Seek (Oct/Nov 2010) from the Diocese of Missouri

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Volume 3, Number 5 October/November 2010

Music in Worship Have you ever been singing or chanting in a group and and suddenly had the experience of hearing the words deeply? Or been in prayer, in vulnerable openheartedness, and a sliver of melody embraces you, a reminder of God’s love? Music can be such an integral part of our worship experience whether we are singing (and breathing) together or letting the tendrils of sound wash over us. Our musical tradition in the Episcopal Church, and in our diocese, is especially rich. Our congregations may have choirs large or small, accompanied by an iconic pipe organ or simple chords on a guitar, but we sing and and worship with music from the beginning of Christendom to today. Psalms are some of our oldest songs. Many believe the early Christians to have “sung” psalms. But back this far in music, “singing” is chanting. The oldest music is one line of melody. Look at examples of service music in the front of the 1982 Hymnal, the ones built upon just two ledger lines. A great scholarly effort was made in this edition to bring back ancient tunes and rhythms. One of our unique treasures is Anglican chant, sometimes called pointed chant. Compare early, one-line melody chants with hymns and you’ll notice hymns generally have richer, four-part harmony and a feeling of regularity. Anglican chant sits in the middle. In hymns, each syllable rests on a note. Similar to meter in poetry, musical meter adds to that feeling of stability, with an equal number of counts to a measure, and a regular number of measures to a verse. In contrast to chant, where

eral for African saints. Boyer preached at the 2006 Flower Festival and gave a day-long workshop for diocesan musicians on gospel music, spirituals, and ways to combine LEVAS with more traditional hymnal music. At Christ Church Cathedral, music director Canon William Partridge paired LEVAS refrains with chanted psalm verses for a tradition which continues to this day on selected Sundays.

many syllables and words might dance on one note, the feeling of taking flight. Anglican chant gives us the best of both worlds. (In our hymnal check S12-15, for example.) You’ll see solid four part harmony and structure, but an expanse of phrase, a moment of chant that then resolves in a more regular, metrical fashion. At the recent workshop on Praying the Eucharist, facilitator the Rev. Richard Valantasis brought in pointed chant; for several workshop attendees it was their first experience with the form. We are fortunate to have another treasury of hymns and service music in Lift Every Voice and Sing II (LEVAS), edited by the late Horace Clarence Boyer. Subtitled An Music at the Celebration of New Ministry at St. African American Martin’s (top), St. Barnabas’ (middle) and singHymnal, this collec- ing We Shall Overcome at the close of the 9/11 tion includes serInterfaith Prayer Service held at the cathedral. vice music, familiar gospel tunes, and less well known hymns including sev-

Before the Ending of the Day:

Prelude and postlude music prepares us for worship, then accompanies us as we go forth into the world, and it is here that the widest range of musical style is found in Missouri diocese. It might be a bluegrass version of All God’s Critters Got a Place in the Choir, the reflective offering of a parish instrumentalist, or a jubilant stride piano version of Amazing Grace. Many diocesan members offer their musical talents for special services, at Evensong, Compline and Taizé, and in concerts. Our Continued on page 4.

Have an eye to God in every word you sing. -John Wesley,

Some thoughts on the evening office by Robert W. Lehman We are Anglicans. Often these days being Anglican is not such an easy thing, but, if we set aside the various ideologies that cause political turmoil and upheaval throughout our denomination, we can claim one of the great treasures of the church that we alone, as Anglicans, are the custodian. I allude to the Office of Evensong. The Office of Evensong is sung at the close of each day in cathedrals, collegiate chapels, monastic communities, and parish churches throughout the Anglican Communion. Derived from the ancient offices of Vespers and Compline, it is a service of rare beauty offered through the singing of psalms and canticles, the reading of scripture, and prayer. This service of sung prayer has been offered daily throughout the Christian era and it enables us to join with all those who have gone before, those who share life’s journey with us and offer

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St. Louis Abbey, preaching to us on that very topic. He told us that we, too, are children of St. Benedict. The venerable monastic tradition includes the singing or recitation of eight offices throughout each day beginning with the Office of Continued on page 4.

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Praying Creatively: A Women’s Retreat

by Ruby Downs and Mary Drastal

Fourteen women from six congregations spent the weekend of Sept. 10-12, 2010, in the Barn Abbey in historic New Harmony, Indiana. Each day and evening was spent getting in touch with the creative spirit of God within each of us and then prayerfully using that spirit to create something. Being conscious that all of the retreat activities were an act of making Eucharist (thanksgiving to God), the participants read and reacted to Scripture using watercolor, collage, pencil, clay, cooking, baking, and kinesthetic body movements. Praying with clay, participants found God leading them to create a swan, a face in tree bark, pots and pitchers, bodies, shoes and wreaths. Walks in the woods and beside the lake resulted in drawings of objects found in God’s creation. Praying with movement included walking the labyrinth as a group and thanking God with hand movements.

Sunday’s Eucharist at the close of the retreat, with creative offerings of the participants.

The weekend of making Eucharist ended with a noon-time service of Holy Eucharist on Sunday, with an offering from each woman of something she had created during the retreat time, including the Eucharistic bread baked on Saturday. A simple monastic way of living was adopted throughout the retreat with members of the group providing for the needs of the community (cooking, setting the table, and cleaning up after meals.) This weekend was sponsored by the Center for Spirituality and led by the Rev. Susan Skinner. Ruby Downs and Mary Drastal are parishioners at St. Martin’s Episcopal Church in Ellisville. “Repent! Rejoice!” is an Advent Quiet Day offered by the Center for Spirituality It will be a quiet reflection time as we prepare for the coming of the Infant God. Held at Mercy Center Conference and Retreat Center, 2039 Geyer Road, St. Louis, on Saturday, December 4, 2010 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Using the Biblical characters from the Advent readings, Skinner will present a series of meditations focused on the themes of repentance and rejoicing, hope and expectation, waiting and watching. The meditations will be followed by periods of silent reflection and prayer. The cost for the day is $40.00 which includes lunch. Register for the Advent Quiet Day by sending a check to St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, 33 North Clay, Ferguson. MO 63135. Registrations must be received by November 17. For further information contact the Center at centerforspirituality@

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October/November 2010

Clockwise from upper left: The retreat barn on a misty morning; gathering for breakfast; the retreat grounds offered rich landscape for contemplation; an evening session. Photos by Ruby Downs. The Rev. Dr. Ralph McMichael has launched the Center for the Eucharist, “established to explore and renew the Christian church, life, and faith from within the dynamic structure of the Eucharist.” “The Center partners with, and is open to, anyone and any congregation who wishes to nurture the centrality of the Eucharist for their common faith and life,” said McMichael. “Instead of pursuing an ecumenical understanding of the Eucharist, the Center wishes to foster a Eucharistic approach to ecumenism. How might the sacrament of communion be the place and the way that all Christians and Churches meet each other within the reception Christ’s Eucharistic gift of his life of communion, the gift for the life of the world?” McMichael’s new book, Eucharist: A Guide for the Perplexed (T&T Clark, 2010), is now available from booksellers and online from

The Episcopal Diocese of Missouri

Re-Centering from the Center is the title of the first conference the Center for the Eucharist is sponsoring. It will be held Oct 18-20 at Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Webster Groves. Schedule: Monday, October 18: 6:00pm Evening Prayer; Dinner; Presentation One: Re-Centering from the Center Tuesday, Oct. 19: 8:30am Morning Prayer; 9:00am Presentation Two: The Eucharistic Church; 10:00am-10:30am Coffee Break; 10:30am Presentation Three: The Eucharistic Life; Noon Lunch; 2:00pm Presentation Four: The Eucharistic Faith; 4:30pm Evening Prayer Wednesday, Oct. 20; 8:30am Morning Prayer; 9:00am Plenary Discussion on the way forward; Noon Eucharist The cost of the conference is $100 which includes all meals except for Tuesday evening. More information available at the Center’s website:

Making Disciples • Building Congregations • For the Life of the World

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by Bishop Wayne Reflections on Leviathan: and mission and technology God said to Job, “Can you pull in Leviathan with a hook, and tie down its tongue with a rope? Can you put a cord through its nose, or pierce its jaw with a hook? Will it make numerous supplications to you, will it speak to you with tender words? Will it make a pact with you, so you could take it as your slave for life? Can you play with it, like a bird, or tie it on a leash for your girls?” (Job 41:1-5, NET Bible) These words from the book of Job go far in making amends for the dreariness of forty long chapters preceding, reminding Job, the archetypal sufferer, who is God—and who is not. Well, Job is not God, and his three ponderous, lecturing, so-called friends most definitely are not. Yet the writer makes this crucial distinction between God and human being almost playfully: Remember Leviathan, the sea-monster of the deep. Can you tame it, teach it to whisper sweet words in your ear, play with it, put it on a leash for your girls? Ridiculous. This overpowering and mysterious beast, the farthest thing from a pet, is in fact the very plaything of God! There move the ships, and there is that Leviathan, * which you have made for the sport of it. (Psalm 104:27, BCP p.737.) One integral aspect of mission is that it necessarily puts the missioner and missional communities outside their comfort zone. If it does not propel us into such a place, then it might be a worthwhile project but still fall short of the full measure of mission. What God is up to in the world turns the world upside down. Edginess and adventure are traits of mission. Or, to borrow some language from Job, true mission might challenge us to do something as audacious as facing Leviathan. Taming Leviathan, though, is not our problem, nor is the fantasy of “saving the world” our concern. Both belong to God. Thus theologians of mission nowadays mostly have abandoned language about the “Church’s mission.” Instead, they point toward God’s mission, into which the Church is invited, even compelled, and that mission is nothing less than cosmic in scope. God is at work, through Jesus Christ and in the power of the Spirit, healing an entire universe, which is broken. Though believers must engage the work which God is doing in all the world, we might as well, of our own efforts, try to bring Leviathan to bay. Our Diocesan partnership with Lui Diocese in Southern Sudan puts Westerners in a place which sometimes feels like nothing but one insolvable problem after another. There are so many broken pieces facing our friends in Sudan, and us: an economy which is nearly nonexistent, creeping desertification that threatens drought and famine, feeble medical and educational infrastructures, diseases galore, and, not least, the threat

that rescue of three astronauts whose spacecraft exploded while they were on their way to the moon in 1970. It’s a story of technological triumph and onthe-spot engineering. I like it. But the very triumph of this story unintentionally suggests a vulnerability in the Western psyche: What happens in the face of enormous risk or impending disaster, when we cannot fix it? Triumph we can handle, perhaps even expect as our due. Yet without this triumph, rage, petulance, and blame often ensue as the prevailing responses, as has been the case with the enormous ecological disaster from the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. There is, thank God, at the moment a provisional solution stemming the oil flow from the wellhead. But in the face of this tragedy, the realization of sadness and grief, spiritual merits and appropriate responses, may not be available even to the most faithfully attuned among us, so dependent are we on techno“Destruction of Leviathan.” 1865 engraving by Gustave Doré. logical solutions to what ails us. When there is none, sioner’s purpose. It is, after all, God’s we may become bereft or outraged or mission and not ours. immobilized. What I suggest to you is that this tragedy in the Gulf is not just I have been a lover of things pertaina failure of technology. It also tells a ing to outer space since Alan Shepard’s spiritual problem. suborbital flight in 1961, when I was six. The adventure of it all has great apThis spiritual problem is not entirely peal for me. I have read countless books different from the one which faced Job about space exploration and watched and his friends, who were prone to for“The Right Stuff” I do not know how get who is God. And who is not. many times. The same for “Apollo 13,” Wayne Smith, Bishop of Missouri of return to civil war. There are more things amiss in Sudan than Westerners can “fix.” (Probably more such aspects to life in the USA, but these tend to be less visible to us, knowing this culture as we do from the inside.) Engagement with Sudan is a way of facing an enormity of ills, a grappling with Leviathan, who will not be domesticated by our efforts. Faithfulness to God’s claim on us, and not the ultimate fix, is the mis-

Seek is published six times a year by the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri. Executive Editor: The Rt. Rev. Wayne Smith, Bishop of Missouri Editor: Ms. Beth Felice, Director of Communications Editorial Board: Teresa K. M. Danieley, rector of St. John’s Episcopal Church, St. Louis; Mr. Jerry Martin, St. Louis; Mrs. Susan Moenkhaus, St. Louis; Jason Samuel, rector of Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration, Lake St. Louis; Beverly Van Horne, Interim Dean of the Episcopal School for Ministry; and Dan Smith, Canon to the Ordinary, Diocese of Missouri. Vol. 3, No. 5, October/November 2010

Episcopal Diocese of Missouri Offices of the Bishop 1210 Locust St, 3rd floor St. Louis, Missouri 63103 314-231-1220

Diocesan members may request a complimentary subscription by mail; send address to the Offices of the Bishop, attn. Seek subscription. Seek is distributed to each parish, mission, and preaching station in the diocese. Archived editions of Seek are available online at Submissions by post, attn. Beth Felice, or by email to Except for contributed articles and images labeled ©, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License. Printed in St. Louis by Nies Artcraft Companies.


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October/November 2010

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Music in Worship cont. online calendar lists many of these services and concerts at. www.diocesemo. org. Want to learn more about the hymnal and our musical traditions? A conversation with your parish music minister may be a good place to start. Local library or the libraries of the internet can connect you with scholars, histories, and performances. Here are some basic resources: Oremus-the Anglican Hymnal online at 62 historical and current Anglican and Episcopal hymnals which you can search by meter, tune name, etc. At, choose ‘Resources’ then ‘Music Resources’ for a comprehensive list of links from change ringing to general service music discussion groups. Great chant, psalmody, and hymn resources including links to hymnals of other faith communities. Anglicans Online surveyed their readers for top 20 favorite hymns; coming in at #1 was St. Patrick’s Breastplate. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, a multi-volume set in libraries and online (paid subscription) is the largest English language reference on western music. Articles on composers, musical forms, music in liturgy. is a reference site for anyone interested in church music: “be they music directors, organists, singers, clergy, members of cathedral and church congregations, or just people that love church music.”

Upcoming Evensong, Taizé, Compline Services and Concerts Sun, Oct 17, 2:30 PM

Mark Laverty, pianist, celebrates the 200th birthday of Frederic Chopin with complete Preludes and Ballades: Shepley Concert Series (Free Sunday concerts) Christ Church Cathedral, 1210 Locust, St. Louis. Sun, Oct 17, 4:00 PM St. Mark’s-St. Louis. The Inaugural Organ Recital Series: Barbara Raedeke plays the new Juget-Sinclair Organ. 4712 Clifton Avenue, St. Louis Sun, Oct 17, 7:00 PM Compline at Trinity-Central West End, 600 N. Euclid, St. Louis Sun, Oct 24, 4:00 PM 14Th Annual Gospel Jubilee, Church of the Ascension, located 4520 Lucas & Hunt Road South of Highway 70. Please come join us for an Evening of Spiritual uplift with,Song, Dance,Prayer,and Praise. Your support is needed. Sun, Oct 24, 5:00 PM Evensong at Christ Church Cathedral, 1210 Locust, St. Louis. Featuring the Choir of Grace Church, Kirkwood, Phillip Brunswick, organist and choirmaster Sun, Nov 07, 2:30 PM The Original Boneheads: Shepley Concert Series with the St. Louis Trombone Quartet and William Partridge, organist. At Christ Church Cathedral. Sun, Nov 7, 5:00 PM All Saints’ Evensong at St. Peter’s Ladue. Pre-concert with S. William Aitken, organist. 5:30 PM Evensong with music of Herbert Howells and Ernest Bullock. St. Peter’s, Warson and Ladue Roads, one block east of Lindbergh on Ladue Road Sun, Nov 7, 5:00 PM All Saints’ Evensong at the Church of St. Michael and St. George, Clayton. Introit: Holy is the true light-Robert Lehman; Responses: Craig Phillips; Phos hilaron: Hail, gladdening light-Charles Wood; Psalms 148, 150 Anglican Chant: Robert Lehman; Charles Villiers Stanford Service: Mt. Saint Alban Service-David Hogan; Anthems: And I saw a new heaven-Edgar Bainton; Funeral Ikos-John Tavener. Sun, Nov 07, 5:00 PM Evensong in the style of Taizé at Grace Episcopal Church, 514 East Argonne in Kirkwood. ‘A Place to Meet God’: through a blend of ritual, reverence, and simplicity, in the midst of community, in prayer for healing and wholeness for oneself, for others and the Church, and to be renewed. Sun, Nov 14, 2:30 PM L’Esprit de Musique: Shepley Concert Series: Lorraine Glass-Harris; baroque violin; James Harris, baroque flute; and ensemble. Christ Church Cathedral. Sun, Nov 21, 7:00 PM Compline at Trinity-Central West End, 600 N. Euclid, St. Louis Sun, Nov 28, 4:00 PM Advent Lessons and Carols foretelling the coming of the Savior:14th Annual Candlelight Service at Grace Episcopal Church, Kirkwood The Choirs of Grace Church, Phillip Brunswick, Organist & Choir Master; Br. Vincent Ignatius, OSB, Guest Organist,Trinity Church, Natchez, MS. Music of Archer, Elgar, Guest, Tavener and Wood. Sun, Nov 28, 5:00 PM Advent Evensong at Christ Church Cathedral Sun, Dec 5, 5:00 PM Candlelight Service of Lessons and Carols at St. Michael and St. George Sun, Dec 5, 6:00 PM Diocesan Advent Festival of Lessons and Carols at The Cathedral Sun, Dec 5, 3:00 PM Messiah Sing-a-Long at Graham Chapel at Graham Chapel, Washington University John Stewart, conductor; William Partridge, organist Sun, Dec 5, 5:00 PM Concert at St. Peter’s Ladue, celebrating the 325th Birthday of Johann Sebastian Bach: J. S. Bach’s Choral and Instrumental Music including the Magnificat in D with St. Peter’s Choir, Soloists & Chamber Orchestra Sun, Dec 12, 2:00 & 4:00 PM Holiday Gift: Shepley Concert Series at Christ Church Cathedral, 1210 Locust, St. Louis with Webster University. Sun, Dec 19, 4:30 PM A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols at the Church of St. Michael and St. George, Clayton

Before the Ending of the Day, cont.

Prime in the wee hours of the morning and concluding with Compline just before retiring for a short night’s sleep. A monk’s life is one of a regular pattern of worship. Archbishop Thomas Cranmer drew heavily from the Benedictine monastic tradition in his preparation of The Book of Common Prayer. Through his conflation of the offices of Vespers and Compline, Cranmer gave us the gift of Evensong, widely considered to be Anglicanism’s predominant contribution to Christian worship. From all ill dreams defend our eyes, from nightly fears and fantasies; tread under foot our ghostly foe, that no pollution we may know. -from “An Order for Night Prayer (Compline) in Traditional Language,” Book of Common Prayer, Church of England

Evensong is offered through the medium of association. This concept of association is difficult for some; the release of one’s self to the experience at hand is something that does not always come easily. Yet, it is something at the very heart of the Christian message. We are asked, as followers of Christ, to give ourselves over to Him, to open our hearts and minds to Him, and to allow Him to work through us. That understanding of active participation through the relinquishing of self lies at the very



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October/November 2010

heart of the choral offices. Just as the priest stands at the altar and prays over the bread and wine at the Eucharist on behalf of the assembled congregation, so the choir offers up prayers on behalf of the faithful. Through the singing of Psalms and canticles, the choir offers these prayers in a manner that is crafted by a composer to suggest his or her own theological understanding of the texts at hand. Thus, new dimensions of understanding are wrought and the texts are opened, heard, understood, and inwardly digested in new ways. In addition, the choir offers these prayers and praises at a level that is more musically sophisticated than a congregation assembled in the pews could offer up on its own. And is not only the very best that we can offer fitting for the One whose hands shaped the heavens and yet were spread open and nailed to a cross? When one is given over to the experience of worship in an active way, worship becomes even more engaging and participatory. The worshippers offer praise through attentive association with the choir and sit awash in sung prayer as it resonates throughout sacred space. Natural time is suspended as word and music combine to capture the rhythms of the cosmos and the worshipper is transported beyond chronological time to a place where creation and eternity coalesce into one. Those who have not yet discovered our

Evensong series are missing a beautiful ending to the day when “the shadows lengthen, and the evening comes, and the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over, and our work is done.” I cannot conceive of a better way to close a Sunday than by being present for the beautiful–and quintessentially Anglican–Office of Choral Evensong. I encourage you to make it a regular part of your devotional life. Robert Lehman, conductor, organist, harpsichordist and composer, joined the staff of the Church of St. Michael & St. George as Organist and Choirmaster in January of 2008. This article was originally published in the Spring 2009 issue of Duo, from the Church of St. Michael and St. George.

Phos hilaron O gracious Light, pure brightness of the everliving Father in heaven, O Jesus Christ, holy and blessed! Now as we come to the setting of the sun, and our eyes behold the vesper light, we sing your praises, O God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. You are worthy at all times to be praised by happy voices, O Son of God, O Giver of life, and to be glorified through all the worlds.

-Book of Common Prayer, page 118.

The Episcopal Diocese of Missouri

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Grace, Gratitude, and Generosity: TENS conference Vicky Myers and Harry Richter are members of Grace Episcopal Church in Jefferson City. They along with several other clergy and lay leaders from the diocese attended The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS) conference held this July in Indianapolis. Grace, Gratitude & Generosity was the theme of the 2010 Stewardship Conference in Indianapolis conducted by the Episcopal Network for Stewardship. The conference was held in late July and was attended by Vicky Myers and myself, representing the Stewardship Team of Grace Church. While, between us, we attended 8 different sessions as well as 2 plenary meetings, this theme was evident in all of the sessions. Generally, the talks centered around: 1. The grace of God. All that we have is by the grace of God and we are simply stewards or caretakers of those riches. “All that we have is Thine alone, and of Thine own have we given Thee.” 2. Gratitude. We are led to show in our lives an attitude of gratitude and thankfulness for all that we are, all that we have, and all that we can be. 3. Generosity. We were challenged to recognize God’s generosity in creation and the sustaining of all of his creation. We are also charged to be generous in return, with our time, talents, and of course, finances, that we might further his kingdom here on earth. Harry Richter Attending the TENS Stewardship conference in Indianapolis was the opportunity for Harry Richter and me to learn more about

stewardship and to network with others from around the country. We were also fortunate that we received two TENS scholarships from the Diocese to participate. The opening service was held in Christ Church Cathedral which was especially meaningful to me as this is where Al and I were married almost 45 years ago. Prior to the service and throughout the conference, music was provided by Deborah and Jonathan Hutchison which was quite spiritual and inspirational. The service was beautiful and was the perfect way to start the conference. An inspiring sermon and keynote address were give by Dr. Walter Brueggemann, a highly respected theologian from the United Church of Christ. He spoke of the urgency of stewardship in a failing society and the different kinds of relationships we have with the ultimate owner of all that we are and have. The plenary address was entitled “Celebrating the Offering, a Covenantal Response.” This evening ended with a meal which was an example of a festive meal celebrating stewardship followed by evening prayers. The dinner speaker was Kate Gillooly who spoke about “Coming to Terms with the Role of Money in My Spiritual Journey.”

Our Story-An Essential Gift in Nurturing Generosity; and Listening to God’s CallCreation, Care and Stewardship. The closing plenary was an expansion of the theme “Telling Our Story” in which we learned to share “my story,” “our story,” and “God’s story.” We wove the stories together, inviting others into our combined story. The speaker, the Rev. Bob Honeychurch closed with this statement which we were invited to ponder: “A vital congregation is a community of faith that invites people to become passionate followers of Jesus Christ; that creates opportunities for personal and corporate transformation; and equips and empowers people for gospel mission in the world.” Vicki Myers

Saturday was the opportunity for Harry and me to attend four different workshops each so that we could gather as much information as possible. I attended: Annual Giving and the Under 35; Stewardship and Children; The Electronic Offering Plate; and Empowering Congregation Leaders for Enhancing Stewardship. Harry attended: Writing a Rule of Life; Models for a Year-Round Stewardship; Sharing

The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS) is a voluntary network of people who believe our responsibility as Stewards includes maintaining balance in our lives of the God given gift of a set of relationships: to God, to other humans, to self and to the entire created universe. Their website ( is a virtual plethora of resources including a "Diocesan Panic Kit" and links to stewardship web sites from other denominations. More information can be found on their website or by calling (800) 6992669 (in USA) or (316) 686-0470 Their e-mail address is Barbara Robinson Diocesan Stewarship Leader

An independent thought on grace, generosity and gratitude came in today’s mailbag from Trinity Church, Kirksville’s Junior Warden, Dr. Maria Evans: “Every time the power goes off out here, or I have trouble with the water, or the water main breaks at work...after getting mad about it, I have started to use the opportunity to pray for our companion diocese, because that is just every ol’ day in Lui. What if we were prompted to light a candle instead of curse the darkness? What if every time we had one of these ‘utility mishaps’ we stopped, prayed, and ran over to the diocesan website to send 5 or 10 bucks to Lui?”


is praying with scripture Phase One—Lectio: reading. What does the text say? Turn to the selected text and read it slowly, gently, out loud. Savor it, listening for the ‘still, small voice’ of a particular word or pharse that says, ‘I am for you today.’ Phase Two—Meditatio: meditation. What does the text say specifically to me at this point in my life? Take the word of phrase into yourself. Slowly repeat it, allowing it to interact with your inner world of concerns, memories & ideas. Let your imagination engage the text. New Harmony Swan. © 2010, Ruby Downs, All Rights Reserved

Phase Three—Oratio: prayer. What does God say to me and what do I say to God through the text? Speak to God. Interact with God as you would with one who you know loves and accepts you. Give to God what you have found in your heart.

Phase Four—Contemplatio. Being still, rest in God’s presence. -the Rev. Bob Towner, rector of the Red Door Church Cape (Christ Episcopal Church, Cape Girardeau) Making Disciples • Building Congregations • For the Life of the World

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Where Science & Theology Meet Mind, Matter and Time

7 PM, Thursday, October 21 Church of the Advent, 9373 Garber Rd. in Crestwood Recently, Stephen Hawking, the Cambridge University cosmologist, has changed his position on the existence of God. He used to say that scientists tried to think God’s thoughts after God thought them, but now Hawking says creation does not need a God. Yet, many scientists regard the creation with a sense of awe and wonder. This lecture looks at how it is that many scientists can be believers. This September, First Congregational Church in Clayton invited Advent’s rector Dan Handschy to speak about the interface between quantum physics and theology. Handschy writes, “While this topic has fascinated me since my undergraduate days, I have never organized

my thoughts into a presentation until now. I had a great time that evening at First Congregational Church, and I think the participants enjoyed themselves as well. I will present the talk again at Advent this month.”

Handschy continues: “Quantum mechanics has presented a number of challenges to classical science and philosophy. The quantum uncertainty principle raises the question of what we can know, and how. At least at the microscopic level (atomic scale and smaller), quantum mechanics raises the question of whether induction works (can we know by observing and suggesting hypotheses). But the most challenging question quantum mechanics raises is the nature of time—how do we humans perceive time? Classical physics saw the universe as deterministic: once one knew the state of the universe completely at one point in time, its state could be predicted for any future time.

Basic Bible

Beginning Nov. 17 for five Wednesdays Part of the Cathedral's “Back (excluding Nov. 24) to Basics” Christian forma6:30 PM Dinner/ 7 Class tion series, Basic Bible is a basic orientation to scripture, Christ Church Cathedral a map of the broad themes 1210 Locust, St. Louis of the Bible and timeline of events. We’ll talk about how to read the Old and New Testaments, give a review of different ways to do Bible study, and look at how we read scripture different than a newspaper or Harry Potter. $50 for all five weeks includes a light supper before the class and you must commit to the entire five weeks. For more information or to register, contact the cathedral provost Mike Kinman, 314-231-3454, or

This left no room for a God involved in the universe … God sort of wound up creation like a watch, and then it ran in its predetermined course. Quantum mechanics leaves the future open, and not entirely predictable. Is there room for God in such a universe? What is the evidence for or against the existence of God? How do we make sense of the universe? This talk will raise those questions, and we can discuss some answers.”

Information on Lay Grants

There is assistance available through the Diocese for lay individuals who are thinking about attending various programs but due to cost have dismissed the idea. This could include and is not limited to programs for youth minister education, EFM, conference for Godly Play, Stewardship training, Small Church Leadership, Music Development, and starting ‘Green’ Programs for your church. Grants may pay for 1/3 to 1/2 of the total cost. The form required for this process can be found on the Diocesan web site (under Governance, in the Forms Library, it is called "Lay Continuing Education Grant Application"). It is anticipated that the form be submitted at least six weeks prior to the event to the Diocesan office for processing. - from the Commission on Ministry

Faith and Practice the Practice of Faith

Beginning Nov. 9 for four Tuesdays at 7 PM Trinity CWE 600 N. Euclid, St. Louis

An invitation to communion from the Iona community includes a welcome to “you who have much faith, and you who would like to have more.” We will venture into the “more” during November, exploring some of the many aspects of Christian faith through scripture, conversation and dialogue, meditation, and prayer. Each week will begin with a scripture pointing to a theme such as story, authenticity, ministry, spiritual journey, church, mission, suffering, and prayer. This will be a time to be open to each other, to new ideas, and to God speaking into our lives. Each evening will include a time of silence and will conclude with prayer. No preparation is needed and there is no homework. The only requirement is the willingness to explore the spiritual dimension with companions. If you have questions, please contact Trinity’s rector Anne Kelsey, revannekel@ Trinity’s phone number is (314) 361-4655.

Bishop Smith’s Visitations Sunday, October 3 St. John’s Church, Eolia Sunday, October 17 Calvary Church, Louisiana Sunday, October 24 St. Vincent’s-in-the-Vineyard, Ste. Genevieve Sunday, October 31 Emmanuel, Webster Groves Sunday, November 7 All Saints’. Farmington Sunday, November 14 Trinity, CWE (St. Louis) Sunday, December 5 Trinity, Kirksville Sunday, December 12 St. Martin’s, Ellisville Sunday, December 12 Advent, Crestwood

Selected Upcoming Events Sat, Oct 16 (and most Saturdays) The Peace Meal Project at St. John’s, Tower Grove, every Saturday. Serving from 4-6 p.m. To sign up as a volunteer, please contact Scott Splater at ssplater@yahoo. com or 314-497-1050.

Worship service, special music by the House of Refuge group. Tue, Oct 26 12:00 PM

St. Martin’s, Ellisville

Oct 29- 30

Standing Committee,

Episcopal School for Ministry

“Nothing’s Too Trivial” 7th Annual Trivia Night at St. Mark’s-St. Louis. Up to 10 per team $200 per table. Basket Raffle, Mulligans, 50/50. Price includes beverages and light snacks, outside food permitted. This year’s trivia game has a Halloween theme. You are encouraged to decorate your table and wear costumes. Prizes awarded to the top two trivia teams as well as best table/costume. Doors open at 6:00 Questions start at 7:00 For reservations call Rod at 314-832-2226. 4714 Clifton Ave, St. Louis 63109,

Sat, Oct 30 7:00 PM

Sat, Nov 6


Metro IV Convocation meeting, Saint Luke’s, Man-

Sun, Oct 17 St. Mark’s Fall Festival-Portland MO Tue, Nov 9 7:00 PM Faith and Practice: the Practice of Faith, Four Afternoon Holy Eucharist and Festival with Hayride and Live MuTuesdays, Trinity CWE begins (see box) sic. Special Guests: Members and clergy of other West Convocation Episcopal churches. More events listed online at Thu, Nov 11 Submission deadline for articles or artwork for Dec/Jan Seek. Thu, Oct 21 7:00 PM Where Science and Submit your parish event online. Submissions to Beth Felice, Director of Theology Meet: mind, matter and time. Dan Communications, bfelice@diocesemo. Handschy, rector of Advent will present a lecture org, 314-255-1387 on science and theology, and the interplay between the two. 9373 Garber Road in Crestwood (see box above). Wed, Nov 17 6:30 PM Basic Bible: Christ Church Cathedral. Part of the Cathedral’s “Back to Basics” Christian formation series beOct 22-Oct 23 Episcopal Church Women of the Diocese: Annual gins. (see box) Mtg; Grace, Kirkwood.

Trinity St. Charles’ 3rd Annual Trivia night and Raffle at 7PM (Doors open at 6PM) at American Legion Post 312, 2500 Raymond Drive, St. Charles, MO 63301. Tickets $20 each or $160 for a table, beverages and snacks included. Prizes, raffle, 50/50 drawing, Survivor round, Dead or Alive. To purchase tickets call 636 928-8695 or 636 949-0160.

Nov 19-20

171st Diocesan Convention, St. Charles, MO.

Thu, Dec 2

Clergy Day.

Sun, Oct 24 4:00 PM 14Th Annual Gospel Jubilee at Church of the Ascension, located 4520 Lucas & Hunt Road South of Highway 70Please come join us for an Evening of Spiritual uplift with,Song, Dance,Prayer,and Praise followed by a reception. Your support is needed.

Tue, Dec 7 12:00 PM

12th Annual Sierra Leone Thanksgiving Service at Grace Church-Jefferson City.

Thu, Dec 23 6:00 PM

Sat, Oct 23

Sun, Oct 24 4:00 PM

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October/November 2010

Dec 3-4

Episcopal School for Ministry.

Diocesan Advent Festival of Lessons and Carols at Christ Church Cathedral.

Sun, Dec 5 6:00 PM

Dec 10-11

Standing Committee, St. Martin’s, Ellisville.

2010 Diocesan Council meeting.

Ordination, God willing, of Robert Ard, Jr. to the Sacred Order of Priests, Christ Church Cathedral.

Tue, Dec 21 6:00 PM

Ordination of Marc Smith, God willing, to the tranistional diaconate, Christ Church Cathedral.

The Episcopal Diocese of Missouri

10/4/2010 9:15:11 PM

Around the Diocese St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Portland celebrating the 61st annual Mokane Fall Festival. The fourth and final celebration of St. Mark’s 100th Year of worship in Portland will be Sunday, October 17. They’ll begin with an afternoon Holy Eucharist then on to a festival with hayrides and live music. St. Mark’s special guests will be members and clergy of the other West convocation churches. You’re invited too! St. Mark’s held its first services in a brand new building in April, 1910, continuing the Christian and Episcopalian witness and ministry offered in Portland by the St. Mark’s School for Boys from 1890 to 1899. Since the church’s foundation, over 600 individuals have been baptized at St. Mark’s, and approximately 265 have been confirmed.

June: All Saints’ Church, St. Louis welcomed the Rev. Michael Dunnington as their Priest-in-charge. August: the Rev. Beverly Van Horne was appointed Interim Dean of the Episcopal School for Ministry. August: Christ Church Cathedral welcomed the Rev. Amy Cortright as Vicar. September: St. Mark’s Church, St. Louis, wished the Rev. Dr. Lydia Speller God speed. After 17 years as rector, she resigned and begins a new chapter as Interim priest in Missoula, Montana. September: Calvary Church, Columbia, welcomed new rector the Rev. Knute Jacobson. September: Long time diocesan priest, social justice advocate, and sign language interpreter, the Rev. Arthur Steidemann died at age 95. More information about these milestones and passages available online at

On August 25, we celebrated the new ministry of St. Martin’s Episcopal Church with their third rector, the Rev. Jon Hall. Bishop Wayne spoke of the place St. Martin’s was at as a community, after an internse period of discernment, search for a rector, life with interim priests...the danger would be to let out a sigh of relief, and lose that focus on mission. “Over the course of two years, what you have accomplished in this parish is nothing short of a miracle. You worked with two tough interims and your work together was good for you and good for the priests. There may have been days you wondered if you would survive. Keep the sense of purpose you developed in these days and your will to join the great adventure which is God’s mission in turning around an entire broken enterprise. You’ll need to go deeper in order to go outward. In turn, going outward will lead you deeper. Enter a biblical sense of time, where all time is holy. Biblical time is going somewhere. In that somewhere lies Jesus himself. It is as if all time is interim time. You’ll need to keep taking risks, to put flesh on the dreams that you have for St. Martin’s. Saying these dreams out loud is an important job for you and for Jon. If you dream the dreams of God, I can promise you three things: it will be hard; you will be part of a great adventure; and you will never be alone.” During the service the bishop blessed three new additions to the sanctuary: a Bell, an Ambo (lectern) and a Credence table (small table that often holds the Eucharist chalice and paten, covered with their cloths they are brought to the altar and consecrated). After the service the celebration continued with a “Louisiana style” reception (Hall grew up in Shreveport, Louisiana) with loads of food and delightful fellowship. The band House of Bishops provided music and dancing commenced. Photos: Celebration Eucharist (top); Blessing the Ambo and After Blessing the Bell/Procession (middle); Jon Hall sits in with the band for a number, fellowship hall.

Photo of Hall w/Guitar ©2010 Janis Greenbaum, All Rights Reserved.

On September 11, against the backdrop of the possible Quran burning and increased intolerance toward other faith communities, diocesan ecumenical officer the Rev. Becky Ragland organized an interfaith service which filled Christ Church Cathedral. About 40 faith community leaders participated, even though the Saturday fell on a holy day in both the Islamic and Jewish calendar. After the hour of prayers, readings, and reflections, Ragland invited the assembled to imagine the map of St. Louis on the floor of the cathedral, with a main aisle representing the interstate highway which divides the region into north and south. “Get up and walk over to your neighborhood,” she continued. As people spread out across the floor she invited us to sing, in closing, We Shall Overcome. Photos: Imam Muhamed Hasic from St. Louis’ Islamic Community Center (left); Prayer service. Making Disciples • Building Congregations • For the Life of the World

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October/November 2010

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Christ Church Cathedral, St. Louis • All Saints’, Farmington • All Saints’, St. Louis • Church of the Ascension, Northwoods • Calvary Church, Columbia • Calvary Church, We are 13,500ofbaptized members in 45• Church congregations Louisiana • Christ Church, Cape Girardeau • Christ Church, Rolla • Church of St. Michael & St. George, Clayton • Church the Advent, Crestwood of the Good in the eastern half of Missouri, Shepherd, Town & Country • Church of the Holy Communion, University City • Columbia Hope Church • Emmanuel Church, Webster Groves • Grace Church, Jefferson City • Grace Church, Kirkwood • Holy Cross Church, Poplar Bluff • St. Alban’s, Fulton • St. Barnabas’, Florissant • St. Francis’, Eureka • St. John’s, Eolia (Prairieville) • Camp Phoenix • Care and Counseling, Inc. • Conversations with the Bishop • Christian Formation • COEDMO • Commission on Dismantling Racism • Commission on Ministry fromand theWellness Episcopal Diocese of Missouri • Community Gardens • Community Health Ministries • Community of Hope • Companion Diocese Relationship Committee • Diocesan Council • Diocesan Convention • Diocesan Mission Trips • Episcopal Campus Ministry • Episcopal City Mission • Episcopal Church Women • Episcopal Recovery Ministry • Episcopal Relief and Development • Episcopal School for Ministry • Episcopalians for Global Reconciliation • Fresh Start • General Convention • Grace Hill • Happening • Hunger and Food Ministries • Journey 2 Adulthood • Missional Model Congregations • Oasis Missouri • Paseo Con Christo • Rite 13 • St. Andrew’s Resources for Seniors System The Mission of the Diocese of Missouri is (STARSS) • St. Luke’s Hospital • Standing Committee • Sustain A Faith • Task Force for the Hungry • United Thank Offering • Youth Ministry • St. John’s, Tower Grove • St. the mission of allPortland baptized Luke’s, Manchester • St. Mark’s, • St.Christians: Mark’s, St. Louis • St. Martin’s, Ellisville • St. Matthew’s, Mexico • St. Matthew’s, Warson Woods • St. Paul’s, Carondelet • St. Paul’s, Ironton St. Paul’s, • St. the Paul’s, Sikeston • St. Peter’s, Ladue • St.Diocese Stephen’s, Ferguson • St. Thomas’ Church for the Deaf, Kirkwood • St. Timothy’s, to •teach andPalmyra to spread Gospel Episcopal of Missouri Locust StreetLake St. Louis • Trinity Church, Jefferson County • Trinity Church, Hannibal • Creve Coeur Transfiguration, and• St. itsVincent’s-in-the-Vineyard, knowledge of salvationSte. to Genevieve all people;• Church of the1210 St. Louis, Missouri 63103 Trinity Church, Kirksville • Trinity Church, St. Charles • Trinity Church, St. James • Trinity Church, Central West End • Christ Church Cathedral, St. Louis • All Saints’, Farmand to make the love of Christ known in the world ington • All Saints’, St. Louis • Church of the Ascension, Northwoods • Calvary Church, Columbia • Calvary Church, Louisiana • Christ Church, Cape Girardeau • Christ actions individuals, Church, Rollathrough • Church our of St.own Michael & St.asGeorge, Clayton • Church of the Advent, Crestwood • Church of the Good Shepherd, Town & Country • Church of the Holy Communion, University City • Columbia • Emmanuel Church, Webster Groves • Grace Church, Jefferson City • Grace Church, Kirkwood • Holy Cross as congregations, and asHope theChurch diocese, Church,by Poplar Bluff • St. Alban’s, Fulton • St. Barnabas’, Florissant • St. Francis’, Eureka • St. John’s, Eolia (Prairieville) • Camp Phoenix • Care and Counseling, Inc. • feeding the hungry, welcoming the stranger, Conversations with the Bishop • Christian Formation • COEDMO • Commission on Dismantling Racism • Commission on Ministry • Community Gardens • Community naked,• Community housing the homeless, Health andclothing Wellness the Ministries of Hope • Companion Diocese Relationship Committee • Diocesan Council • Diocesan Convention • Diocesan Mission caring for the sick, •visiting theCity prisoner, Trips • Episcopal Campus Ministry Episcopal Mission • Episcopal Church Women • Episcopal Recovery Ministry • Episcopal Relief and Development • Episcopal School for Ministry • Episcopalians and comforting thoseforinGlobal timesReconciliation of trouble. • Fresh Start • General Convention • Grace Hill • Happening • Hunger and Food Ministries • Journey 2 Adulthood • Missional Model Congregations • Oasis Missouri • Paseo Con Christo • Rite 13 • St. Andrew’s Resources for Seniors System (STARSS) • St. Luke’s Hospital • Standing Committee • Sustain A Faith • Task Force for the Hungry • United Thank Offering • Youth Ministry • St. John’s, Tower Grove • St. Luke’s, Manchester • St. Mark’s, Portland • St. Mark’s, St. Louis • St. Martin’s, Ellisville • St. Matthew’s, Mexico • St. Matthew’s, Warson Woods • St. Paul’s, Carondelet • St. Paul’s, Ironton • St. Paul’s, Palmyra • St. Paul’s, Sikeston • St. Peter’s, Ladue • St. Stephen’s, Ferguson • St. Thomas’ Church for the Deaf, Kirkwood • St. Timothy’s, Creve Coeur • St. Vincent’s-inthe-Vineyard, Ste. Genevieve • Church of the Transfiguration, Lake St. Louis • Trinity Church, Jefferson County • Trinity Church, Hannibal • Trinity Church, Kirksville • Trinity Church, St. Charles • Trinity Church, St. James • Trinity Church, Central West End • Christ Church Cathedral, St. Louis • All Saints’, Farmington • All Saints’, St. Louis •


October-November 2010

Making Disciples Building Congregations For the Life of the World

We Are the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri Please Join Us in Worship This Week

This month’s call for art on the theme ‘Reconcile” presents a work by photographer

Joan Lincoln Aronstam Detail from

Crucifixion by Charles Umlauf © November 19, 2009, Joan L. Aronstam, All Rights Reserved

Joan Aronstam is the former communications chair and parishioner at Christ Episcopal Church in Rolla, Missouri. “When I read the Book of Common Prayer quotes using the word ‘reconcile,’ I immediately thought of this photo,” she said. “Then I made the connection to Hymn #172 (the African American spiritual “Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?”) and thought this photo was a good fit for the theme.” Aronstam has been an Episcopalian her whole life and has worshiped at Christ Church, Rolla, for six years. The Next Call to Visual Artists in the Diocese for Artwork

“Whole Heart”

phone to make other arrangements, 314-2551387. Submission of artwork grants permission to publish piece in one issue of Seek. Not all submitted works will be published.

We are seeking your artwork for publication in Seek and online. Photographers, digital artists, textile artists, painters, illustrators, sculptors— all are welcome. Digital photographs of any genre of work will be accepted. The Editorial Board and Offices of the Bishop will choose one or two selections for each Seek issue.

It is truly right and good, always and everywhere, with our whole heart and mind and voice, to praise you, the invisible, almighty, and eternal God, and your onlybegotten Son, Jesus Christ our Lord;

Submission deadline for “Whole Heart” artwork is Friday, November 12, 2010. Digital files may be emailed to communications director Beth Felice at, or

I will give thanks to you, O Lord, with my whole heart; * I will tell of all your marvelous works.

BCP p. 286, Easter Vigil

BCP p. 593, Psalm 9:1



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October/November 2010

Umlauf Sculpture Garden and Museum, Austin, Texas

O God, who hast taught us to keep all thy commandments by loving thee and our neighbor: Grant us the grace of thy Holy Spirit, that we may be devoted to thee with our whole heart, and united to one another with pure affection; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the same Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

BCP p. 179, Preface for the Lord’s Day

Hallelujah! I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart, * in the assembly of the upright, in the congregation.

BCP p. 754, Psalm 111:1

With my whole heart I seek you; * let me not stray from your commandments.

BCP p. 764, Psalm 119:10

10/4/2010 9:15:33 PM

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