Geneva Digital Atlas | Pre-release version

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Digital Atlas GENEVA

Digital Atlas



Geneva Digital Atlas

Second edition

Published by Geneva Internet Platform and DiploFoundation

Geneva, September 2022

Design: Viktor Mijatovic


Table of Content

Why When What Who How Where

technology meets humanity at Geneva

did this interplay between technology & humanity begin?

are the major digital topics covered in Geneva?

are the major digital actors in Geneva

does the interplay between digital tech and humanity work?

digital topics and actors intersect in Geneva

6 Space
for selected quotes.


Welcome by Swiss Confederation

Place for welcome statement by high official of the Swiss Confederation. Place for welcome statement by high official of the Swiss Confederation. Place for welcome statement by high official of the Swiss Confederation. Place for welcome statement by high official of the Swiss Confederation. Place for welcome statement by high official of the Swiss Confederation. Place for welcome statement by high official of the Swiss Confederation.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world. ” “ Mahatma Gandhi


Nathalie Fontanet

State Councillor, Department of Finance and Human Resources, Republic and Canton of Geneva

Welcome by Republic and Canton of Geneva

Statement by high official of the Canton and Republic of Geneva. Statement by high official of the Canton and Republic of Geneva. Statement by high official of the Canton and Republic of Geneva. Statement by high official of the Canton and Republic of Geneva. Statement by high official of the Canton and Republic of Geneva. Statement by high official of the Canton and Republic of Geneva. Statement by high official of the Canton and Republic of Geneva.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world. ” “ Mahatma Gandhi


Sami Kanaan

Member of the Administrative Council of the City of Geneva Department of Culture and Digital Transition

Welcome by City of Geneva

Statement by high official of the City of Geneva. Statement by high official of the Canton and Republic of Geneva. Statement by high official of the Canton and Republic of Geneva. Statement by high official of the Canton and Republic of Geneva. Statement by high official of the Canton and Republic of Geneva. Statement by high official of the Canton and Republic of Geneva. Statement by high official of the Canton and Republic of Geneva.


Tatiana Valovaya


Welcome by United Nations in Geneva

Statement by high official of the International Geneva. Statement by high official of the International Geneva. Statement by high official of the International Geneva. Statement by high official of the International Geneva. Statement by high official of the International Ge neva. Statement by high official of the International Geneva. Statement by high official of the International Geneva.

Director General of the UN Office in Geneva

We read to know we’re not alone. ” “


Statement by high official of the Main Cartographer. Statement by high official of the Main Cartographer. Statement by high official of the Main Cartographer. Statement by high offi cial of the Main Cartographer. Statement by high official of the Main Cartographer. State ment by high official of the Main Cartographer. Statement by high official of the Main Cartographer. Statement by high official of the Main Cartographer.

Quote Welcome by the Cartographer of the Geneva Digital Atlas Director of DiploFoundation & Head of Geneva Internet Platform Jovan Kurbalija

Section 1

Why technology meets humanity in Geneva


Section 2

When did this interplay between technology & humanity begin?


Section 3

What are the major digital topics covered in Geneva?


Section 4

Who are the major digital policy actors in Geneva?


The Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development

ITU | Place des Nations | 1211 Geneva 20 | Switzerland

ITU Liaison Office to the UN | New York 2 UN Plaza | DC2-2524 | 44th Street | NY 10017, USA

UNESCO | Place de Fontenoy | 75352 Paris | France

About the Broadband Commission

The Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development is a public-private partnership fostering digital coop eration and developing actionable recommendations for achieving universal connectivity.

Established in 2010 by the International Telecommunica tion Union (ITU), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), H.E. President Paul Kagame of Rwanda, and Mr. Carlos Slim Helú of Mexico, its mission is to boost the importance of broadband on the international policy agenda and expand broadband access to every country. Today, the Commission is com

posed of more than 50 Commissioners who represent a cross-cutting group of top CEOs and industry leaders; senior policymakers and government representatives; and experts from international agencies, academia, and organisations concerned with development.

The Commission acts as a UN advocacy engine for the im plementation of the UN Secretary-General’s Roadmap for Digital Cooperation, leveraging the strength of its mem bership and collective expertise to advocate for meaning ful, safe, secure, and sustainable broadband communica tions services that reflect human and children’s rights.


“The Broadband Commission puts universal broadband connectivity at the forefront of global policy discussions. With a membership of high-level public and private sector leaders, we develop practical and sustainable policy recommendations to accelerate progress towards achieving the UN 2030 Agenda and our seven Advocacy Targets.”

Message by the Broadband Commission Leadership

“The transformational impact of broadband on people’s lives and global economies is no longer questionable; the remaining chal lenge is to extend these obvious benefits to the majority of global citizens and allow them to un leash their creative potential to fully integrate in the information driven global economy. This will require new frameworks for global cooperation in the areas of investment, research, and tech nology. The Broadband Commission for Digital Development will work to realise this potential.”

“President Paul Kagame, Co-Chair, President of Rwanda

Message by the Broadband Commission Leadership

Mr Carlos Slim Helu, Co-Chair, Founder of the Carlos Slim Foundation and Grupo Carso,

“Without a doubt, broadband is the nervous system of today’s new civilisation, so broadband access is a top priority for our technological society. It is very important that broadband be a high-quality universal service at a low cost. Because of its health, education, and knowledge ben efits, among others, governments and regulatory agencies should be strongly fostering broad band development. Broadband is not a gap, but a bridge between developed and developing countries, providing access to all of the services of modern society for the well-being of the pop ulation in general.”

Mr Houlin Zhao, Co-Vice Chair, Secretary General of ITU “Broadband networks offer perhaps the greatest opportunity we have ever had to make rapid and solid advances in global social and economic development – across all sectors, including healthcare, education, new job opportu nities, transportation, agriculture, trade, and government services. In the twenty-first century, broadband networks therefore need to be considered as basic critical infrastructure, like roads, railways, water, and power networks. One of the key roles of the Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development is to raise awareness of the critical role to be played by broadband over the next decade, and to ensure that broadband is at the top of the global political and economic agenda, in order to fully leverage the tremendous benefits available.”

Ms Audrey Azoulay, Co-Vice Chair, Director General of UNESCO, “None of the major challeng es facing the world today can be met by any one country on its own without relying on the fun damental pillars of science, education and culture. Thus, UNESCO can and must fully participate in a world order based on multilateralism and humanist values.”



The Commission focuses on closing the digital divide and promoting broadband development in developing coun tries and underserved communities, ensuring that all countries reap the benefits of digital technologies. Its ef forts are detailed in its flagship annual State of Broadband Report, and take the form of thematic Working Groups, regular meetings, and advocacy activities at the margins of other flagship events such as the World Economic Fo rum (WEF, Davos), GSMA’s Mobile World Congress (MWC), the Internet Governance Forum (IGF ), United Nations High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF ), Word Summit on the Information Society ( WSIS), and the UN General Assembly (UNGA).

In 2018, the Commission set seven objectives in its 2025 Advocacy Targets to guide efforts to ‘connect the other

half’ of the world’s population by expanding broadband infrastructure and access to the internet. They reflect am bitious and aspirational goals and function as a policy and programmatic guide for national and international action in broadband development.

The Commission hosts between two and four Working Groups annually to dive deeper into prominent issues af fecting broadband access, affordability, and use. Working Groups are proposed, chaired, funded, and led by Com missioners, with the support of external experts. The cul mination of the discussion and research of these groups is a consensus-based report, which provides actionable recommendations for achieving the Commission’s targets and thereby elements of the UN 2030 Agenda.



Telecommunications infrastructure

The Commission promotes the adoption of best practices and policies that enable the deployment of broadband networks at the national level, especially among develop ing countries. It engages in advocacy activities aimed at demonstrating that broadband networks are fundamen tal to modern societies and the achievement of the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs). It publishes an annual State of the Broadband Report, providing a global overview of the current state of broadband network ac cess and affordability, an update of the Commission’s sev en Advocacy Targets, and insights from Commissioners on the impactful actions for accelerating progress.

The Commission has launched a number of Working Groups focused on ICT connectivity, including the World Bank led Digital Infrastructure Moonshot for Africa and the Working Group on 21st Century Financing Models for Sustainable Broadband Development in 2019. These initiatives aim to provide governments and policymakers with a set of holistic policy recommendations to foster in novative financing and investment strategies to achieve the Commission’s targets for broadband connectivity and adoption. The Working Group on School Connectivity identified a set of core principles that aim to help governments and other interested stakeholders to develop more holistic school connectivity plans.

The ongoing global pandemic has shined a light on the critical role broadband networks and services play in making economies and societies work and thrive. In response to the effects of the pandemic, the Commission adopted the Agenda for Action: For Faster and Better Recovery to ac celerate the world’s response. This initiative includes im mediate and long-term efforts that governments, global industry, civil society, and international organisations can undertake to support the development and strengthen ing of digital networks that remain so integral to our econ omy and society. The three pillars of resilient connectivity, affordable access, and safe use of online services pro vide a framework for all Commissioners to mitigate the adverse effects of COVID-19 and lay the foundation for a better and faster recovery.


When advocating for the rollout of broadband infrastruc ture and bridging the digital divide, the Commission un derlines the increasing importance of internet access and adoption as an enabler of inclusive sustainable growth and development. It pays particular attention to aspects related to the deployment of infrastructure in developing countries, hybrid education and capacity development, and online safety (particularly for children and youth), in addition to the digital gender divide and the empower ment of women in the digital space.


Recent broadband reports covering these topics include the Commission’s Working Group on Digital Learning, Vul nerable Countries, and the Gender Digital Divide. These Working Groups aim to advance progress on the Commis sion’s 2025 Advocacy Targets on Broadband Policy, Con nectivity, Digital Skills Development, and Gender Equality.

Sustainable development

The Commission advocates for actions to be taken by all relevant stakeholders with the aim of closing the digital divide, a crucial step towards the achievement of the SDGs. The Commission’s annual State of the Broadband Report looks at the progress made in implementing broadband networks in various countries around the world, which it regards as an essential element in addressing the digital divide.

The Commission also addresses the impact of digital technologies on specific issues covered by the SDGs. One example is the recent Working Group on Virtual Health & Care, whose final report outlines practical recommenda tions for the future of digital health services presented in a framework of six key policy pillars. In 2021, the Working Group on Smartphone Access was launched to examine the smartphone access gap and provide strategies for achieving universal smartphone ownership so that all communities may benefit from access to digital services.

Also active in environmental and climate change issues, the Commission’s activities (ranging from publications and events to advocacy actions) cover the link between climate change and ICTs.

Interdisciplinary approaches: digital co-operation

The work of the Commission contributes to the UN Sec retary-General’s Roadmap for Digital Cooperation, which lays out how all stakeholders can play a role in advanc ing a safer and more equitable digital world. Through its various Working Group initiatives and the advocacy of its Commissioners, the Broadband Commission is a prime example of SDG 17 (Strengthen the means of implemen tation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development) in action. The Commission makes policy recommendations and advocates implicitly for global digi tal cooperation, providing considerations for all sectors to work in tandem to reach the goal of universal connectivity.


On the Broadband Commission’s website, social media, and various online channels feature landmark reports, which are available for free:



Broadband Commission 2020 Universal Connectivity Manifesto

The Future of Virtual Health and Care

- 21st Century Financing Models for Bridging Con nectivity Gaps

- Connecting Learning Spaces: Possibilities for Hybrid Learning

Importance of ICT and Global Cooperation for Fu ture Epidemic Management

Reimagining Global Health through Artificial Intelli gence: The Roadmap to AI Maturity Balancing Act: Countering Digital Disinformation While Respecting Freedom of Expression

The Digital Transformation of Education: Connecting Schools, Empowering Learners Connecting Africa Through Broadband: A Strategy for Doubling Connectivity by 2021 and Reaching Universal Access by 2030 Epidemic Preparedness: Preventing the Spread of Epidemics Using ICTs

- Digital Health: A Call for Government Leadership and Cooperation between ICT and Health The Promise of Digital Health: Addressing Non-communicable Diseases to Accelerate Univer sal Health Coverage in LMICs

Child Online Safety: Minimising the Risk of Violence, Abuse and Exploitation Online Digital Gender Divide: Bridging the Gender Gap in Internet and Broadband Access and Use Education: Digital Skills for Life and Work Digital Entrepreneurship Broadband for the Most Vulnerable Countries

Digitalization Scorecard: Which Policies and Regulations can Help Advance Digitalization

Linking ICT with Climate Action for a Low Carbon Economy   - Creating a Favourable Environment for Attracting Finance and Investment in Broadband Infrastruc ture Digital initiatives

The Broadband Commission has also been instrumental in the launching of the following global initiatives:

EQUALS: The ITU/ITC/GSMA/UN Women Global Partnership for Gender Equality in the Digital Age GIGA: The ITU/UNICEF Global Initiative to Connect Every School to Internet by 2030 The Child Online Safety Universal Declaration

Social media channels


Facebook @broadbandcommission Twitter @UNBBCom LinkedIn @broadband-commission
@Broadband Commission Flickr @Broadband Commission

European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)

Esplanade des Particules 1 | 1211 Geneva 23 | Switzerland

About The CERN

CERN is widely recognised as one of the world’s leading laboratories for particle physics. At CERN, physicists and engineers probe the fundamental structure of the uni verse. To do this, they use the world’s largest and most complex scientific instruments – particle accelerators and

detectors – to study the basic constituents of matter and the forces that shape the universe. Technologies devel oped at CERN go on to have a significant impact through their applications in wider society.


Message by the CERN Director-General

CERN’s mission is to perform world-class fundamental research in particle physics. We also play a vital role in developing cutting-edge technologies, bringing nations together, and training the young generation. CERN is a driver of innovation for the benefit of science and society. The open-science approach we embrace and promote is essential to achieve our objectives.

“The spirit of openness is one of CERN’s core values; we actively promote the open sharing of what we develop and produce.”
CERN Director-General Fabiola Gianotti

Message by the CERN Director-General

High-energy physics research is highly collaborative; open science is encoded in CERN’s DNA. This spirit of openness is one of CERN’s core values and we actively promote the open sharing of what we develop and produce. The World Wide Web is one prominent example. In 1989, Sir Tim Berners-Lee gave a short paper to some of his colleagues at CERN. Behind the rather basic title, Information Management: A Pro posal, was a vision that would transform the way we accessed information and connected at a global level. It was the vision that became the World Wide Web, whose software was released in 1993 free of charge for everyone to use and develop. CERN continues to be a pioneer in open science, supporting open-source hardware (with the CERN Open Hardware Licence), open access publications (with the Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics – SCOAP3), and open data (with the Open Data Portal for the LHC experiments).

The COVID-19 outbreak necessitated an extraordinary collaborative effort from the scientific commu nity and required scientists to act quickly in sharing results across disciplines and across national bor ders. CERN contributed to this effort by hosting, preserving, and sharing COVID-19-related datasets, software, preprints, and other research objects via its open source Zenodo digital repository.

We value our partnerships with other international organisations, working together for the collective good and drawing on our respective experience and expertise. In February 2022, CERN was the winner of the special award for effective and innovative online meetings at the 7th Geneva Engage Awards online event, organised by the Geneva Internet Platform, for developing and deploying the free and open-source service for online meetings ‘Indico’ that has been adopted by the United Nations and oth er organisations in Geneva and beyond to organise more than 900,000 events around the world.

By accelerating open science, CERN advances inclusiveness and collaboration to reduce divides and inequality across national borders, disciplines, and sectors even through times of pandemics, conflict, and uncertainty.



CERN has had an important role in the history of computing and networks. The World Wide Web (WWW) was invented at CERN by Sir Tim Berners-Lee. The web was originally conceived and developed to meet the demand for automated information-sharing between scientists at universities and institutes around the world. Grid comput

ing was also developed at CERN with partners and thanks to funding from the European Commission. The organisa tion also carries out activities in the areas of cybersecu rity, big data, machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), data preservation, and quantum technology.

Credits by



Artificial intelligence1

Through CERN openlab, CERN collaborates with leading information and communication technology (ICT) com panies and research institutes. The R&D projects carried out through CERN openlab address topics related to data acquisition, computing platforms, data storage architec tures, computer provisioning and management, networks and communication, machine learning and data analytics, and quantum technologies. CERN researchers are using machine learning techniques as part of their efforts to ‘maximise the potential for discovery […] and optimise resources usage’. Machine learning is used, for instance, to improve the performance of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments in areas such as particle detection and managing computing resources. Going one step further, at the intersection of AI and quantum computing, CERN openlab is exploring the feasibility of using quantum algo rithms to track the particles produced by collisions in the LHC, and is working on developing quantum algorithms to help optimise how data is distributed for storage in the Worldwide Large Hadron Collider Computing Grid ( WLCG). This research is part of the CERN Quantum Tech nology Initiative (QTI) activities, launched in 2020 to shape CERN’s role in the next quantum revolution.

CERN openlab: a public-private partnership in which CERN collaborates with ICT companies and other research or

ganisations to accelerate the development of cutting-edge solutions for the research community, including machine learning.

CERN QTI: a comprehensive R&D, academic, and knowl edge-sharing initiative to exploit quantum advantage for high-energy physics and beyond. Given CERN's increasing information and communications technology and com puting demands, as well as the significant national and in ternational interests in quantum-technology activities, it aims to provide dedicated mechanisms for the exchange of both knowledge and innovation.

Cloud computing2

The scale and complexity of data from the LHC, the world’s largest particle accelerator, is unprecedented. This data needs to be stored, easily retrieved, and anal ysed by physicists all over the world. This requires mas sive storage facilities, global networking, immense computing power, and funding. CERN did not initially have the computing or financial resources to crunch all of the data on site, so in 2002 it turned to grid computing to share the burden with computer centres around the world. The Worldwide Large Hadron Collider Computing Grid ( WLCG) builds on the ideas of grid technology initially proposed in 1999 by Ian Foster and Carl Kesselman. The WLCG relies on a distributed computing infrastructure, as data from

1 AI-related projects are developed and referred to as part of the CERN openlab activities

2 Within its work, CERN refers to ‘Cloud computing’ as ‘Distributed com puting’


the collisions of protons or heavy ions are distributed via the internet for processing at data centres worldwide. This approach of using virtual machines is based on the same paradigm as cloud computing. It is expected that further CERN developments in the field of data processing will continue to influence digital technologies.

The CERN Data Centre is the heart of CERN’s entire scientific, administrative, and computing infrastruc ture. All services, including email, scientific data management and videoconferencing use equipment based here.

Telecommunication infrastructure3

In the 1970s, CERN developed CERNET, a lab-wide network to access mainframe computers in its data centre. This pioneering network eventually led CERN to become an early European adopter of TCP/IP for use in connecting systems on site. In 1989, CERN opened its first external TCP/IP connections and by 1990, CERN had become the largest internet site in Europe and was ready to host the first WWW server. Nowadays, in addition to the WLCG and its distributed computing infrastructure, CERN is also the host of the CERN Internet eXchange Point (CIXP), which optimises CERN’s internet connectivity and is also open to interested internet service providers (ISPs).

How the Internet came to CERN

3 Within its work, CERN refers to ‘telecommunication infrastructure’ as ‘network infrastructure ’.

CERN Internet eXchange Point (CIXP)

Digital standards4

Ever since releasing the World Wide Web software under an open-source model in 1994, CERN has been a pi oneer in the open-source field, supporting open-source hardware (with the CERN Open Hardware Licence), open access (with the Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics SCOAP3) and open data (with the CERN Open Data Portal). Several CERN technolo gies are being developed with open science in mind, such as Indico, InvenioRDM, REANA , and Zenodo. Open-source software, such as CERNBox, CERN Tape Archive CTA), EOS, File Transfer Service (FTS), GeantIV, ROOT, RUCIO, and service for web-based analysis (SWAN) has been devel oped to handle, distribute, and analyse the huge volumes of data generated by the LHC experiments and are also made available to the wider society.

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF ) (in the context of the additional work done by IETF on internet standards)

Pushing the Boundaries of Open Science at CERN: Sub mission to the UNESCO Open Science Consultation

Data governance5


Within its work, CERN addresses ‘web standards’ as ‘open science’.

5 Within its work, CERN refers to ‘data governance’ as ‘data preservation’.



CERN manages vast amounts of data; not only scientific data, but also data in more common formats such as webpages, images and videos, documents, and more. For instance, the CERN Data Centre processes on average one petabyte (one million gigabytes) of data per day. As such, the organisation notes that it faces the challenge of preserving its digital memory. It also points to the fact that many of the tools that are used to preserve data gen erated by the LHC and other scientific projects are also suitable for preserving other types of data and are made available to the wider society.

The CERN Open Data Policy for scientific experiments at the LHC is essential to make scientific research more reproducible, accessible, and collaborative. It reflects val ues that have been enshrined in the CERN Convention for more than 60 years that were reaffirmed in the European Strategy for Particle Physics (2020), and aims to empow er the LHC experiments to adopt a consistent approach towards the openness and preservation of experimental data (applying FAIR standards to better share and reuse data).

EOSC Future is an EU-funded H2020 project that is implementing the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) that started in 2016. EOSC will give European researchers access to a wide web of FAIR data and related services. CERN joined the recently formed EOSC Association in 2020. It also currently has a mandate to represent the European intergovernmental research organisations that make up EIROforum.

DPHEP (Data Preservation in High Energy Physics) (CERN is a founding member)

The CERN Open Data Policy

EOSC (European Open Science Cloud) (CERN is a mandated organisation and a member of the EOSC Association) Online learning opportunities - through CERN ac ademic training Online introductory lectures on quantum computing - through CERN QTI.

Future of meetings

More information about ongoing and upcoming events, you can find on the event’s page.

Social media channels

Facebook @cern Instagram @cern

Twitter @CERN LinkedIn @cern YouTube


The CyberPeace Institute

Campus Biotech Innovation Park | Av. de Sécheron 15 | 1202 Geneva | Switzerland

About CyberPeace Institute

The CyberPeace Institute is an independent and neutral NGO that strives to reduce the frequency, impact, and scale of cyberattacks, to hold actors accountable for the harm they cause, and to assist vulnerable communities.

The Institute works in close collaboration with relevant partners to reduce the harm from cyberattacks on peo ple’s lives worldwide, and provide assistance. By analys ing cyberattacks, it exposes their societal impact and how international laws and norms are being violated, and ad vances responsible behaviour to enforce cyberpeace.

At the heart of the Institute’s efforts is the recognition that cyberspace is about people. It supports providers of essential services to the most vulnerable members of society, ultimately benefiting us all, like NGOs and the healthcare sector. Attacking them can have a devastating impact on beneficiaries and patients, putting their rights and even lives at risk.

To deliver on this mission, the Institute relies on donations and the generosity of individuals, foundations, companies, and other supporters. This support enables it to assist and support vulnerable communities, including NGOs, to enhance their resilience to cyberattacks.

The Institute also provides evidence-based knowledge and fosters awareness of the impact of cyberattacks on people, to give a voice to and empower victims to highlight the harm and impact of cyberattacks. It reminds state and non-state actors of the international laws and norms gov erning responsible behaviour in cyberspace, and advanc es the rule of law to reduce harm and ensure the respect of the rights of people.


“The CyberPeace Institute is an independent and neutral non-governmental organisation that strives to reduce the frequency, impact, and scale of cyberattacks; to hold actors accountable for the harm they cause; and to assist vulnerable communities.”

Stéphane Duguin

Chief Executive Officer

Message by the CyberPeace Institute Chief Executive Officer

Digital transformation is changing critical sectors. While it is recognised that digitalisation pro duces many positive outcomes, it also increases the risk of cyber incidents. Critical infrastruc ture, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and by extension the individuals and communi ties they seek to assist and protect, become increasingly vulnerable to disruption from different forms of cyberattacks.


Message by the CyberPeace Institute Chief Executive Officer

The CyperPeace Institute works with vulnerable communities to provide cybersecurity support and assistance, analysis, and alerts to safeguard and strengthen the resilience of critical infrastructure, the healthcare sector, and NGOs. This work contributes to the realisation of the 2030 sustainable develop ment goals (SDGs).

The healthcare sector has been targeted by malicious actors. Criminals have targeted organisations from hospitals to vaccine research centres, with complete disregard for the impact on public health and safety and the harm they might cause people. Preventing such attacks will help achieve SDG 3, Good Health and Well-Being.

Tools and analyses, such as the Cyber Incident Tracer #Health, developed by the Institute, help bridge the information gap about cyberattacks on the healthcare sector and their impact on people, to devel op appropriate policies and capacity building initiatives.

NGOs are increasingly reliant on digital tools and are often the target of malicious actors to disrupt their activities yet they do not always have the resources to invest in cybersecurity. They often have to interrupt and even scale back their work after an attack, affecting the lives and livelihoods of their beneficiaries.

In 2021, the Institute launched CyberPeace Builders programme to support such organisations to in crease their cyber resilience and to ensure their work towards the 2030 vision remains undisrupted by cyber threats. This programme contributes to SDG 17 to create effective partnerships and SDG 16 – Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions – by safeguarding and strengthening the resilience of NGOs and the humanitarian sector.

We recognise that creating cyberpeace and fulfilling the SDGs are both challenges that no single organi sation or stakeholder group can accomplish alone. Instead, effective multistakeholder cooperation, co ordination, and partnerships are required to amplify and implement positive contributions to achieve the SDGs and build the foundations necessary for a cyberspace at peace for everyone, everywhere.



Created in 2019, the Institute assesses the impact of cyberattacks from a human perspective, focusing on the rights of people. It grounds its analysis on evidence and the impact on human well-being, and to tell the story of people, link it with the technical reality of cyberattacks, and assess it against the violation of laws. The Institute ad vocates for an evidence-based, human-centric approach to the analysis of cyberattacks as essential to the process of redress, repair, and/or justice for victims. It works col laboratively in its research, analysis, assistance, mobilisa tion, and advocacy. It engages with vulnerable communi ties to understand their needs for cybersecurity support and provides free and trusted cybersecurity assistance to vulnerable communities.

The CyberPeace Institute

- assists NGOs and other vulnerable communities to prepare for and recover from cyberattacks.

- investigates cyberattacks targeting vulnerable communities, analysing these attacks to provide alerts and support and for accountability.

- advocates to advance the rule of law and respect for the rights of people.

anticipates threats to people associated with emerging and disruptive technologies.

Examples of operational activities

Assisting humanitarian and other NGOs with free and trusted cybersecurity support.

Analysing cyberattacks and highlighting their im pact on people and how they violate the rule of law.

Documenting violations of international laws and norms and advocating for strengthened legal pro tection in cyberspace.

Offering expertise and support to states and civil society in relation to responsible behaviour in cy berspace.



Critical infrastructure

Cyberattacks against critical infrastructure have been on the rise, from attacks against hospitals and vaccine sup ply chains to attacks on the energy sector. When such dis ruptions occur, access to basic services is at risk. It is vital that there is an increase in the capacity and ability to im prove resilience to cyberthreats by critical sectors, such as healthcare. The CyberPeace Institute urges stakeholders in diplomatic, policy, operational, and technical areas to increase their capacity and resilience to cyberthreats.

The Institute advocates for capacity building aimed at enabling states to identify and protect national critical infrastructure and to cooperatively safeguard its opera tion. This includes capacity building, implementation of norms of responsible behaviour, and confidence-building measures. In strengthening efforts to protect critical in frastructure, the Institute calls for the sharing of lessons learned between countries to assist those with less capac ity and fewer capabilities.

NGOs in civilian critical sectors, for example water, food, healthcare, energy, finance, and information, need sup port and expertise to help them strengthen their cyber security capabilities. While these NGOs provide critical services to communities and bridge  areas not covered by public and private actors, they lack the resources to pro tect themselves from cybersecurity threats.

Examples of the Institute’s work in this regard

Calls to governments to take immediate and deci sive action to stop all cyberattacks on hospitals and healthcare and medical research facilities, as well as on medical personnel and international public health organisations.

- Capacity building is essential for achieving cyber preparedness and resilience across sectors and fields, and activities focus on providing assistance and capacity building to NGOs that might lack tech nical expertise and resources.

Publication of the strategic analysis report Playing with lives: Cyberattacks on healthcare are attacks on people, and launch of the Cyber Incident Tracer (CIT) #Health platform that bridges the current information gap about cyberattacks on healthcare and their impact on people. This is a valuable source of information for evidence-led operational, policy, and legal decision-makers.

Monitoring and analysing how cyberattacks and operations are and have been, targeting critical in frastructure and civilian objects in the armed con flict between Ukraine and the Russian Federation through the publicly accessible Cyber Attacks in Times of Conflict Platform #Ukraine. The informa tion on cyberattacks can be used to identify de velopments or clarify the law in relation to the use of cyber operations in armed conflicts, and for accountability in any future judicial proceedings.


Network security

NGOs play a critical role in ensuring the delivery of crit ical services, such as the provision of healthcare, access to food, micro-loans, information, and the protection of human rights.

Malicious actors are already targeting NGOs in an effort to get ransoms and exfiltrate data. Often these NGOs do not have the budget, know-how, or time to effectively secure their infrastructures and develop a robust incident response to manage and overcome sophisticated attacks.

With this in mind, the Institute launched its CyberPeace Builders programme in 2021, a unique network of corpo rate volunteers providing free pre- and post-incident as sistance to NGOs supporting vulnerable populations.

This initiative brings support to NGOs in critical sectors at a level that is unequalled in terms of staff, tools, and capa bilities. It assists NGOs with cybersecurity whether they work locally or globally, and supports them in crisis-affect ed areas across the globe.

Capacity development

The Institute believes that meaningful change can occur when a diversity of perspectives, sectors, and industries work together. To address the complex challenges relat ed to ensuring cyberpeace, it works with a wide range of

actors at the global level including governments, the private sector, civil society, academia, philanthropies, policy making institutions, and other organisations. The Institute contributes by providing evidence-led knowledge, empha sising the need to integrate a genuine human-centric ap proach in both technical and policy-related projects and processes, and by highlighting the civil society perspective to support and amplify existing initiatives.

Interdisciplinary approaches

To contribute to closing the accountability gap in cyber space, the Institute seeks to advance the role of interna tional law and norms.

It reminds state and non-state actors of the international law and norms governing responsible behaviour in cyber space, and contributes to advancing the rule of law to re duce harm and ensure the respect of the rights of people.

Contribution to UN processes

In 2021–2022, the Institute contributed to and com mented on various UN-led processes (notably the United Nations Group of Governmental Experts on Advancing responsible state behaviour in cyber space in the context of international security (UN GGE) and the Working Group (WG) on the use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the rights of peoples to self-determination).


The Institute has closely followed the work of the UN Open Ended Working Group (UN OEWG) on de velopments in the field of information and telecom munications in the context of international security, advocating recognition of the healthcare sector as a critical infrastructure and raising concerns about the lack of commitment towards an actionable and genuine human-centric approach.

In the Open-Ended Working Group on security of and in the use of information and communications technologies 2021–2025 (OEWG II) the Institute set out three key action areas and related recommendations, and is contributing its expertise in relation to the protection of humanitarian and development organisations from cyberattacks.

Participation in international initiatives: The Paris Call Working Groups

The Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace is a multistakeholder initiative launched by the French government at the Paris Peace Forum in November 2018. The Call itself sets out nine principles promoting and ensuring the security of cyberspace and the safer use of information and communications technology (ICTs).

To operationalise these principles, in November 2020 six working groups were created to work on various issues that relate to them. The Institute co-led Work

ing Group 5 with colleagues from Geopolitics in the Datasphere [Géopolitique de la Datasphère] and The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies (HCSS).

The work of this group led to the Final Report pub lished during the Paris Peace Forum 2021. It pres ents a methodology to facilitate understanding of how the implementation of normative, legal, oper ational, and technical measures, or the lack thereof, contribute to stability in cyberspace and ultimately to cyberpeace.

The Institute contributed to Group 3: Advancing the UN negotiations with a strong multistakeholder ap proach, leading to the publication of the final report on Multistakeholder participation at the UN: The need for greater inclusivity in the UN dialogues on cybersecurity.



At the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, in May 2022, the CyberPeace Institute joined Access Now, the Of fice of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Human Rights Watch (HRW ), Amnesty International, the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), and Con sumers International to call on decision-makers to take action and initiate a moratorium limiting the sale, transfer, and use of abusive spyware until people’s rights are safe guarded under international human rights law.

This is in addition to a call made in 2021, in which the Institute joined more than 100 civil society organisations calling for a global moratorium on the sale and transfer of surveillance technology until rigorous human rights safe guards are adopted to regulate such practices and guar antee that governments and non-state actors don’t abuse these capabilities.

Digital technology plays an important role in conflict mediation and global peace building. It can extend inclu sion, allowing more women or people from marginalised groups to take part in or follow a mediation process. It can make mediation faster and more efficient and can allow mediators to draw on resources from around the world.

However, digital technology brings risks, too. It can in crease polarisation, for example, and allow disinformation to spread to more people, more quickly. It can increase vulnerability to malicious actors, spying, and data breach es. These risks can undermine trust in the process.

Mediators work in low-trust, volatile contexts and don’t always have the knowledge to assess the risks posed by digital technology. A new online platform helps to raise awareness of those risks, as well as offering training on how to deal with them. The Digital Risk Management E-Learning Platform for Mediators was created in 2021 by the CyberPeace Institute, CMI – Martti Ahtisaari Peace Foundation, and the UN Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (UNDPPA)’s Mediation Support Unit.

As part of the integration and engagement with the stakeholder’s ecosystem in Geneva, the Institute is a member of the Geneva Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services (CCIG).

Various academic collaborations are ongoing through participation in conferences, workshops, and lectures, namely with the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Laus anne Centre for digital trust EPFL (C4DT), the University of Geneva (UNIGE), and the Graduate Institute (IHEID). In 2020, the Institute formed a strategic partnership with the  Swiss Trust Valley for Digital Transformation and Cybersecurity

The Institute and its staff have received several awards for innovative and continuous efforts promoting cyber peace including the 2020 Geneva Centre for Security Pol icy (GCSP), second prize for Innovation in Global Security, and the Prix de l’Economie in 2021 from the CCIG.


Social media channels

The Institute maintains a website providing alerts, blogs, articles, and publications on key issues related to its mis sion for cyberpeace, and shares video materials and dis cussion recordings on its YouTube channel.

The latest news and developments are shared via Twitter @CyberpeaceInst LinkedIn @cyberpeace-institute Instagram @cyberpeaceinst Facebook @CyberpeaceInstitute

Sign up for the monthly newsletter to receive updates about what’s happening at the Institute, as well as news about cyberpeace.


UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD)

Palais des Nations

| 1211 Geneva | Switzerland

About the CSTD

The United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD) is a subsidiary body of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). The Commission met for the first time in April 1993 in New York, USA. Since July 1993, UNCTAD has been hosting the CSTD secretari at, which holds an annual intergovernmental session for discussion on timely and pertinent issues affecting sci ence, technology, and development. CSTD members are national governments, but debates also involve represen tatives from academia, the private sector, and civil soci ety. Strong links exist with other UN bodies (including the

Commission on the Status of Women, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Regional Commissions, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Or ganization (UNESCO), United National Industrial Develop ment Organization (UNIDO) and the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)). Outcomes of the CSTD include providing the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) and ECOSOC with high-level advice on relevant science and technology issues.


Message by the CSTD Chair

CSTD is the focal point in the United Nations system to discuss critical issues of today and to morrow affecting science, technology, and development. It serves as an open platform where proposals, ideas, experiences, cases, and intellectual thought can be channelled towards making a policy impact.

Some of the important normative issues raised include the use of frontier technologies, which rely a lot on digital tools, for example, biotech and genome editing, big data, space technologies, and artificial intelligence.

“We need to increase multilateral cooperation so that developing countries can benefit from science, technology and innovation to achieve the sustainable development goals.”
Ad interim Chair
Mansour Al-Qurashi

Message by the CSTD Chair

Apart from offering a platform to exchange views and experiences, CSTD promotes concrete collaborations between member states to enable developing countries to benefit from and use these frontier technologies to address their development challenges. For example, it cooperates with the Chinese Academy of Sciences to build, through a three-year Cropwatch Programme, the capacity of developing countries to use satellite-generated data to monitor their crop growth and harvest with a view to promoting national food security.

In today’s rapidly changing technological environment, the CSTD matters more than ever as tech nology and innovation outpace the ability of people and governments to keep up. There is a great risk of the digital divide widening further and with it the ability of developing countries to harness science, technology, and innovation (STI) for their own development.

The recent COVID-19 pandemic has substantially set back the progress made in implementing the sustainable development goals (SDGs) outlined in the United Nations Agenda 2030. Greater global cooperation and faster deployment of STI solutions are therefore needed to help meet multiple global and national challenges and to improve the lives of people.

The 25th CSTD (28 March to 1 April 2022) examined how STI, in particular digital technologies, could help the world recover better from the COVID-19 pandemic and contribute to the advancement of the SDGs. The two priority themes discussed were (1) Industry 4.0 for inclusive development; and (2) STI for sustainable urban development in a post-Covid19 world. The CSTD also reviewed the progress made in the implementation of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) outcomes.

In 2023, the 26th Annual CSTD will focus on STI solutions, including digital technologies, for cleaner and competitive production as well as for ensuring safe water and sanitation for all.



The CSTD reviews progress made in the implementation of and follow-up to the WSIS outcomes at the regional and international levels. It also discusses frontier technologies, which are largely linked with digitalisation. Based on re views and discussions, CSTD prepares draft resolutions for ECOSOC. These draft resolutions tackle issues ranging from access to the internet, information and communica tion technologies (ICTs), and frontier technologies to the use of these technologies in achieving sustainable devel opment, particularly under the 2030 Agenda, including

mitigating and adapting to climate change. At each of its annual sessions and intersessional panels, the CSTD ad dresses two priority themes regarding the use of STI in cluding digital technologies, in different areas, for exam ple, sustainable cities and communities; inclusive social and economic development; good health and wellbeing; opportunities and challenges associated with blockchain technology; capacity development; industry 4.0 for inclu sive development; and access to safe water and sanita tion.

Credits by shutterstock



Artificial intelligence1

As part of its work on assessing the impact of technological change on inclusive and sustainable development, the CSTD is also exploring the role of frontier technolo gies including artificial intelligence (AI). At its 22nd session, the CSTD pointed out that AI and other frontier technolo gies offer significant opportunities to accelerate progress in achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs), while also posing new challenges (e.g. disrupting labour markets, exacerbating or creating new inequalities, and raising ethical questions). The CSTD is focusing its 2019–2020 intersessional work on digital frontier technologies, such as AI, big data, and robotics. For 2021, the CSTD has chosen another digital technology – blockchain for sus tainable development – as a priority theme for its work. In 2022, the CSTD deliberated on industry 4.0 technologies (such as AI, big data, IoT, and robotics) for inclusive development.

Harnessing Rapid Technological Change for Iclusive and Sustainable Development (2020) (report for the 23rd CSTD session)

Harnessing Blockchain for Sustainable Development: Prospects and Challenges (2021) (report for the 24th CSTD session)

Industry 4.0 for Inclusive Development (2022) (report for the 25th CSTD session)

CSTD Dialogue brings together leaders and experts to address the question: ‘What must be done to ensure that the potential offered by STI towards achieving the SDGs is ultimately realised?’ This dia logue also aims to contribute to ‘rigorous thinking on the opportunities and challenges of STI in several crucial areas including gender equality, food security and poverty reduction.’

Articles on the webpage explore AI-related issues, such as the role of AI in health, a principled ap proach to AI (written by actors from different stake holder groups) and investing in AI-driven innovation for social good.

A hybrid of physical and online side-event on AI strategies organised during the 25th CSTD.


During its annual sessions and intersessional panels, as well as in its draft resolutions for ECOSOC, the CSTD tack les aspects related to the digital divide, and outlines the need for further progress in addressing the impediments that developing countries face in accessing new technolo

Within the work of the CSTD, AI is placed under the term ‘frontier technologies’, which also includes big data analytics, biotech and genome editing, and the internet of things ( IoT ) CSTD/CSTD-About.aspx

2 In the CSTD’s work, disparities related to access to the internet are referred to as the ‘digital divide’.


gies. It often underlines the need for coordinated efforts among all stakeholders to bridge the digital divide in its various dimensions: access to infrastructure, affordabili ty, quality of access, digital skills, gender gap, and others. To this aim, the CSTD recommends policies and actions to improve connectivity and access to infrastructure, afford ability, multilingualism and cultural preservation, digital skills and digital literacy, capacity development, and ap propriate financing mechanisms.

ECOSOC and General Assembly Resolutions related to WSIS and Information and Communications Technologies for Development (ICT4D)

Sustainable development

As the UN focal point for STI for development, the CSTD analyses the impact of digital technologies on sustain able development (assessing opportunities, risks, and challenges), including from the perspective of the ‘leaving no one behind’ principle. The CSTD also works to identify strategies, policies, and actions to foster the use of tech nology to empower people (especially vulnerable individ uals and groups) and ensure inclusiveness and equality. In addition, it acts as a forum for strategic planning, sharing of good practices, and providing foresight about emerging and disruptive technologies.

- UNGA Resolution: Impact of Rapid Technological Change on the Achievement of the Sustainable De velopment Goals

UNGA Resolutions on STI for Development

The Impact of Rapid Technological Change on Sustainable Development (2019). The paper was prepared by UNCTAD – which services the CSTD – in response to the UNGA Resolution 72/242, which requests the CSTD to give due consideration to the impacts of key rapid technological changes on the achievement of the SDGs.

CSTD Intersessional Panel Meeting – November 2021


Capacity development

Capacity development is one of the recurring themes that appear in draft resolutions prepared by the CSTD on the implementation of and follow-up to the WSIS outcomes. The CSTD often emphasises the need for countries and other stakeholders to focus on capacity development pol icies and actions to further enhance the role of the inter net as a catalyst for growth and development. Strengthen ing the capacity of stakeholders to participate in internet governance processes is another objective the CSTD has been calling for, especially in regard to the Internet Gover nance Forum (IGF ).

- Articles on the webpage explore issues related to capacity development, such as enhancing the par ticipation of women and girls in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers (writ ten by actors from different stakeholder groups).

Project on using digital technologies: CropWatch In novative Cooperation Programme

Interdisciplinary approaches: internet governance

The CSTD was mandated to review the IGF process and suggest improvements. To this aim, the Working Group on Improvements to the IGF was established and a report recommending several action items regarding the IGF was delivered in 2012. The CSTD was also entrusted with the mandate to initiate discussions about enhanced cooperation in internet governance. It convened two working groups on enhanced cooperation (2013–2014 and 2016–2018); although consensus seemed to emerge on some issues, a divergence of views persisted on others and the Working Group could not find consensus on recommen dations on how to further implement enhanced coopera tion as envisioned in the Tunis Agenda.

Report of the Chair of the Working Group on En hanced Cooperation (2018)

CSTD Working Group to Examine the Mandate of WSIS Regarding Enhanced Cooperation as Con tained in the Tunis Agenda (2014)

Working Group on Enhanced Cooperation (2016–2018)

Working Group on Enhanced Cooperation (2013–2014)



UNCTAD is in charge of servicing the CSTD. As such, digital tools used by the UNCTAD e.g. platform for online meet ings, and social media for communications purposes are also employed for CSTD-related purposes. For example, the 23rd and 24th CSTD annual sessions as well as the intersessional panel of the 24th CSTD were purely virtu al, using the Interprefy platform. The intersessional pan el and the annual session of the 25th CSTD were hybrid, combining online and in-person participation. The online platforms used were Interprefy and Zoom, respectively.

Social media channels

Instagram @unctad Facebook @UNCTAD YouTube @UNCTADOnline Twitter @UNCTAD LinkedIn @UNCTAD Flickr @UNCTAD


Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance DCAF

Maison de la Paix | Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2D | 1211 Genève | Switzerland


About the DCAF

DCAF, the Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance, is dedicated to making states and people safer through more effective and accountable security and justice. Since

2000, DCAF has facilitated, driven, and shaped security sector reform (SSR) policy and programming worldwide.



Cyberspace and cybersecurity have numerous implications for security provision, management, and oversight, which is why DCAF is engaged on these topics within its work. DCAF has implemented a cycle of policy projects to

develop new norms and good practices in cyberspace. At the operational level, cybersecurity governance has be come a prominent part of SSR programming.

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Capacity development

DCAF supported the drafting of the Global Counterterrorism Forum’s (GCTF ) Zurich-London Recommendations on Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE) and Terrorism Online. Subsequently, it co-developed the Poli cy Toolkit, which transforms these recommendations into practical tools for states. DCAF applies the Policy Toolkit in its work in the Western Balkans. Several UN bodies – as well as the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) – are planning to incorporate it into their activities. DCAF has also developed a French language guide on good practices concerning cyberspace gover nance for the Ecole nationale à vocation régionale (ENVR) de la cybersécurité in Senegal, which is mainly targeted at cy bersecurity practitioners in Francophone Africa.

DCAF contributes to effective and accountable cybersecurity in Europe and Central Asia by providing practical guid ance and support for the governance of the cybersecurity sector; supporting the development of national and inter national legal and policy frameworks to promote good cy bersecurity governance, and facilitating multistakeholder engagement in cybersecurity. This work is organised in several service lines: providing national cybersecurity as sessments; developing policy advice; enhancing regional and transnational co-operation between cybersecurity authorities; building the capacity of computer emergency

response teams (CERTs); promoting dialogue and coordination between state and non-state cybersecurity actors; and publishing policy research on good governance in cy bersecurity. DCAF regularly works with partners, includ ing the (International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), the OSCE, and Diplo Foundation.

To increase the transparency and accountability of the se curity sector in the Middle East and North Africa, DCAF supports the automation of internal processes, informa tion sharing, document management systems, and data visualisation and analysis in parliaments, ministries, public administrations, and oversight institutions. Furthermore, four online Sector Observatories (Marsads) provide centralised information and analyses on the Tunisian, Lib yan, Palestinian, and Egyptian security sectors and their actors, and three legal databases provide searchable on line access to legislation governing the security sectors in Libya, Tunisia, and Palestine. Finally, DCAF has provided legal expertise to national oversight institutions in re gard to possible privacy violations through and misuse of COVID-19 apps developed by national governments.

In 2016, DCAF developed a social media guide for ombuds institutions and the armed forces under its jurisdiction to support the use of social media as a safe and effective communication tool.



DCAF uses social media platforms to inform stakeholders and the public about its activities, including in relation to cybersecurity.

Social media channels

Twitter @DCAF_Geneva LinkedIn @DCAF YouTube @DCAF Geneva Centre for Security Sector Gov ernance



European Broadcasting Union (EBU)

Grand-Saconnex / Geneva | SWITZERLAND

17A | Postal Box 45 | 1218 Le 73

About the EBU

The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) is the world’s leading alliance of public service media. It has 112 mem ber organisations in 56 countries and an additional 31 as sociates in Asia, Africa, Australasia, and the Americas. EBU members operate nearly 2,000 television, radio, and on line channels and services, and offer a wealth of content across other platforms.

Together they reach an audience of more than one billion people around the world, broadcasting in more than 160 languages. The EBU operates Eurovision and Euroradio services.


Message by Director-General

“Public service media (PSM) have been on a journey to transform the way they work and interact with their audiences but we expect to see the digital revolution accelerate even more in the years to come.

To survive, organisations in all sectors need to adapt to meet the digital demands of their audi ences.

“Digital transformation has only just begun.”
Noel Curran

Message by Director-General

As our remit is to serve all sectors of society, we need to ensure our viewers and listeners can continue to find our content and services wherever and whenever they need.

In a multichannel, multiplatform world, distribution is key. PSM will have to continue to evolve and develop new services to ensure they reach everyone, everywhere.

This work will touch on many different areas from creating new virtual spaces to developing new legal frameworks; from finding better ways to use and access audience data to improving branding and UX and cultivating cross-platform strategies.

At the EBU, we are helping support our members in many different ways. At a regulatory level, we are campaigning to ensure citizens can continue to easily access and find PSM content online. We are bringing broadcasters together to collaborate on new technology, innovation, and standards. And sharing best practice around digital development, artificial intelligence (AI), and the metaverse.



Telecommunication infrastructure

EBU members use various types of network infrastructure for the production and distribution of Public service media (PSM) content and services to the entire popula tion. In addition to traditional broadcasting networks –terrestrial, cable, or satellite – media service providers use fixed and wireless IP networks. The EBU’s activities aim to ensure that these networks are capable of meeting the requirements of PSM organisations and their audiences in a technically and economically viable way. This includes technical developments and standardisation in collabora tion with industry partners as well as engagement with regulators and policymakers to ensure a suitable regula tory framework for PSM content and services.

The current focus is on broadband distribution infrastruc ture; distribution over internet platforms; wireless mobile technologies such as 5G; and terrestrial broadcast net works, including access to spectrum.

The governance of the EBU’s technical work is described here: The current Technical Committee Workplan is available here: https://tech.ebu. ch/publications/tc_workplan_up_to_2023.

Further information about the EBU’s technical work, in cluding the scope of different working groups, can be found at

Following the start of the war in Ukraine and last year’s flooding in Europe, the EBU issued a recommendation to

recall the crucial importance of PSM’s delivery to citizens –for this, no single resilient network will suffice.

Digital standards

Since its inception in 1950, the EBU has been mandated by its members to contribute to standardisation work in all technological fields related to media. This work rang es from TV and radio production equipment to the new broadcasting standards for transmission. This mandate has been naturally extended over the years to the field of mobile technologies, as well as online production and distribution.

The EBU hosts the digital video broadcasting (DVB) proj ect, which has developed digital TV standards such as DVB-T/T2 and DVB-S/S2 that are the backbone of digital TV broadcasting around the world. DVB is currently work ing on an IP-based distribution system and on DVB-I, a new open standard for content distribution over the in ternet. This work is closely aligned with 3GPP.

The EBU is an active member of a number of other standards and industry organisations that are developing specifications relevant for media content production and distribution, including major standards developing organ isations (SDOs) (e.g. the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), the 3rd Generation Partner ship Project (3GPP), the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engi


neers (IEEE) but also those with a more focused scope (e.g. Hybrid broadcast broadband TV (HbbTV ), DASH Industry Forum (DASH-IF ), the World Wide Web Consortium ( W3C), RadioDNS1, Word Digital Audio Broadcasting ( WorldDAB), Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), the Advanced Me dia Workflow Association (AMWA), and the Society of Mo tion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE)). In all these organisations, the EBU’s main objective is to ensure that specifications are capable of meeting the requirements of EBU members and their audiences.

In 2019, the EBU launched a 5G Media Action Group (5G-MAG), an independent non-profit cross-industry association that provides a framework for collaboration be tween media and ICT stakeholders on a market-driven implementation of 5G technologies in content creation, production, distribution, and consumption.

Artificial intelligence

AI and data are central themes for PSM today, especially when it comes to strengthening and personalising rela tionships with its citizens. The EBU's AI and Data Group defines the AI and Data Initiative strategy and priorities in

order to support EBU members' data usage and AI- and data-driven strategies. It brings together EBU member delegates and EBU permanent services delegates, who are directly involved in carrying out strategic, managerial, analytical, technological, legal, content-related, or other types of activities related to data usage in their respective organisations.

A prominent example of the EBU’s use of AI is its PEACH (Personalization for EACH) initiative, which has brought together a number of public broadcasters to develop AI-powered tools to deliver the right content to the right audience in accordance with current data protection regulations.

Network neutrality

1RadioDNS is an organisation that promotes the use of open technology standards to enable hybrid radio. Hybrid radio combines broadcast radio and internet technologies to create a harmonised distribution technolo gy.It relies upon the Domain Name System (DNS).

The EBU’s work in the field of net neutrality focuses on assisting its members in coordinating their positions on broadband network neutrality. To this end, it provides ex pertise and facilitates initiatives and the drafting of docu ments concerning net neutrality at the EU level. The EBU also encourages its members to exchange experiences from the national level. Net neutrality is addressed as part of the EBU’s Legal and Policy Distribution Group. Net neu trality is seen as a key principle for public service broadcasters to support and advocate for, as it ensures their services are equally accessible by all internet users.


Cybercrime and network security

The EBU has developed a Strategic Programme on Media Cyber Security, aimed mainly at raising awareness among its members of the increasing cybersecurity risks and threats to broadcasting. This initiative also provides a plat form for its members to exchange information on secu rity incidents (e.g. phishing campaigns, targeted malware attacks), as well as on lessons learned, projects, and inter nal procedures. A dedicated working group is focused on defining information security best practices for broadcast companies – it has recently published a recommendation providing guidance on cybersecurity safeguards that me dia organisations and media vendors should apply when planning, designing, or sourcing their products and ser vices. The EBU organises an annual Media Cybersecurity Forum, which brings together manufacturers, service providers, and media companies to discuss security issues in the media domain.

Convergence and OTT

In an environment increasingly characterised by digital convergence, the EBU is working on identifying viable in vestment solutions for over-the-top (OTT) services. The organisation has a Digital Media Steering Committee, fo cused on ‘defining the role of public service media in the digital era, with a special focus on how to interact with big digital companies’. It also develops a bi-annual roadmap for technology and innovation activities and has a dedicat ed Project Group on OTT services.

In addition, there is an intersectoral group composed of EBU members and staff that exchange best practices for relations between internet platforms and broadcasters. During the COVID-19 crisis, a coordinated effort by the technical distribution experts of the EBU and its members monitored the state of the global broadband network to help avoid surcharges due to the increased consumption of on-demand programmes.

This work goes hand in hand with that developed by the Legal and Policy department – among others with the Content, Platform, Distribution, and Intellectual Proper ty Expert Groups, all key in the establishment of EU rules enabling a proper availability of PSM services to people across the EU and beyond.


Capacity development

Most of the EBU’s activities are aimed at increasing the capacity of its members to address challenges and em brace opportunities brought about by the digital age. To that end, through its Digital Transformation Initiative, the EBU has developed a number of member support ser vices, such as its expert community network that gathers over 200 experts from across its membership, and a digi tal knowledge hub with a repository of analyses and best practices. The EBU also offers a wide range of workshops and other sessions aimed at creating awareness about the digital transformation of the public service media, developing peer-to-peer assessment of members’ digital maturity, and initiating tailored interventions based on members’ needs.

Social media channels

LinkedIn @ebu Facebook @EBU.HQ YouTube @European Broadcasting Union Instagram @ebu_hq Twitter @ebu_hq Podcasts


ECMA International

Rue du Rhône 114 | 1204 Geneva | Switzerland


About the ECMA International

Ecma International is an industry association that works on standardisation in information and communications technology (ICT) and consumer electronics.

The association develops global standards and technical reports to facilitate and standardise the use of ICTs and consumer electronics. It also encourages the correct use

of standards by influencing the environment in which they are applied.

Its membership includes entities such as Alibaba, Apple, Bloomberg, Google, Hitachi, HP, Huawei, IBM, Intel, Meta, Microsoft, Netflix, and PayPal, as well as prominent uni versities and research institutes.


Message by the ECMA Secretary-General

Prudent data management and careful planning of preservation measures are increasingly im portant to ensure that digital information, media, and documents remain accessible also in the future for the next generation and beyond.

The production of digital data is constantly increasing. At the same time, hardware and software development cycles are getting shorter, media used for data storage is ageing, and file formats are becoming obsolete. There is a need for a solution for the long-term (over 50 years) archival of data.

“Long-term digital data preservation: archiving digital information for the next generations and beyond.” Secretary-General Patrick Luthi

Message by the ECMA Secretary-General

In our digital information society, there is no secure means to store and accumulate the explosively growing digital information safely and on a permanent basis. Therefore, a concern is that the world will face a critical situation and serious problems in the near future. In such a situation, expectations of optical disks as archiving storage media with high capacity are growing because of their unique features, such as low cost, high compatibility, and low energy consumption; more specifically, data storage capability without the need for power. Ecma standards will enable users to build data storage systems that use recordable optical disks for long-term data preservation. Such optical disks will provide sufficient storage capacity and a long expected lifespan.



Since its creation in 1961, Ecma has published numerous standards and technical reports covering areas such as data presentation and communication; data interchange and archiving; access systems, interconnection, and

multimedia; programming languages; and software engineering and interfaces. FORTRAN, one of the oldest pro gramming languages developed by Ecma, was approved in 1965. ECMAScript, with several billion implementa tions, is one of the most used standards worldwide.

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Digital standards

A large part of Ecma’s activity is dedicated to defining standards and technical reports for ICTs (hardware, soft ware, communications, media storage, etc.). This work is carried out through technical committees and task groups focusing on issues such as information storage, multimedia coding and communications, programming languages, open XML formats, and product-related en vironmental attributes. The standards and technical re ports developed in committees and groups are subject to an approval vote in the Ecma General Assembly. Once approved by the assembly, some standards are also sub mitted to other standardisation organisations (such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI)) for their approval and publication through a liaison agreement that Ecma has with those organisations.

Telecommunications infrastructure

Standards related to corporate telecommunication networks: ECMA-307; ECMA-308; ECMA-309; ECMA326; ECMA-332; ECMA-355; ECMA-360; ECMA-361

Standards related to access systems and intercon nection: ECMA-342; ECMA-412; ECMA-417

Standards related to wireless proximity systems.

ECMA-340; ECMA-352; ECMA-356; ECMA-362; ECMA-373; ECMA-385 ECMA-386; ECMA-390; ECMA-391; ECMA-403; ECMA-409; ECMA-410; ECMA-411; ECMA-415; ECMA-368; ECMA-369; ECMA-381; ECMA-387; ECMA-392; ECMA-397; ECMA-398; ECMA-399; ECMA-401

Technical reports related to corporate telecom munication networks: TR/91; TR/92; TR/95; TR/96; TR/100; TR/101; TR/102; TR/103; TR/75; TR/86

Network security

ECMA-205; ECMA-206; ECMA-219; ECMA-235; ECMA-271

Sustainable development/Digital and environment

ECMA-328; ECMA-341; ECMA-370; ECMA-383; ECMA-389; ECMA-393; ECMA-400

Programming languages such as ECMAScript (JavaScript) and C#

ECMA-262, ECMA-334, ECMA-335, ECMA-367, ECMA-372, ECMA-402, ECMA-404, ECMA-408, ECMA-414


Data-related standards

Multiple Ecma standards covering issues such as data interchange, data presentation, and data com munication

Ecma technical reports covering data communication and data interchange

Technical committees (TCs) and task groups (TGs) covering issues such as access systems and information exchange between systems ( TC51), information storage ( TC31), product-related environmental attributes (TC38), ECMAS cript language ( TC39), office open XML formats ( TC45) and ECMAScript modules for embedded systems ( TC53).

Information storage

Standards developed by Ecma include optical and magnetic storage systems (disks, cartridges, etc.), methods for determining the life expectancy of storage media, and the interchange of information on media by specifying its volume and file structure.

Where other optical storage systems such as compact discs (CDs), digital versatile disks (DVDs), or hard disks only store data on their surface, holographic data storage

goes beneath the surface using the entire recording medium. Holographic storage is a high-capacity storage tech nology that records binary information into holograms (three dimensions), which can be read by low-power laser beams. In December 2021, the ECMA-420 standard was developed. It specifies device interface information and requirements for high-speed image retrieval and collation using holographic optical correlation based on shift-multi plex recording of coaxial holography was published.

Ecma has several projects in development, which include a standard on a quality discrimination method and an operating method of storage systems for long-term data preservation. This standard will enable data storage systems to be built using optical disks for storing and accumulating important digital information safely and on a permanent basis. There is also a plan to develop a standard defining a holographic data storage system with a capacity of 1000 Gbytes per disk, which will enable long-term data preser vation storage systems to be built, with features such as high capacity, long-term reliability, and lower operational costs.


Future of meetings

Any reference to online or remote meetings

Ecma meetings, such as its General Assembly, typically take place as a physical meeting to allow face-to-face discussions and interaction among members, but remote attendance is possible by using videoconferencing and other digital tools for the members that cannot attend in person. Ecma TCs hold either physical, hybrid, or virtual meetings depending on their specific needs.

Any reference to holding meetings outside HQ

Ecma meetings are typically held outside of Ecma’s HQ at the invitation of a TC member who hosts the meeting at their own or another facility.

Any reference to deliberation or decision-making online

Economy and efficiency are factors in choosing the meet ing place and the meeting mode. Digital or a combination of digital and face-to-face meetings are possible options. This is decided by the committee.

Social media channels

LinkedIn @ecma-international Twitter @EcmaIntl


European Free Trade Association (EFTA)

Rue de Varembé 9-11 | 1211 Geneva 20 | Switzerland


About the EFTA

The European Free Trade Association (EFTA) is an intergovernmental organisation composed of four member states: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland.

Established in 1960 by the Stockholm Convention, EFTA promotes free trade and economic integration between its members. Since its founding, relations with the European Economic Community (EEC) (later the European Commu nity (EC)) and the European Union (EU) have been at the

heart of EFTA activities. In 1992, three EFTA states (Iceland, Norway, and Liechtenstein) signed the Agreement on the European Economic Area with the EU, which now makes up the so-called European Economic Area (EEA).

Since the early 1990s, EFTA has been actively engaged in trade relations with third countries in and outside of Eu rope.


Message by the EFTA Secretary-General

The European Free Trade Association (EFTA) regroups four digitally highly advanced countries that perceive digitalisation as a key driver of innovation, competitiveness, and growth. Individu ally, EFTA states have set out dedicated digital strategies and initiatives spanning areas as diverse as e-government, the labour market, research and development, the sharing economy, startups, and international cooperation. They further uphold the protection of personal data and privacy as a fundamental right. EFTA member states, which are part of the European Economic Area (EEA), also participate in the EU’s internal market and as such apply EU rules on electronic communication and the information society.

“Things do not happen. Things are made to happen.” (John F. Kennedy)
Secretary-General Henri Gétaz

Message by the EFTA Secretary-General

At the Secretariat in Geneva, EFTA assists EFTA states in the realisation of their trade policy objectives with respect to countries outside of the EU. On digital trade, we seek to conclude a dedicated e-commerce chapter with our partners to facilitate and provide basic rules for trade enabled by electronic means. This includes but is not limited to provisions on paperless trade administration, open internet access, online consumer trust, electronic payments and invoicing, and cross-border data transfers. We strive to enrich and expand our network of trade agreements along the digital axis, hence fostering interconnection with partners around the world.

Geneva is a vibrant scene for digital policy and digital trade policy in particular. As part of this micro cosm, we have been working intensively and in close collaboration with relevant stakeholders on the modernisation of our negotiation objectives in terms of digital trade over the past years. Digital trade is and will remain high on the EFTA agenda.

The pandemic has brought the importance of the digital realm into the spotlight. We are working at the forefront of crafting the rules that will equip our economic operators and citizens with the tools needed for sustainable prosperity, thereby actively making digital trade happen.



EFTA’s activities in the context of digital issues pertain to electronic communication such as the exchange of infor mation via telecommunications and the internet, audio

visual services, and the information society, including the free movement of information society services as well as data protection.

Credits by shutterstock


E-commerce and trade

EFTA’s Working Group on Electronic Communication, Audiovisual Services, and Information Society (ECASIS) deals with legal provisions pertaining to the EU’s digital strategy: A Europe Fit for the Digital Age. As per the EEA Agreement, EFTA states (excluding Switzerland) participate in the EU’s internal market and as such have to apply EU rules on electronic communication, audio-visual services, and the information society. Among other things, these rules in clude acts on radio spectrum management, roaming, pri vacy protection in electronic networks, net neutrality, and the deployment of very high capacity networks. Initiatives regarding the information society tackle legal frameworks on the free movement of information society services and apply to a wide range of economic activities that take place online. These include rules on e-commerce, cross-border data flows, the re-use of public sector information, and cybersecurity, as well as electronic identification and signatures.

In its trade relations with partners outside the EU, EFTA facilitates and provides basic rules for trade enabled by electronic means. In 2021, EFTA finalised internal work on a new e-commerce model chapter, which it now employs in the context of negotiations for free trade agreements around the globe. The chapter includes provisions on pa perless trade administration, open internet access, online consumer trust, electronic payments and invoicing, and cross-border data transfers, among others.

Future of work

EFTA also tackles the implications of digitalisation on the future of work. In a report and resolution titled Digitalisa tion and its Impact on Jobs and Skills published by the EEA Consultative Committee, it is highlighted that investments in information and communication technology (ICT) in frastructure and new learning methods are important, including apprenticeships and workplace training. More over, it underlines the need to examine whether and to what extent workers’ private lives require additional pro tection in a time of ubiquitous digital mobile communica tion.

In addition, the EEA Consultative Committee has adopted a resolution and report on the challenges and opportuni ties of greater use of AI in working life. Therein, the Com mittee underlined the importance of addressing issues raised by the increased use of AI in work life in a systemat ic and comprehensive manner in the EEA while following the principles of transparency and human monitoring.

Data governance and liability of intermediaries

In the context of the EEA Agreement, ECASIS works with EU policies on creating a single market for data as well as the conditions for use and access to data for businesses and governments within the EEA. It also engages with the EU to develop a common regulatory framework for artifi



cial intelligence (AI). In the area of online intermediaries, the EEA EFTA states have issued common position papers on the new EU rules for internet platforms: the Digital Ser vices Act and the Digital Markets Act. The EEA EFTA states have advocated for additional safeguards regarding the use of recommender systems and profiling of consumers and micro-targeted advertising, in particular when direct ed at minors and vulnerable groups. ECASIS also works to implement EU content rules that affect trade in the EU’s internal market, such as with regard to the dissemination of terrorist content and child sexual abuse material online.

Privacy and data protection

In the context of data protection, EFTA’s Expert Group on Data Protection keeps track of EU initiatives in the domain of data protection, which has become particularly rele vant in the fast-changing digital environment. The Expert Group contributes to the development of EU policies and legislation in the field of data protection by advising the European Commission, or by being involved in the work of the Commission’s committees, as per the EEA agree ment. The EEA agreement covers EU legislation such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the e-Pri vacy Directive, and Regulation 611/2013 on notifications of data breaches and is therefore applicable to the previous ly mentioned three EFTA states. The Expert Group coor dinates with the EC on new EU data adequacy decisions allowing international transfers of personal data with counterparties located outside the EEA.

In addition to the external trade relations of EFTA member states (e.g. size of imports/exports/top traded goods), an interactive Free Trade Map illustrates EFTA's preferen tial trade relations with partners worldwide. In June 2022, EFTA also published the first edition of the FTA Monitor, which provides fine-grained data on preference utilisation rates under the EFTA’s existing free trade agreements, in cluding an interactive map. EFTA also provides a web tool containing visual presentations that explains how EU law becomes EEA law.

Future of meetings

Most recently, in the context of the COVID-19 crisis, EFTA held virtual meetings, for instance in the case of the EEA Joint Committee and the interaction with EFTA Advisory Bodies, and negotiations for free trade agreements with partners around the globe. Moving forward, EFTA contin ues to leverage the benefits of virtual and hybrid meet ings and corollary online platforms.

Social media channels







The Group on Earth Observations (GEO)

bis | Av. de la Paix Case postale 2300 | CH-1211 Geneva | Switzerland


About the GEO

The Group on Earth Observations (GEO) is a global partnership that promotes the use of Earth Observations (EOs) as evidence for environmental decisions, policies, and finance.

Despite rapid advances in EO technology, governments and investors often do not have access to the right envi ronmental data, at the right time, and in the right format. This is particularly the case in low- and middle-income countries. Those most affected by climate change and disasters are often the least equipped to respond.

GEO closes these gaps in environmental intelligence. We promote open, coordinated, and sustained sharing of data, information, and knowledge about the Earth in sup

port of better research, policy-making, decisions, and action.

GEO convenes strategic partnerships to identify and de velop the EO tools, services, and coordination mecha nisms needed to address global needs and knowledge gaps.

Priority areas in the GEO Work Programme include the sustainable development goals (SDGs), climate action, di saster risk reduction, and resilient cities and human set tlements.

To facilitate access to EO applications, we are developing the GEO Knowledge Hub, a digital library.



EOs are data and information collected about our planet, whether atmospheric, oceanic, or terrestrial. This includes space-based or remotely sensed data, as well as ground-based or in situ data. Coordinated and open EOs enable decision-makers around the world to bet ter understand the issues they face, in order to shape more effective policies.

Open data policy has gone from being the exception to the global norm since the inception of GEO, and following work by organisations including the G20 and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Develop -

ment (OECD). This is reinforced as a growing number of GEO members adopt and pursue broad, open, da ta-sharing practices. With the corresponding increase in available open EOs, end-user-oriented initiatives de veloped through the GEO Work Programme are creat ing real impact on a wide range of global challenges.

Starting in December 2018, the GEO Programme Board led an inclusive and iterative process to develop the 2020-2022 GEO Work Programme, and the 2023-2025 GEO work programme

Credits by shutterstock


Data governance

GEO recognises that the societal benefits arising from EOs can only be fully achieved through the sharing of data, in formation, knowledge, products, and services. Ever since its inception, GEO has been a strong advocate for broad and open data-sharing policies and practices (Open Earth Observation Data). The Data Sharing Principles (20052015) inspired a few members and participating organisa tions to evolve from restricted data policies to Open Data approaches. Data sharing was also recognised as one of the greatest successes of the first GEO decade. Embracing the international trend of Open Data, GEO principals en dorsed a new set of Data Management Principles. These principles promote ‘Open Data by Default’ and address the need for discovery, accessibility, usability, preservation, and curation of data.

To enable Iindigenous peoples toward equitable participa tion in and benefits from data creation, application, and stewardship within contemporary data environments, the GEO Indigenous Alliance advocates for the implemen tation of CARE (collective benefit, authority to control, responsibility, ethics) with FAIR (findable, accessible, in teroperable, reusable) principles. The CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance are people and purpose-ori ented, reflecting the crucial role of data in advancing Indig enous innovation, and self-determination. These princi ples complement the existing FAIR principles encouraging open and other data movements to consider both people and purpose in their advocacy and pursuits.

Sustainable development

GEO works in the domain of the SDGs and covers a broad range of issues, such as 1) biodiversity and ecosystem sus tainability, 2) climate change, 3) disaster risk reduction, 4) energy and mineral resources management, 5) food se curity and sustainable agriculture,6) infrastructure and transportation management, 7) public health surveillance, sustainable urban development, and 8) water resources management.

GEO is instrumental in integrating EO data into the methodology of measuring indicators and achieving the SDGs. Further, EOs relevant to climate action are not limited to weather or climate, but are much broader and include terrestrial and socio-economic variables. GEO makes EOs available in support of effective policy responses for cli mate change adaptation, mitigation, and other specific provisions, working with partners to enhance global ob servation systems for climate action. GEO contributes to disaster preparedness and better mitigation and re sponse. GEO supports disaster resilience by increasing coordination of EOs to forecast and prepare for disasters, reduce damage, and better manage and recover from di sasters.

GEO assists countries in its region to address sustainable development challenge. The vision of the GEO indigenous alliance is to protect and conserve indigenous cultural her



itage by using EOs science, data and technology to create a knowledge base that sustains the Earth we live on.

The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has developed a series of tools to support coun tries in measuring and monitoring progress towards the SDGs.

GEO Knowledge Hub

Earth Observations Risk Toolkit

Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO-BON)

The Global Forest Observation Initiative (GFOI)

The Global Observation System for Mercury

Global Agricultural Monitoring Initiative

AfriGEO: The African Group on Earth Observations

AmeriGEO A Framework for Advancing Data Driven Decision Making

AOGEO (Asia-Oceania Group on Earth Observations)


Important conventions (not necessarily covering digital is sues directly, but relevant)

Canberra Declaration (2019)

Social media channels

Facebook @Group On Earth Observations

Twitter @GEOSEC2025 LinkedIn @group-on-earth-observations

Instagram @grouponearthobservations YouTube @Group on Earth Observations

Flickr @grouponearthobservations


Geneva Center for Security Policy (GCSP)

Maison de la paix | Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2D | 1211 Genève | Switzerland


About the GCSP

Founded in 1995, the Geneva Center for Security Policy (GCSP) is an international non-profit foundation to ad vance peace, security, and international cooperation. Its Foundation Council is made up of 52 member states and the Canton of Geneva. The GCSP focuses on the follow ing activities: (a) awareness raising, capacity building, and

executive education; (b) facilitation of events and discussions, for example through its Diplomatic Dialogue pro gramme; (c) analysis and research of global problems; and (d) support innovation through a fellowship programme, scholarships, and prizes.


Message by the GCSP Director

The GCSP believes that effective and forward-thinking leaders and organisations need to build a broad picture of what is happening in our increasingly interconnected world.

The digital revolution is everywhere, just as cyberspace is: some parts are tangible (e.g. com puters), and other parts we cannot see or touch (e.g. electromagnetic waves). Therefore, un derstanding how the digital revolution is shaping the way we live, work, and govern ourselves requires an interdisciplinary and multilateral approach. Here, at the GCSP, through our three main activities – executive education, diplomatic dialogue, and provision of policy advice – and

“The digital revolution is already beginning to shape the way we live, work, and govern ourselves.”
Thomas Greminger

Message by the GCSP Director

in cooperation with distinguished experts, partners, and our over 9,000 international professional alumni and Global Fellowship Initiative, we have the capacity and capability to provide the interdis ciplinary and multilateral approach to understanding the digital revolution.

An excerpt of our digital work includes our flagship Executive Education (EE) course on Cyber Secu rity in the context of International Security (CSIS), Geopolitics and Global Futures Symposium, and Global and Emerging Risks in the Nexus of Geopolitics and Technology, and Diplomacy.

The EE course on CSIS is based on cyberspace operations, deterrence, and intelligence discourse. It provides participants with an understanding of current trends in threats, risks, and vulnerabilities and how threat actors exploit vulnerabilities to conduct successful attacks.

The Geopolitics and Global Futures Symposium examines multiple dimensions of global security, and identifies and analyses transformative technologies. Using insights from neuroscience, it furthers our understanding of international affairs. Topics covered include but are not limited to Outer Space Security, Transformative Technologies (e.g. artificial intelligence (AI), autonomous weapons), and their security ramifications and ethical challenges and how developments in neuroscience can help us better comprehend individual and state behaviour.

Global and Emerging Risks monitors, analyses, and interprets how emerging technologies such as AI, synthetic biology, neuroscience, quantum computing, and nanotechnologies, will impact inter national politics, geopolitics, warfare, and conflicts. Responses to deal with these global and emerg ing risks are promoted.

Based on the principles of impartiality, independence, and inclusiveness, the GCSP also promotes Track 1.5 and Track 2 dialogue processes. They bring together different stakeholders to discuss and find common ground on such issues as outer space security or the catastrophic risks arising from the interface between AI and weapons of mass destruction.

Finally, we also provide policy advice to decision-makers around the globe on current security is sues, including the digital transformation.



The GCSP provides analysis that covers several digital topics, including cybersecurity and transformative tech nologies. Its executive education is offered online and

in blended formats. In response to COVID-19, the GCSP launched a series of webinars titled Global Crisis, Global Risk and Global Consequences.

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Artificial intelligence

As part of its Transformative Technologies cluster, the GCSP looks at artificial intelligence (AI) and several ‘dis ruptive technologies’; the term refers to synthetic biology, neuro-morphic chips, big data, quantum computing, 3D and 4D printing, brain-computer interfaces, hypersonic technology, and cognitive enhancement. In particular, the GCSP focuses on the dual-use character of these tech nologies, their potential use in warfare and the future of warfare, and the existing legal provisions among warfare and humanitarian rules in relation to such technologies. Overall, activities as part of this cluster aim to alert pol icymakers to both the challenges and the opportunities associated with these technologies. These aims are also reflected in associated education activities, such as the course on Transformative Technologies and the Future of Geopolitics.

As part of its Global Risk and Resilience Cluster (GRRC), the GCSP has positioned itself as a thought leader on risks at the nexus of geopolitics and technology. To that purpose, it particularly monitors, analyses, and interprets the impact that emerging technologies such as AI, synthetic bi ology, neuroscience, quantum computing, and nanotech nologies will have on international politics, geopolitics, warfare, and conflicts. In addition to identifying emerging risks and future trends that will impact international security and warfare, the GRRC also promotes new responses that can be brought to deal with these emerging risks no tably through the concept of resilience.


The impact of autonomy and artificial intelligence on strategic stability

Perils of lethal autonomous weapons systems pro liferation: Preventing non-state acquisition

Geopolitical leadership for organisational impact

Looking at the edge: Understanding the frontiers of geopolitical risk


The GCSP tackles cybersecurity issues through educa tion and training activities, as well as policy analysis and events. It also provides a platform for dialogue and exchanges on cyber challenges among cyber experts from the public, private, and civil society sectors. The training and education activities cover areas such as cybersecurity strategy formulation, international law relating to cyber issues, cyber diplomacy, and broader capacity-building initiatives (e.g. workshops and student challenges). Policy papers published by the GCSP focus on the nature of cybersecurity, developing norms in the digital era, inter national legal analyses, and developing holistic solutions. The flagship course is Cyber Security in the Context of In ternational Security; other bespoke courses cater to pub lic and governmental staff and private and non-governmental employees.

The GCSP’s flagship annual cybersecurity event is the Cyber 9/12 Strategy Challenge. In partnership with the Atlan tic Council, this strategy and policy competition pits over


200 students from around the world in a strategy and policy competition. Teams are judged by experts, high-level policymakers, thought leaders from industry and the public sector (including NATO and the EU), and govern ment representatives. The challenge normally takes place at the GCSP headquarters in Geneva, but in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2022 competition took place entirely online.

Podcast: The Battle for Cyberspace

The World Health Organisation: The New Cyber Target During a Global Health Crisis and What we can Learn

- Technology in the Time of COVID-19

A Snapshot Analysis of the Crypto AG Revelations

Going digital testimonials

Why Cybersecurity Matters More than Ever During the Coronavirus Pandemic?

The Increasing Importance of Hybrid Politics in Europe: Cyber Power is Changing the Nature of Politics

- Spying in a Transparent World: Ethics and Intelli gence in the 21st Century

Why Should We Care about 3D-Printing and What are Potential Security Implications?

Cyber Jihad: Understanding and Countering Islamic State Propaganda

Cybersecurity Challenges in the Middle East

Cyber Security in the Context of International Secu rity

Cyber 9/12 Strategy Challenge 2022

Capacity development

Many of the GCSP’s activities fall in the category of capacity development activities. The GCSP offers courses and other educational and training programmes related to the internet and digital policy, such as cybersecurity, transfor mative technologies, and strategic foresight.

In addition to capacity building through its executive ed ucation programmes, the GCSP leverages its consider able intellectual and networking resources (i.e. its fellows and alumni) to engage with communities worldwide and foster trust between regions. The GCSP’s cybersecurity dialogues aim to remove barriers to communication and encourage the uptake of the opportunities today’s digital landscape has to offer.

In partnership with the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), the GCSP convenes a Track 1.5 di alogue process to ensure there is as much communication as possible between parties who are often in conflict with one another. This process provides a platform and a mechanism for the exchange of ideas to build consensus on topics as diverse as international norms, agreement on legal paradigms, and regional socio-economic development.



Several other events organised by the GCSP also have a capacity development focus; one example being the annual Cyber 9/12 Strategy Challenge, a student competition in international cybersecurity strategy and policy. The challenge was held entirely online in 2022 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, the publications pro duced by the organisation can help inform various stakeholders about the challenges and concerns in the area of cyber governance.

- Cyber Security in the Context of International Secu rity

Cyber 9/12 Strategy Challenge 2022 Global and Emerging Risks

Geopolitics and Global Futures Symposium 2022

GCSP offers online courses, webinars, and online dia logue series.

Social media channels

Facebook @thegcsp Twitter @TheGCSP LinkedIn @thegcsp YouTube @Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) Instagram @thegcsp Podcasts


Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights (Geneva Academy)

Rue de Lausanne 120B | 1202 Genève | Switzerland


About the Geneva Academy

The Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights (Geneva Academy) – a joint centre of the University of Geneva (UNIGE) and the Geneva Gradu ate Institute – provides postgraduate education, conducts

academic legal research and policy studies, and organises training courses and expert meetings. It concentrates on branches of international law that relate to armed conflict, protracted violence, and the protection of human rights.


“Digitalisation and new technologies raise crucial protection issues, both in times of war and peace.

It is one of our priorities to assess whether current international humanitarian law and human rights allow these issues to be addressed and to propose solutions to address protection gaps.”

Message by the Geneva Academy Director

We address issues related to digitalisation and new technologies via our research and education programmes.

Our research explores whether these new developments are compatible with existing rules and whether international humanitarian law and human rights law continue to provide the level of protection they are meant to ensure.

We also equip future practitioners, experts, and decision-makers via our Master’s programmes and training courses with the legal tools to take up these challenges.



Are new means and methods of warfare compatible with existing international humanitarian law (IHL) rules? What challenges do big data and artificial intelligence (AI) pose to human rights? How can we ensure the right to privacy and protection of the private sphere in times of war and peace?

New technologies, digitalisation, and big data are reshap ing our societies and the way they organise. While techno logical advancements present tremendous opportunities and promises, rapid developments in AI, automation, and robotics raise a series of questions about their impact in times of peace and war.

Our research in this domain explores whether these new developments are compatible with existing rules and whether IHL and human rights law continue to provide the level of protection they are meant to ensure.

Our three Master’s programmes and training courses also train tomorrow’s leaders and decision-makers in the IHL and human rights legal frameworks relevant to digital ac tivities, including on the law of weaponry and new military technologies.

Our Geneva Human Rights Platform (GHRP) facilitates exchanges and discussions among various stakehold ers – experts, practitioners, diplomats, and civil society –around digitalisation and human rights to provide policy advice on how to harness potential and mitigate danger in this rapidly changing field.

Last but not least, our public events and expert meetings provide a critical and scholarly forum for experts, practi tioners, and policymakers to discuss and debate the im pact of digitalisation on human rights and contemporary armed conflicts.

Credits by


Emerging technologies

New military technologies have a profound impact on how wars are fought. Significant advances in the fields of cyberspace, AI, robotics, and space technology are at the forefront of contemporary geopolitical power struggles and current protection questions during armed conflicts.

We address these challenges via the following two re search projects coordinated by our Swiss IHL Chair Pro fessor Marco Roscini.

Digitalization of Conflict Joint Initiative: Humanitari an Impact and Legal Protection

Via a multi-disciplinary approach, our research –carried out in partnership with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) – assesses the continued relevance of IHL in this context to develop law and policy recommendations aimed at mitigat ing the identified risks and addressing new protection needs.

- Disruptive Military Technologies

This project aims to stay abreast of the various mil itary technology trends, promote legal and policy debate on new military technologies, and further the understanding of the convergent effects of different technological trends that shape the future digital battlefield. Developments in the fields of cyberwarfare, cybersecurity, and emerging military

applications of AI constitute the core focus area of this research.

Artificial intelligence

Our research project on disruptive technologies and rights-based resilience addresses the impact of disruptive technologies such as AI and advanced robotics on human rights.

Data governance

Our Rule of Law in Armed Conflicts (RULAC) is a unique online portal that identifies and classifies all situations of armed violence that amount to an armed conflict under international humanitarian law.

RULAC currently monitors more than 100 armed conflicts involving at least 55 states and more than 70 armed nonstate actors. These armed conflicts can be searched via an interactive map that displays state parties and the var ious types of armed conflicts: international, non-interna tional, and military occupations. All the armed conflicts on RULAC are constantly monitored and regularly updated to include new developments and fundamental changes that may affect their classification.


Human rights principles

Disruptive technologies such as AI and advanced robotics pose significant societal challenges and specific threats to human rights. They can be used, for instance, to exac erbate ethnic conflict, fuel hate speech, undermine dem ocratic processes, facilitate state surveillance, and per petuate discriminatory narratives and practices. Better regulating these fast-paced technological advances re quires placing IHRL at the centre of regulatory and policy frameworks developed by states and tech companies.

Our research on disruptive technologies and rights-based resilience – launched in 2021 and carried out in partnership with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) B-Tech Project and the Geneva Sci ence-Policy Interface (GSPI) – facilitates a multistakeholder process to identify gaps, generate new evidence, and de sign tools to support regulatory and policy responses to human rights challenges linked to digital technologies.

The GHRP hosted by the Geneva Academy, provides a

neutral and dynamic forum of interaction for all stakeholders in the field of human rights to debate topical is sues and challenges related to the functioning of the Ge neva-based human rights system. Relying on academic research and findings, it works to enable various actors to be better connected, break silos, and, hence, advance human rights.

In this context, the GHRP facilitates exchanges and dis cussions on human rights and digitalisation with a view to moving the focus of UN human rights mechanisms beyond the right to privacy or freedom of expression by exploring the impact on all rights and formulating specific policy advice.



The Geneva Academy proposes many of its activities –events, training courses – in a hybrid format (in-person and online). Via the recording and publication of videos on our website and social media channels, interested au diences can also watch important public debates and dis cussions afterwards.

One of its Master’s programmes – the Executive Master in International Law in Armed Conflict – is an online parttime programme for practitioners with demanding jobs and responsibilities. An easy and interactive platform allows them to interact directly with professors and other participants during classes and access all the course materials and readings. If a participant is unable to follow a specific class, they can watch the recordings afterwards.

Our short courses on topical issues and challenges in in ternational law in armed conflict like international refugee law, the protection of persons and property in interna tional armed conflict, or the challenges of international criminal justice are also offered online.

Future of meetings

Any reference to online or remote meetings

Following the COVID-19 crisis, the Geneva Academy con tinues to offer many of its events and training courses in a hybrid format (in-person and online).

In addition, its Executive Master in International Law in Armed Conflict and related short courses are now exclu sively offered online and therefore also accessible to prac titioners in the field.

Social media channels

Facebook @GenevaAcademyIHLandHR Twitter @Geneva_Academy LinkedIn @Geneva Academy of International Humanitari an Law and Human Rights YouTube @Geneva Academy of International Humanitari an Law and Human Rights Instagram @geneva_academy


Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator Foundation (GESDA)

c/o Fondation Campus Biotech Geneva | Chemin des Mines 9 | 1202 Geneva

About the GESDA

The Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator (GESDA) was established to explore how future science break throughs can most efficiently be translated into and used as tools for the benefit of humanity. GESDA interlinks the digital revolution with other disruptive fields of science and technology, and with the diplomatic world.

GESDA’s work is guided by three fundamental questions:

Who are we, as humans? What does it mean to be human in the era of robots, gene editing, and aug mented reality?

How are we all going to live together? How can tech nologies reduce inequality and foster inclusive de velopment?

How can we ensure the well-being of humankind and the sustainable future of our planet? How can we supply the world’s population with the neces sary food and energy and regenerate our planet?

GESDA brings together an outstanding community of ac ademic, diplomacy, and impact leaders to reflect and act on how to use the future to build the present. Their work is structured around three flagship instruments:

GESDA Science Breakthrough Radar ®

This digital platform – updated continuously and released in paper copy on a yearly basis – maps im pactful emerging topics currently researched in sci ence laboratories across the world and anticipated breakthroughs at 5, 10, and 25 years. Curated by the

academic community, it provides descriptions over 300 breakthrough predictions relevant to the global community

Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipation Summit

Our annual Summit accelerates the science diplomacy nexus. Bringing science at the table of multilateralism, it engages diplomacy leaders to examine the impact of future breakthroughs on people, society, and the planet, as well as their implications for fu ture global governance and geopolitics.

GESDA Solution Accelerator

GESDA’s instrument to co-construct science diplomacy solutions with relevant transdisciplinary and cross-community task forces. In 2022, GESDA has eight solutions pathways and four initiatives in the making. These propositions are communicated at the Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipation Summit.

GESDA structures its anticipation, acceleration, and trans lation work across five thematic platforms addressing po tential future science and technology advances, as well as their related challenges:

Quantum revolution and advanced artificial intelli gence (AI), with for instance the challenge of privacy. Human augmentation, with for instance the chal lenge of advanced gene editing or neuroenhance ment.


Eco-regeneration and geo-engineering, with for instance the challenges of synthetic biology, decar bonisation, and regenerative agriculture.

Science and diplomacy, with for instance the chal lenge of future world geopolitics, including multilat eral conflict modelling, forecasting, and prevention.

Knowledge foundations with for instance the challenge of the future of work and labour, including ris ing inequalities and inclusive growth.

From the end of 2022 onwards, the GESDA Board of Directors will choose and fund (in partnership with other foundations) a limited number of large-scale, high-impact solutions and initiatives aiming to: Help the world population benefit more rapidly from the advances of science and technology as stated by Article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).

Contribute to inclusive human development by reducing poverty and inequality while increasing the number of developing and emerging economies, in line with Agenda 2030.

Leverage the role of Geneva and Switzerland as a hub of multilateralism capable of anticipating cut ting-edge science and technologies, as well as trans lating them into effective tools for humanity.

GESDA was created as a global independent foundation and a public partnership in 2019, for an initial start-up phase of three years. The founders – the Swiss Federal Council and the Canton of Geneva with the City of Geneva – decided in March 2022 to prolong the Foundation for 10 years.

The ultimate objective remains to strengthen the contribution of Switzerland to multilateralism as the host country of the UN in Geneva.


Use the Future to build the Present

During the first three years of our pilot phase, the Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator Foundation (GESDA) achieved widespread recognition as a significant new addition to International Geneva’s wellspring of multilateralism.

Our success was not assured, however, when we set out on this path in 2019. We had the con fidence and support of the Swiss and Geneva governments, but this was by no means a blank

Message by the GESDA Secretary-General
Secretary-General Stéphane Decoutère
“We are on the right track.”

Message by the GESDA Secretary-General

cheque. We had to demonstrate we could fill a gap in the multilateral system within three years. In 2021, the hard work and preparation paid off.

We released our first Science Breakthrough Radar. We held our first Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipation Summit. Both were a huge success — and proved there is strong interest worldwide in our mission and activities.

Then, in the spring of 2022, the Swiss and Geneva governments renewed their support for GESDA beyond the pilot phase. We are authorised to launch operations for ten years: from September 2022 to September 2032.

With this important institutional support, we can now look to the future with confidence and focus on our core mission and activities. First, we will work to identify the most promising scientific inno vations at 5, 10, and 25 years through our Science Breakthrough Radar which involves, at last count, 1,200 scientists worldwide. Second, we will discuss the potential impacts of those breakthroughs at our annual summit gathering of leading figures in politics, diplomacy, the private sector, and academia. Third, we will work as a catalyst towards finding solutions that can accelerate implementation of the United Nations multilateral agenda, in particular the achievement of its 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) for 2030. In all of these activities, GESDA plays the role of honest broker.

Our work is creating an important pipeline — a plethora of potentially viable ideas — thanks to our dedicated multistakeholder task forces that are in charge of our feasibility studies. Among those, the most advanced to date is in the fascinating digital domain. It is undoubtedly the rise and prom ise of quantum computing. A leading idea is our discussion around creating an ‘Open Quantum In stitute’ in Geneva that would work to globally democratise both the access to and co-development of uses for this emerging technology. Already, we have reached out to 20 countries and academic and industry circles for potential support.

We are excited about our progress and look forward to bringing you more news soon.



Advanced computational tools, such as AI and high-performance computing, are reshaping all fields of science.

GESDA’s specificity is that it focuses on ‘science anticipa tion’. Its ambition is to comprehend the future digital dis

ruptions and their implications for other fields of science, geopolitics, and mankind.

GESDA’s headquarters are located at the Campus Biotech in Geneva.

Credits by GESDA


In 2022, GESDA’S Science Breakthrough Radar considers 28 interdisciplinary and interrelated scientific emerging topics. In addition to the anticipated breakthrough, the Radar presents an overview of the sentiment and the actions of civil society on these topics.


Platform 1

Quantum revolution and advanced AI

Advanced Artificial Intelli gence

Quantum Technologies

Brain-inspired Computing

Biological Computing Augmented Reality

Collective Intelligence

Platform 2 Human augmentation Platform 3

Eco-regeneration and geo-engineering

Cognitive enhancement

Human Applications of Genetic Engineering

Consciousness Augmen tation

Future Therapeutics

World Simulation

Ocean Stewardship

Infectious Diseases

Science and diplomacy Platform 5 Knowledge foundations

Platform 4

Science-based Diplomacy Digital Technologies and Conflicts

Democracy-affirming technologies

Complex Systems Science

Future of Education

Future Economics Synthetic Biology


Platform 1: Quantum Revolution & Advanced AI

Advanced artificial intelligence

AI, already a world-changing technology, is set to grow in power and influence. It is clear that our current systems realise only a small part of AI’s potential, and as it grows more powerful and flexible it will affect us ever more pro foundly. Anticipating and directing how that growth will occur is a vital part of the research effort in this area: we must shape advanced AI to be reliable, transparent, and equitable, but that may require a deep reappraisal of how these technologies

Quantum technologies

The effort to process information in entirely novel ways using the unique properties of subatomic particles is making significant progress. Quantum technologies are already impacting on sensing, imaging, and metrology, and quantum computing and communications are also drawing closer to meaningful real-world applications. The potential exists for quantum technologies to radically al ter medicine, finance, and online commerce, and to accel erate scientific discovery.

Brain-inspired computing

Computing researchers are looking to harness biological innovations honed through millions of years of evolution. If they can achieve even a fraction of the energy efficiency

and processing power of the human brain, for example, we will have unleashed an extraordinary new era of com puting. Brain-inspired computing seeks to take neurosci ence’s understanding of the brain’s architectures and pro cesses and use them to create autonomous, low-energy information processors that offer the potential for radical new computing applications.

Biological computing

Living matter uses more than just brains to process in formation. The biochemistry of cells, bacteria, and other biological systems and organisms is a form of information processing that has vast potential for technological exploitation. Biological computing seeks to harness, and sometimes re-engineer, biological information processing to perform tasks such as environmental sensing, pollu tion remediation, and medical diagnosis. These new think ing devices may be very different to today’s conventional computers, requiring us to rethink how we can use them to best effect.

Augmented reality

The speedup of digital communications, combined with developments in hardware and software, means that we can now receive real-time data and sensory experiences that enhance our normal interaction with our environment. Such overlays of augmented reality are already being used to train people in virtual work environments and to improve certain leisure activities, such as online


gaming. As technology progresses, the hardware — such as glasses that provide a view of information about our surroundings and the objects within them — will be come ever more ubiquitous. Augmented reality is likely to change the nature of our daily interactions with other people and with our surroundings, and even the way we switch between the real world and virtual environments such as the metaverse.

Collective intelligence

Human intelligence is already remarkable. However, the potential to combine the intelligence of individuals with accumulated wisdom and experience, online repositories of learning, and the powers of technologies such as AI, offers the chance to move to a new level. The field of collective intelligence is truly multidisciplinary, involving psychology, economics, computer science, and a range of other fields. It is far from mature, but has enormous promise. If we can harness human capabilities, collective intelligence has the potential to help solve a wide range of societal challeng es, from politics to business to conservation, in local and global organisations.

Platform 2: Human augmentation

Cognitive enhancement

Through deep-brain, temporal lobe, or cortical stimula tion, but also non-invasive stimulation techniques, neu roscientists aim at restoring brain functions affected by common neuro-degenerative diseases. Combining the

learning from these interventions with advanced AI technologies, the mid-to long-term goal is to close the loop be tween brain activity and computers in order to augment the cognitive capacities of human beings. While the hu man brain is not always able to take the morally optimal decision (e.g. the ’trolley problem’, but also AI-assisted policing or an AI-augmented judiciary), the forthcoming augmentation – or even fusion – between computed and ‘brain’ intelligence will allow the enhancement of human decision-making on moral and ethical issues, with the risk of brain hacking via computational systems.

Human applications of genetic engineering

Genome editing is already improving diagnostics and treatments for cancer and potentially many other diseases of ageing. Such research into human applications of genetic engineering is also pointing the way to a future in which bodies can be engineered to be free of cancer, HIV, and other infectious diseases. Genome editing even promises to make such changes heritable, meaning fu ture generations will not require preventive therapies. Small-molecule drugs and other interventions now in clinical trials promise to significantly reduce the burden of disease on society, radically altering what it means to age. Advances in AI and the availability of genetic data, speed up discovery of new therapeutic approaches but also the identification of complex genetic pathways.


Consciousness augmentation

Lab research suggests that it is possible to expand con sciousness beyond the limits imposed by human senses, standard cognitive capacity and injury or disease. Such consciousness augmentation could help us better coexist with the species with which we share the planet, improve our understanding of how humans can educate themselves, and give us new ways to diagnose and assist people suffering debilitating disorders of consciousness. Digital technologies, combined with advances in neu ro-sciences, are key to providing a means to connect brain analysis with brain stimulation or providing virtual envi ronments to expand consciousness.

Future therapeutics

Although innovations in medicine have been radically extending human lifespan for more than a century now, there is still plenty of room for improvement. Cardiovascular and metabolic diseases are largely preventable, but still end a significant number of lives unnecessarily early. However, a range of new treatment options are coming into view, and these future therapeutics could have a great deal to offer medical practitioners. Advances in in formation technology, biotechnology, and a basic under standing of how human biology operates are enabling use of electrical signals, AI-driven data analysis, cell therapies, and even the mechanisms of the immune system to im prove the maintenance of good health, diagnostics of dis ease, and the results of medical interventions.

Platform 3: Eco-regeneration and geo-engineering

World simulation

The burgeoning field of world simulation is experiencing rapid developments. The increasing convergence of big data, advanced computer modelling, and AI will allow us to model complex systems, from societies to whole ecosystems, with ever greater predictive power. This will prove an invaluable guide in policymaking

Ocean stewardship

Our relationships to the oceans must change. We urgently need to understand them better, and to help repair their ecosystems where possible. There are pathways opening up that will make this happen. We can deploy the emerg ing technology of autonomous sensors to gather relevant data, for example, and continue to explore the vast bio diversity of the ocean and the myriad cold-adapted or ganisms rapidly disappearing from the planet’s retreating glaciers. As our understanding of their complex, interde pendent networks grows, so will our ability to perform proper ocean stewardship and find solutions to the prob lems they are facing.

Infectious diseases

Although humanity has made great progress in reducing the impact of infectious disease, there is still plenty to do. The COVID-19 pandemic made it clear that new diseas


es are emerging all the time, and that our interconnectedness provides ample opportunity for them to spread quickly, with devastating results. The problem of vec tor-borne diseases such as malaria and Zika remains un solved, highlighting the importance of seeing disease as emerging from human actions in, and interactions with, our environment. Medical technologies, such as vaccines, are only part of the solution; we also need to use multi disciplinary research to garner a deeper understanding of the ways in which infectious diseases arise and emerge. Digital technologies provide the means to develop power ful monitoring and containment strategies

Platform 4: Science and diplomacy

Science-based diplomacy

It is now almost impossible to separate diplomacy from the influence of science and technology. Computational modelling, analysis, and AI are set to play important roles in international relations, especially when it comes to in teractions between groups of people. Researchers are al ready compiling vast databases of historical interactions between actors in various international forums. Mining these databases produces an instant picture of an actor’s past statements and positions and helps to find common ground in negotiations. These databases are the bedrock of science-based diplomacy, a strategy that is likely to be come more powerful, more comprehensive, and more

widely used. Indeed, negotiation engineering aims to depoliticise these discussions by automating certain aspects of the process.

Digital technologies and conflicts

The increasing power and availability of digital technol ogies is fundamentally changing the nature of conflict in the twenty-first century. e The interactions of digital tech nology and conflict are an urgent subject of research. The war in Ukraine, for example, is being hailed as the first hy brid war, a concept long talked about in policy circles in which conventional battlefield tactics are combined with cyber-attacks and information warfare to achieve military goals. Perhaps the most impactful use of digital technology in the Ukraine conflict has been the exploitation of commercial satellite imagery for military and propaganda purposes by both state and non-state actors. Surveillance technology is also rewriting the nature of modern con flicts, and there is growing concern about the increasing convergence of biosecurity and cybersecurity.

Democracy-affirming technologies

Much has been written about the potential of technolo gies like social media and data analytics to spread disinfor mation and polarise society, thus weakening democracy, but there is now a countervailing movement. A Summit for Democracy hosted by the USA in December 2021 highlighted these threats; in an attempt to counter them, the White House Office of Science and Technology announced


a new grand challenge competition designed to spur the development of democracy-affirming technologies. Fur ther advances come from innovations in fact-checking websites and tools that have been designed to help peo ple better assess the validity of information online; digital identity technologies, which are emerging as a critical tool for helping democracy transition into the digital age; and technological means to evade attempts at censorship

Platform 5: Knowledge foundations

Complex systems science

Our world is hugely susceptible to the powerful winds of change unleashed by economic, social, and political forces that interact in intricate feedback loops. In the past, scientists have struggled to understand and model these forces. But in recent years our ability to gather and process data has enabled computer models and simulations of our world on a wide variety of scales with increasing pre dictive power. While this approach is in its infancy, it raises the prospect of more stable economies, more fruitful and productive negotiations, and more peaceful societies.

Future of education

Much of the progress in all fields of research over the next quarter-century will depend on the knowledge we gain,

exploit and pass on to our children. But the need for innovations in education goes much wider. We need to find ways to exploit educational technology for individual, lifelong learning and we need to better understand how learning happens in the brain. Education is the lifeblood of humanity, and improving its delivery is central to all of our futures.

Future economics

The global effort to make humanity’s existence sustain able, with societies, cities, and citizens that are resilient to inevitable change, is vital. Most countries’ and most global companies’ strategic futures now include policies that engender sustainable future economics. The move to renewable power has considerable momentum. Less well developed are attempts to create circular economies that exploit Earth’s resources while leaving its capital un changed. The impact of intelligent machines on the way we work will also become a driver of social, economic, and political change.

Synthetic biology

Breakthroughs in our understanding of biology and our ability to manipulate it are now making it possible to rede sign nature. Driven by breakthroughs in our ability to read and re-engineer the genetic code, synthetic biology is on the cusp of transforming agriculture, medicine, and manufacturing; a central driver for its inclusion as a new Radar


topic. There are already around 400 scientifically feasible use cases for synthetic biology that could have a direct economic impact of $4 trillion. Schmidt Future recently re leased a report outlining how to build a new bioeconomy. Based on these advances, the convergence of advances in AI and in fundamental biology, combined with lowering costs in DNA synthesis will power this new revolution.

Future of meetings

Any reference to online or remote meetings

Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipation Summit (an nual event in October) – all sessions accessible online

Science and Diplomacy Week (annual event in May) – most sessions accessible online

GESDA Science Breakthrough Radar (provides a platform for online contributions)

Any reference to holding meetings outside HQ

GESDA regularly contributes to relevant global meetings across the world.

Any reference to deliberation or decision making online

One of two annual board of directors’ meetings is held online.

Social media channels LinkedIn @/gesda-global Facebook @GESDAglobal Twitter @GESDAglobal


Geneva Science-Policy Interface (GSPI)

Uni Mail | Bd du Pont-d’Arve

| CH-1211 Geneva

| Switzerland


About the GCSP

The Geneva Science-Policy Interface (GSPI) is a neutral and independent platform that aims to strengthen en gagement between the research community and Gene va-based international policy actors around some of the most pressing global challenges (including global health, climate change, and migration).

It works to strengthen science-policy ecosystems by bro kering collaborations and enhancing capacities across the interface between the science, policy, and implementation

communities. This includes an annual call for projects, the production of policy briefs, as well as learning opportuni ties and resources to advance the professionalisation and recognition of the science-policy field of practice in Gene va and beyond.

The GSPI is based at the University of Geneva. It also re ceives the support from the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) and the backing of leading research institutions in Switzerland and Europe.


Message by the GSPI Executive Director

Interactions between science and policy actors increasingly gravitate around the production and analysis of digital data, including evaluating policy interventions, visualising raw data into interactive insights, or generally transforming data into practical information and knowledge. Whether faced with data-rich or data-poor contexts, scientists are uniquely positioned to help decision-makers navigate the complexity of governing global challenges.

Many of the projects we have been supporting between researchers and International Geneva actors have had a strong digital component, often revolving around building the capacity of policy actors to harness data into decisions.

“Digitalisation creates many exciting perspectives to enhance knowledge exchange at the interface of science and policy, many of which still have to be leveraged.”
Executive Director Nicolas Seidler

Message by the GSPI Executive Director

These include projects such as:

A digital toolkit for policymakers to harness key migration-related data, as a companion to the World Migration Report.

- An online visualisation tool to inform data-driven decision-making on marine biodiversity conservation, based on machine-learning scenarios.

The development of authoritative guidance and resources for implementing the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human rights (UNGPs) in the technology space.

Updating the UNSanctionsApp, an interactive analytical tool providing information about all UN sanctions imposed since 1991, with the input from humanitarian actors. Training legal professionals on how best to work with satellite imagery used as evidence in the investigation of international crimes.

A project with key health and humanitarian actors aiming to build a community of prac tice around the digitisation of WHO’s health protocols relevant to childhood illness in low and middle-income countries (LMICs).

Developing a practical framework for government officials to assess their national ‘data ecologies’ related to housing policies

As we work at the interface of the intertwined worlds of science and policy, digital tools offer useful ‘boundary objects’ for policymakers to interact with ever-evolving data in a complex world. While in-person interactions remain paramount to building successful relationships and trust between science and policy actors, we expect digital-related projects to remain prominent products and drivers of such collaborations.



As part of its activities on the interplay between science, policy, and implementation actors, the GSPI tackles a range of digital issues. With data being a centrepiece of evidence-based policies, many of the GSPI’s activities

touch on digitalisation and the use of digital tools in domains such as health, migration, development, and the environment.

Credits by


Artificial intelligence

The project MapMaker, a collaboration between the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich (ETH Zurich) has enabled the development of an online visuali sation tool to inform data-driven decision-making on ma rine biodiversity conservation at the international level.

Digital standards

Together with the Geneva Health Forum (GHF ), the GSPI has established a working group including key human itarian actors to harness knowledge and best practices around the digitisation of clinical guidelines for manage ment of childhood illness in primary care in low and mid dle-income countries. In line with the efforts of the World Health Organization ( WHO), and the principles of donor alignment for digital health, the working group has de veloped recommendations on how digitalisation can im prove the management of childhood illness. In September 2021, the results of this work were shared with experts and the public, providing a platform for discussions on the lessons learned and future trends in the field.

Emerging technologies

In 2018, the GSPI organised policy discussions on the use of drones as part of humanitarian action. The conver sation centred on the practical use of drones to deliver humanitarian aid and what can be done by stakeholders such as policymakers, the private sector, and non-govern mental organisations (NGOs) to maximise the opportuni ties and reduce the risks of such technologies.

At the 2019 Digital Day, together with the University of Geneva, the GSPI organised a discussion exploring what experience and know-how Geneva-based organisations could share to empower and protect users in the context of the digital revolution.

With a number of other partners the GSPI co-organised a discussion at the 2019 WSIS Forum on aerial data produced by drones and satellites in the context of aid and development. The session explored the interplay be tween international organisations, NGOs, and scientists and how they can work together to help monitor refugee settlements, provide emergency response in case of natu ral disasters, and scale agriculture programmes.


Data governance

The project REDEHOPE of the University of Geneva and the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has led to the development of an online diagnostic tool to help countries identify and visualise issues in their housing data ecology, and access appropriate datasets to formu late more robust, evidence-based housing policies at the country level.

Sustainable development

In 2020–2021, the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Con vention (BRS) secretariat benefitted from the support of ETH Zurich to develop an online platform to identify and signal the needs for evidence and information to the sci entific community in the field of chemical and waste man agement.

A project from ICP 2021 addressed the hurdles facing pol icy actors in accessing and making sense of data in migration research. The project partners (the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Graduate Institute) developed an interactive digital toolkit for policy officials to support them in leveraging migration research for evidence-based policymaking. The toolkit, based on IOM’s flagship publication, the World Migration Report, was launched in June 2022.

ICP 2021 brought support to the development of interactive analytical tools providing information about all UN sanctions to inform both humanitarian practitioners and sanction policy actors on practical ways to safeguard principled humanitarian action in areas under a sanction regime. This project is a collaboration between the Grad uate Institute and the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC). ICP 2022 selected a collaboration between ETH Zurich and IOM that seeks to bring more effective policy expertise in the management of migration to address migrants’ needs and increase social cohesion between migrant and local communities. The collaboration will develop a toolbox to be used by IOM and its partners to facilitate the use of the Immigration Policy Lab (IPL) Integration Index, a survey tool for governments, nonprofits, and researchers to measure the integration of immigrants around the world.

Human rights principles

As part of its Impact Collaboration Programme, the GSPI has supported a collaboration between the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights and OHCHR’s B-Tech project. Some of the new fast-evolving technologies, such as cloud computing, ar tificial intelligence (AI), facial recognition technologies, and the internet of things (IoT), can have profoundly disrupting effects on sociopolitical systems and pose significant hu man rights challenges. This initiative provides authorita tive guidance and resources for implementing the United


Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human rights (UNGPs) in the technology space and placing international human rights law (IHRL) at the centre of regulatory and policy frameworks. Aimed at policymakers, the technol ogy sector, and all those working on the regulation of AI, the policy research carried out in this project (see result ing Working Paper, 2021) brings fresh insights on how cur rent initiatives on the regulation of AI technologies could incorporate the protection and respect for human rights. Published by the Geneva Academy, the paper also calls on states to adopt a ‘smart mix’ of mandatory and voluntary measures to support their implementation and how this applies to the AI sector. This GSPI-supported science-pol icy process will formally feed the development of a ‘UN Guiding Principles check’ tool (working title) which will provide states with a roadmap to assess their regulatory efforts across different policy domains relevant to technology.

Social media channels

LinkedIn @genevaspi Twitter @GenevaSPI


International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

9 Avenue de la paix | 1202 Geneva | Switzerland


About the ICRC

Established in 1863, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is an independent international human itarian organisation headquartered in Geneva. The ICRC defends and promotes the respect of international hu manitarian law (IHL) and is dedicated to protecting the lives and dignity of victims of war and to providing assis tance. Along these lines, it co-operates with governments,

the private sector, and other entities affected by international and internal armed conflict and violence.

Together with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and 192 individual national so cieties, the ICRC makes up the so-called International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.



Digitalisation is increasingly present in the context of armed conflict and violence. On one hand, affected popu lations are in demand for digital tools, which humanitari an organisations need to provide in a responsible manner.

On the other hand, states use cyber operations as part of warfare with humans affected by the consequences of such operations and other digital risks.

To this end, humanitarian organisations also use digital tools to improve their operations. The ICRC addresses the

implications of technology, which are multifold and range from data protection for humanitarian actions to the ap plication of IHL to cyber operations in armed conflict. It hosts expert and intergovernmental discussions and has developed a number of (digital) tools to help improve awareness and understanding of IHL and relevant stan dards.

The ICRC co-operates with other organisations on digital policy issues.

Credits by


Artificial intelligence

The ICRC has explored the role of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in armed conflict. In a document titled Artificial In telligence and Machine Learning in Armed Conflict: A Hu man-Centred Approach published in 2019, it argues that ‘any new technology of warfare must be used, and must be capable of being used, in compliance with existing rules of international humanitarian law’. It also touches upon the use of AI and machine learning technologies capable of controlling physical military hardware. It argues that from a humanitarian perspective, autonomous weapon sys tems (AWS) are of particular concern given that humans may not be able to exert control over such weapons or the resulting use of force. While the ICRC recognises that not all weapon systems incorporate AI or machine learning, it emphasises that such software components could eventually give way to future AWS. It also emphasises the potential misuse of AI and machine learning in the development of cyber weapons and capabilities. The ICRC calls for a human control-based approach to the application of AI and machine learning in AWS.

The question of AI has been further explored in other re ports such as its Autonomy, Artificial Intelligence, Robot ics: Technical Aspects of Human Control.

Cyber operations during armed conflict

The use of cyber operations during armed conflicts is a reality today and their use is likely to increase in future. Through bilateral confidential dialogue, expert discus sions, participation in intergovernmental processes, and constant monitoring and analysis, the ICRC is raising awareness of the potential human cost of cyber opera tions and the application of IHL to cyber operations during armed conflict. Its efforts on this matter date back over two decades. Ever since, the ICRC has held the view that IHL limits cyber operations ‘during armed conflict just as it limits the use of any other weapon, means and methods of warfare in an armed conflict, whether new or old’.

Over the years, the ICRC has been actively involved in global policy discussions on cyber-related issues, includ ing those held within the UN (various Groups of Govern mental Experts (GGEs) and the Open-ended Working Groups (OEWGs)). In addition, it convenes regional consul tations among government experts on how IHL applies to cyber operations, and global expert meetings, such as the on the potential human cost of cyber operations and on avoiding civilian harm from military cyber operations during armed conflicts. Its legal views on how IHL applies to cyber operations during armed conflict are found in a 2019 position paper that was sent to all UN member states in the context of the different UN-mandated processes on information and communication technology security.



Finally, the ICRC explores innovative solutions, such as a digital emblem, to protect medical and humanitarian mis sions in cyberspace. The ICRC’s Law and Policy blog pro vides a large number of short pieces on cyber operations, featuring tech expert, legal, and policy perspectives.

Privacy and Data Protection1

The ICRC plays an active role in regard to privacy and data protection in the context of humanitarian action. It has a data protection framework compliant with international data protection standards that aims to protect individuals from a humanitarian standpoint. The framework consists of ICRC rules on personal data protection, which were revised in 2020 in response to the rapid development of digital technologies, while supervisory and control mechanisms are overseen by an independent data protection commission and a data protection officer. In 2019, the ICRC spearheaded the adoption of a resolution on Restor ing Family Links While Respecting Privacy, Including as it Relates to Personal Data Protection at the International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. In 2022, it pushed for the adoption of a resolution on Safeguarding Humanitarian Data at the Council of Delegates of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.

Despite the wide range of data sources employed and dealt with by the ICRC, specific attention is dedicated to biometric data, which is often used in forensics and the restoration of family links. To manage this highly sensitive information and to ensure the responsible deployment of new technologies (including new biometric identification techniques), the ICRC has adopted a Biometrics Policy, which sets out the roles and responsibilities of the ICRC and defines the legitimate bases and specified purposes for the processing of biometric data.

Data protection is also addressed by the ICRC Handbook on Data Protection in Humanitarian Action. The Handbook provides suggestions as to how existing data protec tion principles apply to humanitarian organisations and builds on existing regulations, working procedures, and practices. The second edition of the document specifically provides guidance on the technical aspects of data pro tection by design and by default and covers technological security measures. In addition, through dedicated chap ters, it addresses the potential and risks of digital technol ogy such as blockchain, AI, digital identity, and connectiv ity for data protection in humanitarian action. The ICRC hosted a digital launch event for the second edition of the handbook as well as one event focusing on data protec tion and COVID-19. It then followed up with the DigitHari um, a one-year outreach initiative to socialise some of the themes linked to data protection in the humanitarian sec-

The ICRC deals with privacy and data protection within its mandate and context of IHL. In this Atlas, following the Digital Watch Observatory tax onomy, privacy and data protection are part of the human rights basket.


tor as well as to provide a space where humanitarian, diplomatic, academic, and technology practitioners can meet to collaborate to find local and global solutions to today’s digital dilemmas.

The ICRC further explored the issue of data and privacy in a joint report that it published with Privacy Internation al titled The Humanitarian Metadata Problem: Doing no Harm in the Digital Era. The report looks into how different types of metadata are derived from internal and external humanitarian exchanges (i.e. exchanges between humanitarian organisations and individuals affected by armed conflict and violence or communication within humanitarian organisations) through telecommunications and messaging; cash transfer programmes; and how social media can be accessed and misused for profiling of indi viduals, surveillance, repression, or commercial exploita tion. In line with the humanitarian ‘do no harm’ principle, the report underscores that the humanitarian community has to consider that there is a risk that it can hinder the safety and the rights of those needing protection when using digital technologies. The ICRC also hosted an event on this topic in London in December 2018, the Digital Risk Symposium. The event explored what organisations can do to ensure they do not create additional vulnerabilities for people already at risk, as well as the potential for col laboration in the sector.

More recently, the ICRC has been involved in the Road to Bern via Geneva dialogues. As part of its contribution, the ICRC collaborated with the World Intellectual Proper ty Organization in the second dialogue dedicated to data collection entitled Protecting Data Against Vulnerabilities: Questions of Trust Security and Privacy of Data. Specific attention was paid to three challenges: data anonymisa tion, loss of data through cloud processing, and limited use of biometric data.



The ICRC has argued in favour of the digitalisation of the Geneva Conventions and on the occasion of the 70th an niversary of these very treaties and additional protocols, released an IHL digital app. The app provides access to over 75 treaties including the Geneva Conventions, and al lows users to read through the content and therefore fa miliarise themselves with the text. The ICRC has a number of databases on IHL including its customary IHL database and the ICRC national implementation database.

Online learning is also used by the ICRC to promote the implementation of IHL. In 2019, it launched an e-learning course entitled Introduction to International Humanitarian Law aimed at non-legal practitioners, policymakers, and other professionals who are interested in the basics of IHL. Other online courses are available through the ICRC training centre as well as e-briefings which are avail able in its e-briefing library.

The ICRC also maintains a digital library and an app with all ICRC publications in English and French.

Research and development

In 2022, the ICRC has opened a Delegation for Cyberspace in Luxembourg, which serves as a safe and secure space to do due diligence research and develop and test solu tions and ideas to prepare the ground for the support, protection, and deployment of digital services to affected people on a global scale. It will also further explore what it means to be a digital stakeholder in a manner compatible with its mandate; operational modalities; and principles of neutrality, independence, and impartiality.

Social media channels

Twitter @ICRC

Facebook @ICRC

Instagram @ICRC TikTok @ICRC

LinkedIn @ICRC YouTube @ICRC


ICT for Peace Foundation (ICT4Peace)


Route de
198e | 1218 Le Grand-Saconnex | GE | Switzerland


ICT4Peace has been an independent think tank since 2003 in Geneva. It fosters political discussion and common ac tion to support international and human security in cy berspace. All its activities are focused on the use of ICTs to fulfil its key goals: save lives, protect human dignity, and promote peace and security in cyberspace. ICT4Peace acts as an early mover in identifying important challeng es, bringing visibility and high-level attention to critical new issues. It carries out policy research examining how to use technologies to support state and human securi ty, and develops capacity building through The ICT4Peace

Academy to support full participation of all stakeholders in ICT discussions, negotiations, and solutions. The de scription of the concrete areas its work can be found in this document. Inter alia the areas presently covered are deepening the understanding of the ICT-related activities and services provided by private (cyber) security com panies and their impacts on human rights, international law, and security; international law, norms of responsible state behaviour in cyberspace, including neutrality during cyberwarfare; Mis- and disinformation and hate speech; gender and ICT; and AI peace and ethics.


Message by the ICT4Peace President

In these extraordinary and challenging times, ICT4Peace calls on world leaders and the interna tional community to come together to collectively rebuild trust for a peaceful and prosperous digital society. We must promote the use of ICTs for peaceful purposes and human dignity and support social cohesion and protect democratic processes. Finally, we must devise smart public and private ICT partnerships for effective governance of cyberspace. To this end, ICT4Peace will continue to work in identifying emerging technology challenges, making policy recommenda tions, and delivering capacity building to contribute to a safe and secure cyberspace.



Network security, cyberconflict, and warfare

An open, secure, stable, accessible, and peaceful ICT environment is essential for all and requires effective coop eration among states, civil society, and the private sector to reduce risks to international peace and security, and secure economic and social development. There are, however, very disturbing trends in the global ICT environ ment, including a dramatic increase in incidents involving the malicious use of ICTs by state and non-state actors, in cluding criminals and terrorists. These trends create enor mous risks to peace and security in cyberspace for states, but equally to human security and dignity.

In 2011, ICT4Peace  called for a code of conduct and for  norms of responsible state behaviour and confi dence-building measures for an open, secure, and peace ful cyberspace, and encouraged all stakeholders to work together to identify new cyber threats and develop solu tions and agreements at national and global levels. In par ticular, it advocated against the increasing militarisation of cyberspace. ICT4Peace has supported international negotiations at the UN Governmental Group of Experts (UN GGE) and the Open-ended Working Groups (OEWG I and II) in New York, as well as at the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the Associ ation of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the Organiza tion of American States (OAS), and the African Union (AU) with  policy recommendations and multiple publications and workshops. In 2014, ICT4Peace launched its capac-

ity-building programmes and in 2020 created The ICT4Peace Academy, in particular for policymakers and diplo mats from developing and emerging economies to enable them to develop and implement their national cyberse curity strategies, building computer emergency response teams (CERTS) and meaningfully engage in the UN GGE and in the OEWG I 2019 2021 and OEWG II 2021–2025, but also in bilateral and regional negotiations.

In 2019, at the OEWG I in New York, ICT4Peace issued a call to governments to publicly commit not to attack civilian critical infrastructure and proposed a  states cyber peer review mechanism for tate-conducted foreign cyber operations. See also all  ICT4Peace inputs to and comments on OEWG I and the  ICT4Peace Submission to OEWG II 2021 2025.

ICT4Peace has highlighted emerging concerns and sug gested governance solutions in the fields of artificial intel ligence (AI), lethal autonomous weapons systems (LAWS), and peace time threats.

Capacity development

The ICT4Peace Academy offers custom-tailored cours es to meet organisation’s needs in learning more about today’s ICT challenges, including cyber diplomacy, cyber peacebuilding, and cyber (human) security. Drawing from an extensive network of expert practitioners, including diplomats, technologists, and civil society experts, each customised course offers the latest in up-to-date infor mation tailored to an organisation’s particular context


and presented in a live and interactive format. ICT4Peace offers advisory services to governments, multilateral ini tiatives, and the international community to support a peaceful cyberspace and provides a global hub and policy space bringing together actors from the technology com munity, governments, and civil society.

Regretfully, institution and capacity building in the area of ICTs for peaceful purposes and peace and security in cyberspace are not sufficiently recognised as a development issue and/or treated as a development priority by the development community, development partners, or by the millennium development goals (MDGs) or sustainable development goals (SDGs).

It is hoped that by bringing the discussion around the need for increased cybersecurity institution and capacity building (as expressed inter alia by the UN GGE and OSCE) also into the policy orbit of the OECD Development Assis tance Committee (DAC), cybersecurity capacity building will be recognised as a development priority by policy makers and more official development assistance (ODA) will flow into this sector in a consistent and coherent fashion. ICT4Peace in cooperation with the Estonian and Swiss governments has held discussions with the OECD/DAC Committee about making cybersecurity capacity-building ODA-eligible.

ICT4Peace also published a thought piece on Digitization: Curse or Blessing for the Bottom Billion, in which the case for more cybersecurity capacity building in the context of development cooperation is made.

Content policy

In the area of online content policy, ICT4Peace is engaged in activities related to the use of the internet for misin formation, disinformation, defamation, and hate speech. In today’s information society, the dissemination of false information can have devastating consequences, ranging from violent terrorist attacks to interference in elections, to unnecessary illness, such as in the current pandemic. ICT4Peace’s research and publications on mis-, disinfor mation, and hate speech looks at the role of social media and other online platforms/apps in spreading mis/disin formation online.

Regarding the prevention of the use of ICTs for terrorist purposes, ICT4Peace co-launched the Tech against Terror ism Platform with the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate (UNCTED). ICT4Peace organised workshops and produced a number of publications in the aftermath of the Christchurch Attack and the Sri Lanka Bombing with the main aim of raising awareness and sup porting the Christchurch Call Summit Process. Since the emergence of COVID-19, ICT4Peace has launched a review of the risks and opportunities of ICTs and social media during a pandemic.

Human rights principles

ICT4Peace has been active in the area of ICTs and human rights, publishing papers, delivering workshops, and supporting other actors to address the human rights impli


cations of digital technologies. It coined the term ‘digital human security.

Many innovations are designed with the embedded gen der and other biases of their creators, and even the most helpful technologies remain inaccessible to those who would benefit the most from them, including women, girls, and socioeconomically marginalised populations. ICT4Peace is working with gender-focused non-govern mental organisations (NGOs) to address gender-biases in ICTs.

AI promises to change the very nature of our society, transforming our conflict zones and ushering in a new socio-economic era. While the potential benefits are tre mendous, so are the potential risks. This requires careful analysis to inform policy decisions on international and international levels. Since 2017, ICT4Peace has carried out research, published policy papers, and contributed to international discussions on AI, ethical, and political per spectives on emerging digital technologies.

Social media channels

Facebook @ICT4Peace Twitter @ict4peace LinkedIn @ICT4peace YouTube @ICT4Peace Foundation


International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)

3 rue de Varembé | PO Box 131 | CH-1211 Geneva 20 | Switzerland

About the IEC

The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is the world leader in the preparation and publication of international standards for all electrical, electronic, and related technologies. A global, not-for-profit membership organisation, IEC provides a neutral and independent in stitutional framework to over 170 countries, coordinating the work of more than 20,000 experts. It administers four IEC Conformity Assessment Systems, which represent the largest working multilateral agreement based on one-time testing of products globally. The members of each system certify that devices, systems, installations, services, and people perform as required.

IEC International Standards represent a global consensus of state-of-the art know-how and expertise. Together with conformity assessment, they are foundational for international trade.

IEC Standards incorporate the needs of many stakeholders in every participating country and form the basis for testing and certification. Every member country, and all its stakeholders represented through the IEC National Committees has one vote and a say in what goes into an IEC International Standard.

IEC’s work is used in the verification of the safety, perfor mance, and interoperability of electric and electronic de vices and systems such as mobile phones, refrigerators, office and medical equipment, or electricity generation. It also helps accelerate digitisation, AI, or virtual reality ap plications; protects IT and critical infrastructure systems from cyberattacks, and increases the safety of people and the environment.


Message by the IEC Secretary-General

IEC standards enable the dissemination of the most efficient technologies on a global scale, helping coun tries and industries to adopt or build sustainable technologies and to apply international best practices. Our standards make citizens safer, promote economic development, and facilitate access to investment. The IEC Conformity Assessment Systems add value to international standards by ensuring that manufac turers keep their promises.

IEC standards and conformity assessment together play a fundamental economic role and support glob al trade and commerce. They form the basis for innovation, as well as quality and risk management.

“Digitalisation creates many exciting perspectives to enhance knowledge exchange at the interface of science and policy, many of which still have to be leveraged.” Secretary-General Phillipe Metzger

Message by the IEC Chair

We help developing countries to build quality infrastructures to ensure that products entering their markets fulfil required safety and performance criteria. In this way, IEC’s work enables economic actors to compete globally.

Because our standards embody global consensus on methodologies, processes, and requirements, they are accepted in most of the world. They are essential for industry, utilities, and critical infra structure. They provide technical frameworks, metrics, and specifications that regulators can refer ence in legislation. Standards also provide governments with technical references in public tenders, lending confidence that products meet globally agreed rules that have been developed and accept ed by industry and regulators.

Although the IEC deals primarily with technology, we are aware that the challenges that the world is facing are not only technical, but also social, economic, and environmental. The digital future we are working to achieve is encapsulated in the IEC mission statement. It says, quite simply, “IEC everywhere for a safer, more efficient world.” For us, that means supporting efforts to move towards net zero emissions and the realisation of an all-electric society, which will ensure global prosperity by providing universal access to affordable electricity, generated from renewable and sustainable sources.

We believe passionately in the power of consensus-based, international standards to help society to find answers to the many challenges and ethical dilemmas raised by digital transformation and disruptive technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and the internet of things. International standards are already providing solutions for many of these challenges, including, among others, privacy, security, and trust for the widest possible benefit.

Globally, the work of the IEC fits squarely with the United Nations sustainable development goals (SDGs). Indeed, IEC standards and conformity assessment contribute, directly or indirectly, to one or more indicators for all 17 of the SDGs. In short, the IEC provides the know-how and guidance for building a greener, cleaner, more equitable world.



The IEC works to ensure that its activities have a global reach in order to meet all the challenges of digital trans

formation worldwide. The organisation covers an array of digital policy issues.

Credits by



Artificial intelligence and the internet of things

AI applications are driving digital transformation across a diverse range of industries, including energy, healthcare, smart manufacturing, transport, and other strategic sec tors that rely on IEC Standards and Conformity Assess ment Systems. AI technologies allow insights and analyt ics that go far beyond the capabilities of legacy analytic systems.

For example, digital transformation of the grid is enabling increased automation, making it more efficient and able to integrate fluctuating renewable energy sources seam lessly. IEC Standards pave the way for the use of a variety of digital technologies relating to smart energy. They deal with issues such as the integration of renewable energies within the electrical network but also increased automa tisation.

IEC’s work in the area of AI takes a three-pronged approach. IEC experts focus on sector-specific needs (vertical standards) and conformity assessment, while the joint IEC and International Organization for Standardiza tion (ISO) technical committee on AI, JTC 1/SC 42, brings together technology experts, as well as ethicists, lawyers, social scientists, and others to develop generic and foun dational standards (horizontal standards).

In addition, IEC safety standards are an essential element of the framework for AI applications in power utilities

and smart manufacturing. IEC Conformity Assessment Systems complete the process by ensuring that the stan dards are properly implemented.

SC 42 addresses some of the concerns about the use and application of AI technologies. For example, data quality standards for machine learning and analytics are crucial for helping to ensure that applied technologies produce useful insights and eliminate faulty features.

Governance standards in AI and the business process framework for big data analytics address how the tech nologies can be governed and overseen from a manage ment perspective. International standards in the areas of trustworthiness, ethics, and societal concerns will ensure responsible deployment.

The joint IEC and ISO technical committee also develops foundational standards for the internet of things (IoT).

Among other things, SC 41 standards promote interoperability, as well as architecture and a common vocabulary for IoT.


IEC develops standards for many of the technologies that support digital transformation. Sensors, cloud, and edge computing are examples.

Advances in data acquisition systems are driving the growth of big data and AI use-cases. IEC prepares stan-


dards relating to semiconductor devices, including sensors.

Sensors can be certified under IEC Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components (IECQ), one of the four IEC Conformity Assessment Systems.

Cloud computing and its technologies have also supported the increase of AI applications. The joint IEC and ISO technical committee prepares standards for cloud com puting including distributed platforms and edge devic es, which are situated close to users and data collection points. The publications cover key requirements relating to data storage and recovery.

Building trust

International standards play an important role in increas ing trust in AI and help support public and private deci sion-making, not least because they are developed by a broad range of stakeholders. This helps to ensure that IEC work strikes the right balance between the desire to deploy AI and other new technologies rapidly and the need to study their ethical implications.

The IEC has been working with a wide range of interna tional, regional, and national organisations to develop new ways to bring stakeholders together to address the challenges of AI. These include the Swiss Federal Depart ment of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) and the standards develop ment organisations, ISO, and ITU.

More than 500 participants followed the AI with Trust conference, in-person and online, to hear different stakeholder perspectives on the interplay between legislation, standards and conformity assessment. They followed use-case sessions on healthcare, sensor technology, and collaborative robots, and heard distinguished experts ex change ideas on how they could interoperate more effi ciently to build trust in AI. The conference in Geneva was the first milestone of the AI with Trust initiative.

IEC is also a founding member of the Open Community for Ethics in Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (OCEANIS). OCEANIS brings together standardisation organisations from around the world to enhance awareness of the role of standards in facilitating innovation and addressing issues related to ethics and values.

Read more - e-tech

IEC and ISO Work on Artificial Intelligence

AI for the Last Mile

Computational Approaches for AI Systems

- IEC Blog Artificial Intelligence - Video Ian Oppermann (AI with Trust)

AI with Trust conference interviews

AI Governance


Network security and critical infrastructure

IEC develops cybersecurity standards and conformity assessment for both IT and operational technology (OT ). One of the biggest challenges today is that cybersecurity is often understood only in terms of IT, which leaves crit ical infrastructure, such as power utilities, transport sys tems, manufacturing plants and hospitals, vulnerable to cyberattacks.

Cyberattacks on IT and OT systems often have different consequences. The effects of cyberattacks on IT are generally economic, while cyberattacks on critical infrastructure can impact the environment, damage equipment, or even threaten public health and lives.

When implementing a cybersecurity strategy, it is essen tial to take the different priorities of cyber-physical and IT systems into account. IEC provides relevant and specific guidance via two of the world’s best-known cybersecurity standards: IEC 62443 for cyber-physical systems and ISO/ IEC 27001 for IT systems.

Both take a risk-based approach to cybersecurity, which is based on the concept that it is neither efficient nor sus tainable to try to protect all assets in equal measure. In stead, users must identify what is most valuable and re quires the greatest protection and identify vulnerabilities. Conformity assessment provides further security by en suring that the standards are implemented correctly:  IE CEE certification for IEC 62443 and IECQ for ISO/IEC 27001.

ISO/IEC 27001 for IT

IT security focuses in equal measure on protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data — the so-called CIA triad. Confidentiality is of paramount impor tance and information security management systems, such as the one described in ISO/IEC 27001, are designed to protect sensitive data, such as personally identifiable information (PII), intellectual property (IP), or credit card numbers, for example.

Implementing the information security management sys tem (ISMS) described in ISO/IEC 27001 means embedding information security continuity in business continuity management systems. Organisations are shown how to plan and monitor the use of resources to identify attacks earlier and take steps more quickly to mitigate the initial impact.

IEC 62443 for OT

In cyber-physical systems, where IT and OT converge, the goal is to protect safety, integrity, availability, and confi dentiality (SIAC). Industrial control and automation sys tems (ICAS) run in a loop to check continually that every thing is functioning correctly. The IEC 62443 series was developed because IT cyberse curity measures are not always appropriate for ICAS. ICAS are found in an ever-expanding range of domains and in-


dustries, including critical infrastructure, such as energy generation, water management, and the healthcare sec tor.

ICAS must run continuously to check that each compo nent in an operational system is functioning correctly. Compared to IT systems, they have different performance and availability requirements and equipment lifetime.

Conformity assessment: IECEE

Many organisations are applying for the IEC System of Conformity Assessment Schemes for Electrotechnical Equipment and Components (IECEE) conformity assess ment certification to verify that the requirements of IEC 62443 have been met.

IECEE provides a framework for assessments in line with IEC 62443, which specifies requirements for security capabilities, whether technical (security mechanisms) or process (human procedures) related. Successful recipi ents receive the IECEE industrial cybersecurity capability certificate of conformity.

Conformity assessment: IECQ

While certification to ISO/IEC 27001 has existed since the standard was published in 2013, it is only in recent years that the IEC Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components (IECQ), has set up a true single standardised way of assessing and certifying an ISMS to ISO/IEC 27001.

International standards such as IEC 62443 and ISO/IEC 27001 are based on industry best practices and reached by consensus. Conformity assessment confirms that they have been implemented correctly to ensure a safe and se cure digital society.

Read more

- Cyber Security: Ensuring IEC 62443 is Imple mented Correctly Understanding IEC 62443

IECQ Certification, a Crucial Requirement for ISO/IEC 27001

Eight Things Organizations Should do to En sure Compliance with Cyber Security Regula tions

Cyber Security for Critical Infrastructure


Cybersecurity for the Healthcare Sector

Cybersecurity for Power Utilities and other Cyber Physical Systems


At a glance

and innovating

Social media channels Facebook @InternationalElectrotechnicalCommission Twitter @IECStandards LinkedIn @IECStandards Pinterest @IECStandards YouTube @IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission digital

Internet Governance Forum (IGF)

Villa Le Bocage | Palais des Nations | CH-1211 Geneva 10 | Switzerland


About the IGF

The Internet Governance Forum (IGF ) provides the most comprehensive coverage of digital policy issues on the global level. The IGF Secretariat in Geneva coordinates both the planning of IGF annual meetings (working to gether with the Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) and the wider IGF community) and a series of interses sional activities (run all year long). These activities could be summarised in three ‘multi’ initiatives: Multistakeholder participation: It involves governments, business, civil society, the technical community, academia, and other actors who affect or are affected by digital policy issues. This diversity is reflected in IGF processes, events, and consultations.

Multidisciplinary coverage: It relates to addressing policy issues from technological, legal, security, human rights, economic, development, and socio cultural perspectives. For example, data, as a gov ernance issue, is addressed from standardisation, e-commerce, privacy, and security perspectives.

Multilevel approach: It spans IGF deliberations from the local level to the global level, through a network of over 150 national, subregional, and regional IGF initiatives. They provide context for discussions on digital policy like the real-life impact of digitalisation on policy, economic, social, and cultural fabric of lo cal communities. The IGF Secretariat supports such initiatives (which are independent) and coordinates the participation of the overall network.

The IGF ecosystem converges around the annual IGF which is attended by thousands of participants. The last few IGFs include: Paris (2018), Berlin (2019), online edition due to the pandemic (2020) and Katowice (2021), involving over 10000 participants, more than 1000 speakers in over 300 sessions.

The intersessional work includes best practice forums (on issues such as cybersecurity, local content, data and new technologies, and gender and access), dynamic coalitions (on issues such as community connectivity, network neu trality, accessibility and disability, and child safety online etc.); policy networks (on environment, meaningful ac cess and Internet fragmentation)and other projects such as Policy Options for Connecting and Enabling the Next Billion(s) (which ran between 2015 and 2018) as well as a number of capacity development activities.

IGF mandate

The IGF mandate was outlined in the Tunis Agenda for the Information Society of the World Summit on the Informa tion Society ( WSIS, November 2005). It was renewed for another 10 years by the UN General Assembly (UNGA) on 16 December 2015, (70/125).

The main functions of the IGF are specified in Article 72 of the Tunis Agenda. The mandate of the Forum is to:


Discuss public policy issues related to key elements of Internet governance in order to foster the sus tainability, robustness, security, stability, and devel opment of the Internet;

Facilitate discourse between bodies dealing with dif ferent cross-cutting international public policies re garding the Internet and discuss issues that do not fall within the scope of any existing body; Interface with appropriate inter-governmental or ganisations and other institutions on matters under their purview;

Facilitate the exchange of information and best practices, and in this regard make full use of the expertise of the academic, scientific, and technical communities;

Advise all stakeholders in proposing ways and means to accelerate the availability and affordability of the Internet in the developing world;

Strengthen and enhance the engagement of stake holders in existing and/or future Internet gover nance mechanisms, particularly those from devel oping countries;

Identify emerging issues, bring them to the atten tion of the relevant bodies and the general public, and where appropriate, make recommendations;

Contribute to capacity building for Internet gov

ernance in developing countries, drawing on local sources of knowledge and expertise;

Promote and assess, on an ongoing basis, the em bodiment of WSIS principles in Internet governance processes;

Discuss, inter alia, issues relating to critical Internet resources;

Help to find solutions to the issues arising from the use and misuse of the Internet, of particular con cern to everyday users; and

Publish its proceedings.

In fulfilling its mandate, the Forum is institutionally sup ported by the UN Secretariat for the Internet Governance Forum placed with the Department of Economic and So cial Affairs (DESA). Its working modalities also include MAG and most recently the Leadership Panel, both appointed by the UN Secretary-General.


“’Digital technologies are a proven accelerator of sustainable development, and it is on us to orient them in a direction to bring better wellbeing to all. This requires good digital policies that can be achieved only through an inclusive multistakeholder model for Internet gover nance. The IGF and international Geneva create conditions for this.”

Mesage by the IGF Secretariat


To achieve its mandate and set objectives, the IGF has created several concrete work streams in which everyone can participate.

Intersessional work and capacity development

I Dynamic Coalitions (DCs)

The DCs are open, multistakeholder and community-driven initiatives dedicated to exploring a certain Internet governance issue or group of issues. In 2022, there are 24 active dynamic coalitions focused on topics such as Internet rights and principles, innovative approaches to connecting the unconnected, accessibility and disability, child online safety, etc.

Head of Office Chengetai Masango

II Best Practice Forums (BPFs)

The BPFs provide a platform for stakeholders to exchange experiences in addressing Internet policy issues, and dis cuss and identify existing and emerging best practices. BPFs are open, bottom-up and collective processes, and their outputs are community-driven. In 2022, the BPFs are focused on cybersecurity and gender and digital rights.

III Policy Networks (PNs)

The PNs are facilitated by multistakeholder working groups of experts, based on broad bottom-up community consultations. All policy networks are facilitated through an open, inclusive, bottom-up, consultative process. Inter ested stakeholders are invited to subscribe to dedicated mailing lists or contact the IGF Secretariat for more infor mation. In 2022, there is a PN on Meaningful Access and Internet Fragmentation.

National, Regional and Youth IGF Initiatives (NRIs)

As of July 2022, there are over 150 autonomous NRIs rec ognized by the IGF Secretariat, open to all to participate. Developing capacity in internet governance at local and global levels

The IGF Secretariat supports community-centred process es in developing Internet governance capacity. A number of activities focus particularly on developing countries. In 2022, the capacity development framework sets on sup porting schools on Internet governance, NRIs, and stake holders to participate in the 17th annual IGF meeting, sup

porting youth, parliamentarians and other target groups such as IG(F) newcomers or women and girls.

IGF annual meetings

Each year, the IGF annual meeting brings together stakeholders from around the world to discuss some of the most pressing Internet governance issues. The list of the so far host countries is available on the IGF website.

IGF website1

The 17th annual IGF meeting will be hosted by the Gov ernment of Ethiopia in Addis Ababa from 28 November until 2 December 2022. The meeting will be hosted under the overarching theme: Resilient Internet for a shared sus tainable and common future. The programme develops around the following themes2 aligned with the communi ty’s interests and the UN Secretary-General’s Digital Com pact:

Connecting All People and Safeguarding Human Rights

Avoiding Internet Fragmentation

Governing Data and Protecting Privacy  - Enabling Safety, Security and Accountability

Addressing Advanced Technologies, including AI 1




Until 2019, IGF annual meetings used to host sessions tackling a wide range of digital policy issues (for instance, IGF 2018 had eight themes: cybersecurity, trust and pri vacy; development, innovation and economic issues; dig ital inclusion and accessibility; human rights, gender and youth; emerging technologies; evolution of Internet gover nance; media and content; and technical and operational issues). In 2019, in an effort to bring more focus within the IGF, the MAG decided (considering community input) to structure the IGF programme around a limited number of tracks: security, safety, stability, and resilience; data gov ernance; and digital inclusion. This approach was kept for IGF 2020, which saw four thematic tracks: data, environ ment, inclusion, and trust. The thematic approach did not mean that the IGF saw some digital policy issues as being less relevant than others, but rather that it encouraged discussions at the intersection of multiple issues. The Geneva Internet Platform (GIP) Digital Watch’s reporting for IGF 2020 and IGF 2019 illustrates this trend, showing that the IGF discussed a wide range of policy issues (across all seven Internet governance baskets of issues) within the limited number of thematic tracks.

The leadership panel

In line with the IGF mandate and as recommended in the Secretary-General’s Roadmap for Digital Cooperation, the UN Secretary-General established the IGF Leadership Panel as a strategic, empowered, multistakeholder body, to address urgent, strategic issues, and highlight Forum discussions and possible follow-up actions to promote greater impact and dissemination of IGF discussions.

More specifically, the Panel provides strategic inputs and advice on the IGF; promotes the IGF and its outputs; sup ports both high-level and at-large stakeholder engage ment in the IGF and IGF fundraising efforts; exchanges IGF outputs with other stakeholders and relevant forums; and feeds input from these decision-makers and forums to the IGF’s agenda-setting process, leveraging relevant MAG expertise.

The 10-member Panel meets at least three times a year.


Future of meetings

Since its first meeting in Athens (2006), the IGF has been a pioneer in online deliberation and hybrid meetings. In addition to individual online participation, the IGF has en couraged the development of a network of remote hubs where participants meet locally while following online deliberations from the global IGF. In this way the IGF has created a unique interplay between local and global delib erations through the use of technology. For hybrid meet ings delivered in situ and online, the IGF developed the function of ‘remote moderator’, who ensures that there is smooth interplay between online and in situ discussions.

The 17th annual IGF will be hosted by the government of Ethiopia in Addis Ababa from 28 November to 2 Decem ber 2022 on the theme Resilient Internet for a shared, sus tainable and common Future.

Social media channels

Twitter @intgovforum

Facebook @IGF - Internet Governance Forum Instagram @intgovforum YouTube @Internet Governance Forum (IGF)


Graduate Institute of International Studies and Development

Case postale 1672 | 1211 Genève 1 | Switzerland

About the Geneva Graduate Institute

The Geneva Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies is an institution of research and high er education at the postgraduate level dedicated to the study of world affairs, with a particular emphasis on the cross-cutting fields of international relations and develop ment issues.

Through its core activities, the Institute promotes interna tional co-operation and contributes to the progress of de veloping societies. More broadly, it endeavours to develop creative thinking on the major challenges of our time, fos ter global responsibility, and advance respect for diversity. By intensely engaging with international organisations, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), governments and multinational companies, the Institute participates in global discussions and prepares future policymakers to lead tomorrow’s world.

In 2022, the Institute launched a new Competence Hub on digital technologies. The Tech Hub brings together a diversity of internal and external expertise to explore technologies from a human-centred and human-biotope

centred perspective. The focus will be the exploration of current and future technological innovations from a social science perspective, with an interest in the socio-political, governance, and geopolitical consequences of the current technological revolution. It will progressively structure different kinds of activities as well as welcome and foster research projects.

This transdisciplinary and horizontal initiative enables the Institute to forge and express its own unique voice on the digital turn and its consequences. It has indeed a particular role to play in the exploration of all those questions, which need a transdisciplinary social science and humanities perspective and are by nature profoundly inter-trans-national. The reality is that the Institute is already producing research and knowledge on those questions and diffusing it through teaching and events.


“The digital turn is creating unprecedented transforma tions in our societies, polities, economies and even in our individual and collective identities. It is essential that responsible digital technologies be developed by design and incorporate principles of human rights, sustainability, and peacebuilding.”


Message by the Geneva Graduate Institute Director

The Geneva Graduate Institute has been exploring the question of technology since our early beginnings because of the prominent role technologies have played throughout the history of international rela tions, and the strong link in particular between technological innovation, security, and power.

Digital technology brings many opportunities but also generates new threats. To explore this two-sided impact and some of its more paradoxical consequences, social sciences are indispensable. The work we do at the Institute connects technological developments with their sociological, political, human, and gov ernance context and consequences. Examples include the impact of lethal autonomous


Message by the Geneva Graduate Institute Director

weapons on humanitarian law, the role of artificial intelligence in peace negotiation processes, and the impact of the digital turn on the reinvention of work and associated economic and social dynamics.

The Institute has a unique role to play as a bridge connecting International Geneva, the city of Geneva, Swiss foreign affairs institutions, and the world academic community. With students coming from 120 different countries and a very diverse faculty, the Institute is a melting pot of skills and cultures. Our aim and very identity are to question and explore contemporary transi tions, ecological and digital in particular.

With the considerable challenges that lie ahead, we must not only create opportunities for col lective exploration and understanding but also for the deployment of new visions, constructive solutions, and propositions for a desirable, sustainable, inclusive, and plural future. Our exper tise and research in the social sciences allow us to nourish these visions and proposals for the future, which in turn must guide the development of current and future technologies.



As part of its main strategy, the Institute seeks to develop digitally driven innovation in teaching and research, as well as information technology (IT) services. At the same time, as a research institution focusing on global challeng es and their impacts, the digital turn has become one of its fundamental and policy-oriented research areas.

In terms of research, a growing number of researchers and PhD candidates analyse the impact of digitalisation on international relations and development issues. A few examples of research topics are cybersecurity, hybrid threats and warfare, surveillance technologies, internet governance, digital diplomacy, digital health, digital rights, digital trust, digital economy, the future of work, block chain and cryptocurrencies, artificial intelligence (AI) and humanitarian law, and AI and peace negotiations among others. The Institute has also developed expertise in using digital technologies as new research methods, including computational social scientific methods and big data an alytics.

In terms of teaching, its Master, PhD, and executive education courses are increasingly focused on the effects of digitalisation on society and the economy, and more generally the global system. Some examples of courses are Digital Approaches to Conflict Prevention, Digital Innovation in Nature Conservation, Internet, Technology and International Law, Introduction to Digital Social Science Research, Technology, Society and Decision-making, The Politics of Digital Design, AI and Politics, Internet Gover nance and Economics, Technology and Development, and

Digital Diplomacy and Power Relations on Cyberspace. Digital skills workshops are also organised for students to provide them with basic digital competence for their fu ture professional or academic life, including big data anal ysis, introduction to programming with R and Python, and data analysis in various contexts).

The Institute is now involved in the development of a doctoral school on Digital Studies. This is a partnership with University of Lausanne (UNIL), École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), University of Geneva (UNIGE), University of Neuchâtel (UNINE) and University of Fribourg (UNIFR) and will be hosted by the CUSO (Conférence Universitaire de Suisse Occidentale). As part of its mem bership in SwissUniversities, it also offers a very complete programme for doctoral students – Strengthening Digital Skills in Education. Launched in 2019, the second phase of that programme runs from 2021 to 2024.

Over the years, the Institute has developed a performing IT infrastructure with secured data storage space and digi tal platforms (e.g. Campus, Moodle, TurntIn, Zoom, MyHR, Salesforces, Converis) to provide seamless services as well as dematerialised/paperless processes (e.g. student applications, course registration) for students, staff, and professors.

The Institute has developed digital tools (e.g. app for stu dents, responsive website) and used digital services (e.g. social media, Facebook, Google ads) for many years in its student recruitment and communication campaigns.


Digital tools are also part of the pedagogical methods to improve learning. Flipped classrooms, MOOCs, SPOCs, and podcasts, to name a few, are used by professors in Master and PhD programmes, as well as in executive edu cation. The Institute also supports professors in develop ing pedagogical skills and in using digital tools. Workshops are offered to all faculty members at the end of the sum

mer to prepare them for hybrid teaching and the use of new technological tools in the classroom.

The Institute also organises workshops, seminars, film screenings, and other events on the digital turn, ranging from the digital divide and the governance and regulatory aspects of data to cybersecurity.

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Some of the Institute’s prominent research initiatives are listed under respective digital policy issues sections.

Artificial intelligence

Conflict and peacebuilding

The faculty carries out a number of digital policy-related research projects, some of which focus on AI in particular. For example, the project titled Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems (LAWS) and War Crimes: Who is to Bear Responsibility? aims to clarify whether and to what extent the requirements for ascribing criminal responsibility for the commission of an act – and in particular the key con cepts of culpability theories – can be applied to the use of LAWS in combat operations. This analysis will serve to identify lacunae and inconsistencies in the current legal framework in the face of the advent of military robotics. This project explores how the increasing digitalisation of peace processes affects international peacebuilding efforts that take place in a global environment characterised by friction between liberal and authoritarian approaches. To make sense of these dynamics, the project draws on the concept of apomediation, to suggest that solutions to conflict are no longer simply supplied by human agents, but through a complex entanglement of human-machine networks.

The Intrepid Project aims to develop a general under standing of how policy announcements by state agencies are interpreted by journalists in ways that send signals,

indicate intent, and otherwise provoke economic and political reactions. Machine learning techniques, and the se mantic and syntactic properties of announcement texts are then used to develop models of the announcement interpretation process.

Global health

A number of projects carried out by the Institute’s members address the relationship between digital technol ogies and health. For instance, the Modelling early risk indicators to anticipate malnutrition (MERIAM) project uses computer models to test and scale up cost-effective means to improve the prediction and monitoring of un dernutrition in difficult contexts.

The Institute hosts the new Digital Health and AI Research Collaborative (I-DAIR) directed by former Ambassador of India and Visiting Lecturer at the Institute Amandeep Gill. I-DAIR aims to create a platform to promote responsible and inclusive AI research and digital technology development for health. This platform is supported by the Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator (GESDA).

The project Governing Health Futures 2030: Growing up in a Digital World, hosted at the Global Health Centre (GHC), explores how to ensure that digital development helps improve the health and well-being of all, and especially among children and young people. It focuses on examin ing integrative policies for digital health, AI, and universal health coverage to support the attainment of the third sustainable development goal (SDG).



Questions about the potential impact of the internet are now routinely raised in relation to political events and elec tions in most places. The project on the Digital Infrastruc turing of Democracy asks how the digital infrastructuring of democracy unfolds through regulatory and political processes, with a heuristic focus on both its transnational dimension and its specific reverberations in democracies of the Global South. The project concentrates on one the matic controversy related to each aspect of infrastructure: the accountability of algorithms for code, data protection for content, and encryption for circulation.

Taking stock of the centrality of AI in society and in the citizen-government relation, this project hosted at the Al bert Hirschman Centre on Democracy seeks to engage with youth in Switzerland to explore the future role of AI in democracy through storytelling and narrative foresight. It will give a voice to the citizens of tomorrow and collabo rate with art schools to design participatory AI art.

Future of work

Focusing on the Global South, the project African Futures: Digital Labor and Blockchain Technology strengthens empirical knowledge on changing trends in employment in the region by way of a two-pronged approach to the increasingly interconnected global division of labour: 1) App-based work mediated by online service platforms

and 2) the use of blockchain technology in mining sites for ethical sourcing, traceability, and proof of origin.

The emergence of AI and digitally mediated work rep resents a fundamental challenge for most developing economies. Coupled with jobless economic growth, ris ing human productivity, and the exponential increase of the available labourpool, few jobs can be said to be safe from automated labour. This project examines the impact of digital work and automation in the Global South, from blockchain technology to ride-sharing apps, to inform debates on automation, computerisation and non-standard forms of work.

Inclusive finance

Projects carried out by the Institute’s members also ad dress the role of digital technologies in enhancing finan cial inclusion. The project Effects of Digital Economy on Banking and Finance studies digital innovations and how fintech extends financial services to firms and households and improves credit allocation using loan-account level data comparing fintech and traditional banking.



Digital collections that allow free access to historical documents, texts, and photographs on interna tional relations from the sixteenth to the twentieth century.

Two free online courses (MOOC) on globalisation and global governance.

Podcasts showcasing professors and guests’ expertise ( What matters today, In conversation with, Par lons en).

Podcasts are also integrated into the curricula of several international history and interdisciplinary Master’s courses to encourage students to use so cial network platforms to popularise their findings

Future of meetings

Events, sessions, and seminars are held online (usually in Zoom), for example, information sessions for admitted and prospective students take place online.

Social media channels

Facebook @graduateinstitute

LinkedIn @geneva graduate institute

Twitter @GVAGrad

YouTube @Geneva Graduate Institute Instagram @graduateinstitute


International Labour Organization (ILO)

4 route des Morillons | CH-1211 Genève 22 | Switzerland


About the ILO

The International Labour Organization (ILO) was established in 1919 and is the first and oldest specialised UN agency. It is the only UN agency that has a tripartite struc ture consisting of government representatives, employ ers, and workers, and aims to promote labour rights, including the right to decent work. The ILO also works towards better dialogue on work-related issues and sup ports adequate employment opportunities.

It maintains over 20 economic sectors focused on industries such as health services, oil and gas production, and textiles. As part of its work, the ILO addresses many dif ferent topics including child labour, green jobs, and work place health and safety.



Digital issues are present in a number of areas of the ILO’s work. One of these areas is the postal and telecommu nication services sector that encompasses activities relat ed to the Internet, in which the ILO works on assisting governments, employers, and workers to develop policies and programmes aimed at enhancing economic opportu nities and improving working conditions. It pays particular

attention to major trends in this sector such as deregulation, and privatisation and how they affect the labour force. More recently, the organisation has started ad dressing digitalisation through topics such as skills knowl edge, employability, and the future of work.

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Data governance

The ILO has a world employment and social outlook platform that provides datasets on measures such as the global labour force, unemployment, and employment by sector. The organisation also has a development cooper ation dashboard with data on labour-related policy areas. ILOSTAT (a portal to labour statistics) and the ILO Knowl edge Portal (which offers access to country information and data on labour laws, standards, policies, and statis tics) are other data resources the organisation makes available.

In recent years, the organisation has been looking into matters related to the potential of big data in areas such as monitoring changes in the world of work and devising evidence-based policies for the future of work. Several publications have been launched in this respect, with ex amples including The Feasibility of Using Big Data in Antic ipating and Matching Skills Needs (2020)and Perspectives on Policy and Practice: Tapping into the Potential of Big Data for Skills Policy (2021).

Future of work

Perhaps the most visible digital issue in the ILO’s activities is the future of work. To address it, the ILO established the ILO Global Commission on the Future of Work as part of its Future of Work Initiative. The Commission is composed

of government, civil society, academia, and business association representatives. In 2019, the Commission pub lished a landmark report titled Work for a Brighter Future that calls for a human-centred agenda for the future of work and explores the impacts of technological progress in the fields of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics and on issues such as the gender labour gap and the auto mation of work. That same year, the ILO issued the ILO Centenary Declaration that, among other things, calls for ‘full and productive employment and decent work’ in the context of the digital transformation of work, including platform work.

The ILO has published several other research documents and reports on the subject including Digital Labour Plat forms and the Future of Work: Towards Decent Work in the Online World, which tackles working conditions on digital platforms and Global Employment Trends for Youth in 2020: Technology and the Future of Jobs, which covers inequalities in youth labour markets arising from digital transformation, as well as investment in young people’s skills and many other underlying questions.

Through the non-standard forms of employment topic, the ILO also explores the implications of digital labour platforms and working from home trends (e.g. teleworking).


Sustainable development

The ILO, in line with the 2030 Agenda and more specifically sustainable development goal (SDG) 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) has created the Decent work for sustainable development (DW4SD) Resource Platform that maps out the interplay between sustainable develop ment and decent work. The platform provides guidance and working resources to ILO staff, development part ners, UN country teams, and other stakeholders.

Capacity development

Capacity development is another digital-related issue ad dressed by the ILO. As part of its skills, knowledge, and employability initiatives, the ILO, together with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has developed the SKILLUP programme that aims to assist developing countries to build capacity and improve their skills systems in relation to digitalisation and technological innovation. Aside from providing training to help empower women with digital skills, the programme also develops digital tools such as skill trackers where surveys covering different aspects of skills development are collected in real-time.

In the framework of its innovation initiatives, ILO has a Skills Innovation Facility, which focuses on identifying and testing innovative ideas and solutions to address current and future skills challenges. Moreover, the Skills Innova-

tion Network provides a platform for innovators to collaborate and share experiences on developing innovations for skills development.

The ILO also has a Help Desk for Business on International Labour Standards that provides assistance to business es on how to align their business operations with labour standards.

Matters related to skills for the digital economy are also addressed in various publications launched by the organ isation, such as the 2021 Changing Demand for Skills in Digital Economy and Societies: Literature Review and Case Studies from Low- and Middle-Income Countries and the 2022 Policy Guidance Note on Digitalising Career Guid ance Services and the Inventory of Digital Career Guid ance Tools.

Privacy and data protection

In regard to privacy and data protection, the ILO has pub lished a set of principles on the protection of workers’ personal data (2022), which explores trends, principles, and good practices related to the protection of personal data.

The International Training Centre, established by the ILO, provides online courses on a variety of labour issues. The



ILO also organises webinars and uses a number of social media accounts. Also available digital tools:

ILO Knowledge Portal

Portal to Labour Statistics ILOSTAT

ILO Development Cooperation Dashboard

World Employment and Social Outlook

Future of meetings

Caribbean Trade Unions Information Sharing Session on COVID-19 and the World of Work WCMS_742295/lang--en/index.htm

ILO Global Summit on COVID-19 and the World of Work

- Building a better future of work (scheduled for 1-9 July) WCMS_747476/lang--en/index.htm

The Rules of Procedure specifically refers to ‘seats in the conference hall’. ference/lang--en/index.htm

Voting by correspondence (email) wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_norm/---relconf/docu ments/meetingdocument/wcms_741867.pdf

Social media networks

Twitter @ilo YouTube @ilotv Facebook @ILOCentralEasternEurope

Flickr @ilopictures

Instagram @iloinfo

LinkedIn @/international-labour-organization-ilo


Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)

chemin du Pommier | Case postale 330 | CH-1218 Le Grand-Saconnex | Geneva | Switzerland


About the IPU

The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) is a global organisation of national parliaments. It was founded more than 130 years ago as the first multilateral political organisation in the world, encouraging cooperation and dialogue be tween all nations. Today, the IPU comprises 178 national member parliaments and 14 regional parliamentary bod ies.

It promotes democracy and helps parliaments become stronger, younger, gender-balanced, and more represen tative. It also defends the human rights of parliamentari ans through a dedicated committee made up of members of parliament (MPs) from around the world.


Message by the IPU Secretary-General

The ideals and practices of democracy have been under great strain these past few years because of eco nomic crises and the climate emergency, compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic. But, time after time, parliaments have demonstrated their extraordinary resilience in the ways they have adapted, notably by accelerating their digital transformation. In sharing the digital experiences of parliaments, the IPU has become a hub of digital good parliamentary practice for, about and between parliaments. Ultimately this equips them for the future to better serve the people they represent.

“The IPU has become a hub of digital good parliamentary practice for, about, and between parliaments.”


The IPU’s digital activities have significantly increased over the past few years with the creation of the dedicated IPU Centre for Innovation in Parliament. The Centre research es the impact of digital technologies on parliaments and coordinates a network of parliamentary hubs on innova tion in parliaments. It also publishes the landmark World e-Parliament Report and hosts a biennial World e-Parlia ment Conference.

The IPU holds many of its inter-parliamentary meetings either in a virtual or hybrid format as part of its strategy to bring together as many parliamentarians from around the world as possible while reducing the carbon footprint of international meetings.

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Capacity development

In line with its objective to build strong and democratic parliaments, the IPU assists parliaments in building their capacity to use information and communication technol ogies (ICTs) effectively, both in parliamentary proceedings and in communication with citizens. The IPU has also been mandated by its member parliaments to carry out capac ity development programmes for parliamentary bodies tasked with overseeing observance of the right to privacy and individual freedoms in the digital environment. The IPU also encourages parliaments to make use of ICTs as essential tools in their legislative activities. To this aim, the IPU launched the Centre for Innovation in Parliament in 2018 to provide a platform for parliaments to develop and share good practices in digital transformation strat egies, as well as practical methods for capacity building. The IPU holds the World e-Parliament Conference, a bian nual forum that addresses, from both policy and technical perspectives, how ICTs can help improve representation, law-making, and oversight. It also publishes every two years the World E-Parliament Report, providing insights into innovation strategies and good practices, based on survey data from around 120–140 national parliaments.

As of August 2020, eight regional and thematic parliamentary hubs were operating under the Centre for Innovation in Parliament, covering IT governance, open data and transparency, Spanish-speaking countries, Eastern Afri ca, Southern Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific. Each

hub is co-ordinated by a national parliament and brings together parliaments to work on subjects of common in terest, such as remote working methods during COVID-19.

Sustainable development

The IPU works to raise awareness about the sustainable development goals (SDGs) among parliaments, and pro vides them with a platform to assist them in taking action and sharing experiences and good practices in achieving the goals.

Privacy and data protection

One of the IPU’s objectives is to promote and protect human rights. Its Committee on Democracy and Human Rights is involved in activities aimed to contribute to en suring privacy in the digital era and the use of social me dia as effective tools to promote democracy. A 2015 res olution – Democracy in the Digital Era and the Threat to Privacy and Individual Freedoms – calls on parliaments to create adequate mechanisms for the protection of privacy in the online space, and to ensure that legislation in the field of surveillance, privacy, and data protection is based on democratic principles.



Freedom of expression

The IPU’s Committee on Democracy and Human Rights also works on promoting the protection of freedom of expression in the digital era and the use of social media as an effective tool to promote democracy. In 2015, the IPU adopted a Resolution on Democracy in the Digital Era and the Threat to Privacy and Individual Freedoms en couraging parliaments to remove all legal limitations on freedom of expression and the flow of information, and urging them to enable the protection of information in cyberspace, so as to safeguard the privacy and individual freedom of citizens.

Virtual training sessions for parliamentarians.IPU Parline database: Open data platform on national parliaments, which includes data on the age of people in parliament as well as a monthly ranking of women in national parlia ments.

Social media channels

Twitter @IPUparliament Facebook @InterParliamentaryUnion Instagram @ipu.parliament_official LinkedIn @ Inter-Parliamentary Union YouTube @Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)


International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

Chemin de Blandonnet

| CP 401 - 1214 Vernier | Geneva | Switzerland


About the ISO

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a non-governmental international organisation composed of 165 national standard-setting bodies that are either part of governmental institutions or mandated by their respective governments. Each national standard-setting body therefore represents a member state. After receiv ing a request from a consumer group or an industry as sociation, ISO convenes an expert group tasked with cre

ating a particular standard through a consensus process. ISO develops international standards across a wide range of industries, including technology, food, and healthcare, to ensure that products and services are safe, reliable, of good quality, and ultimately, facilitate international trade. As such, it acts between the public and the private sector. To date, ISO has published more than 22,000 standards.


Secretary-General Sergio Mujica

Message by the ISO Secretary-General

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is known world over for its capacity to create global solutions to global challenges. We bring together expert men and women to distil state-of-the-art knowledge into practical guidance and requirements that enable us to address some of our greatest challenges.

On a globalised planet, home to nearly 8 billion people, the complexity of the issues we face has grown exponentially. Today, we have unprecedented potential to understand and tackle them. Digitalisation not only provides new avenues of human connection and activity but it can also enable

“As an organisation committed to accelerating digital growth and making lives safer, easier, and better, we’re developing new digital standards to enable the smart revolutio and reinforce the essentials of interoperability and cybersecurity.”

Message by the ISO Secretary-General

us to address existing problems in new ways. Through capturing information, analysing it, and acting upon it to achieve the best outcomes, we’re doing more than just boosting efficiency. We’re beginning to grasp the networks of complex interrelations between our activities and our environment. ISO digital standards are essential to making this happen.

International standards are visible in the physical and built world, enabling us to better manage resourc es like water and energy through digital technology. But increasingly they’re working in the background, the unseen underpinnings to many of the technologies that enable and improve our everyday lives.

From the way in which information is encoded, transmitted, and stored, to the networks that underpin interactions from online shopping and remote working to keeping in touch with friends and family or streaming our favourite entertainment and information, ISO digital standards are hard at work. More than this, ISO standards are the digital glue that is driving Industry 4.0 and the application of smart tech nology to revolutionise the building and organisation of our cities and homes, and the ways we grow our food.

As an organisation committed to accelerating digital growth and making lives safer, easier, and better, we’re continuing to develop new digital standards. Beyond enabling the smart revolution and reinforcing the essentials of interoperability and cybersecurity, ISO standards provide a globally agreed basis on which innovation can flourish. In line with our 2030 strategy, we’re continually evolving our own process es.

At ISO, we are on an ambitious digital journey that will change the ways in which standards are devel oped, and ultimately provide new ways in which they can be accessed and used.



A large number of the international standards and related documents developed by ISO are related to informa tion and communication technologies (ICTs), such as the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) created in 1983; it established a universal reference model for communica tion protocols. The organisation is also active in the field of emerging technologies including blockchain, the internet of things (IoT), and artificial intelligence (AI).

The standards are developed by various technical committees dedicated to specific areas including information security, cybersecurity, privacy protection, AI, and intelli gent transport systems. ISO contributes to all of the sus tainable development goals (SDGs). Here you can see the number of ISO standards that apply to each Goal.

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Artificial intelligence

The joint technical committee of ISO and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) for AI is known as ISO/ IEC JTC1/SC 42 Artificial intelligence and is responsible for the development of standards in this area. To date, it has published one standard specifically pertaining to AI with 18 others in development.

ISO/IEC TR 24028 provides an overview of trustworthi ness in AI systems, detailing the associated threats and risks and addresses approaches on availability, resiliency, reliability, accuracy, safety, security, and privacy. The standards under development include those that cover concepts and terminology for AI (ISO/IEC 22989), bias in AI systems and AI-aided decision-making (ISO/IEC TR 24027), AI risk management (ISO/IEC 23894), a framework for AI systems using machine learning (ISO/IEC 23053), and the assessment of machine learning classification perfor mance (ISO/IEC TS 4213).

Up-to-date information on the technical committee (e.g. scope, programme of work, contact details) can be found on the committee page.

Cloud computing

ISO and IEC also have a joint committee for standards related to cloud computing, which currently has 19 pub lished standards and a further 7 in development. Of those published, two standards of note include ISO/IEC 19086-1, which provides an overview, foundational concepts, and definitions for a cloud computing service level agreement framework, and ISO/IEC 17789, which specifies the cloud computing reference architecture.

Standards under development include those on health informatics (ISO/TR 21332.2); the audit of cloud services (ISO/IEC 22123-2.2); and data flow, categories, and use (ISO/IEC 19 944 -1). Up-to-date information on the technical committee (e.g. scope, programme of work, contact details) can be found on the committee page.

Internet of things

Recognising the ongoing developments in the field of IoT, ISO has a number of dedicated standards both published and in development, including those for intelligent trans port systems (ISO 19079), future networks for IoT (ISO/IEC TR 29181-9), unique identification for IoT (ISO/IEC 29161), Internet of Media Things (ISO/IEC 23093-3), trust-worthi ness of IoT (IS O/IEC 30149), and industrial IoT systems (ISO/IEC 30162). IoT security is addressed in standards


such as ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 27002, which provide a common language for governance, risk, and compliance issues related to information security.

In addition, there are seven standards under develop ment, some of which provide a methodology for the trust worthiness of an IoT system or service (ISO/IEC 30147), a trustworthiness framework (ISO/IEC 30149), the require ments of an IoT data exchange platform for various IoT services (ISO/IEC 30161), and a real-time IoT framework (ISO/IEC 30165).Up-to-date information on the ISO and IEC joint technical committee for IoT (e.g. scope, programme of work, contact details) can be found on the committee page.

Telecommunications infrastructure

ISO’s standardisation work in the field of telecommuni cations infrastructure covers areas such as planning and installation of networks (e.g. ISO/IEC 14763-2 and ISO/IEC TR 14763-2-1), corporate telecommunication networks (e.g. ISO/IEC 17343), local and metropolitan area networks (e.g. ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-A), private integrated telecommu nications networks (e.g. ISO/IEC TR 14475), and wireless networks. Next generation networks – packet-based public networks able to provide telecommunications services and make use of multiple quality of service enabled transport technology – are equally covered (e.g. ISO/IEC TR 26905).

ISO also has standards for the so-called future networks, which are intended to provide futuristic capabilities and services beyond the limitations of current networks, in cluding the internet.

Up-to-date information on the joint ISO and IEC techni cal committee that develops these standards (e.g. scope, programme of work, contact details) can be found on the committee page.


ISO has published three standards on blockchain and distributed ledger technologies: ISO/TR 23455 gives an overview of smart contracts in blockchain and distribut ed ledger technologies, ISO/TR 23244 tackles privacy and personally identifiable information protection, and ISO 22739 covers fundamental blockchain terminology re spectively.

ISO also has a further ten standards on blockchain in de velopment. These include those related to security risks, threats, and vulnerabilities (ISO/TR 23245.2); security management of digital asset custodians (ISO/TR 23576); taxonomy and ontology (ISO/TS 23258); legally-binding smart contracts (ISO/TS 23259); and guidelines for gover nance (ISO/TS 23635).

Up-to-date information on the technical committee (e.g. scope, programme of work, contact details) can be found on the committee page.


Emerging technologies

ISO develops standards in the area of emerging technologies. Perhaps the largest number of standards in this area are those related to robotics. ISO has more than 40 different standards either published or in development that cover issues such as collaborative robots (e.g. ISO/TS 15066), safety requirements for industrial robots (e.g. ISO 10218-2), and personal care robots (e.g. ISO 13482).

Autonomous or so-called intelligent transport systems (ITS) standards are developed by ISO’s ITS Technical Committee and include those for forward vehicle collision warning systems (ISO 15623) and secure connections between trusted devices (ISO/TS 21185).

Standards are also being developed to address the use of virtual reality in learning, education, and training (e.g. ISO/ IEC 23843) and the display device interface for augmented reality (ISO/IEC 23763).


As more and more information (including sensitive personal data) is stored, transmitted, and processed online, the security, integrity, and confidentiality of such information becomes increasingly important. To this end, ISO has a number of standards for the encryption of data. For example, ISO/IEC 18033-1, currently under development,

addresses the nature of encryption and describes certain general aspects of its use and properties. Other stan dards include ISO/IEC 19772, which covers authenticated encryption; ISO/IEC 18033-3, which specifies encryption systems (ciphers) for the purpose of data confidentiality; and ISO 19092, which allows for the encryption of biomet ric data used for authentication of individuals in financial services for confidentiality or other reasons.

ISO also has standards that focus on identity-based ciphers, symmetric and asymmetric encryption, public key infrastructure, and many more related areas.

Data governance

Big data is another area of ISO standardisation, and around 80% of related standards are developed by the ISO/IEC AI committee. The terminology for big-data-relat ed standards is outlined in ISO/IEC 20546, while ISO/IEC 20547-3 covers big data reference architecture.

ISO/IEC TR 20547-2 provides examples of big data use cases with application domains and technical considerations. ISO/IEC TR 20547-5 details a roadmap of existing and future standards in this area. A further eight standards are in development and include those for big data security and privacy (ISO/IEC 27045), terminology used in big data within the scope of predictive analytics (ISO 3534-5), and data science life cycle (ISO/TR 23347).


Up-to-date information on the technical committee (e.g. scope, programme of work, contact details) can be found on the committee page.

Digital identities

Digital signatures that validate digital identities help to en sure the integrity of data and authenticity of particulars in online transactions. This, therefore, contributes to the security of online applications and services. Standards to support this technology cover elements such as anon ymous digital signatures (e.g. ISO/IEC 20008-1 and ISO/ IEC 20008-2); digital signatures for healthcare documents (e.g. ISO 17090-4 and ISO 17090-5); and blind digital signatures, which is where the content of the message to be signed is disguised, used in contexts where, for example, anonymity is required. Examples of such standards are ISO 18370-1 and ISO/IEC 18370-2.

Privacy and data protection

Privacy and data protection in the context of ICTs is another area covered by ISO’s standardisation activities. One example is ISO/IEC 29101, which describes a privacy archi tecture framework. Others include those for privacy-en hancing protocols and services for identification cards (ISO/IEC 19286); privacy protection requirements pertain ing to learning, education, and training systems employ ing information technologies (ISO/IEC 29187-1); privacy aspects in the context of intelligent transport systems (ISO/TR 12859); and security and privacy requirements for health informatics (ISO/TS 14441).



ISO has developed an online browsing platform that provides up-to-date information on ISO standards, graphical symbols, publications, and terms and definitions.

Future of meetings

ISO has issued a decision to move physical meetings to the virtual space. This is reflected in the ISO meeting calendar.

ISO has issued a decision to move physical meetings to the virtual space.

Yes. ISO governance groups are also meeting virtually.

Social media channels

Twitter @isostandards Facebook @isostandards Instagram @iisostandards LinkedIn @isostandards YouTube @iso


International Trade Centre (ITC)

54-56 rue de Montbrillant | 1202 Geneva | Switzerland

About the ITC

The International Trade Centre (ITC) supports developing countries to achieve trade-led growth, fosters inclusive and sustainable economic development, and contributes to achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs).

ITC offers small businesses, policymakers, and business support organisations in developing countries an array of trade-related practical training and advisory services, and a wealth of business intelligence data. It helps micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) become

more competitive and helps to create better regulatory environments for trade. ITC works to empower women, youth, and refugees through its programmes, projects, services, and data, and helps drive digital connectivity and a global transition to green, sustainable trade.

Established in 1964, ITC is a multilateral agency with a joint mandate with the World Trade Organization ( WTO) and the United Nations (UN) through the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).


“MSMEs are key to successful digital transformation. Technical assistance and capacity building are crucial to ensure that MSMEs are not left behind in the wave of digitalisation.”

Message by the ITC Executive Director

As world businesses move online, the International Trade Centre (ITC) is responding by focusing on the digitalisation of trade and solving the constraints faced by micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) regarding the e-commerce of goods and services, at the enterprise, business ecosystem, and policy levels.

ITC’s ecomConnect initiative aims to build the world’s largest community of e-commerce entrepreneurs engaged in the sustainable development of small businesses online.


Message by the ITC Executive Director

We already support digital connectivity by improving telecommunications regulations and working with partners who provide access to technologies and services.

We work to improve business ecosystems by collaborating with market partners and equipping Business Service Organisations (BSOs) with the capacity to support MSMEs in the digital economy.

We support development of conducive policy and a regulatory environment for e-commerce at the na tional, regional, and multilateral levels, through facilitating domestic policy reforms, informing policy makers of the needs of MSMEs in relation to e-commerce and digitalisation, and building capacity for e-commerce-related trade negotiations.

ITC stands ready to work together with partners and stakeholders to help MSMEs around the world to benefit from e-commerce and digital trade.



ITC activities in e-commerce and digital trade:

Focuses on the digitalisation of trade and solving the constraints faced by MSMEs regarding e-commerce of goods and services, at the enterprise, business ecosystem, and policy levels.

Develops small business digital capabilities and improves e-commerce accessibility in develop ing countries for sustainable and inclusive growth through its ecomConnect programme.

Supports development of a conducive policy and regulatory environment for e-commerce at the national, regional, and multilateral levels, includ ing facilitating domestic policy reforms, informing policymakers on the needs of MSMEs in relation to

e-commerce and digitalisation, and building capacity for e-commerce related trade negotiations. Supports digital connectivity by improving telecom munications regulations and working with partners who provide access to technologies and services. Improves business ecosystems by collaborating with market partners and equipping business ser vice organisations (BSOs) with the capacity to sup port MSMEs in the digital economy.

ITC is one of the co-facilitators of the World Summit on the Information Society ( WSIS) action lines in the area of e-business, as well as a partner agency in UNCTAD’s e-trade for all initiative.

Credits by


E-commerce and trade

ITC provides capacity building for policymakers on current issues in the e-commerce policy debate through training, workshops, and publications contributing to a conducive policy environment for e-commerce and digital trade. ITC projects also support developing countries to review and update e-commerce-related regulations, and build capac ity for effective implementation of policy reforms.

ITC assists enterprises, in particular MSMEs, in acquiring the necessary skills and capabilities to trade on e-commerce channels. Through the ecomConnect programme, it is engaged in the sustainable development of small businesses online by facilitating shared learning, innovative solutions, collaboration, and partnerships.

ITC’s e-commerce tools help MSMEs assess the readiness of their business to engage in international e-commerce, understand the options and costs of selling on e-com merce platforms, find available payment solutions, and track sales and site traffic across different e-commerce platforms in a single dashboard.

ITC’s digital entrepreneurship projects also support de veloping countries and MSMEs to build competitiveness in the rapidly growing global information technology and business process outsourcing markets.

Capacity development

ITC’s SME Trade Academy offers a series of online courses and access to educational material on an array of trade topics. It aims to assist SMEs, policymakers, and BSOs in building skills for trade development.

ITC also offers training for policymakers on building a con ducive environment for e-commerce and engaging in ne gotiations on e-commerce and digital trade.



The ITC addresses the challenge of a lack of reliable trade information on markets by offering market analysis tools and related market data sources. The Global Trade Help desk provides a one-stop shop for detailed information about imports, market dynamics, tariffs, regulatory re quirements, potential buyers and more.

ITC market intelligence tools provide users with export and import statistics from more than 220 countries and territories and consist of the following: Trade Map, Market Access Map, Investment Map, Procurement Map, Export Potential Map, and Sustainability Map.

The ecomConnect community platform, managed by the ITC’s ecomConnect programme, links entrepreneurs, industry experts, and business support institutions in e-commerce to build up connections; acquire digital ex pertise through free online courses, e-commerce tools, and live webinars; and discuss the latest e-commerce news. The community brings together more than 5,000 active users from sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and North Africa, Europe and Central Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean.

In addition, the ITC library offers a specialised informa tion resource on international trade as well as its online catalogue, which is available to all users.

Social media channels

Twitter @ITCnews Facebook @InternationalTradeCentre Instagram @internationaltradecentre LinkedIn @@international-trade-centre YouTube @International Trade Centre

Future of meetings

See the ITC news and events page


International Telecommunication Union (ITU, UIT)

Place des Nations | 1211 Geneva | Switzerland


About the ITU

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is the United Nations specialised agency for information and communications technologies (ICTs), driving innovation in ICTs together with 193 member states and a member ship of over 900 companies, universities, and internation al and regional organisations. Established 157 years ago in 1865, ITU is the intergovernmental body responsible for coordinating the shared global use of the radio spec trum, promoting international cooperation in assigning satellite orbits, improving communications infrastructure

in the developing world, and establishing the worldwide standards that foster seamless interconnection of a vast range of communications systems. From broadband net works to cutting-edge wireless technologies, aeronautical and maritime navigation, intelligent transport systems, ra dio astronomy, oceanographic and satellite-based Earth monitoring as well as converging fixed-mobile phone, Internet, cable television and broadcasting technologies, ITU is committed to connecting the world. For more infor mation, visit


Secretary-General Houlin Zhao

“By working together across public/private sectors, we will ensure that the benefits of digital technologies are distributed equitably. With its rich diversity of organisations, Geneva is an ideal environment for fostering this collaborative spirit and the Geneva Digital Atlas helps guide us through this landscape, towards this goal.”

Message by the ITU Secretary-General

ITU (International Telecommunication Union) has been at the centre of advances in communication and innovation for over 150 years – from the telegraph to the telephone, mobiles to satellite, the internet, and now emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), the internet of things (IoT), and 5G.

As the United Nations specialised agency for information and communication technologies, we are com mitted to building a more inclusive and connected world than ever before. As society stands on the cusp of the fourth industrial revolution, ITU is once again at the forefront of this digital revolution with the mission to connect all the world’s people.


Message by the ITU Secretary-General

ITU strongly supports cross-sector collaboration. Our broad-based membership of 193 member states and over 900 companies, universities, and international and regional organisations make us a unique platform for fostering global public/private partnerships.

Together with our membership, ITU’s work includes managing spectrum and satellite orbits; develop ing global standards on communication technologies and services; assisting developing countries in strengthening and implementing their digital development strategies; promoting investment in infra structure; encouraging innovation and participation by small and medium enterprises (SMEs), start-ups, and young entrepreneurs in its activities; and driving the development of new and emerging technolo gies.

ITU also provides many opportunities for all key stakeholders to come together and develop a common understanding of the challenges facing the information and communications technology (ICT) sector and the solutions required, whether through events such as the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum, the Global Symposium for Regulators, ITU Telecom World, platforms such as AI for Good, or its many study groups.

Ensuring equitable access to digital technologies is not only a moral responsibility, but it is also essential for global prosperity and sustainability. This is why the role of multilateral, multistakeholder, consen sus-based organisations, such as ITU, continue to be so important. By working together, we can help accelerate digital transformation and ensure that digital technologies are distributed equitably, boosting socio-economic, sustainable development, and meeting the shared promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sus tainable Development to leave no one behind.



Some of ITU’s key areas of action include radiocommunication services (such as satellite services, and fixed/ mobile and broadcasting services), developing telecom munications networks (including future networks), stan dardisation of various areas and media related to tele communications, and ensuring access to bridge the digital divide and addressing challenges in ICT accessibility. ITU’s work supports emerging technologies in fields such as 5G, artificial intelligence (AI), Intelligent Transport Systems, di

saster management, agriculture, smart sustainable cities, and the internet of things (IoT); access and digital inclu sion; the accessibility of ICTs to persons with disabilities; digital health; ICTs and climate change; cybersecurity; gender equality; and child online protection, among oth ers. These and many more ICT topics are covered both within the framework of radiocommunication, standardi sation, and development work, through various projects, initiatives, and studies carried out by the organisation.

ITU Featured Photos


Telecommunications infrastructure

Information and communication infrastructure development is one of ITU’s priority areas. The organisation seeks to assist member states, sector members, associates, and academia in the implementation and development of broadband networks, wired (e.g. cable) and wireless tech nologies, international mobile telecommunications (IMT ), satellite communications, the IoT, and smart grids, includ ing next-generation networks, as well as in the provision of telecommunications networks in rural areas.

ITU’s International Telecommunication Regulations (ITRs) have as an overall aim the facilitation of global interconnection and interoperability of telecommunication facilities. Through the ITU-R, ITU is involved in the global man agement of the radio frequency spectrum and satellite orbits, used for telecommunications services, in line with the Radio Regulations.

The international standards developed by ITU’s Telecom munication Standardization Sector (ITU-T ) enable the interconnection and interoperability of ICT networks, devices, and services worldwide. It has 11 technical stan dardisation committees called Study Groups (SGs), with mandates covering a wide range of digital technologies:

- SG2 – Operational Aspects

SG3 – Economic & Policy Issues

SG5 – Environment, EMF & Circular Economy

SG9 – Broadband Cable & TV

SG11 – Protocols, Testing & Combating Counterfeit ing

SG12 – Performance, QoS & QoE

SG13 – Future Networks

SG15 – Transport, Access & Home

SG16 – Multimedia & Digital Technologies

- SG17 – Security

SG20 – IoT, Smart Cities & Communities

The work on standards is complemented by short-term exploration/incubation ITU-T Focus Groups whose deliv erables guide the ITU-T SGs in new areas of standardisa tion work:

ITU-T Focus Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) for Digital Agriculture (FGAI4A)

ITU-T Focus Group on Artificial Intelligence for Health (FG-AI4H)

ITU-T Focus Group on Environmental Efficiency for Artificial Intelligence and other Emerging Technolo gies (FG-AI4EE)

ITU-T Focus Group on Vehicular Multimedia (FG-VM)


ITU-T Focus Group on AI for Autonomous and As sisted Driving (FG-AI4AD)


ITU-T Focus Group on AI for Natural Disaster Management (FG-AI4NDM)

ITU-T Focus Group on Autonomous Networks (FGAN)

ITU-T Focus Group on Testbeds Federations for IMT2020 and Beyond (FG-TBFxG)

Collaboration among various standards bodies is a high priority of ITU-T. Various platforms were established to support coordination and collaboration on various topics, for example:

eCollaboration on Intelligent Transport Systems Communication Standards (CITS)

- Global Standards Collaboration (GSC)

World Standards Cooperation (WSC)

Digital Currency Global Initiative

Financial Inclusion Global Initiative (FIGI) Symposium

United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) initia tive

The Telecommunication Development Sector (ITU-D) establishes an enabling environment and provides evi dence-based policy-making through ICT indicators and regulatory and economic metrics, and implements a host of telecommunications/ICT projects.

In the immediate aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic,

ITU-D launched the Global Network Resiliency Platform (REG4COVID) to address the strain experienced by tele communication networks, which are vital to the health and safety of people. The platform pools experiences) and innovative policy and regulatory measures.

Discussions involving the World Bank, Global System for Mobile Communications (GSMA), and the World Econom ic Forum ( WEF ) identified how to bring together commu nities to support ITU membership in their response to COVID-19. The Speedboat Initiative issued a COVID-19 Crisis Response: Digital Development Joint Action Plan and Call for Action to better leverage digital technologies and infrastructure in support of citizens, governments, and businesses during the pandemic.

Connect2Recover provides country-specific support to reinforce digital infrastructures – using telework, e-com merce, remote learning, and telemedicine to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and to support recovery and pre paredness for potential future pandemics. ITU worked with the Government of Japan and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on this initiative. ITU/WHO Focus Group on AI for Health works a standardised assessment framework for the evaluation of AI-based methods for health, diagnosis, triage, or treatment decisions and in early 2020 it created an Ad-hoc Group on Digital Technologies for COVID Health Emergencies (AHG-DT4HE) to review the role of AI (and other digital technologies) in combatting COVID-19 throughout an epidemic’s life cycle; it also delivered guid ance on digital technologies for COVID health emergency.


The impact statement for the Telecommunications Development Bureau’s (BDT ) thematic priority on Network and Digital Infrastructure is ‘Reliable connectivity to everyone’.

ITU-D SG1 also focuses on various aspects related to tele communications infrastructure, in particular Question 1/1 on ‘Strategies and policies for the deployment of broad band in developing countries’; Question 2/1 on ‘Strategies, policies, regulations, and methods of migration and adop tion of digital broadcasting and implementation of new services’; Question 4/1 on ‘Economic aspects of national telecommunications/ICTs’; Question 5/1 on ‘Telecommunications/ICTs for rural and remote areas’; Question 6/1 on ‘Consumer information, protection and rights’; and Question 5/2 on ‘Adoption of telecommunications/ICTs and improving digital skills’.


ITU plays a key role in managing the radio spectrum and developing international standards for 5G networks, de vices, and services, within the framework of the so-called IMT-2020 activities. ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) SGs together with the mobile broadband industry and a wide range of stakeholders established the 5G stan dards.

The activities include the organisation of intergovernmen tal and multistakeholder dialogues, and the development and implementation of standards and regulations to en

sure that 5G networks are secure, interoperable, and operate without interference.

ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T ) is playing a similar convening role for the technologies and architectures of non-radio elements of 5G systems. For example, ITU standards address 5G transport, with Pas sive Optical Network (PON), Carrier Ethernet, and Optical Transport Network (OTN), among the technologies stan dardised by ITU-T expected to support 5G systems. ITU standards for 5G networking address topics including network virtualisation, network orchestration and management, and fixed-mobile convergence. ITU standards also address machine learning (ML) for 5G and future net works, the environmental requirements of 5G, security and trust in 5G, and the assessment of 5G quality of ser vice (QoS) and quality of experience (QoE).


ITU-R manages the coordination, notification, and re cording of frequency assignments for space systems, in cluding their associated earth stations. Its main role is to process and publish data and carry out the examination of frequency assignment notices submitted by adminis trations towards their eventual recording in the Master International Frequency Register.

ITU-R also develops and manages space-related assign ment or allotment plans and provides mechanisms for


the development of new satellite services by determining how to optimise the use of available and suitable orbital resources.

Currently, the rapid pace of satellite innovation is driving an increase in the deployment of non-geostationary sat ellite systems (NGSO). With the availability of launch ve hicles capable of supporting multiple satellite launches, mega-constellations consisting of hundreds to thousands of spacecraft are becoming a popular solution for global telecommunications.

To this end, during the 2019 World Radiocommunication Conference ( WRC-19), ITU established regulatory proce dures for the deployment of NGSO systems, including mega-constellations in low Earth orbit.

Regarding climate change, satellite data today is an indispensable input for weather prediction models and forecast systems used to produce safety warnings and other information in support of public and private decision-making.

ITU develops international standards contributing to the environmental sustainability of the ICT sector, as well as other industry sectors applying ICTs as enabling technolo gies to increase efficiency and innovate their service offer. The latest ITU standards in this domain address sustain able power feeding solutions for IMT-2020/5G networks, energy-efficient data centres capitalising on big data and AI, and smart energy management for telecom base stations.

Emergency telecommunications

Emergency telecommunications is an integral part of the ITU mandate. To mitigate the impact of disasters, timely dissemination of authoritative information before, during, and after disasters is critical.

Emergency telecommunications play a critical role in di saster risk reduction and management. ICTs are essential for monitoring the underlying hazards and for delivering vital information to all stakeholders, including those most vulnerable, as well as in the immediate aftermath of disasters for ensuring timely flow of vital information that is needed to co-ordinate response efforts and save lives.

ITU supports its member states in the four phases of di saster management:

Design and implementation of national emergency telecommunications plans (NETPs).

Development of tabletop simulation exercises.

Design and implementation of multi-hazard early warning systems (MHEWS), including the common alerting protocol (CAP),

Development of guidelines and other reports on the use of ICTs for disaster management.

ITU activities in the field of radiocommunications make an invaluable contribution to disaster management. They facilitate prediction, detection, and alerting through the


coordinated and effective use of the radio-frequency spectrum and the establishment of radio standards and guidelines concerning the usage of radiocommunication systems in disaster mitigation and relief operations.

ITU-T SG2 plays a role as the lead study group on telecom munications for disaster relief/early warning, network re silience, and recovery. Other study groups are working on emergency telecommunications within their mandates. Examples are shown in the following paragraphs.

ITU standards offer common formats for the exchange of all-hazard information over public networks. They ensure that networks prioritise emergency communications. And they have a long history of protecting ICT infrastruc ture from lightning and other environmental factors. In response to the increasing severity of extreme weather events, recent years have seen ITU standardisation ex perts turning their attention to ‘disaster relief, network resilience, and recovery’. This work goes well beyond tra ditional protection against environmental factors, focus ing on technical mechanisms to prepare for disasters and respond effectively when disaster strikes.

ITU standards now offer guidance on network architec tures able to contend with sudden losses of substantial volumes of network resources. They describe the network functionality required to make optimal use of the network resources still operational after a disaster. They offer tech niques for the rapid repair of damaged ICT infrastructure, such as means to connect the surviving fibres of severed

fibre-optic cables. And they provide for ‘movable and deployable ICT resource units’ in various sizes, such as emergency containers, vehicles, or hand-held kits hous ing network resources and a power source – to provide temporary replacements for destroyed ICT infrastructure.

ITU is also supporting an ambitious project to equip sub marine communications cables with climate- and haz ard-monitoring sensors to create a global real-time ocean observation network. This network would be capable of providing earthquake and tsunami warnings, as well as data on ocean climate change and circulation. This project to equip cable repeaters with climate and hazard-monitoring sensors – creating Science Monitoring And Reliable Telecommunications (SMART) cables – is led by the ITU/ WMO/UNESCO-IOC Joint Task Force (JTF) on SMART Ca ble Systems, a multidisciplinary body established in 2012. Currently, several projects are ongoing to realise SMART cables.

In ITU-D, a lot of effort is directed at mainstreaming disas ter management in telecommunications/ICT projects and activities as part of disaster preparedness. This includes infrastructure development, and the establishment of enabling policy, legal, and regulatory frameworks. ITU also deploys temporary telecommunications/ICT solutions to assist countries affected by disasters. After providing assistance for disaster relief and response, ITU under takes assessment missions to affected countries aimed at determining the magnitude of damage to the network


through the use of geographical information systems. On the basis of its findings, ITU and the host country embark on resuscitating the infrastructure while ensuring that di saster resilient features are integrated to reduce network vulnerability in the event of disasters striking in the future.

ITU is also part of the Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC), a global network of organisations that work together to provide shared communications services in humanitarian emergencies.

ITU-D SQ Question 3/1 ‘The use of telecommunications/ ICTs for disaster risk reduction and management’ was agreed at the World Telecommunication Development Conference 2022 ( WTDC-22) and will operate for the 2022–2025 study period. This Question continues the work of Question 5/2 of the 2018–2021 period.

The ITU/WMO/UNEP Focus Group on Artificial Intelligence for Natural Disaster Management (FG-AI4NDM), established by ITU-T SG2 has been developing best practices to leverage AI to assist with data collection and handling, improve modelling across spatiotemporal scales, and pro vide effective communication. Work includes the following:

· Disruptive Technologies and Their Use in Disaster Risk Reduction and Management, a 2019 report.

· The Global Forum on Emergency Telecommunica tions (GET-19). which took place 6–8 March 2019, Balaclava, Mauritius.


· National Emergency Telecommunication Plans.

· Emergency Telecommunication Simulation Exercis es.

ITU-D SG Question 5/2: Utilizing Telecommunications/ICTs for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (2018 – 2021) with video and annual deliverables.

The Guide to Develop a Telecommunications/ ICT Contingency Plan for a Pandemic Response 2020, Focused on Telecommunications/ICT Service Deliv ery and Business Continuity in the Context of a Pan demic.

ITU published Women, ICT and Emergency Telecommunications - Opportunities and Constraints in 2020. It explores the digital gender divide block ing women from becoming equal stakeholders in society, putting entire communities at greater risk during emergencies.

With the ETC, ITU developed the Disaster Connec tivity Map (DCM), with information critical for first responders on network outages and connectivity gaps following disasters.

ITU joined the Crisis Connectivity Charter (CCC) in 2019, joining the satellite industry and the human itarian community in making satellite communica tion more available.

ITU established an ITU Emergency Telecommuni cations Roster. ITU staff are trained on deployment


of ITU telecommunications equipment and on supporting the ETC on the ground.

ITU, with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and the World Meteorological Organization ( WMO), launched Call to Action on Emergency Alerting in 2021, inviting all partners to support countries in implementing CAP. The organisations are supporting the WMO to es tablish a CAP HelpDesk.

Strengthening the Multi-Hazard Early Warning Sys tems, ITU partnered with the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), WMO, the In tergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC-UNESCO), and the World Broadcast ing Unions in 2020 to develop Media Saves Lives to reinforce broadcasters’ role in the early warning chain.

Artificial intelligence

ITU works on the development and use of AI to ensure a sustainable future for everyone. To that end, it convenes intergovernmental and multistakeholder dialogues, develops international standards and frameworks, and helps in capacity building for the use of AI.

AI and ML are gaining a larger share of the ITU standardisa tion work programme in fields such as network orchestra tion and management, multimedia coding, service quality

assessment, operational aspects of service provision and telecom management, cable networks, digital health, en vironmental efficiency, and autonomous driving.

AI for Good is organised by ITU in partnership with 40 UN sister agencies and co-convened with Switzerland. The goal of AI for Good is to identify practical applications of AI to advance the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs) and scale those solutions for global impact. It’s the leading action-oriented, global, and inclusive UN platform on AI.

Various ITU-T SGs address aspects of AI and ML within their mandates. The work has so far resulted in ITU-T Rec ommendations and Supplements, for example, in the L-, M-, P-, and Y-series of ITU-T Recommendations.

The ITU-T AI/ML in 5G Challenge, introduced in 2020, ral lies like-minded students and professionals from around the globe to study the practical application of AI and ML in emerging and future digital communications networks and sustainable development. The second Challenge (in 2021) attracted over 1,600 students and professionals from 82 countries, competing for prizes and global recog nition. The 2022 Challenge covers a wide range of topics including AI/ML in 5G, GeoAI, and tinyML. By mapping emerging AI and ML solutions, the Challenge fosters a community to support the iterative evolution of ITU stan dards. To learn more, see the Challenge GitHub.

Several ITU-T Focus Groups are considering the use of AI and ML including:


ITU-T Focus Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) for Digital Agriculture (FGAI4A)

ITU-T Focus Group on AI for Natural Disaster Man agement (FG-AI4NDM)

ITU-T Focus Group on AI for Autonomous and Assisted Driving (FG-AI4AD)

ITU-T Focus Group on Environmental Efficiency for Artificial Intelligence and other Emerging Technolo gies (FG-AI4EE)

ITU-T Focus Group on Artificial Intelligence for Health (FG-AI4H)

Main activities related to ITU-R SGs and reports include:

ITU-R SG1 covers Spectrum Management and Mon itoring. In relation to AI, Question ITU-R 241/1 ‘Meth odologies for assessing or predicting spectrum avail ability’ was approved in 2019 and is under study.

ITU-R SG6 covers all aspects for the broadcasting service. SG6 deliverables and work items related to AI and ML including Question ITU-R 144/6 ‘Use of ar tificial intelligence (AI) for broadcasting’; and Report

ITU-R BT.2447 ‘Artificial intelligence systems for pro gramme production and exchange’.

AI for Road Safety initiative: Launched in October 2021, the initiative promotes an AI-enhanced approach to reduce fatalities across road-safety man-

agement, safer roads and mobility, safer vehicles, safer road users, post-crash response, and speed control.

During the 40th High-Level Committee on Programmes (HLCP) session in October 2020, an Interagency Working Group on AI (IAWG-AI) was established to focus on poli cy and programmatic coherence of AI activities within the UN. IAWG-AI, co-led by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and ITU, aims to combine the ethical and technological parts of the UN to provide a solid foundation for current and future system-wide efforts on AI with a view to ensuring respect for human rights and accelerating progress on the SDGs. It is a joint effort between ITU and 46 UN agencies and bodies, all partners of AI for Good or members of the UN IAWG-AI. The report usually presents over 200 cases and projects run by the UN system, in areas covering all 17 SDGs and ranging from smart agriculture and food sys tems to transportation, financial services, healthcare, and AI solutions to combat COVID-19. In 2021, the report was presented for the first time with an Executive Summary, an analysis of all the projects submitted to the report, pro viding a snapshot of the key tracks, trends, and gaps on AI activities within the UN system.

The UN-led initiative, United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC), coordinated by ITU, UNECE, and UN-HABITAT and supported by 17 UN agencies and programmes, has been examining how AI can be employed in the smart city


domain and through its Thematic Group on Guiding Principles for Artificial Intelligence in Cities for implementing AI-based solutions in line with the SDGs.

ITU, through its Development Sector, also holds an annu al meeting for all telecommunications regulators on the occasion of the Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR), which discusses and establishes a regulatory framework for all technologies including AI, and addresses this issue at its two SGs. Several areas under ITU-D SG2 explore applications of AI in various domains to support sustainable development.

Critical internet resources1

Over the years, ITU has adopted several resolutions that deal with internet technical resources, such as Internet Protocol-based networks (Resolution 101 (Rev. Dubai, 2018)), IPv4 to IPv6 transition (Resolution 180 (Rev. Dubai, 2018)), and internationalised domain names (Resolution 133 (Rev. Dubai, 2018)). ITU has also adopted a resolution on its role regarding international public policy issues per taining to the internet and the management of internet resources, including domain names and addresses (Res olution 102 (Rev. Dubai, 2018)). In addition, the ITU Coun

cil has set up a Working Group on International Internet (CWG-Internet)-related Public Policy Issues, tasked with identifying, studying, and developing matters related to international internet-related public policy issues. This Working Group also holds regular online open public con sultations on specific topics to give all stakeholders from all nations an opportunity to express their views with re gard to the topic(s) under discussion.

ITU is also the facilitator of WSIS Action Line С2 – Information and communication infrastructure.

Digital standards2

International standards provide the technical foundations of the global ICT ecosystem.

Presently, 95% of international traffic runs over optical infrastructure built in conformance with ITU standards. Video now accounts for over 80% of all internet traffic; this traffic relies on ITU’s Primetime Emmy-winning vid eo-compression standards.

ICTs are enabling innovation in every industry and pub lic-sector body. The digital transformation underway across our economies receives key support from ITU standards for smart cities, energy, transport, healthcare, financial services, agriculture, and AI and ML.

1 In the work of ITU the issues related to critical internet resources are dealt with as ‘internet public-policy related work’.


In the work of ITU the issue of digital standards is addressed as ‘Interna tional standards’.


ICT networks, devices, and services interconnect and interoperate thanks to the efforts of thousands of experts who come together on the neutral ITU platform to devel op international standards known as ITU-T Recommenda tions.

Standards create efficiencies enjoyed by all market play ers, efficiencies, and economies of scale that ultimately result in lower costs to producers and lower prices to con sumers. Companies developing standards-based products and services gain access to global markets. And by supporting backward compatibility, ITU standards enable next-generation technologies to interwork with previous technology generations; this protects past investments while creating the confidence to continue investing in our digital future.

The ITU standardisation process is contribution-led and consensus-based. Standardisation work is driven by con tributions from ITU members and consequent decisions are made by consensus. The process aims to ensure that all voices are heard and that resulting standards have the consensus-derived support of the diverse and globally representative ITU membership.

ITU members develop standards year-round in ITU-T SGs. Over 4,000 ITU-T Recommendations are currently in force, and over 300 new or revised ITU-T Recommendations are approved each year.

For more information on the responsibilities of ITU SGs, covering ITU-T SG as well as those of ITU’s radiocommu-

nication and development sectors (ITU-R and ITU-D), see the ITU backgrounder on study groups.

The ITU World Telecommunication Standardization As sembly (WTSA) is the governing body of ITU’s standard isation arm (ITU-T). It is held every four years to review the overall direction and structure of ITU-T. This confer ence also approves the mandates of Telecommunication Standardization Sector study group (ITU-T SSGs) ( WTSA Resolution 2) and appoints the leadership teams of these groups.

Internet of things3

ITU develops international standards supporting the co-ordinated development and application of IoT technol ogies, including standards leveraging IoT technologies to address urban-development challenges.

It also facilitates international discussions on the public policy dimensions of smart cities, principally through the U4SSC initiative, an initiative supported by 17 UN bodies with the aim of achieving SDG 11 (sustainable cities and communities).

ITU standards have provided a basis for the development of Key Performance Indicators for Smart Sustainable Cit

3 Within the work of ITU, the work related to the IoT also includes ‘Smart cities’.


ies. More than 150 cities worldwide have adopted the indicators as part of a collaboration driven by ITU within the framework of the U4SSC initiative.

To complement the work of the U4SSC, the first U4SSC Country Hub has been set up in Vienna, Austria, hosted by the Austrian Economic Centre (AEC). The U4SSC Hub provides a unique platform to accelerate cooperation be tween public and private sector and helps facilitate the digital transformation in cities and communities, while enabling technology and knowledge transfer.

The range of application of the IoT is very broad – extend ing from smart clothing to smart cities and global moni toring systems. To meet these varied requirements, a va riety of technologies, both wired and wireless, is required to provide access to the network.

Alongside ITU-T studies on the IoT and smart cities, ITU-R conducts studies on the technical and operational aspects of radiocommunication networks and systems for the IoT. The spectrum requirements and standards for IoT wireless access technologies are being addressed in ITU-R, as follows:

Harmonisation of frequency ranges, and technical and operating parameters used for the operation of short-range devices.

Standards for wide area sensor and actuator network systems.

Spectrum to support the implementation of nar rowband and broadband machine-type communi cation infrastructures.

Support for massive machine-type communications within the framework of the standards and spec trum for IMT-Advanced (4G) and IMT-2020 (5G).

Use of fixed-satellite and mobile-satellite communi cations for the IoT.

ITU-D SG2 Question 1/2 (‘Creating smart cities and society: Employing information and communication technologies for sustainable social and economic development’) includes case studies on the application of the IoT, and identifying the trends and best practices implemented by member states as well as the challenges faced, to support sustainable development and foster smart societies in de veloping countries.

ITU-T SG20 is responsible for studies relating to the IoT and its applications, and smart cities and communities (SC&C). This includes studies relating to big data aspects of the IoT and SC&C, digital services for SC&C, and digital transformation of relevant IoT and SC&C aspects.

ITU and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Focus Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) for Digital Agriculture (FGAI4A), established by ITU-T SG20, explores how emerging technologies including AI and IoT can be leveraged for (i) data acquisition and handling, (ii) modelling from a grow ing volume of agricultural and geospatial data, and (iii) providing communication for the optimisation of agricul tural production processes.



New ITU standards for blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT ) address the requirements of blockchain in next-generation network evolution and the security re quirements of blockchain, both in terms of blockchain’s security capabilities and security threats to blockchain.

ITU reports provide potential blockchain adopters with a clear view of the technology and how it could best be ap plied. Developed by the FG DLT, these reports provide an 'assessment framework' to support efforts to understand the strengths and weaknesses of DLT platforms in different use cases. The group has also produced a high-level DLT architecture – a reference framework – detailing the key elements of a DLT platform. The Focus Group stud ied high-potential DLT use cases and DLT platforms said to meet the requirements of such use cases. These stud ies guided the Focus Group's abstraction of the common requirements necessary to describe a DLT architecture and associated assessment criteria. The resulting reports also offer insight into the potential of DLT to support the achievement of the SDGs.

Blockchain and DLT are also key to the work of the Digital Currency Global Initiative, a partnership between ITU and Stanford University to continue the work of an ITU Focus Group on Digital Currency including Digital Fiat Currency (FG DFC). The Digital Currency Global Initiative pro vides an open, neutral platform for dialogue, knowledge

sharing, and research on the applications of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and other digital currency imple mentations. The initiative will share case studies of digital currency applications, benchmark best practices and de velop specifications to inform ITU standards.

ITU-T SG3 is studying economic and policy aspects when using distributed ledger technologies such as for the im proved management of the Universal Service Fund or to handle accounting.

ITU-T SG5 is studying the environmental efficiency of dig ital technologies including blockchain. For example, ITU-T SG5 has developed Recommendation ITU-T L.1317 on guidelines on energy efficient blockchain systems.

ITU-T SG16 Question 22/16 on multimedia aspects of DLT and e-services and ITU-T SG17 Question 14/17 on DLT security continue the work of the now closed ITU-T Focus Group on distributed ledger technologies. Several Recommendations and Technical Papers have been produced, and more are being prepared.

Topics of interest for digital financial services (DFS) that are being studied by Q22/16 and Q/17 include digital evi dence services, digital invoices, and smart contracts.

ITU-T SG20 Question 4/20 on data analytics, sharing, processing, and management, including big data aspects, of the IoT and SC&C, is studying the role of emerging technologies such as blockchain to support data processing and management (DPM).


Cloud computing

ITU standards provide the requirements and functional architectures of the cloud ecosystem, covering inter- and intra-cloud computing and technologies supporting any thing as a service (XaaS). These standards enable con sistent end-to-end, multi-cloud management and the monitoring of services across different service providers’ domains and technologies. They were developed in view of the convergence of telecoms and computing technolo gies that characterises the cloud ecosystem. Cloud services provide on-demand access to advanced ICT resources, enabling innovators to gain new capabilities without investing in new hardware or software. Cloud concepts are also fundamental to the evolution of ICT net working, helping networks to meet the requirements of an increasingly diverse range of ICT applications.

As innovation accelerates in fields such as IMT-2020/5G and the IoT and digital transformation takes hold in every industry sector, the cloud ecosystem will continue to grow in importance to companies large and small, in developing as well as developed countries.

ITU-D SG1 Question 3/1 of the 2018–2021 period focused on analysis of factors influencing effective access to sup port cloud computing, as well as strategies, policies, and infrastructure investments to foster the emergence of a cloud-computing ecosystem in developing countries, among others. For 2022–2025, this topic will be studied

under Question 2/2 ‘Enabling technologies for e-services and applications, including e-health and e-education’.

Emerging technologies

ITU’s range of work on emerging technologies in fields such as AI, 5G, IoT, S&SCs, ITS, quantum information tech nologies, and others have been covered in various other sections.

ITU-T SG5 on Environment, Electromagnetic fields (EMF ), and Circular Economy is responsible for ICTs related to the environment, energy efficiency, clean energy, and sustainable digitalisation for climate actions. It carries out work to study the environmental efficiency of emerging technologies.

ITU-T SG20 Question 5/20 on the study of emerging digi tal technologies, terminology and definitions, serves as a facilitator with the research and innovation community to identify emerging technologies requiring standardisation for the global market and the industry.

U4SSC, through its various thematic groups, explores how leveraging emerging technologies such as the IoT, AI, blockchain, and digital twin, can help create a sustainable ecosystem and improve the delivery of urban services to improve quality of life for inhabitants. In this context, U4SSC has published the following reports:

Accelerating City Transformation Using Frontier Technologies


Digital Solutions for Integrated City Management and Use Cases

Quantum information technology

Quantum information technology (QIT ) improves information processing capability by harnessing the principles of quantum mechanics. It has promoted the second quan tum revolution and will profoundly impact ICT networks and digital security.

ITU’s work in the area of QIT includes developing stan dards. For example, several ITU-T SGs, including SGs 11, 13, and 17 are developing ITU-T Recommendations in this field. The work has so far resulted in ITU-T Recommendations and Supplements in the X-, and Y-series of ITU-T Recommendations.

The ITU-T Focus Group on Quantum Information Tech nology for Networks (FG-QIT4N) provided a collaborative platform for pre-standardisation aspects of QIT for net works. It adopted nine technical reports.

A 2021 webinar series explores innovative QIT applications and their implications on security, on classical computing and ICT networks and the discussion of corresponding roadmaps for quantum networks.

Network security

ITU acts as facilitator of the WSIS Action Line C5 – Building confidence and security in the use of ICTs, bringing differ ent stakeholders together to forge meaningful partner ships to help countries address the risks associated with ICTs. This includes adopting national cybersecurity strat egies, facilitating the establishment of national incident response capabilities, developing international security standards, protecting children online, and building capac ity.

ITU develops international standards to build confidence and security in the use of ICTs, especially for digital transformation. Topics of growing significance to this work include digital identity infrastructure, cybersecurity man agement, security aspects of digital financial services, intelligent transport systems, blockchain and distributed ledger technology, and quantum information technolo gies.

ITU-T SG17 (Security) is the lead study group on building confidence and security in the use of ICTs; facilitating more secure network infrastructure, services, and applications; and coordinating security-related work across ITU-T SGs. Providing security by ICTs and ensuring security for ICTs are both major study areas for SG17. Other ITU-T SGs, such as ITU-T SG9 (Broadband Cable and TV ) and ITU-T SG13 (Future Networks, with Focus on IMT-2020, Cloud Computing and Trusted Network Infrastructures) contrib uted to fulfilling the ITU mandate on cybersecurity.


ITU-T SG5 (Environment, EMF, and Circular Economy) studies the security of ICT systems concerning electromag netic phenomena (High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP), High Power Electromagnetic (HPEM), information leakage).

ITU-T SG11 (Protocols, testing & combating counterfeiting) is developing series of new ITU-T Recommendations (e.g. ITU-T Q.3057), which define the signalling architecture and requirements for interconnection between trustable network entities in support of existing and emerging networks. This Recommendation describes the use of digital signature (digital certificates) in the signalling exchange which may guarantee the trustworthiness of the sender. More details are available at


ITU-T SG20 Question 6/20 on Security, privacy, trust and identification for IoT and SC&C, is working on developing recommendations, reports, and guidelines on security and trust provisioning in IoT both at the ICT infrastructure and future heterogeneous converged service environments. ITU-R established clear security principles for IMT (3G, 4G and 5G) networks.

In 2008, ITU launched a five-pillared framework called the Global Cybersecurity Agenda (GCA) to encourage co-oper ation with and between various partners in enhancing cy bersecurity globally. The cybersecurity programme offers its membership, particularly developing countries, the tools to increase cybersecurity capabilities at the national level in order to enhance security, and build confidence

and trust in the use of ICTs. The 2022 session of the ITU Council approved guidelines for better utilisation of the GCA framework by ITU.

ITU serves as a neutral and global platform for dialogue around policy actions in the interests of cybersecurity.

ITU issues the Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI) to shed light on the commitment of ITU member states to cybersecurity at the global level. The index is a trusted refer ence developed as a multistakeholder effort managed by ITU. In the last iteration of the GCI, 150 member states participated.

Alongside the ITU-T’s development of technical standards in support of security and ITU-R’s establishment of secu rity principles for 3G and 4G networks, ITU also assists in building cybersecurity capacity.

This capacity-building work helps countries to define cy bersecurity strategies, assists the establishment of com puter incident response teams (CIRTs), supports the pro tection of children online, and assists countries in building human capacity relevant to security.

For example:

Strategies: ITU assists member states in developing and improving effective national cybersecurity frameworks or strategies. At the national level, cybersecurity is a shared responsibility, which requires co-ordinated action for prevention, preparation, and response on the part of government agencies, authorities, the private sector, and


civil society. To ensure a safe, secure, and resilient digital sphere, a comprehensive national framework or strategy is necessary.

CIRTs: Effective mechanisms and institutional structures are necessary at the national level to deal with cyber threats and incidents reliably. ITU assists member states in establishing and enhancing national CIRTs. In response to the fast-evolving technologies and manifestation of re lated threats, incident response must be updated and improved continuously.

Building human capacity: - ITU conducts regional and national cyber drills, as sisting member states in improving cybersecurity readiness, protection, and incident response capa bilities at regional and national level, and strength ening international cooperation among ITU mem ber states against cyberthreats and cyberattacks. To date, ITU has conducted cyber drills involving over 100 countries.

ITU’s Development Bureau organises regional cy bersecurity forums across ITU regions, helping build capacity for Telecommunication Development Bu reau (BDT ) programmes and facilitating cooperation at the regional and international level.

Through the ITU Academy, ITU offers a number of training courses for professionals in the field of cy bersecurity.

BitSight provided access to ITU member states for its cybersecurity scoring platform – helping address cybersecurity challenges during the COVID-19 pan demic and to support member states’ health infra structure with timely information on cyberthreats

The Women in Cyber Mentorship Programme builds skills of junior women professionals entering the field of cybersecurity.

International cooperation: In its efforts on cybersecurity, ITU works closely with partners from international or ganisations, the private sector, and academia, strength ened by a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with a range of organisations such as the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), World Bank, Interpol, WEF, and several others.

Child safety online4

As part of its Global Cybersecurity Agenda (GCA), ITU launched the Child Online Protection (COP) Initiative in 2008, aimed at creating an international collaborative network and promoting the protection of children globally from all kinds of risks and harms related to the online environment, all while empowering children to fully benefit from the opportunities that the internet offers. The initia tive focuses on the development of child online protection

4 Within the work of ITU, child safety online is addressed as ‘Child online protection ’.


strategies covering five key areas: legal measures, technical and procedural measures, organisational structures, capacity building, and international cooperation.

Approaching child online safety with a holistic child-rightsbased approach, the initiative has recently added to its key objectives the participation of children in policy-making processes related to child online protection as well as the digital skills development for children and their families.

In collaboration with other organisations, ITU has pro duced four sets of the 2020 Child Online Protection (COP) Guidelines, aimed at children, parents, guardians, and educators, as well as industry and policymakers. The first set of COP Guidelines were produced in 2009. The ITU Council Working Group on Child Protection Online ( WGCP) guides the organisation’s activities in the area of child safety online.

ITU has launched or supported a range of COP responses specific to COVID-19, including:

- Global Education Coalition for COVID-19 response – a collaboration between UNESCO, UNICEF, ITU, WHO, GSMA , and Microsoft.

Agenda for Action to reduce the negative impact of COVID-19 on children.

- COVID-19 and its Implications for Protecting Chil dren Online (2020) – in collaboration with UNICEF, Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children (GPEVAC), UNESCO, UNODC, WePROTECT Global Al

liance, WHO, and World Childhood Foundation USA (Childhood USA).

ITU signed an agreement with the SCORT Founda tion on COP to empower and protect children online and offline, both in sport and through sport. It has contributed to discussions such as Safer Internet Day 2021 and the 15th European Football for Devel opment Conference.

Creating a Safe and Empowering Cyber Environ ment for Children (a 2020 agreement between ITU and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) kicked-off in Au gust 2021 to further strengthen global efforts to im plement the ITU COP Guidelines. The programme implements child online safety policies among gov ernments, industry, and civil society and focuses on fostering a culture of child online safety.

ITU has also contributed to the adoption of General Comment 25 on children’s rights in the digital environment by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC).

ITU is working to disseminate Sango’s messages (COP mascot launched in 2020) to develop relevant content and raise awareness on COP.


The need for sustained efforts to expand internet access at a global level and bring more people online has been


outlined in several resolutions adopted by ITU bodies. The organisation is actively contributing to such efforts, mainly through projects targeted at developing countries and focused on aspects such as human and institutional capacity building, education, and digital literacy; deploy ment of telecommunications networks and establishment of Internet Exchange Points (IXPs); the creation of broad band public access points to the internet; and the devel opment and implementation of enabling policies in areas such as universal access. The organisation is also studying access-related issues within its various study groups, and it publishes relevant papers and studies. ITU also moni tors progress made by countries in addressing the digi tal divide, through its periodically updated statistics and studies such as the ICT Facts and Figures and the series of Measuring Digital Development reports, including its analysis of ICT prices. The ITU DataHub brings together a broad range of indicators and statistics for easy consulta tion and download. The Connect 2030 Agenda envisions specific targets related to internet access; for instance by 2023, 65% of households worldwide will have access to the internet; by 2023, 70% of individuals worldwide will have with access to the internet; and by 2023, internet ac cess should be 25% more affordable.

Access is treated in most meaningful connectivity-related Questions of ITU-D SG1 including:

- Question 1/1 on strategies and policies for the de ployment of broadband in developing countries,

Question 2/1 on strategies, policies, regulations and methods of migration to and adoption of digital technologies for broadcasting, including to provide new services for various environments.

Question 4/1 on economic aspects of national tele communications/ICTs.

Question 5/1 on telecommunications/ICTs for rural and remote areas.

Question 6/1 on consumer information, protection and rights.

ITU is the facilitator of WSIS Action Line С2 – Information and communication infrastructure.

Capacity development

ITU is heavily involved in capacity development activi ties, mainly aimed at assisting countries in developing their policy and regulatory frameworks in various digital policy areas, ranging from the deployment or expansion of broadband networks, to fighting cybercrime and en hancing cybersecurity. The ITU Academy provides a wide range of general and specialised courses on various as pects related to ICTs. Such courses are delivered online, face-to-face, or in a blended manner, and span a wide va riety of topics, from technologies and services, to policies and regulations. ITU also develops digital skills at basic


and intermediate level to citizens through its Digital Transformation Centre (DTC) Initiative.

The Digital Regulation Handbook and Platform is the re sult of ongoing collaboration between ITU and the World Bank, which started in 2000. Structured by thematic ar eas, the Digital Regulation Platform aims to provide prac tical guidance and best practice for policymakers and reg ulators across the globe concerned with harnessing the benefits of the digital economy and society for their citizens and firms. The content provides an update on the basics of ICT regulation in light of the digital transformation sweeping across sectors and also includes new regulatory aspects and tools for ICT regulators to consider when making regulatory decisions.

The inclusivity of the ITU standardisation platform is sup ported by ITU's Bridging the Standardization Gap (BSG) programme as well as regional groups within ITU-T SGs. The BSG hands-on SG effectiveness training and updated guidelines for National Standardization Secretariats (NSS) assist developing countries in developing the practical skills and national procedures required to maximise the effectiveness of their participation in the ITU standardisation process.

Digital services and applications

The Digital Services and Applications programme offers member states the tools to leverage digital technology and ICT applications to address their most pressing needs

and bring real impact to people, with an emphasis on increasing availability and extending services in areas such as digital health, digital agriculture, digital government, and digital learning, as well as cross-sectoral initiatives to accelerate sustainable development such as smart villag es.

To effectively harness digital services and applications for socio-economic development, the programme facilitates: development of national sectoral digital strategy (in cluding toolkits, guidelines, capacity building, action plans, and evaluations); deployment of innovative digital services and appli cations to improve the delivery of value-added ser vices, leveraging strategic partnerships as catalysts; knowledge and best practice sharing through stud ies, research, and awareness raising, connecting stakeholders in converging ecosystems; and addressing emerging technology trends – such as big data and AI – by collecting and sharing best prac tices.

Digital ecosystems

ITU works on helping member states create and mature their digital innovation ecosystems. The Digital Ecosys tem Thematic Priority has developed a framework to help countries develop appropriate ICT-centric innovation policies, strategies, and programmes; share evidence-based


best practices; and implement bankable projects to close the digital innovation gap. Countries are empowered to develop an environment that is conducive to innovation and entrepreneurship, where advances in new technolo gies become a key driver for the implementation of the WSIS Action Lines, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Devel opment, and the Connect 2030 agenda.

ITU assists member states through its events, courses, publications, toolkits, and provision of technical advice. Its Ecosystem Development Projects initiative, for example, provides holistic advisory services including ecosystem diagnosis, risk assessment, good practice transfer, and capacity building. Events include its National and Regional Innovation Forums, which bring ecosystem stakeholders together to equip them with the skills to build their nation al innovation ecosystems; the ITU Innovation Challenges, which identify the best ICT innovators from around the world and equip them with skills to scale their ideas to tru ly impact their communities; courses on developing and maturing ecosystems (available at the ITU Academy); and Digital Innovation Profiles, which provide a snapshot of countries’ ecosystem status and allowing them to identify and fill the gaps using ITU tools and expertise.

Sustainable development

ITU, as the UN specialised agency for ICTs, continues to support its membership and to contribute to the world-

wide efforts to advance the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and achieve its SDGs.

The 17 SDGs and their 169 related targets offer a holistic vision for the UN system. The role and contribution of ICTs as essential catalysts to fast-forward achievement of the SDGs is clearly highlighted and has come into focus since the COVID-19 pandemic started. Infrastructure, connec tivity, and ICTs have demonstrated their great contribu tion and potential to accelerate human progress, to bridge the digital divides, and to develop digital societies.

ITU has a key role to play, through realising its main goals of universal connectivity and sustainable digital transfor mation, in contributing to achieve the SDGs. ITU’s contri bution to the achievement of the SDGs with four levels of involvement:

ICTs as an enabler: ITU can be seen as a contributor to all SDGs through the benefits that ICTs bring to societies and economies.

Focus: SDGs with no specific reference to ICTs but where ITU has demonstrated to have a clear impact through the benefits ICTs bring to specific sectors and activities (e.g. e-health, digital inclusion, smart cities, e-waste, climate change). These are SDGs 1, 3, 10, 11, 12, and 13.

Key focus: SDGs where ITU has a particularly strong impact due to its initiatives, and is custodian of some indicators. These are SDG 4 (Quality Education), with its Tar get 4b to ‘…expand globally the number of scholarships,


for enrolment in higher education, including vocational training and ICTs, technical, engineering and scientific pro grammes…’; and SDG 5 (Gender Equality), Target 5.b on ‘… the use of enabling technology, in particular ICTs, to pro mote the empowerment of women’. And Indicator 5b.1 on the ownership of mobile phones, by sex.

Main key focus: SDGs where ITU maximises its contribu tion, such as SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastruc ture) and SDG 17 (Partnership for the Goals). Here ITU is also custodian of related Targets 9.c on ‘…. ICTs to provide universal and affordable access to the Internet…’; and its Indicator 9c.1 on coverage by a mobile network and by technology. As well as Target 17.8 to ‘….enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and com munications technology’; and its Indicator 17.8.1 about in dividuals using the internet.

The ITU Connect 2030 Agenda is specifically dedicated to leveraging telecommunications/ICTs, including broad band, for sustainable development. The agenda is built around five goals: growth, inclusiveness, sustainability, innovation, and partnership. In addition, ITU-D works on fostering international cooperation on telecommunications and ICT development issues, and enhancing environmental protection, climate change adaptation, emergency telecommunications, and disaster mitigation and management efforts through telecommunications and ICTs. These and other related issues are explored in reports, guidelines, and recommendations produced by ITU-D SGs.

Additionally, ITU-T SGs such as ITU-T SG5 on Environment, EMF, and Circular Economy is the lead SG and develops standards on circular economy and e-waste manage ment, ICTs related to the environment, energy efficiency, clean energy, and sustainable digitalisation for climate ac tions, which help to achieve the SDGs.

The ITU strategic plan is aligned to the WSIS Action Lines and SDGs. Since 2015, the WSIS process has been aligned with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to ensure that ICTs play the enabling role in advancing the SDGs.

Inclusive finance5

ITU has built a substantial programme of work in support of digital financial inclusion. ITU standards for digital fi nance address the security of telecommunications infra structure (Signalling System No. 7 (SS7)) vulnerabilities, SIM vulnerabilities and SIM fraud), process for managing risks, threats, and vulnerabilities for digital finance service providers, assessing the quality of service of mobile net works to improve reliability and user experience for digital financial services and methodology for auditing the secu rity of mobile payment applications to assess their level of security assurance. They provide for high quality of service and user experience, and safeguard security to build trust in digital finance.

5 Within the work of ITU, the issues related to inclusive finance are ad dressed as ‘Digital Financial Services (DFS)’.


ITU’s work in this field has included the ITU Focus Group on Digital Financial Services (2014–2017), the ITU Focus Group on Digital Currency including Digital Fiat Currency (2017–2019), and the Financial Inclusion Global Initiative (2017–2021), a four-year programme to advance research in digital finance and accelerate digital financial inclusion in developing countries co-led by ITU, the World Bank Group, and the Committee on Payments and Market In frastructures, and with financial support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. ITU has also set up a Digital Fi nancial Services (DFS) Security Lab to collaborate with reg ulators from both the telecom and financial services sec tors in emerging economies as well as regional telecom bodies such as Communications Regulators' Association of Southern Africa (CRASA), The East African Communications Organization (EACO), and West Africa Telecommunications Regulators Assembly ( WATRA) to adopt the recommendations developed under the Financial Inclusion Global Initiative and assess security of mobile payments applications. The methodology developed for the security audit of mobile payment applications would be developed into a digital public good standard in the future. Through the Security Lab, some 17 security clinics have been held in Africa, Latin America, and Asia regions, providing informa tion and technical guidance to regulators, DFS providers and mobile network operators in those regions on how to adopt the security recommendations for digital finance.

ITU organised the Insights on Digital Financial Services webinar series in 2020 with the objective of providing insights on the innovative applications of telecommunications ser

vices, digital payments, and fintech in addressing COVID19-triggered social distancing and lockdown and sharing lessons learned from governments and DFS stakehold ers on the measures that they are implementing. Twelve webinars were held between May and December 2020 attracting over 1,000 unique participants from 105 coun tries. The webinars focused on topics such as digital iden tity, strong authentication technologies, security of digital financial transactions, handling fraud and scams, tracking digital financial crimes and fraud, digital credit technolo gies, mitigating telecom infrastructure vulnerabilities for digital finance and central bank digital currency.

ITU and Stanford University launched the Digital Currency Global Initiative (DCGI) in 2020 to continue the work of the ITU Focus Group on Digital Currency including Digital Fiat Currency. The DCGI provides an open and neutral plat form for dialogue, knowledge sharing, and research on the applications of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and other digital currency implementations.


ITU works in developing policies, standards, frameworks, and guidelines for efficient disposal of e-waste with the aim to achieve a circular economy. ITU has the mandate to promote awareness of the environmental issues associated with telecommunication/ICT equipment design and encourage energy efficiency and the use of materials in the design and fabrication of telecommunication/ICT


equipment that contributes to a clean and safe environment throughout its lifecycle (Res.182 (Rev. Busan, 2014));

ITU plays a key role in the UN E-waste Coalition, is a found ing partner of the Global E-waste Statistics Partnership (GESP), and collaborates with the Circular Electronics Part nership.

ITU works towards achieving the 2023 targets related to waste electrical and electronic equipment ( WEEE), or ‘e-waste’, established in 2018 by the Plenipotentiary Con ference by: increasing the global e-waste recycling rate to 30%; and raising the percentage of countries with e-waste legislation to 50%.

ITU-D has been mandated to assist developing countries in undertaking a proper assessment of the size of e-waste and in initiating pilot projects to achieve environmentally sound management of e-waste through e-waste collection, dismantling, refurbishing, and recycling. To this end, the organisation supports countries in developing national policies on e-waste, and works together with industry partners from the public and private sector to stimulate co-ordinated actions towards a circular economy model. ITU-D and ITU-T SGs also explore issues related to ICTs and the environment.

ITU-T has been mandated to pursue and strengthen the development of ITU activities in regard to handling and controlling e-waste from telecommunication and infor mation technology equipment and methods of treating it; and to develop recommendations, methodologies,

and other publications relating to sustainable management of e-waste resulting from telecommunications/ICT equipment and products, and appropriate guidelines on implementation of these recommendations. ITU-T SG5 on EMF, environment, climate action, sustainable digitaliza tion and circular economy is the lead ITU-T SG on circular economy and e-waste management.

ITU-T SG5 has a dedicated Question (Q7/5) on ‘E-waste, circular economy, and sustainable supply chain management’. This Question seeks to address the e-waste challenge by identifying the environmental requirements of digital technologies including IoT, end-user equipment, and ICT infrastructures or installations, based on the cir cular economy principles and improving the supply chain management in line with SDG 12, target 12.5 by 2030, sub stantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse.

A case study on the Implementation of ITU-T Standards on Sustainable Management of Waste Electrical and Elec tronic Equipment: The Path to a Circular Economy in Costa Rica was published in 2021.

In 2021, ITU with WEF released a toolkit on extended pro ducer responsibility for e-waste management, with a fo cus on African countries.



Rights of persons with disabilities6

ITU works both to promote globally ICT accessibility for persons with disabilities and to make ITU a more accessi ble organisation for persons with disabilities – Resolution 175 (Rev. Dubai, 2018).

Globally, ITU has continued conducting technical work in ITU-R, ITU-T, and ITU-D SGs, advancing the use of telecom munications and ICTs for persons with disabilities, and developing resources to support member states in es tablishing environments that ensure accessible telecommunications/ICTs – work conducted with the participation of persons with disabilities and aligned with the Connect 2030 Agenda. ITU-D advanced regional initiatives linked to ICT accessibility, with projects, training, and events, and provided support to ITU administrations in almost every region, including organising Accessible Americas and Ac cessible events. More information is available here.

Within the second area of focus, ITU has made progress in the implementation of its ITU Accessibility Policy for per sons with disabilities, with an updated version endorsed by ITU Council 2021.

ITU-D Study Question 7/1 continues to focus on telecom munication/ICT accessibility to enable inclusive commu nication, especially for persons with disabilities for 2022–

2025 as has been agreed at WTDC–22.

The 2021 released SG Question 7/1 report (available free of charge in all UN official languages) with its accompany ing video and the focused workshop and webinar confirm the careful attention given to this topic.

ITU’s work on accessibility includes regional events, ICT accessibility assessment, and the publication of new resources and handbooks. ITU has developed capaci ty-building materials to promote the adoption of accessi ble solutions, including 15 video tutorials on development and remediation of accessible digital content.

A range of activities is detailed below.

ITU Regional Knowledge Development Platforms/ Forums

ITU has organised regional events that allow ITU members and stakeholders to share good practices and challenges, and to help develop digitally inclu sive societies in these regions.

Further regional events are set out below.

- Accessible Asia-Pacific (ASP): Regional Dialogue on Digital Transformation: Gearing Up for Inclusive and Sustainable Development, virtual event, 2021.

Accessible Arab Region: ICT for ALL, Egypt, 2021, in partnership with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for West Asia (ESCWA). Partic-

Within the work of ITU the rights of persons with disabilities are addressed as ‘ICT /digital accessibility for all including persons with disabilities’.


ipants identified ways forward to implement and mainstream digital accessibility, showing how tech nology can ensure inclusiveness and empowerment of all.

Accessible Americas: ICT for ALL, Cuba 2021, fea tured discussions with policymakers and stake holders on ICT/digital accessibility in the context of COVID-19.

Accessible Africa, virtual, 2021. Five online, interac tive workshops sought to strengthen capacity for 175 regional Focal Points from 42 African countries on ICT/digital accessibility.

Accessible Europe: ICT for ALL 2021, virtual, 2021. Over 240 participants from more than 40 countries discussed how to remove barriers to enable social inclusion of persons with disabilities, through cooperation, programmes, and training.

- Accessible the Commonwealth of independent states (CIS): In 2021 the CIS Region has shown in creased interest in ICT accessibility implementation to ensure equal digital empowerment through ICT.

Assessing and monitoring the implementation of ICT accessibility.

- ITU Self-Assessment and Toolkit for ICT Accessibility Implementation: Towards building Inclusive Digital Communities. This resource supports all ITU mem

bers, policymakers, and stakeholders in building inclusive digital communities. It also enables countries and organisations to assess themselves, obtaining an immediate overview on the level of their ICT ac cessibility implementation.

ICT Accessibility Assessment for the Europe Region provides ICT accessibility assessment for the Europe region. See also the ITU Assessment of Digital Acces sibility Policies in Serbia.

WSIS Forum 2021: ICTs and Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities and Specific Needs

WSIS Forum 2021 featured ICTs and Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities and Specific Needs, with virtual workshops on innovative technologies, bringing together experts and stakeholders to discuss how to leverage ICTs to help people with blindness and vision impairment and how to provide inclusive education for all – showcasing emerging assistive technologies.

Self-paced online training courses

In 2021, two self-paced online training courses in ICT accessibility were developed, available in Arabic, English, French, Russian, and Spanish. Both ICT Accessibility: The key to inclusive communication and Web Accessibility - The Cornerstone of an Inclusive Digital Society are delivered through ITU Academy in three modules.


Other accessibility resources

Additional ICT accessibility training and resources are available here. The update to the Handbook on Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT ) Broadcasting net works and systems implementation outlining Ac cessibility to broadcasting services for persons with disabilities is also part of ITU’s accessibility work.

Events and opportunities to support global implementation of ICT accessibility

ITU contributed to the development of the Disability Inclusion Practice Note on ICT & Digital Accessibility and its Additional Resources. ITU participated in the Digital Inclusion Summit – Leaving No One Behind, organised by the International Training Centre in collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO) (July 2021). In 2019, the UN Disability Inclusion Strategy (UN DIS) was adopted, including significant inputs from ITU. In 2020, ITU prepared its report on the strategy implementation and reviewed its Accessibility Policy accordingly

ITU contributed to the first ever celebration of Uni versal Design Day in 2021.

ITU shared its expertise on ICT accessibility and disability inclusion with 131 UN Country Teams’ representatives during two webinars on ICT and Digital Accessibility, held virtually in 2021.

Making ITU a more accessible organisation for persons with disabilities

ITU continues to ensure accessibility to persons with disabilities, including staff, delegates, and the gener al public.

To ensure structure and content of ITU websites, videos, publications, digital documents, and digital information are all digitally accessible, training events are under preparation (will take place in Feb ruary 2022).

To provide fully accessible ITU events, an invitation to bid for the provision of real-time captioning was completed in November 2021. Proposals for cap tioning in French, Spanish and Chinese have been submitted.

In 2019, ITU provided captioning across ITU events and major conferences, sign language interpreta tion in selected ITU-T accessibility meetings and in making ITU websites accessible. ITU has also modi fied internal production to generate accessible pub lications in the six official languages.

COVID-19: Ensuring digital information is accessible to all -

In March 2020, ITU issued COVID guidelines on how to develop inclusive digital information products and services through different digital platforms, in


all six official UN languages. The guidelines contain messages and concrete actions to support poli cy-makers and communicators in ensuring that COVID-related messages and vital digital informa tion are accessible to all people, including persons with disabilities. These ITU guidelines were globally disseminated and translated into 22 other languag es within the framework of the UN joint COVID-19 response and recovery emergency working group on health workstream.

To ensure that deaf and hard of hearing persons were not excluded, ITU produced a Guideline on web-based remote sign language interpretation or video remote interpretation.

Gende rights online7

ITU is involved in activities aimed at promoting gen der equality and the empowerment of women and girls through ICTs.

ITU is custodian of three gender-related SDG indicators: the proportion of individuals who (1) own a mobile phone; (2) use the internet; and (3) have ICT skills. ITU’s Measuring Digital Development: Facts and Figures 2021 shows that, in all regions, the gender Internet divide has been narrow ing in recent years, and calls for more action on cultural,

financial, and skills-related barriers that impede Internet uptake among women. ITU has launched several targeted efforts to bridge the gender digital divide and advance the Connect 2030 Agenda. Below are some highlights of ITU’s work on gender.

Together with the United Nations Entity for Gender Equal ity and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), the United Nations University (UNU), GSMA , and International Trade Centre (ITC), ITU launched the EQUALS Global Partnership for Gender Equality in the Digital Age with over 100 partners working together to ensure that women are given access, are equipped with skills, and develop the leadership potential to work in the ICT industry. Under this initiative, ITU contributes with the annual flagship event the EQUALS in Tech Awards. The awards are given every year to organisations and individuals working to help girls and women gain equal internet access, learn digital skills, and find opportunities in the tech industry. The initiative is dedicated to encouraging girls and young women to con sider studies and careers in ICTs.

The African Girls Can Code Initiative (AGCCI) was started in Africa in collaboration with UN Women and the African Union Commission (AUC) with the aim to train and empower girls and young women aged 17 to 20 across Africa to become computer programmers, creators, and design ers. The initiative has also been launched in the Americas region with a focus on equipping girls with coding skills and generating interest in the pursuit of ICT careers.

7 Within the work of ITU, gender rights online is addressed as ‘ Gender digital divide ’.


Other activities such as the Women in Technology Challenge and the EQUALS Women in Tech Network led by ITU are targeted at advancing women’s engagement with ICTs for social and economic development.

ITU WRC-19 also adopted a declaration that promotes gender equality, equity, and parity in the work of the ITU Radiocommunication Sector.

ITU is also the facilitator of WSIS Action Line C4 – Capacity building.

Network of Women (NoW): Encouraging Gender Balance

Encouraging and tracking gender-balanced representa tion and nominations of women for key roles strength ens women’s participation in ITU meetings. The aim is to build a community where female delegates can network, share their experience ,and promote the participation of women – increasing their visibility, empowering them, and encouraging experienced female delegates to mentor ICT professionals in the digital space.

In 2021, BDT launched the Network of Women (NoW) at the World Telecommunication Development Conference ( WTDC) to increase the number of women participating in ITU-D meetings and taking up leadership roles in prepar ing the WTDC itself. Within this framework, ITU launched the global mentorship programme and fireside discus sions.

At the World Radiocommunication Seminar Online 2020, ITU-R launched the NoW for WRC-23 to promote gender

equality, equity and parity within the ITU Radiocommunication Sector. The NoW for WRC-19 (#NOW4WRC19) ef forts culminated in a Declaration on Promoting Gender Equality, Equity and Parity in the ITU Radiocommunication Sector, adopted at WRC-19 in Sharm El-Sheikh.

Capacity-building that empowers indigenous communities through technology

Capacity-building training for indigenous communities has empowered indigenous people and communities through technology. The training is tailored to needs and interests and has taken into account self-sustainability as pects and cultural legacy.

The programme has reached 70 indigenous participants throughout the Americas, 21 of whom have completed the full programme – from Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, and Peru. Thirty per cent of partici pants were indigenous women.

The course Technical Promoters in Telecommunications and Broadcasting in Indigenous Communities requires one year of study and trains indigenous professionals in maintaining indigenous networks from infrastructure to communication delivery. The module boosts the profes sional development of professionals and ability to contrib ute to their communities’ socio-economic development and self-sustainability.


A further course in 2021, on Innovative Communication Tools on How to Develop, Manage and Operate an Ini digenous Radio Network was offered to 141 indigenous participants over two editions. Countries represented included Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, and Venezuela. Thirty per cent of participants completed all five units of the course, 40.5% of whom were indige nous women.

ITU and UNESCO are developing activities for rollout at the WSIS Forum 2022 as contributions to the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (2022–2032).

Working for digital inclusion for older people – raising awareness and building resources

For the first time, ITU has addressed digital inclusion for older people by raising awareness on the topic, leverag ing capacity of ITU members and stakeholders, providing policy and strategy guidelines, and developing resources to support global efforts to overcome this socio-economic challenge.

Resources supporting older persons in the digital world.

A video tutorial covering ageing in a digital world, with captions in all UN languages.

Ageing in a Digital World - From Vulnerable to Valu able.

Self-paced online training: ICTs for Better Ageing and Livelihood in the Digital Landscape. This ITU Academy training is available in English, French, and Spanish and addresses local digital inclusion poli cies, strategies and good practices.

The World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2022 ( WTISD 2022) was dedicated to the theme: Digi tal technologies for older persons and healthy ageing.

ITU contributing to UN work

Social Isolation and Loneliness Among Older Peo ple: Advocacy Brief – highlights the growing public health and policy concern about these issues, made more salient by the COVID-19 pandemic. ITU con tributed to the development of this WHO/UN Wom en brief.

ITU contributed to the celebration of the UN International Day of Older Persons (UNIDOP) in 2021 in the Digital Inclusion For All Ages event jointly organised with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), the Office of the Sec retary’s-General Envoy on Technology, and the NGO Committee on Ageing.

Working for increased youth engagement

The ITU Youth Strategy ensures participation of youth in ITU in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable De


velopment. The strategy is built on three pillars: creating a community of young leaders, bringing young people together to engage with ITU and members, and fostering participation in ITU activities. More than 40 Youth Task Force members across ITU are coordinating efforts to im plement the ITU Youth Strategy.

The initiatives detailed below have been implemented as part of the ITU Youth Strategy.

Generation Connect Initiative

Generation Connect, launched in 2020, prepared the way for the journey to World Telecommunication Develop ment Conference 2022 and the Generation Connect Glob al Youth Summit in 2022.

Generation Connect Visionaries Board

The Generation Connect Visionaries Board offers guid ance to ITU on its youth-related work. The Board, com posed of ITU representatives, eight young leaders, and eight high-level appointees, advises on the Youth Summit and the Youth Strategy.

Road to Addis Series – Digital Inclusion and Youth Events

The ITU Road to Addis series of events has a strong youth component. An event on International Youth Day 2021 saw participation of youth as equal partners alongside the leaders of today’s digital change, while the Partner 2Connect Meeting 2021 launched the Partner2Connect Coalition.

Implementation of the I-CoDI Youth Challenge

In 2020, ITU organised the International Centre of Digital Innovation (I-CoDI) Youth Challenge on connecting the un connected. Winning pitches focused on technology and network development, cybersecurity, digital inclusion, cli mate change and environment, and capacity building.

Generation Connect Virtual Communities

In 2021, ITU launched on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Insta gram the new Generation Connect Virtual communities, inviting youth from the regions to join.

ITU: Current co-chair of the United Nations Inter-Agency Network on Youth Development

Since March 2021, ITU has been the co-chair of the Unit ed Nations Inter-Agency Network on Youth Development (IANYD) with a one-year mandate. The Network increas es the effectiveness of UN work in youth development by strengthening collaboration and exchange across UN entities.

Capacity Building on Meaningful Youth Engagement

Training on Meaningful Youth Engagement for UN staff was delivered to ITU staff in 2020; 174 ITU staff attended, including top management, members of the ITU Youth Task Force, and professional and administrative staff. This training was followed in 2020 by two Pitch for Youth workshops, where teams proposed ideas to an ITU jury on youth engagement initiatives.


Collaboration with the Office of the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth

ITU works with the Office of the Envoy on Youth to align the ITU Youth Strategy with the United Nations Youth Strategy: Youth 2030. ITU has engaged with the UN Youth Envoy in various ways including the co-creation of the Dig ital Technology session of the #YouthLead Innovation Fes tival and collaboration on how online efforts are helping improve children’s online safety.

Additional initiatives

ITU’s work on empowering youth through ICTs includes the Digital Skills for Jobs Campaign and the ITU Digital Skills Toolkit.

In 2020, ITU mounted a Youth Engagement Survey to consult on how ITU can best engage. The results of this survey informed the ITU Youth Strategy.

Kaleidoscope 2018: Machine Learning for a 5G Fu ture was hosted by Universidad Tecnológica Nacio nal, Santa Fe, Argentina. Young authors, up to 30 years of age, presenting papers received Young Au thor Recognition certificates.

Interdisciplinary approaches

The WSIS process was initiated by ITU in 1998 and it led the organisation of the Summits in 2003 and 2005 in co

ordination with the UN system. In line with its mandate and the WSIS outcome documents, ITU continues playing a key lead coordination role in WSIS implementation and follow-up.

The WSIS Forum represents the world's largest annual gathering of the ICT for development community. Co-or ganised by ITU, UNESCO, the United Nations Develop ment Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Confer ence on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), and in close collaboration with all WSIS Action Line Facilitators/Co-Facilitator,, the forum has proven to be an efficient mechanism for coordinating multistakeholder implementation activities, exchanging information, creating knowledge, and sharing best practices. It continues to provide assis tance in developing multistakeholder and public/private partnerships to advance development goals. The forum provides structured opportunities to network, learn, and participate in multistakeholder discussions and consulta tions on WSIS implementation.

The ITU Contribution to the Implementation of the WSIS Outcomes is an annual comprehensive report on ITU activities in the WSIS context from all the three sectors of the organisation (radiocommunication, standardisation, and development sectors) and the General Secretariat on the activities implemented during the respective year. The report provides updates on the tasks carried out by ITU at the operational and policy levels, covering all assigned mandates with reference to the WSIS process.


ITU plays a leading facilitating role in the WSIS implementation process, in collaboration with more than 30 UN agencies in creating an environment for just and equal information and knowledge societies. As pe Resolution 1332 (modified 2019) ITU membership resolved to use the WSIS framework as the foundation through which it helps the world to leverage ICTs in achieving the 2030 Agenda, within its mandate and within the allocated resources in the financial plan and biennial budget, noting the WSISSDG Matrix developed by UN agencies, This close interlink between the WSIS Action Lines and the SDGs and targets can serve as an important basis for work on relevant ar eas outlined in relevant ongoing processes, for example UN SGs Our Common Agenda and so on.

ITU’s role in the WSIS process, highlighting the varying role along the WSIS Action Lines:

ITU is the sole facilitator for three different WSIS Ac tion Lines: C2 (Information and communication in frastructure), C5 (Building confidence and security in the use of ICTs), and C6 (Enabling environment). ITU has also been taking the lead role in facilitating WSIS Action Line C4 (Capacity building)

- ITU contributes to all the remaining WSIS Action Lines that are facilitated by other WSIS stakeholders.

The WSIS-SDG Matrix developed by UN WSIS Action Line Facilitators serves as the mechanism to map, analyse, and coordinate the implementation of WSIS Action Lines, and more specifically, ICTs as enablers and accelerators of the

SDGs. This mapping exercise draws direct links between the WSIS Action Lines and the proposed SDGs to continue strengthening the impact of ICTs for sustainable develop ment. Building on the Matrix, the Agenda and outcomes of the WSIS Forum are clearly linked to WSIS Action lines and the SDGs highlighting the impact and importance of ICTs on sustainable development.

The WSIS Stocktaking Process provides a register of activ ities – including projects, programmes, training initiatives, conferences, websites, guidelines, and toolkits – carried out by governments, international organisations, the private sector, civil society, and other entities. To that end, in accordance with paragraph 120 of the Tunis Agenda for the Information Society adopted by WSIS, ITU has been maintaining the WSIS Stocktaking Database since 2004 as a publicly accessible system providing information on ICT-related initiatives and projects with reference to the 11 WSIS action lines (Geneva Plan of Action). The princi pal role of the WSIS Stocktaking exercise is to leverage the activities of stakeholders working on the implementation of WSIS outcomes and share knowledge and experience of projects by replicating successful models designed to achieve the SDGs of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable De velopment.

The WSIS Prizes contest was developed in response to requests from WSIS stakeholders to create an effective mechanism to evaluate projects and activities that lever age the power of ICTs to advance sustainable develop ment. Since its inception, WSIS Prizes has attracted more


than 350,000 stakeholders. Following the outcomes of the UN General Assembly Overall Review on WSIS (Res. A/70/125) that called for a close alignment between the WSIS process and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable De velopment (Res. A/70/1), WSIS Prizes continues to serve as the unique global platform to identify and showcase success stories in the implementation of the WSIS Action Lines and the SDGs.

The United Nations Group on Information Society (UNGIS) is the UN system’s inter-agency mechanism for advancing policy coherence and programme co-ordination on matters related to ICTs in support of internationally agreed development goals. Established in 2006 after WSIS, its man date includes promoting collaboration and partnerships among the members of the Chief Executives Board (CEB) to contribute to the achievement of the WSIS goals, pro viding guidance on issues related to inclusive information and knowledge societies, helping maintain issues related to science and technology at the top of the UN Agenda, and mainstreaming ICT for Development in the mandate of CEB members. UNGIS remains committed and contrib uted to the alignment of the WSIS Action Lines and the SDGs.

Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development is an international, multistakeholder initiative to improve the availability and quality of ICT data and indicators.

ITU also works in close collaboration with the Office of the United Nations Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology and in 2022 announced a first-ever set of targets for uni

versal and meaningful digital connectivity to be achieved by 2030.

The universal meaningful connectivity targets were de veloped as part of the implementation of the UN Secre tary-General’s Roadmap for Digital Cooperation and aim to provide concrete benchmarks for sustainable, inclusive global progress in specified action areas, such as i) Univer sality, ii) Technology, and iii) Affordability. These 15 aspira tional targets are meant to help countries and stakeholders prioritise interventions, monitor progress, evaluate policy effectiveness, and galvanise efforts around achieving universal and meaningful connectivity by 2030. They are also meant as a contribution towards the forthcom ing Global Digital Compact, as proposed in the UN Sec retary-General's Our Common Agenda report. A first as sessment of how the world currently stands in relation to the targets is available on ITU’s website here.

Various platforms used for online meetings: Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and ITU’s MyMeetings platform.

The value of ITU-T’s advanced electronic working environment was highlighted in 2020. Virtual meet ings and electronic working methods have come to form the principal platform for ITU standardisation work as part of the global response to COVID-19. ITU members engaged in standard development are making optimal use of ITU’s personalised MyWork space platform and associated services and tools (e.g. MyMeetings).



Social media channels

Twitter @ITU Facebook @ITU YouTube @itutelecommunication LinkedIn @International Telecommunication Union Instagram @ituofficial Podcast @ITUPodcasts

TikTok @itu Flickr @ITU pictures


Joint Inspection Unit (JIU)

Av. de la Paix 8-14 | 1211 Geneva | Switzerland


About the JIU

The Joint Inspection Unit ( JIU) is the only independent external oversight body of the United Nations system man dated to conduct reviews, evaluations, and inspections at a system-wide level.

Its mandate is to look at cross-cutting issues and to act as an agent for change across the UN system. The JIU works to enhance efficiency in management and administra tion and to promote greater coordination among agen cies. It is dedicated to assisting the 28 organisations that have signed the JIU Statute in meeting their governance responsibilities. In its reports and notes, the JIU identifies best practices, facilitates knowledge-sharing, and makes recommendations to executive heads and governing bodies, individually or as a group.

Over the years, the JIU has contributed to several areas of work with the objective to enhance management and administrative efficiency and to promote greater coordi nation among the UN organisations. Some of the JIU’s key focus points have included executive management and other administrative matters, human resources, strate gic planning and oversight, results-based management, and risk management, among others. The JIU recommen dations have also supported senior management teams among UN organisations in developing or reviewing strat egies and policies. Since 1995, its thematic agenda has also included information and communication technology governance. In recent years, the JIU has approached digi tal technology from a more strategic perspective.



Cloud computing

The report entitled Managing cloud computing services in the UN system ( JIU/REP/2019/5) argues for a more balanced approach in unlocking the potential benefits of the cloud and in considering specific risks, in addition to the potential synergies from a UN system-wide perspective. The JIU proposed a number of safeguards and actions to expand UN common knowledge on cloud computing, increase the level of inter-agency cooperation, and strengthen the negotiating capacity of UN organisations.


A lucid and balanced analysis of blockchain was the result of a landmark report on Blockchain Applications in the UN System: Towards a State of Readiness. The report starts from the assumption that the UN cannot stand aside and passively watch developments in the industry, but it is far from evangelising the use of blockchain. It offers a critical assessment of the theoretical benefits of blockchain and proposes a cautious, yet proactive approach of potential applications. The recommendations made by the JIU signi fy a bold move from a traditional compliance perspective to a more prospective focus, from a prescriptive stand point to a more flexible and anticipative set of actions. The main asset of the report is an original decision-making matrix – developed in full consideration of the United Nations context – for the rigorous determination of use cases for which the blockchain could be a better option compared to other alternatives.


A comprehensive review of individual and inter-agency mechanisms dealing with cybersecurity is offered in the report entitled Cybersecurity in the United Nations System Organisations. The report assesses how UN organisations are addressing cybersecurity threats, and the challenges and risks they face, including risk mitigation measures. Particular attention is paid to the vulnerabilities specific to the UN. The review focuses on the opportunities for strengthening collaboration and coordination among or ganisations and for a closer alignment of physical secu rity and cybersecurity, as well as for improving linkages between system-wide strategic direction and operational capacity. Some recommendations aim at strengthening the key role of the UN International Computing Centre (UN ICC) as a cybersecurity service provider.



Capacity development

The issue of e-learning platforms was extensively addressed for the first time at the UN system-wide level in a report entitled Policies and platforms in support of learning: towards more coherence, coordination and convergence ( JIU/REP/2020/2). The report analyses the potential of new digital technologies as a driving factor that facilitates and stimulates system-wide synergies and convergence. According to the report, current technolo gy-enabled trends and capabilities, such as the increase in remote interactions, mobility, portability, and use of a personal cloud storage system, require the adjustment of policies, curricula, and institutional arrangements. For the UN system, growing digital infrastructure amplifies the ability of UN organisations and their staff to access and use nearly unlimited knowledge resources. The same technologies offer unprecedented networking options, which should be unconditionally used for more coherence, co-ordination, and convergence among UN agen cies.

Social media channels

Facebook @unitednations Twitter @UN YouTube @United Nations

Flicker @United Nations Photo Instagram @unitednations


Kofi Annan Foundation

P.O.B. 157 | 1211 Geneva 20 | Switzerland


About the Kofi Annan Foundation

The Kofi Annan Foundation is an independent not-for-profit organisation, established in Switzerland in 2007 by the late former UN Secretary-General and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Kofi Annan. Its board is composed of prominent personalities from the public and private sectors, and it has a small team based in Geneva, Switzerland.

The Kofi Annan Foundation wants a fairer and more peaceful world, where no one is left behind, democratic principles and the rule of law are upheld, and divides are bridged through dialogue and international cooperation. The Foundation works closely with partners from inter national and regional organisations, foundations, univer sities, and civil society. It channels expertise, convenes all stakeholders around the table, and forges coalitions of trusted influence that can make change happen.

The Foundation has four strategic objectives:

Strengthen democracy and elections, because pop ular legitimacy provides the basis for democratic governance, accountability, and respect for human rights and the rule of law.

Facilitate youth engagement and ensure that young people’s voices are heard because they are active agents of change and must be given the opportuni ty to shape the world they will inherit.

Enhance transitions to peace, promote reconcilia tion, and build trust and cohesion within societies, because it strengthens their ability to withstand future political, economic, social, or environmental shocks.

Raise awareness of Kofi Annan’s values and actions and promote his core belief that structured inter national cooperation is key to solving challenges in today’s interconnected world.


“Kofi Annan once noted that ‘technology does not stand still, neither should democracy’ and that ethos has informed not only our work on democracy, but our work in the areas of youth, peace, and trust.”

Message by the Kofi Annan Foundation Executive Director

The Kofi Annan Foundation consists of a small team in Geneva that collaborates with partners across the world. We rely on digital tools and information and communication technologies (ICTs) to drive our collaborative efforts and deliver programme goals. Harnessing the power of digital platforms is not only central to our methodology but also critical to addressing many of the chal lenges facing our partners and the communities in which we work.

As Kofi Annan argued, ‘ Technology does not stand still, neither should democracy.’ This senti-


Message by the Kofi Annan Foundation Chair

ment informs much of our recent work in support of elections and democracy, which seeks to harness the potential of digital tools and social media to engage, empower, and educate voters, while mitigating the negative impact of disinformation, hate speech, fake news, and digital polarisation.

Our objective is to improve and secure the digital space in which elections and political campaigns increasingly take place, and to protect voter’s fundamental right to have a say in how they are gov erned, and by whom.

We remain convinced by, and optimistic about, the potential of digital platforms to provide unparalleled opportunities to young activists around the world to collaborate in addressing the challeng es facing their generation.

It is largely due to digital innovation that this generation of young people is more connected, more educated, and more aware of what happens outside their own borders than any previous gener ation. The opportunities to share lessons, experience, strategies, and tools, is greater than ever before.

For both our Extremely Together and Changemakers programmes, digital platforms and communications tools allow us to mobilise our network to support these young people, building bridges across countries and creating platforms where they can collaborate to effect positive change in their local communities. Without digital platforms, our ability to impart the lessons, wisdom, and advice of Kofi Annan would be much reduced.

Kofi Annan reminded us often that our individual responsibility was not to tackle the world’s great est problems, rather, if we each did our little bit to make positive change in our own communities, together we could overcome any challenge.

One of the benefits of our new digital era is that the little bit of which we are all capable is now limitless; we will continue to see digital tools as central to delivering his vision of a fairer and more secure world.



The Kofi Annan Foundation addresses digitalisation within the scope of youth, peace and trust, as well as elections and democracy in the follow-up to the Kofi Annan Com mission on Elections and Democracy in the Digital Age (KACEDDA).

The Commission proposed a series of actions to mitigate the negative impact of social media on elections and de-

mocracy, several of which the Foundation is directly implementing. These include new models to counter political disinformation, pre-electoral pledges regarding digital be haviour and activities, and the gauging of digital vulnera bilities of elections. The Foundation is also mobilising digi tal tools and platforms to increase the representativeness and inclusivity of elections and democratic decision-mak ing, particularly for young people.

Credits by


Violent Extremism

The Extremely Together programme consists of young people from around the world working to counter the impact of extremism in their own communities. An initial cohort of ten impressive leaders has grown over the years to include national hubs in Uganda, Somalia, and soon the Sahel. Digital tools allow these young people to draw on the network and support of the Kofi Annan Founda tion and share experiences to improve the impact of their work.

Fostering youth leadership

Sharing the leadership values, wisdom, and lessons of Kofi Annan with the next generation is an important element of the legacy work of the Foundation. Digital tools allow us to reach young people in every corner of the globe who would otherwise not be able to benefit from his advice and that of the people who worked closely with him. Two cohorts of Kofi Annan Changemakers - young leaders from different fields and backgrounds – have now harnessed digital communications tools and platforms to improve their leadership skills and build critical capacities.

Content policy

The Foundation works with civil society, electoral management bodies, and the private sector to develop capacity and tools to counter electoral-related disinformation. It is developing tools to mitigate negative foreign interference in elections and to identify elections at risk from digital threats.

Supporting elections with integrity

Regarding its activities on elections and democracy, the Foundation’s digital work is based on KACEDDA's find ings. The Commission was first established in 2018 and was composed of members from civil society and govern ment, the technology sector, academia, and the media. The objectives of the Commission were to identify and frame the challenges to electoral integrity arising from the global spread of digital technologies and social media platforms, develop policy measures to tackle these challenges and highlight the opportunities that technological change offers for strengthening electoral integrity and political participation, and define and articulate a programme of advocacy to ensure that the key messages emerging from the Commission were widely diffused and debated around the world.


In addition to articles that deal with issues such as the interplay between democracy and the Internet, the impact of digital on elections and democracy in West Africa, and the digital dangers to democracy, the Commission pub lished an extensive report titled Protecting Electoral In tegrity in the Digital Age. It addresses, among other things, hate speech, disinformation, online political advertising, and foreign interference in elections. The report propos es a set of 13 recommendations that address capacity building, norm building, and actions to be taken by public authorities and social media platforms. The Foundation is now working to implement certain recommendations, in cooperation with key stakeholders from civil society, aca demia, the private sector, and government.

Interdisciplinary approaches

Building a more effective architecture for digital cooperation

The Foundation facilitates the sharing of lessons and ex pertise across countries to counter the negative impact of social media on elections, particularly harnessing the potential of South-South partnerships and building the capacity of civil society and electoral stakeholders.

Ensuring the protection of human rights in the digital era

The Foundation works with electoral stakeholders to miti gate the impact of online disinformation and hate speech, and to ensure threats from the digital space do not un dermine citizen’s rights to political participation and that digital tools increase voter’s ability to make informed and educated electoral decisions.


Future of meetings

The Kofi Annan Foundation regularly organises online/virtual webinars, roundtables. and regional events on a vari ety of topics, including on the impact of COVID-19 on de mocracy and elections in various regions of the world, on youth resilience during the pandemic, on violence against women in politics, and on disinformation during elections.

The Kofi Annan Changemakers initiative uses digital tools such as Zoom and WhatsApp to connect with the cohorts and partners and to share information about the programme. The programme consists of a week-long online module of training and presentations, where the 12 Kofi Annan Changemakers, mentors, and speakers participate remotely.

The Foundation holds its board meetings online, with de cisions on programmatic and resource matters taken by members participating remotely.

The Foundation also convenes its weekly team meetings in a hybrid manner as well as annual virtual meetings of its Electoral Integrity Initiative.

In this exclusive 10-part podcast, Kofi Time, Ahmad Faw zi, one of Kofi Annan’s former spokespersons and com munications advisor, examines how Kofi Annan tackled a specific crisis and its relevance to today’s world and chal lenges. Kofi Annan’s call to bring all stakeholders around the table – including the private sector, local authorities,

civil society organisations, academia, and scientists – resonates now more than ever with so many who understand that governments alone cannot shape our future. Join this journey of discovery as Ahmad Fawzi interviews some of Kofi Annan’s closest advisors and colleagues including Dr Peter Piot, Christiane Amanpour, Mark Malloch-Brown, Michael Møller, and more. Kofi Time is available on Sound Cloud, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts

Raising awareness of Kofi Annan’s Legacy

The Kofi Annan Foundation uses digital tools to raise awareness of Kofi Annan’s legacy, by providing electron ic access to selected speeches and quotations as well as to a collection of his papers compiled by City University of New York on our website, and to some of his recorded statements and discussions via our official YouTube chan nel.

Other Annual reports online

Virtual meetings: Zoom, Microsoft Teams

Monitoring and analytics: Meltwater, Google Analytics, Sprout

Email marketing: Mailchimp

Podcasting: Soundcloud, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Head liner

Creative and collaboration: Adobe Creative Cloud, Miro, Canva, WordPress, Microsoft Teams, SharePoint


Social media channels

Facebook @KofiAnnanFoundation

Tw Instagram @KofiAnnanFoundation

LinkedIn @Kofi Annan Foundation

YouTube @Kofi Annan Foundation


Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)1

Palais Wilson | 52 rue des Pâquis | CH-1201 Geneva | Switzerland

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and other related UN human rights

the Special Procedures, and the Treaty Bodies will be considered

the United Nations Human Rights

287 1 The
entities, namely
together under this section.

About the OHCHR

The UN Human Rights Office is headed by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and is the principal UN entity on human rights. Also known as UN Human Rights, it is part of the UN Secretariat. UN Human Rights has been mandated by the UN General Assembly (UNGA) to promote and protect all human rights. As such, it plays a crucial role in supporting the three fundamental pillars of the UN: peace and security, human rights, and develop ment. UN Human Rights provides technical expertise and capacity development in regard to the implementation of human rights, and in this capacity assists governments in fulfilling their obligations.

UN Human Rights is associated with a number of other UN human rights entities. To illustrate, it serves as the secre tariat for the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) and the Treaty Bodies. The UNHRC is a body of the UN that aims to promote respect of human rights worldwide. It discusses thematic issues and in addition to its ordinary session, it has the ability to hold special sessions on serious human rights violations and emergencies. The ten Treaty Bodies are committees of independent experts that monitor the implementation of the  core international human rights treaties.

The UNHRC established the Special Procedures, which are made up of UN Special Rapporteurs (i.e. independent ex perts or working groups) working on a variety of human rights thematic issues and country situations to assist the efforts of the UNHRC through regular reporting and advice. The Universal Periodic Review (UPR), under the auspices of the UNHRC, is a unique process that involves a review of the human rights records of all UN member states, providing the opportunity for each state to declare what actions they have taken to improve the human rights situations in their countries. UN Human Rights also serves as the secretariat to the UPR process.

Certain non-governmental organisations and national hu man rights institutions participate as observers in UNHRC sessions after receiving the necessary accreditation.



Digital issues are increasingly gaining in prominence in the work of UN Human Rights, the UNHRC, the Special Proce dures, the UPR, and the Treaty Bodies.

A landmark document that provides a blueprint for digital human rights is the UNHRC resolution (A/HRC/20/8) on the promotion, protection, and enjoyment of human rights on the internet, which was first adopted in 2012, starting a string of regular resolutions with the same name address ing a growing number of issues. All resolutions affirm that the same rights that people have offline must also be protected online. Numerous other resolutions and reports

from UN human rights entities and experts considered in this overview tackle an ever-growing range of other digital issues including the right to privacy in the digital age; free dom of expression and opinion; freedom of association and peaceful assembly; the rights of older persons; ra cial discrimination; the rights of women and girls; human rights in the context of violent extremism online; econom ic, social, and cultural rights; human rights and technical standard-setting; business and human rights; and the safety of journalists.

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Artificial intelligence

In 2018, the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expres sion presented a report to the UN General Assembly on artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and implications for the information environment. Among other things, the document addresses the role of AI in the enjoyment of freedom of opinion and expression including ‘access to the rules of the game when it comes to AI-driven plat forms and websites’ and therefore urges for a human rights-based approach to AI.

For her 2020 thematic report to the Human Rights Council, the UN Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, and related intolerance analysed different forms of racial discrimina tion in the design and use of emerging technologies, in cluding the structural and institutional dimensions of this discrimination. She followed up with reports examining how digital technologies, including AI-driven predictive models, deployed in the context of border enforcement and administration reproduce, reinforce, and compound racial discrimination.

In 2020, the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination published its General Recommendation No. 36 on preventing and combating racial profiling by law enforcement officials (CERD/C/GC/36), which focuses on algorithmic decision-making and AI in relation to racial profiling by law enforcement officials.

Child safety online1

The issue of child safety online has garnered the attention of UN human rights entities for some time. A 2016 resolu tion on Rights of the Child: Information and Communica tions Technologies and Child Sexual Exploitation adopted by the UNHRC calls on states to ensure ‘full, equal, inclu sive, and safe access [...] to information and communica tions technologies by all children and safeguard the pro tection of children online and offline’, as well as the legal protection of children from sexual abuse and exploitation online. The Special Rapporteur on the sale and sexual ex ploitation of children, including child prostitution, child pornography, and other child sexual abuse material, man dated by the UNHRC to analyse the root causes of sale and sexual exploitation and promote measures to prevent it, also looks at issues related to child abuse, such as the sexual exploitation of children online, which has been addressed in a report (A/HRC/43/40) published in 2020, but also in earlier reports.

The Committee on the Rights of the Child published its General Comment No. 25 on Children’s Rights in Relation to the Digital Environment (CRC/C/GC/25), which lays out how states parties should implement the convention in relation to the digital environment and provides guid ance on relevant legislative, policy, and other measures to ensure full compliance with their obligations under the

1 Within the work of the OHCHR, ‘Child safety online’ is referred to as ‘Rights of the Child’ and dealt with as a Human Rights issue.


convention and optional protocols in the light of opportunities, risks, and challenges in promoting, respecting, protecting, and fulfilling all children’s rights in the digital environment.

Data governance

UN Human Rights maintains an online platform consisting of a number of databases on anti-discrimination and juris prudence, as well as the Universal Human Rights Index (UHRI), which provide access to recommendations issued to countries by Treaty Bodies, Special Procedures, and the UPR of the UNHCR.

UN Human Rights also published a report titled A Human Rights-Based Approach to Data - Leaving no one Behind in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development that specifically focuses on issues of data collection and disaggregation in the context of sustainable development.

UN Human Rights has worked closely with partners across the UN system in contributing to the Secretary-General’s 2020 Data Strategy, and co-leads, with the Office of Le gal Affairs and UN Global Pulse, work on the subsequent Data Protection and Privacy Program.

Capacity development

UN Human Rights launched the Guiding Principles in Technology Project (B-Tech Project) to provide guidance

and resources to companies operating in the technology space with regard to the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs on BHR). Following the publication of a B-Tech scoping paper in 2019, several foundational papers have delved into a broad range of business-related issues, from busi ness-model-related human rights risks to access to reme dies. At the heart of the B-Tech project lies multistakehold er engagement, informing all of its outputs. The B-Tech Project is enhancing its engagement in Africa, working with technology company operators, investors, and other key digital economy stakeholders, including civil society, across Africa in a set of African economies and their tech hubs to create awareness of implementing the UNGPs on BHR.

Following a multistakeholder consultation held 7–8 March 2022, the High Commissioner presented her report on UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and Technology Companies (A/HRC/50/56), which demon strated the value and practical application of the UNGPs in preventing and addressing adverse human rights im pacts by technology companies.

Extreme poverty2

The Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights has in recent years increased his analysis of hu man rights issues arising in the context of increased digi

2 Within the work of the OHCHR, ‘Extreme poverty’ is dealt with as a Human Rights issue.


tisation and automation. His 2017 report to the General Assembly tackled the socio-economic challenges in an emerging world where automation and AI threaten tradi tional sources of income and analysed the promises and possible pitfalls of introducing a universal basic income. His General Assembly report in 2019 addressed worrying trends in connection with the digitisation of the welfare state. Moreover, in his 2022 report to the UNHRC on nontake-up of rights in the context of social protection, the Special Rapporteur highlighted, among other things, the benefits and considerable risks associated with automa tion of social protection processes.

Content policy

Geneva-based human rights organisations and mecha nisms have consistently addressed content policy ques tions, in particular in the documents referred under Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and of Association. Other contexts where content policy plays an important role include Rights of the Child, Gender Rights Online, and Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Moreover, the use of digital technologies in the context of terrorism and violent extremism is closely associated with content policy considerations.

UN Human Rights, at the request of the UNHRC, prepared a compilation report in 2016, which explores, among other issues, aspects related to the preventing and countering of violent extremism online, and underscores that

responses to violent extremism that are robustly built on human rights are more effective and sustainable.

Additional efforts were made in 2019 when the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering ter rorism published a report where she examined the mul tifaceted impacts of counter-terrorism measures on civ ic space and the rights of civil society actors and human rights defenders, including measures taken to address vaguely defined terrorist and violent extremist content. In July 2020, she published a report discussing the human rights implications of the use of biometric data to identify terrorists and recommended safeguards that should be taken.

Interdisciplinary approaches

Collaboration within the UN system

UN Human Rights is a member of the Secretary-General’s Reference Group and contributed to the development of his Strategy on New Technologies in 2018. The OHCHR was co-champion of the follow-up on two human-rights-relat ed recommendations of the Secretary-General's High-Lev el Panel on Digital Cooperation. The outcomes of this process were the basis of the Secretary-General's Roadmap on Digital Cooperation, presented in June 2020.

As part of the implementation of the Secretary-Gener al’s Call to Action for Human Rights, UN Human Rights launched the UN Hub for Human rights and Digital Tech


nology, which provides a central repository of authoritative guidance from various UN human rights mechanisms on the application of human rights norms to the use and governance of digital technologies.

Moreover, as requested by the Secretary-General’s Road map to Digital Cooperation and the Secretary-General’s Call to Action for Human Rights, UN Human Rights is lead ing a UN system-wide process to develop a human rights due diligence guidance (HRDD) for digital technology. The HRDD guidance in development pertains to the application of human rights due diligence and human rights impact assessment related to the UN’s design, development, procurement, and use of digital technologies, and is ex pected to be completed by the end of 2022.

UN Human Rights participated in the UNESCO-led process to develop ethical standards for AI. With its aim to protect human rights and serve as an ethical guidance compass in the use of AI, UNESCO recommendation on the Ethics of AI was adopted by UNESCO member states at UNES CO’s General Conference in November 2021. As a strong contributor to the Inter-Agency Working Group on AI, UN Human Rights also provided feedback to the ethical principles on AI for the UN system.

In addition, UN Human Rights is a member of the Legal Identity Agenda Task Force, which promotes solutions for the implementation of SDG target 16.9 (i.e. by 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration). It leads its work on exclusion and discrimination in the con text of digitized identity systems.


Rapid advancements in neurotechnology and neurosci ence, while holding promises of medical benefits and scientific breakthroughs, present a number of human rights and ethical challenges. Against this backdrop, UN Human Rights has been contributing significantly to an in ter-agency process led by the Executive Office of the Sec retary-General to develop a global roadmap for effective and inclusive governance of neurotechnology.

Secretary-General’s Report on “Our Common Agenda”

Since the adoption of A/RES/76/6 on Our Common Agen da in November 2021, the follow-up by the UN system has been underway. UN Human Rights is co-leading several proposals in collaboration with other entities, notably on the application of the human rights framework in the digital sphere, mitigation and prevention of internet shut downs, and disinformation.

Privacy and data protection

Challenges to the right to privacy in the digital age, such as surveillance, communications interception, and the increased use of data-intensive technologies, are among some of the issues covered by the activities of UN Human Rights. At the request of the UN General Assembly and the UNHRC, the High Commissioner prepared four reports on the right to privacy in the digital age. The first report,


presented in 2014, addressed the threat to human rights caused by surveillance by governments, in particular mass surveillance. The ensuing report, published in September 2018, identified key principles, standards, and best prac tices regarding the promotion and protection of the right to privacy. It outlined minimum standards for data privacy legal frameworks. In September 2021, the High Commis sioner presented a ground-breaking report on AI and the right to privacy (A/HRC/48/31), in which she called for a ban on AI applications that are incompatible with interna tional human rights law, and stressed the urgent need for a moratorium on the sale and use of AI systems that pose serious human rights risks until adequate safeguards are put in place. In September 2022, the High Commissioner presented a report focusing on the abuse of spyware by public authorities, the key role of encryption in ensuring the enjoyment of human rights in the digital age, and the wide-spread monitoring of public spaces.

The UNHRC also tackles online privacy and data protec tion. Resolutions on the promotion and protection of hu man rights on the internet have underlined the need to address security concerns on the internet in accordance with international human rights obligations to ensure the protection of all human rights online, including the right to privacy. The UNHRC has also adopted specific resolutions on the right to privacy in the digital age, addressing issues such as mass surveillance, AI, the responsibility of business enterprises, and the key role of the right to privacy as an enabler of other human rights. Resolutions on the

safety of journalists have emphasised the importance of encryption and anonymity tools for journalists to freely exercise their work. Two resolutions on new and emerg ing technologies (2019 and 2021) have further broadened the lens, for example by asking for a report on the human rights implications of technical standard-setting process es.

The UNHRC has also mandated the Special Rapporteur on the right to privacy to address the issue of online privacy in its Resolution on the Right to Privacy in the Digital Age from 2015 (A/HRC/RES/28/16). To illustrate, the Special Rapporteur has addressed the question of privacy from the stance of surveillance in the digital age (A/HRC/34/60), which becomes particularly challenging in the context of cross-border data flows. More recently, specific attention has been given to privacy of health data that is being pro duced more and more in the day and age of digitalisation and that requires the highest legal and ethical standards (A/HRC/40/63). In this vein, in 2020, the Special Rappor teur examined data protection and surveillance in relation to COVID-19 and contact tracing in his preliminary report (A/75/147), in which he provided a more definitive anal ysis on how pandemics can be managed with respect to the right to privacy (A/76/220) in 2021.In another 2020 re port (A/HRC/43/52), the Special Rapporteur provides a set of recommendations on privacy in the online space calling for, among other things, ‘comprehensive protection for secure digital communications, including by promoting strong encryption and anonymity-enhancing tools, prod-


ucts, and services, and resisting requests for “backdoors” to digital communications’ and recommending that ‘gov ernment digital identity programs are not used to monitor and enforce societal gender norms, or for purposes that are not lawful, necessary, and proportionate in a demo cratic society.’

The Special Rapporteur also addressed the challenges of AI and privacy, as well as children’s privacy, particularly the role of privacy in supporting autonomy and positive participation of children in society, in his report in 2021 (A/ HRC/46/37).

Lastly, in 2022, the Special Rapporteur examined devel opments in privacy and data protection in Ibero-Ameri ca in her report titled Privacy and Personal Data Protec tion in Ibero-America: A Step Towards Globalization? (A/ HRC/49/55).

Freedom of expression

The High Commissioner and her office advocate for the promotion and protection of freedom of expression, in cluding in the online space. Key topics in this advocacy are the protection of the civic space and the safety of journal ists online; various forms of information control, including internet shutdowns and censorship; addressing incitement to violence, discrimination, or hostility; disinformation; and the role of social media platforms in the space of online expression.

Freedom of expression in the digital space also features highly on the agenda of the UNHRC. It has often underlined that states have a responsibility to ensure adequate pro tection of freedom of expression online, including when they adopt and implement measures aimed at dealing with issues such as cybersecurity, incitement to violence, and the promotion and distribution of extremist content online. The UNHRC has also been firm in condemning measures to intentionally prevent or disrupt access to or the dissemination of information online, and has called on states to refrain from and cease such measures.

In 2021, at the request of the UNHRC A/HRC/47/22, the High Commissioner prepared a report on internet shut downs (A/HRC/50/55), which looks at trends in internet shutdowns, analysing their causes, their legal implica tions, and impact on a range of human rights, including economic, social, and cultural rights. She called on states to refrain from the full range of internet shutdowns and companies to uphold their responsibilities to respect human rights Shestressed the need for development agencies, and regional and international organisations to bridge their digital connectivity efforts with efforts related to internet shutdowns.

UN Human Rights also weighs in on a range of law-making processes that are relevant for the exercise of the right to freedom of expression. For example, it has engaged with the development of the EU Digital Services Act, comment ed extensively on global trends in regulating social media, and participates in the process of elaborating a Compre


hensive International Convention on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes.

Special Rapporteurs on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression have been analysing issues relating to free expression in the digital space for more than a decade. Reports in the first half of the 2010s already addressed the importance of universal access to the internet for the enjoyment of human rights, free expression in the context of elections, and the adverse impacts of government surveillance on free expression. In 2018, the Special Rapporteur published a report on online content regulation. It tackles governments’ regulation of user-generated online content, analyses the role of com panies, and recommends that states should ensure an enabling environment for online freedom of expression and businesses should rely on human rights law when designing their products and services. The same year, he also presented to the UNGA a report addressing freedom of expression issues linked to the use of AI by companies and states. A year later, the Special Rapporteur presented a report to the UNGA on online hate speech that discuss es the regulation of hate speech in international human rights law and how it provides a basis for governmental actors considering regulatory options and for companies determining how to respect human rights online.

In 2020, the Special Rapporteur issued Disease Pandem ics and the Freedom of Opinion and Expression, a report that specifically tackles issues such as access to the inter

net, which is highlighted to be ‘a critical element of healthcare policy and practice, public information, and even the right to life’. The report calls for greater international co ordination on digital connectivity given the importance of digital access to healthcare information. Other reports addressed the vital importance of encryption and an onymity for the exercise of freedom of opinion and the threats to freedom of expression emanating from wide spread digital surveillance.

The Special Rapporteur, while acknowledging the complexities and challenges posed by disinformation in the digital age, noted that responses by states and companies to counter disinformation have been inadequate and detrimental to human rights. In her 2021 report Disinformation and Freedom of Opinion and Expres sion (A/HRC/47/25), she examined the threats posed by disinformation to human rights, democratic institutions, and development processes, and called for multidimen sional and multistakeholder responses to disinformation that are well grounded in the international human rights framework and urged companies to review their business models and states to recalibrate their responses to disin formation.

More recently, in 2022, the Special Rapporteur issued Reinforcing media freedom and the safety of journalists in the digital age (A/HRC/50/29), a report in which she calls on states and the international community to strength en multi stakeholder cooperation to protect and promote media freedom and the safety and journalism in the dig


ital age; ensure independence, pluralism, and viability of the media; and calls on digital services companies and so cial media platforms to respect the UNGPs on BHR.

Online hate speech and discrimination have also been ad dressed by the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion and belief. For instance, in a report published in 2019, the online manifestation of antisemitism (including antisemit ic hate speech) was underscored and best practices from the Netherlands and Poland were shared. The report highlights that governments ‘have an affirmative responsibility to address online antisemitism, as the digital sphere is now the primary public forum and marketplace for ideas’. In another document published that same year, the Spe cial Rapporteur assesses the impact of online platforms on discrimination and on the perpetuation of hostile and violent acts in the name of religion, as well as how restric tive measures such as blocking and filtering of websites negatively impact the freedom of expression.

The issue of online blasphemy and undue limitations on expressing critical views of religions and beliefs imposed by governments has also been addressed on a number of occasions, including in a report from 2018.

Gender rights online3

UN Human Rights and the UNHRC have reiterated on sev eral occasions the need for countries to bridge the gen

der digital divide and enhance the use of ICTs, including the internet, to promote the empowerment of all women and girls. It has also condemned gender-based violence committed on the internet. Implementing a 2016 UNHRC resolution on the promotion, protection, and enjoyment of human rights on the Internet, the High Commissioner on Human Rights in 2017 prepared a report on ways to bridge the gender digital divide from a human rights per spective

Rights of persons with disabilities

The promotion and protection of the rights of persons with disabilities in the online space has been addressed on several occasions by the UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities. A report from 2016 underscored that ICTs including the internet can increase the participation of persons with disabilities in public decision-making processes and that states should work towards reducing the access gap between those who can use ICTs and those who cannot.

Nevertheless, a report from 2019 stressed that the shift to e-governance and service delivery in a digital manner can hamper access for older persons with disabilities who may lack the necessary skills or equipment.

The Special Rapporteur also examined the opportunities and risks posed by AI, including discriminatory impacts in relation to AI in decision-making systems. In his 2021

3 Within the work of the OHCHR, ‘gender rights online’’ is referred to as ‘women rights and gender equality online’.


report (A/HRC/49/52), the Special Rapporteur emphasises the importance of disability-inclusive AI and the inclusion of persons with disabilities in conversations about AI.

Freedom of peaceful assembly and of association

The exercise of the rights to freedom of peaceful assem bly and of association in the digital environment in recent years have attracted increased attention. For example, the High Commissioner presented to the 44th session of the UNHRC a report on new technologies such as ICTs and their impact on the promotion and protection of human rights in the context of assemblies, including peaceful protests. The report highlighted many of the great opportunities for the exercise of human rights that digital technologies offer and analysed key issues linked to online content takedowns and called on states to stop the practice of network disruptions in the context of protests. It also de veloped guidance concerning the use of surveillance tools, in particular facial recognition technology.

The Human Rights Committee published in July 2020 its General Comment No. 37 on Article 21 of the Internation al Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) (right of peaceful assembly), which addresses manifold aspects arising in the digital context.

The Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peace ful assembly and of association in 2019 published a report for the UNHRC focusing on the opportunities and chal lenges facing the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly

and of association in the digital age. In following reports, he condemned the widespread practice of internet shut downs and raised concerns about technologically medi ated restrictions on free association and assembly in the context of crises.

Economic, social, and cultural rights

In March 2020, the UN Secretary-General presented to the UNHRC a report on the role of new technologies for the realisation of economic, social, and cultural rights. He identifies the opportunities and challenges held by new technologies for the realisation of economic, social, and cultural rights and other related human rights, and for the human-rights-based implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The report concludes with recommendations for related action by member states, private companies, and other stakeholders.

More recently, in 2022, the Special Rapporteur on Educa tion presented a report on the impact of digitalisation of education on the right to education (A/HRC/50/32) to the Human Rights Council, calling for the integration of hu man rights legal framework in digital education plans in the context of increasing digitalization of education.



Technical standard-setting and human rights

The UNHRC adopted resolution A/HRC/RES/47/23 on new and emerging digital technologies and human rights, which requested UN Human Rights to convene an expert consultation and write a report discussing the relation ship between human rights and technical standard-set ting processes for new and emerging digital technologies. The expert consultation and the report will be presented in 2023 at the UNHRC.

As requested by the UNHRC, in its resolution A/HRC/ RES/47/23, the High Commissioner presented her report on UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and Technology Companies (A/HRC/50/56), following the multistakeholder consultation held on 7 –8 March 2022. The High Commissioner’s report demonstrated the value and practical application of the UNGPs in preventing and addressing adverse human rights impacts by technology companies

The UNHRC has developed an e-learning tool to assist government officials from least developed countries and small island developing states (SIDS) as per the mandate of the Trust Fund to develop competencies on the UNHRC and its mechanisms.

Future of meetings

For more information, visit the UN Human Rights meetings and events page.

Social media networks

Facebook @UnitedNationsHumanRights

Twitter @UNHumanRights

Instagram @unitednationshumanrights



The South Centre

International Environment House 2 | Chemin de Balexert 7-9 | 1219 Vernier | Switzerland


About the South Centre

Established in 1995, the South Centre is an intergovernmental policy research think tank composed of and ac countable to developing country member states. It re searches key policy development issues and supports developing countries to effectively participate in interna tional negotiating processes that are relevant to achiev ing the sustainable development goals (SDGs). The South Centre promotes the unity of the Global South in such processes while recognising the diversity of national inter ests and priorities.

The South Centre works on a wide range of issues rele vant to countries in the Global South and the global com munity in general, such as sustainable development, cli

mate change, South-South co-operation (SSC), financing for development, innovation and intellectual property, traditional knowledge, access to medicines, health, biodi versity, trade, investment agreements, international tax cooperation, human rights, gender, and the Fourth Indus trial Revolution.

Within the limits of its capacity and mandate, the South Centre also responds to requests for policy advice and technical and other support from its members and other developing countries.

The South Centre has observer status in several interna tional organisations.


“The legal characterisation and design of a legal regime for data poses one of the most important contemporary challenges to policymakers. This is, of course, not the first time – nor will it be the last – that technological changes demand new policy and legal approaches. But in few cases have the stakes been so high for future socio-economic development.”

Carlos M. Correa’s

Message by the South Centre Executive Director

The South Centre is an intergovernmental organisation composed of and accountable to de veloping country member states, delivering policy-oriented research on issues relevant to the achievement of the sustainable development goals (SDGs). Our priorities include supporting de veloping countries to harness digital technologies, advance digital equity and inclusion, and par ticipate effectively in regulating the global digital economy and shaping the digital governance architecture to achieve the SDGs.


Message by the South Centre Executive Director

The South Centre provides a platform for developing countries to advance common digital agendas, in partnership with stakeholders such as other intergovernmental organisations, academic institutions, and civil society organisations.

We also assist countries to respond to the changes brought about by the Fourth Industrial Revolu tion as part of upgrading industrial policies and catch-up strategies, such as the impact on invest ment and trade; the need to increase access to internet connectivity, information and communica tion technologies (ICTs), and new technologies; the future of labour; and building adequate skills. We provide expert input to discussions on digital regulations including digital privacy, digital rights, data sovereignty, and taxation of the digital economy. Digital cooperation in the form of capacity building, access, and technology transfer are key development priorities for the global digital agenda.

The South Centre supports our members and the Group of 77 and China in negotiations in various UN forums including the Global Digital Compact, as well as negotiations on e-commerce in the World Trade Organization and in free trade agreements, discussions on digital health in the context of the World Health Organization, and discussions on artificial intelligence and intellectual property at the World Intellectual Property Organization.



Innovation and development is one of the issue areasarea the South Centre works on. As part of its efforts with in this domain, it focuses on information technologies. Moreover, digital issues are also tackled in the domain of, inter alia, taxation and the digital economy, data gover nance, e-commerce, and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The South Centre has produced deliverables/research outputs in the following areas: digital and financial inclu sion, digital economy, digital taxation, digital industrialisa tion, and digital trade, among others.

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Intellectual property rights

Intellectual property (IP) issues such as digital rights management and international legal frameworks for copyright in the digital age in the context of digital transformation have also been the subject of South Centre research.

In June 2019, it published a policy brief on Intellectual Property and Electronic Commerce: Proposals in the WTO and Policy Implications for Developing Countries, in which it gave an overview of discussions within the WTO on IP and its potential implications for the digital economy. Artificial intelligence (AI) was also tackled through the lens of IP. In Input on the Draft Issues Paper on IP Policy and AI submitted to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the South Centre provides several recommenda tions which, among other things, underscore that partic ularities of AI and IP policy in developing countries and capacity building, including South-South dynamics that should be tackled in the final draft of the issues paper.

In September 2020, the South Centre published a research paper on Data in Legal Limbo: Ownership, Sovereignty, or a Digital Public Goods Regime? and in 2022, a research pa per on The Liability of Internet Service Providers for Copy right Infringement in Sri Lanka: A Comparative Analysis.

E-commerce and trade

The digital economy is another issue researched by the South Centre in the context of development. For instance, in 2017 it published an analytical note The WTO’s Discus sions on Electronic Commerce, in which it explores the stance of developing countries (i.e. readiness in terms of infrastructure, upskilling, etc.) to engage in cross-border e-commerce. Among other things, it highlights challenges such as low information technology (IT) adoption and the lack of electricity supply that limit the uptake of e-com merce activities in Africa for instance. Another analytical note published that same year tackles the impact of the digital economy on micro, small and medium-sized enter prises (MSMEs), and looks into the type of e-commerce rules that could best serve the interests of MSMEs.

The South Centre also provides analyses and organises many meetings to discuss issues such as the World Trade Organisation ( WTO) E-Commerce Moratorium and the Joint Statement Initiative (JSI) plurilateral discussions on e-commerce.

In 2019, it addressed issues on the regulation of the digital economy in developing countries, namely, the future of work, market dynamics, and data and privacy protection.

The South Centre recently published a research paper on the WTO Moratorium on Customs Duties on Electronic Transmissions. This paper highlights the adverse impacts


of the continuing moratorium on developing and least developed countries. Because of the moratorium, almost all developing and least developed countries are losing tariff revenues at a time when they are most needed. With no clarity on the definition of electronic transmissions and thereby on the scope of the moratorium, its continuation can lead to substantive tariff revenue losses for develop ing and least developed countries in the future.

In addition to publications, the South Centre organises events, such as a workshop on E-commerce and Domestic Regulation, a technical session on South-South Digital Cooperation to Boost Trade Competitiveness, and a high-level event on South-South Digital Cooperation for Industrialization.

The South Centre also monitors developments and par ticipates in discussions in the field and across internation al organisations in Geneva, including the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) eTrade for All initiative.

In 2022, the South Centre organised/co-organised two sessions during the UNCTAD eCommerce week: Data Reg ulation: Implications for the Digitization of the Economy and Development and Exploring a Global Framework for Data Governance. The South Centre Executive Director also participated in the eTrade for All Leadership Dialogue. See the Centre’s contribution here.


A South Centre policy brief published in 2019 sheds light on some of the implications for developing countries con cerning the new international taxation global governance structure and the ongoing corporate tax reform process under the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) project umbrella in the context of the digitalisation of the economy.  Policy responses undertaken are briefly summarised in a South Views and elaborated in detail in a research paper by the South Centre Tax Initiative (SCTI).

In August 2020, the SCTI published a report from its Developing Country Expert Group: Assessment of the Two-Pillar Approach to Address the Tax Challenges Aris ing from the Digitalization of the Economy: An Outline of Positions Favorable to Developing Countries. This report is written primarily for developing country negotiators in the Inclusive Framework and contains a technical assess ment of Pillars One and Two. The aim is to discuss the po sitions and principles that can inform the negotiations in the best interests of developing countries. However, it is also written for a larger audience, particularly diplomats involved in financing for development discussions and international trade rule making, so as to sensitise them to the nuances of the ongoing discussion on the taxation


of the digitised economy. In 2021, Tax Cooperation Policy Briefs were produced on Article 12B – A Tax Treaty Solu tion by the UN Tax Committee for Taxing Digital Incomes and Developing Country Demands for an Equitable Digi tal Tax Solution. In 2022, a SouthViews on South Asia and the Need for Increased Tax Revenues from the Digitized Economy was published. The SCTI also submitted many comments on this matter in recent years.

In 2021, the South Centre co-organised a webinar with the Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ): Build your House on your own Pillars – Key Issues for Developing Countries at the OECD Inclusive Framework Negotiations on the Taxation of the Digital Economy. Just recently, in collaboration with the Coalition for Dialogue on Africa, it held a dialogue series on illicit financial flows: Comparing Tax Revenues to be Raised by Developing Countries from the OECD and UN Solutions for Taxing the Digital Economy. A research paper was also presented in the meeting.

To see other publications and meetings on this topic, go to

Sustainable development

The South Centre has delved into the interplay between digital technologies and development on several occa sions through its research outputs. In 2006, it published an analytical note titled Internet Governance for Develop

ment. The document tackles the interplay between development and technology arguing that affordable access to the internet allows for better education opportunities, greater access to information, improved private and public services, and stronger cultural diversity. More specifically, the document provided recommendations on issues such as openness (e.g. leaving the policy space open for devel oping countries), diversity (e.g. multilingualism), and secu rity (e.g. funding of computer security incident response teams (CSIRTs) to maximise the outcomes of discussions for developing countries at the Internet Governance Fo rum (IGF ).

A year later, the South Centre published the research pa per Towards a Digital Agenda for Developing Countries, in which it looks into the conditions, rights, and freedoms necessary for developing countries to benefit from digi tal and Internet resources. By bringing together several different strands of ongoing discussions and analyses at the national and international levels, it provides a direc tion for further research and policy analysis by laying the groundwork and creating awareness of the relevance and scope of digital and internet content for policymakers in developing countries.

In 2020, the South Centre continued to research the impact of digital technologies in the context of development. Its research paper The Fourth Industrial Revolution in Devel oping Nations: Challenges and Roadmap tackles trends in emerging technologies such as big data, robotics, and the



internet of things (IoT), and identifies challenges, namely, the lack of infrastructure, a trained and skilled workforce, scalability, and funding faced by developing countries. It goes on to propose a strategic framework for responding to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which focuses on ca pacity building, technology incubations, scientific devel opment, and policymaking.

In light of the ongoing global health pandemic, the South Centre as part of its publication series SouthViews, shared the perspectives of developing countries on digital health. The article uses the example of the adoption of digital technologies in healthcare in Pakistan, and how the COVID-19 crisis further advanced the development of dig ital health. A SouthViews on Access to Medical Equipment in a Pandemic Situation: Importance of Localized Supply Chains and 3D Printing was also published.

In 2020 and 2021, a SouthViews on Technology and In equality: Can We Decolonise the Digital World?, on Digital Transformation: Prioritizing Data Localization, and An In troduction to the UN Technology Bank for the Least Developed Countries were also published.

A Public Health Approach to Intellectual Property Rights is a virtual help desk on the use of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) flexibilities for public health purposes. South Cen tre Tax Initiative see here: https://taxinitiative.southcen

The South Centre has general and specific emailing lists. In light of the COVID-19 global pandemic, the South Centre has increasingly used Zoom and Microsoft Teams for on line meetings and webinars. The South Centre is moving to institutionally become a paperless organisation.

Future of meetings

The South Centre organised a webinar on The COVID-19 Pandemic: Intellectual Property Management for Access to Diagnostics, Medicines and Vaccines and a series of we binars on COVID-19 and Development: Energy for sustainable development in Africa in the post-COVID world – looking for the ‘New Normal’

Webinar 1: COVID-19 Impact Actions Across Afri ca. First-hand Information from Policymakers and Leading Experts

- Energy for sustainable development in Africa in the post-COVID world – looking for the ‘New Normal’

Webinar 2: Sustainable Energy for Africa: Transition through Growth. How to Boost Output, Improve Access and Reduce Impact on Nature and Society? Technologies, Scenarios, Strategies, Sources of Finance and Business Models. Tax Policy Options for Funding the Post-COVIDRrecovery in the Global South


Responsible Investment for Development and Human Rights: Assessing Different Mechanisms

to Face Possible Investor-state Disputes from COVID-19 Related Measures

See more meetings that the South Centre has organised at and https://ipaccessmeds.south and event/

Social media channels

Twitter @South_Centre

Facebook @South Centre

LinkedIn @South Centre, Geneva

YouTube @SouthCentre GVA


Swiss Digital Initiative (SDI)

c/o Campus Biotech | Chemin des Mines 9 | 1202 Geneva | Switzerland


About the SDI

The Swiss Digital Initiative (SDI) is an independent, non-profit foundation based in Geneva, founded in 2020 by digitalswitzerland and under the patronage of Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer. The SDI pursues concrete projects to secure ethical standards and promoting responsible conduct in the digital world. It brings together academia, government, civil society, and business to find solutions to strengthen trust in digital technologies and in the actors involved in ongoing digital transformation. The ethical challenges of digitalisation should be tackled through a multistakeholder approach, with public and private sector initiatives so that the full potential of digital technologies can be unleashed to serve communities and society.

To realise this ambition, the SDI seeks to enable a high-quality global conversation on the ethics of digitalisation.

The SDI subscribes to the following principles in its work: Inclusiveness: Commit to a participatory and inclusive process open to all relevant and interested stakeholders.

- Awareness: Take into account other relevant initia tives and research projects within the sphere of dig ital ethics.

Transparency: Guarantee transparent communication with stakeholders and the public.

- Agility: Ensure flexibility and agility to allow for ex perimentation and innovation, balancing benefits with risks.

Responsiveness: Enable appropriate responses to emerging dangers unforeseen during the develop ment of new digital processes.

Sustainability: Strive for minimal impact on resourc es.

Benevolence: Put people’s rights and needs (as en shrined in principles such as autonomy and fairness) at the heart of progress.

Accountability: Commit to acting responsibly and in accordance with applicable data protection laws.


Fathi Derder Doris Leuthard

“We strive to build a secure and ethical digital world by strengthening collaboration between international Geneva, NGOs, and the innovative Swiss scientific commu nity. Building up the trust movement, from Geneva to the world.”

“There is no better place to pioneer and experiment new tools for digital trust and responsibility than Geneva. A Label can be a good way to convene all international stakeholders working on the issue to find a global consensus”

Message by the SDI Managing Director

For the past decade, digital transformation has altered how humans interact, how companies conduct business, and how governments work. Technological innovation has created unprece dented opportunities for citizens, companies, and governments around the world, allowing great potential to increase productivity and further the welfare of individuals and societies. Despite the best intentions, however, technology can cause unintentional harm and may affect human rights, individual autonomy, financial stability, democratic processes,

Managing Director President of the Swiss Digital Initiative

Message by the SDI Managing Director

and national sovereignty. Thus, building trust in digital infrastructure and strengthening digital ethics and responsibility will be the foundation for societal innovation in the next decade of digital transformation.

Following the first Swiss Global Digital Summit on ethics and fairness in the digital age, organised under the patronage of Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer and by digitalswitzerland, the Swiss Digital Initiative (SDI) Foundation was established in 2019. Through concrete projects, SDI tackles the eth ical challenges of digitalisation, so that the full potential of digital technologies can be unleashed to serve communities and society, while also conducting a global conversation on the ethics of digitalisation.

In an effort to put trust and transparency back into tech, SDI has developed the first ever Digital Trust Label (DTL). This Label is meant to empower users when they use digital services and to give organisations a way to convey their commitment to digital responsibility. SDI has partnered with academic institutions to carry out projects on AI ethics and Corporate Digital Responsibility to raise awareness of data management, privacy, and artificial intelligence.

Positive effects on human rights and democracy in the digital world will depend not only on technological innovation but also on human choices about the use and design of new technologies. In this sense, concerted efforts and multistakeholder collaboration are needed to tackle digital challenges around algorithmic biases, discrimination, and data breaches, but also on digital literacy and access to information and transparency.

SDI aims to win national and international organisations for its vision of digital trust and help shape the discourse for consumers towards more digital transparency, accountability, and responsibility. Let us continue to work towards bringing ethical principles and values into practice and pioneering digital trust. From Geneva to the World!



The SDI works on concrete projects to put into practice ethical standards in the digital age and focus on the fol lowing three areas: Digital Trust, AI Ethics, and Digital Re sponsibility in Practice

With the growing awareness of the importance of digital trust, more than 50 national and international initiatives are dealing with certification, and the development of cri teria and labels for the responsible use of new technol ogies. To foster collaboration among like-minded initiatives, the SDI has compiled a comprehensive report on the digital trust ecosystem. The report Labels and Certifications for the Digital World – Mapping the International Landscape takes a closer look at 12 of the most relevant initiatives and analyses success factors as well as similar ities and differences compared to the Digital Trust Label by SDI. In addition, it provides an interactive overview that is regularly updated to keep track of the dynamic Digital Trust Ecosystem.

The Digital Trust Whitepaper provides a comprehensive overview of the dynamic digital trust ecosystem. The compiled knowledge should form the basis for better co operation and knowledge sharing. Instead of fragmenta tion, more cooperation is needed to define internationally valid labels and standards. It also provides the theoretical background for the SDI’s ongoing engagement in different working groups, for example the Working Group on Digi tal Trust of the World Economic Forum (WEF).

To assess the Swiss population’s mindset regarding trust in the digital world, a qualitative study Digital Trust from the User’s Perspective was carried out in November 2019.

In a trend map Landscape of the Digital Economy and Society, the trends identified further increase the impor tance of trustworthy digital services.



Digital standards

Digital Trust Label (DTL)

Digital Trust is a cornerstone of a successful digital trans formation. The first worldwide Digital Trust Label (DTL) was launched in January 2022. The DTL shows that a digital application meets mandatory criteria and thus a certain standard. It also creates more information and transpar ency for users regarding four aspects of the application: security, data protection, reliability of the application, and fair user interaction (use of artificial intelligence (AI)).

Benefits for all stakeholders:

Compliance with a specific standard: The digital ap plication meets 35 different criteria in 4 aspects.

- More transparency and information: Users understand what happens with their data and whether an algorithm makes a decision.

Responsible companies: The label shows that a dig ital application provider takes its responsibilities to wards users seriously.

Priority in addressing Digital Trust should be given to digital services that are used in fields where the handled data is very sensitive the consequences of using digital services matter greatly; where there is not much choice whether to use a digital service; and

- where digital services are rolled out at a high pace and on a large scale.

This particularly concerns digital services in healthcare, the public sector, the media sector, banking and insur ance, HR, and the education sector.

Artificial intelligence AI Ethics

As part of ongoing efforts to raise awareness for the im portance of digital responsibility and ethics in AI, the SDI has partnered up with the renowned Geneva School of Art and Design (HEAD) to create the interactive experience Adface. The web-based tool uses AI to analyse a person's face and create a user profile to produce targeted adver tisements that could fit the user profile. A simple tool to show that AI is already deeply embedded in and influenc ing everyday life (how AI algorithms influence decisions or automate a person’s decisions). Art and design can be a valuable ally for raising awareness and stimulating critical thinking around the societal implications of new technologies.



Digital responsibility

The SDI is currently conducting a project with IMD Lausanne to gather best practices when it comes to imple menting principles of corporate digital responsibility (CDR) and to create a starter kit with lessons, common challeng es, inspiration, and additional resources to facilitate the adoption of CDR within organisations.

Future of meetings

House of Switzerland at the World Economic Forum ( WEF) 2022 – Event on Pioneering Digital Trust - A Com mitment to Digital Responsibility together with the Feder al Department of Foreign Affairs.

As part of the Swiss digital days, the SDI conducted an event series to look at AI ethics from the perspective of the public and the private sector and to discuss scenarios for the future. Find the event summaries here:

What to consider when using AI in the public sector?

- Expectations for the private sector in AI ethics

Exploring future trends together

The SDI and Swissnex China partnered to conduct an expert talk on digital trust and the label criteria: TechTalk on pioneering digital trust.

Additional resources about the Digital Trust Label in SDI library

SDI Annual Report 2021

Labels and Certifications for the Digital World

The Digital Trust Label in a Nutshell

DTL Code of Practice DTL Criteria Catalogue

- Report Co-Development Process

Recommendations of the Experts Committee

User Study Digital Trust Switzerland

Global Digital Trust Label User Study

Second Public Consultation Report June 2021

Social media channels

Twitter @sdi_foundation

LinkedIn @Swiss Digital Initiative


United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

Palais des Nations | Av. de la Paix 8-14 | 1211 Geneva 10 | Switzerland


About the UNCTAD

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) is a UN body dedicated to supporting developing countries in accessing the benefits of a global ised economy more fairly and effectively. It provides anal ysis, facilitates consensus building, and offers technical assistance, thus helping countries use trade, investment, finance, and technology to support inclusive and sustain able development.

UNCTAD also works to facilitate and measure progress towards achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs), through a wide range of activities in areas such as technology and innovation, trade, investment, environ ment, transport and logistics, and the digital economy. It

places special emphasis on supporting the most vulnerable developing countries, including least developed coun tries (LDCs), landlocked developing countries, small island developing states (SIDS), and African countries to build resilience to economic shocks and to achieve structural economic transformation.

UNCTAD’s work often results in analyses, statistics, and recommendations that inform national and internation al policymaking processes, and contribute to promoting economic policies aimed at ending global economic in equalities and generating human-centric sustainable de velopment.


“The acceleration of the use of digital tools and technologies is happening against a backdrop of huge digital and data divides, and a highly unequal distribution of the benefits from the digital economy. Overcoming this challenge will determine our ability to meet the sustainable development goals. We at UNCTAD are committed to helping countries tackle these digital inequalities to promote inclusive sustainable development.”

Rebeca Grynspan


Message by the UNCTAD Secretary-General

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) supports developing countries to access the benefits of a globalised economy more fairly and effectively.

We provide analysis, facilitate consensus-building, and offer technical assistance, thus helping countries use trade, investment, finance, and technology to support inclusive and sustainable development.

UNCTAD conducts wide-ranging activities in the digital area, from research and analysis to pro-


Message by the UNCTAD Secretary-General

viding assistance to member states in developing adequate legislative frameworks and facilitating international dialogue on the development opportunities and challenges associated with the digital economy.

We also facilitate and measure progress towards achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs), in particular through (but not limited to) activities in the field of science, technology, and innovation for development. Consumer protection, gender equality, productive capacity building, and privacy and data protection are other digital policy areas where UNCTAD is active.

The widening digital divide and the uneven speed of digital transformation are major global challenges for the world we aspire to. Today, countries’ ability to participate and benefit from economic opportu nities greatly depend on their digital capacities. And even more so in the future, as the world goes ever more digital.

Also, the COVID-19 pandemic has made evident the importance of digital technologies and relevant business models to build resilient systems that are open, inclusive, and secure, and benefit all.

The problem is that the digital economy of today is highly unequal. One-third of the world’s population remains offline. Almost three-quarters of people living in least developed countries have never been online. The traditional digital divide is compounded by a data-related divide between countries due to very high levels of market power concentration along the value chain.

This is why we have strengthened our work in assisting developing countries to enhance their read iness to engage and integrate into the digital economy. We are also promoting more multilateral dia logue on digital trade and cooperation to enhance the development potential of the digital economy.

UNCTAD is also championing better data governance. The way we govern the process of digital trans formation greatly determines the outcome. Governance involves setting the rules of the game for all actors involved in digitalisation. It affects who will benefit and lose from digital disruption, how the value created in the digital economy will be distributed, who will be responsible for addressing possible externalities from the use of digital solutions, and to what extent digital markets will be competitive and open.

UNCTAD brings together all stakeholders to forge policies and approaches that foster inclusive and sustainable outcomes. We are committed to providing member states with analysis, data, and evi dence for informed decision-making, policy options, and practices aimed at ensuring everyone benefits from the digital economy.



UNCTAD is particularly active in the field of e-commerce, trade, and the digital economy, carrying out a wide range of activities from research and analysis to providing as sistance to member states in developing adequate leg islative and regulatory frameworks and facilitating inter national dialogue on the development opportunities and challenges associated with the digital economy. UNCTAD

also works to facilitate and measure progress towards achieving the SDGs, in particular through (but not limit ed to) its activities in the field of science, technology, and innovation (STI) for development. Consumer protection, gender equality, productive capacity building, and privacy and data protection are other digital policy areas where UNCTAD is active.

Credits by


Data governance

As data has become a key resource in the digital economy, data governance is a fundamental part of the work of UNCTAD. This is illustrated, for example, in the re search and analysis work of the Digital Economy Report 2019, which focused on the role of data as the source of value in the digital economy and how it is created and captured and the Digital Economy Report 2021, which analysed cross-border data flows and development. Moreover, some of UNCTAD’s work on e-commerce and digital trade touches specifically on privacy and data protection issues. For instance, the eCommerce and Law Reform work dedicated to supporting devel oping countries in their efforts to establish adequate legal frameworks for e-commerce also covers data protection and privacy among the key issues addressed. The Global Cyberlaw Trackers offers information on data protection laws in UNCTAD member states.

Also relevant for data governance discussions is UNCT AD’s work on statistics, as the organisation collects and analyses a wide range of data and statistics on issues such as economic trends, international trade, invest ment, development, and the digital economy. UNCT AD’s statistical capacity development activities help countries enhance their statistical and data infrastruc tures and often address issues of data governance, such as statistical confidentiality, access to data, and privacy protection. UNCTAD also contributes actively

to global work to enhance data governance in statistics and beyond and to develop universal principles to guide the collection, dissemination, use, and storage of data.

UNCTAD makes its data and statistics available as open-source in the UNCTADstat data centre. Statistics underpin UNCTAD’s analytical work and are featured in many publications. The UNCTAD Handbook of Statis tics disseminates key messages from UNCTAD’s statistics including infographics and UNCTAD’s SDG Pulse offers statistical information on developments related to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In addition, Development and Globalization Facts and Fig ures publications provide thematic updates on topi cal issues with the latest number focusing on SIDS. To provide timely information on the global economy and trade, UNCTAD Statistics publishes a weekly Trade and Economy Nowcast.

UNCTAD is also running several projects focused on improving the efficiency of data management for example by developing a plug-and-play system to compile Trade in Services Statistics, its activities in the Digitising Global Maritime Trade project, and by supporting customs operations with the Automated System for Customs Data. UNCTAD’s own statistical activities are governed by the UNCTAD Statistics Quality Assurance Framework , which is aligned with principles governing international statistical activities.


Digital Economy Report 2019

Data Protection Regulations and International Data

Flows: Implications for Trade and Development (2016)

UNCTAD Statistics Quality Assurance Framework

- UNCTADstat data centre


UNCTAD Handbook of Statistics

Trade and Economy Nowcast Development and Globalization Facts and Figures

E-commerce and trade

UNCTAD’s work programme on e-commerce and the digital economy (ECDE Programme), encompasses sev eral research and analysis, consensus-building, and technical assistance activities, as follows:

Research and analysis

UNCTAD conducts research and analysis on e-com merce and the digital economy and their implications for trade and development. These are mainly pre sented in its flagship publication, the Digital Economy Report (known as Information Economy Report until 2017), and in its Technical Notes on ICT for Development

The Technology and Innovation Report, another flagship publication, highlights the need to build science, tech nology, and innovation capabilities as prerequisites to enabling developing countries and LDCs to adopt and adapt frontier technologies, including digital technolo gies.

Consensus building on e-commerce and digital economy policies

UNCTAD’s Intergovernmental Group of Experts on E-com merce and the Digital Economy meets regularly to dis cuss ways to strengthen the development dimension of e-commerce and the digital economy. The group’s meetings are usually held in conjunction with eCom merce Week, an annual event hosted by UNCTAD fea turing discussions on development opportunities and challenges associated with the digital economy.

UNCTAD also serves as a knowledge partner to the de liberations of the G20 Digital Economy Working Group on Data Free Flow with Trust and Cross-border Data Flows.


Under the auspices of the UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD), UNCTAD provides substantive work on the follow-up to the World Summit on the Information Society ( WSIS) – a unique two-phase UN summit that was initiated to create an evolving multistakeholder platform to address the issues raised by information and communications technologies (ICTs) through a structured and inclusive


approach at the national, regional, and international levels.

To that end, the CSTD:

- Reviews and assesses progress at the international and regional levels in the implementation of action lines, recommendations, and commitments contained in the outcome documents of the Summit.

Shares best and effective practices and lessons learned and identifies obstacles and constraints en countered, and actions and initiatives to overcome them alongside important measures for further im plementation of the Summit outcomes.

- Promotes dialogue and foster partnerships, in coordination with other appropriate UN funds, programmes and specialised agencies, to contribute to the attainment of the Summit.

Monitors objectives and the implementation of its outcomes and the use of ICTs for development and the achievement of internationally agreed develop ment goals, with the participation of governments, the private sector, civil society, the UN, and other international organisations in accordance with their different roles and responsibilities.

E-Commerce assessments and strategy formulation

The eTrade Readiness Assessments (eT Readies) assist LDCs and other developing countries in understanding their e-commerce readiness in key policy areas to

better engage in and benefit from e-commerce. The assessments provide recommendations to overcome identified barriers and bottlenecks to growth and en joying the benefits of digital trade.

UNCTAD’s work on ICT policy reviews and national e-commerce strategies involves technical assistance, advisory services, diagnostics, and strategy develop ment on e-commerce, and national ICT planning at the request of governments. Through an analysis of the infrastructural, policy, regulatory, institutional, operational, and socioeconomic landscape, the reviews help governments to overcome weaknesses and bureaucratic barriers, leverage strengths and opportunities, and put in place relevant strategies.

Legal frameworks for e-commerce

UNCTAD’s E-commerce and Law Reform work helps to develop an understanding of the legal issues underpin ning e-commerce through a series of capacity-building workshops for policymakers at the national and region al levels. Concrete actions include assistance in estab lishing domestic and regional legal regimes to enhance trust in online transactions, regional studies on cyber laws harmonisation, and the global mapping of e-com merce legislation through its Global Cyberlaw Tracker.

Measuring the information economy

UNCTAD’s work on measuring the information economy includes statistical data collection and the development


of methodology, as well as linking statistics and policy through the Working Group on Measuring E-commerce and the Digital Economy, established by the Intergovern mental Group of Experts on E-Commerce and the Digital Economy. Figures are published in the biennial Digital Economy Report and the UNCTADstat Data Centre. Tech nical cooperation here aims to strengthen the capacity of national statistical systems to produce better, more reliable, and internationally comparable statistics on the following issues: ICT use by enterprises, size and composition of the ICT sector, and e-commerce and in ternational trade in ICT-enabled services. UNCTAD also produces the business-to-consumer (B2C) E-commerce Index, which measures an economy’s preparedness to support online shopping.

Smart partnerships through eTrade for all

The eTrade for all initiative (eT4a) is a global collaborative effort of 32 partners to scale up cooperation, transparency, and aid efficiency towards more inclusive e-commerce. Its main tool is an online platform (etradeforall. org), a knowledge-sharing and information hub that facilitates access to a wide range of information and resources on e-commerce and the digital economy. It offers a gateway for matching the suppliers of technical assistance with those in need. Beneficiaries can con nect with potential partners, and learn about trends, best practices, up-to-date e-commerce indicators, and upcoming events all in one place. The initiative also acts as a catalyst of partnership among its members

for increased synergies. This collaboration has concretely translated into the participation of several eT4a partners as key contributors to the various eCommerce Weeks organised by UNCTAD and in the conduct and review of eTrade Readiness Assessments.

Market access and rules of origin for LDCs

LDCs are granted preferential tariff treatment in the markets of developed and developing countries un der several schemes and arrangements. Since its in ception, UNCTAD has assisted governments in devel oping preferential rules of origin (RoO). UNCTAD assists governments and regional economic communities, as well as the AfCFTA Secretariat, in negotiating and draft ing their RoO. Most recently, UNCTAD's technical assis tance has focused on the implementation of the World Trade Organization's ( WTO's) 2005 Hong Kong decision on Duty-free, Quota-free (DFQF ) market access, and understanding and drafting RoO.

UNCTAD has undertaken extensive research on DFQF and RoO.

The UNCTAD Database on the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) provides information on trade statistics, rules of origin, and tariff offers under AfCFTA at the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding



System (HS) subheading (6-digit) level1. The database enables automatic data visualisation to create a snap shot of the object of interest and matching trade statis tics within the AfCFTA tariff offers, and product specific rules of origin where available.

The UNCTAD Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) utilisation database provides information on the utili sation of the GSP schemes as well as other trade pref erences granted to developing countries and LDCs under GSP, DFQF arrangements, and trade preferences under reciprocal free trade agreements (FTAs).

- Digital Economy Report 2019 – Value Creation and Capture: Implications for Developing Countries (2019)

Towards E-commerce Legal Harmonization in the Caribbean (2018)

- eTrade Readiness Assessments for Least Developed Countries

Handbook on Duty-Free and Quota-Free Market Ac cess and Rules of Origin for Least Developed Coun tries (Part I)

Handbook on Duty-Free and Quota Free Market Ac cess and Rules of Origin for Least Developed Coun tries (Part II)

Handbook on Preferential Market Access for ASEAN Least Developed Countries (Part III)

Compendium of Technical Notes Prepared for the LeastDdeveloped Countries WTO Group on Prefer ential Rules of Origin

Getting to Better Rules of Origin for LDCs Using Utilization Rates eCommerce and Law Reform Global Cyberlaw Tracker eTrade for all initiative eTrade for Women programme

Rapid eTrade readiness assessments

ICT policy reviews

Measuring e-commerce and the digital economy

Intergovernmental Group of Experts on E-commerce and the Digital Economy

Database on the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)

Database on the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP),

The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System – com monly known as the Harmonized System or HS – is an internationally standardised nomenclature for the description, classification and coding of goods




The annual Digital Economy Report counts on collaboration with organisations such as ITU, ITC, WTO, the World Bank, and UN regional commissions.

UNCTAD partners with various organisations in the context of the eT4a initiatives. Examples include ILO, WIPO, WEF, UN regional commissions, etc.

Consumer protection2

Through its Competition and Consumer Policies Programme, UNCTAD works to assist countries in improving their competition and consumer protection policies. It provides a forum for intergovernmental delibera tions on these issues; undertakes research, policy anal ysis and data collection; and provides technical assis tance to developing countries. The Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Consumer Protection Law and Pol icy monitors the implementation of the UN Guidelines for Consumer Protection, and carries out research and provides technical assistance on consumer protection issues (including in the context of e-commerce and the digital economy).

UNCTAD’s work programme on consumer protection is guided, among others, by the UN Conference of Compe tition and Consumer Protection (held every five years). Given the significant imbalances in market power in

the digital economy, competition policy is becoming increasingly relevant for developing countries. UNCTAD addresses this issue in the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Competition Law and Policy.

UNCTAD also runs the Research Partnership Platform, aimed at contributing to the development of best prac tices in the formulation and implementation of compe tition and consumer protection laws and policies.

Voluntary Peer Reviews of Consumer Protection Law and Policies

Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Consumer Protection Law and Policy

Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Competition Law and Policy

Research Partnership Platform on Competition and Consumer Protection

UN Conference of Competition and Consumer Protection

Creative economy

The UNCTAD Creative Economy Programme recognises the importance of this tremendous sector and its contribution to the global economy. UNCTAD is mandat ed to conduct research and policy analysis, consensus building, and technical cooperation. Conservative esti mates put the creative economy’s contribution to glob al gross domestic product at about 3%, roughly in line with its contribution to world trade.

Consumer protection and competition are jointly addressed in the work of UNCTAD


Also known as the orange economy, this vibrant sector is heavily influenced by increased digitalisation of creative products and digital products.  The Creative Industries 4.0 report looks at the implications for the creative economy of the rapid changes in automated technology and advanced internet communication that came to be known as Industry 4.0. Using a sustainable development lens, this report looks at opportunities for economic and social development driven by the digitalisation and advanced technologies for develop ing countries.

Sustainable development

UNCTAD works to facilitate and measure progress towards achieving the SDGs. It is a custodian agency and partner for nine SDG indicators related to trade, tariffs, development finance, debt, investment, illic it finance, and enterprise sustainability. This entails a global responsibility for UNCTAD to develop concepts and methods to track progress with these indicators, and to support member states in strengthening their capacity to measure and analyse progress to effec tively target policy efforts towards meeting the SDGs.

UNCTAD releases data-driven analyses on progress to wards the SDGs in the areas of trade, development, in vestment, finance, and technology, including ICTs and digital trade in its annual SDG Pulse online publication.

UNCTAD’s work to facilitate and measure progress to

wards SDGs includes (but is not limited to) activities in the field of STI for development. The organisation sup ports countries in their efforts to integrate STI in na tional development strategies, through initiatives such as Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Reviews and capacity-building programmes (such as the Innovation Policy Learning Programme). The eT4a initiative is also intended to contribute to several SDGs, especially in relation to decent work and economic growth, innova tion and infrastructure, global partnerships, and gen der equality. UNCTAD’s Investment Policy Framework for Sustainable Development provides guidance for pol icymakers in formulating national investment policies and in negotiating investment agreements. The organisation is also part of the Toolbox for Financing for SDGs – a platform launched in 2018 at the initiative of the President of the UN General Assembly to assist countries and financial actors in exploring solutions to the challenges of financing the SDGs.

UNCTAD carries out research and analysis work cov ering various development-related issues, examples being its Digital Economy Report and the Technical Notes on ICT for Tevelopment. As the body responsible for servicing the CTSD, UNCTAD also assists the CSTD in its sustainable development-related work, for instance by preparing studies and reports on issues such as the impact of advanced technologies on sustainable development.

UNCTAD's Productive Capacities Index (PCI) is a dynamic


and practical tool to support developing countries in understanding the status of their productive capacity and how this can be improved. It builds on UNCTAD's long-standing work on productive capacities, which are essential for generating inclusive and sustained eco nomic growth and achieving sustainable development. The PCI covers 193 economies for the period 2000–2018. The set of productive capacities and their specific combinations are mapped across 46 indicators. The in dex can help diagnose the areas where countries may be leading or falling behind, spotlighting where policies are working and where corrective efforts are needed. It suggests a roadmap for future policy actions and inter ventions under each of its eight components: human capital, natural capital, ICTs, structural change, transport, institutions, and the private sector.

Other UNCTAD activities designed to contribute to sustainable development cover issues such as climate change, the circular economy, and intellectual property with a focus on the most vulnerable developing coun tries including SIDS, LDCs, landlocked developing coun tries (LLDCs), and African countries.


- The Role of Science, Technology and Innovation in Building Resilient Cmmunities, including through the Contribution of Citizen Science (2020)

The Impact of Rapid Technological Change on Sustainable Development (2019)

Building Digital Competencies to Benefit from Frontier Technologies (2019)

Digital Economy Report 2019

Technical Notes on ICT for Development

Investment Policy Framework for Sustainable De velopment

UNCTAD Productive Capacities Index: Methodologi cal Approach and Results

PCI database

Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Reviews Innovation Policy Learning Programme

Investment Policy Hub

Toolbox for Financing for SDGs

- UNCTAD services the UN Commission on Science and Development

Capacity development

Many activities undertaken by UNCTAD have a capac ity development dimension. For instance, its work on e-commerce and trade includes supporting developing countries in establishing adequate legal frameworks in these areas (e.g. its eCommerce and Law Reform work) and in producing statistics that can guide effective pol icymaking (e.g. the Measuring E-commerce and the Dig


ital Economy activities, the Productive Capacities Index and the ICT Policy Reviews). UNCTAD’s E-Learning on Trade platform provides courses and training on issues such as trade, gender, and development and non-tariff measures in trade.

The TRAINFORTRADE programme has recently launched a project on blended learning strategy to boost the digital economy in SIDS. The project is struc tured to encompass the legal aspects of e-commerce, digital economy statistics, and digital identity for trade and development.

UNCTAD also works to build capacity in STI policymak ing in developing countries, through initiatives such as the Innovation Policy Learning Programme and STI train ing provided in the context of the P166 programme.

Additionally, UNCTAD's Virtual Institute – run in co-operation with universities worldwide – is dedicated to building knowledge for trade and development. Another area where UNCTAD provides capacity building for developing countries is that of statistics: The organisa tion and its partners assist national statistics organisa tions in the collection, compilation, and dissemination of their statistics in domains such as trade, sustainable development, and investments.

Building Digital Competencies to Benefit from Fron tier Technologies (2019)

eCommerce and Law Reform

Measuring e-commerce and the Digital Economy

ICT Policy Review

Innovation Policy Learning Programme

UNCTAD's Virtual Institute

E-Learning on Trade Platform

Gender rights

UNCTAD runs a Trade, Gender, and Development pro gramme dedicated to assisting countries in developing and implementing gender-sensitive trade policies, conducting gender impact analyses of trade policies and agreements, and strengthening the links between trade and gender. One notable initiative is the eTrade for Women initiative, dedicated to advancing the em powerment of women through ICTs.

UNCTAD works to strengthen countries' capacity to develop and use gender-relevant statistics to inform trade policy. In 2018, UNCTAD developed a conceptu al framework to measure gender and trade to support policymakers and national statistics offices in assessing gender equality in international trade and reviewing existing data in this field. Guided by this framework, UNCTAD is working in a project with the economic commissions for Africa (ECA) and Europe (ECE) to strengthen the capacity of interested countries in Africa, Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia to develop and


use statistics for more gender-responsive trade policy and to inform the analysis of the gendered impacts of COVID-19 through trade. A pilot in Georgia provided new gender-in-trade indicators for trade policy by re using existing data; work in four additional countries is ongoing in Africa. This work has given the basis for preparing compilation guidelines on gender and trade statistics to help scale up this work globally. UNCTAD also leads a work stream to include gender equality and inclusiveness considerations in the update of the United Nations Trade Statistics manuals used by all coun tries globally.

Other initiatives undertaken in this area include ca pacity building on trade and gender, the Women in Sci ence, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM): Changing the Narrative Dialogues, and the project Data and Statistics for More Gender Responsive Trade Policies in Africa, the Caucasus and Central Asia.

Comparing Global Gender Inequality Indices: Where is Trade? (2019)

Making Trade Policies Gender-Responsive: Data Requirements, Methodological Developments and Challenges (2019)

Better Data and Statistics for Gender-Responsive Trade Policy (2018) eTrade for Women Initiative

Trade, Gender and Development Programme Capacity Building on Trade and Gender

Non-tariff barriers

UNCTAD has developed digital tools to assist businesses and governments alike to identify non-tariff barri ers (NTBs) and non-tariff measures (NTMs), which help make international trade more transparent.

In collaboration with the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Secretariat, an NTB online re porting, monitoring and eliminating mechanism was developed to help remove NTBs to intra-Af rican trade. Using the online platform is open to all African business sectors and users can report any obstacles when trading goods.

The UNCTAD Trains Portal acts as a single win dow for importers/exporters, policymakers, and researchers to access data on trade regulations, NTMs, and some practical information on target markets. Using digital technology, the interface features an interactive map on NTM coverage worldwide at users’ fingertips.

Voluntary Sustainability Standards

Consumer protection: Voluntary sustainability stan dards ( VSS) are guidelines for producing, selling, and purchasing products in a sustainable manner. VSS provide consumers with information about the sustainability efforts taken for a product’s production



and manufacturing, with the aim of positively affecting communities, the environment, and the economy. However, in the last two decades, there has been an ex ponential growth in the demand and supply of leading VSS-compliant products, leading to a growth in their proliferation and a lack of evidence of the work that VSS do. UNCTAD, as the secretariat of the United Na tions Forum on Sustainability Standards (UNFSS), works on issues pertaining to VSS, undertakes research, pol icy analysis, and data collection, and provides support to developing countries with regard to work related to VSS. As a means to establish credible research on the impacts that VSS have, UNCTAD also developed the VSS Analytical Toolkit to identify the challenges and perceptions behind adopting a VSS scheme, and to explore policy options to address them.

Sustainable development: Linking Voluntary Stan dards to Sustainable Development Goals (2020)

Gender Rights: Exploring the Role of Voluntary Sustain ability Standards (VSS) for Women's Economic Empowerment in the Agriculture Sector in Developing Countries (2022)

Additional digital tools and online platforms are:

UNCTAD Global Cyberlaw Tracker

eTrade for all platform

UNCTADstat data centre

UNCTAD's Virtual Institute

E-Learning on Trade platform

UNCTAD’s Productive Capacities Index

Database on the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)

Database on the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP),

UNCTAD’s Illicit Financial Flows tools


Many of UNCTAD’s publications are released as digital publications only.

Social media channels

Instagram @unctad

Twitter @UNCTAD

YouTube @UNCTADOnline

Flickr @UNCTAD

LinkedIn @UNCTAD

Facebook @UNCTAD


United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)

Palais des Nations | CH-1211 | Geneva 10 | Switzerland


About the UNECE

The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) is one of five regional commissions of the UN. Its major aim is to promote pan-European economic in tegration. To do so, it brings together 56 countries in Eu rope, North America, and Central Asia, which discuss and co-operate on economic and sectoral issues.

UNECE works to promote sustainable development and economic growth through policy dialogue, negotiation of international legal instruments, development of regula tions and norms, exchange and application of best prac tices, economic and technical expertise, and technical cooperation for countries with economies in transition. It also sets out norms, standards, and conventions to facili tate international cooperation.


“Digitalisation is a priority for UNECE member states, where UNECE seeks to respond to changes and is actively shaping opportunities to advance sustainable and inclusive development and increase prosperity in our region.”

Olga Algayerova

Executive Secretary

Message by the UNECE Executive Secretary

Digital technologies are unleashing changes that are reshaping economic sectors and business models. They offer new opportunities for individual advancement and for social engagement.

In its multiple areas of work, UNECE responds to the changes driven by digitalisation. But we are also actively shaping and taking advantage of the opportunities that digital technologies open to advance sustainable development and increase prosperity in our region.


Message by the UNECE Executive Secretary

Examples of our activities:

Collaboration with the private sector and the use of digital technologies underpins a major ini tiative to promote circularity through traceability in the garment and footwear sector. The Sus tainability Pledge provides a UN-brokered way for industry stakeholders to advance responsible business models and verify sustainability claims. UNECE has developed a blockchain platform, which engages 60 industry partners in 18 countries.

- Through the work of the United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT), we are advancing the next generation of standards to digitalise data and docu ment exchange in multimodal transport and trade.

The automotive sector is undergoing a profound transformation driven by digitalisation. New possibilities for vehicle automation, connectivity and shared mobility have emerged. UNECE’s normative work through the World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations facili tates progress and collaboration in these areas.

- Digitalisation holds multiple promises to deal with the challenges posed by ageing populations, including the delivery of assistance, lifelong learning, and labour market participation. UNECE has been facilitating the exploration of policy solutions to reap these benefits and prevent exclusion.

Climate change demands faster progress and new solutions to address unrelenting environmental pressures. The contribution of digital technologies, which can increase efficiency and raise innovation, will be critical in these efforts.

The focus of the 70th session of the Economic Commission for Europe in 2023 is the digital and green transformation. UNECE intends to step up our work in this area, and we look forward to the collabora tion with governments and our partners to shape the future we want.



UNECE’s work touches on several digital policy issues, ranging from digital standards (in particular in relation to electronic data interchange for administration, com merce, and transport) to the internet of things (e.g. intelli gent transport systems). Its activities on connected vehi cles and automated driving systems are essential to seize the benefits of technical progress and disruptions in that field and to operationalise new mobility concepts such as Mobility as a Service (MaaS). Its UN Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT) devel ops trade facilitation recommendations and electronic business standards, covering both commercial and gov ernment business processes. UNECE also carries out ac tivities focused on promoting sustainable development, in areas such as sustainable and smart cities for all ages; sustainable mobility and smart connectivity; and measuring and monitoring progress towards the sustainable development goals (SDGs).

UNECE’s work in the field of statistics is also relevant for digital policy issues. For example, the 2019 Guidance on Modernizing Statistical Legislation – which guides coun tries through the process of reviewing and revising statis tical legislation – covers issues such as open data, national and international data exchanges, and government data management.

UNECE carries out extensive work in the area of sustain able transport leading on several UN Conventions. Accession to the conventions continues to increase as more and more member states realise the benefits in the time taken and associated costs in the movement of goods. Numerous digitised systems have been developed, and are maintained, hosted, and administered under the auspices of UNECE. For a number of other tools and mechanisms, work is underway.



Digital standards

UNECE’s intergovernmental body UN/CEFACT continues making great strides in the area of digital standards. In a recent collaboration with the International Federation of Freight-Forwarders Associations (FIATA), it developed the electronic FIATA Multimodal Bill of Lading (eFBL) data standard. The basis of the mapping of the Negotiable FIATA Multimodal Transport Bill of Lading (FBL) with the UN/CEFACT Multimodal Transport (MMT) reference data model, allows the exchange of BL data in a standardised way, facilitating interoperability between all modes of transport and industry stakeholders. Similar to other data standards developed by UN/CEFACT, the data standard is offered as open-source for all software providers and industry stakeholders to implement. UNECE’s standardisation work builds on a family of reference data models in alignment with its strategy to become the next generation of global standards for trade and transport information exchange. Other digital standards in the areas of supply chain management, agriculture, and travel and tourism (e.g. Buy Ship Pay Reference Data Model, Textile and Leather Data Model (Part 1 and Part 2), and Travel and Tourism Experience Programme Data Model) are a great step toward paperless trade and benefit all actors of the supply chain by reducing costs, increasing security, and gaining efficiency.






XML Schemas

Various other standards cover areas such as supply chain management, transport and logistics, agriculture, accounting and audit, travel and tourism, and the environment.

UN Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Busi ness (UN/CEFACT)

UN/CEFACT Github Repository

UN/CEFACT Collaborative Environment (CUE)

UNECE Trade Facilitation Implementation Guide

UN/CEFACT Streamline Presentation of Standards

UN/CEFACT Guidance Material

Internet of things and artificial intelligence

As the UN centre for inland transport, UNECE hosts the international regulatory platforms in the field of auto mated driving and intelligent transport systems. It hosts multilateral agreements and conventions ruling the re


quirements and the use of these technologies (such as the UN agreements on vehicle regulations and the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic). Its activities (e.g. facilitating policy dialogue and developing regulations and norms) contribute to enabling automated driving functionalities and ensuring that the benefits of these technologies can be captured without compromising safety and progress achieved in areas such as border crossing and interop erability. It also collaborates with other interested stake holders, including the automotive and information and communication technology (ICT) industries, consumer organisations, governments, and international organisa tions.

Another area of work for UNECE is related to harnessing smart technologies and innovation for sustainable and smart cities. In this regard, it promotes the use of ICTs in city planning and service provision and it has developed (together with the ITU) a set of key performance indicators for smart sustainable cities. UNECE also works to facilitate connectivity through sustainable infrastructure. For in stance, it assists countries in developing smart grids for more efficient energy distribution, and it administers in ternational e-roads, e-rail, and e-waterway networks.

UNECE launched the Advisory Group on Advanced Technology in Trade and Logistics (AGAT) in 2020 on topics, such as distributed ledger technologies (DLT) including blockchain, internet of things (IoT), and artificial intelli gence (AI).

AI for energy

AI and other technologies are inspiring energy suppliers, transmission and distribution companies, and demand sectors (buildings, industry, transport) to establish new business models to generate, deliver, and consume ener gy in a more sustainable way.

UNECE established a Task Force on Digitalization in Ener gy to offer a platform for cross-industry experts from the energy sector and digital innovation to develop a unified voice on digitalisation in energy

The group found that AI and digitalisation have the po tential to reduce residential and commercial buildings’ en ergy use by as much as 10% globally by 2040 if applied throughout a building’s value chain and life cycle.  In par ticular, applications of AI may help optimise a building’s orientation for solar heat gain and predict power and heat needs, thus increasing overall energy security and maximising the integration of renewable energy sources.

The group also found that AI and digitalisation could help achieve energy savings of at least 10%–20% in the indus trial sector (which consumes around 38% of global final energy and produces 24% of greenhouse gasses).

Automated driving

- Revised Framework Document on Automated/Au tonomous Vehicles (2022)


- Guidelines and recommendations concerning safety requirements for automated driving systems (document endorsed in June 2022)

Guideline for validating automated driving system (document endorsed in June 2022)

Paper on Artificial Intelligence and Vehicle Regulations (2018) and update (2022)

UN Regulation No. 157 on the Type Approval of Automated Lane Keeping Systems (ALKS) (2020), amended in June 2022

Resolution on the Deployment of Highly and Fully Automated Vehicles in Road Traffic

- Vienna Convention on Road Traffic (1968)

All You Need To Know About Automated Vehicles (2022)

UN Regulation on Uniform Povisions Concern ing the Approval of Vehicles with regard to Cyber Security and of their Cybersecurity Management Systems

UN Regulation No. 156 - Software Update and Soft ware Update Management System

Key Performance Indicators for Smart Sustainable Cities (2015)

Resolution on the Deployment of Highly and Fully Automated Vehicles in Road Traffic

Artificial Intelligence and Vehicle Regulations I. Introduction II. Some Terms And applications

World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regula tions (WP.29)

Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles

- Global Forum for Road Traffic Safety (WP.1)

UNECE Committee on Urban Development, Hous ing and Land Management

Advisory Group on Advanced Technologies (AGAT) | UNECE

ITU and UNECE co-organise the annual Future Net worked Car symposium.

ITU and UNECE have developed key performance indicators for smart sustainable cities.

United for Smart Sustainable Cities - UNECE is one of the coordinators

Artificial Intelligence Demystified - Background, Principles and the Main Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Related Concepts


UNECE’s subsidiary body UN/CEFACT has been exploring the use of blockchain for trade facilitation. For instance, work carried out within the Blockchain White Paper Proj ect has resulted in two white papers: One looking at the


impact of blockchain on the technical standards work of UN/CEFACT and another looking at how blockchain could facilitate trade and related business processes. The ongo ing Chain Project is focused on developing a framework/ mechanism for the development and implementation of blockchain services infrastructure, and creating a whitepa per on strategy for the development and implementation of interoperable global blockchain technology infrastruc ture. Another blockchain-related project looks into the de velopment of a standard on the creation of a cross-border inter customs ledger using blockchain technology.

White Paper: Technical Applications of Blockchain to UN/CEFACT Deliverables (2019)

White Paper: Blockchain in Trade Facilitation (2019)

Briefing Note on Blockchain for the United Nations SDGs (2018)

- UN/CEFACT Chain Project

UN/CEFACT Project: Cross Border Inter-ledger Ex change for Preferential COO Using Blockchain

Critical infrastructure

UNECE achieved a transformative milestone with regard to cybersecurity in the broad automotive sector with the adoption of UN Regulation No. 155 (Cyber Security and CSMS) and UN Regulation No. 156 (Software Updates).

Before that, cyber risks related to connected vehicles were apparent but not systematically addressed. Security researchers alerted the public of them by revealing var ious vulnerabilities. There were only narrow standards and guidelines for securing vehicles, such as standards for secure communication among Electronic Control Units (ECUs) and for hardware encryption.

UNECE’s World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Reg ulations (Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (GRVA) WP.29) adopted two important new regulations on cybersecurity and over-the-air software updates and led to the situation where cybersecurity became non-negotiable for securing market access via type approval for those countries applying this regime. GRVA also developed recommendations on uniform pro visions concerning cybersecurity and software updates for countries applying the self-certification regime.

Proposal for Recommendations on Uniform Pro visions Concerning Cyber Security and Software Updates (Global recommendation)

Under the 1958 Agreement (binding to 54 countries)

UN Regulation No. 155 on Cyber Security and Cyber Security Management

UN Regulation No. 156 on Software Updates and Software Updates Management Systems

World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regula tions (WP.29)


Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles

Access to the text of UN Regulations No. 155 and No. 156 and their amendments:

Data governance

UNECE carries out multiple activities of relevance for the area of data governance.

First, its work on trade facilitation also covers data man agement issues. For example, it has issued a white pa per on a data pipeline concept for improving data quali ty in the supply chain and a set of Reference Data Model Guidelines. Several projects carried out in the framework of UNECE’s subsidiary UN/CEFACT also cover data-relat ed issues. Examples include the Buy-Ship-Pay Reference Data Model (BSP-RDM), the Supply Chain Reference Data Model (SCRDM), the Multi-Modal Transport Reference Data Model (MMT-RDM), the Cross-border Management Reference Data Model Project (to provide a regulatory reference data model within the UN/CEFACT semantic library in order to assist authorities to link this information to the standards of other organisations), the Sustainable Development and Circular Economy Reference Data Mod el Project, and the Accounting and Audit Reference Data Model Project.

Second, UNECE has a statistical division, which coordinates international statistical activities between UNECE countries and helps to strengthen, modernise, and har monise statistical systems under the guidance of the Conference of European Statisticians. Its activities in this area are guided by the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics, adopted in 1992 and later endorsed by the UN Economic and Social Council and the General Assembly. Areas of work include economic statistics, statistics on population, gender and society, statistics related to sus tainable development and the environment, and mod ernisation of official statistics. In 2019, UNECE published a Guidance on modernizing statistical legislation to guide countries through the process of reviewing and revising statistical legislation. The guidance covers issues such as open data, national and international data exchanges, and government data management.

Third UNECE keeps abreast with external developments, (e.g. in Europe or at OECD, related to challenges related to AI, privacy, and human rights). This is the case for example with the activities on transport and automated vehicles. The GRVA is reflecting on the impact of general AI policies in its activities and developed possible ways to add layers in its multi-pillar approach to validate the performance of the Automated Driving System, and therefore to integrate considerations on data management in the context of AI agent training, support features and functions of automated driving, and collaborate with the automotive sector on this matter.


White Paper: Data Pipeline (2018)

Reference Data Model Guidelines (2016)

Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics (1992)

Guidance on Modernizing Statistical Legislation (2019)

Impact of AI on ADS Assessment (2022) Conference of European Statisticians

- High-Level Group for the Modernisation of Official Statistics (HLG-MOS)

UN/CEFACT Reference Data Model

UN/CEFACT Project: Cross-border Management Reference Data Model

UN/CEFACT Project: Accounting and Audit Refer ence Data Model Project

UN/CEFACT Project: Sustainable Development and Circular Economy Reference Data Model

E-commerce and trade

UNECE’s subsidiary, UN/CEFACT, serves as a focal point (within the UN Economic and Social Council) for trade fa cilitation recommendations and electronic business stan dards, covering both commercial and government busi ness processes. In collaboration with the Organization for

the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS), UNECE developed the Electronic business using eXtensible Markup Language (ebXML). Another output of UNECE is represented by the UN rules for Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport (UN/EDIFACT), which include internationally agreed upon standards, directories, and guidelines for the electronic interchange of structured data between computerised information systems. UNECE has also issued recommen dations on issues such as Single Window, electronic com merce agreements, and e-commerce self-regulatory in struments. In addition, UN/CEFACT works on supporting international, regional, and national e-government efforts to improve trade facilitation and e-commerce systems.

UN rules for Electronic Data Interchange for Admin istration, Commerce and Transport (UN/EDIFACT)

Recommendation 25 – Use of the UN Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport Standard (UN/EDIFACT)

Recommendation 26 – The Commercial Use of Interchange Agreements for Electronic Data Inter change

Recommendation 31 – Electronic Commerce Agree ment

Recommendation 32 – E-Commerce Self-Regulatory Instruments (Codes of Conduct)


Recommendation 33 – Single Window Recommendation

Electronic business using eXtensible Markup Lan guage (ebXML)

White Paper: PaperlessTrade (2018)

UN Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT)

Trade facilitation recommendations | UNECE

Digital and environment

UNECE’s work in the area of environmental policy covers a broad range of issues, such as air pollution, transboundary water cooperation, industrial safety, environmental democracy, the green economy, environmental monitor ing and impact assessment, and education for sustain able development. Much of this work is carried out by the Committee on Environmental Policy, which, among oth er tasks, supports countries in their efforts to strength en their environmental governance and assesses their efforts to reduce their pollution burden, manage natural resources, and integrate environmental and socioeco nomic policies. UNECE has put in place an Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Programme to assist mem ber states in working with environmental data and infor mation and enable informed decision-making processes. As part of this programme, it promotes the use of electronic tools for accessing information and knowledge on

environmental matters and is supporting the continued development of a Shared Environmental Information Sys tem across the UNECE region. The system is intended to enable countries to connect databases and make environ mental data more accessible

The INForest database offers the most up-to-date source of information about the size of the forest area in the UN ECE region, how it has changed over decades, the struc ture of forests, the goods and services forests provide, as well as their contribution to the economy, society and the environment.

UNECE has developed policy guidance to support the digital inclusion of older people. In the Rome Ministerial Declaration on ageing, adopted in June 2022, Ministers pledged to “promote age-friendly digitalisation, products and services, and support innovation for the silver econ omy.”

Recognising the importance of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) traceability in achieving SDG 12 and considering the rich body of expertise and standards already available through UNECE, UNECE broadened the focus of the Team of Specialists (ToS) on sustainable fisheries to (ESG) traceability of sustainable value chains in the circular economy.

UNECE Environmental Conventions and Protocols (not necessarily covering digital issues directly, but rele vant):


Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution

Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context

Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes

- Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Indus trial Accidents

Convention on Access to Information, Public Partic ipation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (Aarhus Convention)

- Updated recommendations on the more effective use of electronic information tools aim to assist Parties, Signatories and other interested States in promoting development, maintaining, enhancing, and using electronic information tools and applying modern digital technologies (blockchain, AI, digital twins, augmented reality, etc.) to support the imple mentation of the Aarhus Convention (2021)

Consultation on the Recommendations on Electronic Information Tools

Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Regis ters to the Aarhus Convention

Final Review Report on the Establishment of the Shared Environmental Information System (report, March 2021)

The Pan-European Strategic Framework for Greening the Economy

The Batumi Initiative on Green Economy (BIG-E)

- UNECE Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment

- InForest – your data and knowledge platform for forests in the UNECE region

Policy brief on ageing in the digital era (2021)

Ministerial Declaration “A Sustainable World for All Ages: Joining Forces for Solidarity and Equal Oppor tunities Throughout Life” (2022)

Working Group on Environmental Monitoring and Assessment

Task Force on Environmental Statistics and Indicators

Task Force on Waste Statistics

Aarhus Convention Task Force on Access to Infor mation

UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section

ToS on ESG Traceability of Sustainable Value Chains in the Circular Economy


Sustainable development

UNECE assists countries in its region to address sustainable development challenges (in areas such as environ ment, connectivity, and urbanisation) through offering policy advice; leveraging its norms, standards, and con ventions; and building capacities. It focuses on driving progress towards the following SDGs: good health and well-being (SDG 3), clean water and sanitation (SDG 6), affordable and clean energy (SDG 7), 8 decent work and economic growth (SDG 8), industry, innovation and in frastructure (SDG 9), sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11), responsible consumption and production (SDG 12), climate action (SDG 13), and life on land (SDG 15). Gender equality (SDG 5) and partnerships (SDG 17) are overarching for all UNECE activities. Activities undertaken by UNECE concerning these SDGs converge under four high-impact areas: sustainable use of natural resources; sustainable and smart cities for all ages; sustainable mobility and smart connectivity; and measuring and moni toring progress towards the SDGs.

UNECE has developed a series of tools and standards to support countries in measuring and monitoring progress towards the SDGs. It has also put in place an Innovation Policy Outlook, which assesses the scope, quality, and performance of policies, institutions, and instruments promoting innovation for sustainable development.

Halfway to 2030: How Many Targets will be Achieved in the UNECE region? Snapshot and In sights in 2022 (report, 2022)

Measuring and Monitoring Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (report, April 2021)

Privacy and data protection

The World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regula tions has included guidelines on cybersecurity and data protection in its consolidated resolution on the construc tion of vehicles, including principles of lawful, fair, and transparent processing of personal data: (a) respecting the identity and privacy of the data subject; (b) not discrimi nating against data subjects based on their personal data; (c) paying attention to the reasonable expectations of the data subjects with regard to the transparency and context of the data processing; (d) maintaining the integrity and trustworthiness of information technology systems and in particular not secretly manipulating data processing; (e) taking into account the benefit of data processing depending on the free flow of data, communication and innovation, as far as data subjects have to respect the pro cessing of personal data with regard to the overriding gen eral public interest; and (f) ensuring the preservation of in dividual mobility data according to necessity and purpose.

These guidelines were referred to in the Resolution on Data Protection in Automated and Connected Vehicles adopted during the 39th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners Hong Kong, 25–29 September 2017.



UNECE hosts several portals, applications, and digitalised conventions.

eTIR International System Application

The Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR (Transports Internationaux Routiers) Carnets ( TIR Convention, 1975) is one of the most successful international transport conventions. It is the only universal customs transit system in existence.

The TIR system, used by over 34,000 transport and logis tics companies in its 77 contracting parties, has already reduced cross-border transport time by up to 80%, and costs by up to 38%. The eTIR international system aims to ensure the secure exchange of data between nation al customs systems related to the international transit of goods, vehicles, or containers according to the provisions of the TIR Convention and to allow customs to manage the data on guarantees, issued by guarantee chains to holders authorised to use the TIR system.

- ITDB: International TIR Data Bank

The ITDB is an international online repository of informa tion for all those authorised by contracting parties to use the TIR procedure. It is an integral part of the eTIR International system since only users approved in ITDB can use the eTIR system. The main goal of the ITDB is to foster the exchange of information between competent authorities of contracting parties and national associations.

eCPD – to be launched

The Carnet de Passages en Douane (CPD) system (i.e. a passport card for your vehicle) facilitates the temporary importation of private and commercial vehicles. The CPD system is based on two international conventions: the 1954 Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation of Private Road Vehicles and the 1956 Customs Conven tion on the Temporary Importation of Commercial Road Vehicles. Hosted by UNECE, the conventions combined have 96 contracting parties. Work has started to prepare the appropriate amendments to the 1954 and 1956 con ventions describing the eCPD; prepare the high-level ar chitecture including the concepts and functional and tech nical specifications of the future eCPD application; and develop the eCPD system based on these specifications.

eCMR - to be launched

The eCMR is based on the provisions of the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR) (1956) and especially on the provisions of the Additional Protocol to CMR Concerning the Electronic Consignment Note (2008). UNECE, which administers the CMR Convention, has been mandated by governments to administer the eCMR protocol and to establish a formal group of experts on the operationalisation of the eCMR procedure.

Digital visualisation

International Transport Infrastructure Observatory (ITIO) – to launch


The observatory will be developed on a geographic information systems (GIS) platform with three main pillars of services: it offers an electronic repository of UNECE in land transport conventions, an innovative tool to finance transport infrastructure, and a way to promote sustain able regional and interregional connectivity.

ITIO GIS Platform: Climate Change Adaptation and Transport Infrastructure Tool

The ITIO GIS platform assists the analysis of possible fu ture impacts of climate change on transport networks. The tool enables experts to identify sections of transport networks potentially exposed to the effects of climate change.

Digital enabler

SITCIN: Sustainable Inland Transport Connectivity Indicators tool

The SITCIN tool allows countries to measure their degree of transport connectivity, both domestically and bilaterally/sub-regionally, as well as in terms of soft and hard infrastructure.

- UNECE Dashboard of SDG Indicators

UNECE digital tools facilitating access to statistical infor mation:

UNECE Statistical Database

UNECE Statistics Wikis

UNECE Active Ageing Index Wiki

UNECE online platforms and observatories gather up dates and policy resources to help member states re spond to the COVID-19 crisis: Platform for National Statistical offices

- Food Outlook Observatory on Border Crossings Status

Data Sources on Coronavirus impact on Transport COVID-19: the role of the Water Convention and the Protocol on Water and Health

Future of meetings

Guided by the assessments of the World Health Organi zation (WHO) and the host country authorities, UNECE’s respective governing bodies and partner organisations amended the format and conduct of meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure business continuity and de livery of support to its member states.

Hybrid and online meeting formats continue to be used.

UNECE Executive Committee – Special procedures during the COVID-19 period (adopted in April 2020 and extended in July 2020)

- Use of the silence procedure for decision-making


Social media channels

Instagram @un_ece

YouTube @UNECE

Facebook @UNECE

Twitter @UNECE

Ficker @UNECE


UN International Computing Centre (UNICC)

Palais des Nations | 1211 Geneva 10 | Switzerland


About the UNICC

The United Nations International Computing Centre (UNICC) is a specialised entity whose mandate is to pro vide digital tools and solutions to the UN family.

UNICC is currently positioned as the preferred operational and shared services centre of excellence for the UN sys tem. It is committed to delivering reliable digital services driven by best practices, offering world-class technology, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and system-wide cross-do main experience of knowledge and data, enabling its

clients and partner organisations to achieve their sustainable development goal (SDG) mandates through ac celerated digital delivery.

UNICC’s portfolio covers more than 80 client and part ner organisations that subscribe to UNICC’s 50 trusted services and digital solutions, offered from five strategic operations locations worldwide (Geneva, Switzerland; New York, USA; Valencia, Spain; Rome and Brindisi, Italy). UNICC is a full cost-recovery organisation.


Director Sameer Chauhan

Message by the UNICC Director

As the leading provider of digital business solutions to the UN family, UNICC has faced the on going COVID-19 crisis with continued innovation and an expanded range of digital tools, finding countless opportunities to support the UN through technology, and serving organisations in the areas of client services, cybersecurity, analytics and data management, software services and cloud, network and infrastructure services, as well as platform services.

“Technology has the capacity to be the world’s great equaliser, enabling the conditions for greater peace and prosperity on a global scale.”

Message by the UNICC Director

The impact of technology on the sustainable development goals (SDGs) is ever-growing. As the Decade of Action moves forward, UNICC is proud to continue supporting all goals, with a focus on implement ing SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, SDG 13: Climate Action, and SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals, in line with the UN Secretary-General’s Strategy on New Technologies, the UN Secre tary-General’s Roadmap for Digital Cooperation, and the UN’s Common Agenda. Technology has the capacity to be the world’s great equaliser by enabling the conditions for greater peace and prosperity on a global scale. UNICC harnesses our unique capabilities as the main shared services and digital solutions provider for the UN system, helping our clients and partners reach the most vulnerable in the field during exceptional and trying times.



UNICC provides core digital business services to UN agencies and related international organisations including cli ent services, support for innovative technologies, cyberse curity, data and analytics, software as a service and cloud integration services, infrastructure and platform services including network services, enterprise backup, enterprise resource planning (ERP), web hosting and enterprise col

laboration platforms. UNICC offers cost savings, business efficiencies, and volume discounts based on the scale of its engagements. These services are designed to protect organisational assets, intellectual property, sensitive data, and reputation and leverage the shared expertise of the umbrella of UN organisation, with shared innovative solu tions being adaptable to the client’s needs.

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Digital solutions, services, and tools

The need for digital and technological solutions is at an alltime high across businesses and sectors. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, all areas of humanitarian de velopment saw an increased call for advanced technology products and services to respond to the many challenges the world faced. Digital transformation allows for more productivity, streamlined operations, cost efficiencies, agility, and resilience in ever-changing scenarios and is a catalyst for economic growth.

UNICC is responding to this growing need for digital business solutions with innovation and state-of-the-art digital business solutions tailored to many of its more than 80 clients and partner organisations. With UNICC’s shared ser vices business model, clients can benefit from affordable, accessible, flexible solutions to support their mission de livery. At the same time, member states benefit because more UN entities are harnessing smart technologies to fulfil their mandates, reaching further into the field to sup port country offices and their results. UNICC continues to fine-tune many of these new technologies and through strategic partnerships their impact is even greater. For more information, visit the UNICC website.

UN Digital ID

A building block for UN digital cooperation

The UN family is taking steps to digitally transform its iden tity management solutions, with a system to streamline information sharing, daily workflows, access to platforms and premises, operating across UN agencies by providing its personnel with a universal, system-wide solution.

In the spirit of emerging technologies supporting the UN Secretary-General’s Strategy on New Technologies, the UN Digital ID is harnessing blockchain, biometrics, and mobility to provide online UN credentials and digital wal lets for UN employees, from onboarding to separation. The UN Digital ID aims at minimising data fragmentation and incomplete processes in the UN, giving ownership of personal data back to employees. It is reliable, scalable, dependable, and interoperable between agencies.

The UN Digital ID uses various open-source solutions to ensure transparency and avoid bias. To further build digital trust, UNICC has also released the source code of the UN Digital ID, so that efforts spent creating the software are available and can be used by other organisations for public good. For more information, visit the UNICC web site or watch the Digital ID video.



Mia and Max, their first digital workers

The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) has added two Acquisitions Technicians to its Procurement and Sup ply Management team – two new members that can work 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, year-round. Mia and Max are PAHO’s first-ever bots, developed by UNICC’s Robotic Process Automation (RPA+) Centre of Excellence alongside PAHO’s Procurement and IT teams.

The robots execute repetitive and time-consuming tasks, allowing the human teams to forget about manual pro cesses and paperwork and focus on the strategic aspects of procurement, such as PAHO country office support and enhanced relationships with suppliers. A single purchase order requisition can take a human buyer an average pro cessing time of 20 minutes, whereas Mia is able to do the same work in approximately 5 to 8 minutes, thanks to au tomating redundant and time-consuming steps.For more information, visit the UNICC website.

FAO and sanctions screening

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) embraces RPA for vendor sanctions screening

The UN Digital Solutions Centre (UN DSC), operated in partnership by the UN World Food Programme ( WFP) and

the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), supported by UNICC, developed the Joint Sanctions Screening Solution using Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to streamline repeti tive, manual, and inefficient vendor screening processes. High standards of integrity and compliance mean zero tolerance for fraud and corruption. The UN minimises fraud by imposing sanctions on potential vendors, part ners, and their employees. The Joint Sanctions Screening Solution speeds up the vetting process and improves efficiency of vendor records management, eliminates human errors in analysing and reviewing data, and reduces operational risk.

The UN Joint Sanctions Screening solution, embraced FAO as well as several other UN agencies, optimises back-of fice operations to bring peace of mind to managing public funds for social good, unlocking the promise of the SDGs. For more information, visit the UNICC website.

UN Partner Portal

Where UN agencies and civil society organisations connect

UN agencies (UN Secretariat, UN Population Fund (UNFPA) UNHCR, UNICEF, and WFP) have joined forces with civ il society organisations (CSOs), with operational support from UNICC, to deliver the UN Partner Portal, a platform for CSOs to engage with the UN on partnership opportu nity management. The UN Partner Portal is designed to


facilitate a harmonised, efficient, and easy collaboration between the UN and its CSO partners, simplifying and strengthening UN partnership opportunity processes. By optimising opportunity management, CSOs and the UN family can better deliver projects and programmes with better results to reach their goals, delivering more good for people and the planet.

The development of the UN Partner Portal draws on de cades of successful partnerships between the UN and civil society, consultations with networks of NGOs, as well as best practices in partnership management, to support streamlined business processes. UN Partner Portal teams have a continuous improvement approach, where feed back from UN agencies and CSO users drives enhance ments to the portal, which is designed to encourage har monisation within the UN. It is expected that more UN agencies and their associated CSO partners will join the portal in the near future. For more information, visit the UNICC website.

Data Action Portfolio

Driving data for digital transformation across the UN family

The Data Strategy of the Secretary-General for Action by Everyone, Everywhere is a call to action for a data-driven transformation for building ecosystems that unlock the potential for global action on the SDGs. Data drives all as-

pects of the UN’s work and its power, harnessed responsibly, is critical to global agendas.

As the digital business and technology shared services hub for the UN, UNICC is uniquely positioned to heed the call, embrace, and implement the UN Secretary-General’s data strategy in every corner of the UN system.

UNICC is well-positioned with its Data Action Portfolio to assist UN agencies in implementing their alignments to the UN Secretary-General's Data Strategy, taking their data programmes to the next level with humanitarian use cases across many UN agencies, in the areas of an alytics, advanced analytics, data management, and data exchange as well as data governance.

For more information, visit the UNICC website.

Travel Data Cube

An inter-agency project to drive savings in UN travel costs

The UN Digital Solutions Centre a pilot programme and innovation hub from UNHCR, and WFP, with operational support from UNICC, has leveraged existing solutions to build the Travel Data Cube, a consolidated data cube plat form that allows comparing and contrasting travel spend ing, including reviewing average travel cost rates on top UN travel routes.


In the cube, data is aggregated, cleaned, consolidated, and shown on a visual, interactive, web-based dashboard that allows users to perform data-driven fare negotiation with airlines, ultimately driving savings. The dashboard in cludes a mapping tool through which users can see which UN agencies are covered by which UN airline contracts plus the savings they deliver. For more information, visit the UNICC website.

Independent Evaluation Solutions

Artificial intelligence powers UNDP's Evaluation Office solutions

Independent evaluation offices play a major role in gleaning and sharing years of evaluation knowledge and experience for UN agency programme delivery. This is never an easy task. Finding valuable information is time-consuming, methodical, and often manual, with multiple sources and document types to process.

In partnership with UNICC and Amazon Web Services, UN DP’s latest cutting-edge solution streamlines the scanning of thousands of evaluation documents to understand keywords, context, and intent using AI capabilities, re turning meaningful answers to complex questions. This innovative solution, based on AI and machine learning, is publicly available through UNDP’s portal, AIDA (Artificial Intelligence for Development Analytics).

With UNICC’s support, UNDP’s AIDA Portal is accessible

to Evaluation Office staff who want to learn from past evaluations to improve programme design and delivery, offering an innovative solution to search, find, and share lessons learned and build on successes from country programmes worldwide. For more information, visit the UNICC website.

International Criminal Investigations

Innovative technology and partnerships for international criminal investigations

The United Nations Investigative Team to Promote Ac countability for Crimes Committed by Da’esh/ISIL (UNITAD) partnered with UNICC and Microsoft to support advanced data management for accountability in UNITAD criminal investigations, with UNICC offering Microsoft Azure hosting services, development, data and analytics, and cognitive services.

UNICC Data and Analytics, Application Development, and Cloud Infrastructure teams supported the collection, preservation, and storing of evidence in the form of imag es, audio, video, and digital text files that have been recov ered from sources in the field. This solution streamlines evidence in independent criminal proceedings to hold members of ISIL accountable for the crimes they may have committed.

The partnership helps UNITAD fulfil its mandate in a more efficient and cost-effective manner by creating new busi


ness opportunities for UNICC clients and partner organisations to leverage for similar challenges with this inno vative technology. For more information, visit the UNICC website.


Cybersecurity and information security services for the UN family

UNICC’s cybersecurity services cover oversight, gover nance, threat intelligence sharing, as well as advisory ser vices and a spectrum of programmatic and operational components. It has grown its global cybersecurity programme to serve 40 UN partner organisations since its inception in 2017.

Services range from the Common Secure Threat Intelli gence Network of over 30 UN Agencies, maturity assess ments, ISO certification support, SOC and Security infor mation and event management (SIEM) support to security incident response and forensics, business continuity man agement and industry-standard operational processes.

UNICC is certified with ISO 27001 and was awarded a 2020 and 2017 CSO 50 Award for its Common Secure Information Security services, demonstrating outstanding busi ness value and thought leadership. For more information, visit the UNICC website.

Digital diplomacy

UNICC supported numerous the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) climate change events over 2021, delivering support to Conference of the Parties (COP26) events, including Subsidiary Bodies meetings and regional partner meetings, bringing forward a breadth of capabilities and addressing the constraints of large-scale physical conferences imposed by the COVID-19 pandem ic. For these events, UNICC supported the delivery of a seamless conference management solution with single sign-on for different conference platforms. From guest registration to document management, this solution al lowed organisers and participants to carry out the same activities as in a physical conference, and more.

For the COP26 that was held from 31 October to 12 No vember 2021, UNICC performed as a cross-functional team to deliver innovative solutions through eight work streams: Digital Business Advisory, Data and Analytics, Cyber Security, Event Management, Training, and Gover nance and Technology Implementation, to support the meetings and negotiations happening in Glasgow.

As part of this set of digital solutions for digital diplomacy, UNICC developed the COP26 ID Check app, an AI-powered application that leverages facial recognition technology to securely and efficiently verify the identity of participants and issue virtual badges, avoiding fraud and ensuring a


seamless user experience. All registered participants, including representatives of the Parties to the Convention and Observer States, members of the media and repre sentatives of observer organisations such as NGOs and intergovernmental organisations (IGOs), could verify their identity with the COP26 ID Check app any time before the start of the conference, which reduced registration wait times by at least 50%.

Social media channels

YouTube @UN International Computing Centre

Twitter @unicc_ict

Facebook @unicc.ict

LinkedIn @UNICC


United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR)

Palais des Nations | 1211 Geneva 10 | Switzerland


About the UNIDIR

Founded in 1980, the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) is a voluntarily funded, au tonomous institute within the United Nations. One of the few policy institutes worldwide focusing on disarmament, UNIDIR generates knowledge and promotes dialogue and

action on disarmament and security. Based in Geneva, UNIDIR assists the international community to develop the practical, innovative ideas needed to find solutions to critical security problems.



Message by the UNIDIR Director

UNIDIR’s Security and Technology Programme (SecTec) was established to explore the challenges and opportunities presented by new and emerging technologies in the context of international peace and security. We break down complex issues by focusing on understanding new technol ogies, their applications, their impacts, and the governance tools available to steer or control fu ture development and use. Key activities of the programme include conducting research studies,

Robin Geiss
“Our goal is to build a shared understanding of the benefits and risks of emerging scientific and technological innovations.”

Message by the UNIDIR Director

convening various types of events, and offering dedicated knowledge that helps to build both capacity and confidence. In this regard, UNIDIR also focuses on creating digital tools like the renowned Cyber Policy Portal and the forthcoming AI Policy Portal. Our aim is to support information sharing, trust, and transparency at all levels of governance and between all relevant actors.



The research areas of UNIDIR’s Security and Technology Programme (SecTec) focus on cybersecurity, such as threats and vulnerabilities related to information and communication technologies (ICTs), and the use of new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) applica tions in warfare. SecTec has supported the UN processes

on ICTs (GGE and OEWG) and continues to support the OEWG on security of and in the use of information and communications technologies (2021–2025). It focuses on research and awareness raising on this topic with a broad range of stakeholders and maps the cybersecurity policy landscape.

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UNIDIR’s Security and Technology Programme (SecTec) builds knowledge and raises awareness of the security implications of new and emerging technologies. Cyber stability is one area of focus for UNIDIR, the work of which supports the implementation of specific norms and rec ommendations previously agreed by member states. It also explores options to strengthen cyber stability and cri sis management mechanisms. UNIDIR provides technical and expert advice to the chairpersons of the UN GGE and OEWG on norms, international law, confidence-building measures, capacity building, cooperation, and institution al dialogue. The annual Cyber Stability Conference brings various stakeholders together to promote a secure and stable cyberspace and in particular the role of the UN processes such as the OEWG on Security of and in the Use of Information and Communications Technologies (2021–2025).

Launched in 2019, SecTec is an interactive map of the glob al cyber policy landscape. It provides profiles of the cyber policies of all 193 UN member states, in addition to various intergovernmental organisations and multistakeholder instruments and other initiatives. This confidence-build ing tool supports informed participation by relevant stakeholders in all policy processes and promotes trust, transparency, and cooperation in cyberspace. The updat ed version of the portal was launched in May 2022, providing several new features, such as full text search, and is available in all UN official languages.

Accessible from the portal, the National Survey of Implementation of United Nations Recommendations of

Responsible Use of ICTs by States in the Context of In ternational Security collates national take-up of the rec ommendations from the 2015 GGE report, with a view to assisting assessment of their further development and implementation. The survey allows UN member states to conduct regular self-assessments of national implemen tation of the recommendations.

It can also support UN member states in responding to the General Assembly’s invitation to continue to inform the Secretary-General of their views and assessments on the issue of developments in the field of ICTs in the con text of international security.

It supports transparency, information sharing, and confi dence building by giving UN member states the possibility of making the results of the survey publicly available on their national profiles on UNIDIR’s Cyber Policy Portal.

The Cyber Policy Portal Database provides direct access to documents and references through the profiles of all 193 UN member states on the Cyber Policy Portal. The data base allows searching across several categories, including state, type of document, topic, issuing body, and more.

2021 Cyber Stability Conference Report

Enhancing Cooperation to Address Criminal and Terrorist Use if ICTs

Non-Escalatory Attribution of International Cyber Incidents: Facts, International Law and Politics


Due Diligence in Cyberspace: Normative Expectations of Reciprocal Protection of International Legal Rights

International Cyber Operations: National Doctrines and Capabilities Research Paper Series

Icts, International Security, And Cybercrime

- Applying Chapters VI and VII of the Charter of The United Nations in the Cyber Context International Cooperation to Mitigate Cyber Opera tions Against Critical Infrastructure 2020 Cyber Stability Conference Report

Electronic and Cyber Warfare in Outer Space Supply Chain Security in the Cyber Age: Sector Trends, Current Threats and Multi-Stakeholder Responses

Limiter L'utilisation à des Fins Malveillantes des Menaces et Vulnérabilités Dans Les Tic [Limit the Malicious Use of Threats and Vulnerabilities In Ict]

Stemming the Exploitation of ICT Threats and Vulnerabilities

- Fact Sheet – Gender in Cyber Diplomacy

Cyber Stability Conference 2019 Report: Strength ening Global Engagement

Innovations Dialogue 2019 Report

The Role of Regional Organizations in Strengthen

ing Cybersecurity and Stability

2022 Cyber Stability Conference: Protecting Critical Infrastructure and Services Across Sectors

International Cyber Crisis Management Regional Workshop Series

- National Survey of Implementation of United Na tions Recommendations on Responsible Use of ICTs by States in the Context of International Security

Open-Ended Working Group Cyber 201: Framework Recap

2021 Cyber Stability Conference: Towards a More Secure Cyberspace

ICTs, International Security, and Cybercrime: Under standing Their Intersection for Better Policy Making

Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue: Enhancing International Cooperation Mechanisms for Cybercrime And Cyberterrorism Investigations

Political, Technical and Legal Aspects of Attribution: Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue on the Norms of Re sponsible State Behaviour in Cyberspace

Applying Chapters VI and VII of the United Nations Charter in the Cyber Context

Due Diligence in Cyberspace: Multi-Stakeholder Dia logue on the Norms of Responsible State Behaviour

2020 Cyber Stability Conference: Exploring The Future of Institutional Dialogue


2019 Innovations Dialogue Annual Conference

2019 Cyber Stability Conference: Strengthening Global Engagement

The 2nd International Security Cyber Issues Workshop Series: The Role of Regional Organizations in Strengthening Cybersecurity and Stability

- Implementing Cyber Norms: National Experiences and Emerging Good Practices

Unidir Side Event: Supply Chain Security in the Digital Age Multilateral Responses to Cyber Security Challeng es: A Conversation with the chairs of the UN GGE and the OEWG

Operationalizing Cyber Norms: Critical Infrastruc ture Protection

Geneva Peace Week: Legal and Humanitarian Chal lenges in the Age of Cyber Conflict

Presentation to the FirstSsession of the OWEG on Regular Institutional Dialogue

Historical Briefing on the GGE Process for the GGE Informal Consultations - 5 December 2019 (Part 1 & Part 2)

The 2nd International Security Cyber Issues Work shop Series – Preserving and Enhancing Interna tional Cyber Stability: Regional Realities and Ap proaches

The UN, Cyberspace and International Peace and Security Artificial intelligence

AI and the weaponisation of increasingly autonomous technologies is one of UNIDIR’s current research areas. It aims to raise awareness and build capacities of various stakeholders, including member states, technical commu nities, academia, and the private sector. Research on AI covers a broad range of topics from human decision-mak ing, autonomous vehicles, and swarm technologies.

UNIDIR SecTec is currently developing the Artificial Intelli gence Portal. This tool will gather available information at the national, regional, and international levels on policies, processes, and structures that are relevant to the devel opment and use of AI for military or security purposes. The portal will be developed to support transparency, in formation sharing, and confidence building in the field of AI.

UNIDIR on Lethal Autonomous Weapons

- Table-Top Exercises on the Human Element and Autonomous Weapons System

Known Unknowns: Data Issues and Military Auton omous Systems

The Black Box, Unlocked Modernizing Arms Control


Swarm Robotics: Technical and Operational Overview of the Next Generation of Autonomous Systems

The Human Element in Decisions About the Use of Force

The Role of Data in Algorithmic Decision-Making

- Framing Discussions on the Weaponization of In creasingly Autonomous Technologies

Increasing Transparency, Oversight and Account ability of Armed Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Change in the Air: Disruptive Developments in UAV Technology

Towards Ethically Driven Robotics and Automation Systems

Predictability and Understandability in Lethal Autonomous Weapons

Capturing Technology: Rethinking Arms Control.

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Cyber Oper ations

Webinar Serieson the Technological, Military and Legal Aspects of Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems

Predictability and Understandability in Military AI

The Weaponization of Increasingly Autonomous Technologies: Future Scenarios

Emerging technologies

UNIDIR’s research equally focuses on security dimensions of innovations in science and technology. In synergy with the Secretary-General’s Agenda for Disarmament and re cent General Assembly resolutions on the role of science and technology in the context of international security, UNIDIR proactively identifies and examines emerging and over-the- horizon innovations. It analyses potential impli cations for international security and facilitates dialogue among relevant stakeholders to encourage cross-sector cooperation.

Exploring the Use of Technology for Remote Ceasefire Monitoring Aad Verification

2021 Innovations Dialogue Conference Report

Exploring Distributed Ledger Technology for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation: A Primer

Exploring Science and Technology Review Mecha nisms Under the Biological Weapons Convention

2020 Innovations Dialogue Conference Report

Advances in Science and Technology in the Life Sciences

Magnifying Nanomaterials

Virtual Launch of the Technology and Ceasefires

Publication: Exploring the Use of Technology for Remote Ceasefire Monitoring and Verification



Directed Energy Weapons: The ‘new’ Option for Militaries

2021 Innovations Dialogue: Deepfakes, Trust and International Security

Drones and Counter-Drone Technology: An Escalating Dynamic

- New Technological Opportunities to Bolster Treaty Compliance

Innovations in Life Sciences

2020 Innovations Dialogue: Life Sciences, Interna tional Security and Disarmament

Scientific and Technological Responses to Pandem ics: Drawing Parallels Between International Securi ty and Public Health

National survey of implementation of United Nations recommendations on responsible use of ICTs by states in the context of international security

Cyber Policy Portal Database (the link to the data base to be available soon)

- Artificial Intelligence Portal (to be launched)

Biological Weapons Convention National Implemen tation Measures Database (to be launched): Over the last two decades, many initiatives designed to reduce biological risks have emerged at the inter national, regional, local, and institutional levels, in cluding risk assessment mechanisms, codes of con

duct, dual-use education, and voluntary peer review initiatives. It is unclear what happened to many of these measures or indeed whether they worked. To take stock of these earlier risk-reduction measures and build an evidence base to inform the develop ment of future measures, UNIDIR will develop a vir tual repository of these risk mitigation measures, complete with insights around lessons learned from these instruments

Biological Weapons Convention National Implementation Measures Database (to be launched)

Space Security Portal (to be launched): Space pol icies and doctrines are evolving rapidly as more states articulate their perspectives and approaches to addressing space security. Building on the suc cess of the Institute’s Cyber Policy Portal, UNIDIR will develop and sustain a Space Security Portal to serve as a one-stop online hub for materials on the space security policies of key stakeholders, includ ing states and regional organisations.

Future of meetings

UNIDIR has organised virtual events, meetings, and workshops through video conferencing platforms such as Zoom and Webex.


In addition, UNIDIR’s 2022 Cyber Stability Conference was hosted on a browser-based streaming platform, Stream Yard, and was broadcasted across various social media channels.

Social media channels

Instagram @un_disarmresearch Facebook @unidirgeneva

YouTube @UNIDIR-the UN Institute for Disarmament Research Twitter @UNIDIR LinkedIn @UNIDIR


University of Geneva (UNIGE)


Rue du
24 | CH-1211 Geneva | Switzerland

About the UNIGE

With more than 18,000 students of 150+ nationalities, the University of Geneva (UNIGE) is the second largest university in Switzerland. UNIGE offers 227 study pro grammes (including 140 Bachelor’s and Master’s degree

programmes and 87 doctoral programmes) and 427 continuing education programmes covering an extremely wide variety of fields: exact sciences, medicine, human ities, social sciences, law, etc.


Rector Yves Fluckiger

Message by the UNIGE Rector

Digital technology is a major economic, political, societal, and scientific challenge of our time, which also profoundly affects the academic world. As one of the top 100 higher education insti tutions in the world, the University of Geneva (UNIGE) is attentive to digital evolution; we take its developments into account within the framework of our missions, namely teaching, research, and services to the community.

“Academic skills are essential to understand and master the digital world. They are also essential to develop new digitally based tools for international governance.”

Message by the UNIGE Rector

Teaching and learning activities at UNIGE have integrated digital tools, providing students and teachers with new capabilities, such as distant learning, sharing platforms, and multimedia support. Digital technologies also offer new potentialities for research. While computing speed and power increase and new tools are being developed for collecting, understanding, and managing data, we observe the emergence of innovative forms of collaboration and knowledge sharing among researchers. But dig ital technologies also bring important challenges for academic institutions and human societies. It is thus UNIGE’s responsibility to train younger generations to live and work in a digital world. We are also willing to make our academic expertise available to the public, local actors, and international organisa tions in various partnerships and initiatives. These efforts are an integral part of UNIGE’s ‘Digital Strategy’, aimed at developing and enhancing the university’s expertise in digital technology; promoting the capacity for innovation in terms of teaching, research, and digital services; developing cooperation with external partners; and contributing to a constructive and critical dialogue on digital technologies. An Action Plan accompanies this strategy to implement its objectives. We regularly update it to incorporate new digital initiatives or projects that have emerged within the UNIGE community.

The ambition of UNIG regarding digital transformation is great and so are our expectations. In recent years, we have opened several professorships related to digital technology in computer sciences, hu manities, law, social sciences, and medicine. For instance, two professorships in computational diplo macy are currently being created with the collaboration of the Geneva Science and Diplomacy Antici pator Foundation (GESDA). Our aim is to improve the understanding of global issues and provide new tools for international governance. Many more initiatives and projects that relate to digital technologies are currently being developed within the UNIGE community: new courses or academic programmes, innovative services and tools to support teachers and researchers in their daily activities, improved IT systems, etc. The digital transformation is everywhere, and UNIGE is committed to displaying leadership on the institutional and the academic fronts.



UNIGE has incorporated digital technology into its strategy and appointed a vice-rector in charge of defining and piloting digital initiatives in the fields of education, re search, and services to society. A Digital Transformation Office was also set up to identify and connect digital ac tors within the institution and federate digital activities and projects while encouraging the emergence of innova tive projects.

The digital strategy in place considers digital technology both as a tool for teachers and researchers, and as a subject for teaching and research. It brings UNIGEs to the fore in debates on digital technology at the local, national, and international level.

An Action Plan accompanies UNIGE’s digital strategy. It is regularly updated to report on progress and incorporate new digital initiatives or projects that have emerged with in the university community. It is a guiding document indi cating the activities and projects that the Rectorate partic ularly wishes to support.

Many more digital activities are carried out within the in stitution, while they are not included in the action plan. This is, for instance, the case of the activities carried out by the Division of Information and Communication Systems and Technologies (DiSTIC) along with many digital projects carried out by the academic community and central ser vices. UNIGE is internationally recognised for its research in quantum cryptography, and is developing high-ranking research activities in the fields of digital humanities, au

tonomous vehicles, and digital law.

More information on the university’s digital strategy and action plan can be found at merique/en.

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Capacity development

In an attempt to develop digital literacy within its community, UNIGE has put in place a series of measures to meet the needs of its students, researchers, administra tive staff, and other community members. To this end, the university offers a series of optional transversal courses open to all students and provides training and workshops on particular digital skills and tools for advanced students and researchers. It is also developing and deploying its Open Science roadmap, which includes training on re search data management and Open Access publishing.

As part of its digital strategy, UNIGE created a Digital Law Center (DLC) at the Faculty of Law. The DLC provides courses focused on the internet and law. It also organises its annual Digital Law Summer School, where participants can discuss digital law and policy issues, such as cyber security, privacy, freedom of expression, and intellectual property with leading experts from academia and inter national organisations. Every year since 2016, UNIGE has organised the Geneva Digital Law Research Colloquium (run by the DLC in co-operation with other leading aca demic centres, including the Berkman Klein Center for In ternet and Society at Harvard University). This event is a scientific workshop that gives an opportunity to next-gen eration digital law and policy researchers to present and discuss various digital policy issues, such as freedom of expression online, copyright, and the internet of things with senior high-level experts.

Together with ETH Zurich, UNIGE recently created a Lab for Science in Diplomacy (SiDLab). In this respect, it cre ated two professorships in Computational Diplomacy, developed jointly by the Global Studies Institute (GSI) and the Department of Computer Science of the Faculty of Sci ence. One is specialised in data science, particularly ma chine learning, and the other focuses on data categorisa tion in relation to complexity theories and global studies. With these two new positions, UNIGE aims to improve the understanding of global issues by developing a new the oretical framework for international relations, using new algorithms and mobilising computing power to develop scenarios. Leveraging its multidisciplinary culture, UNIGE has recently created a transversal Data Science Competence Center (CCSD) aimed at federating competencies from all faculties and enabling cross-fertilisation between various disciplines to develop advanced research and services. Since its creation, more than 600 researchers have joined the CCSD community and actively participate in its research and learning activities. To support the teaching community with digital transformation, UNIGE has creat ed a portal for online and blended learning with a set of resources to help tutors prepare their courses and classes. Some of the resources are intended for self-training, while others provide users with training/coaching opportunities with UNIGE e-learning and blended learning experts.

When students are positioned as partners in university communities, they become active participants with valuable expertise to contribute to shaping the process of digi-



tal transformation. The Partnership Projects Program (P3) provides students, alongside academic and professional staff, with the opportunity to bring forward their ideas to improve the digital tools and services at the universi ty. Students and staff are engaged on a project they de signed, and they work together towards the shared goal of learning from their partners and improving the university with a solution meeting their needs. At the end of the proj ect, the university may carry on with the implementation of the proposed solution, leading to a new digital service or tool for the community.

UNIGE maintains an IT Service Catalogue where students and staff members can access all digital tools the universi ty provides, such as the UNIGE Mobile App, Moodle, UNI GE’s data storage system, and many others.

UNIGE also offers a number of MOOCs (massive online courses) open to everyone. Subjects range from Human Rights to Chemical Biology, from Water Resources Man agement to Exoplanets, or from Investment Management to Global Health.

Future of meetings

Each year, the Digital Transformation Office organises a series of public conferences on digital technology and is sues (Parlons du numérique). Academic experts and rep resentatives of the industry, international organisations, and civil society are invited to discuss digital issues with

the public on various topics. Conferences are organised in a hybrid format, with the possibility to attend the confer ences in situ or online.

More at

UNIGE is using online platforms for e-conferences and plans to deploy them to provide alternatives to in-person meetings.

Social media channels

Instagram @unigeneve YouTube @Université de Genève Facebook @unigeneve LinkedIn @universite-de-geneve

Twitter @UNIGEnews


United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)

7bis Avenue de la Paix | 1202 Geneva | Switzerland


About the UNITAR

The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) was created in 1963 to train and equip diplomats from newly independent UN member states with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the diplomatic environment.

Over the years, UNITAR has acquired unique expertise and experience in designing and delivering a variety of training activities. It has become a leading institute in the provision of customised and creative learning solutions to institutions and individuals from both the public and pri vate sectors.

UNITAR provides training and capacity development ac tivities to assist mainly developing countries, with special attention to least developed countries (LDCs), small island

developing states (SIDS), and other groups and communities who are most vulnerable, including those in conflict situations.

In 2020, UNITAR provided learning, training, and knowl edge-sharing services to 322,410 individuals, representing a 142% increase from 2019 figures. This increase is at tributed largely to the continued delivery of the introduc tory e-Learning course on climate change administered in partnership with agencies of the One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership, and due to many programmes turn ing to online offers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Of the learning-related beneficiaries, 78% came from developing countries, of which 15% are LDCs and SIDS.


“We need to reach people in the millions rather than the tens of thousands for Agenda 2030 and the sustainable development goals to take root. Technology, especially enhanced connectivity, is making possible an exponential growth in the number of learners and beneficiaries that UNITAR is reaching.”

Message by the UNITAR Executive Director

The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) helps member states and other UN stakeholders implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by providing mod ern and innovative learning services that meet internationally recognised quality standards. Our activities, and the results they produce, vary tremendously in scale and impact. Ranging from short, intensive executive-type training to mid- and large-sized capacity development projects


Message by the UNITAR Executive Director

spanning months and indeed years, the outcomes of our work are both immediate, by contributing to the development of knowledge and skill sets of individual beneficiaries, as well as mid to long term, by contributing broader organisational and institutional changes.

The COVID-19 pandemic severely disrupted the world, bringing about economic and social upheav als, without mentioning the suffering and losses that so many people around the world have had to endure. Like most organisations, COVID-19 affected UNITAR’s work since much of its programming is usually delivered in the field. By leveraging its virtual learning environment, mobile learning, and other available IT tools, UNITAR was able to continue its learning services despite COVID-related restrictions. In fact, in 2020, approximately 80% of our events were delivered online, as compared to 38% in 2019. Despite COVID-19’s many negative impacts, the world of learning has actually become more interconnected during the pandemic, and UNITAR significantly increased its outreach and impact through use of digital platforms and tools.



Of UNITAR’s activities, in 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic-related travel and physical meeting restrictions, approximately 80% of events were delivered online, as compared to 38% in 2019. Most of UNITAR’s face-to-face

activities take place in field locations, and the remainder are conducted from UNITAR’s headquarters in Geneva and through its out-posted offices in New York City and Hiroshima.

Credits by UN Photo/Loey Felipe


Artificial intelligence

UNITAR’s work is driven by its programmatic divisions, of which some have made extensive use of artificial intelli gence (AI). UNITAR’s Satellite Center (UNOSAT ) and its Rapid Mapping Service first introduced AI-based methods (UNOSAT FloodAI) during the rainy season in the Asia-Pa cific region with a targeted focus on countries affected by the southwest monsoon season from June to September 2020. It was in that context, in July 2020, that an AI algorithm became operational for the first time following a request by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Hu manitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) after heavy monsoon rains around the Brahmaputra River and in the Sylher district in Bangladesh. Going forward, UNOSAT intends to further develop AI applications for rapid mapping by focusing on the user experience and scaling up how we monitor floodprone areas. This entails further training for the machines and automatic communication between the AI algorithm outputs (disaster maps) and the visualisation dashboard developed by UNOSAT.

UNITAR’s Division for Prosperity looks at AI and several emerging technologies such as blockchain and augment ed reality, and considers their impact on individuals, so cieties, and inclusive and sustainable economic growth. One example is its Frontier Technologies for Sustainable Development: Unlocking Women's Entrepreneurship through Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Afghanistan and Iraq course.


UNITAR tackles cybersecurity issues through education and training activities, as well as events. Its training and education activities cover areas such as cybersecurity, cy berwarfare, cyber operations and human rights, digital diplomacy, and broader capacity building initiatives (e.g. e-workshops and the ‘in-focus series’). Particular courses and workshops include Digital Diplomacy and Cybersecu rity, Diplomacy 4.0, and In-Focus Series on International Humanitarian Law and Cyberwarfare, as well as the Cy bersecurity and Information Technology Series.

Intellectual property law and data governance

UNITAR also covers copyright, patent, and trademark issues in courses such as the Introduction to International Intellectual Property Law, which considers the role of intellectual property in the modern economy, while examining the fundamentals of copyright protection and patent law in the international community.

Furthermore, UNITAR tackles issues related more broadly to data governance (e.g. official statistics, data governance, communities and partnerships, and the data value chain) through massive online open courses (MOOCs) such as the Introduction to Data Governance for Monitoring the SDGs, which analyses effective data governance systems


for monitoring progress in achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and explores how to manage da ta-related partnerships, capabilities, and resources in the context of the SDGs.

Capacity development

Being one of the UN’s main training organisations, most of UNITAR’s activities fall in the category of capacity devel opment.

UNITAR offers online, face-to-face, and blended-format courses for both institutions and individuals. Since the launch of its 2018–21 strategic framework and extended through its current 2022–25 strategic framework, its work is guided by strategic objectives organised around four thematic pillars of the 2030 Agenda, namely Peace, Peo ple, Planet, and Prosperity, in addition to the cross-cutting divisions on Multilateral Diplomacy and Satellite Analysis and Applied Research (UNOSAT ) as well as the health-fo cused Defeat-NCD Partnership. Some of the division’s ca pacity-building and training programmes cover internet and digital-policy-related areas, such as privacy and data protection, cybersecurity, and cybercrime, new emerging technologies (blockchain, AI, and augmented reality), and digital diplomacy.

UNITAR also offers a wide range of Master’s programmes and graduate certificates related to diplomacy, peace and security, human rights, and humanitarian interventions.

Furthermore, UNITAR organises special events such as the Geneva Lecture Series, which consists of open lectures that are held on a regular basis at the Palais des Nations in Geneva to raise awareness of specific global challenges and deepen and broaden the participation of citizens and civil society.

Privacy and data protection

Privacy and data protection are two interrelated internet governance issues. Data protection is a legal mechanism that ensures privacy, while privacy is a fundamental hu man right. UNITAR deals with legal mechanisms ensuring data protection and privacy in numerous courses and events. One example is the course on Introduction to Privacy and Data Protection Law (2020), where different legal mechanisms that protect privacy worldwide are analysed in depth.



UNITAR offers its training and courses through its e-learning platform as well as a number of different online plat forms that provide users with tools and resources in spe cific thematic areas.

UN SDG:Learn – SDG learners today, SDG leaders tomorrow!

UN CC: E-learning platform E-tutorial and global framework for climate services

Global anti-corruption training platform Chemicals and waste platform Mercury platform

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, UNITAR has published a number of resources on online learning and online event management addressing how to make online events more inclusive, or to turn face-to-face into online events, designing learning events and online facilitation cards

Social media channels

Facebook @UNITARHQ Twitter @UNITAR Instagram @unitarhq LinkedIn @UNITARHQ YouTube @UNITAR Flickr @UNITAR


World Economic Forum (WEF)

Route de la Capite 91-93 | CH-1223 Cologny/Geneva | Switzerland


About the WEF

The World Economic Forum ( WEF ) is a not-for-profit foundation whose membership is composed of large corpora tions from around the world.

The WEF engages political, business, academic, and other leaders of society in collaborative efforts to shape glob al, regional, and industry agendas. Together with other

stakeholders, it works to define challenges, solutions, and actions in the spirit of global citizenship. It also serves and builds sustained communities through an integrated con cept of high-level meetings, research networks, task forc es, and digital collaboration.



The fourth industrial revolution is one of the WEF’s key areas of work. Under this focus, it carries out a wide range of activities covering digital policy issues, from telecom infrastructure and cybersecurity to the digital economy and the future of work. It has set up multiple platforms and global forums focused on bringing together various

stakeholders and initiatives to advance debates and foster co-operation on the issues explored. It also publishes reports, studies, and white papers on its focus areas, and features discussions on the policy implications of digital technologies in the framework of its annual meeting in Davos and other events organised around the world.

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Telecommunications infrastructure

The WEF’s work in the area of telecom infrastructure is broadly dedicated to shedding light on the need to ad vance connectivity and evolve towards new network tech nologies as a way to support the transition to the fourth in dustrial revolution. For instance, the Global Future Council of New Network Technologies, active between 2018 and 2020, explored, among others, incentives for network de velopment and the role of new network systems in driving value and innovation A specific focus area for the WEF is 5G: It has identified 5G as an issue of global importance and works on analysing the impacts of 5G on industry and society. In its report titled The Impact of 5G: Creating New Value across Industries and Society, the WEF notes that 5G will be critical because it will enable unprecedented levels of connectivity, allowing for superfast broadband, ultra-reliable low latency communication, massive machine-type communications, and high reliability/availability and efficient energy usage, all of which will transform many sectors, such as manufacturing, transportation, public services, and health. In another example, the 5G Outlook Series: Enabling Inclusive Long-term Opportuni ties looks at what can be done to ensure that 5G is a tech nology that benefits people, businesses, and society.

Artificial intelligence

The WEF is carrying out multiple activities in the field of artificial intelligInce (AI). The WEF Platform on Shaping the Future of Technology Governance: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning brings together actors from public and private sectors to co-design, test, and implement pol icy frameworks that accelerate the benefits and mitigate the risks of AI. Project areas include AI uses in the public sector, the responsible use of technology, AI standards for protecting children, and addressing the challenges of facial recognition technology. In addition, the WEF creat ed a Global Future Council on AI for Humanity to work on policy and governance solutions to promote the inclusion of underserved communities in the development and governance of AI. In an example of outputs, the Council published a Blueprint for equity and inclusion in AI. The WEF also explores issues related to AI safety, security, and standards; AI ethics and values; and machine learning and predictive systems in relation to global risks and interna tional security. It publishes articles on the need to build a new social contract to ensure that technological innova tion, in particular AI, is deployed safely and aligned with the ethical needs of a globalising world. It is also assisting policymakers in devising appropriate AI-related policies. For instance, it published a Framework for Developing a National Artificial Intelligence Strategy to guide govern ments in their efforts to elaborate strategies for the devel opment and deployment of AI. In recent years, AI and its


impact on national and international policy spaces have featured highly on the agenda of the WEF’s annual meet ings in Davos.

Blockchain and cryptocurrencies

The WEF Platform on Shaping the Future of Technology Governance: Blockchain and Digital Assets works to ad vance a systemic and inclusive approach to governing dis tributed ledger technologies (DLT), to ensure that every one can benefit from these technologies. The WEF works on governance issues related to the equity, interoperabili ty, security, transparency, and trust of DLT. It also analyses the relationship between blockchain and cybersecurity and international security, as well as the future of computing. It publishes papers on issues such as the challenges blockchain faces and its role in security, as well as guides such as the Blockchain Development Toolkit to guide or ganisations through the development and deployment of blockchain solutions.

Internet of things

The WEF’s Platform on Shaping the Future of Urban Trans formation explores various issues related to the implica tions of connected devices and smart technologies. For example, the Future of the Connected World initiative fo

cuses on activities intended to help realise the potential of the internet of things (IoT) in a way that benefits all.

The Platform on Shaping the Future of Mobility focuses on exploring opportunities and challenges related to technol ogies such as autonomous vehicles and drones.

Other IoT-related issues that the Forum has been exploring through various publications and initiatives include the industrial internet, the safety of smart home prod ucts, and challenges associated with the concept of the in ternet of bodies. In co-operation with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT ), the WEF published a report on Realizing the Internet of Things – a Framework for Col lective Action outlining five pillars for the development of IoT: architecture and standards, security and privacy, shared value creation, organisational development, and ecosystem governance.

The WEF also leads the G20 Global Smart Cities Alliance on Technology Governance, dedicated to promoting the responsible and ethical use of smart city technologies.

Emerging technologies

Virtual/augmented reality

The WEF is expanding and streamlining its work on virtu al and augmented reality ( VR /AR) by creating the Global Future Council on Virtual and Augmented Reality, which focuses on raising awareness of the positive and negative


aspects of the widespread adoption of VR/AR technologies. It carries out policy research and analysis related to the impact of VR/AR on the society and its security impli cations in publications on issues such as immersive media technologies, AR innovation in manufacturing, and priva cy in the context of VR use’.

Quantum computing

The WEF has created the Global Future Council on Quan tum Computing, through which it intends to explore com puting-related trends, including new foundational tech nologies and techniques for centralised and distributed processing. The forum also publishes regularly on the relationship between quantum computing and cybersecurity. Moreover, the Quantum Security initiative brings together stakeholders from governments, the private sector, academia, and non-profit organisations to exchange ideas and cooperate on issues related to promoting the secure adoption of quantum technologies.


Under its Centre for Cybersecurity, the WEF runs the Part nership against Cybercrime project, focused on advanc ing public-private partnerships (e.g. between law enforce ment agencies, international organisations, cybersecurity companies, and other actors) to combat cybercrime.

Cybercrime also constitutes the focus of various studies and articles published by the WEF, which delve into issues such as emerging threats and ways to tackle them. In one example, the 2020 Cybercrime Prevention Principles for Internet Service Providers outlines actionable principles to prevent malicious activities from reaching consumers.

Network security / critical infrastructure / cybersecurity

The WEF has launched a Centre for Cybersecurity dedicat ed to ‘fostering international dialogues and collaboration between the global cybersecurity community both in the public and private sectors’. Multiple projects are run un der this platform, such as the Cybersecurity Learning Hub, the Global Coalition to Fight Financial Crime, and the Digital Trust initiative. The cyber resilience of critical sectors, such as electricity and the oil and gas industry, is also a focus area for the WEF.

Data governance

The WEF has established a Platform for Data Policy dedicated to developing innovative approaches to enable the responsible use of data. Within this platform, the Data for Common Purpose Initiative aims to support the creation of flexible data governance models, oriented around com mon purposes.


It regularly publishes reports and papers on data governance issues such as restoring trust in data, cross-border data flows, data protection and security, among others.

E-commerce and trade and digital business models

Several activities and projects run by the WEF focus on e-commerce and broader digital economy-related issues. Under its Digital Trade initiative (part of its Shaping the Fu ture of Trade and Investment Platform), the WEF has been exploring opportunities and challenges associated with digital trade, while also engaging in the shaping of global, regional, and industry agendas on digital trade. Projects run within the initiative include, among others, the Digi tal Economy Agreement Leadership Group – which aims to contribute to the growth of inclusive and sustainable digital economies, and the TradeTech project – which fa cilitates dialogue on public policy and regulatory practic es related to digital trade. E-commerce is also tackled in studies, white papers, and events produced by the WEF, which address issues such as e-commerce in emerging markets, the impact of e-commerce on prices, and digital currencies.

The WEF has also established a Platform for Shaping the Future of Digital Economy and New Value Creation, aimed to ‘help companies leverage technology to be agile in the

face of disruption and to create the new digitally enabled business models’. Under the Centre for the New Econo my and Society, it brings together various stakeholders to promote new approaches to competitiveness in the digi tal economy, with a focus on issues such as education and skills, equality and inclusion, and improved economic op portunities for people.

Future of work

Future of work is a topic that spans across multiple WEF activities. For instance, under the Centre for the New Economy and Society, several projects are run that focus on issues such as education, skills, upskilling and reskill ing, and equality and inclusion in the world of work. The WEF has also launched a Reskilling Revolution Initiative, aimed to contribute to providing better jobs, education, and skills to one billion people by 2030. Initiatives under this platform include Closing the Skills Gap Accelerators, Preparing for the Future of Work Industry Accelerators, Education 4.0, and the Skills Consortium.




The WEF is also active on issues related to digital currencies and their policy implications. For instance, its Digital Currency Governance Consortium focuses on exploring the macroeconomic impacts of digital currencies and in forming approaches to regulating digital currencies. The Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Policy-Makers Tool kit, published in 2020, is intended to serve as a possible framework to ensure that the deployment of CBDCs takes into account potential costs and benefits. Various publi cations have been issued that explore topics such as the macroeconomic impact of cryptocurrency and stable coins, cryptocurrency regulation, and the links between stablecoins and financial inclusion.

Strategic Intelligence: The WEF’s platform provides access to ‘transformation maps’ – mappings of ‘hun dreds of global issues and their interdependencies’.

Social media channels

YouTube @World Economic Forum Facebook @worldeconomicforum   Twitter @wef LinkedIn @ World Economic Forum Flipboard @WEF TikTok @worldeconomicforum Instagram @worldeconomicforum


World Health Organization

Avenue Appia 20 | 1211 Geneva 27 | Switzerland


About WHO

The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialised agency of the UN whose role is to direct and co-ordinate international health within the UN system. As a member state organisation, its main arezzas of work include health systems, the promotion of health, non-communicable diseases, communicable diseases, corporate services, preparedness, and surveillance and response.

The WHO assists countries in co-ordinating multi-sectoral efforts by governments and partners (including bi- and multilateral meetings, funds and foundations, civil soci ety organisations, and the private sector) to attain their health objectives and support their national health poli cies and strategies.



WHO is harnessing the power of digital technologies and health innovation to accelerate global attainment of health and well-being. It uses digital technology intensive ly in its development of activities, ranging from building public health infrastructure in developing countries and immunisation to dealing with disease outbreaks

WHO has strengthened its approach to data by ensur ing this strategic asset has two divisions: the Division of Data, Analytics and Delivery for Impact. This has helped strengthen data governance by promoting sound data principles and accountability mechanisms, as well as ensuring that the necessary policies and tools are in place that can be used by all three levels of the organisation and can be adopted by member states. Digital health and in novation are high on WHO’s agenda; it is recognised for its role in strengthening health systems through the applica tion of digital health technologies for consumers/people and healthcare providers as part of achieving its vision of health for all.

WHO also established the new Department of Digital Health and Innovation in 2019 within its Science Division. Particular attention is paid to promoting global collaboration and advancing the transfer of knowledge on digital health; advancing the implementation of national digital health strategies; strengthening the governance for digi tal health at the global, regional, and national levels; and advocating for people-centred health systems enabled by digital health. These strategic objectives have been de veloped in consultation with member states throughout

2019 and 2020 and will be submitted for adoption to the upcoming 2021 World Health Assembly.

The Division of Data Analytics and Delivery for Impact and the Department of Digital Health and Innovation work closely together to strengthen links between data and digital issues, as well as data governance efforts. Dig ital health technologies, standards, and protocols enable health systems to integrate the exchange of health data within the health system. Coupled with data governance, ethics, and public health data standards, digital health and innovation enable the generation of new evidence and knowledge through research and innovation and inform health policy through public health analysis.

More recently, the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated WHO’s digital response, collaboration, and innovation in emer gencies. Some examples include collaborating to use ar tificial intelligence (AI) and data science in analysing and delivering information in response to the COVID-19 ‘info demic’ (i.e. overflow of information, including misinforma tion, in an acute health event, which prevents people from accessing reliable information about how to protect themselves); promoting cybersecurity in the health system, including hospitals and health facilities; learning from using AI, data science, digital health, and innovation in social science research, disease modelling, and simulations, as well as supporting the epidemiological response to the pandemic; and producing vaccines and preparing for the equitable allocation and distribution of vaccines.



WHO is a leader among Geneva-based international organisations in the use of social media, through its aware ness-raising of health-related issues. It was awarded first prize at the Geneva Engage Awards in 2016, and second prize in 2017.

The WHO/International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Focus Group on Artificial Intelligence for Health” (WHO/ ITU FG-AI4H) works to establish a standardised assess ment framework for the evaluation of AI-based methods for health, diagnosis, triage, or treatment decisions

Data and artificial intelligence

The response to COVID-19 reinforced the centrality of data and AI for the health sector and WHO’s activities. Data and AI policies are covered by the following instruments:

Data policy: Guidance on Good Data and Record Management Practices

- Data standardisation: Resolution WHA66.24: eHealth Standardization and Interoperability (May 2013)

Data sharing during health emergencies: Policy Statement on Data Sharing by WHO in the Context of Public Health Emergencies (as of 13 April 2013) (May 2016) | Best Practices for Sharing Information through Data Platforms: Establishing the Principles (April 2016)

Data and member states: Text for Inclusion in Data Collection Forms in all Data Collection Tools (Pa per-based, Electronic, or Other) used by the WHO to Collect data from Member States

Data sharing: FAQs on WHO Data Sharing Policy in Non-Emergency Contexts | Policy on the Use and Sharing of Data Collected in Member States by the WHO Outside the Context of Public Health Emergencies (August 2017) | WHO Statement on Public Disclosure of Clinical Trial Results (April 2015)


Digital Standards

Integration of Health Information Exchange (HIE): WHO collaborates with health information ex change standardisation bodies and organisations, such as HIE and Health Level Seven International (HL7), to promote sustainable investment in interop erable digital health technologies and systems. Dig ital health technologies, standards, and protocols enable health systems to integrate the exchange of health data within the health system. Coupled with data governance, ethics, and public health data standards, digital health and innovation enable the generation of new evidence and knowledge through research and innovation and inform health policy through public health analysis. Promoting Better Integration of Health Information Systems: Best Practices and Challenges (2015)

- SMART Guidelines -- Digital Adaptation Kits: Imple mentation Research and Technical Support: Digital adaptation kits (DAKs) are software-neutral, oper ational, and structured documentation based on WHO clinical, health system, and data use recom mendations to systematically inform the design of digital systems. DAKs include the package of busi ness process workflows, core data needs, decision support algorithms, linkages to indicators, and func tional requirements for a health domain area, which can then be incorporated more easily in a digital

system. In creating these operational tools derived from WHO guidelines, DAKs provide a unique way to reinforce recommendations and ensure adher ence to clinical guidelines and standards within digi tal systems for improved service delivery.

WHO Guideline: Recommendations on Digital Inter ventions for Health System Strengthening: Recom mendations based on a critical evaluation of the ev idence on emerging digital health interventions that are contributing to health system improvements, based on an assessment of the benefits, harms, acceptability, feasibility, resource use, and equity considerations.

Classification of Digital Health Interventions v1.0A Shared Language to Describe the Uses of Digital Technology for Health: The classification of digital health interventions categorises the different ways in which digital and mobile technologies are being used to support health system needs. A shared and standardised vocabulary was recognised as necessary to identify gaps and duplication, evaluate effectiveness, and facilitate alignment across different digital health implementations

- Electromagnetic Field and Health Protection: As the digital reality moves from ‘cable’ to wireless traffic (Wi-Fi and mobile), a growing number of concerns are emerging on the impact of electromagnetic fields on human health. This technology has become part


of the wider public debate and has given rise to conspiracy theories such as those that claim 5G spreads COVID-19. These concerns increase the importance of WHO’s research and policymaking within a broad er evidence-based discussion on the impact of Wi-Fi and mobile devices on health. Model Legislation for Electromagnetic Field Protection (2006); Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers’ (IEEE) Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz

Online gaming: Since 2018, gaming disorder has been included in WHO’s International Classification of Diseas es (ICD). While the negative impacts of online gaming on health are being increasingly addressed by national health policies, it has been recognised by some authorities, such as the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), that some game-based devices could have a therapeutic effect. Giv en the fast growth of online gaming and its benefits and disadvantages, the implications on health are expected to become more relevant.

The health top-level domain name: Health-related generic top-level domain (gTLD) names, in all languages, including ‘.health’, ‘.doctor’, and ‘.surgery’, should be operated in a way that protects public health and includes the preven tion of further development of illicit markets of medicines, medical devices, and unauthorised health products and services. Resolution WHA66.24: eHealth Standardization and Interoperability (2013)

Net neutrality

The issue of net neutrality (the equal treatment of Internet traffic) could affect bandwidth and the stability of digital connections, especially for high-risk activities such as on line surgical interventions. Thus, health organisations may be granted exceptional provisions, as the EU has already done, where health and specialised services enjoy excep tions regarding the principle of net neutrality. Resolution WHA66.24: eHealth Standardization and Interoperability (2013)

WHO has dedicated cybersecurity focal points, who work with legal and licensing colleagues to provide frameworks for the organisation to not only protect WHO data from various cyber-risks, but also provide technical advice to WHO and member states on the secure collection, stor age, and dissemination of data. Health facilities and health data have always been the target of cybercriminals; how ever, the COVID-19 crisis has brought into sharp focus the cybersecurity aspects of digital health.

Ransomware attacks threaten the proper functioning of hospitals and other healthcare providers. The global Wan nacry ransomware attack in May 2017 was the first major attack on hospitals and disrupted a significant part of the UK’s National Health System (NHS). Ransomware attacks on hospitals and health research facilities accelerated during the COVID-19 crisis.


Considering that data is often the main target of cyberattacks, it should come as no surprise that most cyber security concerns regarding healthcare are centred on the protection of data. Encryption is thus crucial for the safety of health data: It both protects data from prying eyes and helps assuage the fears patients and consumers may have about sharing or storing sensitive information through the internet.

Data governance

The 2021 Health Data Governance Summit brought together experts to review best practices in data governance, sharing, and use. The result was a call to action to tackle the legal and ethical challenges of sharing data, ensure data is shared during both emergency and non-emergency situations, and encourage data and research stewardship that promotes tangible impact. Key WHO resources include WHO’s Data Sharing Policies, the UN Joint Statement on Data Protection and Privacy in the COVID-19 Response, and GATHER (Guidelines for Accurate and Transparent Health Estimates Reporting).

WHO’s SCORE technical package (Survey, Count, Optimize, Review, and Enable) identifies data gaps and provides countries with tools to precisely address them. SCORE has been developed in partnership with the Bloomberg Data for Health Initiative. As part of SCORE, WHO completed the first ever global assessment of health information

systems capacity in 133 countries, covering 87% of the world’s population.

The project Strengthening National Nutrition Information Systems1 is running in five countries in Africa and Asia –Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Laos, Uganda, and Zambia – for a period of four years (2020–2024). Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS), Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) andr national nutrition surveys are the major sources of nutrition data for many countries, but they are complex and expensive undertakings that cannot be implemented with the required frequency. It is, therefore, critical to strengthen or establish integrated nutrition information systems (NIS) of countries to enhance the availability and use of routine nutrition data to better support policy de velopment, programme design and monitoring.

Data-driven delivery approach

A data-driven delivery approach sharpens WHO’s focus to address gaps, closing inequalities, and accelerate prog ress towards national and regional priorities from WHO regions. The WHO Regional Office for the Americas is working to create open data platforms for evidence-based decisions and policymaking. The Core Indicators Portal provides a dataset of around 200 health indicators for 49 countries across the region from 1995 to 2021. The WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean is conduct-

1 UNICEF and WHO, with financial support from the European Commis sion (EC)


ing harmonised health facility assessments and tracking 75 indicators through the Regional Health Observatory (RHO). The WHO Regional Office for Africa has prioritised investments in civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) and digital health. Its integrated African Health Observato ry (iAHO) offers high-quality national and regional health data on a single platform and District Health Information Software (DHIS2) is now implemented in all but four Af rican countries. The WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia is focused on promoting health equity through work shops that introduce member states to WHO’s Health Equity Assessment Toolkit (HEAT). High-quality data on health indicators is available on the Health Information Platform (HIP). The WHO Regional Office for Europe is prioritising support for countries’ national health information systems (HIS) through more robust data governance frameworks. Member states also have access to the European Health Information Gateway, a one-stop shop for health information and data visualisation. The WHO Re gional Office for the Western Pacific has released a prog ress report on each member state’s journey to achieving universal health coverage (UHC). Additionally, the Western Pacific Health Data Platform provides a single destination where countries can easily monitor and compare their progress towards national and global health objectives.


WHO is working with Facebook and Praekelt.Org to provide WHO’s COVID-19 information to the world’s most vulnerable people through Discover and Free Basics in a mobile-friendly format.Though over 85% of the world’s population lives in areas with existing cellular coverage, many people can’t afford to purchase mobile data consis tently and others have not yet adopted the internet. This initiative enables underserved communities to access life-saving COVID-19 health information through partici pating operators in more than 55 countries.

Sustainable development

Good Health and Well-being (SDG 3): To achieve a healthier population, improvements have been made in access to clean fuels, safe water, sanitation ( WASH), and tobacco control. Greater focus is being placed on leading indicators for premature mortality and morbidity, such as tobacco, air pollution, road injuries, and obesity. Due to COVID-19, 94% of countries experienced disruption to essential health services. while 92 countries experienced little change or worsening trends in financial protection – exacerbated by the continuing pandemic. Emphasis on primary health care is essential to equitable recovery.

Climate change (SDG 13): The 10 recommendations in the COP26 Special Report on Climate Change and Health


propose a set of priority actions from the global health community to governments and policymakers, calling on them to act with urgency on the current climate and health crises.The 2021 Global Conference on Health & Climate Change, with a special focus on Climate Justice and the Healthy and Green Recovery from COVID-19, con vened on the margins of the COP26 UN climate change conference.

The SIDS Summit for Health in 2021 brought together small island developing states (SIDS) heads of states, ministers of health, and others to discuss the urgent health challenges and needs they face. It helped amplify SIDS voices, promote collaborative action, and strengthen health and development partnerships and financing. It included steps to advance ongoing health initiatives, and to help drive results at the UN Food Systems Summit in September 2021, the 26th Climate Change Conference (COP26) in November 2021, and the Nutrition for Growth Summits in December 2021 and the years following.

Strengthening Health Information Systems for Refugeeand Migrant-Sensitive Healthcare: Health information and research findings can provide a platform for understanding and responding to the health needs of refugees and migrants and for aligning the efforts of other sectors and sources of international assistance. However, the system atic national data and evidence comparable across coun tries and over time available for policy- and decision-mak ing on health of refugees and migrants from around the world are inadequate. The WHO Health and Migration

Programme (PHM) supports the strengthening of member state information systems, providing specialised tech nical assistance, response, and capacity-building.

Human rights principles

Improving access to assistive technology: Assistive tech nology enables and promotes inclusion and participation, especially of persons with disability, ageing populations, and people with non-communicable diseases. The prima ry purpose of assistive products is to maintain or improve an individual’s functioning and independence, thereby promoting their well-being. Despite a growing number of people in need of assistive products in every country, only 5%–15%, or one in 10 people, have access to assistive products. WHO coordinates the Global Cooperation on Assistive Technology (GATE) as a step towards realising the SDGs and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), and implementing resolution WHA71.8 on assistive technology. The GATE initiative has the goal to support countries in addressing challenges and improving access to assistive products within their context. To achieve this, the GATE initiative is focusing on five interlinked areas (5Ps): people, policy, products, provi sion, and personnel.


Data and privacy protection

WHO supports the adoption of the Joint Statement on Data Protection and Privacy in the COVID-19 Response in line with the UN Personal Data Protection and Priva cy Principles adopted by the UN System Organizations to support its use of data and technology in the COVID-19 response in a way that respects the right to privacy and other human rights and promotes economic and social development. Organisations in their operations should, at a minimum:

Be lawful, limited in scope and time, and necessary and proportionate to specified and legitimate pur poses in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Ensure appropriate confidentiality, security, timebound retention, and proper destruction or dele tion of data in accordance with the aforementioned purposes.

- Ensure that any data exchange adheres to applicable international law, data protection and privacy principles, and is evaluated based on proper due diligence and risks assessments.

- Be subject to any applicable mechanisms and procedures to ensure that measures taken with regard to data use are justified by and in accordance with the aforementioned principles and purposes, and cease as soon as the need for such measures is no longer present,

- Be transparent in order to build trust in the deployment of current and future efforts alike.

Content policy: Infodemics

An infodemic is an overflow of information, including mis information, that prevents people from accessing reliable information; in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, it hampers the ability of people to know how to protect themselves. Our current infodemic cannot be eliminated, but it can be managed by producing engaging reliable content and using digital, traditional media, and offline tools to disseminate it; engaging key stakeholder groups in co-operative content creation and dissemination; em powering communities to protect themselves; and pro moting community and individual resilience against mis information. Digital health technologies and data science can support these activities by analysing the information landscape and social dynamics in digital and analogue en vironments; delivering messages; supporting fact-check ing and countering misinformation; promoting digital health, media, and health literacy; and optimising the ef fectiveness of messages and their delivery through real time monitoring and evaluation (M&E), among others.

At the Munich Security Conference 2020, WHO Direc tor-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stated: ‘We’re not just fighting an epidemic; we’re fighting an infodemic.’ This translated into many WHO initiatives to counter the infodemic, such as working with the public and the scien



tific community to develop a framework for managing infodemics; bringing the scientific community together for the 1st WHO Infodemiology Conference; developing of a draft research agenda on managing infodemics, cooper ating with UN agencies and the AI community; promot ing reliable WHO information through a co-ordinated ap proach with Google, Facebook, Twitter, and other major tech platforms and services; and campaigning to counter misinformation.

WHO-trained infodemic managers, over 1,300 of them from 142 countries, are already making great strides in member states and together around the globe as a global community of practice. In Serbia, the Laboratory for Info demiology and Infodemic Management has been estab lished at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade. With the support of the WHO Country Office in Serbia, two infodemic managers working at the Institute of Social Medicine have gathered a multidisciplinary team that will be conducting research and supporting infodemic man agement in the country and the region.


Public health challenges are complex and cannot be effec tively addressed by one sector alone. A holistic, multisectoral, multidisciplinary approach is needed for addressing gaps and advancing coordination for health emergency preparedness and health security and is essential for the implementation of the International Health Regulations (IHR) 2005.

WHO Classifications and Terminologies: operates a ‘one-stop shop’ for WHO classifications and termi nologies and delivers and scales use of terminolo gies and classifications.

WHO maintains a portfolio of digital tools and methods for emergency preparedness and response, for example:

Go.Data is an outbreak investigation tool for field data collection during public health emergencies. The tool includes functionality for case investiga tion, contact follow-up, and visualisation of chains of transmission including secure data exchange and is designed for flexibility in the field, to adapt to the wide range of outbreak scenarios. The tool is target ed at any outbreak responder.

Epidemic Intelligence from Open Sources (EIOS) is a unique collaboration between various public health stakeholders around the globe. It brings together new and existing initiatives, networks, and systems to create a unified all-hazards, One Health approach to early detection, verification, assessment, and communication of public health threats using pub licly available information. Creating a community of practice for public health intelligence (PHI) that in cludes member states, international organisations, research institutes, and other partners and collab orators is at the heart of the initiative; saving lives through early detection of threats and subsequent intervention is its ultimate goal. Since January 2022,


the lead of the EIOS initiative is hosted within the new WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelli gence. As one of the Hub’s flagship initiatives, EIOS is one of the main vehicles for building a strong PHI community of practice, as well as a multidisciplinary network to support it.

Digital proximity tracking technologies have been identified as a potential tool to support contact trac ing for COVID-19. However, these technologies raise ethical and privacy concerns. This document – Ethical Considerations to Guide the Use of Digital Proximity Tracking Technologies for COVID-19 Contact Tracing – provides policymakers and other stake holders with guidance as to the ethical and appro priate use of digital proximity tracking technologies for COVID-19.

The WHO Digital and Innovation for Health Online Community to Fight COVID-19 is a platform for dis cussion and sharing experiences and innovative re sponses related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The new Survey Count Optimise Review Enable (SCORE) for Health Data Technical Package was pub lished during one of the most data-strained public health crisis responses ever – that of the COVID-19 pandemic. SCORE can guide countries to take action by providing a one-stop shop for best technical prac tices that strengthen health information systems, using universally accepted standards and tools.

- The WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence supports countries, and regional and global actors in addressing future pandemic and epidemic risks with better access to data, better analytical ca pacities, and better tools and insights for decision making

Health data

WHO Health Data Hub (WHDH) is a single repository of health data in WHO and establishes a data gover nance mechanism for member states.

Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) registers all births and deaths, issues birth and death certifi cates, and compiles and disseminates vital statistics, including cause of death information. It may also re cord marriages and divorces.

The open-access WHO Snakebite Envenoming In formation and Data Platform is already working to shorten the time between a snakebite and receiving antivenom. It does this by mapping the distribution of venomous snakes, known antivenoms, and the proximity to health facilities that stock them.

Public health strategy, planning, and monitoring

The Triple Billion Dashboard is the foundation of


WHO’s Thirteenth General Programme of Work (GPW 13) acting as both a measurement and a policy strategy. It is an integral part of the GPW 13’s Results Framework, a new tool designed to measure and improve WHO’s impact on health at the country lev el. Measurement of these targets is closely aligned with those of the SDGs, to reduce country burden in data collection and streamline efforts to accelerate progress towards achieving key targets.

- The organisation also integrates digital health interventions in its strategies for certain diseases. WHO’s Global Observatory for e-Health (GOe) aims to assist member states with information and guidance on practices and standards in the field of e-health.

The newly established Geographic Information Sys tems (GIS) Centre for Health enables spatial repre sentation of data to support better public health planning and decision-making.

Health Equity Monitor is a platform for health inequality monitoring, which includes datatabases of disaggregated data, a handbook on health in equality monitoring, and step-by-step manuals for national health inequality monitoring (generally and specifically for immunisation inequality monitoring).

The Health Assessment Toolkit is a software appli cation that facilitates the assessment of health in equalities in countries. Inequality data can be visualised through a variety of interactive graphs, maps,

and tables. Results can be exported and used for priority-setting and policymaking.

Health facilities data

Harmonised Health Facility Assessment (HHFA) is a comprehensive, external review tool for assessing whether health facilities have the appropriate sys tems in place to deliver services at required stan dards of quality.

District Health Information Software and Toolkit for Analysis and Use of Routine Health Facility Data are open source, web-based health management information system (HMIS) platforms. The toolkit provides standards and guidance for the analysis of Routine Health Information Surveys (RHIS) data for individual health programmes, as well as integrated analysis for general health service management.

Toolkit for Routine Health Information Systems data (RHIS) provides frequent, up-to-date information on service performance at all levels of the health system, enabling regular analysis of progress and timely identification of problems.


Digital health solutions

- The Digital Health Atlas is a global registry of implemented digital health solutions. It is open and available to anyone to register and contribute infor mation about digital implementations. The registry provides a consistent way to document digital solu tions, and offers functionalities in a web platform to assist technologists, implementers, governments, and donors for inventory, planning, co-ordinating, and using digital systems for health. The Digital Health Atlas includes a special focus on listing digital technologies related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The repository of information is open to all users to reg ister projects, download project information, and connect with digital health practitioners globally. Be He@lthy, Be Mobile (BHBM) helps users access the right information when they need it. In support of national governments, Be He@lthy, Be Mobile is helping millions of people quit tobacco, and control diabetes and cervical cancer. It helps people at risk of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary dis ease (COPD), and those who care for older people.

- WHO features a new in-game character on Goodville named Florence, along with exciting expeditions and in-game events to help players better understand themselves by providing advice for achieving and maintaining physical and emotional well-being.

- WHO has launched a women’s health chatbot with messaging on breast cancer. The new chatbot uses the Viber platform to deliver health information di rectly to subscribers’ mobile phones. People sub scribing to the new chatbot will find information on how to reduce the risk of breast cancer, symptoms and treatment options.

Health-related research

The WHO BioHub System offers a reliable, safe, and transparent mechanism for WHO member states to voluntarily share novel biological materials, without replacing or competing with existing systems. Sharing of biological materials with epidemic or pandemic potential will be done through one (or more) of the laboratories designated as a WHO BioHub Facility. This will allow WHO member states and part ners to work in a better and faster way, to advance research, and to be more prepared for health emer gencies as well as ensure fairness in access to bene fits arising from this sharing.



and deliberations on eHealth Resolution WHA58.28 eHealth

Resolution WHA71.7 (2018): The resolution urges member states to prioritise the development and greater use of digital technologies in health as a means of promoting Universal Health Coverage and advancing the SDGs.

Report EB 142/20 (2018): The Executive Board in January 2018 considered the updated report on mHealth: Use of appropriate digital technologies for public health. This updated version of the report also includes the use of other digital technologies for public health.

- Report EB139/8 (2016): The Executive Board consid ered “mHealth: use of mobile wireless technologies for public health,” reflecting the increasing impor tance of this resource for health services delivery and public health, given their ease of use, broad reach and wide acceptance.

Resolution WHA66.24 (2013): The World Health Assembly recognised the need for health data standardisation to be part of eHealth systems and ser vices, and the importance of proper governance and operation of health-related global top-level Internet domain names, including “.health”.

Resolution WHA58.28 (2005): The World Health As sembly in 2005 recognised the potential of eHealth to strengthen health systems and improve quality, safety, and access to care, and encouraged member states to take action to incorporate eHealth into

health systems and services.

Resolution EB101.R3 (1998): WHO recognised the increasing importance of the internet and its po tential to impact health through the advertising and promotion of medical products, in its resolution on “Cross-border advertising, promotion and sale of medical products through the Internet ”.

Joint Statement on Data Protection and Privacy in the COVID-19 Response (2020) is developed by the UN Privacy Policy Group, an inter-agency group on data privacy and data protection, to support the pri vacy protective use of data and technology by the UN in fighting the current pandemic.

The purpose of a Global Strategy on Digital Health (2020-2025) is to promote healthy lives and well-being for everyone, everywhere, at all ages. To deliver its potential, national or regional digital health initiatives must be guided by a robust strategy that integrates financial, organisational, human, and technological resources.

For detailed coverage of WHO resources, tools, and pro grammes visit and tors/world-health-organization


Future of meetings

World Health Summit is the world’s leading global health conference where science, politics, the private sector and civil society meet for inspiring talks, enhanced coopera tions and new solutions [16 to 18 October 2022, Berlin, #WHS2022].

Social media channels

YouTube @WHO Twitter @WHO Facebook @WHO Instagram @who LinkedIn @world-health-organization Snapchat @who TikTok @who


World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

Chemin des Colombettes 34 | CH-1211 Geneva 20 | Switzerland


About the WIPO

The World Intellectual Property Organization ( WIPO) is a UN agency functioning as the global forum for intellectual property (IP) related services (patents, copyright, trade marks, and designs), policy, information, and cooperation. The organisation was established in 1967. It currently has

193 member states and over 200 observers representing NGOs and intergovernmental organisations.

WIPO leads the development of a balanced and effective global IP ecosystem to promote innovation and creativity for a better and more sustainable future.


Daren Tang


Message by the WIPO Director-General

WIPO is the UN agency for innovation, creativity, and intellectual property (IP). Our mission is to help our members use IP as a powerful catalyst to create jobs, attract invest ments, grow businesses, and develop economies and societies. In today’s world, this means harnessing digital tools, workflows, and communications for impact and delivery.


Message by the WIPO Director-General

We are the only UN agency to provide services directly to enterprises and entrepreneurs, allowing them a fast, efficient, cost-effective route for moving technology, brands, and designs across borders.

Take the example of Revalcon in Armenia. Three entrepreneurs, Seryozha Barkhudaryan, Artyom To noyan and Grigori Kartashyan, believed that providing farmers with access to technology and data would help them better manage their irrigation and waste less water. “The idea is to empower farmers to grow higher yields with fewer resources”, explains Gevorg Baghdasaryan, their CEO. They are ben efiting from copyrights, trademarks, and patents to transform farming through their smart irrigation systems.

Our digital communications objective is to inform and inspire businesses, communities, and individu als so that they can use IP to translate their ideas into assets that generate income and create economic and social value. This in turn will improve the lives of people everywhere.

Take the case of the Madd de Casamance, a fruit from Senegal that is protected as a Geographical Indi cation, similar to protection afforded to heritage food products like Gruyère. Young people are typical ly responsible for gathering the fruit. They use their earnings to finance their studies. And women play a key role in processing and selling the juice, syrup, and preserves derived from the fruit. Through the power of our digital registration systems, their community is able to bring these products to the world, and through our digital communications the world learns of their story.

As the agency that supports entrepreneurship, innovation, and digitalisation, as well as providing ser vices and support, we have to use digital to engage, inform, inspire, and deliver, so that our presence is not just in a corner of Geneva but truly global.



WIPO runs several online registration systems for patents and trademarks. There are also numerous databases available for use by stakeholders on the same subjects.

Credits by



Frontier technologies including artificial intelligence

WIPO pays particular attention to the interplay between frontier technologies including artificial intelligence (AI) and IP.

The WIPO Conversation on IP and Frontier Technologies provides an open, inclusive forum to engage with and facilitate discussion and knowledge-building among the widest possible set of stakeholders. It leads the global discourse on the impact of frontier technologies on IP, in this fast-moving, complex space. Each year, WIPO usual ly holds two sessions of the Conversation covering both the uses and applications of frontier technologies to assist IP Offices and IP owners as well as more conceptual pol icy-based discussions to ensure that the IP systems con tinue to foster innovation. The five sessions of the WIPO Conversation to date have focused on AI, data, and frontier technologies in IP administration.

WIPO has prepared a paper exploring the (potential) im pact of AI on IP policies in areas such as copyright and related rights, patents, trademarks, designs, and overall IP administration. It also maintains an AI and IP strategy clearing house, which collates government instruments (strategies, regulations, etc.) that are relevant to AI, data, and IP.

WIPO is also developing and deploying AI solutions in the context of various activities; relevant examples are WIPO Translate and the WIPO Brand Image Search, which use AI for automated translation and image recognition. The WIPO Index of AI Initiatives in IP Offices seeks to foster information sharing and collaboration between national IP Offices working on similar projects.

Revised Issue Paper on Intellectual Property Policy and Artificial Intelligence (2020)

IP and frontier technologies

The WIPO Conversation on IP and frontier technol ogies

IP and AI - IP and data

AI and IP clearing house

Index of AI initiatives

Frontier technologies in IP administration

- UN Secretary-General’s High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation follow-up process | Contributing to the roundtables on AI and digital platforms.

Taking part in the Road to Bern via Geneva dialogues on digital and data cooperation.

Cooperating with the International Telecommunica tion Union (ITU) in the AI for Good initiative.


- Supporting UNESCO’s work on developing the first global normative instrument on the ethics of AI.

Participating in the work of the Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator (GESDA), and an indepen dent foundation to leverage the anticipative power of science with diplomacy organisations and citizens working in Geneva and around the world.

Alternative dispute resolution and critical Internet resources

WIPO’s activities regarding the Domain Name System (DNS) revolve around the protection of trademarks and re lated rights in the context of domain names. It developed the Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (UDRP) with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). Under this policy, WIPO’s Arbitra tion and Mediation Center provides dispute resolution services for second-level domain name registrations un der generic top-level domains (gTLDs) to which the UDPR applies. The Center also administers disputes under spe cific policies adopted by some gTLD registries (e.g. .aero, .asia, .travel). In addition, it offers domain name dispute resolution services for over 70 country code top-level domains (ccTLDs). WIPO has developed a ccTLD Program to provide advice to many ccTLD registries on the establishment of dispute resolution procedures. It also contributes to the work carried out within the framework of ICANN in regard to the strengthening of existing trademark rights

protection mechanisms or the development of new such mechanisms.

WIPO Guide to the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy

- Guide to WIPO’s services for country code top-level domain registries

WIPO’s Arbitration and Mediation Center

WIPO Online Case Administration Tools, including WIPO eADR (allowing parties in a dispute, medi ators, arbitrators, and experts in a WIPO case to securely submit communications electronically into an online docket) and online facilities for meetings and hearings as part of WIPO cases.

Intellectual property rights


WIPO has long been involved in issues related to the pro tection of trademarks in the context of the DNS. The first phase of the WIPO Internet Domain Name Process, car ried out in 1991, explored trademark abuse in second-lev el domain names, and led to the adoption, by ICANN, of the UDRP. WIPO has also contributed to the development of several trademark rights protection mechanisms applicable to gTLDs (such as legal rights objections, the Trademark Clearinghouse, and the uniform rapid suspension


system). The WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center administers trademark-related dispute resolution cases for several gTLDs and ccTLDs.


WIPO is actively contributing to international discussions on the opportunities offered by copyright in the digital environment, especially to developing economies, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and women entrepreneurs. The organisation administers the Internet Treaties and the Beijing Treaty, which clarify that existing copyright and related rights apply on the internet, and introduce new online rights, while also establishing international norms aimed at preventing unauthorised access to and use of creative works on the internet or other digital net works. The WIPO Accessible Books Consortium furthers the practical implementation of the Marrakesh Treaty to increase the number of books available worldwide in ac cessible digital formats. WIPO member states are consid ering topics related to copyright in the digital environment at the multilateral level. WIPO also carries out research and organises seminars and other meetings on aspects concerning challenges and possible solutions for taking advantage of the opportunities offered by copyright and related rights in the digital era.

WIPO Copyright Treaty

WIPO Performances and Phonogram Treaty

Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights

Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks, Industrials Designs and Geographical Indications

WIPO’s Arbitration and Mediation Center

Liability of intermediaries

Given WIPO’s concerns regarding the protection of copy right and related rights on the internet, the organisation is exploring issues related to the roles and responsibilities of internet intermediaries when it comes to online copyright infringements. The organisation carries out or commis sions research and publishes studies on the relationship between copyright and internet intermediaries (such as comparative analyses of national approaches to the liability of Internet intermediaries), and organises events (seminars, workshops, sessions at the World Summit on the Information Society ( WSIS) Forum and Internet Governance Forum (IGF ) meetings, etc.) aimed at facilitating multis takeholder discussions on the potential liability of internet intermediaries concerning copyright infringements.

- Comparative analysis of national approaches of the liability of the internet intermediaries (I and II)

Sustainable development

WIPO is of the view that IP is a critical incentive for inno vation and creativity, and, as such, a key to the success


of the sustainable development goals (SDGs). The organisation works to enable member states to use the IP sys tem to drive the innovation, competitiveness, and creativ ity needed to achieve the SDGs. It does so, for instance, through supporting countries in their efforts to build an innovative IP ecosystem, providing legislative advice on updating national IP laws, and supporting judiciary sys tems in keeping up with technological innovation. WIPO’s contribution to the implementation of the Agenda 2030 is guided by its Development Agenda.

WIPO and the Sustainable Development GoalsInnovation Driving Human Progress (brochure)

The Impact of Innovation - WIPO and the Sustainable Development Goals

- WIPO GREEN – online marketplace for sustainable technologies

COVID-19 Technical Assistance Platform – A onestop digital platform for technical assistance pro vided by WIPO, WHO, and WTO on IP, public health, and trade matters related to COVID-19.

Climate change

WIPO’s Global Challenges programme brings together various stakeholders to explore issues related to green technologies and the environment. For instance, it hosts

WIPO GREEN, a multistakeholder platform aimed to promote innovation and diffusion of green technologies, and it provides analysis of relevant IP issues to facilitate international policy dialogue. The WIPO GREEN platform includes a digital database of more than 120,000 green technologies in sectors such as energy, water and trans portation. In 2022, WIPO is launching the Green Technolo gy Book, a major digital publication to showcase concrete solutions related to climate change adaptation. The report will be fully integrated with the WIPO GREEN database, al lowing for continuous additions by technology providers.

Innovation and Diffusion of Green Technologies: The Role of Intellectual Property and other Enabling Factors (2015)

- WIPO GREEN – online marketplace for sustainable/ green technologies



Some examples of the digital tools WIPO uses in relation to its services:

WIPO Online Case Administration Tools, including WIPO eADR (allowing parties in a dispute, mediators, arbitrators, and experts in a WIPO case to securely submit communications electronically into an online docket) and online facilities for meetings and hearings as part of WIPO cases.

WIPO GREEN – online marketplace for sustainable technologies.

WIPO Match – platform that matches seekers of specific IP-related development needs with potential providers offering resources.

WIPO Alert – platform to upload information on en tities that infringed copyright at national level.

Madrid e-services – online tools and resources.

- Electronic Forum – enables the electronic distribu tion and submission by email of comments concern ing preliminary draft working documents and draft reports.

WIPO Academy – also includes an eLearning Centre.

WIPO Connect – enables collective management of copyright and related rights at local and central lev els.

ABC Global Book Service – on-line catalogue that allows participating libraries for the blind and organ isations serving people who are print disabled to obtain accessible content

The WIPO Knowledge Centre – hosts virtual exhibi tions. Recent subjects have included geographical indications, and artificial intelligence.

Social network channels

Twitter @WIPO

Instagram @wipo Facebook @WIPO LinkedIn @WIPO YouTube @WIPO

Flickr @WIPO

Podcast @


World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

Avenue de la Paix 7bis | 1211 Geneva 27 | Switzerland


About the WMO

The World Meteorological Organization ( WMO) is a specialised agency of the United Nations dedicated to inter national cooperation and coordination on the state and behaviour of the Earth’s atmosphere, its interaction with the land and oceans, the weather and climate it produces, and the resulting distribution of water resources. It boasts a membership of 193 member states and territories. Weather, climate, and water respect no national boundar ies, and so cooperation is key.

National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) work around the clock to provide early and reli able warnings of severe weather. WMO also measures and forecasts air quality and monitors and projects climate change. The overriding priority is to save life and proper ty, protect resources and the environment, and support socio-economic growth. With this work, WMO supports NMHSs and meets their international commitments in di saster risk reduction, climate change mitigation and adap tation, and sustainable development.


“WMO is central to the exchange of global weather, climate, water, and ocean data, which enables humanity to forecast extreme events and better understand and address the impacts of increasing global temperatures and the increasing demand for services and forecasts.”

Secretary-General Petteri Taalas

Message by the WMO Secretary-General

Weather, climate, and water affects us all. To understand the full scope of the problem, we must be able to predict climate change decades, if not centuries, into the future. Gathering and exchanging data is vital for weather and climate forecasting and is part of WMO’s core mandate.


Message by the WMO Secretary-General

WMO facilitates the exchange of climate and meteorological data as a global public good. Data diplomacy informs our efforts to adapt to climate change, increase our resilience, and help us towards the sustainable development goals.

The international exchange of data and observations has been the backbone of WMO since its es tablishment. It is key to weather forecasts and warnings, water resource management, and climate science.

Climate and weather forecasting depend on data captured by tens of thousands of manned and automatic surface weather stations, national radar networks, ocean observing stations, and a large constel lation of weather and Earth observing satellites. Data is exchanged on telecommunications networks using protocols and standards developed by WMO experts. Enormous supercomputers, some of the biggest in the world, process this data to generate weather forecasts, warnings of extreme events, and predictions of future climate. WMO also ensures that the data products from these systems are dis tributed globally to national meteorological and hydrological services to deliver services to everyone on the planet.

WMO also explores the role of new technologies and their relevance for public weather services, including using artificial intelligence (AI). Data is also critical for issuing multi-hazard early warnings from authoritative national sources. There are gaps in least developed countries (LDCs) and small island developing states (SIDS); a global initiative to enhance global and regional coverage is underway and significantly contributes to achieving universal protection for life and property.

Data has shown that we are breaking records in greenhouse gas concentrations yearly. There is a real and proven need for a data-driven global greenhouse gas monitoring infrastructure that will provide a solid, authoritative basis for governments to monitor their commitments under the Paris Agreement.

Continued digital cooperation between countries is essential to ensure the timely delivery of observational data from as many stations worldwide as possible in the shortest time to save lives and livelihoods.



Data is in WMO’s DNA. Data is gathered from one of the most diverse data-gathering systems worldwide, consist ing of more than 10,000 manned and automatic surface weather stations, national radar networks, ocean observ ing stations, and weather satellite constellations. Data ex change underpins all WMO core functions from weather forecasting to climate, hydrological, and ocean monitor ing. Supercomputers and global telecommunication sys tems power the ever-growing appetite for data.

WMO also explores the role of new technologies and their relevance for public weather services including the use of artificial intelligence (AI) approaches. AI complements complex numerical weather prediction algorithms that process vast amounts of data and calculate the behaviour of weather patterns, providing short-term weather fore casts and long-term climate predictions.

Credits by shutterstock


Artificial intelligence

To use its gathered data, WMO makes weather-related predictions via an observation system such as the Numer ical Weather Prediction (NWP). With more attention being paid to AI, WMO’s decades-long experience with the NWP can help understand both the potential and limitations of AI in dealing with nature, which is the most complex logi cal system.

Digital standards

WMO maintains one of the most comprehensive stan dardisation systems with a detailed explanation of each step in the data cycle. WMO guidelines range from issues such as the position or the type of surface (e.g. grass) over which weather observation stations should be placed to uniform and structured standards on data sharing.

Data governance

WMO Unified Data Policy

The 2021 Extraordinary World Meteorological Congress approved the WMO Unified Data Policy to dramatical ly strengthen the world’s weather and climate services through a systematic increase in much-needed observa tional data and data products across the globe.

The Unified Data Policy was painstakingly developed through extensive consultation with thousands of ex perts and other global stakeholders to meet the explosive growth in demand for weather, climate, and water data products and services from all sectors of society.

Approval of the Unified Data Policy provides a compre hensive update of the policies guiding the international exchange of weather, climate, and related Earth system data between the 193 WMO member states and territories. The new policy reaffirms the commitment to the free and unrestricted exchange of data, which has been the bedrock of WMO since it was established more than 70 years ago.

Why has WMO updated its data policy?

Recent decades have seen explosive growth in the de mand for weather, climate, and water monitoring and prediction data to support essential services needed by all sectors of society, as they face issues such as climate change, increasing frequency and impact of extreme weather, and implications for food security.

The free and unrestricted exchange of observational data from all parts of the world and of other data prod ucts among all WMO members must be updated and strengthened to accommodate this growing demand. As the responsibilities of NMHSs continue to expand, a grow ing list of application areas beyond the traditional weath er, climate, and water activities needs to be supported by WMO observing and data exchange and modelling


systems. WMO data policy must evolve to accommodate atmospheric composition, oceans, the cryosphere, and space weather.

What are the benefits of updating the WMO data policy?

The new WMO Unified Data Policy will help the WMO community to strengthen and better sustain monitoring and predicting all Earth-system components, resulting in massive socio-economic benefits. It will lead to an additional exchange of all types of environmental data, enabling all WMO members to deliver better, more accurate, timely weather- and climate-related services to their constituen cies.

In addition to data sharing, the overall importance of data has been further highlighted by the WMO’s Guidelines on Climate Data Rescue, published in 2004. The document tackles why data rescue (i.e. preservation of vast amounts of collected climate data and digitalisation of current and past datasets for easy access) is crucial. It explains that practitioners of data rescue might encounter obstacles such as the high cost of data rescue operations and the lack of digital skills and competencies to use the necessary tools in data preservation. The Guidelines were updated in 2016 to reflect the changes in digital technologies since they were first published. They now outline some of the necessary steps in the data rescue process, such as creat ing digital inventories and digitising data values.

Over the years, WMO has also engaged in the following data governance developments:

Cooperation on data in scientific circles through co operation between the International Science Coun cil (ISC) and the WMO World Data Centres and dis cussion on data at the World Conference on Science.

- Cooperation with the International Oceanographic Commission (IOC), whose Resolution 6 specifies that ‘member states shall provide timely, free, and unrestricted access to all data, associated metadata, and products generated under the auspices of IOC programmes.’

Discussion with the World Trade Organization ( WTO) on WMO datasets and competition provisions in the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS).

Cooperation with the Intergovernmental Group on Earth Observations (GEO), which was established in 2003 to derive data policies for the Global Earth Observation System of Systems based on the WMO data exchange system.

Close work with the International Telecommunica tions Union (ITU) on the need to protect radio frequencies vital for weather forecasting and data exchange.


Sustainable development

Climate change is an increasingly recognised global threat. But what risks does it pose exactly? And how will climate change and its impacts affect sustainable development? The complexity of the global climate system often contrib utes to significant gaps between scientific and policy-ori ented understandings of how climate-change-related risks cascade through environmental, social, and eco nomic systems.

WMO has addressed these gaps by connecting changes in the global climate system, as measured by the state of the climate indicators, to the sustainable development goals (SDGs) based on extensive data collection. The aim is to improve risk-informed decision-making by aiding policy makers, the scientific community, and the public to grasp the interconnected and complex nature of climate change threats to sustainable development, thereby encouraging more comprehensive and immediate climate action.

Digital technologies have also played an essential role in the advancement of the World Weather Watch (WWW), a flagship WMO programme that allows for the develop ment and improvement of global systems for observing and exchanging meteorological observations. The programme has evolved thanks to developments in remote sensing; private internet-type networks; supercomputing systems for data analysis; and weather, climate, and wa ter (environmental) prediction models. The World Weath er Watch ( WWW ) consists of the following main building blocks:

- National Meteorological Services collect data on land, water, and air worldwide. The WMO Informa tion System ( WIS) coordinates the data collection and transmission through its national, regional, and global centres.

Regional organisations that act as global hubs in clude, for example, the European Centre for Me dium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF ) and the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT ).

To produce a successful weather forecast, it is essential to ensure the timely delivery of observational data from as many stations worldwide as possible in the shortest time. What follows is an example of the Global Basic Observing Network (GBON) showing a map of observation stations worldwide.

The Global Telecommunication System (GTS), as part of

WIS, carries data from observation stations to na-

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tional, regional, and global actors. Most of the data is exchanged via the GTS in real time. Given the critical rele vance of this data in dealing with crises, the GTS must be highly reliable and secure.

Smart data for evidence-based decision-making

In recent years, WMO has digitised its performance monitoring through the development of strategic and thematic dashboards as well as through the increased use of infographics and story maps, all tools conducive to evi dence-based decision-making. In addition to a Key Perfor mance Indicators Dashboard, WMO has launched a Hydro Dashboard, which provides valuable information on op erational hydrological services worldwide. It is developing similar thematic dashboards on climate services and glob al data processing and forecasting. Internally, WMO has created a centralised data repository that brings together data from various systems, surveys, and sources, provid ing easy access to reliable data and related data analytics. The data repository is essential to facilitating the flow of objective, evidence-based, timely performance informa tion.

Digital WMO community

WMO established the WMO Community Platform, which consists of several digital tools that allow for the cross-analysis and visualisation of information from all WMO member states regarding weather, climate, and wa

ter to provide better insights into the work and needs of the community and to contribute to greater participation in good governance. The WMO e-Library is another tool that gathers and maintains different publications, includ ing reports and WMO standards.

Green WMO

WMO has both virtual and in-person events. WMO experts are also working to reduce the impact of global observing systems and other operations on the environment. WMO is among the first UN organisations to do completely pa perless sessions (all governance meeting documentation has been digital for many years). We experimented at the latest Executive Council meeting (EC-75) with trans lating the INF documents (information documents) using AI tools. It may also be relevant to mention that the draft Strategic Plan 2024-2027 has a new strategic objective (SO) targeted at environmental sustainability, including green IT and green meetings.

Useful documents where you can find many links:

WMO Unified Data Policy Resolution (Res.1)

Digital Dialogues Focus on Big Data and the Global Goals

Observations - Data - Modelling


Future of meetings

27 September 2022 - 29 September 2022 - Geneva, Switzerland (hybrid)

Workshop on the Management of Observational User Requirements for the Evolved Rolling Review of Require ments in the Context of WMO's Earth System Approach (RRR-Requirements)

Social media channels Instagram @wmo_omm YouTube @worldmetorg Facebook @World Meteorological Organization Twitter @WMO Ficker @World Meteorological Organization LinkedIn @world-meteorological-organization


World Trade Organization (WTO)

Centre William Rappard | Rue de Lausanne 154 | CH-1211 Geneva 21 | Switzerland


About the WTO

The World Trade Organization ( WTO) is an intergovernmental organisation that deals with the rules of trade among its members. Its main functions include adminis tering WTO trade agreements, providing a forum for trade negotiations, settling trade disputes, monitoring national trade policies, providing technical assistance and training for developing countries, and ensuring cooperation with other international organisations.

WTO members have negotiated and agreed upon rules regulating international trade, fostering transparency and predictability in the international trading system. The main agreements are the Marrakesh Agreement Estab lishing the WTO, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), and the Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement).



Message by the WTO Director-General

Our future is digital. In addition to the rise in digital innovation during the past few decades, the recent COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the rise of digital trade and the digital transformation of the economy.

According to WTO estimates, global exports of digitally delivered services more than tripled in value between 2005 and 2019, growing an average of 7.3% per year, 2.7 percentage points higher

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
“Building trust in digital trade is essential for a prosperous and inclusive global economy in the coming decades, and the WTO is uniquely positioned to contribute to this goal.

Message by the WTO Director-General

than the average growth in exports of goods during the same period. While goods and in-person services trade shrank in 2020 due to the pandemic, digitally delivered services exports increased by 14%. In 2021 they reached $3.71tn, 30% above the value in 2019.

On the other hand, we are facing a digital divide. While the percentage of internet users in the world’s population rose rapidly from 54% in 2019 to 63% in 2021, some 2.9bn people remain offline, 96% of whom live in developing countries. The digital gender divide is narrowing globally, but large gaps re main in poorer countries. Globally, an average of 62% of men use the internet compared with 57% of women.

The WTO has a unique role to play in enabling everyone, everywhere, to fully reap the benefits associ ated with digital trade. Digitalisation is critical to fostering the participation of the marginalised in global trade, including micro, small and medium enterprises, women, and businesses in developing countries.

One of the key outcomes from the recently concluded MC12 is the agreement to reinvigorate the Work Programme on Electronic Commerce particularly in line with its development dimension. At MC12, members also agreed to continue the practice of not imposing customs duties on electronic transmis sions until MC13 and to intensify discussions on the scope, definition, and impact of this moratorium.

In parallel, 86 members are currently negotiating trade-related rules on e-commerces under the Joint Statement Initiative. To date, participants have reached convergence on several key provisions, such as online consumer protection, electronic signatures and authentication, paperless trading, electronic contracts, and transparency. Participants aim to achieve progress in other areas, including the most challenging ones, for example, cross-border data flows and localisation.

In moving forward, it is important that the WTO continues to provide a forum for inclusive and con structive engagement, so that everyone has the tools and skills to participate in and benefit from digital trade.



Several internet governance and digital trade policy-related issues are discussed in the WTO. These include e-commerce, intellectual property (IP), and market access for information and communications technology (ICT) products. E-commerce discussions are ongoing under the Work Programme on Electronic Commerce and among a group of 86 WTO members currently negotiating e-com merce rules under the Joint Statement Initiative (JSI) on E-commerce. Discussions focus on several digital issues,

including data flows and data localisation, source code, cybersecurity, privacy, consumer protection, capacity building, and customs duties on electronic transmissions.

As part of its outreach activities, the WTO organises nu merous events such as the Aid for Trade Global Review and an annual Public Forum, which brings together gov ernments, NGOs, academics, businesses, and other stakeholders for discussions on a broad range of issues, including many relating to the digital economy.

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In 1997, WTO members successfully concluded negotiations on market access for basic telecommunications services, which resulted in new specific commitments in the sector for a significant part of the WTO member ship. These negotiations also resulted in the Reference Paper, a set of regulatory principles for basic telecommu nication services that various members have inscribed in their schedules of commitments. Since 1997, the number of members that have undertaken market access com mitments on telecommunications and subscribed to the Reference Paper has continued to increase as a result of new governments joining the WTO through the process of accession. Under the JSI negotiations, participants are discussing a proposal that seeks to update provisions of the Reference Paper.

Digital standards1

International standards are important to the global dig ital economy as they can enable interconnectivity and interoperability for telecommunications and internet in frastructures. The WTO Technical Barriers to Trade Agree ment (TBT Agreement) aims to ensure that technical regulations, standards, and conformity assessment pro

cedures affecting trade in goods (including telecommunications products) are non-discriminatory and do not cre ate unnecessary obstacles to trade. The TBT Agreement strongly encourages that such regulatory measures be based on relevant international standards.

The TBT Committee serves as a forum where govern ments discuss and address concerns with specific regula tions, including those affecting digital trade. Examples of relevant TBT measures notified to or discussed at the TBT Committee include (1) measures addressing the Internet of Things (IoT) and related devices in terms of their safety, interoperability, national security/cybersecurity, performance, and quality; (2) measures regulating 5G cellular network technology for reasons related to, among oth ers, national security and interoperability; (3) measures regulating 3D printing (additive manufacturing) devices; (4) measures regulating drones (small unmanned aircraft systems) due to risks for humans/consumers, interop erability problems, and national security risks; and (5) measures dealing with autonomous vehicles, mostly con cerned with their safety and performance.

1The issue of digital standards is addressed as ‘standards and regulations’ within the work of WTO.



Cybersecurity issues have been addressed in several WTO bodies. For example, the TBT Committee has dis cussed national cybersecurity regulations applicable to ICT products and their potential impact on trade. In the TBT Committee, WTO members have raised specific trade concerns related to cybersecurity regulations. Some of the specific issues discussed include how cybersecurity regulations discriminating against foreign companies and technologies can negatively impact international trade in ICT products. Proposals on cybersecurity have also been tabled in the JSI on e-commerce where negotiations are ongoing.

Data governance

The growth of the global digital economy is fuelled by data. Discussions on how provisions of WTO agreements apply to data flows are ongoing among WTO members. In this context, is particularly relevant, as it applies to trade in services such as (1) data transmission and data process ing by any form of technology (e.g. mobile or cloud tech nologies); (2) new ICT business models such as infrastruc ture as a service (IaaS); (3) online distribution services e.g. (e-commerce market platforms); and (4) financial services such as mobile payments. The extent to which members can impose restrictions on data or information flows

affecting trade in services is determined by their GATS schedules of commitments. Under the JSI, proposals on cross-border data flows have been submitted and are be ing discussed. These proposals envision a general rule es tablishing the free flow of data for commercial activities. Proposed exceptions to this general rule are, to a large ex tent, similar to the existing GATS General and Security Ex ceptions and relate to, for example, protection of person al data, protection of legitimate public policy objectives, national security interests, and exclusion of governmental data. Issues related to data flows have also been raised by members in other contexts at the WTO, such as in the Council for Trade in Services, for instance, when national cybersecurity measures adopted have been considered by some members as trade barriers.

Intellectual property rights

The TRIPS Agreement is a key international instrument for the protection of IP and is of relevance to e-commerce. The technologies that underpin the internet and enable digital commerce such as software, routers, networks, switches, and user interfaces are protected by IP. In ad dition, e-commerce transactions can involve digital prod ucts with IP-protected content, such as e-books, software, or blueprints for 3D-printing. As IP licences often regulate the usage rights for such intangible digital products, the TRIPS Agreement and the international IP Conventions provide much of the legal infrastructure for digital trade.


These conventions include:

Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (1967)

Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic works (1971)

International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations (the Rome Conven tion) (1961)

Treaty on Intellectual Property in Respect of Integrated Circuits (1989)

The role of IP in promoting innovation and trade in the dig ital age has been highlighted in recent WTO World Trade Reports.

These reports are:

WTR 2018 - The future of world trade - How digital technologies are transforming global commerce;

WTR 2020 - Government policies to promote inno vation in the digital age.

IP-related issues are also being discussed in the JSI. Sub mitted proposals include text on limiting requests to the access or transfer of source code. The source code or the data analysis used in the operation of programmes or services is often legally protected by IP law through copy right, patent, or trade secret provisions. The main goal of the JSI proposals on access to source code is to prevent

members from requiring access or transfer of the source code owned by a national of another member state. Some exceptions to this general prohibition have also been pro posed. For example, for software that is used for critical infrastructures and public procurement transactions.

Electronic commerce

WTO agreements cover a broad spectrum of trade topics, including some related to e-commerce, which has been on the WTO's agenda since 1998 when the ministers adopt ed the Declaration on Global Electronic Commerce. The Declaration instructed the General Council to establish a Work Programme on electronic commerce. In that Declaration, members also agreed to continue the practice of not imposing customs duties on electronic transmissions (the ’moratorium’). The Work Programme provides a broad definition of e-commerce and instructs four WTO bodies (Council for Trade in Goods; Council for Trade in Services; TRIPS Council; and the Committee on Trade and Development) to explore the relationship between WTO Agreements and e-commerce. The Work Programme and the moratorium on customs duties on electronic trans missions have been periodically reviewed and renewed.

At its recently concluded 12th Ministerial Conference (MC12) in June 2022, WTO members agreed to reinvig orate the Work Programme, particularly in line with its development dimension, and to intensify discussions on


the moratorium, including on its scope, definition, and impact. Furthermore, members agreed to extend the mor atorium on customs duties on electronic transmissions until MC13.2

At MC11 in 2017, a group of members issued the Joint Statement Initiative (JSI) on E-Commerce to explore work towards future WTO negotiations on trade-related as pects of e-commerce. Following the exploratory work, in January 2019, 76 members confirmed their ‘intention to commence WTO negotiations on trade-related aspects of electronic commerce’ and to ‘achieve a high standard outcome that builds on existing WTO agreements and frameworks with the participation of as many WTO members as possible’. Negotiations are continuing among 86 mem bers3 and are structured under 6 broad themes, namely enabling e-commerce, openness and e-commerce, trust and e-commerce, cross-cutting issues, telecommunica

tions, and market access. JSI participants have reached convergence on e-authentication and e-signatures, e-con tracts, open government data, online consumer protec tion, unsolicited commercial electronic messages (spam), transparency, and paperless trading. Negotiations on open internet access, electronic transactions frameworks, source code, cybersecurity, electronic invoicing, privacy, telecommunications, and customs duties on electronic transmissions continue. On the margins of the recently concluded MC12, the co-convenors of the JSI (Australia, Japan, and Singapore), issued a statement underlining the importance of developing global rules on e-commerce and, together with Switzerland, launched the E-commerce Capacity Building Framework to strengthen digital inclusion and to help developing and least developed countries to harness the opportunities of digital trade.


2 WT/MIN(22)/32; WT/L/1143

3 86 Members as of 25 July 2022: Albania; Argentina; Australia; Austria; Bahrain, Kingdom of; Belgium; Benin; Brazil; Brunei Darussalam; Bulgaria; Burkina Faso; Cameroon; Canada; Chile; China; Colombia; Costa Rica; Côte D'Ivoire; Croatia; Cyprus; Czech Republic; Denmark; Ecuador; El Salvador; Estonia; Finland; France; Georgia; Germany; Greece; Guatemala; Hondu ras; Hong Kong, China; Hungary; Iceland; Indonesia; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Japan; Kazakhstan; Kenya; Korea, Republic of; Kuwait, the State of; Latvia; Lao People's Democratic Republic; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxembourg; Malaysia; Malta; Mexico; Moldova, Republic of; Mongolia; Montenegro; Myanmar; Netherlands; New Zealand; Nicaragua; Nigeria; North Macedo nia; Norway; Panama; Paraguay; Peru; Philippines; Poland; Portugal; Qa tar; Romania; Russian Federation; Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of; Singapore; Slovak Republic; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu; Thailand; Turkey; Ukraine; United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom; United States; and Uruguay.

Information Technology Agreement (ITA-I and ITA-II)

The ITA-I was concluded by 29 participants in 1996. Through this agreement, participating WTO members eliminated tariffs and other duties and charges (ODCs) on hundreds of ICT products – including computers, laptops, servers, routers, communication devices (i.e. mobile telephones), semiconductors, semiconductor manufacturing equipment and parts thereof – to foster the development

4 The issue of arbitration is referred to under the issue of ‘market access’ within the work of the WTO.


of ICT global value chains and facilitate greater adoption of the ICT products that lie at the core of a global digital economy and power the downstream innovative and competitive capacity of every industry that deploys them. Currently, 83 WTO members are participants in ITA-I, ac counting for approximately 97% of world trade in ITA-I products. As technology continues to evolve, ICT is found at the core of an ever-increasing range of products. At the MC10 in Nairobi in 2015, over 50 WTO members con cluded ITA-II negotiations and agreed to expand the ITA product coverage by around 200 products. ICT products such as GPS navigation equipment, satellites, and medical equipment were included and tariffs on these products have been eliminated among ITA-II participants. At present, the ITA-II consists of 55 WTO members, representing over 90% of world trade in ITA-II products. The ITA is being discussed in the JSI under the market access focus group.

Future of meetings

The Public Forum is the WTO’s largest annual outreach event, which provides a platform for participants to dis cuss the latest developments in world trade and to pro pose ways of enhancing the multilateral trading system.

Social media networks

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Twitter @wto YouTube @WorldTradeOrganization

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The International Digital Health & Artificial Intelligence Research Collaborative I-DAIR

Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2A | 1202 Geneva | Switzerland


About the I-DAIR

The International Digital Health & AI Research Collaborative (I-DAIR) is an independent global platform based in Geneva with the mission of enabling and improving ac cess to inclusive, impactful, and responsible research into digital health and artificial intelligence for health.

I-DAIR’s vision is to catalyse a more equitable and evi dence-based use of digital technologies for personal and public health globally.

The focus on R&D and innovation ecosystems (research institutes and academia, public and private sectors) is driven by the need to empower countries and strength en their capacity to lead and implement their own digital transformation, with particular focus on the Global South and small states of all incomes.

I-DAIR takes inspiration directly from the UN Secretary-General’s High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation, whose 2019 report called for new platforms for collabo ration on digital technologies for making progress on the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and for reinforcing inclusion, avoiding misuse, and protecting human rights.

With a network of over 45 partners, I-DAIR’s work is root ed in multilateralism, health and science collaboration, and the belief that value derived from advanced technologies is greatest when they are inclusive.


Mehdi Snène

Message by the I-DAIR ad interim CEO

Digital technology and artificial intelligence (AI) provide opportunities to improve the quality and convenience of the clinical experience; to enable seamless clinical transitions and workflow inte gration between doctors, hospitals and clinics; and to empower patients to manage their health while making the patient journey more effective and efficient. At the same time, this transforma tion poses many ethical and implementation challenges.

“Yesterday, I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today, I am wise, so I am changing myself.” Djalâl ad-DînRûmî

Message by the I-DAIR ad interim CEO

We must ensure that technology’s benefits reach the greatest number of people and the transformation is patient-centric and respects the patient’s voice and preferences. Finally, this transformation must be sustainable in both medical practice and clinical research in an equitable manner.

Fostering equity and multilateral collaboration on data and AI are key pillars of I-DAIR’s approach. We are convinced that together with our partners and hubs, we can create a sustainable and ethical frame work that enables clinical researchers to collaboratively develop better solutions strongly anchored within their contexts. We are setting up a network of excellence of transdisciplinary researchers from different regions of the world with a particular interest in the Global South and the small states and are supporting them via foundational enabling solutions, such as our trusted research infrastructure that enables new mechanisms for data pooling and (con)federated learning, keeping distributed data sets under full owner’s sovereignty. For I-DAIR’s global pandemic scheme, we are engaging our scientific and civil society partners to create an R&D agenda for a science-based, data-driven, neutral, and trusted capacity to improve the quality of responses throughout the continuum of pandemic phases. We aim to reduce early adoption constraints in AI and digital in health while maximising the benefits of pooling expertise and resources and setting a new example of multilateral collaboration.

Our deep enabling and multilateral efforts include creating a global capacity development network to bridge the communities and enhance the capacities of researchers, developers, policymakers, and decision-makers responsible for national digital health and AI strategies, programmes, and projects for health. I-DAIR is also bringing together a transdisciplinary community to co-create and validate a governance mechanism for AI in health, land principles and norms into practice in different country contexts, and exchange governance insights and assets.

To inform I-DAIR’s research and development agenda for digital health and AI, we are forming a Science Consortium as part of our organisation’s governance structure, composed of independent thought leaders and broader scientific community representatives who will provide intellectual insights and strategic advice.

Ultimately, we hope to achieve our vision: the transformation of personal and public health through collaborative research and the development of digital technology enablers.



As an international, transdisciplinary, neutral and trusted platform, I-DAIR enables and supports the scientific ex ploration of digital and AI technologies, the development of innovative applications, and the informed use of these applications at both research and medical institutions to catalyse the transformation of personal and public health.

I-DAIR has identified areas of most relevant scientific exploration, called PathFinders, chosen and prioritised based on extensive consultations to better support the digital transformation of health systems; provide end-

to-end enabling of digital health; and assist in developing policy responses to ensure the equitable, impactful, and ethical use of new technologies.

I-DAIR’s work is grounded in a growing number of hubs (currently established in Geneva, Johannesburg, Nairobi, New Delhi, Santiago de Chile, Singapore, and Tunis), and I-DAIR-affiliated research centres. Together with addition al hubs and affiliate centres in other locations, I-DAIR will create a distributed network of research and innovation centres for collaborative and inclusive research.

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Artificial intelligence

PathFinders provide the framework for I-DAIR’s projects portfolio and an end-to-end approach to the global re search ecosystem for digital health, from infrastructure and tools to benchmarking and governance. Current proj ects include the following:

Global Research Map (GRM)


Real-Time Epidemiology & Dashboard (RTED)

Digital Innovations in Health Systems (DIHS)

Trusted Research Infrastructure

Capacity Development Network

Governance for AI and Data for Health

The Global Research Map of Digital Health and AI

I-DAIR’s Global Research Map of Digital Health and AI (GRM) is an interactive tool designed to provide a national, regional, and global outlook on digital health and AI re search and innovation. The map is based on a new meth odology, which combines a technological approach based on AI (natural language processing) to comb through open-source data from 2011 to 2020, along with qualita tive surveys across nine regions of the globe, to generate digital health and AI R&D terms and identify trends and trendsetters.

It includes a powerful visualisation tool on the patent and development landscape, research publications, and R&D trends in digital health from different angles, including thematic, geographical, and chronological. The level of maturity between different national strategies can also be explored within the initial set of 23 countries. Govern ments can benchmark themselves with their peers using a set of neutral criteria. They can analyse current strengths while prioritising investments in future capabilities and then monitor the impact of their strategies on research and innovation annually. To access the maps and the GRM resources, visit

Real Time Epidemiology and Dashboard

The Real Time Epidemiology & Dashboard (RTED) Path Finder facilitates digitally enabled pandemic surveillance and response. Under this PathFinder, I-DAIR is elaborat ing with its partners a global, science-based, data-driven, neutral and trusted collective capacity, which leverages citizen science to improve the quality of local and nation al responses throughout the continuum of pandemic phases.

The proposed global end-to-end pandemic preparedness and response scheme will adopt a modular architecture that will allow responses to be ramped up or down as the pandemic progresses. Countries can adopt what is feasi ble according to their urgency and grow the scheme as their capabilities increase, and more resources become available.


Under such a scheme, a myriad of innovative data sources and digital technologies can come together locally, region ally, and globally within a neutral digital distributed infra structure to provide a robust and trusted evidence base to drive responsive public health decision-making.

Digital Innovations in Health Systems

Within the Digital Innovations in Health Systems (DIHS) PathFinder, the aim is to develop digital or digitally enabled innovations that help strengthen health systems and improve access to essential health services as part of the push towards the goal of universal health cover age by 2030. I-DAIR is currently exploring digital innova tions in three areas: primary health care and preventive health through the Open Health (OH) scheme; Maternal and Child Health (MCH), with the MOTHER project; and Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), with AI-enabled antibiotic prescribing decision support systems.

OH is a project in partnership with the governments of Punjab and the Nagaland states in India. It aims to go beyond the current telemedicine paradigm towards a more open and community-centred health care approach, where a distributed digital infrastructure, combined with locally available clinical and medical knowledge, provides a continuum of care from promotion, prevention, and ear ly diagnosis to treatment.

Trusted Research Infrastructure

In essence, the Trusted Research Infrastructure (TRI) is a distributed hardware infrastructure for the (con)federat ed use of data and AI that can scale independently of the current infrastructure areas dominated by the tech giants by focusing on small states and low and middle-income countries (LMICs) as well as innovators and researchers (rather than businesses and individual customers).

The TRI will support the unique characteristics and needs of health data and clinical trials data that are not well-sup ported today by the major cloud hosting companies. Si multaneously, it will put theories to the test by creating an environment for hands-on practice as well as prototyping and demo opportunities. Moreover, the TRI will provide reliable capacity from off-the-shelf to entirely do-it-your self artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) tools with full data sovereignty, thereby speeding up the development of AI capacity within I-DAIR’s partner insti tutions.

Governance and AI

With a recently-obtained grant from the Canadian Inter national Development Research Centre (IDRC), I-DAIR will collaborate through its research hubs and partners in LMICs to develop a better understanding of how to im plement responsible, gender-responsive AI across a wide


variety of contexts in two specific domains: a) epidemic/ pandemic preparedness and response; and b) sexual, re productive, and maternal health.

The project will integrate principles into practice by co-cre ating and validating with IDRC and its research hubs and partners a governance mechanism, including process es and tools to apply existing international principles, mechanisms, and norms in LMIC contexts. It will include stakeholder engagement mechanisms and support the exchange of governance insights and assets.

The governance mechanism will be made available to the global community of AI researchers and implementers. Moreover, by increasing the number, diversity, and con textual specificity of trusted governance tools, interna tional regulatory discussions will be more nuanced and enriched by perspectives from LMICs.

Capacity development network

I-DAIR aims to establish a global capacity development network (CDN) addressed at bridging the communities of researchers and developers and at answering the needs of policymakers and decision-makers responsible for digital health and AI for health programmes and projects. The network will leverage the faculties, expertise, courses, and other educational offerings of I-DAIR’s hubs and critical

partners, facilitating knowledge exchange and supporting young researchers and science, technology, and innova tion (STI) talents from emerging geographies of innova tion.

In collaboration with the World Health Organization ( WHO), I-DAIR hubs, and partners in a global working group, I-DAIR has started to co-create a competency framework for digital health and AI for health as well as work on the delivery of one or two trial courses to inform further development of the network’s curriculum and competency framework.

Social media channels

YouTube @I-DAIR

LinkedIn @i-dair-the-international-digital-health-airesearch-collaborative/ Twitter @IDAIR_Geneva


The Consumer Unity & Trust Society (CUTS International Geneva)

37-39 Rue de Vermont | 1202 Geneva | Switzerland


About the CUTS

Since its establishment in 1983-84, the Consumer Unity & Trust Society (CUTS International Geneva) has been a leading southern voice in the space of trade, economics, and development to ensure consumer sovereignty. As digitalisation accelerated across sectors, CUTS has under taken many research, advocacy, networking, and capacity building initiatives, within the realm of the digital economy to enable consumers, particularly the poor and margin alised social groups, to achieve their right to basic needs, sustainable development, and good governance through strong consumer movement.

Being a global independent non-profit, non-governmental organisation (NGO) working on public interest issues, CUTS addresses four main thematic areas: Trade, Econom ic Regulation, and Governance. Within these focus areas, CUTS has undertaken multiple initiatives promoting com petition, investment, regulation, trade, and governance reforms across sectors, through evidence-based research in least developed and developing countries. This is being done through a strongly rooted presence across India and at the global level including Lusaka, Nairobi, Accra, Hanoi, Geneva, and Washington, D.C.


CUTS Internationa Geneva is a non-profit NGO that catalyses the pro-trade, pro-equity voices of the Global South in international trade and development debates in Gene va. Through its work, it has made a name for linking peo ple and issues in the world of multilateral trade with their counterparts in related policy areas. These include region al integration, agriculture, environment, competition, in vestment, and consumer protection, among others. Its vision is to pursue social justice and economic equity within and across borders by persuading governments and empowering people. Its mission is to establish and promote a pro-trade pro-equity credible southern NGO voice as well as the means to achieve this in the policy making circles working on trade and development and other related issues in Geneva. Its objectives are:

Improve inclusivity in relevant policymaking pro cesses and decisions through better participation of developing countries’ stakeholders, including at the grassroots level.

Build capacity of policymakers, negotiators, and oth er important stakeholders through demand-driven and needs-based research and analysis.

Contribute to a deeper and broader understand ing of relevant issues through targeted and re search-based outputs.

Enhance policy coherence at all levels by analysing and raising the profile of issue linkages.

- Facilitate mutual learning through information and knowledge sharing across networks.

Stimulate common interests among developed and developing countries through advocacy, dialogues, and networking.

CUTS adopts a bottom-up approach that promotes the engagement of key stakeholders in designing and implementing economic development policies, from the national to the international level. Their successful work methodology relies on research and analysis to inform advocacy and training activities, involving networks of beneficiaries at all stages. With offices in India, Kenya, Zambia, Vietnam, Ghana, Geneva, and Washington DC, CUTS’s family of organisations has made its footprints in the realm of economic governance across the developing world and beyond. As a vibrant advocate of South-South Cooperation, CUTS has been forming and maintaining strategic alliances with like-minded organisations in over 40 countries, particularly in the developing world. At the international level, it has established formal institutional relationships with several international governmental organisations (IGOs), which their work seeks to influence. These are the World Trade Organization ( WTO) – Accredited NGO; the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) – Observer Status; East African Community secretariat (EAC) – Memorandum of Under standing and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) – Observer Status.


Pradeep S Mehta

Message by the CUTS Secretary-General

In an increasingly digitalised socio-economic world, CUTS International Geneva is actively engag ing with multiple aspects of the digital economy including digital financial services, telecommu nication, e-commerce, urban mobility, data protection and privacy, and online problematic con tent. Centred on the voice of consumers, CUTS has adopted a bottom-up approach to various issues pertaining to competition and economic regulation within the digital economy.

“We must advance fair markets and effective regulations to enhance consumer welfare and rights so as to promote an inclusive digital economy.”

Message by the CUTS Secretary-General

On issues related to the digital economy, particularly encryption, privacy and data protection, strategic affairs, consumers trust and safety, CUTS continues to provide evidence-based strategic suggestions to relevant policymakers and regulators. This has been coupled with advocacy and outreach efforts to relevant stakeholders including civil society organisations and media organisations, among others. Thus, an outcome-driven approach is followed while promoting fair markets to enhance consumer welfare and economic growth.

To ensure that regulations are sensitive towards all stakeholders, both businesses and consumers, in the area of the digital economy CUTS has undertaken and/or is implementing multiple projects such as Consumer Impact Assessment of Data Localisation; Ease of Doing Digital Business; Identifying Elements of Ethical Framework for 6G and Creating Opportunities for India and Australia; and mapping of the digital landscape in the Philippines, Kenya, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Ghana and India, among others. These projects contribute to existing literature within the digital realm and to building capacity among consumers in developing countries. Inherently, these activities are aimed at building the capacity of southern civil society across Africa and Asia for achieving inclusive economic growth and sustainable development.



CUTS’s work and expertise across five functional areas:

International trade and development

Competition, investment, and economic regulation

Consumer safety

Human development

- Consumer protection and good governance

CUTS and its sister CUTS organisations in India, Kenya, Zambia, Vietnam, and Ghana have made their footprints in the realm of economic governance across the develop ing world. Their activities stretch from Asia to Africa, South America, and beyond.

Credits by shutterstock



CUTS works towards sound digital policy, fair rules, and e-commerce readiness, which can enable developing countries to harness the potential of e-commerce for their sustainable development, firms, and vulnerable commu nities. CUTS supports developing countries in effectively harnessing innovation and intellectual property systems to spur industrialisation in the digital era, while respond ing to climate change, food security, and other sustainable development challenges.

Support facility on WTO E-Commerce JSI

As WTO JSI talks on Electronic Commerce gained momen tum in 2021, CUTS’s ad-hoc support facility on the sub ject established under its WTO Umbrella Grant attracted trade negotiators’ interest beyond its initially intended audience. Indeed, beyond delegates from the 11 targeted beneficiary countries, other developing country negotia tors sought to benefit from the support. Through over 70 interventions, CUTS provided beneficiary delegates with clarifications on negotiating texts, factual briefings on ne gotiated topics, and occasional drafting support for sub missions and proposals. This informed their participation in e-commerce talks, on topics such as e-signatures, electronic contracts, open government data, online consumer protection, spam, paperless trading, cybersecurity, and others.

E-Commerce and African Regional Integration

From April 2019 to June 2020, CUTS International Geneva undertook a project titled E-Commerce and African Conti nental Integration, with funding support from the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ). The objective of the project was to ensure that African stakeholders, policymakers, and trade negotiators know suitable poli cy options through which African continental integration can harness the sustainable development potential of e-commerce, specifically in the context of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). Through research and dialogue, the project contributed to, inter alia: (i) better-informed participation of African negotiators, with lessons learned discussed with them at various dialogues; and (ii) supported structures and processes involved in promot ing e-commerce development in Africa, including on regu latory matters and AfCFTA discussions, etc.

Economic policy

CUTS strives for well-functioning markets that support inclusive and progressive structural transformation and helps developing countries enact and implement effective competition regimes that improve the level-playing field for their firms and the welfare of their consumers. CUTS promotes sound investment regimes that foster increased and sustainable foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows, and supportive structural transformation for people and MSMEs in developing countries. It empowers consumers


to uphold their rights to fair, safe, and informed access to basic necessities, and advise governments accordingly. It supports the effective design and implementation of bal anced, transparent regulations to foster better access to key services for businesses and consumers towards sus tainable development, job creation and structural trans formation.

Sustainable development

Trading system

CUTS strives to preserve a strong and functioning multilateral trading system including through support for better participation of smaller developing countries and least developed countries (LDCs), and to promote balanced and fair rules for all to support sustainable development at the national, regional, and international levels. Its work helps WTO members converge on creative solutions to restore WTO’s leadership for setting global trade rules sensitive to small developing countries’ special needs. CUTS also helps developing country groups to identify, defend, and advance their interests in WTO discussions and negotia tions on a level-playing field, backed by evidence and pri vate sector feedback. CUTS also works to bring together developed and developing country negotiators to share information and perspectives with a view to building trust and convergence among them and in the trading system as a whole.

Between 2019 and 2022 for instance, CUTS’s WTO Umbrella Grant project strengthened the capacity of devel oping and LDC trade officials as they determined their level of engagement, strategy, and approach to the WTO Joint Statement Initiatives ( JSI): E-Commerce; Investment Facilitation for Development; and micro, small and me dium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). Undertaken jointly with the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) and with funding support from the UK’s Trade and Investment Advocacy Fund ( TAF2+), project achievements notably included (i) clarified national positions on the Electronic Commerce JSI in six countries; (ii) text proposals submitted by beneficiary countries in JSIs, notably outlin ing options for capacity building; (iii) contributions to the establishment of a "Scope and Definitions" Sub-group in Investment Facilitation Talks; (iv) and realising MSME Informal working group (MSME IWG’s) vision for a online platform.

Plurilateral and regional agreements have become a ma jor driving force of global trade integration, creating new opportunities for people, provided agreed regimes are fair and sound. CUTS’s work seeks to ensure that preferential trade agreements negotiated by and among developing countries leverage trade integration in pursuit of inclusive and sustainable development for people.

Trade Policy at Work may be a powerful force for sustain able development, structural transformation, and pover ty reduction. It helps developing countries monitor and wisely use standards and non-tariff measures (NTMs) to


support their sustainable development, as well as boost their participation in global trade and value chains. CUTS assists developing countries in effectively implementing agreed trade rules, while also leveraging preferences and special and differential treatment (SDT ) granted by trading partners. CUTS helps them promote predictable and effi cient administrative procedures that make moving goods across borders cheaper and faster, hence boosting the competitiveness of MSMEs.

Environment and climate change

CUTS helps developing countries participate in climate talks on a level-playing field and to identify, defend, and advance their interests in UNFCCC negotiations, backed by evidence and private sector feedback. Through research and advice, they help developing countries to devise ad aptation strategies for more resilient economies and sup port developing country negotiators and policymakers in crafting mitigation solutions in areas of their interest, for example agriculture. CUTS strives for the implementation of the Paris Agreement in a gender-sensitive, inclusive, and sustainable way (i.e. supportive of economic and so cial development).

CUTS strives for climate-resilient, sustainable economies, and livelihoods by supporting environmentally sound pol icies and strategic use of global climate talks. The econo mies of developing countries typically rely on sectors that are highly dependent on environmental resources, such

as agriculture, forestry, and fisheries. Developing countries have embraced environment-related issues in their policy agendas, although their implementation capaci ty often remains limited. CUTS sensitises governments about key linkages between the environment and other areas, for example agriculture, the rise of global value chains, and the ongoing digital revolution. It promotes the sustainable management of life on land and life below wa ter, highlighting the potential roles of trade therein.

Sustainable agriculture

CUTS promotes sustainable agricultural systems that se cure food for all, by advising on the adoption of climate-re silient policy solutions, as well as holistic policies for agro-processing. Most developing countries remain net food importers, while their exports are faced with a com plex global agricultural trade regime. CUTS’s work pro motes properly functioning agricultural trade rules and food commodity markets, which should allow developing countries to leverage trade to improve their food produc tion, value addition, and security. Commercial farming is rare in developing countries, the potential of agriculture is huge, and solutions exist. For instance, technology and digitalisation can help transform agricultural systems, making them more sustainable and attracting youth into new jobs.


Capacity development

Since 2017, CUTS’s just-in-time Course on Digital Commerce jointly undertaken with DiploFoundation and ITC has been pursuing a very concrete goal: to assist trade professionals to better understand what digitalisation and the internet mean for trade negotiators, and help them ensure their countries reap the benefits of the dig ital economy. The training has equipped them with upto-date, neutral, objective knowledge, in a user-friendly and informative format. Over the years, the course has helped trade negotiators and policymakers navigate an ever more complex digital commerce agenda. It has pro vided them a common space to explore the connection between trade and the digital economy and allowed them to explore the development implications of this interplay. In 2021, the course was thoroughly reviewed and updated to answer the pressing needs of digital commerce practitioners by exploring in depth the issues covered by the JSI on Electronic Commerce, such as cross-border data flows and data localisation, network neutrality, online consum er protection and privacy, spam, open government data, customs duties on electronic transmissions, cybersecuri ty, and access to the source code of computer programs. Throughout the years, the course received over 300 ap plications from 98 countries and delivered training to 138 individuals from 72 countries. The most represent ed regions among course participants were Africa, Asia, and Europe. According to the results of a survey, 93% of

the course alumni would recommend this course to colleagues working in their organisations. Also, 100% of the alumni were of the opinion that it is important to continue offering the course in years to come on a regular basis.

Future of meetings

List of events is available at:

Social media channels

Facebook @cutsjaipur LinkedIn @cuts-international YouTube @cutsint Twitter @CUTS_Geneva


International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)

Chemin des Crêts 17 | Petit-Saconnex - 1209 Geneva | Switzerland


About the IFRC

The IFRC is the world’s largest volunteer-based humanitarian network, reaching 150–250 million people each year through 192 member National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies working to save lives, build communi ty resilience, strengthen localisation, and promote dignity around the world. The mission is to inspire, encourage, fa cilitate, and promote at all times all forms of humanitarian activities by National Societies. The Fundamental Princi ples express the values and practices of the IFRC: human ity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary ser vice, unity, and universality.

The IFRC is guided by diverse global policies: Health policies (Health policy; First aid policy; Pro moting safe and sustainable national blood systems policy)

- Disaster policies (Disaster risk management policy; Food security and nutrition policy)

Social policies (Migration policy; Social welfare pol icy)

- Institutional strength policies (National Society Development (NSD) policy; Fundraising policy; Humanitarian diplomacy policy; Protection of National Societies' integrity policy; Volunteering policy; Youth policy; Gender and diversity policy; Prevention and response to sexual exploitation and abuse policy; Protection of personal data policy)

Selected movement policies (Movement policy on addressing mental health and psychosocial needs)


“Data and digital tools have a real and significant impact on our ability to serve the most vulnerable. The IFRC network uses data and digital tools to deliver humanitarian services faster, at a larger scale, with higher quality and greater relevance to people in need.”

Jagan Chapagain


Message by the IFRC Secretary-General

Whether it’s providing life-saving information to communities, impact-based forecasting and early warning to strengthen community resilience, collecting community feedback for informed action and improved accountability, or sharing knowledge and skills, data and digital tools help us to better ensure the delivery of effective and efficient services to the world’s most vulnerable.

Data and digital tools change when, how, and where we respond. For instance, by using data


Message by the IFRC Secretary-General

to improve early warning and early action we better understand hazards and the risk level of communities and better calculate potential impact at community level. We use this information to identify what can be done before an event happens, how long in advance activities can be activated, and for which communities we prioritise these activities. This information helps prepare communities in the face of humanitarian crises and assists them in taking early actions to respond.

Data and digital tools change how we understand and extend our global impact. With common data standards and digitally enabled National Societies, we more easily collect data that shows the impact of humanitarian services delivered by National Societies across the network and the progress we make as a collective network. This helps increase accountability to vulnerable communities, to donors, to partner organisations, and to ourselves. The data offers us the insights to influence others for improved policies, investments, and practices, thus extending our reach.

Data and digital tools also change how we work to achieve these goals. For example, they can help us to strengthen volunteer engagement and management. The IFRC network relies on 14.9 million vol unteers for humanitarian service delivery. Digital solutions improve how we recruit, train, retain, and engage with qualified volunteers.

In 2021, the IFRC adopted a Digital Transformation strategy ( to guide how we change and to accelerate the adoption of data and digital tools across the IFRC network, a goal that is also emphasised in the IFRC’s Strategy 2030 and Agenda for Renewal. Supporting the National Societies in our network to create and connect their own digital transformations, we are working to transform humanitarian services and optimise operations by engaging people in need and empowering the network’s millions of volunteers. This includes building data literacy, facilitating peer-to-peer support among Na tional Societies, and forming purposeful partnerships with private sector, academic, and other human itarian actors.

The IFRC welcomes other organisations to connect with us to advance how we collaborate and to better enable digital transformation across the humanitarian sector. We are creating a new Digital Transformation Impact Platform for this purpose. Contact us to learn more.



The IFRC as a humanitarian organisation and network uses data and digital tools to increase the speed, scale, relevance, quality, and accountability of its humanitar ian services to vulnerable communities in the domains of disasters, climate, and crises; health and care; and National Society development and inclusion, protec tion, and engagement. The IFRC network has devel oped a wide range and variety of data and digital solu

tions to help improve awareness and understanding of the need for humanitarian actions and to support local volunteers and partner organisations to take fast, ef fective, and inclusive action to reduce vulnerability in their communities. The IFRC cooperates with other hu manitarian organisations, development organisations, academia, the private sector, and media on digital pol icy issues.

Credits by


Data governance

IFRC data initiatives

IFRC is a data-driven organisation dedicated to mak ing evidence-based decision-making. The Federa tion-wide Databank and Reporting System (FDRS) is an IFRC platform dedicated to providing insights on the RCRC National Societies. The data is gathered through a yearly data collection from 192 National Societies.

The self-assessment part of the Organisation Ca pacity Assessment and Certification (OCAC) process is intended to capture the strengths and weakness es of National Societies as a whole in relation to a wide range of organisational capacities.

The Branch Organizational Capacity Assessment (BOCA) process is intended to capture the strengths and weaknesses of National Societies branches as a whole in relation to a wide range of organisational capacities.

Capacity development

The IFRC network supports a diverse range of data and digital tools that facilitate local capacity development.

The Preparedness for Effective Response (PER) approach serves as a foundational platform to guide National So

cieties in assessing and enhancing their organisational and personnel capacities for humanitarian response. In addition to the main assessment platform, PER tools also link to dedicated eLearning courses on the IFRC Learning Platform and include a databank of lessons from past re sponse operations matched to specific PER criteria.

As part of the IFRC’s Digital Transformation strategy, the Netherlands Red Cross’s 510 Global data team and the IFRC have also developed a Digital Transformation Assessment to guide National Societies in assessing their digital capabilities in terms of people, processes, and technology. The Assessment also provides directed guidance on next steps National Societies can take to address capability gaps and advance further in the digital transformation of their humanitarian work.

The IFRC is also well served by the following:

- The Solferino Academy, an innovation ‘do tank’ that promotes learning between National Societies, leadership development, and innovation projects. such as a recent action research project on Collec tive Intelligence that was conducted in Cameroon and Nepal together with Nesta in the UK.

A dedicated theme for Digital Transformation and Systems Development under the IFRC Capacity Building Fund (CBF) that supports National Societies to make essential investments in capacity develop ment. Already 17 National Societies have accessed the CBF to support digital transformation initiatives


between August 2021 and August 2022, and another 52 National Societies benefited from a special programme under the CBF to ensure that all Nation al Societies have the capability to digitally connect and collaborate virtually.

Solutions like the New Zealand Red Cross’s IT-in-aBox programme, which supports National Societies with low capacities to establish a dependable, se cure, modular infrastructure for digital connectivity and services.

In addition, the IFRC network relies on a set of 12 refer ence centres and other centres of excellence within the Red Cross and Red Crescent (RCRC) network to help lead in key thematic areas and to encourage and advance peerto-peer learning within the network. The Global Disaster Preparedness Center (GDPC), hosted by the American RC, and the 510 Global data team, hosted by the Netherlands RC, have prominent programmes to support digital in novation and services within the network. In addition, a range of other National Societies are contributing on specific topics, including the British Red Cross on surge support for information management; the Spanish Red Cross on volunteer data management; the Norwegian Red Cross, the Danish Red Cross, and the Kenyan Red Cross on the use of Digital ID and digital-based inclusive currencies.

In line with its service-oriented, demand-driven approach to building community resilience, the GDPC has develop the Business Preparedness Initiative (BPI) Toolkit to save lives, protect livelihoods, and shorten recovery times fol

lowing disasters by providing small and medium enterprises (SMEs) with adaptable preparedness tools. Atlas: Ready For Business is a free mobile app currently avail able in multiple languages (with more to come) on iOS and Android to help organisations build adaptability and to create basic business continuity plans. The Workshop In A Box is a downloadable toolkit that provides all of the sup port information and customisable materials a facilitator needs to promote, organise, and run workshops to help SMEs take basic steps towards being crisis ready and to continue their preparedness journey using Atlas.

The GDPC, Google, and the IFRC have also developed the WhatNow Service, a global platform to assist National Societies and their local partners to localise key messag es on how individuals, households, and communities can prepare for, respond to, and recover from hazards. Any media partner can access the messages and broadcast them across their networks, all with the National Soci ety’s name and logo, providing a mechanism to increase the scale in the dissemination of harmonised, trusted, actionable guidance, currently covering 20 hazards in 78 languages. These messages are across six urgency levels and follow a five-step, circular process:

1. National Societies adapt key, actionable messaging to their context.

2. National Societies engage with media partners for the implementation of the service.

3. Media partners access National Societies’ WhatNow


messages through an open Application Programming Interface (API) and broadcast across their net works.

4. Communities at risk receive WhatNow messages.

5. National Societies engage with communities for feedback on the process and further adapt accordingly.

Cash assistance has become an increasingly important and default tool for humanitarian assistance in the IFRC network. The Turkish Red Crescent – in collaboration with the Turkish government, the World Food Programme ( WFP), the European Commission's Department for Hu manitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO), and the IFRC in the most recent phase – has developed the Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) programme using the Kizilaykart payment system, which has provided monthly cash assistance to Syrian refugees, reaching in the latest ESSN III phase more 2.3 million individuals (410,000 households). The IFRC has been exploring the use of the Kizilaykart approach and a similar collaboration with RedRose in the Ukraine crisis response, where an innovative mechanism for self-registration has been introduced.

Data and digital tools for Community Engagement and Ac countability (CEA) have also become an essential way that the IFRC is extending and deepening engagement with vulnerable communities. A range of tools has been devel oped for rumour tracking that were used extensively in the COVID-19 response and in the Ukraine crisis response.

In addition, the Netherlands Red Cross’s 510 Global, in collaboration with the NRC, the private sector company Twil io, and the IFRC, has been leading development of a Digi tal Community Engagement hub that will enable National Societies to create cloud messaging services to provide cheap (or even free) interactive messaging via diverse text messaging services including WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber, and SMS. The hub builds on an extensive set of scripting templates developed by the NRC and represents a rare example of creative repurposing of digital tools between humanitarian organisations.

The IFRC also hosts a Mobile Data Collection working group and operates its own KoBo and ODK servers to fa cilitate access to mobile data collection tools by National Societies and provide additional back services to store and manage data. See the IFRC Kobo Toolbox for more details.

510 Global has also created an impact-based forecasting (IBF) system and portal to help National Societies estab lish their own data and analysis platforms to support the development of forecast-based financing (FbF) initiatives that can use crisis forecasts as the basis for automatically triggering funding support and other early action protocols that can enable National Societies and communities to start acting as soon as forecasts are issued instead of having to wait for support until days and weeks after cri ses events have happened.

Data digital tools are also providing important opportu nities to advance traditional humanitarian services. Many National Societies provide ambulance services in their



countries and are increasingly using data and digital tools to pre-position ambulances in high-need areas, dispatch at speed, improve routing, and enable enhanced communi cation and continuity of care with hospitals during transit. The IFRC has conducted a business value case analysis for digitally transforming ambulance services that compares the experience and insights in nine National Societies. The Universal App Program (UAP) provides cutting-edge mobile app technology free of charge to National Societies to build first aid awareness by offering high-quality apps to the public in their countries. The programme combines two tools – the First Aid app and the Hazard app – that provide efficient and cost-effective access to mobile applications to reach a growing number of peo ple with important life-saving information. The First Aid app contains easy-to-understand information about how to identify and respond to a range of common first aid scenarios – such as bleeding, heart attacks, choking, and burns – and supports localisation in local languages, in teractive quizzes, and step-by-step instructions for users to follow in case of an emergency. The Hazards app pro vides preparedness information for more than 12 types of hazards. National Societies are able to customise the app according to their common hazards in the region and based on their local languages. The app also incorporates emergency alerts from official agencies to notify users of potential threats affecting their location. Additionally, the built-in features of these apps will enable national societies to connect with their public, solicit donations, and

foster partnerships to support their own preparedness programmes.

IFRC GO is the IFRC emergency operations platform for capturing, analysing, and sharing real-time data during a crisis. IFRC GO builds up a collective and comprehensive picture of a crisis by connecting data from volunteers and responders in the field who provide information in real time, i.e. data from their humanitarian partners and ref erence material from across our network. It displays information in a simple and easy-to-understand way. Users can then turn this information into reports, maps, graphs, dashboards, and more. It helps their network better meet the needs of affected communities. The GO platform is also linked to a Surge Information Management Support (SIMS) group that actively links National Societies and IFRC Secretariat staff to pool resources and provide remote support for information management in emergencies.

The V-Community app (available for iOS and Android) is a multilingual and interactive global platform launched in 2022, to function as the primary public space where volunteers and staff of the 192 RCRC National Societies can interact on all matters related to volunteering. It consists of three main resources: a chat forum space, a section for local stories, and a space for exchanging individual and group messages for further sharing and collaboration.

The Road Map to Community Resilience (R2R) is a guide with a new approach and a participatory process devel oped by the IFRC to enable communities to become more


resilient through the assessment and analysis of the risks they face, and the implementation of actions to reduce these risks. The approach also encourages use of the Community Resilience Measurement Dashboard, which provides step-by-step templates for data collection and enables programme managers and community volun teers to share the results of their assessments.

With schools closing around the world, kids are at home looking for engaging activities while parents are busy working. They also may have questions about the coronavirus and need to learn how to stay safe during this time. The IFRC has introduced a COVID-19 Kids Activity Kit in the form of activity cards with easy step-by-step instructions and child-friendly characters. This format, and its avail ability in multiple languages, make it easier for National Society communicators, partners, and the general public to use the resources.

The IFRC also maintains a digital library and an app with all IFRC publications in English and French.

Social media channels

Facebook @IFRC Twitter @ifrc Instagram @ifrc LinkedIn @ifrc TikTok @ifrc YouTube @ifrc


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Articles inside

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP

pages 130-133

Internet Society (ISOC

page 129

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN

page 128

Swiss Digital Initiative

pages 126-127

Geneva Science-Policy Interface (GSPI

pages 124-125

Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator (GESDA

pages 120-123

CyberPeace Institute

pages 116-119

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR

pages 114-115

The Spamhaus Project (Spamhouse

page 113

Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF

page 112

European association for standardizing information and communication systems (ECMA

pages 108-109

Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP

pages 110-111

Kofi Annan Foundation

pages 106-107

ICT 4 Peace Foundation

pages 104-105

United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR

pages 100-101

United Nations Institute For Training And Research (UNITAR

pages 102-103

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE

pages 95-99

South Centre

pages 92-94

Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID

pages 89-91

University of Geneva (UNIGE

pages 87-88

Human RightsCouncil (HRC

pages 79-84

Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights (GA

pages 85-86

International Trade Centre (ITC

pages 75-76

Joint Inspection Unit (JIU

pages 77-78

Inter-parliamentary Union (IPU

pages 73-74

International Labour Organization (ILO

pages 71-72

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC

pages 68-70

European Free Trade Association (EFTA

pages 66-67

International Organization for Standardization (ISO

pages 51-54

International Computing Centre (ICC

pages 43-45

Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development

pages 46-47

Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD

pages 60-62

United Nations Conference on trade and Development (UNCTAD

pages 55-59

European Broadcasting Union (EBU

pages 63-65

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC

pages 48-50

World Meteorological Organization (WMO

pages 39-42

European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN

pages 25-26

World Trade Organization (WTO

pages 30-33

International Telecommunication Union (ITU

pages 5-17

Internet Governance Forum (IGF

pages 18-19

World Economic Forum (WEF

pages 34-38

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO

pages 27-29

World Health Organization (WHO

pages 20-24
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