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Signs someone is open to hear ‘good news’
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5. Major life events or crises such as illness, death, the birth of a baby, graduations, a job loss or transfer, moving to a new home, separation and divorce, financial difficulties, tension, and other stress-related situations can trigger a desire to find a closer connection to God or the Church.
6. Experiencing the presence of God during a Mass, a funeral, or the celebration of a sacrament can stir feelings.
7. Noticing your faith, love, and deep sense of inner peace can capture the attention of people who are searching for God. Don’t be surprised if people begin to ask about your spiritual life. At that point, you’ll know that you are truly an evangelizer and the Holy Spirit is working through you.
A challenge for today
The word “evangelization” comes from the Greek word euaggelizomai, which means “to announce good news” or “proclaim glad tidings.” The early Christians used the word when they spread the news about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Throughout the history of the Church, evangelization has played a key role in converting people to Christ. Some of the greatest saints sacrificed their lives to spread the Good News of Jesus.
Today, evangelization is becoming an increasingly important part of Catholic life following the direction of Pope St. John Paul II, whose call for a “New Evangelization” captured the minds, hearts and imaginations of Catholics all over the world.
For further reading:
St. Paul VI. “On Evangelization in the Modern World” (Evangelii Nuntiandi)
St. John Paul II. “Go into All the World” (Euntes in Mundum)
St. John Paul II. “On the Permanent Validity of the Church’s Missionary Mandate (Redemptoris Missio)
Hahn, Scott. Evangelizing Catholics: A Mission Manual for the New Evangelization (Our Sunday Visitor, 2014).
Madrid, Patrick. Answer Me This! (Our Sunday Visitor, 2003)
Martin, Ralph. The Urgency of the New Evangelization: Answering the Call (Our Sunday Visitor, 2013).
Welborn, Amy. Prove It! God, Revised Edition (Our Sunday Visitor, 2010)
Duquin, Lorene Hanley. When a Loved One Leaves the Church (Our Sunday Visitor, 2001) your presence and ministry with us.
Lorene Hanley Duquin is the author of Catholic books, pamphlets, and articles on a variety of evangelization and ministry topics. She has conducted workshops in parishes and at diocesan conferences in the United States and Canada.
Hearty congratulations to you dear Sister Marie Therese Sherwood OSF on the 60th anniversary of your religious life.
February 14, 2023
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Congratulations to the following Sisters of Mercy who are celebrating their jubilees this year in the Diocese of Metuchen:
Sister Mary Pauline Kuntne, RSM 75 years
Sister Rose Mary Malague, RSM 75 years
Sister Petrina Peters, RSM 75 years
Sister Mary McAuley Ronan, RSM 75 years
Sister Mary Philomena Gini, RSM 70 years
Sister Mary Amadeo Morganti, RSM 70 years
Sister Helen Neder, RSM 70 years
Sister Michael Mary Roberts, RSM 70 years
Sister Mildred Rossiter, RSM 70 years
Sister Rosemary Hudak, RSM 60 years
Sister Mary Jo Kearns, RSM 60 years
Sister Margaret Ann Noone, RSM 60 years
Sister Hortensia Diaz, RSM 25 years
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