“Giuseppe Gherardeschi” Organ Academy piazza Spirito Santo 8, 51100 Pistoia, Italy info@accademiagherardeschi.info
A week of full immersion in the Tuscan organs from Monday 16 to Sunday 22 July 2012
Willem Hermans 1664 S. Ignazio, Pistoia
Cacioli-Tronci 1745 San Filippo, Pistoia
This program is especially planned for the participants of the Mino Shirakawa Academy of Italian Organ Music - open also to other Japanese organists -, for a better understanding of the organ pieces that they have studied, by performing them on 8 original different Tuscan historic organs. Features of the course: 1. Performance and discussion of Italian organ literature. Four historic organs in Pistoia (S. Ignazio, S. Filippo, Cathedral and Carmine, see pictures on the left) will be used for that. 2. Performance and discussion of J.S. Bach’s concertos. A new organ built in Northern German style (S. Ignazio) will be used for that. 3. Performance of pieces for two organs in the church of S. Ignazio, Pistoia (see the picture above). 4. On Sunday 22 July, as a conclusion of the course, a Mass will be celebrated in the Tridentine rite in the church of S. Ignazio, with Gregorian chant alternated with Gherardeschi’s “Messa in Elafà” and pieces for two organs, performed by the participants. 5. All the mentioned organs, plus two recent 2 manual organs (tracker action), a harpsichord and a clavichord, placed in the church house of S. Ignazio, will be widely available for practice.
Onofrio Zeffirini 1553 Pieve Santo Stefano (Lucca)
G. Testa1665 - G. Agati 1823 Popiglio (Pistoia)
Instructors: Umberto Pineschi, Andrea Vannucchi, Masakata Kanazawa.
Luigi & Benedetto Tronci 1793, Cathedral, Pistoia
Two excursions, with masterclasses: 1. Zeffirini organ 1553 of Pieve Santo Stefano (see picture on the right), near Lucca (Eliseo Sandretti will be the guide; possible visit also to the workshop of the organbuilder Glauco Ghilardi); 2. three organs in the Pistoiese Mountains (Popiglio 1665-1823, Cutigliano 1623-ca. 1890, San Marcello 1782, see pictures on the right).
Ravani 1626 -Agati-Tronci ca. 1890, Cutigliano (Pistoia)
Participation: There will be a limit on the number of participants (minimum 10 required).They will be accepted in order of date of application. Deadline for application: 31 March 2012. Fee: Euro 150 (excursions included).
Tronci 1840 - Ghilardi 2008 Carmine church, Pistoia
Lodging: Bed&Breakfast is the best solution, starting from Euro 30 per day. Internet information: www.bed-and-breakfast.it. Select a region: Tuscany. Select a city: Pistoia. Go to Pistoia city, ALL B&Bs OF PISTOIA. Be sure that the B&B you choose is in Pistoia (PT) area centro.
Application Form
Giosuè Agati 1782 San Marcello (Pistoia)
The undersigned _____________________________________________________________________________ place of birth ___________________________________, date of birth __________________________________ mailing address____________________________________ e-mail _____________________________________ telephone ___________________________ mobile __________________________________________________ applies to the organ course of July 16-22, 2012, organized by the “Giuseppe Gherardeschi” Organ Academy of Pistoia. Prepared pieces ______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Date___________________________________ Signature____________________________________________