April 2015 Issue of The Courier

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Easter Sunday, April 5

April 2015


Official Newspaper of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Winona, MN

“W e

are the Easter P e o p l e a n d H a l l e lu ja h i s o u r s o n g ." - S t . J o h n P a u l II It was during his visit to Croatia in 1994, when Pope John Paul II boldly proclaimed, “Do not abandon yourself to despair. We are the Easter people and Hallelujah is our song.” St. John Paul II taught us many things, but persevering in hope despite suffering or challenging surroundings was one of his most pervasive lessons. From the moment he began his pontificate, he declared, “do not be afraid!” As we approach Holy Week and focus on the gift of selfless love that is the Holy Cross, the task of taking in the enormity of our Lord’s sacrifice can be overwhelming. So much so that we may dismiss it before it has a chance to reach our inner most being. We have heard the story before, like a familiar bedtime tale. We yawn, we smile, and cheer for our Savior. The pain can feel too much, too deep, too raw if we really meditated on the Cross; it’s easier to go through the motions and move right to the chocolate eggs … oh, I mean, the empty tomb. For in the eyes of the world, the Cross is ridiculous. It is suffering; it is hardship; it is pain. And in many eyes, it is needless pain. Our world continues to do everything it can to rid itself of any type of suffering. For the world, suffering is discouraging, despairing, unbearable. Indeed, John by: Theresa Martin, Associate Editor

Divine Mercy Sunday, April 12 Our Lord made it clear through St. Faustina, "Mankind will have no peace until it turns with trust to my mercy." For the 21st year, Divine Mercy Sunday being celebrated in Winona. Just what is Mercy Sunday and how do we prepare for it? In the 1930s a devout nun from the submitted by: Mary Zimmerman

Mercy Sunday, cont'd on pg. 5

The Crucifixion, by Cano Alonso

Paul II taught us that without Christ, suffering is hell. Yet, God does not operate with the world’s eyes. God sees eternity. God sees the effects of evil on the world: sin and eternal death. God is so great, so powerful, so loving, that He has taken suffering, Satan’s greatest tool of despair, and used it to bring eternal hope. For it was only through suffering that Christ redeemed the world. God conquered eternal suffering with Christ’s suffering on the Cross. Through this one Easter People, cont'd on pg. 17

INSIDE this issue

Married Couple to be Canonized read more about the holy parents of St. Thérèse of Liseux on page 4

The Rite of Election read how the diocese welcomed 127 people in this Rite on page 15

Giving Teens InterMISSION




read about this event for youth on page 10

Pope Francis Watch

The Courier Insider

2 Pope Francis announces Extraordinary Holy Year! Jubilee of Mercy

Articles of Interest

Married Couple to be Canonized at Synod on Family

page 4

Christian Stewards: People of the Resurrection

page 6

Deanery Meetings Orient Parish Leaders

page 7

Schoenstatt Sister Visits St. Casimir's

page 8

Catholic School Students Win Spelling Bees

page 8

Priestly Identity

page 9


Pope Francis announces the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy during his homily on March 13. (CNS/Paul Hering)

(sources: Vatican Radio and news.va) On March 13, Pope Francis announced the celebration of an “extraordinary Holy Year” when he said during his homily, “Dear brothers and sisters, I have often thought about how the Church might make clear its mission of being a witness to mercy. It is journey that begins with a spiritual conversion. For this reason, I have decided to call an extraordinary Jubilee that is to have the mercy of God at its center. It shall be a Holy Year of Mercy. We want to live this Year in the light of the Lord's words: “Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. (cf. Lk 6:36)” “This Holy Year will begin on this coming Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception and will end on November 20, 2016, the Sunday dedicated to Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe – and living face of the Father’s mercy. I entrust the organization of this Jubilee to the Pontifical Council for Promotion of the New Evangelization, that [the dicastery] might animate it as a new stage in the journey of the Church on its mission to bring to every person the Gospel of mercy. “I am convinced that the whole Church will find in this Jubilee the joy needed to rediscover and make fruitful the mercy of God, with which all of us are called to give consolation to every man and woman of our time. From this moment, we entrust this Holy Year to the Mother of Mercy, that she might turn her gaze upon us and watch over our journey.”

page 9

InterMISSION – When Teens Need a Break!

page 10

Pathways TEC #65

page 11

DOW joined Catholics Worldwide in Prayer

page 11

“Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!”

page 13

Every Man’s Call to Holy Fatherhood

page 14

Welcome Home!

pages 15

Religious Life: Call & Consecration

pages 15

10th Anniversary of Eucharistic Adoration

pages 16

The Option for the Poor and Vulnerable

pages 16

Common Good RSVP Volunteers Invest in Education

pages 17

Divine Mercy Expert comes to Rochester

pages 18

Divine Mercy Celeberations throughout the DOW

pages 18

Minnesota Bishops Meet Governor, Lawmakers

pages 20

Bishop's Calendar March 28, Saturday 4:30 p.m. – Mass and Shroud of Turin Presentation, Saint John the Evangelist Church, Rochester

April 4, Holy Saturday 8 p.m. – Easter Vigil, Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona

This “Jubilee of Mercy” will commence with the opening of the Holy Door in St. April 5, Easter Sunday Peter’s on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, 2015, and will conclude March 30, Monday 10:30 a.m. – Solemn Easter Mass of the on November 20, 2016 with the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the 7 p.m. – Chrism Mass, Queen of Angels Resurrection, Cathedral of the Sacred Universe. At the start of the new year, the Holy Father had stated: “This is the time Church, Austin Heart, Winona of mercy. It is important that the lay faithful live it and bring it into different social April 2, Holy Thursday April 10, Friday environments. Go forth!” 7 p.m. – Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper, 9 a.m. – Teach at St. Mary University The Jubilee announcement had been made on the second anniversary of the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona (SMU), Winona election of Pope Francis, during his homily for the penitential liturgy with which the Holy Father opened the “24 Hours for the Lord”. This initiative, proposed by the April 3, Good Friday April 11, Saturday Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization, promotes through12 p.m. – Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion, 4:30 p.m. – Holy Hour, Vespers, and Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona Dinner – Immaculate Heart of Mary out the world the opening of churches for an extended period of time for the purpose of inviting people to the celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The theme for this year has been taken from the Letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians, “God rich in Child Abuse Policy Information mercy” (Eph 2:4). The opening of this next Jubilee will take place on the fiftieth anniversary of the closing of the Diocese of Winona - Child Sexual Abuse Policy Second Vatican Council in 1965. This is of great significance, for it impels the Church to continue Information the work begun at Vatican II. The Diocese of Winona will provide a prompt, appropriate and Jubilee Year of Mercy, cont'd on pg. 12 The Courier is the Official Publication of the Diocese of Winona 55 West Sanborn, P.O. Box 588, Winona, MN 55987 Vol 106 - 04

Most Reverend John M. Quinn, Publisher Joel Hennessy, Editor Theresa Martin, Associate Editor Telephone: 507-454-4643 Fax:507-454-8106 E-mail: courier@dow.org Subscription Rates: $5 per year in the U.S. Parishioners in the Winona Diocese subscribe through their parish.

Periodicals postage paid at Madelia, MN Postmaster. (ISSN 0744-5490) Publishing Schedule: Monthly - Deadline for advertising & articles is the 10th of the month prior. (ISSN 0744-5490)

April, 2015 w The Courier

compassionate response to reporters of sexual abuse of a child by any diocesan agent (employees, volunteers, vendors, religious or clergy). Anyone wishing to make a report of an allegation of sexual abuse should call the Victim Assistance Coordinator at 507454-2270, Extension 255. A caller will be asked to provide his or her name and telephone number. Individuals are also encouraged to take their reports directly to civil authorities. The Diocese of Winona is committed to protecting children, young people and other vulnerable people in our schools, parishes and ministries. The diocesan policy is available on the diocesan web site at www.dow. org under the Safe Environment Program. If you have any questions about the Diocese of Winona’s implementation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, please contact Peter Martin, at 507-858-1264, or pmartin@dow.org.

Rejoicing in the Hope of Easter! Dear Friends in Christ,

Rejoice in Hope Bishop John M. Quinn the deacons of the diocese. At this Mass, I will bless the oils that will be used by priests and deacons in all parishes of the diocese for the next Officials The Most Rev. John M. Quinn, Bishop of the Diocese of Winona, announces the following: Appointments: Fr. Bob Horihan, Appointed Associate Dean of Formation at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona, effective February 9, 2015. Fr. Thien Nguyen, Appointed Pastor of Saint John Baptist de la Sale in Dodge Center, Saint Francis de Sales in Claremont, and Saint Vincent de Paul in West Concord, effective February 28, 2015. Fr. Robert Schneider, Appointed Canonical Administrator for Loyola Catholic Schools in Mankato, from February 24 to August 1, 2015.

Light of Christ spreading into all corners of the church and into all parts of our life. We have a number of readings from Scripture that tell the story of our salvation, starting with Adam and Eve and ending of course with the Resurrection. This is the time when new Catholics enter the Church, either through Baptism or, if they already have been baptized by a profession of faith, and through Confirmation. These are truly beautiful liturgies, I hope you can attend them! Easter There are no words to describe this day. Imagine, the Son of God died on the cross and, on this day, He rose from the dead leaving behind the empty tomb. Is this not a day to celebrate? We rejoice at Christmas when we remember the birth of the Messiah. But is it not even more a cause for rejoicing to remember that our Messiah died for us and rose from the dead? Now, He lives forever continually blessing us and offering us a seat next to Him in the eternal kingdom of Heaven. Jesus Christ is real and living and is present, especially in the celebra-

tion of the Eucharist. What a gift to us! What an expression of divine love and hope, that Jesus Christ is present, body, blood, soul and divinity in the Eucharist and wishes to enter into our lives and be the food to nourish us to eternal life! Bishops’ and Rector’s Dinner Every y e a r, Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary holds a special Bishops’ and Rector’s Dinner to celebrate the conclusion of another academic and formational year. It is always a great and joyful event. We also rejoice and congratulate special people. Among them, first, are the young men who will graduate this spring from the seminary and from Saint Mary’s University. They will move on to the next phase of their formation for the priesthood – Theology School. Also, every year, the Seminary faculty chooses one person for a special honor. This year, the recipient of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Award is Mr. George Weigel. More details about the Bishops’ and Rector’s Dinner on April 24 (held at the Rochester International

Event Center) can be found on the Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary website, www.ihmseminary.org, please see their Ad on page 5 of this issue of The Courier for more information as well. 2015 Annual Diocesan Catholic Ministries Appeal: Closer to Christ continues The Annual Diocesan Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) is a primary source of funding to help us sustain and expand ministries in the 114 parishes, 30 schools, seminary, and Catholic organizations within the geographic region served by the Diocese of Winona. Your support will help us to continue to financially support spiritual, educational and social needs of the Catholic community in southern Minnesota. The Catholic Church serves the needs of many people in our local diocese and beyond. Each diocesan ministry exists to support the work of our local parishes. Please support the Annual Diocesan Catholic Ministries Appeal. We are all part of the local church, part of the Diocese of Winona.

From the Bishop

Holy Week During the week of March 29 – April 5, we will observe the most important events in our faith life. Sunday is Palm Sunday, when we remember Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. On Monday, March 30, I will celebrate the Chrism Mass with the priests and

twelve months, the Oil of Catechumens, the Oil for the Sick and the Oil for Sacred Chrism. The priests of the diocese will also renew their commitment to minister to the people of the diocese. It truly is impressive to see over one hundred priests gathered in one place and reciting their commitment to faithful ministry. This year, the Chrism Mass is at Queen of Angels Church in Austin. If you have the opportunity, please come and join in the Liturgy. Later in the week, every parish will celebrate the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday evening. Many parishes will have multiple opportunities to worship on Good Friday as we remember that Jesus paid the ultimate price to obtain forgiveness for our sins and to again open the doors of heaven to us. The Sacred Triduum (Three Days) ends with the Easter Vigil celebrated in parish churches after sundown on Holy Saturday, April 4. The liturgy is a bit longer than usual, but such deep meaning. It begins with the lighting of the new fire, the blessing and lighting of the Paschal Candle symbolizing the


Bishop Quinn, cont'd on pg. 11

Bishop's Calendar cont'd Seminary, Winona


April 12, Sun. – April 17, Fri. Retreat Master for Diocese of Arlington priest retreat in Faulkner, Maryland

April 24, Friday 9 a.m. – Teach at SMU, Winona 6 p.m. – Bishops & Rector Dinner – International Event Center, Rochester

April 18, Saturday 4:30 p.m. – Mass at St. Mary’s Hospital Chapel April 19, Sunday 2:30 p.m. – Confirmation at St. John the Evangelist Church, Rochester April 21, Tuesday 2 p.m. – Clergy Committee Mtg


April 22, Wednesday 6:30 a.m. - Lauds and Mass – IHM Seminary, Winona 5 p.m. – Opening Mass with National Association of Diaconate Directors – Basilica of St. Mary, Minneapolis April 23, Thursday 5 p.m. – Dinner with Region VIII Deacons and Directors,

April 25, Saturday 11 a.m. – Confirmation at Resurrection Church, Rochester April 26, Sunday 2 p.m. – Confirmation at Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona April 28, Tuesday 9 a.m. – Symbolon Training Day, Owatonna 5:30 p.m. – St. Vincent’s Table dinner – St. Joseph Church, Owatonna April 29, Wednesday 9:30 a.m. – Holy Hour (College of Consultors) 10:30 a.m. – College of Consultors Mtg 7 p.m. – Confirmation at St. Rose of Lima Church, Lewiston April 30, Thursday

10 a.m. – Holy Hour (Bishop’s Cabinet) 11 a.m. – Bishop’s Cabinet Mtg 5 p.m. – Holy Hour with Winona Serra Club, FOCUS Group & Newman Center Students – Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona May 1, Friday 6:30 a.m. – Lauds and Mass – IHM Seminary, Winona 7 p.m. – Confirmation at St. Joseph Church, Waldorf May 2, Saturday 11 a.m. – Confirmation at St. Francis of Assisi Church, Rochester 4:30 p.m. – Holy Hour, Vespers, Senior Dinner and Skits – IHM Seminary, Winona May 3, Sunday 10 a.m. – Mass with Hermits of St. Mary of Carmel, Houston 2 p.m. – Dedication of chapel at St. Mary of Carmel Hermitage, Houston May 4, Monday 7 p.m. – Confirmation at Crucifixion Church, La Crescent

May 5, Tuesday 11 a.m. – Deans Meeting, Albert Lea May 6, Wednesday 7 p.m. – Confirmation at St. Mary Church, Caledonia May 7, Thursday 10 a.m. – Holy Hour with Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota Board 11 a.m. – Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota Foundation Board Meeting, Winona 1:30 p.m. – IHM Seminary Finance Council Mtg, Winona 6 p.m. – Saint Mary University end of year dinner, Winona May 8, Friday 5 p.m. – Baccalaureate Mass and Dinner – IHM Seminary, Winona May 9, Saturday 8 a.m. - Baccalaureate Mass at Saint Mary University, Winona 11 a.m. – Graduation and luncheon – Saint Mary University, Winona April, 2015 w The Courier

Life, Marriage & Family


Married Couple to be canonized at the Synod on the Family It has been informally announced that the parents of St. Thérèse of Liseux, Blessed Louis and Zelie Martin will be elevated to sainthood in October. Their canonization will be the first joint canonization of a married couple. (In 2001 an Italian couple, Luigi and Maria Quattrocchi, were beatified together.) Both Louis and Zelie realized their vocation to marriage after first discerning religious vocations. Louis, because of his inability to speak Latin, was not allowed to enter the Augustine Monastery and Zelie was turned away by the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul due to respiratory difficulties and recurrent headaches. Louis went on to become a

Peter Martin, STL Director pmartin@dow.org

watchmaker and Zelie was a lace maker. They married in 1858 and had 9 children. Two sons and a daughter died in infancy and another daughter died when she was only five and a half years old. Even during the trials of having to bury their own children, the Martins maintained their unwavering faith in God. The five remaining daughters all went on to become religious sisters

(four Carmelites and one a nun of the Visitation Order). In Louis and Zelie, we have an amazing example of the call to holiness lived out in the vocation of marriage. Both Louis and Zelie ran their own business, yet placed Christ at the center of their lives. Their day started with 5:30 Mass and the praying of the Angelus, the Rosary and Vespers was part of their family’s daily practice. Their family learned how to truly follow Christ by the example of their saintly parents; in their house, the corporal and spiritual works of mercy were often practiced. The Martin children were also taught by their parents how to accept the joys and sacrifices of this life and to offer their entire lives to the Lord. In 1876, Zelie discovered too late that she had breast cancer. Less than twenty years into her marriage and with five children who were between the ages of 3 and 17, Zelie would succumb to the cancer leaving Louis alone to raise their daughters. Louis dedicated himself and his daughters to the Lord in a particular way and submitted himself to the will of God. The last years of his life were also filled with suffering as he suffered two strokes which brought humiliation and physical suffering. The fact that this modern couple will be canonized during the month of the Synod on the Family is, I believe one of the first fruits of the Synod. The message is: “Parents, it is through the struggles and trials of parenthood and marriage that you achieve holiness!” May the lives of this couple inspire us to sanctity and may the

prayers of soon to be Saints Louis and Zelie Martin strengthen the family! Other Saints who were married: - Ss. Joachim and Ann - Ss. Mary and Joseph - St. Thomas More - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - Ss. Isidore and Maria - St. Elizabeth of Hungary - St. Gianna Molla - St. Frances of Rome

Are you or a loved one experiencing same sex attraction and looking for answers? Diocese of Winona Office of Life, Marriage & Family 55 West Sanborn Street Winona, Minnesota 55987 (507) 858- 1264 E-mail: courage@dow.org

EnCourage -- a ministry dedicated



Ti ist m e e r ou ru TO t! nn DA in Y g !

April, 2015 w The Courier

to the spiritual needs of parents, siblings, children, & other relatives and friends of persons who have same-sex attractions -- is also available. Chapters are active and meeting monthly. Contact us for information!

Mercy Sunday, cont'd from page 1

n! ited o o r s a lim e t is for ly! g e R red on e e off tim

The Image of Divine Mercy. There is so much to be said about this beautiful image; please refer to a whole pamphlet for more or the Diary of St. Faustina’s words from Jesus. Jesus said, I promise the soul who will venerate this image will not perish. I am offering people a vessel with which they are to keep coming for graces to the fountain of mercy – the image, with the signature “Jesus I Trust In You”. As I gaze upon the Divine Mercy Image, I see Jesus taking a step forward to come to meet us, his right hand in a blessing position, his left hand pointing toward his heart where two rays coming forth- the pale ray stands for the waters of Baptism, the red ray stands for the blood which is the life of the soulthe Eucharist. Jesus desires


that every home and church have an Image of Divine Mercy. Divine Mercy Sunday. Words from Jesus, “on this day the very depths of my tender mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon souls who approach the fount of my mercy. The soul that will go to confession” (preferably before that Sunday) “and receive Holy Communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment.” This is how we can prepare for the Feast of Mercy, sincerely repent, confession, complete trust in Jesus, receive Holy Communion on that day, venerate the Image, and be merciful to others. Sister Faustina has now reached her heavenly home and was declared a Saint by St. John Paul II in the year 2000, the same day Mercy Sunday was officially put on the Church calendar. Now it’s up to us to be the hands and feet and voice for Saint Faustina. To spread the good news of God’s Mercy. For this, Jesus gives us this promise, “Souls who spread the honor of My mercy I shield through their entire life as a tender mother her infant, and at the hour of death I will not be a Judge for them, but the Merciful Savior.” You may contact Mary Zimmerman for information or materials (507) 452-2570. Go to Page 18 to see the Divine Mercy Celebrations section of events all throughout our diocese as well as a Special Guest Speaker on Divine Mercy in Rochester!

In the Diocese

order of the Sisters of our Lady of Mercy began to get messages and revelations from Jesus. Jesus said, “You will prepare the world for my second coming.” When that will be, no one knows, but there seems to be a sense of urgency. Can anyone deny that the world is in crisis and needs God’s mercy as never before? God keeps reminding us of that through the many approved apparition sights and messages. Within this article, we’ll focus mainly on those given to Sister Faustina. God gave her the title of the Secretary of his greatest attribute, His Mercy. Jesus instructed her on the many aspects of the Divine Mercy devotion. Here are a few of those aspects: The Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Our Lord taught St. Faustina a prayer for mercy that she was to pray “unceasingly,” the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. He said if she prayed this way, her prayer would have great power for the conversion of sinners, peace for the dying and even for controlling nature. Jesus further says, through the Chaplet you will obtain everything, if what you ask for is compatible with my will. The Divine Mercy Novena. The Chaplet can be said anytime, but the Lord specifically asked that it be recited as a Novena. Especially on the nine days before the Feast of Mercy and he promised, by this Novena (of Chaplets) I will grant every possible grace to souls and is especially beneficial for the dying. The Three o’clock Hour. At three o’clock implore my mercy, especially for sinners. This is the hour of great mercy for the whole world; I will refuse nothing to the soul that makes a request of me in virtue of my passion.

Bishops and Rector Dinner Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary 12th Annual Dinner

Friday April 24, 2015

Social 6:00 pm

Dinner & Program 7:00 pm

ROCHESTER INTERNATIONAL EVENT CENTER 7333 Airport View Drive SW Rochester MN, 55902

Immaculate Heart of Mary Award

Presented to Mr. George Weigel

Please join George Weigel, Bishop John Quinn, Msgr. Thomas Melvin, IHM faculty, seminarians and guests for this wonderful celebration. Proceeds benefit seminarian formation programs. Open to the public. For information on sponsoring go to www.ihmseminary.org.

ReseRvation FoRm

RSVP by 4/10/2015 Send to: Bishops and Rector Dinner IHM Seminary 750 Terrace Heights Winona, MN 55987

Please reserve the following:


Address: ______________________________________ City/State/Zip: _________________________________ Phone/E-mail: __________________________________ May we seat a Seminarian(s) at your table?___________


______Individual Reservations $100 ______Enclosed is an additional donation of $100 for a

Tables seat eight people. Please indicate Pork(P) or Fish(F) for your entree. Name P F

Seminary with my contribution in the amount of $__________


Please make check payable to Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary.


Please charge $________ to my: Visa Master Card Account Number: ___________________________________ Exp. Date:___________________ Security Cod:________ Cardholder’s Signature:_______________________________


Seminarian to attend the dinner. _______I am unable to attend but would like to support IHM ___________________________________

Reservations will be held at the door. For questions or dietary needs contact Rebecca Peters Phone: (507)494-8844 Email: RPeters@ihmseminary.org

___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Name tags will be provided for all guests, please print guests names as they will appear on the name tags.

April, 2015 w The Courier

Mission Advancement


Christian Stewards: People of the Resurrection For those immersed in the secular world, Easter will come and go quickly. The pastel bunnies, the chocolate eggs, the colorsplashed jelly beans which appeared in the marketplace so temptingly just as Christians were beginning the fasting of Lent, have long been swept from the store shelves to be replaced in anticipation of the next marketable holiday. For the Christian steward, how backward this all seems. Yes, we believe that the Paschal mystery and the life-changing events of Easter are not over. They are not an end but a triumphal beginning, and they have altered us in a quite radical way.

We have lived through Lent and the Paschal mysteries, all the while trying to deepen a relationship with the person of Christ.

The mystery and miracle of Easter challenge us to live as different people, as people of the Resurrection. What does this mean? For those new Catholics who participated in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), a period of mystagogy helps to understand this mystery. Indeed, this ancient Greek word actually means “to lead through the mysteries.” During mystagogia, many parishes introduce their new members to service in a quite

practical way. Here are the ministries of the parish; here are the charities we support; here are the needs of our community and our congregation. How do you choose to live out your faith in the Resurrection in a quite tangible and real way? How do your gifts fit into our needs? Essentially, however, this is a question that the Easter season calls forth in all Christian stewards not just our newest members. We have lived through Lent and the Paschal mysteries, all the while trying to deepen a relationship with the person of Christ. It’s as simple, yet as amazing and complex as that. The deeper the relationship grows, the more we become rooted in it, the more this relationship with Christ comes to dominate our lives. We no longer compartmentalize Jesus, we hold him at our center. And the mysteries lead us to the fundamental question at the heart of all Christian stewardship, the question that Easter compels us to ask: How do I steward my resources – my time, my money, my abilities and gifts, my very life – so that they are in service to the Kingdom of God? It’s not a part-time question. It’s not a seasonal question that’s swept off the shelf periodically. It’s the Joel Hennessy basic question which Director the Easter season jhennessy@dow.org demands of us: Jesus, how do you want me to serve you?

Mini Story

Raised To-Date:

Shawn Hernandez


St. Francis of Assisi

out of $2.06 M Goal (As of 3/16/2015)


When I was first introduced to ENDOW, and the idea of a “New Feminism”, I was

struck by the information, and I craved to learn more about what the “feminine genius” was. I wondered why I had not learned about it before. It was as if someone had sparked something in my soul and it spread like wild fire. Since then, I have gone to ENDOW talks and the New Feminism Conference, which have helped me to draw Closer to Christ and the Blessed Mother. My journey has taught me how beautiful the creation of “woman” is. Women are the Crown of the creation of God. A woman is the most beautiful yet the most complex being that God created. My experience with ENDOW has been a life-changing one. This is why it is so important to donate to the Catholic Ministries Appeal, so programs like ENDOW can keep running. ENDOW helps every woman realize her immense beauty and deepen her relationship with Christ.

The Catholic Ministries Appeal financially supports vital ministries in these key areas: • • • • • • • • • •

Youth and Young Adult Lay Formation Faith Formation Life, Marriage & Family Catholic Schools Vocations Discernment Parish & Clergy Services Evangelization Mission Advancement Community Outreach

Read the Witness Testimonials to see the direct impact your gift makes as YOU lead others www.catholicfsmn.org/Appeal Closer to Christ through your generosity. You can also visit the website to read a full All gifts will be used solely for the restricted purposes of the 2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal. The Appeal supports specific ministries and programs of the Diocese of Appeal-Funded Ministries Winona and other Catholic organizations. The restricted purposes are identified spe- report.

Please give generously to the Catholic Ministries Appeal.

cifically on the Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota website. April, 2015 w The Courier


Donors have given to-date

View Parish Progress online at: www. catholicfsmn.org/ Appeal

Deanery Meetings Orient Parish Leaders to Vision 2016 Planning Process and Data

o Suggested improvements must enhance the plan for the entire diocese as well as the parish or cluster in question, with a clear eye to local parish and demographic trends, and available clergy. o Parish Pastoral Plans cannot plan for more that 3 weekend liturgies per priest, excluding weddings or funerals;

unless there are extenuating circumstances determined by the pastor in consultation with the Vicar General. o Parish pastors and leaders cannot choose to refuse to develop a Parish Pastoral Plan or ignore certain or whole elements of Vision 2016. o Parish Pastoral Plans cannot violate canon law, diocesan policy, civil law, or binding agreements. For example, a parish cannot recruit and hire its own priest or hire a lay administrator in lieu of a pastor. It is also true that many of the churches recommended for Oratory status have very small congregations and thus it is increasingly more difficult to keep them as viable parishes. A sustainable parish is one that is not only financially solvent, but also one that shares the mission of the Church in the broadest sense. This includes having faith formation for all ages and programs for social justice and outreach. RCIA is an important part of evangelization, as is having all the ministries available for the Sunday celebration of the Eucharist. It is understood that in the future, given further developments in our diocese, it is likely that more changes will be required. The planning committee is aware of the pain that parishioners experience when facing the merger of their beloved church. The VISION 2016 committee will do its best to recognize vital and sustainable parishes, while addressing the spiritual and institutional needs of the entire Diocesan community. The general consensus, at the end of the day, is that a lot of hard work, creativity and insight are coming together. This planning process so far is generating some good excitement and enthusiasm for our faith. The results of the completed cluster meetings will be summarized and shared in the May Courier. I appreciate very much the extra effort at this time from Pastors, staff, and laity, as I understand the energy this requires on top of everything else that goes on day-to-day in the parish. I know that to attend additional meetings and complete the planning Guidebook is a challenge, but I firmly believe that the end result will be well worth the effort. Thanks to everyone for going the extra mile in these days ahead to provide for the future needs of our Winona Diocesan Church. God will surely bless our work!

Vision 2016

All five of our deaneries have by: Msgr. Richard M. Colletti, Vicar reviewed the recomGeneral/Chancellor mended changes as part of VISION 2016 at Deanery meetings throughout the month of March. These meetings included a wide array of information gathered from our parishes over the past two years by our Diocesan Offices, and demographic community data gathered by TeamWorks International. After a half hour of Adoration that began each meeting, the next two and a half hours were spent understanding and absorbing the data and the process to take place over the next year. The data included sacramental loading for each parish, which is the number of sacraments celebrated in each parish over a calendar year. Data also included average attendance at each Mass in the clusters. This is one of the signs of sustainability of a parish. We also went over data from county census in forecasting possible growth or decline of population in each cluster. More time for discussion and listening to parishioners will be included in the cluster meetings that have already begun in some deaneries. Aware that most of the churches recommended for Oratory status in the VISION 2016 Draft Plan are rural, and these parishes for the most part are at the very center of these communities, our planning team is working to be sensitive to the changes they are experiencing and to assist them over the next year by listening to their ideas and inviting them to make further recommendations to the planning team. Improvements offered by parishes and clusters must abide by the following parameters, and will be covered in more detail during meetings at the Deanery, cluster, and parish levels:


Prayer for Pastoral Planning in the Diocese of Winona Almighty God, we the people of the Diocese of Winona prayerfully look to the future. During this time of pastoral planning, we implore the Holy Spirit to pour out upon us the gifts of wisdom, courage and hope. May we exercise the virtue of prudence by opening our hearts and minds to be good stewards of the legacy of faith inherited from those who built the Church on the prairie, the hills, and in the valleys. May we exercise the virtue of justice by opening our hearts and minds to assure that the voices of people from all generations, all vocations and all areas of the Diocese are welcomed and respected. May we exercise the virtue of fortitude by opening our hearts and minds to understand and acknowledge the spiritual and practical realities of our day and prepare for the days to come; and May we exercise the virtue of temperance by opening our hearts and minds to accept the changes in diocesan, parish and personal life that the Holy Spirit, through this planning process, is guiding us to make. Under the protection of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, our Mother, may we discern and implement what is best for the diocesan Church and all the faithful of southern Minnesota. We pray this through Christ, our Lord. Amen. April, 2015 w The Courier


Schoenstatt Sister Visits St. Casimir's submitted by: Teresa Chirpich

Catholic Schools

The students of St. Casimir’s School in Wells had a special visitor recently when Sister Jessica, a Schoenstatt Nun from Sleepy Eye, came to share news of the love that Jesus has for all of us. Sister Jessica also shared how Mary, the mother of Jesus, wants to bring us to her Son.

Earlier this year, St. Casimir’s School was dedicated to Mary, Mother Thrice Admirable.

Mother Thrice Admirable is the mother of God, the mother of Jesus and the mother of all of us. As a school, we turn to her for her care and her prayers. May our school continue to grow and be blessed!

Marsha Stenzel Superintendent mstenzel@dow.org

Catholic School Students Excelled in Minnesota's Spelling Bees!

Briana Joseph Champion Christine Farnberg, Champion of of South Central Regional Southeast Regional Spelling Bee & Spelling Bee, SJV 5th Grader Teresa Nowakowski, 1st Runner Up, Rochester Catholic Sschools 8th Graders submitted by: Laura Smith, Communications & Marketing Specialist, RCS

Briana Joseph, a 5th grade student from Saint John Vianney School in Fairmont, won the South Central Regional Spelling Bee in Mankato. She competed against 38 other students. She has earned a trip to the Scripps National Spelling Bee in Washington, D.C. at the end of May. Briana’s winning word was “angstrom”. Congratulations! submitted by: Brenda Noll

Rochester Catholic Schools is proud to announce that Christine Farnberg is the Grand Champion of the Southeast Minnesota Regional Spelling Bee Finals and Teresa Nowakowski is the first runner-up. These two representatives from Rochester Catholic Schools, both eighth grade students at Holy Spirit Catholic School, battled the best spellers from 37 school districts through 25 rounds of tough competition and came out on top. Twelve spellers (six from each Regional Spelling Bee) competed in the Final Spelling Bee on Tuesday, February 24, at 9:00 a.m. at the Southeast Service Cooperative in Rochester. These twelve students were narrowed down from the seventy-six (76) Southeastern Minnesota students who participated in the Spelling Bee, cont'd on pg. 14

April, 2015 w The Courier

Priestly Identity



A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to join other vocations directors, as well as priests and counselors involved in the formation of priests at a symposium sponsored by the Institute for Priestly Formation. This gathering focused on the relationship between human and spiritual formation, and in particular how we are able to form young men to become priests with the identity of Jesus Christ the priest. Five aspects of this identity were given to describe how a young man is to be formed into a holy, happy and healthy priest. The first aspect of the priest is to be a beloved son. This identity is not unique to the priesthood, but belongs to all of us through our Baptism. In this first Sacrament, we are united to Jesus in his own Baptism and, like him, the heavens open and the Father declares: "This is my beloved son/daughter!" That is how God the Father views you and I. Amazing, isn't it! This identity connects us to God by deepening our relationship. Being baptized is great, it welcomes us into the Church, and it is not something to be forgotten. We need to keep growing. If a man cannot see himself in this way, it will be difficult to fill Rev. Will Thompson out the rest of Christ's Director identity in the followwthompson@dow.org ing four aspects of the priesthood. Priests also take on the identity of a chaste spouse. In the priesthood, we remember Jesus' many comments in which he says that he is the bridegroom to the Church. Jesus wants to give himself to no other than to the world, and it is no different for the priest. A seminarian goes through intense preparation and discernment of the charism of celibacy. Being a chaste spouse of the Church is not an add-on to the priesthood, but an integral element of how a priest loves the people of God. Third, as a spiritual father the priest imitates Jesus who was constantly revealing the Father. We encounter Jesus in many ways, and Jesus brings us to the Father. In the same way, a priest needs to reveal the Father through his spirituality as well as his humanity. This is a primary focus of seminary formation: to help a young man learn how to be a bridge to God rather than an obstacle. Jesus also came to heal the sick, and so does the priest as a spiritual physician. We are not necessarily called to fix every situation, but rather to bring healing through the Sacraments, our prayers and presence. A priest is ordained for the salvation of souls.

Pope St. John Paul II was an inspiration to many young men discerning the call to the priesthood, giving living witness to what it meant to truly be a priest.

Finally, Jesus frequently reminded the people that he is the Good Shepherd. In the same way that he sought the lost, so too does the priest. This is not simply an action, but an expression of the heart of a priest. The priest is to go out and meet the people where they are at and invite them into a loving relationship with the Father which then leads us to heaven. Now, if this is what the heart of a priest is to look like, how can we spot the beginnings of that heart in a young man who may be considering entering the seminary? It’s not as though he should already be exhibiting each of these aspects right now, but he should have the beginnings of a priestly identity. Over the next few months I will describe some of the characteristics that may identify a young man with a priestly vocation.


Sr. Michaea Byron

Sister Michaea Byron, 87, a Franciscan Sister of the Congregation of Our Lady of Lourdes, Rochester, MN, died at Assisi Heights on Sunday, February 1, 2015. Marian Rose Byron was born August 7, 1927, in Waseca, Minnesota, to Arthur and Marian (Burns) Byron. She entered the Sisters of St. Francis in 1945

from Saint Mary Parish, Waseca County. Sister Michaea made first vows in 1948 and perpetual vows in 1951. She received a Bachelor’s Degree in Food/ Nutrition from the College of St. Teresa, Winona, MN, in 1954, a Master’s Degree in Home Economics Education from Iowa State University in Ames, IA, in 1955, and in 1973 she received a PhD in Education/Anthropology from the University of Minnesota. Sister Michaea served nearly five decades in educational and administrative roles. She also served the Franciscan Sisters as director of postulants, director of the juniorate for Sisters with first vows, and as a member of the congregation’s leadership Council for several terms. In 1985, the Board of Trustees of the College of Saint Teresa (CST) elected Sister Michaea to serve

as the seventh president of the College, a position she held until the College closed in 1989. Among the many positions that helped prepare her for her new leadership role as president of the College were thirty years (1955-1985) of teaching at CST, where she also served as chair of the Home Economics Department. Sister Michaea served on various councils, committees and programs of the College, as well as the local Winona areas: Saint Anne Hospice Board member and Chair, Saint Marys Hospital Board of Sponsorship, and Chaplain Service - Winona Community Hospital. In addition, she served as a volunteer for Tri-County Poverty program, Winona Area Hospice, Winona Chamber of Commerce Education Committee and Family Literacy Program. Following her years at

CST, Sister Michaea was Co-Director and Founder of Parish Nurses Partnership of Central Minnesota and served on advisory boards for Faith in Action, Aging Network, Central MN Council on Aging, and North Central MN Parish Nurse Ministry. She also helped facilitate the integration of St. Cloud Hospital and Clinic as it formed the CentraCare Health System. Sister Michaea is survived by her Franciscan Community with whom she shared life for sixty-nine years and many nieces, nephews and cousins. She was preceded in death by her parents, two brothers, Walter Byron and Frank Byron, and a sister Kathleen Bielinski.

Sr. Marion Fritz

Sister Marion Fritz, 89, professed in 1946, died January 12, 2015, at Good Counsel in Mankato.

She served as a Catholic School elementary teacher and administrator and as a Director of Religious Education, primarily in the Archdiocese of St. PaulMinneapolis; in the Winona Diocese she taught at St. Mary, Worthington (195154). As a DRE, she was a pioneer in the field of familybased religious education. April, 2015 w The Courier

Youth & Young Adults


InterMISSION – When Teens Need a Break!

It’s that time of year when winter turns to spring and we all need a break from the grip of a busy winter. Breaks refresh us and rejuvenate our souls so that we can continue on in life with peace and joy. Hundreds of teenagers in our Diocese recently gathered for a much needed break – an “InterMISSION” from the chaos of life. InterMISSION is an evening rally where high school teens gather for Mass, food, a talk and a time of prayer. It seems simple, but these evenings are truly blessed with the Lord’s grace. This winter, our Diocese hosted two of these events, one in Adrian and the other in Rochester. Speakers and musicians from around the country joined our gatherings and encouraged those in attendance. Nic Frank, a national speaker, who is scheduled to present at this year’s Steubenville Rochester North Conference, shared about the courage it takes to be Catholic and live out one’s faith. His testimony Ben Frost was inspirational and set the Director tone for a night of Adoration and Confession. The Rochester bfrost@dow.org InterMISSION featured local presenter Andy Wagenbach.

April, 2015 w The Courier

He, too, encouraged the teens to step out of their comfort zone and follow Jesus. Both events were a great success and we thank everyone who made them possible. Yes, sometimes life gets busy and overwhelming. Remember that, we all need breaks. The Lord is always there; ready to meet us with his solace!

Bishop Quinn, cont'd from page 3 Divine Mercy Sunday Beginning in 1931, Sr. Faustina reported the first of what would become a number of apparitions, in which Jesus gave her His messages of His limitless Mercy and its availability to all who embrace it. Jesus’ message to her was that God is merciful. He is love itself, poured out for us, and He wants all to share in it, to turn to Him with trust and repentance before He comes as the just judge. Turning to and asking God’s mercy is the answer to a troubled world. There are four main points, or devotions, connected with that message. The first is the sacred image, a painting of Jesus with the inscription “Jesus, I trust in You.” The promise connected to this painting is that the soul who venerates it will not perish. The second is the Feast of Mercy, to be celebrated the first Sunday after Easter. “Whoever will go to confession (need not be that day if in a state of grace) and receive Holy Communion on Mercy Sunday, will receive complete forgiveness of sin and punishment,” Sister Faustina was told. The third is the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. It is said on ordinary rosary beads. Our Lord promises that souls who say this chaplet will be embraced by His Mercy during their lifetime and especially at their last hour. Lastly is the Novena of Divine Mercy which begins on Good Friday and ends on Mercy Sunday, in which a different group of souls is brought to Jesus’ heart each day to immerse them in the ocean of His Mercy. Pope Francis has also reminded us of this message of God’s mercy. May we all place our trust in Jesus Christ, Who is our salvation, and find hope and joy in His eternal mercy! Sincerely in Christ,

Most Rev. John M. Quinn Bishop of Winona

In his Message for Lent 2015, Pope Francis said, “Let us not underestimate the power of so many voices united in prayer! The 24 Hours for the Lord initiative, which I hope will be observed on the March 13-14 throughout the Church, also at the diocesan level, is meant to be a sign of this need for prayer.” The theme that the Holy Father asked every diocese around the world to take up over the 24 Hours for the Lord is “God rich in mercy” (Eph 2:4). In Winona, the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart had 8 a.m. Mass on that Saturday, March 14 followed by Adoration and confessions from 9 a.m. until noon. Bishop Quinn then celebrated the 5:15 p.m. Mass at the Cathedral that evening. During his homily, Bishop Quinn encouraged the faithful to rededicate themselves to their Lenten sacrifices. He also urged them to seek to empty themselves of the busyness of this world, so that they could more readily receive what God had to offer them. God has so many gifts to give us, but we must first put down our own will so that we make take on His.

11 In the Diocese

Diocesan ministry is fundamental to our Church, and all of us share the responsibility of bringing the message of Jesus to our neighbors. Small gifts add up very quickly. Your small gift is very welcome, and I am very grateful for your support!

DOW joined Catholics Worldwide in "24 Hours for the Lord: God Rich in Mercy"

Bishop Quinn celebrated the 5:15 p.m. Mass at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona, which concluded the 24 Hours for the Lord: God Rich in Mercy. His excellency was joined by Msgr. Richard Colletti, Vicar General/ Chancellor and pastor at the Cathedral & St. Casimir.

Pathways TEC #65 Pathways TEC #65 was held in Waseca, MN. Youth and adults from around the Diocese gathered together for a Christ centered weekend and the Holy Spirit worked in profound ways! Thanks to everyone who made this event happen. TEC is a retreat experience focused on the life, death and resurrection of Christ and how we are to imitate that great Pascal Mystery. Look for more information on the next TEC coming soon. We hope you will join us!

Bishop Quinn blesses the family that brought up the gifts during the Mass at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona.

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508-340-9370 855-842-8001 Carmela Manago Executive Director April, 2015 w The Courier


Jubilee Year of Mercy, cont'd from page 2

In the Diocese

During the Jubilee, the Sunday readings for Ordinary Time will be taken from the Gospel of Luke, the one referred to as “the evangelist of mercy”. Dante Alighieri describes him as “scriba mansuetudinis Christi”, “narrator of the meekness of Christ”. There are many well-known parables of mercy presented in the Gospel of Luke: the lost sheep, the lost coin, the merciful father. The official and solemn announcement of the Holy Year will take place with the public proclamation of the Bolla in front of the Holy Door on Divine Mercy Sunday, the Feast instituted by Saint John Paul II and celebrated on the Sunday after Easter. In the ancient Hebrew tradition, the Jubilee Year, which was celebrated every 50 years, was meant to restore equality among all of the children of Israel, offering new possibilities to families which had lost their property and even their personal freedom. In addition, the Jubilee Year was a reminder to the rich that a time would come when their Israelite slaves would once again become their equals and would be able to reclaim their rights. “Justice, according to the Law of Israel, consisted above all in the protection of the weak” (St. John Paul II, Tertio millenio adveniente 13). The Catholic tradition of the Holy Year began with Pope Boniface VIII in 1300. Boniface VIII had envisioned a Jubilee every century. From 1475 onwards – in order to allow each generation to experience at least one Holy Year – the ordinary Jubilee was to be celebrated every 25 years. However, an extraordinary Jubilee may be announced on the occasion of an event of particular importance. Until present, there have been 26 ordinary Holy Year celebrations, the last of which was the Jubilee of 2000. The custom of calling extraordinary Jubilees dates back to the XVI century. The last extraordinary Holy Years, which were celebrated during the previous century, were those in 1933, proclaimed by Pius XI to celebrate XIX hundred years of Redemption and in 1983, proclaimed by John Paul II on the occasion of


the 1950 years of Redemption. The Catholic Church has given to the Hebrew Jubilee a more spiritual significance. It consists in a general pardon, an indulgence open to all, and the possibility to renew one’s relationship with God and neighbor. Thus, the Holy Year is always an opportunity to deepen one’s faith and to live with a renewed commitment to Christian witness. The last “ordinary jubilee” year was in 2000, when Pope St. John With the Jubilee of Mercy, Pope Paul II held the “Great Jubilee,” which was likewise a celebration of Francis focuses attention upon the the mercy of God and forgiveness of sins. The most recent extraordinary holy years were those in 1933, proclaimed by Pius XI to celmerciful God who invites all men ebrate 1,900 years of redemption, and 1983, proclaimed by John and women to return to Him. The Paul II on the occasion of 1,950 years of redemption. encounter with God inspires in one the virtue of mercy. The initial rite of the Jubilee is the opening of the patient” (Angelus, March 17, 2013). In his Angelus on January 11, 2015, he stated: Holy Door. This door is one which is only opened during the Holy Year and which remains closed during all “There is so much need of mercy today, and it is other years. Each of the four major basilicas of Rome important that the lay faithful live it and bring it into has a Holy Door: Saint Peter’s, St. John Lateran, St. different social environments. Go forth! We are living Paul Outside the Walls and St. Mary Major. This rite in the age of mercy, this is the age of mercy”. Then, in of the opening of the Holy Door illustrates symboli- his 2015 Lenten Message, the Holy Father expressed: cally the idea that, during the Jubilee, the faithful are “How greatly I desire that all those places where the offered an “extraordinary pathway” towards salva- Church is present, especially our parishes and our communities, may become islands of mercy in the tion. The Holy Doors of the other Basilicas will be midst of the sea of indifference!” In the English edition of the Apostolic Exhortation opened after the opening of the Holy Door of St. Evangelii gaudium the term mercy appears 32 times. Peter’s Basilica. Pope Francis has entrusted the Pontifical Council Mercy is a theme very dear to Pope Francis, as is expressed in the episcopal motto he had chosen: for the Promotion of the New Evangelization with the “miserando atque eligendo”. This citation is taken organization of the Jubilee of Mercy. from the homily of Saint Bede the Venerable during To read the Holy Father's full homily of March 13, go to http:// which he commented on the Gospel passage of the en.radiovaticana.va/news/2015/03/13/pope_francis_homily_with_ calling of Saint Matthew: “Vidit ergo lesus publica- announcement_of_year_of_mercy/1129218 num et quia miserando atque eligendo vidit, ait illi To learn more about the Jubliee of Mercy go to: http://www. Sequere me” (Jesus therefore sees the tax collector, news.va/en/news/about-the-jubilee-of-mercy and since he sees by having mercy and by choosing, List of jubilee years and their Popes: he says to him, ‘follow me’). This homily is a tribute to 1300: Boniface VIII divine mercy. One possible translation of this motto is 1350: Clement VI “With eyes of mercy”. 1390: proclaimed by Urban VI, presided over by During the first Angelus after his elections, the Boniface IX Holy Father stated: “Feeling mercy, that this word 1400: Boniface IX changes everything. This is the best thing we can feel: 1423: Martin V it changes the world. A little mercy makes the world 1450: Nicholas V less cold and more just. We need to understand prop1475: proclaimed by Paul II, presided over by Sixtus IV erly this mercy of God, this merciful Father who is so 1500: Alexander VI

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April, 2015 w The Courier

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1525: Clement VII 1550: proclaimed by Paul III, presided over by Julius III 1575: Gregory XIII 1600: Clement VIII 1625: Urban VIII 1650: Innocent X 1675: Clement X 1700: opened by Innocent XII, closed by Clement XI 1725: Benedict XIII 1750: Benedict XIV 1775: proclaimed by Clement XIV, presided over by Pius VI 1825: Leo XII 1875: Pius IX 1900: Leo XIII 1925: Pius XI 1933: Pius XI 1950: Pius XII 1975: Paul VI 1983: John Paul II 2000: John Paul II 2015: Francis In the years 1800 and 1850, due to the political circumstances of the times, there were no jubilees.


is risen!


is risen indeed!”

- 1 Peter 1:3-4 Recently, I attended the funeral of a colleague’s husband. There was great and heartfelt pain and sadness as he had died unexpectedly, and he left behind a large family who loved and missed him very much. The funeral was a beautiful witness to his life and to his faith. And, as importantly for me on that day, it was a reminder of the hope that is at the heart of our faith – that Jesus Christ has been raised, and that we who are joined to him in death through baptism will also be joined to him in his final triumph over death. The beautiful antiphon from the funeral liturgy,

Todd Graff Director tgraff@dow.org

In Paradisum (“Into Paradise”), expresses so beautifully this hope-filled faith we treasure: “May the angels lead you into paradise; may the martyrs come to welcome you and take you to the holy city, the new and eternal Jerusalem. May the choirs of angels welcome you and lead you to the bosom of Abraham; and where Lazarus is poor no longer may you find eternal rest.” I’ve often gone back to this prayer as I’ve pondered my father’s recent death, and my own death one day. What joy to be greeted by the angels and our holy martyrs, and to have them escort us into the presence of the One who formed us into being and desires our final communion with him in eternity! Could there be any truer blessing than this?

It gives me great consolation to ponder this experience for those whom I have loved and who have passed from this life. This is the hope and the joy that we celebrate in the Easter season. It takes us the 40 days of Lent to prepare our hearts to be ready for the great mysteries of the Paschal Triduum – the passion, death, and resurrection of Christ. But, these events which stand at the center of salvation history are not to be simply remembered and recalled, but prayed, celebrated, and lived anew. The Paschal Mystery takes place for us again each time we celebrate the Eucharist. And, every day of the Easter Season is a new opportunity to be touched and transformed by the Risen Christ. A former diocesan colleague used to invite others to do something special on each of the 50 days of Easter to honor and celebrate the Resurrection. Just as we seek through prayer and penance to “keep a good Lent,” so let us ponder and commit ourselves to prayers and practices which help us to celebrate a truly joyful Easter. And, not just for a single Sunday, but for the full 50 days of this most wonderful season of the church year. Here are a few thoughts… Get out of our “tombs.” One of the most powerful Easter homilies for me was one I heard about 25 years ago in Gesu Church in downtown Milwaukee. The priest who was presiding spoke of the “tombs” of our lives, the darkness and stagnancy within us that is closed off from the power of God’s grace. These are the sins, the struggles, and the lethargy of our lives that hold us back and keep us from living with joy and with hope. The Risen Christ seeks to call us out of our personal “tombs,” and invites us to move out of the “shadows” of fear and sin that mark our lives so as

Lay Formation

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who in his great mercy gave us a new birth to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you.”


to be recreated by God’s love and mercy. The grace of Jesus’ Resurrection can transform our lives today, if we open our hearts to its power. So, in this Easter season, let us ponder the “tombs” that keep us from living with joy and holy purpose, and let us allow God to lead us out of them. Ponder God’s Word. Any liturgical season is a good time to recommit ourselves to reading, pondering, and praying with God’s Word in scripture. If you are able to hear the Word at daily Mass, what a grace. If not, take some time each day on your own, or with your spouse and family, to review and pray over the daily Gospel or scripture readings. In the readings for the Easter season, we see how the first disciples’ experience of the Risen Lord transformed their lives. As we open our hearts to these readings today, the path of Jesus’ first followers becomes our own. Live the Good News. In these great 50 days, let us share the Good News of Easter both in the words we speak and in the “words” we give witness to by our lives: greet a stranger; take time to listen; extend a hand of friendship; comfort someone in sorrow; speak a word of reconciliation; visit an elderly friend; resist gossiping; help a neighbor; give of your treasure; share a meal; hug your child; reassure someone of God’s great love. In short, proclaim the Risen Christ – by your words and by your witness. Pope Francis tells us that “the encounter with the Risen Lord transforms, it gives new strength to faith.” Pope Emeritus Benedict tells us that “the Resurrection has reached us and seized us.” May it be so for each of us. Deo Gratias!

“Be risen with Christ through Baptism, with the gift of faith, to an imperishable inheritance, which leads us to increasingly search for the things of God, to think of Him more, to pray more. Christianity is not simply a matter of following commandments; it is about living a new life, being in Christ, thinking and acting like Christ, and being transformed by the love of Christ. It is allowing Him to take possession of our lives and change them, transform them, to free them from the darkness of evil and sin.” - Pope Francis, General Audience on April 11, 2013

April, 2015 w The Courier


Every Man’s Call to Holy Fatherhood

In the Diocese

by: Sr. Paul Mary, R.S.M., Director of the Office of Faith Formation

Several weeks ago, Pope Francis addressed consecutive Wednesday audiences specifically to fathers. He even said, “Be close to your children; they need you.” Oh, do they need you! God revealed Himself as Father, so our image of God is closely related to our image of our own fathers, be it our biological fathers or the spiritual fathers in our lives. The Holy Father even began one of his audiences by noting that the word “father” is so important for us as Catholics because “it is the name by which Jesus taught us to call God.” With this in mind, the devil is cunning, the “father of all lies” (John 8:44). He knows that our image of and relationship with our own fathers so often has an impact on our relationship with God. Is it any wonder that the Holy Father mentioned that the world today, especially in the West, seems like "a world without fathers" where men are so focused on their jobs or personal fulfillment that they neglect their families?



cont'd from page 8 two Regional Spelling Bees on February 10, 2015, coordinated by the Southeast Service Cooperative. Christine Farnberg, was declared the champion after correctly spelling the word Appalachian. Christine was also the champion in 2013, and the 2nd runner-up in 2014. Christine now advances to compete in the 88th Annual Scripps National Spelling Bee in Washington, D.C. during the week of May 24-29, 2015. In the last nine years, a Rochester Catholic Schools student has represented Southeast Minnesota in the Scripps National Spelling Bee four different times. This is the second trip there for Christine Farnberg who was the Grand Champion in the 2013 Finals. In both 2007 and 2008, Catherine (Cat) Cojocaru traveled to Washington D.C. and her classmates had the privilege of watching her compete on live TV. Rochester Catholic Schools looks forward to cheering on Christine as she faces the best spellers in the country this May. Christine won an all-expenses paid trip (for herself and one adult) to Washington, D.C. (donated by Southeast Service Cooperative). She also received a first place trophy, Webster’s Third New International Dictionary (provided by Scripps National Spelling Bee), 2015 United States Mint Proof Set (The Samuel Louis Sugarman Award from Scripps), a one-year subscription to Britannica Online Premium, and Valerie’s Spelling Bee Supplement Booklet. Teresa Nowakowski, an 8th grade student from Rochester Catholic Schools, was the 1st runnerup. Teresa received a trophy, a Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary (donated by Merriam-Webster), and a Valerie’s Spelling Bee Supplement Booklet.

April, 2015 w The Courier

Would the evil one not know that this would affect so many people’s image of God, who is truly more intimate, loving, protective, and comforting than we are capable of imagining? So, where does that leave you? Discouraged? It shouldn’t! Honestly, it is an encouragement to you in your role as a man and as a father and as a motivation to grow in holiness. For like a pebble thrown in the lake, your influence can have an effect far greater than you can imagine. Your role is crucially important, one for which I as a woman can never thank you enough. My own Daddy (I’m from the south so no matter how old you get, it’s always “Daddy”) and the spiritual fathers, who have been so important to me throughout the years, have helped me to know that I am loved beyond my imagining for who I am and nothing that I do can change their truly

unconditional love for me. No matter the distance, our hearts are always close. From that, I know the same is true about my Lord: true unconditional love, and no matter how far I may drift from Him, He is always waiting with open arms to welcome me back. Pope Francis commented on "How much dignity and how much tenderness [there is] in that father who is waiting by the door," waiting for the child who has strayed. He continued: “Yes, fathers must be patient. So many times there's nothing left to do but wait, pray and wait with patience, tenderness, magnanimity and mercy…children need to find a father who is waiting for them when they return from their failures. They will do everything not to admit it, not to show it, but they need this, and not finding him opens up in them wounds that are difficult to heal." The impact you as a man can have on this world is beyond your comprehension. We, as a Church, need to help you in this holy undertaking. Have you ever thought how many people seem so far from God? Perhaps our parish communities need to be extra attentive to the role men play in our society today. There are several parishes throughout our diocese who have done just that! Next month, we will focus on a few of the parishes and programs that are striving to build up and support men throughout the Diocese of Winona. In the meantime, be assured of my prayers. Your fight is not an easy one, but nothing worth fighting for has ever been easy. You can guarantee, however, that the entire host of angels and every saint in heaven is rooting for your victory, because your victory can mean the victory of so many others!

Welcome Home!

persons are invited to come and learn about the Church: what the Church is, what she believes, and the beautiful truths of our Catholic faith. Individuals then make a decision to embark on the exciting journey through the process to become Catholic, at which point they become known as either a catechumen or a candidate. Catechumens are those who are not baptized, and often times have never been catechized or evangelized. The whole initiation process is the formal and public expression of their conversion to Jesus Christ. Candidates are those who have been baptized, possibly living rich Christian lives already, but have been drawn to the truth of the Catholic faith. The Rite of Election, which occurs on the first Sunday of Lent, is the point where the catechumens’ names are then recorded in the Book of the Elect which is displayed at the Cathedral. They are from then on called "the elect," which means that they have been chosen by Christ through His Church to be His disciples. This begins an intense time of

15 Faith Formation

This is an exciting time in the Diocese of Winona! At Easter, 127 people will be welcomed into full communion with the Catholic Church in addition to the 12 that were welcomed into the Church throughout the past year. Of those 127, 24 individuals will receive all of the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and the Holy Eucharist. Another 103 candidates, who were already baptized Christians, will be fully initiated into the Church through reception of the Sacraments of Confirmation and the Holy Eucharist. On Sunday, February 22nd, over 400 people from across the Diocese gathered together for the Rite of Election and the Call to Continuing Conversion celebrated by Bishop John Quinn. Over 115 candidates and catechumens were in attendance. The Rite of Election and the Call to Continuing Conversion officially mark the willingness of our candidates and catechumens to enter into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil. It also marks the Church’s acceptance and recognition of their desire to enter the Church. For those who are unfamiliar with the RCIA program, it is a process of spiritual and educational formation for those who seek to become full members of the Roman Catholic Church through a conversion of mind and heart. The first stage is one of inquiry known as the Precatechumenate, where

retreat throughout Lent – a period called purification and enlightenment - before they are welcomed into the Church through the Rite of Initiation. At the Easter Vigil, the Rite of Initiation is where the elect receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and are welcomed to the Eucharistic banquet of the Lamb, and the candidates receive the Sacrament

Sr. Paul Mary Rittgers, R.S.M. Director faithformation@dow.org

of Confirmation, and they are also welcomed to the Eucharistic banquet. As of Easter, the Diocese of Winona will have been enriched in 127 of the most beautiful ways. I encourage you to reach out to any of these neophytes (new Catholics) in your parish. Introduce yourself and welcome them home to the Catholic Church!

Religious Life: Call & Consecration By: Sister Mary Hanah Doak, R.S.M. The Consecrated Life is a gift to the Church from God the Father through the Holy Spirit in which the characteristic features of Jesus Christ—his poverty, chastity, and obedience—are made visible to the world as a reminder of the Kingdom of Heaven already at work in history and awaiting full realization in Eternal Life (cf. Vita Consecrata, 1). Jesus is the Consecrated One par excellence whom the Father called and sent into the world (Jn 10:36). By virtue of baptism, each Christian is consecrated and called to participate in the mission of Christ (Essential Elements, 6). Christian Tradition proposes the evangelical counsels—poverty, chastity, and obedience—as the way for all of the baptized to grow in charity. All Christians, therefore, are called to keep the evangelical counsels according to their proper state of life, but those called to religious life make profess the counsels as public vows which characterize their whole way of life (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 915). The gift of a religious vocation is initiated by God the Father (VC, 14) and given to the Christian at his or her baptism. Essential Elements in the Church’s Teaching on Religious Life explains that, “The gift of religious vocation is rooted in the gift of baptism but it is not given to all the baptized. It is freely given and unmerited: offered by God to those whom he chooses freely from among his people and for the sake of his

people” (§2, cf. Perfectae Cartitatis, 5). When a person makes profession of the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience it is a response to the prior gift of God which the person has received in baptism (EE, 13). It should be noted that “of themselves, the counsels do not necessarily separate people from the world” and, in fact, there are some forms of consecrated life (e.g. secular institutes) where it is proper for the members to be a “hidden leaven” of the Kingdom of God in the midst of the world (EE, 9). Among the many forms of consecrated life—which include secular institutes, societies of apostolic life, consecrated virgins, widows, and hermits—religious life is distinguished by the profession of the evangelical counsels as public vows, the fraternal life in common among its members, and a corporate apostolate (EE, 10). Religious life is not a “middle road” between the clergy and the laity. Some priests are also religious (e.g. Franciscan friars), and all others who are religious (i.e. religious brothers and sisters) are considered members of the laity (EE, 1). Religious life is “a covenant of mutual love and fidelity, of communion and mission, that is established for God’s glory, the joy of the person consecrated, and the salvation of the world” (EE, 106). Since the beginning of Christianity there have been men and women who have experienced an interior sense of a call from the Lord to leave everything and follow him with an undivided heart (VC, 1).

April, 2015 w The Courier

In the Diocese


10th Anniversary The Option for the of Eucharistic Poor and Vulnerable Adoration at St. Ann

On February 14, St. Ann's parish in Janesville had a celebration in honor of the 10th Anniversary of Eucharistic Adoration in their parish. Bishop Quinn visited the parish on this beautiful occasion. Below, Fr. Mike Cronin and his excellency stand at the door of the Chapel of Divine Mercy. Eucharistic Adoration is a great gift for any parish and to have ten years of adoration occuring in one's parish is a great blessing indeed!

To the right, Fr. Michael Cronin poses with Bishop Quinn at the doors of the adoration chapel, named the Chapel of Divine Mercy. Below, Bishop John M. Quinn speaks to the parishoners of St. Ann's in Janesville, congratulationg them on this wonderful and blessed achievement.

by: members of the Diocese of Winona Social Concerns Committee

The fourth principle is deeply imbedded in the Gospel. As recorded in the Gospel of Luke, when Jesus began his public ministry he chose to read a text from Isaiah that says “I have come to preach the good news to the poor.” Jesus had in mind the poor and vulnerable when he said, “Whatsoever you do to the least of my people, that you do unto me.” Indeed, the test of whether we are following the Gospel is in how we treat the poor. We are called to stand with the poor with the same love with which Jesus reached out to the outcast. We are called to make the poor part of our decisions concerning our personal lifestyle. Moreover, concern for the poor should direct the organizations to which we belong, including our parish community. In one diocese the bishop directed that every decision be evaluated in terms of how it impacts the poor. The commitment to care for the poor has been an essential part of Church teaching from the very beginning. St. Basil wrote, “The coat you have hanging in your closet belongs to the poor.” We might ask ourselves, “Have I checked my “closet” lately? As St. Ambrose put it: “You are not making a gift of what is yours to the poor man, but you are giving him back what is his”. In recent times we can credit the Latin American Church for making better known the expression “a preferential option for the poor.” In the documents from the meetings of Latin American bishops in Medellin, Puebla and Santo Domingo we hear a strong and clear call to opt for the poor. Let’s take a look at the word “option”. It does not mean it is something that we can take or leave rather it

Baby Bottle Campaign a Continued Success! The Diocese of Winona and Catholic Charities Pregnancy, Parenting and Adoption Program

Thanks everyone who participated in the Annual Baby Bottle Campaign! With just a simple baby bottle to collect coins, we were able to raise over $45,000 to assist pregnant women and women with young children through the Mother and Child Assistance Fund.

Thank you to all those who donated, to those who coordinated the effort at your parish, and to the parishes and schools who signed up to participate Thank you to those whose campaign is yet to come. If your parish has not sent in their money please do so. If you would like to make a donation to The Mother and Child Assistance fund, checks can be sent to Catholic Charities 111 Market Street, Winona, MN 55987 April, 2015 w The Courier

refers to a choice, a free decision to side with the oppressed and in their fight for justice. And what about the word “preferential?” Father Gustavo Gutierrez, who is one of the leading theologians of Latin America, says that “...preference implies the universality of God’s love, which excludes no one. It is only within the framework of this universality that we can understand preference, that is, ‘what comes first’.” Preference, then, means giving priority. An analogy might be a family with a sick member whose care takes priority.

The other members of the family are not loved less but special attention is given the sick member. Many parishes give priority to the needs of the poor and vulnerable through their outreach programs such as food shelves, Open Door ministries, free meals, and Alcoholic Anonymous meetings, to name but a few. Bishop Quinn, as National Chaplain of the St. Vincent de Paul Society has encouraged parishes to form Society conferences in their parishes so that the needs of the poor are attended to with love. However, this principle calls us not to just help the poor with their immediate needs, but, equally important, it is to work to eliminate the social consequences of sin as expressed in unjust social and political structures. St. Pope John Paul II reminds us that those structures need to be constantly evaluated in terms of their service to the human person and the common good. If they are misaligned, we need to work to change them!

Masses of Reparation for Sins Many parishes throughout the diocese are committed to offer consolation to the Heart of Christ through a Mass of Reparation.

Please go online to dowcourier.org to see the complete Mass list.

Common Good RSVP Volunteers Invest in Education

Mark Ristau is Principal of Medford Elementary School.

in return. Connie Mabray, an RSVP volunteer who moved back to Winona, MN after a 40 year absence, was looking to connect with the community through volunteering, especially working with children. After enrolling in Common Good RSVP, she was placed at Riverway Learning Community where she reads with students. When asked about her RSVP experience, Mabray commented, “I like how eager the kids are to learn. They are positive and honest.” Mabray is happy with the opportunity to be involved in the lives of others as well as the chance to feel at home again while investing in her community. RSVP volunteer Sam Gullickson participates in an RSVP pen pal program with fifth grade students in Waseca, MN. A former elementary educator and counselor, Gullickson said, “I value time spent with my pen pal. I like to write and I appreciate the letter I receive each month.” The connection across generations develops as the pen pals follow the

teacher provided curriculum, which defines the topics of each letter while improving grammar and English core competencies through writing. In Rochester, MN, RSVP volunteers are placed throughout the district in partnership with Rochester Public Schools Volunteer in Education Program. Blythe Polito, Literacy Coordinator for Rochester Public Schools, says, “Positive experiences with reading is key for students to learn to love reading and view themselves as readers, and positive literacy experiences with volunteers supports students in developing a positive attitude.” RSVP volunteer Mike Sheehan’s student observations during his volunteer experience reinforces Polito’s assertion. Sheehan states, “I volunteer at the schools because it is my opportunity to give back, support schools, and help student development, which is the most important thing. It is amazing to see the growth in a child’s ability. It happens in a really short period of time, in all cases, whether the student is struggling or excelling. Just in a few hours over a short period time there is tremendous growth!” Common Good RSVP works in partnership with twenty two elementary schools, supporting 198 RSVP volunteers who contribute to the academic success of students. New volunteers are currently being enrolled. If you are interested in volunteering, or are aware of an elementary school that can benefit from a similar partnership, please contact Jennifer Halberg at (507) 454-2270 or jhalberg@ccwinona.org. More information can be found at www. ccwinona.org.

Catholic Charities

by: Jennifer Halberg, Director of Senior Services, Common Good RSVP, Catholic Charities. Mark Ristau, Principal of Medford Elementary School, is committed to providing his students with every opportunity possible to succeed academically. Partnering with Catholic Charities’ Common Good Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) to increase the number of adult volunteers in the school’s classrooms helps him to do just that. Since partnering with Common Good RSVP in September of 2014, the program has placed twelve RSVP volunteers who regularly serve at the school. The RSVP volunteers assist first through fourth grade students with math, reading, spelling, science and social studies. In addition to the increased academic success of the students, Ristau comments, “the partnership (with Common Good RSVP) has given Medford Elementary the opportunity to have our local seniors in the building assisting our staff and working with our youth in a structured way. RSVP has enabled our school to create this partnership which benefits our youth and our seniors. It has been fun to watch the relationships develop between the students and our seniors.” While the benefit to the students is the primary reason RSVP volunteers serve in classrooms, RSVP volunteers also receive benefits


Easter People, cont'd from page 1

act of selfless love, this one act of giving of Himself to us – wholly, completely, forever – our Bridegroom won victory over sin and death. Focusing on the depth of Love that is the crucifixion of Christ, it should not send us into a miserable state of pain, but a soul bearing humility. To stand before the One who holds nothing back from you, the One who gives you all of His Love without any conditions, without any judgment, it is His great Love that makes us vulnerable, open and calls us to holiness – if we let it. It is not the pain of the Cross that overwhelms us, but the Love of it. We are not accustomed to such love, such vulnerability. We can take care of ourselves; we can figure it out. We don’t need to depend on another. We’ve got the American spirit! We can accomplish anything! And yet, we cannot accomplish our own salvation. We don’t like to admit when we are weak, vulnerable and need help. Yet, in order to be saved, in order to grow in holiness that is exactly what we need to do. And it is before the Cross that this profound transformation of humility of

our soul can take place. Yet, the Cross is not the end! It is only the beginning! Jesus rose from the dead solidifying His victory and winning for us God’s eternal life, if we but accept His Word. He gave us the Holy Spirit to build His life in our hearts. As St. John Paul II reminded us, we need not fear. We need not fear temporary suffering, challenges, persecutions nor death, for the eternal victory has been won for us! We live in hope because of Easter Sunday! The song of Hallelujah should ring from our hearts every day of our life despite our trials! For we have been saved; we have been forgiven; we have been eternally loved. April, 2015 w The Courier


Internationally Renown Divine Mercy Sunday Divine Mercy Expert Celebrations in the DOW comes to Rochester

In the Diocese

submitted by: Judy Daniels

Fr. Seraphim Michalenko, MIC has dedicated his life to spreading Divine Mercy. As vice postulator for St Faustina’s canonization, he kept records and prepared documentation, collected artifacts, investigated reported miracles and the associated medical records, used the media and modern technology to promote the cause for beatification and canonization of St. Faustina. Fr Seraphim is a familiar face on EWTN, was a rector of the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy and Director of the John Paul II institute of Divine Mercy, both located in Stockbridge, MA. Fr. Seraphim Michalenko, MICFor more than 20 years he was Vice-Postulator for North America for the Canonization Cause of Sister Maria Faustina Kowalska, the "Secretary" and "Apostle" of Jesus (The Divine Mercy) and "...God's gift to our time" (Pope John Paul II, canonization homily). He was a witness to the first miracle attributed to Saint M. Faustina's intercession that opened the way for her Beatification in 1993, as well as the coordinator of the efforts that served to verify that miracle and a second one which made possible the adding of the Religious Sister to the list of Saints on April 30th 2000.

 A native of Adams, Massachusetts, more than 55 years a professed religious and 50 years a priest, Fr. Seraphim is a member of the St. Stanislaus Kostka Province of the Congregation of Marians of The Immaculate Conception of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary. With licentiate degrees from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas (The Angelicum) and the Pontifical Institute of Eastern Church Studies (The Orientale) in Rome, he lectured for several semesters in the Department of Theology at the Catholic University of America and served in seminary and formation positions for the Marians.

Fr. Seraphim also held various administrative roles in his St. Stanislaus Kostka Province and in the Congregation's Generalate in Rome, as well as pastoral roles in Eastern Rite parishes in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Connecticut. During the 1980s, after the Holy See lift-

ed the ban on Sister Faustina's writings and forms of Divine Mercy devotions, Fr. Seraphim was called f r o m Bethany House to head the D i v i n e M e r c y Department at the Marian Helpers headquarters in Stockbridge, MA. In that position, he wrote series of articles for the Marian Helpers magazine, and supervised the production of various books, pamphlets, and audio-visual materials dealing with The Divine Mercy Message and Devotion and Sister Faustina's writings.

 Fr. Seraphim served as theological advisor for the award-winning video docu-drama Divine Mercy—No Escape and for the devotional video Sister Faustina: The Promise of Mercy. He also played a significant role in the production and narration of a video released in 1992, Sister Faustina: The Apostle of Divine Mercy. Then, from November 1991 to October 1995, he served as director of the Association of Marian Helpers under the honorary title "Father Joseph." In this capacity, he supervised the scripting and production of another video, Time for Mercy.
In October 1995, Fr. Seraphim was assigned to full time promotion of The Divine Mercy Message and Devotion, participating in Divine Mercy retreats, conferences, and symposia. In preparation for the celebration of Divine Mercy Sunday, Fr. Seraphim will be speaking in the Rochester area! April 9, at 6 p.m. at St James Coffee (see details to the right in the Divine Mercy events section) and on April 10 at the Rochester Golf and Country Club (details also to the right). He will celebrate Holy Mass April 11, at 5 p.m. and April 12 at 10:30 a.m. at the Church of St. Michael in Pine Island and 8:30 Mass in Zumbrota. On April 12, he will be speaking at the Divine Mercy Celebration at Resurrection Catholic Church in Rochester.

Queen of Angels, Austin will host a 2 p.m. celebration with Readings, Prayers and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Good Shepherd, Jackson will celebrate Divine Mercy beginning after the 8:30 a.m. Sunday Mass. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. with Benediction. The Chaplet will be prayed at 3 p.m. with two priests available for confessions from 1 - 3 p.m. Ss. Peter and Paul, Mankato will host a Divine Mercy celebration from 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. with Adoration, devotions and confession. St. Joseph, Owatonna will host a celebration from 3 - 4 p.m. with Adoration, chaplet and prayers. Resurrection, Rochester will celebrate Mercy Sunday with a Movie on Mercy at 1 p.m. followed by the Rosary at 2 p.m. in the Adoration chapel. Then there will be devotions in the main Church from 2:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m., which will include Eucharistic Adoration, blessing of image, veneration of first class relic of St. Faustina, Confession, testimony of mercy, sung chaplet, devotions & prayers, evening prayers, and Benediction. St. Peter, Rosecreek will host a celebration from 2 - 3 p.m. with Exposition, readings, prayers, and the chaplet. St. Charles Borromeo, St. Charles will celebrate Divine Mercy from 2 - 3:15 p.m. with second class relics of Sister Faustina, Blessed Francisco, and Blessed Jacinta, followed by the rosary, Confessions, music with choir, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and the recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3 p.m. St. James, St. James will celebrate Divine Mercy from 3 - 5:30 p.m. with the Divine Mercy chaplet and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at 3 p.m. and confessions and adoration from 3:30 - 5:30, with Benediction at 5:30 p.m. St. Felix, Wabasha will host a Divine Mercy celebration from 3 - 6:30 p.m. with Adoration from 3 - 6:30, the chaplet at 3 p.m., Confessions from 3:30 - 5:30 and Vespers and Benediction at 6 p.m. Sacred Heart, Waseca will host a celebration from 3 - 4:15 p.m. with exposition, the chaplet Confessions and Benediction. St. Mary's, Winona will celebrate Divine Mercy beginning at 1 p.m. with a video shown in Visitation Commons, then at 2 p.m. the official celebration will start in the Church. The Celebration will be from 2 - 3:30 p.m. and will include Exposition, worship, prayers, a talk, Confessions with fellowship following the celebration in the Visitation Commons.

Divine Mercy Talks:

April 9, 6 p.m. St James Coffee, Rochester “In Preparation for the Lord's Return” by Fr. Seraphim Michalenko, MIC - Free will offering. St. James Coffee is located at 4156 18th Ave NW, Rochester. April 10, Rochester Golf and Country Club “The Divine Mercy Message for Health Care Professionals” by Fr. Seraphim Michalenko, MIC. Social at 6, Dinner at 6:30 & Presentation 7 - 8 p.m. Cost is $40 reservations are required by April 3. RSVP to Elaine at divinemercycma@gmail.com. Sponsored by the Catholic Medical Association Rochester Guild. Club is located at 3100 Country Club Rd SW, Rochester.

Hispanic Priests/Sacerdotes Hispanos: Padre Luis Alfonso Vargas: Capellán del Decanato de Worthington. lukiponcho@ yahoo.es Tel. 507-341-0403 Padre José Morales: Capellán del Decanato de Rochester. jloralesr2008@ yahoo.es Tel. 507-329-2931 Padre Mariano Varela IVE: Párroco de “SS. Peter and April, 2015 w The Courier

Paul” en Mankato. mvarela@ hickorytech.net Tel. 507-3882995 ext 103 Padre Octavio Cortez IVE: Vicario Parroquial de “Ss. Peter and Paul” en Mankato Tel. 507-388-2995 Padre Raul Silva: Pastor de “All Saints” en New Richland, “St. Aidan” en Ellendale, “St. Mary” en Geneva. padreraulsilva@gmail.com

Spanish Mass Schedule Albert Lea, St. Theodore, Spanish Mass, 11 a.m., every Sunday. Austin, Queen of Angels, Spanish Mass at 11 a.m and 5 p.m. every Sunday. Dodge Center, St. John Baptist de La Salle, Spanish Mass, 11 a.m., every Sunday. Lake City, St. Mary, Spanish Mass, 6:30 p.m., every third Saturday. Madelia, St. Mary, Spanish Mass, 10

a.m., every Sunday. Mankato, Ss. Peter & Paul, Spanish Mass, 1 p.m., every Sunday. Owatonna, Sacred Heart, Spanish Mass, 1 p.m. every Sunday. Pipestone, St. Leo, Spanish Mass, 2:30 p.m., every Sunday Rochester, St. Francis of Assisi, Spanish Mass, 12 noon, every Sunday. St. Charles, St. Charles Borromeo, Spanish Mass, 11:30 a.m., every

Sunday. St. James, St. James, Spanish Mass, 12 p.m., every Sunday. Waseca, Sacred Heart, Spanish Mass, 11:30 a.m., every Sunday. Windom, St. Francis Xavier, Spanish Mass, 12 p.m., every Sunday Worthington, St. Mary, Spanish Mass, Saturday at 7 p.m., Sunday 11 a.m.

Action with Prayer St. Mary’s Church, Winona offers a Mass for Life and Marriage on the first Thursday of the month, at 5:15 p.m.

Prayer Vigil and Public Witness against Abortion Semcac Clinic is a delegate of Planned Parenthood – the nation's leading abortion provider. Please consider joining a local group from 3-4 p.m. each Tuesday in front of Semcac at 62 E 3rd Street in Winona for an hour of prayer. Contact: Will Goodman 608-6987443.

Parish Events St. Kilian, St. Kilian Invites everyone to our Spring Celebration at St. Joseph’s Hall in St. Kilian on SUNDAY, APRIL 12 from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Please join us for a delicious dinner of Swiss steak, mashed potatoes & gravy, spring salad, homemade glazed carrots, assorted pies and desserts! This event ben-

For events at Assisi Heights: www.rochesterfranciscan.org and click on “What’s Happening/Events.” For more info, call Angie Grimm at 507-280-2195 or: ahsc@rochesterfranciscan.org.

St. Patrick, West Albany Annual Spring Chicken BBQ will be Sunday April 26. From 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Meal includes chicken, potato salad, dinner roll, beans, pickle, cookie and beverage. Cost: $10 half dinner, $8 for 1/4 dinner. Minnesota Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Worthington will hold their 46th Biennial State Convention on April 17 & 18 at the Worthington Event Center with Masses held at St. Mary's in Worthington, MN. Hosting the convention are Ct. Santa Maria #247-Adrian; Ct. St. Bernard #886-Lismore and Ct. Madonna-Wilmont #839. Basilica of St. Stanislaus Kostka, Winona hosting a Spring Craft/Art/Gift Fair on Saturday, April 25, from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. in St. Stanislaus School gym. Lunch will be available. Come visit our many vendors.

Roger Reitmaier, FIC (507) 454-4979

Kevin Downie, FIC (507) 202-5304

Mike Matuska

Red Wing, Cannon Falls Hampton

Jamie Hansen, FIC (507) 459-2669 Winona & nearby

St. Charles & nearby


(507) 345-1324 Mankato, Le Sueur

Susan Stenzel CHFC, LUTCF, FIC (507) 282-1793 Rochester, Adams

Jeff Plank, FIC (507) 457-0413 Wabasha & nearby

We thank you for understanding that due to space limitations, not all events nor story submissions will fit; however, we strive to include as many as possible. Thank you! - Courier Staff

St. John Nepomucene, Winona will hold its annual Soup & Sandwich Supper on April 1. The supper will be served in the St. Stanislaus Church Hall and will consist of homemade vegetable beef soup, ham salad sandwiches, and homemade desserts. Serving from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. Adults: $6.50; children 6 to 12: $3; children 5 and under: FREE. Carryouts will be available.

Sara Bartosh, FIC (507) 329-2942

1-800-568-6670 www.catholicunited.org

© 2015 Catholic United Financial Home Office: St. Paul, MN *Catholic United IRAs are individual retirement annuities.


Please note: submission deadline is the 10th of the month prior to the month of publication. All submissions must be sent electronically on our website: www.dowcourier.org or by emailing: Courier@dow.org and by the deadline in order to assure receipt and possible inclusion in the Events Calendar.

Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary, Harmony hosts its Spring Dinner on April 14, Mexican Fiesta. 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Tickets: $9 advance, $10 at door, $5 ages 5 - 8 and Preschool FREE. Take outs available. Dinner includes: one chicken and one cheese enchilada, one beef taco, rice, beans, chips, dessert and beverage. For information and/or tickets contact: Maureen Gervais 507-886-4433.

Life insurance, annuities, IRAs* and member advantages from a company that shares and honors your Catholic faith

Adrian, Heron Lake & nearby

SUBMISSION for the calendar

Retreats 2nd Annual "Celebrate Women" Retreat April 24 - 26. THEME: You Are Standing on Holy Ground. Keynote Speaker: Pauline Lorch, OSU. Held at Villa Maria Retreat and Conference Center Frontenac, MN. Call 651.345.4582 or visit the Villa's website at http://www.villamariaretreats.org/ and then click on Events.

Job Openings Sacred Heart, Waseca - Music Ministry Coordinator Sacred Heart is seeking a Music Ministry Coordinator. The person would be competent at keyboard (piano and organ), would assist playing for and planning of liturgies. This would include funerals, weddings, parish liturgies and special events. He/she would also work with choir directors and

choirs of various ages. It is possible that this position may include work with the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults and Children. Please send a letter of interest and a resume to: Fr. Gregory Leif, Sacred Heart Parish, 111 4th Street NW, Waseca, MN 56093. Email found: www.sacredheartwaseca.org.


Events in the Diocese

Holy Hour of Prayer for Life, Marriage, and Religious Liberty Beginning in May, the monthly Holy Hour for Life, Marriage, and Religious Freedom in Winona will be held on the FIRST Saturday of the month. The reason for the change is that many people take part in the First Saturday Devotion and attend the 8 a.m. Mass that day. It is hoped that they will continue their devotion and stay for the Holy Hour, which begins at the end of Mass and goes until 9:30 am. Regarding First Saturday Devotion, Our Lady appeared at Fatima in 1917 and requested what are now known as the First Saturday devotions to make reparation for blasphemies and offenses against her Immaculate Heart and for world peace. So, the next monthly Holy Hour of Prayer for Life, Marriage, and Religious Liberty will be held on Saturday, May 2nd at 8:30 a.m. (after the 8 a.m. Mass) at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed and a beautiful rosary will be offered, along with prayer and reflection. Gather in the Adoration Chapel. Everyone is welcome.

efits St. Kilian’s Religious Education Programs with matching funds from Catholic United Financial. St. Patrick, Brownsville hosts Spring Breakfast Sunday April 12 following 8 a.m. Mass. Big Ticket Raffle, Dessert of the Month Raffle, Bake Sale: Mini Raffle. Children's games available. Breakfast served until noon. Menu: french toast, southern-style scrambled eggs, sausage, cheesy hash browns, fresh fruit coffee, milk & orange juice. Adults: $7. Children 6-12: $3. Under 6: FREE.

Clergy Art Show, Winona April 17- 19. Come to the Polish Museum Annex (363 E. 2nd Street) for a show of the abilities and talents of out priests! Come see the artistic side of the clergy and seminarians through their many craftsmanships: Architecture, Artwork, Authros, Boys in Black, Cooking - Italian, Fly Making, Fly Rods, Gourmet Recipes, Icons, Men in Black Choir, Painting, Picture Framing, Rug Making, Soap Making, Versments, Vexillologist, Vocations, Wine Making, Wood Carving, Wood Working. All are welcome! We hope to see you there!

Traditional Latin Mass Mankato, Ss. Peter & Paul, first Saturday month, 9 a.m. Rochester (Simpson), St. Bridget, first & third Sundays of the month, 1 p.m. Wabasha, St. Felix, weekly. Saturday 8 a.m. Chatfield, St. Mary's, Saturday morning, please check with the parish for the time. The Televised Mass Offered as a service for the homebound and elderly. Every Sunday on the following stations: KTTC-TV, Channel 10, Rochester at 9 a.m. KEYC-TV, Channel 12, Mankato at 7:30 a.m. Donations for the continuation of this program may be sent to: TV Mass, PO Box 588, Winona MN 55987. Thank you for your donations to the TV Mass


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April, 2015 w The Courier

April, 2015


• The Courier

Minnesota Bishops Meet Governor, Lawmakers

Dignity of Immigrants, Affordable housing, education choice included in bishops’ discussions with lawmakers good,” Archbishop Nienstedt said. “I think there is common ground there. We don’t come at it from the same sion. vantage point, but I think it’s very complementary.” Bishops from each of Minnesota’s six Bishop Quinn added: “We bring dioceses met with Gov. Mark Dayton and a perspective that comes from a relistate lawmakers March 5 to discuss leggious view, as well as moral teachislation on a range of issues, from immiings that can help legislators in their gration and education to poverty relief deliberations. That allows them to and commercial gestational surrogacy. see a fuller picture as they debate Archbishop John Nienstedt of St. these great questions and craft legisPaul and Minneapolis said the meetings lation for the common good.” focused on particular bills in committees, Jason Adkins, MCC executive not broad policy positions. director, said the state’s Catholic “All the legislators and the governor photo curtesy of The Catholic Spirit/ Dave Hrbacek conference has focused on championwould know our strong positions on maring bills that could attract bipartisan riage, on life, our support for the poor,” support. Among those is a bill to he said. “We want to focus on specific pieces of legislation in this particular legislative period that are going to be establish a commission to study the issue of commercial surrogacy. “There are so many considerations,” he said. “We’re obviously concerned practical.” The bishops’ day at the Capitol is an annual event coordinated by the about the exploitation of women and the commodification of children, but Minnesota Catholic Conference. MCC staff advocates for public policy on behalf there are also significant health concerns, [and] the fact that surrogacy is now a $4 billion business in the United States, and there’s really an industry surof the bishops, who serve as its board members. Participating this year were Archbishop Nienstedt, Bishop Andrew Cozzens rounding this [practice]. Even though we have ethical concerns with surrogacy and Bishop Lee Piché of St. Paul and Minneapolis; Bishop Michael Hoeppner arrangements, what we really need to understand is, if we’re going to have this of Crookston; Bishop Paul Sirba of Duluth; Bishop John LeVoir of New Ulm; in Minnesota … we need to make sure we properly regulate it.” Policy bills need to pass out of at least one committee in both the state Bishop Donald Kettler of St. Cloud; and Bishop John Quinn of Winona. As in previous years, the bishops began the day with a breakfast meeting House and Senate by March 27 to be viable for the second part of the session, with Dayton, where they took turns championing specific bills and asking for Adkins said, adding that the bishops were visiting during “a very exciting time” as that deadline approaches. the governor’s support, should the measures pass the Legislature. Archbishop Nienstedt focused on poverty-relief measures, including Homes for All, which supports an additional $39 million in funding for affordable housing, and Prosperity for All, which would boost subsidies to Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) recipients by $100 per month. “Right now those [MFIP] families are only receiving about $532” per month, he told The Catholic Spirit. “There hasn’t been any change in that subsidy since 1986, so it’s really out of step with trying to keep up with inflation.” Bishop Quinn said he presented on the importance of immigrants without a legal U.S. status to the state’s economy, and the bishops’ support of a measure to allow them to apply for a provisional drivers’ license. “I found the governor very engaging, and he really listens,” he said. Archbishop Nienstedt said Dayton joked that the breakfast was “very expensive,” as several of the bishops’ key measures would require state fundFriday, April 17 -- 2:00 - 8:00 p.m. ing, but the archbishop perceived the governor to be “very open to the kind of concerns that we have.” Saturday, April 18 -- 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. The state faces a projected $1.9 billion surplus, and Dayton’s original Sunday, April 19 -- noon - 4:00 p.m. budget proposal, released Jan. 27, identifies education, working families and transportation infrastructure as his top funding priorities. The governor plans to release a supplemental budget soon. Come and see the artistic side of priests and seminarians Seeking common ground of our diocese through their many craftsmanships! After meeting with the governor, the bishops met with legislators, including leadership of both chambers, at the State Office Building adjacent to the Craftsmanships and Talents Capitol. During a mid-day break, Bishop Cozzens said he felt the Democrat and Republican lawmakers with whom he had met had listened thoughtfully to the • Architecture • Painting bishops’ policy positions. • Artwork • Picture Framing “With both parties, we have areas that we have common ground, and with both parities, we have areas that we don’t have common ground,” Bishop • Authors • Rug Making Cozzens said. In the meeting with the governor, he focused on school choice • Boys in Black • Soap Making issues, including the bishops’ support for an educational savings account for • Cooking - Italian • Vestments children with disabilities, which would allow parents to determine how best to meet their children’s needs. • Fly Making • Vexillologist “Catholic social teaching says parents are the first educators of their chil• Fly Rods • Vocations dren, and they have the right to be the first educators of their children and a • Gourmet Recipes • Wine Making right to choose the education they want to,” he said. “Many of our parents can’t afford the private school they think would be best for their child, so we’re also • Icons • Wood Carving looking at ways to give them tax credits or tax breaks that would allow them to • Men in Black Choir • Wood Working have that choice they would like to make for their child.” The bishops see school choice issues as state cost-savers; Minnesota Catholic schools save taxpayers $400 million annually, Bishop Cozzens said. Held at: Polish Museum Annex  363 East Second Street  Winona Mn 55987 Offering a ‘fuller picture’ Poster artwork created by graphic designer, Father Matthew Fasnacht. The bishops and the state’s lawmakers are both “promoters of the common by: Maria Wiering, Editor of The Catholic Spirit. Reprinted with permiss-

Priests’ Art Show April 17-19, 2015

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