Grandmaster Aleksey Vayner Ties World Record in Concrete Power Breaking Besides the World Powerbreaking Championships there are a number of Challenges that happen throughout the country. The last World Record Concrete Power Breaking Challenge took place in May of 2011, and now officials released the results of the challenge. 2011 is a notablyexciting as NYCbased Grandmaster Aleksey Vayner tied the last world record by breaking a stack of 16 concrete slabs, and joined an elite group of 3 other concrete powerbreakers in heavyweight category who have officially done so; Colin Thompson, Drew Serrano, and Larry Fields.
Official results are undisputed, as every challenge takes place under strict guidelines; equipment (slabs of concrete) is inspected and stacked by official judge of the federation. The break is videotaped for the record by the judge at an angle that would capture the entire concrete stack, and brief postbreak verification of the number of concrete slabs that have been broken.
Over the years official power breaking records had been questioned due to alleged difficulty of establishing consistency and uniform ‘hardness’ of wooden and concrete materials used; for this reason Guinness Book of World Records does not maintain an official record of power breaks. However World Breaking Association have resolved that problem, at least in the United States, by establishing a clear set of rules, and purchasing materials from HomeDepot & Lawis, whose wood, bricks, and concrete have been tested many times for uniformity. This enables the federation to maintain consistency and legitimacy of breaks officially performed, and observed and recorded by judges in the US.
We reached out to Aleksey Vayner to congratulate him on the accomplishment and weight in on the Guinness Records position. Saying that the sixfoot trophy has been placed in the bedroom, Aleksey added – “I see no problem with different governing bodies and federations keeping track of records in their respective sport. I suspect they [Guinness] might add specific types of breaking records to their list over time. Given some of the things they keep track of, it would only seem natural. If they adapt the WBA or similar standard in the near future, I would break for Guinness World record, if I am injuryfree and the body is competitionready.”