Call to Action From South Texas to Washington
ACTION: Diocese of
Corpus Christi
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops offers the following clarifications regarding the Health and Human Services regulations on mandatory coverage of contraceptives, sterilization and abortion-inducing drugs: 1. It does not exempt Catholic charities, schools, universities, or hospitals. HHS does not deem them “religious employers” because they do not “serve primarily persons who share their religious tenets.” HHS denies them religious freedom because their purpose is to serve the common good -a purpose government should encourage. 2. It forces these institutions and others to pay for things they consider immoral. Under the mandate, the government forces religious insurers, religious employers and schools and religious employees and students to write, provide and purchase insurance coverage that violates their beliefs. 3. It forces coverage of sterilization and abortion-inducing drugs as well as contraception. HHS’s mandate also forces employers to sponsor and subsidize coverage of sterilization. And by including all contraceptive drugs, the HHS mandate includes drugs that can induce abortion, such as “Ella,” a close cousin of the abortion pill RU-486. 4. Catholics of all political persuasions are unified in their opposition to the mandate. Catholics who have long supported this administration and its policies have publicly criticized HHS’s decision, including college presidents Father John Jenkins and Arturo Chavez; and Sister Carol Keehan, president and CEO of the Catholic Health Association. 5. Many other religious and secular groups have spoken out against HHS. Many recognize this as an assault on religious liberty, even if they disagree with the underlying moral question. Protestant and, Orthodox Christian and Orthodox Jewish groups -none of which oppose contraception - are against the HHS’s decision. The Washington Post, USA Today, N.Y Daily News and other secular outlets have editorialized against it. ‘ 6. The federal mandate is much stricter than existing state mandates. Even without an exemption, religious employers now can avoid contraceptive mandates in 28 states by self-insuring their drug coverage, dropping that coverage, or opting for regulation under a pre-emptive federal law. This mandate closes off these avenues of relief.
Make your voice heard | Contact your representatives President Barack Obama
Mail: 517 Hart Senate Office Bldg. Washington D.C. 20510 Phone: (972) 239-1310 or (202) 224-2934 Website:
Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison
Rep. Blake Farenthold
Mail: 284 Russell Senate Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: (214) 361-3500 or (202) 224-5922 Website:
27th District: Nueces, Kleberg, Kenedy
Rep. Ron Paul
Rep. Ruben Hinojosa
14th District: Aransas
15th District: Bee, Brooks, Duval, Jim Wells, Live Oak, Refugio, San Patricio
Mail: 2203 Cannon House Office Bldg. Washington, DC 20515 Phone Number: (202) 225-2831 Website:
Sen. John Cornyn
Mail: The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. 20500 Phone: (202) 225-3484 Website:
Mail: 2110 Rayburn HOB Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (202) 225-7742 Website:
Mail: 2262 Rayburn HOB Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (202) 225-2531 Website:
Contact your U.S. Representative by e-mail, phone, or FAX letter: • Call the U.S. Capitol switchboard at: (202) 224-3121, or call your Members’ local offices. • Send an e-mail through NCHLA’s Grassroots Action Center at • Additional contact info can be found on Members’ web sites at: and
MESSAGE: “Please co-sponsor the Respect for Rights of Conscience Act (H.R. 1179, s. 1467) and help enact it into law. The Obama administration’s decision to mandate coverage of sterilization and contraceptives, including drugs that can cause an abortion, makes passage of this measure especially urgent. Please ensure that the rights of conscience of all participants in our nation’s health care system are respected.”
WHEN: Now is the time to build co-sponsors and support. Please act today!
Our Lady of Guadalupe Patroness of the Americas
Pray for Us O God our Creator, from your provident hand we have received our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. You have called us as your people and given us the right and the duty to worship you, the only true God, and your Son, Jesus Christ. Th rough the power and working of your Holy Spirit, you call us to live out our faith in the midst of the world, bringing the light and the saving truth of the Gospel to every corner of society. We ask you to bless us in our vigilance for the gift of religious liberty. Give us the strength of mind and heart to readily defend our freedoms when they are threatened; give us courage in making our voices heard on behalf of the rights of your Church and the freedom of conscience of all people of faith. Grant, we pray, O heavenly Father, a clear and united voice to all your sons and daughters gathered in your Church in this decisive hour in the history of our nation, so that, with every trial withstood and every danger overcome— for the sake of our children, our grandchildren, and all who come after us— this great land will always be “one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
VOL. 47 NO. 10 Publisher Most Rev. Wm. Michael Mulvey, STL DD
Bishop Garriga Middle School Crusaders pray before start of history making game.
Photo by Alfredo E. Cardenas, South Texas Catholic
Editor Alfredo E. Cárdenas Theological Consultant Father Joseph Lopez JCL
Our Lady of the Pillar out door Stations of the Cross invite faithful to prayer and meditation.
Associate Editor Mary E. Cottingham Administrative Assistant Adel Rivera Correspondents Geraldine McGloin, Liz Riggle, Julissa Hernandez, Adrian Garcia, Timothy Hatch If you or someone you know would like to receive the South Texas Catholic call us at (361) 882-6191 Office Address: 620 Lipan Corpus Christi TX 78401-2434 E-MAIL: FAX: (361) 693-6701
Calendar Items Submit your announcements by using our online form, e-mail, fax, mail, or drop it off at the Chancery office. Only announcements for the month of publication will be included in the print edition, if space permits. All other calendar items will appear on the magazine or diocese Web sites. The South Texas Catholic is not liable or in any way responsible for the content of any advertisement appearing within these pages. All claims, offers guarantees, statements, etc. made by advertisers are solely the responsibility of the advertiser. Deceptive or misleading advertising is never knowingly accepted. Complaints regarding advertising should be made directly to the advertiser or to the Better Business Bureau. (USPSN 540-860) Published monthly by the Diocese of Corpus Christi for $25 per year. Periodical postage paid in Corpus Christi Texas. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to South Texas Catholic 620 Lipan, Corpus Christi TX 78401-2434.
Keeping up with the Faith...
4 10 12
Son of Texas Bishop Garriga was builder
Celebrating Life Annual dinner benefits pro-life agencies
Sex created for marriage Abstain if not married
Chatting with Jesus
Catholic women activities
Msgr. Mc Gettrick pens new book
In the Year of Faith
Making dreams reality
Ark is a ‘home’
Vatican II
Year of Faith
Bishop Mulvey
Catholic Charities helps young immigrants
Speaker asks that children be treated as children
Council that changed the Church in the modern world
Starts Oct. 11
Let informed conscience be your guide this election season
“A Son of Texas”
Restored and built churches from Mission San Jose to the Basilica of San Juan Msgr. Michael Howell Contributor
On March 15, 1949, his much-deserved retirement was announced from Rome, and the Church in South Texas prepared to begin a new decade under the direction of a native son. Since the centennial of Texas Independence in 1936, Bishop Ledvina had enjoyed the assistance of Coadjutor Bishop Mariano S. Garriga, the first native Texan to be appointed a bishop in the state. Born in Port Isabel, Texas–which was a part of the Diocese of Corpus Christi at the time of its erection in 1912, Bishop Garriga had served Texas in many ways prior to beginning his administration as the new bishop of the Diocese of Corpus Christi. As a young priest he knew both parish and diocesan responsibilities in the Archdiocese of San Antonio. He served in parochial assignments in Marfa and San Antonio. He served as a military chaplain during World War I in France. Upon returning to Texas he was involved with the Matrimonial Court in San Antonio, served as president of Incarnate Word College and vice-rector at St. John’s Minor Seminary. As the archdiocese’s historian, he oversaw the restoration of San Jose Mission in San Antonio. His leadership was recognized through Church honors, including an honorary degree of Doctor of Laws from St. Edward’s University in Austin. As the young assistant bishop of Corpus Christi he served as pastor of St. Peter’s parish in Laredo where he also served as the dean of all the parishes in the western half of the diocese. He was again appointed to the Matrimonial Court and as the Vicar Delegate of the Military Ordinariate for the military and naval forces in Texas and Louisiana. The young bishop who had taught preaching in the seminary and possessed mastery of the Spanish language was called upon on many occasions to help with confirmations, the dedication of new churches and to lead retreats. When Holy Family Mission Church in Corpus Christi was dedicated in March 1946, Bishop Garriga traveled from Laredo to deliver the dedicatory sermon in Spanish. Bishop Garriga was a driving force in encouraging his friend Kathryn O’Connor to restore the chapel and presidio of La Bahia in Goliad—a part of the Diocese of Corpus Christi until the erection of the Diocese of Victoria in 1982. O’Connor dedicated her book on the presidio and its restoration to “the Memory of Most Rev. Mariano S. Garriga, Bishop of Corpus Christi from 1936 to 1965 under whose inspiration the project of the restoration of The Presidio of La Bahia was made.” Bishop Garriga, by reason of his appointment as coadjutor bishop with right of succession, became the ordinary of the diocese immediately upon the retirement of Bishop Ledvina. Already 63-years-old when he began his administration he continued the efforts of Bishop Ledvina to promote
Catholic lay spiritual and the lay apostolates through such programs as the Cursillo and the Legion of Mary. He dedicated many churches to the Blessed Virgin Mary, which honored his own first name of “Mariano.” He also put his ministry under her watchful eye as he took as his episcopal motto “Sub tutela matris” (Under the protection of Mother). He also initiated a regional Mass for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, held annually at the Memorial Coliseum in Corpus Christi to accommodate parochial students and parents from around the area. A most memorable event during the early years of his administration was the development of the complex that is known today as the Basílica of Nuestra Señora de San Juan, in San Juan, which is now in the Diocese of Brownsville. Originally a small mission built in 1920, the little chapel was enlarged after 1949 when Father Jose Maria Azpiazu, OMI, commissioned an artist in Guadalajara to make a reproduction of the original image of the Immaculate Conception housed in the Church of San Juan de los Lagos a short distance outside of Guadalajara. Bishop Garriga approved the building of the new church and dedicated the
While the early years of Bishop Garriga’s administration were marked by major events and developments in the diocese, his last 10 years as bishop of Corpus Christi witnessed changes for both the diocese and the universal Church that substantially eclipsed those early years. new shrine some five years later. During the decade of the 1950s, the population of South Texas exploded as young men returning from World War II settled down to raise families, and the development in agriculture, tourism and industry brought many new families to the Coastal Bend and Rio Grande Valley. Numerous parishes replaced small and aging churches while new parishes were erected to accommodate growing communities. Between 1949 and 1961, 59 new churches and 20 schools were built in the diocese. New churches or new parishes included St. Theresa in Premont, St. Gertrude in Kingsville, Sacred Heart in Rockport, St. John of the Cross in Orange Grove, St. Joseph in Alice and in Corpus Christi St. Joseph, St. Patrick, Holy Family, Our Lady of Perpetual Help and Christ the King. Other new buildings included seven convents, two hospitals and two homes for the aged. However, OCTOBER 2012 | SOUTH TEX AS CATHOLIC
ercised authority in the name of Bishop Garriga who had even bigger changes were coming for both the diocese and named him his Vicar General and subsequently Officialis of the Church at large. the Diocesan Tribunal and a Diocesan Consultor. Incarnate Word school and convent were also relocated In May 1961, Bishop Garriga made plans to celebrate his to South Alameda and the old St. Patrick’s Cathedral was diamond jubilee of life, golden jubilee as a priest and silver moved north of the channel to become Our Lady Star of jubilee as a bishop. He wanted to celebrate the occasion by the Sea. This allowed for the sale of the old church block realizing one of his dreams for the diocese—the establish(bounded by Carancahua, Antelope, Tancahua and Leopard ment of a minor seminary to promote the Streets) and final payments on the debt fostering of local priestly vocations. from the Cathedral’s construction. The festivities included a Mass at the As the centennial of the city of CorMsgr. Adolph Marx Memorial Coliseum of Corpus Christi on pus Christi in 1952 and of the original Auxiliary Bishop of May 8. Four cardinals were on hand for the Catholic parish now known as Corpus Corpus Christi festivities, including James Francis Cardinal Christi Cathedral in 1953 approached, McIntyre of Los Angeles and Albert Cardinal Bishop Garriga made plans to decorate Meyer of Chicago. As part of the celebration, the Cathedral and consecrate it to celthe Corpus Christi Minor Seminary was dedicated on May ebrate the anniversaries and the retirement of the debt. The 9, 1961 “under the patronage of the Immaculate Conception sanctuary’s apse, formerly covered with blue sky and stars, of the Blessed Virgin Mary.” was decorated with images of Christ surrounded by saints The Apostolic Delegate to the United States, His Excelassociated with the Eucharist. lency Most Rev. Egidio Vagnozzi, officially dedicated the The Consecration ceremonies and subsequent Mass for seminary in the presence of Cardinals McIntyre, Meyer the redecorated Cathedral were held on Sept. 19, 1952. His and Joseph Cardinal Garibi-Rivera of Guadalajara. Cardinal Eminence Samuel Cardinal Stritch, Archbishop of Chicago Meyer said in his dedication sermon, “This seminary has and chancellor of the American Board of Catholic Misbeen the apple of his [Bishop Garriga’s] eye and the heart sions, celebrated the first Pontifical Mass at the Cathedral of his episcopal ministry.” on Sept. 25, 1952. The festivities of his Jubilee had hardly died down when While the early years of Bishop Garriga’s administration the bishop had to prepare for a new adventure—the first were marked by major events and developments in the dioEcumenical Council called since the 1800s. The Holy Father cese, his last 10 years as bishop of Corpus Christi witnessed called for a Synod in Rome, and Bishop Garriga imitated changes for both the diocese and the universal Church that the successor of Peter by calling for the first diocesan synod substantially eclipsed those early years. for the Diocese of Corpus Christi in 1962. One of his requests by the mid-1950s was for help in guidPope John XXIII called for the Second Vatican Council ing the future spiritual growth of a rapidly increasing flock. to commence in October 1962. Bishops Garriga and Marx Pope Pius XII answered the bishop’s prayers by appointing were among those attending the early sessions of the CounMsgr. Adolph Marx as Auxiliary Bishop of Corpus Christi. cil as the Church, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, A native of Germany, Father Marx completed his studies sought to address the spiritual needs of God’s people and for the Diocese of Corpus Christi at St. Mary’s Seminary the challenge of preaching the Gospel in a fresh way to a at La Porte, Texas and after ordination earned a Doctorate rapidly changing world. in Canon Law from the Catholic University of America in The next years brought not only reconsideration of local Washington, D.C. adaptations instigated by the Diocesan Synod of the DioAs a young priest, Father Marx served on the Diocesan cese of Corpus Christi, but also some major adaptations in Tribunal, in various parochial assignments and as secretary a liturgy that had not essentially changed since the 1500s. to Bishop Ledvina. In 1948, the aging Bishop Ledvina gave However, Bishop Garriga was not to see the final scene in him further diocesan responsibilities, including the assignthis drama. ment as Chancellor. Bishop Garriga also appointed Msgr. At 78-years-old, Bishop Garriga suffered a heart attack on Marx to numerous diocesan posts. the morning of Feb. 21, 1965. The Jubilee of Bishop Garriga On July 6, 1956, Msgr. Marx received the appointment in 1961 and the Diocesan Synod that followed in 1962 were as Auxiliary Bishop of Corpus Christi and by 1957 fully exthe final celebrations of the unified Catholic community of South Texas before waves of major change swept over a Bishop Mariano S. Garriga blesses the Cathedral during the consepeople that had been one big family since 1874. cration services in 1952. Archived Photo
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Celebrating life speak the language of human rights, not civil rights Deacon Stephen Nolte
D Contributor
eacon Keith Fournier, Editor in Chief at Catholic Online, gave the keynote address at the 23rd annual Celebration for Life dinner held at the Congressman Solomon P. Ortiz International Center in Corpus Christi on Sept. 13. The fund-raising banquet is held annually for the benefit of Hope House, Project Gabriel and Birthright of Corpus Christi. A Constitutional lawyer, Deacon Fournier is in his fifteenth year of service as an ordained deacon in the diocese of Richmond, Virginia. During his presentation Deacon Fournier referred to the contemporary times in which we live as a neo-pagan culture that does not respect the dignity of persons or life. Placing his comments in this context he addressed the battle between this neo-pagan culture of death and the hope and joy of those who work to bring about a culture of life. Recognizing that many who have been involved in pro-life work for years find themselves suffering from battle fatigue, Deacon Fournier counseled against becoming enslaved to the stale language of past efforts. Rather, he advocated for a change in the language of pro-lifers, a change that would embrace a language of love, of hope and of joy. This is necessary he said because “we must learn that when Roe is overturned, and it will be, that our work is just beginning.” “The culture of life will not become a reality simply with the overturning of Roe. We must learn to see the child in the womb as our neighbor…we need to learn a positive language that proposes change and solutions, not condemnation,” Deacon Fournier said. Deacon Fournier said that pro-life advocates need to
Deacon Keith Fournier, Editor in Chief at Catholic Online, gave the keynote address. Maragaret Alarilla, for South Texas Catholic
speak the language of human rights, not civil rights. The Author of all life confers these human rights, not civil authority. “Our work, our mission is just beginning. It is the way of love and worth. The struggle in which we engage is one which we have faced before as a people of life,” Deacon Fournier said. “Our position is authentic human freedom which is rooted in God’s immutable truth. This truth liberates us from the culture that seeks to enslave us because it sets us free for life, rather
than from life.” The early Christians proclaimed the truth of this freedom found in Christ by the examples of their lives, Deacon Fournier explained. They dealt with the culture of death by living the culture of life within the very heart of death. Their way led to conversion by love. This Christian vision proclaims the sanctity of life, marriage and family and the dignity of every person. It must be tethered to truth. “This age is a one of a dictatorship of relativism,” Deacon Fournier said of the challenges the pro-life community faces. “As Christians we need to recognize how to proclaim the truth that frees us from dictators and slavery and frees us for life. We live in an age which demands new missionaries, new evangelists. We are called to respond to this need; it will not be easy but we are not alone. “We must strive to be faithful citizens because this struggle will never end, but we are empowered by true freedom to fight
‘We need to learn a positive language that proposes change and solutions, not condemnation.’
the fight. We must be strong in our faith in the midst of a culture that is decaying from within. This is accomplished by living the love we’ve been given. The Christian way of life transforms and converts; it offers hope and forgiveness. Authentic Christian love is the most important work we can engage in, for a new culture of life will emerge only from a culture of love. We must remember who we are and be joyful in the tasks at hand.” Prior to offering the closing prayer and final blessing, Bishop Wm. Michael Mulvey thanked Deacon Fournier for his words and paraphrased the words of John F. Kennedy with the refrain, “Ask not what the Church can do for me, but rather what can we do together?” As a people of faith and life, there is much we can do, and much we must do as we celebrate the gift of life, which should never be taken for granted, Bishop Mulvey said.
Bishop Mulvey addresses attendees at the annual Celebration for Life dinner. Margaret Alarilla, for South Texas Catholic
‘God created sex for marriage,’ says Stenzel
About 150 people participated in the abstinence seminar at Corpus Christi First Baptist Church on Aug. 16. Elizabeth Riggle, for South Texas Catholic Elizabeth Riggle
T Correspondent
o Pam Stenzel, internationally known abstinence educator, the excuse of “nobody told me,” is unacceptable, and it is her goal to install in all young people that sex outside of the sacrament of marriage is dangerous and harmful to the soul and to the body.
Based in Minnesota and founder of Enlighten Communications, Stenzel has been traveling and visiting with teens around the world to promote the value of sexual abstinence before marriage since 1993. Stenzel has written numerous books and produced award winning videos including, “Sex, Love and Relationships,” “Sex Has a Price Tag” and “Take a Look in the Mirror.” Stenzel has also written public school curriculums called “Abstinence by Choice” and “Building Healthy Relationships.” On Aug. 16-17, Stenzel spoke to hundreds of students, parents, public and private school educators and youth directors at four different locations in the Corpus Christi area: Incarnate Word Academy, First Baptist Church, St. Anthony Catholic Church in Robstown and a professional
development seminar held at Solomon Coles Education and Learning Center for public school educators. Stenzel’s faith-based, factual and frank presentation is designed to arm young people, their parents and teachers with the tools to understand why abstinence is the best way to protect against pregnancy and life threatening sexually transmitted diseases. Stenzel was brought to Corpus Christi by Kristie Rutledge, a member of a grass roots organization of concerned parents and grandparents. Local donors paid for Stenzel’s fees and educational services, in addition to the costs of abstinence curriculum resources for Corpus Christi Independent School District. Corpus Christi Pregnancy Resource Center and Refuge
...if you are not married, don’t do it’ of Hope, a Pregnancy Resource Center are partners in the community effort to promote abstinence before marriage according to Rutledge. Speaking on Aug. 16 at First Baptist Church in Corpus Christi, an enthusiastic and engaging Stenzel told the gathering of about 150 people “sex within the boundaries of marriage is awesome.” “God created sex for marriage,” she said, if you are not married don’t do it.” The audience was comprised of elementary, middle school, high school and college-aged students, parents, grandparents and educators of different religious denominations and ethnic backgrounds. Stenzel urged the young people to remember that they are “children of God” and are created in the image of God. She told them to respect themselves and their future spouse. “The perfect gift you can give to your spouse is your chaste self,” she said. In a blunt, witty way, Stenzel said there is no such thing as safe sex, and there is a “very, very high cost” to free love. “While pregnancy is survivable, some sexually transmitted diseases are not. Your sexual experiences can come back to haunt you. Condoms do not protect against all sexually transmitted diseases,” she said. There are 30 STDs and some are bacterial-based and can be cured. The viral STD’s stay with the individual forever and can cause sterility or death, Stenzel said. “Parents matter and parents’ values matter. Parents need to have rules and boundaries for their children,” Stenzel said. The statement “parents matter,” hit home with Debbie Shea. Attending the seminar at First Baptist, Shea, a mother of five and grandmother of one, said she wanted to research the alternatives to Planned Parenthood. “I want to be an aware Catholic. Pam Stenzel’s information, books and videos are a wonderful compliment to ‘The Catholic Theology of the Body’ by Pope John Paul II. We want to teach our children to honor themselves and to honor Christ. We are an image of Christ,” Shea said. Shea’s children range in age from 10 years to 27 years, and she wants to be equipped to handle any questions her children may have. “Parents need to educate themselves. Our children
need to understand that there are dangers to sex. Planned Parenthood is not telling of all of the dangers. Condoms do Pam Stenzel tells her audience not solve all of the probthat chastity before marriage is lems associated with the very best option for young premarital sex. Pam people because it shows respect Stenzel connected with the young people, and for yourself and your future she made a difference. spouse. Pam helped to open up Elizabeth Riggle, for South Texas Catholic a dialogue between parents and children,” said Shea, a Corpus Christi Cathedral parishioner. Opening a dialogue between parents and children is a primary goal of Rutledge, a married mother of four children and three grandchildren. “The entire community is concerned about the high risk associated with casual sex that is affecting the current generation. Teen pregnancy rates are virtually unchanged in the past 10 years while sexually transmitted disease rates in teens are spiraling out of control. Chlamydia rates in our children have skyrocketed 67 percent in the past 10 years. Safe sex programs have left our students unprotected and at great risk,” Rutledge said. “The current generation in Nueces County and Corpus Christi is facing a serious health crisis; one that carries with it lifelong physical scars and serious emotional trauma. Educators, counselors, community organizations and churches are anxious to deliver a unified message to young people in the Coastal Bend that abstinence is the best, and responsible adults are rallying around young people to give them support and encouragement to achieve their goals of leading healthy lives: physically, emotionally and spiritually,” Rutledge said. Rutledge said she is very happy that four CCISD middle schools and four CCISD high schools will be implementing Stenzel’s abstinence curriculum. “This is a very encouraging start. We look forward to achieving our goal of 100 percent implementation of Pam Stenzel’s abstinence curriculum at all CCISD’s middle schools and high school campuses,” said Rutledge, a parishioner at Sacred Heart in Rockport. OCTOBER 2012 | SOUTH TEX AS CATHOLIC
Msgr. Mc Gettrick publishes second book
Author still chatting with
Mary Cottingham
M South Texas Catholic
sgr. Thomas Mc Gettrick’s newly published booklet “Do You Love Me? Another Chat With Jesus,” is a conversational book between Jesus and the author and a ‘how to’ guide on loving Jesus.
His first booklet, “I Love You, A Chat With Jesus,” explains how much Jesus loves us and the second booklet was written to explain what we must do to love Jesus. Msgr. Mc Gettrick, now pastor at St. Andrew by the Sea in Corpus Christi and Vicar for Retired Priests for the Diocese of Corpus Christi, has been a priest for more than 56 years in parishes throughout the United States and Mexico. Both of his booklets were inspired by and are based on New Testament teachings, as well as the writings of the early Church Fathers, 20 centuries of Church teaching and writings of the saints. After he wrote the first booklet he was amazed at how many people said that the booklet, although wonderful because it tells us how much Jesus loves us, does not tell us how we are to love Jesus. That’s why he wrote the second book, Msgr. Mc Gettrick said. It is an imaginary conversation of Jesus explaining what we must do to love Him. “Jesus explains His mission, His teaching, His message with great clarity and great simplicity. I have often thought that the greatest thing that we could do as a Church and I could do as a priest, is help convey that message of Jesus with that same clarity and simplicity,” Msgr. Mc Gettrick said. Although simple, Jesus’ message is not easy. There were times in his own life when Msgr. Mc Gettrick questioned his love for God. “I think there were times when I wondered if I truly
loved God. Trying to do and accept God’s will requires faith and trust; and faith and trust are developed through a life of prayer and then ultimately, through prayer, a commitment to do God’s will,” Msgr. Mc Gettrick said. “The Church is always concerned about being theologically correct. That’s fine. That’s the role of the Church to clarify the teachings of Jesus and try to explain the will of God. These booklets are not a scholarly, theological representation of who God is. I don’t think I have the ability to do that,” Msgr. Mc Gettrick said. He has sent a complimentary copy of both books to every priest in the diocese and hopes that when the priests read the booklets they will feel that it is something that can help them nourish the people in their parishes. More than 30,000 copies of the first booklet have been sold and distributed. The first booklet has been translated into Spanish and the second one is in the process of being translated. “I got a letter from as far away as New Zealand and one man wrote me from England that he keeps it beside his bed and reads it every day,” Msgr. Mc Gettrick said. “When I retire I might write a third Chat with Jesus.” Msgr. Mc Gettrick’s books are available from the South Texas Catholic, gift shops and bookstores in the diocese and at the Minor Basilica of San Juan del Valle.
Catholic women’s activities offer a path through the
Geraldine McGloin
hen the “Year of Faith” begins on Oct. 11 many diocesan Catholic women will be following Pope Benedict XVI’s exhortation “not to forget what characterizes our life: belief.”
They will take the opportunity to move through the perpetual journey of faith, invigorating their steps and grow in their ability to give an assertive yet joyful witness to their Catholic faith. Much of their activity will focus on the new Christian feminism through the teachings of Blessed Pope John Paul II.
to go about it,” Sister Anne Marie Walsh, SOLT, said .“They have heard the term the ‘genius of women’ and ‘the gift of authentic femininity’ but they don’t know what it means.” The “genius of women” is a phrase from the 1995 “Letter of Pope John Paul II to Women.” It describes certain Godgiven feminine traits, which have enabled society to progress
“Women of Vision, Women of Faith” The Diocese of Corpus Christi will present “Women of Vision, Women of Faith” a conference sponsored by the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, Saturday, Oct. 27, at Most Precious Blood Church. The Council acts through its membership to support, empower and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership and service. Its programs respond with Gospel values to the needs of the Church and society in the modern world. Conference guest speakers include Bishop Wm. Michael Mulvey who will speak on “Spirituality;” Eunice Washa of the National Council of Catholic Women Galveston/Houston Province on “Leadership;” and Endow editor and trainer Eileen Love on “Service.” Those wishing to participate can purchase tickets by calling (361) 882-6191, ext. 657.
“The Dignity of Woman: God’s Beautiful Beloved” “I meet many women today who are in need of healing due to influences in our culture. They need to be reminded that beauty has to be linked with God. They have a decisive role to play in transforming the culture but they need to know how
Sister Anne Marie Walsh, SOLT and Father Zachary of the Mother of God, SOLT take a break during a recent silent retreat. Sister Anne Marie serves her community as General Sister Servant and Father Zacharyalso serves as General Lay Servant for his community. Geraldine McGloin, for South Texas Catholic
ENDOW class meeting at Corpus Christi Cathedral. Facilitator Debbie Shea leads Trav McNiff, Robin Perrone, Marcy Hayes and Nellie Serna in a discussion of the virtues from Thomas Aquinas for Beginners, Part II. Geraldine McGloin, for South Texas Catholic
in those social and ethical dimensions, which deal with human relationships and spiritual values. The letter has become a foundational document in several Catholic women’s studies both nationally and in the Diocese of Corpus Christi. Sister Anne Marie’s work with women grew from her involvement with the pro-life movement. It centers on giving retreats and recollections for women based on the teachings of the Church, particularly Pope John Paul II’s work “On the Dignity and Vocation of Women” and “Theology of the Body.” “Part of the success of this approach is giving the women ample time to reflect on what they have heard,” Sister Anne Marie said. She and Sister Miriam James Heidland, SOLT presented a retreat in September at Our Lady of Corpus Christi Retreat Center entitled “The Dignity of Woman: God’s Beautiful Beloved.” Promotional material asked the rhetorical question, “What is the deepest longing of your heart?” “Many of us are afraid to ask ourselves this question,” Sister Anne Marie said. “Over the years we often become resigned to certain situations in life and forget God’s passionate love and deep healing that He desires to shower upon us as women. During the retreat we learned the plan God has for us as women and how our authentic gift of femininity is a call to transform the world.” For the last nine years Sister Anne Marie has served as the General Sister Servant of the Sisters of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity. She has taught in SOLT
schools both here and in Italy. She has also served in the formation of seminarians and sisters and is eager to help in whatever way she can in the community’s mission in the Church.
Understanding God-given dignity and vocation as women Educating on the Nature and Dignity of Women (ENDOW) is another Catholic women’s study program based on Church documents. Its mission is to educate women toward a deeper, more profound understanding of their God-given dignity and vocation as women. It also is dedicated to the new feminism based on the teachings of Pope John Paul II. “The marks of a new feminism–a Christian feminism in service to life–are distinctive. Women’s well-being is not pursued in isolation; rather our well-being, dignity and freedom are always related to the well-being, dignity and freedom of others,” ENDOW National Board member Helen Alvare said. The ENDOW curriculum uses 10 modules based on Church documents or writings of Doctors of the Church, among them are “On the Dignity and Vocation of Women “ (Mulieris Dignitatim); “Edith Stein: Seeker of Truth;” “Of Human Life (Humanae Vitae);” “Setting the World Ablaze: St. Catherine of Siena;” and “Aquinas for Beginners, Parts 1 and II on the Summa and Virtues.” An ENDOW group is presently meeting weekly at Corpus
Christi Cathedral studying the virtues as explained by St. Thomas Aquinas. The goal is to become familiar with the virtues and make them a part of everyday life. Facilitator Debbie Shea is enthusiastic about the program, which she said helps women in many ways. “This group happens to have a number of women from other ministries. Studying and internalizing the virtues enables them to impart that knowledge which in turn nourishes the spiritual life of those in their ministries. It is what we are hoping for, a ripple effect,” Shea said. Shea hopes other ENDOW groups will form throughout the diocese.
Advent Morning of Reflection The Catholic Daughters of the Americas (CDA), Corpus Christi Cathedral Court #246, will host a “Morning of Reflection” Dec. 1 at the Cathedral. CDA is a national organization of women founded more than 100 years ago with a committed interest in concerns of today’s Church and society. Through their spiritual enhancement program they offer mornings of reflection each Advent and Lent. This year Father Zachary of the Mother of God, SOLT will present a program based on Church documents designed help women and men prepare for a holy and blessed Advent season. The program is free of charge and no registration is required.
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11av CARRERA ANTORCHA GUADALUPANA INTERNACIONAL Los corredores de la Antorcha Guadalupana saldrán de la Basílica de Guadalupe en la ciudad de México el día 22 de Septiembre para llegar a New York, a la Catedral de San Patricio el día 12 de Diciembre, pasaran por Corpus Christi, Texas el día 30 de Octubre y llegaran a las 5:30 p.m. a la iglesia de Holy Family ubicada en 3157 MacArthur. Celebracion de Misa será celebrada por el Obispo Michael Mulvey a las 7:00 p.m. Los invitamos que vengan a recibir y apoyar esta peregrinación de inmigrantes promoviendo la devoción a la Virgen de Guadalupe y apoyo a la Reforma Migratoria. Se necesitan corredores desde Corpus Christi hasta Beeville. La Antorcha saldrá de esta iglesia el Miércoles, 31 de Octubre a las 7:30 a.m. Si quiere correr por favor de llamar al (361) 882-3245 ext. 44 con Julia o Dora Hidalgo (361) 510-1411 para mas información. 11th ANNUAL ANTORCHA GUADALUPANA INTERNATIONAL RUN The Antorcha Guadalupana runners will leave the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City on Saturday, September 22, 2012, and will be arrive to St. Patrick Church in New York on December 12, 2012. The runners will pass through Corpus Christi on Tuesday, October 30, 2012 at 5:30p.m at Holy Family Church located at 3157 MacArthur followed by a Mass of thanksgiving celebrated by Bishop Michael Mulvey at 7:00 p.m. We invite everyone to come meet and greet the runners who are running to promote devotion to our Blessed Virgin of Guadalupe and also in support of Immigration Reform. Runners are needed from Corpus Christi to Beeville. They will depart Corpus Christi on Wednesday, October 31st at 7:30a.m. If you are interested in running please call Julia at (361) 882-3245 extension 44 or Dora Hidalgo at (361) 510-1411 for more information. OCTOBER 2012 | SOUTH TEX AS CATHOLIC
Making dreams come t
Catholic Charities helps with ‘Deferred Action Mary Cottingham
South Texas Catholic
speranza simply wanted a better life for her 9-year-old son Marco. Eleven-years ago they walked across the U.S.-Mexican border and entered the U.S. illegally. Since then they have made a life for themselves in Corpus Christi. Marco is one of about 100 young people trying to get Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals through Catholic Charities of Corpus Christi. On June 15, 2012, the Secretary of Homeland Security announced that illegal immigrants who came to the United States as children and meet certain guidelines may ask that their deportation be deferred for a period of two years, subject to renewal, making them eligible to get a work permit. Lawyers with Catholic Charities are offering legal assistance to young immigrants applying for deferred action at the Healthy Living and Advocacy Center located at 1125 S. Port in Corpus Christi. Marco, now 20-years-old, lives in Bishop. He is a junior at Texas A&M University-Kingsville and has not had it easy. When he came to Corpus Christi he started attending middle school where he learned English. After middle school he went to Collegiate High School–an early college high school initiative between Corpus Christi Independent School District and Del Mar College designed to provide students the opportunity to earn a high school diploma and a college associate’s degree. Esperanza, who’s name in Spanish means “hope,” says she is not afraid, mostly because she has never been in trouble with the law, but also because the organization that is helping them is religious and the people that are helping them are lawyers. Marco wants to become a mechanical engineer. He has a knack for fixing things, so he works on people’s homes, mows lawns and works in Mexican food restaurants so he can afford
Juanita S. Cardiel, representative of the Immigration & Refugee Department helps Marco apply for Deferred Action. Mary Cottingham, South Texas Catholic
to go to college. Marco calls himself “determined.” Although a bit nervous, Marco is not afraid. “A chance is a chance,” he said. “I try not to lie. I tell the truth, but not the whole truth. Thanks to the transportation system I can travel from Bishop to Kingsville easily. Tuition is $30,000–it’s a lot. I live with friends and I let them know the risks if they hang out with me. I heard they could get their license pulled.” “The most polite, articulate young people are registering. Some are students enrolled in high school, Del Mar College or Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. They and their parents work hard, sometimes holding down two or three jobs,” attorney Carrie Chavez Thompson, Director of Immigration & Refugee Department at Catholic Charities, said. “They are ambitious and excited about the possibility of becoming [legally] employed. They have so many obstacles, but they still keep going. They want to be here without having to worry about being deported,” Thompson said. The program will allow qualified individuals to register with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, and
n for Childhood Arrivals’ receive employment authorization and a temporary two-year reprieve from deportation. In addition to a work permit, deferred action would make these youth eligible for a driver’s license and a social security card. “Since 2010, the Department of Defense has been wanting to make this happen,” Thompson said, referring to the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM Act). In 2010 a version of the DREAM Act passed in the House of Representatives, but failed in the Senate. It would have allowed eligible youth to serve in the U.S. armed forces. “Some of them are nervous, they know this is temporary and we hope it continues. It would be unjust to deport such a huge segment of the population brought here because their parents wanted them to have a better life,” Thompson said. There is no timeline yet on when applicants will receive their new status or no cut off date on applying. Thompson thinks they will be available for about two months. She warns applicants against going to notary publics or “unscrupulous attorneys.” “For many the excitement outweighs the nerves. I tell them
ualifying for deferred action
• have entered the United States when younger than 16-years-of-age; • have been in the United States for five-years prior to June 15, 2012 (small trips outside of the United States for humanitarian reasons will not impact this requirement); • be older than 15 to apply; • not be older than 30-years-of-age; • have either graduated from a high school or equivalent, enrolled in school or are a veteran of the United States military; • submit to a background check and have a clean record without felonies, misdemeanors or any evidence of being a threat to the country.
ocuments for filing deferred action
To demonstrate the applicant came to the United States before the age of 16, has lived in the United States for five years and was in the United States as of June 15, 2012 the following is required: • financial records, • medical records, • school records, • employment records or • military records. To show the applicant is in school, has graduated, is in the military or was honorably discharged the following is required: • diploma, • GED certificate, • report card, • high-school transcript, • report of separation form, • military personnel record or • military health record.
Attorney Kim Seger helps Marivel with the deferred action application. Marivel is 23-years-old and wants to become a nurse. Mary Cottingham, South Texas Catholic
there are no guarantees, but I do believe the government wants to turn their focus on drug and human traffickers or violent criminals. In my opinion it would be just too inhumane to deport such a huge number of promising people,” Thompson said. Catholic Charities is now scheduling appointments and consultations for individuals wishing to apply or learn more about deferred action. Contact Thompson at (361) 442-2224 or at for assistance. Catholic Charities charges a nominal fee for their services. OCTOBER 2012 | SOUTH TEX AS CATHOLIC
He grew up in the shadow of the original ‘El Pilar’ in Spain
r Alfredo E. Cardenas South Texas Catholic
he white plantation-era columns that adorn the front of Our Lady of the Pillar church in Corpus Christi may seem to some to be out of place in the Molina Addition of Corpus Christi, a low and middle income neighborhood with modest homes. But to others the columns may be reminiscent of the pillar in which the Blessed Mother stood when she appeared to St. James the Greater in 40 A.D. to encourage him in his efforts to evangelize the Spanish speaking subjects of Rome. While the apparitions of the Blessed
Mother in the Valley of Mexico, Lourdes and Fatima are well known, less known–except in Spain–is her appearance in Zaragoza, Spain. Tradition has it that on Jan. 2, 40 A.D., a mere seven years after the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, the Blessed Mother–who was still residing on Earth–was transported by angels in a cloud from Ephesus to Zaragoza where she found St. James the Greater kneeling by the Ebro River in distressed prayer over his failures to convert the natives of the Iberian Peninsula. Our Lady appeared to St. James atop a marble pillar (in Spanish “pilar”) and assured him that the Spaniards would indeed convert to Christianity and would remain one of the most dedicated Christians. She asked him to build a church at that place and told him the Savior wished that he return to Jerusalem where four years later he became the first apostle to be martyred. Our Lady of the Pillar, or Santa María del Pilar, was established in 1952 as a mission of Holy Family, which was under the care of the Oblates. Father Tomas Fernandez, OMI served as pastor with Father E. T. Fitzgerald, OMI as his assistant. A year later, on Oct. 12, 1953–on the Feast of Our Lady of the Pillar–Bishop Mariano S. Garriga blessed the new Church built with remains of the Kenedy home, which had once occupied the land of the new Chancery and Cathedral. The “stately columns that graced the mansion’s gallery were used also, thus preserving the colonial architecture of the building.” Whether the name was chosen because of the Feast day in which the blessing was held or whether the Feast day was selected for the blessing because of the church’s name is not clear. Perhaps the columns themselves suggested the name, since the story of the “pilar” of Zaragoza must have been well Columns from Kenedy mansion give church its identity. Alfredo E. Cardenas, South Texas Catholic
PARISH LIFE in both English and Spanish, in 14 classrooms. known to the bishop and to Father Alvarez, a native of Spain. Religious education classes are held on Sunday, starting For the next 14 years, Our Lady of the Pillar continued with a 9:30 a.m. Mass that is part of the as a mission of Holy Family. In January View more photos of this event program. The religious education pro1966, Bishop Thomas J. Drury elevated gram also involves providing breakfast the mission to a parish and named Father to students and parents. After Mass, half Tom Mc Gettrick as its first pastor; the of the students go to classrooms and the first pastor the new bishop named. The other half are treated to breakfast. The Oblates would no longer be custodians of two groups change places after a while. the parish but remained at Holy Family. Msgr. Martinez tells parents “don’t Father Mc Gettrick quickly went drop off your children on me, they’re your responsibility.” to work, partnering with the Episcopal Church “to do He insists that they attend Mass with the children and be something about serving hot meals in Molina.” Our Lady part of their religious education experience. of the Pillar provided the building for a cafeteria and the “On Sundays, this place looks like a college campus with Episcopalians provided the food. people coming and going,” Msgr. Martinez said. While working in an ecumenical spirit with the Episcopal The parish also has an active youth group with some 100 Church, Father Mc Gettrick expressed “great concern” to members. The group helps out with religious education and his bishop over the “vigorous activity of some of the protesholds two retreats annually. Other organizations, such as tant evangelical groups” that were filling the people’s minds Charismatic Renewal and the Guadalupanas also help with “with doubt and uncertainty about the Church.” He urged religious education. the bishop to ask the Extension Society for a grant to build Msgr. Martinez also reminds parishioners that the church a catechetical center. grounds and buildings are well-maintained with their contriMsgr. J. G. Alvarado succeeded Father Mc Gettrick in September 1967, with Father and future Bishop Raymundo Peña as his assistant. The following month the parish dedicated its religion center. Unfortunately Hurricane Celia leveled the structure three years later. Father Peter McNamara succeeded Msgr. Alvarado and took on the task of rebuilding the religion center. Father Félix Vidiella followed Father McNamara as pastor and Msgr. Marcos Martinez, the current pastor, came to Our Lady of the Pillar in 1993. Msgr. Martinez immediately felt at home at Our Lady of the Pillar. He grew up in Zaragoza, Spain in the shadows of Basílica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar. His father was devoted to Our Lady of the Pillar. In June, Msgr. Martinez led a pilgrimage to Zaragoza and celebrated Mass at the Basilica for the pilgrims of Our Lady of the Pillar in Corpus Christi. With the spirit of Nuestra Señora del Pilar as his guide, he has shepherded the parish community of Our Lady of the Pillar in Corpus Christi through nearly two decades of steady growth and improvement and has built up a strong pride in the faithful for their church and for the teachings of the Church. The parish’s early concerns with the catechetical needs of the community are being met with a “very strong religious education program,” Msgr. Martinez said. Some 400 children attend religious education classes, which are provided
Msgr. Marcos Martinez with Our Lady of the Pillar. Alfredo E. Cardenas, South Texas Catholic
butions. “You pay for it so look out after it,” Msgr. Martinez tells his flock. Indeed, the campus is well-maintained, starting with the sanctuary. The parish office, parish hall, classrooms and the Jamaica grounds are impeccable. On the church grounds is a Stations of the Cross that attracts several hundred worshipers every Friday of Lent. They are used for prayer and meditation year-round. The parish Jamaica is held annually on the Sunday closest to the Feast Day of Our Lady of the Pillar, which this year will be on Oct. 14. The Jamaica, Msgr. Martinez said, is not a fundraiser, it is “a time of community,” for neighbors to come together and enjoy each other’s company.
A Safe Environment Coordinator will be provided the training and materials to teach the Core and Recertification trainings for church personnel who work with children and vulnerable adults within our Diocese. By providing recommendations, education and contacts to equip volunteers to handle a possible situation of abuse issue or other concerns, a Safe Environment Coordinator is the key to ensuring that every parish and Diocesan location is a safe, sacred space for all to continue to foster their relationship with our Lord. We strongly encourage current and retired educators, law enforcement and other professionals in the legal field, but no experience is necessary if you have the heart and mindset to protect the human dignity of others. Please pray about this noble ministry.
Calendar of Events: Oct. 11-14
Men’s St. Ignatius Silent Retreat (
Oct. 19 and Nov. 16
“Faithfully Yours” - Series on Humanae Vitae by Fr. James Farfaglia
Global Living Rosary at 7 p.m. - Praying for Our Country
Nov. 5
Election Prayer Vigil from 7-10 p.m.; Divine Mercy and Rosary will be prayed every hour.
Nov. 8-11
Women’s St. Ignatius Silent Retreat (
Nov. 15-18
Divine Mercy Retreat (
Our Lady of Corpus Christi Announces New Events
Faithfully Yours: Oct. 19 and Nov. 16 Global Living Rosary: Tuesday, Oct. 23, 7 p.m. Election Prayer Vigil: Monday, Nov. 5, 7-10 p.m.
Our Lady of Corpus Christi 1200 Lantana • Corpus Christi
(361) 289-9095 Bookstore: Ext. 309 Retreats: Ext. 301
Dec. 13-16
Men’s St. Ignatius Silent Retreat (
Ongoing Events: Every Thursday beginning Aug. 23 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Church History taught by Deacon Bernie Vessa, SOLT
Every Tuesday from 7-8 p.m.
Miraculous Medal Novena Holy Hour
Every 1st Sunday of the month at 4 p.m. St. Peregrine Healing Mass
“Come and See” Jesus in our beautiful Perpetual Adoration Chapel! All are welcome!
Bring in this coupon and receive 10% off all merchandise in our bookstore. Coupon expires October 31, 2012
‘The Ark is not a shelter, it’s not a facility, it’s not a center’
The Ark is a home Rachel Leal-Hudson, Houston attorney who presented keynote address at the 2012 Ark Gala, can empathize with the children at the Ark because she is the eldest of 19 adopted children. Alfredo E. Cardenas, South Texas Catholic Alfredo E. Cardenas
South Texas Catholic
he Ark is a home, not a shelter. It’s a home, not a facility. It’s a home, not a center.”
That was the mantra repeated by Rachel Leal-Hudson at the Ark Gala 2012, a dinner to raise funds for the Ark Assessment and Emergency Shelter for Youth begun in 1999 by the Missionary Sisters of Jesus, Mary and Joseph in Calallen. Leal-Hudson, a Houston attorney, served as the keynote speaker at the event held at the Congressman Solomon P. Ortiz International Center in Corpus Christi on Sept. 6. “The Ark is run like a home. For many children that is their first home,” Leal-Hudson said. “The Ark does not close for Christmas, Santa is there like in your homes. They don’t close on Thanksgiving. Thirty-five children live at the Ark, nine go to school everyday like your children.” Leal-Hudson can empathize with the children at the Ark because she is the eldest of 19 adopted children. Like the
Ark children, she said, she and her siblings did not live in a “foster home” or an “adopted home,” their parents provided them a “home.” “We were not foster children. We were not adopted children. We were children,” she said. She urged contributors to think as her parents thought about children in need. She said that when they decide to donate clothing to the Ark for the children not to give used clothing their own children no longer wear. “You wouldn’t give your children used clothes, would you?” she asked. Child Protective Services, a division the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, investigates reports of abuse and neglect of children and places them with the Ark when they cannot find a foster home to place them in. The Ark, said Delma Trejo the home’s executive director, is an emergency place where newborns to children 17-years-old are placed for a period of up to 90 days or until a home is found for them. The Ark is licensed by the state and can accept children from throughout Texas, although their primary service area is Region II, a large area from Victoria to Laredo to the Rio OCTOBER 2012 | SOUTH TEX AS CATHOLIC
Young girl puts away her clothes in her room at her home. The Ark photo
Grande Valley. Some of the children come from Driscoll Children’s Hospital. Sometimes the children are placed there by a court order issued by a judge. The Ark is licensed for up to 37 children but on average has 30 at any one time. The majority are boys. The typical age is from two to three years of age. Most are sibling groups. Trejo said that some children come through the Ark more than once and now some “kids of kids come through.” “Often the children come here malnourished. We take them to the children’s clinic to get a physical and dentals,” Trejo said. The children are taken care of by a staff of 30 that work 12-hour shifts, 24-7. The staff includes two licensed vocational nurses and a registered nurse. Volunteers are also an important part of the program. Both staff and volunteers must undergo drug screening and criminal background checks, and receive training. School-aged children are taken to Calallen ISD schools. Trejo said the schools have been “very good” to the Ark.
Although the Ark was founded by and is owned by the Missionary Sisters of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, it is nondenominational, but a priest comes by to celebrate Mass. The children can attend Vacation Bible School at St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles and St. Thomas the Apostle. These parishes are always helping, especially during Christmas and Easter, Trejo said. Parents and relatives cannot come to the Ark. Child Protective Services takes
the children to family members, when visits are in order. The Ark receives $115 per day per child but it costs $250 per day per child to operate the refuge. They seek grants and hold fundraisers, such as the annual gala, to supplement the needed funds. The Ark’s board of directors, which consists of 10 civic and community leaders, are also very instrumental in ensuring sufficient funding is available. “The gala is one of our major events. We also hold a golf tournament and the Knights of Columbus are very supportive,” Trejo said. Tax-deductible contributions to the Ark can be made online at The Web site also provides a list of items they need to operate the facility. “The public needs to realize that these kids are kids and need to be treated as one of their own,” Trejo said. Delma Trejo, Executive Director of the The Ark “home” spends time with children in her care. The Ark photo
Church in Africa Collection
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Wilma at (361) 241-3249 or Email at 26
Catholic Charities of Corpus Christi Inc.
Catholic Charities Dinner and Dialogue Featuring Special Guest
October 18, 2012 7:00 p.m. Congressman Solomon P. Ortiz International Center For more information please call (361) 442-2224 ext. 24
“I look forward to visiting with you and enjoying beautiful music and this inspirational story. I hope you can join us.” Bishop Wm. Michael Mulvey
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Crusaders CRUISE
Bishop Garriga Middle School
uses football for â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;EVANGELIZATION Alfredo E. Cardenas
South Texas Catholic
ff the field things were not going as planned for the debut of the Bishop Garriga Middle School football program, but once the opening
whistle blew, the players showed they were more than ready. The Crusaders racked five touchdowns on their way to a 36-6 win in the first football game ever for the Catholic middle school. Mathew Sanchez (#44) scores historic first touchdown . Alfredo E E. Cardenas Cardenas, South Texas Catholic
to easy win in opener
A 30-member cheering squad keeps fans involved at Crusader games. Alfredo E. Cardenas, South Texas Catholic
“Never in the diocese has any middle school had tackle football and the kids are very excited,” said head coach Leo Galindo prior to the opening whistle at Centurion Field at Blessed John Paul II High School. The game nearly did not get off its opening kick, in fact it did not have an opening kick, since the opposing team from West Oso had not had an opportunity to practice its kicking. Garriga Middle School Principal Mario Vasquez said the game nearly did not happen after West Oso asked to cancel because of their lack of a kicking game, but the teams came up with a scheme that did not require kickoffs or punts. West Oso, after winning the coin toss, took the ball at its own 35 to start things off and instead of punting the ball was moved down 25 yards where the opposing team would open their offensive drive. Talk of possibly canceling the game led to the scheduled referees taking on other assignments and at game time an official was nowhere to be found. The yard markers and chains were not out. Parents were quickly asked to volunteer to run the chains and coaches from both teams agreed to referee the game. Vasquez said the decision to introduce football at the school was influenced by the fact that Blessed John Paul II High School has an ongoing four-year program and at the request of many parents. “It was time to establish a feeder program that would benefit both schools. The addition of football will round out the existing athletic program at the school which includes basketball, volleyball, track and tennis,” Vasquez said. The diocese approved the football program, Vasquez
said, only after he was able to show that funds would not come from the education budget. The program got a boost when it received a $10,000 donation to “kick” things off. The school held a casino night that brought in another $7,000. Parents play a vital part in the school’s football program. They pay a $150 participation fee required of each player. They also help with fundraisers, staff the gate and concessions at games and drive the players to away games. They have organized a strong booster club and help with the cheerleading squad that numbers 30 girls. The program does not have a fulltime coaching staff. Coach Galindo, a retired coach from the Corpus Christi Independent School District, and his assistant James Hatch, a student at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, are paid a modest stipend for the season. “One of the Church’s mission is to bring Catholics
See game video and more photos of this event
Crusader fans got plenty of excitement at the school’s opening game against West Oso Bears. Alfredo E. Cardenas, South Texas Catholic
back,” Vasquez said. The football program fits into this evangelization because it keeps young people active in the Catholic schools, he said. Vasquez said that statistics show that the longer a youngster stays in Catholic school, the better the likelihood he or she will stay a committed Catholic. Students that attend Catholic school through the elementary level have a 50 percent chance of remaining active in the Church, while those who graduate from a Catholic high school are 85 percent more likely to be devoted Catholics. The football program is consistent with the school’s SAFE mantra–spiritual, academics, formation and extracurricular. “We have all others sports in the budget so football gives students everything the public schools give them and more,” Vasquez said. “It also brings the community together.” The school presently has 198 students but can accommodate 250. Presently, half of the students come from the Catholic schools in the diocese and half come from the public schools. Football, Vasquez said, will help them get Quarterback Alec Martinez (#9) looks for receiver down field as Robert Vargas (#40) provides protection. Alfredo E. Cardenas, South Texas Catholic
to the 250 mark sooner rather than later. “The program has exceeded my expectations,” Vasquez said. “Where I was relying on Casino Night to fund the program, it appears the program itself will bring in the revenue required to maintain it.” While attendance at basketball and volleyball games number 200, the first two games of the football season have attracted 500 and 700 paying fans. Exceeding expectations comes in many forms. The Crusaders are certainly outdoing themselves and their opponents on the field. In their first game they dominated on both sides of the line of scrimmage. Mathew Sanchez scored the first touchdown in school history on the Crusader’s first possession. He scored a second touchdown later in the game as well as two twopoint conversions after touchdowns. Sanchez also led the Crusaders on defense. “It felt pretty good scoring touchdowns,” Sanchez said, with a smile. Quarterback Alec Martinez connected with Ryan Lopez on three touchdowns pass plays to round up the scoring for the first game. “Everybody in the diocese should have football,” said a happy Martinez. Coach Hatch echoed the players’ excitement, saying the opening game was “great.” “I love my kids, I love the school, I love the program; I can’t wait for it to grow,” Hatch said. The Crusaders next home game at Centurion Field will be against the Grant Middle School “B” team on Oct. 10 at 7 p.m. OCTOBER 2012 | SOUTH TEX AS CATHOLIC
Ayudenos a Prevenir el Abuso Financiero La Diocesis de Corpus Christi por medio de la recomendacion del Concilio Diocesano de Finanzas y el Concilio Presbiteral han llevado su dedicacion mas alla para la buena administracion y responsabilidad ¿nanciera en nombre de donantes generosos al instituir un “hotline” para reportar el abuso ¿nanciero. La Diocesis de Corpus Christi ha seleccionado un tercer partido independiente, La Red, para proporcionarle a usted con una manera para reportar anonima y con¿dencialmente el abuso ¿nanciero e fraude. Los empleados, los parroquianos, los voluntarios, los vendedores, y otros partidos interesados estan impulsados para reportar las preocupaciones que tengan respeto a la conducta de paca etica ¿nanciera dentro de la Diocese de Corpus Christi. Todas las investigaciones seran trtadas inmediatamente y discretamente. Personas que llamen tienen el derecho de mantenerse anonimas.
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Help Us Prevent Financial Abuse The Diocese of Corpus Christi at the recommendation of the Diocesan Financial Council and Presbyteral Council have furthered their commitment to good stewardship and ¿nancial accountability on behalf of generous donors by instituting a ¿nancial abuse hotline. The Diocese of Corpus Christi has selected an independent third party, The Network, to provide you with a new way to anonymously and con¿dently report ¿nancial abuse and fraud. Employees, parishioners, volunteers, vendors and other interested parties will be encouraged to report concerns they have regarding ¿nancial misconduct within the Diocese of Corpus Christi. All inquiries will be treated promptly and discreetly. Callers will have the right to remain anonymous. Call 1-877-571-9748
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Monseñor Martínez está en casa en Nuestra Señora del Pilar Alfredo E. Cardenas South Texas Catholic
as columnas blancas que adornan la fachada de Nuestra Señora del Pilar en Corpus Christi parecen ser de una propiedad del sur de los estados unidos donde se mantenían esclavos en anos pasado. A algunos les parece que están fuera de lugar en la Adición Molina de Corpus Christi, un barrio de ingresos bajos y medios, con casas modestas.
Pero para otros las columnas pueden ser una presencia de la columna en la que la Virgen estaba cuando se le apareció a Santiago el Mayor en el 40 dC para animarlo en sus esfuerzos por evangelizar a los sujetos de habla hispana de Roma. Mientras que las apariciones de la Santísima Virgen en el Valle de México, Lourdes y Fátima son bien conocidos, menos conocido, excepto en España, es su aparición en Zaragoza, España. La tradición cuenta que el 2 de enero,
40, apenas siete años después de la crucifixión y resurrección de Jesús, la Santísima Madre que seguía residiendo en la Tierra, fue transportado por los ángeles en una nube de Éfeso a Zaragoza donde encontró a San Santiago el Mayor arrodillado junto al río Ebro en la oración angustiado por sus fracasos para convertir a los nativos de la Península Ibérica. Nuestra Señora se le apareció a Santiago lo alto de una pilar de mármol y le aseguró que los españoles de hecho se convertirían al cristianismo y seguirán siendo uno de los cristianos más dedicados. Ella le pidió que construyera una iglesia en ese lugar y le dijo que el Salvador deseaba que se regresara a Jerusalén, donde cuatro años más tarde se convirtió en el primer apóstol en ser martirizado. Nuestra Señora del Pilar en Corpus Christi se estableció en 1952 como una misión de la Sagrada Familia, que estaba bajo el cuidado de los Oblatos. Padre Tomás Fernández, OMI sirvió como pastor con el P. ET Fitzgerald, OMI como su asistente. Un año después, el 12 de octubre de 1953: en la fiesta de Nuestra Señora del Pilar-Obispo Mariano S. Garriga bendijo la nueva iglesia construida con los restos de la casa de Kenedy, que habían ocupado una vez la tierra de la Cancillería y de la catedral nueva. Los “majestuosas columnas que decoraban la galería de la mansión también se utilizaron, por lo que se mantiene la arquitectura colonial del edificio.” No es clara si el nombre fue elegido porque el día de fiesta en la que se llevó a cabo la bendición o si el día de la fiesta fue seleccionado para recibir la bendición por el nombre de la iglesia. Tal vez las propias columnas sugirieron el nombre, OCTOBER 2012 | SOUTH TEX AS CATHOLIC
ya que la historia del “pilar” de Zaragoza era bien conocida por el obispo y el padre Álvarez, nacido en España. Durante los siguientes 14 años, la Virgen del Pilar continuó como una misión de la Sagrada Familia. En enero de 1966, el Obispo Thomas J. Drury elevo la misión a parroquia y nombró al Padre Tom Mc Gettrick como su primer pastor, también fue el primer pastor nombrado por el nuevo obispo. Los Oblatos dejaron de ser custodios de la parroquia, pero siguieron manteniendo a la Sagrada Familia. Padre Mc Gettrick rápidamente se puso a trabajar, en asociación con la Iglesia Episcopal “para hacer algo acerca de servir comidas calientes en Molina.” Ofreció que el edificio de Nuestra Señora del Pilar sirviera como cafetería y los Episcopalianos siempre y cuando el alimento. Mientras trabajaba en un espíritu ecuménico con la Iglesia Episcopal, el Padre Mc Gettrick expresó su “gran preocupación” a su obispo sobre la “actividad vigorosa de algunos de los grupos protestantes evangélicos” que llenaban las mentes de la gente “con la duda y la incertidumbre acerca de la Iglesia.” Le pedio al obispo que aplicara a la Sociedad de Extensión para una subsidio para construir un centro catequístico. Monseñor JG Alvarado siguió al Padre Mc Gettrick en septiembre de 1967, con el Padre y el futuro obispo Raymundo Peña como su asistente. Al mes siguiente la parroquia dedico su centro de religión. Por desgracia, el huracán Celia niveló la estructura tres años después. Padre Peter McNamara siguió al Monseñor Alvarado y continuo la tarea de reconstruir el centro de la religión. El padre Félix Vidiella vino después del Padre McNamara como pastor y Monseñor Marcos Martínez, el párroco actual, vino a Nuestra Señora del Pilar en 1993. Monseñor Martínez inmediata-
Monseñor Marcos Martínez, pastor de la parroquia Nuestra Señora del Pilar. Alfredo E. Cardenas, South Texas Catholic
mente sentía como en casa en Nuestra Señora del Pilar. Se crió en Zaragoza, España, en las sombras de la Basílica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar. Su padre se dedicó a la Virgen del Pilar. En junio, Monseñor Martínez encabezó una peregrinación a Zaragoza y celebro la misa en la Basílica para los peregrinos de la Nuestra Señora del Pilar en Corpus Christi. Con el espíritu de Nuestra Señora del Pilar como su guía, el ha guiado a la comunidad parroquial de Nuestra Señora del Pilar en Corpus Christi a través de casi dos décadas de constante crecimiento y mejoramiento y se ha construido una fuerte orgullo en los fieles de su iglesia y para las enseñanzas de la Iglesia. Las iniciales preocupaciones de la parroquia sobre las necesidades catequéticas de la comunidad se están cumpliendo con un “programa de educación religiosa muy fuerte”, Monseñor Martínez dijo. Unos 400 niños asisten a clases de educación religiosa, que se ofrecen en Inglés y Español, en 14 auditorios. Clases de educación religiosa se celebrarán el domingo, a partir de una misa a las 9:30 de la mañana que es parte del programa. También forma parte
del programa de educación religiosa el desayuno a los estudiantes y padres de familia. Después de la misa, la mitad de los estudiantes entran a las clases y la otra mitad son convividos para el desayuno. Los dos grupos cambian de lugar después de un tiempo. Monseñor Martínez le dice a los padres “no dejen a sus hijos con migo, son su responsabilidad”. Él insiste en que los padres asisten a Misa con los niños y ser parte de su experiencia de la educación religiosa. “Los domingos, este lugar parece una plaza universitario con la gente yendo y viniendo”, Monseñor Martínez dijo. La parroquia también tiene un activo grupo de jóvenes con unos 100 miembros. El grupo ayuda con la educación religiosa y tiene dos retiros al año. Otras organizaciones, como la Renovación Carismática y las Guadalupanas también ayudan con la educación religiosa. Monseñor Martínez también recuerda a los feligreses que los terrenos de la iglesia y los edificios están en buen estado por sus contribuciones generosas. “Ustedes pagan por esto, cuiden lo”, Monseñor Martínez le dice a su rebaño. De hecho, el campus está bien mantenido, empezando por el santuario. La oficina de la parroquia, el salón parroquial, salones de clase y los jardines para la Jamaica son impecables. En los terrenos de la iglesia están las estaciones del Vía Crucis que atrae a varios cientos de fieles todos los viernes de Cuaresma. Se utilizan para la oración y la meditación durante todo el año. El Jamaica de la parroquia se celebra anualmente en el domingo más cercano al día de la Fiesta de Nuestra Señora del Pilar, que este año será el 14 de octubre. El Jamaica, Monseñor Martínez dijo, no es un evento para recaudar fondos, es “un tiempo de comunidad”, para que los vecinos se reúnen y disfruten de su mutua compañía.
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Church celebrates golden jubilee of Second Vatican Council
The event that changed the Church in the modern world Alfredo E. Cardenas
O South Texas Catholic
n Christmas Day 1961, Pope John XXIII formally called for the convocation of the Second Vatican Council. It was a decision that would change the Church “in the modern world.” “Today, the Church is witnessing a crisis underway within society,” the Holy Father wrote in his Apostolic constitution Humanae Salutis. A world, the pope said, that boasted of “technical and scientific conquests” but wanted to exclude God; a world “characterized by great material progress” but lacking a moral compass; a world that gave rise to a “militant atheism.” The Church, however, was up to task of addressing these challenges. The Church, Pope John explained, had a “lively desire to fortify her faith” and a duty to “give greater effectiveness to her healthy vitality;” to advance the “sanctification of its members;” to “spread the revealed truth;” and to consolidate her structures. The Second Vatican Council, the first having been held nearly 100 years earlier and the 21st Council held by the Church, also sought to provide “doctrinal clarity” and provide all men of goodwill the opportunity to “turn their thoughts and proposals toward peace.”
The pope forthrightly told the world that the work of the council would be comprehensive and challenging. It would address “the doctrinal and practical problems which correspond more to the requirements of perfect conformity to Christian teaching, to the up building and to the service of the Mystical Body, and to its supernatural mission: that is, the Scriptures, the venerable tradition, the sacraments, prayer, Church discipline, charitable and relief activities, the lay apostolate, the horizon of the missions.” The call went out to every corner of the world. In the Diocese of Corpus Christi, Bishop Mariano S. Garriga responded quickly by calling for his own convocation. Less than two months after the pope issued Humanae Salutis, On Feb. 11, 1962, Bishop Garriga announced that he had called for the First Diocesan Synod for later that summer. The Corpus Christi Caller-Times reported that the synod was “Called for the same year as the Ecumenical Council of Pope John XXIII, which will consider the church universal, the diocesan synod will legislate on problems and needs of the Diocese of Corpus Christi.” There was a great deal of preparation needed for the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, commonly referred to as Vatican II. A month before the convening of the council, Bishop Garriga announced that he, Auxiliary Bishop Adolph Marx and Msgr. William H. Oberste of Our Lady of Refuge in Refugio would attend the council in Rome. On Sept. 24, 1962, one week before his scheduled departure for Rome, Bishop Marx spoke to the Catholics Speak Up Forum about the various topics that would be covered at Vatican II. The Forum was sponsored by the Corpus Christi Parish Post, which reported that Bishop Marx spoke on such
Bringing the Church up to date…did not involve changes in basic beliefs or Church Dogma, but merely clarification and a fuller explanation of some doctrine and the restyling of some policies and practices.
Pope John XXIII signs document calling for the Second Vatican Council. Catholic News Service Photo Archive
topics as the “vernacular in the liturgy,” the role of the laity, “the theology of the episcopate” and other issues. “It was a tremendous act of courage on the part of the Holy Father to call this Council. The Council will be concerned with internal renovation, cleaning our own house,” Bishop Marx said to some 300 participants. Bishop Marx emphasized that the Council would address concerns and changes in the discipline in the Church not the Dogma of the Church. “Many things have crept into the liturgy of the Church which are absolutely foreign to the modern mind. We are just at the beginning of a liturgical movement. We must bring liturgy to the level of the common man. If liturgical celebrations can be understood only after long preparation, then they have lost their meaning,” Bishop Marx said. The bishop said Latin was important in the formation of priests but that it should not be forced on the people. He said that language “does not reflect the unity of the Church” which is expressed in “one faith, one organization” and not “in gestures, which are hard to understand.” Bishop Marx also spoke on the role of the laity, the authority and responsibility of bishops and the training and role of priests. From before its inception on Oct. 11, 1962, expectations were high that “pivotal” changes would be made in the Church. The pope often referred to these changes as “aggriornamento,” or “bringing the Church up to date.” The Holy See was quick to point out that this did not involve changes in basic beliefs or Church Dogma, but merely clarification and a fuller explanation of some doctrine and the restyling of some policies and practices. At the opening of the Council, the 80-year-old pontiff called for Christian unity in truth. “The Catholic Church… considers it her duty to work actively so that there may be fulfilled the great mystery of that unity, which Jesus Christ invoked with fervent prayer from His heavenly Father on the eve of His sacrifice,” Pope John said. In the ensuing weeks, the Corpus Christ Caller-Times peppered its readers with headlines from the Vatican, such as “Christian Unity Is Pope’s Plea As Council Opens;” “Council May Approve ‘Priesthood of Laity’;” “Catholic Council Discusses Liturgy;” “Vatican Council Debates Modern Language for Mass;” and “How to Make Worshipers Part of Mass Discussed.” Two weeks after the start of the session, Bishop Garriga returned to Corpus Christi to tend to pressing business in the diocese. Bishop Marx remained until the end of the first session on Dec. 8, 1962. Both men planned to return for the start of the second session on September 1963. “I am optimistic of great results from the council. At least I know how much it did for me and I cannot help but believe it will do the same for others,” Bishop Garriga said.
Upon the return of Bishop Marx, both he and Bishop Garriga appeared on the television program Catholic Report aired over KRIS Channel 6 on Jan. 5, 1963 to report on the council sessions. Vatican II continued for three years until its conclusion on Dec. 8, 1965. Before it ended, the aging John XXIII died on June 3, 1963 and Pope Paul VI was elevated to the papacy on June 21, 1963. The Diocese of Corpus Christi experienced a similar fate with Bishop Garriga passing to his eternal rest on Feb. 2, 1965 and his successor, Bishop Thomas Joseph Drury, installed on July 19, 1965. Bishop Marx too did not see the fruition of Vatican II, having been named bishop of the new Diocese of Brownsville on Sept. 2, 1965 and dying less than two months later on Nov. 1, 1965. The Second Vatican Council produced 16 documents, including the Constitution on Divine Revelation, the Dogmatic Constitution of the Church, the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World; three declarations on Christian education, relations with non-Christians and religious freedom; and nine decrees on various topics, from role of the laity to social communications. It would be up to Bishop Drury to carry out the mandates of Vatican II in the diocese baring Christ’s name. (Editor’s note: In coming issues we will be exploring these documents and the impact they have had in the Church over the past half-century.)
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Pope announces Year of Faith to help renew missionary energy
CNS and Staff Reports
ope Benedict XVI announced a special “Year of Faith” to help Catholics appreciate the gift of faith, deepen their relationship with God and strengthen their commitment to sharing faith with others. The pope said the Year of Faith would give “renewed energy to the mission of the whole church to lead men and women out of the desert they often are in and toward the place of life: friendship with Christ who gives
us fullness of life.” The observance begins Oct. 11–the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council–and concludes Nov. 24, 2013, the feast of Christ the King. “It will be a moment of grace and commitment to an ever fuller conversion to God, to reinforce our faith in him and to proclaim him with joy to the people of our time,” the pope said. Pope Benedict XVI greets some 350 attendees of the Mariological Marian International Congress during an audience at the papal villa at Castel Gandolfo, Italy, Sept. 8. The pope put the Year of Faith, which begins Oct. 11, under the protection of Mary. CNS photo/L’Osservatore Romano
helps people recognize the face of Christ >> Faith in those who are suffering, and “it is his love that impels us to assist him whenever he becomes our neighbor along the journey of life.”
Margaret Alarilla, director of the Office of Evangelization for the Diocese of Corpus Christi, said the diocese is planning for a number of activities and events in celebration of the Year of Faith. “We plan to host a Diocesan Wide Ministry Conference in addition to our Inaugural Women’s Conference in the hopes that hundreds will come and rekindle their faith journey,” Alarilla said. She also said that two Symposiums would be held on the Vatican II Documents since the Year of Faith is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council. “There is so much excitement in the air about The New Evangelization and the Year of Faith. My prayer is that all the lay faithful of the diocese, along with the clergy and those in consecrated life, take this time to rediscover, renew and recommit themselves to evangelization and catechesis,” Alarilla said. Pope Benedict explained his intention more fully in “Porta Fidei” (“The Door of Faith”), an apostolic letter to formally announce the special year. “Faith grows when it is lived as an experience of love received and when it is communicated as an experience of grace and joy,” the pope wrote. He said the Catechism of the Catholic Church, first published in 1992, should serve as the handbook for helping Catholics rediscover the truths of
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faith and deepen their understanding of church teaching. In January, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has published a “note” that helps people live the year “in the most effective and appropriate ways at the service of belief and evangelization.” Its tone is pastoral, rather than doctrinal, giving bishops and Catholic faithful ideas for implementing the pope’s call to deeper faith and greater missionary commitment. In his apostolic letter, the pope said the year’s focus would be on Jesus Christ because “in him, all the anguish and all the longing of the human heart finds fulfillment.” Pope Benedict said that in addition to studying the catechism and gaining a greater understanding of the creed, the Year of Faith also must be accompanied with more acts of charity. Faith helps people recognize the face of Christ in those who are suffering, and “it is his love that impels us to assist him whenever he becomes our neighbor along the journey of life,” the pope wrote. Pope Benedict said Catholics cannot “grow lazy in the faith.” “What the world is in particular need of today is the credible witness of people enlightened in mind and heart by the word of the Lord, and capable of opening the hearts and minds of many to the desire for God and for true life, life without end,” he wrote.
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Cardinal urges seminarians to rely on authentic Catholic teaching By Mark Zimmermann Catholic News Service
n a letter to seminarians of the Archdiocese of Washington, Cardinal Donald W. Wuerl encouraged them to rely on authentic Catholic teaching in their preparation for the priesthood, so that they will be able to share the truth of the Church’s teachings with the people they will one day serve.
He urged them to look to the Catechism of the Catholic Church as a sure guide on what the Church teaches. “Your need to be well grounded in authentic Catholic teaching is important, first for your own participation in the great, living teaching tradition of the Church,” the cardinal said in his Sept. 3 letter to the archdiocese’s 74 seminarians. “One reason why you are required to take so many courses in Catholic teaching, history and philosophy is so that you are not only aware of the immense gift of the great Catholic tradition, but that you are also well prepared to access it, understand it, appropriate it and share it,” he said. The cardinal titled his letter “Faith
Washington Cardinal Donald W. Wuerl. Catholic News Service
Seeking Understanding in the Life of the Seminarian.” He said that as priests, they will be ministering to people in a materialistic, secular world who, in their worldly culture and by alternative voices claiming to be Catholic, have been taught things that are counter to Church teaching, especially in the area of sexual morality. The cardinal noted that Pope Benedict XVI has warned of college and university theology teachers who have presented “teachings that were never accepted as part of Christ’s Gospel,” as new teachings “in the ‘spirit’” of the Second Vatican Council, and those theologians’ false teachings have been amplified in the secular mass media. Cardinal Wuerl likewise reminded students “if you have a doubt that one
or another teaching that you read or receive does not comport with the Catholic faith, you can turn to the Catechism of the Catholic Church.” In his letter, Cardinal Wuerl noted how Christ taught his disciples to teach the good news, and after Jesus’ resurrection and the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, they continued that ministry, “even at the cost of their very lives, and appointed others to continue, in turn, their own ministry of preaching the word after they had gone.” The cardinal said the successors to the apostles, the bishops, guided by the Holy Spirit, have for more than 20 centuries passed on the truth of the Catholic faith, “making sure that it is presented clearly, and applying it to the problems and needs of every age.”
Discussing the Church’s teaching authority, Cardinal Wuerl said, “The magisterium, the Church’s teaching office, does not assert that in its proclamation of the faith, it has exhausted every development, nuance or application of the faith in the circumstances of our day. But the Church does define that the authoritative teachers of the faith will not lead us into error and away from Christ. No one else can rightfully make that claim.” The cardinal warned “there are some theological writers who present teachings contrary to that of the Church’s magisterium, but who justify their writings on the grounds that it is the pope and the bishops who do not understand the nature of theology.” He noted that Pope Benedict XVI, recognized as “a superlative theologian of our age,” and the world’s bishops in communion with him understand the nature of theology, and they have the responsibility to “declare what is and what is not in conformity with the faith of the Church.”
Cardinal Wuerl reminded seminarians that as they progress through the academic year, studying liberal arts, philosophy, Scripture and theology, they need to be “mindful that there is only one faith. There are not several creeds, nor are there multiple moralities from which you can choose.” Popular interpretations of Church teaching, even by groups claiming to be Catholic, can actually be proposing “something altogether different than Catholic faith and morals,” the cardinal warned the seminarians. “When, for example, you read that this or that theologian has proposed an understanding of God, the Church or the sacraments that clearly runs counter to what the pope and bishops teach, or when you are presented with the idea that morality, particularly sexual morality, is simply a matter of personal choice, and that the idea of an objective moral norm of right and wrong is no longer applicable today, know that you need to turn to a sure source reference for
true Catholic teaching,” said Cardinal Wuerl. Those alternative teachings, often referred to as “Catholic lite,” should be checked for authenticity, recommended the cardinal. He warned about groups that label their positions with the name “Catholic,” but actually go against Church teaching, as they claim that people can be good Catholics even if they “support ideas that are greatly popular in the secular world such as abortion, sterilization, same-sex marriage and all types of sexual activity outside of marriage.” Cardinal Wuerl encouraged the seminarians to confront the culture and spirit of these times by following Jesus’ call to holiness. “In an ever increasingly secular and materialistic culture, those who live by the Spirit are called to set an example that will bear testimony to the goodness of Christ and his way of life in an age that seems so uncomfortable with the things of the Spirit,” he said.
Cardinal Dolan: religious freedom means leaving faith alone Catholic News Agency
eligious freedom in the United States has historically been understood as allowing religion to “flourish unfettered from government intrusion,” said Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New York. 42
“Simply put, government has no business interfering in the internal life of the soul, conscience, or church,” said the cardinal, who serves at the president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Cardinal Dolan delivered the John Carroll Society Lecture at the Newseum in Washington, D.C. on Sept. 10. He voiced concern that “the promotion and protection of religious liberty is becoming caricatured as some narrow, hyper-defensive, far-right, selfserving cause.” “Nothing can be more inaccurate,”
he said. “Rather, freedom of religion has been the driving force of almost every enlightened, un-shackling, noble cause in American history.” Cardinal Dolan attempted to “restore the luster” of religious freedom by outlining its role throughout American history. The American Revolution itself was influenced by the Great Awakening and spurred on by ministers who encouraged participation in the fight for freedom, he observed. Churches served as “an essential partner” in the American Revolution,
and freedom of religion was praised in the new nation’s foundational documents, securing “a spot in the public square for the voices of those speaking from a faith-formed conscience,” he said. In the fight against the slavery, abolitionist leaders were “mostly inspired by religious conviction,” he noted, listing prominent figures whose “devotion to the cause to end slavery flowed from a conscience formed by faith.” “In a land where loyalty to conscience and freedom of religion were not guaranteed, emancipation would have come at a much tragically later date,” he said. Women’s leading roles in the abolitionist movement are sometimes seen as contributing to the “advancement of women” in American society, he added, and religion also influenced the temperance movement and other reforms. In addition, the cardinal said, the Civil Rights Movement would “never have flourished” without “the unfettered preaching of the Gospel,” and “the leadership of Black southern preachers.” Cardinal Dolan pointed to Dr. King’s Letters from a Birmingham Jail as “perhaps one of the most cogent proof texts for religious freedom.” Religion and religious liberty have also played key roles in more recent movements such as the pro-life cause and other initiatives favoring peace and urban reform, he added. The cardinal observed that the Catholics who first came to America – often settling in Maryland, a colony that served as a “laboratory” of religious freedom – did not seek “any favored status for either their beloved Catholic faith or any other religion.” “Nor did they want their faith, however normative in their own life, to have any institutional input in the colonial government,” he said. “Mainly, they just wanted to be left alone.” He explained that today, as when the nation was founded, Catholics do not “want privileges from the state,” but simply want to be left alone in order to “practice their faith, and follow their properly formed consciences in the public square.” It is this “guiding principle of religious freedom” that was enshrined in the nation’s constitution, he said. Cardinal Dolan warned of the modern threat to religious freedom posed by secularists who will tolerate religion only as a “private hobby,” refusing to let it have “any voice in the public square.” Also troubling, he said, is the “direct intrusion of the government into the very definition of a church’s minister, ministries, message, and meaning.” As patriotic Americans and faithful Catholics, we must fight not only for our right to live out our faith in the privacy of our homes and churches, but also “the freedom to carry the convictions of a faith-formed conscience into our public lives,” he said.
Let your “informed” conscience be your guide Listen, learn and most important PRAY when considering the candidates
y dear brothers and sisters, we are well into the final weeks before the presidential elections. Perhaps you will agree that this has been a very difficult campaign. More and more issues surrounding the sanctity of human life are being pushed into the political arena and as a result our Catholic moral beliefs are Most Rev. Wm. being misrepresented and Michael Mulvey confused. Bishop of Corpus Christi As your bishop, I would like to take a moment to clarify Catholic teaching on life and moral issues now being debated in the public arena. The first and most critical is the issue of life in the womb. As Catholics, we believe and defend that life begins at conception. Life is a gift from God, life is from the Creator; therefore, no one has the right, not even the mother herself, to extinguish the gift of life from God. We believe that every human life is intrinsically valuable and must be protected from the moment of conception until natural death. The debates also include the definition of marriage. Marriage is the union of a man and woman. By nature, men and women are called into a permanent covenant of love that reflects the communion existing in God. As Catholics, we believe and defend the definition of marriage; the union of a man and a woman. Religious Freedom is at great risk on several fronts. The HHS mandates folded into the new healthcare are an intrusion in the free practice of our Catholic faith. No OCTOBER 2012 | SOUTH TEX AS CATHOLIC
government anywhere in the world should impose mandates that create obstacles for those who want to practice their faith in freedom. Since 1919 the Catholic Church has championed affordable healthcare for all our citizens and we continue to do so, but not at the cost of diminishing Freedom of Religion. So many of our brothers and sisters are suffering from the economy. Each
side presents different approaches. Whether one embraces one side or the other is a matter of conscience as well. In preparation to vote this year, please take time to be well-informed and considering also the plight of the poor and those who are without work. Be assured that I will be praying for each one of you as you listen to the debates and consider the issues at hand. I would ask that we all vote
with an informed conscience and not be swayed by emotions. As Catholic citizens of this blessed country, let us open our minds to the will of our Creator and vote to promote life, to maintain justice among all people and seek the good of every human being even the human person in its mother’s womb. May God bless you and keep America free, beautiful and just.
Campaign 2012:
The Future of the Pro-Life Cause George Weigel Denver Catholic Register
t’s the economy, stupid! James Carville’s memorable note-toself during the 1992 presidential race will be the determining factor in the 2012 campaign, according to the common wisdom. That may be true. But as Catholics consider their responsibilities between now and Nov. 6, it would be good to remember that the future of the pro-life cause in America is also at stake. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 79. Justices Antonin Scalia and Anthony Kennedy are 76. Justice Stephen Breyer is 74. The president elected in November will likely appoint two Supreme Court justices, and may appoint as many as four, over the next presidential term. If that next president replaces Justices Ginsburg, Breyer, and Kennedy with nominees who think that Roe v. Wade (1973) and Casey v. Planned Parenthood (1992) were wrongly decided,
there could conceivably be a 7-2 Court majority to overturn or, in effect, gut those dreadful decisions and return the abortion debate and related life-issues questions like euthanasia to the states. The pro-life cause would win some states, likely the majority, and lose others. With national opinion polls showing a pro-life majority for the first time in a long time, however, the conditions are right for legally advancing the cause in a dramatic way. If, conversely, Justice Scalia and Justices Ginsburg and Breyer and possibly Kennedy were to be replaced in the next presidential term by nominees favorable to the Court’s judgment in Roe and Casey, the radical abortion license created by those two decisions might well be set in federal legal concrete for the next 30 years. The pro-life cause would go on, but it would continue under severe federal legal restraints. That this choice should present itself in partisan terms is a national tragedy. As the natural successor to the classic civil rights movement, the pro-life cause ought to be a bipartisan cause; it should certainly have been the cause of Catholic progressives. Yet as early as 1967, Richard John Neuhaus, then a
The Catholic Difference Lutheran pastor and a civil rights veteran, warned his fellow-liberals in a Commonweal article that they were betraying the civil rights cause by flirting with “liberalized “ abortion laws. Neuhaus’s article won a prize from the Catholic Press Association; but that was then, and this is now. The pro-life cause has been abandoned by the old pro-civil rights coalition, even as African-American communities are decimated by the abortion license. In any case, the pro-life stakes in 2012 could not be greater. Men and women of conscience will form their judgments accordingly. (George Weigel is Distinguished Senior Fellow of the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C.)
Catholics are challenged to approach dialogue with a spirit of love and respect
n a little more than a month, the American people will go to the polls to elect their president for the next four years. Sadly, the climate in the country is one in which inflammatory rhetoric, uncivil accusations, personal attacks and unrelenting questioning of others’ motives are commonplace.
How are Catholics a part of all this? How should they respond? As brothers and sisters in Christ– members of one family, the Body of Christ–Catholics are called to think and act differently. They are challenged to approach dialogue with a spirit of love and respect. The Old Testament book of Numbers tells about a disagreement that arises among the Israelites. They have been wandering in the desert on their way from Egypt to the Promised Land. The people have grown weary, and after Moses pleads with God for help, God bestows His Spirit on 70 leaders who are gathered in the tent so that they can encourage and help those who are weary. However, divisions arise among the leaders, even after they all received God’s spirit. (Nm 11:25-29) How often do we “murmur among ourselves,” like the Israelites, about
someone else, especially a political leader? How often do we unjustly question the motives of others, or even attack or make fun of someone else? How often do we jump to conclusions about others who may be honestly seeking to do good, but in a different way and with a different perspective from us? Giving others the benefit of the doubt, not doubting their motives and approaching them with a willingness to listen and understand does not mean that we are saying that “everyone is right” or that there is no fundamental truth or clear moral requirement. On the contrary, we believe that God gives us a “perfect law” that we must follow. As the Psalm proclaims, “The law of the LORD is perfect, refreshing the soul.” (Ps 19:8) Thus, we do not believe in relativism, that there is no objective right or wrong. What Catholics should believe in is examining the tone and tenor of our debate; refusing to disparage the name and reputation, the character and life of a person simply because he or she holds a different position; and refusing to spread falsehoods or half-truths about one another. Catholics must remember that the Commandment that obliges us to avoid false witness also calls us to be people who tell the truth. We must reject the temptation to select only some facts, choose inflammatory words, spin the story or be used for someone else’s political purpose. We must recognize that although we are each individuals, we are called to live out our lives in relationship with others, in community. Catholics must always work to strengthen, not erode,
that sense of community. As Catholic people, we must always express our thoughts, opinions and positions but always do so in love and truth. In his Epistle, James writes to an early Christian community, criticizing the divisions among them. To the owners of the fields, he writes, “Behold, the wages you withheld from the workers who harvested your field are crying aloud; and the cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts.” (Jas 5:4) We live in a society with some of these same divisions: rich vs. poor; owners vs. workers; Democrat vs. Republican; conservative vs. liberal; and social and ethnic divisions. Catholics should resist the temptation to play into these divisions in our society. We are one family of faith; we are all children of God. The divisions among us, and the disrespect we show toward one another are a cause of scandal. When others–our neighbors, our friends, our children, people who read our comments on Facebook pages, blogs or e-mail–see us disrespecting one another, this weakens the witness of our Church. We have many ways we choose to divide ourselves, but we have something in common: we are all children of God, and we are called to treat one another and all God’s children with respect and understanding.
How can we overcome division? How can we respect and support the dignity of others? In the midst of this election season when dialogue is often anything but civil, here are some ideas for how we can be vehicles of Christ’s love when we talk with others, including those with whom we disagree. We should begin with respect. We should decide not to degrade the persons, characters and reputations of others who hold different positions
from us; or spread rumors, falsehoods or half-truths about them. We should be careful about the language we use, avoiding inflammatory words and rhetoric. We should not assign motives to others. Instead, we should assume that our family members, friends and colleagues are speaking in good faith, even if we disagree with them. We should listen carefully and respectfully to other people. We should remember
that we are members of a community, and we should try to strengthen our sense of community through the love and care we show one another. Finally, we should be people who express our thoughts, opinions and positions but always do so in love and truth. If we can model Christ’s love in our civil dialogue, we can begin to change the negative climate in our country during this election season, and beyond.
Deciding about dialysis Father Tadeusz Pacholczyk, Ph.D. National Bioethics Center
atients and families sometimes struggle with the question of whether dialysis is “worth it.”
A young woman wrote recently on a Web site addressing dialysis patients’ concerns, “My father has been on dialysis for three years, and he’s 62 years old. A few days ago he said he wanted to stop going because he was ‘sick of it’. We talked to him and told him that it would hurt us if he did that, but now I’m thinking that maybe I shouldn’t have talked him out of it–this isn’t about me and my feelings. This is about what he has to deal with.” When would discontinuing dialysis be a reasonable and morally acceptable choice? Could discontinuing dialysis ever be tantamount to suicide? While every person is obligated to use ordinary or proportionate means to preserve his or her life, no person is required to submit to a health care procedure that he or she has judged, with a free and informed conscience, to provide little hope of benefit or to impose significant risks and burdens.
Weighing benefits and burdens is at the heart of the question of starting, continuing or stopping dialysis. As the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has noted, “We have a duty to preserve our life and to use it for the glory of God, but the duty to preserve life is not absolute, for we may reject life-prolonging procedures that are insufficiently beneficial or excessively burdensome. Suicide and euthanasia are never morally acceptable options.” The benefits of the commonly used procedure known as hemodialysis or filtration of the blood are well known. As the kidney function declines, dialysis performs part of the work that healthy kidneys normally do, filtering toxins from the body. Dialysis can serve as a bridge to a kidney transplant, which can offer the patient a new lease on life. Discontinuing dialysis during complete kidney failure usually means that the patient will die in a matter of days or weeks. The burdens of dialysis vary from patient to patient. The procedure can be time-consuming, requiring visits to a dialysis center three times a week for three to four hours at a stretch, with additional time for transportation. One can also feel washed out the next day.
Making Sense out of
BIOETHICS Other burdens may include sharp drops in blood pressure during or after the procedure. Fainting, vomiting, nausea, muscle cramps, temporary loss of vision, irritability and fatigue can occur. Some patients manifest abnormal heart rhythms from electrolyte imbalances, while others may experience allergic reactions or bleeding problems from the chemicals or blood-thinning medicines used during the dialysis. Long-term dialysis can cause bone and joint pain from a deposit of various proteins known as amyloid in the hands, wrists, shoulders and neck. Cost may represent yet another burden, depending on the patient’s personal finances and insurance situation. Still other burdens may include problems with the access point made for the dialysis called a fistula, which
“...dialysis can prolong and save a patient’s life, but can also impose significant burdens.” usually occurs in the arm. This is a surgical connection made under the skin between an artery and a vein, allowing needles to access blood flow for dialysis. As many as 25 percent of hospital admissions among dialysis patients are due to problems with fistula malfunction, thrombosis, infection and access. Multiple surgeries may be required to assure that a fistula continues to function during the time it is used. In sum, then, dialysis can prolong and save a patient’s life, but can also impose significant burdens. Depending on the various side effects and problems associated with the procedure, and depending on how minimal the benefits may be in light of other medical conditions the patient may be struggling with, it can become reasonable, in some cases, to discontinue dialysis. Using a different kind of dialysis known as peritoneal dialysis, where fluid is instilled in the abdomen via a permanently positioned catheter and later drained, can sometimes lessen the burdens of hemodialysis. The patient can perform peritoneal dialysis at home each night. It is not possible with the limited information we have to draw any moral conclusions about the case of the father who is “sick of it” and wants to stop dialysis. We need further details, such as: What is the reason for his request? Is he experiencing serious complications and significant burdens from dialysis? Does he have other medical problems besides kidney failure? Is he suffering from depression, for which he could be treated? We should never choose to bring about our own or another’s death by euthanasia, suicide or other means, but we may properly recognize, on a case by case, detaildependent basis, that at a certain point in our struggle to stay alive, procedures like dialysis may become unduly burdensome treatments that are no longer obligatory. In these cases, it’s always wise to consult clergy or other moral advisors trained in these often-difficult bioethical issues. (Father Tadeusz Pacholczyk, Ph.D. earned his doctorate in neuroscience from Yale and did post-doctoral work at Harvard. He is a priest of the diocese of Fall River, MA, and serves as the Director of Education at The National Catholic Bioethics Center in Philadelphia. See www.
Christian witness Do what is important and God will do the rest Deacon Stephen Nolte Contributor
n this current modern age where Catholic Christians find their faith challenged on every front, we are in fact, encountering nothing new except that it is now happening to us.
If we look closely at the past we will see the early Christians facing the very same dilemmas that we face today– abortion, attacks on marriage, pagan worship, secularism, relativism, humanism, government interference and religious intolerance. For us the root of it all is the loss of identity both as individuals and as a nation, whereas, for them it was the establishing of their identity. The further we move away from God the more our identity becomes distorted. We lose sight of whom and whose we are. Society tells us that the widespread acceptance of practices, such as, cohabitation, and same-sex relationships– which contradict and challenge our beliefs at every turn–are “the new normal.” In an effort to be politically correct, we begin to accept, without seeking to fully understand the ramifications, what has heretofore been considered taboo. As a result, society seeks to redefine all that has gone before–marriage, life and even death. In the sentiments of G. K. Chesterton, people throw out what they do not know or understand. Traditions that have no meaning to the current crowd are discarded as unimportant and we develop a utilitarian view of life and its meaning. If we see no use or purpose for it we throw it out. This is not said lightly or with malice; it is simply an observation of the signs of our times. OCTOBER 2012 | SOUTH TEX AS CATHOLIC
Perhaps the most important thing for us as Christians to remember at this time is that there is much good news–we have not been left alone. The truth of God’s Word remains; it cannot be reduced nor changed regardless of man’s attempts to redefine or reshape it. More than that, God prepared for this time long ago; He has provided us with the necessary tools to face its apparent darkness with joy and hope. We need only to wield those tools and rely on Him to do the rest. Fifty years ago God directed the fathers of the Church to provide the guidance we need today. This guidance can be found in the wisdom of the words and documents of the Second Vatican Council. Recognizing a need for a renewal of faith and identity, the Council embarked upon a path of self-analysis and identification. The major documents springing from the Council offer great insights into the purpose and mission of the Church and the faithful. It is in these documents that we find the impetus for the teachings of Blessed Pope John XXIII, Paul VI, Blessed John Paul II and the current Holy Father Benedict XVI. Like our forebears, the Christians of the first century, today’s Christians find themselves surrounded by unbelievers and others who are intolerant. Some who act with an exaggerated anger directed at destroying or silencing Christians, while others are simply indifferent to Christianity and the relevance of God’s truth. Christians often find themselves at a loss of how to approach these people, of how to dialogue with them in a meaningful manner. They see intolerance in the politics of today where negative campaigning is the norm and there is a divisive split in the nation as to what is good for the future. The words of Pilate are echoed
among politicians and others who have a relativistic plan to achieve their own worldly happiness, most often at the expense of others: “Truth, what is truth, if it doesn’t bring me what I want?” It is time for Catholics to go to the arsenal of Vatican II and bring out the tools God has given us for our own good and salvation. Among these tools in particular is one post-conciliar document that offers us guidance on how to maneuver in the entanglements of language that has been deliberately obscured and distorted. This document Humanae Personae Dignitatem, On Dialog with Unbelievers, shares the wisdom of the fathers of Vatican II with us today. It lays out a pattern for entering into dialogue with those who oppose us. In doing so it opens the door for us to work for the renewal of society and the faith.
acknowledge the dignity and worth of the other person. All Christians should do their best to promote dialogue between men of every class, as a duty of fraternal charity.” (Dialog With Unbelievers, ch. 1) “The search for truth must be carried out in a manner that is appropriate to the dignity of the human person and his social nature, namely by free inquiry with the help of teaching or instruction, communication and dialogue. It is by these means that men share with each other the truth they have discovered in such a way that they help one another in the search for truth.” (Declaration on Religious Liberty, n. 3) “The desire for such discussion which is motivated solely by love of truth, excludes nobody.” (Gaudium et spes, n. 92) Paul VI wrote in the encyclical Ecclesiam suam, “It is by means of dialogue in that sense that the Church performs its chief function in preaching the Gospel to all men, giving them in a spirit of reverence and love the gift of grace and truth which Christ deposited with it.” Dialogue is not the same as confrontation; for its object is that each side should come closer to the other side and should understand it better for mutual enrichment. While this is not an exhaustive examination of Humanae Personae Dignitatem, it is intended to awaken in the faithful a hunger to learn more, to seek truth in darkness, and to do so for love of what is truth and good. For a full transcript of this and other documents of the Second Vatican Council visit Bishop Wm. Michael Mulvey recently said, “If you don’t find love, give love; if you don’t find forgiveness, forgive; and if you don’t find healing, give healing.” Do what is important and God will do the rest.
>> All Christians should do their
best to promote dialogue between men of every class, as a duty of fraternal charity. It reminds us of the necessity of living in and bringing about the kingdom of God here, in this place, in this time, just as every Christian before us was called to live. Drawing from the great documents Lumen Gentium, Gaudium et spes, Dei Verbum, the Decree on the Apostolate of Lay People and the Declaration on Religious Freedom, this document reminds us collectively and individually what it is to live the Christian life and speak the Truth in love to those who do not believe, to those who in fact may hate us, and to do so with such love that they are converted, not by us, but by the love of Christ who is in us. “Dialogue, insofar as it relies on mutual relationships between the participants, demands that each party
St. Francis of Assisi a Saint for everyone Father Gabriel P. Coelho, PhD, LPC Parochial Vicar, Corpus Christi Cathedral
n the month of October, you might notice people taking their animals and pets to the churchyards–dogs, cats, hamsters, birds and fish– for a special ceremony called the Blessing of Pets or animals.
This custom is conducted in remembrance of St. Francis of Assisi’s love for all creatures. His feast day is celebrated on Oct. 4. St. Francis is a popular saint throughout the world, He is known as Poverello (the poor one), a lover of all creation and the patron saint of animals and the environment. He was a man of prayer and peace who had a great love for the poor, especially for lepers. He also founded three religious orders. Francis was born in 1182 in Assisi, Italy. He was a son of wealth; his father Pietro Bernadone owned a textile business and his mother Pica was a native of France. As a young man, Francis was said to be handsome and charming. He wasted his earlier years in revelry with other nobles of Assisi.
Urged by his parents, he aspired to become a knight who would accomplish great heroic acts. He got his chance at prominence, when at the age of 20 he joined his fellow townsmen in battle against the neighboring town of Perugia. He was wounded in battle and taken prisoner. While in his dungeon, Francis heard a voice ask which was more profitable, “to serve the Master or the servant?” Without hesitation, he responded, “The Master.” “Then why do you choose to serve the servant?” came back the reply. Francis convinced himself that it was God asking the questions. After his release from prison, Francis changed his life. He embraced silence and prayer. Instead of heroic escapades he sought to help the poor and the sick. One day, while engrossed in prayer at the church of San Damiano, the
Francis made a complete separation from his family, giving up all his inheritances and assumed a life of poverty. He proclaimed, “From now onwards I can turn to God and call Him my Father in Heaven!” From then on, Francis was fully committed to live his life in accordance with the Gospel. He took the Word of God seriously and tried to live it to the letter. He begged for his food, wore old clothes and preached peace. He tried in every way to imitate Christ. His piety began to attract many disciples and in 1209 he founded the Franciscan order. The rule of his order was based on Gospel poverty. Three years later, in 1212, Francis founded the second order called the Poor Clares with St. Clare of Assisi. He also created the Third Order for lay people. Franciscans were all of “one heart and mind” living together in prayer, poverty and simplicity of life. Francis even included all God’s creatures–animals, birds, the sun, the moon, wind, fire, water –into his brotherhood and sisterhood. Francis saw the love of wealth and affluence and the insatiable love of material goods as obstacles to living the brotherhood called for in the Gospel; it was also an impediment in achieving union with God. He did not want the possessions to possess his brothers. For him, human persons–the
Francis even included all God’s creatures –animals, birds, the sun, the moon, wind, fire, water–into his brotherhood and sisterhood.
voice returned to him and directed Francis to “repair my house, which is in ruins.” He naturally assumed that he was to restore San Damiano. He used his family’s wealth to fix the church to the chagrin of his father. In 1206,
Francis was a man at peace–at peace with God, with himself and with his neighbor. poor, the marginalized, the oppressed and the outcasts–were children of God to be loved. Francis became prayer itself. He prayed and prayed, contemplated on the passion of Christ. He was found praying; whenever he was not preaching or doing something he was found praying. Churches and chapels were his favorite places for prayer. He said that prayer united him to Christ. Francis was a man at peace–at peace with God, with himself and with his neighbor. He was also a peacemaker; intervening in the disputes between the rich and the poor in Assisi, and between the Christians and Muslims during the Crusades. He was accepted
as a peacemaker, because he was filled with peace himself. Mystical St. Francis marveled at God’s creation. He was said to have preached to birds. He loved animals; even wild animals were said to become tame at his command. Francis considered the Church a true sign of God’s presence in the world. He knew the Church would always be subjected to temporal weakness and shortcomings in other than essential doctrinal and moral areas. The flaws in the Church of Francis’ time were considerable. Clergy lived disreputable lives and anti-clericalism was widespread. Francis’ devotion to Christ grew
so strong that in 1224 he became the first person to exhibit the wounds of the crucifixion of Jesus; a condition called stigmata. God had called Francis to rebuild His crumbling Church. Francis accepted the challenge without recrimination but with his usual love, compassion and veneration. He asked that all his followers honor all priests, despite their failings. Francis never sought the priesthood. In his humbleness he preferred to be a brother and not a father. Francis died on Oct. 3, 1226 at the age of 44 at Portiuncula, Italy. Pope Gregory IX canonized him on July 16, 1228. Pope John Paul II named St. Francis Patron Saint of Ecology.
Religious Missionaries of St. Dominic Sister Kathleen McDonagh, IWBS
T Contributor
he Religious Missionaries of St. Dominic consider the beginning of their apostolate in the United States to be a highlighting of God’s love and wisdom, granted to them through His Divine Providence.
In their Province of the Holy Rosary in China, where they had ministered before coming to the United States, they experienced persecution, pain and suffering. However, they continued to serve God there in a heroic manner until they were expelled in 1950. Even as the sisters continued to struggle to recover from the traumatic events in China, Divine Providence opened new frontiers for them in His Vineyard. Specifically in the United States where the sisters of the congregation found a new location in which to serve the Lord. In 1950, the pastor of St. Joseph Parish in Alice, Texas, Father Juan Zabala, O.P., invited the Religious Missionaries of St. Dominic to come to his parish and take charge of the administration of the school. The sisters accepted the offer and four members of the community arrived in Alice in 1951. There they formed a new religious community in which their chief apostolate was teaching at St. Joseph
Catholic School. The first four sisters in Alice were Sister Rosario Ozcariz, OP and Sister Isabel Montemayor, OP from Spain and Sister Josephine Conlu, OP and Sister Purificación Beltrán, OP from the Philippines. The earliest sisters in the United States had to cope with further difficulties. These included adjusting to a new climate, a new culture and a new economic situation; the last of these was indeed very uncertain. There were also health problems that attacked two sisters to such a degree that they were hospitalized for months. However, these early sisters showed their resilience and capacity for suffering as they continued to demonstrate an example of courage and fidelity to their mission as they had done in China. Eventually, in addition to their administration of the parish school, they took charge of the catechetical work, the youth and adult ministries and other pastoral work needed in the parish. On Sept. 25, 2003, they withdrew from St. Joseph Parish and were assigned to various apostolates in the Diocese of Corpus Christi. Other locations in which the sisters ministered include Holy Cross Parish, Our Lady of the Rosary Convent and Christ the King Parish, all in Corpus Christi; St. Joseph Parish and Our Lady of Victory Parish, both in Beeville; and St. Anthony Catholic School in Robstown. Their ministries in each place varied, but the sisters attempted as much as possible to help in each situation as needed and to do their best to bring people closer to God. In Holy Cross Parish, in response to a request from Bishop Thomas
J. Drury, two sisters took over the administration of Catholic Charities, which was located in that parish. In addition, the congregation rendered charitable services to African-American parishioners and to some needy Hispanic, Asian and Anglo-Americans. They helped the materially and spiritually poor, counseled unwed mothers and helped the unemployed find work. In a word, wherever there was a need the Religious Missionaries of St. Dominic made every effort to meet it. In 1986, the sisters extended their apostolate to Our Lady of Victory in Beeville. There they formed another local religious community with teaching in the primary and intermediate levels, as their main apostolate. However, their ministry included catechetical classes to children studying in public schools. Ten years after the sisters first began ministering in Beeville their two schools merged. An important development took place in Corpus Christi in 1986 when a new convent–Our Lady of the Rosary Convent–was erected adjacent to St. Paul the Apostle Church in Flour Bluff. This convent was inaugurated and blessed by Bishop René H. Gracida on Oct. 31, 1986. The prioress general and her council were so impressed by this move that they designated this new convent as the central convent of their congregation in the United States. As such, it was recognized as the official seat of the delegate of the prioress general to the United States. From the convent in Flour Bluff, the sisters went out to a number of parishes, collaborating with the pastors and engaging in many
ministries. In 1991, through a grant from The John G. and Marie Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation, a learning center was built to care for children 18-months to five-years of age while their parents were at work. In 2009, through a petition from the parents, the learning center was incorporated into the diocesan school system as a Catholic school. The school was renamed Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic School with
the mission to strive to form minds, hearts and souls in the likeness of Christ. This, the sisters hoped to do by integrating faith and knowledge to enable each child to develop his and her potential as a unique child of God. In 2002, a sister started working as his pastoral assistant at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Alice. She extended her ministry to its parish mission, Santo Nino de Atocha, and eventually was named director of religious education of both churches. In
that capacity, she adopted the Generation of Faith Program, which involves children, parents and grandparents. She is part of the parish ongoing adult religious education, and directs spiritual retreats for various parish organizations. The Religious Missionaries of St. Dominic in their widely and varied ministries demonstrate their flexibility as they attempt to meet the needs of the Church in many areas in the Diocese of Corpus Christi.
Theology on Tap
pies and funnel cakes and much more. For more information, call Lydia Longoria, Parish Secretary, at (361) 287-3256.
12th Annual Jamaicafest
Oct. 2 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Carino’s Italian Restaurant. Join us as we continue Father Robert Barron’s Catholicism Series. Dinner and non-alcoholic drinks will be provided. Additional food items and alcoholic drinks are available for purchase. For more information, please contact Adam Koll at
St. Martin Annual Festival-Rodeo Oct. 6 from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. at the J.K. Northway Coliseum (Escondido Rd. and Hwy. 77) in Kingsville. There will be a children’s rodeo, an adult ranch rodeo, game and food booths, silent auction, artists, crafters and vendors.
Pre Cana Seminar Oct. 6 at the Corpus Christi Cathedral’s St. Joseph’s Hall, located at 505 N. Upper Broadway. It is a one day marriage preparation seminar for the engaged or for engaged couples preparing for marriage and couples married civilly for less than one year.
Holy Family Fall Festival Oct. 7 from 11 a.m.-9 p.m. at Holy Family Parish on 2509 Nogales. Live music all day, games and food.
Fall Festival in Mathis Oct. 7 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. The event will be held in the parish hall, located at 217 W. San Patricio, in Mathis. Barbecue brisket plates - $7 donation. There will be silent and live auctions and much more. For more information, please call (361) 547-9181.
Czechfest 2012 Oct. 7 from 9 a.m. until all items from the Auction are sold. St. Thomas the Apostle Parish located on 16602 FM 624 in Robstown. Czechfest Mass will be celebrated by Reverend Monsignor Richard Shirley at 11 a.m. on Sunday morning with a Czech Band playing the liturgy music. Beef barbecue meals – $8 donation. For more information, please contact Anna Ramos at (361) 387-1312 or by emailing
Fall Festival in Skidmore Oct. 7, beginning at 11 a.m., Immaculate Conception Parish in Skidmore will serve brisket and sausage plates, fajitas and molleja tacos, frito
Annual Church BBQ in Three Rivers Oct. 7. Sacred Heart Parish, located at 307 E. Alexander in Three Rivers, will be having their Annual church barbecue. Serving begins at 11 a.m. in the parish hall. Barbecue plates – $8 donation. Meat will also be sold by the pound. Silent and live auctions and much more. For more information please contact Sacred Heart Parish at (361) 786-3398.
Jamaica at Our Lady of the Rosary Oct. 7 at Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, located at 1123 Main Drive in Corpus Christi. Barbecue plates – $7 plate donation. Plates will be served in Mother Theresa Hall between 11 a.m.-3 p.m. for dine in or take out. Delivery requires an order of ten plates or more. Festivities will include live music by Elvis impersonator Danny Lee and much more. For more information please call (361) 241-2004.
Men’s St. Ignatius Silent Retreat Oct. 11 at 5 p.m. and ending on Sunday, Oct. 14 at 1 p.m. at OLCC Retreat Center on 1200 Lantana in Corpus Christi. For more information call (361) 289-9095 ext. 301 or go to www.
Convalidation Seminar Oct. 13 from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. at St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles Parish. Learn about the process of validating and blessing marriages through the Church. Cost of attendance is $50 per couple. Must be pre-registered to attend. Registration deadline is Friday, Oct. 5. Register online at
Humanae Vitae Oct. 13 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Newman Catholic Student Center located at 7002 Ocean Drive. Presentation by Father James Farfaglia helps young adults (18-35) understand the history and meaning behind the Catholic Church’s teachings on Humanae Vitae (On Human Life): Exploring the Catholic Church’s Teaching on Life, Marriage, and Human Sexuality. Lunch will be provided. For more information, please contact Adam Koll at
Oct. 13 from 11 a.m.-8 p.m. at St. Joseph Parish in Alice. Cost per ticket is $5. Moonwalks, cakewalk and much more. Tickets are available at the parish office. For more information call the parish office at (361) 664-7551.
Our Lady of Pilar Jamaica Oct. 14 from 12 noon-8 p.m. at Our Lady of Pilar Church on 1101 Bloomington St. Live music, lots of Mexican Food, Folklorico and much more.
Dinner & Dialogue with Bishop Mulvey, featuring a special guest Oct. 18. at the Congressman Solomon P. Ortiz International Center at 7 p.m. Please join Bishop Mulvey for dinner and dialogue among friends benefiting Catholic Charities of Corpus Christi, Inc. and the Mother Teresa Shelter, Inc. Elisabeth von Trapp, whose family’s story inspired The Sound of Music, will be the Featured Special Guest.
St. Patrick’s 50th Annual Halloween Carnival Oct. 19 at St. Patrick School, located at 3340 S. Alameda from 5:30-10:30 p.m. There will be food, musical performances by Another Level, hayrides, a haunted house, carnival games and rides, and much more! It will be fun for the entire family! For more information, call St. Patrick School at (361) 852-1211.
Faithfully Yours Oct. 19 at Our Lady of Corpus Christi on 1200 Lantana in Corpus Christi from 6:30-9 p.m. Father James Farfaglia will present “Faithfully Yours,” a series on Humanae Vitae.
Legion of Mary Retreat Saturday, Oct. 20. The Legion of Mary in the Diocese of Corpus Christi will sponsor a one-day retreat with Father Frank Martinez. Catholic men and women are invited. Those interested may register by calling Luz Garcia at (361) 353-4233 or Alicia Olaes at (361) 937-3716.
Engaged Encounter Oct. 20 with registration at 7 a.m. and concluding Oct. 21 at approximately 1 p.m. The event will be held at the Queen of Peace Retreat
ter, located at 1200 Lantana St. in Corpus Christi. Register online at or see the Engaged Encounter printable form at For more information Contact the Diocese of Corpus Christi Family Life Office at (361) 882-6191.
St. Anthony’s Oktoberfest Oct. 21 at St. Anthony’s Church in Violet will celebrate with beef barbecue plates – $8 donation, dine-in and plates to go. Dinner between 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Children’s games, country store and much more. All proceeds will be used for church repairs. For more information, please call the parish office at (361) 387-4434.
Fall Festival at Nuestra Senora de San Juan, Madre de la Iglesia Parish Oct. 21, from 11 a.m.-9 p.m. at Nuestra Senora de San Juan, Madre de la Iglesia Parish. The church is located at 1755 Frio Street in Corpus Christi. There will be a variety of Mexican antojitos like menudo, carne asada tacos, tamales; hamburgers and chicken barbeque plates with all the trimmings included. A Loteria will be held and a horse and buggy will be available for buggy ridesand much more. For more information, please call the parish office at (361) 852-0249.
Global Living Rosary Oct. 23 at 7 p.m. Our Lady of Corpus Christi presents a Global Living Rosary (praying for our country.)
Free Youth Admission to Centurion Football
Fall Festival in Refugio
Oct. 26 at 7:30 p.m. Blessed John Paul II High School invites Catholic middle school youth to a free night of Centurion football. Free Centurion Spirit T-shirts will be given away, as long as they last! Those planning to attend must RSVP one week before the game to Caroline Mcfarland at
Women’s Conference at MPB Oct. 27 at Most Precious Blood Parish on 3502 Saratoga Boulevard from 8 a.m.-2:45 p.m. The Diocese of Corpus Christi’s First Annual Women’s Conference called “Women of Vision, Women of Faith.” Visit for pricing and to register online. For more information, please call (361) 882-6191, Ext. 657.
IWBS Come and See Event Oct. 27 from 8:45 a.m.-3 p.m. The Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament invite you to a Come and See event at the IWBS Convent. For information, please contact Sister Anna Marie Espinosa, IWBS at (361) 774-4910, or by E-mail: Visit the IWBS Web Site at
Oct. 28 from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. at Our Lady of Refuge Parish, located at 1008 S. Alamo St. in Refugio. Activities will include a children’s carnival, a Halloween costume contest, an Italian dinner and much more. For more information call Nilda Ramierez at (361) 536-2083.
11th Annual Antorcha Guadalupana Oct. 30 runners will pass through Corpus Christi on Tuesday at 5:30 p.m at Holy Family Parish located on 3157 MacArthur. Their arrival will be followed by a Mass of thanksgiving celebrated by Bishop Mulvey at 7 p.m. We invite everyone to come meet and greet the runners who are running to promote devotion to our Blessed Virgin of Guadalupe and also in support of Immigration Reform. They will depart from Corpus Christi on Oct. 31 at 7:30 a.m. Runners are needed from Corpus Christi to Beeville. If you are interested in running please call Julia at (361) 882-3245 Ext. 44 or Dora Hidalgo at (361) 510-1411 for more information. To see more calendar events go to:
Our Lady of Guadalupe Federation Oct. 27 meeting at 10 a.m. at Our Lady of The Assumption Parish in Ingleside. For more information, please contact Senona Casas, Hospitality Committee Chairperson, at (361) 855-3305 or
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OCTOBER LITURGICAL CALENDAR Oct. 1 | Mon | Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church | white | memorial | Jb 1:6-22/Lk 9:46-50 (455) Oct. 2 | Tue | The Holy Guardian Angels | white | memorial | Jb 3:1-3, 11-17, 20-23 (456)/Mt 18:1-5, 10* (650) Pss Prop Oct. 3 | Wed | Weekday | green | Jb 9:1-12, 14-16/Lk 9:57-62 (457) Oct. 4 | Thu | Saint Francis of Assisi | white | memorial | Jb 19:21-27/Lk 10:1-12 (458) Oct. 5 | Fri | Weekday | green | Jb 38:1, 12-21; 40:3-5/Lk 10:13-16 (459) Oct. 6 | Sat | Weekday | green/white/ white/white [Saint Bruno, Priest; Blessed Marie Rose Durocher, Virgin; BVM] | Jb 42:1-3, 5-6, 12-17/Lk 10:1724 (460) Oct. 7 | SUN | TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME | green | Gn 2:18-24/Heb 2:9-11/Mk 10:2-16 or 10:2-12 (140) Pss III
Oct. 8 | Mon | Weekday | green | Gal 1:6-12/Lk 10:25-37 (461) Oct. 9 | Tue | Weekday | green/red/ white [Saint Denis, Bishop, and Companions, Martyrs; Saint John Leonardi, Priest] Gal 1:13-24/Lk 10:38-42 (462) Oct. 10 | Wed | Weekday | green | Gal 2:1-2, 7-14/Lk 11:1-4 (463) Oct. 11 | Thu | Weekday | green | Gal 3:1-5/Lk 11:5-13 (464) Oct. 12 | Fri | Weekday | green | Gal 3:7-14/Lk 11:15-26 (465) 13 | Sat | Weekday | green/white [BVM] | Gal 3:22-29/Lk 11:27-28 (466) Oct. 14 | SUN | TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME | green | Wis 7:7-11/Heb 4:12-13/Mk 10:17-30 or 10:17-27 (143) Pss IV Oct. 15 | Mon | Saint Teresa of Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church | white | memorial | Gal 4:2224, 26-27, 31—5:1/Lk 11:29-32 (467)
Oct. 16 | Tue | Weekday | green/white/ white [Saint Hedwig, Religious; Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin] Gal 5:1-6/Lk 11:37-41 (468) Oct. 17 | Wed | Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr | red | memorial | Gal 5:18-25/Lk 11:42-46 (469) Oct. 18 | Thu | Saint Luke, Evangelist | red | feast | 2 Tm 4:10-17b/Lk 10:1-9 (661) Pss Prop Oct. 19 | Fri | Saints John de Brébeuf and Isaac Jogues, Priests, | red | and Companions, Martyrs | memorial | Eph 1:11-14/Lk 12:1-7 (471) Oct. 20 | Sat | Weekday | green/white/ white [Saint Paul of the Cross, Priest; BVM] Eph 1:15-23/Lk 12:8-12 (472) Oct. 21 | SUN | TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME | green | Is 53:10-11/Heb 4:14-16/Mk 10:35-45 or 10:42-45 (146) Pss I Oct. 22 | Mon | Weekday | green | Eph 2:1-10/Lk 12:13-21 (473)
Oct. 23 | Tue | Weekday | green/white [Saint John of Capistrano, Priest] Eph 2:12-22/Lk 12:35-38 (474) Oct. 24 | Wed | Weekday | green/ white [Saint Anthony Mary Claret, Bishop] Eph 3:2-12/Lk 12:39-48 (475) Oct. 25 | Thu | Weekday | green | Eph 3:14-21/Lk 12:49-53 (476) Oct. 26 | Fri | Weekday | green | Eph 4:1-6/Lk 12:54-59 (477) Oct. 27 | Sat | Weekday | green/white [BVM] Eph 4:7-16/Lk 13:1-9 (478) Oct. 28 | SUN | THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME | green | Jer 31:79/Heb 5:1-6/Mk 10:46-52 (149) Pss II Oct. 29 | Mon | Weekday | green | Eph 4:32-5:8/Lk 13:10-17 (479) Oct. 30 | Tue | Weekday | green | Eph 5:21-33 (480) or 5:2a, 25-32 (122)/Lk 13:18-21 (480) Oct. 31 | Wed | Weekday | green | Eph 6:1-9/Lk 13:22-30 (481)
Bishop will celebrate Red, White Masses in October Bishop Wm. Michael Mulvey will celebrate a Red Mass at the Corpus Christi Catheddral on Oct. 4 for members of the legal profession and elected public officials. The Mass will be at 6 p.m. and will be followed by a reception at St. Joseph Hall. On Oct. 21, the bishop will celebrate the Second Annual White Mass for professionals in the medical field. The Mass will also be at the Cathedral at 5:30 p.m. Mass will be preceded by a talk by Dr. Jerry Healy at 4 p.m. in St. Joseph’s Hall.
Sister Patrick Bruen dies at 84 After a lengthy illness, Sister Patrick Bruen, OLC, died peacefully at the Sisters of Our Lady of Charity Convent in Carrollton, Ohio on Aug. 22 at the age of 84. Sister Patrick is remembered for her pastoral work at Catholic Charities of Corpus Christi. She was Executive Director of Catholic Charities from 1997-2003. Sister Pat-
Sister Patrick Bruen, OLC
rick based her ministry on the belief that you had to feed the hungry before you could teach them. She also also ministered to families at St. Pius X and Corpus Christi Cathedral parishes. Sister Patrick was well known for her compassion for the underprivileged and the vulnerable.
Father Konowalek will oversee Skidmore, Tynan Bishop Wm. Michael Mulvey has appointed Father Zenon Konowalek as Administrator for Immaculate Conception Parish in Skidmore and St. Francis Xavier Mission in Tynan. The appointment is effective Sept. 17. Father Konowalek was most recently Administrator of Our Lady of Guadalupe Mission in Edroy and before that served at Most Precious Blood in Corpus Christi. He has been a priest for 23 years, Father Zenon having been ordained in 1989. Konowalek Bishop Mulvey expressed his appreciation to Father Konowalek for his “commitment as a priest” and his loyalty to the Church. “I look forward to a continued collaboration with you as tour bishop and co-worker in the Lord’s vineyard,” Bishop Mulvey said.
1212 Lantana Street Country Store • Live & Silent Auction Costume Contest • Coloring Contest Craft Vendors • Food & Game Booths
Brisket & Sausage plates served with Potato Salad, Beans, Dessert & Drink. Plates are $7.00 each Serving 11:00 am to 2:00 pm (Take-Out Available)
St. John’s 2nd Annual Family Festival November 3, 2012 from 12 p.m. - 9 p.m. On the Church grounds of St. John the Baptist Catholic Church 7522 Everhart Road (Corner of Yorktown and Everhart)
Featuring: Carnival Games Youth Competitions Children’s Movie Theater Silent Auction
Live Musical Entertainment
Join us for Food, Family Fun and Games!
For more information call:
(361) 991-4400 or
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August 2012 Issue SOUTH TEXAS CATHOLIC P.O. Box 2620 Corpus Christi, TX 78403 (361) 882-6191