y atención a los pequeños pacientes. “La terapia bondad es tan importante, a veces una caricia puede ayudar mucho para recuperarse”, el Papa dijo. Recordando la historia de San Juan Diego, cuyo tío enfermo fue curado por María, Francisco dijo a los niños que le “pídanle a María que nos dé el regalo de su hijo, Jesús. Cerremos los ojos y pedirle que nos dé lo que nuestros corazones buscan hoy en día”.
El Papa urge funcionarios mexicanos que luchen por el bien común Cindy Wooden
Catholic News Service
l Papa Francisco le dijo a el presidente y el gobierno de México que el futuro del país puede ser brillante sólo si líderes gubernamentales y empresariales ponen en fin la cultura de “favores” para el influyente y sobras para los pobres. “La experiencia nos enseña que cada vez que buscan el camino de los privilegios o beneficios para unos pocos en detrimento del bien de todos, tarde o temprano, la vida social se convierte en un terreno fértil para la corrupción, tráfico de drogas, la exclusión de las diferentes culturas, la violencia y también el tráfico de personas, el secuestro y la muerte, realizando sufrimiento y retardando el desarrollo”, dijo el Papa el 13 de febrero durante una reunión con los líderes en el Palacio Nacional. El Papa había aterrizado en México la noche anterior para una visita de seis días. Debido a la hora tarde y el largo vuelo de Roma a través de Cuba, la ceremonia oficial de bienvenida estaba prevista para la mañana siguiente. Pero eso no impidió que miles de mexicanos venir a el aeropuerto para recibir al Papa con canto, baile y una banda de mariachi. Miles de personas también salieron a las calles desde el aeropuerto hasta la nunciatura del Vaticano, donde el Papa se alojaba, y una gran multitud se reunieron allí para recibirlo. Francisco, deteniéndose fuera por un tiempo, les dijo: “Esta noche, no se olviden de mirar a María y pensar en las personas que amamos y los que no nos aman a nosotros.” Dijo buenas noches después de dirigir los en el rezo del Ave María. Antes del viaje, el Papa habló en varias ocasiones de su devoción a la Virgen de Guadalupe y su deseo de pasar tiempo en oración ante la tilma o manto impresa March 2016 | South Texas Catholic 29
El Papa Francisco habla con el presidente de México, Enrique Peña Nieto, durante una reunión con representantes de la sociedad civil y el cuerpo diplomático en el Palacio Nacional en la Ciudad de México 13 de febrero.
con la imagen de María. Francisco le dio a el presidente Enrique Peña Nieto, un mosaico de la Virgen de Guadalupe hecha por el Estudio Mosaico del Vaticano; que incluye baldosas de vidrio diminutas que se encajona en pan de oro. Aunque el protocolo dicta el tiempo del Papa en el palacio ser tratada como una visita de Paul Haring, Catholic News Service Estado, Peña Nieto le dijo a el Papa, “Su visita trasciende un encuentro entre dos estados, es un encuentro de un pueblo con su fe.” “Va a encontrar un pueblo generoso y hospitalario,” el presidente le dijo, “un pueblo que es guadalupano.” En declaraciones a los funcionarios del presidente y el gobierno, el Papa insistió en que, como María, que se enfrentó a los rasgos de los pueblos indígenas de México, en una señal de respeto, los líderes de México deben valorar 30 South Texas Catholic | March 2016
la composición multicultural de su población. El “Cultura ancestral” de México en combina con la juventud de su población “debe ser un estímulo para encontrar nuevas formas de diálogo, negociación y puentes que nos pueden llevar en el camino de la solidaridad comprometida”, dijo el Papa. Aquellos que se identifican a sí mismos como cristianos deben ser ejemplos de diálogo y la solidaridad, el Papa dijo, y los que verdaderamente valoran la política como servicio público deben también. No hay otra manera, el Papa dijo que, para construir “una sociedad en la que nadie se siente como una víctima de la cultura de los residuos” y, por lo tanto, desechable. La población de México es de unos 120 millones de personas; el 28 por ciento de ellos son de 14 años de edad o menos y otros 18 por ciento son de 15-24 años de edad. La
Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico ubica a México como uno de los países con mayor desigualdad de ingresos y reporta un 21 por ciento de su población vive en la pobreza. Francisco dijo a los líderes del gobierno de que los jóvenes son un tesoro, un paquete de energía y esperanza para el futuro. Pero el país no puede darse cuenta de que la esperanza futura, si la actual generación de adultos y líderes no enseñan valores y, sobre todo, si ellos no viven valores. “Un futuro lleno de esperanza se forja en un presente compuesto por hombres y mujeres que están en posición vertical,
(Junno Arocho Esteves contribuyo a esta historia.)
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honesto y capaz de trabajar por el bien común”, dijo el Papa, añadiendo que, por desgracia, en la actualidad el bien común “no está en tal gran demanda”. Con el diálogo y el respeto, el Papa dijo, todos los mexicanos se les puede ayudar a contribuir a la construcción de una sociedad mejor donde hay “acceso real” de material necesario y los bienes espirituales: “una vivienda adecuada, el empleo digno, la comida, la verdadera justicia, la seguridad eficaz, una medio ambiente sano y pacífico”.
La Diócesis de Corpus Christi por medio de la recomendación del Concilio Diocesano de Finanzas y el Concilio Presbiteral han llevado su dedicación mas allá para la buena administración y responsabilidad nanciera en nombre de donantes generosos al instituir un “hotline” para reportar el abuso nanciero.
Oficina de un Ambiente Seguro y de Servicios para Niños y Familia
La Diócesis de Corpus Christi ha seleccionado un tercer partido independiente, La Red, para proporcionarle a usted con una manera para reportar anónima y condencialmente el abuso nanciero e fraude. Los empleados, los parroquianos, los voluntarios, los vendedores, y otros partidos interesados estan impulsados para reportar las preocupaciones que tengan respeto a la conducta de påca ética nanciera dentro de la Diócese de Corpus Christi. Todas las investigaciones serán tradas inmediatamente y discretamente. Personas que llamen tienen el derecho de mantenerse anónimas.
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March 6, 2016 March 2016 | South Texas Catholic 31
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Catholic News Service
e lawyers and intellectuals do not like to be regarded as unsophisticated [but unsophisticated is exactly how society views those who are] fools for Christ,” Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said when he spoke at the Red Mass in the Diocese of Corpus Christi in 1995. Scalia explained that society has a history of viewing Christians as “fools,” but has not recognized that being “fools for Christ” was the challenge of St. Paul. Justice Scalia died of apparent natural causes Feb. 13 while in Texas on a hunting trip. He once said in an interview that while he took his Catholic faith seriously, he never allowed it to influence his work on the high court. “I don’t think there’s any such thing as a Catholic judge,” Scalia told The Catholic Review, Baltimore’s archdiocesan newspaper, in 2010. “There are good judges and bad judges. The only article in faith that plays any part in my judging is the commandment ‘Thou shalt not lie.’” Scalia said it was not his job to make policy or law, but to “say only what the law provides.” On the issue of abortion, for example, he told the Review that “if I genuinely thought the Constitution guaranteed a woman’s right to abortion, I would be on the other (side).” Scalia long held that abortion is not guaranteed in the Constitution. “It would (have) nothing to do with my religion. It has to do with my being a lawyer.” He was widely regarded as an “originalist,” who said the best method for judging cases was examining what the Founding Fathers meant when writing the Constitution.
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia speaks during the sixth annual National Catholic Prayer Breakfast in Washington. Bob Roller, Catholic News Service
March 2016 | South Texas Catholic 33
Scalia dies at 79; was longest-serving justice on current Supreme Court
Pictured clockwise are the five remaining Catholic U.S. Supreme Court justices. Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, Justice Clarence Thomas, Justice Samuel Alito Jr. and Justice Sonia Sotomayor. Reuters, Catholic News Service
“My burden is not to show that originalism is perfect, but that it beats the other alternatives,” he said in a 2010 lecture. Nominated to the high court in June 1986 by President Ronald Reagan and confirmed by the Senate that September, Scalia was the longest-serving member of the current Supreme Court. He was 79. With his death, there are now five Catholics among the remaining eight justices. According to an AP story, Scalia’s body was flown on a private plane from Texas to Virginia, arriving late the night of Feb. 14. Scalia was found dead the morning of Feb. 13 in his room at Cibolo Creek Ranch south of Marfa, Texas. The justice 34 South Texas Catholic | March 2016
was part of a group of 30 or so guests on a hunting trip. Ranch owner John Poindexter told reporters that the justice seemed his usual self at dinner Feb. 12 but also noted Scalia had told his group he was tired and had turned in early. When Scalia did not appear for breakfast the next morning, Poindexter and another staff member went to check on him and found the justice in “in complete repose” in his room. By mid-afternoon Feb. 13, Judge Cinderela Guevara of Presidio County, Texas, determined he had died of natural causes. Before making her ruling, she said, she consulted with sheriff’s investigators, who
were on the scene and who said there were no signs of foul play. Guevara said she also talked with Scalia’s physician in Washington; a few days before his hunting trip, the jurist told his doctor he was not feeling well. The Scalia family felt a private autopsy was unnecessary and requested that his body be returned to Washington as soon as possible, according to Chris Lujan of Sunset Funeral Homes in El Paso, Texas, about 195 miles northwest of Marfa. The facility received Scalia’s body and handled the transport of his remains to Virginia. “We are all deeply saddened by the sudden and unexpected death of Justice
Antonin Scalia,” said Bishop Paul S. Loverde of Arlington, Virginia, the diocese Scalia and his wife of nearly 56 years, Maureen McCarthy Scalia, called home. “His presence among us encouraged us to be faithful to our own responsibilities whether familial, religious or vocational. His wisdom brought clarity to issues. His witness to truth enabled us to seek to do the same,” the bishop said in a statement. Washington Cardinal Donald W. Wuerl said of Scalia: “I admired his strong and unwavering faith in the Lord and his dedication to serving our country by upholding the U.S. Constitution.” He noted that every year, Scalia attended the Red Mass at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle in Washington. The Mass is celebrated to invoke God’s blessings on those who work in the administration of justice. Besides his wife, Scalia is survived by the couple’s five sons and four daughters as well as 36 grandchildren. One son, Father Paul Scalia, is a priest of the Arlington Diocese. Born in Trenton, New Jersey, March 11, 1936, and raised on Long Island, Antonin “Nino” Gregory Scalia was an only child. His father, Salvatore, was an Italian immigrant from Sicily, who worked as a clerk and was a graduate student when his son was born. Salvatore eventually became a college professor. Antonin’s mother, born in Trenton to Italian immigrant parents, was an elementary school teacher. In 1953, young Antonin graduated first in his class from Jesuit-run Xavier High School in the New York borough of Manhattan. He graduated from Jesuit-run Georgetown University in 1957, and went on to Harvard Law School, where he graduated in 1960.
Scalia moved to Cleveland, practicing law there with the firm of Jones, Day, Cockley and Reavis until 1967. He then joined the faculty of the University of Virginia School of Law in Charlottesville. He took a leave in 1971 when President Richard Nixon appointed him general counsel for the Office of Telecommunications Policy. He left the university in 1974, when he was appointed assistant attorney general in the Office of Legal Counsel at Department of Justice. In 1977, Scalia returned to teaching. He was on the faculty at the University of Chicago Law School. He also was a visiting professor at the law schools of Georgetown and Stanford University. In 1982, Reagan nominated him to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, where he served until being named to the Supreme Court. In other reaction in Washington to Scalia’s death, The Catholic University of America in a Feb. 15 statement called him “a man who loved his family, his faith, his country and the Constitution that established it.” “He insisted that there is no such thing as a Catholic judge, only good and bad ones,” the university said. “But in his 30 years on the Supreme Court, he offered a model for American Catholics of how we might serve both God and country.” In 1994, Catholic University honored Scalia with the James Cardinal Gibbons Medal, given for service to the nation, the Catholic Church or the university. In 1999, the university gave Scalia an honorary degree. In 2010, the St. Thomas More Society
of Maryland honored Scalia with its “Man for All Seasons Award,” given to members of the legal profession who embody the ideals of St. Thomas More. Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio of the U.S. Archdiocese of the Military Services said Feb. 15 that Scalia “was a brilliant jurist who contributed much to the country and I mourn his passing. We are all poorer, because he no longer walks among us, but richer, because of the gifts he shared with us.” In 1992, Scalia told a group of high school students at Washington’s Georgetown Visitation High School that, as Catholics, they might feel out of step with the rest of the world, but they should learn to accept it and take pride in it. He said he was raised a Catholic when the religion was not in the mainstream. “When I was the age of you young ladies, the church provided obtrusive reminders that we were different,’’ he said, referring to meatless Fridays and Sunday morning fasts before receiving Communion. These practices “were not just to toughen us up’’ but to “require us to be out of step,’’ he said. Scalia noted the sense of “differentness’’ should have enabled Catholics “to be strong enough on bigger issues’’ such as abortion, contraception and divorce. He also spoke of what he called the necessary distinction between church and state. “The business of the state is not God’s business,’’ he said. (George P. Matysek Jr., Carol Zimmermann and the South Texas Catholic contributed to this story.)
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Pope Francis prepares to embrace Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill of Moscow after the leaders signed a joint declaration during a meeting at Jose Marti International Airport in Havana Feb. 12. Paul Haring, Catholic News Service
Pope expresses joy after meeting Russian Orthodox patriarch Cindy Wooden
Catholic News Service
hough their differences are recognizable and real, Pope Francis and Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill of Moscow emphasized their obligation as Christians and as bishops to encourage collaboration among Christians and charity for all who suffer. “I felt an interior joy that truly came from the Lord,”
the pope told reporters traveling with him Feb. 12 as he flew to Mexico from Havana, where he met the patriarch. The Vatican had told reporters on the plane that the pope would not be speaking to them after the meeting, but the pope said he wanted to share what he was feeling. “It was a conversation of brothers,” Pope Francis said. The conversation was marked by freedom and March 2016 | South Texas Catholic 37
❝ We are not competitors but brothers, and this concept must guide all our mutual actions as well as those directed to the outside world.❞ – Pope Francis “complete frankness,” he said. Cardinal Kurt Koch, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, and Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, director of foreign relations for the Moscow Patriarchate, were present for the meeting, along with two translators, the pope said. Together, they discussed concrete proposals for working together, “because unity is made by walking,” the pope said. Even if the goal of full unity is not reached in this lifetime, he said, “at least when the Lord comes, he’ll find us walking.” Pope Francis said the joint statement he and Patriarch Kirill signed in the presence of Cuban President Raul Castro “is not a political statement, it’s not a sociological statement; it is a pastoral declaration.” While the two leaders insisted on the need to stop the persecution of Christians in the Middle East and North Africa and condemned abortion and euthanasia, they used much more careful language to discuss two issues that made their meeting so surprising: the life of the Ukrainian Catholic Church and the war in Eastern Ukraine.
For more than 25 years, Russian Orthodox patriarchs have refused to meet a pope because of what the Moscow Patriarchate claims is “proselytism” on the part of Ukrainian Catholics, one of the Eastern churches in full union with Rome. The church was outlawed under the Soviet Union and its rebirth with Ukrainian independence has meant a loss of both buildings and faithful for the Russian Orthodox. In their statement, Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill said all Christians—Catholic or Orthodox—are called to preach the Gospel. “This mission entails mutual respect for members of the Christian communities and excludes any form of proselytism.” “We are not competitors but brothers, and this concept must guide all our mutual actions as well as those directed to the outside world,” the two said. Without providing specific examples or any clarification, the statement denounced “disloyal means” used “to entice believers to pass from one church to another.” The pope and patriarch said they hoped their meeting would “contribute to reconciliation” wherever there is tension between
Orthodox and Eastern-rite Catholics, who share the same spiritual and liturgical heritage. Using language similar to that found in a 1993 document of the international Roman Catholic-Orthodox theological dialogue, the two leaders said “uniatism”— incorporating one portion of a church into another—”is not the way to re-establish unity.” However, the two leaders, like the 1993 document, acknowledged that “the ecclesial communities which emerged in these historical circumstances have the right to exist” and to do what is necessary to minister to their faith. As for the Russian-supported war in Eastern Ukraine, Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill said, “We deplore the hostility in Ukraine that has already caused many victims, inflicted innumerable wounds on peaceful inhabitants and thrown society into a deep economic and humanitarian crisis.” They called on their churches “to refrain from taking part in the confrontation and to not support any further development of the conflict.”
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Dominican Father Michael Mary Dosch, pastor of St. Patrick’s Church in Columbus, Ohio, is a Missionary of Mercy for the Holy Year. Father Dosch is pictured outside St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican Feb. 10. Carol Glatz, Catholic News Service
Pope pushes ‘door of mercy’ wider, sends missionaries to local parishes Carol Glatz Catholic News Service
fter opening holy doors in Rome to begin the Year of Mercy, Pope Francis has now pushed those passageways even wider by sending forth hundreds of “missionaries of mercy” to every corner of the earth. Their special mission, he has said, is to be a living witness of God’s closeness and love—to knock on the doors of people’s hearts and let God into their lives, especially those who have become distant from the church. The jubilee’s call for a church to “open wide the doors” has percolated down to local dioceses so that all people, not just Catholics and Christians, can feel welcome, Jesuit Father Richard Shortall said. The priest was one of the more than 1,100 religious and diocesan priests who applied and
received the special papal mandate to be missionaries of mercy. Father Shortall, a native of New Zealand, said he would serve as “a missionary on wheels” for Australia’s extensive Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle, taking God’s mercy on the road to more than two-dozen rural communities that lack a resident priest. Having the camper, donated by the diocese, will allow the priest to just pull up to a parish, “plug into an outlet” for electricity and carry out his ministry. An online calendar will show where Father Shortall will be, as well as a telephone number to contact him. He said he plans on setting up a whiteboard with times throughout the day so that people can reserve a slot to sit down with him, either in the church or outside if being inside a church makes them uncomfortable. “We have lost so many people in our
congregations because of the history in Australia of the sin of the sexual abuse of children and others, and practices of bullying,” he said. So the Year of Mercy is another opportunity “of dealing with that” and reconnecting people to God. He said his hope for the jubilee is to help people “tell their story” because so many want to be heard “and to have their hurt acknowledged.” Through confession or prayerful conversations, he wants to help people leave their hurt behind and “experience the healing offered by a God of mercy.” Dominican Father John Maria Devaney works primarily as a hospital chaplain in New York City and “the greatest thing I see,” he said, is when people who have been away from the faith discover “we can always heal the soul, even if the body is falling apart.” It is never too late to be reconciled to March 2016 | South Texas Catholic 39
❝ Religious congregations have always been kind of the special forces in the church…❞ –Father John Maria Devaney God, who is always there through the priest, who will “sit down with these people—gently, calmly—the way Christ would meet the woman at the well” and have a one-on-one encounter that offers peace, mercy and reconciliation. “You see the change in the people,” that despite their body failing, “the soul just shines brightly again every time we encounter the mercy of Christ.” The Jubilee of Mercy has special significance for the Dominican order, which is celebrating this year its 800th jubilee, said Dominican Father Pius Pietrzyk, who is in Rome for his doctoral studies in canon law. The Dominicans have a special charism of preaching, “to explain what mercy truly is” and providing that teaching to the modern world. Preaching God’s truth is a sign of mercy, he said, because it steers people away from “dangerous ideas” and harm. A large number of missionaries of mercy belong to religious orders, and Father Devaney said religious congregations have always been “kind of the special forces in the Church,” ready to take on special challenges “and unique and new opportunities.” Father David Songy said he was inspired to apply as a missionary of mercy because he saw the mandate already fitted neatly with his current ministry. As president of St. Luke Institute in Maryland, he heads a facility that helps priests and religious, who
Capuchin Father David Songy
Dominican Father John Maria Devaney
are struggling with addictions and psychological problems, rediscover God’s mercy. It’s often difficult for pastors, who are so used to taking care of other people, to realize they are weak too and should ask for help. Their patients’ ministry to others had suffered, he said, because “you cannot give mercy until you know how to receive it.” Being a confessor is part of the Capuchin charism, he said, and he urged all priests during the Year of Mercy to focus on hearing confession. “I know many priests will say, ‘Well, they don’t come.’ (But) if you’re there, they will come. If you pray while you are waiting for them,” he said, “if you give yourself to the people, this gift of mercy, they’re going to be attracted to that and they will come.” “We hear hours of confession a day,” said
Dominican Father Michael Mary Dosch of St. Patrick Church in Columbus, Ohio. Making the Sacrament of Reconciliation so visible and seeing the long lines of people waiting before the confessionals actually inspire and draw people who normally wouldn’t think of needing to confess, he said. Father Dosch said offering people hope in the confessional means helping them see the ways God is already working in their lives, lifting them up in little or big ways. Feeling that encouragement and being open to God’s grace are key to breaking the discouraging cycle of sin, he said. But it is a two-way street, Father Dosch said. God “is working their salvation with them, it’s not magic. It’s God’s grace working upon natural efforts. He won’t do it without them.”
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Father J. Patrick Serna is pastor at Our Lady of Guadalupe in Sinton.
Father J. Patrick Serna Contributor
here has never been a better time for Christians to focus on the works of mercy than now, during Lent, during the Year of Mercy. The works of mercy are the concrete ways that we put our beliefs into practice, and this Year of Mercy is a challenge to all of us to basically “walk the walk.” In the 16th century, Martin Luther and other leaders of Protestantism accused Catholics of believing that salvation could be earned. We were accused, and are still accused by those who do not understand real Catholic teaching, of believing that by good works we can “earn” our way into heaven. Such has never been the case, and such will never be the case. In the fifth century, at the Council of Carthage, the Catholic Church condemned the doctrine of Pelagianism as a heresy. The heresy of Pelagianism is the belief that a Christian can earn, by his own merits and good works, salvation. Luther and others accused the Catholic Church of believing something that the Church had condemned 1,000 years before, and we cannot be faulted for believing something that we have formally opposed for more
than 1,500 years. Catholics have always believed that it is by God’s grace alone that we are saved, however, God’s grace can only save those who cooperate with it. Catholics do not believe that saying the sinner’s prayer can guarantee salvation, as if it were some magic spell. Catholics believe that prayerful words must be put into practice; there must be follow-through with what we say. When we carry out the works of mercy, when we follow God’s Commandments or when we do mortification, or give alms, or worship God, we are simply making ourselves more receptive to God’s grace, which is what brings us salvation. These good deeds do not earn us salvation; rather, they connect us to God’s salvific grace by which we are saved. The following metaphor may help explain how holy works help us on the path to salvation, even though it is by grace alone that we can be saved. Think of a person who is stuck in quicksand, about to be pulled under to his death. A friend comes along and throws him a rope. The person in the quicksand grabs the rope, and the friend then pulls him out of the quicksand, thereby saving his life. The person in the quicksand
is the believing Christian, needing to be saved. Kicking and moving around by himself only causes him to sink deeper into the quicksand. The friend with the rope is, metaphorically speaking, God; and the rope is, metaphorically speaking, God’s grace. The friend and the rope cannot save the person in peril if the sinking person does not grab the rope and do his part. The person can only be saved if he does his part by cooperating with the friend, by grabbing the rope. Similarly, God and God’s grace save the believing Christian when the believing Christian cooperates with God and his grace. We cooperate with God’s grace whenever we follow his commands, when we carry out works of mercy, when we pray, receive sacraments, do mortification and give alms. Which brings us to the appropriateness of carrying out works of mercy, especially during Lent, and more especially during this year that has been dedicated to the works of mercy. We will now give consideration, specifically, to the corporal work of mercy, “to visit the sick.” It is important for us to remember that sickness and death are not of God, they did not come from God and they were never in
March 2016 | South Texas Catholic 41
Year of Mercy challenges us to ‘walk the walk’
➤It is important for us to remember that sickness and death are not of God, they did not come from God and they were never in God’s original plan. God’s original plan. Sickness and death entered the picture when the parents of the human race committed original sin. More and more, in the 21st century, we encounter people who do not believe in God, and many of them blame God for the sickness or death of a loved one. It is fundamental and crucial to always remember that God is not the source of sickness or death; rather, the devil is the source of those bad realities. When we cry over the sickness or death of a loved one, God cries with us, he is not a simple bystander. Jesus tells us that the devil, the thief, is responsible for all sickness and death, while he, the Resurrection and the Life, is responsible for
42 South Texas Catholic | March 2016
all that is holy, healthy and alive: “A thief comes only to steal and slaughter and destroy; I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly (Jn 10:10).” Sickness and death are against God and they are against the plan of God, and it hurts Jesus when he sees loved ones crying over one who is sick or dead: “When Jesus saw her weeping and the Jews who had come with her weeping, he became perturbed and deeply troubled...(Jn 11:33).” During the year that I served as a hospital chaplain at a 650-bed hospital, which included many days and nights on call at the hospital, I became acutely aware of a sad fact: most sick people are not visited by
family or friends, and many are not affiliated with a church. This was the saddest and most depressing thing I have ever encountered. Perhaps this is why God wants so desperately for us to spend time and love with sick people. Jesus spent most of his time on earth tending to the sick. To visit the sick and bring love to the sick are near and dear to the Sacred Heart of God, and we would do well to please his heart. “Then the king will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was… ill and you cared for me…(Mt 25:3436).”
The Year of Mercy is calling you to be a prayer warrior Sister Lou Ella Hickman is a sister of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament.
Sister Lou Ella Hickman, IWBS
ray as if everything depends on God, work as if everything depends on you.” Sad to say, far too many people work as if everything does depend on them. You may even know a few of them—those who cannot delegate responsibility or whose dependability is compulsive. But what if more people prayed as if everything depended on them? The results could be staggering. In fact, such a prayer life would be an apt description of an intercessory prayer warrior. You attend daily Mass, prayer meetings and pray the rosary on a regular basis. Then again, you may not. What with your family obligations and the demands of your job just getting to weekly Mass might be all that you can muster. Either way, perhaps this Jubilee Year of Mercy is calling you to be an intercessory prayer warrior. This type of spirituality can turn even short time slots into high-energy bursts that can be life-changing both for you as well as for those you pray for. Where would one begin, you might ask? Remember that parish bulletin you brought home last Sunday? If you cannot find it, make it a point to bring one home next Sunday and start with such groups as the parish staff, the sick list and, oddly enough, those who bought ads
on the last page. During our difficult economic times, all businesses need our prayers not just our complaints concerning job loss. Many people would be surprised to learn that employees of upscale shops can also carry great burdens. Circle the names of the various groups or committees and make it a point to pray for that group on the day they meet. As a reminder to pray for your parish, keep the bulletin where you can find it easily. This might be next to your bed or when you and your family eat supper together. Praying together as a family can help instill in your children not only a sense of intercessory prayer but an awareness of parish life as well. If you happen to meet one of the group members you are praying for, be sure to share what you are doing. Many people have a sacred place where they pray. The bulletin could be used as prayer mat, which could be placed under such items as a rosary, a prayer book and a crucifix. A small bowl could be added to contain individual names or groups of people you wish to pray for. One friend of mine told me she uses one of her rosaries as an intention rosary. She created a list of those who most invisible in society, such as the siblings of child cancer patients, then one bead marks a prayer for that group on her list.
After a while, your intentions may slide into the “gimme, gimme” mode. Then take a few moments to think about how you can rework how you ask. For example, you might say, “Thank you, God, for inspiring more young people in our parish to consider a religious vocation.” Or “Help our parish (staff, committees, etc.) to find ways to…” Years ago, one of my community’s prayer warriors mentioned once she watched the nightly news and read the daily paper in order to know what to pray for that day. Her weapons of choice were the rosary and daily Mass. All of these are merely suggestions; the heart of being a prayer warrior is how one prays not just how much or how little. When prayer warriors pray, they pray deeply. Even though warriors may not be able to express, “I pray because it does depend on me” they do not need to; their example will be the telling of the tale. “Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly, now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.” The advice of this old saying provides wise words for all prayer warriors. The world and its grief desperately need our prayer as well as our profound friendship in that prayer. The Year of Mercy calls. And you, how will you answer?
March 2016 | South Texas Catholic 43
March Liturgical Calendar 1 | TUE | LENTEN WEEKDAY | VIOLET | DN 3:25, 34-43/MT 18:21-35 (238)
10 | THU | LENTEN WEEKDAY | VIOLET | EX 32:7-14/JN 5:31-47 (247)
2 | WED | LENTEN WEEKDAY | VIOLET | DT 4:1, 5-9/MT 5:17-19 (239)
11 | FRI | LENTEN WEEKDAY | VIOLET | WIS 2:1A, 12-22/JN 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 (248)
3 | THU | LENTEN WEEKDAY | VIOLET [USA: SAINT KATHARINE DREXEL, VIRGIN] JER 7:23-28/LK 11:14-23 (240) 4 | FRI | LENTEN WEEKDAY | VIOLET [SAINT CASIMIR] HOS 14:2-10/MK 12:28-34 (241) 5 | SAT | LENTEN WEEKDAY | VIOLET | HOS 6:1-6/LK 18:9-14 (242) 6 | SUN | FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT | VIOLET OR ROSE JOS 5:9A, 10-12/2 COR 5:17-21/LK 15:1-3, 11-32 (33), OR, FOR YEAR A, 1 SM 16:1B, 6-7, 10-13A/ EPH 5:8-14/JN 9:1-41 OR 9:1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38 (31) PSS IV 7 | MON | LENTEN WEEKDAY6 | VIOLET [SAINTS PERPETUA AND FELICITY, MARTYRS] IS 65:17-21/JN 4:43-54 (244)
12 | SAT | LENTEN WEEKDAY | VIOLET | JER 11:18-20/JN 7:40-53 (249) 13 | SUN | FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT | VIOLET IS 43:16-21/PHIL 3:8-14/JN 8:1-11 (36), OR, FOR YEAR A, EZ 37:1214/ROM 8:8-11/JN 11:1-45 OR 11:3-7, 17, 20-27, 33B-45 (34) PSS I 14 | MON | LENTEN WEEKDAY7 | VIOLET | DN 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 OR 13:41C-62/JN 8:12-20, OR, IF YEAR A READINGS ARE USED ON THE FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT, JN 8:1-11 (251) 15 | TUE | LENTEN WEEKDAY | VIOLET | NM 21:4-9/JN 8:21-30 (252)
19 | SAT | SAINT JOSEPH, SPOUSE OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY | WHITE | SOLEMNITY | 2 SM 7:4-5A, 12-14A, 16/ROM 4:13, 16-18, 22/MT 1:16, 18-21, 24A OR LK 2:41-51A (543) PSS PROP
26 | SAT | HOLY SATURDAY9 | VIOLET/ VIGIL: WHITE VIGIL: GN 1:1—2:2 OR 1:1, 26-31A/GN 22:1-18 OR 22:1-2, 9A, 10-13, 15-18/; EX 14:15—15:1/IS 54:514/IS 55:1-11/BAR 3:9-15, 32—4:4/ EZ 36:16-17A, 18-28/ ROM 6:3-11/ LK 24:1-12 (41) PSS PROP
20 | SUN | PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD | RED LK 19:28-40 (37)/ IS 50:4-7/PHIL 2:6-11/ LK 22:14—23:56 OR 23:1-49 (38) PSS II
21 | MON | MONDAY OF HOLY WEEK | VIOLET | IS 42:1-7/JN 12:1-11 (257) 22 | TUE | TUESDAY OF HOLY WEEK | VIOLET | IS 49:1-6/JN 13:21-33, 36-38 (258)
23 | WED | WEDNESDAY OF HOLY WEEK | VIOLET | IS 50:4-9A/MT 26:1425 (259)
24 | THU | THURSDAY OF HOLY WEEK (HOLY THURSDAY)8 | VIOLET/MASS: WHITE CHRISM MASS: IS 61:1-3A, 6A, 8B-9/RV 1:5-8/LK 4:16-21 (260) EVENING MASS OF THE LORD’S SUPPER: EX 12:1-8, 11-14/1 COR 11:23-26/JN 13:1-15 (39) PSS PROP
25 | FRI | FRIDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD (GOOD FRIDAY) | RED IS 52:13—53:12/HEB 4:14-16; 5:7-9/JN 18:1—19:42 (40) PSS PROP
16 | WED | LENTEN WEEKDAY | VIOLET | DN 3:14-20, 91-92, 95/JN 8:31-42 (253)
The following readings may be used on any day this week, especially in Years B and C when the Gospel of the Man Born Blind is not read on the Fourth Sunday of Lent: Mi 7:7-9/Jn 9:1-41 (243). 6
The following readings may be used on any Lenten day this week, especially in Years B and C when the Gospel of Lazarus is not read on the Fifth Sunday of Lent: 2 Kgs 4:18b-21, 32-37/Jn 11:1-45 (250). 7
If necessary, the Chrism Mass may be celebrated on a suitable day before Holy Thursday. 8
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44 South Texas Catholic | March 2016
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Nine readings are assigned to the Easter Vigil: seven from the Old Testament and two from the New. If circumstances demand in individual cases, the number of prescribed readings may be reduced. Three selections from the Old Testament, both from the Law and the Prophets, should be read before the Epistle and Gospel. In any case, the reading from Exodus about the escape through the Red Sea (reading 3) should never be omitted. 9
Although not given the title of Solemnity, “[t]he first eight days of Easter Time constitute the Octave of Easter and are celebrated as Solemnities of the Lord” (Universal Norms on the Liturgical Year and the Calendar, no. 24). 10
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March 2 from 6-7 p.m. at St. Thomas the Apostle (16602 FM 624) in Robstown.
3 Women’s Retreat
March 3-6. Begins Thursday 4:30 p.m. and ends Sunday 1:30 p.m. at Our Lady of Corpus Christi Retreat Center (1200 Lantana). Register www.deepprayer.org or call (361) 289-9095, ext. 321.
Catholics Returning Home
Thursdays, March 3, 10, 17, 25 and & every 31 from 7-9 p.m. at St. Peter, Prince Thursday of Apostles’ St. William Hall (3901 of March Violet Road) in Annaville. Program offering inactive Catholics a warm welcome to reconnect with their faith. Series of 6 two-hour sessions on Thursdays. Food and child care provided. For more information call (361) 563-7943.
Covenant of Love with 3 AMary Information Classes
& every Thursdays, March 3, 10, 17, 25 and Thursday 31 from 6-8 p.m. at Schoenstatt of March Movement Center (4343 Gaines Street) in Corpus Christi. For more information call the office at (361) 992-9841 or email schcc@sbcglobal.net.
March 5 from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish Hall (1007 Austin Street) in Portland. If you have items to donate or need more information call Gerry Reeves (361) 643-6314 or Suzie Gatz (361) 364-2776.
March 9-12 at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church (7522 Everhart Road). Adoration begins after Mass at 8:30 a.m. Holy hour will be Wednesday-Friday at 7 p.m. with guest homilist Father Brady Williams, SOLT. For more information go to www.sjbcctx.org.
Diocesan Marriage
12 Preparation Program
From March 12-13. This twoday overnight event is for the engaged. Registrations are due one week prior to the seminar. Pre-registration required. No late registrations or onsite payments will be accepted. To register or for more information go to diocesecc.org/marriageprep.
Deanery Confirmation Retreat-Beeville
Convalidation Seminar
Anthony’s 37th Annual 5 St.Fiesta Mexicana
Begins Saturday, March 5 from 1-8 p.m. and continues Sunday, March 6 with Mass at 9 a.m. The fiesta is at Richard M. Borchard Regional Fairgrounds. The festival will kick-off with a 5K Run/Walk at 9 a.m. and a parade in downtown Robstown on Saturday at 1 p.m. Live entertainment, food and games for the whole family.
3rd Annual Eucharistic Forty Hours Devotion
From March 11 beginning at 6 p.m. and ending on March 13 at 9 a.m. at Sacred Heart Church (422 N. Alameda St., Corpus Christi). Nocturnal Adoration-cada Segundo sabado at 8 p.m. Mass on March 13.
March 3-6. Begins Thursday 4:30 p.m. and ends Sunday 1:30 p.m. at Our Lady of Corpus Christi Retreat Center (1200 Lantana). Register www.deepprayer.org or call (361) 289-9095, ext. 321.
March 9 from 1-3 p.m. at Birthright of Corpus Christi (1422 Baldwin). Train to show love with mothers, babies and families in this Year of Mercy. Give your service (love) to others in need. For more information call (361) 960-6050 or email chuffmeyer@yahoo.com.
11 40 Hours of Adoration
3 Healing Retreat at OLCC
CDA Biennial Rummage Sale
Birthright Volunteer Training
March 12 at 8:30 a.m. at Our Lady of Victory Parish (707 North Avenue E) in Beeville. The Beeville Deanery is inviting anyone who needs a Confirmation retreat to their deanery retreat. The total cost of the day is $60 combined for both the candidate and sponsor together. Deadline to register is March 4. For more information call Laly Arteaga at (361) 542-9409. March 12 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Seminar is to prepare couples who are seeking to validate a civil or otherwise irregular marriage. Cost: $75 per couple. Registrations are due one week prior to the seminar.
Pre-registration required. No late registrations or onsite payments will be accepted. For more information or to register go to diocesecc.org/convalidation.
Shuffle 12 Shamrock 5K Run Walk and 1K Leprechaun Chase
March 12 at 5 p.m. at the Corpus Christi Water Gardens. It is a great family friendly event to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with bounce houses, Irish dancing, bagpipes, face painting, food vendors and more. If interested in participating in this event register online at active.com or pick up a registration form at St. Patrick School. If interested in being a sponsor for the event call Leigh Walsh at (361) 852-1211.
del mes tendremos 12 Sabado Nocturnal Adoration
March 12 and every 2nd Saturday/ Sabado del mes (422 N. Alameda St., Corpus Christi) tendremos Nocturnal Adoration empezando con la misa a las 8 de la noche y terminando a las 5 de la manana. Beginning with Mass at 8 p.m. and ending with Benediction at 5 a.m. in the morning.
12 Fullness of Truth Conference
March 12-13 at the American Bank Center (1901 N. Shoreline Blvd.) For tickets and more information go to fullnessoftruth.org or call (877) 21-TRUTH.
13 St. Patrick’s Day Irish Festival
March 13 at 11 a.m.- 2 p.m. at St. Pius X Church Parish Hall (5620 Gollihar Rd.) in Corpus Christi. The St. Pius Leprechauns will cook and serve a homemade Irish meal. Music by the popular Gravel Walk Band. Dancing and door prizes also available. All tickets are presold. Call (361) 993-4053 for ticket information. Children are required to have a ticket unless under two years of age. Tickets are available at the St. Pius X rectory office from 9 a.m.- 4 p.m., Monday-Friday.
15 Tuesday Tea with the Saints March 15 from 3-4:30 p.m. at the Pax Christi Liturgical Retreat Center’s St. Joseph Hall. Includes introduction to Mother Teresa: 2016 Saint of Mercy, a complimentary pamphlet with
March 2016 | South Texas Catholic 45
Holy Hour for Vocations
St. Patrick’s Day Celebration, Musicians of Riverdance Fame The 2015-16 Cathedral Concert series presents Musicians of Riverdance Fame on March 17 at 7:30 p.m. at Corpus Christi Cathedral. For VIP memberships for priority reserved seating and for more information call (361) 888-7444.
17 A Covenant of Love with Mary
March 17 and every third Thursday of the month from 6-8 p.m. at Schoenstatt Movement Center (4343 Gaines Street) in Corpus Christi. For more information call the office at (361) 992-9841 or email schcc@sbcglobal.net.
Confirmation 19 Diocesan Retreat #3
March 19 from 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. at St. John Paul II High School. The total cost of the day is $60 combined for both the candidate and sponsor together. Deadline
to register is March 11. For more information email Heath Garcia at YouthOffice@diocesecc.org.
Natural Family Planning Class March 19 from 9:30 a.m.– 12:30 p.m. at 1426 Baldwin in Corpus Christi. To register online go to diocesecc.org/nfp.
in Truth at 19 Grounded Cafe Veritas-OLCC
March 19 and every third Saturday of the month at Our Lady of Corpus Christi (1200 Lantana). This month’s musician is Rebecca Biberstein Wolfgang. Call (361) 289-0807 for more information.
Patrick Mission 20 St.Annual Festival
March 20 from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. at St. Patrick Mission (FM 666) in San Patricio; $8 Chicken BBQ plates with all the trimmings beginning at 11 a.m. Along with a Country Store. Auction begins at 1 p.m.
23 Healing Mass
On March 23 at 6 p.m. Mass with newly blessed oils. At Sacred Heart Church (422 N. Alameda St.) in Corpus Christi).
Lenten Activities Lenten Chalupa Dinner on March 4
from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. at Holy Cross Church St. Katharine Drexel Hall (1109 N. Staples).
Saint Andrew by the Sea Fish Fry
on March 4, 11 and 18 from 5-8 p.m. at the Family Life Center (14238 Encantada Avenue).
St. Paul the Apostle Fish Fry on March
quotes and suggested reading. Cost is free, but donations welcome. RSVP at (361) 241-2833. If you have not RSVP’d, don’t worry, you are still welcome.
Spanish Mission on March 7-9 from 7-9 p.m. at St. Anthony of Padua (204 Dunne Ave.) in Robstown. Martin Zavala (former atheist and former Jehova witness) will present “Católico: Vive y Defiende Tu Fe.” Everyone is invited to attend.
Mission at St. Paul the Apostle Church on March 7-9 begins at 7 p.m. at
St. Pius X Fish Fry on March 4, 11 and 18
on March 7-9 begins at 6:30 p.m. and ends with Lenten Penitential Service with Fr. Dan Estes, SOLT.
18 from 4-7 p.m. at Our Lady of Perpetual Help (5830 Williams Drive).
Fish Fry at St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church on March 4 from 5-8:30 p.m. at 166602 FM 624 in Robstown.
Fish Fry at Our Lady of the Rosary
March 4 and 18 from 11 a.m.–2:30 p.m. at 1123 Main Dr. Free delivery on 10 or more plates. 46 South Texas Catholic | March 2016
29 Centurion For A Day
March 29 at 8:15 a.m. at St. John Paul II Campus (3036 Saratoga Blvd.) There will be lunch and a mini retreat.
Mercy 31 Divine Weekend Retreat
March 31-April 3 at Our Lady of Corpus Christi Retreat Center (1200 Lantana). Begins Thursday 4:30 p.m. and ends Sunday 1:30 p.m. Register www.deepprayer.org or call (361)289-9095, ext. 321.
To see more calendar events go to:
SouthTexasCatholic.com Click on Calendar
2233 Waldron Rd.
Fish Fry at OLPH on March 4, 11 and
March 26 from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at Schoenstatt Confidentia Shrine (134 Front Street) in Rockport. There will be talks, confession, Mass, time for personal reflection and Divine Mercy Chaplet and lunch (bring your sack lunch). For more information go to shoenstatt-texas.org or email schclamar@gmail.com.
To see all Lenten Activities go to:
4, 11 and 18 from 4:30-6:00 p.m. at 2233 Waldron Rd. from 4:30-7 p.m. at 5620 Gollihar Road.
of Reflection 26 Days at Schoenstatt
Mission at St. Andrew by the Sea
Mission at St. Philip the Apostle
on March 7-10 at 7 p.m. with Communal Penance Service Wednesday, March 9, also at 7 p.m. Fellowship and Reception in the parish hall follows the Parish Mission on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
3rd Annual Eucharistic Forty Hours Devotion on March 9-12 begins at 8:30 a.m. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
(7522 Everhart Road). Holy hour will be Wednesday-Friday at 7 p.m. with guest homilist Father Brady Williams, SOLT. For more information go to www.sjbcctx.org
Fish Fry at St. John Nepomucene on March 11 from 5:30–7 p.m. at 603 North First Street in Robstown.
40 Hours of Adoration from March 11
begins at 6 p.m. and ends on March 13 at 9 a.m. at Sacred Heart Church. Nocturnal Adoration-cada Segundo sabado at 8 p.m. Mass on March 13.
Fish Fry at St. Theresa on March 18 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. and 5-7 p.m. in the Parish Hall (1302 Lantana St.) in Corpus Christi. Dine in or take out.
Live Stations of the Cross on March
25 at 11:30 a.m. at Nuestra Señora de San Juan de Los Lagos, Madre de la Iglesia Parish (1755 Frio Street) in Corpus Christi.
Live Stations of the Cross on March 25 at 7 p.m. at Sacred Heart (422 North Alameda Street) in Corpus Christi.
March 2016 | South Texas Catholic 47
March 2016 Issue SOUTH TEXAS CATHOLIC P.O. Box 2620 Corpus Christi, TX 78403 (361) 882-6191
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