2013-2014 Parish and School Directory

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Parishes and Schools Directory 2013-2014 Diocese of Winona

Catholic Schools Faith Formation Liturgy/Music Hispanic Ministry Marriage and Family Life Newman Centers RCIA Respect Life Safe Environment Stewardship/Development Youth and Young Adult Diocesan Address: 55 West Sanborn Street PO Box 588 Winona, Minnesota 55987 (507) 454-4643 Fax: (507) 454-8106 Website: www.dow.org


Diocesan Offices

Office of the Bishop Most Reverend John M. Quinn, DD Vicar General Rev. Msgr. Richard M. Colletti Email: rcolletti@dow.org

Office of Evangelization and Apologetics Mr. Raymond de Souza Email: rdesouza@dow.org

Judical Vicar Rev. Msgr. R. Paul Heiting, JCL Email: pheiting@dow.org

Office of Employee Benefits Ms. Sara Evers Email: severs@dow.org

Adjuntant Judical Vicar Very Rev. Glenn Frerichs, JCL Email: gfrerichs@dow.org

Office of Finance Mr. Lawrence Dose Chief Finance/Administration Officer Email: ldose@dow.org

Vicar for Clergy Rev. Msgr. Thomas P. Melvin Email: tmelvin@dow.org

Office of Finance Ms. Luna Chou Email: lchou@dow.org

Vicar for Clergy Assistant - Education Rev. Mark McNea Email: mmcnea@dow.org

Office of Faith Formation Sr. Mary Juanita Gonsalves RSM Email: faithformation@dow.org

Moderator of the Curia Rev. Msgr. Thomas E. Cook Email: tcook@dow.org

Office of Hispanic Ministry Oficina del Ministerio Hispano Deacon Eduardo Fortini Email: efortini@dow.org

Office of Catholic Charities Mr. Robert Tereba Email: rtereba@ccwinona.org

Office of Human Resources Mr. David Fricke Email: dfricke@dow.org

Office of Catholic Schools Mrs. Marsha Stenzel, Superintendent Email: mstenzel@dow.org

Office of Lay Formation Mr. Todd Graff Email: tgraff@dow.org

Office of Chancellor Rev. Msgr. Richard M. Colletti Email: rcolletti@dow.org

Office of Life, Marriage & Family Mr. Peter Martin Email: pmartin@dow.org

Office of Diaconate Rev. Msgr. Thomas E. Cook Email: tcook@dow.org


Office of Pastoral Planning Rev. Msgr. Richard M. Colletti Email: rcolletti@dow.org

Office of Communications/Courier Mrs. Theresa Martin Email: tmartin@dow.org

Office of Mission Advancement Mr. Joel Hennessy Email: jhennessy@dow.org

Office of Divine Worship Rev. John M. Sauer, JCL Email: jsauer@dow.org

Office of Safe Environment Mr. Peter Martin Email: pmartin@dow.org


Office of Tribunal Rev. Msgr. R. Paul Heiting, JCL Email: pheiting@dow.org

Office of Vocations Rev. William Thompson Email: wthompson@dow.org

Office of Tribunal Mr. William L. Daniel, JCL Email: wldaniel@dow.org

Office of Youth and Young Adults Mr. Ben Frost Email: bfrost@dow.org

Legend After each parish are initials which designate the deanery that the parish is located within. Following is the definition of the initials: AAL = Austin/Albert Lea Deanery MAN = Mankato Deanery ROC = Rochester Deanery WIN = Winona Deanery WOR = Worthington Deanery

Diocese Parish Ministry Coordinators/Directors Adams, Sacred Heart Church (AAL)

412 West Main Street, PO Box 352 Adams, Minnesota 55909-0352

Pastor: Rev. Swaminatha R. Pothireddy Parish Office: (507) 582-3120 Rectory Phone: (507) 582-3321 Pastor Email: s.pothireddy@yahoo.com Parish Fax: (507) 582-1033 Parish Email: office@sacredheartadams.org Parish Secretary: Mary Conroy Coor Faith Form: Mary Huntley Office Address: 11 SW Fifth Street Adams, Minnesota 55909 Home Phone: (507) 582-7745 Home Email: mhuntley@hoverstenlaw.com Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Mary Huntley Coor Safe Envir: Margaret Neuvirth Home Phone: (507) 754-5363 Home Email: rmneuvir@hmtel.com Coor Liturgy/Music: Jane Steinkamp Home Phone: (507) 582-7733 Coor Liturgy/Music: Darlene Boe Home Phone: (507) 582-3212 Coor Marr/Family: Rose Schaefer Home Phone: (507) 582-3368

Adrian, St. Adrian Church (WOR)

512 Maine Avenue, PO Box 475 Adrian, Minnesota 56110-0475

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Parish Website: Parish Secretary: Coor Faith Form: Office Address: Office Phone: Office Email: Home Address: Home Phone: Home Email:


Rev. Andrew J. Beerman Parish Office: (507) 483-2317 abeerman96@gmail.com (507) 483-2460 stadrian@frontiernet.net www.stadriancluster.org Mary Krogman Pam Konz - grds 1-12 108 East Sixth Street, PO Box 475 Adrian, Minnesota 56110 (507) 483-2480 stafaith4all@frontiernet.net 16307 210th Street Adrian, Minnesota 56110 (507) 483-2835 kfarm@frontiernet.net


Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Office Phone: Office Email: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor RCIA: Coor Respect Life: Coor Marr/Family: Office Email: Home Address: Home Phone: Home Email:

Shannon Reker (507) 483-2319 staacct@frontier.com (507) 329-0392 s_reker06@hotmail.com Pam Konz Shannon Reker Pam Konz Karen Cook (507) 483-2760 bkcook6@frontiernet.net Pam Konz Father Andrew Beerman Pam Konz Leslie Slater faithform4@centurylink.net 2405 Jones Avenue Rushmore, Minnesota 56168 (507) 478-4540 mslater@lismoretel.com

Albert Lea, St. Theodore Church (AAL)

308 East Fountain Street Albert Lea, Minnesota 56007

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Website: Deacon: Office Email: Parish Secretary: Office Email: Coor Faith Form: Office Address: Office Phone: Office Fax: Office Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult Office Email: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Office Email: Coor RCIA:

Rev. Timothy T. Reker Parish Office: (507) 373-0603 ttr@sttheo.org (507) 373-0604 www.sttheo.org Deacon Michael Ellis mje@sttheo.org Deb Wenum dkw@sttheo.org Donna May - grds PreK-6 323 East Clark Street Albert Lea, Minnesota 56007 (507) 373-2987 (507) 373-9657 dlm@sttheo.org Keri Flahive - grds 7-12 krf@sttheo.org Donna May Christopher Fazzi cgf@sttheo.org Deacon Michael Ellis

Altura, St. Anthony Church (Served by Lewiston) (WIN) Pastor:

Rev. Timothy J. Hall

Austin, Queen of Angels Church (AAL)

1001 East Oakland Avenue Austin, Minnesota 55912-3896

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Parochial Vicar: Office Email: Parish Admin: Office Email: Coor Faith Form: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Office Email: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor RCIA: Coor Hispanic:

Rev. Dale E. Tupper Parish Office: (507) 433-1888 pastor@queensaustinmn.net (507) 433-1889 office@queensaustinmn.net Rev. Wellington Mu単oz munozwel@gmail.com Mary Bassett qofapastorassociate@gmail.com Mary Bassett - grds 1-12 Allison Benesh allisonkbenesh@gmail.com Father Dale Tupper Nancy Heimer (507) 437-8709 nlheimer@charter.net Mary Bassett Father Dale Tupper Father Wellington Munoz Father Rafael Chavez Mary Bassett

Austin, St. Augustine Church (AAL)

405 NW Fourth Street Austin, Minnesota 55912-3091

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Email: Deacons: Parish Secretary: Coor Faith Form: Office Email: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Coor RCIA: Coor Marr/Family:

Rev. James P. Steffes Parish Office: (507) 437-4537 fathersteffes.ae@gmail.com mgorman.ae@gmail.com Deacon John Kluczny Deacon Richard Aho Mary Gorman Melissa Benson- grds 1-10 mbensonae@gmail.com Melissa Benson Father James Steffes Melissa Benson Father James Steffes

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Parish Office: (507) 523-2428


Austin, St. Edward Church (Served by Austin, St. Augustine)(AAL) 2000 West Oakland Avenue Austin, Minnesota 55912-1599

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Email: Deacons: Parish Secretary: Coor Faith Form: Office Email: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Coor RCIA: Coor Marr/Family:

Rev. James P. Steffes Parish Office: (507) 433-1841 fathersteffes.ae@gmail.com mgorman.ae@gmail.com Deacon John Kluczny Deacon Richard Aho Mary Gorman Melissa Benson- grds 1-10 mbenson.ae@gmail.com Melissa Benson Father James Steffes Melissa Benson Father James Steffes

Blooming Prairie, St. Columbanus Church (AAL)

114 East Main Street Blooming Prairie, Minnesota 55917-1427

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Parish Secretary: Coor Faith Form: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Safe Envir: Office Phone: Office Email: Home Phone: Coor Liturgy/Music: Coor Respect Life: Home Phone:

Rev. Steven J. Peterson Parish Office: (507) 583-2784 sjp4646@gmail.com (507) 583-7738 columbanusbp@gmail.com Angie Ahlberg Melissa Schammel - grds K-6 (507) 583-1088 mschammel@viracon.com Frank Vorlick - grds 7-12 (507) 583-2787 flowerboy@gofast.am Claudia (Barb) Aarhus (507) 477-2256 sacredhearthayfield@gofast.am (507) 477-2458 Frank Vorlicek Ann Fogarty (507) 583-2382

214 South Holland Blue Earth, Minnesota 56013-1331

Very Rev. Peter J. Klein (507) 526-2456 patsspp@bevcomm.net Pat Boettcher 4

Angie Nagel - grds 1-10 angieyouthministry@bevcomm.net (507) 526-3485 nagel5@bevcomm.net Angie Nagel Angie Nagel Marie Colby

Brewster, Sacred Heart Church (Served by Windom) (WOR) 516 Tenth Street, PO Box 187 Brewster, Minnesota 56119-0187

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Email: Parish Secretary: Office Email: Coor Faith Form: Home Address: Home Phone: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Safe Envir: Office Email: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Address: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor RCIA: Coor Respect Life: Home Address: Home Phone: Home Email:

Rev. Russell G. Scepaniak Parish Office: (507) 842-5584 frscepaniak@windomnet.com sacreds@centurytel.net Loretta Smith esmith010@centurytel.net Loretta Smith - grds K-10 32255 840th Street Brewster, Minnesota 56119 (507) 842-5497 Loretta Smith Loretta Smith sacreds@centurytel.net Bev McCarvel 39574 160th Street Brewster, Minnesota 56119 (507) 842-5460 bmccarvel@roundlk.net Father Russell Scepaniak Bibi Spartz 632 Second Avenue Brewster, Minnesota 56119 (507) 842-5527 bibi.spartz@hotmail.com

Brownsdale, Our Lady of Loretto Church (AAL) (Served by Austin, Queen of Angels) Pastor:

Blue Earth, Ss. Peter and Paul Church (MAN)

Parochial Admin: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Parish Secretary:

Coor Faith Form: Office Email: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music:

Rev. Dale E. Tupper


Parish Office: (507) 526-5626


Parish Office: (507) 433-1888

Brownsville, St. Patrick Church (Served by Caledonia) (WIN) 604 Adams Street, PO Box 155 Brownsville, Minnesota 55919

Pastor: Pastor Email: Coor Faith Form: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult:

Rev. Matthew J. Fasnacht Parish Office: (507) 725-3804 frfasnacht@acegroup.cc Debi Shuda (507) 482-6892 debishuda@msn.com Debi Shuda

Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Safe Envir: Office Phone: Office Email: Home Phone: Coor RCIA: Office Email: Home Phone:

Canton, Assumption Church (Served by Harmony) (WIN)

Byron, Christ the King Church (ROC)

207 North May Street Canton, Minnesota 55922

202 NW Fourth Street, PO Box 1000 Byron, Minnesota 55920-1000

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Parish Office Mgr: Coor Faith Form: Office Phone: Office Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Music: Coor RCIA: Coor Respect Life: Coor Marr/Family: Home Phone: Coor Stewardship:

Tammy Reichenbacher - grds 6-12 (507) 458-8624 treichenbacher@yahoo.com Tom Reichenbacher (507) 725-3355 treichenbacher@stmaryschoolcal.org (507) 458-8624 Sr. Michaeline Healy PBVM smhealy@acegroup.cc (507) 725-5516

Rev. Paul W. Surprenant Parish Office: (507) 775-6455 fatherpaul@churchofchristtheking.net (507) 775-6473 ckhf@churchofchristtheking.net Sue Pries Roxane Chlachula - grds PreK-10 (507) 775-0501 faithformationck@gmail.com Roxane Chlachula Sue Pries Dean Anderson Paul Prond Bob and Loretta Lechner Shawn and Debbie Crawford (507) 775-7408 Dean Anderson

Pastor: Pastor Email: Office Email: Parish Admin: Home Phone: Coor Faith Form: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Safe Envir: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor RCIA: Coor Respect Life: Home Phone:

Rev. Msgr. R. Paul Heiting Parish Office: (507) 886-2393 heiting@harmonytel.net nativity@harmonytel.net Cindy Duckett (507) 743-8435 Jamie Hauber - grds K-10 (563) 379-0915 stylesnstuff@mabeltel.coop Jamie Hauber Maureen Gervais (507) 886-4433 jmj3353@harmonytel.net Janell Randa (507) 886-6051 jmhammer@harmonytel.net Msgr. R. Paul Heiting Mary Curtis (507) 493-5584

Caledonia, St. Mary Church (WIN)

513 South Pine Street, PO Box 406 Caledonia, Minnesota 55921-0406

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Parish Secretary: Office Email: Coor Faith Form: Office Email: Home Address: Home Phone: Home Email:

Rev. Matthew J. Fasnacht Parish Office: (507) 725-3804 frfasnacht@acegroup.cc (507) 725-2001 stmary1@acegroup.cc Maria Keefe stmaryschurch@acegroup.cc Laura Eglinton faithfrm@acegroup.cc 9652 County road 20 Caledonia, Minnesota 55921 (507) 724-5671 unity.charity@hotmai.com 6

Chatfield, St. Mary Church (WIN)

405 SW Bench Street Chatfield, Minnesota 55923

Pastor: Coor Faith Form:

Rev. Patrick O. Arens Dennis Kunkel



Parish Office: (507) 867-3922

Claremont, St. Francis De Sales Church (Served by Dodge Center) (AAL) 326 Second Street Claremont, Minnesota 55924

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Email: Parish Secretary: Coor Faith Form: Home Phone: Work Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor RCIA: Home Address: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Respect Life: Coor Marr/Family: Home Email: Coor Hispanic Min: Home Address:

Rev. Gregory W. Parrott Parish Office: (507) 374-6830 pastor@dodgecatholic.org office@dodgecatholic.org Dianne Vangness Colleen Wilson - Grds PreK-Confirmation (507) 374-9993 wilson.colleen@mayo.edu Colleen Wilson Darleen Gillard 56372 145th Avenue West Concord, Minnesota 55985 (507) 527-2166 dgillard@frontiernet.net Darleen Gillard Sharon Theimann dsthiem@kmtel.com Gabriela Burk 221 SW Second Street #303 Dodge Center, Minnesota 55927

Currie, Immaculate Heart of Mary (Served by Fulda) (WOR) 501 Mill Street, PO Box 174 Currie, Minnesota 56123-0174


Rev. Andrew J. Vogel

Parish Office: (507) 425-2369

Dakota, Holy Cross Church (Served by LaCrescent) (WIN) 180 Washington Street Dakota, Minnesota 55925

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Deacons: Deacon Email: Deacon Email: Parish Secretary:

Rev. Gregory G. Havel Parish Office: (507) 895-4720 cruxpas@acegroup.cc (507)895-6880 cruxacc@acegroup.cc Deacon Gerald Trocinski cruxtrocinski@acegroup.cc Deacon Robert Yerhot cruxyerhot@acegroup.cc Lois Hund

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Coor Faith Form: Office Address: Office Phone: Home Phone: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Office Email: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Phone: Coor RCIA:

Casey Jorgenson - grds 1-3 Fitzgerald Center 1380 Lancer Boulevard LaCrescent, Minnesota 55947 (507) 895-2700 (507) 643-2411 Mike Schramm cruxffc@acegroup.cc Mike Schramm Kathleen Cooper (507) 895-8363 Mike Schramm

Deerfield, Corpus Christi Church (Served by Owatonna, St. Jospeh) (AAL) Parochial Admin:

Rev. Edward F. McGrath

Parish Office: (507) 451-4845

Dodge Center, St. John Baptist De La Salle Church (AAL) 20 Second Street NE, PO Box 310 Dodge Center, Minnesota 55927

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Email: Parish Secretary: Coor Faith Form: Office Phone: Home Address: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Address: Coor RCIA: Home Address: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Respect Life: Coor Marr/Family: Home Email: Coor Hispanic: Home Address: Home Email:

Rev. Gregory W. Parrott Parish Office: (507) 374-6830 pastor@dodgecatholic.org office@dodgecatholic.org Dianne Vangness Colleen Wilson- grds PreK-Confirmation (507) 633-6765 108 NE Fourth Avenue Dodge Center, Minnesota 55927 (507) 374-9993 wilson.colleen@mayo.edu Colleen Wilson Colleen Wilson Rhoda Ehler 73708 203th Avenue Hayfield, Minnesota 55985 Darleen Gillard 56372 145th Avenue West Concord, Minnesota 55985 (507) 527-2166 dgillard@frontiernet.net Darleen Gillard Sharon Theimann dstiem@kmtel.com Gabriela Burk 221 SW Second Street #303 Dodge Center, Minnesota 55927 burkx012@umn.edu


East Chain, Holy Family Church (Served by Fairmont) (MAN) 2481 50th Street Fairmont, Minnesota 56031-3098

Pastor: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Email:

Rev. Peter L. Schuster Parish Office: (507) 235-5535 Phyllis Salz saltandpepper@frontiernet.net

Easton, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church (Served by Wells) (MAN) 27 Main Street, PO Box 8 Easton, Minnesota 56025-0008

Pastor: Parish Email: Deacon: Home Email: Coor Faith Form: Office Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Liturgy/Music:

Rev. Thomas M. Niehaus scasimir@bevcomm.net Deacon Eugene Paul paulfarm@bevcomm.net Elly Benin - grds 1-12 ffcasimir@bevcomm.net Elly Benin Connie Stenzel

Parish Office: (507) 553-5391

Ellendale, St. Aidan Church (Served by New Richland) (MAN) Parochial Admin: Pastor Email: Parish Email: Parish Fax: Parochial Vicar: Office Email: Coor Faith Form: Home Address: Home Phone: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor RCIA: Home Address: Coor Respect Life:

Rev. Raul I. Silva

Parish Office: (507) 465-8217

padreraulsilva@gmail.com newrichlandbulletin@yahoo.com (507) 465-8381 Rev. Wellington Mu単oz munozwel@gmail.com Carol Strand - grds P-10 33546 760th Avenue Ellendale, Minnesota 56026 (507) 684-2245 Carol Strand Mark Domeier (507) 688-9474 madomie@hickorytech.net Jim Misgen 12850 SW 72nd Avenue Ellendale, Minnesota 56026 Carol Strand

Ellsworth, St. Mary Church (Served by Luverne) (WOR) 204 Broadway Street Ellsworth, Minnesota 56129

Elba, St. Aloysius Church (Served by St. Charles) (WIN) 150 North Main Street Elba, Minnesota 55910

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Deacon: Office Email: Parish Admin: Office Email: Parish Secretary: Coor Faith Form: Office Address: Office Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor RCIA: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Hispanic: Home Phone:

Rev. Kurt P. Farrell Parish Office: (507) 932-3294 fatherkurt@hbcsc.net (507) 932-3393 borromeo@hbcsc.net Deacon Placido Zavala placidoz49@hotmail.com Becky Storey Hunder tpadmin@hbcsc.net Pam Wolf Nichole Paladie - grds Prek-Adult 1900 East Sixth Street Saint Charles, Minnesota 55972 triparishff@hbcsc.net Nichole Paladie Becky Storey Hunder Cathy Schleck (507) 534-2863 schleck.cathy@mayo.edu Dale and Maryls Hinckley (507) 867-4832 dhinck1042@aol.com Deacon Placido Zavala (507) 319-0031 10

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Parish Admin: Office Email: Parish Secretary: Office Email: Coor Faith Form: Office Phone: Office Email: Home Phone: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Phone: Coor RCIA: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Respect Life: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Marr/Family: Coor Stewardship:

Rev. Thomas J. Jennings Parish Office: (507) 283-8502 tjennings@iw.net (507) 449-3638 stcatherine@iw.net Mary McLaughlin mmclaughlin@iw.net Colette Thom cthom@wowway.net Katie Baustian- grds PreK-12 (507) 283-8071 kbaustian@iw.net (507) 283-4180 Katie Baustian Mary McLaughlin Vickie Jenniges (507) 967-2297 Janelle McKenzie (507) 449-2327 raeilinspalac@mchsi.com Mary Lou Mulligan (507) 449-2653 mmulli1493@gmail.com Father Thomas Jennings Mary McLaughlin


Eyota, Holy Redeemer Church (Served by St. Charles) (WIN) 22 East Second Street Eyota, Minnesota 55934

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Deacon: Office Email: Parish Admin: Office Email: Parish Secretary: Coor Faith Form: Office Address: Office Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor RCIA: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Hispanic: Home Phone:

Rev. Kurt P. Farrell Parish Office: (507) 932-3294 fatherkurt@hbcsc.net (507) 932-3393 borromeo@hbcsc.net Deacon Placido Zavala placidoz49@hotmail.com Becky Storey Hunder tpadmin@hbcsc.net Pam Wolf Nichole Paladie - grds Prek-Adult 1900 East Sixth Street Saint Charles, Minnesota 55972 triparishff@hbcsc.net Nichole Paladie Becky Storey Hunder Shelly Haag (507) 867-1471 sjaag@bop.gov Dale and Maryls Hinckley (507) 867-4832 dhinck1042@aol.com Deacon Placido Zavala (507) 319-0031

Fairmont, St. John Vianney Church (MAN)

901 South Prairie Avenue Fairmont, Minnesota 56031-3098

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Deacon: Deacon Email: Parish Bookkeeper: Office Phone: Office Email: Parish Secretary: Office Email: Coor Faith Form: Office Address: Office Phone: Office Email:

Rev. Peter L. Schuster Parish Office: (507) 235-5535 sjv-frschuster@midconetwork.com (507) 235-5536 Deacon Edwin C. Bonnarens decbonn@me.com Jody Hemann (507) 235-2450 sjv-jody@midconetwork.com Dawn Petrowiak sjv-dawn@midconetwork.com Tamarae Schmidt - grds K-6 911 South Prairie Avenue Fairmont, Minnesota 56031 (507) 235-5639 sjv-tamarae@midconetwork.com


Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Office Phone: Office Email: Home Phone: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Office Phone: Office Email: Coor RCIA: Coor Respect Life: Coor Marr/Family: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Hispanic: Home Phone: Home Email:

Molly Sagerhorn- grds 7-12 (507) 235-9064 sjvyouthministry@gmail.com (507) 399-8875 Tamarae Schmidt Bridget Becker (507) 235-2451 sjv-bridget@midconetwork.com Bridget Becker Deacon Ed Bonnarens Angela Schultz (507) 238-9369 angelaschultz@frontier.com Olga Rojo (507) 399-3646 orojo63@gmail.com

Fulda, St. Gabriel Church (WOR)

307 West Lake Avenue Fulda, Minnesota 56131

Pastor: Pastor Email: Rectory Phone: Parish Fax: Coor Faith Form: Office Address: Office Email: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor RCIA:

Rev. Andrew P. Vogel Parish Office: (507) 425-2369 frgaihm@gmail.com (507) 295-1030 (507) 425-2773 Lisa Kremer 305 South Lafayette Avenue Fulda MN 56131 stgabfaithformation@gmail.com (507) 360-3423 stgabfaithformation@gamil.com Lacey McGuire (507) 220-0095 laceymcguire@live.com Lisa Kremer Mary Ann Boom (507) 425-2782 boomhjma@mchsi.com Ken Schmitt

Geneva, St. Mary Church (Served by New Richland) (MAN) Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email:

Rev. Raul I. Silva Parish Office: (507) 465-8217 padreraulsilva@gmail.com (507) 465-8381 newrichlandbulletin@yahoo.com


Parochial Vicar: Office Email: Coor Faith Form: Home Address: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Safe Envir: Coor RCIA:

Coor Faith Form: Home Address:

Rev. Wellington Mu単oz munozwel@gmail.com Michelle Miller - grds K-12 85247 South Island Circle Hollandale, Minnesota 56045 (507)438-1939 shell.ann@outlook.com Michelle Miller Michelle Miller Father Raul Silva

Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Safe Envir: Home Address:

Good Thunder, St. Joseph Church (Served by Mapleton) (MAN) 130 North Ewing, PO Box 241 Good Thunder, Minnesota 56037

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Email: Deacon: Office Email: Parish Admin: Coor Faith Form: Home Phone: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Safe Envir: Office Email: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Phone: Coor RCIA:

Rev. Jason L. Kern Parish Office: (507) 524-3127 frjkern@hickorytech.net sjsmst@hickorytech.net Deacon Christopher Walchuk cwalchuk@hickorytech.net Carol Cyr Connie Peters - grds K-11 (507) 524-4511 Connie Peters (507) 420-2406 connie@proteinsources.com Carol Cyr sjsmst@hickorytech.net (507) 674-3942 cyr@hickorytech.net Laureen Sohre (507) 278-3618 Deacon Christopher Walchuk

Grand Meadow, St. Finbarr Church (Served by Spring Valley) (AAL) 501 SW First Street, PO Box 374 Grand Meadow, Minnesota 55936

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Email: Parish Secretary: Home Phone: Cell Phone: Home Email:

Rev. Marreddy Pothireddy mreddy1412@yahoo.com stignatius213@yahoo.com Joyce Arndorfer (507) 324-5681 (507) 440-3692 joarndorfer@juno.com


Parish Office: (507) 346-7565

Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Address: Home Phone: Home Email:

Diana Weiss - grds 1-11 504 NW First Street Grand Meadow, Minnesota 55936 (507) 754-5888 dweiss79@hotmail.com Diana Weiss Diana Weiss Kitty Kerrins PO Box 74 Grand Meadow, Minnesota 55936 (507) 754-5804 cakerrins@hmtel.com Lynn Davis 26302 710th AVenue Grand Meadow, Minnesota 55936 (507) 754-5120 jimlynee@gmail.com

Harmony, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church (WIN) 640 SW First Avenue Harmony, Minnesota 55939

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Email: Parish Admin: Coor Faith Form: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Safe Envir: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor RCIA: Coor Respect Life: Home Phone:

Rev. Msgr. R. Paul Heiting Parish Office: (507) 886-2393 heiting@harmonytel.net nativity@harmonytel.net Cindy Duckett Jamie Hauber - grds K-10 (563) 379-0915 stylesnstuff@mabeltel.coop Maureen Gervais (507) 886-4433 jmj3353@harmonytel.net Janell Randa (507) 886-6051 jmhammer@harmonytel.net Msgr. R. Paul Heiting Mary Curtis (507) 493-5584

Hayfield, Sacred Heart Church (Served by Blooming Prairie) (AAL) 150 NE Second Street, PO Box 27 Hayfield, Minnesota 55940

Pastor: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Phone: Home Email:

Rev. Steven J. Peterson Beth Breault (507) 584-0131 kbbreault@yahoo.com


Parish Office: (507) 477-2256

Heron Lake, Sacred Heart Church (Served by Windom) (WOR) 321 Ninth Street, PO Box 377 Heron Lake, Minnesota 56137

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Email: Parish Secretary: Office Email: Coor Faith Form: Office Phone: Home Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Safe Envir: Home Address: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Address: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor RCIA: Coor Respect Life: Home Address: Home Phone: Coor Respect Life: Home Phone: Home Email:

Rev. Russell G. Scepaniak Parish Office: (507) 793-2357 frscepaniak@windomnet.com sacredhearthl@gmail.com Carmen Rasche sacredhearth1@gmail.com Sara Bartosh - grds PreK-12 (507) 793-2773 jsbartosh@yahoo.com Sara Bartosh Collette Diemer 41620 910th Street Heron Lake, Minnesota 56137 (507) 793-2582 ckdiemer@mvtvwireless.com Bonnie Henkels 33866 930th Street Heron Lake, Minnesota 56137 (507) 793-2204 bhenkels@swwnet.com Father Russell Scepaniak Colleen Freking 36342 920th Street Heron Lake, Minnesota 56137 (507) 793-2286 Rhonda Ferguson 90736 320th Avenue Heron Lake, Minnesota 56137 (507) 468-2265 rferguson@swwnet.com

Hokah, St. Peter Church (Served by Rushford) (WIN)

34 Main St., PO Box 355 Hokah, Minnesota 55941-0355

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Email: Parish Admin: Coor Faith Form: Home Address: Home Phone: Home Email:

Rev. Pratap R. Salibindla OFM Parish Office: (507) 864-2257

frpratap@acegroup.cc paradm@acegroup.cc David U’Ren Jo Kochie - grds K-Adult 305 Cedar Path Hokah, Minnesota 55941 (507) 894-4429 kochie307@gmail.com


Coor Pre-School: Home Address: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Phone: Coor RCIA: Coor Respect Life: Coor Marr/Family Coor Hispanic:

Rachel DeJarlais - grds P-K 261 Red Apple Drive LaCrescent, Minnesota 55947 Jo Kochie David U’Ren Rachel Fishel (507) 895-8368 David U’Ren David U’Ren David U’Ren David U’Ren

Houston, St. Mary Church (Served by Rushford) (WIN) 202 South Sheridan Street Houston, Minnesota 55943

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Email: Parish Admin: Coor Faith Form: Coor Pre-School: Home Address: Home Phone: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Home Address: Home Phone: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Address: Home Phone: Coor RCIA: Coor Respect Life: Coor Marr/Family Coor Adult FF: Coor Hispanic:

Rev. Pratap R. Salibindla Parish Office: (507) 864-2257 frpratap@acegroup.cc paradm@acegroup.cc Davie U’Ren David U’Ren - grds K-Adult Kelly Beckman grds PreK 10081 State Hwy 16 Houston, Minnesota 55943 (507) 896-4567 Barb Swenson 13991 Paradise Drive Houston, Minnesota 55943 (507) 896-4139 David U’Ren Kathy Niesen 17324 County Road 26 Houston, Minnesota 55943 (507) 896-4809 David U’Ren David U’Ren David U’Ren David U’Ren David U’Ren

Iona, St. Columba Church (Served by Slayton) (WOR) Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email:

Rev. James J. Seitz Parish Office: (507) 836-8030 fatherjseitz@smig.net (507) 836-6261 stabusiness@frontiernet.net


Parish Secretary: Coor Faith Form: Office Address: Office Email: Home Phone: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music:

Joanne Bergman JoAnn Biren - grds 1-12 2747 29th Street Slayton, Minnesota 56172 triparish@frontiernet.net (507) 264-3703 JoAnn Biren Sharon Lais

Jackson, Good Shepherd Church (WOR)

311 Sverdrup Avenue N, PO Box 65 Jackson, Minnesota 56143-0065

Pastor: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Parish Secretary: Coor Faith Form: Office Phone: Office Email: Home Address: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor RCIA: Home Address: Home Phone: Coor Respect Life: Home Address: Home Phone: Home Email:

Rev. Brian F. Sutton Parish Office: (507) 847-2504 (507) 847-3734 goodshep@mysmbs.com Elizabeth O’Donnell Susanne Foster - grds PreK-12 / Adult (507) 847-2719 gsff@mymbs.com 309 Park Street Jackson, Minnesota 56143 (507) 847-2312 susannefoster3@hotmail.com Susanne Foster Susanne Foster Jan Griffin 82353 550th Avenue Jackson, Minnesota 56143 (507) 847-5412 janice.griffin@sanfordhealth.org Mary Chonko 215 Dewey Jackson, Minnesota 56143 (507) 847-2163 Dolores Nielsen 55589 735th Street Jackson, Minnesota 56143 (507) 847-2656 dodofuzz@hotmail.com

Janesville, St. Ann Church (MAN)

313 West Second Street, PO Box 218 Janesville, Minnesota 56048-0218

Pastor: Parish Fax: Parish Email:

Rev. Chinnappa Pothireddy

(507) 234-6237 stannjan@hickorytech.net


Parish Office: (507) 234-6244

Parish Secretary: Coor Faith Form: Office Phone: Office Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Safe Envir: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Liturgy/Music: Coor RCIA: Home Phone: Coor Respect Life: Home Phone:

Victoria Ziemke Stacy Adams- grds P-12 / Adult (507) 234-5753 (Wednesdays only) stannff@hickorytech.net Zach Roberts - grds 4-11 (507) 837-9825 zroberts@jwp.k12.mn.us Jena Schoenrock (507) 420-5734 j.schoenrock@hotmail.com Zach Roberts Father Chinnappa Pothireddy Faith Ryan (507) 420-4504 Marilyn Yentsch (507) 231-2257

Jasper, St. Joseph Church (Served by Pipestone) (WOR) Pastor: Coor Marr/Family: Home Phone:

Rev. Msgr. Gerald C. Kosse Mitzi Baustian (507) 348-4417

Parish Office: (507) 825-3152

Johnsburg, St. John Church (Served by Adams) (AAL) Pastor: Rev. Swaminatha R. Pothireddy Parish Office: (507) 582-3321 Parish Fax: (507) 582-1033 Pastor Email: s.pothireddy@yahoo.com Parish Email: office@sacredheartadams.org Parish Secretary: Mary Conroy Coor Liturgy/Music: Laura Freund Home Phone: (507) 582-3508

Kasson, Holy Family Church (Served by Byron) (ROC)

1904 North Mantorville Avenue, PO Box 171 Kasson, Minnesota 55944-0171

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Parish Secretary: Coor Faith Form: Office Phone: Office Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult:

Rev. Paul W. Surprenant Parish Office: (507) 634-7520 fatherpaul@churchofchristtheking.net (507) 634-7200 holyfamilyjen@kmtel.com Jennifer Hoehn Roxane Chlachula PreK-10 (507) 634-7599 faithformationhf@gmail.com Roxane Chlachula - grds 6-12


Coor Save Envir: Office Phone: Office Email: Coor Liturgy: Coor RCIA: Coor Respect Life: Coor Marr/Family: Home Phone: Coor Stewardship:

Sue Pries (507) 775-6455 ckhf@churchofchristtheking.net Jennifer Soland Paul Prond Linda McGuire Chad and Amy Krahn (507) 635-3780 Dean Anderson

Kellogg, Immaculate Conception Church (Served by Plainview) (ROC) 22032 County Road 18 Kellogg, Minnesota 55945

Pastor: Parish Fax: Pastor Email: Parish Email: Parish Website: Deacon: Home Email: Parish Secretary: Coor Faith Form: Home Address: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Safe Envir: Coor RCIA:

Rev. William M. Becker Parish Office: (507) 534-3321 (507) 534-3687 fatherbecker55964@gmail.com stjoachimchurch@hotmail.com www.saintjoachimchurch.org Deacon John DeStazio jfdestazio@hotmail.com Barb Ferk Karen Evers - grds 1-12 61131 229th Avenue Kellogg, Minnesota 55945 (507) 534-3588 keverslsw@yahoo.com Karen Evers Karen Evers Deacon John DeStazio

La Crescent, Crucifixion Church (WIN)

423 South Second Street La Crescent, Minnesota 55947-1326

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Parish Website: Deacons: Deacon Email: Deacon Email: Parish Secretary: Coor Faith Form: Office Address: Office Phone: Office Email: Coor PreSchool: Office Phone: Office Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Coor RCIA: Coor Respect Life: Home Email:

Lake City, St. Mary of the Lake Church (ROC)

419 West Lyon Avenue Lake City, Minnesota 55041-1649

Kellogg, St. Agnes Church (Served by Wabasha) (ROC) Pastor: Parish Fax: Pastor Email: Parish Email: Deacon: Office Email: Parish Admin: Office Email: Parish Secretary:

Rev. Msgr. Thomas E. Cook Parish Office: (651) 565-3931 (651) 565-4363 tcook@dow.org stfelix@hbci.com Deacon John Hust deaconjohn@hbci.com John Miller jomiller@hbci.com Heather Bergan



Rev. Gregory G. Havel Parish Office: (507) 895-4720 cruxpas@acegroup.cc (507) 895-6880 cruxch@acegroup.cc www.crucifixionchurch.org Deacon Gerald Trocinski cruxtrocinski@acegroup.cc Deacon Robert Yerhot cruxyerhot@acegroup.cc Kristi Mormann Mike Schramm Fitzgerald Center 1380 Lancer Blvd LaCrescent, Minnesota 55947 (507) 895-2700 cruxffc@acegroup.cc Danielle Paulson (507) 895-4402 cruxh1@acegroup.cc Mike Shramm Mike Shramm Sue Fruechte Mike Schramm Mary Ann Ekern ekernma@aol.com

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Parish Website: Deacon: Parish Secretary: Office Email: Parish Secretary: Parish Email: Coor Faith Form: Home Phone: Home Email:

Rev. Joseph P. Pete Parish Office: (651) 345-4134 frpete@embarqmail.com (651) 345-6134 stmaryslakecity@embarqmail.com www.stmaryslakecity.org Deacon David Dose Helen Grimm stmaryslakecity@gmail.com LaVada Reckmann lavadareckmann@embarqmail.com Rebecca Weist (507) 261-9385 beccaweist@gmail.com


Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor RCIA: Coor Respect Life: Home Phone: Coor Marr/Family:

Amy and Ben Bly (507) 696-0838 amybly_3@yahoo.com Brandy Wentzler Lisa Wallerich (651) 448-0015 lmariewallerich@gmail.com Father Joseph Pete Robbie Benedict (651) 345-5571 Father Joseph Pete

Lake Crystal, Holy Family Church (Served by Mankato, St. Joseph the Worker) (MAN) 201 North Hunt Street Lake Crystal, Minnesota 56055

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Deacon: Office Email: Parish Admin: Office Email: Parish Secretary: Office Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Home Email: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Coor RCIA: Coor Respect Life: Coor Marr/Family:

Rev. Timothy E. Biren Parish Office: (507) 388-3766 timothy.biren@mnsu.edu (507) 388-2101 sjwhf@hickorytech.net Deacon Preston Doyle Preston@prestonjdoyle.com Judith Pike sjwh@hickorytech.net Laura Guetter sjwhfch@hickorytech.net Connie Wallin - grds K-12 connie.wallin@gmail.com Michelle Folk Jackie Slama Dan Toegal Dianne Rothfork Connie Wallin

Lake Wilson, St. Mary Church (Served by Slayton) (WOR) Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Parish Secretary: Coor Faith Form: Office Address: Office Email: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music:

Rev. James J. Seitz Parish Office: (507) 836-8030 fatherjseitz@smig.net (507) 836-6261 stabusiness@frontiernet.net Joanne Bergman JoAnn Biren - grds 1-12 2747 29th Street Slayton, Minnesota 56172 triparish@frontiernet.net JoAnn Biren Julie Steenstra


Lakefield, St. Joseph Church (Served by Jackson) (WOR)

410 Broadway, PO Box 517 Lakefield, Minnesota 56150-0517

Pastor: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Parish Secretary: Coor Faith Form: Home Address: Home Phone: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Save Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Address: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor RCIA: Home Address: Home Phone: Coor Stewardship: Home Phone: Home Email:

Rev. Brian F. Sutton Parish Office: (507) 662-5819 (507) 662-5924 sjcc@mysmbs.com Kathy Vrchota Kathy Vrchota - grds PreK-Adult 48248 770th Street Jackson, Minnesota 56143 (507) 847-2710 Kathy Vrchota Kathy Vrchota Deb Rentschler 40393 820th Street Lakefield, Minnesota 56150 (507) 662-5861 rentfam5@frontiernet.net Mary Chonko 215 Dewey Jackson, Minnesota 56143 (507) 847-2163 Bill O’Connor (507) 662-5494 billoc@federatedwildblue.com

Lanesboro, St. Patrick Church (Served by Chatfield) (WIN) 200 Ridgeway Lane, PO Box 307 Lanesboro, Minnesota 55949

Pastor: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Phone: Home Email:

Rev. Patrick O. Arens Bob Petrillo (507) 467-2682 grateful4u@gmail.com

Parish Office: (507) 467-2480

LeRoy, St. Patrick Church (Served by Spring Valley) (AAL) 436 West Main, PO Box 310 LeRoy, Minnesota 55951-0310

Pastor: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Parish Secretary: Home Address: Home Phone: Home Email:

Rev. Marreddy Pothireddy Parish Office: (507) 324-5203 (507) 346-7565 stignatius213@yahoo.com Joyce Arndorfer 11800 State Hwy 56 Leroy, Minnesota 55951 (507) 324-5681 joarndorfer@juno.com 23

Coor Faith Form: Home Phone: Coor Faith Form: Home Phone: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Phone: RCIA: Coor Respect Life: Home Phone: Coor Marr/Family:

Elaine Mills - grds K-10 (641) 440-0674 Shannon Drees (507) 440-5427 Joyce Arndorder Pat Utz (507) 324-5388 Joyce Arndorfer Cathy Yoch (507)324-5962 Joyce Arndorfer

Lewiston, St. Rose of Lima Church (WIN)

180 South Fremont Lewiston, Minnesota 55952-0727

Pastor: Office Email: Parish Website: Parish Secretary: Coor Faith Form: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Home Phone: Home Email:

Rev. Timothy J. Hall Parish Office: (507) 523-2428 dowstrose@embarqmail.com www.st-rose.org Laurie Opseth Anne Sullivan - grds K-4 (507) 279-9898 alousull0953@gmail.com Summer Cada - grds 5-10 (507) 523-2996 summercada@charter.net

Lismore, St. Anthony Church (Served by Adrian) (WOR)

310 Third Avenue S, PO Box 158 Lismore, Minnesota 56155

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Parish Website: Parish Secretary: Coor Faith Form: Office Address: Office Phone: Office Email: Home Address: Home Phone: Home Email:

Rev. Andrew J. Beerman Parish Office: (507) 483-2317 abeerman96@gmail.com (507) 483-2460 stadrian@frontiernet.net www.stadriancluster.org Mary Krogman Pam Konz - grds 1-12 108 East Sixth Street, PO Box 475 Adrian, Minnesota 56110 (507) 483-2480 stafaith4all@frontiernet.net 16307 210th Street Adrian, Minnesota 56110 (507) 483-2835 kfarm@frontiernet.net


Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Office Phone: Office Email: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor RCIA: Coor Respect Life: Coor Marr/Family: Office Email: Home Address: Home Phone: Home Email:

Shannon Reker (507) 483-2319 staacct@frontier.com (507) 329-0392 s_reker06@hotmail.com Pam Konz / Shannon Reker Pam Konz / Karen Cook (507) 483-2760 bkcook6@frontiernet.net Pam Konz / Fr. Andrew Beerman Pam Konz Leslie Slater faithform4@centurylink.net 2405 Jones Avenue Rushmore, Minnesota 56168 (507) 478-4540 mslater@lismoretel.com

Litomysl, Holy Trinity Church (Served by Owatonna, Sacred Heart) (AAL) 9946 SE 24th Avenue Owatonna, Minnesota 55060

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parochial Vicar: Office Email: Parish Admin: Office Email: Coor Faith Form: Home Address: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Liturgy/Music:

Rev. John M. Sauer Parish Office: (507) 451-1588 johns@sacredheartowatonna.org (507) 446-9979 Rev. Michael J. Cronin frcronin@sacredheartowatonna.org Rose Ann Kubicek bruceqb@myclearwave.net Troy and Monica Anderson 5480 SE 158th Street Blooming Prairie, Minnesota 55917 (507) 363-1701 yorte21@hotmail.com Troy Anderson

Luverne, St. Catherine Church (WOR)

203 East Brown Street Luverne, Minnesota 56156-1599

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Parish Admin: Office Email:

Rev. Thomas J. Jennings tjennings@iw.net (507) 449-3638 stcatherine@iw.net Mary McLaughlin mmclaughlin@iw.net


Parish Office: (507) 283-8502

Coor Faith Form: Office Phone: Office Email: Home Phone: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Phone: Coor RCIA: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Respect Life: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Marr/Family Home Email: Coor Marr/Family: Home Email: Coor Stewardship:

Katie Baustian- grds PreK-12 (507) 283-8071 kbaustian@iw.net (507) 283-4180 Katie Baustian Mary McLaughlin Ron Rother (507) 283-4289 Janelle McKenzie (507) 449-2327 raeilinspalac@mchsi.com Mary Lou Mulligan (507) 449-2653 mmulli1493@gmail.com Mark and Annie Opitz mark@qualityprinting-luverne.com annie@qualityprinting-luverne.com Dave and Becky Ranschau rjr_313@yahoo.com Mary McLaughlin

Lyle, Queen of Peace Church (Served by Adams) (AAL) Pastor: Rev. Swaminatha R. Pothireddy Parish Office: (507) 582-3321 Pastor Email: s.pothireddy@yahoo.com Parish Fax: (507) 582-1033 Parish Email: office@sacredheartadams.org Parish Secretary: Mary Conroy Coor Faith Form: Delores Koster - grds 1-12 Home Address: PO Box 291 St. Ansgar, Iowa 50472 Home Phone: (641) 326-2595 Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Delores Koster

114 North Locust, PO Box 8 Mabel, Minnesota 55954 Rev. Msgr. R. Paul Heiting

heiting@harmonytel.net (507) 886-2394 nativity@harmonytel.net Cindy Duckett Jamie Hauber (563) 379-0915 stylesnstuff@mabeltel.coop Jamie Hauber (563) 735-5885


Maureen Gervais (507) 886-4433 jmj3353@harmonytel.net Janell Randa (507) 886-6051 jmhammer@harmonytel.net Msgr. R. Paul Heiting Mary Curtis

Madelia, St. Mary Church (Served by St. James) (MAN)

212 NE First Street Madelia, Minnesota 56062-1702

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parochial Vicar: Office Email: Parish Admin: Office Email: Parish Secretary: Office Email: Coor Faith Form: Office Home Email: Home Phone: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Phone: Coor RCIA:

Rev. Thien van Nguyen Parish Office: (507) 642-8305 fatherthien@gmail.com (507) 642-8310 Rev. Carlos Calderon fathercarlos@hotmail.com Mary Christensen ericj@mchsi.com Mary Sandmeyer msandmeyer@outlook.com Linda Hogan stmaryff@gmail.com (507) 382-6966 Linda Hogan Gloria Eager (507) 642-8933 Father Thien Nguyen

Madison Lake, All Saints Church (MAN)

605 Fourth Street, PO Box 217 Madison Lake, Minnesota 56063-0217

Mabel, St. Olaf Church (Served by Harmony) (WIN)

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Parish Admin: Coor Faith Form: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Home Phone:

Coor Safe Envir: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor RCIA: Coor Respect Life:

Parish Office: (507) 886-2393

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Parish Admin: Office Email: Pastoral Assoc: Office Email: Parish Secretary: Office Email:

Rev. Robert J. Schneider Parish Office: (507) 243-3319 frschneider51@gmail.com (507) 243-4308 asoffice@hickorytech.net Jim Theuninck jtheunin@gmail.com Helen Peterson asicministry@gmail.com Mary Caron marycaron56@gmail.com


Coor Faith Form: Office Phone: Office Email: Home Phone: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Coor RCIA:

Colleen Terrell - grds PreK-11 (507) 243-3819 colleenterrell@hotmail.com (507) 257-3082 Colleen Terrell Colleen Terrell Diane Mountain Helen Peterson

Mankato, St. John the Baptist Church (MAN)

632 South Broad Street Mankato, Minnesota 56001-3890

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Pastoral Care: Office Email: Parish Admin: Office Email: Coor Faith Form: Office Email: Cell Phone: Coor Faith Form: Office Email: Cell Phone: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Office Email: Coor RCIA: Coor Respect Life: Home Email: Coor Marr/Family: Coor Stewardship:

Rev. John M. Kunz Parish Office: (507) 625-3131 frjohn@stjohnsmankato.net (507) 625-3270 stjohnsch@hickorytech.net Monica Priebe monicap@stjhnsmankato.net Deb Winch debwinch@stjohnsmankato.net Kevin Kroeber kevin@stjohnsmankato.net (507) 420-3760 Alice Duffy-Meyer alicedm@stjohnsmankato.net (507) 438-5017 Alice Duffy-Meyer Jaci James jaci@stjohnsmankato.net Jaci James Katie Braulick katiebraulik@gmail.com Kevin Kroeber Joan Kellen

Mankato, St. Joseph the Worker Church (MAN)

423 West Seventh Street Mankato, Minnesota 56001

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Deacon: Deacon Email: Parish Admin:

Rev. Timothy E. Biren Parish Office: (507) 388-3766 timothy.biren@mnsu@edu (507) 388-2101 sjwhf@hickorytech.net Deacon Preston Doyle preston@prestonjdoyle.com Judith Pike


Parish Secretary: Office Email: Coor Faith Form: Office Email: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Email: Coor RCIA: Coor Marr/Family: Coor Stewardship:

Laura Guetter sjwhfch@hickorytech.net Connie Wallin family.faith@hickorytech.net Stacy Ellens sjwoodle@gmail.com Dan Toegal Deacon Preston Doyle Richard Peller

Mankato, St. Thomas More Newman Center (MAN) 1331 Warren Street Mankato, Minnesota 56001

Pastor: Chaplain Email: Office Fax: Admin: Office Email: Coor Liturgy: Office Email: Coor RCIA: Coor Respect Life: Office Email: Coor Stewardship: Office Email:

Rev. Timothy E. Biren Office Phone: (507) 387-4154 timothy.biren@mnsu.edu (507) 387-1396 Michelle Folk michelle.folk@mnsu.edu Joseph Bakken joseph.bakken@mnsu.edu Father Timothy Biren Mary Goedtke mary.goedtke@mnsu.edu Kyle Jaeger kyle.jaeger@mnsu.edu

Mankato, Ss. Peter and Paul Church (MAN)

105 North Fifth Street Mankato, Minnesota 56001

Pastor: Pastor Email: Office Fax: Office Email: Parochial Vicars: Office Email: Office Email: Parish Admin: Office Email: Home Phone: Parish Secretary: Office Email: Coor Faith Form: Office Phone: Office Email:

Rev. Mariano Varela IVE Parish Office: (507) 388-2995 mvarela@hickorytech.net (507) 388-7661 sspp@hickorytech.net Rev. Octavio Cortez IVE octaviocortez@ive.org Rev. Edgar Diaz I’VE ediaz@hickorytech.net Mark Frederick ssppadmin@hickorytech.net (507) 257-3642 Shirley Pestka spestka@hickorytech.net Beth Shank GOF (507) 388-2995 x109 faith4u@hickorytech.net


Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Home Email: Coor Save Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Office Phone: Office Email: Coor Hispanic:

Beverly Miller beverly.miller4life@gmail.com Mark Frederick Brian Kapp (507) 388-2995 x102 ssppmusic1@hickorytech.net Father Octavio Cortez IVE

Mapleton, St. Teresa Church (MAN)

104 Silver Street W, PO Box 305 Mapleton, Minnesota 56065-0305

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Email: Deacon: Home Email: Coor Faith Form: Office Phone: Office Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Safe Envir: Office Email: Home Phone: Coor Liturgy/Music: Coor RCIA:

Rev. Jason L. Kern Parish Office: (507) 524-3127 frjkern@hickorytech.net sjsmst@hickorytech.net Deacon Christopher Walchuk cwalchuk@hickorytech.net Karen Langworthy - grds K-11 (507) 524-4606 stff@hickorytech.net Karen Langworthy (507) 524-3764 langworthy.karen@mayo.edu Carol Cyr sjsmst@hickorytech.net (507) 524-3127 Steve Breiter Deacon Christopher Walchuk

Mazeppa, Ss. Peter & Paul Church (Served by Rochester, Pax Christi) (ROC) 221 First Avenue, PO Box 224 Mazeppa, Minnesota 55956-0224

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Parochial Vicar: Office Email: Deacon: Deacon Email: Parish Admin: Office Email: Parish Secretary:

Rev. Joseph B. Fogal Parish Office: (507) 843-3885 father.fogal@paxchristichurch.org (507) 843-3900 secretary@sspnp.com Rev. Msgr. Donald P. Schmitz father.schmitz@paxchristichurch.org Deacon Christopher Orlowski corlowski1@gmail.com Frank Irwin parishadmin@sspnp.com Sheila Frank


Coor Faith Form: Home Address: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Safe Envir: Coor RCIA:

Beth Arendt - grds PreK-9 43266 County Road 83 Mazeppa, Minnesota 55956 (507) 843-4979 betharendt@hotmail.com Beth Arendt Beth Arendt Sheila Frank

Medford, Christ the King Church (Served by Owatonna, St. Jospeh) (AAL) 205 NW Second Avenue, PO Box 120 Medford, Minnesota 55049-0120

Parochial Admin: Pastor Email: Parish Email: Deacon: Deacon Email: Parish Secretary: Coor Faith Form: Office Phone: Office Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music:

Rev. Edward F. McGrath Parish Office: (507) 451-6353 efmcgrath@charter.net christthekingcc@q.com Deacon Pat Fagan dcnpat69@charter.net Marty Anderson Sue Gerdts - grds PreK-12 (507) 451-8898 christthekingcc_rel_ed@ymail.com Sue Gerdts Sue Gerdts Nikki Gieseke

Minneiska, St. Mary Church (Served by Rollingstone) (WIN) Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Parish Secretary: Coor Faith Form: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Phone: Home Email:

Rev. William J. Kulas

frwilliamkulas@gmail.com (507) 689-2251 holymary@charter.net Terri Konkel Tina Lehnertz (507) 689-4215 dtlehnertz@hotmail.com Terri Konkel Tammy Schmit (507) 689-2469 mlschmit@charter.net



Parish Office: (507) 689-2351

Minnesota City, St. Paul Church (Served by Rollingstone) (WIN) 132 Anderson Street Minnesota City, Minnesota 55959

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Parish Secretary: Coor Faith Form: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Phone: Home Email:

Rev. William J. Kulas

frwilliamkulas@gmail.com (507) 689-2251 holymary@charter.net Terri Konkel Tina Lehnertz (507) 689-4215 dtlehnertz@hotmail.com Terri Konkel Tammy Schmit (507) 689-2469 mlschmit@charter.net

Parish Office: (507) 689-2351

100 South Park Street, PO Box 158 Minnesota Lake, Minnesota 56068

Rev. Thomas A. Niehaus scasimir@bevcomm.net (507) 462-3212 stjb@bevcomm.net Deacon Gene Paul paulfarm@bevcomm.net Elly Benine - grds 1-12 ff@bevcomm.net Connie Stenzel

Parish Office: (507) 462-3636

New Richland, All Saints Church (MAN)

307 SW First Street, PO Box 185 New Richland, Minnesota 56072-0185

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Parochial Vicar: Office Email: Coor Faith Form: Home Address: Home Phone:

Parish Office: (507) 465-8217 Rev. Raul I. Silva padreraulsilva@gmail.com (507) 465-8381 newrichlandbulletin@yahoo.com Rev. Wellington Mu単oz munozwel@gmail.com Mary Lewer - grds P-10 14953 240th Avenue New Richland, Minnesota 56072 (507) 463-8576


Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor RCIA: Home Address: Coor Respect Life: Coor Marr/Family: Home Phone: Home Email:

Minnesota Lake, St. John Baptist Church (Served by Wells) (MAN)

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Deacon: Home Email: Coor Faith Form: Office Email: Coor Liturgy/Muisc:

Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Home Address:

Sue Ann Holtz 22079 150th Street New Richland, Minnesota 56072 (507) 465-8639 sue.ann.holz@wengercorp.com Michael Szymanski (507) 383-0001 michaelszymanski99@gmail.com Kathleen Saunders 925 South Third Avenue Albert Lea, Minnesota 56007 Don Tomsche Don and Lori Tomsche (507) 461-3156 ltomsche@gmail.com

Owatonna, Sacred Heart (AAL)

810 South Cedar Owatonna, Minnesota 55060

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Parochial Vicar: Office Email: Parish Admin: Office Email: Parish Secretary: Office Email: Coor Faith Form: Office Address: Office Phone: Office Email: Coor Faith Form: Home Phone: Coor Faith Form: Cell Phone: Coor Preschool: Office Phone: Office Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Phone: Office Email: Coor RCIA: Office Email: Coor Stewardship:

Rev. John M. Sauer Parish Office: (507) 451-1588 johns@sacredheartowatonna.org (507) 446-9979 info@sacredheartowatonna.org Rev. Michael J. Cronin frcronin@sacredheartowatonna.org Paula Trenda paulat@sacredheartowatonna.org Shari Carlson sharic@sacredheartowatonna.org Dan Bauer - grds 7-8, 10 730 South Cedar Avenue Owatonna, Minnesota 55060 (507) 446-2302 dbauer@charterinternet.com Kayleen McGaheran - grds 1-6 (507) 451-0596 Chris Smith - grd 9 (507) 456-4805 Kathy Segna (507) 446-2300 ksegna@stmarys-owatonna.org Dan Bauer Dan Bauer Christopher Fazzi (818) 850-3632 christopherf@sacredheartowatonna.org Sr. Sarah Hennessy FSPA srsarah@sacredheartowatonna.org Gerry Gunderson 33

Home Address: Home Phone: Home Email:

Owatonna, St. Joseph

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Deacon: Office Email: Parish Secretary: Parish Email: Coor Faith Form: Office Address: Office Phone: Office Email: Coor Faith Form: Coor Preschool: Cell Phone: Home Email: Coor Safe Envir: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Liturgy/Music:

506 Greenhaven Lane Owatonna, Minnesota 55060 (507) 446-8773 gkgundy@charter.net

(AAL) 512 South Elm Avenue Owatonna, Minnesota 55060 Rev. Edward F. McGrath Parish Office: (507) 451-4845 efmcgrath@charter.net (507) 451-4851 stjosephparishowatonna@charter.net Deacon Pat Fagan dcnpat69@charter.net Joann Fagan covjfagan@charter.net Dan Bauer 730 South Cedar Avenue Owatonna, Minnesota 55060 (507) 446-2302 danrbauer@hotmail.com Kayleen McGaheran Philip Clubb (507) 573-3223 pclubb@charter.net Al Christenson (507) 451-4845 sjbkpr@charter.net Joann Fagan

Pipestone, St. Leo Church (WOR)

415 Hiawatha Avenue South , PO Box 36 Pipestone, Minnesota 56164-0036

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Parish Admin: Office Email: Coor Faith Form: Office Email: Home Phone: Coor Faith Form: Office Email: Home Phone:

Rev. Msgr. Gerald C. Kosse Parish Office: (507) 825-3152 pastor@triparishmn.org (507) 825-4492 pt@triparishmn.org Susan VanMoorlehem fa@triparishmn.org Miriam Johnson dff@triparishmn.org (507) 820-0054 Amy Folkerts cff@triparishmn.org (507) 348-4919


Coor Preschool: Office Email: Home Phone: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Address: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor RCIA: Home Address: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Marr/Family: Home Email: Coor Hispanic: Home Address: Home Phone:

Amy VandenBosch pt@triparishmn.org (507) 360-4362 Miriam Johnson Susan VanMoorelehem Karen Lingen 1838 190th Avenue Holland, Minnesota 56139 (507) 658-3881 rklingen@woodstocktel.net Jim Baustian PO Box 127 Jasper, Minnesota 56144 (507) 348-3363 jcbaust@frontiernet.net Bunny Johnson wjohnson@iw.net Miguel Acevedo 809 SW Second Street Pipestone, Minnesota 56164 (507) 993-3050

Plainview, St. Joachim Church (ROC)

900 West Broadway Plainview, Minnesota 55964-1039

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Deacon: Office Email: Parish Secretary: Coor Faith Form: Office Phone: Office Email: Home Phone: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Address: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor RCIA: Coor Respect Life: Coor Marr/Family:

Rev. William M. Becker Parish Office: (507) 534-3321 fatherbecker55964@gmail.com (507) 534-3687 stjoachimchurch@hotmail.com Deacon John DeStazio jfdestazio@hotmail.com Barbara Ferk Elizabeth Chinery - grds PreK-12 (507) 534-2887 stjoachimff@gmail.com (507) 990-8740 Elizabeth Chinery Elizabeth Chinery Jean Feils 735 SW Second Avenue Plainview, Minnesota 55964 (507) 534-2584 jbfeils@embarqmail.com Deacon John DeStazio Elizabeth Chinery Deacon John DeStazio


Preston, St. Columban Church (Served by Chatfield) (WIN) 408 Preston Street NW Preston, Minnesota 55965

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Parish Secretary: Coor Faith Form: Home Address: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Liturgy/Music:

Rev. Patrick O. Arens Parish Office: (507) 765-3659 acmpastor@gmail.com (507) 765-3886 singwjoy@centurylink.net Sharyol O’Connor Tracy Raaen - grds PreK-12 409 North Street Preston, Minnesota 55965 (507) 765-9885 raaen5@centurytel.net Sharyol O’Connor

Rochester, Holy Spirit Church (ROC)

5455 NW 50th Avenue Rochester, Minnesota 55901

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Deacons: Office Email: Office Email: Pastoral Assoc: Office Phone: Office Email: Parish Admin: Office Phone: Office Email: Parish Secretaries: Office Phone: Office Email: Office Phone: Office Email: Coor Faith Form: Office Phone: Office Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Office Phone: Cell Phone: Office Email: Coor Safe Envir:

Rev. Thomas A. Loomis Parish Office: (507) 280-0638 tloomis@holyspiritrochester.org (507) 292-9547 hspirit@holyspiritrochester.org Deacon Richard Quinn dquinn@holyspiritrochester.org Deacon Joseph Weigel jweigel@holyspiritrochester.org Mary Margaret Yaeger, D.Min. (507) 280-0638 x 3002 marymarg@holyspiritrochester.org Mark Schluttner (507) 280-0638 x3005 mschluttner@holyspiritrochester.org Monica Weigel (507) 280-0638 x3001 mweigel@holyspiritrochester.org Lisa Jessen (507) 280-0638 x3011 ljessen@holyspiritrochester.org Mark Nuehring - grds PreK-5 (507) 280-0638 x3003 mnuehring@holyspiritrochester.org Mary Nowakowski - grds 6-12 (507) 280-0638 x3006 (507) 206-9882 youthministry@holyspiritrochester.org Mary Nowakowski


Coor Liturgy: Coor Music: Office Phone: Office Email: Coor RCIA: Coor Respect Life: Coor Marr/Family:

Mary Margaret Yaeger Cathy Nelson (507) 280-0638 x3007 cnelson@holyspiritrochester.org Mary Margaret Yaeger Deacon Joseph and Monica Weigel Deacon Joseph and Monica Weigel

Rochester, Pax Christi Church (ROC)

4135 NW 18th Avenue Rochester, Minnesota 55901-0460

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Email: Parochial Vicar: Parish Phone: Office Email: Deacon: Office Phone: Deacon Email: Parish Admin: Parish Phone: Parish Email: Parish Secretary: Office Phone: Office Email: Coor Faith Form: Office Phone: Office Email: Home Phone: Coor Faith Form: Office Phone: Office Email: Home Phone: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Office Phone: Office Email: Home Phone: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Office Phone: Office Email: Home Phone: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy: Office Phone: Office Email: Home Phone:

Rev. Joseph B. Fogal Parish Office: (507) 282-8542 father.fogal@paxchristichurch.org receptionist@paxchristichurch.org Rev. Msgr. Donald P. Schmitz (507) 282-8542 x119 father.schmitz@paxchristichurch.org Deacon Christopher Orlowski (507) 282-8542 x111 deacon@paxchristichurch.org Mark Oldenburg (507) 282-8542 x104 parishadministrator@paxchristichurch.org Maureen Weber (507) 282-8542 x100 receptionist@paxchristichurch.org Joyce Lehman - grds 1-5 (507) 282-8542 x108 elementary@paxchristichurch.org (507) 281-4726 Jessica Scully grds PreK-5 (507) 282-8542 x105 jessica.scully@paxchristichurch.org (507) 206-4704 Angie Slattery - grds 6-12 (507) 282-8542 x107 angie.slattery@paxchristichurch.org (507) 358-6522 Zach Rawson - grds 6-12 (507) 282-8542 x126 zach.rawson@paxchristichurch.org (763) 218-9678 Mark Oldenburg Joyce Lehman Joe Kelley (507) 282-8542 x109 liturgist@paxchristichurch.org (507) 421-2838


Coor Music: Office Email: Home Phone: Coor RCIA: Office Phone: Office Email: Coor Marr/Family: Coor Stewardship:

Mark Scheitel music@paxchristichurch.org (507) 272-9756 Sr. Jan Reisdorf (507) 282-8542 x128 jan.reisdorf@paxchristicchurch.org Maureen Weber Mark Oldenburg

Rochester, Resurrection Church (ROC)

1600 SE 11th Avenue Rochester, Minnesota 55904-5499

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parochial Vicar: Office Email: Parish Admin: Office Email: Parish Secretary: Office Email: Coor Faith Form: Office Email: Coor Faith Form: Office Email: Coor Preschool: Office Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Office Email: Coor RCIA: Coor Stewardship: Home Email: Home Email:

Rev. Kevin Connolly Parish Office: (507) 288-5528 FrKevin@resurrection-catholic.org (507) 252-0763 Rev. Shawn J. Haremza frshawn@resurrection-catolic.org Cheryl Kieffer cherylk@resurrection-catholic.org Patrice Steier patrices@resurrection-catholic.org Libby Wallace - grds 1-5 libbyw@resurrection-catholic.org Rosemary Byrne - grds 6-10 rosemaryb@resurrection-catholic.org Maureen Bhaskaran maureenb@resurrection-catholic.org Rosemary Byrne Cheryl Kieffer Joann Reier joannr@resurrrection-catholic.org Joann Reier Andy Thilges a.thilges@yahoo.com Peter Crowley peter.crowley@alumni.utexas.net

Rochester, St. Francis of Assisi Church (ROC)

1114 SE Third Street Rochester, Minnesota 55904

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email:

Rev. Mark C. McNea Parish Office: (507) 288-7313 frmcnea@stfrancis-church.org (507) 281-5997 francis@stfrancis-church.org


Parochial Vicar: Office Email: Deacon: Deacon Email: Parish Admin: Office Email: Parish Secretary: Coor Faith Form: Office Phone: Office Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Office Phone: Office Email: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Office Email: Coor RCIA: Coor Hispanic:

Rev. JosĂŠ Morales Rojas frjose@stfrancis-church.org Deacon Dave Plevak djplevak@gmail.com Karen I. Davis parishadmin@stfrancis-church.org Shawn Hernandez Miriel Reneau - grds 1-5 (507) 289-2427 faithform@stfrancis-church.org Matthew Edens- grds 6-12 (507) 289-2427 youthminister@stfrancis-church.org Karen Davis Susan Shepard litfranc@stfrancis-church.org Maryanne Doyle Father JosĂŠ Morales Rojas

Rochester, St. John the Evangelist Church (ROC)

11 SW Fourth Avenue Rochester, Minnesota 55902-3098

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Parochial Vicar: Office Phone: Office Email: Deacon: Deacon Email: Parish Admin: Office Phone: Office Email: Parish Secretary: Office Email: Coor Faith Form: Office Phone: Office Email: Coor Preschool: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Office Phone: Office Email: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Office Phone: Office Email:

Rev. Msgr. Gerald A. Mahon Parish Office: (507) 288-7372 gmahon@sj.org (507) 288-7373 stjohn@sj.org Rev. John Lasuba (507) 288-7372 x 38 jlasuba@sj.org Deacon Jerry Freetly gfree1056@aol.com Margaret Kelsey (507) 288-7372 x 22 mkelsey@sj.org Cindy Paz cpaz@sj.org Maggie DeStazio - grds 1-10 (507) 288-7372 x15 mdestazio@sj.org Mary Rownd Megan Rodriguez (507) 288-7372 x43 mrodriguez@sj.org Megan Rodriguez Sebastian Modarelli (507) 288-7372 x14 smodarelli@sj.org


Coor RCIA: Office Phone: Office Email: Coor Respect Life: Office Phone: Office Email: Coor Marr/Family: Coor Stewardship:

Parish Secretary: Coor Faith Form: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Phone: Home Email:

Sr. Joanne Loecher OSF (507) 288-7372 x18 jloecher@sj.org Mary Vlazny (507) 288-7372 x16 mvlazny@sj.org Megan Rodriguez Margaret Kelsey

Rochester, St. Pius X Church (ROC)

1315 NW 12th Avenue Rochester, Minnesota 55901-1744

Pastor: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Parochial Vicar: Office Email: Deacon: Office Email: Parish Admin: Office Email: Parish Secretary: Office Email: Coor Faith Form: Office Phone: Office Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Office Phone: Office Email: Coor RCIA: Office Phone: Office Email:

Rev. Charlie I. Collins Parish Office: (507) 288-8238 (507) 286-8769 church@piusx.org Rev. Paul Nelson pnelson@piusx.org Deacon Thomas DeRienzo deacon@piusx.org Denise DeRienzo dderienzo@piusx.org Nicole Walker nwalker@piusx.org Sarah Schaller - grds PreK-10 (507) 289-6317 ext 19 sschaller@piusx.org Sarah Schaller Denise DeRienzo Katie Stinson (507) 288-8238 ext 16 kstinson@piusx.org Sr. Lois Kobliska (507) 288-8238 ext 15 srlois@piusx.org

Rollingstone, Holy Trinity Church (WIN)

83 Main Street Rollingstone, Minnesota 55969

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email:

Rev. William J. Kulas

frwilliamkulas@gmail.com (507) 689-2251 holymary@charter.net

Parish Office: (507) 689-2351

Rose Creek, St. Peter Church (Served by Adams) (AAL) Pastor: Rev. Swaminatha R. Pothireddy Parish Office: (507) 582-3321 Pastor Email: s.pothireddy@yahoo.com Parish Fax: (507) 582-1033 Parish Email: office@sacredheartadams.org Parish Secretary: Colette Zillgitt Coor Faith Form: Margaret Neuvirth - grds 1-5 Office Phone: (507) 440-3263 Home Address: 21537 690th Avenue Elkton, Minnesota 55933 Home Phone: (507) 754-5363 Home Email: rmneuvir@hmtel.com Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Margaret Neuvirth Coor Safe Envir: Margaret Neuvirth Coor Liturgy/Music: Joyce Edland Home Address: 406 Maple St. SW Rose Creek Minnesota 55970 Home Phone: (507) 433-6925

Rushford, St. Joseph Church (WIN)

101 Rushford Avenue W, PO Box 577 Rushford, Minnesota 55971-0577

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Email: Parish Admin: Coor Faith Form: Home Address: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Address: Home Phone:


Terri Konkel Tina Lehnertz (507) 689-4215 dtlehnertz@hotmail.com Terri Konkel Tammy Schmit (507) 689-2469 mlschmit@charter.net

Rev. Pratap R. Salibindla Parish Office: (507) 864-2257 frpratap@acegroup.cc paradm@acegroup.cc David U’Ren Karen Eich - grds K-Adult 708 Trisdahl Court Rushford, Minnesota 55971 (507) 864-7820 keich@dow.org Barb Mensink David U’Ren Bonnie Prinsen 1109 Scenic View Court Rushford, Minnesota 55971 (507) 864-7721


Coor RCIA: Coor Respect Life: Coor Marr/Family Coor Adult FF: Coor Hispanic:

David U’Ren David U’Ren David U’Ren David U’Ren David U’Ren

St. Charles, St. Charles Borromeo Church (WIN)

1900 East Sixth Street St. Charles, Minnesota 55972-1426

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Deacon: Office Email: Parish Admin: Office Email: Parish Secretary: Coor Faith Form: Office Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor RCIA: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Hispanic: Home Phone:

Rev. Kurt P. Farrell Parish Office: (507) 932-3294 fatherkurt@hbcsc.net (507) 932-3393 borromeo@hbcsc.net Deacon Placido Zavala placidoz49@hotmail.com Becky Storey Hunder tpadmin@hbcsc.net Pam Wolf Nichole Paladie - grds Prek-Adult triparishff@hbcsc.net Nichole Paladie Pam Wolf Cheryl Ninetmann (507) 932-4413 cninte@hbcsc.net Dale and Maryls Hinckley (507) 867-4832 dhinck1042@aol.com Deacon Placido Zavala (507) 319-0031

St. Clair, Immaculate Conception Church (Served by Madison Lake) (MAN) 101 Church Street, PO Box 100 St. Clair, Minnesota 56080-0100

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Parish Admin: Office Email: Parish Secretary: Home Email:

Rev. Robert J. Schneider Parish Office: (507) 245-3447 frschneider51@gmail.com (507) 245-3448 icoffice@hickorytech.net Jim Theuninck ascs@hickorytech.net Cheryl Sodeman cassodeman@gmail.com


Coor Faith Form: Office Email: Home Address: Home Phone: Cell Phone: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Phone: Home Email:

Cheryl Sodeman - grds P-10 icoffice@hickorytech.net 19778 618th Avenue Janesville, Minnesota 56048 (507) 245-3830 (507) 720-4336 Cheryl Sodeman Cheryl Sodeman Gayle Depuydt (507) 345-1180 kgjj594@hickorytech.net

St. James, St. James Church (MAN)

707 South Fourth Street St. James, Minnesota 56081

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parochial Vicar: Office Email: Parish Assoc: Office Email: Parish Secretary: Office Email: Coor Faith Form: Office Phone: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Phone: Coor RCIA: Coor Hispanic:

Rev. Thien van Nguyen Parish Office: (507) 375-3542 fatherthien@gmail.com (507) 375-4170 Rev. Carlos Calderon charlescitizen@hotmial.com Mary Christensen ericj@mshsi.com Mary Sandmeyer mary@churchofsaintjames.org Janet Durheim (507) 375-3542 ext 14 (507) 621-0339 janetlyn22@gmail.com Janet Durheim Janet Durheim Richard Jokumsen (507) 375-3909 Father Thien Nguyen Father Carlos Calderon

St. Kilian, St. Kilian Church (Served by Adrian) (WOR) Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Parish Website: Parish Secretary:

Rev. Andrew J. Beerman abeerman96@gmail.com (507) 483-2460 stadrian@frontiernet.net www.stadriancluster.org Mary Krogman


Parish Office: (507) 483-2317

Coor Faith Form: Office Address: Office Phone: Office Email: Home Address: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Office Phone: Office Email: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor RCIA: Coor Respect Life: Coor Marr/Family: Office Email: Home Address: Home Phone: Home Email:

Pam Konz - grds 1-12 108 East Sixth Street, PO Box 475 Adrian, Minnesota 56110 (507) 483-2480 stafaith4all@frontiernet.net 16307 210th Street Adrian, Minnesota 56110 (507) 483-2835 kfarm@frontiernet.net Shannon Reker (507) 483-2319 staacct@frontier.com (507) 329-0392 s_reker06@hotmail.com Pam Konz / Shannon Reker Pam Konz / Karen Cook (507) 483-2760 bkcook6@frontiernet.net Pam Konz / Fr. Andrew Beerman Pam Konz Leslie Slater faithform4@centurylink.net 2405 Jones Avenue Rushmore, Minnesota 56168 (507) 478-4540 mslater@lismoretel.com

Sherburn, St. Luke Church (Served by Jackson) (WOR)

303 South Lake, PO Box 669 Sherburn, Minnesota 56171 -0669

Pastor: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Parish Secretary: Coor Faith Form: Home Phone: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Coor RCIA:

Rev. Brian F. Sutton (507) 764-7831 stluke@frontiernet.net Lisa Tate Lisa Tate - grds P-Adult (507) 847-3899 Lisa Tate Lisa Tate Mary Jo Manzey Mary Chonko

Parish Office: (507) 764-7831

Simpson, St. Bridget Church (Served by Stewartville) (ROC) Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Email:

Rev. John P. Wilmot Parish Office: (507) 533-8257 taranis2@hickorytech.net stbernard116@aol.com


Coor Faith Form: Home Address: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Safe Environ: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Liturgy/Music: Coor RCIA: Home Phone: Home Email:

Jeannette Sheehan 4428 County Road 16 SE Rochester, Minnesota 55904 (507) 289-4251 jrsheehan@hotmail.com Jeannett Sheehan Cindy Meyerhofer (507) 273-9847 cindymeyerhofer@q.com Rita Griffon Marilyn Baker (507) 206-7212 mkbak7@gmail.com

Slayton, St. Ann Church (WOR)

2747 29th Street Slayton, Minnesota 56172-1485

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Secretary: Office Email: Coor Faith Form: Office Email: Home Phone: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Phone: Coor RCIA:

Rev. James J. Seitz Parish Office: (507) 836-8030 fatherjseitz@smig.net (507) 836-6261 Joanne Bergman stabusiness@frontiernet.net JoAnn Biren - grds 1-12 triparish@frontiernet.net (507) 264-3703 JoAnn Biren JoAnn Biren Judy Andrews (507) 836-6498 Father James Seitz

Spring Valley, St. Ignatius Church (AAL)

213 West Franklin Street Spring Valley, Minnesota 55975-1312

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Secretary: Home Email: Coor Faith Form: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Faith Form: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult:

Rev. Marreddy Pothireddy Parish Office: (507) 346-7565 mreddy1412@yahoo.com Joyce Arndorfer joarndorfer@juno.com Lisa Snitker - grds PreK-4 (507) 346-9922 snitkers@juno.com Mychelle Christian - grds K-10 (507) 272-5560 mych@centurytel.net Mychelle Christian


Stewartville, St. Bernard Church (ROC)

116 SE Fourth Avenue Stewartville, Minnesota 55976

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Email: Parish Secretary: Coor Faith Form: Office Phone: Office Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Safe Envir: Home Email: Coor Adult FF: Coor Liturgy/Music: Office Phone: Office Email: Coor RCIA: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor NFP: Home Email:

Rev. John P. Wilmot Parish Office: (507) 533-8257 taranis2@hickorytech.net office@stbernardsparish.org Pam Cleveland Krissy Sullivan - grds PreK-12 (507) 533-8192 ksullivan@stbernardsparish.org Krissy Sullivan Cindy Meyerhofer cindymeyerhofer@q.com Cindy Meyerhofer Jeanette Fortier (507) 533-8931 jfortier@stbernardsparish.org Mary Brouillard (507) 533-6596 mkbrouill@aol.com Pam Mueller pjmram@myclearwave.net

Truman, St. Katherine Church (Served by St. James) (MAN) Pastor:

Rev. Thien van Nguyen

Parish Office: (507) 642-8305

Twin Lakes, St. James Church (Served by Albert Lea) (AAL) Pastor:

Rev. Timothy T. Reker

Parish Office: (507) 373-0603

Vernon Center, St. Matthew Church (Served by Mapleton) (MAN) 200 Kendall Street, PO Box 156 Vernon Center, Minnesota 56090

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Email: Deacon: Home Email: Coor Faith Form: Home Address: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult:

Rev. Jason L. Kern Parish Office: (507) 524-3127 frjkern@hickortech.net sjsmst@hickorytech.net Deacon Christopher Walchuk cwalchuk@hickorytech.net Cindy Young - grds K-11 PO Box 265 Vernon Center, Minnesota 56090 (507) 549-3358 young5@hickorytech.net Cindy Young 46

Coor Safe Envir: Office Email: Coor RCIA:

Carol Cyr sjsmst@hickorytech.net Deacon Christopher Walchuk

Wabasha, St. Felix Church (ROC) 117 Third Street W Wabasha, Minnesota 55981-1201 Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Deacon: Deacon Email: Parish Admin: Office Email: Parish Secretary: Coor Faith Form: Office Address: Office Phone: Office Fax: Office Email: Coor PreSchool: Home Phone: Coor Pre-School: Office Phone: Office Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Phone: Coor RCIA: Coor Respect Life: Coor Marr/Family: Home Email:

Rev. Msgr. Thomas E. Cook Parish Office: (651) 565-3931 tcook@dow.org (651) 565-4363 stfelix@hbci.com Deacon John Hust deaconjohn@hbci.com John Miller jomiller@hbci.com Heather Bergan Nancee Kretschmer - grds K-12 130 East Third Street Wabasha, Minnesota 55981 (651) 565-3718 (651) 565-0244 stfelixgrowthinfaith@yahoo.com Pat Kolb - grds K-12 (651) 565-3718 Susie Baab (651) 565-4446 sbaab@stfelixschool.org Nancee Kretschmer Nancee Kretschmer Marsha Stenzel (651) 565-2117 Msgr. Thomas Cook Msgr. Thomas Cook Deacon John and Nancy Hust jfhust@aol.com

Waldorf, St. Joseph Church (Served by Janesville) (MAN) 225 North Third Avenue Waldorf, Minnesota 56091

Pastor: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Parish Secretary:

Rev. Chinnappa Pothireddy (507) 234-6237 stannjan@hickorytech.net Victoria Ziemke


Parish Office: (507) 234-6244

Coor Faith Form: Home Address: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Safe Envir: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Liturgy/Music: Coor RCIA: Coor RCIA: Home Phone: Coor Marr/Family

Marijo Beckstrand 2271 250th Avenue Waldorf, Minnesota 56091 (507) 239-2187 marijobeckstrand@embarqmail.com Zach Roberts - grds 4-11 (507) 837-9825 zroberts@jwp.k12.mn.us Jena Schoenrock (507) 420-5734 j.schoenrock@hotmail.com Zach Roberts Father Chinnapa Pothireddy Faith Ryan (507) 420-4504 Father Chinnapa Pothireddy

Waseca, Sacred Heart Church (MAN)

111 Fourth Street NW Waseca, Minnesota 56093-2413

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Pastoral Assoc: Office Email: Parish Admin: Office Email: Parish Manager: Office Email: Coor Faith Form: Office Phone: Office Email: Coor PreSchool: Office Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Office Email: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor RCIA: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Respect Life: Home Phone:

Rev. Gregory P. Leif Parish Office: (507) 835-1222 fgl78@hotmail.com (507) 833-1498 office@sacredheartwaseca.org Sr. Lois Erpelding, OSF lerpelding@sacredheartwaseca.org Helen Kingsley hkingsley@sacredheartwaseca.org Valerie Spies vspies@sacredheartwaseca.org Mary Kohlhaas - grds K-11 (507) 835-1500 mkohlhaas@sacredheartwaseca.org Marijo Fischer - grds K-4 mfischer@sacredheartschoolwaseca.org Matt Sorenson - grds 5-8 shfaithformation@hickorytech.net Matt Sorenson Karen Miller (507) 461-0534 karenmusik@yahoo.com Barb Hoehn (507) 521-2051 barbhoehn08@hotmail.com Arlys Fell (507) 835-5831


Wells, St. Casimir Church (MAN)

320 Second Avenue SW Wells, Minnesota 56097-1399

Pastor: Parish Email: Deacon: Deacon Email: Coor Faith Form: Coor Litury/Music:

Rev. Thomas M. Niehaus scasimir@bevcomm.net Deacon Gene Paul paulfarm@bevcomm.net Elly Benine Connie Stenzel

Parish Office: (507) 553-5391

West Albany, St. Patrick (Served by Lake City) (ROC) Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Website: Deacon: Coor Faith Form: Office Phone: Home Address: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Work Email: Coor RCIA: Home Phone: Coor Marr/Family: Home Phone:

Rev. Joseph P. Pete Parish Office: (507) 753-2424 frpete@embarqmail.com www.stmaryslakecity.org Deacon David Dose Amy Cronin - grds K-10 (507) 753-2424 33185 645th Street Lake City, Minnesota 55041 (651) 448-0984 ajcronin@embarqmail.com Amy Cronin Amy Cronin Ann Marie Dose dos.ann@mayo.edu Deacon David and Ann Marie Dose (651) 345-2439 Dwain and Dawn Sexton (507) 798-2329

West Concord, St. Vincent De Paul Church (Served by Dodge Center) (AAL) 720 First Street, PO Box 117 West Concord, Minnesota 55985

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Email: Parish Secretary: Coor Faith Form: Office Phone: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Safe Envir:

Rev. Gregory W. Parrott Parish Office: (507) 523-9830 pastor@dodgecatholic.org office@dodgecataholic.org Dianne Vangness Colleen Wilson (507) 633-6765 (507) 374-9993 wilson.colleen@mayo.edu Colleen Wilson Colleen Wilson


Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Address: Home Phone: Coor RCIA: Home Address: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Hispanic Min: Home Phone:

Karen Zastrow 510 Irvin Street West Concord, Minnesota 55985 (507) 527-2082 Darleen Gillard 56372 145th Avenue West Concord, Minnesota 55985 (507) 527-2166 dgillard@frontiernet.net Gabriela Burk (507) 261-4277

Westbrook, St. Anthony Church (Served by Fulda) (WOR) 1153 First Avenue, PO Box 278 Westbrook, Minnesota 56183

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Coor Faith Form: Office Phone: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Address: Home Phone: Coor RCIA: Coor Respect Life: Home Phone:

Rev. Andrew P. Vogel Parish Office: (507) 425-2369 frgaihm@gmail.com (507) 425-2405 stanthonys@centurytel.net Patrick Merrick - grds K-6 (507) 274-5325 (507) 274-6760 merrickpfac@wwgschools.org Lacey McGuire - grds 7-12 (507) 220-0095 laceymcguire@live.com Patrick Merrick Micah Sunderman 31590 County Road 7 Westbrook, Minnesota 56183 (507) 274-5363 Father Andrew Vogel Cathy Kjorness (507) 274-5426

Wilmont, Our Lady of Good Counsel Church (Served by Adrian) (WOR) 605 Fourth Avenue Wilmont, Minnesota 56185

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Parish Website: Parish Secretary:

Rev. Andrew J. Beerman abeerman96@gmail.com (507) 483-2460 stadrian@frontiernet.net www.stadriancluster.org Mary Krogman


Parish Office: (507) 483-2317

Coor Faith Form: Office Address: Office Phone: Office Email: Home Address: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Office Phone: Office Email: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Email: Coor RCIA: Coor Respect Life: Coor Marr/Family: Office Email: Home Address: Home Phone: Home Email:

Pam Konz - grds 1-12 108 East Sixth Street, PO Box 475 Adrian, Minnesota 56110 (507) 483-2480 stafaith4all@frontiernet.net 16307 210th Street Adrian, Minnesota 56110 (507) 483-2835 kfarm@frontiernet.net Shannon Reker (507) 483-2319 staacct@frontier.com (507) 329-0392 s_reker06@hotmail.com Pam Konz / Shannon Reker Leslie Slater mslater@lismoretel.com Pam Konz / Fr. Andrew Beerman Pam Konz Leslie Slater faithform4@centurylink.net 2405 Jones Avenue Rushmore, Minnesota 56168 (507) 478-4540 mslater@lismoretel.com

Wilson, Immaculate Conception Church (Served by Lewiston) (WIN) Pastor:

Rev. Timothy J. Hall

Parish Office: (507) 523-2428

Windom, St. Francis Xavier Church (WOR)

548 17th Street, PO Box 39 Windom, Minnesota 56101

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Parish Secretary: Coor Faith Form: Office Email: Home Phone: Home Email: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Safe Envir:

Rev. Russell G. Scepaniak Parish Office: (507) 831-1985 frscepaniak@windomnet.com (507) 831-0717 stfxavier@windomnet.com Kathy Ratzlaff Jessica Fossing - grds PreK-10 fossing.stfxavier@windomnet.com (507) 830-1406 jess_so_010@yahoo.com Jessica Fossing Jessica Fossing


Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Phone: Home Email: Home Phone: Home Email:

Vicki Ommen (507) 831-5731 btom@windomnet.com Ronda Kelly (507) 831-4932 rondak@hotmail.com

Winnebago, St. Mary Church (Served by Blue Earth) (MAN) Pastor:

Very Rev. Peter J. Klein

Parish Office: (507) 526-5626

Parochial Vicar: Office Email: Deacons: Parish Admin: Office Email: Parish Secretary: Coor Faith Form: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Office Email: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Office Phone: Office Email:

Rev. Adam McMillan amcmillan@cathedralwionona.org Deacon James Welch Kristin Bergin kbergin@cathedralwinona.org Sandra Smith Mariann Miller - grds 1-9 Kelly Peter youthmin@wacs1.org Kristen Bergin Jim Ballard (507) 452-4770 ext 17 jballard@cathedralwinona.org

Winona, Basilica of St. Stanislaus Kostka (WIN)

625 East Fourth Street Winona, Minnesota 55987-4297

Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Hargesheimer Pastor Email: frtom@hbci.com Parish Fax: (507) 452-3355 Parish Email: ststans@hbci.com Deacon: Deacon Justin Green Deacon Email: jgreen466@live.com Parish Admin: Karen Young Office Email: kareny@hbci.com Pastoral Assistant: Vicki Lopez-Kaley Parish Secretary: Betty Mullen Coor Faith Form: Vicki Lopez-Kaley Office Email: lopezkaley@hbci.com Home Phone: (608) 796-0715 Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Vicki Lopez-Kaley Coor Safe Envir: Vicki Lopez-Kaley Coor RCIA: Vicki Lopez-Kaley Coor Liturgy/Music: Jean Papenfuss Home Phone: (608) 687-6754 Coor Marr/Family: Mark and Kelly Moga Home Email: mkmoga@hbci.com

Parish Office: (507) 452-5430

Winona, Cathedral of the Sacred Heart (WIN)

360 Main Street Winona, Minnesota 55987-3299

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Parochial Vicar: Office Email:

Rev. Msgr. Richard M. Colletti Parish Office: (507) 452-4770 frrick@cathedralwinona.org (507) 454-1974 info@cathedralwinona.org Rev. Glenn Frerichs gfrerichs@cathedralwinona.org


Winona, St. Casimir Church (Served by Winona, Cathedral) (WIN) Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Richard M. Colletti Parish Office: (507) 452-4770 Pastor Email: frrick@cathedralwinona.org Parish Fax: (507) 454-1974 Parish Email: info@cathedralwinona.org Parochial Vicar: Rev. Glenn Frerichs Office Email: gfrerichs@cathedralwinona.org Parochial Vicar: Rev. Adam McMillan Office Email: amcmillan@cathedralwionona.org Deacons: Deacon James Welch Parish Admin: Kristin Bergin Office Email: kbergin@cathedralwinona.org Parish Secretary: Sandra Smith Coor Faith Form: Mariann Miller - grds 1-9 Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Kelly Peter Office Email: youthmin@wacs1.org Coor Safe Envir: Kristin Bergin

Winona, St. John Nepomucene Church (Served by Winona, St. Stanislaus) (WIN) Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Hargesheimer Pastor Email: frtom@hbci.com Parish Fax: (507) 452-3355 Parish Email: ststans@hbci.com Deacon: Deacon Justin Green Deacon Email: jgreen466@live.com Parish Admin: Karen Young Office Email: kareny@hbci.com Pastoral Assistant: Vicki Lopez-Kaley Parish Secretary: Betty Mullen Coor Faith Form: Vicki Lopez-Kaley Office Email: lopezkaley@hbci.com Home Phone: (608) 796-0715 53

Parish Office: (507) 452-5430

Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Coor Safe Envir: Coor RCIA: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Phone:

FOCUS Ministries: Office Email: Liturgist: Office Email:

Vicki Lopez-Kaley Vicki Lopez-Kaley Vicki Lopez-Kaley Matthew and Lori Feuerhelm (507) 452-8394

Woodstock, St. Martin Church (Served by Pipestone) (WOR)

Winona, St. Mary Church (WIN)

1303 West Broadway Winona, Minnesota 55987-2395

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Parish Secretary: Office Email: Coor Faith Form: Office Phone: Office Email: Home Phone: Coor Yth/Yg Adult: Office Phone: Office Email: Home Phone: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy Music: Office Email: Coor RCIA: Office Email: Home Phone:

Rev. James C. Berning Parish Office: (507) 452-5656 jberning@wacs1.org (507) 452-5477 stmarys@wacs1.org Jan Erpelding jerpelding@wacs1.org Julie Walch - grds PreK-12 (507) 452-5656 x18 juwalch@wacs1.org (507) 796-6078 Kelly Peter (507) 451-5656 x17 youthmin@wacs1.org (507) 450-4547 Julie Walch Gwynne Mishler smliturgy@wacs1.org Ann Orzechowski aorzechowski@wacs1.org (507) 452-1346

Winona, St. Thomas Aquinas Newman Center (WIN) 475 Huff Street Winona, Minnesota 55987

Chaplain: Office Email: Chaplain: Office Email: Director: Office Phone: Office Email: Admin Assist: Home Email: Coor Safe Envir:

AJ Garcia aj.garcia@focus.org Rachel Kimman stthomas@hbci.com

Rev. Msgr. Richard M. Colletti frrick@cathedralwinona.org Rev.Glenn Frerichs gfrerichs@cathedralwinona.org Thomas Parlin (507) 452-2781 newman1@hbci.com Sr. Mary Hanah Doak, RSM smhanah@hbci.com Thomas Parlin


Phone: (507) 452-4770

Pastor: Coor Marr/Family: Home Phone:

Rev. Msgr. Gerald A. Kosse Marlene Arens (507) 777-4192

Phone: (507) 825-3152

Worthington, St. Mary Church (WOR)

1215 Seventh Avenue Worthington, Minnesota 56187-2297

Pastor: Pastor Email: Parish Fax: Parish Email: Parochial Vicar: Office Email: Deacon: Home Email: Parish Admin: Office Email: Parish Bookkeeper: Coor Faith Form: Office Phone: Home Email: Coor Preschool: Coor Safe Envir: Coor Liturgy/Music: Home Email: Coor RCIA: Coor Marr/Family: Coor Hispanic:

Rev. James F. Callahan Parish Office: (507) 376-6005 frjimfc@yahoo.com (507) 376-9167 stmaryschurch@knology.net Rev. Luis Vargas frluisvargasdw@gmail.com Deacon Vernon Behrends vernbehrends@gmail.com Katherine Lesnar kathlesnar@gmail.com Francisca Olivia Ordaz Anisabel Palma- grds 5- Adult (507) 376-6005 anisabelpz@yahoo.com Anisabel Palma Anisabel Palma Bobbie Snow stmliturgy@yahoo.com Deacon Vern Behrends Deacon Vern Behrends Father Luis Vargas


Adams, Sacred Heart School

11 SW Fifth Street, PO Box 249 Adams, Minnesota 55909

Principal: Email: Phone: Fax: Email: Website:

Darlene Boe dboe@sacredheartadams.org (507) 582-3120 (507) 582-1033 office@sacredheartadams.com www.sacredheartadams.com

Office Manager: Email: School Secretary: CEU Contact: Safe Environment Contact: Email: Board of Education Chair: Priest: Affiliated Parishes:

Mary Conroy office@sacredheartadams.com Kris Mullenabach Darlene Boe Margaret Neuvirth rmneuvir@hmtel.com Dana Sorenson Rev. Swammi Pothireddy Sacred Heart, Adams St. John, Johnsburg Queen of Peace, Lyle St. Peter, Rose Creek K-8 87 9 3 1

Grades: Total Enrollment: Number of Full-time Faculty: Part-time Faculty: Support staff:

Albert Lea, St. Theodore School

323 East Clark Street Albert Lea, Minnesota 56007

Diocese of Winona Catholic Schools

Administrator: Email: Phone: Website:

Sue Amundson saa@sttheo.org (507) 373-9657 www.sttheo.org

Secreatry: Email: CEU Contact: Safe Environment Contact: Email: Clergy:

Laurie Neff ljn@sttheo.org Sue Amundson Donna May dlm@sttheo.org Rev. Timothy Reker Deacon Michael Ellis St. Theodore, Albert Lea St. James, Twin Lakes K-6 66 7 2 10

Affiliated Parish: Grades: Total Enrollment: Number of Full-time Faculty: Part-time Faculty: Support staff:



Austin, Pacelli Catholic Elementary School 511 Fourth Avenue NW Austin, Minnesota 55912

Austin, Pacelli Catholic Junior/Senior High School 311 NW Fourth Street Austin, Minnesota 55912

President: Email: Principal: Email: Phone: Fax: Website:

Jim Hamburge jhamburge@pacellischools.org Mary Holtorf mholtorf@pacellischools.org (507) 433-8859 (507) 433-6630 www.pacellischools.org

President: Email: Principal: Email: Phone: Fax: Website:

Jim Hamburge jhamburge@pacellischools.org Mary Holtorf mholtorf@pacellischools.org (507) 437-3278 (507) 433-5693 www.pacellischools.org

School Secretary: Email: CEU Contact: Email: Safe Environment Contact: Board of Education Chair: Priests:

Shirley Marx smarx@pacellischools.org Laura Sheedy lasheedy@pacellischools.org Mary Holtorf Tammi Kritzer Rev. Dale Tupper Rev. James Steffes Queen of Angels, Austin St. Augustine, Austin St. Edward, Austin PreK-5 153 12 2 5

School Secretary: Email: CEU Contact: Email: Safe Environment Contact: Board of Education Chair: Priests:

Carrie Munsch cmunsch@pacellischools.org Laura Sheedy lasheedy@pacellischools.org Mary Holtorf Tammy Kritzer Rev. Dale Tupper Rev. James Steffes Queen of Angels, Austin St. Augustine, Austin St. Edward, Austin 6-12 117 14 3 5

Affiliated Parishes: Grades: Total Enrollment: Number of Full-time Faculty: Part-time Faculty: Support staff:


Affiliated Parishes: Grades: Total Enrollment: Number of Full-time Faculty: Part-time Faculty: Support staff:


Caledonia, St. Mary’s School

308 East South Street Caledonia, Minnesota 55921

Principal: Email: Phone: Fax: Email: Website:

Tom Reichenbacher treichenbacher@stmaryschoolcal.org (507) 725-3355 (507) 725-8355 stmarysschool@acegroup.cc www.stmaryschoolcal.org

School Secretary: CEU Contact: Email: Safe Environment Contact: Board of Education Chair: Priest: Affiliated Parish: Grades: Total Enrollment: Number of Full-time Faculty: Part-time Faculty: Support staff:

Patty Klinski Sue Burg sburg@stmaryschoolcal.org Tom Reichenbacher Matt Strub Rev. Matthew Fasnacht St. Mary, Caledonia PreK-8 146 13 3 6


St. John Vianney School 911 South Prairie Avenue Fairmont, Minnesota 56031

Hokah, St. Peter’s School

34 Main Street, PO Box 357 Hokah, Minnesota 55941

Principal: Email: Phone: Email: Website:

Rachel Fishel rfishel@st-peters-school.net (507) 894-4375 stpeter@acegroup.cc www.st-peters-school.net

School Secretary: Email: CEU Contact: Email: Safe Environment Contact: Board of Education Chair: Priest: Affiliated Parish: Grades: Total Enrollment: Number of Full-time Faculty: Part-time Faculty: Support staff:

Betty Feuerhelm bfeuerhelm@st-peters-school.net LuAnn McKenzie luannm@acegroup.cc David U’Ren Stacey Yahnke Rev. Pratap R. Salibindla OFM St. Peter, Hokah PreK-8 70 5 1 6

LaCrescent, Crucifixion School

420 South Second Street LaCrescent, Minnesota 55947

Principal: Email: Phone: Fax: Website:

Joan Schaffer jschaffer@sjvschool.net (507) 235-5304 (507) 235-9099 www.sjvschool.net

Principal: Email: Phone: Fax: Website:

Lori Walz lwalz@crucifixionschool.org (507) 895-4402 (507) 895-4403 www.crucifixionschool.org

School Secretary: Email: CEU Contact: Email: Safe Environment Contact: Board of Education Chair: Priest: Affiliated Parish: Grades: Total Enrollment: Number of Full-time Faculty: Part-time Faculty: Support staff:

Deb Baldus dbaldus@sjvschool.net Phyllis Surprenant psurprenant@sjvschool.net Joan Schaffer Chrissy Lutterman Rev. Peter Schuster St. John Vianney, Fairmont PreK-6 93 7 4 5

School Secretary: Email: CEU Contact: Email: Safe Environment Contact: Email: Board of Education Chair: Priest: Affiliated Parishes: Grades: Total Enrollment: Number of Full-time Faculty: Part-time Faculty: Support staff:

Kristi Mormann kmormann@crucifixionschool.org Lori Datta ldatta@crucifixionschool.org Mikyle Schramm cruxffc@acegroup.cc Kris Gagermeier Rev. Greg Havel Crucifixion, LaCrescent PreK-6 114 9 4 7



Litomysl, St. Isidore School

9970 SE 24th Avenue Owatonna, Minnesota 55060

Principal: Phone: Fax: Email: Website:

William Bunkers (507) 451-5876 (507) 451-5159 stisidoreschool@msn.com www.stisidoreschool.webs.com

School Secretaries:

Rose Ann Kubicek Stephanie Pieper William Bunkers Rev. John Sauer Rev. Michael Cronin Holy Trinity, Litomysl PreK-5 27 3 3 4

CEU Contact: Priests: Affiliated Parish: Grades: Total Enrollment: Number of Full-time Faculty: Part-time Faculty: Support staff:

Madelia, Noah’s Ark Child Care Center

223 NE First Street Madelia, Minnesota 56062

Director: Email: Phone: Fax:

Jen Slater jenlslater@gmail.com (507) 642-3626 (507) 642-3899

School Secretary: Email: CEU Contact: Safe Environment Contact: Email: Board of Education Chair: Priest: Affiliated Parish:

Deb Tatro stmarysdt@cccinternet.net Jen Slater Kim Carey kimberly.carey@mnsu.edu Monique Hoffmann Rev. Thien Nguyen St. Mary, Madelia St. James, St. James Preschool 32 7 1

Grades: Total Enrollment: Number of Full-time Faculty: Part-time Faculty:

Madelia, St. Mary’s Elementary School 223 NE First Street Madelia, Minnesota 56062

Principal: Phone: Fax: Email:

Jen Slater (507) 642-3324 (507) 642-3889 jenlslater@gmail.com

School Secretary: Email: CEU Contact: Safe Environment Contact: Email: Board of Education Chair: Priest: Affiliated Parish:

Deb Tatro stmarysdt@cccinternet.net Jen Slater Kim Carey kimberly.carey@mnsu.edu Monique Hoffmann Rev. Thien Nguyen St. Mary, Madelia St. James, St. James St. Katherine, Truman PreK-6 36 12 2

Grades: Total Enrollment: Number of Full-time Faculty: Part-time Faculty:

Madison Lake, All Saints School

605 Fourth Street PO Box 158 Madison Lake, Minnesota 56063

Principal: Email: Phone: Fax: Email: Website:

Rev. Robert Schneider frschneider51@gmail.com (507) 243-3819 (507) 243-4485 ascs@hickorytech.net www.as-ic.org

School Secretary: Email: CEU Contact: Email: Safe Environment Contact: Board of Education Chair: Priest: Affiliated Parish:

Mary Caron maryjcaron56@gmail.com Liz Blaschko lizblaschko@gmail.com Mary Caron Elizabeth Blaschko Rev. Robert Schneider All Saints, Madison Lake Immaculate Conception, St. Clair PreK-4 77 6 5

Grades: Total Enrollment: Number of Full-time Faculty: Support staff:



Mankato, Loyola Catholic School

High School/Primary Intermediate 145 Good Counsel Drive 110 North Fifth Street Mankato, Minnesota 56001 Mankato, Minnesota 56001 Phone: (507) 388-2997 Phone: (507) 388-9344 Phone: (507) 388-0614 (Primary) Fax: (507) 388-2750 Fax: (507) 388-3081 Website: www.loyolacatholicschool.org

Owatonna, St. Mary’s School

730 South Cedar Avenue Owatonna, Minnesota 55060

Principal: Email: Phone: Website:

Kathy Segna ksegna@stmarys-owatonna.org (507) 446-2300 www.stmarys-owatonna.org June Rudolph jrudolph@stmarys-oatonna.org Sara Slotsve sslotsve@stmarys-owatonna.org Dan Bauer dbauer@stmary-owatonna.org Sean Pick Rev. John Sauer Rev. Michael Cronin Rev. Edward McGrath Sacred Heart, Owatonna Holy Trinity, Litomysl St. Joseph, Owatonna PreK-8 365 24 4 9

President/Chaplain Email:

Rev. Robert Schneider rschneider@loyolacatholicschool.org

Principal - Primary: Email:

Sr. Mary Beth Schraml, SSND mbschraml@loyolacatholicschool.org

Principal - Intermediate: Email:

William Schumacher wschumacher@loyolacatholicschool.org

School Secretary: Email: CEU Contact: Email: Safe Environment Contact: Email: Board of Education Chair: Priests:

Principal - High School: Email:

Samuel Cotton scotton@loyolacatholicschool.org

Affiliated Parishes:

President Secretary: Email: School Secretary-Primary: Email: School Secretary-Intermediate: Email: School Secretary-High School: Email: CEU Contact: Email: Safe Environment Contact: Board of Education Chair: Priests:

Barb Chicos bchicos@loyolacatholicschool.org Shannon Sharpless ssharpless@loyolacatholicschool.org Rhonda Martinka rmartinka@loyolacatholicschool.org Marcie Douglass hssecretary@loyolacatholicschool.org Rita Gerlach rgerlach@loyolacatholicschool.org William Schumacher Beth Miller Rev. Timothy Biren Rev. Mariano Varela Rev. Peter Nosbush Rev. John Wilmot Holy Rosary, North Mankato St. John the Baptist, Mankato St. Joseph the Worker, Mankato Ss. Peter and Paul, Mankato PreK-12 590 47 2 24

Affiliated Parishes:

Grades: Total Enrollment: Number of Full-time Faculty: Part-time Faculty: Support staff:


Grades: Total Enrollment: Number of Full-time Faculty: Part-time Faculty: Support staff:

Pipestone, Noah’s Ark Preschool

415 South Hiawatha Avenue PO Box 36 Pipestone, Minnesota 56164-0036

Director: Email: Phone: Fax: Email: Website:

Msgr. Gerald Kosse pastor@triparishmn.org (507) 825-3152 (507) 825-3147 pt@triparishmn.org www.triparishmn.org

School Secretary: Email: CEU Contact: Safe Environment Contact: Board of Education Chair: Priest: Affiliated Parish: Grades: Total Enrollment: Support staff:

Susan VanMoorlehem fa@triparishmn.org Amy VandenBosch Susan VanMoorehelm Laurie Bucher Rev. Msgr. Gerald Kosse St. Leo, Pipestone Preschool 27 2


Rochester, Rochester Catholic Schools

2800 NW 19th Street Rochester, Minnesota 55901

Rochester, Lourdes High School

2800 NW 19th Street Rochester, Minnesota 55901

Director of Schools: Phone: Email: Website:

Michael Brennan (507) 218-3028 mbrennan@rochestercatholic.k12.mn.us www.rochstercatholic.k12.mn.us

Interim Principal: Email: Phone: Fax: Website:

Dr. Joseph O’Toole jotoole@rochestercatholic.k12.mn.us (507) 289-3991 (507) 289-4008 www.rochestercatholicschools.org

School Secretary: Email: Safe Environment Contact: Board of Education Chairs:

Cathy Dillon cdillon@rochestercatholic.k12.mn.us Michael Brennan Terry Painter Rev. Mark McNea Ann Harris

School Secretary: Email: CEU Contact: Email: Safe Environment Contact: Chaplain: Priests:

Anne Kowal akowal@rochestercatholic.k12.mn.us Tracy Reilly treilly@rochestercatholic.k12.mn.us Michael Brennan Rev. Msgr. Gerald Mahon Rev. Thomas Loomis Rev. Jospeh Fogal Very Rev. Kevin Connolly Rev. Mark McNea Msgr. Gerald Mahon Rev. Charlie Collins Holy Spirit, Rochester Pax Christi, Rochester Resurrection, Rochester St. Francis of Assisi, Rochester St. John the Evangelist, Rochester St. Pius X, Rochester 9-12 478 28 11 16

Rochester, Holy Spirit School

5455 NW 50th Avenue Rochester, Minnesota 55901

Principal: Email: Phone: Fax: Website:

Lynette M. Lenoch llenoch@rochestercatholic.k12.mn.us (507) 288-8818 (507) 288-5155 www.rochestercatholic.k12.mn.us

School Secretary: Email: CEU Contact: Email: Safe Environment Contact: Priest: Affiliated Parish: Grades: Total Enrollment: Number of Full-time Faculty: Part-time Faculty: Support staff:

Judi Higgins jhiggins@rochestercatholic.k12.mn.us Mary Greve mgreve@rochestercatholic.k12.mn.us Michael Brennan Rev. Thomas Loomis Holy Spirit, Rochester PreK-8 386 14 15 16


Affiliated Parishes:

Grades: Total Enrollment: Number of Full-time Faculty: Part-time Faculty: Support staff:


Rochester, St. Francis of Assisi School

318 SE 11th Avenue Rochester, Minnesota 55904

Principal: Email: Phone: Fax: Website:

Barb Plenge bplenge@rochestercatholic.k12.mn.us (507) 288-4816 (507) 288-4815 www.rochestercatholic.k12.mn.us

School Secretary: Email: CEU Contact: Email: Safe Environment Contact: Priests:

Deb Hatzenbihler dhatzenbihler@rochestercatholic.k12.mn.us Laurie Keller lkeller@rochestercatholic.k12.mn.us Michael Brennan Very Rev. Kevin Connolly Rev. Mark McNea Resurrection, Rochester St. Francis of Assisi, Rochester PreK-8 516 20 9 20

Affiliated Parishes: Grades: Total Enrollment: Number of Full-time Faculty: Part-time Faculty: Support staff:

Rochester, St. John the Evangelist

Saint John’s Campus 424 West Center Rochester, Minnesota 55902

Associate Administrator: Email: Phone: Fax: Website:

Erin Widman ewidman@rochestercatholic.k12.mn.us (507) 282-5248 (507) 282-1343 www.rochestercatholic.k12.mn.us

School Secretary: Email: CEU Contact: Email: Safe Environment Contact: Priests:

Dianne Cameron dcameron@rochestercatholic.k12.mn.us Laurie Korsmo lkorsmo@rochestercatholic.k12.mn.us Michael Brennan Msgr. Gerald Mahon Rev. Charlie Collins St. John the Evangelist, Rochester St. Pius X, Rochester 5-8 170 10 6 13

Affiliated Parishes: Grades: Total Enrollment: Number of Full-time Faculty: Part-time Faculty: Support staff:


Rochester, St. Pius X School

Saint Pius X Campus 1205 NW 12th Avenue Rochester, Minnesota 55901

Principal: Email: Phone: Fax: Website:

Don Valentine dvalentine@rochestercatholic.k12.mn.us (507) 282-5161 (507) 282-5107 www.rochestercatholic.k12.mn.us

School Secretary: Email: CEU Contact: Email: Safe Environment Contact: Board of Education Chair: Priests:

Lou Anne Ogilvie logilvie@rochestercatholic.k12.mn.us Sue Smith ssmith@rochestercatholic.k12.mn.us Michael Brennan Rev. Kevin Connolly Rev. Charlie Collins Msgr. Gerald Mahon St. Pius X, Rochester St. John the Evangelist, Rochester PreK-4 290 13 5 14

Affiliated Parishes: Grades: Total Enrollment: Number of Full-time Faculty: Part-time Faculty: Support staff:

Wabasha, St. Felix School

130 East Third Street Wabasha, Minnesota 55981

Principal: Email: Phone: Fax: Email: Website:

Deborah Beach dbeach@stfelixschool.org (651) 565-4446 (651) 565-0244 mainoffice@stfelixschool.org www.stfelixschool.org

School Secretary: CEU Contact: Safe Environment Contact: Email: Board of Education Chair: Priest: Affiliated Parishes:

Mary Passe Deborah Beach Nancee Kretschmer stfelixgrowthinfaith@yahoo.com Troy Passe Rev. Msgr. Thomas E. Cook St. Agnes, Kellogg St. Felix, Wabasha PreK-6 112 10 4

Grades: Total Enrollment: Number of Full-time Faculty: Support staff:


Waseca, Sacred Heart Children’s House 400 NW Second Avenue Waseca, Minnesota 56093

Director: Phone: Fax: Email: Website:

Pauline Holmen (507) 835-1044 (507) 835-4149 shswholmen@gmail.com www.sacredheartschoolwaseca.org

Administrator: Safe Environment Contact: Priest: Affiliated Parish: Grades: Total Enrollment: Number of Full-time Faculty: Part-time Faculty:

Pauline Holmen LeAnn Dahle Rev. Gregory Leif Sacred Heart, Waseca PreSchool 45 3 7

Waseca, Sacred Heart School

308 West Elm Street Waseca, Minnesota 56093

Principal: Email: Phone: Fax: Website:

LeAnn M. Dahle dahle@sacredheartschoolwaseca.com (507) 835-2780 (507) 833-1498 www.sacredheartschoolwaseca.com

School Secretary: Email: CEU Contact: Email: Safe Environment Contact: Board of Education Chair: Priest: Affiliated Parish: Grades: Total Enrollment: Number of Full-time Faculty: Part-time Faculty: Support staff:

Peggy Frederick frederick@sacredheartschoolwaseca.com JoAnn Adelmann adelmann@sacredheartschoolwaseca.com LeAnn Dahle Dan Johnson Rev. Gregory P. Leif Sacred Heart, Wasseca K-4 113 10 2 2


Wells, St. Casimir School

330 Second Avenue Wells Minnesota 56097

Principal: Email: Phone: Website:

Joanne Tibodeau casimir@bevcomm.net (507) 553-5822 www.stcasimirsschool.net

School Secretary: CEU Contact: Safe Environment Contact: Board of Education Chair: Priest: Affiliated Parishes:

Teresa Chirpich Joanne Tibodeau Joanne Tibodeau Eric Huper Rev. Thomas Niehaus Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Easton St. John the Baptist, Minnesota Lake St. Casimir, Wells K-8 65 5 5 1

Grades: Total Enrollment: Number of Full-time Faculty: Part-time Faculty: Support staff:

Winona, Cotter Schools Inc.

1115 West Broadway Winona, Minnesota 55987

President: Email: Phone: Fax: Website:

Sr. Judith Schaefer, OP jschaefer@cotterschools.org (507) 453-5000 (507) 453-5006 www.cotterschools.org


Winona, Cotter Junior/Senior High

Winona, Winona Area Catholic Schools St. Stanislaus School 602 East Fifth Street Winona, Minnesota 55987

1115 West Broadway Winona, Minnesota 55987

Principal: Email: Phone: Fax: Website:

Oscar Uribe ouribe@cotterschools.org (507) 453-5000 (507) 453-5006 www.cotterschools.org

School Secretary: Email: CEU Contact: Email: Safe Environment Contact: Email: Board of Education Chair: Priests:

Jodi Werner jwerner@cotterschools.org Sandra Hohnstadt shohnstadt@cotterschools.org Dave Forney dforney@cotterschools.org Dave Vasellar Rev. James C. Berning Rev. Msgr. Richard M. Colletti Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Hargersheimer Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona St. Casimir, Winona St. John, Winona St. Mary, Winona St. Stanislaus, Winona 7-12 341 29 3 22

Affiliated Parishes:

Grades: Total Enrollment: Number of Full-time Faculty: Part-time Faculty: Support staff:


Princiapal: Email: Phone: Fax: Website:

Patrick Bowlin pbowlin@wacs1.org (507) 452-3766 (507) 454-1473 www.wacs1.org

School Secretary: CEU Contact: Email: Safe Environment Contact: Board of Education Chair: Priests:

Jan Murty Linda Schauer lschauer@wacs1.org Patrick Bowlin Shelley Stewart Rev. James C. Berning Rev. Msgr. Richard M. Colletti Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Hargersheimer Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona St. Casimir, Winona St. John, Winona St. Mary, Winona St. Stanislaus, Winona 1-6 212 28 2 4

Affiliated Parishes:

Grades: Total Enrollment: Number of Full-time Faculty: Part-time Faculty: Support staff:


Winona, Winona Area Catholic Schools St. Mary Primary School 1315 West Broadway Winona, Minnesota 55987 Principal: Email: Director: Email: Phone: Fax: Website:

Patrick Bowlin pbowlin@wacs1.org Christine Nichols cnichols@wacs1.org (507) 452-2890 (507) 452-2898 www.wacs1.org

School Secretary: Email: CEU Contact: Email: Safe Environment Contact: Board of Education Chair: Priests:

Brenda Hengel bhengel@wacs1.org Missy Cichosz mcichosz@wacs1.org Christine Nicholas Michelle Stewart Rev. James C. Berning Rev. Msgr. Richard M. Colletti Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Hargersheimer Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona St. Casimir, Winona St. John, Winona St. Mary, Winona St. Stanislaus, Winona PreK 151 9 3 13

Affiliated Parishes:

Grades: Total Enrollment: Number of Full-time Faculty: Part-time Faculty: Support staff:


Worthington, St. Mary’s School

1206 Eighth Avenue Worthington, Minnesota 56187

Principal: Email: Phone: Fax: Website:

Kari Smith stmarysschool@frontiernet.net (507) 376-5236 (507) 376-6159 www.stmaryselementary.net

School Secretary: CEU Contact: Priest:

Patty Ordaz Kari Smith Rev. James Callahan Rev. Luis Vargas Rev. Andrew Beerman St. Mary, Worthington St. Adrian, Adrian St. Killian, St. Killian Our Lady of Good Counsel, Wilmont K-6 108 10 1 5

Affiliated Parish:

Grades: Total Enrollment: Number of Full-time Faculty: Part-time Faculty: Support staff:


Diocesan Address: 55 West Sanborn Street PO Box 588 Winona, Minnesota 55987 (507) 454-4643 Fax: (507) 454-8106 Website: www.dow.org

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