Trenton Monitor Back to School 2017

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Newspaper of the Diocese of Trenton

Ken Falls photo



amilies sending their children to Catholic schools across the Diocese of Trenton this September will be happy to see a continued dedication in the very areas that prove Catholic Schools Have it All! Whether it’s state-of-the-art technology, new partnerships in education, perseverance in Catholic Social Teaching or the hard work of new principals and the diocesan PTA, the upcoming school year promises to be one of great success.

 Welcome Back messages from Bishop, schools’ superintendent tout opportunity, growth … S2, 3  Diocesan PTA greets new year with fresh ideas … S4

 Six schools welcoming new principals … S6, S8, S10  Students becoming global citizens, learning Catholic Social Teaching as academics, technology grow … S12,13,14

S2 • Welcome

BACK to School




Return to school invites us to begin God’s work anew

Ministrare Non Ministrari


t’s not all that easy to find something that most people agree with, most of the time. But when it comes to the final weeks of summer vacation and the prospect of returning to school, most people, with rare exception, agree – they aren’t ready. They need a few more weeks of warm weather and lazy days; swimming, hiking and sightseeing, extra time to be with friends and family, and most especially … more time with no homework. This is a feeling shared by children and their parents … because as often is the case, the school year can be almost as challenging for parents as it is for children. No matter how much we may resist, no matter how vivid our dreams of an extended summer may be … the new school year will arrive, right on time. And with it will come all of the challenges, responsibilities and demands that face school families. It’s understandable that folks may be reluctant to go back to school. But here is something to consider that may change the way to look at this – students, educators and parents alike. The return to school is the opening of a fresh opportunity to serve the Lord and do his work; to make a difference in the world through

Monitor file photo, Jeff Bruno

the light of our faith. We know that when teachers teach, and students learn, good things happen. That includes lessons about faith which help students grow to be true disciples of Christ, and those that open up the worlds of science, math, technology, literature and the arts. Any student or teacher that works hard to achieve their goals, that strives to impact others positively, draw ever closer to Christ, whether they be in Catholic or public school. Every parent that guides and supports his or her children, while fostering respect of teachers and peers, truly does God’s work.

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Students in the Church community, whether in Catholic school or parish religious education, are richly blessed by the experience, where they can receive some of the most important lessons of their lives. They learn that everything they have and learn is a gift from God. They learn about our Catholic religion and what the Bible and our Church teaches. They learn how to pray. They learn that we are all created by God and that makes us look at our lives, our families, our friends, our studies, our talents differently. They learn the difference between right and wrong and why. They learn that Jesus invites us to live a life of love and helping others because that’s what he did, that’s what he wants for us. Join me in offering a prayer of thanks to God for our Catholic schools and all that they do for us, and for our parishes, who reach so many Catholic students through religious education programs. Pray for all who support our students as they return to school – parents, principals, teachers and staff, pastors and priests, consecrated religious sisters and brothers, generous benefactors and alumni, catechetical leaders and catechists, and the countless parishioners who all play a role as our students strive to make the most of the coming school year. And pray for our students as they head back to school, that they realize what God is calling them to and make a commitment to live up to that calling. To all I extend my blessing!

Welcome BACK to School • S3

AUGUST 24, 2017 •




Educators expand own skills to support student learning, faith life


arefree summer days defined by flip flops, sunglasses, surf and sand give way to a more structured environment as students return to school and absorb an array of colorful bulletin boards that invite imagination and a preview of the year ahead. Teachers envision and prepare for the school year throughout the summer months reading age-appropriate novels that will delight, inform and engage students. Their attention is directed to the curriculum as they review a variety of instructional strategies that pique student inquiry, discovery and studentdirected learning. Summer is a time in which teachers augment their learning, as well. Throughout the summer months, 11 teachers returned to the classroom to delve more deeply into the challenges faced by students with dyslexia. Statistics on dyslexia reveal that one in five students, or 15 percent to 20 percent of the population, has a language-based learning disability. Seventy percent to 80 percent of individuals with poor reading skills are likely dyslexic. At the training, educators learned about the difficulties and frustrations faced by differently abled students and discovered how to best support their learning journey. Funding for the Wilson and OrtonGillingham Programs, which support the learning of students with dyslexia,

was realized by the generous donation of a family who earmarked their contribution to the diocesan Faith to Move Mountains initiative. The intended outcome is to strengthen and change the

“Teachers are given an arsenal of ideas to support student learning and success.” delivery of instruction for students with specific learning needs. Having experienced the difficult moments of opening the world of education to their own children, the donors provided resources, information and funding so that teachers could enhance their instructional toolbox to provide proven strategies of success for all learners. The introductory programs resulted in a positive and enthusiastic response from educators who “want more” and

look forward to going beyond the initial orientation to become certified in the programs. The end result is that teachers are given an arsenal of ideas to support student learning and success. Continued education will be the focus with the hope of expanding the opportunity to a greater number of teachers. Realizing that teachers teach the whole child and give attention not only to the academic, physical, social and emotional development of students, educators in Catholic schools understand the importance of a strong and meaningful faith life. They know the significance of having the Catholic faith come alive. In the spring of 2017, educators at both the elementary and secondary levels took part in workshops that highlighted concentrated conversations and best practices that would spark deeper insight into our faith. The initial discussions will be continued this year with ongoing, intensified learning as administrators, chaplains, campus ministers, religion coordinators and teachers learn more about evangelization and what it means to be missionary disciples. Essential questions and conversation starters will prompt deeper thinking and responses. Educators will have the opportunity for thoughtful discussion at faculty meetings, in professional learning communities and during professional development days as they explore

their personal relationship with Jesus. Terry Ginther, executive director of the Office of Pastoral Life and Mission, and Franciscan Father Gabe Zeis, diocesan vicar for Catholic education, continue to collaborate with members of the Department of Catholic Schools, the Department of Catechesis and the Department of Evangelization to promulgate and enhance the New Evangelization. To teach, we must also learn. Pope Francis noted in his address to the Congregation for Catholic Education that “Catholic education is one of the most important challenges of the Church, committed today to carrying out the New Evangelization in an historical and cultural context in constant transformation.” Educators continue their faith life and learn anew so that the New Evangelization will touch the hearts of many and create a fire within to live and proclaim the teachings of Jesus. As a new school year unfolds, may it bring blessings and fulfillment to students and their families, to educators and to parish communities. Through contrasting life experiences, from the carefree days of summer to the structured days defined by school bells, may we realize God’s boundless love and appreciate the gift of knowing that God walks beside us through learning experiences that bring challenges, joys and new discoveries.

A new era for the Catholic Athletes for Christ


urrently in the Diocese of Trenton, 1,700 student athletes in seven Catholic high schools are participating in the National Catholic Athletes for Christ program. Originally a college program, the CAC premise was adaptable to secondary schools, and we are the first Diocese in the country to implement the program on a secondary diocesan-wide level.

“The purpose ... is to ignite the athletes and coaches to embrace the ... faith.” It has been and continues to be a wonderful faith-filled journey for all who are involved. The purpose of CAC is to ignite the athletes and coaches to embrace the Catholic faith while being involved in athletics through prayer, community meetings and living charity.




The Journey In 2011, Father Alberto Tamayo, then-secretary to Bishop David O’Connell, C.M., approached me about researching and implementing the CAC program in our Catholic high schools. Bishop O’Connell had experience with the program at the Catholic University of America in Washington when he was president of the university and felt it had made an impact on strengthening students’ Catholic faith, especially in the university’s sport programs. After consulting with one of the national founders of the program, Ray McKenna, we decided as a Diocese to institute the program in all secondary schools and had an initial meeting with administrators, athletic directors, coaches, campus ministers and guidance counselors in March 2012. During the following school year,



Father Alberto Tamayo, pastor in St. Anthony Parish, Red Bank, speaks to students during the Catholic Athletes for Christ leadership summit last year in the diocesan Chancery, Lawrenceville. John Batkowski photo

the large committee facilitated by myself and Father Tamayo, now pastor in St. Anthony Parish, Red Bank, designed a program that would work in all the high schools. Given the diversity of our schools, this was a difficult task but incredibly energetic for all. The com-

mittee designed two documents: Governance and Coaches Clipboard, a collection of special prayers written by diocesan clergy for coaches and students. McKenna asked us to share the program and materials with the national CAC organization and attended the first diocesan meeting introducing this See Athletes • S18

S4 • Welcome

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School Support

New president, fresh ideas will guide work of diocesan PTA Story by Rose O’Connor Correspondent


or 92 years, the Trenton diocesan PTA has served Catholic schools and their families, and newly installed president Paula Pangilinan is enthusiastic to begin her twoyear tenure at the helm.

Pangilinan, a parishioner of St. James Parish, Red Bank, has served as PTA president of the parish school and recently acted as Monmouth/Ocean regent. She has two children who attend Catholic schools in the Diocese: a daughter, Jane, who will be a senior in Red Bank Catholic High School, and a son, Oliver, who will enter his sophomore year at Christian Brothers Academy, Lincroft. “I am looking forward to working with our local PTA boards and help them create a strong succession plan for the future,” she said. “That is so important to me that each board is equipped to grow and become stronger.” Also important to Pangilinan is the diocesan PTA constitution and bylaws.

“It really is an amazing document,” she offered. “It’s the culmination of a two-year process that Bishop [David M.] O’Connell [C.M.], JoAnn Tier, superintendent of Catholic Schools, and members of the diocesan PTA worked together to create. Ninety- nine percent of all questions that PTA boards encounter can be answered in that document.” As president, she also hopes to introduce a retreat for PTA presidents and board members. “At the conclusion, my hope is that PTA presidents walk away knowing they are part of a larger group, all working together to help our schools succeed, while still maintaining their individual school identities.” Helping local PTAs serve their

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Paula Pangilinan, second from left, Trenton diocesan PTA president, the entire board and JoAnn Tier, second row, third from the left, superintendent of Catholic Schools, are looking forward to implementing new ideas this school year, including social media marketing. Courtesy photo

school communities is the true goal and purpose of the diocesan PTA board, she explained. “The PTA diocesan board serves our individual PTAs. We exist to help each school be the best they can be.” “There are three main functions of the PTA: to raise funds for the school, to create opportunities for social interactions and to be of service to the local community. That’s a lot of work,” she added with a laugh. Regents assist the diocesan president with the local PTA boards, too. As the new academic year begins, Whitney Lechner will function as the Monmouth/Ocean regent and Kerri Chewning of St. Paul School, Burlington, will act as Burlington/Mercer regent. “I am looking forward to continuing [former Burlington/Mercer regent] Sharon Smith’s work in uniting the Burlington and Mercer Regions into one group. Having a larger network of ideas and assistance is very helpful and the true reason for uniting the regions,” Chewning said. “It is my job to assist all the individual units within the BurlingtonMercer Region by providing information, insight and ideas into supporting all aspects of Catholic education and to help connect the individual units to ensure communication and further our collective goal of strengthening Catholic education in the Diocese of Trenton,” she continued. Linda Anzano, whose term as president recently concluded, will remain on the board as vice president. She is planning the annual fall conference that will be held Sept. 30. The conference will begin with Mass in St. Joseph Parish, Toms River, where Anzano is a parishioner, and a breakfast

and business meeting will follow. “The diocesan PTA fall conference is an historical event aimed at bringing together our schools’ PTAs for an informative, uplifting and spiritual start to the new school year,” Anzano explained.

“We exist to help each school be the best they can be.”

She reflected on the theme of the conference and its implication for the Catholic schools in the Diocese. “The theme ‘Enter the Journey’ invites members to enter the beautiful journey of our rich and vibrant PTA history and embrace our mission that is so vital to our Catholic schools,” she said. Joining Pangilinan, Anzano, Lechner and Chewning will be Elsa Pagano, treasurer; Colleen Herbert, secretary; MaryBeth Consiglio, legislative; Donna Murray, hospitality, and Paul Signorelli, adviser. Pangilinan said she is looking forward to working with the board and is eager to implement new and innovative ideas to including social media marketing to help schools fundraise, bring school communities together socially, help the greater community and share best practices. “We’re here to support the schools,” she said. “We’re here to give them what they need and to help them succeed.”

Welcome BACK to School • S5

AUGUST 24, 2017 •

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S6 • Welcome

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New Holy Cross principal is seasoned administrator Story by Rose O’Connor, Correspondent


hen the students of Holy Cross School, Rumson, return to the classroom in September, they will be greeted by their new principal, Dr. Mark DeMareo.

DeMareo brings 35 years of educational leadership experience in the Garden State. After receiving his bachelor of arts degree in music from Westminster Choir College, Princeton, he began his career in education as a choral director and music teacher in Thompson Junior High School, Middletown, followed by time as assistant principal in Middletown North and South High Schools. He later received a master of arts degree from Farleigh Dickinson University, Rutherford, and a doctorate in education administration from Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. He then served as principal of Raritan High School and later Ramapo High School. As a result of his tenure in these administrative positions, DeMareo was then selected as assistant superintendent of schools in Jackson, and later, superintendent of schools in Plumstead. His most recent position was director of educational services for the Education Information and Resource Center at Camden Community College. “As an administrator, I love learn-

ing, the transforming power of education and working with students. This is the desire that I want to transmit as an educator,” DeMareo said. “Such enthusiasm is contagious and can be effective and even life-changing. Without some emotional connection to learning, true knowledge is hardly possible. By guiding students to find what is meaningful to them, the teacher helps the student discover a voice, purpose, and identity. “Nothing is as empowering and liberating as finding oneself and identifying one’s sense of purpose,” he continued. “I believe that all students can learn to become successful if student learning goals are specific and measurable, with meaningful timelines.” DeMareo’s family includes two aunts who are religious sisters. His great uncle, who is now deceased, was a Jesuit priest. He has traveled the world extensively, most recently to Jaipur, India, to establish an academic scholarship in memory of his uncle who founded a Catholic school there. While DeMareo’s formal teaching and administrative experiences

As the new principal of Holy Cross School, Rumson, Dr. Mark DeMareo brings 35 years of educational leadership experience. Courtesy photo

have been in public school districts, he credits his mother, who taught religious education for nearly 26 years, and his father, a very devout practicing Catholic, for influencing his vocation as an educator. A resident of Gloucester County, DeMareo has deep roots in the Catholic faith and is a parishioner of St. Margaret Parish, Woodbury Heights. He is a fourth-degree member of the Knights of Columbus and was recently inducted into the Sovereign Order of the Knights of Malta. At St. Margaret Parish, he is also an organist and has served as a religious education instructor. On his new position, DeMareo said, “I am honored to have been selected

to join Holy Cross School, which is known far and wide for its dedication to excellence, but more importantly, to children. “During the past 35 years, I have worked as a teacher and administrator, but I consider my most important job to be that of a child advocate. I look forward to working with parents and faculty to provide a world-class educational experience for each child. With small student-to-teacher ratios, high academic standards, specialized arts, sports, extracurricular programs and an emphasis on community values, Holy Cross School can develop students who are well-rounded and disciplined, with a better opportunity to succeed.” Father Michael Manning, pastor of Holy Cross Parish, served on the principal search committee and said he was “impressed with Dr. DeMareo’s experience, faith-filled life and great sense of humor.” Father Manning expressed to the parish community his hopes for this new chapter at Holy Cross School, saying, “We are confident Dr. DeMareo will continue to strengthen the academic and spiritual formation program at Holy Cross School. His extensive experience, both in the classroom and in administration, and his love of the Catholic faith will be a blessing for Holy Cross School and Parish.”

Familiar face takes helm in St. Joseph Grammar School Story by Dorothy K. LaMantia, Correspondent


hen Madeline Kinloch greets the faculty and students of St. Joseph Grammar School, Toms River, as their new principal in September, she will not be a stranger to the campus.

Since 1977, the year she graduated from West Chester State University, Pa., with a bachelor of science degree in health, physical education and recreation, Kinloch has practiced the art and science of teaching – first in St. Joseph Grammar School, then at Donovan Catholic High School, Toms River, from 2007 to 2014. In 2007, she was awarded a master of arts degree in administration and curriculum development from Georgian Court University, Lakewood. Her history with the parish and school precedes her career. “I am a native of Toms River, born

Madeline Kinloch, the new principal of St. Joseph Grammar School, Toms River, not only attends St. Joseph Parish, she taught in the school and Donovan Catholic High School. Courtesy photo

and bred in St. Joseph Parish,” she said, noting that she attended St. Joseph Grammar School as a child as well as St. Joseph High School. Her mother taught eighth grade in St. Joseph Grammar School for 29 years. Crediting her mother, a brother who taught in the high school and her teachers at St. Joseph for inspiring her career, memories of them color her vision of the way she hopes to direct the school’s future. She cherishes her experiences in St. Joseph Parish and its elementary and secondary schools,

remembering it as a “community with family feeling, a close-knit faculty. Many teachers had their own children enrolled.” Indeed, Kinloch and her husband of 26 years, Bruce, can relate. Their two sons, Thomas and Jason, both attended St. Joseph Grammar School and Donovan Catholic High School. St. Joseph Grammar School is a K through eight school with an enrollment of 600 children and 50 faculty and staff members. There are two pre-K classes, one for 3-year-olds, the other for 4-year-olds, containing a total of 65 pupils. Kinloch will oversee technological innovation including the piloting of a social studies e-book for sixth through eighth grades and an expansion of the iPad program, which will increase the number of iPads available on iPad carts. Students in grade six through eight will be allowed to use their own iPads in the classroom. “I hope to bring a sense of camaraderie, family concern and appreciation for each other to the school and to create opportunities for the faculty to spend more time together,” she said. The new principal looks to her faith life to meet the challenges posed by the school’s physical sprawl and demands

of academic achievement – for teachers and students. “Faith is important to me,” she said. “It’s important that I share it with children and youth. In Catholic schools, children get high academics, but they’re getting so much more because faith formation makes them stronger people.” Kinloch intends to continue fostering the pre-K through 12th grade complex, which will bridge the learning gap between the elementary, middle and high schools. “Here, our kids can see their future in the Catholic experience. Older kids have so much to bring to the younger ones. I look to the Donovan Catholic faith ministry to provide retreats and community service projects for the elementary school,” she said. Kinloch and her husband are also involved in service. Both are among the leaders of Group of Extraordinary Students (GOES), a mission/service program begun at Donovan Catholic in which students and teachers build houses in the Dominican Republic. Kinloch looks forward to bringing her passion for learning and service to her new position. “I am in a unique position to bridge a gap not just in academics but spiritually and in service. I’m so excited to get started.”

Welcome BACK to School • S7

AUGUST 24, 2017 •

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S8 • Welcome

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Deacon ready to serve in Catholic education Story by Christina Leslie, Correspondent


eacon Joseph G. Rafferty Sr., a lifelong teacher and administrator who views Catholic education as “essential,� is poised to take on the role as principal of St. Paul School, Burlington, this September. “There is a rigor and grit in Catholic schools,� Rafferty, a resident of Gloucester City in the Diocese of Camden, said frankly. “It is vital we support who we are and what we are about.� Deacon Rafferty attended Rutgers University as a Division I Football scholarship student and earned his bachelor’s degree in sociology from the New Brunswick university in 1983. He began his career in education as a social studies teacher in Gloucester City Catholic High School, then the city’s public high school, before assuming the role of assistant principal in Gloucester City Junior/Senior High School in 1997. In 2003, after two years as assistant principal in one of Gloucester City’s middle schools, Deacon Rafferty first became principal of a middle school in Haddon Township, then served three

years as superintendent of schools of the Mount Ephraim School District. He became superintendent of schools in the Gloucester City School District in 2012 and will retire from that position Aug. 31. Deacon Rafferty has been married to his wife, Barbara, for 29 years, and has three grown sons: Joseph, a New Jersey state trooper; Michael, who is preparing for a career as a funeral director, and Patrick, who is studying to be a physical therapist. Over the years, the communityminded educator has also served as a coach of football, Little League and basketball, as well as holding memberships on the Gloucester City charter study commission and Lion’s Club. Deacon Rafferty is eager to assume the mantle of principal of St. Paul

Deacon Joseph G. Rafferty Sr., the new principal of St. Paul School, Burlington, praises Catholic education as vital. Courtesy photo

School Sept. 1, just one day after his retirement from the Gloucester School system. His goal for the upcoming school year is simply stated. “I want to continue the Catholic vision of the school,� he said. “It is important to recognize the great work the faculty and staff and [former principal] Mr. Robbins did to grow the school.� Deacon Rafferty earned a master’s degree in educational leadership from Rider University, Lawrenceville, in 1999, and has completed course work

for a doctorate in the same field at Immaculata University, Immaculata, Pa., as he was studying for the diaconate for the Camden Diocese. Deacon Rafferty was ordained a permanent deacon in 2012 and serves in his home parish, St. Mary in Gloucester City. He is a member of the parish council and Knights of Columbus. As a deacon, he has celebrated the Sacraments, assisted at Mass, preached homilies, supervised youth group activities and led adult spiritual study groups, as well as assisted with the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. The deacon’s respect for Catholic heritage is evident as he remarked on the beauty of the massive stained glass windows of St. Mary Church, founded in 1848. He drew a parallel between it and the Catholic school in Burlington he will soon call home. “[The parish] is a great place to sit and contemplate,� he said. “It’s the same with St. Paul’s School: they both date back to the 1800s. We can stand on the shoulders of all who came before us. I want to give back what I gained from my Catholic education.�

Career educator ready to join Medford school community Story by Dubravka KolumbicCortese, Correspondent


here is a new face at the helm of St. Mary of the Lakes School, Medford.

Amy Rash, former assistant principal in Delran Middle School, has been appointed the new principal of the pre-K through 8 school, following former principal Nina Hoover’s retirement after eight years of leadership. “I’m excited to have this opportunity to work with students,� Rash, 36, said. “Working with children in any capacity is just an amazing opportunity to affect a life in a positive way.� Rash, who lives in Cherry Hill,

spent her entire teaching career with the Delran Township School District, first as a social studies teacher at the middle school from 2004 to 2009, then as an assistant principal at both the intermediate and middle schools. She was already familiar with St. Mary of the Lakes through its interactions with the Delran School District via intermural sports and activities. “I feel very comfortable in both environments, but I do have a background in attending Catholic school,� Rash said. “A Catholic school allows me to incorporate my faith into my profession.� Rash spent 12 years in Catholic schools while growing up in Wilmington, Del. She then attended Fairleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck,

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where she earned a bachelor of arts in economics, with a psychology minor. She also received a master of arts in teaching secondary education from The College of New Jersey, Ewing, in 2004 and a master of education from William Patterson University, Wayne, in 2009. Rash said she is looking forward to helping the school with its ongoing marketing efforts, among other endeavors, and working with the nearly 50 staff members. “The academic program here at St. Mary of the Lakes is very rigorous and very challenging,� Rash said, “and we offer all of the same or very similar extracurricular programs that public schools do. But one thing that we are able to do is incorporate a faith component to students’ education.� The school has a projected enrollment of just more than 250 students for the 2017-18 school year, with two classes each for grades third through eight, and one class each for preschool through second grade. The average class size is 18. The school is unique in that it offers full-day and half-day preschool and kindergarten. “It’s not only a strong academic program,� Rash said, “but all of the other extracurricular and athletic opportunities that the students have here. That’s what helps our students be well-rounded and find what they’re good at and what they enjoy, and explore new opportunities.� Rash and her husband, Mike, moved to Cherry Hill in 2009, where for the past three years, they have

Amy Rash, the new principal of St. Mary of the Lakes School, Medford, spent her entire teaching career with the Delran Township School District. Courtesy photo

been parishioners of Christ our Light Parish. There, they participate in parish activities such as volunteering with the Cherry Hill Food Pantry. They have been married nine years and have two children, AJ, 5, and McKenna, 3. Rash said her Catholic faith has been a source of strength in her career as an educator. “My faith has acted as a guidance, a vehicle for gratitude and reflection and peace. I think that when I’m faced with challenging situations in my profession, my faith helps me reflect, helps me see the big picture and make the best possible decision.� She said she is grateful for the reception she has received from the parish community as a whole. “I’m very fortunate because the parish is extremely supportive of the school,� Rash said. “I’ve gotten a very gracious and warm welcome.�

Welcome BACK to School • S9

AUGUST 24, 2017 •

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S10 • Welcome

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Tonero brings strong Catholic background to Belmar Story by Rose O’Connor, Correspondent


ohn Tonero has been selected as the new principal of St. Rose High School, Belmar, and will officially join the school community at the end of August.

The Monmouth County high school is moving toward a presidentprincipal model, with Sister of St. Joseph Kathy Nace moving from principal to president of the school. She recently introduced Tonero to the school community and welcomed him on behalf of St. Rose Parish pastor, Msgr. Edward Arnister.

“This position affords me the opportunity to live my faith through my work.” “Father Ed and I are delighted to welcome Mr. Tonero as the next principal of St. Rose High School,” she said. “He is a man of deep faith and an experienced educator and administrator who brings with him great enthusiasm for his new life in Catholic education.”

Born in Newark and raised in Livingston, Tonero is a product of Catholic education, having attended St. Philomena’s Grammar School and Essex Catholic High School. He holds a bachelor of arts degree in economics from Seton Hall University, South Orange. He later received a master of education degree in administration and supervision from New Jersey City University. He holds state certifications in business education, mathematics and administration. A majority of Tonero’s teaching career was spent in the Newark Public School System, serving in many administrative capacities including summer school principal at Barringer and East Side High Schools, the mathematics department chairperson and vice principal of West Side High School, and principal of Weequahic High School. He spent the last two and a half years in the Archdiocese of Newark at Queen of Peace High School, North Arlington. In addition to his teaching career, Tonero has also spent many years as a

John Tonero, who attended a Catholic grammar and high school when he was younger, is the new principal of St. Rose High School, Belmar.

track and field coach. Tonero is currently the treasurer of the Essex County Track Coaches Association and the indoor and outdoor meet director for the Super Essex Conference and the Essex County Track and Field Championships. He also serves as the meet director for the NJSIAA Outdoor State Sectional Track and Field Championships at Ridge High School and is a member of the NJSIAA Outdoor Track Committee. In 2004, he was named New Jersey Track Coach of the Year by the StarLedger newspaper. Tonero and his wife, Deirdre, reside in Spring Lake Heights with their three sons. Kieran, a graduate

of Mount St. Mary’s University, Emmitsburg, Md., is currently attending Montclair State University, Montclair, where he is pursuing a master’s degree in forensic accounting. Patrick is a junior at Ramapo College, and Aidan is entering fifth grade. Tonero and his family have been parishioners of St. Rose Parish for five years, and his wife serves as a reader. Tonero said he is looking forward to his new role at St. Rose High School and getting to know his colleagues, faculty, staff, students and parents. “This position affords me the opportunity to live my faith through my work,” he said. “I look forward to the opportunity to enhance the school’s already great reputation of providing the young men and women in the school with a quality Catholic education.” He is also enthusiastic about additions to the academic program, including the implementation of the engineering and STEM-based curriculum, “Project Lead the Way.” He also plans to address ways to increase the school’s enrollment. “Parents have so many choices, so we need to show them why St. Rose is the best choice,” he said. “We need to be on the top of our game.” Tonero looks forward to meeting the St. Rose High School students on the first day of school, Sept. 5, and at the “Welcome Back Reception” that’s planned for Sept. 6.

Former ‘Teacher of the Year’ is new head of OLS School Story by Ken Downey Correspondent


fter a long career in education, Maureen Tuohy begins a new venture as principal of Our Lady of Sorrows School, Hamilton. Tuohy has been part of the school’s family since 2002 as a second-grade teacher in religion, math, science, social studies and spelling, a seventh-grade religion teacher and eighth-grade science teacher. She was named Teacher of the Year in 2007. Tuohy, who holds a master of arts degree in teaching from The College of New Jersey, Ewing, said she is a product

Maureen Tuohy, the new principal of Our Lady of Sorrows School, Hamilton, has taught at the school since 2002. Courtesy photo

of Catholic education. “I have been in Catholic education since kindergarten. Elementary, middle school, high school, college, and then I

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taught in Catholic schools; it’s who I am.” Tuohy is a member of St. David the King Parish, Princeton Junction, where she serves on the social concerns committee. She also chairs the annual parish Thanksgiving food drive. Noting that Our Lady of Sorrows School has 220 students currently enrolled and about 25 faculty members, Tuohy believes she can do a lot of good in her new role. “We have such a great core group, and I would love to improve the enrollment here as well as build up the faculty,” she said. “These are my basic goals now, but long term, I would like to add some more programs at the school.” While it’s her plan to add more programs to the school’s offering, she spoke of the new preschool that is now available for younger children ages three and four. She also noted the various service projects the students are involved in during the school year. “We have always been a serviceoriented school,” Tuohy said. “A lot of the things we do are things throughout the community. … We go to nursing homes or to soup kitchens. We do a lot of service. It’s one of the things that we will continue to do.” She also touted the steps being

made in technology. “We currently have an ‘online backpack’ to go paperless with the students and the parents. We use a school messenger system so we’re not sending home reminders. We are slowly but surely getting there.” Tuohy is also listening to feedback. A survey taken by parents at the

“I have been in Catholic education since kindergarten ... it’s who I am.” end of last year found many felt there was a lack of communication between them and the school. This is one of the first things Tuohy made a priority to address, especially as a parent herself. Tuohy has been married for 27 years and has two children in their twenties. Of her new appointment at Our Lady of Sorrows School, she said, “Catholic education is so important. I am such a strong believer in it that I have stayed with it my entire life.”

Welcome BACK to School • S11

AUGUST 24, 2017 •

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S12 • Welcome

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Schools strive to prepare students for global community By Rose O’Connor Correspondent


ne of the most important jobs teachers have is to educate students on becoming responsible citizens in an ever-changing global society. To that end, Catholic schools around the Diocese have risen to the challenge and new world language curriculum guidelines will be presented in the Diocese this year, too. Daniel O’Connell, associate director for curriculum and instruction in the diocesan Office of Catholic Education, facilitated recent meetings of the World Language Committee and explained that the instruction of a foreign language would be expanded to include pre-K this school year. In regards to starting language instruction at the pre-K level, O’Connell shared “that research shows the earlier you reach a child, the easier it’s going to be to teach that child a language and have them retain that language. The more languages you speak, the more connections you make to people in your neighborhood, people in your community, people in your state and people in your world.” Most of the Diocese’s schools have French, Spanish, and Italian, while

Christian Brother Ghebreyesus Habte visits Christian Brothers Academy, Lincroft, to talk about the twinning program between CBA and Nativity School in Eritrea, northeastern Africa. Photo courtesy of CBA

Global Leadership Students from Mater Dei Prep, Middletown, pose for a photo at the United Nations building in New York. Members of the Emerging Global Leadership Program at the school have been partnering with organizations affiliated with the United Nations on a service project to primarily benefit refugees forced into migration. Photo courtesy of Mater Dei Prep

some offer German, Mandarin/Chinese and Latin as well. All high schools teach world languages; most elementary schools do, too, he said. He also shared that learning about different languages means learning about different cultures. “It opens more

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doors to looking at other cultures and how they approach their faith, which may be different or similar to how we approach our faith.” Maryanne Kain, world language department chair and teacher in St. Rose High School, Belmar, served as chairwoman of the diocesan World Language Committee. “Curriculum is always changing and evolving. It’s never stagnant,” she said. “We need to make sure we are employing best practices and that our students are prepared for college and the future,” she said. Doing its part to make global citizens, Donovan Catholic High School, Toms River, will implement the International Baccalaureate Program this year; it’s one of only 15 schools in the state to do so. The program is a rigorous pre-university program that aligns closely with the educational philosophy at Donovan Catholic, teaching students to become both self-motivated and lifelong learners along with acquiring an international-mindedness to enhance their studies. Kathy D’Andrea, coordinator of the program at Donovan Catholic, said it’s “the ideal curriculum to bring creative thinking and global awareness to our students. It is a unique opportunity for our students, as we are the only IB school in Ocean County.” She explained that at the beginning of the 2017-18 academic school year, the collaboration will include 10 full diploma students and 29 students taking one or more individual International Baccalaureate courses. It will also serve the community of international students. “As we continue to attract international students from several countries, international-mindedness will be essential to a Donovan Catholic education,” D’Andrea explained.

In addition, schools are also answering the call to teach their students as Catholic Christians to care for all people worldwide. “This is something that is built into our mission statement at Villa Victoria Academy,” Colleen White, director of admissions at the Ewing school, shared. “The mission of Villa Victoria Academy, consistent with the vision of the Religious Teachers Filippini, is to educate students to a global view, to uphold the dignity of each individual and to empower students to influence the world in a truly Christian manner,”

“Curriculum is always changing and evolving. It’s never stagnant.” she said. “We are expanding that this year by employing a campus minister to really solidify our Christian service program and outreach to our neighbors – locally and internationally.” White added that this year, the school will welcome international students from both China and Africa. “This will give us further opportunities to learn from each other and grow together.” Students in Mater Dei Prep, Middletown, are also working to develop global leadership among their students. Charlie Weiss, Mater Dei marketing associate, said members from the Emerging Global Leadership Program are partnering with organizations affiliated with the United Nations on a service project to primarily benefit refugees forced into migration. Weiss explained that the project will implement a two-fold “Education Tool Kit” that will be sent worldwide to refugees. The first part of the Education Tool Kit will contain lesson plans that will be sent to children who have been forced to flee their homes due See Worldwide • S16

AUGUST 24, 2017 •

Tenets of Catholic Social Teaching


he U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops write that the Church’s social teaching is a rich treasure of wisdom about building a just society and living lives of holiness amid the challenges of modern society. Expressed through a tradition of papal, conciliar and episcopal documents, the major themes, presented here in an abridged form, were taken from a statement developed by the Committee on Education, the Committee on Domestic Policy and the Committee on International Policy. First presented in 1998, they serve as a timeless blueprint on the key themes at the heart of Catholic social tradition, said Resurrection Sister Cherree Power, principal of St. Veronica School, Howell, who presides over the ongoing social justice curriculum developed by the school’s faculty.  Life and Dignity of the Human Person: “Belief in the sanctity of human life and the inherent dignity of the human person is the foundation of all the principles of Catholic social teaching.” In a time when the value and dignity of human life is being undermined, Catholic social teaching emphasizes the “belief that every person is precious, that people are more important than things and that the measure of every institution is whether it threatens or enhances the life and dignity of the human person.”  Call to Family, Community and Participation: The family is the “central social institution that must be supported and strengthened, not undermined.” The bishops write that as society “often exalts individualism,” the Catholic tradition teaches that human beings grow and achieve fulfillment in community,” and that people have “a right and a duty” to participate in working for the common good and “well-being of all, especially the poor and vulnerable.”  Rights and Responsibilities: Catholic tradition teaches that “human dignity can be protected and a healthy community achieved only if human rights are protected and responsibilities are met.” Every person has “a fundamental right to life and a right to those things required for human decency.” Corresponding to these rights are duties and responsibilities “to one another, to our families and to the larger society.”  Option for the Poor and Vulnerable: Catholic social teaching proclaims that a basic moral test is how our most vulnerable members are faring. “In a society marred by deepening divisions between rich and poor, Catholic tradition and indeed Scripture (Mt25:31-46) instructs us to put the needs of the poor and vulnerable first.”  The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers: “Work is more than a way to make a living, it is a form of

See Social • S16

Welcome BACK to School • S13

Focus on Catholic Social Teaching aims to help students live Christ’s mission By Lois Rogers Correspondent

Resurrection Sister Cherree Power, principal of St. Veronica School, Howell, looks over the calendars featuring Catholic Social Teaching that are printed annually. The calendars are printed for teachers and parents so everyone knows what aspects are being taught on a monthly basis. Lois


n elementary and high schools around the Diocese, the countdown to the new school year is underway and excitement is building in faculty and staff meetings as well as in countless homes around Burlington, Mercer, Monmouth and Ocean Counties. In St. Veronica School, situated just off Route 9 in Howell Township, the principal, Resurrection Sister Cherree Power, looks forward to the “school family” getting back together. “Kids are coming back, new kids are joining,” she said, adding that one of the aspects that means the most to her is that the opportunity to share Catholic Social Teaching is once again at hand. Similar to her colleagues – including those in St. Jerome School, West Long Branch; Our Lady of Sorrows School, Hamilton; St. Leo the Great School, Lincroft; and Red Bank Catholic High School – Sister Cherree regards sharing the precepts of social teaching as set forth in the United States by the Catholic bishops as an integral part of a Catholic education. The tenets learned, from the first years of schooling on, she said “will help these youngsters one day go out into future leadership” aware of what it means to be “truly called to serve … to live the mission.”

A Model to Follow Since the first years of this new millennium, Catholic Social Teaching – with its major themes of life and dignity of the human person, call to family, human rights and responsibilities, concern for the poor and vulnerable, the dignity of workers, global solidarity and care of God’s creation – has been woven into the curriculum of Catholic schools, including St. Veronica School. There, what began as a response to a Middle School Accreditation requirement to create a schoolwide project has become a part of tradition and an award-winning model for other schools to follow. The idea for the project, which was honored by the National Catholic Education Association in 2004 for promoting Catholic Identity, Sister Cherree recalled, was born “back in 2000 at a meeting in St. Raphael School, Hamilton,” where the educators learned they would need a project and “it suddenly came to me that Catholic Social Teaching would be our project.” One of the reasons she found it inspiring was that at that time, “so many Catholics had no idea of Catholic Social Teaching and the mission and importance of it to the Church.” The faculty and staff recognized the importance of “helping the children live the mission over time.”

Rogers photo

“We studied [social teaching] for over a year-and-a-half, and the faculty realized there was no place to add it as a subject,” she said. The decision was made to weave the tenets into every subject in the curriculum. Each trimester, the curriculum focuses on one theme from the bishops’ statement “Sharing Catholic Social Teaching: Challenges and Directions” and at the end of the trimester, the students put the principles they have learned into practice with a service activity. This trimester, for instance, there will be focus on the family and activities

including asking older students to consider positive steps that can be taken at home and recording segments from television shows and discussing how they portray family happiness at home. Calendars for faculty and family keep a focus on the social precepts as do various activities including family and community projects, charitable fundraisers and environmental activities such as beach cleanups. “The [families] and kids are fine with it. In terms of service, it becomes a part of living and giving and caring for God’s creation,” she said. “They don’t See Learning • S22

S14 • Welcome

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Schools look ahead to new, improved tech, academic programs Story by Rose O’Connor, Correspondent


or educators, there are few things more exciting than a new school year. While June is a time for the celebration of academic achievements, September is time for new beginnings and new academic programs and curricula. As in years past, elementary and high schools in the Diocese continue to strengthen and improve their academic and programs and offer new technological advancements to meet the learning needs of all students. Joseph W. Whalen, a new integrated language arts and religion teacher in Our Lady of Good Counsel Elementary School, Moorestown, plans to incorporate his knowledge of technology into the classroom to engage students. Whalen worked for several years as a camera operator, live replay operator and audio/video technician for the Philadelphia Flyers and 76ers. “One of the avenues we are pursuing this year is an online behavior management program called Classcraft. The program is similar to the popular video game World of Warcraft and has students developing characters and obtaining new items,” he said. “Students’

“This paradigm gives our students an academic and financial edge...” progress through the game using points that are rewarded or depleted based on classroom behavior. A student who volunteers to help another student solve a question might gain extra points, while a classmate who is disruptive would lose points. Students are grouped together in teams and the game promotes a form of camaraderie in order to achieve the best equipment.” “Technology is everywhere in today’s world, and it’s important that

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Thomas Makin of Rumson and Julian Mattioli of Colts Neck use a school laptop to work on their Math Counts contest entries in Holy Cross School, Rumson. The club again earned Gold Level status last year. Photo courtesy of Holy Cross School

schools stay on top of the latest trends in order to prepare students for life outside the classroom,” he added. Many of the Catholic high schools in the Diocese have partnered with local colleges and universities to provide even more educational opportunities for their students. Margaret Kane, assistant principal of academic affairs in St. John Vianney High School, Holmdel, said the school is excited to introduce a new academic program, the SJV Advanced Placement Academy. “The SJV AP Academy provides students the opportunity to receive the maximum amount of college credits they can while in high school by taking Advanced Placement and dual enrollment courses during their four years at SJV,” she said. The school currently offers 14 college board-approved AP courses and numerous dual enrollment courses. Students enrolled in the AP Academy can choose a liberal arts or science/ math track. AP Academy students can graduate with up to 39 college credits, she said. Notre Dame High School, Lawrenceville, also continues to build upon its academic program Advanced Placement courses. Judy Rynkewicz, director of communications at the school, said its curriculum includes 15 AP courses and more than 25 honors classes. These programs and honors courses span all departments, offering a variety of subjects designed to provide a rigorous academic experience to all students, she said. Courses are rooted in the basics, yet incorporate progressive teaching strategies. “All Notre Dame students are encouraged to challenge themselves academically,” she said. “Students are supported through instructional ap-

proaches, which help address varied learning styles. Rynkewicz added that the school has partnered with a number of colleges and universities that enable its students to earn college credit while completing their high school requirements. “This paradigm gives our students an academic and financial edge when applying to colleges and universities,” she said. Trenton Catholic Academy, Hamilton, also provides students the opportunity to earn college credits while in high school with its dual enrollment program. This year, 16 qualified students will participate in the Mercer County Community College Cohort, an academic program that partners with the school’s English department to provide the opportunity for high school seniors to take Freshman English 101. The program will be expanded during the 2018-2019 school year and will include mathematics and the social sciences. The pre-K through 12 regional school is also expanding its STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) curriculum Project Lead the Way to include PLTW Launch for students in grades K through 5. The curriculum is described as one that will allow “hands-on activities in computer science, engineering and biomedical science. They become creative, collaborative problem-solvers ready to take on any challenge.” In TCA’s Upper School PLTW, principles of computer science will also be offered to students who qualify. As described in the course description, the class aims to “develop computational thinking, to generate excitement about the field of computing and to introduce computational tools that See Schools • S23

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AUGUST 24, 2017 •





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S16 • Welcome

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Worldwide focus defines education Continued from • S12

to war and terrorism. The second part will contain a digital donation portion, specifically in science, math and English as a Second Language. The collected lesson plans will be used to help continue the education of the refugee children and will be displayed on the website created by Mater Dei Prep freshmen Joseph Stanton. The website will also host interactive discussion boards, mentoring programs and opportunities for all children to be assisted by their peers. The head of the Emerging Global Leaders Program, George Anthony, said he was inspired by his students’ sudden call to action. He told of how the project began during a discussion at the United Nations International Day of Peace Conference. After the conference, the students immediately began planning the best approach to getting the necessary educational resources to refugee children. “It was truly inspiring to see their immediate desire to help these students and join the mission to spread the message of peace and education throughout the world,” he said. The Emerging Global Leaders are hopeful their “Education Tool Kit” will be selected by the U.N. in September

as one of the 15 student projects to be used throughout the world. “This program has the potential to change the lives of refugee students for the better. In time, this program will be available for all students from all nations,” Weiss said.

Beyond Borders In Christian Brothers Academy, Lincroft, students make an effort to learn more about and donate to their twinning school – Nativity School in Eritrea, northeastern Africa. Last spring, Christian Brother Ghebreyesus Habte visited CBA to talk about the twinning program. “In keeping with the oath taken by all CBA students, the twinning initiative provides one more avenue for our Academy men to serve and stand for those in need,” said Vincent Ferrara, CBA’s director of marketing and communications. “Throughout the initiative, our students can better learn the importance of helping those whom they might never even meet.” In Trenton Catholic Academy, Sister of St. Joseph Dorothy Payne, president, explained how she sees her school community as reflective of global society. “At TCA, we are blessed to be a part of a community of learners that are

culturally and academically diverse,” she said, explaining that TCA is composed of different faiths and abilities, “and yet, we are able to appreciate these differences, respect each other and get along.” Meanwhile at Holy Cross School, Rumson, longtime teacher Maryjane Gallo has been dedicated to exposing students to worldwide needs and encouraging them to make a difference. Her grassroots organization, the Tawawami Children’s Project, raises money to support a grade school she founded in Mwanza, Tanzania. Last

year’s Penny Harvest run by Gallo’s sixth-grade students raised more than $2,000. In June, Gallo received confirmation from Design Outreach and World Vision, a nonprofit humanitarian engineering organization, that funds raised from a cardboard arcade designed, built and run by the school’s now seventhgrade students has had direct impact on 350 people living thousands of miles away by providing a water pump in Africa. The children took on the project when they were fourth-graders.

Social tenets heart of Catholicism Continued from • S13

continuing participation of God’s creation,” the bishops write. “If the dignity of work is to be protected, then the basic rights of workers must be respected – the right to productive work, decent and fair wages, to the organization and joining of unions, to private property and to economic initiative.”  Solidarity: Learning to practice the virtue of solidarity “means learning that loving our neighbor has global dimensions” in this interdependent world. “Catholic social teaching proclaims that “we are our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers, wherever they live;

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that we are one human family, whatever our national, racial, ethnic, economic and ideological differences.”  Care for God’s Creation: Showing respect for the creator by stewardship of creation. Calling care of the earth a “requirement of faith,” the bishops write that all are called to “protect people and the planet, living our faith in relationship with all of God’s creation.” For a copy of the complete text of Sharing Catholic Social Teaching: Challenges and Directions (No. 5-281) and other social teaching documents, call the USCCB at 800-235-8722.

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S18 • Welcome

BACK to School


Athletes connect love of sports to love of faith summit was instituted by the CAC diembrace their personal relationship ocesan committee. The CAC committee program to the members of our Diocese. with Jesus. As members of the CAC along with the Department of Catholic Our committee’s documents have since program, every student participates in Schools invited the student Cathlete been shared throughout the country. A prayer before and after athlete practice leaders from every high school to a member of the diocesan committee, Danas well as participation in the monthly meeting at the Chancery,Form Lawrenceville, iel Duddy, a former head football coach Cathletes meeting. 281 Form 281 along with the schools’ administrators, revised 05/2017 at Donovan Catholic High School, Toms Along with this is the concept of Form 281 revised 05/2017 athletic directors andrevised coaches for a leadRiver, serves on the national committee. 05/2017 Living Charity that all members are ership summit. The support of Bishop FISCAL YEAR 2018 The CAC program in the Diocese called to fulfill. Living Charity encouragFISCAL YEAR 2018 David O’Connell has made this all very PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT of Trenton is an outstanding model for FISCAL es every student to YEAR commit2018 themselves PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT possible. the implementation of the concepts of PUBLIC to service to theANNOUNCEMENT broader community. The leadership day traditionally evangelization and a national model This is living their Catholic faith in “ACincludes a video highlighting This public announcement must be used in its entirety since it meets prayer, all federal for any Diocese to encourage in their PLEASE NOTE: TION.” This public announcement must be used in its entirety since it meets all federal PLEASE NOTE: regulations. Fill in all blanksmust with be theused appropriate information. athletic activities from each high school, This public announcement in its entirety since it meets all federal respective secondary schools. The regulations. PLEASE NOTE: Fill in all blanks with the appropriate information. Fill in all blanks with the appropriate information. Leadership small group discussions of future ideas, ultimate purpose of evangelization regulations. is lunch and a guest speaker. to guide each person to recognize and Four years ago, the first leadership Continued from • S3

The __________ announced today that low cost, nutritious school meals and/or milk will be The __________ announced today that low cost, nutritious school meals and/or milk will be In addition, meals and/or milkand/or will be provided available to all children enrolled inannounced the schools listedthat below. The __________ low cost, nutritious school meals milk will be In addition, meals and/or milk will be provided available to all children enrolled in the schoolstoday listed below. free or attoa all greatly reduced price to schools children from below. households whose meals gross income is atwillorbebelow the In addition, and/or milk provided available children enrolled in the free or at a greatly reduced price to children listed from households whose gross income is at or below the amounts listed on thereduced household size and income scale which appears below. Applications for below Free and free or at a greatly price to children from households whose gross income is at or the amounts listed on the household size and income scale which appears below. Applications for Free and Reduced listed Price on Meals or Free Milk willand be income sent to scale the households of allbelow. children enrolled infor theFree schools amounts thethat household size which appears Applications and Reduced Price today Meals or low Free Milk will beschool sent to theand/or households ofbeallavailable children enrolled inenrolled the schools The Diocese of Trenton announced cost, nutritious meals milk will to all children in the schools listed listed. Reduced Price Meals or Free Milk will be sent to the households of all children enrolled in the schools listed. below. In addition, meals and/or milk will be provided free or at a greatly reduced price to children from households whose gross income is at or below listed.


the amounts listed on the household size and incomeINCOME scale whichELIGIBILITY appears below. Applications for Free and Reduced Price Meals or Free Milk will be sent GUIDELINES INCOME ELIGIBILITY GUIDELINES INCOME ELIGIBILITY GUIDELINES to the households of all children enrolled in the schools listed. July July 1, 1, 2017 2017 - June June 30, 30, 2018 2018 INCOME ELIGIBILITY GUIDELINES • JULY 1, 2017of–Agriculture) JUNE 30, 2018 July 2017 States - JuneDepartment 30, 2018 (As announced by the1,United HOUSEHOUSEHOLD HOUSEHOLD SIZE HOLD SIZE SIZE 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 65 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 Each Each Additional Each Additional Household Additional Household Member Household Member Member

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If a household member becomes unemployed, or the Applicationatforms are available at school the school's and at your child's school. unemployed, Application can be submitted any time during the year. website If a household member becomes or the household size or income changes during the school year, parents are encouraged tounemployed, contact school member becomes unemployed, theany household size or income the If aetc.), should contact theencouraged Agency (State orto local) wherethe theyschool submitted or at during the changes school year. household member becomes orapplied the for benefits. 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To that the information provided is correct. information provided by parents on the application will be kept confidential andcall will be 632-9992. used only for your completed member certifying The that the information provided is correct. request a copy of the complaint form, (866) Submit The information provided by parents on the application will be kept confidential and will be used only for purpose of determining eligibility. The school willthe advise parents of their child’s eligibility within 10 working days form or letter to USDA by mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, The information provided by parents on the application will be kept confidential and will be used only forOffice of the Asthe purpose of determining eligibility. the purpose of determining eligibility. of receipt of the application. Any parent dissatisfied with the eligibility determina- sistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. tion m ay contact the school to request an informal conference or may appeal the 20250-9410; fax: (202) 690-7442; or email: This institudecision by requesting a form al hearing. Parents may call the school for further tion is an equal opportunity provider. information on the program. The following schools participate in one or more of the following School NuOnce determinations are completed, school officials are required to verify three trition Programs: National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, After percent of the approved free and reduced price applications on file. School Snack Program, Special Milk Program. Foster children are eligible for free meals or free milk. Households receiving asName of School Town in Which School is Located sistance under NJ SNAP or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) for their children will be notified of their eligibility for free benefits unless the household notiOur Lady of Perpetual Help Maple Shade fies the school that it chooses to decline benefits. Households receiving assistance Our Lady of Mt Carmel Asbury Park under NJ SNAP or T ANF should only submit an application if they are not notified of St. Benedict Holmdel their eligibility by a specified date determined by the school. In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture Trenton Catholic Academy - Upper School Hamilton (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and Trenton Catholic Academy - Lower School Hamilton employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are Holy Innocents Neptune prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, St. Mary of the Lakes Medford age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity St. Veronica Howell conducted or funded by USDA.

The next leadership gathering will be Sept. 19, which is scheduled to include a presentation from the Office of Communications and The Monitor, the diocesan newspaper, on expanding social media. There is always much excitement as the students realize they are coming “home” and meeting Bishop O’Connell.

Future Vision September 2016 saw the implementation of the first diocesan-wide Catholic Athletes for Christ board with representatives from seven high schools: Holy Cross Academy, Delran; Notre Dame, Lawrenceville; St. Rose, Belmar; St. John Vianney, Holmdel; Donovan Catholic, Toms River; Trenton Catholic Academy, Hamilton, and Red Bank Catholic, Red Bank. Dennis Guida, principal of Holy Cross Academy, represents the secondary principals on the advisory committee; I co-chair the board.

“It is the vision to ... connect the athletes’ love of sports to their love of Jesus.” The board oversees the ongoing planning of events, the Cathlete process and ensures that the bylaws are developed for the continuation of the program. This year, the hope is as the program is strengthened on the high school level, middle school students will be engaged to understand the concepts of the CAC program. Representatives from each secondary school will be visiting Catholic middle school students to share the program specifics with incoming ninth-graders. The excitement that is being generated for the 2017-18 school year is that the CAC is developing a new brand, developing a presence on social media and continuing to strengthen the leadership of the advisory board. It is the vision to follow the Lord and learn to connect the athletes’ love of sports to their love of Jesus. Living Charity is important to the program, and the board will continue to make recommendations for service projects. Father Tamayo continues to serve the CAC program as its chaplain and adviser. We are very grateful to Bishop O’Connell for guiding us toward the Catholic Athletes for Christ program, for Ray McKenna for sharing the program, our secondary principals and athletic directors for embracing the program and for the faculty and students who decided to embrace the journey connecting their Catholic faith and their participation in athletics.

Welcome BACK to School • S19

AUGUST 24, 2017 •

Saint John Vianney High School

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S20 • Welcome

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Higher Education Parishes send their college students to school with blessings, prayers and love Story by Carly York, Correspondent


ike any family sending loved ones off on a new journey, the parish of St. Leo the Great, Lincroft, and pastor, Father John Folchetti, expressed their love and prayers for college bound students during a celebration of Mass where students were recognized and blessed. The occasion marked the return to a former parish tradition, with hope that students would be strengthened in their Catholic faith when they are away from home.

GOD BE WITH YOU • Father Joy

Chacko, parochial vicar of St. Gabriel Parish, Marlboro, blesses the students from the parish who will be returning to college in the fall. A Mass to recognize the students was celebrated July30. Photo courtesy of St. Gabriel Parish


Four St. Leo the Great parishioners who were present for the Mass during which their pastor bestowed a blessing as they prepare to head to college are, from left, Jake Spoor, sophomore, University of Delaware; Jessica Ventura, sophomore, Villanova University; Michael Krall, freshman, Quinnipiac University, and Tyler Gentile, freshman, Georgetown University. Carly York photo

Such was the occasion Aug. 13 when current and new college students from the parish and their families gathered for the 5 p.m. Mass and barbecue that followed. During the Mass, all of the college students participated in the Presentation of the Gifts, and each received a special blessing from their pastor. At the picnic that followed, Mark Russoniello, the parish’s director of faith formation, and Joan Kret, youth minister, gave each student a booklet and packet of information from different Catholic campus ministries that are offered around the country. Russoniello and Kret wanted the students to have facts and resources on how to stay true to their Catholic faith while living away at college. The information told of how groups such as the Newman Connection and FOCUS run Bible studies, fellowship groups, conferences and mission trips for Catholic college students as a way to


Father John Folchetti, pastor of St. Leo the Great Parish, Lincroft, blesses those parishioners who are heading off to college for the 2017-2018 academic year. Carly York photo

help them connect to teach others and grow in their faith. In his homily at the Aug. 13 Mass, Father Folchetti reflected on the Readings, which centered on the theme of encountering the Lord. “God is with us in the brokenness and doubt that inevitably comes to us in life,” Father Folchetti said. “It is our job as Catholics to come along side other people who may not know God, and say to them, ‘God is with you.’” When directly addressing the college students and their families, Father Folchetti quoted Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, who in a 2008 address to U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and leaders of Catholic Universities, said, “Catholic institutions of learning are the place to encounter the living God.” In college, students can experience two of God’s great gifts to humanity, Father Folchetti said. “God gives us the gift of faith – going beyond ourselves. Faith becomes our anchor as we go through life,” he explained. “God also gives us the gift of reason,” he continued. “Students, I am concerned for you as a spiritual father. You will encounter people who will ridicule you for your faith, and also those who will support you ... I encourage you to be people of prayer; surround yourself with good people; and remain faithful to God.” Father Folchetti reminded the students that, “we, your extended family of the parish, are here for you whenever you need us. You only need to call us and we will help you.” Jessica Ventura, a rising sophomore at Villanova University, Villanova, Pa, and graduate of St. Leo the Great School and St. John Vianney High School, Holmdel, said she was happy to attend the special Mass because she was very involved with the parish’s CYO during high school, and she wanted to reconnect with her friends at the event. Ventura said that even though she spent her entire early education in Catholic schools, “it was difficult to stay true to the faith when I got to college. It is sometimes difficult to get up and go to Mass, and it is hard to find a CYO type group while at school. I am looking for my niche.” Tyler Gentile, a graduate of St. Leo the Great School and Christian Brothers Academy, Lincroft, who is preparing to

enter his freshman year at Georgetown University, Washington, said it is his hope to “try to stay true to my Catholic faith, especially after just hearing Father John’s homily. “I will try to go to church, and I am looking to get involved with the Jesuits at Georgetown and their community service outreach,” he said. James Ladley, another St. Leo the Great School and St. John Vianney High School graduate, who will enter his freshman year in The Catholic University of America, Washington, said that he chose to attend a Catholic college because it seemed to have the best of everything that he was looking for. Ladley, who will major in bio-medical engineering, said he wants to continue practicing his faith and will probably attend Mass in “that big basilica,” – the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception – located adjacent to the CUA campus. For six years, parishioners of Precious Blood, Monmouth Beach, has recognized their returning college students, according to parish business manager Joan Walsh. The blessing, which this year was held Aug. 12 and 13, is important because, “we have nurtured the children during their formative years, and now we are sending them forth to hopefully live out the Gospel,” Walsh said. In addition to the students, Walsh smiled when she said that a special prayer is also bestowed on their parents. Sometimes it is hard on the parents to send their children away, “so we bless the parents as well,” Walsh said. For the second year, St. Gabriel Parish, Marlboro, also celebrated a special Mass to recognize returning college students. According to Deacon Stephen Sansevere, “We are trying to maintain some continuity even as they go off to college. “We want them to feel welcome when they return,” he said following the July 30 Mass. He noted that several students from last year participated in this year’s Mass, and all assisted as readers, ushers, gift bearers and several joined the music director in providing uplifting music. To mark the milestone evening, Deacon Sansevere noted that the pews in the church were decorated with college pennants pompoms. In his homily, Deacon Sansevere said he talked about the Wisdom of Solomon, noting that wisdom is more valuable than money or power and stressed to the college students that “As you return or go off to college, wisdom is a Gift of the Holy Spirit that could help you make positive choices in every aspect of your lives. Wise choices in friendships, you social activities, your academic courses, and your life with God will lead you to that pearl of great value described in the Gospel.”

AUGUST 24, 2017 •

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S22 • Welcome

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Learning to serve nurtures faith, expands horizons Continued from • S13

feel forced or balk or see it as weird. They see it as part of who they are.”

Who We Are The same can be said at other diocesan schools, whose educators and staff took time out of busy back-toschool schedules to share a sense of the importance of social teaching on their campuses. Karen Falco, vice principal of Red Bank Catholic High School, shared that the fall semester will see “complete involvement of all classes” as most departments work together on projects. She offered the example of the history and arts departments working together on the history of dance around the world and how dance reflects the cultures it represents. A real aim of the curriculum is to involve students active in all disciplines. “We all work together,” Falco said, giving the example of how everyone on campus, including athletes and artists, participates in a range of activities including food and fundraising drives, supporting the troops, and nonprofits including Covenant House. The students volunteer to work with students with disabilities from the nearby Schroth School throughout the year and including summer vacation,

“Mainly, our call is to serve others.”

said Falco, calling the students’ enthusiasm “eye-opening.” “They are actually seeing that the world is composed of all different types of people, and they open their hearts and lend their hands” willingly in numerous ways, she said. Saint Leo the Great School, meanwhile, will be participating in a character development program known as The Positivity Project, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping America’s youth build stronger relationships by recognizing character strengths in themselves and others. The program uses a positive psychology philosophy to educate students about 24 character traits and how they relate to one’s self and others. “The project was adopted because of its potential strength to fortify character and interpersonal relationships,” said principal Cornelius Begley. “Their

Cheerleaders from Red Bank Catholic High School help during the summer carnival to benefit students with disabilities at the Schroth School in Monmouth County. Photo courtesy of Red Bank Catholic High School

motto, #OtherPeopleMatter, reminds our students of the importance of focusing on not just oneself, but on all those around them.” Students in Our Lady of Sorrows School will be expanding their social teaching horizons this year in a variety of ways, too, said principal Maureen Tuohy. The school has traditionally practiced service projects, but not on a monthly basis, Tuohy said. That will change this year as all of the children will go hands-on with projects ranging from creating placemats and greeting cards for nursing home residents, food drives for the Mount Carmel Guild, letters to troops deployed around the world and collecting socks and pajamas for local children in need. “Mainly, our call is to serve others. We model it for the children so they see that they can [help] on a regular basis, and it becomes part of who we are,” she said. “If our role as a Catholic school is to help them become messengers, what better way than to send messages out [in the form of tangible items],” she said. “We do what Jesus did – he did for others. Seeing and doing, that’s how we learn.” Indeed, Filippini Sister Angelina Peliccia, principal of St. Jerome School, said the sensitivity to and awareness of the needs of others learned from such

experiences is a great reflection of faith. “It is who we are,” said Sister Angelina. The values embodied by Catholic Social Teaching, she said, “enhance our academic curriculum and lead to developing individuals with character and integrity.” Her thoughts were echoed by Stella Monteleone, whose children, Christina and Guido, absorbed such lessons in St. Jerome School. Monteleone, a member of St. Jerome Parish, is an administrative assistant at the school who wears a number of hats. She helps out with the youth choir, coaches cross country and serves as a Eucharistic Minister of Holy Communion in the parish. She can often be found helping with the outreach efforts that are the hallmark of social teaching in St. Jerome. Monteleone said as students in the school, her children benefited greatly from participating in outreach projects that gave them a bigger perspective of the world. “They learned that we’re not all perfect,” she said, adding that her children used to be “amazed by volunteering with people with disabilities. It gave them a greater understanding of what life is all about. … In a school where everything is embodied in faith, they learned how important it is to give back.”

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Welcome BACK to School • S23

AUGUST 24, 2017 •

Schools advance in STEM, technology, curriculum Continued from • S14

foster creativity. The course also aims to build students’ awareness of the tremendous demand for computer specialists and for professionals in all fields who have computational skills.” St. John Vianney High School will also implement PLTW this year and offer Honors Engineering I, an introduction to Engineering Design; Honors Engineering II, which includes studying mechanisms, the strength of structures and materials; and Honors Engineering III, which focuses on civil engineering and architecture. Christian Brothers Academy, Lincroft, is another school that will enhance its technological and STEM offerings. Courses such as Robotics II, Principals of Engineering and Coding have been added to the school’s academic program and a bi-weekly “enrichment period” will allow students to participate in a range of co-curricular activities, including a robotics team. St. Benedict School, Holmdel, is eager to begin the new school year with its new state-of-the-art science lab, which was built over the summer months and will be ready to host both hands-on and virtual laboratory experiences for their

students this September. The elementary school will also introduce a new series that will enhance the lab experience through a set of modules that will include topics in the biological, physical and environmental sciences.

“Students in grades K through 8 experience the world of coding by participating in an international coding experience.” In addition, this winter, the school will host the second annual “Hour of Code,” in which students in grades K through 8 experience the world of coding by participating in an international coding experience. Last year, they created their own computer games and animations in a single hour. Priding itself on technology, Holy Cross School, Rumson, has acquired an additional 75 Chromebooks for grades 3

and 4 and has replaced its gymatorium projectors with two new laser projectors. The school is equipped with 5G wireless throughout the building, Windows 10 computers for every middle school student, wireless color laser printers for staff and student use, SMART Boards in most classrooms, a 3D printer for student projects, and an Oculus Rift virtual reality center to enhance learning in the middle school science lab. Teachers from St. Rose School, Belmar, participated in a special training over the summer as part of a new partnership the school formed with the New Jersey Institute of Technology to build a STEM program and STEM lab. When students return to school in the fall, they will walk into a building where all of the classrooms will have undergone remodeling, and there will be a new STEM lab added to the second floor. “This fall, SRGS moves to a projectbased STEM/Makerspace program for students,” said Principal Gregory Guito, noting that the hands-on activities will help reinforce the students’ skills in STEM subjects. The young women in Villa Victoria

Academy, Ewing, will return to renovations in their building and greater wireless capability. The technology is necessary to complement new rigorous additions to their academic program, including the new requirement of the students taking math all four years of high school. In St. Paul School, Burlington, STEM lessons and STREAM lessons (which incorporate religion and art) will be available for students in grades 5 through 8 during the day and in afterschool programs. While schools further strengthen their STEM and technology programs, much attention has also been paid on the diocesan level to the development of curriculum in early childhood development. Eileen Baglivio, kindergarten teacher in St. Peter School, Point Pleasant Beach, who has served on the diocesan Early Childhood Committee for more than 10 years, said the guidelines present strategies to accomplish affective development of the early childhood student. “Teaching practices focus on religious, emotional, social and developmental skills,” she said. “This will be a very useful tool for all teachers.”

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Catholic Schools



FA I T H • A C A D E M I C E X C E L L E N C E • AT H L E T I C S • S E R V I C E • C O M M U N I T Y Applications are now being accepted for the Catholic schools in the Diocese of Trenton. BURLINGTON COUNTY

Holy Cross Academy • Delran Our Lady of Good Counsel • Moorestown Our Lady of Perpetual Help • Maple Shade Pope John Paul II Regional School • Willingboro Sacred Heart • Mount Holly St. Charles Borromeo • Cinnaminson

St. Joan of Arc • Marlton St. Mary of the Lakes • Medford St. Paul • Burlington

MERCER COUNTY Notre Dame High School • Lawrenceville Our Lady of Sorrows • Mercerville St. Ann • Lawrenceville St. Gregory the Great Academy • Hamilton Square

St. Paul • Princeton St. Raphael • Hamilton Trenton Catholic Academy • Hamilton


Holy Cross • Rumson Holy Innocents • Neptune Our Lady of Mt. Carmel • Asbury Park Red Bank Catholic High School • Red Bank

St. Benedict • Holmdel St. Catharine • Spring Lake St. James • Red Bank St. Jerome • West Long Branch St. John Vianney High School • Holmdel St. Leo the Great • Lincroft St. Mary • New Monmouth St. Rose • Belmar St. Rose High School • Belmar

St. Rose of Lima • Freehold St. Veronica • Howell


All Saints Regional • Manahawkin Donovan Catholic High School • Toms River St. Aloysius • Jackson St. Dominic • Brick St. Joseph • Toms River St. Peter • Pt. Pleasant Beach

Space availability will vary by grade for each school.

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