Newsletter from the Church that Gives & Shares, Loves & Cares Volume 38 Issue 7
July 2013
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church (Giving - Sharing - Loving - Caring)
Mission Statement: Transforming lives and empowering people through Christ’s love.
A JOYFUL FUN FILLED EXPERIENCE! AN ORIGINAL PROGRAM AT GOOD SAMARITAN LUTHERAN CHURCH! Only $100 per week! For information & registration forms contact the Good Samaritan Church Office at 702-873-3589 Or, go to our Youth & Children page on our website! (Forms also available in the church entry way!)
Wk. 1: July 22 - 26 Wk. 2: July 29 - Aug. 2 Wk. 3: Aug. 5 - Aug. 9 9am—3pm - Mon-Fri (before & after care available for a small fee)
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Su basi Jesu NextParables of some of thetories r u O tand op ith s s
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Inside this Issue Worship Hours ............................................. pg. 2 Faith in Action, Prayers...…………………….pg. 3 Weekly/Monthly Activity ............................... pg. 3 Calendar…….……………..…… ................... pg. 4 A word from the Pastor ................................ pg. 5 Sponsors………………………...…….. ......... pg. 6 Funny Bone, Birthdays & Anniversaries…. ... pg. 7 Youth & Family Ministries………………..... . pg. 8 Fellowship & Service Opportunities ............. pg. 9-10 Bits & Pieces ................................................ pg. 11 July 4th Fun ................................................. pg.12
School Expansion Update
WORSHIP HOURS Saturday Worship 6:00pm Sunday Worship 8:00; 9:35 & 11:00am Sunday School 9:35am & 11:00am Nursery care at all Sunday services Office Hours Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm 873-3589 - FAX 873-8437 Web Page:
Our school building project received final approval by the County Commission on Wednesday, June 19th. The construction documents were completed by the architect on June 26th. The plans were then submitted to the Clark County Building Department and Phase 5 (Plan Review / Permitting) begins. We'll be working to expedite the process where and when we can and hope to be breaking ground in August or September. Continue to keep our building project in your prayers! As our school expands, we will be able to reach more & more children & families with the Good News of Jesus Christ while providing them a first class education.
Church Staff Pastor Don Lorfing, Senior Pastor Pastor Collette Paul, Associate Pastor Contemporary Music & Choir Directors Chris & Michelle Childers Office & Finance Administrator Paula Perez Pre-School Administrator Miriam Dake Organist Dan Sheeran Children’s Choir Director Lori Hansen Children’s Ministry Coordinator Nita Borchardt Nursery Coordinator Samantha Jewell 2013 Church Council Carl Bates - President Dan Reese - Vice President Catherine Daruwalla - Secretary Joe Killoran - Treasurer Rick Byrnes Lisa Carson Paul Eckhart Tara Hanna Rudy Johnson Christy Wollin Barry Tschopp
Council meetings are open to the congregation If you are a member of Good Samaritan and have any questions or concerns you would like put on the agenda, please contact the church office a week prior to the meeting. July
Pastor Don and his family are safely back from their Namibia Mission Trip! We thank God for their safe return and thank you for your thoughts & prayers.
’ s Cou
If you would just like to sit Meeting is ncil in on a council meeting, they sch eduled fo r are on the second Monday Monday JULY 8 th of each month at 6:00pm. 2
IT’S SUMMER TIME When you go on vacation do you still have to pay your power bill, water, gas and sewage bills, mortgage, car insurance? Of course you do and so does the church. So, while we hope you have a great summer vacation, please don’t forget your commitment to your church during the summer months. We too have lots of bills and obligations all summer long. Thank you, and God bl e ss you for h on or i n g your commitment to our ministry all year. While you’re gone you may want to try on line giving. The perfect way to keep up with your giving without even having to think about it!!
Weekly or Monthly Activities Men’s breakfast, quilters and Celebrate Recovery will be taking time off during the summer We will resume in the fall w a t c h . W a t c h t h e u p c om i n g Newsletters for dates. Card
Ministry Group every Wednesday at 10am-we play ’Hand & Foot’ and everyone is invited to join us! We meet in the youth room.
Bible study on Sundays at 9:35am in room #2 of the education building . Choir practice King’s Kids will be taking the summer off. Adult Choir will also be taking the summer off. If you have questions regarding joining a choir please contact Michelle Childers Bunko Night the first Thursday of each month at 6:30pm in the youth room. Everyone is invited. Layette Ministry 10am on the second Saturday of every other month. July; Sept; Nov.
Thank you to Pastor Scott Hove who was on -call from June 16th June 22nd while both Pastor Don and Pastor Collette were on Mission Trips!
The sponsors appearing in this newsletter help us to defray the cost of printing our newsletter. Please give them your consideration when possible.
NOTICE Deadline for the Aug. newsletter is July 15th
Statement of Frequency The Goodnews is a monthly publication of the Good Samaritan Lutheran Church.
Faith in Action Did you Know?.... 13 facts for Independence Day •The Continental Congress voted to accept the Declaration of Independence on July 2. The declaration announcement wasn’t made until two days later. Most historians agree that all 56 delegates who signed the Declaration did so on or after Aug. 2. •Five men wrote the famous document: John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston and Thomas Jefferson. •John Hancock was the first to sign the Declaration of Independence. His autograph was also the largest, which is why his name became synonymous with signatures. •George Washington did not sign the Declaration of Independence. At the time, he was not a member of Congress but the commander of the Continental Army and preparing for battle. •The Stars and Stripes originated as a result of a resolution adopted by the Second Continental Congress on June 14, 1777. •The stars on the original American flag were arranged in a circle to ensure that all colonies were equal. •Francis Hopkinson, a delegate of New Jersey and signer of the Declaration of Independence, was said to have played a key role in arranging the 13 stars on the American flag. •Most historians agree that despite the folklore, Betsy Ross did not design the first American flag. •Census estimates show there were about 2.5 million people living in the newly independent nation in 1776. •July 4 was not declared a national holiday until 1941. •Three U.S. presidents have died on July 4: Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, who died the same day, and James Monroe. •The American Revolution did not end until 1783, seven years after the Declaration of Independence was signed. From the Simi Valley Acorn
Average attendance 2013 First quarter…………………..344 April……………….346 May………………..301 June………………. 268 3
Prayer Requests-please keep the following people in your Prayers: God’s Peace, Strength & Love to: Dee Ann Gandy - strength & healing; Joe E.W.-cancer; W.K. husband -shoulder & leg pain; W.K. - mom ears & knee Trevon - diabetes; Tommy S. -cancer
Marie.-strength as caregiver; Richard B -Parkinson's & surgery; CJ-pregnancy; Kathy-cancer; Robert P. -strength; Maribeth B. -surgery; Tina S. -cancer Aunt A -illness; Larry.-surgery; Rick M.-heart attack; Brian-job Delano W-cancer; Ray R,.-healing Bill- skin cancer; Lynn - health Taite.-diabetes; Dorothy.-heath Keith B.; Joyce & Duane B.; Norm B.; Judy B.; Chad B.; Noah; Amy; Diane P.; Jessica; Aly; Ingrid; Keith; Joyce & Duane; Darin; Sonia; Frankie; Connie S.; Lorrie A.; Derek M.; Douglas A.; Mark M.; Joe; Alex; Mike; Silvia; Charlotte; Sharlene; Danny; Norma and All of our armed forces and emergency responders.
2013 Finances Income YTD $295,710.76 ♦ Expenses YTD $296,245.40 ♦
We hold these truths to be selfevident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. ~ The Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776
GA meeting 1:30-3pm
GA meeting 1:30-3pm
Cards 10am
Thu 4
GA meeting 1:30-3pm
Comm. 6pm
Office Closed Independence Day Happy 4th of July!!
Wedding rehearsal 4pm-8pm No Jujitsu Classes
7 Comm. 8, 9:35 & 11am; Sunday School 9:35 & 11am; Bible study 9:35 am-ed bldg.; Korean 1-:30pm
GA meeting 1:30-3pm
GA meeting 1:30-3pm
Cards 10am
GA meeting 1:30-3pm
Council Meeting 6:00pm
GA meeting 1:30-3pm
Layette Ministry 10am
Jujitsu 6pm
Wedding 4pm
14 Worship. 8, 9:35 & 11am; Sunday School 9:35 & 11am; Bible study 9:35 am-ed bldg.; Korean 1-:30pm
21 Comm. 8, 9:35 & 11am; Sunday School 9:35 & 11am; Bible study 9:35 am-ed bldg.; Korean 1-:30pm
Worship 6pm
GA meeting 1:30-3pm
GA meeting 1:30-3pm
Cards 10am
GA meeting 1:30-3pm
GA meeting 1:30-3pm
Comm. 6pm
Jujitsu 6pm
GA meeting 1:30-3pm
GA meeting 1:30-3pm
Cards 10am
GA meeting 1:30-3pm
GA meeting 1:30-3pm
Worship 6pm
No Jujitsu Classes
VBS 9:00am - 3:00pm 28 Worship. 8, 9:35 & 11am; Sunday School 9:35 & 11am; Bible study 9:35 am-ed bldg.; Korean 1-:30pm
GA meeting 1:30-3pm
GA meeting 1:30-3pm
Cards 10am
VBS 9:00am - 3:00pm through Aug. 9 4
The mission trip to the Navaho Nation in Arizona was an amazing experience that touched the hearts of the youth and adult participants in many different and wonderful ways! We arrived at the Church of the Nazarene where we were staying early evening on Sunday. We checked into the dorm, picked a bunk-bed and worshiped together that night! We were all excited to start work! Each morning and afternoon we were taken to the home of an extremely sweet older woman named Annie. Annie and her brother lived in a small house that needed a lot of repair! Previous to our arrival, a group (or two) had done some simple work on repairing her walls and painting, but the real item that Annie’s small house needed was a new roof! And through the gift of God’s Spirit, the skill-set of our group was exactly what was needed for this task! Under the supervision of Pastor Mike from the Nazarene Church, “Dan the Mission Man” and “The Amazing Paul” our youth and adults worked together to tear off the old rotting roof, build-up the support structure for the new roof, totally replace all the wood sheeting, and papered the roof. We even managed to get a couple of rows of shingles up so that Pastor Mike could get Annie’s TV restored to her! Our group worked hard as a team – those on the roof were amazing, but there was hard work done on the ground as well; removing nails from boards, collecting old wood into a pile, cutting wood for beam support, handing equipment to the roofers, passing up plywood and tar paper, fixing cracks in walls and painting those areas, and of course ensuring everyone drank enough water! Also our ground crew took some of the better pieces of the old wood and constructed a new dog house for Annie’s dog so that he could have shade from the hot sun! (Our youth fell in love with Annie’s three sweet dogs!) In the evenings the counselors from Team Effort led us in worship around the theme of building a solid foundation. The verse for our week was Luke 6:48 “It is like a person who builds a house on a strong foundation laid upon the underlying rock. When the floodwaters rise and break against the house, it stands firm because it is well built.” This was a wonderful verse that had great meaning with the work we were doing, and it helped bring our work and our faith together in a deeply meaningful way! On Wednesday we enjoyed a time of cross-cultural learning as we heard from Pastor Mike about the origin of the church where we were staying and some stories about the people who lived there. Our youth asked some marvelous questions about the Navaho people and we all felt our time together helped build a bridge connecting our cultures and deepening our relationship as sisters and brothers in Christ. On our last day at her house, Annie and her family honored us by making Navaho Fry-bread and Tacos for our lunch! This was such an enormous gesture; the Navajo people are very family oriented and the sharing of a meal is a significant event! It was a great blessing Later that afternoon our group enjoyed a wonderful time swimming in a local creek! The water was cold but very welcome after the hot week of work! And on Friday we had the day-off and so we drove to Sedona, Arizona to see the sights! We spent the day walking through the town, some hiking and just enjoying our free time. Overall, this trip was a time of deepening relationships: culturally, between one another, and especially our relationship with our Lord and Savior! Special thanks to the eight adults who accompanied us – Kathy Antonino, Catherine & JD Daruwalla, PJ Magee, Sandra Minor, Dan Reese and Paul Whissel – all worked very hard and I deeply appreciate their time devoted to both the mission work and the youth who were there! Our thanks to all of you for supporting this trip! It was truly a time where we could be Christ’s hands and feet sharing the love of God in the world! “Work hard and cheerfully at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.” (Colossians 3:23 – NLT) Pastor Collette Paul 5
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July Birthdays 1 Eileen Cox, Mary Lamberg 2 Kristen Tschopp 3 Lisa Fletes 4 Sedona Beckman(3), Janell Rice, Vivien Waldne(8), Jill Wyant 5 Lauren Bates(11), 6 Michael Bronson, James Richey, Sean Vaughan(7) 8 Anne Killoran, Rachel West 11 Maggie Ekanger, Haileigh Willeford, Dawson Wollin(6), Sarah Arrington 13 Michael Bennes, Cheryl Collins 15 Tammy LaViolette, Pastor Don Lorfing 17 Wendy Bronson, Delores Howell 18 Sophia Allen(6), Valerie Beckman, Ray Wagener 19 Scott McCrary 20 Jean Mason, Gavin Waldner 21 Brett Lawrence 22 Cameron Sandefur 24 Bryce Beckman(7), Mercedes Ulate 25 Alexandra Papez 26 Donna Arrington 26 Gertie DeVries, Hayden Calendine(10) 27 Jaida Albanito(11), Darrel Maley, Ethan West 28 Kristen Gritzer/Ziegler; Sara Everson 29 Kristi Parker 30 Shane Calendine 31 Erin Connolly July Anniversaries 1 Christopher & Juliana Berry(9) Doug & Cherie Seip(46) 7 Todd & Julie Bauman(7) Arlo & Julie Gibbs(23) 9 Douglas & Christy Wollin(8) 10 John & Rachel West(17) Phil & Mandie Cratty(9) 13 Gary & Valerie Beckman(9) 21 Matthew 7 Sarah Birch(9) 30 Roger & Ann Fasting(41) Frankie & Angela Valle(3) Lauren & J. Campbell (3)
We are all familiar with A Herd of cows, A Flock of chickens, A School of fish And a Gaggle of geese. However, less widely known is: A Pride of lions, A Murder of crows (as well as their cousins the rooks and ravens), An Exaltation of doves And, presumably because they look so wise: A Parliament of owls.
Now consider a group of Baboons. Baboons are the loudest, most dangerous, most obnoxious, most viciously aggressive and least intelligent of all primates. And what is the proper collective noun for a group of baboons? Believe it or not... A Congress! ‌ You just can't make this stuff up.
Bill Cosby: I am proud to be an
American. Because an American can eat anything on the face of this earth as long as he has two pieces of bread. 7
YOUTH and FAMILY MINISTRIES Hot Church and Confirmation Sixth grade through Sr. High all summer long Sundays, all high school and middle school youth (6th-12th grade) begin in worship at 9:35am. Just before the children’s message they will go into the youth room for Bible related discussions. Questions? Contact Pastor Collette Check out our website
9:35am or 11am every Sunday. Everyone is welcome ages 3yrs-5th grade. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Nita Borchardt at
VBS is going to be for three weeks: DATES:
July 23-July 27th July 30th – August 3rd August 6th – August 10th TIMES: 9:00am – 3:00pm. Before & after care is available, beginning at 7:30am, and ending by 5:00pm. You can register your child for one, two or all three weeks! The cost is $100/week. Before and after care is $35 each/ week or $50/week for both. If you need before and/or after care for less than a full week, the cost is $7 each/day or $10 each/day. Adult volunteers are needed. If you are interested in helping out or working out a reduced rate in exchange please see Pastor Collette. For information on VBS contact Pastor Collette or call her at 873-3589 est. 7
*El Camino Pines Lutheran Camp in California ~Grades 2nd8th ~July 15-20 A life changing week of summer church camp , in the beautiful pine forest of Southern California. Scholarship help is available. Go to, click on El Camino Pines tab for all the information on the camp and registration forms. We will be forming a convoy from Good Samaritan. Be sure to let Pastor Don or Pastor Collette know if you are interested in going.
For all youth activities to occur, parental or interested adult assistance is required . Please contact Pastor Collette if you are interested helping with any of these activities. or 873-3589 ext. 7 8
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church would like to welcome May Lorenzo & Emma Doney who are working as our two Vacation Bible School Directors! May is our Personnel Director and is responsible for staffing, scheduling, youth counselors and volunteers! She is a Senior in Secondary Education at UNLV. Emma is our Program Director and is responsible for the program content and ensuring the kids are engaged and learning! She is a Sophomore at University of Delaware and is studying Psychology. Both come to our program with a lot of experience with kids, Sunday school, VBS, youth and various camps and programs (such as the YMCA). But especially, both come to our program with a solid faith and relationship with Jesus which they are eager to share with the youth and children involved in VBS. Over the next several weeks you will have opportunities to meet them! I know you will give them all the “giving, sharing, loving and caring” that we are known for!! They are very excited about VBS and I consider them both a God-Sent blessing to our program! Please keep them and VBS in your prayers! Pr. Collette
Beach Ca Leaving mp Returni July 7 ng July 12 Please ke youth a ep all the nd adu will be lts th go your pr ing on this trip at ay in Drive rs ers. an still nee d Chaperone s ded. Ple Pr. Coll ase con are ette. tact
Fellowship and Service Opportunities TOP TEN PREDICTIONS FOR 2013: With all the problems the World is facing, it can be unsettling to the mind. Today, we share with you ten predictions that are true! 1. The Bible will still have all the answers. 2. Prayer will still be the most powerful thing on Earth.. 3. The Holy Spirit will still move.. 4. God will still honor the praises of His people. 5. There will still be God-anointed preaching. 6. There will still be singing of praise to God. 7. God will still pour out blessings upon His people. 8. There will still be room at the Cross. 9. Jesus will still love you. 10. Jesus will still save the lost when they come to Him. 'Til the nets are full, keep on fishing. 'Isn't it great To Remember Who Is Really In control, and that..."The Word of the Lord endures forever." 1 Peter 1:25
Save the Date!! Sips 4 Scholarships 2013 November 16th, 7 pm to 9 pm Good Samaritan Lutheran Church Proceeds go to NHCA scholarship fund For more information contact Lisa Fletes578-4897
∗ Friend us o n Facebook ∗ Check us ou t on Twitter ∗ Check out our newly designed w eb -site. It’s easy to navigate and looks great!!
Both choirs will be taking the summer off. They will resume in August, watch your bulletins and newsletters for the exact date. If you are interested in becoming part of our adult choir or the King’s Kids, please contact Michelle Childers
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Attention Thrivent Members: If any of your contact information has changed (address, phone number, etc.) please remember to notify Thrivent Financial. You can make changes to your membership profile on-line at or by calling the Member Connection Center at (800) 847-4836.
to all of the volunteers who made sure things ran smoothly while the office staff was on ! Your vacation! You did a fantastic job time and efforts are greatly 9
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING THE BREAST CANCER WALK • A wonderful kick off breakfast is offered for potential team leaders on August 7th at the JW Marriott Las Vegas Resort and Spa, if the team leader cannot make the breakfast they can send a team member in their place (invite only). • The walk is a noncompetitive 5K walk/run. • It's an opportunity to honor breast cancer survivors and those we have lost to the disease. • There is no registration fee, though fundraising is encouraged. • Get your colleagues, business and community involved! A team can consist of 2 or more people • Registration is at 7 am and the walk starts at 8 am on Saturday, October 5th at: JW Marriott Las Vegas Resort & Spa in Summerlin If anyone is interested, they can contact me at 702.891.9019 or email me at
By Dale Burkett From Wildwood Newsletter A man took me down the other day, And in a voice so loud and clear, I heard him tell a friend of his, “Well that’s that for another year”. He wrapped me up so nice and neat, And then did something drastic, He stuck me in a closet, And covered me with plastic. I guess I’m too much trouble To take up and down each day, No handy place to sore me, And I’d just get in the way. His neighbor, just across the street, Has a light that shines so bright, He leaves me there a waving, Everyday and every night. I’m telling you that I feel proud, As I look down from up above, And it’s nice to feel I’m treated, With a little tender love. But I’m really not complaining, it’s so nice to be around, Hanging liply from a wall, or a post stuck in the ground. And did you ever think how nice it feels, As a parade goes marching by, And som folks still salute me, As my banners wave on high. A veteran died the other day, And as I laid upon his grave, I remembered how he fought the war, And I remembered he was brave. H was not afraid to show me, And to make me stand aright, He fought to keep me standing And to keep my colors bright. A prisoner of war came on a ship, Saluted and started to cry, And said, “You’re the prettiest flag I’ve ever seen” As he saw me wave on high. And buildings all around the world, Display Old Gory there, That’s my nick name, don’t you know? It means they really care. But most of all as I look back to the place I’ve been, A battlefield, a classroom, an office or a hall, I’d rather be battered worn and torn, Than not me seen at all. 10
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Bits & Pieces Nar-Anon
A support grou p for families of thos e addicted to narcotics meets ever Wednesday even y ing from 6:30 7:30 pm at GSL C in the youth room. Contact the church offic e for more inform ation at 8733589 or office@gslclas
Long Life Fit & Dance
Mom “Me� Time is a place to find the support and friendship you need to help make the road of motherhood a little easier. All moms are invited (working moms, stay-at-home moms, moms with young kids or older kids, single moms, etc.) to form friendships, share advice, have a good laugh, and relax! During the summer months, the group will be meeting on the second Tuesdays, Please join us on Tuesday, July 9th from 6pm - 8pm in the Youth Room at Good Samaritan Lutheran Church. RSVP on our Facebook page goodsammommetime or email Carrie at
Dance Camp July 8th-20th Mon-Fri 10a-3pm. Its for kids ages 7-16. Beginners are welcome. Students will learn all Styles of dance from Hip hop to ballet to jazz and acro. Cost is $150 for 2 weeks, Receive a discount of $10off. if you mention you attend Good Samaritan Lutheran Church. For more information please go to:
Holding Your Family Togethe r by Dr. Rich Melhe im is in! the cost of th e book is $10.00 and available to an yo is ne who wants to C rea a Healthy, Hap te py Godly Fam ily. For those who attended the seminar, the co st is being supplemented b y Pastor Don an d is only $5.00! Pick-up your co py in the church of fice during the week or in the entry aria on weekends.
Ingredients 1 Simple Vanilla Cake recipe, made into 20 cupcakes • 2 (8 ounce) packages of cream cheese • 1/2 stick unsalted butter, softened • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract • 2 cups confectioners’ sugar, sifted • 25-30 strawberries, cut in half and thinly sliced 3/4 cup blueberries 1 Cooking Instructions Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Place 20 cupcake liners into 2 (12 cup) cupcake pans. Follow the directions for the Simple Vanilla Cake recipe but instead pour batter into prepared cupcake pans, filling each cupcake about one-half to threequarters full. Bake for 18 to 21 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center of one of the cupcakes, comes out clean. Remove cupcakes and place on wire rack to cool before icing, about 10 minutes.
Rockets Centerpiece Paper rockets blast off from a shiny sand-filled bucket in this fun 4th of July decoration. To make each rocket, roll scrapbooking paper into a tube and secure with glue. For the nose cone, cut a slit to the center of a paper circle; overlap ends and adhere together using glue. Glue a ribbon strip inside the rocket to resemble a fuse, and glue a long dowel inside the tube to support rocket.
1 To make icing: In the bowl of an electric mixer, cream together cream cheese, vanilla extract and butter until smooth. Slowly add in confectioner’s sugar. Beat until sugar is thoroughly combined. Refrigerate until ready to use. 1 To assemble cake: 1. Ice each cupcake. Decorate 4 of the cupcakes with 4 rows of blueberries. Decorate the remaining 16 cupcakes with strawberries. On each of the remaining cupcakes, place two strawberry slices side by side, in 4 rows. Line iced cupcakes side by side on a large serving platter, placing the four blueberry cupcakes two over two in the upper left hand corner of the flag. Cupcakes should be grouped into 4 rows of 5. Serve immediately or refrigerate for up to 2 hours. Make it Faster To save time, use a purchased vanilla cake mix.