Monitor MAY 2024 In Focus: Ordination Preview

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The Monitor introduces the men who will receive the Sacrament of Holy Orders in the coming weeks. On May 18, 13 men will be ordained deacons during a 10 a.m. Mass in St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral, Trenton. On June 1, Rev. Messrs. Wynne Kerridge and Brian Meinders will be ordained priests during a 10 a.m. Mass in the Cathedral. Both ordinations will be livestreamed on the diocesan Youtube channel www. Follow-up coverage on both will be featured on and in the June issue of The Monitor Magazine.

Loving God, others inspires Rev. Mr. Wynne Kerridge as he approaches priesthood

With June 1 ordination to the priesthood on the horizon, Rev. Mr. Wynne Kerridge knows his calling has been one that will best help him to facilitate spiritual well-being in others.

He was not raised Catholic but, while a freshman at Princeton University, studying economics and medieval studies, he became convinced of the truth of the Catholic faith.

“My college friends were probably the most influential … a number were discerning the priesthood or religious life,” he said. “This made me realize that I needed to consider what vocation I should pursue.”

He came into full communion with the Church at St. John the Baptist Parish, Allentown, Dec. 8, 2013 – the one-year anniversary of the first Mass he attended.

After two years at Princeton, he entered a small religious order, the Fraternity of St. Joseph

Rev. Mr. Kerridge, left, walks with Fr. Richard Osborn, parochial vicar, during a Eucharistic procession for St. James Parish, Red Bank. Courtesy photo


the Guardian, in southern France, where he remained for 18 months. He then transferred to the Diocese of Trenton in 2018 to Mount St. Mary Seminary, Emmitsburg, Md., where he will graduate this spring with a master of divinity degree and a master of arts degree in Church history.

Born Feb. 28, 1994, in Dallas, Texas, to parents David and Lisa Sinak, Wynne has three siblings – Cotty Hillman, Slade Sinak and Calder Sinak. He attended Providence Elementary School and Highland Park High School, both in Dallas, graduating in 2012.

He said he chose his vocation because he was looking for “how I can most effectively love God and neighbor … as a priest, I will most effectively help this at the point of history in which we live. If there were plenty of Catholic priests and such a shortage of married Catholic economists, so I could more effectively love God and neighbor as a married economist, I would have done so. But that is not the world in which we live.”

After being ordained to the diaconate last May, Rev. Mr. Kerridge served the past year in St. James Parish, Red Bank. During the school year he also assisted in St. James the Greater Parish, Charles Town, W.Va. His previous summer assignments included parish ministry in St. Michael, Long Branch; Our Lady of Good Counsel, Moorestown; Visitation Parish, Brick; and St. Charles Borromeo, Cinnaminson.

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10 THE MONITOR MAGAZINE  May 2024 In Focus
O r dination Previe w Priest
Rev. Mr. Wynne Kerridge, third from left, joins family members for a photo. Shown from left are David Sinak, Lisa Sinak, Rev. Mr. Kerridge, Ben Hillman, Rowan Hilman, Cotty Hillman, Slade Sinak and Calder Sinak. Courtesy photo

As ordination nears, Rev. Mr. Brian Meinders says experience enriched his faith

The path to the priesthood was not a straight road for Rev. Mr. Brian Meinders, but he hopes to be able to share what he has learned.

“I like to think that I have matured in my faith as I have learned more, both in the classroom and in my experience of life,” he reflected. “The most important thing that I have learned and would like to share is the great love that God has for each and every one of us; his mercy truly endures forever.”

He will be ordained a priest June 1. His vesting priest for ordination to the priesthood will be Father Brian Woodrow, pastor of St. Dominic Parish, Brick.

“I felt a call to share with others all of the good things that God had shared with me,” Rev. Mr. Meinders explained, “first in teaching the faith and later in celebrating the Sacraments. I was blessed with many good examples — my parents, numerous priests and religious.”


Born to Richard and LuAnne Meinders in 1984, in Lindenwold, Rev. Mr. Meinders has one brother, Christopher; his home parish is St. John the Baptist Parish, Allentown. He attended Ocean Day School, Lakewood Prep and Lakewood High School,

graduating in 2003.

He pursued studies in political science and psychology at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, but in 2005 took a break from academics. Rev. Mr. Meinders’ interest in poker led him to become a professional poker player, taking part in the World Series of Poker in 2012. He also coached Lincroft’s Christian Brothers Academy chess team to several Shore Conference and State titles, as well as the 12th grade national championship in 2018.

He returned in 2018 to St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, Wynnewood, Pa., where he earned a bachelor’s degree in philosophy in 2020, and a master of divinity degree in 2023, achieving summa cum laude distinction for both. He is completing a master’s degree in moral theology.


Rev. Mr. Meinders has served summer ministry assignments at St. Pius X, Broomall, Pa.; with the Little Sisters of the Poor at Holy Family Home, Philadelphia; St. John the Evangelist, Morrisville, Pa.; Our Lady of Good Counsel, Moorestown; and St. John the Baptist, Allentown. Following ordination to the diaconate last year, he served as deacon at Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish.

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O r dination Previe w Priest
Following ordination to the diaconate in May 2023, Rev. Mr. Brian Meinders pauses for a photo with his parents, Richard and LuAnne Meinders. Courtesy photo Rev. Mr. Brian Meinders receives the Book of the Gospels during the diaconate ordination rite May 2023. Jeff Bruno photo

Rev. Mr. Kerridge

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Fond memories thus far, he said, have included frying 1,600 pounds of frozen fries at the St. Charles Borromeo carnival, as well as baptizing and preaching.

“The passion and talents of the laity contribute to the proper functioning

“Scripture and the words of the liturgy express the mysteries of our faith.”

of the Church,” he observed. “Different people have different interests and skills … the pastor serves to keep a common vision … but lay initiative is also crucial.”

As far as his own faith journey, Rev. Mr. Kerridge said, “There has been a lot of continuity, and it has been marked mostly by slow, steady growth of elements already present. I have not had any flashy moments where things changed. Habits of prayer and living in the presence of God have become more consistent.”


There is one particular area, however, in which his faith life changes – not in a straight line, but in a circle:

Rev. Mr. Meinders

“in the yearly cycle of the liturgical calendar where we consider the same mysteries year after year,” he explained. “The Church puts [certain] truths particularly before our eyes in different seasons and each year; when I consider some mystery of the faith again, some facet of our faith will strike me in a slightly richer way.”

Rev. Mr. Kerridge said he has found preparing homilies spiritually valuable.

“Often I will reflect on how Scripture and the words of the liturgy express the mysteries of our faith, and that will move me to love of God,” he noted. “In preparing to preach, I will reflect on how Scripture and the words of the liturgy express the mysteries of our faith and then attempt to write that down so I can express that in a way that edifies others. But as an unintentional side effect, I often find myself benefiting.”

He said that learning the rich thought and logic behind various Church practices, and how Catholic thought and life fit together, have been fruitful for him.

“It is also helpful in realizing what practices are merely 21st-century American customs and what are handed to us from the Apostles and what are anywhere in -between,” he continued. “Parish life is often messy, and knowing the logic behind things helps in making decisions.”

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Throughout his varied experience, Rev. Mr. Meinders has developed a special place in his heart for teaching, particularly Catholic youth.

 “I am edified by the faithfulness of lay people.”

During ordination he will be vested by Father Richard Osborn parochial vicar in St. James Parish, where Rev. Mr. Kerridge will be assigned.

As a priest, Rev. Mr. Kerridge hopes “to offer the people the Sacraments and faith of the Church … not the faith of Wynne. This is not my show. Rather I hope to be an instrument that Christ uses in his show.”

“I have very much enjoyed working in parish schools and with a homeschooling co-op,” he said. “Working with kids helps me to keep seeing the world in new ways; the questions they ask and the wonder they have about things are a joy.” He also has appreciated being able to spend time with those who attend daily Mass, saying, “I am edified by the faithfulness of laypeople who begin each day with the Lord in that beautiful way.”

At ordination Father Brian Woodrow, pastor of St. Dominic Parish, will vest Rev. Mr. Meinders; he will be assigned to St. Robert Bellarmine Co-Cathedral, Freehold. His priesthood, he hopes, will be one of making the Lord present to his people in a variety of ways, “from preaching the Gospel to helping build up a community, and especially celebrating the Sacraments.”

12 THE MONITOR MAGAZINE  May 2024 In Focus
Wynne Kerridge Brian Meinders
O r dination Previe w Priest

Seminarian Alan Bridges will mark another step on his journey toward priesthood when he is ordained a transitional deacon by Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M. in St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral, Trenton, May 18 at 10 a.m.

Ordination as a transitional deacon generally occurs after a seminarian has completed several years of study in theology and takes place usually one year prior to priestly ordination. As a deacon, he will be an ordinary minister of Baptism, and will be able to preside at weddings, assist the priest at Mass, proclaim the Gospel and preach as well as preside at wakes and funeral services.

As a man who is committed to becoming a priest, transitional deacons make a promise of celibacy.

Alan J. Bridges looks forward to preaching as transitional deacon

When Alan J. Bridges is ordained a transitional deacon, he hopes to be able “to share my love of Christ with others through preaching at Mass.”

Being a transitional deacon is a step toward becoming a priest, and Bridges said that, when he was in the Navy 20142021, he recognized that many of the things that attracted him to the service – self-sacrifice, discipline and fraternity – “were in fact perfected and sanctified in the priesthood, and at the service of the greatest mission of all: saving souls.”

“In boot camp I began taking my faith more seriously, but it wasn’t until about two years into my service in the Navy that I really started seriously discerning a call to the priesthood,” he reflected.

Bridges said “a mix of things” contributed to this seismic shift. “I got to know some great priests who became mentors to me and, observing their example – especially their deep faith and devotion to the Eucharist and Confession – prompted me to look into the priesthood.”

Bridges was born Aug. 27, 1996, in Rahway to Jack and Barbara Bridges. The family attended St. John Vianney Parish, Colonia, and later Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Newark. Bridges and his older brother, John, attended St. John Vianney School, and Bishop George Ahr (now St. Thomas Aquinas) High

School, Edison. Following graduation in 2014, Bridges joined the U.S. Navy, earning the rank of Fire Controlman 2nd Class. Serving briefly on the U.S.S. Gunston Hall (LSD-44), he followed that with anti-submarine warfare in Norfolk, Va.; Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; and Naples, Italy.

r dination Previe w Deacon

While still a member of the U.S. Navy Reserve, Bridges entered Seton Hall University, South Orange in 2017, earning a bachelor’s degree in theology. He spent 2019-2021 in the university’s St. Andrew’s Hall College Seminary, then in 2022 transferred to Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, Md., where he continues studies for a master of divinity degree. His summer assignments have included Visitation Parish, Brick, in 2022, and St. Mary Parish, Middletown, in 2023.

 “I got to know some great priests who became mentors to me.”

At ordination to the diaconate on May 18, Bridges will be vested by Father Daniel C. Hesko, pastor of St. Catherine Laboure Parish, the parish Bridges currently calls home. His year of ministry as a transitional deacon will be served in Our Lady of Sorrows-St. Anthony Parish, Hamilton, as well as working at the diocesan Chancery Tribunal, Lawrenceville. Bridges enjoys the outdoors, including fishing, hunting and hiking, and loves to cook. He said he also has a special heart for the Sacraments he will one day be able to celebrate as a priest.

Alan Bridges

Twelve men prepare to serve as permanent deacons

After five years of preparation and study, 12 men will be ordained May 18 as permanent deacons for the Diocese of Trenton. Bishop

David M. O’Connell, C.M., will confer the Sacrament of Holy Orders in St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral, Trenton, giving them the faculties to preach and preside over weddings, Baptisms, wakes and committals. From various careers and life experiences, the men are all married with families. Their formation has included completing studies that are consistent with the intellectual norms established in the National Directory of Formation, Ministry and Life of Permanent Deacons in the United States. Following are the profiles of the men who have answered God’s call to serve the Church.

Nelson R. Abreu


PARISH: Our Lady of Sorrows-St. Anthony, Hamilton


PLACE/YEAR : Princeton; 1963

FAMILY: wife, Nancy Cruz Abreu; son, Jared, 31, daughter, Lea, 25; parents, Julio and Carmen Abreu

EMPLOYMENT: Senior loan officer, The Money Store, Hamilton

EDUCATION: Steinert-Hamilton High East, Hamilton (graduated 1981); bachelor of arts degree in business/ economics, Glassboro College/Rowan University, Glassboro (graduated 1989); master of theology, Seton Hall University, South Orange (graduated 2023)

CERTIFICATES/HONORS/TECHNICAL TRAINING: Seton Hall University Certificate in Diaconal Studies, (2019-2023)

AREAS OF MINISTRY: In Sacred Heart Parish, Trenton, served as a member of the parish council, assisted with RCIA, taught Confirmation, Virtus instructor. In Our Lady of Sorrows-St. Anthony Parish, served as an acolyte, baptismal prep, respect life group orga-

nizer, extraordinary minister of Holy Communion, lector, assist at daily and weekend Masses, assist at weddings, funerals and wakes, member of the Holy Name Society. In St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Yardville, was member of the King’s men’s group. Also the Mercer County representative for the Catholic Men for Jesus Christ


I have lived a very blessed life, but about 20 years ago, my wife/best friend was diagnosed with cancer. I was devastated by the news and got on my knees and prayed like never before. I begged God to save her, and if he would do that for me, I promised to dedicate the rest of my life to him. Here it is 20+ years later and she is still with me. Thank you Lord!

VESTING PRIEST: Msgr. Thomas N. Gervasio, pastor of Our Lady of Sorrows-St. Anthony Parish, Hamilton, and diocesan vicar general

Stuart Altschuler

SPONSORING PARISH: Our Lady of Good Counsel, Moorestown

BIRTH PLACE/YEAR: Philadelphia; 1964

FAMILY: wife, Darlene; sons David, 31, Daniel, 29, Michael, 26, daughter, Rachel, 24; parents, Louis and Edith, both deceased

EMPLOYMENT: President, Disability Navigators LLC, Moorestown; directors of analytics and insights, Trenton Health Team

EDUCATION: Chews Elementary School, Glen Landing Middle, Gloucester Township, (1971-1978); Highland Regional High School, Gloucester Township (1978-1982); bachelor of science in industrial and systems engineering, Rutgers University, (1982-1986); master of science degree, industrial and system engineering, Rutgers University (19871989); master of arts in systematic theology, Seton Hall University, South Orange (2019-2023)

CERTIFICATES/HONORS/TECHNICAL TRAINING: The Pope Francis Medal for outstanding achievement in theological studies; Seton Hall University Certificate in Diaconal Studies, (2019-2023)

AREAS OF MINISTRY: Pre-Cana (Corpus Christi Parish, South River); RCIA coordinator, social concerns, youth ministry, special needs religious education (St. Ann, Raritan); cantor, lector, acolyte, Knights of Columbus (Grand Knight, financial secretary), special needs religious education coordinator (Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish, Moorestown)


Since my conversion to the faith from Judaism in 1991, I have felt the call to preach and serve. Due to family, work and volunteer obligations, I waited – and had practically abandoned the idea – until my wife, Darlene, suggested that I respond to a call to the diaconate formation in our parish bulletin. I have been encouraged by the enthusiasm of my pastors, my fellow parishioners and my brother deacons in my formation class.

VESTING PRIEST: Father Jim Grogan, pastor of Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish, Moorestown

14 THE MONITOR MAGAZINE  May 2024 In Focus

Mark F. Degenhart, Sr.


BIRTH PLACE/YEAR: Hazleton, Pa.; 1963

FAMILY: wife, Karen; daughter, Kristen, 36, son, Mark Jr., 34, son, Karl, 30; grandchildren, Hugh, Eliza Jane, Livia; parents, Emily and Gilbert Degenhart, both deceased

EMPLOYMENT: Hospice chaplain, Hackensack Meridian at Home, Wall; previously spent 34 years in New York City financial services

EDUCATION: St. Joseph Memorial School, Hazleton, Pa. (1968-1977); Bishop Hafey High School, Hazleton, Pa., (1977-1981); bachelor of science degree in marketing, University of Scranton, Pa. (1981-1985); master of arts in theology, Seton Hall University, South Orange (1999-2003)

CERTIFICATES, HONORS, TECHNICAL TRAINING: Board certified chaplain and board-certified spiritual counselor; Seton Hall University Certificate in Diaconal Studies, (2019-2023)

AREAS OF MINISTRY: Extraordinary minister of Holy Communion, Riverview Hospital; violist in St. James Parish folk group for 30 years, Knights of Columbus, RCIA team member

to a relationship with God and to the Church. Being an extraordinary minister led to my decision to become a deacon, which later led me to be a chaplain. None of this was on my radar 10 years ago. He leadeth me.

VESTING PRIEST: Msgr. Joseph N. Rosie, pastor of St. James Parish, Red Bank, and episcopal vicar of Monmouth County

Vincent P. Delle Grotti, Sr.

SPONSORING PARISH: St. Gregory the Great, Hamilton Square

BIRTH PLACE/YEAR: Trenton; 1957

FAMILY: wife, Rosemarie; son, Vincent Jr., 35, daughter, Alessandra, 32, son, Anthony, 25

EMPLOYMENT: Podiatrist, self-employed podiatric physician, New Egypt

EDUCATION: Our Lady of Sorrows School, Hamilton (1967-1971); Notre Dame High School, Lawrenceville (19711975); bachelor of arts degree, La Salle University, Philadelphia, (1979-1982); doctor of podiatric medicine, Barry University, Miami Shores, Fla. (1995-1999); Seton Hall University, South Orange (2019-2023)

dination Previe w

WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO PURSUE A VOCATION AS A DEACON? In about 2014, I followed my mom’s example to become an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion in Riverview Hospital, Red Bank. On any given day, 40% of the Catholics on my census list would decline Holy Communion for a variety of reasons. Over a short time, I learned to talk with them, offer to pray with them and encourage them to return


CERTIFICATES, HONORS, TECHNICAL TRAINING: Professed Third Order Lay Dominican; Seton Hall University Certificate in Diaconal Studies, (2019-2023)

AREAS OF MINISTRY: Speaking engagements in parishes and schools on the topics of Right to Life, traditional marriage and sexual morality

WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO PURSUE A VOCATION AS A DEACON? My selection as a diaconate candidate came unexpectedly. Based upon my pastor’s suggestion and after a yearlong

investigative process, I found myself seated among 11 “holy” men in pursuit of this ministry. I recognize too, that many of my brothers had fire and zeal well beyond my limits. After all, who am I? Nevertheless, through prayer, study and many discussions with family and friends, I identified the calling to service to those I encounter.

VESTING PRIEST: Father Michael Hall, pastor of St. Gregory the Great Parish, Hamilton Square

Richard Gerbino


PARISH: St. Mary, Colts Neck


Staten Island, N.Y.; 1960

FAMILY: wife, Maria; son, Richard, 33, son, Justin, 28, son, Michael, 26: grandchildren, Madeline Grace and Giuliana Marie; parents, Richard (deceased) and Constance

EMPLOYMENT: Senior associate attorney, Feing, Such, Kahn & Shepard, P.C., Parsippany

EDUCATION: Holy Rosary School, Staten Island, N.Y. (1966-1974); Monsignor Farrell High School, Staten Island, N.Y. (1974-1978); bachelor of arts degree in history, Brooklyn College of the City University of New York, Brooklyn (1978-1982); juris doctorate, Brooklyn Law School, Brooklyn, 1982-1985; master of arts in theology, Seton Hall University, South Orange (2019-2023)

CERTIFICATES, HONORS, TECHNICAL TRAINING: Theta Alpha Kappa, National Honor Society for Religious Studies/Theology; Seton Hall University Certificate in Diaconal Studies, (20192023)

AREAS OF MINISTRY: Parish council, lector in St. Mary Parish


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In Focus

Praying the Rosary and the Divine Office every day inspired me and awakened a desire for a deeper understanding of the doctrine of the Church. As an attorney, I am a trained advocate for those I represent. As a deacon, I see myself as an advocate for Christ and his Church and hope that my experience will aid me in conveying to others the richness and beauty of our Catholic faith, especially in these challenging times.

VESTING PRIEST: Father Jeffrey E. Lee, pastor of St. Mary Parish, Colts Neck

Richard J. Huegi


PARISH: St. Mary, Barnegat


PLACE/YEAR: Englewood; 1970

FAMILY: wife, Jennifer Allison Huegi; daughter, Emma Grace, 21, daughter, Olivia Rosemarie, 19; parents, Richard Huegi (deceased) and Joanne Santagleo

EMPLOYMENT: Senior research technician, Universal Display Corporation, Ewing

EDUCATION: Peter Cooper Elementary School and Martin J. Ryerson Middle School, Ringwood; Lakeland Regional High School, Wanaque (1985-1989); associate’s degree in science engineering electronic technology, Eastern Florida State College (1991-1993); Stockton State University (1993-1995); master’s degree in systematic theology, Seton Hall University, South Orange (2019-2023)

CERTIFICATES, HONORS, TECHNICAL TRAINING: Seton Hall University Certificate in Diaconal Studies, (2019-2023)

AREAS OF MINISTRY: In St. Mary Parish, served as RCIA, seventh and eighth grade religious education teacher, Pre-Cana, youth ministry; presented talks on my conversion experience and “My Relationship/Journey with God” for

a variety of groups in my parish as well as for Donovan Catholic High School, Toms River students, a Men’s Cornerstone retreat in St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Brant Beach, and Stella Maris Retreat House, Harvey Cedars

WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO PURSUE A VOCATION AS A DEACON? What inspired me to become a deacon is to serve Christ and the Church. It has been said “a deacon takes the grace of the altar into the streets and the need of the streets to the altar.” When I came into full communion with the Catholic Church from the Protestant faith in 2011, I became passionate about serving Christ and his Church that he started.

Orange (2019-2023)

CERTIFICATES, HONORS, TECHNICAL TRAINING: Theta Alpha Kappa, National Honor Society for Religious Studies/Theology; Seton Hall University Certificate in Diaconal Studies, (2019-2023)

O r dination Previe w Deacon

AREAS OF MINISTRY: In St. Paul Parish, coordinated parish liturgical ministries and volunteers for several years; sacristan, lector, extraordinary minister of Holy Communion and usher. Also help with Loaves and Fishes, Eucharistic Adoration, homebound ministry and seasonal liturgical decorating


VESTING PRIEST: Msgr. Kenard Tuzeneu, pastor of St. Mary Parish, Barnegat

John C. Italia

SPONSORING PARISH: St. Paul, Princeton


PLACE/YEAR: New Brunswick; 1973

FAMILY: wife, EmmaLee; daughter, Elizabeth, 18, son, Thomas, 15; parents, Janet and John P. Italia

EMPLOYMENT: director of global business metrics and analytics, Merrill Lynch/Bank of America, Hopewell, 1999-present; part-time lecturer, teaching microeconomics and business management, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, 1995-present

EDUCATION: St. Matthias School, Somerset (1979-1987); St. Joseph High School, Metuchen (1987-1991); bachelor of science degree in economics, Rutgers University, New Brunswick (1991-1995); master of science degree in applied economics, Rutgers University (1995-1997); master of theology degree, Seton Hall University, South

After extensive involvement in ministry as a young adult, I spent many years minimally involved in my current parish beyond attending weekly Mass. A serious but temporary illness 10 years ago and the persistent nudging from the Holy Spirit helped reprioritize where I was choosing to invest my time and talents. It reinvigorated my desire to make faith and service to others a more visible focus of my daily life. An emphasis of my diaconate ministry will be helping encourage others back into the full participation of their faith especially during sacramental preparation. As students and the many people I interact with in industry have seen me in formation, it’s been a great conversation starter and helped them think about their own faith journey.

VESTING PRIEST: Father Christopher Dayton, administrator of St. Paul Parish, Princeton

Thomas McDonald

SPONSORING PARISH: St. Mary of the Lakes, Medford

BIRTH PLACE/YEAR: New Brunswick; 1968

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FAMILY: wife, Elizabeth; son, Brendan, 26, daughter, Margaret, 23; parents, Anthony and Marianne, deceased

EMPLOYMENT: Freelance writer and editor since 1991, including electronics and Catholic publications; author, editor

EDUCATION: Carl Kumpf, Clark, (1975-1980); Wardlaw-Hartridge, Edison (1986); bachelor of arts/bachelor of fine arts, English/film production, New York University, 1990; master of arts degree in theology/Church history, Holy Apostles College and Seminary, Cromwell, Conn. (2013); master of arts degree in systematic theology, Seton Hall University (2023)

CERTIFICATES, HONORS, TECHNICAL TRAINING: Certificates in diaconal ministry and catechesis; Oblate of St. Benedict (St. Vincent Archabbey); Theta Alpha Kappa, National Honor Society for Religious Studies/Theology; Seton Hall University Certificate in Diaconal Studies, (2019-2023)

AREAS OF MINISTRY: Catechesis, Sacrament prep, Baptism prep, Pre-Cana, adult faith formation, RCIA, hospital and consolation ministries, reader, sacristan, extraordinary minister of Holy Communion, Third Degree member of the Knights of Columbus

WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO PURSUE A VOCATION AS A DEACON? I was away from the Church for many years until a profound experience of God’s love led me back. In the process of learning about a faith I hadn’t really understood, I was drawn to teach others about it. That drew me deeper into learning, prayer and service, and at each step I felt the call to go further and do more, which led me to the diaconate. At every step, my wife, Elizabeth, and my family and the community of St. Mary of the Lakes, have been a support and inspiration.

VESTING PRIEST: Father Daniel Swift, pastor of St. Mary of the Lakes Parish, Medford

Joseph Lawrence Sbarra

SPONSORING PARISH: St. Anthony of Padua, Hightstown

BIRTH PLACE/YEAR: Binghamton, N.Y.; 1960

FAMILY: wife, Alejandra Cabria; son, Joseph Daniel, 32; grandchildren, Ean Segura, Noah Silva, Ela Silva, ; parents, Joseph Donald and Kathleen Sbarra, both deceased

EMPLOYMENT: Director of operations, J&A Health & Safety Solutions, Hightstown

EDUCATION: Melvin H. Krepps School, East Windsor (1969-1974); Notre Dame High School, Lawrenceville, (1974-1978); bachelor of science degree in environmental science, Rutgers University, 1978-1983; bachelor of arts degree in systematic theology, Seton Hall University, South Orange, 2021-present

CERTIFICATES, HONORS, TECHNICAL TRAINING: Certified Industrial Hygienist by the American Board of Industrial Hygiene; certified safety professional by the Board of Certified Safety Professionals; certificate of recognition from the City of New York for the World Trade Center Recovery Project; Seton Hall University Certificate in Diaconal Studies, (2019-2023)

AREAS OF MINISTRY: In St. Anthony of Padua Parish, altar server, CYO youth leader, cantor and music minister (since 1977; will continue following ordination); FOCCUS facilitator and trainer for the Diocese of Trenton; member of Pre-Cana team (Spanish) for the Diocese of Trenton (2017-2021)

WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO PURSUE A VOCATION AS A DEACON? Because of my parents, Joseph and Kathleen Sbarra, who were active in many different ministries in church as I grew up, I have always felt the desire to serve the Lord. Their example of service

laid the foundation for me to serve Jesus Christ with joy in my heart and to trust in his plan for my life. To serve Jesus Christ and his Church as a deacon is what I believe he has called me to do and I willingly accept.

VESTING PRIEST: Father Oscar Sumanga, pastor of St. Anthony of Padua Parish, Hightstown, and diocesan judicial vicar

Michael Stephen Shuflat


PARISH: St. Pius

X, Forked River


PLACE/YEAR: Passaic; 1965

FAMILY: wife, Maria Lynn Shuflat; daughter, Kori Lynn, 24, daughter, Kylie Madison, 21; parents, Catherine Sonia Dul and Michael Shuflat

EMPLOYMENT: Retired captain of Elizabeth Fire Department, Elizabeth, after more than 25 years of service; owner, Shuflat Electrical Services LLC, Lanoka Harbor

EDUCATION: Clifton Public Schools (1970-1979); Sparta High School (19791983); associate’s degree, fire science, Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. (20122014); master’s degree in systematic theology, Seton Hall University, (graduated in 2023) theology, Seton Hall University, South Orange (graduated 2023)

CERTIFICATES/HONORS/TECHNICAL TRAINING: Seton Hall University Certificate in Diaconal Studies, (2019-2023)

MILITARY SERVICE: Retired Lance Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, Parris Island, S.C. (1985-1987)

AREAS OF MINISTRY: founding member, St. Pius X Men’s Discipleship Ministry; extraordinary minister of Holy Communion for Mass and the homebound living in Spring Oaks Assisted Living Facility; lector, adult altar server

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WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO PURSUE A VOCATION AS A DEACON? I have spent immeasurable hours throughout my life praying to our Lord, trying to figure out his plan. In the process, I have protected my country as a United States Marine, serve the public trust as a professional fire captain in Elizabeth, and served my community and my Lord as a faithful Catholic – continuously trying to serve others, striving to find the good in my fellow man and in myself. My faith, love and relationship with Christ has evolved and I have concluded one truth, that I will never figure out God’s plan. I have lovingly and with great humility in my heart accepted his will. Guiding me to transition from my great joy of saving lives to his gracious gift of nurturing his flock.

VESTING PRIEST: Father Richard Basznianin, pastor of St. Pius X Parish, Forked River

Joseph Stillo


ING PARISH: St. Mark, Sea Girt

BIRTH PLACE: Brooklyn, N.Y.

FAMILY: wife, Elise; two children


MENT: Chief medical information officer, Encompass Health Corps

EDUCATION: Brooklyn Prep High School; bachelor of science degree from LeMoyne College; doctorate from the University of South Carolina; medical degree from the Medical University of South Carolina; master of arts degree in systematic theology, Seton Hall University, South Orange (graduated 2023)


NICAL TRAINING: Seton Hall University Certificate in Diaconal Studies, (2019-2023)

AREAS OF MINISTRY: Extraordinary minister of Holy Communion, lector, acolyte, liturgical committee and

parish council in St. Mark’s, and That Man Is You

WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO PURSUE A VOCATION AS A DEACON? I feel that this arcs back to my childhood consideration of the priesthood (followed by periodic pokes from the Holy Spirit) culminating finally, within my admitted human brokenness and associated limitations, in my discernment and answer to the call to diaconate formation and ordination by the laying on of the Bishop’s hands. I am blessed to experience the peace and joy of my discernment and to be able to humbly pledge my service of liturgy, Word and charity.

Cornell University Medical College, N.Y. (1978-1982); master of arts degree in systematic theology, Seton Hall University (2019-2023) theology, Seton Hall University, South Orange (graduated 2023)

O r dination Previe w Deacon

CERTIFICATES/HONORS/ TECHNICAL TRAINING: Seton Hall University Certificate in Diaconal Studies, (2019-2023)


TRY: My medical practice provides care to many patients where we are their only option; choir member, St. Patrick Parish, Yorktown Heights, N.Y., for 25 years; Bible study facilitator, St. Patrick Parish and Sacred Heart Parish

VESTING PRIESTS: Divine Word Father Miguel Virella, pastor of St. Mark Parish, Sea Girt, and Msgr. Sean Flynn, retired pastor of St. Mark Parish

James J. Turro

SPONSORING PARISH: Sacred Heart, Bay Head, and St. Pio of Pietrelcina, Lavallette

PLACE OF BIRTH/YEAR: New York, N.Y.; 1956

FAMILY: wife, Barbara; son, Tom, 40, daughter, Ellen, 38, son, John, 34; grandchildren, James, Grant, Isaac, Brielle Marie; parents Anthony (living) and Jean (deceased)

EMPLOYMENT: Physician and associate program director, Ocean County Medical Center Internal Medicine Residency, Hackensack Meridian, Toms River

EDUCATION: Nativity Grammar School, Midland Park (1962-1970); Paramus Catholic High School, Paramus (1970-1974); bachelor of arts degree in biology, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H. (1974-1978); medical doctor,


“If not you, who?” It seems like I have been hearing this question for many years. I have always found great peace in prayer, but never thought I could set aside enough time to pursue this vocation. My medical practice barely allowed the time for a weekly choir rehearsal. It took more prayer and great encouragement from my wife to move to a practice situation that while challenging, allowed me to ask our pastor at the time, Father Doug Freer, about the diaconate. I have the great example of my uncle, Msgr. James C. Turro, who combined great wisdom and great humility in his vocation as a priest. In my mind, I can spend more time in prayer and add care of the spirit as a deacon to care of the body as a physician. What a fantastic opportunity. I am frequently humbled by the various trials my patients endure and suspect I’ll be humbled as a deacon in a similar way. Fortunately, diaconate formation has provided many tools I can use in this vocation, and I have learned to trust God more and pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

VESTING PRIEST: Father Joseph Hlubik, pastor of Sacred Heart Parish, Bay Head, and St. Pio of Pietrelcina Parish, Lavallette

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