South Texas Catholic - November 2016

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2  South Texas Catholic | November 2016


VOL. 51 NO. 10 Publisher Bishop Michael Mulvey, STL DD Editor Alfredo E. Cárdenas Theological Consultant Ben Nguyen, JD/JCL. Editorial Staff Mary E. Cottingham Adel Rivera Madelyn Calvert Correspondents Luisa Buttler, Rebecca Esparza, Jessica Morrison, Luisa Scolari, Dayna Mazzei Worchel

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Bishop Michael Mulvey and Father Bob Dunn, pastor at Most Precious Blood, display an Apostolic blessing from Pope Francis as the parish celebrates 50 years. David Perrone for Most Precious Blood

28 Bishop Michael

Mulvey speaks with Mother Grace Perumpanany, sitting at left, and Sister Annette Chalangady, who are visiting their Corpus Christi Sisters of the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from the Cenacle Generalate in Kerala, India. Mary Cottingham, South Texas Catholic

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(USPSN 540-860) Published monthly, excluding September, by the Diocese of Corpus Christi for $25 per year. Periodical postage paid in Corpus Christi, Texas. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to South Texas Catholic, 620 Lipan St., Corpus Christi, TX 78401-2434. Keep up with the Faith at



4 Year of Mercy: extraordinary

21 St. John Nepomucene

VOCATIONS 7 Signs of a priestly vocation

FROM THE DIOCESE 23 10NEWS men to be ordained

8 Ciudadanos fieles,

NATIONAL 25 New 'matrimony' celebration

opportunity to immerse ourselves into the love of God


fieles de votación

EDUCATION 15 CATHOLIC St. Anthony School celebrates centennial

gets historical marker

as permanent deacons

hopes to enrich 'marriage'

OUR FAITH 31 Pray always for the living and the dead

November 2016 |  South Texas Catholic  3


Most Reverend Michael Mulvey is Bishop of the Diocese of Corpus Christi.

Year of Mercy: extraordinary opportunity to immerse ourselves into the love of God Bishop Michael Mulvey


South Texas Catholic

welve months ago, on Dec. 8, 2015, we—together with the entire Church—began an Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy. We have both celebrated and lived God's mercy. I hope that throughout this year, we have celebrated God's mercy through the profound experience of the Sacrament of Penance. I hope that many of you were able to journey to the Cathedral and walk through the Holy Door, or have taken advantage of visiting the holy doors at Our Lady of Perpetual Help, St. Joseph in Kingsville, St. Joseph in Beeville, St. Elizabeth in Alice and the Schoenstatt Chapel in Lamar. Those of you who have been incarcerated during the year had the opportunity to pass through your cell door to receive the mercy of God, and those of you who have been homebound or in a nursing facility had the opportunity to live the faith in joyful hope by attending Holy Mass or community prayer, even if only through the means of media, to receive the mercy of God. What an extraordinary opportunity each one of us has had to immerse ourselves into the immense love of God, into the immense depth of his mercy. What have we learned about mercy during this year? I think it is fair to say that we have learned, first of all, that mercy is not something that I do; mercy flows from the very nature of God. Mercy is, by participation in his grace, what we are called to be. We have held before us the familiar—yet always profound—parable of the Prodigal Son and the Merciful Father. That parable will remain for us this year, and throughout our life as the sign of mercy. We are each called to live mercy and to “be merciful just as your Father is merciful (Lk 6:36)." As we conclude this year, I have for myself returned to the 13th Chapter

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of the First Letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians to meditate upon St. Paul's great hymn of love. I think in many ways it can guide us to continue throughout our lives to glimpse into the very nature of God's mercy. Love is patient. We could also say that patience is an expression of God's mercy toward us and ours toward our brothers and sisters. Mercy must begin with patience, patience with ourselves, patience with one another. Love is also kind. How many times our Holy Father in his past exhortations and the one for the Holy Year has spoken to us about the tenderness of God's love and that God's mercy toward us is kind and tender. So must ours be toward others. And so it goes, as St. Paul continues in his letter to the Corinthians. It seems that we could substitute the word mercy for love as he continues the hymn. Mercy is not arrogant or rude, mercy does not insist on its own way, mercy is not irritable or resentful, mercy does not rejoice at people's wrongs, mercy rejoices in what is good and right, mercy is able to bear all things, mercy is able to believe all things, hope all things, mercy can also endure all the trials and difficulties of life. As love never ends mercy is meant to never end. We all realize that this Year of Mercy ends, but mercy does not. Mercy is our permanent vocation as we journey through life. Although the Holy Doors of our own diocese will close soon, and the Holy Door in Rome will close on the Feast of Christ the King on Nov. 20, Jesus Christ is and will always be mercy. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. Jesus is our vocation and he is Mercy. Our way of living mercy throughout this year has brought us to a deeper awareness and profound experience of the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. These continue each

day of our life. I want to thank the pastors and all pastoral ministers throughout the diocese who have embraced this year with enthusiasm and have promoted the message of mercy in their parishes and throughout the diocese. Let us remember the unforgettable words of the Holy Father in the Bull of Indiction of the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy. The Holy Father wrote, "Jesus Christ is the face of the Father’s mercy. These words might well sum up the mystery of the Christian faith. Mercy has become living and visible in Jesus of Nazareth, reaching its culmination in him. The Father, 'rich in mercy' (Eph 2:4), after having revealed his

name to Moses as 'a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness' (Ex 34:6), has never ceased to show, in various ways throughout history, his divine nature. In the 'fullness of time' (Gal 4:4), when everything had been arranged according to his plan of salvation, he sent his only Son into the world, born of the Virgin Mary, to reveal his love for us in a definitive way. Whoever sees Jesus sees the Father (cf. Jn 14:9). Jesus of Nazareth, by his words, his actions, and his entire person reveals the mercy of God (Misericordiae Vultus 1)." Let us be transformed through God's grace into another Christ so that we too by our actions and our entire person will manifest the mercy of God.

Headlines from

✝ Bookmark our Web site to keep up to date on all the happenings in the Diocese of Corpus Christi.

• Hearts & Hands: Feeding the body, nourishing the soul • Father Martinez blesses animals on the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi

• Middle school youth make pilgrimage walk to Holy Doors at Corpus Christi Cathedral • Catholic Charities' PAT program receives an award

• Local and national Marian devotees celebrate Rosary

• Ark Gala draws support for abused, neglected children

• Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish held ACTS retreat

• Mary and the sacraments is topic of planned Mariological conference to be held at Schoenstatt center

• Holy Cross exhibit honors Mother Teresa

• Holy Family School students pray living Rosary on Oct. 7 • OLPH to fill every desk with Casino Night • IWA Elementary Level welcomes families to Fall Fun Night • IWA wins Houston Zoo's Action for Apes Challenge • St. John Paul II hosts breast cancer awareness walk November 2016 |  South Texas Catholic  5


➤ I think it is fair to say that we have learned, first of all, that mercy is not something that I do; mercy flows from the very nature of God. Mercy is, by participation in his grace, what we are called to be.

Help Us Prevent Financial Abuse The Diocese of Corpus Christi at the recommendation of the Diocesan Financial Council and Presbyteral Council have furthered their commitment to good stewardship and nancial accountability on behalf of generous donors by instituting a nancial abuse hotline. The Diocese of Corpus Christi has selected an independent third party, The Network, to provide you with a new way to anonymously and condently report nancial abuse and fraud. Employees, parishioners, volunteers, vendors and other interested parties will be encouraged to report concerns they have regarding nancial misconduct within the Diocese of Corpus Christi. All inquiries will be treated promptly and discreetly. Callers will have the right to remain anonymous. Call 1-877-571-9748

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Father Joseph Lopez

A Contributor

Father Joseph Lopez, JCL, is Vocations Director for the Diocese of Corpus Christi.

nyone who has spent any time in the world of vocations knows that the number one, most effective way to help young men discern the priesthood is direct contact. If you know a young man who shows signs of a call to the priesthood, say something to him. "The Class of 2016: Survey of Ordinands to the Priesthood," published by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, backs that up with data, in a big way. Of all the respondents to the survey of men to be ordained to the priesthood in 2016, 93 percent reported being encouraged to consider the priesthood by someone in their lives. Ordinands reported that, on average, four people encouraged their vocations. The top three encouragers were parish priests, friends and fellow parishioners. That is you! So, we know that we need to directly encourage young men to consider a priestly vocation, but that brings us to the next question; who should we be encouraging? There are several signs to look for in young men who might have a vocation to the priesthood. The Lord is the center of his life. Not all men who attend adoration and the sacraments regularly are called to become priests, but many men who are called to be priests attend adoration and receive the sacraments regularly. In fact, 75 percent of respondents to the CARA survey reported regularly praying before the Blessed Sacrament. Do you know a young man that always seems to be at adoration? Say something to him. He has a heart for service. That young man who volunteers for Habitat for Humanity or teaches CCD or reads as a lector or serves at the altar already has characteristics of a parish priest. Let him know.

He is sociable and likable. St. John Paul II wrote in Pastores Dabo Vobis, "In order that his ministry may be humanly as credible and acceptable as possible, it is important that the priest should mold his human personality in such a way that it becomes a bridge and not an obstacle for others in their meeting with Jesus Christ the Redeemer of humanity.” The affable young man who always seems to get on well with other people, both his peers and those older and younger, has a head start in that regard, so tell him. He is a gentleman. He is good mannered, kind, understanding, well dressed, articulate—an all-around Christian gentleman. If that sounds like the type of man who makes a wonderful husband and father, well, that is because he is. But that is also the kind of man God calls to serve him in his priesthood. The good men make the good priests. He is intelligent. You can tell a lot about someone’s intelligence just by having a conversation. Does a young man demonstrate a deep understanding of theology and politics? Is he a straight-A student? Do people confide in him about questions of faith? It takes a lot of intelligence to get through philosophy and theology in the seminary, let alone tackle the responsibilities of being a pastor, so that intelligent young man is exactly the type of person God is calling to his priesthood. The evidence shows that suggesting the priesthood to a young man goes a long way in aiding in his discernment, so when you come across a young man who has the characteristics of somebody you see as a good pastor, confessor, celebrant, preacher or spiritual director, let him know. There is a chance it will be the first time he ever considered the priesthood. Be courageous. Be kind. Be bold. The simplest question such as: “Have you ever thought about being a priest?” may change his life forever. November 2016 |  South Texas Catholic  7


Signs of a priestly vocation


Monseñor Michael Mulvey es obispo de la diócesis de Corpus Christi.

Ciudadanos fieles, fieles de votación Obispo Michael Mulvey


South Texas Catholic

n las próximas semanas los ciudadanos de nuestro país participarán en el importante deber cívico de elegir a nuestros líderes y representantes. Como de costumbre durante un año electoral pero particularmente durante los últimos meses los católicos se preguntan “¿Cómo y por quién debo votar?” Aunque cada ciclo electoral presente sus propios retos y oportunidades, nuestro clima político actual parece suscitar preguntas difíciles y únicas de comprender por los votantes que están comprometidos no solamente con el bienestar de nuestra vida social y política, pero también por aquellos apegados al Evangelio en todos los aspectos de la vida. (cf. MK 16:15) Mi intención no es decirles a los católicos por quién o en contra de quién deben votar. Tampoco es mi intención de apoyar a ninguno de los candidatos o partidos políticos. Tal como lo hemos expresado mis hermanos obispos y yo en nuestras declaraciones en “Formando Consciencia para la Ciudadanía de Fe” (FCFC), “nuestra intención (como obispos) es la de ayudarles a los católicos a formar una consciencia de acuerdo con la verdad de Dios. Reconocemos que la responsabilidad de hacer decisiones en la vida política está en las manos de cada individuo en vista a una consciencia formada apropiadamente.” Como seres humanos hechos a la imagen y semejanza de Dios, poseemos el don del intelecto para distinguir el bien del mal de acuerdo con los principios de objetivos morales. Este es un don precioso de la consciencia. En la continua formación de nuestra consciencia para comprender la votación como ciudadano fiel y católico de fe, quizá ayude recordar primero como no debe votar uno. Como católicos, no debemos votar por una persona o partido político simplemente por

8  South Texas Catholic | November 2016

costumbre. Para ser testigos verdaderos de Jesús en la actualidad no podemos estar satisfechos con apoyar candidatos o partidos políticos simplemente porque siempre hemos votado de esa manera o nuestras familias o amigos han votado por ellos. Mucho menos debemos votar por candidatos o partidos políticos porque los apoya un actor popular o una figura deportiva o simplemente porque profesan ser católicos o cristianos. El clima político actual claramente nos recuerda que para bien o para mal los candidatos y partidos políticos pueden y cambian, algunas veces, dramáticamente. Cuando se considera como debe votar un católico, es importante recordar que nosotros pertenecemos, primeramente, a Jesús, antes de pertenecer a algún partido político o candidato. Cuando pertenecemos a Jesús y a su Evangelio, no podemos simplemente “seguir la corriente”. Más bien, nosotros debemos estar dispuestos a dedicarnos con empeño a obtener la información precisa sobre algún candidato o partido político—no solamente a nivel nacional, pero también al nivel estatal y local. La ciudadanía de fe requiere que nosotros investiguemos información confiable y no aceptar simplemente la versión de la prensa o los comentarios por los reporteros populares de acuerdo a cierto partido político o candidato. Nosotros debemos estar profundamente conscientes de algunas frases o manipulaciones diseñadas para apoyar o denigrar a algún candidato. Debemos retarnos de ver más allá de la negatividad horrible e irrelevante de los candidatos y partidos políticos, seguidores y detractores. Debemos empeñarnos en una consideración seria y distinguir lo que propone algún candidato en particular o partido político, así como sus puntos de vista e intenciones, particularmente, en relación a los principios de

formada comprende que hay algunos actos que siempre son moralmente malos y de esta manera no pueden moralmente consagrarse por la ley. Estos se conocen comúnmente como “males intrínsecos” y son objetiva y moralmente malos sin importar la situación, emoción o corrección política. Estos siempre violan la dignidad del ser humano y por lo tanto van seriamente en contra del bien común de la sociedad. Ya sea en privado como individuos o socialmente por leyes o normas públicas, la participación y el apoyo de aquellos que proliferarían tales actos objetivamente inmorales se opone a los principios morales fundamentales y son contrarios a una consciencia católica bien formada. Como mis hermanos obispos y yo lo hemos enseñado: “Hay algunas cosas que uno nunca debe hacer, como individuo o como sociedad, porque siempre son incompatibles con el amor de Dios y del vecino. Dichas acciones son tan profundamente imperfectas que siempre se oponen al bien auténtico de las personas. A estas se les llama acciones “intrínsecamente malas”; siempre deben ser rechazadas y estar en su contra y nunca se deben apoyar o consentir. Un ejemplo básico es la de tomar, intencionalmente, la vida de los inocentes, como son el aborto y la eutanasia… Es un gran error con consecuencias morales amenazar la destrucción de una vida humana simplemente como una opción individual. Un sistema legal que viola el derecho básico a la vida en base a una opción personal es fundamentalmente un sistema imperfecto (FCFC 21).” Es importante entender que no todos los asuntos conllevan objetivamente el mismo peso moral. Algunos asuntos, tal como la destrucción de una inocente vida humana por medio del aborto, la eutanasia activa de los ancianos o enfermos, la clonación humana o el tal “matrimonio” del mismo sexo, son males intrínsecos que siempre violan la dignidad humana. Otros asuntos, tal como la pena de muerte, al igual que la guerra e inmigración, si permiten una diversidad legítima de opinión de acuerdo a su uso. Cuando evaluemos a un candidato o partido político en asuntos importantes, una consciencia católica bien formada debe distinguir cuidadosamente si el asunto permite una diversidad legítima de opinión o si es uno que concierne un objetivo moral incambiable a la norma moral objetiva. Para ayudarnos a entender cuáles son males morales objetivos y cuáles son los que permiten una diversidad legítima, les recomiendo vehementemente que cada católico consulte el “Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica” y la “Nota Doctrinal en Relación a la Participación de los Católicos en la Vida Política” que aparece en la “Congregación para la Doctrina de la fe; asimismo, véase el documento de los obispos de los Estados Unidos llamado “Formando la Consciencia de una Ciudadanía de Fe” para una mayor claridad de estos asuntos. Todos estos documentos podrían estar en línea. Desgraciadamente, muy a menudo, puede suceder que ninguno de los candidatos cumpla completamente con todos los principios morales que nuestras consciencias November 2016 |  South Texas Catholic  9


los objetivos morales que afectan la dignidad de cada ser humano, sobre todo, la de los más vulnerables. En la búsqueda de distinguir a los candidatos y sus posturas políticas nos ayudaría retarnos en considerar no solamente sus limitaciones, pero también ver los dones buenos y especiales que el candidato pueda poseer. Al hacer esto, les permitimos a los candidatos de definir y comunicar su visión, posturas políticas y planes concretos. Además, nos damos la oportunidad de entenderlos claramente. Con tanta negatividad en el discurso político actual, quizá nosotros como votantes católicos de fe lleguemos a ser modelos de integridad y cortesía para buscar lo que sea positivo acerca de un candidato con quien entablemos una conversación respetuosa, y donde haya desacuerdos, no nos ocuparemos en malinterpretar, insultar o demonizar al otro. Después de una verdadera comprensión de las posturas políticas de un candidato o un partido político, nuestro ejercicio ciudadano de fe nos exige que revisemos cuidadosamente esas posturas políticas en relación a los principios objetivos de fe conocidos por medio de una consciencia católica bien formada. Aunque pueda ser difícil, nosotros debemos, entonces, tener el coraje de considerar no votar por un candidato o partido político—aunque sea uno que nos guste—si esa persona o partido está a favor de principios, especialmente aquellos que violen los principios básicos de la vida y la dignidad humana o en contra del bien común. Las conversaciones políticas actuales en nuestra nación nos llevan a creer que el candidato o partido político por cual votar es el que ofrece la mayor ventaja para nosotros y nuestra prosperidad personal. Una consciencia católica bien formada comprende que los líderes políticos verdaderos que merecen nuestro apoyo son aquellos que protegen y promueven el bien común. El bien común no significa prosperidad económica para la mayoría de la gente y tampoco significa un colectivismo que sobrepone a la comunidad sobre la dignidad del individuo como ser humano. Más bien, nuestra tradición católica nos enseña que “el bien común” es la suma total de las condiciones sociales que le permite a la gente— a todos nosotros—ya sea como grupo o como individuo de alcanzar su realización más fácil y plena (CCC 1906). El bien común no se logra si se viola el bien de cualquier persona para que los demás puedan prosperar. Por el contrario, el bien común se puede promover solamente si se protegen “los derechos humanos y se cumplen las responsabilidades básicas. Cada ser humano tiene el derecho a la vida, el derecho fundamental que hace que todos los otros derechos sean posibles, y el derecho a acceder a esas cosas que se requieren para la decencia humana…el derecho de ejercer la libertad de religión en público y en privado por individuos e instituciones junto a la libertad de la consciencia necesaria para estar defendiéndola constantemente (FCFC 49)”. En relación a esto, una consciencia católica bien


formadas conocen como normas morales objetivas. Puede darse el caso que un candidato esté a favor de una ley moral objetiva en algunos asuntos, pero no en otros, mientras otros candidatos puedan favorecer o estar en contra de otras. En tales situaciones, una consciencia bien formada debe primeramente sopesar—cuanto sea posible—cuáles asuntos relacionados con los principios morales intrínsecos están en cuestión y cuáles son más importantes o fundamentales para la salud moral actual de nuestra sociedad. Sin embargo, es importante recordar que esto debe ser apegado a los asuntos importantes de los males morales objetivos, tales como el aborto o la clonación humana y no solo en asuntos prudentes tales como la guerra o la inmigración. Entonces, debe hacerse una distinción cuidadosa para determinar cuál candidato sería más probable en apoyar leyes y normas que limitarían la proliferación de males intrínseca y moralmente inaceptables. En tales casos, la enseñanza católica moral nos permite actuar de una manera que limitaría al máximo las violaciones de normas morales objetivas, aunque esto signifique votar por un candidato que pertenezca al llamado “mal menor”. Además, también debe subrayarse que, aunque a uno se le permita votar por el candidato llamado “mal menor” para limitar la difusión de la intrínseca legislación moralmente problemática, si se aclara concienzudamente que ninguno de los candidatos es apropiado en este asunto, un católico de fe de consciencia bien formada puede decidir no votar por ninguno de los candidatos presentes y dedicarse a fomentar condiciones en la sociedad de tal manera que los candidatos que estén más en conformidad con las normas morales objetivas puedan proponerlas. Es importante tener presente que, aunque votar es una parte vital de nuestra participación cívica y política en la vida social, no lo es todo. Subrayo lo que hemos dicho mis hermanos obispos y yo de acuerdo a la ciudadanía de fe, básicamente que “la responsabilidad de tomar decisiones en la vida política está en las manos de cada individuo en vista a una consciencia formada apropiadamente, y que la participación va más allá de votar en una elección en particular (FCFC 7).”

(Una versión en inglés de esta columna apareció en la edición de octubre del South Texas Catholic. Si sus amigos o familiares no reciben el South Texas Catholic, pueden leer tanto la versión en español como la en inglés en

Ayudenos a Prevenir el Abuso Financiero

Obispo Michael Mulvey y el personal de la Oficina de un Ambiente Seguro y de Servicios para Niños y Familia se comprometen a ayudar en el proceso de curación de las víctimas y sobrevivientes de abuso. Si usted o alguien que usted conoce está en necesidad de estos servicios, llame a Stephanie Bonilla, Director de la Oficina de un Ambiente Seguro y de Servicios para Niños y Familia: (361) 693-6686 (oficina) ó (361) 658-8652 (celular) para asistencia inmediata.

Claro que esto no significa que consideramos nuestro deber de votar muy a la ligera. Por el contrario, significa que aun después de votar por nuestros líderes y representantes cívicos, debemos esforzarnos para hacerlos responsables por los principios fundamentales e incambiables de moralidad revelado por Dios, para beneficio del bien común y para crear una sociedad más justa. También significa que es necesario exigir o empeñarnos en que los partidos políticos presenten candidatos apropiados que defiendan la ley moral objetiva. Aunque sea un deber importante, votar es un derecho y un privilegio que no nos absuelve de nuestra responsabilidad de seguir construyendo una sociedad bajo Dios que impulse el bien común y proteja la dignidad de cada ser humano. La responsabilidad cívica, como parte de nuestra responsabilidad cristiana, también significa personalmente cumplir con nuestra obligación para beneficio del bien común en nuestras comunidades y en nuestra sociedad, y no simplemente sentarse y elogiar o quejarse de los líderes en poder como si el bien común fuera obligación únicamente de aquellos en cargos políticos. Por el contrario, como miembros del Cuerpo de Cristo y requisito de nuestra fe, tenemos la obligación de participar en la formación del carácter moral de la sociedad (9cf. FCFC 9). Finalmente, como ciudadanos, pero también como gente de fe, a medida que reflexionamos sobre cuál es el camino de acción más prudente a seguir en nuestra participación electoral y social, es importante para nosotros recordar que nunca estamos solos. Como nos lo prometió Jesús, él estará con nosotros hasta el fin de los siglos a medida que cumplimos con nuestro llamado de llevar el Evangelio a todas las naciones (cf. Mt 28:19-20), incluyendo la nuestra. Como tal, siempre debemos consultar con él en oración y adoración rogando que su gracia descienda sobre nuestra nación, nuestros líderes y nosotros mismos, y que seamos nosotros siempre ciudadanos fieles y testigos de fe y misericordia para todos.

La Diócesis de Corpus Christi por medio de la recomendación del Concilio Diocesano de Finanzas y el Concilio Presbiteral han llevado su dedicación mas allá para la buena administración y responsabilidad nanciera en nombre de donantes generosos al instituir un “hotline” para reportar el abuso nanciero.

Oficina de un Ambiente Seguro y de Servicios para Niños y Familia

10  South Texas Catholic | November 2016

La Diócesis de Corpus Christi ha seleccionado un tercer partido independiente, La Red, para proporcionarle a usted con una manera para reportar anónima y condencialmente el abuso nanciero e fraude. Los empleados, los parroquianos, los voluntarios, los vendedores, y otros partidos interesados estan impulsados para reportar las preocupaciones que tengan respeto a la conducta de påca ética nanciera dentro de la Diócese de Corpus Christi. Todas las investigaciones serán tradas inmediatamente y discretamente. Personas que llamen tienen el derecho de mantenerse anónimas.

Llamada 1-877-571-9748


Padre Julián Cabrera, en la cabecera de la mesa y director del Ministerio Hispano en la diócesis de Corpus Christi, conduce la discusión sobre V Encuentro en la sala de conferencias de la Cancillería. Luisa Scolari para el South Texas Catholic

V Encuentro Nacional de Pastoral Hispana/Latina Luisa Scolari

E Corresponsal

n la Cancillería de la Diócesis de Corpus Christi, el pasado martes 11 de octubre, se llevo a cabo la reunión del equipo diocesano encargado de implementar el V Encuentro Nacional de la Pastoral Hispana/Latina. V Encuentro tiene como meta general el discernir las maneras en que la Iglesia Católica de los Estados Unidos pueda responder mejor a las necesidades y presencia de los hispanos/latinos. El padre Julián Cabrera, quien como encargado del Ministerio

Hispano de la Diócesis funge como Coordinador del Equipo Diocesano, presidido sobre la junta de planeación. El padre Cabrera informo a los participantes que V Encuentro propone preparar a el equipo diocesano para que puedan responder al llamado de la Nueva Evangelización como discípulos misioneros sirviendo a toda la Iglesia. El V Encuentro Nacional de Pastoral Hispana/Latina es un proceso de evangelización, comunión y consulta que involucrara a mas de siete millones de Católicos en los Estados Unidos en November 2016 |  South Texas Catholic  11


El comité preparando para el V Encuentro, incluyen, parados y de izquierda, Virginia Noyola, sor Gloria Rodríguez, padre Julián Cabrera, Teresa Becerra, Jaime Reyna, Germania Hosking, padre Fernando Gámez, sor María Carmen Tabares, José Luis Sifuentes y Isabel Jones. En frente, de rodillas, están sor María Elena Banderas, Elda Olvera y Raquel Covarrubias. Luisa Scolari para el South Texas Catholic

el que participaran directamente en el proceso mas de 5,000 parroquias. El programa genera información para una planeación pastoral que responda mas creativamente a la presencia hispana en la Iglesia y promueve la integración eclesial de todas las comunidades. También propone conectar a la comunidad hispana local con la iniciativa nacional, generar y formar nuevos agentes pastorales como discípulos misioneros y revitalizar la fe de los feligreses invitándolos a la actividad misionera. Y además intenta aumentar la participación en la vida litúrgica y ministerial y aumentar la corresponsabilidad. Durante la asamblea se nombro Co-coordinador al señor Jaime Reyna quien nos comento que: “En el V Encuentro queremos pasar la información de la visón de la conferencia de los Obispos de los Estados Unidos a nuestra diócesis y del proceso del V Encuentro Nacional de Pastoral Hispana/Latina, atendiendo a la invitación del Papa Francisco y con la alegría que emana de los evangelios, ya que los temas de todas las diferentes sesiones están basados en ellos." El equipo diocesano del V Encuentro desea ser un recurso para las parroquias de la Diócesis de Corpus

12  South Texas Catholic | November 2016

Christi que ayude a promover la participación en la iglesia de todos los Católicos Hispanos. "Actualmente el proyecto esta en la etapa de planeación y discernimiento contando con la gran ayuda y el apoyo de el señor obispo Michel Mulvey, quien nos hizo la petición expresa de enfocar nuestros esfuerzos para atender bien preparados a este gran e importante evento de la Iglesia Católica a nivel nacional, de la que emanan grandes logros para beneficio de la comunidad hispana,” Reyna dijo. El equipo diocesano para el V Encuentro de la Pastoral Hispana/Latina tiene planeada su siguiente asamblea del primer entrenamiento para el martes 15 de Noviembre de las 6:30 a las 8:30 p.m. en el edificio de la Cancillería de la Diócesis. Si siente el interés de participar en este V Encuentro y quiere recibir mas información al respecto, comuníquese a la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano de la Diócesis de Corpus Christi al (361) 664 0437 en donde lo atenderán y le darán todos los informes que necesite. O comuníquese directamente con el señor Reyna al teléfono (361) 882 6191. También puede encontrar información referente al V Encuentro en su sitio de internet:

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November 2016 |  South Texas Catholic  13


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St. Anthony School between 1933-1938.

St. Anthony School celebrates centennial


n 1916, children of Mexican migrant farmworkers who picked cotton and vegetables in the fields surrounding Robstown began to meet in a makeshift classroom at St. Anthony of Padua Church. The classroom was converted back to a church for Sunday Mass. That was the start of St. Anthony School, which is celebrating its centennial this school year. At the urging of Father Leonard P. Cunningham, CP, pastor of St. Anthony's, Mother Julia Navarette of Missionary Daughters of the Most Pure Virgin Mary from Kingsville provided the first teachers for the school. They were Sisters Virginia Fischer, Concepcion Pro and Maria Lomeli. The parish could not support the school and it was closed in 1920, but three years later Father Juan Canales reopened it with the help of the Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament who sent teachers for the school. Sisters Encarnación Calderón, Aloyious Young, Mary Joseph Eichman, Ephrem Haynes, Mary of the Sacred Heart Llagumo and a postulant who later became Sister Auxiliadora Navarrete. Conditions in the 1920s in the parish of St. Anthony were very

Archived photo

difficult. There was great poverty in Robstown. Streets were not paved, and in many rainy seasons, the mud was so deep that the sisters had to wear knee-length boots to cross from the convent to the church or school. They had no car, and their rare trips to Corpus Christi had to be made by a slow train. Sisters Joseph, Ephrem, and Julie were quite advanced in years so it was difficult for them to cope with the problems. However, at the end of the first school year, Sisters Ephrem and Mary of the Sacred Heart volunteered to remain in Robstown to teach summer school, and the sisters returned to St. Anthony's for the next three years. In 1925, Sisters Julie Bigard and Rose Lynch arrived in Robstown to take care of the convent and prepare meals. That same year Sister Brigid O'Neill replaced Sister Julie who was ill, and Sister Fidelis Dunn came to teach at the school. The following year the Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament withdrew from St. Anthony's and were temporarily replaced by the Missionary Daughters of the Most Pure Virgin Mary from Mexico. In 1927, Bishop Emmanuel Ledvina summoned the sisters November 2016 |  South Texas Catholic  15


from Kingsville and this time they continued to teach at St. Anthony's for many years. They were then Mother Superior Julia Navarrete—now Venerable Mother Julia—who came with Sisters Ana María Olavarrieta, Rosa María de León, María Antonia Medellín and María de Ignacio. Father William Ostendorf, a missionary of the Congregation of the Holy Family, succeeded Father Canales as pastor in 1931 and the parish began to thrive and the school doubled in size. Father Ostendorf, and the sisters established many organizations that involved the people in church activities and gave them many opportunities to assist in the church. Bishop Ledvina constructed a convent and enlarged the school. A new school was built under Msgr. E. G. Bartosch who

16  South Texas Catholic | November 2016

became pastor of St. Anthony's Parish in 1962 and guided the parish until 1968. In 1968, St. Anthony School joined the Diocese of Corpus Christi in seeking accreditation with the Texas Education Agency. In 1987, the nearby elementary school at St. John Nepomucene closed and students who had been in grades four through six transferred to St. Anthony’s. As a result, St. Anthony School had to raise tuition to cover the new costs. While consolidation seemed to go fairly smoothly in the classroom, it seemed to usher in a period of economic uncertainty for the school. Costs were rising while the local economy was suffering. Despite difficulties, the students, parish, teachers, sisters and alumni remained dedicated to the school.


Priests from the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity began to serve at St. Anthony's in 1989 and in 1995 pastor Father Vincent Albano, SOLT, petitioned the Superintendent of Catholic Schools, Rosemarie Kamke, to add seventh and eighth grades. It was not until 1996 that the Diocesan School Board gave approval to Father Albano to move forward with a plan to expand St. Anthony School to include the sixth and seventh grades. The following year the Diocesan School Board gave its approval for adding an eighth grade for the school year 1997-98. In 2014, pastor Father Anthony Blount, SOLT added a cafeteria and more classrooms in honor of Venerable Mother Julia Navarrette. Today the Religious Missionaries of St. Dominic, including

Sisters Eva Lucida Gamotin, who is school principal, Flaviana Macasling, Adela Sereno, Amor Vigare and lay teachers staff the school with grades Pre-K3 through 8th. St. Anthony School in Robstown will celebrate its 100th Anniversary on April 29, 2017. Bishop Michael Mulvey is scheduled to celebrate Mass at 10 a.m. followed by a tour of the campus. There will be lunch at the Padua Parish Hall between 12-1 p.m., an evening dinner at the Richard M. Borchard Regional Fairgrounds at 6 p.m. and for adults only there will be a dance and live band entertainment between 8 p.m.-12 a.m. (Information for this article was obtained from the Diocese of Corpus Christi Archives.)

Teachers, staff and students gather in front of St. Anthony School in honor of their school's 100th Anniversary. Contributed photo November 2016 |  South Texas Catholic  17

Priests of the diocese join Bishop Michael Mulvey and Father Bob Dunn to concelebrate the 50th Anniversary Mass of Thanksgiving. David Perrone for Most Precious Blood

Most Precious Blood celebra Alfredo E. Cardenas


South Texas Catholic

stablished on Oct. 10, 1966 by Bishop Thomas J. Drury, Most Precious Blood Parish in Corpus Christi celebrated its Golden Jubilee during September and October. The celebration got underway on Sept. 25 with Bishop Michael Mulvey celebrating Mass, followed by a dinner at the Msgr. Thompson Family Center. The following week, on Sept. 30, the parish hosted a concert of musicians and parishioners at the church, followed by refreshments at the Family Center. On Oct. 1, parishioners held a "family fun 18  South Texas Catholic | November 2016

day" and the following day they had doughnuts and coffee in the school after morning Masses. "We are so blessed and privileged to be called Most Precious Blood and to be in Corpus Christi, Texas; the Body of Christ and his Most Precious Blood, the source of salvation," pastor Father Bob Dunn said. "It is no wonder that we have grown to become a vibrant, active community because Christ, in his true presence, is our strength." Father Dunn is only the third pastor at Most Precious Blood in its half century of service. Its founding pastor, Father William

Kinlough—later Msgr. Kinlough—served as pastor for 24 years. His successor, Msgr. William Thompson served for 10 years and Father Dunn has been at the parish for the last 16 years. Starting out with a modest 184 families that held services at the Corpus Christi Minor Seminary, now St. John Paul II High School, Most Precious Blood is now the largest parish in the Diocese of Corpus Christi with 2,653 families. Located in the city's fast-growing Southside, on Saratoga Road, the parish moved into its first sanctuary—a multi-purpose building—in 1968 and 20 years later built its


ates 50 years of serving God current church. "It is very multi-generational, multi-cultural," Father Dunn said of the parish. "Very vibrant, lots of activities. We are a large community but there is a sense of a small community. There is an air of warmth and a connection to one another that people sense when they come to the parish. " From early in its development the parish recognized the importance of Catholic education and founded a school with the first kindergarten class opening in October 1968. Today, Most Precious Blood School has 219 students in eight

grade levels, from Pre-K 3 to fifth grade. Children in the parish's religious education program, which number some 750 students, learn about the life of Christ and his Church through the "Catechesis of the Good Shepherd," a Montessori based program. In addition, the parish's active youth ministry involves some 200 young people in the life of the parish and the community. "The people know the importance of prayer and know personally Jesus," Father Dunn said. "They are catechized that Jesus is present in the Eucharist; have learned to love Jesus and his presence at

the Mass." The parish mission statement is "To be Christ to each other and lead others to Christ." Father Dunn said parishioners are encouraged to live out this mission by being the "hands and feet of Jesus in the world." Many of its ministries perform community service, like visiting nursing homes. One group goes downtown once a month to feed the homeless. People collect supplies for the mother Teresa Shelter. The parish supports the Ministry of the Third Cross, which ministers in jails and holds retreats for inmates as well as parolees. November 2016 |  South Texas Catholic  19


The ministries not only serve the parish and community, they are also a source of support for Father Dunn who has a part time parochial vicar, Father Patrick Higgins who also serves as chaplain for St. John Paul II High School, Bishop Garriga Middle Preparatory School and the disabled community. The parish has five deacons: Erick Simeus, Ken Bockholt, David Castillo, Felix Muniz and Frank N. Newchurch. "I couldn't do it without them," Father Dunn said. Father Dunn said everyone "understands that you work for Jesus Christ and every person that comes in the door is Jesus to you." During its half century of existence, Most Precious Blood has given six of its sons to the priesthood, including Father Patrick Donohoe, Father Ben Martinez, Father J. Patrick Serna, Father Joseph Lopez, Father Brion Zarsky and Father Alfredo Villarreal. "I am certain that 50 years ago, the Holy Spirit came upon this community and set it on fire. We have done great things for Christ through the Holy Spirit's inspiration," Father Dunn said. "I am certain now, 50 years later, the Holy Spirit will come upon us in a new way. Christ has a mission for us as a parish family, and I know that we will continue to say yes to cooperating with the work of the Holy Spirit to lift up broken and weary hearts and bring them to the source of all love."

Pictured in the top photo are parishioners gathered at the reception after the Mass celebrating the 50th anniversairy of Most Precious Blood. In the middle photo is an Apostolic blessing from Pope Francis. In the photo below, parishioners celebrate at the reception after the 50th Anniversary Mass. David Perrone for Most Precious Blood

20  South Texas Catholic | November 2016

The Nueces County Historical Commission unveiled a Texas historical marker at St. John Nepomucene in Robstown on Sunday, Oct. 16, marking its 92-years of service to the area. The marker recalls the beginnings of St. John's as a parish community in the Diocese of Corpus Christi serving the Czech-speaking residents of the area around Robstown. Nueces County Historical Commission chairwoman Anita Eisenhauer served as master of ceremonies for the event that took place after the 11 a.m. Mass. Nueces County Judge Loyd Neal and John Lloyd Bluntzer unveiled the marker as Father Gerald Sheehan blessed it. Bluntzer presented a history of the parish, which got its start in an abandoned Methodist church in 1924, as a mission of St. Boniface in Corpus Christi. It became a parish with a resident pastor 10 years later when newly ordained priest Father George Secina accepted an appointment from Bishop Emmanuel Ledvina. Father Secina, who later became a monsignor, served as pastor for nearly 50 years. The current church was built in 1937, with a rectory going up the following year. A school and convent were added in 1945. The Sisters of Providence from Indiana taught at the school, which included a high school. The high school closed in 1970 after graduating 320 students. The elementary and junior high school also closed in 1986. St. John's Parish continues to serve the Robstown community.

Father Gerald Sheehan, SOLT blesses historical marker in front of St. John Nepomucene in Robstown as County Judge Loyd Neal (at left) looks on. Alfredo E. Cardenas, South Texas Catholic

Coastal Bend Day of Giving is slated for Nov. 15 The Coastal Bend Day of Giving is a 24-hour online opportunity to raise funds for nonprofits at the forefront of assisting the neediest. This year's community day of giving begins at midnight on Nov. 15 with a minimum gift of only $10. Each of the 45 participating nonprofits, including Catholic Charities, the Mother Teresa Shelter, the Ark and Hope house, is eligible for a $16,670 match,

enabling them to raise at least $33,340

on that day. It is an opportunity for friends and neighbors to come together to fight hunger, support children, improve health and reduce homelessness in the Coastal Bend. For the 2016 Day of Giving, 24 matching funders have come together to provide a match fund of $750,000. To give visit beginning at midnight Nov. 15.

Robstown parishes get new parochial administrators Father Gerald Sheehan, SOLT

Father Mark Whelan, SOLT

Father Gerald Sheehan, SOLT announced at the conclusion of the 11 a.m. Mass on Sunday, Oct. 16, at St. John Nepomecene in Robstown that he had been named parochial administrator at nearby St. Anthony of Padua, also in Robstown. Father Sheehan started his tenure at

St. Anthony’s on Oct. 17. He had served as pastor at St. John’s for three years. The new parochial administrator at St. John’s is Father Mark Whelan, SOLT who was also present at the Mass. On Feb. 10 Pope Francis named Father Whelan a Missionary of Mercy.

November 2016 |  South Texas Catholic  21


St. John Nepomucene gets historical marker

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Stephan Mark Christoph

Emilio Flores, Jr.

Ronald Lee Janota

Shayne Katzfy

Amando Ramón Leal, Jr.

Narciso Ortiz

Fernando Pérez

Robert E. Rosales

Héctor G. Salinas

Michael David Valenzuela

10 men to be ordained as permanent deacons


en men from the Diocese of Corpus Christi will be ordained to the Order of Deacon by Bishop Michael Mulvey at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 5, at Corpus Christi Cathedral. Those being called to the Order are Stephan Mark Christoph, Emilio Flores, Jr., Ronald Lee Janota, Shayne Katzfy, Amando Ramón Leal, Jr., Narciso Ortiz, Fernando Pérez, Robert E. Rosales, Héctor G. Salinas and Michael David Valenzuela. "These men and their families have made a journey for five years to arrive at this point," said Deacon Michael Mantz, Director for the Office of the Permanent Diaconate. "Their journey began in 2011 as they were recommended by their pastors and discerned about their possible calling to the ministry of deacon in the Church. This period, which lasted about a year, also included the Church authority discerning about them as viable candidates to enter formation." The candidates come from various parts of the diocese. Christoph is parishioner at Sacred Heart Parish in Mathis and he and his wife Carol Lynn have two children. Flores hails from St. Anthony of Padua in Robstown and he and his wife Mary Helen also have two children. Janota and his wife Kelly Rita and

their two children are parishioners at Sacred Heart in Rockport. St. George Parish in George West is Katzfy's home where he and his wife Lori Ann and their three children are parishioners. Leal's home parish is Corpus Christi Cathedral where he and his wife Criselda and their two children go to church. Ortiz, his wife Linda Marie and their three children attend church at Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Ss. Cyril & Methodius is the parish home for Perez, his wife Marie Catherine and their three children. Rosales is a parishioner of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in Portland where his family, including wife Denise and their three children attend. Salinas, along with his wife Diana and their two children, are parishioners at St. Patrick in Corpus Christi. Valenzuela attends Our Lady of Guadalupe in Sarita, along with his wife Jennifer and their two children. Deacon Mantz oversees the current ordained deacons and the formation of future deacons. The entire formation process covers a five-year time frame and requires men be formed in several dimensions, including academic, human, spiritual, pastoral and diaconal. Each of these dimensions are covered during the different stages or paths contained in the program, which include inquiry, discernment, aspirancy and candidacy. St. Mary's Seminary in Houston oversees the academic November 2016 |  South Texas Catholic  23


dimension via videoconference, while the other dimensions are taught and handled by the priests, deacons and other local, qualified professionals with expertise in the various fields. "Bishop Mulvey has been very pro-active in helping to develop and give constructive guidance to forming deacons for the Church," Deacon Mantz said. "Bishop Mulvey interviewed and screened our candidates several times during their formation, giving his approval on those who were chosen to advance through the various stages." Mantz said the formation program has been improving, especially over the last 15 years. "The pastors and priests have been very helpful and instrumental in helping to identify and recommend men who might have a calling to the ministry of deacon. They have also helped in supporting them throughout the formation years, both monetarily by helping to cover expenses and by helping to mentor their candidates in a parish setting." The formation directors also make the formation program successful, Deacon Mantz said. The current directors are Deacon Paul Moore and Deacon Al Cicora. "They are excellent leaders and formators. They live through this formation process with each of the men and their wives. They are always present to help with 'bumpy roads' but also to instruct and give constructive criticism when necessary," Deacon Mantz said. Wives must give their written consent for their husbands to

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petition the bishop to receive the Order of Deacon. This is why, Deacon Mantz said, the spouse is actively involved in the entire process of formation. Wives are required to attend all of the practicums; the training in spiritual, pastoral, human and diaconal dimensions. This allows the wife to be not only actively involved in understanding the formation process, but to form community with the other wives, which helps to develop a support group that is necessary in ministry. "Deacons need other deacons and deacon wives need other deacon wives," Deacon Mantz said. "The wives of these men are owed a special recognition for their unyielding support during this entire process." The diocese currently has a new class of 19 aspirants in its formation program. Their journey began in August 2015 and they are in their first year of academics. This class will run through 2020, with the next inquiry and recruitment scheduled for 2019. "I want to congratulate our class of new deacons for their dedicated and honest approach to being formed. Formation is a process, not just of the head but also most importantly of the heart. St. Thomas Aquinas said the three characteristics of a servant are: humility, obedience and efficiency," Deacon Mantz said. "I think I have seen each one of these men grow and be formed in each of these characteristics. I also want to thank them for allowing us to form them. I pray that our Lord will truly bless them and their families as they continue their work in the vineyard as God's holy deacons."


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New 'matrimony' celebration hopes to enrich 'marriage'

Poncho and Juanita Hernandez from Santa Rosa de Lima Parish in Benavides in the Diocese of Corpus Christi place the lazo over Matthew and Jes Cardenas at their June wedding at St. Martin de Porres Parish in the Diocese of Austin. The ceremony of the lazo is part of the new marriage rite. Adam Dusenbury, Contributed photo

Alfredo E. Cardenas


South Texas Catholic

eginning next year, Catholic weddings in the United States will have a new look thanks to the new "Order of Celebrating Matrimony." The changes are aimed at emphasizing that the wedding celebration is a sacred occasion or as Pope Francis put it in Amoris Laetitia, "a profound…experience"

"encouraging openness to grace." The bishops of the United States requested Vatican approval for changes to the "Rite of Marriage" in 2013 and the Holy See gave its consent earlier this year. The changes, much like the changes made to the Missal in 2011, are an effort to make the translation from the Latin more consistent. November 2016 |  South Texas Catholic  25


The "Rite of Marriage," now called "Order of Celebrating Matrimony," has been available for use on a voluntary basis since Sept. 8, the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It becomes mandatory on Dec. 30, the Feast of the Holy Family. In an interview with Our Sunday Visitor, Father Andrew Menke, associate director of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Secretariat of Divine Worship, said about the change in the title of the new rite, “The bishops felt that the word ‘matrimony’ has a more sacred connotation than ‘marriage.’ They thought the change was important in the American context, where we’ve seen attempts to redefine what marriage even means.” While an improved translation was the impetus for the change, the new rite includes other modifications intended to involve the faithful in a more meaningful way. "Overall it’s a wonderful change," said Ben Nguyen, Chancellor for the Diocese of Corpus Christi. "It is much more consistent and the expanded theological and catechetical section is absolutely fantastic." The introduction to the rite—which went from 18 to 44 paragraphs—places an emphasis on the theology of marriage and offers more catechesis. These theology and catechetical instruction can be used for marriage preparation and in the discussion between the pastor and the couple in deciding optional elements to be included in the wedding Mass. "It greatly elaborates on the theology of marriage, the importance of marriage, the dignity of marriage," said Father Dan Merz, SLD pastor of St. George and Our Lady Help of Christians parishes in the Diocese of Jefferson City, Missouri. "It talks about the sacred character of marriage, so the wedding itself should be sacred." Beginning with the procession, following are some highlights to the new marriage ceremony. While the wedding procession may take The ceremony of matrimony is "supposed to be a Liturgical procession with the minister and the bridal party. The cross should be part of the procession…Cross bearers, candles and minister set the tone." Adam Dusenbury, Contributed photo 26  South Texas Catholic | November 2016

place in the customary manner, the new rite offers the opportunity for variation, Father Merz said. "It is supposed to be a Liturgical procession with the minister and the bridal party. The cross should be part of the procession. It is not a beauty pageant. Cross bearers, candles and minister set the tone." The church in the United State is providing best practices, including three basic

options, Father Merz said. These options include for bridesmaids and groomsmen and bride and groom; or groom with his parents and bride and her parents; or groom by himself and bride escorted by her father to follow the minister into the church. "The Church is really trying to emphasize the bride and groom ministering to each other or the whole family as part of

the wedding," Father Merz said. The Introductory Rite at the beginning of Mass itself is new. The new language also seeks to bring the community into the celebration asking them to "support" the couple "with our affection…our friendship, and…our prayers…" Another significant change is the omission of the Penitential Act and the addition of the "Gloria". The new rite also provides for additional readings from which a couple can choose. The couple, with the consent of the priest, can choose the readings but a new requirement is that one of the readings must specifically address marriage. If the wedding takes place during the Easter season, Nguyen said, the first reading must be taken from the Book of Revelation, Chapter 19, which speaks about the wedding feast of the lamb. If the wedding takes place on the day of a solemnity, the readings for that day's Mass are required. Something else that is new is the alternate use of the phrase "to love and cherish," in the Consent; which reads, in part, "for better, for worse; for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish until death do us part." "We're used to it because we are used to the Sarum Rite in the English tradition, but that wording is not available in the Latin tradition," Nguyen said. "For the Reception of Consent there is a new beautiful prayer that evokes Biblical images of marriage," Father Merz said. After the new dialogue, an exchange between the priest and the assembly takes place where the priest says "Let us bless the Lord", and the assembly responds "Thanks be to God." This is similar to the Chrism Mass where the bishop asks priests to renew their promises—or as in an ordination—and then turns to the assembly and, the people all respond "Thanks be to God." "It's an opportunity to draw the whole assembly in. The whole Church has a stake and responsibility in the marriage not just the two getting married," Father Merz said. After the Blessing and Giving of Rings, the Blessing and Giving of the Arras can be done. This is one of two new options to the marriage ceremony adopted from Hispanic wedding ceremony. The other is the lazo. While these traditions are often associated with Hispanic weddings, they are in fact traced to ancient times, according to Father Merz. The arras involves the exchanging of coins, which are symbolic of sharing of material and spiritual resources in the marriage. After the Blessing of the Arras or the Blessing and Giving of the Rings, if the Arras are not part of the ceremony, the assembly will sing a hymn or canticle of praise. The Blessing and Placing of the Lazo or Veil takes place at the beginning of the Liturgy of the Eucharist. The lazo symbolizes an "indissoluble union" of the couple. While the new marriage rite introduces new aspects to enrich the marriage ceremony, the Latin Rite itself has always made room for local customs that also add to the ceremony in a meaningful way. "The sacrament of marriage is not a social convention, an empty ritual or merely the outward sign of a commitment. The sacrament is a gift given for the sanctification and salvation of the spouses, since 'their mutual belonging is a real representation, through the sacramental sign, of the same relationship between Christ and the Church…'," Pope Francis said in Amoris Laetitia.

Christmas Giving Giving “If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” – Mother Teresa

Christmas shop and help the homeless at the same time! Make a donationtotothe theMother MotherTeresa TeresaShelter Shelterin in honor honor of of loved loved Make a donation ones and will sendthem thema aBeautiful BeautifulChristmas ChristmasCard. Card. ones and wewe will send Yourgift giftofof$10 $10orormore moreper perChristmas Christmascard cardwill willhelp helpprovide provideday day Your shelterfor forthe thehomeless homelessininCorpus CorpusChristi, Christi,Texas. Texas.AAChristmas Christmascard card shelter acknowledging your your gift gift (without (without specic specific amounts amounts listed) listed) will will be be acknowledging mailedtotoeach eachofofyour yourhonorees. honorees.AAbeautiful beautifulChristmas Christmastree treeornament ornament mailed willalso alsobe beincluded includedfor forgifts giftsofof$25 $25orormore moreper percard. card. will

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November 2016 |  South Texas Catholic  27

Sisters of the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament standing in the back row with Bishop Michael Mulvey, from left, are Sister Merly Michael, Sister Rosalia Aricatt, Mother Grace Perumpanany, Sister Anette Chalangady, Sister Jessamma "Clerin" George, Sister Kochuthressia Moolan, Sister Elizabeth Pathiparambil, Sister Merlin Poothavelil, and Sister Rose Paul Madassery. The SABS sisters kneeling in the front, from left are Sister Ann Annjose, Sister Jassamol “Vimala” Joseph, Sister Treasa Pannattuparamban, Sister Sibi Varghese, Sister Rency Moonjely and Sister Jancy George. Not pictured are Sister Jisha James and Sister Joe Mary Kallarackal.

The call for missionary zeal is everywhere

Mary Cottingham, South Texas Catholic

Mary Cottingham


South Texas Catholic

peaking to missionaries in the Vatican on Oct. 6, Pope Francis said “Today, every land is 'mission territory,' every dimension of the human being is mission territory, awaiting the announcement of the Gospel.” The Holy Father could have been speaking to the Sisters of the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in Corpus

28  South Texas Catholic | November 2016

Christi, who came to the Diocese of Corpus Christi in 2000 from their native India to evangelize. On Oct. 12, Bishop Michael Mulvey celebrated a Mass of Thanksgiving with the congregation and their Superior General, Mother Grace Perumpanany, and her Second Councilor Sister Anette Chalangady, who had come from the Cenacle Generalate

Mary Cottingham, South Texas Catholic

in Kerala, India. Mother Grace visited with the sisters for two weeks at their four convents in Corpus Christi. "As we celebrate the Eucharist, for us it's a time to renew our commitment to follow Jesus with his cross and the power of that is the Resurrection," Bishop Mulvey told the sisters in his homily. "As we celebrate tonight, I give thanks to your presence. We renew ourselves in that, 'yes' as Mary did at the foot of the cross." Some of the sisters have been in the Diocese of Corpus Christi for 16 years. Sisters Rosalia Aricatt,Treasa Pannattuparamban and Elizabeth Pathiparambil were the first to arrive in October 2000. After spending their first year as spiritual care assistants at CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Corpus Christi–Shoreline they served as registered nurses and have been working at the hospital ever since. "The work is stressful, but you trust in God and go forward. We have Adoration and Mass everyday—you get strength from the Eucharist," Sister Rosalia said. When Sister Rosalia arrived from India with Sister Treasa she said coming to Corpus Christi was "a little bit scary, because I didn't know anybody here and I was not aware that you could not work with your degree here without going through the board (Texas Board of Nursing). People helped us—friends helped us. The first month we stayed in a house owned by the hospital on Second Street. Then we moved to Cole Street. After a few months we got a (driver's) license and a car," Sister Rosalia said. Bishop Emeritus Edmond Carmody remembers that it was June 2000 when Father Prince Kuruvila, now pastor at St. John

November 2016 |  South Texas Catholic  29


Sister Sibi Varghese hands out plates to the homeless at Mother Teresa Shelter

of the Cross Parish in Orange Grove, told him of the sisters who were willing to come to Corpus Christi to do hospital work, social work and evangelize. "We wrote to their provincial and they sent them," Bishop Carmody said. "They give their whole life to do the work of the Lord and spend hours in prayer and once a month they devote a whole day to adoration. The diocese is blessed to have them," Bishop Carmody said. Today there are 15 sisters serving in Corpus Christi who are from five different provinces in Kerala, India. Sisters Joe Mary Kallarackal, Rose Paul Madassery, Kochuthressia Moolan, Sibi Varghese, Rency Moonjely and Merlin Poothavelil are all from the Sacred Heart Province of Ernakulam and live in a convent on Ocean View. Most of the sisters work at CHRISTUS Spohn Shoreline, with the exception of Sisters Rose Paul, Rency and Sibi who work at the Mother Teresa Shelter. Sisters Rosalia and Treasa, who are from the Vimal Rani Province in Palakad, and Sister Elizabeth who is from Nirmal Rani Province in Thrissur, all are registered nurses who work at CHRISTUS Spohn Shoreline. Their convent is on Belmeade Drive. Sisters Ann Annjose, Jancy George and Merly Michael, whose convent is located Tarafaya Drive, are from St. Mary’s Province in Kothamangalam. All are registered nurses at CHRISTUS Spohn Shoreline with the exception of Sister Jancy, who teaches science at St. John Paul II. Sisters Jassamol Joseph, Jisha James and Sister Jessamma George are from St. Thomas Province in Changanacherry and reside in a convent on Haroldson Drive. They also work as registered nurses at CHRISTUS Spohn Shoreline. All sisters are under the Cenacle Generalate located at Karukunnu near the Pontifical Seminary at Aluva—called the "powerhouse of the congregation, the force that binds all the sisters together." The congregation has houses in almost all the states of India as well as in countries like Nepal, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Kenya, Tanzania, Ukraine and the United States. Like all congregations, the sisters are given a stipend for living expenses such as housing, car, food and necessities. Their salaries go to help their congregation's minister to the poor in India and the orphaned children with aids in Africa. They also give to the Bishop's Appeal and help out local families in need. Sister Rose Paul is operations manager of the Mother Teresa Shelter and has a master's degree in social work. She sees no difference in serving the poor in India verses serving the poor in Corpus Christi. She said, "the poor are everywhere—they are the same." "I get a lot of personal reward," she said, addSister Jancy ing a lot of donors and George volunteers in the shelter teaches and friends and family Science at are very encouraging to St. John the sisters; they give them Paul II High the motivation to keep School. She going. has a Ph.D. in "Sometimes you want Science. out or you are stressed out, but you have a big


support behind you. I get a lot of people who say, 'you do wonderful work.' It's a great blessing to us when people appreciate what we do," Sister Rose Paul said. Many people are surprised by their habits, Sister Rose Paul said. The young people do not understand but the older ones encourage them to continue to wear their habits. They wear gray at the Mother Teresa Shelter and white at CHRISTUS Spohn Shoreline. "The Lord in the Eucharist is the center of their life. They love the Lord and they want to fulfill his mission—to feed the hungry, clothe the naked and bring dignity to their brother and sister," Bishop Carmody said. In his address to the missionaries, Pope Francis said both the Church and the world today are experiencing "great change” and “it is necessary to seek appropriate, evangelical and courageous responses to the questions of the men and women of our time.” “For this you need to look at the past with gratitude, live the present with enthusiasm and embrace the future with hope, not letting yourselves be discouraged by the difficulties you encounter in the mission, but with strong fidelity to your religious and missionary vocation," the Holy Father said. To which the Sisters of the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament say, "Amen." To learn more about the Sisters of the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament go to: (Catholic News Agency contributed to this article.)

Las Nuevas Tamaleras is written and directed by San Antonio playwright Alicia Mena. The bilingual play captures three contemporary Latinas in an uproariously comical attempt at making tamales for the first time. Things become even more entertaining when the spirits of two seasoned tamaleras, Doña Juanita and Doña Mercedes, -two veteran tamaleras appear on the scene to invisibly guide the younger generation of women make the perfect tamale! The spirits’ “guidance” takes an unexpected turn when the old tamaleras disagree on the proper way to make the perfect tamale. The new tamaleras blunder through the daunting task, frustrating their spiritual guides and delighting the audience.

Sister Rency Moonjely helps Maria Gonzalez with her laundry at the Mother Teresa Shelter. Mary Cottingham, South Texas Catholic

The Pax Christi Sisters and the Pax Christi Liturgical Retreat Center will be hosting

Las Nuevas Tamaleras Saturday, Nov. 19 at 7 p.m. & Sunday, Nov. 20 at 2:30 p.m. TULOSO-MIDWAY JIM COOPER AUDITORIUM

9768 La Branch in Corpus Christi, TX 78410 Tickets are available Oct. 3 at (361) 445-7834 or (361) 241-2833 with Stella Hatch at Pax Christi Tickets run from $18-$25 (All seats are reserved) Church and civic groups are encouraged to purchase tickets by the dozen

30  South Texas Catholic | November 2016

Father J. Patrick Serna is Pastor at Our Lady of Guadalupe in Sinton.

Father J. Patrick Serna

A Contributor

s we come to the end of the Year of Mercy, we give consideration to the last spiritual work of mercy, namely, to pray for the living and the dead. God tells us in the New Testament to "Pray without ceasing (1 Thes 5:17)." He tells us "The fervent prayer of a righteous person is very powerful (Js 5:16)." To pray for the living is a straightforward exhortation, which helps others and ourselves in this life, as we strive for the life to come. St. Thérèse, the Little Flower tells us about a personal struggle that she dealt with. There was a nun in the convent that made life miserable for Thérèse, and the young saint-to-be found it difficult to avoid thinking bad thoughts about the uncharitable nun. One day, Thérèse came up with a plan, and every time she faced the temptation to think bad thoughts about the other nun, she turned it around and used the temptation as a reminder to pray for her. After praying for the unkind nun, Thérèse realized that several things were accomplished; she did not fall into sin, the unkind nun received graces from the prayer and she in turn received blessings for praying for the other nun. After the death of someone, if possible, priests lead the family with prayers for the deceased, and it is very consoling for the survivors, especially since prayer is the main connection between people on earth and the souls who have gone to God. The Catholic belief in prayer for the dead is backed up throughout the Bible, especially in the book of Maccabees: "...if he were not expecting the fallen to rise again, it would have been superfluous and foolish to pray for the dead. But if he did this with a view to the splendid reward that awaits those who had gone to rest in godliness, it was a holy and pious thought. Thus he made atonement for the dead that they might be absolved from their sin (2 Mc 12:44-46)." During the year I served as a chaplain at a large hospital my eyes were opened to a

Protestant belief and practice that is very different from our Catholic practice, vis-à-vis prayers for the dead. I learned that Catholics are thought to be practicing idol worship by some—not all—who do not share in our beliefs about prayer and the communion of saints. For many non-Catholic Christians, there is a radical expectation to pray to God only, and any kind of prayer to a saint or prayer for a person who died is considered idolatry. First of all, not all prayer is prayer of worship. Prayer of worship, which is Latria, is reserved only for God. Catholics have always believed this. Prayer of reverence or respect, known as dulia, is not worship; it is directed to saints and our loved ones who we hope to be in heaven. Some of the Greek words for prayer are: euchesthe, euxomai and proseúxomai. These words basically mean to wish, to exchange or to interact with. Nowhere in the original languages in the Bible is the word "prayer" reserved exclusively for prayer of worship, which is for God only. If speaking with loved ones who died is wrong, why did Jesus speak with Moses and Elijah on the mountain of the transfiguration, hundreds of years after their earthly lives were over? In the last book of the New Testament, we are reminded that people in heaven bring prayers to God: "Each of the elders held a harp and gold bowls filled with incense, which are the prayers of the holy ones (Rv 5:8)." If we are supposed to only pray to God, then why do the angels receive prayers, which they then place before God on his heavenly altar? "Another angel came and stood at the altar, holding a gold censer. He was given a great quantity of incense to offer, along with the prayers of all the holy ones, on the gold altar that was before the throne (Rv 8:3)." When I was a freshman in college, I asked a holy elderly lady—Mrs. Haffey—to send me a sign from heaven after she died, to let me know she made it okay. Mrs. Haffey closed her eyes, November 2016 |  South Texas Catholic  31


Pray always for the living and the dead


After the death of someone…priests lead the family with prayers for the deceased, and it is very consoling for the survivors, especially since prayer is the main connection between people on earth and the souls who have gone to God. then said: "If I make it to heaven, and if God gives me permission, I will send you a sign." A few months later Mrs. Haffey died, and one year after that I entered seminary. After entering seminary my little brother died and other catastrophic tragedies happened to me, including disillusionments about priests and the church for which I was about to give my life. My faith in prayer was severely put to the test. A priest taught me—wrongly—that prayer was only about feelings; he said prayer did not change events on earth. I trusted this bad advice and my faith was drowning. Three years later I went to Mass at a random church, where strangely, the Mass intention was for Mrs. Haffey. This day

was the three-year anniversary of her death, but I did not remember that until later. After Mass I went to Half Price Bookstore. The first book I saw at the bookstore was a book on Francis of Assisi by G.K. Chesterton. I opened the book to see the price, and what was inside the cover? It was the name of Dorothy H. Haffey, with her address underneath. To top it all off, Mrs. Haffey's birthday was Oct. 4, the Feast Day of St. Francis. After three long years, my faith crisis and doubts about prayer were now over. Providence—never coincidence— always intervenes. Prayer is powerful, and it will save you or the ones you love when you least expect. Pray always.

November Liturgical Calendar 1 | Tue | ALL SAINTS | white | Solemnity | [Holyday of Obligation] Rv 7:2-4, 9-14/1 Jn 3:1-3/Mt 5:1-12a (667) Pss Prop

9 | Wed | The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica | white | Feast | Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12/1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17/Jn 2:13-22 (671) Pss Prop

2 | Wed | The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed | white or violet or black (All Souls’ Day) Wis 3:1-9/ Rom 5:5-11 or Rom 6:3-9/Jn 6:37-40 (668), or any readings from no. 668 or from the Lectionary for Ritual Masses (vol. IV), the Masses for the Dead, nos. 1011-1016 Pss Prop

10 | Thu | Saint Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church | white | Memorial | Phlm 7-20/Lk 17:20-25 (494)

3 | Thu | Weekday | green/white [Saint Martin de Porres, Religious] Phil 3:38a/Lk 15:1-10 (488) 4 | Fri | Saint Charles Borromeo, Bishop | white | Memorial | Phil 3:17—4:1/Lk 16:1-8 (489) 5 | Sat | Weekday | green/white [BVM] Phil 4:10-19/Lk 16:9-15 (490) 6 | SUN | THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME | green 2 Mc 7:1-2, 9-14/2 Thes 2:16—3:5/Lk 20:27-38 or 20:27, 34-38 (156) Pss IV 7 | Mon | Weekday | green | Ti 1:1-9/Lk 17:1-6 (491) 8 | Tue | Weekday | green | Ti 2:1-8, 11-14/Lk 17:7-10 (492)

11 | Fri | Saint Martin of Tours, Bishop | white | Memorial | 2 Jn 4-9/Lk 17:26-37 (495) Pss Prop 12 | Sat | Saint Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr | red | Memorial | 3 Jn 5-8/Lk 18:1-8 (496) 13 | SUN | THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME | green Mal 3:1920a/2 Thes 3:7-12/Lk 21:5-19 (159) Pss I 14 | Mon | Weekday | green | Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5/Lk 18:35-43 (497) 15 | Tue | Weekday | green/white [Saint Albert the Great, Bishop and Doctor of the Church] Rv 3:1-6, 14-22/ Lk 19:1-10 (498) 16 | Wed | Weekday | green/white/ white [Saint Margaret of Scotland; Saint Gertrude, Virgin] Rv 4:1-11/Lk 19:11-28 (499)

32  South Texas Catholic | November 2016

17 | Thu | Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, Religious | white | Memorial | Rv 5:110/Lk 19:41-44 (500) 18 | Fri | Weekday | green/white/ white [The Dedication of the Basilicas of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles; USA: Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne, Virgin] Rv 10:8-11/Lk 19:45-48 (501) or, for the Memorial of the Dedication, Acts 28:11-16, 30-31/Mt 14:22-33 (679) 19 | Sat | Weekday | green/white [BVM] Rv 11:4-12/Lk 20:27-40 (502) 20 | SUN | OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE | white | Solemnity | 2 Sm 5:1-3/Col 1:12-20/Lk 23:35-43 (162) Pss Prop 21 | Mon | The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary | white (ThirtyFourth or Last Week in Ordinary Time) Memorial | Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5/Lk 21:1-4 (503) Pss II 22 | Tue | Saint Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr | red | Memorial | Rv 14:14-19/ Lk 21:5-11 (504) 23 | Wed | Weekday | green/red/white/ red [Saint Clement I, Pope and Martyr; Saint Columban, Abbot; USA: Blessed Miguel Agustín Pro, Priest and Martyr] Rv 15:1-4/Lk 21:12-19 (505)

24 | Thu | Saint Andrew DũngLạc, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs | red/white | Memorial [USA: Thanksgiving Day] Rv 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9a/Lk 21:20-28 (506), or, for Thanksgiving Day, any readings from the Lectionary for Ritual Masses (vol. IV), the Mass “In Thanksgiving to God,” nos. 943- 947 (see esp. Sir 50:22-24 [943.2]/1 Cor 1:3-9 [944.1]/Lk 17:11-19 [947.6]) 25 | Fri | Weekday | green/red [Saint Catherine of Alexandria, Virgin and Martyr] Rv 20:1-4, 11—21:2/Lk 21:29-33 (507) 26 | Sat | Weekday | green/white [BVM] Rv 22:1-7/Lk 21:34-36 (508) YEAR A – WEEKDAYS I 27 | SUN | FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT | violet Is 2:1-5/Rom 13:11-14/ Mt 24:37-44 (1) Pss I 28 | Mon | Advent Weekday | violet | Is 4:2-6/Mt 8:5-11 (175) 29 | Tue | Advent Weekday | violet | Is 11:1-10/Lk 10:21-24 (176) 30 | Wed | Saint Andrew, Apostle | red | Feast | Rom 10:9-18/Mt 4:18-22 (684) Pss Prop


Holy Hour First Thursday of the Month


Nov. 3 at 5 p.m. at Sacred Heart Church (422 North Alameda Street) in Corpus Christi. For more information:


Celebration of Charity~A Fabulous Delightful Affair

Nov. 3 from 7-9 p.m. Catholic Charities of Corpus Christi and Mother Teresa Shelter present their 2016 benefit fundraiser at Catholic Charities (615 Oliver Court) in Corpus Christi. Live entertainment, festive chic attire, complementary valet parking. For ticket and sponsorship details contact Shannette Hoelscher at (361) 884-0651, Ext. 246 or


St. Anthony's Holy Hour for Vocations

12 12

Nov. 3 at 7 p.m. join St. Anthony of Padua Church (204 Dunne St.) in Robstown every first Thursday of the month.


Healing Retreat at OLCC


OLPH 3rd Annual Casino Night


Nov. 4-6 begins Friday at 4:30 p.m. ends Sunday at 2 p.m. Weekend consists of a series of talks on healing, periods of silent reflection asking God to reveal where healing is needed, and concludes with a Healing Service. Register at or call (361) 289-9095, ext. 321. Nov. 5 from 6 p.m.-12 a.m. under Our Lady of Perpetual Help Academy Pavillion (5830 Williams Drive) in Corpus Christi. Tickets are $30 which includes $5,000 in gaming chips. For more information call the parish office at (361) 991-7891.

IWA Angelfest

Nov. 5 from 6-11 p.m. at IWA (2920 South Alameda) in Corpus Christi. The evening will feature silent and live auctions, food and entertainment. All proceeds will benefit the IWA athletic program. For more information visit

12 12

Adult Confirmation Retreat

Nov. 12 from 8 a.m.-12 p.m. at Our Lady of Corpus Christi Retreat Center. The Diocesan Adult Confirmation Retreat is provided for parishes who are not able to offer a parish retreat for their adult confirmation candidates. Cost is $5. Deadline to register is Tuesday, Nov. 8. Registration must be paid by check only. Please make checks payable to the Diocese of Corpus Christi. For more information call the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis at (361) 882-6191.



Diocesan Marriage Preparation

Nov. 12–13 at Pax Christi Liturgical Retreat Center. The Diocesan Marriage Preparation Program is a two-day overnight event for the engaged. For more information go to

"Chat and Chew with Lee"

Nov. 12 at 9 a.m. at Sacred Heart Church (114 N. Church St.) in Rockport for all parish musicians, cantors, singers, choir members, guitarists, pianists and organists. Lee Gwozdz, Diocesan Director of Sacred Music, will lead a roundtable discussion of topics and workshops diocesan musicians would like to attend for the Diocesan Music Boot Camp scheduled for January 2017 at the Pax Christi Liturgical Institute. The chat will conclude with a Q&A session of liturgical music matters that concern all parishes.

St. John the Baptist 6th Annual Parish Festival

Nov. 12 from 12-10 p.m. on the grounds of St. John the Baptist Catholic Church located at 7522 Everhart Road (corner of Yorktown and Everhart). There will be live music, games, silent auction, food and family fun. For more information call (361) 992-4400.

Nov. 12 and every second Saturday/Sabado del mes tendremos Nocturnal Adoration empezando con la misa a las 8 de la noche y terminando a las 5 de la manana. Beginning with Mass at 8 p.m. and ending with Benediction at 5 a.m. in the morning. For more information go to

The Coastal Bend Day of Giving Begins at midnight on Nov. 15 with a minimum gift of only $10. For the 2016 Day of Giving, 24 matching funders have come together to provide a match fund of $750,000. To give visit


Tuesday Tea with the Saints


IWA Alumni Super Reunion Homecoming Weekend

St. Patrick Altar & Rosary Society Christmas Bazaar

Nov. 12 from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. in St. Patrick Parish Hall (3350 S. Alameda. There will be a variety of booths: crafts and collectibles, baked goods, silent auction and more.

Sabado del mes tendremos Nocturnal Adoration

17 18

Nov. 15 and every third Tuesday afternoon at 3 p.m. at the Pax Christi Liturgical Retreat Center's St. Joseph Hall. Cost is free, but donations welcome. RSVP at (361) 241-2833. If you have not RSVP'd, don't worry, you are still welcome.

Weekend of Nov. 17-19 at IWA (2920 S. Alameda) in Corpus Christi. There will be homecoming festivities, burning of the “A” ceremony, alumni vs. alumni basketball game, IWA girls' and boys' varsity basketball games, campus tours, casino night, a golf tournament and more. For more information visit or call Amy Canterbury at (361) 883-8229, ext. 104.

Women's Retreat at OLCC

Nov. 17-20. Begins Thursday 4:30 p.m. and ends Sunday 1:30 p.m. Register at or call (361) 289-9095, ext. 321.

Region 10 Catholic Youth Conference

Nov. 18–20 Region 10 Catholic Youth Conference in Beaumont. Biennial conference brings together a community of Catholic high school teens and their leaders from all over Arkansas, Oklahoma November 2016 |  South Texas Catholic  33




and Texas for a weekend filled with prayer, music, powerful speakers, hands-on activities and laughter. For more information go to



IWA Casper Wenzel Golf Classic

Nov. 19 at the NorthShore Country Club in Portland. Registration, driving range and breakfast will begin at 7:30 a.m. and tee off will begin at 9 a.m. The Casper Wenzel Golf Classic will feature food, beverages, Florida Scramble golf tournament, golf contests and more. All proceeds from this event will benefit the IWA Athletic Program. For more information visit

Grounded in Truth at Cafe Veritas-OLCC

Nov. 19 and every third Saturday of the month. An hour of Adoration with Praise and Worship in the OLCC Perpetual Adoration Chapel 7-8 p.m., followed by music and fellowship in the newly renovated Cafe Veritas (attached to Our Lady

of Corpus Christi's Bookstore) from 8-9:30 p.m. Call (361) 289-0807 for more information.

19 Las Nuevas Tamaleras & 20

Saturday, Nov. 19, at 7 p.m. and Sunday, Nov. 20, at 2:30 p.m. at Tuloso-Midway Jim Cooper Auditorium (9768 La Branch) in Corpus Christi. Tickets are available at (361) 445-7834 or (361) 241-2833 with Stella Hatch at Pax Christi. Tickets run from $18-$25 (All seats are reserved). Church and civic groups are encouraged to purchase tickets by the dozen.

19 Natural Family Planning Class

Nov. 19 from 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at 1426 Baldwin in Corpus Christi. For more information go to

the Year of Mercy 20 Closing - Sacred Heart Church

Nov. 20. Closing with a prayer of the Divine Mercy after the 9 a.m. Spanish Mass at Sacred Heart Church. Then reception in the



Annual Thanksgiving 24 102nd Day Picnic

Nov. 24 from 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m. in Vattmann (South of Kingsville on FM 628). Will include turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean salad, cucumber salad, bread, coffee, tea and one dessert. Dinners to go are also available. There will also be a Turkey Shoot (trap and target), country store, daub bingo 2 p.m.-6 p.m., kid games, fish pond, raffles, drinks, silent auction, centennial memorabilia, cook books, Wheel of Fortune, and a country western dance (8 p.m.-12 midnight). For more information please contact the Rectory at (361) 297-5255.

To see more calendar events go to: Click on Calendar

Copyright © 2015, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. All rights reserved. Photo: CCHD/Peter Howard. 40200216

34  South Texas Catholic | November 2016

school cafeteria at Central Catholic. Cake, punch and coffee afterwards. Everyone is invited to attend.


November 12, 2016 12:00-10:00 PM

LIVE MUSIC • GAMES • SILENT AUCTION • FOOD & FAMILY FUN MUSICAL GUESTS: CC Veterans Jazz Band • Los Desperadoz • Jason Suthern Band • Los Mariachi Scarecrow People • Borderline • The Chris Saucedo Band

November 2016 |  South Texas Catholic  35

November 2016 Issue SOUTH TEXAS CATHOLIC 620 Lipan St. Corpus Christi, TX 78401-2434 (361) 882-6191

Save the Date Jan. 26, 2017 Bishop Michael Mulvey invites you to

A Celebration of Catholic Schools Solomon P. Ortiz International Center 5:30-8:30PM

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Cecilia Abbott, First Lady of Texas Cecilia Abbott is not only the wife of the governor of Texas; she has been a teacher, vice-principal and principal at several Catholic schools across Texas.

Diocese of Corpus Christi

let them shine

Proceeds will go towards Diocesan Tuition Assistance and the Catholic School Endowment in the Diocese of Corpus Christi.

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