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St. Joseph Family Camp: An Inclusive, Fun, Faith-Filled Day for Catholics Living with Disabilities
Friends in Christ, this month I am yielding my column space to KATIE NETZEL, a parishioner at Pax Christi Church in Rochester and this year's camp coordinator for a new annual event, The St. Joseph Camp Day for Catholic Families Living with Disability. This is an exciting initiative, and I am grateful for so many who have helped bring this first foray into a reality! Thanks to Katie for her work and writing this article.
-Susan Windley-Daoust
What do Sunday Mass, farm animals, and zip lines have in common? They are all a part of the faith formation, fellowship and fun offered this summer at St. Joseph’s Family Camp on August 18! This new diocesan-sponsored family day camp is an opportunity for Catholics that have a son or daughter of any age (adult or child) living with a disability to spend time together building friendships and community while being supported in their Catholic faith. The Mass, faith formation, and free time activities will be tailored to people living with a wide variety of abilities.
St. Joseph is the patron of families, and St. Joseph of Cupertino is one of the patron saints of people living with disabilities. We honor both! The St. Joseph’s Family Camp is designed to provide a fun summer camp experience for families in an inclusive environment while recognizing the unique gifts and challenges families face when living with disabilities.
The 2024 St. Joseph’s Family Camp will be held on Sunday, August 18, from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. at Ironwood Springs Christian Ranch in Stewartville. Ironwood Springs is designed as an open access camp space and is very accessible with adaptive activities, grounds, bathrooms, and lunch space.
The Camp Day will begin with Sunday Mass offered onsite by our chaplain, Fr. Will Thompson, Vicar General for the Diocese of Winona-Rochester. Families will also find plentiful opportunities for faith formation throughout the rest of the Camp Day. In addition to Sunday Mass, Fr. Thompson will be offering opportunities for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and the Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of the Matará (aka the IVE Sisters or Servidoras) will lead an afternoon gathering for families.
Throughout the Camp Day, participating families can choose from a variety of accessible and adaptive activities including a wagon ride, animal encounters, adaptive zip line, swimming, fishing, and racquet sports. Temperature controlled rooms and a quiet space will also be available for families who need a break from the excitement of the day. The staff at Ironwood Springs even have options for extra hot or rainy days to ensure that the Camp Day will take place regardless of the weather. Lunch is included and a friendship building activity is scheduled over the noon hour to help families build community and connections. The camp can accommodate most medical dietary needs with advance registration; a food preparation space and refrigerated food/ medication storage is available to registered families.
Our camp is generously supported by the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota, Knights of Columbus and other benefactors and available at no cost to participating families. Registration is now open; space is limited so register your family soon to ensure you don’t miss out on this day of faith formation, fun, and fellowship! First preference is given to families that belong to parishes in the Diocese of Winona-Rochester. If you are not a member of a DOW-R parish, you will be put on a waitlist.
Interested families can find more information and registration link at https://www.dowr.org/eventdetails/3754
Additional questions can be directed to Katie Netzel, Camp Coordinator, at knetzel@gmail.com.