Message from Bishop John M. Quinn Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I am excited about this year’s Catholic Ministries Appeal theme, Closer to Christ. Christ is, after all, the head of our Church and the embodiment of who we are as Catholics. He offers us an infinite amount of love and mercy that flows from His Most Sacred Heart. We are strengthened through Him to go forth and lead others Closer to Christ as we come together as one Church. The theme and compelling testimonies in the Ministries Magazine instill confidence that our Church and its ministries continue to grow in Christ’s love. Our Church needs you, each and every one of you, to grow ever more closely to Christ and become who you are destined to be – witnesses to the truth in love. Make yourself available to Jesus before the Blessed Sacrament often. Call upon Mary, Our Mother to lead you more deeply into the most Sacred Heart of Jesus, and listen to the Holy Spirit, who will direct you in every aspect of your lives. So many of you have seen the fruits produced by our Diocese of Winona and support these ministries of our Church through your time, talents and treasures. As St. Paul tells us in Ephesians 4: 15-16, every ligament must be supported for the proper functioning of the body to grow and build itself up in love. I ask each of you to prayerfully consider a financial contribution to the 2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal. I further encourage you to get involved in these ministries if you have not already done so to experience firsthand how your financial contributions are creating opportunities for the Holy Spirit to draw each of us Closer to Christ. As you prayerfully consider your financial gift, be assured that your gift will be used solely for the ministries named in this magazine. I remain ever grateful to those of you who have lovingly given of your time, talents and treasures to our parishes and diocese. You are remembered in my prayers daily before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend John M. Quinn Bishop of the Diocese of Winona
Closer to Christ “Let us live the truth in love and grow in every way into Him who is the head, Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament with the proper functioning of each part, brings about the body’s growth and builds itself up in love.” [Ephesians 4: 15-16] In this Scripture passage, St. Paul is describing how each of us has been given unique gifts. We grow in these gifts and receive even more when we open our hearts to grow Closer to Christ. Entering into this intimacy with Christ allows room for the Holy Spirit to reveal to us our authentic selves. Through such grace, we clearly see what Christ, the head, has blessed us with – time, talents and treasure – to build the body, the Catholic Church, up in love.
Heavenly Father, may we grow Closer to Christ through our support of the 2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal. We thank you, Lord, for your many blessings you have bestowed upon us. We cherish the gifts of time, talent and treasure that each member of our universal Church family makes to build up Christ’s Church in love. We ask you, Lord, to send us forth in this spirit of love to serve our communities and our world with open hearts.
Youth and Young Adult Ministries Youth & Young Adult Ministry focuses on opportunities for young people across southern Minnesota to connect and grow Closer to Christ through their ministry experiences.
Pilgrimages & Retreats:
Here are additional opportunities made possible by your gifts where youth can grow Closer to Christ: • World Youth Day – next pilgrimage scheduled for 2016 to Krakow, Poland
Totus Tuus: Every summer, two teams of four
• NCYC – National Catholic Youth Conference, a biannual gathering of 23,000 youth
young adults grow Closer to Christ in their service to 16 parish cluster communities through the Totus Tuus children’s catechetical program.
• TEC – Teens Encounter Christ retreats offered three times per year
• Net Ministries – additional retreats offered throughout the year
Picture an arena full of Catholics (grades 8-12) from all over the Mid-West and Canada growing Closer to Christ while adoring our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament as the music group Sonar leads them in praise and worship songs. Last year, 275 teens from the Diocese of Winona joined 1,000 of their peers from other dioceses for the conference.
Our teens have the opportunity to grow Closer to Christ by participating in rally events that take place in Adrian and Rochester and include a speaker, music, Mass, dinner and Adoration.
Camp Summit:
What started in 2012 with just 60 youth has now exploded to 150 youth in 2014! Camp Summit is a four-day long summer camp for junior high and high school-aged youth to grow Closer to Christ. The Fiat team (high-school students) mentors the younger participants, share their testimonies and lead small group discussions. Camp Summit attendance is expected to grow to 250 in 2015. Also new this year will be a 9th grade prayer team.
Local Parish Support: The appeal funds ongoing support to parishes to nurture the seeds planted at the large-scale diocesan events and to intentionally support youth as they grow Closer to Christ. For example: • Fiat team - a community of youth that meets regularly throughout the year and sent forth to share the faith with others • Y-Disciples – a program that equips parish staff with the tools necessary to implement small-group discipleship with youth • Youth Ministry and Faith Formation Leader trainings offered throughout the school year
Witness Testimonies: Being on the Camp Summit Fiat team has helped me grow a lot in my faith. Before Camp Summit 2014, I was always on the other end of youth ministry, apart from helping out during the day sessions of Totus Tuus. However, being on the Fiat team required me to be able to help lead a small group with my prayer partner, to get to know the campers and lead them Closer to Christ through my example and my words, and to be able to work together with the rest of the team to make sure the week ran smoothly. All of which, required me to try my best to be patient and humble. So, apart from helping the campers grow in holiness, I feel it helped me to grow in holiness as well. Though I’m still far from being a Saint, I believe that being on the Fiat team has brought me one large step closer to that ultimate goal than I was before.
– Justin Taubel, Member of Resurrection, Rochester
Young Adults: • Newman Centers at Minnesota State, Mankato and Winona State Universities – your gift helps to support staffing and programs for college students as they grow Closer to Christ through these centers. • Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) Missionaries – The Diocese of Winona is currently hosting two teams of four missionaries at MSU and WSU, who teach bible studies and train students to lead additional studies. Students in over 50 Bible studies are growing Closer to Christ thanks to the dedication of FOCUS. Being involved with FOCUS and the St. Thomas Aquinas Newman Center while attending WSU has been an unexpected blessing. I have discovered what it means to be in a relationship with Jesus and how He wants to work through me. FOCUS offers students opportunities to grow closer to Christ through bible studies, a discipleshiprelationship with another person, and other events. I have learned how to be a true leader—a Christ-like leader. Investing in my peers and making sacrifices to lead them to the Lord has allowed me to come to know Him and His love more deeply. Without the activities through the Newman Center and FOCUS, I would not have the desire to serve Him as a FOCUS missionary after graduation. By supporting the Catholic Ministries Appeal, more students will be introduced to our Lord where they may discover who He is calling them to be.
– Jordyn Houseman, Winona State University Student, Newman Center, Winona
Lay Formation Lay Formation focuses on leading people Closer to Christ through prayer, study and reflection on the Catholic Faith while training adultaged disciples to go forth and lead others Closer to Christ. Institute of Lay Formation:
The Institute offers a thorough 3-year formation process for adults who desire to grow Closer to Christ through the teachings and practices of the Catholic Church. The current class size is 54 students who, upon completion of the program, will be prepared to educate and serve others in the Church. In addition, a network of 256 alumni continue to meet for continuing education, prayer and fellowship.
The Office of Lay Formation offers the Symbolon program through the Augustine Institute (Denver, Colorado) to prepare lay leaders for RCIA, youth, and adult faith formation ministries in leading others Closer to Christ. An initial training for 200
diocesan leaders took place in the summer of 2014 followed by monthly webinars and a wrap-up training day in April 2015.
Ministry Days:
Every year in June, priests, deacons and lay leaders come together to grow Closer to Christ through continuing formation at a two-day gathering in Winona. As our religious leaders partake in continuing education, planning and communal prayer and liturgy, our parish life is enriched at all levels.
125th Anniversary Celebration:
2014 marked the 125th Anniversary of the Diocese of Winona. To celebrate this momentous occasion, over 2,000 people gathered at the Verizon Wireless Center in Mankato for a two-day event growing Closer to Christ through prayer, music, speakers, children’s activities, a history museum, Reconciliation, Adoration and a special Mass with Bishop Quinn and our honored guest from Guatemala, Bishop Alvaro Ramazzini.
Witness Testimony: We all have a story, tradition or history that we cherish and pass on to future generations. Our story defines us and helps others better understand who we are. Our Catholic faith is part of our story that defines who we are. However, if we do not form ourselves correctly by seeking out ways to grow in our faith, over time we tend to forget our Catholic story and ultimately cease to pass it on. The Institute of Lay Formation provided such a means for me to grow in my faith. Through the Institute, I was given the opportunity to explore and learn more about our Catholic faith. My relationship with Christ also grew as I learned more about Him and His Church. We all need to take our faith seriously, especially when the world around us is doing everything to make us forget our Catholic story. By supporting the Catholic Ministries Appeal, we will continue to have access to the type of Catholic formation that we need to develop a deeper relationship with our Lord, learn our story, cherish it and share it with future generations.
– Steve Hesse, Member of St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Winona
Witness Testimony:
Vocations Ministry is dedicated to providing support for young men and women in their discernment and response to grow Closer to Christ through the priesthood, religious or consecrated life.
Fr. Thompson helps youth and young adults to grow in their faith and loving service to God and their Church by showing them real and practical ways of how to live out the faith in everyday life! He incarnates the Good Shepherd to these young people as he personally witnesses the unity, joy, and love he has with Christ to those who are both in the ‘fold’ of the Catholic Church- at various Diocesan-coordinated youth events, as well as those who may be outside the ‘fold’- by sharing his “Living the 4th” video series via social media. I have learned a great deal about the gifts God sends through self-giving love by witnessing Fr. Thompson this past year living the 4th in his life. He has helped lift myself and many others up to the next level of spiritually on our journey of faith!
One-on-One Discipleship:
Any man who feels a calling to grow Closer to Christ in the priesthood may contact the Director of Vocations, Fr. Will Thompson, for guidance.
Living the Fourth Videos:
Grow Closer to Christ by watching the “Living the Fourth” short films available on the Diocese of Winona Social Media and learn from Fr. Will about how to discern with purpose.
Vocations Presentations:
Fr. Will has spoken at schools, on retreats, at parishes, conferences and youth events about growing Closer to Christ through vocations. If you would like to host Fr. Will as a guest speaker at your parish, school or event, contact the Vocations office.
Discernment Groups:
These small groups are open to college-aged students who are discerning the religious life. Groups meet in Mankato and Winona. Group members grow Closer to Christ by praying for and supporting one another. High schoolaged groups are available as needed.
Priest Formation:
Resources are available to all priests to assist them with men from their parishes who are discerning the priesthood.
Vocations Discernment: Grow Closer to Christ by answering His call
– Beverly Miller, Director of Youth Ministry, Ss. Peter & Paul, Mankato
Life, Marriage and Family Life, Marriage and Family Ministry provides opportunities for individuals to grow Closer to Christ through promoting the dignity of life, preparing for marriage as well as renewal of marriage, and protecting lives in our parishes and schools. March for Life:
Each year in January, the Office of Life, Marriage and Family leads others Closer to Christ on a pilgrimage in honor of the dignity of life. Pilgrims participate in the March for Life, which takes place on the Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade (1/22). This year, four busloads of pilgrims traveled to St. Paul to stand up for life. Next January, pilgrims will travel to Washington D.C. to participate in the national March for Life.
Pre-Cana Marriage Preparation: These classes are offered seven times throughout the year at locations throughout southern Minnesota. Engaged couples attend one Saturday class to learn about such topics as communicating with your spouse, sex and Natural Family Planning, marriage expectations, finances, and the Sacrament of Marriage. Each class offers couples time to grow Closer to Christ in prayer, reflection and Mass.
Marriage Retreats:
With all the pressures of married life, it can be challenging to find one-on-one time with your spouse to pray and grow Closer to Christ. Now, couples have an opportunity to participate in the annual Marriage Retreat.
Anniversary Mass:
Every year in the Fall, Bishop Quinn celebrates a special Mass where married couples grow Closer to Christ as they are blessed for their commitment to marriage, their families and the Church.
Respect Life:
The Office of Life, Marriage and Family promotes the dignity of life by providing each parish across southern Minnesota with up-to-date materials for parishioners to grow Closer to Christ by standing up for life in society.
World Meeting of Families:
This year, from September 22nd – 27th, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia will host the World Meeting of Families with Pope Francis in attendance. The Office of Life, Marriage and Family will lead others Closer to Christ on a pilgrimage to participate in this gathering.
Faith Formation Faith Formation Ministry provides opportunities for individuals to grow Closer to Christ through life-long catechesis and spiritual formation for all – Catholic youth and adults as well as non-Catholics interested in learning more about the faith through RCIA. RCIA: An extensive amount of formation is dedicated to leading candidates and catechumens Closer to Christ and preparing them for the Rite of Election on the first Sunday of Lent in Austin.
Parish Support: On-call and in-person support and resources are available to all parishes throughout southern Minnesota to draw Closer to Christ, including a monthly E-Newsletter sent to Faith Formation Directors comprising helpful resources on Church teachings.
Media Center:
Every parish is welcome to borrow teaching materials from a wide array of books, CDs, DVDs, and VHS tapes to lead parishioners Closer to Christ. To browse the full media library catalog, visit the Media Center online at
ENDOW (Educating on the Nature and Dignity Of Women): ENDOW brings women Closer to Christ through small group study programs. Studies cover a broad range of Church documents and lives of the Saints pertaining to the true value of womanhood, femininity, motherhood and women themselves. ENDOW further offers a series of events, retreats and conferences throughout the year.
Catechetical Day and Together in Faith Gatherings: One Catechetical Day and two Together in Faith days are offered annually and are open to Catholic school teachers, faith formation directors, catechists, and priests to grow Closer to Christ. These gatherings provide catechesis on the four pillars of Creed, Sacrament, Morality and Prayer to the individuals in attendance through keynote speakers, breakout sessions, prayer and Mass with Bishop Quinn.
Catholic Schools The Diocese of Winona offers 30 Catholic school programs from daycare, preschool, Kindergarten through 12th grade throughout southern Minnesota. A total of 5,000 children (K-12) receive an opportunity to grow Closer to Christ through their Catholic school experiences. These children receive the framework of Catholic identity as well as excellent rigorous curriculum nurtured in faith. Catholic Schools Superintendent, Marsha Stenzel, collaborates with Catholic school administrators on the key initiatives necessary to support Catholic education in southern Minnesota. Most recent initiatives include:
Witness Testimony: I am currently serving my second year as the Chair of the School Board for St. Theodore’s Catholic School in Albert Lea. Through this role, I have had the opportunity to work closely with Marsha Stenzel and the Office of Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Winona. Marsha has helped our school in many ways including training for board members and staff, helping implement new policies, strengthening our finances and guiding us through the accreditation process. What has impressed me most, however, is Marsha’s commitment to implementing the teachings of Jesus into the mission of the School. She often explains that teaching our children to follow the path of Jesus is a priority mission of our Diocese and our parish. I am amazed by the ‘enriched in Christ’ experience that a Catholic School offers to our entire parish community. Our family has truly been touched by the Holy Spirit through our Catholic school experience. I hope everyone will generously support the 2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal, which funds the important mission of teaching our children to follow the path of Jesus.
– Matt Benda, Chair of St. Theodore Catholic School Board, Albert Lea
• ACE Collaborative – a curriculum writing initiative which requires planning curriculum and assessment in response to new research, technology, expectations, and re-thinking instructional practice in response to cultural changes. • Minnesota Nonpublic School Accrediting Association and AdvancED Accreditation – state and federally sanctioned associations for accrediting nonpublic schools in the State of Minnesota. The accreditation is a catalyst for enhancing the quality of Catholic education in our Diocese. The accreditation process includes a visionary and focused strategic plan and on-site visits by teams of educators. Catholic identity is also accredited by the Office of Catholic Schools during this process. • Northwest Evaluation Association – an assessment that measures the academic progress of each individual student and teaching approaches used. Based on the results, education can be tailored to each individual per his/her needs and resolved quickly. • Standardized School Policies – by forming and implementing policies consistent for all schools.
Sharing the Good Word (Communications) Communications Ministry tells the Closer to Christ stories alive in southern Minnesota and responds to the call to provide timely and accurate information to our mediadriven society. Sunday TV Mass:
Every Sunday, homebound and hospitalized Catholics grow Closer to Christ by taking part in the Mass broadcasted on KEYC-TV Channel 12 (Mankato) at 7:30 a.m. or KTTC-TV Channel 10 (Rochester) at 9:00 a.m. The Mass is filmed in parishes throughout southern Minnesota. All Masses are broadcasted in closed-captioning.
Witness Testimony: The TV Mass is one of the most important ministries in the Church. Many who are not in their parish church for Sunday Mass due to physical conditions or feelings of alienation turn to the TV Mass. For those few moments of the week, we touch their lives to bring them hope of not being abandoned. In short, the TV Mass brings Christ’s love and compassion to them and gives them hope and the concern of the Church. Though many contribute to the Mass, production costs are high. Your contribution to the Catholic Ministries Appeal for this vital ministry will keep this wonderful ministry going.
– Fr. William Kulas, Pastor of Holy TrinityRollingstone, St. Mary’s-Minneiska & St. Paul-Minnesota City
Seasonal messages from Bishop Quinn inspiring us to grow Closer to Christ are aired on 8-10 radio stations during Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter. A special message from the Bishop is also televised during Holy Week/Easter.
Website & Social Media:
As quick reference sites to learn what diocesan happenings are going on throughout southern Minnesota so you can grow Closer to Christ, visit, Like us on Facebook: Diocese of Winona or follow us on Twitter @diocesewinona as well as @BishopQuinn2U.
The Courier:
Every month, grow Closer to Christ by reading The Courier Newspaper, which is mailed to every registered Catholic household (approx. 39,000) as well as available online at
Virtual Conference Rooms:
Five virtual conference rooms in Blue Earth, Adrian, Albert Lea, Rochester and Winona have been installed to more efficiently connect priests and parish staff across southern Minnesota for meetings, collaborations, and communal prayer – a way for them to grow Closer to Christ by connecting to one another while saving valuable time and travel expense.
– Facebook – Twitter – Vimeo
– Closed Caption
Witness Testimony: How beautiful to be a part of Ministry Days, Catechetical Day, and the Faith Formation/ Youth Ministry gatherings and be instantly drawn into the presence of Christ through the Eucharist, Adoration, and calling upon the Holy Spirit’s guidance. He instantly gathers us in to share glorious ways of teaching the faith... whether it is YDisciple, Virtues in Practice, or amazing resources on the Eucharist and the Consecrated Life. In so many ways, I feel these ministries beautifully complement each other as we educate and minister to the people at all levels. We need to truly touch them and these opportunities certainly enhance and enable me to do so as I continually build on my own relationship with Jesus Christ. By supporting the Catholic Ministries Appeal, you sustain our beautiful Catholic Church and all it stands for. We hold our priests and those studying in the highest regard, as they have been called by God with a true gift of serving and bringing us closer to our dear Jesus through the Holy Eucharist and Confession. Our religious sisters provide such beautiful prayer, nourishment, and tender care to all around them. And of course, there is our children ... we bring them up in the faith to have an intimate relationship with Jesus and live as He lived ...a disciple to others... an outward sign of God’s love. Don’t let them down. Always build our church up in love to honor God and grow Closer to Christ.
– Mary Brinkman, Faith Formation Director, Good Shepherd Catholic Church, Jackson
Please Give Generously The Catholic Ministries Appeal is one of the major efforts of the Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota in fulfilling its mission to financially support spiritual, educational and social needs of the Catholic community in southern Minnesota. The appeal is a primary source of funding for diocesan-led ministries that play a vital role in the mission of the Church. Your generosity from year to year is so greatly appreciated! You are making a difference in our Catholic community through faith-enriching ministries that take place throughout each year. Your gift makes a direct impact in supporting these ministries that are leading people Closer to Christ.
How does my gift serve others? Education and Youth 33%
$2,060,000 =
Evangelization and Mission Advancement 22%
Total Catholic Ministries Appeal Goal
Community Service 7% Parish Services & Outreach 23% Clergy Services 15%
What should I give?
How do I give?
A Gift of Prayer - pray for the Church, for our diocesan family and for all people who support or are supported by the CMA.
• Complete a gift/pledge card and return it in the enclosed envelope by mail or to your parish.
Time and Talent - volunteer in your parish, school, community and in diocesan ministries.
• Make a donation online at
A Sacrificial Gift - consider making a pledge or onetime financial gift. Please continue working toward your Stewardship Commitment of 10%; designating 5% to your parish, 1% to the diocese, and 4% of annual income to other charities.
Are Catholic Ministries Appeal funds used to pay legal fees or settlements from sexual abuse cases? Absolutely not! No CMA money has ever been used for victim settlements or legal costs related to clergy sex abuse cases. Gifts to the 2015 Appeal will be used solely to fund ministries detailed in the 2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal.
Q. Does my parish benefit from my donation? Each parish has an established Appeal goal and this year, 100% of every dollar exceeding the goal will be returned to the parish.
Q. Why does it cost so much to run the Catholic Ministries Appeal? It doesn’t. Only 5% of the dollars collected from the Appeal are used for its administration. 5% is at or below the standard cost (state-wide and nationally) of administering an appeal of this size.
Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota The Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota supports parishes, schools and ministries with the necessary resources to be vibrant centers of faith and service in southern Minnesota and to assist faithful Catholics in fulfilling their stewardship call. Since its beginning in 1991, the Foundation has faithfully managed and distributed contributions according to donors’ wishes in areas of greatest need. The Foundation stands as a Center for Catholic Philanthropy across southern Minnesota in service of Catholic Responsible Investing and sophisticated planned giving that celebrates our Catholic identity. Over the life of the Foundation, nearly $80 Million have been stewarded back into the southern Minnesota community made possible by the generosity of Catholics like you.
Q. What do you mean by “foundation”? Our foundation is a public charity established to serve Catholic charitable interests throughout southern Minnesota. Currently, the Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota stewards 70 different funds each in alignment with Catholic means and ends. Donors are able to designate which organizations will benefit through a restricted gift or may make an unrestricted gift in support of the overall mission of the Foundation. Since all funds are invested, the funds continue to grow so that over time more and more charitable causes will benefit from the donors’ gifts.
Q. Wow, I did not realize there are 70 funds within the Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota!
Tell me more about that. Yes, we currently steward 70 funds comprising over $24 Million in holdings. These funds benefit: • Parishes
• Seminarian Education
• Higher Education
• Clergy Formation
• Schools
• Foreign Mission
• Hispanic Education
• Cemeteries
• Catholic Education
• Faith Formation
• Individual Charitable Trusts and Annuities
For more information about the Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota, please visit our website,
PO Box 30098 | Winona, MN 55987 |