Scholarships for Moms or Scholarships for Single Mothers: Is It Possible To Go Back To School? Ask any student who goes to college full time and they will tell you, more than likely, “I barely get by.” It is through hard work, diligence, and some level of strife, that students manage to get through school - and perhaps not with the marks they want. It’s not impossible - hard, yes - but not impossible. But what if you are a mother, or more difficult yet, a single mother? Are there programs, aid, scholarships for moms or scholarships for single mothers? Is it possible for someone like that, with the weight of a family and kids, to go to school? Yes. For hundreds of years the idea of a woman even gaining an education at the level of a man was unheard of. It wasn’t until the Renaissance in Italy that it was considered acceptable, that women should be educated in order to better serve the home and her family.
Today, the opportunity of a woman is much broader and much different than that of the four mothers - even those who fought for our right to vote. Not only can we attend college universities, but we can also receive scholarships to help us pay for it. There are quite a few scholarships for mom or scholarships for single mothers. For example, Arkansas offers and single parent scholarship for anyone who is a resident of Arkansas can apply for. Just doing a quick search of the internet will give you, or anyone else, direct access on how to go back to school, no matter your situation. There are hundreds of programs that can help you; going to your local community college and speaking to a guidance counselor might give you more opportunities. A counselor might be able to direct you to local scholarships for moms or scholarships for single mothers. In the end, just because you have kids doesn’t mean you can’t go back to school. It doesn’t mean you can’t continue your education. You’re not only bettering yourself, but your setting an example for your children that you truly can do anything you want if you work for it. It also gives you something to be proud of, and it gives you a sense of who you are - you aren’t just a mother or a provider for your family. You can be a journalist or a nurse as well. To accomplish this, but it starts with looking for Scholarships for Mothers or scholarships for single mothers. You can visit for Mom Scholarships at
Scholarships for Moms @ 2011