Newsletter from the Church that Gives & Shares, Loves & Cares Volume 38 Issue 8
August 2013
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church (Giving - Sharing - Loving - Caring)
Mission Statement: Transforming lives and empowering people through Christ’s love.
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Building Expansion Update!
See page 2 for details !
Two family & fellowship opportunities ! Friday, Aug ust 2nd Family Socia l Night starting at 6:30 pm AN D Friday, Augu st 9 th 51s vs. Oklah oma City RedHawks See pa
ge 10 for more information on both great even ts
2013/2014 FALL LEAVES!!! We are entering our ninth year working with local elementary schools supplying backpacks filled with school supplies to needy children in the Las Vegas Valley. We are buying backpacks and school supplies to be distributed to those children who can’t afford supplies. Our goal is to supply a minimum of 200 backpacks this year. HERE’S HOW YOU CAN HELP! The need is great and keeps getting bigger every year. If you would like to contribute to this ministry and help to defray our costs, put a check or cash in one of the pew envelopes and place it the offering plate. Please mark the envelope ‘Fall Leaves’ You can also go to our website to give at /GIVE/Fall Leaves Backpack Ministry. Or, you can donate a backpack filled with supplies. See page 10 for supply information
Inside this Issue Worship Hours ............................................. pg. 2 Faith in Action, Prayers...…………………….pg. 3 Weekly/Monthly Activity ............................... pg. 3 Calendar…….……………..…… ................... pg. 4 A word from the Pastor ................................ pg. 5 Sponsors………………………...…….. ......... pg. 6 Funny Bone, Birthdays & Anniversaries…. ... pg. 7 Youth & Family Ministries………………..... . pg. 8 Fellowship & Service Opportunities ............. pg. 9-10 Bits & Pieces ................................................ pg. 11 Small Groups ............................................... pg.12
Building Expansion Update
WORSHIP HOURS Saturday Worship 6:00pm Sunday Worship 8:00; 9:35 & 11:00am Sunday School 9:35am & 11:00am Nursery care at all Sunday services Office Hours Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm 873-3589 - FAX 873-8437 Web Page: Church Staff Pastor Don Lorfing, Senior Pastor Pastor Collette Paul, Associate Pastor Contemporary Music & Choir Directors Chris & Michelle Childers Office & Finance Administrator Paula Perez Pre-School Administrator Miriam Dake Organist Dan Sheeran Children’s Choir Director Lori Hansen Children’s Ministry Coordinator Nita Borchardt Nursery Coordinator Samantha Jewell
We give thanks to God that he has guided us along so far in this process of getting our new school building built. And even though our progress continues to move along well, continue to keep the school expansion project in your prayers. To date, the news looks favorable as we finish up with the Civil Engineering submittals and move forward with the approval of our construction documents. If we decide to expedite the process, and our plans continue to work their way through the county without issues, we could be breaking ground as early as late August or September. With the wonderful ministry and education provided to so many children and their families by our school, the expansion will allow God to continue to work through us and our New Hope Christian Academy staff and teachers even more. Bringing kids into a closer relationship with Jesus, while providing them a wonderful private school education. Below are some of the architectural renderings as they are currently submitted. Take note of the newly added architectural overview of our entry area expansion; it will add a comfortable and beautiful covered space just off our current church entry where we can gather for fellowship, coffee, and conversation.
2013 Church Council Carl Bates - President Dan Reese - Vice President Catherine Daruwalla - Secretary Joe Killoran - Treasurer Rick Byrnes Lisa Carson Paul Eckhart Tara Hanna Rudy Johnson Christy Wollin Barry Tschopp
Weekly or Monthly Activities
Faith in Action Men’s breakfast, will be taking time off during the summer, resuming in the fall. Watch the upcoming Newsletters for dates. Card Ministry Group every Wednesday at 10am-we play ’Hand & Foot’ and everyone is invited to join us! We meet in the youth room.
Did you Know?.... ⇒ Good Samaritan sent over 30 people on Mission Trips this past summer ⇒ We have 22 teens an 11 adults helping to run our VBS program this summer
Bible study on Sundays at 9:35am in room #2 of the education building . Choir practice King’s Kids will be taking the summer off. Adult Choir will be taking the summer off. If you have questions regarding joining a choir please contact Michelle Childers Bunko Night the first Thursday of each month at 6:30pm in the youth room. Everyone is invited. Layette Ministry 10am on the second Saturday of every other month - Sept & Nov.
Council meetings are open to the congregation st’ s Au gu i l c Coun g in t e e M is uled sch ed , on day for M t 12 th s Augu
If you are a member of Good Samaritan and have any questions or concerns you would like on the agenda, please contact the church office a week prior to the meeting. If you would just like to sit in on a council meeting, they are on the second Monday of each month at 6:00pm.
The sponsors appearing in this newsletter help us to defray the cost of printing our newsletter. P l ea s e g i v e t h e m y o u r consideration when possible.
On behalf of Blanche Glaeser thank you for all of the prayers, cards, phone calls and visits during her recent convalescence. She is grateful to all of you.
Prayer Requests-please keep the following people in your Prayers: God’s Peace, Strength & Love to: Robert G- health; Tom A. - health; Brian C. - health; Birsen G. - cancer Robert - strength & wisdom; Charlie cancer; Jim K. - healing; Don K. healing; Nicole G. - pregnancy; Ed Gandy & family and Maley families mourning the death of Dee Ann; Joe E. W. - cancer Tina S. - cancer; Randy & Grandma Thelma - foreclosure; Terri D. cancer Christine - chemotherapy; Four Horsemen - death of member; Joan pregnancy; Dorothy - health; Brian R. job; Keith B.; Joyce & Duane B.; Norm B.; Judy B.; Chad B.; Noah; Amy; Diane P.; Jessica; Aly; Ingrid; Keith; Joyce & Duane; Darin; Sonia; Frankie; Connie S.; Lorrie A.; Derek M.; Douglas A.; Mark M.; Joe; Alex; Mike; Silvia; Charlotte; Sharlene; Danny; Tom; Shirley F; Ronnie; those who are traveling and All of our armed forces and emergency responders.
Gandy entered into eternalA Dee Ann GandyDee has Ann entered intohas eternal glory & peace. glory & peace. A service of service of Celebration and Remembrance Celebration and Remembrance is scheduled on is scheduled on Saturday, 10, 2013 Saturday, August August 10, 2013 at 2:00PM at 2:00PM in the Worship in the Worship Center Center Please theand Gandy and Maley Please keep thekeep Gandy Maley Jn. 14:1-2a & 3 NIV Jn 14:1-2a & 3 NIV in your prayers. families families in your prayers. 1 1“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust 3in God; 2a 2aIn my Father’s house are many rooms...3And if I
trust trust also also in in me. me. go and prepare In my Father’s house are many rooms... And if I go and prepare a a place place for for you, you, II will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.
Average attendance 2012 First quarter…………………….. 344 Second quarter…………………….. 305
2013 Finances Income YTD $335,658.95 ♦ Expenses YTD $345,329.53 ♦
July………………………… 243 Statement of Frequency The Goodnews is a monthly publication of the Good Samaritan Lutheran Church.
NOTICE Deadline for the September newsletter is August 15th
GA meeting 1:30 -3pm
GA meeting 1:30 -3pm
Bunko 6:30pm
Jujitsu 6pm
Saturday 3
Comm. 6:00pm
VBS 9am-3pm
4 7 Comm. 8, 9:35 & 11am; Sunday School 9:35 & 11am; Bible study 9:35 amEd. bldg.; Korean 1-3:30pm
GA meeting 1:303pm
GA meeting 1:30 -3pm
Cards 10am
GA meeting 1:30 -3pm
GA meeting 1:30 -3pm Jujitsu 6pm
Dee Ann Gandy Funeral 2:00PM
Global Leadership Summit
Worship 6:00pm
VBS 9am-3pm
Worship. 8, 9:35 & 11am; Sunday School 9:35 & 11am; Bible study 9:35amEd. bldg. Korean 1-3:30pm
GA meeting 1:303pm
GA meeting 1:30 -3pm
Cards 10am
GA meeting 1:30 -3pm
GA meeting 1:30 -3pm
Jr./Sr. High pool party 7:00pm
Take down school
Set up school
Comm. 8, 9:35 & 11am; Sunday School 9:35 & 11am; Bible study 9:35 am Ed. bldg.; Korean 1-:3:30pm
GA meeting 1:303pm
GA meeting 1:30 -3pm
Cards 10am
GA meeting 1:30 -3pm
GA meeting 1:30 -3pm
NHCA Elementary School orientation 6:30pm
NHCA Preschool orientation 6:30pm
Jujitsu 6pm
Worship. 8, 9:35 & 11am; Sunday School 9:35 & 11am; Bible study 9:35 amEd. bldg.; Noon -Confirmation meeting with 9th Graders Korean 1-:3:30pm
GA meeting 1:303pm
GA meeting 1:30 -3pm
Cards 10am
GA meeting 1:30 -3pm
NHCA- First Day of School
24 Worship 6:00pm
Council/Staff Retreat Take down school
Final Check
Set up school
17 Comm. 6:00pm
31 Youth Service Project Fall Leaves 2:00pm
Dear Friends and Family of Good Samaritan,
HANG IN THERE!!! As we move into August and one more month of summer heat I overheard a conversation that went something like, “I am really getting tired of this heat”, “Yea, it’s a killer but we only have about a month left, just hang in there.” That phrase “hang in there” brought to mind a picture, I have seen countless times, of a kitten hanging on for dear life by its front paws to a tall tree branch; with a stricken look on it’s face and the caption below saying, “Hang in There.” It’s a humorous way of stating a strong sentiment. We Americans like to think of ourselves as a people who don’t give up-- The “When the Going Gets Tough the Tough get Going” type. However, when you look around, doesn’t it seem too often, the human tendency is to quit too soon, to stop before we cross the finish line? Our inability to finish what we start is seen in the smallest of things: (Maybe you can relate to some of these.) A partly mowed lawn. A half-read book. Emails begun but never completed. An abandoned diet. A house full of partially completed repairs or improvements. Or, it shows up in life’s most painful areas: An abandoned child. A cold faith. A job hopper. A wrecked marriage. An un-evangelized world. A declining church. If some of these strike a painful or all too real chord with you, I have some words of encouragement. Christ is still active in this world and in your life. And Christ never gives up on you or on his church. I want to encourage you to ‘hang in there’. I want to encourage you to remember Jesus’ determination to finish what he started. Jesus didn’t quit. But don’t think for one minute that he wasn’t tempted to. Watch him wince as he hears his apostles backbite and quarrel. Look at him weep as he sits at Lazarus’s tomb or hear his desperate prayer in the garden of Gethsemane. Did he ever want to quit? You bet. BUT HE DIDN’T!!! Are you close to quitting? Please don’t do it. Are you discouraged as a parent? Hang in there. Are you pessimistic about your job? Roll up your sleeves and go at it again. No communication in your marriage? Give it one more shot. Can’t resist temptation? Accept God’s forgiveness and go one more round. Is your day framed with sorrow or disappointment? Is hope a forgotten word? Let the encouragement and power of God’s Holy Spirit give you the strength to keep going. Remember, a finisher is not one with no wounds or weariness. Mother Teresa is credited with saying, “God didn’t call us to be successful, just faithful.” In Matthew 10:22b Jesus reminds us, “But those who endure to the end will be saved.” Our world likes to tell us it is all about those who make the victory laps or drink the champagne. Yet, even for these folks, there are often many moments of pain and failure. Real life and God’s Word remind us that more often than not the victory goes to those who simply keep at it, who remain faithful, who endure. Just like Christ did for you and me.
Your Fellow Servant in Christ, Don Lorfing
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August Birthdays 1 - Paul Eckhart, Lori Soukup Hope Davidson (10) 2 - Elias Harvey (1) 3 - Ray Rainey, Pamela Kunkle, Tara Kenney (4) Stephanie Van Der Linda (12) 4 - John Tatem, Conner Lawrence (9) 5 - Jackie Vaughan, Sheila Anderson 6 - Barbara Eckhart, Lori Hansen, Clayton Bronson, Jennifer Simonette 7 - Tammitha Ausmus, Steve Junge, Adam Benson (12), Connor Holmes, Gavin Sandefur 9 - Dee Ann Gandy, Jordan Daruwalla(11) 10 - Adrianna Gumm(6), Todd Lange 11 - Ann Fasting 12 - Elaine Svasek, Pam Junge, Terryl Tatem, Nettie Miller, Robert Starbird 13 - Gerald Vallone 15 - Jolynn Vasquez, Sarah Chaffin(8) 16 - Carol Heiderman, Russell Smith 18 - Brian Niehaus 20 - Jayne Warner 21 – Mandy Carlin, 22 - Jil Gertz, Justin Van Orman 23 - Phillip Bolster, Jeremy Chaffin 24 - Bryan Gertz, Christopher Berry 25 - Debra Peterson 26 - Mark Quisenberry, Rodney Miller, Richard Bickerton, Lauren Campbell 27 - Jennifer Maggio 28 - Sandy Peterson, Dave Zenoff 29 - Shannon LaViolette 30 - PJ Magee 31 - Jessica Cox August Anniversaries 1 - Sherwin & Lynda Bennes (44) 2 - Obadiah & Michelle Harvey (5) 7 - Albert & Michelle Weiss (31) 10 - Jayne & Kevin Warner (33) 11 - James & Bonita Nelson (34) 12 - Dan & Joann Reese (41) 14 - Doug & Pamela Cornford (36) 16 - Patrick & Kristen Patterson(5) 18 - Jack & Diane Soldano (34) 21 - Mark & Deanna Wierzbicki (9) 26 - Joseph & Emily Gilbert (41) 29 - Tom & Susan Gentry (32)
The Police A policeman wa s taking a vand alism report at when he was int an elementary errupted by a school six year old gi down at his un rl. She looked iform and aske up and d, "Are you a "Yes, I am," he policeman?" said. "My mother to ld me that if I ever needed he policeman. Is lp I should as that right?" th ka e girl asked. "Yes it is," said the policeman . The girl extend ed her foot to the policeman "OK, then, wo and said, uld you tie my shoe?"
How Do Kids Define Love? Love Is...A group of children, four to eight years old, were asked the question, "What does love mean?" Here are their insightful answers.
Johnny, Age 4: When a person loves you, they say your name different. You just know your name is safe in their mouth. Dallas, Age 7: Love is when your mom makes a cup of coffee for your dad and she takes a sip of it before she gives it to him, to make sure it is okay. Sue, Age 6: If you want to learn how to love better, you should start with someone you hate. Sandi, Age 8: When my grandma got arthritis, she couldn't bend over to paint her toenails anymore. So my granddad does it for her, even after he got arthritis, too. That's love. Jake, Age 6: Love is when a little old man and a little old woman are still friends, even after they know each other so well. Georgia, Age 7: Love is when you tell a boy you like his shirt and then he wears it everyday. Chloe, Age 4: Love is what makes you smile when you're tired. Annie, Age 5: Love is when mommy gives daddy the best piece of chicken. Jackie, Age 4: Love is when your puppy licks your face even when you left him alone all day. Joe, Age 7: Love is when daddy comes in all sweaty and smelly and mommy still tells him that he is handsomer than Robert Redford. Bruce, Age 8: Love is when you go out to dinner with someone and you give them most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs. Best for Last: Leo Buscaglia, author and lecturer, once judged a contest where they wanted to find the most caring child. He told this story: A four year old lived next door to an elderly man who had recently lost his wife. One day, the boy saw his neighbor crying. He went over, climbed into the neighbor's lap and just sat there. When he came home, his mother asked him what he had said to the man. "Nothing," he said. "I just helped him cry."
YOUTH and FAMILY MINISTRIES Hot Church and Confirmation Sixth grade through Sr. High all summer long
9:35am or 11am every Sunday.
Sundays, all high school and middle school youth (6th-12th grade) begin in worship at 9:35am. Just before the children’s message they will go into the youth room for Bible related discussions. Questions? Contact Pastor Collette at Check out our website
Everyone is welcome ages 3yrs-5th grade. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Nita Borchard at
Welcome Back Sunday School Students!
Jr./Sr. High Calendar August & September Sunday, August 11th - Jr./Sr. High pool party at Pastor Don & Amy’s house. 7:00pm Pr. Don and Amy Lorfing have graciously offered their pool for a party at their home! Please bring the following food/drink and come prepared to have a FANTASTIC time! Their address is 8752 Beluga Way. Parents are more than welcome to join in the fun!! If your last name starts with: • A–H PLEASE BRING FRUIT TRAY, FRUIT SALAD, or VEGETABLE TRAY TO SHARE; • I–O PLEASE BRING A COUPLE OF LITERS OF SODA OR LEMONDADE TO SHARE; • P–Z PLEASE BRING CHIPS OR COOKIES TO SHARE.
We are looking forward to a fun filled year of bible fun, and service projects! Please Welcome our Sunday School Teachers: Pre-School: Miss Brenda and Miss Nita K-2: Miss Jennifer and Miss Myrna Grade 3-5: Miss Ashley and Mr. Clay
Sunday School assistants are needed! If you are interested in helping in your child's classroom, please notify their teacher or Miss Nita. 702-8852696, or
Sunday, August 25th (app. 12:20pm) - Confirmation meeting with 9th Graders and their parents (mandatory that at least one parent participate!). This meeting is to discuss their upcoming Confirmation Celebration! Saturday, August 31st - Service Project - Get together at GSLC to put all the collected school supplies for our backpack ministry together in an “assembly line” for Sunday! Meet at church at 2:00pm. We will work until finished! Sunday, September 1st - During Hot Church - We will help the Sunday school kids put the supplies in the backpacks! Sunday, September 8th - Rally Day! - This is the “official start” of our Fall Confirmation and Hot Church year! We start off at worship during the 9:35am worship service, then we are dismissed to Confirmation (6th-8th Grade) and Hot Church (9th-12th Grade). After classes, we will join the celebration in the Education Building for an Ice Cream Social and fun! Sunday, September 22nd - Between 9:35 & 11:00 worship services in the Education Building - Orientation Meeting for Jr./Sr. High youth and their parents (mandatory that at least one parent participate!). This meeting will be to share the upcoming year youth schedule and to update registration paperwork!
Saturday, September 28th – BIG DAY OF SERVING! This is a VALLEY WIDE YOUTH EVENT (adults welcome also) to provide a BIG DAY of SERVING in the Las Vegas Area. - Go to this website for more information! PLEASE keep your eyes open the beginning of August for more information via postcards, emails, bulletins, flyers and text messages about registration and the schedule for this event which is open to all youth grades 6th-12th and adults to want to help make a difference in the Las Vegas Valley! COME US ALL THE YOUTH IN THE LAS VEGAS VALLEY MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE THROUGH SERVICE! ∗
And start saving your money now for DISNEYLAND on Nevada Day (the end of October)! The cost will be approximately $140 (we won’t know the exact price until Disney posts it youth/group ticket price for the year!!) This trip was A LOT OF FUN last year!
If you have ANY questions regarding youth activities at Good Samaritan Lutheran Church, please contact Pr. Collette. For all youth activities to occur, parental or interested adult assistance is needed . Please contact Pastor Collette if you are interested helping with any of these activities at or 873873-3589 ext.7
Fellowship and Service Opportunities Mom “Me� Time is a place to find the support
Please join us for a Special VBS presentation on Sunday August 4th 11:00am service and Sunday, August 11th 9:35am service
and friendship you need to help make the road of motherhood a little easier. All moms are invited (working moms, stay-at-home moms, moms with young kids or older kids, single moms, etc.) to form friendships, share advice, have a good laugh and relax! During the summer months, the group will be meeting on the second Tuesdays, Please join us on Tuesday, August 13th from 6pm - 8pm in the Youth Room at Good Samaritan Lutheran Church. RSVP on our Facebook page or email Carrie at
PRAYERS NEED ED W e ask you keep the GSLC staff in your prayers as they attend The Global Leadersh ip Summ it Augu & 9th. Also pray st 8 for your church council and as th will be meeting ey on August 23 & 24 to envision an plan the upcom d ing year at Good Samaritan. W e ask that you keep all the NHC A teachers and students in your prayers as they August 26. W e retur n to school pray for a blessed on year of teaching as they learn ne and bless the ki w and am azing ds thi ng s here at NHCA Jr/Sr High Scho ol and at all othe ; at Faith Luther an r private and pu Your prayers ar blic schools. e very m uch need ed and appreciat ed.
A support group for families of those addicted to narcotic s meets every Wednesday evening from 6:30 - 7:30 pm GSLC in the yout h room. Contact the at church office for m ore infor mation at 8733589 or office@gs
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Attention Thrivent Members: If any of your contact information has changed (address, phone number, etc.) please remember to notify Thrivent Financial. You can make changes to your membership profile on-line at or by calling the Member Connection Center at (800) 847-4836. 9
Fellowship and Service Opportunities Continued If you would like to donate supplies: Purchase a backpack & fill it with the items listed below. Drop the filled backpack off at church anytime before August 30th. •
package of #2 pencils package of colored markers package of lined paper small scissors package of colored pencils glue sticks
plastic ruler folders all colors packages of fun stickers box of crayons Plastic box to hold pencils, scissors etc.
If you are interested in becoming part of our adult choir or the King’s Kids, please contact Michelle Childers Both choirs will be taking the summer off. They will resume in August, watch your bulletins and newsletters for the exact date and time.
Thank you to our local Walgreens for helping with our Fall Leaves Campaign!
Would you like to connect with a few more good folks here in Las Vegas? Then join us Friday, August 2nd starting at 6:30 pm for Family Social Night. Social activities for men, women, and kids. ◊ Watch a movie, play some cards, or just hang out and get to know some people better. We’ll meet in the Youth Room and provide the pizza, drinks, and snacks. ◊
For more information or details contact Jamie Thather at (407) 738-9025 or
∗ ∗ ∗
August 9th ~ 51s vs. Oklahoma City RedHawks ~ 20 Available tickets at $9.25 each for GLSC! Each person in our group will also get a free Las Vegas 51 Baseball Cap Fireworks/Help of Southern Nevada The 51s host the Oklahoma City RedHawks, Triple-A affiliate of the Houston Astros, at Cashman Field. A spectacular post-game "Fireworks Show" will be presented! If you would like to go, please contact Pr. Don!
Friend us on Facebook Check us out on Twitter Check out our newly designed web-site. It’s easy to navigate and looks great!!
Bits & Pieces
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING THE BREAST CANCER WALK • A wonderful kick off breakfast is offered for potential team leaders on August 7th at the JW Marriott Las Vegas Resort and Spa, if the team leader cannot make the breakfast they can send a team member in their place (invite only). • The walk is a noncompetitive 5K walk/run. • It's an opportunity to honor breast cancer survivors and those we have lost to the disease. • There is no registration fee, though fundraising is encouraged. • Get your colleagues, business and community involved! A team can consist of 2 or more people • Registration is at 7 am and the walk starts at 8 am on Saturday, October 5th at: JW Marriott Las Vegas Resort & Spa in Summerlin If anyone is interested, they can contact me at 702.891.9019 or email me at
5 Exchange Students Needing Host Families •
German boy. 16 years old loves volleyball, soccer and playing guitar. Lives with his parents and an older brother. From his profile he says “ I like to meet my friends, they are very important to me. They know me as helpful, funny sporty and friendly. I would love to see some famous sights and probably you can show me some hidden and unknown sights in your region. But for me the most important point is a nice relationship to you as my host family. Thank you for accepting me as your exchange student”
I am a 17 year old boy from a small town in Germany. Lives with his mother and father. Enjoys watching sports, barbeques, listening to music and playing Golf. Currently works for a local TV-Station and wants to be a journalist after he graduates. Can’t wait to witness daily life in America and meeting new people.
I am a 17 year old girl who lives in Norway. I have an older brother that does not live with us. I have a rabbit. I sing in a band and I work out at a gym 3-4 times a week. I enjoy dancing and soccer. I played the saxophone for 8 years in my school’s marching band. .
I am a 16 year old Danish girl. I love sports and exercise. I also love theater drama fashion and photography. My parents are divorced since I can remember but they get along really well. I also have an older brother who lives away from home. In my spare time I really love being in the theater. It is my biggest dream to come to the USA and have a year there.
I am a 17 year old girl from Finland. I have four younger sisters (youngest is 1). I have a cat and can live in a home with pets. I like to go to the gym. I make friends easily and I like to spend time with them. I help my Mom keep the house clean, and help in the kitchen and even babysit.
For more information – please contact Wendy Roksvold at or by phone at 702-5925520 11
DEEPEN YOUR RELATIONSHIPS WITH CHRIST AND WITH OTHER CHRISTIANS THROUGH PARTICIPATION IN ONE OF OUR SMALL GROUPS! The Associated Baptist Press reported on a new Baylor University study that evaluates the impact of small group ministry on the overall health and success of a church. Not surprisingly, the study found small group ministry to be valuable for connecting members to the church and to one another!! But to have an impact in our lives, we must meet with our small group on a regular basis to promote a sense of trust and open discussion, and provide support during the difficult moments in members' lives. In fact, small groups increase the commitment level of their members, and "highly committed members" contribute to the overall strength and veracity of a church, regardless of the church's size. " The study also affirmed that members of small groups are more likely to attend worship services regularly, and volunteer in service ministries. Now that summer is nearly over it is time once again to connect with your small group! If you haven’t been meeting during the summer months, plan on a big celebration for your first gathering in the fall! You can meet for dinner, go on a nature walk, take a camping trip together, go watch a movie or a show, or start a new Bible Study program (the History Channel series on the Bible would be a great fall start-up!). Another great way to start-up in the fall is to get together for a service project – volunteer at LSSN (702639-1930), call Pr. Don about a service project at the church, or participate in the BIG DAY OF SERVING (see the Jr./Sr. High Calendar or contact Pr. Collette). There are so many possibilities for exciting ways to get back together after the summer whirlwind! And if you aren’t already in a small group, fall is the PERFECT time to join one! We have several groups getting ready to start, or groups that are looking for new members! We are also looking for people who would be willing to help start a small group either as a host or a coordinator! And groups, if you would like a new member or two to join your group – PLEASE let Pr. Collette know! For more information on Small Groups at GSLC, please see our website at: , fill-out the form below or contact Pr. Collette anytime at 873-3589 ext. 7! Brochures with more information on GSLC’s small group ministry are available in the entry area at church! Consider making a commitment that will impact your life in a BIG way – join a small group and grow in your faith journey today!
Would you like to participate in a small group? Would you like to start a new group? There are many ways to contact us!! Sign-up via our website: Find us on Facebook: OR Call our church office! (702) 873-3589 OR Email us: - or - OR Fill out the form below and return it to our church office, anytime! PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY: NAME:_________________________________ PHONE: (_____) _____—_____________ Is this a cell phone that can accept text? YES NO