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We deal with one of the best Italian handicrafts The Murano glass Handed down over the years we still use the ancient techniques of processing of the glass to make the best jewelry of this island, witness to this millenary art. Muranì: collection made exclusively in Murano - Local Art Ds: the best proposal currently present in the jewelry market in Venice - Local Art This link will take you to the online catalogue, a window from this small island to the world. http://www.dioses.it/line/Murani/pyc 1. How to became a Dioses international Retailer? export@dioses.it 2. Follow us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/MuranoglassDiosesItalia Dioses Italia Jewelry Italia dioses@dioses.it www.dioses.it dioses.italia@hotmail.it Twitter: @Murano_Glass