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Ordinations and a Day of Discernment
With thanksgiving to Almighty God, we rejoice to have ordinations to the priesthood and transitional diaconate this May and June. On May 25, we ordained three men to the diaconate on their way toward priesthood next summer. Jordan Danielson, Benjamin Peters, and Timothy Welch are ordained deacons.
On June 8, the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we will ordain three men for the Diocese of Winona-Rochester to the priesthood. Join us for the Mass at the Basilica of St. Stanislaus Kostka in Winona at 10 a.m. Deacons Nicholas Gawarecki, Brian Klein, and Joshua Miller will now be called Father. Thanks be to God! Bishop Barron will be announcing their assignments and sending them forth as shepherds for God’s people.
Photos from both ordinations will appear in next month's issue of The Courier
This past April we were blessed to celebrate a wonderful day of discernment for young women. This event was called Open Hearts and was hosted and co-sponsored by St. Mary’s University of Minnesota in Winona. It was a beautiful occasion with more than 25 young women present for the day of discernment. Additionally, nine religious communities were there with 21 consecrated women attending. We are hopeful to make this an annual event so many more young women can see and experience the beauty of consecrated life.
Rev. Jason Kern is the Director of Vocations for the Diocese of Winona-Rochester