Milestone anniversary couples renew their marriage vows during the Oct. 6 Bishop’s Anniversary Blessing Mass in St. Robert Bellarmine Co-Cathedral, Freehold. Mike Ehrmann photo
Milestone anniversary couples renew their marriage vows during the Oct. 6 Bishop’s Anniversary Blessing Mass in St. Robert Bellarmine Co-Cathedral, Freehold. Mike Ehrmann photo
BY MARY STADNYK Associate Editor, and KAYLA LATENDRESSE Correspondent
John Feeney admitted that he’s no expert in marriage. Then, with a wink and a wry smile, he said, “I’ve only been married once,” to his wife of 50 years, Janice.
But really, he said, “If I could just bundle our 50 years together, I would have to say the only thing more precious than time is who you spend it with.”
The Feeneys, members of St. Catharine-St. Margaret Parish, Spring
Lake, were among the 250 couples from around the Diocese who attended one of the two Bishop’s Anniversary Blessing Masses this year. Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., celebrated a Mass Oct. 6 in St. Robert Bellarmine Co-Cathedral, Freehold, for married couples from Monmouth and Ocean Counties marking one, 25, 50 or more years of marriage this year. He celebrated another Mass Oct. 27 in St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral, Trenton, for couples from Burlington and Mercer Counties.
The Bishop’s Anniversary Blessing Masses have been a standing favorite in the Diocese, providing couples the opportunity to renew their wedding vows and receive a special blessing from the
Bishop. After the Masses, the couples are invited to receive an individual blessing from one of the priest concelebrants and a certificate marking their milestone. Couples and their families then enjoyed refreshments, music and socializing at receptions.
In his homily for each of the two Masses, Bishop O’Connell applied the readings to the couples and their commitment to married life.
“Today we celebrate the fact that you decided to get married in the Church because you understand your marriage – you see your marriage as a Sacrament,
one of those visible signs instituted by Christ to give grace,” the Bishop said.
“You understood your marriage as something not just between the two of you, but between the two of you and God,” he continued.
“You have chosen to be married in the sight of a generous God who so loved the world that he gave himself to us in the person of Jesus Christ. And in the Spirit of this generous God, husband and wife are to give themselves to each other.”
Bishop O’Connell asked the couples, “What did you see one, 25, 50 or more years ago? What do you see now? Are the visions different? Clearer? Better?”
The Bishop urged couples to love in the same way that Jesus had commanded – “to love as he has loved.”
“Jesus loved until it cost him. He loved all the way to the Cross and
Death,” the Bishop said. “Love, in the sense that Jesus means, is loving even when it means undergoing suffering for the sake of the other. That is real love, loving for the good of the other.”
Through joyful words, laughter and tears, some of the couples shared their thoughts on the marriages being celebrated that day.
The way Ronald Thornley of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, Whiting, sees it, if it weren’t for God, he and his wife, Elizabeth, wouldn’t be married 25 years.
“We’ve been through it … the roughest of times,” Elizabeth said.
“But we really come together, and we pray together, and we’ve really turned to God,” she said, adding illness and death of loved ones were among the hardships they endured.
In the end, Elizabeth added, “You have to be friends … you have to think about each other. God comes first, and then your spouse.”
Charlie Soffel recounted a wedding day that was beset by a thunderstorm and torrential rain. But he observed that, sometimes, “rain is lucky for marriage.”
And after 52 years of marriage to his wife, Margaret, and raising two adopted children, he said, “it obviously is.”
He offered some words of wisdom for young couples preparing for marriage and newlyweds, saying, “Everybody says it’s 50-50.
“That’s not true, it’s 100-100,” he said. “And you can’t always be right; sometimes you have to not say that you are right and let it go.”
Deacon David and Karen Colter, married 25 years, were happy to attend the Oct. 27 Mass with their five children. The couple belong to St. Raphael-Holy Angels Parish, Hamilton.
“We wanted the kids to see the importance the Church places on the Sacrament of Marriage, that it’s not just Mom and Dad,” Karen said. “Here they see a community of couples.”
Deacon Colter added that after 25 years, “Karen and I realize that our marriage serves as more of a witness to families and to others.”
Newlyweds Manuel Tejada and Maria Melgar of St. Joseph Parish, Trenton, said in the past year there has been a strengthening in their bond as husband and wife; they have learned how important cooperation is in their relationship.
“Practicing our faith” helps to
“Be kind to each other ... Look past the trivial.”
strengthen that bond, Maria said.
Joyce and Patrick Johnson of Corpus Christi Parish, Willingboro, were marking their silver anniversary. Joyce recalled that, early in their marriage, it was their intention to attend the Bishop’s Anniversary Blessing Masses as an “affirmation of our faith and as an outward sign of our love for and commitment to each other.”
“As the years have flown by, our feelings about each other and about our faith have deepened. Coming to the Mass with the Bishop was how we chose to renew in the eyes of the Church our already blessed marriage,” she said.
Couples happily shared some tips on what it takes to have a lasting marriage.
Patrick Johnson said one of the “best, most basic pieces of advice” he and Joyce received was a hand-written wedding card that said, “Be kind to each other.”
“Of course, there may be hard times but through those times we need to love each other and be kind,” he said.
“Look past the trivial and encourage and
Continued on 24
Joined by multiple concelebrant priests from across Monmouth and Ocean Counties,
offers the Eucharistic prayer during the Mass celebrated Oct. 6 in St.
A near-capacity gathering, the Bishop’s Anniversary Blessing Mass in St. Robert Bellarmine Co-Cathedral recognized some 150 couples from Monmouth and Ocean Counties who marked milestone anniversaries this year.
embrace the strengths of and differences between you and your partner.”
“When differences arise, talk things out and compromise as needed,” Joyce added. “Remember, you are two individuals who came together for a reason,” she said, then, looking to Patrick, she added, “I’m looking forward to repeating this in another 25 years.”
“Keep a lot of laughter and just keep love in your heart and remember what brought you together,” Janice Feeney said.
“And trust each other,” John Feeney added.
Susanna and Andrew Lindner of St. Anthony of Padua Parish, Red Bank, said their pilgrimage to Rome, where they received a blessing from Pope Francis, and welcoming their son, Benedict,
were two highlights during their first year of marriage.
Yet in the midst of their joy, there were challenges, Susanna said, and it’s important for couples to remember “that you have someone else to lean on and that you’re not by yourself.
“You’re working together to get to heaven. You’re not alone,” she said.
Golden anniversary couple Rosemary and Barry Halloran of St. Gregory the Great Parish, Hamilton Square, said their Catholic faith serves as the basis for their marriage and family life.
“It’s given us strength, especially through all the trials we have been through,” Rosemary said. “Whenever challenges came our way, we turned to prayer and asked God for help,” she said, and “with patience and faith, things turn out alright.”
BY NICHOLAS PETRILLO Associate Director of Marriage Ministries and NFP
For Catholics in the Diocese of Trenton, the month of October has been a time to “fall in love.” On Oct. 6 and 27, more than 250 married couples gathered to renew their vows and commitment to one another and to God. Surrounded by family, friends and the local Church, couples celebrating their first anniversary sat with those celebrating more than 65 years of marital love. It is a beautiful sight to behold, to see “young love,” and love that has deepened over multiple decades.
We are inspired by each other’s vocation to more fully embrace and live our own.
The Bishop’s Anniversary Blessing is the most important annual event in the Diocese of Trenton to honor the gift and vocation of marriage. In a way, the Bishop’s Anniversary Blessing is for married couples what the Chrism Mass is for the priesthood. At the Chrism Mass, all the faithful of the Diocese gather with the Bishop to celebrate and give thanks to God for the vocation of the priesthood. The Chrism Mass is a special opportunity for the ordained deacons as well as the laity, including women and men in religious life, married couples and single Catholics, those who are divorced, widowed or never married, to witness the rededication of priests’ lives to Christ and his Church through their ministry. At the Bishop’s Anniversary Blessing, we, too, recognize the gift of the vocation of marriage and give thanks to God for
their witness.
“I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work in you will continue to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus” (Phil. 1: 6).
Both the Chrism Mass and Bishop’s Anniversary Blessing enable the Church to rejoice with each other in the continued work of God in the lives of those whom he has called. We are inspired by each other’s vocation to more fully embrace and live out our own.
and Javier Ramirez of St.
Sea Girt, and members of the Diocesan Spanish Pre-Cana Team, proclaim a Reading during the Oct. 6 Mass in St. Robert Bellarmine Co-Cathedral, Freehold. Mike Ehrmann photo
Whether celebrating an anniversary of 1 year, 25 years or 50+ years, they deserve the recognition of their greater Catholic community, as their marriage is a sacred sign of Christ’s love for his bride, the Church, and is a message of hope for the world.
In addition to receiving the blessing of their Bishop, there is something special for these faithful couples in seeing their beloved priest or pastor concelebrate the Anniversary Blessing Mass. Seeing the priest who prepared a couple for marriage, or the priest who currently ministers to them, can serve as a reminder that the Church is present
to them, and cares about them. Seeing “young love” is refreshing in a world focused on the self, while seeing the dedication and commitment of those married 25, 50 or even more years, shows us it is possible, and the graces are real! Through different means, both priests and married couples make God’s love and presence known to the world, and this liturgy in a special way brings us together in recognition of this reality.
The Bishop’s Anniversary Blessing was a beautiful opportunity for the Church to celebrate married love, but it is not the only opportunity! We encourage parishes to celebrate the engagement of couples and to pray for them regularly. Pastors are invited to bless couples on (or near) their anniversary. In February, the Universal Church celebrates World Marriage Day (the second Sunday in February). Here too, parishes can recognize and celebrate the marriages in their midst. And stay tuned for events geared toward married couples, both social and spiritual.
And to the married couples, in 2015 Pope Francis canonized Zelié and Louis Martin, the parents of St. Thérèse of Lisieux. Saints Zelié and Louis, while not the first canonized married couple, are the first to be canonized together. Is there a better model and example of marriage than to achieve holiness together? Their feast day is July 15. Whether you are single, engaged, married or widowed, I invite you to join me in seeking their intercession:
Saints Zelié and Louis Martin, you pursued God faithfully through life. In seeking unity with HIM, you found a spouse with whom you achieved holiness. Bless our marriage LORD, that we too may be holy, loving Christ and one another with deep devotion, and be a reflection of God’s love in the world. Grant us strength in trials, and satisfaction in joy, that our hearts and minds be fixed on faith, hope, and love. Amen.
CORPUS CHRISTI, Willingboro • Patrick A. & Joyce S. Johnson, 25
• Mary Elizabeth & Don Barclay Gottel, 50
MARY, MOTHER OF THE CHURCH, Bordentown • Vince & Toni Dubaniewicz, 50 • David & JoAnn Foulks, 50 • Joseph & Donna Frappolli, 50 • Dan & Karen Hegarty, 25
OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL, Moorestown • Robert & Joanne Damato, 25 • Maureen & John Sherry, 55 • James & Winnie Tsai, 25
OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE, Hainesport • James F. & Jane C. Tappen, 50
SACRED HEART, Mount Holly • Gloria & Rowell Reyes, 25
ST. JOAN OF ARC, Marlton • Michael & Trudy Bauck, 50 • Robert & Michelle Cowan, 1 • Theodore & Margaret Shearer, 50
ST. KATHARINE DREXEL, Burlington • Marianne & Jayson Javier, 25 • David & Felicia Zimarowski, 25
ST. MARY OF THE LAKES, Medford • Lana & John Chiesa, 50 • Christine & Brandon Kalinowski, 1
• Ann & Joseph Hannawacker, 65 • William & Linda Kampe, 50 • Angela & Thomas Rivella, 65
OUR LADY OF SORROWSST. ANTHONY, Hamilton • Gary & Diane Deidloff, 53 • John & Suzanne
Anniversary couples renew their commitment to one another during the Bishop’s Anniversary Blessing Mass Oct. 6 in St. Robert Bellarmine Co-Cathedral, Freehold. Mike Ehrmann photo
Bensel, 65 • Samuel & Patricia Falconello, 62
OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS, Trenton • John & Annamaria Donohoe, 25 • Romeo Guerra & Zulmy Hernández, 1 • Walter Vargas & Patricia Bustos, 1
OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL, West Trenton • Ronald & Edith Kolodziej, 50 • Claude & Mary Anne Le Gall, 50 • Christopher & Barbara Mussell, 50
SACRED HEART, Trenton • Russell Jr. & Katherine Mich, 25 • Michael & Nancy Rhodes, 25
ST. ALPHONSUS, Hopewell • Maryann & Vito Truglio, 60
ST. ANN, Lawrenceville • Patricia & Roland LaPierre, 69 • Kenneth T. &
Maryann Micai, 53
ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA, Hightstown • Deborah & Timothy Schipmann, 25 • Steven & Deirdre Misiura, 25
ST. DAVID THE KING, Princeton Junction • John & Lisa Linkowsky, 25 • King & Claire Kovacs, 58 • Manolo & Glenda Capili, 50 • John & Lisa Linkowsky, 25
ST. GREGORY THE GREAT, Hamilton Square • Gerard & Cathleen Appert, 25 • Billy & Shiela Bugarin, 25 • Mia & Nicholas D’Antuono, 1 • Mary & Daniel DeRose, 50 • Joseph V. & Donna M. Fasanella, 50 • Barry & Rosemary Halloran, 50 • Wayne & Norine Neville, 52 • William & Maureen
Congratulations & Warm Wishes to all the couples celebrating a special anniversary this year, especially...
We thank God for being our constant guide for our marriage and family for 25 years - may he continue to bless us with his joy and strength!
John & EmmaLee Italia 25th anniversary
Celebrating 62 years of marriage!
We see the three Cs as the success of our marriage: caring, commitment, and compromise. Lord, thank you for guiding us and our family.
Samuel & Patricia Falconello
Here’s to 25 years of love, laughter, and cherished memories.
There is no photo frame big enough to showcase our beautiful memories together. We look forward to a future filled with more love, happy memories, and adventures.
Domenick & Danielle Carofine
Thank you Lord for the beautiful gift of my spouse and the family we have created together. May we always grow in love and joy, supporting one another to reach our heavenly goal.
Andrew & Susanna Lindner, 1st Anniversary
Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be.
Joe & Maureen Mutinsky 50th Anniversary
We are so blessed to be celebrating our 50th Wedding Anniversary. God has been with us throughout this journey. Praying God continues to bless us and our family.
Patricia & Peter Campanelli
Congratulations Tim & Joanne Bergin on celebrating 25 years of blessings!
Above all, maintain constant love for one another. (1 Peter 4:8)
May God continue to shine His mercy and love upon our family. Cheers to 25 years!
Cristina & Tolga Ergunay
Celebrating our 50th Anniversary!
“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor; if either one of them falls down, one can help the other up.” Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
David & JoAnn Foulks
Continued from 27
Sutterlin, 50 • Kathleen & George Ungrady, 50
ST. GEORGE, Titusville • Millie & Bob Rushnak, 60
ST. JAMES, Pennington • Joseph & Maureen Mutinsky, 50
ST. JOSEPH, Trenton • Daniel Florencio Cortez Marquez & Mayoli Jimenez Rojas, 1 • Manfred Humberto Del Cid Roque & Evelin Noemi Muñoz Monterroso, 1 • Ruben Morales Gomez & Edita Patricia Pacheco Gonzalez, 1 • Armando Antonio Garcia Baquiax & Nitza Iris Cisneros Murcia, 1 • Manuel De Jesus Tejeda Portillo & Maria Magdalena Melgar Mejia, 1 • Luis Rene Estrada & Jeanneth Del Carmen Sandoval, 25
ST. PAUL, Princeton • EmmaLee & John Italia, 25 • Walter & Mary Bliss, 50
ST. RAPHAEL-HOLY ANGELS, Hamilton • Erica & Thomas Armitage, 25 • David & Karen Colter, 25 • Niurka & Francisco Gonzalez, 1• Patrick J & Janice M Moran, 50 • Pasquale V. & Anna M. Papero, 50 • Albert & Nancy Rhodes, 50
• Edna Aguiar & Sebastiao Neto, 1• Claudia & Ederson Vieira, 25
HOLY FAMILY, Keyport • Samuel & JoAnn Fortino, 50
• Michael & Sharon Desider, 50 • Adrian & Noreen Vergara, 25
NATIVITY, Fair Haven • Albert & Kathleen Doty, 55
OUR LADY OF FATIMA, Keyport • Thomas & Joan Franken, 51
OUR LADY OF HOPE, West Long Branch • Barbara & Kenneth Leposa, 53
HELP-ST. AGNES, Atlantic
Highlands • Anthony & Carol Alleva, 57 • Allison & Owen Forrester, 1 • James & Mary Jean Kinsella, 50
ST. ANN, Keansburg • Christopher & Michele Monaco, 50
ST. ANSELM, Wayside • Denise & Robert Beehler, 50 • Donna & Angelo Catania, 52
ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA, Red Bank • Araceli Rojano & Anel Gregorio, 1 • Kevin & Suzanne Murphy, 25 • José Luis Rojas & Yanet Castellanos, 1
ST. BENEDICT, Holmdel • Peter & Sharon DePerry, 50 • Geanine & David Haddad, 25 • Timothy J. & Rosemarie M. Hoye, 25 • Paul & Joan Kissel, 60
ST. CATHARINE, Holmdel • Barb & Don Leonard, 60
ST. CATHARINE-ST. MARGARET, Spring Lake • Maureen & Bernard Brady, 1 • Ramon S. & Lourdes Laraya Cuasay, 50 • John & Janet Drudy, 25 • Dr. Paul & Karen Farrell, 50 • John & Janice Feeney, 50 • Rudy & Maureen Grasso, 56 • John B. & Mary K. Gregg, 50
ST. CATHERINE LABOURÉ, Middletown • Eugene & Earline Cutolo, 61 • Henry & Elizabeth Juan, 50 • Joseph & Carole Musci, 56
ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA, Farmingdale Carl & Linda Cocchiola, 50
ST. CLEMENT, Matawan Eleanor & Rudolph Del Cuore, 65
ST. DENIS, Manasquan • Tom & Pat Coyle, 60 • Edward W. & Marilee M. Luick, 50
ST. GABRIEL, Marlboro • Kathleen & John Budnick, 1 • Francis “Skip” & Marian Gracon, 60
ST. JAMES, Red Bank • Robert & Marie Files, 50 • Kathleen & Danny Green, 50
For more photos go to TrentonMonitor.com and click on
Allentown • Jennifer Woloszyn & Brian Gribbin, 1• Deacon Joe & Jeanne Hepp, 60 • Christine & Brandon Kalinowski, 1 • Harry & Susan Montgomery, 60 • John & Annarose Parra, 50
ST. JOSEPH, Millstone Township • Matthew & Tara Zabrosky, 25
ST. LEO THE GREAT, Lincroft • Michael & AnnMarie Mason, 25 • Geraldine & Carlo Tricomi, 50 • Alfred P. & Jane E. Vitelli, 52
ST. MARY, Colts Neck • Rosemarie & James Farrow, 25 • Eileen & Michael Stivala, 51 • Thomas & Dorothy Tanguay, 50
ST. MARY, Middletown • Salvatore & Ann Campanella, 50 • Domenick & Danielle Carofine, 25 • Brian & Janet Dolan, 50 • James & Susan Gent, 25 • Andrew & Susanna Lindner, 1 • Barbara & Joseph Matassa, 50 • Carrie Ann & Thomas McNelis, 50 • Richard & Kathleen Moore, 60 • Thomas & Barbara Mullaghy, 25 • Donald & Lillian Napoli, 60 • Kenneth & Abigail Perry, 1 • George & Nancy Stillwell, 56 • Richard & Diana West, 57
ST. MICHAEL, West End • Michael & Lisa Carnevale, 1 • Silvia & Joseph Greca, 50
ST. ROBERT BELLARMINE CO-CATHEDRAL, Freehold • Peter & Elizabeth Barb, 25• Louise & Robert Campbell, 54• Michael & Megan Ciccotta, 1 • John & Mary Ann Darmofalski, 60 • Richard & Marguerite DiFolco, 50 • Ronald Duchaine & Fillie Cipullo, 50 • Darrin & Christine Edwards, 25 • Richard & Eileen Fontana, 62 • David & Rosa Gershenow, 25 • Jerry & Sandra Iacono, 25 • Michael & Eileen Kerwick, 50 • Linda & William Longo, 25 • Vito & Josephine Lubrano, 61 • Rita & Vincent (Vincenzo) Marrano, 60 • Alexa & Gregory Patterson, 1 • Jeanne & Michael Sollazzo, 50 •
Continued from 29
Camille & Jack Squicciarini, 60 • Malgorzata & Joseph Suity, 1 • James & Linda Trainor, 25
ST. ROSE, Belmar • Robert & Kandra Vuono, 50
ST. ROSE OF LIMA, Freehold • Larry & Linda Galbreath, 50 • Luis Alberto Gonzalez & Claudia Sanchez, 1 • Eusebia L. Matias Hernandez & Melesio H. Lopez Hernandez, 1 • Thomas & Barbara Houston, 64 • Dennis & Mary Janwich , 50 • Rosemary & Francis Lupo, 50 • Linda & John Martone, 50 • Reyna & Angel Matias-Galindo, 1 • Arturo Luna & Benita Mexquititla, 1 • Marcos Antonio & Liudmila Montano, 1 • Mary Ellen & David Rhoades, 50 • Andy & Maggie Smith, 50 • Victoria & Cory Tomaino, 1 • Roman Alonso & Ericka Uribe, 1
ST. TERESA OF CALCUTTA, Bradley Beach • Robert & Mary Armstrong, 50 • Patrick & Marie Boyle, 50 • Anna & John Murray, 50
ST. THOMAS MORE, Manalapan • Patricia & Peter Campanelli , 50 • David & Kerry Cleary, 25 • Thomas & Anna Maria Clemente, 25 • Michele & Michael Lepre, 25 • Patricia & John Phelan, 50
ST. VERONICA, Howell • Diane & John P. Jr. Ostroski, 50
ST. WILLIAM THE ABBOT, Howell • Dennis & Mary Moriarty, 50
EPIPHANY, Brick • Vicki & Brian Montmore, 25 • Marianne Logan & Ralph Moscatiello, 64
OUR LADY of GUADALUPE, Lakewood • James & Catherine McCarthy, 64 • Walter G. & Jacqueline A. Neff, 50 • Fani Gissel Pineda & Jose Luis Sanchez Jr, 1
ST. ALOYSIUS, Jackson • Marlene & Samuel DePaulis, 53 • Mark & Meghan DiSciullo, 25 • David & Nancy Hegedus, 50 • Eugene & Joan McLoughlin, 60 • Angelina &
Gennaro Pane, 65 • Gladys & Giovani Principato, 60 • Joseph & Maria Sicliano, 58 • Rudolph C. & Agnes C. Smith, 65 • Edward & Arlene Sukovich, 55 • Barbara & Leonard Tafro, 60
ST. BARNABAS, Bayville • Jim & Pina McCarthy, 50
ST. DOMINIC, Brick • Richard & Grace Faruolo, 56 • Robert J. & Mary P. Gannon, 60 • Patrick & Geraldine McKerry, 60 • Sandra & Allan Nasta, 50 • Joseph & Lu-Anne Spallina, 60
ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON, Whiting • Lilliam Andujar & Luis A. Cruz, 50 • Mildred & Gerard Fritz, 25
• Ronald & Elizabeth Thornley, 25 • Douglas & Monica Weir, 50
ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, Long Beach Township • Dorothy & Michael Duffy, 64
ST. JOHN, Lakehurst • Jeffrey & Maria Jable, 58 • Robert & Margaret Lapinski, 51 • Denise & Richard Pecoriello, 50 • James & Helen Pendleton, 50 • Stephen & Barbara Vence, 50
ST. JOSEPH, Toms River • Joseph & Melody Mavuro, 50 • Robert & Stacy Onofrietti, 25 • James & Lisa Patten, 1 • Miguel & Mariana Rosales, 1
ST. JUSTIN THE MARTYR, Toms River • Tim & Joanne Bergin, 25 • Carl & Elaine King, 62
ST. LUKE, Toms River • Barbara & Jerry Santangelo, 55
ST. MARTHA, Point Pleasant • Fran & Mike Dunphy, 50 • Thomas & Joan Franken, 51 • Donna & Robert Jones, 50 • Diane E. & Thomas M. Kozlowski, 50 • Patricia & Thomas Loughran, 61 • Janet & Anthony Napolitano, 50 • Tyler & Cassandra Roses, 1
ST. MARY, Barnegat • Frank & Stacy Babbage, 25 • Christine & Edward Lally, 50 • Maryanne & Eugene Ostrowski, 50 • Lynn & Edward Rennar, 25 • Salvatore & Virginia Sciarrotta, 50
ST. MAXIMILIAN KOLBE, Toms River • Carl & Mary Lee Benson, 60
• Ronald & Mary Kirby, 64 • Charles W. & Margaret R. Soffel, 52
ST. MONICA, Jackson • Eriberto & Marisol Garced, 25 • Salvatore & Maria Monaco, 50 • Beatrice & Joseph Spiech, 50
ST. PETER, Point Pleasant Beach
• Thomas Berry & Barbara Weber Berry, 25 • Cristina & Tolga Ergunay, 25 • Vinh & Jennifer Nguyen, 1
ST. PIUS X, Forked River • Michael J. & Concetta M. Bimonte, 51• Bernardino & Phyllis Marie Parisi, 50
• Michael & Jacqueline Stanzione, 60
ST. THERESA, Little Egg Harbor
• Rosanne & Thomas Coffey, 50• Gerard & Marie Skelly, 60
VISITATION, Brick • George & Frances De Ford, 50
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