Volume 39 Issue 3
March 2014
Goodnews is a monthly publication of the Good Samaritan Lutheran Church
GOODNEWS Empowering People Through Christ’s Love
Giving•Sharing•loving•caring Building Update Walk Through March 9
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Page 11
From the Pastor “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13)
Ash Wednesday & Lent Begin the Journey toward the Cross
Page 3
Page 9
Inside this Issue Worship Hours pg.2 Faith in Action, Prayers Pg. 2 A Word From The Pastor Pg.3 Weekly/Monthly/Activity Pg.4 Calendar Pg. 5 Sponsors Pg.6 Birthdays & Anniversaries Pg.7 Youth & Sunday School Pg. 8 Lent & Easter Pg. 9 Service Opportunites Pg. 10 Building Update Pg. 11 Giving Opportunities Pg. 11 Stewardship-Online Giving Pg. 12
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Stewardship Online giving - Quick, Easy, Accurate way to give.
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Page 12
TRAVELING L I G H T Removing Burdens You Were Never Intended To Bear New Sermon Series • Begins March 8 & 9 Page 7
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church • 8425 W. Windmill Ln • Las Vegas • 702.873.3589 • www.goodsamlv.com
Volume 39 Issue 3
March 2014
G O O D S A M A R I TA N LU T H E R A N C H U RC H Worship Hours Saturday Worship 6pm Sunday Worship 8, 9:35 & 11 Sunday School 9:35 & 11am Nursery available for Sunday Services
Office Hours Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm 873-3589 - FAX 873-8437 www.goodsamlv.com
Church Staff Pastor Don Lorfing, Senior Pastor dlorfing@goodsamlv.com Pastor Scott Hove shove@goodsamlv.com Office & Finance Administrator Michelle Childers office@goodsamlv.com New Hope Christian Academy Administrator Miriam Dake dake@newhopechristianacademylv.org Contemporary Music & Choir Director Chris Childers chris@goodsamlv.com Adult Choir Director Michelle Childers office@goodsamlv.com Children’s Choir-Dir. Lori Hansen Organist - Dan Sheeran Family & Youth-Pastor Don Lorfing Children’s Ministry-Nita Borchardt Nursery - Sandy Markham 206-3336
! Attendance !
Care Ministry
Church Council Carl Bates - President Dan Reese - Vice President Paul Eckhart- Secretary Joe Killoran - Treasurer Clay Bronson Rick Byrnes Lisa Carson Catherine Daruwalla Tara Hanna Rudy Johnson Barry Tschopp
Sharing God’s Care Through Friendship and Prayer Please join us in keeping our congregation & their loved ones in our thoughts & prayers. We offer prayers for the following with individual specialized needs. Nancy - Cancer Amy - Cancer Kristen - Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Christy - Back Surgery Michael - Cancer / Surgery Ken Mary - Cancer Kristen - safe delivery of baby Joe Etta - Health Tina - Cancer Mary Ann - Cancer Karen O. - in ICU for E-coli Karen’s Daughter - just died at 4yrs of Ecoli BJ - Illness Messio’s Father-in-law: stroke Barbara - Recovery Dorothy - Health Debra - Health Mark - Surgery Arlene - Cancer McCaw Family - Loss of son Chuck - heart surgery Jeff - Heart & Support to Stop Smoking Kent - Heart Josh’s Family - Josh passed away this week at age 32 Al & Barb - adopting grandkids Priscilla & Mary - Faith Bianca Danny Samantha - Addiction Brian - Job Lenka - Job Pamela - Addiction to pills Dustin - Salvation Tanya - Anger Hazel - Loneliness Jenny & Family of Jessie G. at his death Cindy - Health
Spring Forward for Daylight Savings
Council meetings are open to the congregation
Jan=314 Feb=336
•Newsletter deadline is the 15th of each month •The sponsors in this newsletter help us to defray the cost of printing. Please give them your consideration when possible.
! Faith In!Action ! Blood !Drive Thank you for!showing your support of the !community by ! sponsoring the American Red ! The need for Cross blood drive. ! and your blood is constant ! ! a safe and efforts help ensure ! is available stable blood supply ! for people in need. We were ! 12 pints successful in donating ! help to save of blood. This can ! ! you again up to 36 lives! Thank ! for your donation! !!! !
If you are a member of Good Samaritan and have any questions or concerns you would like put on the agenda, please contact the church office a week prior to the meeting, or if you would just like to attend, they are the 2nd Monday of the month).
Sunday, March 9, 2014 When local standard time is about to reach 2AM, clocks are turned forward 1 hour to 3AM local daylight time. Sunrise and sunset will both be about 1 hour later on Mar 9, 2014 than the day before: More daylight in the evening.
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church • 8425 W. Windmill Ln • Las Vegas • 702.873.3589 • www.goodsamlv.com
Volume 39 Issue 3
March 2014
From the
Pastor ! by Rev. Scott K. Hove
! ! ! ! “I can do all things through ! him who strengthens me.” ! ! (Philippians 4:13) ! ! ! ! ! Losing weight is difficult. !
Broccoli instead of beef. Cauliflower instead of chocolate. Smoothies instead of sundaes.
Admitting why I have excess weight to lose in the first place is more difficult.
Obviously, there were far too many occasions when it came to food that will power was not exercised. Restraint was not practiced. Poor choices were made even when I knew better. Immediate gratification was more important than long-term health.
Ouch! Hurts to admit all of that.
For me, my weight has been something I have had to deal with since about second grade.
! What about you? !
What are your struggles? Your battles? Your demons?
My current weight-loss regimen is a result of a challenge that came during our stewardship emphasis. You as a congregation were encouraged to step up your giving and you did! Pastor Don in return had to cut his hair (not short enough, by the way) and Chris Childers and I agreed to shed 80 pounds between us.
George Wang, a member of our congregation, who used to be a personal trainer stepped up and volunteered to hold Chris and I accountable. Additionally he has provided great information and encouragement.
But this new diet became more than a challenge. It has given me a reason to do some introspection.
problem and ask God for help. As we prepare to celebrate on Easter on April 20 it’s good to remember that Jesus went to the cross for us so we don’t have to do this thing we call life tormented by guilt or in constant distress.
Use the season of Lent to grow deeper in your walk with Christ. Let God’s Holy Spirit show you some of the areas of your life that need some adjustment and then be open to God’s help!
You don’t have to do it alone, either, by the way for Christ is always with us. And with His help we can face up to our shortcomings and grow closer to Him in the process.
“I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13)
! Sincerely, ! Pastor Scott !
P. S. At the time this was written I have lost 16 pounds.
Lent, the Christian season of preparation and selfexamination before Easter, is a good time to do a little soul searching. It is a good time to dig into some of the stuff of life that has been a
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church • 8425 W. Windmill Ln • Las Vegas • 702.873.3589 • www.goodsamlv.com
Volume 39 Issue 3
March 2014
ACTIVITIES & MINISTRIES Weekly & Monthly Activities Bible Study
spring into action
Sundays at 9:35am in room #2 of the education building in the large meeting area of the education building. Mid-Week Bible Study -Thursday mornings in the Youth Room. Informal. Conversational. Don’t worry about what you think you don’t know! 10:30 - 11:30 AM. Led by Pastor Scott. All are welcome!
Spring into Action on Sunday, April 6 and
Kings Kids Choir
ministr y fair
visit the GSLC Ministry Fair. The fair will be held after all services. This will be a great
Half hour practices begin at 10:40 in room #2 of our ed. building. Children ages 3 yrs – elementary school are welcome. A great way to kids to learn Christian songs, & help them learn how to perform in front of others, while instilling God’s love in their hearts through song.
opportunity for all members of the
community. This will be a festive event with
Have you thought about joining the quilters for the new year? If you cannot come on Friday mornings and can sew at home, we have something for you. Pick up an assortment of cut squares ready to sew into quilt tops. If you are more adventurous, we have an assortment of fabrics. Contact church office for more info: office@goodsamlv.com or 873-3589.
Card Ministry Group
congregation to talk with ministry leaders about ways to become involved in our church food, raffle prizes and goodies for the kids. It's also a great day to invite a friend to church so that they can see all that Good Samaritan has to offer.
Meets every Wednesday at 10am-we play ’Hand & Foot’ and everyone is invited to join us! We meet in the youth room.
Layette Ministry
The layette ministry assembles baskets of supplies for new born babies of mothers in dire situations. Donations of baby items are accepted! Diapers, onesies, booties, blankets, etc. Contact Lynda Bennes, the coordinator at 873-7637, to help. Layette meets on the odd numbered months on the second Saturday at 10am. the next meeting will be March 8th at 10am.
Mom “Me” Time This is a place to find the support and friendship you need to help make the road of motherhood a little easier. All moms are invited (working moms, stay-at-home moms, moms with young kids or older kids, single moms, etc.) to form friendships, share advice, have a good laugh and relax! Please join us on March 6 & 20 from 6pm - 8pm at Good Samaritan Lutheran Church. RSVP on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/goodsammommetime or email Carrie at Carrie.Larson@thrivent.com
Men’s Breakfast
Saturday March 8th at 8am. All men are invited and bring a friend or relative. Join us for great food and fellowship.
A support group for families of those addicted to narcotics meets every Wednesday evening from 6:30 - 7:30 pm at GSLC in the youth room.
Bunko Night First Thursday of each month at 6:30pm in the youth room. Everyone is invited.
Ages 10 and up - Wednesdays 6:15pm in the Sanctuary.
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church • 8425 W. Windmill Ln • Las Vegas • 702.873.3589 • www.goodsamlv.com
Volume 39 Issue 3
March 2014
M A R CH 2 0 14 SUN
SAT 1 9am German School 5pm Band Reh Sanctuary 6pm Worship Service
2 8, 9:35, & 11amCommunion&Worship 11-2:30 - Korean Worship - Ed Bld & Sanctuary 3:30 - School SetUp Sanctuary
3 1:30 GA - youth room
4 1:30 GA - youth room
5 6pm Boy Scouts - Ed Bld Ash Wed. Service 12:30pm -Youth Room Soup Supper 6pm Ash Wed Service 7:00pm 6:30pm Nar-Anon
6 10:30 Bible Study youth room 1:30 GA - youth room 3pm Girl Scouts youth room 6pm Moms Group youth room
7 9am Quilting 1:30 GA - youth room 6pm Jujitsu
8 8am - Mens Breakfast 9am German School 10am - Layette 5pm Band Reh Sanctuary 6pm Worship Service
9 8, 9:35, & 11Worship 11-2:30 - Korean Worship - Ed Bld & Sanctuary 3:30 - School SetUp Sanctuary6:30pm
10 1:30 GA - youth room 6pm Council Meeting
11 1:30 GA - youth room
12 10am Card Players youth room 6pm Boy Scouts - Ed Bld 6:15pm Choir Sanctuary 6:30pm Nar-Anon 7:15 Band - Sanctuary
13 11:30am Lunch & Learn - youth room 1:30 GA - youth room 3pm Girl Scouts youth room
14 9am Quilting 1:30 GA - youth room 6pm Jujitsu 6pm Family Night - Ed Bldg.
15 9am German School 5pm Band Reh Sanctuary 6pm Worship Service
16 8, 9:35, & 11amCommunion&Worship 11-2:30 - Korean Worship - Ed Bld & Sanctuary 3:30 - School SetUp Sanctuary
17 1:30 GA - youth room
18 1:30 GA - youth room
19 10am Card Players youth room 6pm Boy Scouts - Ed Bld 6:15pm Choir Sanctuary 6:30pm Nar-Anon 7:15 Band - Sanctuary
20 11:30am Lunch & Learn - youth room 1:30 GA - youth room 3pm Girl Scouts youth room 6pm Moms Group youth room
21 9am Quilting 1:30 GA - youth room 6pm Jujitsu
22 9am German School 5pm Band Reh Sanctuary 6pm Worship Service
23 8, 9:35, & 11Worship
24 1:30 GA - youth room
25 1:30 GA - youth room
26 10am Card Players youth room 6pm Boy Scouts - Ed Bld 6:15pm Choir Sanctuary 6:30pm Nar-Anon 7:15 Band - Sanctuary
27 11:30am Lunch & Learn - youth room 1:30 GA - youth room 3pm Girl Scouts youth room
28 9am Quilting 1:30 GA - youth room 6pm Jujitsu
11-2:30 - Korean Worship - Ed Bld & Sanctuary 3:30 - School SetUp Sanctuary6:30pm
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church • 8425 W. Windmill Ln • Las Vegas • 702.873.3589 • www.goodsamlv.com
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Volume 39 Issue 3
March 2014
B I RT H DAY S & S E R M O N S E R I E S March Birthdays! 1 Cheryl Lawrence! 3 Ann Froistad, Trevor Keaton,! Tom Stutelberg, Andy Gums! 4 Hunter Junge, Jocelyn Collins, Kevin Warner! 5 Michael Gentry, Kris Bauman,! Rachael Beatty; Izabella Grazide! 7 Kassidy Antonino! 8 Nicole Connor, Keegan Dame, Nichole Tomlinson,! Noah Tschopp, Ann Miller, Regina Vermeulen! 10 Daniel Antonino, Dallas Simonette! 12 Kenneth Santiwan! 13 Bob Van Der Linda! 14 Julie Bickerton, Chloe Axas! 15 Mark Daruwalla , Rene Valladares,Frankie Valle! 18 Carol Neal, Joe Cimini! 19 Dan Reese, Isabella Valle! 20 Carolyn Weaver, Lois Wright, Doug Cornford,! Tara Hanna! 21 Vivian See, Gino Camilletti! 23 Kyle Cook, Sophia Bickerton! 24 Gil Boers! 25 Alayna Bliven! 26 Dan Sheeran, Ava Bickerton! 27 Phyllis Warne! 29 Julie Gibbs, Avery Gums! 30 Luke Fletes! 31 Sydney Hansen, Joni Morris!
March Anniversaries! 3 Frank & Donna Arrington(34)! 8 Grant & Sharon Stricker(45)! 14 Douglas & Susan Owens(22)! 18 Sonny & Phyllis DuShane(58)! Jerry & Arlene Vogler (42)!
“He’s a bit of a perfectionist”.
New Sunday Sermon Series Starts During Lent-March 9th
We all lug loads that wear us down: Worry Guilt Disappointment Fear of Death
A great time and series to invite a friend to worship as we move towards the light
No wonder we get so weary and worn from carrying that excess baggage.
and hope of Easter.
TRAVELING LIGHT Join us during the Sundays of Lent, let’s release some of those burdens we were never intended to carry.
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church • 8425 W. Windmill Ln • Las Vegas • 702.873.3589 • www.goodsamlv.com
Volume 39 Issue 3
March 2014
Youth Events Fri. March Event
Sun. March 30th All Services • Youth Weekend. 7th
7-10pm • Laser Blast
Battle Blast Laser Tag - 8125 W Sahara Ave #200 Las Vegas, NV 89117 (702) 228-0951 A seriously fun event for our youth is coming up. So save the date. Meet at Battle Blast at 7 pm and we will begin to get our group signed in. We will play a game then stop for a pizza break at about 8 pm and then finish up with a couple of more games afterwards. Parents can pick up their youth at 10pm. Cost is $20. Be sure and let Pastor Don know if you need a scholarship to the event.
Fri. March 21st 5:30-10:30 • Movie Night
“God’s Not Dead” at Sam’s Town. A movie night in which we will join several other Lutheran youth groups for opening night of “God’s Not Dead” A challenging and uplifting movie that will make you think about your faith.Meet at the church at 5:30 pm or at the Sam’s Town food court at 6pm for dinner before the movie. The movie begins at 7:45pm Cost of the movie is $10 for ages 13+ & $7 for 12-under.
Sunday School
Perfect Attendance in Sunday school for January • Great job! Porter and Madison Carsten Sedona and Bryce Beckman Leah Chaffin Tatiana and Natalia Thomas Sydney and Lindsey Niehaus Noah Tschopp
Youth will be helping with all services as Ushers, Readers, & Communion Assistants. Sign up sheets will be available starting March 2ndth during confirmation and Hot Church to get youth signed up to help lead the services. We will have a short training after Conf. and Hot Church on the 16th.
Sun. March 16th 5-7pm • Leaders Huddle at Kristen Tschopp ‘s house
Just a reminder to all Hot Church and Youth Council Members we are having a Leaders Huddle on Sunday, March 16th from 5-7 pm. The Tschopp address is 6051 Dunham Hills Way 89113 phone 407-2508
First Communion Classes
for 4th Graders and up Youth as well as a parent or sponsor are encouraged to attend two classes to learn the basics of communion in preparation for their first communion. Tues March 18th and 25th 6:30-7:45 pm First Communion Sun. March 30th at the 9:35am service
! Our Sunday school children and their parents/guardians have been challenged to pray with each other every night. Our challenge was based on Dr. Rich Melheim’s book “Holding your family together.” Rich suggests that families gather together before bed, and do these five things: 1. Share their highs and lows 2. Read a key bible verse or story 3. Talk about how that reading related to their highs and lows 4. Pray for one another’s highs and lows 5. Bless each other Over the course of the last 5 months, we have had 34 kids and their parents/ guardians participate in the challenge. This is what the parents are saying about the “Faith 5 Prayer Challenge.”
•“I’ve seen my two oldest daughters accept Jesus into their hearts as Christians”! •“Faith 5 strengthens both one’s spiritual health and the child/parent relationship” •“I’ve made a conscious effort to share my faith with my kids.” •“The Faith 5 has shown my kids that even though I’m a parent, I’m not perfect, and that I can ask for help from God.” Many thanks to all the parents/guardians who have put forth the intentional effort in guiding their children in their faith! Miss Nita Sunday School Director
The Ultimate Prayer Challenge!!
Congratulations to Miss Ashley’s 3-5th grade Sunday school class for winning the “Ultimate Prayer Challenge!”
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church • 8425 W. Windmill Ln • Las Vegas • 702.873.3589 • www.goodsamlv.com
Volume 39 Issue 3
March 2014
Mid-Week Lenten Services
! This year let’s practice being the church to our
The Lenten Journey Begins! Join us for the Ash Wednesday services March 5 at 12:30pm and 7:00pm for worship, hymns, and disposition of ashes.! Soup Supper will be served at 6:00pm.!
community instead of doing church as a community. 5 Service Events, one for each Wednesday of Lent. Set aside time as an individual or as a family to put your faith into action during this Lenten season.
March 12
Service to the residents of Acacia Springs Care Home Time Frame 5:30-6:30pm 8630 W. Nevso Dr. 89147 As a group we will lead residents in the singing of some of the old hymns of the faith like Amazing Grace and then spend some time passing out gifts and cheer. Meet at Acacia Springs at 5:30pm
Lenten Resources such as devotion books and children’s activity books will be available in the entry way on March 1st.
March 19
Help sort food and stock shelves at 3 Square Food Bank Time frame is 5 -7 PM 4190 N Pecos Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89115 You can show up after 5pm if you need to. Volunteers age 10-17 must have a guardian present. You can also donate food items for us to take with us. Visit their web-site @ http://www.threesquare.org/ to see items most needed.
March 26
Help serve dinner at the Las Vegas Rescue Mission 4:30-6:30pm A few people will need to stay till 7:30 pm and you can show up closer to 5pm if you need to. 480 W Bonanza Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89106 If you cannot serve you can donate goods and we will take them with us. For a list of goods most needed http:// www.vegasrescue.org/Help/Needs Volunteers ages 11-17 must have a guardian present
!April 2 - YTD !April 9
Easter Basket Ministry Roundup: Put together Easter baskets from donations 6-7pm. These baskets will be given to needy children throughout the valley. If you would like to participate by donating items the following is a list of items we will be collecting. Stuffed Easter animals, baskets, candy, plastic grass, plastic eggs, misc. easter toys. Items can be dropped off in the entry area. Each basket will also have a child’s book telling the Easter Story. Some families will sign up to deliver the baskets to different organizations or homes over the following week.
!MID-DAY OPTION: We will also be having a short
Celebrate Holy Week & Easter! Holy Week: • Palm/Passion Sunday - April 13 - Services at 8:00am, 9:35am, & 11:00am • Maundy Thursday - April 17 - Service at 7:00pm • Good Friday - April 18 - Services at 12:30pm & 7:00pm Easter: • Saturday - April 19 - Service at 6:00pm • Easter Sunday - April 20 - Outdoor SONrise Service - 6:00am. Worship Services at 8:00am, 9:35am, & 11:00am. • Children’s Message and gifts at 9:35 & 11:00am. •Community Easter Egg Hunt - 10am
daytime Mid-week Lenten worship service at noon in the youth room for those who cannot attend an evening service event.
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church • 8425 W. Windmill Ln • Las Vegas • 702.873.3589 • www.goodsamlv.com
Volume 39 Issue 3
March 2014
Girl Scout Thank You! Daisy Troop 492 wants to say "Thank You" to Good Samaritan Lutheran Church and it's members for making our cookie booth on Sunday a big success! We are so thankful that we get to sell cookies in such a safe, loving, and supportive environment. With troop proceeds from the cookie sale, the girls will do some fun things and something to help others.
Our service project this year will consist of planting a beautiful tree for the new school building at New Hope/GSLC. We will be planting this tree in honor of one of our fellow Daisies, Malia Morgan. Malia's mother is battling stage 4 cancer and moved back to Arkansas to be close to family. The girls and I are very excited about this project and its significance. Finally, we are looking for Daisy Troop Leaders/Volunteers for the 2014/2015 membership year. If you know of anyone who is waiting for the invitation to encourage, guide, and support the girls of our future, now is the time! I would love the opportunity to mentor those individuals into the Girl Scouting program during the remainder of our 2013/2014 membership year. Please have them contact me at 505-228-8031 or shelly.johns@gmail.com for more information.
Thanks again for your support. Kindest Regards-
Shelly Johns 505-228-8031 shelly.johns@gmail.com
Annual Spring Gathering on April 5, 2014 Theme: “Living in Christ through Service” Hosted by the Women’s Ministry of Grace Lutheran Church 2101 Harrison St., Kingman, AZ 86401 www.graceforthejourney.org Keynote Speaker – Lisa Beauchamp Executive Director, Cornerstone Mission, serving the homeless & hungry in Kingman, AZ
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Girl Scout Cleanup Project Girl Scout Troop 733 is cleaning up the desert on Gomer and Ft Apache for their Bronze Award. Please come help them earn their award by helping with this cleanup project. Project date is March 15 from 8-noon. We will meet on the corner of Gomer and Ft Apache. Signup
Topic: “Yes, LORD!” Registration fee=$15.00 (registration form is on website: http://www.kingmanchurch.com/ fellowship-events/) Continental breakfast & lunch will be provided. Registration begins at 8:30a.m. Event is 9:00a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Fellowship Activity: ‘Faith Journey Smash Books’ (bring a spiral notebook & service memories to share as we create)
! *Ingathering – Diana’s Faith House in Kingman. !
*Please bring one of the following items for the women & children at this shelter: new undergarments, personal care items, robes & footies or Walmart giftcards.
sheet in the entry area. Please Call Kendra Calendine with any questions. 775-225-7169
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Good Samaritan Lutheran Church • 8425 W. Windmill Ln • Las Vegas • 702.873.3589 • www.goodsamlv.com
Volume 39 Issue 3
March 2014
UPCOMING EVENTS Save the Date! Sips 4 Scholarships! Fund Raising Event! is set for!
October 4, 2014! All Proceeds go to aid parents with tuition cost, at New hope Christian Academy School.! If you would like to donate to the event please contact Lisa Fletes lmcfletes@yahoo.com
The next Family Night will be
Family Game Night! Friday, March 14th at 6pm-8pm
in the main school building Come and bring the whole family for some great fun for all ages! This is a great time to hang out, meet some other families and play! There will be several different games set up for all different age levels as well as a coloring table for the little ones. This is a free event for all families of Good Samaritan Church and New Hope School. There will be snacks available for purchase for $1 each, cash only please.
Please RSVP with how many will be attending to newhopeptm@gmail.com
Insure Good Samaritan’s Future! You support the church financially throughout your lives in response to God’s love for you. Why not consider doing it when life draws to a close as well. One easy way of doing this is simply contacting your insurance agent and designate one of the beneficiaries to be Good Samaritan Lutheran Church. You can designate a percentage (10% is a tithe!) and your heirs still receive 90% of the policy value. It will mean that a legacy follows your life and you will leave a testimony of faithfulness as well!
St. Patrick’s Celebration Bring Friends and Family!
Join us on Saturday, March 15 at 6pm for a traditional Irish meal! Corned beef & cabbage, boiled potatoes, rye bread and more! Bring friends and family for a fun Irish dinner! Cost is donation only! Please RSVP so we can plan accordingly: contact Paul at 994-0702 or Michelle at 873-3589 or office@goodsamlv.com.
Walk Through
! 11
You will not believe the progress they are making on our school expansion project. Be sure and join us Sunday March 9th and get an inside look at what is going on with the building. The new building will be open for a short walking tour followed by refreshments for everyone. Come out and see how far we have come and get an sneak peak at this amazing expansion God has made possible for us and our community.
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church • 8425 W. Windmill Ln • Las Vegas • 702.873.3589 • www.goodsamlv.com
Volume 39 Issue 3
march 2014
Online Giving - Stewardship Action
Part of Stewardship is giving. Our online giving service is a great way to improve your giving experience and it’s easy for anyone to give at any time of day, 365 days a year. Stewardship is also how we utilize our resources as a church. Online giving links directly to the contribution software used by the church, which means more accurate records, and less cost to the church than envelopes and even counting cash and checks.
Flexible payment options
• ACH (checking and savings) • Credit Cards • Debit Cards (debit only option available)
Easy to use Get Started Today: www.goodsamlv.com and click “GIVE”.
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You can manage your own recurring donations and view a personal history of your online transactions from a secure login. In a few simple steps, you could set up your giving online.
Faithful Stewardship
Online giving helps us stay faithful and consistent even when you miss a weekend service, or forgot the checkbook at home. It is easy to set up, and easy to change.
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church • 8425 W. Windmill Ln • Las Vegas • 702.873.3589 • www.goodsamlv.com