Monitor Mag Nov. 2022 - Anniversary Blessings

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Anniversary Blessings

Marriage as mystery and miracle From Bishop David M. O’Connell’s homily for the Anniversary Blessing Masses Oct. 2 and 9.


n this beautiful occasion of anniversaries, commitment and milestones, let’s spend a few moments reflecting upon miracles and gratitude and the assurances of our faith in the Lord! In the Sacrament of Marriage, God invites us not only to have the assurances that come with supernatural faith in him but also in the person we have chosen to marry, the person sitting next to you today after all these years of married life. One form of the wedding vows exchanged in the Sacrament of Marriage – perhaps the one you chose – reads, “I take you to be my spouse. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.” Whatever form and words of the wedding vows you may have shared,  “In this marriage is an act of supernatural Sacrament, faith, a Sacrament which imparts to us the God-given grace to persevere “all you share the the days of my life.” And here you are, 1, 25, 50 or more years later. assurances of Have there been “good times as faith and the well as bad?” Yes, for sure. “Sickness and health?” Indeed. Through all life’s grace of God.” joys and challenges, you have loved and honored the person sitting next to you “all the days of your life,” so far and for the years yet to come. You have shown love for one another in Christ, with Christ and for Christ. That is what makes marriage a Sacrament. “Love is patient,” St. Paul tells us. “Love is kind. It is not jealous, love is not pompous, it is not inflated; it is not rude, it does not seek its own interests, it is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury; it does not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth; It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails” (1 Corinthians 13: 4-8). To celebrate an anniversary of the Sacrament of Marriage, your Sacrament, is to celebrate a milestone of the love St. Paul describes: your married love and your married life … “in good times and in bad.” That kind of love in marriage takes supernatural as well as natural faith, faith in God and faith in each other. The Church calls marriage a “Sacrament” because it is a sign of that love and faith to you, to your families and friends, to the Church. I consider the Sacrament of Marriage to be a miracle, yesterday, today in the times in which we live and forever. A “miracle” A couple embraces during the renewal of wedding vows in St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral, Trenton. Mike Ehrmann photo


November 2022

is any event that cannot be explained by the laws of nature or science. For Catholics, miracles are usually attributed to the intervention of God. For you, in the mystery of God’s love, your miracle began at your first meeting. Why and how did you meet? Why and how did that meeting develop into a relationship? Why and how did it turn into a commitment that has endured? The mystery and miracle of God’s love became the mystery and miracle of your love. In this Sacrament, you share the assurances of faith and the grace of God all these days. If that is not a miracle resulting in many other miracles, I don’t know what is! Faith and grace have kept you going – together – “in good times and bad,” “in sickness and health” all these days of your married life. And there’s more to come! Mystery, miracles, faith and grace. As your Bishop on this day of Anniversary Blessing, I encourage you to be grateful to God for what you have received. You have already been richly blessed! I encourage you to be grateful to one another for who you have become in one another’s arms and for one another. You have already been richly blessed! I encourage you to be grateful for all those who have been part of your married lives along the way. You have already been richly blessed! “In all circumstances, give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.” That is why we are here today. That is what I bless and celebrate today as your Bishop.

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Anniversary Couples

listed in the November magazine. Receive a free, one-year new subscription or renewal to your diocesan magazine (includes both print and digital editions).

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Anniversary Blessings

A long-married couple smiles joyfully as they reaffirm their vows in St. Robert Bellarmine Co-Cathedral, Freehold, Oct. 9. Mike Ehrmann photo

Anniversary couples reminded that

marriage is about having supernatural faith in God, each other BY AMERIQUIN DALMASY-LACCETTI Correspondent


fter 70 years of marriage, Arlene and Ed Scully of Our Lady of Sorrows-St. Anthony Parish, Hamilton, believe a good marriage is about “give and take, through good times and bad. “Through it all, the Lord is in charge so no matter what happens, we don’t worry,” Arlene maintained. The Scullys were among the more than 300 couples from around the Diocese who attended the 2022 Bishop’s Anniversary Blessing Masses this year. Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., celebrated a Mass on Oct. 2 in St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral, Trenton, for married couples from Burlington and Mercer Counties marking one, 25, 50 or more years of marriage this year, and celebrated another Mass on Oct. 9 in St. Robert Bellarmine Co-Cathedral, Freehold, for couples from Monmouth and Ocean Counties. “In the Sacrament of Marriage, God invites us not only to have the assurances that come with supernatural faith in him but also in the person we have chosen to marry, the person

sitting next to you today after all these years of married life,” Bishop O’Connell said in his homily. The Bishop’s Anniversary Blessing Masses have been a longstanding favorite in the Diocese, providing an opportunity for the honored couples to renew their wedding vows and receive a special blessing from the Bishop. After the Masses, the couples are invited to receive an individual blessing from one of the priest concelebrants and a certificate marking their milestone. This year, each celebration was followed by refreshments, music and dancing. SECRETS OF THEIR SUCCESS Through joyful words, laughter and tears, some of the couples shared their sentiments on the marriages being celebrated that day. “Communication, compromise and love” are the components of a lasting marriage, said 50-year anniversary couple, Linda and Willie Santos of St. Robert Bellarmine Co-Cathedral Parish. Noting how inspired she was to see the number of couples Continued on 45

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Anniversary Blessings








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Wedding anniversaries feted


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who have been married for so many years turn out for the Mass, Linda said, “You have to have faith, family and love.” The couple also extended appreciation to the Diocese and the Co-Cathedral for hosting the event. “As Roman Catholics, we take our faith very seriously,” Willie said, “and observing this anniversary wedding celebration is a blessing itself.” Maryellen and George Zitzler of Resurrection Parish, Delran, said that their praying together and attending Mass regularly has been an integral part of their  “With God’s 50 years together, while Nancy and grace, we Butch Colavito of St. Barnabas Parish, Bayville, cited the importance of managed to being a good listener, being honest with each other, having patience pull through and choosing words carefully as key it together.” ingredients for marital success. “And every night we end our day with a kiss,” said Nancy, who added that she and Butch are the proud parents of two sons, including Father Chris Colavito, Catholic chaplain at The College of New Jersey, Ewing, and academic director of the diocesan Diaconate Formation Program. Maureen and Louis Di Paolo smiled as they reflected on some of the highlights since their wedding day in July, 2021. They were blessed to attend a papal audience with Pope Fran-

cis while on their honeymoon in Rome; they moved from New York to a new home in Lavallette and joined the town’s St. Pio of Pietrelcina Parish, and the “best part of all” was welcoming Baby Rocco Dean into their lives this past May. “It takes 100 percent teamwork,” Louis said of married life. “We complement one another,” Maureen added. Her words were echoed by silver anniversary couple Gregory and Marilyn Lecerff of St. Gregory the Great Parish, Hamilton Square, who claimed that they’ve found “forgiving over and over again” to be an essential to marriage. Silver anniversary couple Jonathan and Maria Theresa Edralin of St. Clement Parish, Matawan, admitted that their family has experienced some challenging circumstances. But they were happy to have their three children, present for the Anniversary Blessing Mass. “With God’s grace, we managed to pull through it together, Jonathan said. After noting that the greatest blessings they received during their 50 years of marriage have been their six children and 20 grandchildren, Peggy and Joe Loennecker of St. Thomas More Parish, Manalapan, reflected on what it meant for them to celebrate their golden anniversary with a Mass celebrated by Bishop O’Connell. “It is the way that our marriage started, with God, and he is the one who will keep us going.” Continued on 46

1. Deacon Bob and Charlene Tharp of St. Raphael-Holy Angels Parish, Hamilton, receive a blessing from Msgr. Thomas N. Gervasio, diocesan vicar general. Mike Ehrmann photo 2. A tender moment between a couple as they renew their wedding vows. Mike Ehrmann photo 3. A wife shares her worship aid with her husband during the Anniversary Blessing Mass in St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral, Trenton. Mary Stadnyk photo 4. Marilyn Lecerff smiles at her husband Ed during the renewal of wedding vows. The Lecerffs attend St. Gregory the Great Parish, Hamilton Square. Mary Stadnyk photo 5. A wife smiles to her husband during the renewal of wedding vows in St. Robert Bellarmine Co-Cathedral, Freehold. Mary Stadnyk photo 6. An annivesary couple holds hands and smiles for photographer Mike Ehrmann. Mike Ehrmann photo 7. During the Oct. 2 in St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral, a couple shows a picture from their wedding day. Mike Ehrmann photo 8. Shown are parish priests who concelebrated the Mass with Bishop O’Connell on Oct. 9 in St. Robert Bellarmine Co-Cathedral, Freehold. Mike Ehrmann photo 9. Bishop O’Connell greets the congregation during the Oct. 2 Mass in St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral, Trenton. With the Bishop are concelebrants Msgr. Joseph L. Roldan, Cathedral rector, left, and Msgr. Thomas N. Gervasio, diocesan vicar general. Mike Ehrmann photo November 2022


Anniversary Blessings Continued from 45

LABOR OF LOVE Reflecting on the Bishop’s Anniversary Blessing, which is a tradition in the Diocese of Trenton started by Bishop George W. Ahr in 1963, Peg Hensler, diocesan associate director of marriage ministries and Natural Family Planning, said the occasion “is always a great source of joy for our anniversary

couples and an invaluable witness for our families, especially the children and grandchildren of these wonderful couples. “This event is a time to uphold what is good, true and beautiful about the Sacrament of Matrimony reflected in the faces of every anniversary couple,” she said. Msgr. Edward Arnister is one pastor who enjoys concelebrating the Bishop’s Anniversary Mass and sharing in a happy occasion with the married couples. “What a beautiful and touching witness of love, faithfulness, commitment and the joy of our brothers and sisters who live out the vocation of Holy Matrimony,” said Msgr. Arnister, pastor of St. Rose Parish, Belmar. “The Anniversary Blessing Mass is a loving and visible sign of God’s love so visible in the lives of these couples. It adds to the joy of being a priest. I’m so glad we have this annual celebration.” The Anniversary Blessing Masses are coordinated by the diocesan Department of Evangelization and Family Life and made possible, in part, through the generous support of the Annual Catholic Appeal by the people of the Diocese.  Ed and Arlene Scully of Our Lady of Sorrows-St. Anthony Parish, Hamilton, were recognized by Bishop O’Connell during the Oct. 2 Mass in St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral, Trenton. At 70 years, the Scullys are the longest married couple in the Diocese this year. Mike Ehrmann photo

Congratulations & warm wishes to all the couples celebrating a special anniversary this year. To my Tricia, One lifetime is not enough. Our love is for all Eternity. I love you forever. Louis

A special gift from

THE MONITOR for all Anniversary Couples listed in this magazine. Receive a free, one-year new subscription or renewal to your diocesan magazine (includes both print and digital editions).

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Patricia & Louis Vincelli  50th Anniversary

One year of the Diocese’s award-winning magazine … with our compliments and heartfelt congratulations!

 Go to and click on NEWS>DIOCESE for PHOTO GALLERIES and a SPECIAL VIDEO featuring some of this year’s anniversary couples. 46   THE MONITOR MAGAZINE

November 2022

Celebrating Couples Married... 1 year • 25 years • 50+ years The couples who took part in one of the Bishop’s Anniversary Blessings are listed here, by county and parish:

Corpus Christi, Willingboro • Michael & Carole Gennello, 50 • Frank & Sandra Helverson, 60 • Eugene & Barbara Tirpak, 50 Holy Eucharist, Tabernacle • Robert & Virginia Proto, 60 Mary, Mother of the Church, Bordentown • Frederick & Lorraine Babbitt, 50 • John & Claudia Fratinardo, 50 • William & Joann Rosso, 52 Our Lady of Good Counsel, Moorestown • Fred & Mary Adams, 50 • William & Suzanne Menges, 50 Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Maple Shade • Wayne & Kathleen Comegno, 50 • Ronald & Margaret Mikulski, 50 Our Lady Queen of Peace, Hainesport • William & Jillanne Bagnell, 50 Resurrection, Delran • George & Maryellen Zitzler, 50 Sacred Heart, Mount Holly • John & Lillian Brady, 51 • Paul & Quitéria Spatz, 50 Sacred Heart, Riverton • Michael & Cynthia Cramer, 25 • Paul & Bridget Iwaszczenko, 1 St. Ann, Browns Mills • Peter & Susan Zammit, 25 St. Charles Borromeo, Cinnaminson • Robert & Marjorie Blasucci, 50 St. Mary of the Lakes, Medford • Ronald & Elizabeth Rossell, 57 • Albert & Christine Walcek, 1

Mercer County

Our Lady of the Angels, Trenton • Darrin & Joyce Christensen, 25 • Marco & Claudia Cordero Lopez, 1 • Luciano & Blanca Leon Gonzalez, 50 • Luis & Juliane Navarro, 1 • William &

Mary Stadnyk photo

Burlington County

Karla Villalobos, 25

Patricia Romano, 50

Our Lady of Good Counsel, West Trenton • Darrin and Joyce Christensen, 25 Our Lady of Sorrows-St. Anthony, Hamilton • John & Mary Suzanne Bensel, 63 • William & Andrea Giraldi, 1 • Angelo & Regina Clare Milioto, 52 • David and Catherine Paul, 60 St. Ann, Lawrenceville • Joseph & Beverly Chiarello, 50 • Shawn & Luann Kildea, 25 St. Anthony of Padua, Hightstown • Joseph & Anne Borek, 51 • Luis & Rosa Carpio, 60 • Thomas & Donna Clarke, 50 • Vicente & Joyce Elorza, 49 • Mauricio & Jackeline Fernández, 30 • Paul & Kimberly Jakubicki, 25 • Thomas & Barbara McGeachen, 53 • Ramiro & Delia Navas Quevedo, 25 • Wilbur & Karen Wong, 25 St. David the King, Princeton Junction • Dominic & Cathryn Tudda, 50 St. George, Titusville • Michael & Marlene Lynch, 50 • C. James &

St. Gregory the Great, Hamilton Square • Rolfi & Rosanna Cruz, 1 • Herman & Louise Ann Keiling, 50 • Gregory & Marilyn Lecerff, 25 • Daniel & Ashley MontJohnson, 1 • Daniel & Alyce Rossi, 50 • Joseph & Marie Scandariato, Sr., 60 • Jack & Linda Zefutie, 50 St. James, Pennington • Joseph & Maryann Bielamowicz, 50 • Dick & Mary Beth Currie, 50 • Frank & Bridget Klapinski, 50 St. Joseph, Trenton • Carlos David & Mergelie Laica, 1 • Fransisco & Virginia Leiva, 54 • Eugenio & Carmen Judy Lopez, 50 • Adan & Luz Olmeda, 50 St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral, Trenton • Jorge & Rosalba Osoria, 25 St. Paul, Princeton • Giuseppe and Kristen Neri, 1 St. Raphael • Holy Angels, Hamilton • Mark & Linda Richardson, 50 • Anton & Mary Schujko, 60 • Robert & Charlene Tharp, 57

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Anniversary Blessings

St. Vincent de Paul, Yardville • Thomas & Barbara Hope, 51

Monmouth County Holy Cross, Rumson • Blair & Elizabeth O’Connor, 25 Holy Family, Keyport • Michael & Maritza Malone, 50 Holy Innocents, Neptune • Daniel & Barbara Abbruscato, 59 • Neil & Maria Scotto, 50 • Robert & Claire French, 65 Nativity, Fair Haven • Lee & Theresa Horney, 50 • Christopher & Angela McAvoy, 25 Our Lady of Fatima, Keyport • Nicholas & Anna DiFranco, 50 Our Lady of Perpetual Help – St. Agnes, Atlantic Highlands • Anthony & Carol Alleva, 55 • William & Eileen Skiff, 65 Precious Blood, Monmouth Beach • Frank & Jennifer Campeau, 1 • Leonard & Regina Kiczek, 50 • Nicholas & Patricia Lehotsky, 61 St. Ann, Keansburg • Michael & Linda Gelpke, 50

St. Anselm, Wayside • Angelo & Donna Catania, 50 St. Anthony, Red Bank • Roberto & Idania Casas, 1 • Daniel & Joaquina Tepoz Castro, 1 St. Benedict, Holmdel • Gordon & Hilare Reinold, 60 St. Catharine, Holmdel • William & Kathleen Emmrich, 50 • Robert & Susan Kolmer, 50 • Gerald & Dawn Sharpe, 25 St. Catharine-St. Margaret, Spring Lake • John & Kathleen Briscoe, 50 • Robert & Christine Devaney, 1 • Anthony & Patricia Petrosini, 25 • Kevin & Kaitlin Valcarcel, 1 St. Catherine of Siena, Farmingdale • John & Stephanie Harakal, 60 • Dennis & Lorraine Morieko, 50 St. Catherine Laboure, Middletown • Eugene & Earline Cutolo, 59 • John & Joyce Kaiser, 50 • Edward & Marianne Striedl, 50 • Jeffrey & Arina Vrecenak, 1 St. Clement, Matawan • Jonathan & Maria Theresa Edralin, 25 • Eugene & Linda McDonald, 25 • William & Sharon O’Hare, 50 • Thomas & Marilyn Swords, 50 • Thomas &

Father Christopher Picollo, pastor of Nativity Parish, Fair Haven, blesses 25th anniversary couple Vincent and Nicole Piroso of St. James Parish, Red Bank, following the Oct. 9 Bishop’s Anniversary Blessing Mass in St. Robert Bellarmine Co-Cathedral, Freehold. Nicole Piroso also teaches in Red Bank Catholic High School, Red Bank.


November 2022

Elizabeth Trivisone, 50 St. Denis, Manasquan • Brian & Carole Keenan, 25 • Patrick & Carole DiSalvo, 54 St. Dorothea, Eatontown • Fernando & Ilda Silvestre, 50 • Carmelo & Aurea Ve Vera, 25 St. Gabriel, Marlboro • Francis & Marian Gracon, 58 • Mark & Karen Petruzzi, 25 • Dennis & Concetta Raymond, 50 • Henry & Maureen Sutter, 50 • Anthony & Mary Ann Veneziano, 50 • Walter & Patricia Zemlanicky, 25 St. James, Red Bank • Vincent & Nicole Piroso, 25 • Pat & Helen Redmond, 25 St. John, Allentown • Edward & Jennifer Courtney, 25 • Jason & Stephanie Izbicki, 1 • Alexander & Mary Lyczak, 50 St. Joseph, Millstone Twp. • Louis and Frances Ambio, 50 • Dennis & Elizabeth Maxwell, 50 • James & Patricia McDonnell, 60 • Coleen Patricia & Joseph Richard Raccuglia, 25 • Rosario and Ann Roccaro, 50 St. Leo the Great, Lincroft • Gregory and Elizabeth Kwasnicki, 50 • David and Colleen Muldowney, 50 • James & Mike Ehrmann photo

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3. Jenny Pietrofesa, 50 St. Mark, Sea Girt • Henry & Margaret Bossett, 50 • Gerald & Elizabeth Eldridge, 25 • Richard & Kathleen Toohey, 50 St. Mary, Colts Neck • Vincenzo & Lucille Camarda, 50 • Michael & Barbara Castiello, 55 • Stephen & Andrea Kryscnski, 25 • Thomas & Laura Tiefenthaler, 30 St. Mary, Middletown • Patrick & Carmela Aversano, 50 • Gennaro & Anna Aversano, 50 • Michael & Joanne Deignan, 25 • Nicholas & Theresa Ann DePinto, 50 • Michael & Lois Galvin, 59 • Michael & Gilda Healy, 25 • William & Virginia Large, 50 • Charles & Kathleen Pickler, 50 • Jerome & Marjorie Sawick, 50 • Richard & Diana West, 55 St. Michael, West End • Gary & Sally Fox, 50 • William Jr. & Patricia Haas, 65 • Thomas & Vicki Hoagland, 50 • Alessandro & Christina Lombardo, 25 •



Louis & Patricia Vincelli, 50 St. Robert Bellarmine Co-Cathedral, Freehold • Peter & Patricia Bongiorno, 64 • Robert & Louise Campbell, 52 • Roland & Diane Cormier, 50 • Alfred & Nancy Dolce, 50 • Richard & Eileen Fontana, 60 years • Mark & Kristina Lawrence, 1 • Edward & Monica Lista, 50 • Vito & Cabrina Lubrano, 60 • Michael & Rosemarie Lyons, 50 • Vincent & Rita Marrano, 57 • Dennis and Marie Martino, 53 • Richard & Toni-Ann Murphy, 50 • Carl & Geri Ricca, 50 • Wilfrido & Erlinda Santos, 50 • Francis & Margaret Steffero, 50 • Anthony & Joann Tremari, 50 • Richard & Rosalie Vonfrolio, 50 • Joseph & Francesca Yutko, 1 St. Rose, Belmar • Dennis & Patricia Buchanan, 50 • John & Maryann Carvelli, 50 St. Rose of Lima, Freehold • Gasper & Janet Giordano, 50 • Luis & Erika Continued on 50

1. Msgr. John K. Dermond, a retired priest of the Diocese, bestows a blessing on an anniversary couple in St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral, Trenton. Mike Ehrmann photo 2. A one-year anniversary couple smiles during the renewal of vows in St. Robert Bellarmine Co-Cathedral, Freehold. Mary Stadnyk photo Mary Stadnyk photo

3. A first-year anniversary couple smiles for a photo before the start of Mass in St. Robert Bellarmine Co-Cathedral. Mike Ehrmann photo 4. Bishop O’Connell poses for a photo with a couple who was honored in St. Robert Bellarmine Co-Cathedral, Oct. 9. Mike Ehrmann photo 5. A couple holds hands as they listen to the Bishop’s homily during the Anniversary Blessing Mass in St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral. Mary Stadnyk photo

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Anniversary Blessings Continued from 49

Payes Hernandez, 1 • Neil and Henny Hopkins, 65 • Marlo & Belen Medina, 1 • Edward & Mary Nowak, 25 • Joseph & Anne Nowak, Sr., 55 • Genaro & MariaElidia Ramos, 1 • John & Carol Silver, 25 • Emanuel & Joann Sive, 50 • Wayne & Joan Walling, 58 St. Teresa of Calcutta, Bradley Beach • William & Kim Gannon, 1 • Jack & Ellyn McAleer, 50 St. Thomas More, Manalapan • Keith & Carol Casey, 51 • Lawrence & Annarosa Filachek, 50 • Robert & Jennifer Karaczun, 25 • Joseph & Margaret Loennecker, 50 • Frank & Grace Palazzolo, 50 • Anthony & Marle Pluchino, 50 • Ralph & Martha Romano, 60 • John & Catherine Rymas, 50 • Salvatore & Rita Ventura, 50 St. William the Abbot, Howell • Michael & Patricia Abatemarco, 50 • George & Mary Weis, 50

Ocean County Epiphany, Brick • James & Patricia Barra, 50 • Thomas & Sarah Butala, 50 • John & Mary Cummings, 50 • Michael & Sandra Mullarkey, 50 Our Lady of Guadalupe, Lakewood • Emilio & Abril Ortiz, 1 Sacred Heart, Bay Head • Joseph &

Anna Marie Fortes, 50 • Vincent & Rosemarie Perri, 60 St. Aloysius, Jackson • Robert & Joanne Boguslawski, 50 • Edward & Margaret Connelly, 55 • Carmen & Nan Jean Leonardis, 64 • Donald & Linda Marotto, 50 • James & Nina Rosano, 68 • Joseph & Maria Siciliano, 56 • Charles & Nancy Vitello, 63 St. Barnabas, Bayville • Douglas & Katherine Decker, 50 • Peter & Joan DeLuise, 69 • John & Ruth Lynch, 60 • Stephen & Sally Ann Rizzi, 50 • Martin & Carol Schmidt, 50 St. Dominic, Brick Town • John & Christina Armellino, 1 • William & Nancy Begley, 50 • Edward & Barbara Kochie, 50 • Austin & Ann Naughton, 50 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Whiting • Wayne & Virginia Gordon, 50 • Albert & Mary Hughes, 60 • Robert & Marie Koch, 52 • John & Theresa Tuck, 65 • John & Frances Urbaniak, 50 • Ariel & Mila Vista, 50 • Frank & Rita Viverito, 70 St. Isidore the Farmer, New Egypt • Michael & Susan Dolan, 25 • Joe & Maggie Guzzardo, 25 • Carlton & Nancy Lawrence, 25 • Felix & Lourdes Sajorda, 50 • Paul & Joyce Walter, 61 St. John, Lakehurst • Jeff & Maria Jable, 56 St. Joseph, Toms River • Michael & Megan Affa, 1 • Joseph & Catherine

Connors, 60 • Joseph & Diane Fucci, 60 • Leo & Hilda Galliguez, 50 • Allen & Leona Kozikowski, 50 • Robert & Catherine Lauten, 60 • Frank & Joanne McKenna, 60 • John & Mary Shalaida, 50 St. Justin, Toms River • Thomas & Marianne Grille, 50 • Anton & Barbara Kihm, 51 • Carl & C. Elaine Kling, 60 • Victor & Lucille Maccagnan, 50 • Anthony & Jean Tafrow, 50 St. Luke, Toms River • Joseph & Kathleen Bongiovi III, 25 • Harry & Margaret Graham, 52 • Edward & Lilia Tinio, 50 St. Martha, Point Pleasant • Samuel & Sarah Cartwright, 1 • Robert & Teresa Constantino, 51 • Raymond & JoAnn Hilling, 50 • Gerard & Nancy O’Donnell, 51 • Rocco & Janet Riso, 50 • Craig & Marianne Veprek, 50 St. Mary, Barnegat • William & Anna Beadle, 59 • Chester & Linda Broccoli, 50 • Henry & Carolyn Kretkowski, 50 • James & Marianne McGarry, 50 • Anton & Maria Picinic, 50 • Casper & Marie Sabatino, 60 • Michael & Charlotte Tatta, 50 St. Mary of the Lake, Lakewood • James & Catherine McCarthy, 62 St. Maximilian Kolbe, Toms River • Roger & Denise Avallone, 50 • Carl & Mary Benson, 58 • Ronald & Mary Kirby, 62 • Floyd & Antoinette Murray, 64 • Charles & Margaret Soffell, 50 • Edward & Mary Ann Strugala, 50 St. Monica, Jackson • Robert & Nancy Mahala, 25 • Victor & Mary Tardio, 50 St. Pio of Pietrelcina, Lavallette • John and Jane Borowski, 50 • Louis & Maureen DiPaola, 1 St. Pius the Tenth, Forked River • Andrew & Charlene Dzurisin, 1 • Tony & Pat Martucci, 56 • Joseph & Elaine Tirella, 50

A couple holds hands during the renewal of wedding vows in St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral, Trenton, Oct. 2. Mary Stadnyk photo


 November 2022

St, Theresa, Little Egg Harbor • Frank & Barbara Davide, 52 • Stephen & Patricia James, 50 • Joseph & Gayle Jarema, 50 • George & Antoinette Johnson, 50 • Stuart & Florence Palmeri, 55; James & Keren Schulze, 25 Visitation, Brick Town • Larry & Francine Parillo, 50

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