JUNE 18, 2015 • www.TrentonMonitor.com
Called to Be
M ‘ en of God’
ORDINATION CLASS • The five new priests pose with the Bishop following their June 6 ordination Mass. From left are Father Arian Wharff, Father Jarlath Quinn, Bishop O’Connell, Father Jason Parzynski, Father John Large, Father James Grogran and Msgr. Thomas J. Mullelly, diocesan vicar for clergy and consecrated life. Craig Pittelli photos
Bishop ordains five new priests to serve the diocesan family of faith By Lois Rogers Correspondent
he vast nave of St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral, Trenton, resounded with joy June 6 as Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., ordained five new priests for the Diocese of Trenton. Applause swept the sacred space, soaring to the rafters, and tears fell freely among the near capacity congregation of family members, friends, fellow parishioners and well wishers who came to witness the ordination of Father James. J. Grogan; Father John Edward Large; Father Jason Martin Parzynski; Father Jarlath William David Quinn, and Father Arian Hernando Wharff Galvis to the priesthood. Adding to the palpable excitement was that among the 700 in the pews, were so many family members and friends who had traveled great distances – from Ireland, Colombia and Michigan – to be there. In attendance with them, were more than 50 priest concelebrants, upwards of 40 permanent deacons and 25 seminarians. Concelebrating with
Bishop O’Connell were retired Bishop Bernard Joseph Harrington of Winona, Minn., Auxiliary Bishop Michael J. Fitzgerald of the Philadelphia Archdiocese and Father Michael J. Carroll, Vincentian provincial of the order’s Eastern Province. Representatives of seminaries which prepared the men were also in attendance, including Father Edward Griswold, a priest of the Trenton Diocese and vice rector from St. Mary Seminary and University, Baltimore, along with Father Robert Suszko, vice rector from Immaculate Conception Seminary, South Orange. Sulpician Father Melvin C. Blanchette, former rector and current formation advisor and spiritual director of Theological College, the national seminary of The Catholic University of America, Washington, was present as was Msgr. Robert Sable, auditor with the tribunal of the Roman Rota. In his homily, preached as the Rite of Ordination was unfolding, Bishop O’Connell drew on the teaching and words of St. Vincent de Paul, founder of the Congregation of the Mission, of his own religious order. He noted that St. Vincent spent much of his ministry in the training and service of diocesan priests. “He saw the priesthood as an opportunity for people in the parishes to encounter Jesus Christ, the teaching Christ, the healing Christ, the consoling Christ, the forgiving Christ, the merciful Christ, the living God, Jesus Christ.” The Bishop quoted St. Vincent’s words: “There is nothing greater in the world, nothing I say, than the formation of good priests.” “As a son of St. Vincent and your Bishop, I believe that with all EVER OBEDIENT • Father Large pledges his fealty to Bishop O’Connell and his successors during the my heart. And that ordination Mass.
LINE OF MELCHIZEDEK • Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., ordains Jason Parzynski to the priesthood before hundreds of faithful during a June 6 Mass in St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral, Trenton.
is what brings us here today in the Diocese of Trenton. We have before us five young men – your sons and brothers and friends – who have completed their seminary formation and are about to be ordained priests. They are good men.” He spoke of the different journeys each had and the different experiences behind them. “They are from Ireland, Colombia, Michigan, Middletown and Moorestown, New Jersey. They have been formed well. They are ready. And the Church of the Diocese of Trenton needs them. We need them.” “What do we need them for?” queried Bishop O’Connell about the newly ordained. “What do we need from them? What do we need them to be?” He said fervently, “We need them to be See Priestly • S-6
GIGANTIC Congratulations to
We Celebrate the Ordination to the Priesthood of Jesus Christ
Fr. John Large
on your Ordination to the Priesthood.
Rev. Father Arian Wharff
A HUGE hug from your biggest fans at St. Joan of Arc Parish MARLTON
Rev. Robert F. Kaeding, Pastor and the Parishioners of
Precious Blood Church
72 Riverdale Ave., Monmouth Beach, NJ 07750
Very Rev. Damian McElroy, V.F. and the Parishioners of Our Lady of Good Counsel Church
Very Rev. Damian McElroy, V.F. Congratulate and theCongratulate Parishioners of Father John Butler Our Lady of Good Counsel Church & Congratulate
Father Jerome Guld FathertoJohn Butler of Jesus Christ On your Ordination the Priesthood
Father James Grogan &
Father Jerome Guld “Ad Multos Annos” On your Ordination to the Priesthood of Jesus Christ
“Ad Multos Annos”
On your O
JUNE 18, 2015 • www.TrentonMonitor.com
The sanctuary in St. Mary Church, Middletown, was adorned with colorful floral arrangements when Father John Large returned to his home parish for a Eucharistic celebration.
Father Jason Martin Parzynski, elevates the chalice during the Eucharistic Prayer June 7 when he celebrated Mass in St. David the King Church, West Windsor. Joe Moore photo
Facebook photo
New priests
begin ministry among the faithful
June 6 was a glorious day in the Trenton Diocese when Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., ordained five men to the priesthood during a Mass of Ordination in St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral, Trenton. Later in the day or in the days following, the new priests, Fathers James J. Grogan, John Large, Jason Martin Parzynski, Jarlath William David Quinn and Arian Wharff Galvis, had the joy of presiding over their first Mass or another sacramental ministry as newly ordained priests. Some of the men returned to their home parish for their first Mass and some returned to a parish where they had served during their seminary formation.
Father James Grogan preaches during the Vigil Mass he celebrated June 6 in St. Robert Bellarmine Church. Father Grogan served his transitional diaconate year assignment in the Freehold parish. Facebook photo
Later in the day following his ordination, Father Arian Wharff celebrated a Mass in Sacred Heart Church, Trenton, which the native Colombian has come to regard as his home parish. John Batkowski photo
Father Jarlath Quinn celebrates the Eucharist June 7 in his home parish church of St. Agnes, a worship site of Our Lady of Perpetual Help-St. Agnes Parish, Atlantic Highlands. Ken Falls photo
C Reverend Jason Parzynski ongratulations to
on your recent ordination to the Priesthood for the Diocese of Trenton
God Bless
Fr. James Grogan AND
Fr. Jarlath Quinn
From your friends at
St. Francis of Assisi Parish ORLAND PARK, ILLINOIS
Rev. Artur Sowa, Pastor Rev. Edward Upton, Pastor Emeritus
“ Experience the goodness of the Lord every day of our lives.”
Congratulations & Best Wishes! Our Lady of Perpetual Help-St. Agnes Parish ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS
St. Dominic Parish
congratulates Brick
Rev. John Large on the occasion of his Ordination to the Priesthood
JUNE 18, 2015 • www.TrentonMonitor.com
The Catholic Community of Hopewell Valley: St. James Church • pennington St. Alphonsus Church • hopewell St. George Church • titusville
Joins in offering our most
heartfelt congratulations to
Reverend Jarlath Quinn
The Community of
on his ordination to the Priesthood.
St. Dominic Parish
God Bless You!
congratulates Brick
Father John Large
Rev. Jason Parzynski
priesthood for the Diocese of Trenton
Congratulations and Prayerful Best Wishes
Fr. Jason Parzynski Ordination to the Priesthood June 6, 2015 As you serve the good people of God in the Diocese of Trenton Grace, Peace and Blessings from Fr. Tim and your Parish Family Church of St. David the King Princeton Junction, NJ
on the occasion of his Ordination to the Priesthood
JUNE 18, 2015 • www.TrentonMonitor.com
Priestly ordinations evoke joy among
diocese of trenton’s faithful Continued from • S-1
men of God and men of the Church. We profess, all of us, that we believe in ‘one, holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.’ This is not a passing fancy or a throwaway line from some ancient text: this is our deepest conviction, rock solid … It is our obligation and our fundamental identity to be the face and the very identity of the Church of Jesus Christ.” The Bishop clearly captivated the standing-room-only assembly as he presented the men he would momentarily ordain to those who would become their flock. “This is home, my new priests. This community is your family. These people are your people; to lead; to serve; to baptize; to forgive; to nourish; to evangelize; to strengthen; to support; to love. God gives them all to you and gives you, today, to all of them, and all of us. ...”
“This is home, my new priests. This community is your family.” Called Forth As the Rite of Ordination – which marks the culmination of the candidates’ formal faith formation process – unfolded, Deacons Grogan; Large; Parzynski; Quinn, and Wharff were called before Bishop O’Connell by Father Dennis A. Apoldite, diocesan director of vocations and the House of Discernment. Msgr. Thomas J. Mullelly, vicar for clergy and consecrated life and director of seminarians, attested that they were prepared and approved for ordination. Each candidate told the Bishop he came willingly and faithfully to the priesthood and then promised his obedience to the Church. In the name of the Universal Church, the Bishop accepted the men for the Order of Priesthood and the people signaled their consent, filling the nave with a lingering round of enthusiastic applause. The candidates declared their intention to assume the responsibilities of a priest. Then, in one of many touching moments throughout the ordination, they each placed their hands in those of the Bishop, promising respect and obedience to him as chief shepherd of the Diocese and
to his successors, as well. The five then prostrated themselves on the floor before the altar as the Diocesan Festival Choir, under the direction of Shawn Mack, led the assembly in chanting the Litany of the Saints. The cathedral rang with prayers for the intercession of the saints, including the patrons of the ordinands. Laying his hands on the head of the candidates in silent prayer, Bishop O’Connell invoked the Holy Spirit upon each, ordaining them as priests in an essential act of ordination. This ancient gesture, rooted in Scripture, is used by the Church to signify the conferral of the Holy Spirit. As a sign of fraternal solidarity, concelebrating priests laid their hands on the heads of the ordinands, signifying they are sharing in one priesthood. JOYFUL SEND-OFF • Father James Grogan leads the new priests out of the Cathedral to The new priests were the sound of applause at the conclusion of the Mass. Craig Pittelli photo then assisted by a brother priest, chosen by them, as pastor of his home parish, St. Mary, Parish, Holmdel, and former diocthe vestments of a deacon which esan director of vocations, vested they had worn throughout, were cer- Middletown, who also vested him Father Quinn. Father Rene Pulgaemoniously replaced by the stole and last year when he was ordained a rin, pastor of Christ the Redeemer Transitional Deacon. chasuble, garments worn by priests Parish, Mount Holy, vested Father Bishop O’Connell vested Father for the celebration of Mass. Wharff. Parzynzki, who will continue to Father Grogan’s vesting priest After receiving their priestly serve in his current role as secretary was his brother, Father William E. vestments, the five knelt again beto the bishop and master of episcoGrogan, pastor of Holy Cross Parpal ceremonies. Msgr. Gregory D. fore Bishop O’Connell as he anointish, Philadelphia. Father Large was ed their palms, sanctifying them for Vaughan, pastor of St. Catharine vested by Father Jeffrey Kegley, ministry. Bishop O’Connell presented each new priest with a paten and a chalice which would hold the Body and Blood of Christ in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. The five new priests were greeted by each of the concelebrants with the sign of peace in the form of an embrace. They then joined Bishop O’Connell at the altar for the celebration of the Liturgy of the Eucharist for the first time. At the end of the Mass, the newly ordained bestowed their first blessings as priests to Bishop O’Connell and then to Bishop Harrington, Bishop Fitzgerald and Father Carroll.
A Time of Blessing
BODY OF CHRIST • Father John Large offers Holy Communion to congregants during his ordination Mass. Craig Pittelli photo
The congregation, profoundly moved by all they had witnessed, rose to its feet as one body for a standing ovation and, after basking in the warmth of that approbation, Bishop O’Connell addressed the assembly.
BLESSINGS UPON YOU • Father Grogan gives his first blessing as a priest to one of his well-wishers following his ordination Mass. Craig Pittelli photo
ACE BROTHERHOOD IN FAITH • Newly ordained Father Arian Wharff embraces Father Dennis Apoldite, director of vocations, during the Kiss of Peace.
PRIEST CONCELEBRANTS • The newly ordained priests join Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., at the altar as concelebrants for the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Ken Falls photo
For multimedia coverage on this story, visit TrentonMonitor.com
Craig Pittelli photo PHOTO GALLERY
MAY GOD KEEP YOU • Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., kneels to receive the first priestly blessing of Father Jarlath Quinn at his ordination in St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral, Trenton, June 6. Craig Pittelli photo
The Class of 2015 was the fifth group of priests Bishop O’Connell has ordained since becoming bishop in 2010. Having observed the fifth anniversary of his arrival as Coadjutor Bishop just two days earlier, he conveyed his sentiments about the conjunction of those two occasions. With some emotion, he spoke of “what an honor and a privilege it is to be here today,” saying that of all his duties as a Bishop during the year, the most “poignant is handing the gift” of ordination, instituted by Christ to the Apostles and passed directly on through the millenniums, to the recipients today. He spoke of the “laying on of hands” on the heads of man as the “most beautiful” moment, embodying the “love and fraternity” that exists among all of the priests gathered around their Bishop. And, he offered thanks to the great number of priests of the Dio-
cese who had come to support him and their newly ordained brothers for this extraordinary day. Following the Mass, a crush of family members and friends lined up at the five “stations” situated around the nave where they eagerly awaited the chance to greet the new priests and receive their first blessings. Sister Eleanor McCann, associate director of the Diocesan Office of Worship, took the opportunity to share that it was a bittersweet moment for her as she planned to step down from her position along with Msgr. Sam A. Sirianni, office director. Mercy Sister Eleanor, who served this ministry for 13 years, reflected on her part of the ordinations each year and five men, in particular, who were this year’s newest priests. “I’ve come to know them through working with them in hospitality and I’ve experienced their really deep faith,” she said with
a wistful smile. Noting the joy and sensitivity they brought to their efforts, she said, “They always served in such a good way.” Standing off to the side as he beheld his newly ordained brother, Father James J. Grogan, reach out to those who had come to celebrate with him, Father William E. Grogan didn’t even try to suppress a wide, Irish grin. “An amazing blessing,” is how he characterized watching the new Father Grogan bless a wide range of folks from the parishes he had served on his way to this moment. Included were faithful from Freehold’s St. Robert Bellarmine Parish; Our Lady of Perpetual Help-St. Agnes Parish, Atlantic Highlands, and Our Lady of Good Counsel, Moorestown. Father William Grogan shared how, with his ordination, his brother became one of a remarkable family lineage of priests which numbers between 12 and 15 over the past 100 years. “(Our) Dad would talk about his two older brother priests all the time so it is hardly a new thing for us,” said Father Grogan. Still, he added, that he and the whole family, were very moved by this experience. Mary O’Donnell, who had flown in from Ireland with a number of relatives to witness this occasion, waited for a first blessing from her young cousin, Father Quinn. “It’s a great day,” said O’Donnell, who hails from County Offaly. “Fantastic,” added Kathleen O’Lune, another cousin. “We are so happy that we were able to make the
PRECIOUS GIFTS • The family of Father Arian Wharff present the gifts of bread and wine to Bishop O’Connell as Msgr. Joseph L. Roldan, rector of the Cathedral, looks on. Craig Pittelli photo
journey and share the day.” Closer to home, Karin and Gerry Duffy of St. Mary Parish, Middletown, shared their experiences of Father Quinn and Father Large on their way to the priesthood. They enthusiastically spoke about Father Quinn’s volunteer service with them at the Barn for the Poorest of the Poor in Middletown, which collects and distributes food local soup kitchens, as well as soup kitchens operated by the Missionaries of Charity in New York and New Jersey and to the Franciscans of the Renewal in the South Bronx and Newark.
“Jarlath helped us so much, packing and sorting food,” Gerry Duffy said. The pair noted that many people were inspired by Quinn’s journey to the priesthood and prayed consistently for his success. The Duffys expressed delight in the fact that they have known the Large family for years as fellow parishioners and that Karin was one of a team of ladies who helped out in the home of Father Large’s sister Ann after she gave birth to triplets. “We’ve known the family for a long time,” said Duffy, who added that he was especially impressed with Father Large as a homilist. “His ability to speak, to give homilies is just wonderful. We heard him as a deacon and he has a real ability to hold people’s attention.” The couple went on to express their joy in each of the newly ordained priests saying: “We love these guys so much and we are so happy they are priests.” During the ordination Mass, a perky little girl named Mariana and her mother, Silvana, were among those participating in the Presentation of the Gifts to Bishop O’Connell. They had traveled from Colombia to be present at the ordination of their brother and uncle. Now, they, and Father Wharff’s father, Enrique who traveled with them from Colombia, stood beside him as he bestowed the first blessings of his priesthood. Father Wharff took a moment See New • S-8
New priests are enthusiastic to serve Continued from • S-6
to speak of how meaningful the day was to him. Calling it the “most wonderful day of my life. … a day of many blessings,” he spoke of how it important it was to him to see the church filled to overflowing “with people who believe in the Holy Faith.” He expressed real joy that his family had come to share the day with him and proudly introduced them to one and all. He translated for little Mariana who offered her own sentiments about the Mass. She described how happy it made her to be there and how much she
enjoyed the music. Across the Cathedral near the St. Joseph altar, Father Large offered blessings to a throng of relatives, parishioners and well-wishers. His father, William Large, sat in a pew regarding the scene. He never took his eyes off his son as he described the day as “the most joyous of my life.” He spoke of the 15-year-long journey of discernment his son embarked on and how thrilled he was that it had come to a brilliant conclusion on this day in the Cathedral. The elder Large spoke of the hundreds of people around the world who
Carl’s Shoes offers our heartfelt Blessings & Congratulations to
Fr. Jim Grogan
on the occasion of his ordination to the priesthood!
prayed for his son during that journey from Europe to Peru. He spoke of other joyous occasions – the births of his six children and 13 grandchildren – and then added with a smile and a bit of a tear in his eye: “this tops it all.” William Large expressed his hopes for his son, that he be as “happy and joyous” throughout his priesthood as he is today and that he bring thousands of souls to Christ.” Among those present to share the joy of the day with Father Parzynski was Father Edward F. Upton, pastor emeritus of St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Orland Park, Ill. It was in that community that Father Parzynski gained parish experience, holding multiple responsibilities as a pastoral associate and youth minister as well as assisting with information technology and liturgy committees. Father Upton recalled the newly ordained priest, who worked with him for two years while he discerned his vocation, as “bright, holy and energetic.” He spoke of the generous way Father Parzynski had shared his skills with the congregation. “He did a wonderful job both of organizing (the youth ministry) and putting into place a structure for recruiting catechists to lead it. He was very present to the kids. He revived that ministry.” “He had a desire to be a priest and
NE W SERVANTS OF GOD • Fathers Wharff, Quinn, Jason, Large and Grogan are presented to the hundreds who attended their June 6 ordination Mass. Craig Pittelli photo
he wanted to serve and assist people. He was happy to do mission and outreach work. I hope he takes the happiness and faith that he has and shares it (with the faithful) as he shares his love of Jesus.”
“ ou are my son; this day I have begotten you;”
“ ou are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek” Hebrews 5: 5d - 6
God bless and Congratulations
Father Jim Grogan The Parish Family of
Saint Robert Bellarmine Freehold
JUNE 18, 2015 • www.TrentonMonitor.com
The clergy, staff, and parishioners of
St. Raphael-Holy Angels Parish, HAMILTON
give thanks to almighty God for the ordination of the
Reverend John E. Large
to the priesthood of the Church of Trenton on June 6, 2015.
St. John Vianney, St. Raphael, and all the Holy Angels, pray for us.
The Community of
St. Dominic Parish
congratulates Brick
The Parish of Our Lady of Charity, BROOKHAVEN, PA
Joyfully Congratulates REV. JAMES J. GROGAN on his Ordination to the
Rev. Jarlath Quinn on the occasion of his Ordination to the Priesthood
Prayerfully, Rev. Brian A. Izzo, Pastor
With Praise and Thanksgiving to Almighty God The Parish Community of
Saint Mary, Mother of God Church Middletown
Congratulates our Parishioner
Father John Edward Large On the Occasion of his Ordination to the Priesthood of Jesus Christ
We are all so proud of you! God Bless You Father John!
The executives and employees of
WoodWard ConstruCtion Company joyfully congratulate
Offers our best wishes and sincerest congratulations to
Rev. Jim Grogan
reverend Jarlath William Quinn
on the occasion of his ordination to the priesthood for the Diocese of Trenton.
on the occasion of his ordination to the priesthood!
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Congratulations Reverend Jim Grogan!
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JULY 17, 2014
The Monitor Annual Religious Anniversaries Issue
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St. Ann Church, Lawrenceville Joe Moore photo,
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Congratulations to REV. EUGENE ANDREWS on the 20th anniversary of your Ordination to the Priesthood. The Jones Family, Trenton, NJ
e AC
Consider placing your personal congratulations message ad in this important annual issue. SAMPLE ADS You can choose from these options: OPTION #1 5” x 1” AD $25 OPTION #2
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We offer our prayerful message of thanks to
Deacon John Jones on the 25th anniversary of your ordination.
Bob and Martha Williams We will include a photo of the priest, deacon or religious (if available) with your personal message.
For more information, call George Stevenson, Business Director at 609-403-7131 gsteve@dioceseoftrenton.org
JUNE 18, 2015 • www.TrentonMonitor.com
The Parish of St. Theresa LITTLE EGG HARBOR
rejoices with
Father Arian Wharff
on this special occasion as he celebrates being ordained a priest.
Prayerful Congratulations Rev. James J. Grogan, Rev. John Large, Rev. Jason Parzynski, Rev. Jarlath Quinn
Rev. Arian Wharff
We look forward to working with you Fr. Arian as you begin a life of service to the people of God.
All our Prayers and Best Wishes. May God Bless You!
The Church of the Sacred Heart & The House of Discernment
343 South Broad St., Trenton, New Jersey
Very Rev. Dennis A. Apoldite, V.F. and
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Congratulations and many Blessings, Fr. Jim Grogan
Rev. John Large Ordained to the Priesthood of Jesus Christ
June 6, 2015
Congratulations and may God bless you as you continue to do His work today and always.
on the occasion of your Ordination to the priesthood.
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God Bless Rev. Jason Parzynski “You are a Priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek” Psalm 110:4
God Bless you in your Ministry to the People of God in the Diocese of Trenton -The Department of Evangelization & Catechesis