Digital Implant No.1
UFⅡNarrow / UF ∙ External ∙ SM / IFI / PSI / NarrowFix
Contents ·Dr. SOS+ Kit ·Dr. SOS+ Tools ·Dr. SOS+ Kit - Type1. UFⅡNarrow / UF - Type1. External - Type1. SM / IFI / NarrowFix
·Surgical Tool Mainteance Process
Immediate Action For Emergency +
Dr. SOS Kit
Dr.SOS+ Kit will safely and quickly solve your problems such as screw fracture, abrasion on the connection area, and wedged debris due to excessive torque during implant placement.
Type1 UFâ…ĄNarrow / UF Order Code : DRS 02
Type2 External Order Code : DRS 03
Type3 SM / IFI / NarrowFix Order Code : DRS 04
Fr 역
Dr. SOS+ Product Catalog M1.4/M1.6 RB 32
RB 34
Hold Hold 와 와 Guide Guide 를 를 결합한 결합한 상태에서 상태에서 Fixture Fixture 내부에 내부에 체결한다. 체결한다.
RB 32
RB 34
Hold Hold 의 의 손잡이를 손잡이를 잡고 Hold 와잡고 Guide 를 결합한 Remove Remove Bar Bar 로 로 Guide GuideFixture 에 에 상태에서 내부에 삽입 삽입 하여 하여 역회전 역회전 시킨다. 시킨다. 체결한다. *50~60RPM. *50~60RPM.
M1.4/M1.6 M1.4/M1.6 M2.0/M2.5 M2.0/M2.5
Reverse Cutting Drill Reverse Cutting Drill
Hold 의 손잡이를 잡고 Remove Bar 로 Guide 에 삽입 하여 역회전 시킨다. *50~60RPM.
Hold 의 잡고 손잡이를 잡고 Hold 와 Guide Hold를와 결합한 Guide 를 결합한 Hold 의 손잡이를 로 GuideBar 에로 Guide 에 상태에서 Fixture 상태에서 내부에 Fixture 내부에 Remove BarRemove 삽입 하여 역회전 삽입 하여 시킨다. 역회전 시킨다. 체결한다. 체결한다. *50~60RPM. *50~60RPM.
RB 32 RB RB 32 34 RB 34
Fracture된 Screw 잔재에 역방향으로 Fracture된 Hole을 Screw 잔재에 역방향으로 Hole을 형성 하면서 제거하는 Drill 형성 하면서 제거하는 Drill 본 제품은 Dr. SOS의 개선 품개선 으로품치과용 임플란트 시술 시시술 보철 본 제품은 Dr. SOS의 으로 치과용 임플란트 시 보철 *UF(II)Narrow(0.8mm 역방향 Drill), *UF(II)Narrow(0.8mm UF(1.2mm 역방향 drill) Drill),과정에서 UF(1.2mm 과도한역방향 Torquedrill) 등 으로등인해 Fracture 되거나 되거나 Removing fractured abutment screw 역방향 과정에서 과도한 Torque 으로제품이 인해 제품이 Fracture Reverse Reverse Cutting Cutting Drill Drill 연결부분의 마모 및마모 임플란트 시술 후시술 장기후적으로 발생 될발생 수 있는 연결부분의 및 임플란트 장기 적으로 될 수 있는 M2.0/M2.5 M2.0/M2.5
Fracture된 Fracture된 Screw 문제점 잔재에 Screw 잔재에 역방향으로 들로 역방향으로 인해Hole을 필히Hole을 제거 해야 되는 상황이 발생시 신속하고 형성 하면서 형성 하면서 제거하는 제거하는 Drill 문제점 Drill 들로 인해 필히 제거 해야 되는 상황이 발생시 신속하고 M2.0/M2.5 안전하게 제거를 하기 위한 기구들이다. 안전하게 제거를 하기목적의 위한 *UF(II)Narrow(0.8mm *UF(II)Narrow(0.8mm 역방향 역방향 Drill), UF(1.2mm Drill), UF(1.2mm 역방향 역방향 drill) 목적의 drill) 기구들이다. M1.4 / 1.6 M2.0 / 2.5
Reverse Cutting Drill
M2.0/M2.5 M2.0/M2.5
Guide M2.0/M2.5
After inserting the end blade of the cutting drill in the fractured screw remains, remove the remains in a reverse rotation by friction.
When it is difficult to remove with a Hold reverse Hold Hold 의 의 손잡이를 손잡이를 잡고 잡고 Hold 와 와 Guide Guide 를 를 결합한 결합한 Hold 와 Guide 를 결합한 M1.4/M1.6 M1.4/M1.6 M2.0/M2.5 Cutting Cutting Drill Drill M2.0/M2.5 을 을 Guide Guide 에 에 상태에서 상태에서by Fixture Fixture 내부에 내부에 상태에서 Fixture 내부에 cutting drill, remove the screw remains Ⅱ UFⅡ Narrow Regular/Wide 삽입 삽입 한 한 후, 후, Cutting CuttingUF Drill Drill 체결한다. 체결한다. 체결한다. M1.4/M1.6 M2.0/M2.5 M1.4/M1.6 M2.0/M2.5 을 을 역회전 역회전 시켜 시켜 Screw Screw RCD 32 RCD RCD 32 34RCD 34 inserting a 1.2 hex removing driver on the hole External narrow External Regular/Wide 잔재에 잔재에 Hole Hole 을 을 형성하면서 형성하면서 제거한다. 제거한다.Non-Submerged formed on the screw remains and drilling in a RCD 32 RCD 34 RCD 32 RCD 34 이때 이때 1,200rpm 1,200rpm정도로 정도로 Drilling Drilling 하며, 하며, 절삭에 절삭에 reverse rotation. 의한 의한 열이 열이 발생하므로 발생하므로
Hold 의 손잡이를 Hold잡고 의 손잡이를 잡고 Hold 와 GuideHold 를 결합한 와 Guide 를 결합한 Cutting Drill잡고 을Cutting Guide Drill 에 을 Guide 에 상태에서 Fixture 상태에서 내부에 Fixture 의 내부에 Hold 손잡이를 삽입 한 후, Cutting 삽입 한 Drill후, Cutting Drill 체결한다. 체결한다. Cutting Drill을 을 Guide 에 역회전 시켜을Screw 역회전 시켜 Screw HoleDrill 을잔재에 Hole 을 삽입 한 후,잔재에 Cutting 형성하면서 제거한다. 형성하면서 제거한다. 을 역회전 시켜 Screw 이때 1,200rpm 이때 정도로 1,200rpm 정도로 잔재에 HoleDrilling 을 하며, Drilling 절삭에 하며, 절삭에 열이 발생하므로 의한 열이 발생하므로 형성하면서의한 제거한다. 충분한 주수를 충분한 해주어야 주수를 해주어야 이때 1,200rpm 정도로 한다. 한다.
※Drill Speed : 1,200RPM / Reverse Rotation ※Need for precipitation due to heat prevention. Drilling
하며, 절삭에
열이 발생하므로 *Screw *Screw 잔재가 잔재가 딸려 나오지 딸려 나오지 않을 경우 않을 경우의한 충분한 충분한 주수를 주수를 해주어야 해주어야 충분한 주수를 해주어야 한다. 한다. 한다. 1.2 Hex 1.2 Removing Hex Removing Driver 를 Driver 역회전 를 역회전 시켜 시켜 잔재물 잔재물 제거 가능 제거 가능
*Screw 잔재가 딸려 나오지 않을 *Screw 경우잔재가 딸려 나오지 않을 경우 1.2 Hex Removing Driver 를 1.2 역회전 Hex시켜 Removing Driver 를 역회전 시켜 M1.4 / 1.6 M2.0 / 2.5 잔재물 제거 가능 잔재물 제거 가능 M1.4/M1.6 M2.0/M2.5 M2.0/M2.5 RB32 M1.4/M1.6 RB34 버, 컷팅드릴 버, 컷팅드릴 공통사항 공통사항 표 표
Remove Bar
M1.4/M1.6 M2.0/M2.5 M1.4/M1.6 M2.0/M2.5 By attaching the end blade of the bar to the cross section of the screw remains,표remove버, 컷팅드릴 공통사항 표 버,fractured 컷팅드릴 공통사항 the remains in a reverse rotation by friction.
Internal Internal GuideGuide (Square (Square headhead type)type)
식립된 식립된 Fixture에 Fixture에 RemoveRemove Bar/ Cutting Bar/ Cutting Drill의 Guide Drill의 역할 Guide 역할 ※Drill Speed : 50~60RPM / Reverse Rotation UFⅡNarrow UFⅡM2.0/M2.5 Regular/Wide M1.4/M1.6 M2.0/M2.5 M1.4/M1.6 Hold 의 손잡이를 잡고 와 Guide 를 결합한 External narrow External Regular/WideHold Hold 의 손잡이를 잡고 Hold내부에 와 Guide 를 결합한Remove Bar 로 Guide 에 상태에서UF/UF(II) Fixture RB Narrow 32 Non-Sub. 8˚ 8˚ UF(II) UF(II) Narrow UF/UF(II) 11˚ 11˚ Remove BarNon-Sub. 로 Guide 에 상태에서 Fixture 내부에 삽입 하여 역회전 RBRB 3234Non-Submerged RB 34 시킨다. 체결한다. 체결한다. *50~60RPM.삽입 하여 역회전 시킨다. *50~60RPM.
Internal Guide (Square Internal headGuide type) (Square head type)
g Driver
Reverse Cutting Drill 식립된Guide Fixture에 Remove Bar/ 식립된 Cutting Fixture에 Drill의 Guide Remove 역할 Bar/ Cutting Drill의 Guide Reverse Cutting Drill역할 Square Head Type
Fracture된 Screw 잔재에 Hole을 Hole을 Fracture된 Screw 역방향으로 잔재에 역방향으로
형성 하면서 Drill 형성 제거하는 하면서 제거하는 Drill This guides the remove bar/reverse cutting drill exactly into the fixture. 역방향Hex Drill), UF(1.2mm 역방향 drill) Octa *UF(II)Narrow(0.8mm 역방향 Drill), UF(1.2mm drill) Octa Hex Hex Non-Sub. 8˚ Non-Sub. 8˚ UF(II) Narrow UF(II) UF/UF(II) Narrow11˚ Hex *UF(II)Narrow(0.8mm UF/UF(II) 11˚ Non-Octa Non-Octa Non-Hex Non-Hex Non-Hex Non-Hex 역방향
Internal UFⅡNarrow
UF /UFⅡ11˚
INT 11H INT 11H INTM2.0/M2.5 11N INT 11N
INT 8Octa INT 8Octa INT 8N INT 8N External
Non-Sub. 8˚ M2.0/M2.5
External Guide
Order Code : EXT24 · EXT27 · EXT34
Hold 의 손잡이를 잡고 Hold 와 Guide 를 결합한 와 Guide 를 결합한 Cutting Drill 을 Hold Guide의에손잡이를 잡고 상태에서 FixtureHold 내부에
Non-Hex Hex Hex Non-Hex NINT 11H NINT 11N
Hex HexHex INT 11H
Cutting 상태에서 Fixture 내부에 삽입 한 후, Cutting Drill Drill 을 Guide 에 체결한다. M1.4/M1.6 M2.0/M2.5 삽입 한 후, Cutting Drill 체결한다. 을 역회전 시켜 Screw M1.4/M1.6 Non-Hex Octa Non-Octa Hex2.4 Hex2.7Non-Octa Hex3.4 OctaM2.0/M2.5 Hex 잔재에 Octa Hole 을 을 역회전 시켜 Screw Non-Octa Non-Hex Non-Hex Non-Hex 잔재에 Hole 을 형성하면서 제거한다. INT 11N INTRCD 8Octa INT 8N EXT24 EXT27 EXT34 제거한다. RCD 32RCD 34 이때 1,200rpm형성하면서 정도로 32 RCD 34 이때 1,200rpm 정도로 Drilling 하며, 절삭에
*Screw *Screw 잔재가 딸려 나오지 경우 잔재가 딸려 않을 나오지 않을 경우 1.2 Hex1.2 Removing Driver 를Driver 역회전 Hex Removing 를 시켜 역회전 시켜 잔재물 제거 가능 잔재물 제거 가능
Drilling 하며, 절삭에 의한 열이 발생하므로 의한 열이 발생하므로 충분한 주수를 해주어야 충분한 주수를 해주어야 한다. 한다.
INT 8Octa
Restoration of deformed connection area
UFⅡNarrow Ext. Narrow
UFⅡ Ext. Regular
Ext. Wide
M1.4 M1.6 SGT 1418A SGT 1618A
M2.0 SGT 2018A
M2.5 SGT 2518A
Screw Guide Tap This restores the screw thread when it is difficult to connect the screw due to screw deformation by jammed debris between the connection, or thread abrasion.
Use a square handle by turning it by hand. Do not use a square wrench.
1.2 Hex Removing Driver Remove the abutment/screw with a reverse rotation friction when it is difficult to use the 1.2 hex driver due to screw deformation by jammed debris in the 1.2 hex connection area, or thread abrasion.
Push and turn enough force in a reverse rotation so that the removing driver doesn’t spin with no traction. Option
Short HR 12S
Long HR 12L
Slot Driver
Change the connection to 1.2 hex slot shape after it has lost its function. UFⅡNarrow External / NarrowFix
Implant Removal
Fixture Removing Driver When removing the fixture in the oral cavity, remove it in a reverse rotation by friction after attaching the fixture removing driver in the fixture.
Spin counterclockwise after attaching a fixture removing driver to the conical joint in the fixture. Insert the removing drivr after removing gingival surrounding cortical bone.
Short NFRD 11S
Long NFRD 11L
Short FRD 11S
Long FRD 11L
Short FRD 8S
Long FRD 8L
Dr. SOS+ Product Catalog
UFⅡNarrow / UF
Order Code : DRS 02
Reverse Cutting Drill Reverse Cutting Drill Order Code : RCD32 · RCD34 Order Code : RCD32 · RCD34
1.2Hex Removing Driver 1.2Hex Removing Driver Internal Guide
Internal Guide
INT11H · INT11N INT80octa · INT80octa
INT11H · INT11N INT80octa · INT80octa
Remove Bar
Order Code : RB32 · RB34
Order Code : NINT11H · NINT11N Order Code : NINT11H · NINT11N
Remove Bar
Order Code : HR12S · HR12L Order Code : HR12S · HR12L
Order Code : RB32 · RB34
Square Handle
Square Handle
Order Code : SHH11
Order Code : SHH11
Fixture Removing Driver Fixture Removing Driver Order Code : NFRD11S · NFRD11L Order Code : NFRD11S · NFRD11L
Screw Guide Tap Screw Guide Tap
Order Code : SGT1418A · SGT2018A Order Code : SGT1418A · SGT2018A
case 050 : Square Wrench DSW 050 *Bottom case : Square Wrench *BottomDSW
Option Slot Driver
Option Slot Driver
Order Code : HD0610A · HD0615A Order Code : HD0610A · HD0615A
Order Code : DRS 03
Reverse Cutting Drill Reverse Cutting Drill Order Code : RCD32 · RCD34 Order Code : RCD32 · RCD34
1.2Hex Removing Driver 1.2Hex Removing Driver Order Code : HR12S · HR12L Order Code : HR12S · HR12L
Remove Bar External Guide
External Guide
Order Code : RB32 · RB34
Remove Bar
Order Code : RB32 · RB34
Internal Guide
Order Code : INT5.7S · INT5.7LOrder
Order Code : EXT24 · EXT27 · EXT34 Order Code : EXT24 · EXT27 · EXT34
Square Handle
Square Handle
Order Code : SHH11
Order Code : SHH11
Fixture Removing Driver Fixture Removing Driver Order Code : NFRD11S · NFRD11L Order Code : NFRD11S · NFRD11L
case 050 : Square Wrench DSW 050 *Bottom case : Square Wrench *BottomDSW
*Bottom case : Square
Dr. SOS+ Product Catalog
SM / IFI / PSI / NarrowFix
Order Code : DRS 04
Reverse Cutting Drill Order Code : RCD36 * Option : NarrowFix
1.2Hex Removing Driver
Internal Guide
Order Code : HR12S · HR12L
Order Code : INT5.7S · INT5.7L
Remove Bar
Order Code : IRBS · IRBL
* Option : ITI Guide
Square Handle Order Code : SA8075
Screw Guide Tap
Order Code : SGT1820A · SGT2020A
*Bottom case : Square Wrench DSW 050
Fixture Removing Driver
Order Code : NFRD11S · NFRD11L · FRD8S · FRD8L
General Principles of surgical tool management 1 / Because all surgical tools are provided in a non-sterile condition, they must be cleansed and sterilized before use. Caution Wrong cleansing and sterilizing process causes corrosion and damage to the tools and if used directly, it may be the cause of 2nd infection.
2 The recommended number of use of a drill is 20~30 times based on the bone status, and it must be replaced if the blade has been damaged or transformed. /
1 Sterilization 1 / Must only use antiseptic solution that is FDA and CE approved, and you must follow the manufacturer’s directions 2 / When cleansing metal instruments, corrosion free antiseptic solution and cleansing product use is recommended. 3 / For safety, one must always wear personal protection gear such as gloves, glasses, and masks. 4 / The user has an obligation to be responsible for the sterilization and management of the instrument.
If damaged drill is used, Heat Necrosis may occur
3 / When managing the surgical tool, one must wear a mask and a glove to prevent infection.
Before sterilization 1 To prevent contaminants such as blood, tissue cell or bone residue from attaching to the surface of the instruments, the instruments must be immersed in an antiseptic solution right after use. /
2/ When using antiseptic solution, to prevent corrosion or bronzing, one must follow directions given by the manufacturer of the concentration of the antiseptic and the duration of the instrument immersion in the antiseptic.
5 / Restriction and limitation of the instrument reuse: · With repetition of cleansing, the life expectancy of all instruments will decrease. If the instruments show corrosion, transformation or discoloring of the marking area, it means that they have exceeded the safety criteria that is required for use. ·Product with a disposable mark cannot be reused. ·Tungsten carbide burs, plastic composition and NiTi instruments can be damaged with hydrogen peroxide, and aluminum material instruments can be damaged by caustic soda solution. ·Acid solution (pH < 6) and alkaline solution (pH > 8) must not be used.
Check Concentration : Completely liquefy the concentrate before placing the instruments in the antiseptic solution. Immersion Duration : The instruments must not be immersed more than a day
3/ The instruments must be fully immersed in the antiseptic solution. 4/ For a decrease in sterilizing power and to prevent corrosion, the antiseptic solution must be replaced every day.
Caution After use, if the contaminants such as residual bone or blood stain are not completely removed, it may lead to corrosion; therefore all separable instruments must all be disassembled before the cleansing process.
Before rinse To prevent protein from clotting in 45 degrees temperature Celsius, the instruments must be rinsed in running cold water.
1 / Contaminants must be completely removed using a soft brush.
Caution Cleanse the instruments right after preliminary rinse
However, do not cleanse the different materials together. Also, when immersing the instruments in the ultrasonic cleaner, make sure that the instruments do not touch each other.
3 / Make sure that debris is not seen with the naked eye.
Surgical Tool Mainteance Process Storage Pack
Do not use a wire brush or stainless material brush, and do not put too much pressure.
2 / Immerse the products in the antiseptic solution of their characteristics and clean with an ultrasonic cleaner.
2 Cleanse / Dry
· Products that are fractured or transformed must be discarded. · One should follow the recommendations for the level of concentration or the length of time provided by the manufacturer. · The antiseptic solution must not include aldehyde, di- or tri-ethanolamines component to control the corrosion.
Dr. SOS+ Product Catalog
4 / After cleaning, the products must be rinsed with distilled water or deionized water for at least a minute. If the antiseptic solution contains corrosion inhibitor, rinsing before placing in the sterilizer is recommended.
5 / To prevent corrosion or water stain on the instruments, completely dry with a dryer or filtered compressed air 6 / To prevent corrosion, decrease in sterilizing power, and contamination, antiseptic must be supplemented every day.
Caution If the instruments are not properly rinsed, residue is left behind, or is not properly dried, the sterilization process might discolor or corrode the instruments, and therefore the whole process must be gone through again.
4 Pasteurization 1 / Pasteurization process must follow the sterilizer equipment manufacturer. ※4~ 18 minutes in 134’C for autoclave sterilization, 2/ Instruments and plastic components must be sterilized based on their packaging label. ·Sterilizer must coincide with the requirements of EN 13060 and EN285. ·Sterilization process must regard the ISO 11607. ·One must follow the sterilization process and maintenance process of the sterilizer provided by the manufacturer. ·Efficiency management (Proper packaging, no humidity, change in color of the sterilization dashboard)
Caution · The products must not touch the inner part of the sterilization equipment, and the sterilization degree must be lower than 150℃ · The products that were not properly cleansed or dried may generate corrosion. If they were not cleansed, not properly dried or corroded, separate them from the rest or remove the faults. (Do not sterilize the corroded instruments with the noncorroded products together) · For sterilization, use only salt-free water or distilled water for the solution. (Do not use tap water) · Check if the instruments are fully dried, and do not leave them in a place with high moisture.
Caution Corrosion may start if debris such as blood stain or bone residue is not completely removed. They must be cleansed right after use and the debris must be completely removed when cleaning.
Check Check on the instruments for faults (fracture, transformation, or corrosion). If necessary, assemble the instruments. Contaminated instruments must be cleansed or disinfected. Transformations that may affect the safety, performance or tolerance of the instruments; in other words; bent, damaged (fractured, corroded), or faulty products (discoloration of marking area, Loss) must be destroyed.
3 Packaging 1 / Check on the dry status of the instruments and pack in the sterilized wrapping paper. 2/ On the sterilized wrapping paper, attach a direction tape to check the date of sterilization. Check on the expiration date on the sterilized wrapping paper. Wrapping paper must be able to withstand up to 141 degrees that coincides with the EN ISO 11607.
5 Storage Instruments must be stored in a sterilized container in a dry and clean environment. If the packaging is opened or damaged, we cannot guarantee the instruments’ sterilization status.
Digital Navigation Implant
September, 2014 DIO IMPLANT R&D Center Editing DIO IMPLANT Marketing Headquarters
66, Centumseo-ro, Haeundae-gu, Busan, 612-020, Korea Tel.+82-51-745-7777 Fax.+82-51-745-7778