5 minute read
Camp Summit: 10 Years of Graces
Let no one have contempt for your youth, but set an example for those who believe, in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity.
- 1 Timothy 4:12.
Way back in 2012, a man had a vision to create an event that would give the middle school youth of our diocese an opportunity to encounter Jesus Christ through the truth, beauty, and goodness of our Church. He recruited the help of various priests and laypeople, and, after a year of prayer, discussion, and planning, Ben Frost was able to offer Camp Summit to the Diocese of Winona-Rochester. In 2013, Year 1 started with just over 50 people - 12 (a fitting number) high school leaders, around 30 campers, and a handful of adult volunteers. It was a small beginning, but seeds were planted.

For those of us on the leadership team that first year, it was so clear that the Holy Spirit was working. Each one of us brought something specific to the table, whether it be logistics, knowledge of the faith, or knowledge of how to work with high school students or with adults. This trend has continued throughout the years with countless others offering their time, talents, and prayers to help make Camp Summit what it is today. Thank you!

Although we began in 2013, due to the pandemic, this year marks the 10th anniversary of offering Camp Summit! In 2024, we had 400+ people involved over the two weeks - 97 high school students, 215 campers, and a huge number of chaperones and volunteers! Through the lives and witness of our young people, Jesus Christ is transforming southern Minnesota. How so? We could fill The Courier with stories of how he has worked in hearts at camp, but we only have room for a few:
Camp Summit holds such a special place in my heart. It is the place where my faith really started to become my own. It has changed my life forever. I feel at home with the people there who I had met only a week ago. It is the place where I have felt the most real genuine love. If I can be a part of that and help bring the love of Jesus to others then that is where I want to be.
- Molly Eversman, Fiat
Dream Team showed me how powerful prayer really is. And I met some truly amazing people. The connection I saw between the FIAT members and the campers was so inspiring. I couldn’t wait to become that leader for the campers. Camp Summit changed my spiritual life for the better. And improved my prayer habits significantly!
- Sydney Cusick, Fiat
We also now have a number of adult helpers who started way back as campers, went through the Dream and Fiat Teams, graduated from college, and are now here giving back:
Camp Summit had an immediate effect on my life because, as a camper, I was given the opportunity to seek Christ with kids my age, creating this beautiful community of friends. As I grew up, going through Dream Team and then Fiat, I had the opportunity to grow in my prayer life, then share that with the campers and ultimately, point them to Jesus. And now, as a member of the core team, it really sets in stone the reality and responsibility that adults have: to uphold the values of the Catholic Church, and make those known and apparent throughout the whole camp. This awareness further strengthens my everyday walk with Christ. Luke 17:2.
-Joe Knorr, Year 1 Camper, 2025 Core Team
Camp Summit has always been focused on 3 foundational pillars that are about creating an encounter, not just an event.
1. The name comes from the Eucharist, the source and summit of our faith. This is the center of everything. The week is immersed in opportunities for Mass, adoration, and confession.
2. It is discipleship at its core. High schoolers come having already been disciples of their parents, youth ministry and faith formation leaders, priests, etc. After a few days of training, they then help to disciple the campers. Following camp, they all go back to their own parishes, further growing our diocesan community.
3. Growth is the goal. The campers are challenged physically with activities, intellectually with talks and small groups, and spiritually with Bible study, adoration, and confession.
From the beginning, we gave it to the Lord in prayer and knew that good would come from it, but we never imagined the impact that it would have on ourselves, the students, or the diocese.
Camp Summit fulfills its mission. It gives people - and definitely not just the campers - an encounter with Jesus Christ and his Church, all wrapped in the mantle of Mary our Mother, strengthened by the prayers of St. Joseph. The past 10 years have been filled with blessings and grace. Keep us in your prayers as we push toward Year 20! Fiat Fiat - Amen amen!
Matthew Edens is a founding member, Core Team member, and Fiat coordinator for Camp Summit.