1 minute read
Called to an Encounter with Jesus
As I write this, I’m preparing to leave tomorrow for the National Council of Catholic Women Convention in Oklahoma City, OK, August 13-17. These conventions have been mountaintop experiences for me for encountering Jesus. Women from all corners of the US and even internationally with representation from other countries and WUCWO (World Union of Catholic Women Organizations) coming together to share faith, pray, learn, and have fun! Resolutions we will vote on include:
How and where have you encountered Jesus?
I hope you will choose to encounter Jesus at our Winona-Rochester Diocesan Convention “Joy in the Journey” at the Church of the Resurrection in Rochester on Saturday, October 12. This is the feast day of Blessed Carlo Acutis who will likely be proclaimed a Saint during the 2025 Jubilee. http://www.carloacutis.com
Trucks will be available for your donations to Rochester Medical Missions and Sacred Heart Haiti Missions. The day will include two in-depth speakers, breakfast, lunch and Mass. Reconciliation and Perpetual Adoration will be available. A purse auction and door prizes are part of the fun. Questions? I can be reached at 507-381-2842 or shellyholttotalwellness@gmail.com.
Shelly Holt is the president of the Winona-Rochester Diocesan Council of Catholic Women.