Monitor Mag Nov 2024 Anniversary Blessings

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Anniversary Blessings

To Honor and Cherish

Bishop reminds anniversary couples their marriage is a ‘Sacrament of God’ BY MARY STADNYK  Associate Editor and


Digital and Social Media Manager


Couples beam as they reaffirm their wedding vows during the 2023 Anniversary Blessing Masses. Mike Ehrmann photo

ophia Cerullo had tears in her eyes when attending the Oct. 22 Bishop’s Anniversary Blessing Mass. A member of St. John the Baptist Parish, Allentown, Cerullo was happy to visit St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral, Trenton, for the very first time and witness her parents, Michael and Janet, renew their wedding vows before Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M. “We’re excited to receive the graces from the Bishop as he blesses us on our 25th anniversary, both as a couple and as a family,” Janet Cerullo said. “Today, we’re going to pray for an abundance of graces that will serve us as we look forward to our next 25 years.” The Cerullos were among the nearly 300 couples from around the Diocese who attended the 2023 Bishop’s Anniversary Blessing Masses. Bishop O’Connell Continued on 47

November 2023


Anniversary Blessings



n movies or on TV, we see people getting married in all sorts of places, on beaches or cruise ships, jumping out of airplanes or even having their wedding ceremony in Las Vegas with Elvis himself as the minister! You, however, decided to get married in the Church because you understand your marriage as a Sacrament, one of those seven outward signs instituted by Christ to give grace. You understood your marriage as something not just between the two of you, but between the two of you and God. That is why we say that the Sacrament of Marriage is a covenant; it is covenant between the two of you and God. That description calls to mind the words of St. John Chrysostom, that famous theologian from the early Church, “Let those who take spouses now do as they did at Cana in Galilee. Let them have Christ in their midst.” You have chosen to be married in the sight of a generous God who so loved the world that he gave himself to us in the person of Jesus Christ. And in the Spirit of this generous God, husband and wife are to give themselves to each another. A spiritual life grows as love finds its center beyond ourselves: in God. Faithful and committed relationships offer a doorway into the mystery of spiritual life through which we discover this: the more we give of self, the richer we become in soul; the more we go beyond ourselves in love, the more we become our true selves and our spiritual beauty is more fully revealed. In marriage we are seeking to bring one another into fuller life and to belong to one another not as a “possession” but as a possibility for true, deep love.

Bishop O’Connell preaches his homily during the Oct. 8 Anniversary Blessing Mass in St. Robert Bellarmine CoCathedral, Freehold. Mike Ehrmann photo


November 2023

A couple does not begin marriage with perfect love. The couple grows in loving and grows by loving. Love is hard work. Sometimes – often, perhaps – love has brought suffering, if not love has been a disguised form of selfishness. But just as the Church is strengthened through suffering, your relationship has grown in the valleys. There is always more growth in the valleys than on the mountain tops. Jesus has commanded us to love as he has loved. How did Jesus love? He loved it until it cost him. He loved all the way to the cross and death. That is love. If he had stopped loving before Calvary then it would not have been love at all. It would have been only for what he could get out of it. But love, in the sense that Jesus means, is loving even when it means undergoing suffering for the sake of the other. That is real love, loving for the good of the other. That is precisely how Jesus explains his love in the Gospel of John when he said: No  “The more one has greater love than this: to lay we give of self, down one’s life for one’s friends ( John 15:13). the richer Again and again, we have given God all sorts of reasons to turn his we become back on us, but he kept on loving us in soul.” because he made a covenant with us, not a contract. We can use all sorts of legal means to wiggle our way out of a contract – and many do – but not you: for you the loving, faithful covenant of marriage is irrevocable. That is precisely the love of God we see for us in his covenant with us: unbreakable, irrevocable. There are many ideas of marriage in the world today, but your married life has been a Sacrament you received in the Lord, joined together for many years in the Lord. And you turn to Christ to sustain your love for each other because Christ has blessed your marriage and we renew his blessing as we celebrate your wedding anniversary. Your marriage has been something very human, fulfilling the desire in the hearts of all of us to share our lives with another, but your marriage has also been a Sacrament of God. This, your Sacrament, has brought you together, keeps you together in a bond of love that has grown stronger, deeper, holier with the passage of time. Its ingredients are a mixture of patience, dedication and commitment, frustrations and tolerance, laughter and tears, work and rest, families with children or families with just the two of you, all blended together in the mystery and fulfillment of married love. It is up to you, with God’s grace, to embrace that marvelous recipe every day, all day. When marriage endures – 50 years or more, 25 years, 1 year – thank God, may God bless you all the days of your lives together. May God be the One you look to see together, husband and wife, as you live your lives and as your lives finally lead you home to God. Congratulations!

Celebrating love Continued from 45

celebrated a Mass Oct. 8 in St. Robert Bellarmine Co-Cathedral, Freehold, for couples from Monmouth and Ocean counties marking one, 25, or 50 or more years of marriage this year. The Oct. 22 Mass was celebrated in the Cathedral for couples from Burlington and Mercer counties. BISHOP’S BLESSING The Bishop’s Anniversary Blessing Masses have been a standing favorite in the Diocese, providing an opportunity for couples to renew their wedding vows and receive a special blessing from the Bishop. After the Masses, the couples are invited to receive an individual blessing from one of the priest concelebrants and a certificate marking their milestone. This year, each celebration was followed by refreshments, music and dancing. “Your marriage has been something very human, fulfilling the desire in the hearts of all of us to share our lives with one another,” Bishop O’Connell said, “but your marriage has also been a Sac-

Frank and Margaret Giampietro of St. David the King Parish meet with Mercer County episcopal vicar, Msgr. Dennis Apoldite; BIshop O’Connell and Vicar General Msgr. Thomas Gervasio. Hal Brown photo

rament of God. “This Sacrament has brought you together, keeps you together in a bond of love that has grown stronger, deeper, holier with the passage of time. Its ingredients are a mixture of patience, dedication and commitment, frustrations and tolerance, laughter and tears, work and rest, families with children or families with just the two of you, all blended together in the mystery and fulfillment of married love. It is up to you, with God’s grace, to

Many extended family members rejoiced alongside anniversary couples at the Masses. Hal Brown

embrace that marvelous recipe every day, all day,” the Bishop said. EMBRACING THE SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Couples shared a host of sentiments about all that it takes to make a marriage last and what it meant for them to celebrate their milestone with other couples also marking significant anniversaries. Frank and Margaret Giampietro of St. David the King Parish, Princeton Junction, have been together for 70 years. They were all smiles when they learned they are the longest-married couple in the Diocese this year. Before the Oct. 22 Mass in the Cathedral began, the couple enjoyed the chance to meet briefly with Bishop O’Connell; Msgr. Thomas Gervasio, diocesan vicar general; and Msgr. Dennis Apoldite, episcopal vicar of Mercer County, in the Cathedral rectory. “This is such a nice thing to do,” Margaret Giampietro said of the Mass, then noted how pleased she and her husband were to have members of their family — which includes four children, nine grandchildren and four great grandchildren — in attendance. She added that she hopes she and Frank hope can set an example that hard work and keeping the faith can make marital longevity possible. Frank Giampietro recalled a number of married couples — including their Continued on 48


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Anniversary Blessings

Dreams come true Continued from 47

own parents and siblings — he and his wife considered role models when they were preparing for marriage 70 years ago. “We reached the point where we learned how to help each other without the other one asking,” he said. “We’ve had ups and downs,” Margaret Giampietro added, “but we work through them together and we always respect each other.” She added that “it’s been through the grace of God” that the couple persevered. Paul Tonacci of St. Mary Parish, Colts Neck, reflected on his first year of marriage to his wife, Maria. “The Lord has a plan and you need to lean into that and trust,” he said. “It took me 37 years to find her, and I would wait 37 more years if I knew we would end up together.” Maria Tonacci added that she and her husband are expecting their first child and “that has been our biggest blessing” in married life.

KEEP THE FAITH, KEEP YOUR HUMOR The mantra Jacqueline and Richard Lopardo of St. Pius X Parish, Forked River, have followed in their 60 years of marriage is “Be true to your faith.” “Go to Mass together and pray together,” Jacqueline Lopardo said, reiterating that all couples should continuously rely on their Catholic faith. Deacon Larry Finn of Mary, Mother of the Church Parish, Bordentown, flashed a smile to his wife, Jodie, when he said that “saying ‘Yes dear’” is what he has learned during their 55 years of marriage. “Seriously though, you do have to try and keep a sense of humor,” Deacon Finn said, while Jodie Finn added that along with abiding by their wedding vows, the couple vowed to realize that during their married life there would be times that “we will have to agree to disagree.” “I’ve enjoyed these 55 years of companionship,” Deacon Finn added. “With the grace of God, and the Sacrament, we were able to live through some pretty challenging times,” Jodie Finn added. “We’re best friends.”

Bishop O’Connell receves the gifts of bread and wine from Deacon Larry and Jodie Finn of Mary Mother of the Church Parish, Bordentown, at the Oct. 22 anniversary blessing Mass. Hal Brown photo 48   THE MONITOR MAGAZINE

 November 2023

The main reason why Janis and Frank Stia of Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish, West Trenton, attended the Anniversary Blessing Mass was that “God was part of our lives from our wedding day, our 50 years together, and God will continue to be part of our lives. “Prayer has always been a comforting resource,” Frank Stia said. “Being together for 50 years, we’ve enjoyed so many events with family and friends, such as holiday gatherings, vacations and other special occasions, and we’ve always had each other to lean on in times of need.” MARRIAGES HAVE CHALLENGES Kathleen Weilbacker of Sacred Heart Parish, Mount Holly, admitted that she and her husband, Thomas, have had their share of challenges during their 50 years of marriage. Noting they were very young – 18 and 19 – when they married, then welcomed their newborn daughter, Elaine, the following year, the couple struggled to make ends meet financially. “But we were happy and committed to building a good life together,” she said, noting that they persevered by pursuing higher education opportunities and holding down multiple jobs. Along with enduring other hardships, including job losses and loss of family members, Kathleen Weilbacker recalled struggling with her Catholic faith, but said the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks changed that. “We had recently moved to California for a job and felt isolated and helpless during that time, but God was calling us back to him, and we followed,” she said. She noted that, at the time, her husband was not Catholic, but he eventually decided to enter the faith. “And my faith is stronger now than it ever was before,” she said. “If you really love and respect each other, that will carry you through any trials you may face,” is the advice she said she would give to couples preparing for marriage. “Always have dreams that may seem insurmountable now, but working together will help those dreams come true. It may require some hard work and lots of help from God, but if we can do it, you can too!”

Msgr. Joseph N. Rosie, pastor of St. James Parish, Red Bank, blesses a couple and their family after the Co-Cathedral Mass. Mike Ehrmann photo

An anniversary couple reads the Prayers of the Faithful at the Co-Cathedral Anniversary Blessing Mass Oct. 8. Mike Ehrmann photo

A little one snuggles soundly while her parents renew their vows at the Bishop’s Anniversary Blessing Mass. Mike Ehrmann photo November 2023


Anniversary Blessings

Celebrating Couples Married... 1 year • 25 years • 50+ years

The couples who took part in one of the Bishop’s Anniversary Blessings are listed here, by county and parish:

Burlington County

Lueckel, 50 • Deacon Gary & Virginia Richardson, 50

CORPUS CHRISTI, Willingboro • Jose Redmond & Frances Vasquez, 25 HOLY EUCHARIST, Tabernacle • Brian & Juliane Beebe, 1 • Matthew & Kim Bezanis, 25 • Robert & Rita Haines, 50 • Mark & Frances Mainardi, 65 JESUS THE GOOD SHEPHERD, Beverly • Norman & Mary Frances Hansen, 50 • Leonard & Kathleen Patrizi, 50 MARY, MOTHER OF THE CHURCH, Bordentown • Deacon Lawrence & Jodie Finn, 55 • Carlos & Corazon Jayme, 53 • Tom & Marie Krosnick, 50 • William & Mary

OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL, Moorestown • Anthony & Regina Dain, 50 • Robert & Bernadette Garofola, 53 • Michael & Clara Gittings, 66 • Louis & Jeanne Gallo, 55 • James & Erin Kelly, 1 • Russel & JoAnne Miller, 55 • Rocco & Carole Ann Palmieri, 50 • William & Linda Thomas, 1 • Christopher & Rosemarie Torchia, 25 OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP, Maple Shade • Thomas & Emily Mae McGonigle, 60 SACRED HEART, Mount Holly • Richard & Rosa Jones, 50 • Clark &

Cherry Lozano, 1 • Tom & Kathy Weilbacker, 50 SACRED HEART, Riverton • Michael & Nicole Bisicchia, 1 ST. CHARLES BORROMEO, Cinnaminson • Dennis & Elizabeth Field, 50 ST. KATHARINE DREXEL, Burlington • Richard & Lisa Klarmann, 50

Mercer County

OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL, West Trenton • Humberta Sanchez Cuautle & Alex Castillo, 1 • Frank & Janis Stia, 50 OUR LADY OF SORROWS-ST.

Couples received additional blessings after Mass in the Co-Cathedral from Father Edward Blanchett, pastor of Visitation Parish, Brick. Mike Ehrmann photo


November 2023

ANTHONY, Hamilton • John & Suzanne Bensel, 64 • Samuel & Patricia Falconello 61 • John & Francine Michaels, 50 OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS, Trenton • Diego & Faviola Gonzalez, 1 • Antonio Luis Luis & Karina Toshua Paliero, 1 • Vincent & Gemma Russo, 1 SACRED HEART, Trenton • Gertrude Marie & John Andrew Breuer, 50 ST. ANN, Lawrenceville • Christian & Victoria Cuison, 1 • Shane & Amanda Hickey, 1 • Kenneth T. & Maryann Micai, 52 • Arnold & Carolyn Peucker, 25 • Daisy & Thomas Ponting, 50 ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA, Hightstown • Deloris & Thomas Garvey, 60 • Richard & Annabelle Ramirez, 25 ST. DAVID THE KING, Princeton Junction • Joshua & Tracy Anthony, 25 • Michael & Janet Cerullo, 25• Philip & Graceann Gatto, 1 • Margaret & Frank Giampietro, 70 • Wallace J. & Kathleen B. Kowrach, 50 • Ronald & Amalia Montemayor, 25 • Paul & Tracy Murray, 25 ST. GREGORY THE GREAT, Hamilton Square • Christopher & Lauri Harbison, 25 • David & Maureen Iorio, 25 • Sheila & James Kelly, 60 • William & Pearl Kocis, 60 • Andrew & Diane Litecky, 50 • Joseph & Marie Scandariato, 61 • Annmarie & Alexander Wolochuk, 25 ST. JAMES, Pennington • Natalie & David Grace, 25 • Elizabeth & Karl Muessig, 50 ST. JOSEPH, Trenton • Jesus E. Alvarez & Elys F. Frias, 1 • Rodolfo Alvarez & Alba Camey, 1 • Lazaro Cruz & Lourdes Noyola, 25 • Winton Gonzalez & Lina Torres, 1 • Elder Lopez & Luz Excobar, 1 • Edin Martinez & Yolanda Zari, 1 • Eduardo Perez & Fatima Rosales, 1 • Jose & Mariana Puac Aguilar, 1 ST. MARY OF THE ASSUMPTION CATHEDRAL, Trenton • Ashley Gonzalez & Junior Jean-Baptiste, 1 • James & Sheila Kelly, 60 • Amanda & Nelson Meda, 25 • Ofelio & Carmen

Santiago, 50 ST. PAUL, Princeton • Sam & Zoila Aragona, 25 • Anna Cianciara & Eduardo Hermesmeyer, 1 • Joseph & Nerissa Chin, 50 • William & Phyllis Coyer, 62 • Grace & Thomas Finn III, 52 • Dean & Mary Ann Pappas, 25

Monmouth County CHRIST THE KING, Long Branch • Irone & Gil Campos, 1 • Ryan & Katelyn McCue, 1 • Timothy & Donna McCue, 50 • Cathleen & John McNee, 50 • David & Joanne O’Connell, 25 • Carmen Carpio Lopez & Juan Carlos Rodriguez Hernandez, 1 • Oscar & Nancy Urbina, 1 HOLY CROSS, Rumson • Joseph & Susan Robertson, 51 HOLY FAMILY, Keyport • Barbara & Joseph Stahley, 50 MOTHER OF MERCY, Asbury Park • Jose & Juddi Peralta, 1 NATIVITY, Fair Haven • Gary & Carmela Roccaro, 25 OUR LADY OF FATIMA, Keyport • Raymond & Elizabeth Kerr, 50 OUR LADY OF HOPE, West Long Branch • Elizabeth & Pasquale DeGiorgio, 55 • Joseph & Sheila Reyes, 1

“For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, with God’s help...” Hal Brown photo

ST. CATHARINE-ST. MARGARET, Spring Lake • Michele & Ollie Klein, 50 ST. CATHERINE LABOURE, Middletown • Eugene & Earline Cutolo, 60 • Frank & Mary Lee Murphy, 52 • Anthony & Joann Tremari, 51 ST. CLEMENT, Matawan • Jessica & Liam Collins, 25 • Linda & Frank LaRocca, 52 • Robert & Patricia Wyshynski, 50 ST. DENIS, Manasquan • Eliot & Lorene Colon, 25 • Maureen & Arthur Jacobus, 50• Denise & Michael Leib, 50 • Alana & Justin Mustakas 1 • Elizabeth & James Rice, 50 ST. DOROTHEA, Eatontown • Dave & Jody Kroll, 25

OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP-ST. AGNES, Atlantic Highlands • Anthony & Carol Alleva, 56

ST. GABRIEL, Marlboro • Josephine & Michael Diana, 25 • Rossano & Darlene Esposito, 25 • Francis “Skip” & Marian Gracon, 59

ST. ANN, Keansburg • Ryan Csordas & Maxine Glynn-Csordas, 1

ST. JAMES, Red Bank • Mallory & Michael Collins, 1 • Christine L. & Peter R. Jennings, 25 • Donald & JoAnne McGrath, 50 • Maryann & Skip Soberg, 50 • Catherine & Carmine Taffuri, 25 • V. Arthur & Mary Joan Ziemanis, 50

ST. ANSELM, Wayside • Donna & Angelo Catania, 51 ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA, Red Bank • Renzo & Amanda Estrada Principe, 1 • Florencia Castro & Victor Lopez, 1 ST. BENEDICT, Holmdel • Theresa & Robert Brophy, 25 • Meghan & Dylan Kiernan-Chow, 1 • Sandra & Francis Lupo, 50 • Anne & Christopher Montagnino, 25 • Natalie Kim & Stephen Stoop, 1

ST. JOHN, Allentown • Scot & Clare Goodwin, 25 • Geraldine & James McSorley, 40 • Robert & Maria Celeste Phillips, 50 • Dolores & Joseph Viotti, 52 ST. JOSEPH, Millstone Township • Eustace Anthony & Joanne Elizabeth

November 2023

Continued on 54


Anniversary Blessings

Congratulations & Warm Wishes to all the couples celebrating a special anniversary this year, especially... Mom and Dad,

Congratulations on 65 years of marriage! Your faithfulness to God and great love for one another are a blessing to your family and to the world. We love you, Debbie, Donna, Lisa & families.


Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:8a

Our love for each other and God has brought us so much happiness these past 25 years.

Celebrating our Golden Anniversary is a true blessing. Our hearts are filled with love and gratitude for each other and our family. Thank you, Jesus for walking by our side and guiding us on this journey. BOB & RITA HAINES • 50TH ANNIVERSARY

Cheers to many more happy years together!

Lord, thank you for all the blessings you have given us in our 61 years of marriage (January 20, 1962). Lord, continue to watch over us and our family.



A key for a Life Commitment to Marriage...

Live each day with -FaithTrust-Hope-ConfidenceAttitude-and “The Greatest of These is Love.” A short prayer before bedtime asking God’s Blessing “to make our Faith Strong; our Love Perfect, and our Marriage Sacred” MARK & FRANCES MAINARDI • 65TH ANNIVERSARY 52   THE MONITOR MAGAZINE

 November 2023

Mom and Dad,

Congratulations on 50 years of marriage! Your love for each other and your family is your greatest gift to all of us. Love, Bob, Rose, Katie, Mike, Mary Kate, Lizzie, Connor, Maddy & Tessa


We thank God for bringing us together and carrying us through the years.

Our 25th anniversary!

Here’s to a lifetime of love, happiness and each other. Another year, another reason to celebrate 60 years of wedded bliss.

We know, we’ve only made it with God’s help. Jesus continue to watch over us and our family.


Thank you God, for all the blessings you have bestowed on us during our fifty years of married life.


To Babci and Dziadzi, God Bless you on your

With you at our side, all things are possible. JOE & JOYCE MITCHELL • 50TH ANNIVERSARY

Dear Liam,

May God give us the strength for another 25 years together. I love you forever, Jess

55th Anniversary. We all love you very much and we are so Blessed to have you in our lives. Love, Jeanne, Michael, Johnny, Debbie, Joey, Lawrence, Joanna, Joe, Charlie and Jamesey. Also, Jean Valjean!



Mom & Dad (Ganma & Papa),


For all that you’ve been to us, for all that you’ve done for us, for all that you are... We love you! Happy 50th Anniversary! Love, Your Children & Grandchildren, Kerri, Nancy, Nick, Abby, Kayla, Danny & Adriana


I am so Blessed to have you. You are my miracle. I love you to the shore and back. Love, Schmoopie JOANNA & JOSEPH HAAG • 1ST ANNIVERSARY November 2023


Anniversary Blessings Continued from 51

Schiumo, 50 • Brianna & John Bowers, 1 • Joann & James Markey, 25 • Douglas & Jeanne Poray, 60 • Milagros & John Sims, 25 ST. LEO THE GREAT, Lincroft • John & Susan Cizin, 25 • Megan & William Fahey, 25 • Patricia & Lawrence Hicks, 25 • Robert & Beth O’Connor, 50 ST. MARK, Sea Girt • Bernard & Dorothy Ricciardi, 65 ST. MARY, Colts Neck • Sandra & Allen Montefusco, 25 • Donna & Francis Sikorskas, 50 • Michael & Eileen Stivala, 50 • Paul & Maria Tonacci, 1 ST. MARY, Middletown • Kathryn & Brian Fitzsimmons, 25 • Paul & Dorothy DeLuca, 50 • Brendan & Kathleen Goehl, 1 • Richard & Diana West, 56

A couple listens to Bishop O’Connell’s homily during the Bishop’s Anniversary Blessing Mass in St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral, Trenton. Mary Stadnyk photo ST. MICHAEL, West End • Darin & Lisa Zohn, 25 ST. ROBERT BELLARMINE COCATHEDRAL, Freehold • Perly & Anthony Alvarito, 25 • Rita &

Donna and Dan Mahoney of St. Thomas More Parish, Manalapan, share a kiss during the Oct. 8 Mass in St. Robert Bellarmine Co-Cathedral, Freehold. Mike Ehrmann photo Domenic Annese, 50 • Charlene & Joseph Azzaretto, 50 • Gloria & Peter Balestrino, 50 • Louise & Robert Campbell, 54 • James & Kathleen Carmello, 53 • Angela & Carmine Cipoletti, 50 • Michael & Barbara DeLucia, 50 • Beth Anne & Dave DeRenzo, 25 • Kathleen & Albert Doty, 54 • Carl & Eileen Edinger, 50 • Esmeralda Rivera & Evodio Felipe, 1 • Eileen & Richard Fontana, 62 • Christopher & Bridget Greco, 1 • John & Concetta Jaworski, 50 • Rich & Peggy Klotz, 25 • John & Marilyn Kuper 63, • Vito & Cabrina Lubrano, 60 • Annabel Hernandez-Ortega & Steven Ortega-Felipe, 1 • Antonio & Delia Russo, 59 • Carolyn & Stephen Stumpf, 60 • Arcangelo & Martha Valente, 50 • Ismael & Elizabeth Vicens, 52 • Eleanor & David Watker, 50 • John J. & Karen Wedemeyer, 50 ST. ROSE, Belmar • Deacon Eugene & Rosemary Malhame, 59 ST. ROSE OF LIMA, Freehold • Eric Benitez & Teresa Guadalupe Amigon, 25 • Humberta Sanchez Cuautle & Alex Castillo, 1 • Benito & Herminia Contreras, 1 • Jairo Cruz Campas &

Concepcion Mendez Melendez, 1 • Benito & Herminia Contreras, 1 • Roger & Dolores Gibson, 60 • Maria Soledad & Jose Bricio Guillen-Vilchis, 1 • Thomas & Barbara Houston, 63 • Janet & Thomas Imbach, 60 • Hector & Rosa Isela Pacheco, 1 • Mary & Robert Leonard, 60 • Carmelo Lopez & Martha Idalia Lopez, 25 • Ignacio Peralta Morales & Clara Perez Cuautle, 1 • Antonio Luis & Karina Toshua, 1 • Victor Vargas Cholula & Otilia Torres Zarate, 1 • Nancy & Edmond Ying, 25 • Maria Felicitas Morales Luna & Everardo Zamorano Tlapa, 25 ST. TERESA OF CALCUTTA, Bradley Beach • Deacon Richard & Mary Ann Coscarelli, 50 • Frederick & Christine Henkel, 50 • Sheila O’Leary & Dennis O’Leary, 50 ST. THOMAS MORE, Manalapan • Angela & Tom Caron, 1 • Peter & Ann Marie Enge, 25 • Donna & Daniel Mahoney, 50 ST. VERONICA, Howell • Ron & Stefanie Martino, 25 • Mary Ann & Joseph Valenti, 52 •

 Go to and click on NEWS>DIOCESE for PHOTO GALLERIES and a SPECIAL VIDEO featuring some of this year’s anniversary couples. 54   THE MONITOR MAGAZINE

November 2023

ST. WILLIAM THE ABBOT, Howell • Matthew & Maureen Bakke, 50

Ocean County EPIPHANY, Brick • Joan & Thomas Franken, 50 • Brenda & Le Roy Jackson, 50 • Adrianne & William Pratt, 50 • Karen & David Shilanskas, 50 OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE, Lakewood • Maria E. & Feliciano Del Valle, 52 • June & Adalbert Eipert, 50 • Sandra & Gabirel Perez Lopez, 1 • Gabriela & Efrain Reyes, 1 • Alejandra & Isauro Torres Bueno, 1 • Damaris & Luis Vazquez, 1 ST. ALOYSIUS, Jackson • Normajean & Vincent Cesario, 55 • Angelina & G. Ennaro Pane, 64 • Florence & Albert Pittius, 25 • Clare & Bernard Polatschek, 50 • Gail & James Sanderson, 50 • Patricia & Norman Schoenig, 50 • Maria & Joseph Siciliano, 57 ST. BARNABAS, Bayville • Patricia & Daniel Dobrzelecki, 50 • Donna & Stephen Farkas, 25• Ruth & Jay Lynch, 61

ST. JOHN, Lakehurst • Susan & William Belasco, 50 • Lucy & Frank DiGianni, 55 • Maria & Jeffrey Jable, 57 • Margaret & Robert Lapinski, 50 • Geraldine & John Walter, 50 ST. JOSEPH, Toms River • Tina & Robert Angelo, 50 • Pat & Jim Clayton, 50 • Barbara & William Corrigan, 50 • Christina & Arnievic Lalo, 1• Maureen & Christopher Landosky, 25 • Lois Ann & Michael Mahoney, 50 • Monica & Javier Rodriguez, 1 ST. LUKE, Toms River • Laura & Al Denaro, 65 ST. MARTHA, Point Pleasant • Elaine & James Dickerson, 52 • Catherine & Matthew Genz, 1 • Christine & Robert Gorecki, 50 • Teresa & Christopher Griffin, 25 • Kristen & Samuel Recenello, 25 • Laura & Ed Sarluca, 50 ST. MARY, Barnegat • Anna & William Beadle, 60 • Betty & Richard Centanni, 50 • Barbara & John Geiger, 60 • Barbara & Arthur Giori, 60 • Monica & August Intrabartolo, 50 • Angelina & Walter Koehler, 25 •

MariAnn & Milan Smikovecus, 50 ST. MAXIMILIAN KOLBE, Toms River • Mary & Ronald Kirby, 63 • Margaret & Charles Soffel, 51 • Marie & Glenn Stawicki, 50 • Maureen & Anthony Stella, 53 ST. MONICA, Jackson • Janet & Thomas Noordzy, 50 ST. PETER, Point Pleasant Beach • Joanna & Joseph Haag, 1 • Barbara & Edward Kaminski, 50 • Joyce & John Lajewski, 55 • Susan & George Loder, 25 ST. PIO OF PIETRELCINA, Lavallette • Christine & Donald Almasy, 50 • Jane & John Borowski, 52 • Mary & Bernard Brady, 50 • Marylou & James Evancik, 50 • Maureen & Ken Zebrowski, 50 ST. PIUS X, Forked River • Dina & Robert Fournier, 65 • Paula & Frank Little, 50 • Jacqueline & Richard Lop, 60 • Kerri & Michael Platt, 25 ST. THERESA, Little Egg Harbor • Ann & Peter Hummel, 50 VISITATION, Brick • Joyce & Joseph Mitchell, 50

ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, Brant Beach • Dorothy & Michael Duffy, 63 ST. DOMINIC, Brick • Sarah & Edward Buecker, 50 • Sharon & John Darmofalski, 25 • Mary & Harold Dill, 50 • Mary Ellen & Joseph Doherty, 50 • Maria & Joshua Hartwell, 1• Barbara & Edward Kochie, 51 • Susan & Walter Kowalczyk, 50

A special gift from The Monitor for all Anniversary Couples listed in this magazine. Receive a free, one-year new subscription or renewal* to your diocesan magazine (includes both print and digital editions). *One-time/one-year limit per couple

ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON, Whiting • Kathleen & Richard Eyerman, 60 • Regina Vaccaro & John Wendell, 25 ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, Long Beach Township • Delores & John Cannuli, 50 • Pamela & Gaetano Ponticiello, 25 • Patricia & Thomas Rears, 60 ST. ISIDORE THE FARMER, New Egypt • John & Teresa Heyer, 25 • Maria & Michael Menditto, 50 • Eleanor & Thomas Sabroe, 65 • Doreen & Jimmy Shepard, 51

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November 2023


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