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“Giuseppe Gherardeschi” Organ Academy piazza Spirito Santo 8, 51100 Pistoia, Italy info@accademiagherardeschi.Sinfo

Willem Hermans 1664

Pistoia Organ Week

Glauco Ghilardi 2007

Onofrio Zeffirini 1553 Pieve Santo Stefano (Lucca)

(3rd year)

from Friday 18 to Thursday 24 July 2014 Sponsored by the City of Pistoia Co-sponsored by the Town of Shirakawa

S. Ignazio church, Pistoia

This program is especially configured for the participants in the Shirakawa Italian Organ Academy, but open also to other Japanese organists, for a better understanding of the Italian literature through performance on original Tuscan historic organs.

Michelangelo Crudeli 1762, Collodi (Pescia, Pistoia)

Main features of the course

Cacioli-Tronci 1745 San Filippo, Pistoia

A. Performance of pieces prepared by the participants: Every participant can prepare a maximum of three pieces, either from the Italian organ repertoire or strongly influenced by the Italian style. Prof. Kanazawa will collect the lists of the prepared pieces by the end of June 2014. The Academy will propose also some pieces for two organs. B. Excursions: Monday July 21. Morning: Lucca (Ravani 1660 in the S. Micheletto church); visit to the work­shop of the organbuilder Glauco Ghilardi; afternoon: Collodi (Michelangelo Crudeli 1762) Tuesday July 22. Afternoon: Bargi (Agati 1789). Wednesday July 23. Morning: S. Marcello (Agati 1782), Popiglio (Testa 1665 - Agati 1823); afternoon: Cutigliano (Ravani 1626 - AgatiTronci ca. 1890)

Luigi & Benedetto Tronci 1793 Cathedral, Pistoia

Tronci 1840 - Ghilardi 2008 Carmine church, Pistoia

Ravani 1660, San Micheletto, Lucca

C. Concerts of the participants: Collodi (Crudeli 1762), Bargi (Agati 1789), Cutigliano (Ravani 1626 - Agati-Tronci ca. 1890) and Pistoia (Hermans 1664 and Ghilardi 2007). Instructors: Umberto Pineschi, Andrea Vannucchi, Masakata Kanazawa. Coordinators: Masakata Kanazawa, Kumiko Konishi. Participation The participants will be accepted in order of date of application. Membership fee: € 180 (excursions included). Lodging On request, this Academy will inform the participants on the most convenient accommodations available in Pistoia

Agati 1789, Bargi (Bologna)

Giosuè Agati 1782 San Marcello (Pistoia)

G. Testa1665 - G. Agati 1823 Popiglio (Pistoia)

Application Form

To be sent not later than 30 June 2014 to: Prof. Masakata Kanazawa 2-2-7 Nishikata, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo, 113-0024 The undersigned ___________________________________________ place of birth _________________, date of birth __________________ e-mail ___________________________________________________ Telephone _______________ cell _____________________________ applies to the organ course of July 18-24, 2014. 1 Please inform me about the most convenient accommodations. Date____________ Signature_________________________________

Ravani 1626 -Agati-Tronci ca. 1890, Cutigliano (Pistoia)

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