162nd Diocesan The Woodlands Marriott Waterway Hotel & Convention Center, The Woodlands
Secretary of the Diocese The Rev. Canon John A. Logan Diocese of Texas My previous service includes Canon to the Ordinary; canon and subdean at Christ Church Cathedral, Houston; associate rector at Good Shepherd, Austin; vicar of St. Timothy’s, Waco and staff chaplain and board member at St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital. I received my bachelor’s and law degrees from The University of Texas, Austin and divinity degree from Virginia Theological Seminary. I currently serve as the Secretary of the Diocese of Texas and would be honored to continue.
Treasurer of the Diocese Robert J. Biehl Diocese of Texas I have just completed my 10th year on the Diocesan staff. I am a CPA and graduated from TCU with a BBA in accounting in 1972. My experience includes public accounting, controllership, personal financial planning and 18 years as a Trust Officer with Bank of America where I was Trust Officer to the Diocese and its Foundations for almost 10 years. I have been married to Marilyn for 32 years and have one daughter.
Standing Committee: Lay Thomas Granville Gebhard, Jr. St. David’s, Austin I offer these experiences in support of candidacy for Standing Committee: member of World Mission Board assisting with Companion Diocese relationship with Southern Malawi, professional engineer, development of water wells in Malawi and multiple leadership roles (warden, vestry, foundation, capital campaigns, building expansion, Consortium of Endowed Episcopal Parishes delegate) within St. David’s congregation. These experiences provide me an understanding of the Anglican Communion and The Episcopal Church and a comprehensive perspective to meet the duties of our Standing Committee.
February 11 -12, 2011
Standing Committee: Clergy John Hancock Christ Church, Temple It has been a privilege to serve my parish and the Diocese of Texas for more than thirty years in various roles. I have been an educator for forty years and have experience in unifying individuals with varying perspectives and beliefs. It is my hope these experiences will enable me to be of benefit to our Diocese now and in the future.
The Rev. Jeff Fisher St. Alban’s, Waco As a prayerful listener, aiming to make bold and difficult choices informed by Scripture, tradition and reason, I would be honored to serve on the Standing Committee. I am committed to raising up leaders, lay and clergy, who are able to translate the Christian narrative into all the world.
Andrew Lyon Resurrection, Austin As a teacher, my decisions profoundly affect students’ lives. I am attentive and focused. My experiences and skills provide the ability to listen and respond appropriately. I feel called to be more involved in the conversations of our Diocese especially at this time as we seek to trust God’s Spirit in one another. I will serve the Standing Committee to support our bishop and look to the future especially regarding the emerging generations of clergy.
The Rev. Desmond Goonesekera, St. Cuthbert, Houston I served on the Standing Committee of the Diocese of Colombo, and as chair for Evangelism in the Diocese of Montana. I also served as vice president and president of Province VI and as a member of the National Executive Council. I have been in the Diocese of Texas for fifteen years and have served on St. James’ House Board, World Mission and Executive Boards. It will give me great joy to serve the LORD as a member of the Standing Committee.
Dorothy Bertone Miller Hope, Houston I became an Episcopalian in 1996 at the Church of the Incarnation. I’ve served on three vestries and have been senior warden twice and lead Daughters of the King. I am VP/co-owner of a world-wide supplier of electrical controls. My passions are music and serving as board chair for the Near Northwest Management District, a group of people dedicated to the revitalization of the Antoine area of Houston. We are called to spread the Good News.
The Rev. Genevieve Razim Trinity, The Woodlands I grew up in this great diocese, spent summers at Camp Allen, and through the years have called parishes in Lake Jackson, Austin and Houston “home.” My desire to serve on the Standing Committee is grounded in the love I have for this diocese and her people. I seek to serve faithfully, supporting our bishop and God’s call to mission.
Chester T. (Chet) Scheel St. Paul’s, Waco Confirmed by Bishop Scott Field Bailey in 1970, I was active even while we suffered through the adoption of our ’79 Book and remember well, the anxiety of that time. Today we find ourselves in circumstances not so different. Through Education for Ministry (EFM), I’ve come to understand and appreciate our history of maintaining a “diversity in unity” while remaining faithful to our one true religion, and seek to hold firm in those concepts and beliefs.
The Rev. Jim Stockton Resurrection, Austin As rector of the Church of the Resurrection in Austin since October 2001 and an active participant in diocesan Councils for thirteen years, I fully appreciate the challenges facing our Church and our diocese as we live into our ministries and mission. As a member of the Standing Committee, I will serve the efforts of our diocese to proceed with canonical integrity and the compassion of Christ Jesus in service to God and God’s people. Page 1