Exultate Deo Volume 33, Number 2
Fall, 2013
Table of Contents From the Chair.......................page 2 Mailing List and E-Mail Updates................page 2 54th Annual Diocesan Adult Choral Festival.............pages 1 & 10 Diocesan Choir Camp 2013...page 3 Fall & Winter 2013 Music Events....................................page 5 The Leadership Program for Musicians (LPM).....................page 6 AAM Conference............. page 6 & 7 Mass for St. David’s................page 7 Sewanee Church Music Conference.............................page 8 Music at St. Thomas...............page 8 Hymns for October, 2013 March, 2014...........................page 9 Adult Choral Festival Registration information and Form....page 10 &11
The 53rd Diocese of Texas Adult Choir Festival, “Claim the High Calling” A Celebration of the Life and Work of Dr. Gerre Hancock, Sunday October 21, 2012, Robert Simpson, Festival Conductor
The Diocesan Music Commission presents
The 54th Diocese of Texas Adult Choral Festival Saturday and Sunday October 19th and 20th Christ Church Cathedral, Houston Dr. Alan Raines, Festival Conductor Associate Professor of Ensembles and Director of Choral Activities, Baylor University Choral Director, St. Paul’s Church, Waco
Continued on page 10
From the Chair
I hope that you have had a chance
to read this month’s “Diolog” glossy magazine from the Diocesan Center’s Communications Office. It is an issue devoted to music, and it features many of the very talented musicians and music ministries of our diocese, as well as some very intriguing people of the larger Church. When I called to congratulate Carol Barnwell on the excellent coverage, she told me of many new features that are available to do more extensive coverage of news stories, including recordings and videos. In planning the issue, Carol communicated her need for stories through the weekly e-newsletter.
Here’s a message from Carol: Carol Barnwell requested stories and ideas for stories 9 months or so ago for the music issue through our diocesan e-news. Staff of diocesan congregations should be getting and at least scanning this weekly to help us all network and be responsive to one another’s ideas and needs. The link is here: http://tinyurl.com/3rjmcoq The road for information and ideas is two way and we are delighted to have everyone’s ideas for future issues of Diolog. Please contact Carol Barnwell at cbarnwell@epicenter.org with any comments. If you’re not subscribing to it, I recommend that you do! It’s the best way to hear news weekly between the magazine mailings. We have a huge diocese, both geographically and in number of parishes. We would love to highlight your music ministries in the Spring issue—please send items to Bonnie
Harris-Reynolds at the address in the text box. I hope that we will be able to highlight even more musicians and ministries in the future. THE CHORAL FESTIVAL Our Diocesan Choral Festival in October will be wonderful this year--guest conductor Alan Raines’ selections of repertoire are some wonderful pieces that our choir in Brenham is enjoying. The pieces are useable and If you are not able to learn the music in sectionals, come to the Saturday rehearsal, where each piece will be covered in a sectional rehearsal with the Houston-area singers. On Sunday afternoon, the out-of-town choirs will join us at 3 PM for our full rehearsal. We will snack at 5:30 before vesting and singing in the 6 PM service. I look forward to hearing the large choir once again. “LITURGICAL MUSIC” I highly recommended Daw & Pavlechko’s Liturgical Music books, available for you to borrow from the DIocesan Libraries. They have hymn suggestions for the church year which are listed under the lesson that each hymn ties to, and information about where it is best used in the service. On the facing page, anthems and solos for the particular Sunday are listed. A feature that I like is the inclusion of all Church Publishing hymnals, including Wonder Love & Praise, Voices Found, My Heart Sings Out, etc., not just the Hymnal 1982.
LET US SERVE YOU Once again, please know that there are musicians available to answer your questions about finding a church musician, instruments and instrumental maintenance, choral music, new service music, how to plan the music for your services, and all kinds of other questions which may arise. I am looking at dates and locations for some regional trainings next year. Your input is welcome! DATES FOR NEXT YEAR Please mark your calendars! Diocesan Youth Choral Festival at Christ Church Cathedral, Saturday, February 1, 2014. Diocesan Choir Camp, Brenham, Sunday, July 6 through Saturday, July 12, 2014 Faithfully,
Linda Patterson
Director of Music St. Peter’s Episcopal Church P. O. Box 937 Brenham, TX 77834 979-836-7248 ext. 13 linda@stpetersbrenham.org
NEW RELEASE Church Publishing will be releasing a new online version of the Rite Stuff this fall, with a free 30-day trial. There is an upgrade option for previous users of Rite Stuff 1.0. See the details at www.churchpublishing.org
Exultate Deo A Publication of the Music Commission of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas
Mailing List Updates To update or add to the Music Commission mailing list, please contact Bonnie Harris-Reynolds, 511 Dexter Drive, College Station, TX 77840, (979) 696-0452 (home), or (979) 696-8903 (St. Thomas) or by e-mail: music@stthomasbcs.org (St. Thomas).
E-Mail Updates We are assembling an e-mail list of musicians of the Diocese. Please send e-mail information to Bonnie Harris-Reynolds: music@stthomasbcs.org Download additional copies of this issue, camp forms and Choral Festival registrations from our Web page at www.epicenter.org/musiccommission
DIOCESAN CHOIR CAMP 2013 It was a great celebration of the whole church year in one week! Our guest conductor for the camp was Garmon Ashby, who serves as Fine Arts Chair at Episcopal High School, Houston and as Music Director at St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Nassau Bay. We were delighted to have such an interesting, fun, flexible and knowledgeable conductor, and his music choices for the week included music for Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Easter and Pentecost. In addition, he taught us music from his native South Africa, which became some of our favorites. Garmon was able to challenge
veteran choir members and engage those new to camp and singing. Our Closing Service at St. Peter’s spanned the church year with hymns and anthems. Jackson Hearn was our delightful accompanist again this year. Art lessons with Sara Parker, pottery lessons with Doug Peck and annual traditions like Live Clue Night, Water Day at St. Peter’s and the popular trip to Horseshoe Junction Fun Park filled our schedule. As you can tell by the photos of the fun
activities, we had lots of fun! We did an outreach project to the Chapel Service at Kruse Memorial Lutheran Village, where our performance was well-received. Campers in rising grades 4-8 (grade 3 with director’s recommendation) are invited to join the fun next summer, July 6-12, 2014.
Fall & Winter 2013 Music Events Good Shepherd, Kingwood and Christ Church Cathedral, Houston Musical Events at Good Shepherd, Kingwood Sunday, Oct 13, 6:30 p.m.
A Service in the Style of Taize
Sunday, Nov 5, 10:15 a.m.
Requiem by John Rutter, as part of the Eucharist Good Shepherd Choir, Jackson Hearn, organist and music director
Sunday, November 10, 6:30 p.m.
A Service in the Style of Taize
Sunday, December 8, 6:30 p.m.
A Service in the Style of Taize
Sunday, December 22, 7:00 p.m.
Carols and Cookies, the Annual Carol Service In the Great Hall
Sunday, Jan 12, 2014, 6:30 p.m.
A Service in the Style of Taize
Sunday, Feb 9, 2014, 6:30 p.m.
A Service in the Style of Taize
A Service in the Style of Taize
Musical Events at Christ Church Cathedral, Houston
Good Shepherd Episcopal Church 2929 Woodland Hills Dr. Kingwood, TX 77339 www.goodshepherdkingwood.org
Episcopal Diocese of Texas Adult Choral Festival: Alan Raines, Conductor
Musical Events at St. Peter’s, Brenham
Anthony Williams, Organist 5:00 p.m. Choral Evensong
Sunday, June 15, 2014, 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, September 19 5:00-7:00 p.m.
Book Signing Author Dr. Wendy Bergin signs “The Piper’s Story: A Tale of War, Music & the Supernatural”
Sunday, September 22nd 4:00 p.m.
“Someone to Watch Over Me: Music of Saints and Angels” George Chase, Trumpet with Linda Patterson, Organ and Piano St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Brenham, 979-836-7248 www.stpetersbrenham.org
Sunday, Feb 23, 2014, 10:15 a.m.
Gospel Mass by Robert Ray as part of the Eucharist Good Shepherd Choir, Jackson Hearn, conductor, with jazz ensemble
Sunday, March 9, 2014, 6:30 p.m.
A Service in the Style of Taize
Sunday, April 13, 2014, 7:00 p.m.
A Choral Meditation on the Passion of Christ Good Shepherd Choir, Jackson Hearn, organist and music director
Sunday, June 15, 2014, 10:15 a.m.
Musical Events at St. Mark’s, Beaumont November 3rd, 6:00 p.m.
All Saints’ Sunday Choral Evensong
December 22nd, 10:15 a.m.
A Service of Lessons and Carols
October 20, 2013 - 6:00 p.m.
November 3, 2013 - 4:15 p.m.
November 9, 2013 - 7:30 p.m.
Houston Chamber Choir “Requiem for a President” in memory of President John F. Kennedy - program including Durufle’ “Requiem” Tickets available from Houston Chamber Choir
November 22, 2013 - 7:00 p.m.
HyeHyun Sung, DMA Recital
December 8, 2013 - 5:00 p.m.
Advent Lessons and Carols
December 15, 2013 - 5:00 p.m.
The Rose Ensemble Tickets available from Houston Early Music http://www.houstonearlymusic.org/
January 12, 2014 - 4:15 p.m.
Daryl Robinson 5:00 p.m. Choral Evensong
Christ Church Cathedral, Houston 1117 Texas Ave. 77002
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Beaumont, (409) 832-3405 info@stmarksbeaumont.org
Missa Brevis in D Minor by W. A. Mozart as part of the Eucharist Good Shepherd Choir and chamber orchestra, Jackson Hearn, organist and music director
Reflections on the 2013 AAM Conference Denver, held June 30th – July 4th – Association of Anglican Musicians – by Jerome Wells I have been attending AAM conferences regularly since 1995, and indeed the 2013 Denver Conference ranks overall as one of the best. Sunday evening offered Choral Evensong at St. John’s Cathedral with the Cathedral Choir singing works of Stanford, Willcocks, Howells, C.H.H. Parry, and Stephen Tappe, Organist and Director of Music at the Cathedral. Opening Eucharist on Monday morning commemorated the life and work of Harriet Beecher Stowe. The closing hymn was “Still, Still with Thee,” one of Stowe’s texts set to a lovely tune drawn from Mendelssohn’s “Songs without Words.” It is found in some American hymnals. This service was our first opportunity to hear The Rev. Barbara Crafton, Conference
Preacher, whose brilliantly crafted sermons kept our attention throughout the week. Monday evening we heard St. Martin’s Chamber Choir, Colorado’s first year-round, professional choral ensemble. Of note was the “Crucifixus pro nobis” of Kenneth Leighton, concluding with an exquisite setting of “Drop, drop, slow tears.” Tuesday morning we ventured to Colorado Springs US Air Force Academy. A striking feature of the Protestant Chapel is the front and center, hanging silver cross, whose arms depict “wings” for the flying motif. Rev. Crafton’s words “God uses us just as we are, and often in spite of what we are” were just one gem of her sermon. The evening concert by Colorado Vocal Arts Ensemble included traditional choral
works and new innovative ones as well, all sung superbly. Wednesday included a Carillon Concert followed by The Denver Brass & Organ in concert, and worship at Christ Church. All were rewarded by a free evening in Denver on your own! Thursday provided an extensive anthem reading session in the morning as well as Professional Concerns and Development sessions. Highlight of the day was the Closing Eucharist at St. John’s Cathedral, followed by the Closing Banquet at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, where we were allowed access to several exhibits. Finally, the Denver folks gave us a generous amount of good food and wine throughout the week!
The Leadership Program for Musicians (LPM) OPEN HOUSE - SEPTEMBER 14! The Leadership Program for Musicians is a teaching ministry that gives church musicians an increased sense of vocational awareness, along with the tools and resources to enable congregations to sing well and participate actively in worship. The Leadership Program for Musicians is a national organization who administers a curriculum covering key areas in church music and liturgical education as well as spiritual formation. LPM is a program of the Episcopal Church USA and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. LPM is taught by highly qualified teachers and tailored to local needs. Successful completion of all courses earns the LPM Certificate in Church Music. The program is taught locally and covers a full range of church music skills. Particular attention is paid to smaller church needs. LPM is a two-year program with seven courses, which may be taken in whole or part, beginning any year: Leadership of Congregational Song (piano/organ/keyboard, voice/ cantor, or guitar/other instruments), Teaching New Music to the Congregation, Survey of Christian Hymnody, Liturgy
and Liturgical Planning: Foundations for Christian Worship, Resources for an Effective Music Program, Principles for Choral Leadership: Conducting for Church Musicians and Voice Training for Choirs, and Philosophy of Church Music. Classes typically meet one Saturday a month September through May. LPM 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 in Texas will be held at Trinity Lutheran Church of Frelsburg, 2309 FM 1291, New Ulm, Texas 78950, in the triangle formed by Columbus, La Grange, and Brenham, just off the intersection of FM 109 and FM 1291, next to the Frelsburg Fire Department. Open House for anyone who is interested is scheduled on Saturday, September 14, 2013, 9:15-3:30, at Trinity Lutheran Church of Frelsburg. This coincides with the first session of classes for those taking the course. For more information, a hard-copy brochure, or to RSVP for the Open House, contact Marsha Seale, Texas-Louisiana LPM Coordinator, 713-562-6972, mkseale52@msn.com. The national website, including the TX-LA brochure, is www. lpm-online.org.
Highlights of the 2014 AAM Conference Washington, D.C. (June 15-20, 2014) * Preconference event Sunday evening: Concert by the Choir of St. Martin in the Fields, London at St. John’s Lafayette Square * Opening Eucharist at St. Paul’s K-Street * Other venues include Washington National Cathedral, Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria, Episcopal High School, St. John’s, Georgetown
Mass for St. David’s Dear Friend and Fellow Musician! A very important event is nearing in my life and I would like for you to consider taking part. Some may know that I have a Bachelor and Master of Music in Composition and Theory. After writing my Master’s thesis, I decided that I much favored making music with people (conducting, singing, etc.) over spending alone time at the “composition table.” I realized that my degree was a great thing, but maybe not my compositional abilities! I have been at St. David’s Church since August 1, 1990 and was privileged to aid a fellow musician in the composition of two mass settings. As the Hymnal 1982 has aged, I have sought service music for the congregations at St. David’s that is both fresh and devotional. I, also, began wanting to express my love, appreciation and experience with those congregations by writing something for our public worshipsomething, too, that might be dessiminated to other liturgical churches for their liturgies. The process of writing this service music has been long in gestation. In Eastertide 2012 we began singing two of the pieces-a Pascha nostrum and an Alleluia tract. In this past Eastertide we sang those two short movements, along with a Sanctus and a setting of the Lord’s Prayer. I have been very happy with the music and with how it has been received these past two Eastertide seasons.
* The National Gallery of Art will be the setting for a concert by the Cathedral Choir * Closing Banquet at the National Press Club * Key Bridge Marriott will be the Conference hotel (a metro stop is there; a quick walk to Georgetown) w/ an inside and outside pool!
By David Stevens I am nearing 25 years at St. David’s and I am happy to announce that the Mass for St. David’s is complete and I would like to invite you to its premiere. We will offer a celebratory Eucharist on Saturday, September 14th and will also be celebrating on that day the Feast of the Holy Cross or Holy Cross Day. Please, consider coming to the festivities for that day. Schedule (September 14): Potluck in Sumners Hall 12:30 am 1:30 pm-2:30 pm
“Congregational Choir practice” The participating choirs, the congregants at St. David’s and musical guests are invited to come to completely learn the Mass setting, so everyone can participate fully in the Eucharist that follows.
2:30 pm
Coffee break
3 pm
Festive Eucharist for Holy Cross Day with the Mass for St. David’s as the service music.
Note: The Mass will be rehearsed in full one other time before September 14on Wednesday, September 11. This rehearsal will feature all choirs, handbells and trumpets and will take place from 7 pm - 9:30 pm in the historic church at St. David’s. You are more than welcome to come. Please, let me know if you would like to be a part of the choir which will lead from the front of the church. I do think there will be vigorous singing and participating from within the congregation, if you choose to come but not sing in the massed choir. If you can’t attend this day, know that the mass setting will be used throughout the Fall until the beginning of Advent. I would love for you to come to a Sunday morning service anytime in that period to experience the mass. This music is so very important to me. It reflects my love and experience with the people of St. David’s. They are loving, spiritual, forgiving, smart, quirky, creative and much more. I am glad to be able to express my love for them in the music and I hope that this music will aid St. David’s, and possibly other congregations, in their love and adoration of God. I hope you can come for the fun and celebration! Yours with appreciation and love, David Stevens PS: My new email address is davidtenor1@gmail.com 512-496-1897
Musicians Sharpen Skills at Sewanee Conference by Mike Mason At the 63rd annual Sewanee Church Music Conference, faculty member Richard Webster worked with boy and girl choristers from St. George’s Church, Nashville, for a workshop he called “The Joy of Doing Real Music with Children.” Webster, director of music and organist at Boston’s Trinity Church, Copley Square, demonstrated rehearsal techniques that allow children to achieve results that are often surprising to adults, he said. “He was exposing them to the great pieces of the repertoire,” said Robert Delcamp, organist and choirmaster at the University of the South and director of the conference. Among those works: The Short Service by Orlando Gibbons, Like as the Hart by Herbert Howells, and The Preces and Responses by William Smith. For the best results, Webster recommended having boys and girls
choirs sing separately. Unlike at many churches, at Trinity Church he has more boys singing than girls, he said. Conference veteran Richard Moore offered two workshops on computer programs especially geared toward the work of church musicians. Susan Rupert’s Episcopal Basics class included sessions on Singing the Altar Book and Liturgical Planning. Maxine Thévenot and Edmund Connolly of the Cathedral Church of St. John in Albuquerque performed the conference’s annual Gerre Hancock Concert. Thévenot taught a class on Hymn-playing and a master organ class. Connolly’s classes on vocal techniques were further integrated into rehearsals during the conference. The Rev. Barbara Cawthorne Crafton returned as chaplain. In one homily,
she used a choir as an image of the world in its blend, ensemble, unity, and harmony. Faculty of the 2014 conference, scheduled for July 14-20, will include the Rt. Rev. J. Neil Alexander, dean of Sewanee’s School of Theology; Peter Conte; and Todd Wilson, who will become the director of the conference in 2015, its 65th anniversary. Each year a new piece of music is commissioned for the conference, alternating choral and organ pieces. This year it was Variations sur Ubi Caritas by Canadian organist Denis Bédard. The purpose of the commissions is to provide new works for the musicians to take back to their churches. The pieces are intended to be accessible for musicians at small-to medium-sized churches.
MUSIC at ST. THOMAS, College Station All Concerts/Events at St. Thomas Episcopal Church 906 George Bush Drive, College Station, TX ● Thursday, Sept 19: AGO Opening Service – 7:00 p.m., CHAPEL ● Sunday, October 27 – Texas Early Music Project: Celtic Concert – 6:00 p.m. ● Monday, December 2 – TAMU Guitar Studio – 7:30 p.m. ● Sunday, December 15 – St. Cecilia’s Christmas Cantare – 7:30 p.m. ● Sunday, February 9 – Houston Chamber Choir – 4:00 p.m. ● Sunday, June 22 – St. Cecilia’s Summer Solstice Concert – 7:30 p.m. For more information, please contact Bonnie Harris-Reynolds 979-696-8903 and music@stthomasbcs.org 979-696-0452 and music@suddenlink.net
Hymns for October, 2013 - March, 2014 Hymns for October and November were chosen by Jackson Hearn, Good Shepherd, Kingwood. Hymns for December and January were chosen by Bonnie Harris-Reynolds, St. Thomas Episcopal Church, College Station Hymns for February and March - from Hymnal 1982 were chosen by Shawn Sanders, Christ the King, Atascocita/Humble Hymns are chosen for the various propers.
Offertory Communion
October 6, Proper 22 October 13, Proper 23 October 20, Proper 24 October 27, Proper 25
1 390 372 680
671 483 631 552
610 488 411 571 709 711, 827 (WLP) 656 314
551 410 535 637
November 1, All Saints’ Sun. November 3, Proper 26 November 10, Proper 27 November 17, Proper 28 November 24, Christ the King
287 564 404 7 494
440 704 295 482 495
286 470 414 665 460
293 641 335 679 324
618 345 625 371 544
73 66 75 67 65 WLP 724 81 265 96 115 82 84
56 302 54 60 111 101
57 597 640 437 100 99
January 5, Epiphany 109 127 128 January 12, Epiphany I 135 121 139 January 19, Epiphany II 7 440 439 January 26, Epiphany III 118 661 126
112 124 324 490
124 616 421 537
February 2, Epiphany 4 Presentation of Jesus in the Temple February 9, Epiphany 5 February 16, Epiphany 6 February 23, Epiphany 7
657 257 408
304 517
119 632 433 124 631 432 518 516 656
306 625 313 620 500 525
March 2, Epiphany 8 March 5, Ash Wednesday March 9, Lent 1 March 16, Lent 2 March 23, Lent 3 March 30, Lent 4
137 150 142 421 167 145
7 693 50 331 458 335
December 1, Advent I 61 December 8, Advent II 76 December 15, Advent III 59 December 22, Advent IV 56 December 24 or 25 83 December 29, Christmas I
542 142 295 603 455 490
130 559 556 530 685 371
Baptism hymn 297
135 152 448 473 686 527
W = Wonder, Love, and Praise, L = Lift Every Voice and Sing II
Continued from page 1
54th Diocesan Adult Choral Festival Dr. Alan Raines is Director of Choral Activities at Baylor University and Choral Director of St. Paul’s Church in Waco. As a sought-after clinician and guest conductor, Dr. Raines has led choruses throughout the United States. A recipient of the M.M. and D.M.A. degrees in Choral Conducting at UCLA, Raines served as the Assistant Conductor of the Angeles Chorale while a student of Donald Neuen. Prior appointments include the University of La Verne and Georgia State University.
Dr. Alan Raines
Raines’ choirs have performed throughout the United States and Europe and have received invitations to perform for conventions of the American Choral Directors Association, Music Educators National Conference and the Georgia Music Educators Association. Under his direction, The University
Singers of Georgia State University quickly emerged as one of the “finest choral ensembles in the southeast.” Raines is a member of the conducting faculty of La Musica Lirica in Urbania, Italy, and is the Artistic Director of the Elysium Chamber Orchestra and Chorus in Atlanta, Georgia. Raines’ professional engagements have taken him throughout most of the major cities in the United States, Canada and abroad with guest appearances at Moscow State University, the London Virtuosi in Wells, U.K., and Musica Angelica of Los Angeles. He is the first American invited to guest-conduct the Chonan City Choir and Orchestra in Chonan City, South Korea. As Director of Choral Activities at Stetson, Raines conducted the 50-voice select Concert Choir, the 250-member Choral Union, taught conducting, and administrated the large and varied choral program. An active arranger, his publications of chansons and lieder are under the auspices of Alliance Music Publications, Inc. and Walton Music.
Saturday, October 19th 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Rehearsal for choristers in the Houston area Sunday, October 20st 10:15 a.m. Rehearsal in Cathedral for 11:00 Eucharist for those participating in the 11:00 service 11:00 a.m. Eucharist - Festival participants are invited to sing with the Cathedral Choir 3:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Rehearsal for all festival participants 5:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Break Snacks provided 6:00 p.m. Festival Concert in Cathedral followed by reception in Great Hall
Festival Music
The following anthems are being stocked at AMC Music 4819 Feagan St. Houston 77017 Toll free: (800) 833-8432 (713) 802-2900 (713) 802-2988 If calling, please ask for Kelli Shircliffe e-mail: orders@amcmusic.net http://www.amcmusic.net * Jubilate Deo (in C) Benjamin Britten Chester (distributed by Hal Leonard) HL 14037805 $3.95 * He watching over Israel (Elijah) Felix Mendelssohn G. Schirmer (distributed by Hal Leonard) 50304650 $1.90 also found at Choral Public Domain Library (CPDL) as a free download http://www.cpdl.org/ * The heart’s offering Antony Baldwin Oxford (distributed by Peters) 9780193862609 $2.50 The following anthem is being stocked at Lois Fyfe Music 2209 Crestmoor Road, Suite 220, Nashville, TN 37215 Toll free: 800.851.9023 Fax: 615.297.4291 Phone: 615.386.3542 ask for Mike Belote or Elizabeth Smith e-mail: sales@loisfyfemusic.com http://www.loisfyfemusic.com/index.htm $2.94 * If ye love me Philip Wilby Banks Music Publications 50 copies are being reserved – this anthem is not readily available in the USA, please order early If financial constraints limit your ability to register for the festival or purchase the music, please contact Linda Patterson at the letterhead address. We want everyone to attend!
Episcopal Diocese of Texas Church Music Commission Post Office Box 937 Brenham, TX 77834 979.836.7248 x13 Fax: 979.836.9389 Linda Patterson, Chair The Rt. Rev. C. Andrew Doyle, Bishop of Texas E-mail: linda@stpetersbrenham.org Webpage: www.epicenter.org/musiccommission
The Diocesan Music Commission presents
The 54
Adult Choral Festival ~ October 19th and 20th, 2013
Registration Information: Linda Patterson see letterhead Bruce Power (713) 590-3310
Fax (713) 222-2412
Festival e-mail: tbpower@christchurchcathedral.org
Please try to register by Tuesday, October 15. We register each chorister individually by name. After this date we cannot guarantee chorister’s name appearing in the program. Choirmasters: if registering as a group, fill out one form and attach another page with formal names of choristers and their voice part. Register by credit card: Register by postal mail:
Register by e-mail:
call (713) 590-3310 no registration form needed fill out the registration form and mail to: Bruce Power, Cathedral Organist Christ Church Cathedral 1117 Texas Ave., Houston, TX 77002 e-mail this form to tbpower@christchurchcathedral.org you will be contacted about payment Please type or print
Registrant’s name_____________________________________________________________________________________________ print or type your name as you want it listed in the program I will be singing yes__________ Telephone number_________________ include area code
If yes, what voice part? soprano_____alto_____tenor_____bass_____ e-mail address______________________________________________________________ registration confirmation and all last minute news will be sent to this address
Name of parish/school__________________________________City of parish/school_______________________________________ Name rector/vicar/headmaster_____________________________________________________ formal name – will be printed in program Choirmaster’s name_____________________________________________________________ Festival Registration Fee
$ 20__________________
Scholarship If special circumstances warrant help in the cost of registration, scholarships of $15.00 are available. If you are unable to purchase music or pay the registration fee, please contact Linda Patterson at the letterhead address. We want everyone to attend. The Choral Festival is a budgeted event. However, costs of running the festival each year, even with registration fees, can be quite expensive. Please consider making a small donation. Your name will appear on a donor page in the Festival program. You may make the donation simply inscribed to the Festival, or you may make a donation in honor or in memory of someone. I wish to make a donation to this year’s Festival How you would like the donation inscribed
$ 20__________________
In memory or honor of (circle one) ____________________________________________________ I am including a check payable to Christ Church Cathedral
Total of above
My parish/school is paying my registration, please check here _____ I will____
I will not____
sing the Sunday morning Eucharist at the Cathedral.