Dsecatalog2013 2014

Page 1



2013/14 www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu

Table of Contents

Catalogue 2013/14 Addresses 2 Our Wholesale & Logistic Partner


Cigarettes, Cigars, Tobacco


100% tabaco made in Cuba

Cigarettes 11 Cigars & Cigarillos


Tobacco 29

Wine 33 Red Wine


White Wine


Rose Wine


Champagne & Sparkling Wine


Drinks 73 International Spirits


Premix/Cider 219 Beer 220 Juices & Softdrinks


Mineralwater 235

Tea, Coffee, Chocolates, Snacks, Food, Rice, GoodBurry


Terms and conditions


Smoking kills

Diplomatic Supply Europe B.V. P.O Box 397 · NL – 1180 AJ Amstelveen · Netherlands HR: Amstelveen Nr. 02083917

Addresses Diplomatic Supply Deutschland GmbH Germany – Austria Suebenstrasse 3 53175 Bonn, Germany Tel.: ++49(0)228-857081 Fax: ++49(0)228-857084 e-mail: dutyfree@dsdeutschland.com Berlin – Bonn Tel.: 0228-857081 Fax: 0228-857084 e-mail: dutyfree@dsdeutschland.com Dieter Leers

Henk Duurland

Switzerland / Bern – Genève

France – Strasbourg – Paris

General Sales Office for Switzerland Suebenstrasse 3 53175 Bonn, Germany Tel.: ++49(0)228-857081 Fax: ++49(0)228-857084 e-mail: dutyfree@dsdeutschland.com

General Sales Office for France Suebenstrasse 3 53175 Bonn, Germany Tel.: ++49(0)228-857081 Fax: ++49(0)228-857084 e-mail: dutyfree@dsdeutschland.com

Poland – Warsaw Diplomatic Supply Poland Mrs. Joanna Kisiela Aleje Jerozolimski 11/19 PL-00-508 Warsawa Tel.: 22-455 5159 Fax: 22-455 5160 Mobile: 888 931 323 e-mail: diplomaticsupply@gmail.com

Joanna Kisiela


Diplomatic Supply Europe B.V. Catalogue 2007


P.O Box 397 · NL – 1180 AJ Amstelveen · Netherlands HR: Amstelveen Nr. 02083917

Addresses The Netherlands Diplomatic Supply Europe B.V. Mr Bas Kuczynski Noordhollandstraat 61 1081 AS AMSTERDAM Tel. Mobile: 06 52626029 Fax.: 020 6420810 e-mail: diplomaticsupplyeurope@gmail.com

Bas Kuczynski

Belgium Diplomatic Supply Europe B.V. Mr Bas Kuczynski Noordhollandstraat 61 1081 AS AMSTERDAM Tel. Mobile: 06 52626029 Fax.: 020 6420810 e-mail: diplomaticsupplyeurope@gmail.com

Hungary – Budapest Diplomatic Supply Hungary Mr. Sandor Fenyi Városligeti fasor 8/B III. 30. HU-1068 Budapest 1.) Mobile: (Hungarian Language): 06-30/9242-608 2.) Mobile: (English Language): 06-70/5879-398 Fax: (1) 3428-247 e-mail: fenyi.sandor@hdsnet.hu Sandor Fenyi jr.

Sandor Fenyi sen.

e-mail: dutyfree@dsdeutschland.com

Diplomatic Supply Europe B.V. P.O Box 397 · NL – 1180 AJ Amstelveen · Netherlands HR: Amstelveen Nr. 02083917

Our Wholesale & Logistic Partner


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Catalogue 2013/14

Cigarettes American 11 English 17 Belgian 17 Danish 17 Greek 17 English 18 French 19 German 21 International 21


Ø 7. 9 m m

Ø 7.1 m m

Ø 7. 9 m m Ø 5 .4 m m


Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

American 80027507

Chesterfield Classic Red Ksf




80064007 80065004

L&M Red Label Ksf Box L&M Blue Label Ksf Box

200’s 200’s

11,50 11,50

14,75 14,75

80074501 80076201 80076401 80076405 80079902 80077801 80075722 80073609 80078504 80075751

Marlboro Core Flavor Ksf Box Marlboro Gold Edge Superslims Ksf Box Marlboro Gold Original Filter Box Marlboro Gold Original 100’s Filter Box Marlboro Silver Ksf Box Marlboro MX4 Flavor Ksf Box Marlboro Red Ksf Box Marlboro Red 100’s Box Marlboro Green Menthol Ksf Box Marlboro White Mint Ksf Box

200’s 200’s 200’s 200’s 200’s 200’s 200’s 200’s 200’s 200’s

18,60 18,60 18,60 18,90 18,60 18,60 18,60 18,90 18,60 18,60

23,80 23,80 23,80 24,20 23,80 23,80 23,80 24,20 23,80 23,80


Merit Orange Gialla “Enriched” Flavor Ksf





Muratti Ambassador White KSF Box




80107603 80108204

Philip Morris N° One Ksf Box Philip Morris Supreme Ksf Box

200’s 200’s

19,80 19,80

25,35 25,35

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 11

Cigarettes Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Size Eur Chf

American 80103614 80103608 NEW


Parliament Aqua Blue, Jumbo White Filter Box Parliament Night Blue, Jumbo White Filter Box Parliament Carat, Slim 90mm Recessed Filter Box











Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

American 80020604 80017715 80019201 80018801

Camel Regular Soft pack (non-filter) Camel King Size Filter Box Camel Orange Filter Balanced Flavour Camel Blue Filter Subtle Flavour

200’s 200’s 200’s 200’s

16,50 16,50 16,50 16,50

21,10 21,10 21,10 21,10


Salem Menthol KSF Box




80135207 80137505

Winston Classic Red Ksf Box Winston Classic Blue Ksf Box

200’s 200’s

11,80 11,80

15,10 15,10

DOC-WDF-7058-12 WI Key Visual Range-a1.ai












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Catalogue 2013/14 Reference



80147001 80147002 80147003

American Spirit Blue (1,0 mg N / 9 mg K / 10 mg CO) American Spirit Yellow (0,6 mg N / 5 mg K / 6 mg CO) American Spirit Orange (0,4 mg N / 3 mg K / 4 mg CO)

Size Eur Chf










www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 15


Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

American 80071230 80071609

Lucky Strike Red Ksf Box Lucky Strike Silver Ksf Box

200‘s 200‘s

14,00 14,00

17,90 17,90

80061826 80061709 80061705 80062617 80061701 80061614

Kent KS Filter White HD Kent Surround KS Filter Silver Kent Surround KS Filter Silver 100‘s Kent HD Silver Box Filter Kent Surround KS Filter Menthol Kent Blue HD KS Filter

200‘s 200‘s 200‘s 200‘s 200‘s 200‘s

15,50 15,50 16,30 15,50 15,50 15,50

19,85 19,85 20,85 19,85 19,85 19,85

80101516 80101521

Pall Mall King Size Filter Red Pall Mall King Size Filter Blue

200‘s 200‘s

11,50 11,50

14,75 14,75

80011225 80010621

Benson & Hedges Special Gold Filter Benson & Hedges Smooth Gold Light

200’s 200’s

15,60 15,60

19,95 19,95

80035920 80038834 80039214 80038844

Dunhill International Button Red Dunhill King Size Filter Button Red Dunhill King Size Filter Button Blue Dunhill Fine Cut Deep Blue Reloc

200’s 200’s 200’s 200’s

16,30 15,90 15,90 17,95

20,85 20,35 20,35 23,00

80115205 80116018

Rothmans International Filter Rothmans King Size Filter – Blue

200’s 200’s

16,30 15,90

20,85 20,85


State Express 555 King Size Filter




Bastos Rouge Ksf Soft




Prince Ksf Rich Taste Prince Ksf White Rounded Taste

200’s 200’s

18,80 18,80

24,05 24,05

Assos Premium Red Assos Gold

200’s 200’s

11,50 14,75 11,50 14,75


Belgian 80005603

Danish 80109609 80110209

Greek 80000901 80000902

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 17


Catalogue 2013/14


Size Eur Chf

English 80125206 80125502

Silk Cut Purple Ksf Silk Cut Silver Ksf

200’s 200’s

15,60 15,60

20,00 20,00




Lambert & Butler King Size Filter






80128203 80128206

Superkings 100 mm Filter Superkings 100 mm Menthol Filter

23,70 23,70

25/06/13 000

200’s 200’s

18,50 18,50

Jti Silk Cut Euro Tunnel Key Visual Plinths 210 x 148mm


SC_KeyVisual_Plinths_210x148mm.ai 210 x 148 mm _ Adobe Illustrator CSv5 The colours on this copy are for reference only and must not used for matching. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the text, size and position of graphics in this artwork before handing over to any printer, packaging manufacturer, etc. it must be checked, approved and signed on behalf of your company. Thereafter Nude Brand Consulting accept no responsibility for any errors &/or omissions. © 2012 copyright.

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Catalogue 2012/13 Reference

Size Eur Chf

French 80053210

Gitanes Brunes Filter




80047709 80048211 80048405

Gauloises Blondes Blue Gauloises Blondes Red Gauloises Blondes Yellow

200’s 200’s 200’s

19,90 19,90 19,90

25,50 25,50 25,50

80047710 80048210

Gauloises Blondes Blue pay 300 get 400 400’s 29,80 38,20 Gauloises Blondes Red pay 300 get 400 400’s 29,80 38,20

SMOKERS DIE YOUNGER. SOURCE: EU DIRECTIVE (2001/37/EC) ITG-TM-GOB-0110 AD DSE 400-300_25Pro_210X297mm_RZ.indd 1

10.05.13 14:21

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 19

Discover Deas Everyday Everything begins with an iDea. The more creative the iDea, the better the result. New Davidoff iD offers a premium cigarette experience designed to enhance everyday smoking pleasure through its consistent quality and the discovery of inspiring iDeas. The blend is a crafted masterpiece of taste and flavour. The unique pack slides open with a smooth, single-handed touch to reveal creative iDeas, contrasting colours and exciting, innovative finishes. Touch and reveal the iDea waiting to be discovered.



Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

International 80034408 Davidoff Classic Filter 80034608 Davidoff Gold Filter 80034613 Davidoff Gold Slim Filter 80035006 Davidoff Blue NEW Davidoff ID Orange NEW Davidoff ID Blue

200’s 20,50 26,30 200’s 20,50 26,30 200’s 20,50 26,30 200’s 20,50 26,30 200’s 23,95 30.65 200’s 23,95 30,65

German 80133209 80133409

West Red King Size Filter Box West Silver King Size Filter Box

200’s 200’s

18,00 18,00

23,00 23,00

80133210 80133410

West Red King Size Filter pay 300 get 400 West Silver King Size Filter pay 300 get 400





R1 Blue KSF Box




400’s 27,00 34,60

SMOKERS DIE YOUNGER. SOURCE: EU DIRECTIVE (2001/37/EC) 23280042 West AD for DSE catalogue 2011 RZ.indd 1

15.11.10 16:32

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 21



Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

International 80125605 80125606

Sobranie Black Russian Sobranie Cocktail

200’s 200’s

28,90 28,90

37,00 37,00


Peter Stuyvesant Red King Size Filter Box 200’s



80133054 80133037 80133051

Vogue Superslims 100’s Blue Vogue Superslims Menthe Box Frisson Vogue Superslims 100 mm Lila

200’s 200’s 200’s

18,00 18,00 18,00

23,00 23,00 23,00

80057202 80057204

Glamour Pink Superslims Glamour Menthol Superslims

200’s 200’s

17,50 17,50

22,40 22,40

DOC-WDF-7050-13 Galmour.pdf




www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 23

Cigars · Tobacco

Catalogue 2013/14 Cuban Cigars & Cigarillos


Cigars & Cigarillos


Pipe – Tobacco


Rolling – Tobacco


Cigars & Cigarillos

Catalogue 2013/14


Size Eur Chf

Cuban Cigars – Havana ( Subject to availability) 80536210 80536207 80536201 80536211

Partagas – Habanos De Luxe (Tube) 14 cm x 1,58 cm 25 pcs 83,00 Partagas Aristocrats / 12,9 cm x 1,58 cm 25 pcs 55,00 Chicos / 10,6 cm x 1,51 cm 25 pcs 23,00 Série D Nr. 4 / 12,4 cm x 1,98 cm 25 pcs 154,00

106,00 68,75 28,75 197,00

80509204 80509206

Cohiba Linea 1492 – Habanos Cohiba Linea 1492 Siglo I / 10,2 cm x 1,58 cm 25 pcs 121,00 Cohiba Linea 1492 Siglo II / 12,9 cm x 1,66 cm 25 pcs 163,00

155,00 209,00

80509203 80509209

Cohiba – Habanos Cohiba Panetelas / 11,5 cm x 1,03 cm 25 pcs 131,00 Cohiba Robustos / 12,4 cm x 1,94 cm 25 pcs 249,00

168,00 319,00


Cohiba – Habanos – Mini Cigarillos Cohiba / 8,2 cm x 0,7 cm 5 x 20 pcs 45,00


100% TABACO made in Cuba

Voor meer informatie: Cubacigar Benelux nv, tel 0032 (0)2-76 97 257, service@cubacigar-benelux.com

Smoking kills Adv Cohiba-chacalli_0602.indd 1

6/02/13 15:45

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 26

Cigars & Cigarillos

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Cuban Cigars – Havana ( Subject to availability) Montecristo – Habanos 80533209 Habanos N°2 / 15,6 cm x 2,06 cm 80533203 Habanos N°3 / 14,2 cm x 1,66 cm 80533205 Habanos N°4 / 12,9 cm x 1,66 cm 80533220 Monte Cristo Edmundo / 13,5 cm x 2,06 cm

25 pcs 25 pcs 25 pcs 25 pcs

184,00 145,00 110,00 159,00

235,00 186,00 141,00 204,00

Romeo y Julieta – Habanos Romeo N°1 / 14 cm (tube) x 1,58 cm 25 pcs 82,00 Romeo N°2 / 12,9 cm (tube) x 1,66 cm 25 pcs 65,00 Romeo N°3 / 11,7 cm (tube) x 1,58 cm 25 pcs 63,00

105,00 83,00 81,00

100% TABACO made in Cuba Voor meer informatie: Cubacigar Benelux nv, tel 0032 (0)2-76 97 257, service@cubacigar-benelux.com

Smoking kills Adv Montecristo-chacalli_2401.indd 1

80539205 80539208 80539206

6/02/13 15:41

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 27

Explore the world of Mac Baren


Pipe Tobacco

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Pipe Tobacco Danish 81729502 Mac Barens Mixture (tin) 81730019 Mac Barens Mixture (pck)

100gr 5 x 50gr

5,00 12,00

6,40 15,40

Dutch 81709009 Niemeyer – Clan Aromatic Mixture (pck)

5 x 50gr




5 x 50gr



English 81721515 Erimore Mixture (tin)

5 x 50gr



Norway 80916704 Tiedemanns Red No 3 (tin)

5 x 50gr



Amphora Red Full Aroma (pck)

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 29

A moment of pleasure

Tobacco seriously damages health

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Cigars & Cigarillos Size Eur Chf

Cigarillos Dutch 80521402 Café Crème 80521404 Café Crème Blue 80521437 Café Crème French Vanilla

5 x 20 pcs 5 x 20 pcs 5 x 20 pcs

18,00 18,00 18,00

23,00 23,00 23,00

80527312 80527313

La Paz Wilde Cigarillo’s La Paz Wilde Cigarros

5 x 20 pcs 5 x 10 pcs

27,00 25,00

34,50 32,00

80536809 80536810

Hajenius Signorina Hajenius Kleine Tuitknak

5 x 10 pcs 5 x 10 pcs

33,00 35,00

42,20 44,80


Ritmeester Moods filter

3 x 20 pcs



80533428 80533430 80533431

Oud Kampen Sumatra Cum Laude Elite 3 x 20 pcs Oud Kampen Sumatra Cum Laude La Reina 5 x 10 pcs Oud Kampen Sumatra Cum Laude Selection 5 x 10 pcs







www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 31

Rolling Tobacco

Catalogue 2013/14


Size Eur Chf

Rolling Tobacco 80903201 80903202

Dutch Drum Traveller fivepack (no paper) (pck) Drum Bright Blue Flightpack (no paper) (pck)

5 x 50gr



5 x 50gr





Samson Half Dark & Paper (pck)

5 x 50gr



80911804 80915202 80912602

Van Nelle EQ Strong (no paper) (pck) Van Nelle SQ Strong Flightpack (no paper) (pck) Van Nelle Medium Flightpack (no paper) (pck)

5 x 50gr



5 x 50gr



5 x 50gr




Norway Petteroe’s Blanding No.3 (pck)

5 x 50gr



81312005 81310501

Paper Rizla Paper Orange Single 60blds doos x 100 boekjes 27,00 34,60 Rizla Paper Blue Single 60blds doos x 100 boekjes 27,00 34,60

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 32

Catalogue 2013/14 Wine Red Wine

Argentina 35 Australia 35 Chile 35 France 37 Italy 41 South Africa 43 Spain 43 USA 43

Beautiful stories start with capital letters

® www.barton-guestier.com Enjoy our winEs rEsponsibly

1292_bArTon_ap cata diplomatic.indd 1

30/03/10 10:50

White Wine


Australia 45 Chile 45 France 45 Germany 47 Italy 47 South Africa 47 Spain 49 USA 49

DEINHARD KG Biebricher Allee 142 · D-65187 Wiesbaden-Germany Export@Henkell-Sektkellerei.de www.deinhard.com

Rosé Wine


R E S P O N S I B L E. D R I N K


M O D E R A T I O N.

Australia 51 Chile 51 France 51 Portugal 51 Spain 51 USA 51


17070 Pool 297x210 Master.indd 1


18/06/2012 15:41

Red Wine

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Argentina 72067928

Malbec Elsa Valentin Bianchi

6 x 0,75 ltr




Jacob’s Creek Shiraz Cabernet

6 x 0,75 ltr




Wolf Blass Eaglehawk Shiraz

6 x 0,75 ltr




Rosemount Estate Shiraz

6 x 0,75 ltr



Antares 72068050 Santa Carolina Merlot 72068045 Santa Carolina Cabernet Sauvignon

6 x 0,75 ltr 6 x 0,75 ltr

23,40 23,40

29,95 29,95

72068659 72068692

6 x 0,75 ltr 6 x 0,75 ltr

58,50 39,00

74,90 49,90



Concha Y Toro Casillero del Diablo Cabernet (1) Sauvignon/Syrah Casillero del Diablo Merlot (2) (1)


www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 35

Red Wine

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

France 72061201

Baron Philippe de Rothschild Mouton Cadet

6 x 0,75 ltr




Baron d’Emblème Merlot Pays d’Oc

6 x 0,75 ltr




Brise Marin Brise Marin (Table Wine)

6 x 0,75 ltr




Les Vignerons Macon Rouge

6 x 0,75 ltr



6 x 0,75 ltr 6 x 0,75 ltr 6 x 0,75 ltr 6 x 0,75 ltr 6 x 0,75 ltr

28,20 41,70 28,20 41,70 51,00

36,10 53,40 36,10 53,40 65,30

Calvet 72060162 Cabernet Sauvignon 72061220 Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve 72060141 Merlot D’OC 72060900 Merlot / Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve 72062572 Pinot Noir

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 37

Beautiful stories start with capital letters

速 www.barton-guestier.com Enjoy our winEs rEsponsibly

Red Wine

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

France 72064714 72060021 72060002 72064550

Barton & Guestier Reserve Varietals Merlot Reserve 6 x 0,75 ltr Merlot Originel 6 x 0,75 ltr Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve (1) 6 x 0,75 ltr Pinot Noir Reserve 6 x 0,75 ltr

33,00 49,50 33,00 37,50

42,20 63,40 42,20 48,00

72061245 72061231

Barton & Guestier Gold Label Serie (until end of stocks) Bordeaux Gold Label 6 x 0,75 ltr 45,60 Medoc Gold Label 6 x 0,75 ltr 53,70

58,40 68,70

72061057 72064066

Barton & Guestier Passport Serie Beaujolais Villages Cotes du Rhône (2)

12 x 0,75 ltr 6 x 0,75 ltr

41,70 37,50

53,40 48,00


Barton & Guestier Thomas Barton Thomas Barton Reserve – St. Emilion (3) 6 x 0,75 ltr



72060182 72060950 72062116

Barton & Guestier Chateau & Estates Château Barrail Laussac (4) 6 x 0,75 ltr Château Vieux Maurac Medoc 6 x 0,75 ltr Château Yon Lavallade Saint Emillion 6 x 0,75 ltr

39,00 59,70 70,50

49,90 76,40 90,20





www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 39

Red Wine

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

France 72061055

Louis Pardon & Fils Chateau des Vergers Beaujolais Village 6 x 0,75 ltr



6 x 0,75 ltr



Bottega 72073275 Acino d’Oro Chianti 72073276 Acino Chianti Classico 72073263 Brunello Di Montalcino 72074608 Ripasso Valpolicella 72074704 Amarone de Valpolicella

6 x 0,75 ltr 6 x 0,75 ltr 6 x 0,75 ltr 6 x 0,75 ltr 6 x 0,75 ltr

57,00 81,00 150,00 71,70 160,50

73,00 103,70 192,00 91,80 205,40

Canaletto 72071019 Nero D’Avola Merlot

6 x 0,75 ltr



Feudo 72071500 Principi di Butera Nero D’Avola Sicilia I.g.t.

6 x 0,75 ltr



Maraia 72073077 Sagiovese IGT

6 x 0,75 ltr




6 x 0,75 ltr



Piat 72065006 D’Or Merlot


Masseria Alte Mura Negroamaro Salento I.g.t. Masseria AlteMura

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 41


From the vineyards to the glass.

Red Wine

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Italy 72071014 72073063 72071086 72073323

Zonin Montepulciano D’Abruzzo D.o.c. 6 x 0,75 ltr 34,50 44,10 Chianti DOCG 6 x 0,75 ltr 45,00 57,60 Nero d’Avola Borgo San Leo 6 x 0,75 ltr 34,50 44,20 Sangiovese Fattoria Pian Bichi Maremma Toscena igt 6 x 0,75 ltr 39,00 49,90

South Africa 72079101

Beste Wense Cape Merlot

6 x 0,75 ltr



Veelgeluk 72079119 Kaapse Rooi

6 x 0,75 ltr



12 Pack of 1 ltr



6 x 0,75 ltr

Spain Andimar 72076030 Vino de la Casa (Tetra) 72077403

Bodega Covilla Covila II Tinto




Freixenet Ash Tree Estate - Shiraz Monstrell 6 x 0,75 ltr 35,70



Raimat Abadia Cabernet Sauvignon 6 x 0,75 ltr. 35,70



Torres Gran Sangre de Toro 6 x 0,75 ltr 41,70 53,40

USA 72079556 72079560

Blossom Hill Soft & Fruity Reserve Merlot

Fetzer 72080079 Cabernet Sauvignon

6 x 0,75 ltr 6 x 0,75 ltr

31,50 39,00

40,30 49,90

6 x 0,75 ltr



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s s e c c u s th i e w t s a


ded een awar 11 b s a h r 0 Piat d’O n in the 2 io t a d n e a Comm


White Wine

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Australia Jacob’s Creek 72266647 Semillion Chardonay 6 x 0,75 ltr 41,70



Wolf Blass Eaglehawk Chardonnay

6 x 0,75 ltr




De Bortoli Chardonnay

6 x 0,75 ltr



Antares 72268064 Santa Carolina Sauvignon Blanc 72268069 Santa Carolina Chardonnay

6 x 0,75 ltr 6 x 0,75 ltr

25,20 25,20

32,30 32,30

72268073 72268552

6 x 0,75 ltr 6 x 0,75 ltr

39,00 39,00

49,90 49,90

Amaral 72268548 Sauvignon Blanc

6 x 0,75 ltr



Payada 72268112 Chile White

6 x 0,75 ltr




Concha Y Toro Casillero del Diablo Sauvignon Blanc Casillero del Diablo Chardonnay

France 72261541

Baron Philippe de Rothschild Mouton Cadet

6 x 0,75 ltr




Brise Marin Brise Marin

6 x 0,75 ltr



Calvet 72260169 Chardonay VDP D’OC 72261554 Sauvignon Blanc 72261565 Sauvignon Blanc Reserve

6 x 0,75 ltr 6 x 0,75 ltr 6 x 0,75 ltr

29,70 29,70 39,00

38,00 38,00 49,90

Piat 72265098 D’Or Chardonnay 72260171 D’Or Sauvignon Blanc

6 x 0,75 ltr 6 x 0,75 ltr

23,70 23,70

30,30 30,30

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 45


DEINHARD KG Biebricher Allee 142 路 D-65187 Wiesbaden-Germany Export@Henkell-Sektkellerei.de www.deinhard.com

White Wine

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

France 72261573 72265166

Barton & Guestier Passeport Sauvignon Semilion Sancerre

6 x 0,75 ltr 12 x 0,75 ltr

45,00 163,20

57,60 208,90


Barton & Guestier Reserve Varietals Chardonnay Reserve 6 x 0,75 ltr




Barton & Guestier Chablis



12 x 0,75 ltr

Germany 72269549 72270005 72268914 72270528 72270506

Deinhard Riesling Classic (Mosel-Saar-Ruwer) 12 x 0,75 ltr 66,00 84,50 Pinot Blanc Classic (Pfalz) 12 x 0,75 ltr 66,00 84,50 Pinot Gris Classic 12 x 0,75 ltr 68,40 87,55 Riesling (Rheinhessen) 12 x 0,75 ltr 66,00 84,50 Hanns-Christof Liebfraumilch (Rheinhessen) 12 x 0,75 ltr 54,00 69,10


Reinhard Fuchs Liebfraumilch (Rheinhessen)

6 x 0,75 ltr



Zonin 72271024 Chardonnay Friuli Aquileia 72274038 Pinot Grigio Friuli D.o.c. Aquileia 72274029 Soave Classico DOC

6 x 0,75 ltr 6 x 0,75 ltr 6 x 0,75 ltr

29,70 35,70 33,00

38,00 45,70 42,20

Lazio 72271502 Gran Picco Frascati Superiore D.O.C.

6 x 0,75 ltr



6 x 0,75 ltr




South Africa 72278950

Beste Wense Chardonnay

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 47

Perfectly you, whatever the occasion

Explore the taste of Blossom Hill


The BLOSSOM HILL words and associated logos are trade marks. Š BLOSSOM HILL Winery 2013.

White Wine

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Spain Andimar 72276049 Vino de la Casa (Tetra)

12 Pack of 1 ltr



6 x 0,75 ltr 6 x 0,75 ltr

35,70 32,70

45,70 41,70

Torres 72277014 Vina Sol – Penedes 72277204 Gran Vina Sol Chardonnay 72276042 Vina Brava Parellada

6 x 0,75 ltr 6 x 0,75 ltr 6 x 0,75 ltr

30,60 51,00 33,00

39,20 65,30 42,20


6 x 0,75 ltr



Freixenet 72276045 Ash Tree Estate – Chardonnay Macabeo 6 x 0,75 ltr



72276048 72276505

Raimat Abadia Blanc des Blanc (1) Blanco Fresco

Marques de Riscal Marques de Riscal Rueda

USA 72279559

E & J Gallo Winemakers Seal California White

6 x 0,75 ltr



72279534 72284619 72284619

Blossom Hill Crisp & Fruity’ 6 x 0,75 ltr Sauvignon Blanc 6 x 0,75 ltr Winemakers Reserve Sauvignon Blanc 6 x 0,75 ltr

29,70 35,70 35,70

38,00 45,70 45,70



Fetzer 72283640 Chardonnay

6 x 0,75 ltr (1) (Page 43)

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 49


R E S P O N S I B L E. D R I N K


M O D E R A T I O N.



Rosé Wine

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Australia 72459004

Jacob’s Creek Jacob’s Creek Shiraz Rosé

6 x 0,75 ltr




De Bortoli Rose

6 x 0,75 ltr



Antares 72459404 Santa Carolina Cabernet Sauvignon

6 x 0,75 ltr



7245908 7245909

Concha Y Toro Frontera Casillero del Diablo Shiraz

6 x 0,75 ltr 6 x 0,75 ltr

21,90 37,80

27,90 48,60


Brise Marine Brise Marine Rosé

6 x 0,75 ltr




Barton & Guestier Shiraz Reserve Rosé

6 x 0,75 ltr




Piat D’Or Piat D’Or Grenache

6 x 0,75 ltr



Mateus Rosé Dao/Bairada/Douro

6 x 0,75 ltr



6 x 0,75 ltr



6 x 0,75 ltr





Portugal 72488501

Lancers 72488507 Rosé – Dao/Bairrada/Douro

Spain Freixenet 72478507 Ash Tree Estate - Bobal Cabernet

USA 72479526

Blossom Hill White Zinfandel

6 x 0,75 ltr



72479544 72479548

E & J Gallo Grenache White Zinfandel

6 x 0,75 ltr 6 x 0,75 ltr

31,50 31,50

40,30 40,30

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 51

AT P I P E R- H E I D S I E C K , T H E M O S T N OT EWO RT H Y C O LO U R IS NOT THE RED, BUT THE GOLD. Piper-Heidsieck’s Winemaker is elected Champagne Winemaker of the Year*. For the seventh time in eight years, RÊgis Camus has been crowned by the prestigious International Wine Challenge UK. Beyond the talent of the man, it is the uncompromising quality of the Piper-Heidsieck wines, awarded year after year, that dazzles.


* Winemaker of the year in Champagne category, September 2012.

Champagne/Sparkling Wine

Catalogue 2013/14 Champagne 63

Sparkling Wine



Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Champagne Size Eur Chf

Champagne 72852014 Moët&ChandonBrut Impérial 72851521 Moët&Chandon Dom Pérignon

75cl 33,80 43,25 75cl 129,10 165,25

Moët & Chandon The flagship of Moët & Chandon since 1869, Brut Impérial is the most accomplished and universal expression of its style. It reflects the diversity and complementarities of the three champagne grapes and the richness of the region’s best vineyards to reveal the magic of the world’s most loved champagne. Lively and generous, Brut Imperial distinguishes itself by a bright fruitiness, a seductive palate and an elegant maturity, that continually seduce and delight. Brut Impérial is an extremely accomplished assemblage of over 200 crus, creating a perfect balance of the three champagne grape varieties (30% to 40% Pinot Noir, 30% to 40% Pinot Meunier, 20% to 30% Chardonnay). The use of 20% to 30% of carefully selected reserve wines complete the assemblage and enhance its maturity, complexity and consistency. The color is an elegant golden straw yellow with green highlights. Its aromas are radiant, revealing bright white-fleshed fruits (apple, pear, white peach), citrus fruits (lemon), floral nuances (lime blossom) and elegant blond notes (brioche and fresh nuts). The palate is seductive, richly flavourful and smooth combining generosity and elegance, fullness and finesse, followed by a delicately fresh crispiness (fruit with seeds), to reveal the magical balance of champagne. Brut Impérial can be served as a prelude to dinner and all the way through to dessert. It is perfect with sushi and dumplings, shellfish and fish in light sauces, poached, roasted, or lightly sauced white meats, and fresh fruit salads that are not too sweet.

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 55


Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf



Veuve Clicquot Brut



www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 57

Champagne Reference 72854503

Mumm Cordon Rouge Brut

Catalogue 2013/14 Size Eur Chf 6x75cl


www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 58



Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

72855509 72855503 72855510

75cl 75cl 75cl

Piper Heidsieck Cuvée Brut Piper Heidsieck Cuvée Demi – Sec Piper Heidsieck Rosé Sauvage

23,60 25,00 27,80

30,20 32,00 35,60

AT P I P E R- H E I D S I E C K , T H E M O S T N OT EWO RT H Y C O LO U R IS NOT THE RED, BUT THE GOLD. Piper-Heidsieck’s Winemaker is elected Champagne Winemaker of the Year*. For the seventh time in eight years, Régis Camus has been crowned by the prestigious International Wine Challenge UK. Beyond the talent of the man, it is the uncompromising quality of the Piper-Heidsieck wines, awarded year after year, that dazzles.


* Winemaker of the year in Champagne category, September 2012.

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 59

Made by SchluMberger: TradiTion. innovaTion. experience. SchluMberger. Since 1842. www.schlumberger.at

Sparkling Wine

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Sparkling Wine – Australia 72666501

Jacob‘s Creek Chardonnay Pinot Noir (1) 6x75cl 51,00


Sparkling Wine – Austria Schlumberger 72669503 Brut Vintage (2) 72669502 White Seco (3)

6x75cl 6x75cl

57,70 57,70

73,90 73,90




Aperol Sparkling Zutaten: 1/8 L Soda, 2 cl Aperol, 1 Orangenscheibe, Eiswürfel verwendete Schlumberger Sektsorten: 1/8 L Schlumberger Sparkling Brut Zubereitung: White Secco, Soda und Aperol in ein mit Eis gefülltes Weinglas geben und kurz verrühren. Orangenscheibe halbieren und dazugeben.

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 61

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Sparkling Wine Size Eur Chf

Sparkling Wine – Germany Henkell 72669004 Dry 72669012 Dry Piccolo 72669029 Henkell RosÊ 72669015 Brut Vintage 2010

6x75cl 26,00 33,30 5 x 20cl 10,40 13,30 6x75cl 26,00 33,30 12x75cl 59,90 76,70

Fleur Rouge with Henkell Trocken For 4 cocktails you will need: 1 electric mixer, 4 flute glasses, 80g fresh or frozen strawberries, 2 lemons, 1 bottle of Sparkling wine (e.g. Henkell Trocken or Deinhard Medium Dry), a bunch of edible dendrobia orchids for decoration. Preparation: Puree the strawberries in the electric mixer, squeeze the lemons and add their juice to the puree. Distribute the puree between the glasses and top them up with ice-cold sparkling wine. Attach the orchid flowers to the edge of the glasses as a garnish. Tip: Instead of strawberry puree you can also use strawberry syrup and instead of fresh lemons you can use lemon juice.

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 63


A sparkling wine is only as good as the wine it is made from. Fürst von Metternich sparkling wines owe their special character to the carefully selected, exclusively German Rieslings on which they are based. Their fine balance and rounded bouquet is derived from a selection of elegant and racy wines that have been grown at Fürst von Metternich‘s Schloss Johannisberg domain since time immemorial.

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Sparkling Wine Size Eur Chf

Sparkling Wine – Germany Fürst von Metternich 72669024 Riesling Sekt (dry) 6x75cl 47,20


Fürst von Metternich Fürst von Metternich is a byword for German sparkling wine culture, and like no other brand stands for exquisite, pristine enjoyment of sparkling wine of the highest quality. In producing these superior sparking wines, the tradition-steeped winery is assiduous in ensuring that the typical characteristics of the different varieties are underscored. The varietally pure sparklers Fürst von Metternich Riesling, Rosé Pinot Noir and Chardonnay are made from carefully selected grapes sourced exclusively from cool-climate regions, where sunny days and cool nights allow the grapes to ripen very gently.

Fürst von Metternich Riesling Sekt Trocken (Dry) The blue neck label stands for the Dry cuvée, which attracts a wide public. The bouquet is characterized by German Riesling wines. Fürst von Metternich combines, as no other product, an elite flair with high quality and is a symbol of German sparkling wine culture.

Schloss Rheinberg 72669011 Medium Dry

6x75cl 15,30 19,60

Schloss Rheinberg In 1880 Julius Rheinberg founded his „Champagne Factory Schloss Rheinberg“ in Geisenheim in the Rheingau wine growing area, where he processed wines from his own vineyards. In subsequent years his brands were repeatedly awarded, and the cellars advanced to become purveyors of numerous German Royal Houses. Since 1933 the brand Schloss Rheinberg belongs to the house of Söhnlein. Today the brand Schloss Rheinberg stands for a pricewise stable brand in the medium price range. Its classic appearance and timely variations of taste have made Schloss Rheinberg an interesting alternative within the sparkling wine portfolio. Since 1933 the brand Schloss Rheinberg belongs to the house of Söhnlein. Today the brand Schloss Rheinberg stands for a pricewise stable brand in the medium price range. Its classic appearance and timely variations of taste have made Schloss Rheinberg an interesting alternative within the sparkling wine portfolio.

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 65

Sparkling Wine

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Sparkling Wine – Italy Bottega 72671016 Vino dei Poeti Prosecco (3) 72671029 Vino dei Poeti Gold 72671026 Vino dei Poeti Rosé (1)



6x75cl 6x75cl 6x75cl

35,30 78,60 30,60

45,20 100,60 39,20


Petalo 72675007 Sweet Moscato + heart (2)




Zonin 72671006 Prosecco Special Cuvee Brut




www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 67

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Sparkling Wine Size Eur Chf

Sparkling Wine – Italy Martini 72671019 Brut 72671020 Rosé 72675008 Asti Spumante D.O.C. 72671028 Prosecco

6x75cl 39,30 50,30 6x75cl 39,30 50,30 6x75cl 49,10 62,85 6x75cl 34,40 44,00

BIAnco IngredIents (Makes one drink) 1 part MArtInI Bianco 1 part MArtInI Prosecco 1 lime (1 lime makes 6 wedges) Method Add ice to a large wine glass (3/4 full) and add MArtInI Bianco, top with MArtInI Prosecco and squeeze in the two wedges of fresh lime then drop one in. stir lightly and serve with a sprig of fresh mint. gArnIsh 2 lime wedges (squeezed and dropped in) and a fresh sprig of mint as a garnish. gLAss Large wine glass


enJoY resPonsIBLY

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 69

Sparkling Wine Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Size Eur Chf

Sparkling Wine – Italy Cinzano 72675006 Asti Spumante

6x75cl 46,00 58,90

italian since 1757

Drink responsibly

20654-cinzano ASTI A5.indd 1

29/04/13 13:21

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 70

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Sparkling Wine Size Eur Chf

Sparkling Wine – Spain Codorniu 72676209 Cava Classico brut 72676215 Anna Codorniu Brut

6x75cl 6x75cl

35,10 45,00

44,90 57,60

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 71

Sparkling Wine Reference

Freixenet 72676213 Cordon Negro Brut 72676214 Carta Nevada semi-seco 72676210 RosĂŠ Seco

Advertenties_148x210mm_DSE.indd 3

Catalogue 2013/14 Size Eur Chf

6x75cl 36,80 47,10 6x75cl 36,80 47,10 6x75cl 38,80 49,60

15-05-2009 12:39:17

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 72


Catalogue 2013/14


Please drink responsibly

Pure Alcohol 75 Absinth 75 Akvavit 75 Aperitif 76 Armagnac 83 Bitter 85 Brandy 87 Calvados 96 Cognac 97 Eau-de-Vie 107 Grappa 109 Genever/Korn 109 Fruit/Genever/Korn/Brandy 113 Sugar Cane Brandy (Brasil) 113 Gin 115 Liqueurs 121 Port 139 RUM 143 Sherry 151 Tequila 153 Vodka 156 Scotch Whisky 177 Scotch Whisky de Luxe 185 Scotch Malt Whisky 191 Classic Malts 203 Classic Malts – Distillers Edition 204 Irish Whisky 205 American Whisky 209 Canadian Whiskey 215 Vermouth 217 Premix 219 Cider 219 Beer 220 Juices 228 Softdrinks/Tonic/Ginger Ale 229 Softdrinks 231 Ice Tea 233 Natural Water/Sparkling Water 235

0 0 100







International Spirits

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 100cl



6 x 70cl



Pure Alcohol 73800506

Pure Alcohol Navimar (96%)

Absinth 76600401

Tabu 55%

Akvavit Danish 75800507 Aalborg Taffel Akvavit 12 x 100cl 8,70 11,15 75800505 Aalborg Jubilaeums Akvavit 6 x 100cl 10,90 13,95 75801601

Norway Linie Lysholm Fabrik Maerke 12 x 100cl 16,10 20,60

Aalborg Tafel Akvavit Aalborg Taffel Akvavit is the uncrowned king of aquavits – the original crystal clear Danish caraway aquavit. It was aquavit pioneer Isidor Henius who in 1846 first put the bottle of the characteristic red-white label on the lunch table. And it has remained a permanent fixture ever since. Aalborg Taffel Akvavit – or Rød Aalborg as it is also known – continues to be Denmark’s most popular spirit. It appears on both the Danes’ lunch tables and at the banquets hosted by the Danish Royal Palace. With its alcoholic strength and intense caraway flavour Aalborg Taffel Akvavit is perfect for all the traditional strong Danish lunch dishes, especially the marinated herring. It is also great with classic dinner courses such as roast and pork.

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 75

International Spirits Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

12 x 100cl



Aperitif 76202502

Campari Bitter


www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 76

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 100cl



Aperitif 76401705

Aperol Aperitivo


www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 77

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

Aperitif 75103108

Yeni Raki Anise Spirit

6 x 100cl




Tekirdag Raki Anise Spirit

6 x 100cl



Enjoy the taste of the authentic Turkish Raki What is Raki? Raki boasts over a 300-year history in Anatolia as the most important ingredient in Turkish entertainment and its alcohol culture.Raki frequently takes center stage in a prominent position at a traditional Turkish dinner. Raki is produced from grape alcohol(suma),aniseeds, refined white sugar and soft drinking water.The grapes and aniseeds used in making Raki determine its level of quality and delicacy of taste. Adding aniseeds to the blend is key in making Raki uniquely Turkish. Anise has a long repulation as a warming,breath-refreshing,tranquilizing and even healing, natural element. Aniseed is not readily seen in Raki because it completely dissolves in alcohol.However, when water or mineral water is added to Raki,the aniseed reveals itself in a colour of white. Raki should be consumed slowly with mezes, and especially with warm and seductive conversation. As we say,�first raki then the meal�, not vice versa as in wine cultures.

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 79

. s i a r v s t n e m o m Des Notre savoir-faire se dĂŠguste avec sagesse.

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 100cl



Aperitif 76405503

Ricard 45 Pastis

French Rendez-vous

Ricard Classic Ricard/Water Mix 1:5


Pernod Paris

12 x 100cl




Pastis 51 Pastis

12 x 100cl




Pimm‘s No 1 Cup

12 x 100cl




Dubonnet Rouge

6 x 75cl



www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 81

International Spirits Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

12 x 100cl



6 x 100cl



Aperitif 76401901

Ouzo 12


Ouzo Tsantali

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 82

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 70cl 6 x 70cl

9,40 13,65

11,95 17,45

Armagnac 74701103 74701101

Clés des Ducs VS Clés des Ducs VSOP

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 83

International Spirits

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

12 x 100cl



9 x 100cl



6 x 70cl



6 x 100cl



Bitter 76203907

Fernet Branca (1)


Becherovka Carlsbad (2)


Ramazzotti Amaro (3)


Zwack Unicum Herbal Bitter Liqueur

Zwack Unicum ZWACK UNICUM is a unique herb liqueur distilled from over 40 herbs according to a secret recipe that has been carefully guarded by the Zwack family since 1790. The use of natural ingredients, the combination of distillation and extraction, and the 6 months long ageing process in oak casks gives Unicum its intrinsic harmony, the inimitable bitter-sweet taste and an exotic bouquet. Unicum has a beneficial effect on the digestion, and it can be savoured either as an aperitif or as a digestif.




www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 85

International Spirits Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

12 x 100cl



Bitter 76602607

Averna Amaro Sicilian

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 86

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 100cl



Brandy German 75008006

Scharlachberg Meisterspirituose

SCHARLACHBERG MEISTER SPIRITUOSE is meticulously crafted by expert hands by adding high-grade wine distillates. Connoisseurs appreciate its fine, rounded nose and mild, harmonic fullness of taste.

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 87

© Copyright 2013 by Asbach GmbH, Rüdesheim am Rhein

Drink responsibly



International Spirits

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

Brandy German 75002003

Asbach Uralt

6 x 100cl




Dujardin Golden Keys

1 x 300cl



Original R端desheim Coffee Place three sugar cubes in the original R端desheim coffee cup, add 4 cc of wellwarmed Asbach Uralt and set alight with a long match. Stir using the long R端desheim coffee spoon to dissolve the sugar and allow to burn for about 1 minute. Fill the cup with hot coffee to about 2 cm under the rim. Top with whipped cream sweetened with vanilla sugar and sprinkle with dark chocolate flakes.

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 89

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

Brandy 75005201 75005204

French Bardinet Napoleon VSOP 12 x 100cl 5,45 6,95 Bardinet X.O. 12 x 70cl 7,15 9,15


Saint Rémy Authentic VSOP

75018601 75014701

12 x 100cl



The Three Barrels VSOP

6 x 100cl



Napoleon Mon Amour

12 x 70cl



ST-RÉMY VSOP TASTING NOTES: “St-Rémy VSOP conveys the taste of small, freshly-picked red berries, while bringing out the sweet vanilla flavour of oak. It is a rounded, balanced spirit that is easy to drink. With its light and subtle nose, St-Rémy VSOP is excellent served as an aperitif or in cocktails.” APPEARANCE: “Amber-yellow colour with golden highlights. NOSE: The light alcohol notes are quickly replaced by a wonderful aromatic richness with fruity cherry, gooseberry and wild strawberry flavours. Floral aromas blend subtly with the woody and vanilla tones of oak. The overall effect is pleasing, harmonious and smooth. PALATE: Rounded and smooth on the palate, the sweet, red berry flavour soon becomes more intense.

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 91

Please drink responsibly

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

Brandy Greek 75010003 75011701

Metaxa 5 ***** Metaxa 7 *******

12 x 100cl 12 x 100cl

11,60 14,90

14,85 18,95

Dutch 74906301

De Kuyper Vieux

6 x 100cl



Italy 75019100 Vecchia Romagna Riserva 6 x 100cl 10,50


Lo spirito d’Italia

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 93

International Spirits Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

Brandy 75005301

Spain Cardenal Mendoza Solera Grand Reserva Tube 6 x 70cl 23,20 29,70

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 94

International Spirits

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

Brandy 75008502

Spain P.Domecq Fundador 12 x 100cl 8,65 10,95

af lepanto 210x148mm 19/5/09 11:18 P�gina 1 C







Fundador Tasting Notes Rich aroma. Smooth, enveloping taste. Fundador Solera’s distinct character is a result of the traditional aging through the Solera system.


Lepanto Solera Gran Reserva Gonzales Byass 6 x 70cl






International Spirits Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

Calvados 74501601 Père Magloire Fine Carte Jaune 6 x 100cl 15,25 19,50 74501604 Père Magloire VSOP 6 x 70cl 19,35 24,75 74500601 Boulard Grand Solage 6 x 100cl 12,60 15,95

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 96

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

Cognac 74803209 74803509 74804505

Camus VS Giftbox Camus VSOP Giftbox Camus XO Giftbox

6 x 100cl 12 x 100cl 12 x 70cl

23,95 29,30 60,80

30,65 37,50 77,80

74815303 74815305

Hine Rare VSOP Hine Antique XO Premier Cru

12 x 100cl 12 x 70cl

32,60 77,15

41,75 98,75


Martell Medaillon VSOP

12 x 100cl



CAMUS VS ELEGANCE TASTING NOTES Eye: Golden colour with fiery highlights Nose: Floral and fruity with hints of wild rose and hazelnut Palate: Fruity with hints of peper.Gentle oak and vanilla finish

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 97

BARON OTARD VSOP Baron Jean-Baptiste Otard first produced his cognac in 1795, buying the only Castle in the town of Cognac because of its exceptional ageing conditions - humid cellars at a constant temperature, created by its thick stone walls and cloase proximity to the river Charente. These unique natural ageing conditions, still used today, are the reason Baron Otard continues to deliver such an intensely smooth and rewarding cognac experience.

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

Cognac 74800202 Baron Otard VSOP Giftbox 6 x 100cl 42,45 54,50 74800301 Baron XO Gold 6 x 70cl 90,35 115,65

BARON OTARD VSOP Baron Jean-Baptiste Otard first produced his cognac in 1795, buying the only Castle in the town of Cognac because of its exceptional ageing conditions - humid cellars at a constant temperature, created by its thick stone walls and cloase proximity to the river Charente. These unique natural ageing conditions, still used today, are the reason Baron Otard continues to deliver such an intensely smooth and rewarding cognac experience.

The length on the palate of the Otard VSOP Fine Champagne, combining its powerful nose and remarkable finesse, blossoms with floral aromas backed by the fragrance of lime-trees, pears and tobacco, with flashes of spices and vanilla. How best to drink istThe Otard VSOP Fine Champagne can be enjoyed as an aperitif with 5 or 6 cl of tonic for 2 cl of cognac, and a few ice cubes. As an after-dinner drink, it should be enjoyed neat. Otard VSOP Fine Champagne is best drunk at room temperature.

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 99

ENJOY COURVOISIER® RESPONSIBLY Courvoisier®, the Napoleon device and Le Cognac de Napoleon are trademarks of Courvoisier® S.A.S. ©2013 Courvoisier® S.A.S.

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

12 x 100cl 12 x 70cl 12 x 100cl 12 x 70cl

26,40 24,60 35,95 84,95

33,80 31,50 45,95 108,75







Cognac 74807106 74807505 74807506 74808501

Courvoisier VS (until end of stock) Courvoisier VSOP (until end of stock) Courvoisier VSOP (until end of stock) Courvoisier XO (until end of stock)

Le Voyage de Napoleon (available end of 2013) Courvoisier VS – Le Voyage de Napoleon 12 x 100cl Courvoisier VSOP – Le Voyage de Napoleon 12 x 100cl Courvoisier XO – Le Voyage de Napoleon 6 x 70cl




Courvoisier – Le cognac de Napoleon Courvoisier has been producing the finest cognacs for centuries and was appointed ‘supplier to the Imperial Courts of Napoleon III’. Courvoisier only produce cognac using grapes from the four finest crus: Grande Champagne, Petite Champagne, Borderies and Fins Bois, to ensure a superior quality cognac. We are obsessive about the craft of cognac-making and control the entire process from grape to barrel to bottle, we spend more time at each stage of the process to ensure the highest quality in all our cognacs. The barrels Courvoisier’s fine ‘eaux de vie’ are aged in are nothing but the best, which is why Jean Marc Olivier, the master blender, hand selects the 200 year old oak trees, from which each one is made. All Courvoisier cognacs are allowed to develop their rich colours and distinctive bouquets by being aged much longer than required by law.

Courvoisier – Tasting notes Blend:

55% from Grande Champagne, 45% from Petite Champagne. Minimum of 15 blends ranging from 6 – 10 years old

Colour Amber – golden yellow Aroma

Vanilla, dried fruit, floral


Warm, delicate


Fine, light, distinctive


Very good finish, nice memory, tender Very well balanced during all the tasting

Awards Silver Medal, “Best in Class”, at the 2007 International Wine and Spirit Competition

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 101

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

12 x 100cl 12 x 100cl

35,60 60,90

45,50 77,95

Cognac 74812505 74814102

Hennessy VS Hennessy VSOP Privilege

Hennessy V.S.O.P Historical Background In October 1817, the future King Georges IV of Great Britain, a great connoisseur of cognac, ordered a “Very Superior Old Pale Cognac eau de vie” from Hennessy. The letters V.S.O.P thus appeared for the first time on there cords of a cognac sent to Britain. These letters have since become the benchmark of the category and are today used by the entire profession. Product Truth Ageing Aged up to 15 years, the cognacs are patiently brought to maturity in seasoned French oak casks that have given up their bolder tannins. Blending Hennessy V.S.O.P is a complex and accomplished blend of around 60 different eaux-de-vie selected exclusively from the four premier growing areas of the cognac region. Overall Style Harmonious and smooth, Hennessy V.S.O.P is an accomplished cognac blend appreciated for its velvety texture and refined flavours and aromas. Serving suggestions The delicate flavours and aromas of Hennessy Privilège V.S.O.P mean that this is an ideal cognac to enjoy straight or on the rocks. Around the world, Hennessy V.S.O.P is also enjoyed as a “High Ball” mixed drink. Favourite mixers include sparkling or soda water and ginger ale.

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 103

Catalogue 2013/14

International Spirits


Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

12 x 100cl 12 x 100cl 6 x 70cl 6 x 70cl

26,30 23,45 29,30 72,10

33,65 29,95 37,50 92,30

Cognac 74822608 74822612 74822706 74822807

Meukow 90 VS – 45% Meukow VS Black Meukow VSOP Meukow XO

Meukov 90 Cordial and Powerful Presented in its remarkable black bottle where the crystal clear Panther reveals the wonderful amber colour of the Cognac, Meukow 90 offers much higher distinctive tasting qualities than the average VS as it is the only Cognac available at 45% Alc. By Vol. Appearance: Old gold, brilliant with copper tints. Head: Full aroma with dried fruits notes. Heart: Spiced, with generous woody notes typical of small oak barrels ageing. Background: A beautiful and powerful aromatic persistency and a long smoothness with liquorice and nutmeg notes.

Meukov VSOP Appearance: Beautiful clear amber-yellow colour with gold tints. Head note: Fruity with raisins, candied orange, and white peach. Heart note: Walnut notes and hazelnut aromas with vanilla. Background note: Harmonious and mellow-tannins with light spicy nuances. So called Superior because the percentage of older Cognac is higher than in a regular VSOP.

Meukov XO Appearance: Fire like and mahogany colour with perfect clarity and very attractive texture. Head note: Floral with jasmine and iris. Fruity with prune and peach. Heart note: Chocolate and vanilla flavours with tawny port and candied fruits fragrances. Background note: Nutmeg and spices. Warm cigar box. Perfectly harmonious and well balanced, Meukow XO Cognac is the fruit of the long ageing process and the complex blending of delightful “Crus de Cognac”.

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International Spirits Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 100cl



Cognac 74815501

Joseph Guy VS

C’est le ton qui fait la musique. – Alexandre Joseph Guy

Geniet, maar drink met mate.


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Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

Eau-de-Vie French 75601902 G.E. Massenez Poire Williams 6 x 70cl 28,50 36,50 75021101 75021201 75021003

German Lörch Altes Schwarzwälder Kirschwasser 6 x 100cl 11,10 14,20 Lörch Alter Mirabellenbrand 6 x 100cl 9,95 12,75 Lörch Alte Williams-Christ-Birne 6 x 100cl 11,10 14,20

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International Spirits

Catalogue 2013/14

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Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 100cl 6 x 70cl 6 x 70cl 6 x 70cl

6,90 11,25 9,00 5,45

8,85 14,40 11,50 6,95

6 x 70cl



Grappa 73901112 73901106 73901103 73901122

Alexander Aldo Bottega Alexander Cru Alexander Black bottle Alexander Cellini


Bottega Limoncino Succo Natura 30%

Genever/Korn 74001109 74001101

Dutch Bokma Young 6 x 100cl 6,60 8,45 Bokma Old 6 x 100cl 6,60 8,45


Claeryn Young

6 x 100cl




De Kuyper Young

6 x 100cl




Ketel 1

6 x 100cl



www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 109


Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 100cl 6 x 70cl 6 x 100cl 6 x 100cl

6,40 23,70 7,25 13,10

8,20 30,35 9,30 16,80

Genever/Korn 74003903 74003908 74003911 74003905

Bols Young Bols Young Delftblue jar (1) Bols Very Old – Zeer oud (stone jar) Bols Old Corenwijn (stone jar)


Bols Young Genever Bols Genever is a Genever, based on the original Bols Genever recipe which conquered the world and helped define cocktails during the first Golden Age in the 19th Century. The smooth, subtle, malty flavour of this white spirit comes from using over 50% malt wine, which is made from long-fermented, rye, corn and wheat, triple-distilled in copper pot stills.

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Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

Genever/Korn 74000501 74000701

German BerentzenDoppelkorn 6 x 100cl 3,50 4,50 Berentzen Korn 6 x 100cl 3,50 4,50

Fruit/Genever/Korn/Brandy 74403301

Dutch Coebergh Bessengenever 6 x 100cl 7,10 9,10


German Berentzen Apfelkorn 6 x 100cl 4,75 6,10


Croatia Badel Slijvovica Plum Brandy 6 x 100cl 8,95 11,45

Sugar Cane Brandy (Brasil) 75209702

Pitu Cachaça 40º

6 x 100cl



PITÚrinha – The Premium Caipirinha with PITÚ Ingredients: 5 cl PITÚ, 2-3 TL brown sugar, 1 Lime, Crushed Ice Preparation: Cut the fresh lime into eighths and put the pieces of lime into a glass. Spoon 2 – 3 teaspoons of cane sugar on top and crush the pieces of lime with a PITÚpestle. Add the crushed ice and 5 cl PITÚ. Serve with two straws and your PITÚrinha is ready to drink.

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 113

International Spirits

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

12 x 100cl



Gin 74200703

Beefeater Gin

Gin Cranberry • Beefeater Dry • cranberry • squeeze of lime • mint

Gin Orange

• Beefeater Dry

• orange

• squeeze of lime

• thyme

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 115

International Spirits

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

12 x 100cl



Gin 74201701

Bombay Sapphire Premium Dry Gin

Bombay Sapphire

Tom Collins

60ml Bombay Sapphire 30ml Fresh lemon juice approximately ½ lemon

20ml Sugar syrup

(2 parts sugar to 1 part boiling water)

Top up with Soda water / Club soda 1 Lemon wedge Add the lemon juice, sugar syrup and Bombay Sapphire to the glass. Fill glass with ice and stir well. Add more ice and top with club soda. Garnish with the lemon wedge and 2 straws, sip and enjoy

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International Spirits

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

Gin 74204006

Gordon‘s London Dry Gin

12 x 100cl




Hendrick‘s Premium Gin

12 x 100cl




London Gin

12 x 100cl




Tanqueray Special Dry Gin

12 x 100cl



Summer Splash A Classic Twist Ingredients: 50ml GORDON’STM Gin Fresh bottled tonic – preferably Schweppes 50ml cranberry juice Wedge of lime Alcohol: 15,8g Instructions: Serve long in a tall glass over ice with lime and a splash of cranberry to bring colour and a round, softer finish to a classic G&T. Garnish with a wedge of lime

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 119

Disaronno. Italianissimo.

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

Liqueurs 76635301 76602101

Amaretto Di Saronno Original Amaretto Gozio

6 x 100cl 6 x 100cl

14,65 11,30

18,75 14,50


Archers Peach

6 x 100cl




Advocat Warninks

6 x 100cl



76000401 76000004 76615705 76615712 76615718

Bols Advocat, dun Bols Advocat, dik Bols Crème de Cassis Bols Blue Curacao Bols Cherry Brandy

6 x 100cl 6 x 70cl 6 x 70cl 6 x 70cl 6 x 70cl

9,75 7,60 7,15 7,15 7,15

12,50 9,75 9,15 9,15 9,15

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International Spirits Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 100cl



Liqueurs Amarula Wild Fruit Cream Liqueur

Drink responsibly


www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 122

International Spirits

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

12 x 100cl 12 x 100cl 12 x 100cl 12 x 100cl 12 x 100cl

15,80 15,80 15,80 15,80 15,80

20,25 20,25 20,25 20,25 20,25

7,70 7,70 7,70

9,90 9,90 9,90

Liqueurs 76609003 76609701 76608701 76608801 76609901

Baileys Original Irish Cream (2) Baileys Crème Caramel Baileys Coffee (3) Baileys Biscotti Baileys Hazelnut (1) (1)

76614801 76614701 76614901


Bottega Latte Macchiato (1) Bottega Black Chocolate (2) Bottega Raspberry Cream (3)



6 x 50cl 6 x 50cl 6 x 50cl



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International Spirits

Catalogue 2013/14


Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

12 x 100cl



Liqueurs 76616401

Brogans Irish Cream •Brogans German Ad.pdf











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International Spirits

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

12 x 100cl



Liqueurs 76612004

Benedictine D.O.M.



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International Spirits Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 100cl



Liqueurs Cointreau Orange Liqueur

Please drink responsibly


www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 126

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 70cl



Liqueurs 76642601

Girl Raspberry Lychee Liqueur

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International Spirits Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 70cl



Liqueurs 76660608

Bleu Coco

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Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Liqueurs 76636510 76636515

Drambuie Scotch Liqueur Drambuie Scotch Liqueur 15 yo GBX

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 100cl 6 x 100cl

18,40 25,50

23,55 32,65



www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 129

International Spirits Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

12 x 100cl



Liqueurs 76641602

Frangelico Hazelnut Liqueur

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Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

12 x 100cl



Liqueurs 76645113

Grand Marnier Rouge Triple Sec Liqueur

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International Spirits Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 100cl



Liqueurs 76649901

J채germeister Herbal Liqueur

Advertenties_148x210mm_DSE.indd 2

15-05-2009 11:11:36

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Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 100cl 6 x 100cl

9,80 14,65

12,55 18,75

Liqueurs 76662007 76662017

Malibu Coconut Liqueur Malibu Coconut Liqueur Black

adv malibu A5 parkpop.indd 1

19-06-2009 12:23:18

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International Spirits Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 100cl



Liqueurs 76673506

Passoa de Maracuja



Please Drink resPonsibly

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 134

Catalogue 2013/14

International Spirits


Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 100cl



Liqueurs 76688008

Southern Comfort Original

Š2012 Southern Comfort. All Rights Reserved. SOUTHERN COMFORT is a registered trademark. SOUTHERNCOMFORT.COM

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 135

International Spirits Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 100cl 6 x 50cl

18,10 11,55

23,20 14,80

Liqueurs 76687005 76687014

Sheridan‘s Original Double Liqueur Sheridan‘s Original Double Berries

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 136

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 70cl



6 x 70cl 6 x 70cl 6 x 70cl 6 x 70cl 6 x 70cl 6 x 100cl 6 x 100cl 6 x 70cl 12 x 50cl 6 x 100cl

8,20 6,40 6,40 6,40 6,40 9,50 6,35 6,35 4,40 7,30

10,50 8,20 8,20 8,20 8,20 12,20 8,15 8,15 5,65 9,35

Liqueurs 76616704

Cafe Marakesh Coffee Liqueur

76657418 76657419 76657420 76657431 76657443 76657481 76657413 76657446 76208501 76657467

De Kuyper Crème de Cassis De Kuyper Blue Curacao De Kuyper Apricot Brandy De Kuyper Creme de Cacao White De Kuyper Creme de Cacao Brown De Kuyper Dropshot De Kuyper Peachtree Schnapps De Kuyper Creme de menthe Green De Kuyper Oranjebitter De Kuyper Triple Sec


Glayva Liqueur (‚Best liqueur in the world‘)

12 x 100cl




Kahlua Coffee Liqueur

12 x 100cl




Kirsberry Danish Liqueur

6 x 100cl




Licor 43 Quarenta y tres

6 x 100cl




Mandarine Napoléon, Grande Liqueur

6 x 100cl



76669611 76669613 76669614

Mozart Black Chocolate Pure Mozart Gold Chocolate Cream Mozart White Chocolate Cream

6 x 70cl 6 x 70cl 6 x 70cl

11,90 11,90 11,90

15,25 15,25 15,25


Peter Heering Danish Cherry Heering Liqueur

6 x 100cl




Pina Colada

6 x 70cl




Pisang Ambon Banana Liqueur

6 x 100cl




Safari African Drink

6 x 100cl



76683704 76683801 76683714

Sambuca Vaccari Sambuca Romana Sambuca Extra Molinari

6 x 70cl 12 x 100cl 6 x 100cl

8,90 8,90 9,95

11,40 11,40 12,75


Zwack Unicum Herbal Bitter Liqueur

6 x 100cl



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International Spirits

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 75cl



6 x 100cl 6 x 100cl 6 x 75cl 6 x 50cl

10,65 8,40 8,40 10,10

13,65 10,75 10,75 12,95

6 x 75cl 6 x 100cl 12 x 100cl

9,80 9,80 15,75

12,55 12,55 20,20

Port 73001910

Graham‘s Tawny 10 years old

73000901 73000912 73000913 73000911

Cockburn‘s Special Reserve (1) Cockburn‘s Fine Ruby (2) Cockburn‘s LBV 2007 (3) Cockburn‘s 10 Years Old Tawny (4)

73010305 73008505 73009103

Sandeman Ruby Red Sandeman Fine White Sandeman Founders Reserve





www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 139

Be responsible. Drink in moderation.

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 100cl 12 x 100cl 12 x 100cl

9,20 9,20 9,20

11,80 11,80 11,80

Port 73003608 73003601 73003602

Offley White Offley Ruby Offley Tawny

Offley Spirit Ingredients: 60 ml of Offley Porto Ruby, 30 ml of vodka Preparation: • Glass: Cocktail •P our the ingredients into a mixing glass filled with ice and stir well with a bar spoon. • Using a strainer, filter the contents into a cocktail glass (pre-chilled with ice). • Garnish with 2 red Maraschino cherries.

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 141

DRINK RESPONSIBLY. ©2012 BACARDI and the Bat device are registered trademarks of Bacardi & Company Limited. BACARDI U.S.A., INC., MIAMI, FL. RUM – 40% ALC. BY VOL.


Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

24 x 50cl 12 x 100cl 1 x 300cl 12 x 100cl 12 x 100cl 12 x 100cl 12 x 100cl 6 x 100cl 6 x 100cl 6 x 100cl 6 x 100cl

5,90 13,10 41,55 13,10 13,10 15,20 22,60 14,70 14,70 14,70 13,10

7,55 16,80 53,20 16,80 16,80 19,50 28,95 18,85 18,85 18,85 16,80

RUM 75203011 75203005 75203601 75203801 75207306 75207701 75202301 75206303 75207801 75206700 75206601

Bacardi Superior Bacardi Superior Bacardi Superior Bacardi Oro Bacardi Black Bacardi Reserva Bacardi 8 years – Tin Bacardi Limón Bacardi Razz Bacardi Dragon Berry Bacardi Oakhart

The Original Bacardi Mojito Add half a fresh lime cut into segments. Add 2 teaspoons of fine white caster sugar and muddle hard. In your hand collect 10–12 fresh mint leaves and clap hard to release the aroma. Re-muddle light. Add 50 ml of Bacardi Superior Rum, crushed ice and stir well. Top with soda water and crown with more crushed ice.

Garnish with a sprig of fresh mint and serve.

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International Spirits

Catalogue 2013/14


Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

12 x 100cl 12 x 100cl

15,20 15,20

19,50 19,50

12 x 100cl



RUM 70812500 70812003 70812008

Bacardi Pina Colada – Ready to Serve Bacardi Mojito – Ready to Serve Bacardi Strawberry Daiquiri – Ready to Serve




DRINK RESPONSIBLY. ©2012 BACARDI and the Bat device are registered trademarks of Bacardi & Company Limited. BACARDI U.S.A., INC., MIAMI, FL. RUM – 14.9% ALC. BY VOL.




DRINK RESPONSIBLY. ©2012 BACARDI and the Bat device are registered trademarks of Bacardi & Company Limited. BACARDI U.S.A., INC., MIAMI, FL. RUM – 14.9% ALC. BY VOL.


DRINK RESPONSIBLY. ©2012 BACARDI and the Bat device are registered trademarks of Bacardi & Company Limited. BACARDI U.S.A., INC., MIAMI, FL. RUM – 14.9% ALC. BY VOL.

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 144

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

12 x 100cl



RUM 75221503

Brugal Anejo Reserva

46460_Bru_Barca_Anz_210x297.indd 1

03.02.11 16:39

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International Spirits Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 100cl 6 x 100cl 6 x 100cl

12,75 13,80 25,15

16,35 17,70 32,20

RUM 75212102 75212113 75212112

Havana Club Anejo 3 yrs White Havana Club A単ejo Especial Havana Club A単ejo 7 a単os

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 146

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 100cl



RUM Mount Gay Barbados Rum Eclipse

Please drink responsibly


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International Spirits Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 100cl



RUM 75215701

Pott Rum 54%

IMPORTED PREMIUM RUM Excellent, noble r um. Golden and pure like the sunshine of the tropics. With its exquisite, rich aroma and pronounced taste, Pott Premium Rum is a tr uly palatable experience for the sophisticated r um connoisseur.

POTT PREMIUM RUM 54% The quality choice of rum for the spicy fruits in your rumpot. For a romantic flame of magic, a flaming punch and other fine delicacies.


Anz Pott_Export_A5_RZ3.indd 1

25.04.13 08:06

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Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 100cl



RUM 75217008

Stroh Rum Original 80%

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 149

International Spirits Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

RUM 75210004 75210006

Captain Morgan Black Label Captain Morgan Spiced Gold

12 x 100cl 12 x 100cl

9,95 9,60

12,75 12,30


Meyer‘s Rum Original Dark Jamaica

12 x 100cl




Negrita Rhum Brown – Orig. Jamaica

6 x 100cl



75227501 75227502

Optimum White Optimum Dark

6 x 100cl 6 x 100cl

4,50 4,50

5,80 5,80

75218507 75218601

Zacapa Centenario 23years old 6 x 100cl Zacapa X.O. Solera Gran Reserva Especial 6 x 70cl

62,85 94,55

80,45 121,05

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International Spirits

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

12 x 100cl



Sherry 73201702

Harveys Bristol Cream




HARVEYS is a registered trademark of Beam Global UK limited. All rights reserved worldwide.

HARVEYS is a registered trademark of Beam Global UK limited. All rights reserved worldwide.











TRIM: 148mm(w) x 210mm(h)

Brand UK Travel


Harveys Ad Resize


LIVE/TYPE AREA 142mm(w) x 204mm(h) BLEED: 154mm(w) x 216mm(h)

orange keyline indicates bleed DO NOT PRINT!

magenta keyline indicates dieline DO NOT PRINT!





green keyline indicates live text area DO NOT PRINT!






International Spirits

Catalogue 2013/14


Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

12 x 100cl



6,70 5,00

8,60 6,40

Sherry 73201302

Gonzales Byass Tio Pepe Palomino Fino Extra Dry





1/3 Tio Pepe 2/3 Sprite or lemon soda Mint leaves C


Ice cubes







73206401 73206101

Sandeman Medium Dry Sandeman Dry Seco

Smash the mint leaves and the lime wedges in a wide glass, add Tio Pepe, ice cubes and Sprite. Stir. Enjoy!

6 x 100cl 6 x 75cl

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 152

International Spirits

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference


Contents per case


JOB #: 10-0045-PTR

CLIENT: Patron

148 mm x 210 mm LIVE: 10 mm all sides BLEED: 10 mm all sides 75402614 TRIM: Patrón Silver x 70cl Diplomatic Supply Catalog (Germany) RELEASE6 DATE: June 2010 COLORS/LS: 4C/? Tequila PUB: FOR QUESTIONS CALL: Kelley Cowles 214-891-5823 INSERTION DATE: 2010 75402613 Patrón Tequila Anejo 6 x 70cl

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

27,40 38,85

35,10 49,75

simply perfect.

Hand-selected 100% Weber blue agave. The world’s finest ultra-premium tequila. patronspirits.com

The perfect way to enjoy Patrón is responsibly. © 2010 The Patrón Spirits Company, Las Vegas, NV. 40% Alc./Vol.

100045PTR_148x210_DSC.indd 1

6/16/10 4:40 PM

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 153

SAUZA is a registered trademark of Tequila Sauza S.A. de C.V. All rights reserved worldwide.




International Spirits

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

12 x 100cl 6 x 100cl 6 x 100cl

5,55 11,95 11,95

7,10 15,30 15,30

Tequila 75405401 75403608 75403602

Aztec Silver Sierra Silver (1) Sierra Gold (2)

75403209 75403204

Sauza Silver Sauza Extra Gold

6 x 100cl 6 x 100cl

12,50 12,50

16,00 16,00

75400611 75400612

Jose Cuervo Especial Silver (3) Jose Cuervo Especial Gold (4)

6 x 100cl 6 x 100cl

14,20 14,20

18,20 18,20





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International Spirits Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

Vodka Danish Vodka 74606005 Danzka Red Vodka 12 x 100cl 8,10 10,40 74606303 Danzka Fifty Vodka ( 50%) 12 x 100cl 8,10 10,40 74606002 Danzka Vodka Citron 12 x 100cl 8,70 11,15 74606003 Danzka Vodka Currant 12 x 100cl 8,70 11,15 74606006 Danzka Vodka Grapefruit 12 x 100cl 8,70 11,15 74606010 Danzka Vodka Cranberyraz 12 x 100cl 8,70 11,15

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International Spirits

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

French Vodka Grey Goose L‘Original Premium Vodka 6 x 100cl 35,50


Vodka 74609311






www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 157



VODKA V O D KA O F F I N L LA AND Keep pure. Please drink responsibly. www.responsibledrinking.eu

Š 2012 Finlandia Worldwide. Finlandia is a registered trademark. All rights reserved.

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

Finland Vodka Finlandia Vodka pet 24 x 50cl 4,70 Finlandia Vodka 6 x 100cl 8,60 Finlandia Vodka Cranberry 12 x 100cl 8,95 Finlandia Vodka Grapefruit 12 x 100cl 8,95 Finlandia Vodka Lime 12 x 100cl 8,95 Finlandia 101 Vodka 12 x 100cl 9,40

6,05 11,05 11,50 11,50 11,50 12,05

Vodka 74607503 74607501 74607506 74607517 74607512 74608200

Finlandia Caipiroska 50 ml Finlandia Classic 25 ml Sugar Syrup 20 ml Lime Juice Muddle lime and sugar syrup,add crushed ice and Finlandia Classic, top with more crushed ice

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 159

International Spirits Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 100cl



Vodka 74610206

German Vodka Gorbatschow Blue Label Vodka

Wodka Gorbatschow sets a new course once again: it goes through a threefold filter process. True to the motto: what was choice will now become even better. Triple cold filtration will not only put forth exceptional purity and an inimitable mild taste, it is in line with our tradition to strive for best product quality. Produced in Berlin since the end of the Czarist era Wodka Gorbatschow breaks the ice: ice cold, crystal clear and pure.


www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 160

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 100cl 6 x 100cl

4,95 4,50

6,35 5,75

Vodka 74610105 74610102

German Vodka Puschkin Vodka Puschkin Red Orange (21,9%) Vodka

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 161

International Spirits

Catalogue 2013/14


Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

Georgia Vodka Eristoff Premium Vodka 6 x 100cl 8,85


Vodka 74607003

ERISTOFF Enjoy ERISTOFF® Responsibly

ERISTOFF, F, the Wolf Logo and the tag line “Bring on the Night”” are trademarks. F,


www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 162

International Spirits

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

International Vodka Smirnoff Red pet 24 x 50cl 4,20 Smirnoff Red 12 x 100cl 7,95 Smirnoff Red with dispenser 4 x 300cl 19,50 Smirnoff Blue (50%) 12 x 100cl 7,95 Smirnoff Black 12 x 100cl 9,75 Smirnoff Espresso 12 x 100cl 7,70 Smirnoff Gold 12 x 100cl 16,40

5,40 10,15 24,95 10,20 12,50 9,90 21,00

Vodka 74616006 74616025 74616701 74614001 74612001 74614402 74612601

andcrafted in small batches, its smooth taste is rivaled only by your own.

Smirnoff Black is meticulously crafted in a 150-year-old copper pot-still, honoring traditional Russian methods. Enjoy it on its own, or in the perfect vodka & tonic.

Please drink responsibly.

Produced in the UK. SMIRNOFF, SMIRNOFF BLACK, CLEARLY SMIRNOFF and associated logos are trademarks of The Smirnoff Co. Š 2009

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 163

International Spirits

Catalogue 2013/14


Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

Vodka 74632001

International Vodka Pinky Vodka (The only Vodka created for women) 12 x 100cl 17,20


Blavod Black Vodka

12 x 100cl




Petrov Vodka

12 x 100cl



The only vodka created for women

including: • Strawberries • Violets • Rose petals Perfect served straight or mixed, Pinky makes the world’s most beautiful cocktails.

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 164


International Spirits

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 100cl



Vodka 74608401

Polish Vodka Grasovka Polish Bison Gras Vodka


The vodka with real bison grass.

Drink responsibly

© Copyright 2013 by Underberg AG, Dietlikon/Zurich

Inspired by nature.


Original GRASOVKA is the Premium Żubróvka

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 165

International Spirits Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 100cl



Vodka 74624501

Polish Vodka Wyborowa Polish Vodka

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 166

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

12 x 100cl



Vodka 74626003

Polish Vodka Zubrowka Polish Luxury Vodka

Grass & Tonic 40 ml Zubrowka Vodka tonic to taste several crystals of caramelized sugar Drop several crystals of caramelized sugar into a glass. Fill glass with ice cubes, pour in Zubrowka Vodka and add tonic to taste.

Tiny bubbles on glass like dew on blades of grass. A soft pshhhh. Sweet refreshment.

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 167

International Spirits Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

Vodka 74602301

Polish Vodka Belvedere Premier Luxury Polish Vodka

6 x 100cl




Bols Vodka

6 x 100cl




Snow Leopard Vodka

6 x 100cl



www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 168

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 50cl 6 x 100cl

18,75 32,55

24,05 41,70

Vodka 74627501 74627503

Russian Vodka Beluga Vodka Classic Beluga Vodka Classic

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 169


STOLICHNAYA® Premium vodka. 40% Alc./Vol. 100% Grain Neutral Spirits. © 2012

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

Vodka 74618025 74618094 74618099

Russian Vodka Stolichnaya Red Vodka Stolichnaya Gold Vodka Stolichnaya Chocolate Razberry Vodka

12 x 100cl 12 x 100cl 12 x 100cl

6,75 7,90 6,55

8,65 10,15 8,40

74609010 74609009

Moskovskaya SPI Vodka Moskovskaya SPI Vodka

20 x 50cl 12 x 100cl

2,90 5,60

3,75 7,20

74612301 74612302

Russkiy Ice Vodka Russkiy Ice Vodka

20 x 50cl 12 x 100cl

2,95 4,95

3,80 6,35

74640501 74640502 74640503

Imperial Golden Snow Vodka Imperial Gold Vodka Imperial Gold Vodka

6 x 70cl 9 x 70cl 6 x 100cl

10,50 6,90 7,95

13,45 8,85 10,20

74641001 74641002 74641003

Czar Original Vodka Czar Original Vodka Czar Original Vodka

12 x 50cl 6 x 70cl 6 x 100cl

4,95 5,50 6,15

6,35 7,05 7,90

74643001 74643003

Kremlin Award Vodka Kremlin Award Vodka

6 x 50cl 6 x 100cl

17,20 31,60

22,05 40,45

74645000 74645001

Russian Billionaire Vodka GBX Russian Billionaire Vodka GBX

6 x 100cl 6 x 100cl

17,35 24,60

22,25 31,50

74643501 74643502 74643503 74643504 74643505

Zelyonaja (Green Mark) Traditional Wheat Flavor Zelyonaja (Green Mark) Natural Rye Flavor Zelyonaja (Green Mark) Natural Cedar Nut Flavor Zelyonaja (Green Mark) Wheat Flavor Zelyonaja (Green Mark) Cedar Nut Flavor

12 x 50cl



12 x 50cl



12 x 50cl



6 x 100cl



6 x 100cl



www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 171


Please drink responsibly

premium vodka

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

12 x 50cl 6 x 100cl 6 x 100cl 2 x 300cl 6 x 100cl 12 x 50cl 6 x 100cl 2 x 300cl 12 x 50cl 6 x 100cl

4,10 6,75 8,30 23,95 8,95 5,95 10,25 43,20 13,50 22,40

5,25 8,65 10,65 30,70 11,46 7,65 13,15 55,30 17,30 28,70

Vodka 74610903 74610901 74610906 74628502 74610916 74610904 74610902 74628503 74610909 74610910

Russian Vodka Russian Standard Original Vodka Russian Standard Original Vodka Russian Standard Original GBX Vodka Russian Standard Original Vodka Russian Standard Gold Vodka Russian Standard Platinum Vodka Russian Standard Platinum Vodka Russian Standard Platinum Vodka Russian Standard Imperia Vodka Russian Standard Imperia Vodka

Caipiroska 11 time zones, 26 languages, winter palaces in sculpted gold, carved wooden dachas, the Bolshoi, the Neva and nothing like an ordinary horizon in sight. That’s Russia. Decadence and passion set to the most delicate choreography before the most extraordinary scenery. It’s a place where the unexpected gets up in the morning running and doesn’t stop until it meets the unbelievable. If Russia has an equal in passion, then it’s Brazil hands down. Like the Russians, Brazilians have an appetite for life expressed in their music, their art and, of course, their drinks. The Caipiroska is a Brazilian cocktail with a Russian heart. Drink it, and you may just dream that Tchaikovsky is alive and writing music to a whole new beat. 50 ml/1.7 fl oz of Russian Standard 4 Lime wedges 2 tsp. of Sugar Crushed ice Muddle the lime wedges and sugar in the bottom of a tumbler. Fill with crushed ice and add the Russian Standard. Stir and enjoy. Garnish with more crushed ice and lime.

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 173

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

74600542 74600207 74600504 74600502 74600506 74600526 74600503 74600523 74600511 74600513 74600518 74600521 74600549 74600550 74600551 74600534

Svedish Vodka Absolut Vodka Blue 6 x 100cl 9,75 Absolut 100 Vodka 12 x 100cl 14,80 Absolut Vodka Citron 12 x 100cl 10,75 Absolut Vodka Kurant 12 x 100cl 10,75 Absolut Vodka Mandrin 12 x 100cl 10,75 Absolut Vodka Mango 12 x 100cl 10,75 Absolut Vodka Peppar 12 x 100cl 10,75 Absolut Vodka Pears 12 x 100cl 10,75 Absolut Vodka Vanilia 12 x 100cl 10,75 Absolut Vodka Raspberry 12 x 100cl 10,75 Absolut Vodka Apeach 12 x 100cl 10,75 Absolut Vodka Ruby Red 12 x 100cl 10,75 Absolut Vodka Oriental Apple 12 x 100cl 10,75 Absolut Vodka Grapevin 12 x 100cl 10,75 Absolut Vodka Elyx 12 x 100cl 38,95 Absolut Vodka Mixed Flavours 5 pack 7,25

12,50 18,95 13,80 13,80 13,80 13,80 13,80 13,80 13,80 13,80 13,80 13,80 13,80 13,80 49,90 9,30

74612201 74612203 74612209 74612210 74612205 74612207

Ukraine Vodka Nemiroff Honey Pepper Vodka 12 x 100cl Nemiroff Birch Buds Vodka 12 x 100cl Nemiroff Premium Vodka 6 x 100cl Nemiroff Lex Vodka 4 x 100cl Nemiroff Honey Pepper + 3 glasses Vodka 10 x 70cl Nemiroff Birch Buds + 3 glasses Vodka 10 x 70cl

8,30 8,30 10,15 16,55 10,90 10,90


6,45 6,45 7,90 12,90 8,50 8,50

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 175

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

Scotch Whisky 77004534

Ballantine‘s Finest

12 x 100cl




Bell‘s Original

12 x 100cl




Black Sword

12 x 100cl




Cutty Sark

6 x 100cl




Dewar‘s White Label

12 x 100cl




J & B Rare – Justerini & Brooks

12 x 100cl




Mansion House

6 x 100cl




Sir Edward‘s

6 x 100cl




The Claymore

12 x 100cl




Teacher‘s Highland Cream

12 x 100cl




Vat 69

12 x 100cl




William Lawson‘s Finest Blend

6 x 100cl



77060003 77062102

Whyte & Mackay pet Whyte & Mackay Special

24 x 50cl 12 x 100cl

4,50 6,95

5,80 8,90

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 177

Please enjoy our whisky responsibly www.thefamousgrouse.com

Catalogue 2013/14

International Spirits


Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

24 x 50cl 6 x 100cl 3 x 450cl 12 x 100cl 12 x 100cl

7,30 10,95 59,95 13,30 13,30

9,35 14,05 76,75 17,05 17,05

Scotch Whisky 77021515 77021527 77022204 77021530 77067001

Famous Grouse pet Famous Grouse Famous Grouse with Cradle The Black Grouse The Snow Grouse

The Famous Grouse Finest – Tasting notes Appearance: Bouquet: Palate: Finish:

full golden, clear and bright well balanced oak, sherry with a citrus hint medium full flavour, mature, Speyside fruitiness good length, clean and medium dry

The Black Grouse – Tasting notes Appearance: Aroma: Taste: Finish:

Dark, russet golden Smoky, soft, musky, rich and full Full flavour, spice and dried fruits, smoke through the oak, with all The Famous Grouse smoothness Long, smoky and aromatic

The Snow Grouse – Tasting notes Appearance: Straw, clear and bright. Aroma: Soft creamy very light vanilla. Taste: Thick and gloopy, very smooth vanilla, zero alcohol burn. Finish: Warming and lingering sweetness.

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 179

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

12 x 100cl 1 x 300cl 3 x 450cl 12 x 100cl

9,95 53,90 59,95 11,80

12,75 69,00 76,75 15,10

Scotch Whisky 77026101 77026204 77026205 77026120

Grant‘s Family Reserve Grant‘s Family Reserve with cradle Grant‘s Family Reserve with cradle Grant‘s Distillery Edition (50%)

Grant‘s Family Reserve Tasting Notes Color: deep yellow gold Odor: slightly smoky Taste: soft and unique cereal malt flavor Bearing: at least 3 years in traditional oak barrels Note: contains more than 25 malts! This very soft blend in comparison to other blends.

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 181

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

24 x 50cl 12 x 100cl 3 x 450cl

8,10 12,45 55,95

10,40 15,95 71,65

Scotch Whisky 77035511 77035522 77036301

Johnnie Walker Red Label pet Johnnie Walker Red Label GBX Johnnie Walker Red Label with Cradle

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 183

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

Scotch Whisky de Luxe 77004532

Ballantine‘s 12y

12 x 100cl



77010505 77012208 77047702

Chivas Regal 12y Chivas Regal 18y Chivas Royal Salute 21y

12 x 100cl 6 x 100cl 6 x 70cl

28,80 71,95 110,95

36,90 92,10 142,05


Grant‘s 12 yrs

6 x 100cl




The Dimple 15y

12 x 100cl



www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 185

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 100cl



Scotch Whisky de Luxe 77018102

Dewar‘s Special Reserve 12 y

Dewar's 12 year Old We age our whisky twice We return our blend to vintage oakcasks, so it can mature a little more. This extra step is called Double-Ageing. It means the stay a while in the cask, creating a smoother blend with a long, lingering. We’ve Double-Aged our whisky for over 100 years. Honeyed - A drizzle of honey, homemade toffee apples and crumbly fudge. Warm, buttery and mellow. Fruity - Juicy sultanas and fresh citrus with a wisp of vanilla. Clean, full and lively. Rich - Melted caramel, folded in slowly with a trace of oak. Rounded, smooth and lingering.

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 187

International Spirits

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

12 x 100cl 12 x 100cl

28,80 33,85

36,90 43,35

3 x 450cl 6 x 100cl 6 x 100cl 6 x 70cl 6 x 100cl

124,95 41,65 69,95 161,50 213,40

159,95 53,30 89,55 206,75 273,15

4 x 20cl



Scotch Whisky de Luxe 77033032 77034402 77034201 77035114 77032801 77034714 77034712 77035201


Johnnie Walker Black Label 12y Johnnie Walker Double Black (1) Johnnie Walker Black Label 12y with Cradle Johnnie Walker Gold Reserve (2) Johnnie Walker Platinum 18y (3) Johnnie Walker Blue Label Johnnie Walker Blue Label Johnnie Walker Cube Collection Pack (Black, Green, Gold, Blue Label)



www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 189

naturally balanced

balanced naturally

The Aberfeldy Distiller y is perfectly placed at the ver y heart of Scotland, where Perthshire’s highest mountain, deepest loch and longest glen meet. Here, the naturally balanced Aberfeldy 12 and 21 year old single malt scotch whisky has been distilled since 1898, uniquely borne of time, place, craft and creation.

From JOHN Dewar & SONS, the makers of Scotland’s most awarded whiskies The old stone bridge over the River Tay at Kenmore, Perthshire Highlands, Scotland. Visit www.aberfeldy.com

International Spirits

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 100cl



6 x 70cl 6 x 70cl 6 x 70cl

11,95 16,60 89,95

15,30 21,25 115,15

6 x 100cl 6 x 100cl

29,30 32,85

37,50 42,10

12 x 100cl 12 x 100cl

36,25 47,95

46,40 61,40

Scotch Malt Whisky 77220001

Aberfeldy Single Highland Malt 12y

77212101 77212102 77212103

Benriach 12y (1) Benriach 16y (2) Benriach 25y

77202306 77202307

Bunnahabhain Darrach Ur (3) Bunnahabhain Cruach Mhona (4)

77203805 77203806

Dalmore 12y Dalmore 15y


Glendronach 12y (5)

6 x 100cl




Glen Grant

6 x 100cl








www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 191

International Spirits Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

12 x 100cl



Scotch Malt Whisky 77200913

Aberlour Single Malt Whisky 10y

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 192

International Spirits

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

Bowmore Enigma Islay Single Malt 12y 12 x 100cl



Scotch Malt Whisky 77200406



www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 193

International Spirits Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 100cl



Scotch Malt Whisky 77210620

Glenmorangie Original 10y

Please savour responsibly

advertentie Glenmorangie.indd 1

06-06-11 09:02

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu brand 2010

tallest stills in scotland 24020798

194 glenmorangie

Master PaGe 300x220MM 20/10/10

International Spirits

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

12 x 100cl 12 x 70cl

31,80 38,70

40,70 49,55

Scotch Malt Whisky 77210416 77210414

Highland Park 2001 Highland Park Leif Erikson GBX

Our warriors, their stories, your whisky

THE WARRIOR SERIES This exclusive Travel Retail range will take you on a journey of flavour. Navigating from citrus, vanilla and honey of American oak casks, to the rich, fruity and spicy European oak sherry cask flavours. P l e a s e enj oy o ur w h is k y res p on s ib l y.


www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 195

fine scotch whiskies whyte & Mackay’s award winning portfolio of whiskies ensure that there is something to delight novices and whisky connoisseurs alike - both in taste and innovative, stylish packaging.

www. whyteandM ackay. c oM

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

12 x 100cl 12 x 100cl 12 x 100cl 6 x 70cl

23,95 27,10 41,95 40,65

30,70 34,70 53,70 52,05

6 x 100cl



Scotch Malt Whisky 77211203 77211205 77211206 77211211

Isle of Jura 10y Isle of Jura Superstition Isle of Jura 16y Isle of Jura Prophecy


Strathisla Pure Highland malt 12 y

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 197

International Spirits

Catalogue 2013/14


Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 100cl 6 x 100cl

35,75 57,90

45,80 74,10

Scotch Malt Whisky 77213316 7721331

Laphroaig QA Cask Laphroaig PX Cask (48%)


ENJOY RESPONSIBLY Laphroaig® QA Cask Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky, 40% alc./vol. ©2013 Laphroaig Import Company, Deerfield, IL

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 198

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 100cl



Scotch Malt Whisky 77205601

The Singleton of Dufftown 12y

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 199

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

Scotch Malt Whisky 77215001

The Glenlivet 12y

12 x 100cl



77213429 77213449 77213431

The Macallan Select Oak The Macallan Maker‘s Edition The Macallan Estate Reserve

12 x 100cl 12 x 70cl 6 x 70cl

41,45 64,60 150,90

53,10 82,70 193,15

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 201

International Spirits Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 100cl



Scotch Malt Whisky 77209914

The Glenrothes Robur RĂŠserve

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 202

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

Classic Malts 77205102

Dalwhinnie 15y

6 x 100cl




Cragganmore 12y

6 x 100cl




Talisker 10y

6 x 100cl




Glenkinchie 12y

6 x 100cl



www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 203

International Spirits Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

Classic Malts – Distillers Edition 77201404

Caol Ila Distillers Edition

6 x 100cl




Talisker Distillers Edition

6 x 100cl




Lagavulin Distillers Edition

6 x 100cl




Glenkinchie Distillers Edition

6 x 100cl




Oban Distillers Edition

6 x 100cl



www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 204

International Spirits

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 100cl



12 x 100cl



Irish Whisky 77411502

John Jameson


John Jameson „1780“ 12 yrs tube


Please Drink Jameson Responsibly.


11:09 AM

Page 1



www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 205

International Spirits Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

12 x 100cl



Irish Whisky 77415604

Tullamore Dew

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 206

International Spirits

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

6 x 100cl



12 x 100cl 12 x 100cl 6 x 100cl 12 x 100cl

13,95 18,10 23,10 15,25

17,90 23,20 29,60 19,55

Irish Whisky 77413702


77413201 77400404 77201107 77040801

Bushmills Original Bushmills Black Bush Bushmills Malt 10y Bushmills Irish Honey



*THE ENTIRE BUSHMILLS RANGE OF WHISKIES WON GOLD MEDALS AT THE 2010 SAN FRANCISCO WORLD SPIRITS COMPETITION. The BUSHMILLS word, the Pot Still device and other associated logos are trade marks. Š The Old Bushmills Distillery Co. Limited 2012.

Bushmills Awards A4 Posters FINAL.indd 1

21135-BUSHMILLS A5.indd 1

27/06/2012 11:26

04/07/13 11:11

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 207

Every drip is different, every drop the same. The original premium bourbon, Maker’s Mark® is made with red winter wheat (instead of rye), carefully handcrafted in only 19 barrels at a time and hand-dipped in iconic red wax. The result is a distinctly smooth, full-bodied flavour enjoyed the world over.

Break the seal and discover for yourself.

Maker’s Mark® Bourbon Whisky, 45% Alc./Vol. ©2011 Maker’s Mark Distillery, Inc. Loretto, KY.

Catalogue 2013/14

International Spirits


Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

12 x 100cl



American Whisky 76808401

Maker‘s Mark

MAKER’S AND GINGER Essential Build: Take a clean highball or rocks glass Fill it with fresh, solid ice cubes Squeeze in a wedge of lime and drop it into the glass Measure in 25ml Maker’s Mark Top up with ginger ale, stir and serve


Four Roses

6 x 100cl



www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 209


Jim Beam® Jim Beam Infused With Real Honey, 35% Alc./Vol. ©2012 James B. Beam Distilling Co., Clermont, KY., USA.

International Spirits

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

10,50 8,70 27,30 16,70 10,50

13,45 11,15 34,95 21,40 13,45

American Whisky 76806921 76806901 76805201 76806920 76805008

Jim Beam Honey Jim Beam White 4y Jim Beam White Jim Beam Black Label 6y Jim Beam Red Stag

12 x 100cl 6 x 100cl 3 x 300cl 12 x 100cl 12 x 100cl




TheRedStag.com Red Stag by Jim Beam速 Jim Beam Infused with Natural Flavors, 40% Alc./Vol.

6pt Red Stag by Jim Beam速 Jim Beam Infused with Natural Flavors, 40% Alc./Vol.. DATE CREATED




orange keyline indicates bleed DO NOT PRINT!

magenta keyline indicates dieline DO NOT PRINT!

green keyline indicates live text area DO NOT PRINT!

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 5/03/11

PROJECT NO: 4478.1



TRIM: 150mm(w) x 230mm(h)




JOB: MTR Resizes




LIVE/TYPE AREA 140mm(w) x 220mm(h) BLEED: 156mm(w) x 236mm(h)














International Spirits

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

American Whisky Jack Daniel‘s Silver Select Jack Daniel‘s Old No 7 Jack Daniel‘s Old No 7 Jack Daniels Gentleman Jack

6 x 70cl 6 x 100cl 1 x 300cl 6 x 100cl

36,15 21,70 66,40 25,40

46,30 27,80 85,00 32,50


Woodford Reserve

6 x 100cl



Woodford Reserve Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey, 45.2% Alc. by Vol., The Woodford Reserve Distillery, Versailles, KY, USA ©2012

77411317 77411305 76804803 77411439




www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 213

PLEASE ENJOY RESPONSIBLY. 40% alc./vol. (80 proof) © 2013 Black Velvet Distillery

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

Canadian Whiskey 77414202

Seagram‘s V.O.

12 x 100cl




Crown Royal

12 x 100cl




Canadian Club 6y

12 x 100cl




Black Velvet Regular

12 x 100cl




Black Velvet Reserve 8y

12 x 100cl



www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 215

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

International Spirits Contents per case

Eur per Btl

Chf per Btl

12 x 100cl 12 x 100cl 12 x 100cl 12 x 100cl

7,60 7,60 7,60 7,60

9,75 9,75 9,75 9,75

Vermouth 73412001 73411301 73414801 73414602

Martini Extra Dry Martini Bianco Martini Rosso Martini Rosato

BIAnco IngredIents (Makes one drink) 1 part MArtInI Bianco 1 part MArtInI Prosecco 1 lime (1 lime makes 6 wedges) Method Add ice to a large wine glass (3/4 full) and add MArtInI Bianco, top with MArtInI Prosecco and squeeze in the two wedges of fresh lime then drop one in. stir lightly and serve with a sprig of fresh mint. gArnIsh 2 lime wedges (squeezed and dropped in) and a fresh sprig of mint as a garnish. gLAss Large wine glass


73400801 73400703 73402502

Cinzano Extra Dry Cinzano Bianco Cinzano Rosso

enJoY resPonsIBLY

12 x 100cl 12 x 100cl 12 x 100cl

5,20 5,20 5,20

6,70 6,70 6,70

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 217

0 0 100





Everybody has its own preference! Everybody has its own preference, that’s why there are different Spa mineral waters. If you like a still mineral water, choose Spa Reine, the purifying water. When you want an ultimate refreshment, take Spa Barisart. Enjoy!



Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Premix 70808009

Smirnoff Ice Red (btl)

24 x 27,5cl



70805543 70805544 70805551

Bacardi Breezer Lime (btl) Bacardi Breezer Orange (btl) Bacardi Breezer Cranberry (btl)

12 x 27,5cl 12 x 27,5cl 12 x 27,5cl

19,20 19,20 19,20

24,60 24,60 24,60

Strongbow (btl) Strongbow (can)

24 x 275ml 24 x 50cl

18,14 19,95

23,25 25,55

Cider 72701502 72701505

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 219


Catalogue 2013/14


Size Eur Chf

Beer German 71210101 Bitburger (can) 71210102 Bitburger (can)

24 x 33cl 6 x 4 x 50cl

12,00 15,85

Wenn aus gemeinsamen Momenten

besondere werden.

Wenn aus Bier Bitburger wird. www.bitburger.de

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 220

15,40 20,30


Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Beer German 71243601 Warsteiner Pilsner (btl)

24 x 33cl



* Source: Euromonitor International Limited; Alcoholic Drinks 2011; as per Premium Imported Lager definition; total (on- and off-trade) company global volume sales; 2011.

RZ-Anz_Joy_148x210mm.indd 1

06.06.2012 16:15:13

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 221


Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Beer Dutch 71202601 Amstel (btl) 71403601 Amstel (can) 71404201 Amstel Light (can)

24 x 33cl 24 x 33cl 24 x 33cl

13,00 13,00 15,50

16,65 16,65 19,85

71205001 71800506

Bavaria Premium (btl) Bavaria Malt (btl)

24 x 33cl 24 x 33cl

13,00 13,65

16,65 17,50

71420802 71222801 71601506

Heineken (can) Heineken (btl) Heineken Draught (Dual tap)

24 x 33cl 24 x 33cl 2 x 5ltr

14,95 15,50 25,00

19,15 19,85 32,00

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 223


Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Beer Dutch 71221501 Grolsch Pilsner (btl) 71418602 Grolsch Pilsner (can)

24 x 33cl 24 x 33cl

13,95 13,95

17,90 17,90

Grolsch is the Dutch Premium Quality Lager Grolsch has a distinctive, full bodied and crisp taste that has been developed through almost four centuries of crafted brewing tradition. Grolsch owes its superb quality to the selection of the finest natural ingredients, the traditional bottom fermentation brewing process and the unique stain of yeast. Peter Cuyper’s significant discovery of the two hop types in the mid 1600s has been recognized by incorporating them into the Grolsch Brewery logo that is still in use today. This design has been inspirational as a symbol of the distinctive taste of Grolsch, which will be brought to mind wherever you see this logo. With an alcohol content of 5% by volume, Grolsch Premium Lager tastes best when served at a temperature of 6-8 C (43-46F). People enjoy Grolsch because of its quality and distinctive taste.

Excellence in brewing since 1615

Czech 71237501 Pilsner Urquell (btl)

24 x 33cl



Italian 71236303 Peroni Nastro Azzurro (btl)

24 x 33cl



www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 225


Catalogue 2013/14


Size Eur Chf

Beer Czech 71212001 Budweiser Budvar (btl)

BWB strepy A5.indd 1

24 x 33cl


30.4.2013 9:19:37

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 226



Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Beer Irish 71419602 Guiness Draught (can) 71222402 Guiness Foreign Extra Stout (btl)

24 x 50cl 24 x 33cl

28,80 27,95

36,90 35,80

Belgian 71225601 Hoegaarden White (btl)

24 x 33cl



71231601 71232701

Leffe Blond (btl) Leffe Dark (btl)

24 x 33cl 24 x 33cl

25,00 25,00

32,00 32,00

71437201 71241401

Stella Artois (can) Stella Artois (btl)

24 x 33cl 24 x 33cl

16,00 16,00

20,50 20,50

24 x 33cl



Danish 71212801 Carlsberg Green Label (btl) 71229503

French Kronenbourg 1664 (btl) 24 x 33cl 15,50 19,85

German 71219401 Franziskaner Weissbier (btl)

20 x 50cl



71408204 71208101 71802101

24 x 33cl 24 x 33cl 24 x 33cl

16,00 16,00 16,00

20,50 20,50 20,50

Beck‘s (can) Beck‘s (btl) Beck‘s Non Alcoholic (btl)

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 227


Catalogue 2013/14


Size Eur Chf

Juices 70004036 70024040 70002026 70032022 70034504 70010021 70011523

Wesergold Apple Juice 100% (Tetra Pack) 8 x 100cl Wesergold Orange Juice 100% (Tetra Pack) 8 x 100cl Wesergold Pineapple Juice 100% (Tetra Pack) 8 x 100cl Wesergold Tomato Juice 100% (Tetra Pack) 8 x 100cl Wesergold Tropical Nectar 28% (Tetra Pack) 8 x 100cl Wesergold Red Grape 100% (Tetra Pack) 8 x 100cl Wesergold Grapefruit 100% (Tetra Pack) 8 x 100cl

10,40 11,40 10,80 10,40 10,40 14,60 12,00

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 228

13,35 14,60 13,85 13,35 13,35 18,70 15,40

Catalogue 2013/14

Softdrinks/Tonic/Ginger Ale


Size Eur Chf

Softdrinks/Tonic/Ginger Ale Schweppes 71004504 70220003 70249005 70201002

Schweppes Sodawater (can) Schweppes Ginger Ale (can) Schweppes Indian Tonic (can) Schweppes Bitter Lemon (can)

Adv_Schweppes 148x210mm.indd 1

24 x 33cl 24 x 33cl 24 x 33cl 24 x 33cl

9,20 10,80 11,40 11,40

11,80 13,85 14,60 14,60

31-05-12 16:42

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 229

Softdrinks/Tonic/Ginger Ale Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Size Eur Chf

Softdrinks/Tonic/Ginger Ale 70246501 70202001 70203001 70219503 71005501 70020701 70020801

Royal Club Tonic (can) Royal Club Bitter Lemon (can) Royal Club Cassis (can) Royal Club Ginger (can) Royal Club Soda (can) Royal Club Apple (can) Royal Club Orange (can)

24 x 33cl 24 x 33cl 24 x 33cl 24 x 33cl 24 x 33cl 24 x 25cl 24 x 25cl

9,20 10,00 10,80 10,00 9,00 12,50 15,50

R O YA L C L U B . R O YA L R E F R E S H M E N T.

21905.1-VRUM-ADV. RC A5 DEF.indd1 1

13-09-2006 16:59:54



11,80 12,80 13,85 12,80 11,55 16,00 19,85


Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Softdrinks 70603001 706030

Red Bull Energy Drink (can) Red Bull Energy Drink Sugarfree (can)

24 x 25cl 24 x 25cl

28,60 28,60

36,60 36,60

0 0 100





ReD BULL ZeRO CALORIes. www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 231


Catalogue 2013/14

© 2012 The Coca-Cola Company. ‘Coca-Cola Zero’, Coke Zero’ and the Coca-Cola contour bottle are registrated trademarks of the Coca-Cola Company.

Softdrinks/Ice Tea

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Softdrinks 70207502 70209521 70209701 70262500

Coca-Cola (can) (1) Coca-Cola Light (can) Coca-Cola Zero (can) Coca-Cola Cherry (can)

24 x 33cl 24 x 33cl 24 x 33cl 24 x 33cl

11,80 11,80 11,80 11,80

15,10 15,10 15,10 15,10

70215503 70244002

Fanta Orange (can) (2) Sprite (can) (3)

24 x 33cl 24 x 33cl

11,80 11,80

15,10 15,10

70238506 70239502

Pepsi cola (can) (4) Pepsi Cola Light (can)

24 x 33cl 24 x 33cl

10,60 10,60

13,60 13,60


Seven-up (can) (5)

24 x 33cl



Ice Tea Liptonice Sparkling (can)

24 x 33cl



Ice Tea 70222518






www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 233


Catalogue 2013/14

Everybody has its own preference! Everybody has its own preference, that’s why there are different Spa mineral waters. If you like a still mineral water, choose Spa Reine, the purifying water. When you want an ultimate refreshment, take Spa Barisart. Enjoy!

Catalogue 2013/14 Natural Water/Sparkling Water Reference

Size Eur Chf

Natural Water/Sparkling Water 71007204 71007002 71007503

Spa Reine Still Nat. Min.Water, bottle (pet) Spa Reine Still Nat. Min.Water (pet) Spa Barisart Sparkling Nat. Min. Water (pet)

71000914 71000913 71000912

24 x 50cl 12 x 150cl

14,00 14,00

18,00 18,00

12 x 150cl



Evian Natural Still Water (pet) (1) Evian Natural Still Water (pet) Evian Natural Still Water (pet) (2)

6 x 150cl 24 x 50cl 24 x 33cl

7,00 14,00 10,80

9,00 18,00 13,85

71003014 71003016 71003015

Vittel Natural Still Water (pet) (3) Vittel Natural Still Water (pet) Vittel Natural Still Water (pet) (4)

12 x 150cl 24 x 50cl 24 x 33cl

14,00 14,00 10,80

18,00 18,00 13,85

71003600 71002011 71002014 71003605

Perrier Sparkling Mineral Water (Glas Btl) (5) Perrier Sparkling Mineral Water (can) (6) Perrier Sparkling Mineral Water (Glas Btl) Perrier Sparkling Mineral Water (Glas Btl)

12 x 75cl 24 x 33cl

13,80 14,30

17,70 18,30

24 x 33cl



24 x 20cl




San Pellegrino Sparkling Mineralwater (Glas Btl) (7)



17,80 (7)




(5) (4) (6)

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 235



Catalogue 2013/14


Coffee 241

Biscuits/Cookies/Chocolates 245

Food 248

Rice 250

Goodburry 251


Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Tea Twinings Lipton 54011534 Lipton Yellow Label (with envelope) NEW Lipton Earl Grey

carton @ 3 x 100 stuks carton @ 2 x 3 x 25 bags

4 ways to brighten up your day: • • • •

Black tea - ENERGISE Flavoured black tea - REFRESH Green tea - BALANCE Infusions - RELAX

Committed to sustainably sourced tea Rainforest Alliance™.

15,00 11,50

19,20 14,75

14 popular varieties of tea and infusions.

Individual foil wrapped envelopes keep the tea leaves fresher than paper bags.

Unilever Food Solutions, PO Box 1250, 3000 BG Rotterdam Service Center 010-4394308 - info@unileverfoodsolutions.nl www.unileverfoodsolutions.nl - www.liptonsolutions.nl

Adv_LiptonProfessioneel_ENG.indd 1

24/05/13 14:20

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 237


Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Tea Twinings Twinings 54016516 English Breakfast 54016528 Earl Grey 54016552 Ceylon Orange Pekoe 54016564 Green Jasmine 54016566 Green Mint 54016597 Pure Green 54016530 Ceylon Breakfast 54016523 Darjeeling 54016517 Camomille 54016539 Peppermint 54016529 Prince of Wales 54016526 Red Fruit 54016538 Passion/Mango/Orange 54016563 Apple/Cinnamon/Raisin 54016540 Strawberry/ Mango 54016535 Blackcurrant 54016558 Vanilla 54016754

Wooden Tea Box

25 bags x 2 gr 25 bags x 2 gr 25 bags x 2 gr 25 bags x 2 gr 25 bags x 2 gr 25 bags x 2 gr 25 bags x 2 gr 25 bags x 2 gr 25 bags x 2 gr 25 bags x 2 gr 25 bags x 2 gr 25 bags x 2 gr 25 bags x 2 gr 25 bags x 2 gr 25 bags x 2 gr 25 bags x 2 gr 25 bags x 2 gr

3,50 3,50 3,50 3,50 3,50 3,50 3,50 3,50 3,50 3,50 3,50 3,50 3,50 3,50 3,50 3,50 3,50

4,50 4,50 4,50 4,50 4,50 4,50 4,50 4,50 4,50 4,50 4,50 4,50 4,50 4,50 4,50 4,50 4,50

doos @ 40 stuks



www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 239

Douwe Egberts SENSEO速 coffee pods

You can trust the fact that Douwe Egberts SENSEO速 coffee pods will always provide you with a great cup of coffee. For the Douwe Egberts SENSEO速 coffee pods, only the highest quality beans with a rich taste and aroma are selected. Thanks to the variety of coffees used, Douwe Egberts can offer a very broad range of coffee experiences, fitting very closely with each consumer preference. This makes every SENSEO速 coffee variant unique.


Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Coffee 53801003

Sara Lee Douwe Egberts Red Aroma 24 x 250 gr 79,60

Senseo 53801028 Senseo Cappuccino 53801029 Senseo Regular 53801030 Senseo Dark Roast 53801031 Senseo Extra Dark Roast 53801032 Senseo Mild Roast 53801033 Senseo Crema Mocca Gourmet


10x10 29,80 38,00 10x36 54,20 69,00 10x36 54,20 69,00 10x36 54,20 69,00 10x36 54,20 69,00 10x36 54,20 69,00

Douwe Egberts 53811011 53803016

Segafredo Segafredo/ Intermezzo ( Expresso Beans) 6 x 500 gr 36,00 46,00 Segafredo ( Ground Coffee) 12 x 250 gr 36,80 47,00

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 241


new taste in


Enjoy a uniquely creamy Latte Macchiato by Dolce Gusto – the exclusive new capsule system from NESCAFÉ! Simply insert the capsules, pull the lever and that’s it! Do you prefer an Espresso Crema, Caffé Lungo or Cappuccino? No problem! Dolce Gusto offers you a perfectly styled coffee sensation in red, black or white with 14 bar operating pressure! Dolce Gusto. The new coffee system from NESCAFÉ and KRUPS.


Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Coffee Jacobs 53804501 Krönung

12 x 500 gr



Nescafe 53817029 “Classic” – Glass 53817027 “Gold” – Glass

12 x 200gr 6 x 200gr

46,80 40,20

60,00 51,50

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 243

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Biscuits/Cookies/Chocolates Size Eur Chf

Biscuits/Cookies Toblerone 61047250 Toblerone Tiny Bag (4) 61047236 Toblerone Gold (3) 61047224 Toblerone Dark (1) 61047608 Toblerone White (2)

300gr 5,30 6,80 400gr 5,95 7,60 400gr 5,95 7,60 400gr 5,95 7,60



(4) (3)

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 245

Catalogue 2013/14



Size Eur Chf

Biscuits/Cookies 50415011 50438201

Assorted Biscuits Family Circle Danish Buttercookies

855gr 12 x 454gr

5,85 27,90

7,50 35,70

36,60 36,60 36,60

46,85 46,85 46,85



500gr 430gr 430gr

4,50 4,10 4,10

5,75 5,25 5,25

Milka 61047011 Milka Milk Tablet 61046907 Milka Whole Hazelnuts Tablet 61046908 Milka Raisins & Hazelnuts Tablet 61046909 Milka Choco Swing Biscuit Tablet 61047103 Milka Triolade Tablet

12 x 300gr 12 x 300gr 12 x 300gr 12 x 300gr 12 x 300gr

38,80 38,80 38,80 38,80 38,80

49,80 49,80 49,80 49,80 49,80

Rittersport 61044845 Ritter Sport Dark Whole Hazelnuts 61044844 Ritter Sport Butter Biscuit 61044843 Ritter Sport Raisins & Hazelnuts 61044842 Ritter Sport Whole Hazelnuts 61044841 Ritter Sport Milk Chocolate 61044840 Ritter Sport White Whole Hazelnuts 61044832 Ritter Sport Alpine Milk Chocolate

10 x 100gr 11 x 100gr 12 x 100gr 10 x 100gr 12 x 100gr 10 x 100gr 12 x 100gr

9,50 10,45 11,40 9,50 11,40 9,50 11,40

12,10 13,10 14,25 12,10 14,25 12,10 14,25

Chocolates 61030411 61030416 61030417 61030451

Cote d’Or Cote d’Or Premium Raisin & Whole Nuts 14 x 200gr Cote d’Or Premium Milk & Whole Nuts 14 x 200gr Cote d’Or Premium Bitter & Whole Nuts 14 x 200gr Cote d’Or Premium Bitter & Whole Almond 14 x 200gr

Mars 61041105 Funsize Mixed Bag 61038311 M & M’s Peanut XL Pouch 61038313 M & M’s Choco XL Pouch

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 247

Nuts/Potatoe Chip Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Size Eur Chf

Peanuts/Cashew/Mixed Nuts 61412005 61610503 61624502

Salted Peanuts “Pittjes” Salted Cashew Nuts “Pittjes” Salted Mixed Nuts “Pittjes”

24 x 200gr 24 x 150gr 24 x 150gr

24,60 54,60 38,80

31,60 69,90 49,90

Potatoe Chips Pringles 61415515 Pringles Original 61415504 Pringles Cheese/Onion 61415523 Pringles Hot & Spicy 61415518 Pringles Sour Cream & Onion 61415578 Pringles Salt & Vinegar 61415574 Pringles Barbecue

18x150 24,90 31,90 18x150 24,90 31,90 18x150 24,90 31,90 18x150 24,90 31,90 18x150 24,90 31,90 18x150 24,90 31,90

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 248


Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Cornflakes 52410529 52401013 52407515 52416509 52417203

Cornflakes “Kellogg’s “ All Bran “Kellogg’s” Choco Pops “Kellogg’s “ Frosties “Kellogg’s “ Fruit ‘n Fibre “Kellogg’s “

4 x 500gr 12 x 500gr 12x 295gr 10 x 375gr 20 x 500gr

12,00 35,00 35,80 34,00 79,00

15,40 44,80 45,70 43,50 98,75

Golden Syrup “Tate & Lyles” Maple Syrup “Lyle’s

12 x 454gr 6 x 454gr

18,00 11,70

22,50 14,65

Syrup 52614507 52618517

Barbecue/Chili Sauce 54404002 Barbecue sauce “Kuhne” 6 x 250ml 6,00 7,70 54412012 Chili sauce “Kuhne” 6 x 250ml 6,00 7,70

Ketchup/Mustard 54472003 56203027

Tomato Kechup “Heinz” French Mustard Dijon “Kühne”

12 x 342gr 6 x 180ml

18,00 7,80

23,00 9,90

6 x 370ml



Mixed Pickles 56411016

Mixed Pickles “Kuhne”

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 249


Catalogue 2013/14


Size Eur Chf

Rice 53010001 53017600 53006000 53007600 53018506

Basmati Rice Grande A Max 4% Jasmine Perfumed Rice Thailand Medium Grain Rice “USA No. 1 Calrose” 50lbs sack Parboiled Rice Parboiled Rice “Uncle Bens”

25kg bag 20kg bag

38,00 35,00

52,40 44,80

22,68kg bag 25kg bag 3 x 5kg bag

36,00 29,00 66,00

46,00 37,00 85,00

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 250


Catalogue 2013/14


Size Eur Chf

GoodBurry FROM BREAKFAST TILL DINNER GoodBurry – Breakfast 15606621 WHOLE MILK U.H.T. “GOODBURRY” 3,5% – tray @ 12 packs x 1 litre 13,60 17,40 Germany* 17025001 COFFEE WHITENER (NON-DAIRY) “GOODBURRY” - tray @ 12 jars x 200 g 11,65 14,90 52411002 CORNFLAKES “GOODBURRY” – carton @ 16 packs x 375 g 16,85 21,60 Germany* 52621501 PEANUTBUTTER “GOODBURRY” - carton @ 12 jars x 350 g 21,80 27,90 The Netherlands* 60200012 HONEY “GOODBURRY” – carton @ 24 bottles x 500 g 63,25 80,90 China* 60070502 APRICOT JAM 25% FRUIT “GOODBURRY” – carton @ 12 jars x 450 g 12,75 16,30 The Netherlands* 60071003 PINEAPPLE JAM 25% FRUIT GOODBURRY - carton @ 12 jars x 450 g 12,65 16,20 The Netherlands* 60071502 ORANGE JAM 25% FRUIT “GOODBURRY” - tray @ 12 jars x 450 g 12,30 15,80 The Netherlands* 60072002

MIXED FRUIT JAM 25% FRUIT “GOODBURRY” - tray @ 12 jars x 450 g The Netherlands*




RASPBERRY JAM 25% FRUIT “GOODBURRY” – tray @ 12 jars x 450 g The Netherlands*



*Mentioned country of orgin of a product may change without prior notice

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 252


Catalogue 2013/14


Size Eur Chf


GoodBurry – Breakfast CHERRY JAM 25% FRUIT “GOODBURRY” – tray @ 12 jars x 450 g The Netherlands*




STRAWBERRY JAM 25% FRUIT “GOODBURRY” – carton @ 12 jars x 450 g 12,70 The Netherlands*



PLUM JAM 25% FRUIT “GOODBURRY” – tray @ 12 jars x 450 g The Netherlands*





Goodburry – Fruits 64204016 APRICOT HALVES IN SYRUP “GOODBURRY” – carton @ 12 tins x 820 g China* 64254008

PEACH HALVES IN SYRUP LIGHT “GOODBURRY” – carton @ 12 tins x 820 g 16,30 20,90 Greece*

64250013 PEAR HALVES IN LIGHT SYRUP “GOODBURRY” – carton @ 12 tins x 820 g China*



64223006 PINEAPPLE SLICES IN SYRUP LIGHT “GOODBURRY” – carton @ 12 tins x 850 g Thailand*




MANDARIN ORANGE BROKEN SEGMENTS IN SYRUP (LIGHT SYRUP) “GOODBURRY” – carton @ 24 tins x 312 g 13,80 17,70 China*

64231501 FRUIT COCKTAIL IN SYRUP “GOODBURRY” – carton @ 12 tins x 820 g China*








APPLE SAUCE “GOODBURRY” – carton @ 12 jars x 720 ml The Netherlands*

Goodburry – Coconut – Milk 70014009 COCONUT MILK “GOODBURRY” – carton @ 12 tins x 400 ml Thailand*




Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Goodburry Corned Beef – Pate – Meat – Beef / Pork 27013508 CORNED BEEF “GOODBURRY” HALAL – carton @ 24 tins x 340 g Brazil*




LIVERPASTE “GOODBURRY” – carton @ 24 tins x 210 g The Netherlands*




LUNCHEON MEAT BEEF “GOODBURRY” HALAL - carton @ 24 tins x 340 g The Netherlands*




PORK LUNCHEON MEAT “GOODBURRY” – carton @ 24 tins x 340 g The Netherlands*



MAYONNAISE GOODBURRY – carton @ 12 jars x 500 ml The Netherlands*



54471505 TOMATO KETCHUP “GOODBURRY” – carton @ 24 bottles x 340 g Oman*



56203022 MUSTARD FRENCH TYPE “GOODBURRY” – tray @ 18 jars x 250 g Germany*



63420014 WHOLE MUSHROOMS “GOODBURRY” – carton @ 12 tins x 800 g China*



63421024 SLICED MUSHROOMS “GOODBURRY” – carton @ 12 tins x 800 g China*





Goodburry – Mayonnaise – Ketchup – Mustard 54444023

Goodburry – Mushrooms

Goodburry – Peeled Tomato 63473024 PEELED TOMATOES “GOODBURRY” – carton @ 12 tins x 800 g Italy*

*Mentioned country of orgin of a product may change without prior notice

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 255


Catalogue 2013/14


Size Eur Chf

Goodburry – Tomato Paste 63477511 TOMATO PASTE 28/30% “GOODBURRY” – carton @ 12 tins x 850 g China*





Goodburry – Wine – Sauerkraut 63484001

WINE-SAUERKRAUT “GOODBURRY” – tray @ 12 tins x 770 g The Netherlands*

Goodburry – Baked Beans 63486041 BAKED BEANS IN TOMATO SAUCE “GOODBURRY” – carton @ 24 tins x 400 g Italy*





Goodburry – Vegetables 63405506 ASPARAGUS MEDIUM/LARGE “GOODBURRY” – carton @ 12 tins x 800 g China* 63410538

GHERKINS “GOODBURRY” 6-9 CM – carton @ 12 jars x 680 g 10,45 13,40 Vietnam*

63413003 BAMBOO SHOOTS “GOODBURRY” (20oz) – carton @ 12 tins x 567 g China*



63414017 BEANSPROUTS “GOODBURRY” – @ 12 tins x 510 g China*



63427504 GARDEN PEAS FINE PROCESSED “GOODBURRY” – carton @ 12 tins x 800 g Italy*



Goodburry – Fish – Mackerel – Pilchards – Sardines 31822017

MACKEREL NATURAL OIL “GOODBURRY” – carton @ 24 tins x 425 g 31,75 40,65 China*

31822518 MACKEREL IN TOMATO SAUCE “GOODBURRY” – carton @ 24 tins x 425 g China*


*Mentioned country of orgin of a product may change without prior notice

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 256



Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Goodburry – Fish – Mackerel – Pilchards – Sardines 31827500 PILCHARDS IN TOMATO SAUCE “GOODBURRY” (SARDINELLA) – carton @ 24 tins x 425 g Thailand*



31831041 SARDINES IN OIL “GOODBURRY” – carton @ 50 tins x 125 g Thailand*




SARDINES IN TOMATO SAUCE “GOODBURRY” – carton @ 50 tins x 125 g 27,60 35,35 Thailand*

Goodburry – Fish – Tuna 31839510

TUNA IN WATER (FLAKES) “GOODBURRY” – carton @ 48 tins x 185 g 42,60 54,55 Thailand*

31839561 TUNA IN WATER GOODBURRY (CHUNKS) “DELI” – carton @ 48 tins x 185 g China*



31849004 TUNA FISH FLAKES IN OIL “GOODBURRY” – carton @ 48 tins x 185 g Thailand*



31847543 TUNA IN OIL GOODBURRY (CHUNKS) “DELI” – carton @ 48 tins x 185 g China*





31855006 PINK SALMON “GOODBURRY” – carton @ 24 tins x 213 g USA*



32129007 CRABMEAT C – GRADE 100% BODYMEAT “GOODBURRY” –- carton @ 24 tins x 170 g Indonesia*



31807700 PEELED SHRIMP “GOODBURRY” – carton @ 24 tins x 200 g Vietnam*



Goodburry – Pink Salmon – Crabmeat – Peeled Shrimps 31854018 PINK SALMON “GOODBURRY” WILD FANCY – carton @ 24 tins x 200 g China*

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 257

General Terms and Conditions of sale and delivery of Diplomatic Supply Europe

General Terms and Conditions of sale and delivery of the Dutch private Limited liability company Diplomatic Supply Europe, its associate companies, agents, assigns and any person or company appointed to act on its behalf in the conduct of its business (collectively referred to as „DSE“).

Article 1: Definitions In these General Terms and Conditions of sale and delivery the following terms will have the specific meaning assigned below: „Purchaser“: any representative of a legal entity which or natural person who is properly accredited as Diplomatic staff or member of an international or military organisation in their country of residence and is able to produce authorisation from the appropriate authorities to enter into a contract with DSE and to order the supply of goods DSE. Article 2: Application – Creation of Contracts These General Terms and Conditions are applicable to any contract entered into by DSE in written, electronic or other for the sale and delivery of goods. The application of other general terms and conditions to which the Purchaser may refer in any way is hereby expressly excluded. If DSE will have given its written consent to the application of specific different terms and conditions, these General Terms and Conditions will remain in force in all other respects. A contract with DSE will be created once DSE has given written or electronic confirmation of the Purchaser’s order or has started work on completing the order DSE reserves the right to refuse an order at any time without stating its reasons. All offers, quotations, prices, specifications and delivery dates given by DSE, in whatever form are given without obligation. Article 3: Delivery


To the best of its ability and upon availability of the specific products, DSE will try to supply the goods ordered by the Purchaser within the shortest possible time. A delivery period quoted by DSE is not a deadline and DSE cannot be held in default simply by virtue of having exceeded the proposed period. If delays arise as a result of circumstances, which cannot be attributed to DSE, the deliver time will be extended accordingly. DSE will not be liable to the purchaser for expenses or loss sustained by the Purchaser as a consequence of the delivery time being exceeded. DSE will be entitled to make partial deliveries. Delivery of the Goods will take place: a. if the Goods will be collected by or on behalf of the Purchaser by handling over the Goods to the Purchaser or anyone who collects the Goods on behalf of the Purchaser; b. if the Goods are shipped by or on behalf of DSE, by delivery at the address of the Purchaser, or any other delivery address, which the Purchaser might designate. After delivery, the risk in respect of the goods in question will be borne by Purchaser. Article 4: Prices Prices (on Pricelists) are denominated in Euro (excluding VAT other taxes and levies) and are based on the delivery terms and conditions stated in article 3. All quoted prices are per single unit of the Product, unless otherwise indicated. If there is a change in one or more price determining factors, including but not limited to changes in freight rates, purchase prices or exchange rates, DSE will be entitled to adjust its prices accordingly without prior written notification to the Purchaser. Only if the price increase represents more than five (5) per cent of the original price DSE will notify the Purchaser in writing as soon as possible and the Purchaser will be entitled to dissolve the order by giving written notification referred to above, failing which the Purchaser will be deemed to have agreed to the price increase.

General Terms and Conditions of sale and delivery of Diplomatic Supply Europe

Article 5: Payment DSE does not offer credit or part payment facilities. Payment is due immediately upon receipt of the goods by the Purchaser or his assignee or holder of the goods either in cash, by transferable unconditional cheque. Only if DSE agrees expressly in writing, payment can be made to the latest within eight (8) calendar days of the invoice date by electronic transfer to the bank account of DSE, mentioned on the invoice. Payment will be deemed to have been made when the amount due is credited to DSE ‘s bank account. All costs relating to payment will be borne by the Purchaser. In the event of a complaint being lodged, the Purchaser will still be liable for full and prompt payment. All extra judicial expenses incurred by DSE for the recovery of its receivables from the Purchaser will be borne in full by the Purchaser. The extra judicial expenses are fixed at ten (10) per cent of the outstanding amount, with a minimum of 200 Euro. Payments made by the Purchaser will be applied first against any expenses and interest due and extra judicial collection costs, and only then against the oldest outstanding amount in principal. Without prejudice to DSE’s other rights, if a period of thirty (30) days after the date of delivery of the goods is exceeded any payment is not made by the Purchaser, the Purchaser will be in default ipso jure, without prior notice of default being required, and will be liable for interest at seven (7) percentage points above the Euribor rate of the European Central Bank for each month or part of the month that the purchaser remains in default. DSE reserves the right to cease any further delivery of goods to the Purchaser until all outstanding invoices and all possible interest and charges are fully paid. Article 6: Transfer of Ownership-Retention of title Title to the goods delivered will not pass from DSE to the Purchaser until the latter has dis-

charged in full all its payment obligations to DSE under these General Terms and Conditions. The goods will remain the property of DSE until they have been paid for in full. If the Purchaser fails to fulfil its obligations to DSE, DSE will be entitled to have the delivered goods be removed from the Purchaser’s premises or the premises of the holders thereof. Article 7: Complaints The Purchaser is obliged to inspect and examine the Goods immediately at the time of delivery to check whether the delivery complies with the order. If this would not be the case, Purchaser has to notify DSE in writing and with motivation of the complaint within five (5) working days after the date of delivery of the goods, failing which the Purchaser will be deemed to have accepted the goods and to have waived all its rights in respect of deficient or non-compliant delivery. If the Purchaser could not reasonably be expected to have discovered the grounds for its complaint within the period referred to above, that period will be five (5) working days from the date when the Purchaser discovered or should have discovered those grounds, but with a maximum of sixty (60) days from the date of the delivery in question. Complaints must be submitted to DSE by the Purchaser in writing, stating the grounds. Complaints will only be considered if payment has been made in full within the period allowed. In the event of delivery of defective goods as referred to above, DSE will, at its sole discretion, replace the goods or parts of the goods to which the complaint relates or compensate the Purchaser. In the case of replacement, the goods or parts of goods replaced by DSE will be returned to DSE and become again the property of DSE. DSE cannot be obliged to provide any further remedy. Article 8: Guarantee on sold goods Goods supplied by DSE are subject to the same guarantee as DSE itself receives from its suppliers, The guarantee given by DSE


General Terms and Conditions of sale and delivery of Diplomatic Supply Europe

to the Purchaser is limited to the guarantee which DSE is given by third parties. Claims under the guarantee must be submitted in accordance with the provisions of article 7. Recommendations and suggestions, in whatever form, made by DSE, in relation to the goods are made to the best of DSE’s knowledge and will not provide grounds for a claim under any guarantee. No claim may be made under the guarantee if the Purchaser fails to meet in full and on time its payment obligations to DSE, if the cause can be attributed to normal wear and tear of the goods or if the goods have been stocked inadequately or incorrectly by the Purchaser. Article 9: Liability DSE excludes all liability for direct and indirect loss, including consequential loss, resulting from incorrect-including late delivery, defects in the delivered goods or action by employees of DSE or auxiliary staff used by DSE, except for liability for loss resulting from action by DSE which, intentionally or due to gross negligence, causes loss to be sustained by the Purchaser. Article 10: Force Majeure If it is impossible for DSE to deliver all or part of the order of the Purchaser due to one or more circumstances which cannot be attributed to DSE (including but not limited to strikes by or illness among its own staff or that of its suppliers) whether temporary or permanent, DSE will be entitled to dissolve the order of Purchaser with immediate effect.

DSE will not be liable to the Purchaser for compensation of any kind if the order is dissolved on any of the grounds provided for in this article. Article 11: Conversion If and to the extend that any provisions of the General Terms and Conditions cannot be applied, either on grounds of reasonableness and fairness or because it is unreasonable onerous, an interpretation as far possible of corresponding content and effect will be applied. Invalidity or annulment of any provision of these General Terms and Conditions will not imply that the other provisions should also be considered as invalid or annulled. Article 12: Applicable law-Jurisdiction These General Terms and Conditions and any contract between DSE and a Purchaser are governed by Dutch Law. Application of the United Nations Convention for the International Sale of Goods (Vienna 1980) is hereby expressly excluded. All disputes which may arise out or in connection with the General Terms and Conditions/ and /or their implementation and out of or in connection with the contract with the Purchaser will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent court in the Netherlands. General Terms and Conditions of sale and delivery of Diplomatic Supply Europe Copyright: Diplomatic Supply Deutschland GmbH

Prices correct at the time of printing (errors and omissions excepted). July 2013

Concept: Diplomatic Supply Deutschland GmbH – E-mail: dutyfree@dsdeutschland.com Copyright: Diplomatic Supply Deutschland GmbH Layout: LambertSCHEER Medienproduktion, Köln – E-mail: info@lambertzscheer.de, Catalogue printed in Germany



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Catalogue 2013/14 Notices

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Catalogue 2013/14

Table of Contents Cata_Diplomatique_SD_148x210_071_30837_MANIFETO_Netherlands

Perfumes 3

Jessica Chastain


A80962_148x210_071_30837_MANIFETO_Cata_Diplomatique_SD_Netherlands.indd 1

Dav_Game_148x210_0,7.indd 1

Cosmetics 111

One. With the power of Two.

08/03/13 10:02

15.02.13 15:09


Double Serum® Complete Age Control Concentrate

Inspired by Clarins plant science and powered by 20 of the most powerful anti-ageing pure plant extracts, Double Serum®’s innovative, two-phase system targets all aspects of skin ageing in one complete concentrate. Immediately skin is more radiant. After 4 weeks, skin appears rmer, wrinkles are reduced and pores less visible*. A double anti-ageing performance.

90 of women agree that Double Serum® is more effective than their regular serum. Find out why**. %

Clarins, No.1 in European luxury skin care***. *Satisfaction test – 197 women. **Satisfaction test – 126 women – 4 weeks. ***Source: European Forecasts.

Shop at www.clarins.com

Dble Serum 148x210mm.indd 1

TERRACOTTA 155X235.indd 1

17/01/13 13:59

04/02/13 16:45

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference Christina Aguilera 4 Aramis 4 Elisabeth Arden 4 Giorgio Armani 5 Loris Azzaro 10 Justin Bieber 10 David Beckham 10 Laura Biagotti 11 Hugo Boss 11 Boucheron 17 Bvlgari 19 Burberry 21 Cacharel 25 Naomi Campbell 25 Cartier 26 Roberto Cavalli 27 Nino Ceruti 27 Chopard 27 Clinique 27 Chloe 28 Van Cleef & Arpels 29 Davidoff 31 Diesel 32 DIOR 33 Disney Parfums 41 Dolce & Gabana 41 Escada 43 4711 43 Lady Gaga 43 Jean Paul Gaultier 45 Van Gils 47 Givenchy 49 Gucci 53 Guerlain 56 Guess 57 Hermès 59 Carolina Herrera 63

Perfumes Size Eur Chf Tommy Hilfiger 63 Marc Jacobs 64 Joop ! 64 Donna Karan 65 Kenzo 67 Calvin Klein 71 Lacoste 75 Karl Lagerfeld 75 Lancôme 77 Lanvin 79 Guy Laroche 79 Estée Lauder 81 Ralph Lauren 84 Jennifer Lopez 85 Mexx 85 Issey Miyake 87 Moschino 88 Thierry Mugler 89 Paloma Picasso 89 L’Occitane 91 Paco Rabanne 93 Prada 97 Replay 98 Nina Ricci 99 Rochas 99 Narciso Rodriguez 100 Elie Saab 100 Jil Sander 100 Paul Smith 101 Britney Spears 101 Elisabeth Taylor 101 Yves Saint Laurent 103 Valentino 106 Bottega Veneta 106 G. Versace 106 Ermenegildo Zegna 109


Perfumes Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Size Eur Chf

Christina Aguilera Signature ♀ 114263 Eau de Parfum Spray





By Night ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray





Royal Desire ♀ NEW Eau de Parfum Spray




120 200 110 75 200

37,00 39,90 52,80 17,10 18,90

46,30 49,90 66,00 21,40 23,70

41,80 56,70

52,30 70,90

Aramis Aramis Classic Men ♂ After Shave Lotion After Shave Lotion Plastic Eau de Toilette Spray Déodorant Stick Déodorant Spray Ant Perspirant

40363 40452 40282 40916 41408

Elisabeth Arden 151019 151020

Red Door ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray Eau de Toilette Spray

50 100

11000 11001 11023 11026

Green Tea ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray Bath & Showergel Déodorant Créme Honey Drops Body Créme

75 34,20 42,80 200 12,50 15,70 40 12,50 15,70 250 18,90 23,70

Green Tea Honeysuckle ♀ NEW 168707 Eau de Toilette Spray 168708 Body Crème

50 27,60 34,50 250 18,90 23,70


5th Avenue ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray




5th Avenue New York ♀ NEW Eau de Parfum Spray 75 22,70



www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 4


Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Giorgio Armani 15533 15534 15541

Armani Mania – Man ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 49,60 62,00 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 66,80 83,50 Déodorant Stick 75 23,50 29,40

164414 164415 164416 165043

Eau Pour Homme ♂ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 50 53,60 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 70,10 After Shave Lotion 100 53,60 Déodorant Stick 75 25,60

67,00 87,70 67,00 32,00

165039 165040 165041 165042

Eau De Nuit ♂ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 50 53,60 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 70,10 After Shave Lotion 100 53,60 Déodorant Stick 75 25,60

67,00 87,70 67,00 32,00

158390 158391 158392

Acqua di Gio Men Essenza ♂ Eau de Parfum Spray 70 50,80 63,50 Eau de Parfum Spray 75 67,20 84,00 Eau de Parfum Spray 180 100,90 126,20


Armani Mania Woman ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 63,80 79,80

15190 15194

Emporio She ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 48,40 60,50 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 56,30 70,40

15264 15267

Emporio He ♂ (1) Eau de Toilette Spray 50 45,40 56,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 61,30 76,70 (1)

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 5

visit the new Armanibeauty.com

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Perfumes Size Eur Chf

Giorgio Armani 15125 15128 15092 15112 1855 15143 15145 15149

Acqua di Gio Men ♂ After Shave Lotion 100 44,90 56,20 After Shave Balm 100 44,90 56,20 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 44,90 56,20 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 60,60 75,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 200 81,90 102,40 Déodorant Spray 150 22,50 28,20 Déodorant Stick 75 22,50 28,20 Hair & Body Gel 200 24,50 30,70

15019 15027

Acqua di Gio ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 56,10 70,20 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 75,70 94,70

102289 102290 108943 108944

Code Woman ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 62,20 77,80 Eau de Parfum Spray 75 77,80 97,30 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 52,40 65,50 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 68,40 85,50

156615 156616

Code Woman LUNA ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 54,80 68,50 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 68,40 85,50

146355 146356 146357 151265

Code Sport ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 45,50 56,90 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 59,00 73,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 125 71,40 89,30 Déodorant Stick 75 23,10 28,90

161304 161305

Code Ultimate Intense ♂ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 50 53,50 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 62,50

111548 111549

Armani Emporio Diamonds She ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 53,30 66,70 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 73,10 91,40

118792 118793 118796

Armani Emporio Diamonds Men ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 46,00 57,50 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 56,10 70,20 Déodorant Stick 75 23,30 29,20

66,90 78,20

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 7

the essence of joy

visit the new Armanibeauty.com


Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Giorgio Armani 135633 135634 143922

Acqua di Gioia ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 49,60 62,00 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 64,80 81,00 Body Lotion 150 31,30 39,20

166424 166425

Acqua di Gioia Eau Fraiche ♀ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 50 44,60 55,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 58,20 72,80

103991 23958 16091 16092 104903 23959 104549

G. Armani Code ♂ (1) After Shave 100 46,10 57,70 After Shave Balm 100 46,10 57,70 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 48,60 60,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 58,80 73,50 Eau de Toilette Spray 125 76,50 95,70 Déodorant Stick 75 23,10 28,90 Deodorant Spray 150 76,50 95,70

151267 151268

Acqua di Gioia Essenza ♀ (2) Eau de Toilette Spray 50 62,10 77,70 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 81,00 101,30

(1) (2)

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 9


Catalogue 2013/14


Size Eur Chf

Loris Azzaro 103930 112200 3603 3964

Azzaro Pour Homme ♂ After Shave Lotion Spray 100 33,50 41,90 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 33,90 42,40 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 49,50 61,90 Déodorant Stick 75 16,10 20,20

Chrome ♂ 26371 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 33,90 42,40

Justin Bieber


Someday ♀ (1) 162785 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 29,10 36,40 162786 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 36,40 45,50 Girlfriend ♀ NEW 165136 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 32,00 40,00


David Beckham Homme ♂ 168730 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 29,50 36,90 168731

The Essence ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 75 29,50 36,90

Classic ♂ 168732 Eau de Toilette Spray 90 29,75 37,20

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 10

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference


Perfumes Size Eur Chf


Heat ♀ 143983 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 25,90 32,40 Heat Rush ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 25,90 32,40


Pulse ♀ NEW 168729 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 25,90 32,40

Laura Biagotti Roma ♀ 20222 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 52,10 65,20 Laura ♀ 15215 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 33,80 42,30 15216 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 44,10 55,20 Roma Uomo ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 75 37,50 46,90 Eau de Toilette Spray 125 49,90 62,40 Déodorant Stick 75 14,70 18,40

21385 21386 21397

Hugo Boss 7701 165001 7700 7705 7707

Hugo Men ♂ After Shave Lotion 150 43,30 54,20 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 38,20 47,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 150 55,00 68,80 Déodorant Spray 150 16,20 20,30 Déodorant Stick 75 16,20 20,30

32410 32412

Boss Woman ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 39,60 49,50 Eau de Parfum Spray 90 51,40 64,30


Boss Intense ♀ NEW Eau de Parfum Spray 50 39,60 49,50

32441 32449

Deep Red ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 40,40 50,50 Eau de Parfum Spray 90 52,80 66,00

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 11

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Perfumes Size Eur Chf

Hugo Boss 32362 32355 32358 159099 32367 32365 32369

Boss Bottled ♂ After Shave Lotion 100 43,30 54,20 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 42,50 53,20 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 55,00 68,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 200 77,10 96,40 Déodorant Stick 75 16,20 20,30 Shower Gel 150 16,20 20,30 Déodorant Spray 150 16,20 20,30

104659 104660 104662

Femme by Boss ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 44,80 56,00 Eau de Parfum Spray 75 58,00 72,50 Bodylotion 200 22,10 27,70


Femme by Boss Essence ♀ Eau de parfum spray 50 47,00 58,80

136014 136015 159100 136017 136018

Boss Bottled Night ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 42,50 53,20 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 55,00 68,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 200 77,10 96,40 Déodorant Stick 75 16,20 20,30 Déodorant Spray 150 16,20 20,30

156578 156579 156576 156577 156580 156581

Boss Bottled Sport ♂ After Shave Lotion 100 43,30 54,20 After Shave Balm 75 27,20 34,00 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 42,50 53,20 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 55,00 68,80 Déodorant Spray 150 16,20 20,30 Déodorant Stick 75 16,20 20,30

32480 32486 32513

Boss in Motion ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 40 34,50 43,20 Eau de Toilette Spray 90 47,00 58,80 Déodorant Stick 75 14,70 18,40


Hugo Dark Blue ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 75 38,20 47,80


Boss Soul ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 90 50,70 63,40

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 13

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Perfumes Size Eur Chf

Hugo Boss 164980 164981 164982 164983 164984 164985

Boss Hugo Red ♂ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 75 38,20 47,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 150 55,00 68,80 Shower Gel 200 16,20 20,30 After Shave Balm 75 27,20 34,00 Déodorant Spray 150 16,20 20,30 Déodorant Stick 75 16,20 20,30


Boss Selection ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 90 50,70 63,40

111693 111694

Hugo XX ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 60 39,60 49,50 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 51,40 64,30


Hugo XY ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 50,70 63,40

113856 113857

Hugo Boss Pure ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 38,20 47,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 90 50,70 63,40

122569 122570 122574

Hugo Element ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 60 38,20 47,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 90 50,70 63,40 Déodorant Stick 75 15,40 19,30

123656 125201 125202

Boss Orange ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 42,50 53,20 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 55,80 69,80 Body Lotion 200 22,10 27,70

142261 142259 142260 142372 142373

Boss Orange Men ♂ After Shave Lotion 100 41,80 52,30 Eau de Toilette Spray 60 40,40 50,50 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 52,80 66,00 Déodorant Spray 150 16,20 20,30 Déodorant Stick 75 16,20 20,30

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 15


Catalogue 2013/14


Size Eur Chf

Hugo Boss 165008 148882 148884 148886 148887

Boss Different ♂ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 75 38,20 47,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 150 55,00 68,80 Shower Gel 200 16,20 20,30 Déodorant Stick 150 16,20 20,30 Déodorant Spray 75 16,20 20,30

160138 160139 160140 160141 160142

Boss Nuit Pour Femme ♀ NEW Eau de Parfum Spray 50 48,50 60,70 Eau de Parfum Spray 75 63,10 78,90 Shower Gel 200 21,30 26,70 Body Lotion 200 23,50 29,40 Déodorant Spray 150 21,30 26,70

Energise ♂ (1) 24151 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 38,20 47,80 32040 32043

Hugo Woman ♀ (2) Eau de Toilette Spray 75 39,60 49,50 Eau de Toilette Spray 125 51,40 64,30



www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 16

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference


Perfumes Size Eur Chf


Femme ♀ (1) 154277 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 41,80 52,30 154278 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 46,10 57,70 Homme ♂ 154280 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 63,10



Jaipur Homme ♂ Eau de Parfum Spray 100 63,10 78,90


Jaipur Homme ♂ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 42,50 53,20


www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 17

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Perfumes Size Eur Chf

Bvlgari 137288 137289

Bulgari Man ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 60 43,90 54,90 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 59,40 74,30

165851 165852

Bulgari Man Extreme ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 60 43,90 54,90 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 59,40 74,30


Pour Femme ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 59,40 74,30


Eau Parfumée au Thé Vert ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 75 51,30 64,20


Pour Homme ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 59,40 74,30


Pour Homme Soir ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 59,40 74,30


BLV pour Homme ♂ (1) Eau de Toilette Spray 50 43,90 54,90


www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 19

Perfumes Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Size Eur Chf

Bvlgari 23731 23732

Omnia Crystaline ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 40 43,00 53,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 65 52,20 65,30


Omnia Amethvste ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 65 52,20 65,30

156821 156822

Omnia Coral ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 40 43,00 53,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 65 52,20 65,30

18232 18233 18235

Aqua pour Homme ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 43,90 54,90 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 59,40 74,30 Déodorant Stick 75 19,20 24,00

115792 115793

Aqua pour Homme Marine ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 43,90 54,90 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 59,40 74,30


Rose Essentielle ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 59,40 74,30

118881 118882

Jasmin Noir ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 59,40 74,30 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 84,10 105,20

141721 141722

Mon Jasmin Noir L’Eau ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 59,40 74,30 Eau de Parfum Spray 75 74,00 92,50


Mon Jasmin Noir L’Eau ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 49,40 61,80

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 20

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Perfumes Size Eur Chf

Burberry 7001

Weekend Woman ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 41,60 52,00


Weekend Men ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 33,40 41,80


Burberry Woman ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 42,30 52,90


Touch Woman ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 43,10 53,90


Baby Touch ♀ Alcohol Free Eau de Toilette Spray 100 30,50 38,20

10590 118124 10592

Brit Woman ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 47,60 59,50 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 39,40 49,30 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 55,70 69,70


Burberry Men ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 35,70 44,70


Touch Men ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 37,50 46,90

20550 20551

Brit for Men ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 39,00 48,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 53,50 66,90

115033 115034 124188

The Beat ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 44,60 55,80 Eau de Parfum Spray 75 56,50 70,70 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 39,00 48,80

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 21


Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Burberry Body Tender ♀ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 60 44,60 55,80


Body ♀ NEW 149713 Eau de Parfum Spray 60 52,00 65,00 149714 Eau de Parfum Spray 85 66,80 83,50 159436 Eau de Toilette Spray 60 44,60 55,80 159437 Eau de Toilette Spray 85 55,70 69,70 149718 Body Lotion 85 29,20 36,50 149715 149716

Body Intense ♀ NEW Eau de Parfum Spray 60 59,40 74,30 Eau de Parfum Spray 85 81,70 102,20


The Beat Men ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 54,20 67,80

117610 117611

Brit Sheer ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 39,40 49,30 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 55,70 69,70


Sport Men ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 75 50,50 63,20

101282 101283 101284

London for Woman ♀ (1) Eau de Parfum Spray 30 30,50 38,20 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 44,60 55,80 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 61,20 76,50

106369 106370 106373

London Men ♂ (2) Eau de Toilette Spray 50 38,30 47,90 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 52,80 66,00 Deostick 75 18,20 22,80



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the new feminine fragrance

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Perfumes Size Eur Chf

Cacharel 161835

Cacharel Catch Me ♀ NEW Eau de Parfum Spray 50 49,30 61,70

6068 6092

Anais Anais ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 43,70 54,70 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 62,50 78,20

Loulou ♀ 7447 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 49,50 61,90 Eden ♀ 5897 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 49,50 61,90 Noa ♀ 8070 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 44,80 56,00 8072 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 64,10 80,20 8078 Déodorant Spray 150 20,30 25,40 7087 7088

Amor Amor ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 44,20 55,30 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 63,30 79,20


Amor Amor Absolu ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 46,50 58,20


Amor Amor Forbidden Kiss ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 44,20 55,30


Amor Amor First Kiss ♀ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 30ml & Body Lotion 50ml 87 44,20 55,30 & Lippgloss 7gr – Value Pack

167743 167444

Amor Amor Forbidden Party ♀ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 50 43,50 54,40 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 62,30 77,90


Cacharel pour Homme ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 60,70 75,90

Naomi Campbell 153907

Wild Pearl ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 24,30 30,40

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Perfumes Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Size Eur Chf

Cartier Must ♀ 34513 Parfum Spray 30 91,00 113,80 34371 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 70,20 87,80 42844

Eau de Cartier ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 200 67,80 84,80

157001 157002

Eau de Cartier Essence de Bois ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 51,10 63,90 Eau de Toilette Spray 200 67,80 84,80

165474 165475

Eau de Cartier Goutte de Rose ♀ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 100 51,10 63,90 Eau de Toilette Spray 200 67,80 84,80

Santos ♂ 100283 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 57,80 72,30 Pasha ♂ 42625 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 57,80 72,30 Declaration ♂ 42716 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 57,80 72,30 42728 Alcohol Free Déodorant Stick 75 17,10 21,40 Delices de Cartier ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 70,20 87,80


Roadster ♂ 119343 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 57,80 72,30 128678

Roadster Sport ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 57,80

148231 148232 159088

Baiser Vole ♀ NEW Eau de Parfum Spray 50 57,80 72,30 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 81,40 101,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 48,10 60,20

162616 162617 162619

Declaration d’un Soir ♂ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 50 40,70 50,90 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 58,50 73,20 Déodorant Stick 75 17,50 21,90

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Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Roberto Cavalli 166885 166886 166887

Perfumes Size Eur Chf


Roberto Cavalli ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 40,70 50,90 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 51,80 64,80 Body Lotion 150 14,80 18,50

Acqua ♀ 166888 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 44,00 55,00 166889 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 57,40 71,80

Nino Ceruti 9936

1881 Woman ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 42,40 53,00


1881 Men ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 47,10 58,90

Chopard Wish ♀ 32930 Eau de Parfum Spray 30 19,50 24,40

Clinique 10954 10952 10956 12793

Aromatic Elixer ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 45 34,10 42,70 Eau de Parfum Spray 45 48,60 60,80 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 74,40 93,00 Body Lotion 200 24,60 30,80


Happy Heart ♀ Parfum Spray 100 54,30 67,90

12820 12824

Happy Woman ♀ Parfum Spray 50 38,40 48,00 Parfum Spray 100 54,30 67,90

12848 12849

Happy Men ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 31,20 39,00 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 45,60 57,00

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Catalogue 2013/14


Size Eur Chf

Chloe Signature ♀ 122549 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 46,40 58,00 122550 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 60,20 75,30 116249 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 51,70 64,70 116250 Eau de Parfum Spray 75 66,50 83,20 116251 Body Lotion 200 26,80 33,50 116252 Shower Gel 200 22,40 28,00 116253 Déodorant Spray 100 21,50 26,90 119716 Body Crème 150 42,80 53,50 119718 Body & Shower Gel 150 42,80 53,50 156556 156557

Signature L’Eau ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 42,80 53,50 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 59,70 74,70

136981 136982

Love Chloe ♀ (1) Eau de Parfum Spray 50 51,70 64,70 Eau de Parfum Spray 75 66,50 83,20


Love Chloe Intense ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 57,10 71,40

160882 160883

Love Chloe Eau Florale ♀ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 50 46,40 58,00 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 59,70 74,70

166872 166873 166875

See by Chloe ♀ NEW (2) Eau de Parfum Spray 50 45,00 56,30 Eau de Parfum Spray 75 57,10 71,40 Body Lotion 150 17,90 22,40



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Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Perfumes Size Eur Chf

Van Cleef & Arpels First ♀ 110178 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 61,60 77,00 113538 Eau de Toilette Spray 60 47,10 58,90 Tsar ♂ (1) 110179 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 47,10 58,90


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Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Perfumes Size Eur Chf

Davidoff 166859 166860 166861 166862

The Game ♂ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 60 66,00 82,50 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 90,00 112,50 Shower Gel 200 26,00 32,50 Déodorant Stick 75 30,00 37,50

14765 14775 14847 14856

Cool Water Woman ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 27,50 34,40 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 49,60 62,00 Déodorant Spray 100 17,10 21,40 Déodorant Stick 75 15,20 19,00

170814 170815

Coolwater Sea Rose – Woman ♀ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 50 25,00 31,30 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 39,90 49,90

13153 13102 13080 13196 13242

Cool Water Men ♂ After Shave Lotion 125 35,00 43,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 27,50 34,40 Eau de Toilette Spray 125 49,60 62,00 Déodorant Spray 75 16,60 20,80 Déodorant Stick 75 15,20 19,00


Hot Water ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 60 34,40 43,00

Champion ♂ 136996 Afer Shave Balm 100 40,50 50,70 136975 Eau de Toilette Spray 90 52,40 65,50 Adventure ♂ 114776 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 47,70 59,70

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Perfumes Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Size Eur Chf

Diesel 111534

Fuel for Life She ♀ (1) Eau de Parfum Spray, 50 48,60 60,80

111537 111538

Fuel for Life He ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 42,50 53,20 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 54,00 67,50

167712 167713

Fuel for Life He Spirit ♂ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 50 41,60 52,00 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 53,00 66,30

124463 124464 126782

Only The Brave ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 42,40 53,00 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 54,00 67,50 Deodorant Spray 150 24,30 30,40

156221 156222

Only The Brave TATTOO ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 42,40 53,00 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 54,00 67,50

Loverdose ♀ 148912 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 47,90 59,90 148913 Eau de Parfum Spray 75 63,80 79,80 159612 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 42,20 52,80


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Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Perfumes Size Eur Chf

DIOR 6149

Miss Dior ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 77,00 96,30

156379 156380

Miss Dior Eau Fraiche ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 52,30 65,40 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 74,10 92,70

Diorissimo ♀ 12599 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 77,00 96,30 18294 142328

Hypnotic Poison ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 53,80 67,30 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 77,00 96,30

137798 137799

Hypnotic Poison Sensuelle ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 52,30 65,40 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 74,10 92,70


Hypnotic Poison Secrète ♀ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 100 74,10 92,70

Poison ♀ 17817 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 53,80 67,30 17892 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 77,00 96,30 25119 25178

Dune Woman ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 53,80 67,30 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 77,00 96,30

27005 27004

Dolce Vita ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 53,80 67,30 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 77,00 96,30

124607 17546 19135 158701 158702 124608

Eau Sauvage ♂ After Shave Lotion 100 42,40 53,00 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 45,40 56,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 63,20 79,00 50 50,00 62,50 Eau de Parfum Spray NEW Eau de Parfum Spray NEW 100 69,50 86,90 Déodorant Spray 150 23,30 29,20


Eau Sauvage Extreme ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 69,50 86,90

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Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Perfumes Size Eur Chf

DIOR 27145 27092 27094 161469 149699 149700 117241 117243 117244

J ‘Adore ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 62,10 77,70 Eau de Parfum Spray 75 71,90 89,90 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 91,60 114,50 Purse Spray 2x Eau de Parfum Spray 60 73,50 91,90 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 61,10 76,40 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 77,00 96,30 Body Lotion 200 33,90 42,40 Shower Gel 200 31,50 39,40 Déodorant Spray 100 29,90 37,40

167983 167984

J’ Adore Voile de Parfum ♀ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 75 64,80 81,00 Eau de Toilette Spray 125 81,70 102,20


J’ Adore L’Or ♀ NEW Parfum 40 91,60 114,50


J’ Adore L’Absolu ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 75 84,20 105,30

Fahrenheit ♂ 22179 After Shave Lotion 100 44,30 55,40 21947 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 45,40 56,80 22071 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 63,20 79,00 21865 Eau de Toilette Spray 200 94,30 117,90 23094 Déodorant Spray 150 23,30 29,20 23124 Déodorant Stick 75 21,80 27,30 127507

Fahrenheit Absolute ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 69,50 86,90

149699 149700

Fahrenheit Aqua ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 75 50,00 62,50 Eau de Toilette Spray 125 63,20 79,00


Dune pour Homme ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 63,20 79,00

5379 27231

Addict Woman ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 63,90 79,90 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 91,60 114,50

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Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Perfumes Size Eur Chf

DIOR 24593 24594 24595 24596 24597

Dior Homme ♂ After Shave Lotion 100 44,30 55,40 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 45,40 56,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 63,20 79,00 Déodorant Spray 150 23,30 29,20 Déodorant Stick 75 21,80 27,30


Dior Homme Intense ♂ Eau de Parfum Spray 100 69,50 86,90

165313 165314

Dior Homme Cologne ♂ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 75 50,00 62,50 Eau de Toilette Spray 125 69,50 86,90

156381 156382 156383 156384 156385

Dior Homme Sport ♂ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 50 45,40 56,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 63,20 79,00 After Shave Lotion 100 44,30 55,40 Deospray 150 23,30 29,20 Deostick 75 21,80 27,30

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Perfumes Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Size Eur Chf

DIOR 100023 100024

Addict Eau Fraiche ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 52,30 65,40 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 74,10 92,70

145827 145828

Addict Eau Sensuelle ♀ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 50 52,30 65,40 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 74,10 92,70

167985 167986

Addict Eau Delice ♀ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 50 52,30 65,40 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 74,10 92,70


Higher Energy Men ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 63,20 79,00

15722 15723

Pure Poison ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 63,90 79,90 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 91,60 114,50

143603 143604 161468 165308 165309 165310 165311 165312

Miss Dior ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 63,90 79,90 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 91,60 114,50 Purse Spray 3x20 Eau de Parfum Spray 60 73,50 91,90 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 53,80 67,30 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 77,00 96,30 Shower gel 200 27,50 34,40 Déodorant Spray 100 29,90 37,40 Body Lotion 200 33,90 42,40


Le Parfum ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 75 84,20 105,30

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Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Perfumes Size Eur Chf

DIOR 156379 156380

Miss Dior Eau Fraiche ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 52,30 65,40 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 74,10 92,70

158698 158699

Miss Dior Blooming Bouquet ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 53,80 67,30 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 77,00 96,30


Forever & Ever ♀ (2) Eau de Toilette Spray 100 77,00 96,30


Escale A Portofino ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 75 54,50 68,20


Escale A Pondichery ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 75 54,50 68,20


Escale Aux Marquises ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 75 54,50 68,20

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Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Disney Parfums 136583 136586 136591

Princess de Luxe – Eau de Toilette Spray Fairies – Eau de Toilette Spray Minnie – Beauty Bag

50 50 50

10,10 10,10 14,50

12,70 12,70 18,20

Dolce & Gabbana 167719 167720

The One Desire For Ladies ♀ NEW Eau de Parfum Spray 50 67,30 84,20 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 84,60 105,80

29160 29163 29171 128675

Light Blue ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 49,90 62,40 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 67,30 84,20 Bath & Showergel 200 25,00 31,30 Body Creme 200 26,50 33,20

109763 109764 109768

Light Blue Homme ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 75 44,60 55,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 125 62,80 78,50 Déodorant Stick 75 20,50 25,70

29015 29007 29010 29030

Pour Homme ♂ After Shave Lotion 125 43,90 54,90 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 44,60 55,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 125 62,80 78,50 Déodorant Stick 75 20,50 25,70

104999 105000 105001

The One ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 59,70 74,70 Eau de Parfum Spray 75 79,30 99,20 Body Lotion 200 30,30 37,90


L’Eau The One ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 49,90 62,40

Femme ♀ NEW 160143 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 59,70 74,70 160144 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 79,30 99,20 160146 Body Lotion 200 30,30 37,90 126778 126779

The One Rose ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 59,70 74,70 Eau de Parfum Spray 75 79,30 99,20

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Perfumes Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Size Eur Chf

Dolce & Gabbana 113846 113847 113844 113845 164990 113849

The One For Men ♂ After Shave Lotion 100 43,90 54,90 After Shave Balm 75 31,70 39,70 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 44,60 55,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 62,80 78,50 Eau de Toilette Spray 150 73,30 91,70 Déodorant Stick 75 20,50 25,70

138472 138470 138471 138473 138474

The One Gentleman ♂ After Shave Lotion 100 43,90 54,90 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 44,60 55,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 62,80 78,50 Déodorant Stick 75 20,50 25,70 Shower Gel 200 20,50 25,70

156302 156303 164991 156304 156305 156306

The One Sport ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 44,60 55,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 62,80 78,50 Eau de Toilette Spray 150 73,30 91,70 Déodorant Stick 75 20,50 25,70 After Shave Balm 75 31,70 39,70 Shower Gel 200 20,50 25,70

137109 126851 137110

DG Collection – The New Fragrances By D & G ♀ No. 3 L’Impatrice – Eau de Toilette Spray – F 50 37,00 46,30 No. 3 L’Impatrice – Eau de Toilette Spray – F 100 50,60 63,30 No. 6 L’Amoureux – Eau de Toilette Spray – M 50 37,00 46,30

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Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Perfumes Size Eur Chf

Escada Magnetism ♀ 5030 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 43,90 54,90

150489 150490

Especially Escada ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 48,40 60,50 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 61,20 76,50

160136 161137

Especially Escada Delicate Notes ♀ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 50 45,30 56,70 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 56,70 70,90

164992 164993

Taj Sunset ♀ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 50 40,80 51,00 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 51,40 64,30

164987 164988 164989

Cherry in the Air ♀ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 50 40,80 51,00 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 51,40 64,30 Body Lotion 150 16,70 20,90

4711 Echt Kölnisch Wasser ♀ ♂ 117192 Eau de Cologne 100 13,20 16,50 117194 Refreshing Tissue 10pcs 2,00 2,50

Lady Gaga Fame ♀ 160875 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 29,70 37,20 161551 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 51,80 64,80 160876 Body Lotion 200 14,80 18,50

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Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Perfumes Size Eur Chf

Jean Paul Gaultier Classique ♀ 25306 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 47,70 59,70 25308 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 69,20 86,50 11357 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 54,90 68,70 11358 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 73,70 92,20 25333 Body Lotion 200 27,90 34,90 25334 Déodorant Spray 100 22,50 28,20 132607 132606

Classique X ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 47,70 59,70 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 69,20 86,50


Classique X L’Eau ♀ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 100 50,40 63,00


JPG Ma Dame ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 22,00 27,50

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Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Perfumes Size Eur Chf

Jean Paul Gaultier 166756 166757 167594 167595

Le Male – BEAU ♂ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 75 40,50 50,70 Eau de Toilette Spray 125 56,70 70,90 Déodorant Stick 75 20,70 25,90 Showergel 200 20,70 25,90

25361 25357 25358 104900 5845 20051

Le Male ♂ After Shave Lotion 125 39,60 49,50 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 40,50 50,70 Eau de Toilette Spray 125 56,70 70,90 Eau de Toilette Spray – Maxi-Male 200 74,60 93,30 Alcohol Free Déodorant Stick 75 20,70 25,90 Déodorant Spray 125 20,70 25,90

136739 136740

Le Male – Terrible ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 75 40,50 50,70 Eau de Toilette Spray 125 56,70 70,90


Monsieur Eau du Matin ♂ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 100 21,00 26,30

153813 153814

JPG Kokorico ♂ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 50 36,90 46,20 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 54,90 68,70

Van Gils 24473 24414 24724

Stricktley for Man ♂ After Shave Lotion Spray 100 37,80 47,30 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 49,00 61,30 Déodorant Stick 75 16,90 21,20


Between Sheets ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 37,80 47,30

Frosted ♂ NEW 166510 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 31,40 39,30

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Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Perfumes Size Eur Chf

Givenchy 150214 157188

Dahlia Noir ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 61,90 77,40 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 51,00 63,80


Dahlia Noir L’Eau♀ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 50 47,40 59,30


Givenchy Pour Homme ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 57,80 72,30


Givenchy Gentleman ♂ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 100 56,50 70,70


Givenchy Gentleman Only ♂ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 50 42,30 52,90

Amarige ♀ 22349 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 50,10 62,70 22470 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 70,50 88,20 104435 104436

Ange Ou Démon ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 58,30 72,90 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 81,00 101,30

127237 127238

Ange Ou Démon Le Secret ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 58,30 72,90 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 81,00 101,30


Ange Ou Démon Le Secret Elixir ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 61,90 77,40

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Perfumes Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Size Eur Chf

Givenchy Ysatis ♀ 19310 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 50,10 62,70 19356 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 70,50 88,20 Organza ♀ 26668 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 58,30 72,90 26673 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 81,00 101,30 4270 4272 23143

Very Irresistible ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 50,10 62,70 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 61,90 77,40 Sensual – Eau de Parfum Spray 75 70,10 87,70


Very Irresistible – L’Intense ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 61,90 77,40


Very Irresistible – Electric Rose ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 44,10 55,20

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Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Perfumes Size Eur Chf

Givenchy 26715

Pi (π) For men ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 57,80 72,30


Pi (π) Neo For men ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 57,80 72,30

Play for Men ♂ 118903 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 41,00 51,30 118906 Déodorant Spray 150 19,60 24,50 125463

Play for Men Intense ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 42,80 53,50


Play for Men Sport ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 41,00 51,30

137372 137373

Play for Her ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 51,40 64,30 Eau de Parfum Spray 75 62,30 77,90


Play for Her Intense ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 75 66,00 82,50

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Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Perfumes Size Eur Chf

Gucci 164144 165145 165147

Gucci Guilty Black ♀ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 50 53,70 67,20 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 71,80 89,80 Body Lotion 200 32,50 40,70

165150 165148 165149 165151

Gucci Guilty Black Man ♂ NEW After Shave Lotion 90 45,30 56,70 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 46,80 58,50 Eau de Toilette Spray 90 61,20 76,50 Shower Gel 150 21,90 27,40

137345 137346 137347 137348 137349

Gucci Guilty – Woman ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 53,70 67,20 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 71,80 89,80 Shower Gel 200 28,00 35,00 Body Lotion 200 32,50 40,70 Déodorant Spray 150 28,00 35,00

150655 150656

Gucci Guilty – Woman Intense ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 62,80 78,50 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 81,60 102,00

143779 143780 143777 143778 143781 143782 143783

Gucci Guilty – Man ♂ After Shave Lotion 90 45,30 56,70 After Shave Balm 75 31,70 39,70 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 46,80 58,50 Eau de Toilette Spray 90 61,20 76,50 Shower Gel 150 21,90 27,40 Déodorant Spray 100 19,70 24,70 Déodorant Stick 75 19,70 24,70

150657 150658

Gucci Guilty – Man Intense ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 49,20 61,50 Eau de Toilette Spray 90 64,20 80,30

150657 150658

Gucci Guilty – Man ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 47,70 59,70 Eau de Toilette Spray 90 60,50 75,70

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 53

Perfumes Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Size Eur Chf

Gucci 118143 111688 111689

Gucci By Gucci ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 51,40 64,30 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 60,50 75,70 Eau de Parfum Spray 75 77,80 97,30

118138 118139 118140 118141

Gucci By Gucci Homme ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 44,60 55,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 90 58,20 72,80 Déodorant Stick 75 19,70 24,70 Showergel 200 21,90 27,40

124195 123654 137106 131846 131847

Flora By Gucci ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 51,40 64,30 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 68,00 85,00 Eau de Toilette Spray 4 x 15ml 60 54,40 68,00 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 60,50 75,70 Eau de Parfum Spray 75 77,80 97,30


Flora By Gucci – Eau Fraiche ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 46,80 58,50

156584 156585

Flora Gorgeous Gardenia ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 51,40 64,30 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 74,80 93,50


Flora Glamorous Magnolia ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 51,40 64,30

156590 156591

Flora Gracious Tuberose ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 51,40 64,30 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 74,80 93,50

167721 167722

Flora Garden Mandarin ♀ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 50 51,40 64,30 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 74,80 93,50

23030 23032

Gucci Rush Woman ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 51,40 64,30 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 68,00 85,00


Gucci Rush 2 Woman ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 51,40 64,30


Gucci Pour Homme II ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 58,20 72,80

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 54

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Perfumes Size Eur Chf

Gucci 132733 132734 132735 132737

Gucci by Gucci Pour Homme Sport ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 44,60 55,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 90 58,20 72,80 After Shave Lotion 90 45,30 56,70 Déodorant Stick 75 19,70 24,70

4927 4930

Gucci EDP II Woman ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 30 46,10 57,70 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 60,50 75,70

15878 15879

Gucci Envy Me ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 51,40 64,30 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 68,00 85,00

160132 160133 160134 160135

Gucci Premiere ♀ NEW Eau de Parfum Spray 50 62,80 78,50 Eau de Parfum Spray 75 81,60 102,00 Body Lotion 200 32,50 40,70 Déodorant Spray 100 28,00 35,00

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 55


Catalogue 2013/14


Size Eur Chf

Guerlain Shalimar ♀ 142146 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 51,00 63,80 137067 Eau de Toilette Spray 90 83,00 103,80 149367 156516

Shalimar Initial ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 60 57,60 72,00 Eau de Toilette Spray 60 48,10 60,20

Mitsouko ♀ 21128 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 52,40 65,50 Samsara ♀ 31135 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 52,40 65,50 22651

Habit Rouge ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 59,00 73,80

Vetiver ♂ 142149 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 54,60 68,30 131923 131924 131925

Aqua Allegoria ♀ Pamplelune Eau de Toilette spray 75 40,10 50,20 Herba Fresca Eau de Toilette Spray 75 40,10 50,20 Mandarine-Basilic Eau de Toilette Spray 75 40,10 50,20

4380 142257

L’Instant de Guerlain ♀ (1) Eau de Parfum Spray 80 75,70 94,70 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 52,40 65,50


L’Instant Magic ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 80 75,70 94,70 (1)

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 56

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Perfumes Size Eur Chf

Guerlain Idylle ♀ 127089 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 61,90 77,40 137070 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 51,70 64,70 Idylle Eau Sublime ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 70 54,00 67,50


Idylle ♀ 127089 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 61,90 77,40 137070 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 51,70 64,70 161148 161149 166931 166941 161150

La Petite Robe Noire ♀ NEW Eau de Parfum Spray 50 59,70 74,70 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 84,50 105,70 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 60,00 75,00 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 73,60 92,00 Body Lotion 200 60,40 75,50

Homme ♂ 120057 Eau de Toilette Spray 80 54,00 67,50 156520

L’Eau Boissee ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 80 48,80 61,00

Guess Seductive ♀ 143981 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 29,70 37,20 143982 Body Lotion 200 13,00 16,30 156561

Seductive Homme ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 26,90 33,70


I am Yours ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 29,70 37,20

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 57

een nieuw parfum ontwaakt jourdhermes.com


Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Hermès 165445 165446 165447 165448 165449 166198

Jour d’Hermès ♀ NEW Eau de Parfum refillable 50 60,40 75,50 Eau de Parfum refillable 85 83,00 103,80 Eau de Parfum refill 125 81,10 101,40 Body Lotion 200 44,90 56,20 Déodorant Spray 150 31,20 39,00 Shower Gel 200 37,80 47,30

Calèche ♀ 24430 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 68,90 86,20 24708 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 84,90 106,20 Eau d’Orange Vert ♀ (1) 25830 Eau de Cologne Spray 100 56,20 70,30 147666 Shower Gel 200 22,20 27,80 125696

Concentré Orange Vert ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 64,20 80,30


Eau de Mandarine Ambree ♀ NEW (2) Eau de Cologne Spray





Eau de Narcisse Blue ♀ NEW Eau de Cologne Spray






www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 59

Perfumes Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Size Eur Chf

Hermès 25677 25680

24 Faubourg ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 84,90 106,20 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 68,90 86,20


Eau des Merveilles ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 84,90 106,20


Elixer des Merveilles ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 68,90 86,20


Eau Clair des Merveilles ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 52,40 65,50


L’Ambre des Merveilles ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 68,90 86,20


Un Jardin Sur Nil ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 72,70 90,90


Un Jardin En Méditerranée ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 72,70 90,90


Jardin Après la Mousson ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 72,70 90,90

145461 145462

Jardin Sur le Toit ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 51,00 63,80 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 72,70 90,90

102342 127789 147665 148145 102343 102344 136506 117494 102346

Terre D’Hermès ♂ After Shave 100 43,40 54,30 Eau de Parfum Spray 75 70,30 87,90 Eau de Parfum Spray 200 130,20 162,80 Eau de Parfum Spray & Refill 155 75,50 94,40 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 47,20 59,00 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 66,60 83,30 Eau de Toilette Spray 125 & 30ml 155 71,70 89,70 Eau de Toilette Spray 200 104,30 130,40 Déodorant Stick 75 22,70 28,40

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 60

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Perfumes Size Eur Chf

Hermès 123639

Kelly Caleche ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 68,90 86,20

125694 147669

Collection Cologne ♀ ♂ Pamplemousse Eau de Cologne Spray 100 66,10 82,70 Pamplemousse Eau de Toilette Spray 100 70,30 87,90

154347 133784 154345 154348

Voyage D’ Hermes ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 35 51,00 63,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 71,70 89,70 Eau de Parfum Spray 35 56,20 70,30 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 79,20 99,00

Rocabar ♂ 147671 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 64,20 80,30 Equipage ♂ 147672 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 64,20 80,30 147673

Bel Ami ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 64,20 80,30

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 61

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Perfumes Size Eur Chf

Carolina Herrera 148140 148141

212 VIP Men ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 46,20 57,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 62,60 78,30

137357 137358

212 VIP ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 56,10 70,20 Eau de Parfum Spray 80 71,50 89,40


212 Woman ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 71,50 89,40

27648 27650

212 Men ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 46,20 57,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 62,60 78,30


Chic for Men ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 60 46,20 57,80

20921 20922

212 Sexy Woman ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 60 56,10 70,20 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 71,50 89,40

107846 107847

212 Sexy Men ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 46,20 57,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 62,60 78,30

Tommy Hilfiger 47360 47364

Tommy Girl ♀ Eau de Cologne Spray 50 36,40 45,50 Eau de Cologne Spray 100 51,30 64,20

47328 47330

Tommy Men ♂ Eau de Cologne Spray 50 33,30 41,70 Eau de Cologne Spray 100 46,70 58,40

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 63

Perfumes Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Size Eur Chf

Marc Jacobs Daisy ♀ 113677 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 50,40 63,00 113678 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 65,20 81,50 142412 142413 142414

Daisy – Eau Fraiche ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 75 52,80 66,00 Eau de Toilette Spray 125 68,00 85,00 Body Lotion 150 23,20 29,00

Lola ♀ 127755 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 53,70 67,20 127756 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 69,00 86,30 149759 149760

Oh Lola ♀ NEW Eau de Parfum Spray 50 52,80 66,00 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 68,00 85,00

Bang ♂ 136987 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 54,10 67,70 150648

Bang Bang ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 38,90 48,70


Coffrets Marc Jacobs ♀ Daisy 4 pcs 16 40,10 50,20

Dot ♀ NEW 160884 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 51,30 64,20 160885 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 66,20 82,80 160886 Body Lotion 200 26,90 33,70

Joop ! 39829

Joop! Femme ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 52,80 66,00

28762 28800

Joop! Homme ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 75 35,10 43,90 Eau de Toilette Spray 125 49,10 61,40

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 64

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Perfumes Size Eur Chf

Donna Karan 20534 20535

Be Delicious Woman ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 42,80 53,50 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 60,80 76,00

22440 22442 142015 142016

DKNY Woman ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 41,40 51,80 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 57,40 71,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 45,90 57,40 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 33,10 41,40


DKNY Woman CITY ♀ NEW Eau de Parfum Spray 50 34,60 43,30

123338 123339

Fresh Blossom ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 42,80 53,50 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 60,80 76,00


Fresh Blossom INTENSE ♀ NEW Eau de Parfum Spray 50 47,10 58,90

132821 132822

DKNY Pure ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 45,80 57,30 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 63,10 78,90

154286 154287

DKNY Pure Verbena ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 45,80 57,30 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 63,10 78,90

148267 148268 148269

Golden Delicious ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 30 26,60 33,30 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 42,80 53,50 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 60,80 76,00

Coffrets ♀ NEW 163058 Donna Karan Woman Heart 4 Pcs 35,50 44,40 154289 Donna Karan House of DKNY 4 Pcs 35,50 44,40 22483

DKNY Men ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 52,80 66,00


DKNY Men CITY ♂ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 50 34,60 43,30

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 65

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Perfumes Size Eur Chf

Kenzo 5439 28332 28334 3019

Flower by Kenzo ♀ Parfum Spray 50 64,30 80,40 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 59,10 73,90 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 81,00 101,30 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 51,00 63,80

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 67


Catalogue 2013/14


Size Eur Chf

Kenzo 28003 28011

Le Eau par Kenzo Woman ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 39,10 48,90 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 54,90 68,70


Le Eau par Kenzo Woman Indigo ♀ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 50 44,80 56,00


Le Eau par Kenzo 2 ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 39,10 48,90


Le Eau par Kenzo Colours ♀ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray


Jungle Woman ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 58,20 72,80

160000 157878

Flower Tag ♀ NEW (1) Eau de Parfum Spray 50 59,00 73,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 51,00 63,80

27048 27049

Kenzo Homme ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 42,90 53,70 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 59,60 74,50


Kenzo Homme Boisèe (Woody) ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 42,90 53,70


Kenzo Homme Sport ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 42,90 53,70




www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 68



Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Kenzo 167613

Kenzo Homme Sport Extreme ♂ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 50 42,90 53,70

28300 28303

Le Eau par Kenzo Men ♂ (1) Eau de Toilette Spray 50 39,10 48,90 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 54,90 68,70


Le Eau par Kenzo Men – 2 ♂ (2) Eau de Toilette Spray 50 39,10 48,90


Le Eau par Kenzo Men Colours ♂ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray

103595 142316 123973

Kenzo Amour ♀ Fuchsia Eau de Parfum Spray 50 57,60 72,00 Fuchsia Eau de Parfum Spray 100 79,10 98,90 Florale Eau de Toilette Spray 40 42,90 53,70




Power ♂ 119651 Eau de Toilette Spray 60 43,90 54,90 Madly ♀ 150211 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 56,20 70,30 159998 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 50,50 63,20 167612


Madly Kiss and Fly ♀ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 50 50,50 63,20


www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 69

©2013 Calvin Klein Cosmetic Corporation / Calvin Klein SHEER BEAUTY ESSENCE™

calvinkleinbeaut y.com


Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Calvin Klein Sheer Beauty ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 42,70 53,40 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 57,00 71,30

156551 156552

Beauty ♀ 136978 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 53,40 66,80 136979 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 68,30 85,40 15007 15010

Eternity Woman ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 46,30 57,90 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 62,40 78,00


Obsession Woman ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 100 52,20 65,30

15400 15406 15437 15442

CK One ♂ ♀ (2) Eau de Toilette Spray 100 35,10 43,90 Eau de Toilette Spray 200 49,00 61,30 Bodylotion 250 19,30 24,20 Déodorant Stick 75 12,20 15,30

15560 15564

CK Be ♂ ♀ (1) Eau de Toilette Spray 100 35,10 43,90 Eau de Toilette Spray 200 49,00 61,30



www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 71

Perfumes Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Size Eur Chf

Calvin Klein 15050 15045 15058

Eternity Men ♂ After Shave Lotion 100 33,70 42,20 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 47,70 59,70 Déodorant Stick 75 15,70 19,70


Eternity Men Aqua ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 47,70 59,70


Obsession Men ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 125 44,50 55,70

25231 25232 126897 25236

Euphoria Woman ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 49,90 62,40 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 64,70 80,90 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 57,50 71,90 Body Lotion 200 25,60 32,00

150631 150632

Forbidden Euphoria Woman ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 49,90 62,40 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 64,70 80,90

105012 105013 105015

Euphoria Men ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 37,30 46,70 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 50,80 63,50 Déodorant Stick 75 15,70 19,70

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 72


Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Calvin Klein 108072 108073

Euphoria Blossom ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 46,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 57,50


CKIN2U Men ♂ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 100 28,80 36,00


CKIN2U Woman ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 28,80 36,00

58,50 71,90

FREE ♂ 126892 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 36,00 45,00 126893 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 48,60 60,80 126895 Déodorant Stick 75 14,00 17,50 150634 150636

CK Shock for Him ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 35,10 43,90 Déodorant Stick 75 12,20 15,30


CK Shock Street for Him ♂ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray





CK Shock for Her ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray





CK Shock Street for Her ♀ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray




Encounter ♂ NEW 160879 After Shave Lotion 100 33,70 42,20 160877 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 37,30 46,70 160878 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 47,70 59,70 160881 Déodorant Stick 75 15,70 19,70

Karl Lagerfeld 118473

Classic Men ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 60 19,80 24,80

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 73


Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Lacoste 164976 164977

Eau de Lacoste Femme ♀ NEW Eau de Parfum Spray Eau de Parfum Spray

50 90

44,10 59,40

55,20 74,30

1942 1944

Lacoste pour Femme ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray Eau de Parfum Spray

50 90

41,80 55,80

52,30 69,80

15961 15962

Touch of Pink ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray Eau de Toilette Spray

50 90

40,40 52,80

50,50 66,00


Love of Pink ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 40,40 50,50

25134 25132 25138

Lacoste pour Homme ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 37,50 46,90 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 49,50 61,90 Déodorant Stick 75 15,40 19,30


Lacoste Red – Homme ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 125 49,90 62,40

24711 24714

Essential Men ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 75 38,90 48,70 Déodorant Stick 75 15,40 19,30

133723 133725

Essential Sport ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 75 38,90 48,70 Déodorant Stick 75 15,40 19,30

L1212 ♂ 143887 Blanc – Eau de Toilette Spray 100 49,20 61,50 143888 Blue – Eau de Toilette Spray 100 49,20 61,50 143889 Vert – Eau de Toilette Spray 100 49,20 61,50 156582 Rouge – Eau de Toilette Spray NEW 100 49,20 61,50

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 75

Life is beautiful at lancome.com

The new fragrance

Life is beautiful. Live it your way.

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Perfumes Size Eur Chf

Lancôme 159645 159646

La Vie est Belle ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 62,80 78,50 Eau de Parfum Spray 75 75,40 94,30


La Vie est Belle Voile ♀ NEW Eau de Parfum Spray 50 59,50 74,40

135994 26875

Ô de Lancôme ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 75 38,40 48,00 Eau de Toilette Spray 125 58,50 73,20


Ô de Lancôme De Azur ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 125 38,40 48,00


Ô de Lancôme De L’Orangerie ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 75 38,40 48,00


Miracle So Magic ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 51,60 64,50

Miracle ♀ 27847 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 61,00 76,30 27849 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 85,40 106,80 107884

Magie Noir ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 75 63,80 79,80

Trésor ♀ 23248 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 61,00 76,30 23310 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 85,40 106,80 13120 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 54,90 68,70

134720 134721

Trésor in Love ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 51,60 64,50 Eau de Parfum Spray 75 61,90 77,40

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 77

Perfumes Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Size Eur Chf

Lancôme Trésor Midnight Rose ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray Eau de Parfum Spray

148918 148919

50 75

51,60 61,90

64,50 77,40

Poême ♀ 20413 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 61,00 76,30 20415 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 85,40 106,80 Ô Oui Woman ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 75 45,00 56,30


Climat ♀ 134858 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 63,80 79,80 109458 109459 109461

Hypnose Homme ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 45,00 56,30 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 54,00 67,50 Déodorant Stick 75 18,20 22,80

24805 101911 103800

Hypnose Woman ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 61,00 76,30 Eau de Parfum Spray 75 73,10 91,40 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 54,90 68,70

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 78


Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Lancôme 153600 153601 153602 166410


Lancôme Coffrets ♀ Lancome La Maison des Parfums Coffr 5pc 5pcs Lancome La Collection Coffr 5pc 5pcs Lancome The Best of Lancome Coffr 5pc 5pcs Lancome Ò de Lancome My Summer Coffr 3pc 3pcs

40,50 39,50 37,60 28,20

50,70 49,40 47,00 35,30


Arperge ♀ 20871 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 50,50 63,20 20874

Eclat d’Arperge ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 41,60 52,00

L’Homme Sport ♂ 126403 Shower Gel 100 13,20 16,50

Guy Laroche Fidji ♀ 29378 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 78,50 98,20


Drakkar Noir ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 63,30 79,20

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 79


Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Estée Lauder Pleasures ♀ (1) 44500 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 40,10 50,20 44503 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 59,70 74,70 136468 136469

Pleasures Bloom ♀ NEW (2) Eau de Parfum Spray 50 40,10 50,20 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 59,70 74,70

165088 165089

Pleasures Eau Fraiche ♀ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 50 33,50 41,90 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 51,00 63,80


Youth Dew ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 65 31,40 39,30

Estée ♀ 30988 Eau de Parfum Spray 60 40,10 50,20 32077


Private Collection ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray





www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 81


Catalogue 2013/14


Size Eur Chf

Estée Lauder Cinnabar ♀ 30201 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 36,40 45,50 32190

White Linen ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 60 45,10 56,40

103465 103466

Pure White Linen ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 39,40 49,30 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 59,70 74,70

117367 117368

Pure White Linen Light Breez ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 39,40 49,30 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 59,70 74,70

Knowing ♀ (1) 42595 Eau de Parfum Spray 75 64,80 81,00 Beautiful ♀ (2) 36056 Eau de Parfum Spray 30 40,10 50,20 36072 Eau de Parfum Spray 75 62,60 78,30 37887 Bodylotion 250 38,70 48,40 Intuition for Woman ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 100 64,10 80,20




www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 82


Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Estée Lauder 10841

Beyond Paradise Woman ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray




Sensuous ♀ 127255 Eau de Parfum Spray 127257 Eau de Parfum Spray

50 100

43,70 62,60

54,70 78,30


Sensuous Noir ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray




149608 149609

Sensuous Nude ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray Eau de Parfum Spray

50 100

43,70 62,60

54,70 78,30

163006 163007

Very Estee ♀ NEW Eau de Parfum Spray Eau de Parfum Spray

30 50

36,40 47,40

45,50 59,30

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 83


Catalogue 2013/14


Size Eur Chf

Ralph Lauren Safari ♀ 33030 Eau de Parfum Spray 75 71,70 89,70 34045

Safari for Men ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 125 71,30 89,20

Romance ♀ 38211 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 59,00 73,80 38213 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 77,50 96,90 36137

Polo for Men ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 118 71,30 89,20

37950 38003

Polo Sport ♂ (1) Eau de Toilette Spray 75 44,30 55,40 Déodorant Stick 75 20,60 25,80

1819 1820 1825

Polo Blue ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 75 47,70 59,70 Eau de Toilette Spray 125 62,70 78,40 Déodorant Stick 75 23,50 29,40


Polo Blue Sport ♂ (2) Eau de Toilette Spray 125 62,70 78,40

(1) (2)

25258 25261

Polo Black – Men ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 75 47,70 59,70 Eau de Toilette Spray 125 62,70 78,40

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 84


Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Ralph Lauren Ralph ♀ 38260 Eau de Toilette Spray 38263 Eau de Toilette Spray

50 100

44,20 59,40

55,30 74,30

40,00 40,00 40,00 40,00

50,00 50,00 50,00 50,00

135986 135987 135988 135989

Ralph Lauren Big Pony Men ♂ Blue Eau de Toilette Spray Red Eau de Toilette Spray Green Eau de Toilette Spray Orange Eau de Toilette Spray

75 75 75 75

156632 156634 156636 156638 156640

Ralph Lauren Big Pony Woman ♀ Coffrets assortment Purple Eau de Toilette Spray (1) Yellow Eau de Toilette Spray (2) Pink Eau de Toilette Spray (3) Blue Eau de Toilette Spray (4)

60 45,60 57,00 50 44,10 55,20 50 44,10 55,20 50 44,10 55,20 50 44,10 55,20

18011 24995

PCI Collection Coffrets NEW Haute Collection Premier Collection


27,5 38,40 48,00 31 35,00 43,80

(2) (3)


Jennifer Lopez 15700

Glow by J.Lo ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 32,40 40,50


Love & Glamour ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 32,40 40,50

Mexx 153906

Ice Touch Man ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 30 11,90 14,90

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 85


Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Issey Miyake 166759 166760 166761 166762

Pleats Please ♀ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray Eau de Toilette Spray Body Lotion Déodorant Spray

36161 36234 104447 104448 106784 106786 106816

L’Eau d’Issey ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 50,90 63,70 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 74,00 92,50 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 58,30 72,90 Eau de Parfum Spray 75 71,20 89,00 Déodorant Roller 50 19,50 24,40 Déodorant Spray 100 23,20 29,00 Body Lotion 200 31,50 39,40

140119 140120

L’Eau d’Issey Florale ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 50,90 63,70 Eau de Toilette Spray 90 71,20 89,00

166772 166773

L’Eau d’Issey Absolue ♀ NEW Eau de Parfum Spray 50 58,30 72,90 Eau de Parfum Spray 90 74,00 92,50

126968 135217

A Scent ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 47,20 59,00 Eau de Parfum Spray 40 47,20 59,00

50 100 150 100

46,30 68,40 24,10 22,30

57,90 85,50 30,20 27,90

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 87

Perfumes Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Size Eur Chf

Issey Miyake 36535 111719 36532 36530 111743 36553 36551

L’ Eau d’Issey Homme ♂ After Shave Lotion 100 37,90 47,40 After Shave Balm 100 33,30 41,70 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 41,70 52,20 Eau de Toilette Spray 125 58,30 72,90 Eau de Toilette Spray 200 76,80 96,00 Déodorant Stick 75 21,30 26,70 Déodorant Spray 150 21,30 26,70

110910 110911

L’ Eau Homme Intense ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 75 41,70 52,20 Eau de Toilette Spray 125 58,30 72,90


L’Eau Bleue pour Homme ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 75 37,90 47,40

153818 153819 168132 153820 153821

L’ Eau Homme Sport ♂ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray Eau de Toilette Spray Eau de Toilette Spray Déodorant Stick Shower Gel

50 39,80 49,80 100 56,60 70,80 200 76,80 96,00 75 21,30 26,70 200 21,30 26,70

Moschino 21443

I Love Love ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 39,50 49,40

165201 165202

Pink Bouquet ♀ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 50 44,00 55,00 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 58,00 72,50

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 88

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Perfumes Size Eur Chf

Thierry Mugler 148174 148175 14207 17869 119422 119423 119424 119425

Angel Woman ♀ Eau de Toilette Refilable 40 44,30 55,40 Eau de Toilette Refilable 80 66,60 83,30 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 70,80 88,50 Eau de Parfum Spray Refilable 100 106,40 133,00 Showergel 200 27,60 34,50 Body Lotion 200 29,50 36,90 Body Crème 200 50,00 62,50 Déodorant Spray 100 24,60 30,80


Angel Innocent ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 75 57,40 71,80

A*Men ♂ 14335 Eau de Toilette Rubber Spray 50 38,00 47,50 102301 Eau de Toilette Rubber Spray 100 52,90 66,20 14339 Eau de Toilette Refill 100 50,60 63,30 14352 Déodorant Stick 75 20,10 25,20 161423

A*Men Pure Leather ♂ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 100 52,90 66,20

Alien ♀ 107816 Eau de Parfum Spray 60 69,30 86,70 119703 Eau de Parfum Spray Refillable 90 82,50 103,20 161502

Alien Essence Absolue ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 60 75,90 94,90

Womanity ♀ 136523 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 51,30 64,20 136524 Eau de Parfum Spray 80 66,30 82,90

Paloma Picasso 38349 38326

Mon Parfum ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 58,50 73,20 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 77,80 97,30

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 89

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Perfumes Size Eur Chf

L’Occitane 103196

Men – L’Occitane ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 33,90 42,40

103197 107229

Men – Eau de Beaux ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 33,90 42,40 Eau des Baux – Deostick 75 12,70 15,90

Verbena ♀ 103213 Bath & Shower Gel 250 10,80 13,50 103214 Body Lotion 250 17,60 22,00 103216 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 32,80 41,00 Green Tea ♀ 103217 Shower Gel 250 11,20 14,00 157065 Body Lotion 250 17,60 22,00 Lavender ♀ 103222 Handcreme 75 12,40 15,50 117458 117459 117460

Cherry Blossom ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 33,90 42,40 Shower Gel 250 10,80 13,50 Body Lotion 250 17,80 22,30

128640 128641 156197

Roses 4 Reines ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 75 32,40 40,50 Shower Gel 250 10,80 13,50 Body Lotion 250 17,80 22,30


Verdon – Men ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray

50 25,40 31,80

Peony ♀ 136314 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 32,40 40,50 136315 Shower Gel 250 10,80 13,50 140105 Shower Crème 75 4,30 5,40 140106 Body Lotion 75 5,80 7,30 140113

Fleur Cherie ♀ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 75 32,80 41,00

168386 168387 168388 168389 168390 168391

La Collectione de Grasse NEW Jasmin & Bergamotte – Eau de Toilette Spray 75 42,40 53,00 Vanilla & Narcisse – Eau de Toilette Spray 75 42,40 53,00 Thé Vert & Bigarade – Eau de toilette Spray 75 42,40 53,00 Jasmin & Bergamotte – Body Lotion 175 14,20 17,80 Vanilla & Narcisse – Body Lotion 175 14,20 17,80 Thé Vert & Bigarade – Body Lotion 175 14,20 17,80

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 91


Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Paco Rabanne 161865

One Million Absolutely Gold Intense – For Men ♂ NEW Eau de Parfum Spray 100 70,30


166000 166001

One Million Intense – For Men ♂ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray Eau de Toilette Spray

43,40 58,00

54,30 72,50


Lady Million Absolutely Gold Intense ♀ NEW Eau de Parfum Spray 80 83,60


43681 43683

Ultra Violet Woman ♀ (1) Eau de Parfum Spray 50 47,00 58,80 Eau de Parfum Spray 80 63,00 78,80


Ultra Violet Men ♂ (2) Eau de Toilette Spray 100 51,20 64,00

37397 37370

Pour Homme ♂ After Shave Lotion Splash 100 34,20 42,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 50,70 63,40

50 100



www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 93


Catalogue 2013/14


Size Eur Chf

Paco Rabanne 42633

XS pour Homme ♂ (1) Eau de Toilette Spray 100 52,50 65,70

Paco ♂ ♀ 41008 Eau de Toilette Spray 100



24303 24302

Black XS Homme ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 36,10 45,20 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 46,60 58,30

154535 154536

Black XS Homme L’Exces ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 41,00 51,30 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 53,90 67,40

110650 110651

Black XS for Her ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 40,60 50,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 80 49,30 61,70

154537 154538

Black XS for Her L’Exces ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 46,60 58,30 Eau de Toilette Spray 80 56,20 70,30


www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 94


Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Paco Rabanne 118914 118911 118912 135653 118913

One Million – For Men ♂ (1) After Shave Lotion 100 35,50 44,40 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 40,60 50,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 54,30 67,90 Eau de Toilette Spray 200 79,90 99,90 Déodorant Stick 75 17,00 21,30

157938 157939 135933 135934 135935 135936

Lady Million ♀ (2) Eau de Toilette Spray 50 45,20 56,50 Eau de Toilette Spray 80 58,90 73,70 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 50,30 62,90 Eau de Parfum Spray 80 65,30 81,70 Déodorant Spray 150 18,30 22,90 Body Lotion 150 18,30 22,90

170577 170578 170579 170580 170581

Invictus – For Men ♂ NEW (3) Eau de Toilette Spray 50 38,00 47,50 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 50,80 63,50 After Shave Spray 100 33,10 41,40 Deodorant Spray 150 19,00 23,80 Deodorant Stick 75 15,30 19,20




www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 95

Nick HuttoN LuNa Rossa saiLiNg team LuNa Rossa cHaLLeNgeR oF tHe 34tH ameRica’s cuP

tHe New FRagRaNce FRom PRada PRada.com

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Perfumes Size Eur Chf

Prada 160024 160022 160023

Luna Rossa ♂ NEW After Shave Lotion 125 41,80 52,30 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 43,10 53,90 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 57,10 71,40

20335 20337

Prada Women ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 53,60 67,00 Eau de Parfum Spray 80 70,80 88,50

104778 104781

Amber pour Homme ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 42,20 52,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 57,10 71,40

141728 141729

Amber pour Homme Intense ♂ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 46,60 58,30 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 62,90 78,70

110872 113493 141724 141726

Infusion d’Iris ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 100 72,90 91,20 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 54,90 68,70 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 45,30 56,70 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 62,90 78,70

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 97


Catalogue 2013/14


Size Eur Chf

Prada Candy ♀ (1) 148142 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 53,60 67,00 148143 Eau de Parfum Spray 80 71,60 89,50 166149 166150

Candy L’Eau ♀ NEW (2) Eau de Toilette Spray 50 47,90 59,90 Eau de Toilette Spray 80 64,10 80,20



www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 98

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Perfumes Size Eur Chf

Nina Ricci 41960 41965 2834

L’air du Temps ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 48,20 60,30 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 68,20 85,30 Déodorant Spray 100 26,20 32,80

Nina ♀ (1) 102239 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 45,30 56,70 104504 Eau de Toilette Spray 80 53,40 66,80 136333 136334

Nina Elixer ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 49,50 Eau de Parfum Spray 80 60,10

164655 164654

Nina L’Eau ♀ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 50 40,90 51,20 Eau de Toilette Spray 80 47,60 59,50

126804 126805

Ricci Ricci ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 48,20 60,30 Eau de Parfum Spray 80 65,70 82,20


Ricci Ricci Mademoiselle ♀ NEW Eau de Parfum Spray 50 48,20 60,30

61,90 75,20

Coffrets ♀ NEW 166129 N. Ricci Miniatures 5pcs 37,20 46,50 (1)

Rochas 50825

Rochas Men ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 48,80 61,00

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 99

Perfumes Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Size Eur Chf

Narciso Rodriguez 166910 166749

L’Eau For Her ♀ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 50 48,00 60,00 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 68,00 85,00

Elie Saab


147880 147881 160004 160005 147884

Le Parfum ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 51,00 63,80 Eau de Parfum Spray 90 68,00 85,00 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 43,50 54,40 Eau de Toilette Spray 90 64,00 80,00 Body Lotion 200 27,50 34,40

Jil Sander 52280 52345

Jil Sander No 4 ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 45,90 57,40 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 69,00 86,30

Sun ♀ 17403 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 19,50 24,40 55328 Déodorant Roller 50 15,30 19,20 101264

Sun Delight ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 32,40 40,50

Sensations ♀ 57234 Eau de Toilette Spray 40 32,40 40,50 57214

Sander for Men ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 75 38,40 48,00


Sun Men ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 75 22,00 27,50

Pure ♀ 5891 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 53,70 67,20 Style ♀ 105919 Eau de Parfum Spray 75 59,30 74,20 Jil ♀ 129521 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 52,30 65,40 Eve ♀ NEW 150623 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 44,00 55,00

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 100


Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Paul Smith Rose ♀ 116026 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 36,40 45,50

Britney Spears Fantasy ♀ (1) 101269 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 22,60 28,30 108126

Midnight Fantasy ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 22,60 28,30

131941 131942

Circus Fantasy ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 21,20 26,50 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 27,00 33,80


Island Fantasy ♀ NEW Eau de Parfum Spray 50 22,60 28,30

Radiance ♀ (2) 140017 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 22,60 28,30 (1)


Elisabeth Taylor 54542

White Diamonds ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 37,90 47,40

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 101

Jessica Chastain


Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Perfumes Size Eur Chf

Yves Saint Laurent Manifesto ♀ NEW 161412 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 61,60 77,00 161413 Eau de Parfum Spray 90 78,90 98,70 168890 Body Lotion 200 43,00 53,80 Yvresse ♀ 151581 Eau de Toilette Spray 80 72,80 91,00 151579

In Love Again ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 80 72,80 91,00

Paris ♀ 104176 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 61,70 77,20 53279 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 61,50 76,90 53317 Eau de Toilette Spray 125 81,00 101,30 Opium ♀ 132474 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 67,90 84,90 132475 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 57,70 72,20 132476 Eau de Toilette Spray 90 77,90 97,40 112285 Body Lotion 200 40,40 50,50 157348 157349

Opium Vapeurs de Parfum ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 48,70 60,90 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 57,70 72,20

Cinema ♀ 16356 Eau de Parfum Spray 90 82,30 102,90 Elle ♀ 112202 Eau de Parfum Spray 90 82,30 102,90 Parisienne ♀ 127543 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 58,80 73,50 127544 Eau de Parfum Spray 90 75,40 94,30 127546 Déodorant Spray 100 26,40 33,00 157344 157345

Parisienne L’Eau ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 50,00 62,50 Eau de Toilette Spray 90 64,00 80,00

137886 137887

Belle d’Opium ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 58,80 73,50 Eau de Parfum Spray 90 75,40 94,30

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 103

Olivier Martinez yslexperience.com



Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Size Eur Chf

Yves Saint Laurent L’Homme ♂ 104953 After Shave 100 40,10 50,20 104954 Eau de Toilette Spray 60 44,60 55,80 104955 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 61,80 77,30 104957 Déodorant Stick 75 18,00 22,50 Kouros ♂ (1) 52957 After Shave Lotion 100 40,10 50,20 52868 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 40,10 50,20 53058 Déodorant Stick 75 18,00 22,50 57168

M 7 Oud Absolu Men ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 58,20 72,80


Opium Homme ♂ (2) Eau de Toilette Spray 100 58,20 72,80




148900 148901 148904 168824

L’Homme Libre ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 60 44,60 55,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 61,80 77,30 Déodorant Stick 75 18,00 22,50 Déodorant Spray 150 21,51 26,90

139730 139731 122830 122831 122832 122833 127542

La Nuit ♂ (3) Eau de Parfum Spray 60 49,90 62,40 Eau de Parfum Spray 100 67,30 84,20 Eau de Toilette Spray 60 44,70 55,90 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 61,80 77,30 After Shave 100 40,10 50,20 Déodorant Spray 150 21,50 26,90 Déodorant Stick 75 18,00 22,50


La Nuit Frozen ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 100 55,40 69,30

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 105

Perfumes Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Size Eur Chf

Valentino Valentina ♀ 149359 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 58,00 72,50 149360 Eau de Parfum Spray 80 74,70 93,40 159505 159506

Valentina Assoluto ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 64,20 80,30 Eau de Parfum Spray 80 80,50 100,70

165453 165454

Valentina Assoluto Floral ♀ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 50 51,80 64,80 Eau de Toilette Spray 80 67,10 83,90

Bottega Veneta 157273 157274

Bottega Veneta ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 63,00 78,80 Eau de Parfum Spray 75 78,20 97,80

166883 166884

Bottega Veneta Eau Légère ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 52,80 66,00 Eau de Toilette Spray 75 68,40 85,50

G. Versace 58903

Versace Woman ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 45,40 56,80

23781 102314

Versace Crystal Noir ♀ Eau de Parfum Spray 50 52,30 65,40 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 48,10 60,20

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 106

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Perfumes Size Eur Chf

G. Versace 51230

Blue Jeans ♀ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 75 19,95 25,00


Red Jeans ♀ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 75 19,95 25,00

L’Homme ♂ 54208 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 45,90 57,40 103837 103838

Eau Fraîche Homme ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 38,70 48,40 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 52,30 65,40

104408 104409

Bright Crystal ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 48,10 60,20 Eau de Toilette Spray 90 63,70 79,70

117655 117656

Versace Pour Homme ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 41,70 52,20 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 55,80 69,80


Versace Pour Homme – OUD Noir ♂ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 100 87,60 109,50

Versense ♀ 123344 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 50,40 63,00 123345 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 66,40 83,00 Versus ♀ 132593 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 42,40 132594 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 56,50

53,00 70,70

Vanitas ♀ 142171 Eau de Parfum Spray 50 55,00 68,80 159793 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 50,80 63,50 149356 149357

Yellow Diamond ♀ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 48,10 60,20 Eau de Toilette Spray 90 63,70 79,70

165020 165021 165022

Versace Eros ♂ NEW Eau de Toilette Spray 50 44,00 55,00 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 58,00 72,50 Déodorant Stick 75 20,50 25,70

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 107

zegna .com



Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Ermenegildo Zegna

Size Eur Chf


Uomo ♂ 167730 Eau de Toilette Spray 50 43,20 54,00 167731 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 58,80 73,50 167732 After Shave Lotion 100 42,95 53,70 170569 170570

Z Zegna – For Men ♂ (1) Eau de Toilette Spray 50 43,20 54,00 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 58,80 73,50

170571 170572

Zegna Intenso – For Men ♂ Eau de Toilette Spray 50 43,20 54,00 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 58,80 73,50

170573 170574

Zegna Forte – For Men ♂ (2) Eau de Toilette Spray 50 43,20 54,00 Eau de Toilette Spray 100 58,80 73,50



www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 109







Andie MacDowell.


Catalogue 2013/14 One. With the power of Two. NEW

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Clarins 117 Valuepack Clinique


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Guerlain 123 Lancôme 125 Lancôme Make up


Estée Lauder


L‘Oreal 131 Valuepack L’Oréal


Mascara Valuepack




L‘Occitane 136 Helena Rubinstein

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Cosmetics Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Size Eur Chf

Elisabeth Arden 20055 105390 128669 3328 153545 154101 157551 157552

E.Arden Skincare 8-hour Hand Cream 8-hour Intensive Daily moisture 8-hour Essentials Valuepack Visible Difference Body Lotion 8-hour Intensive Moisturizing Face 8-hour Skin Cream Fragrance Free Ceramide Premiere Activation Day Cream Spf 30 Ceramide Premiere Overnight Regeneration Cream

75 18,70 24,00 200 24,10 30,90 108 33,90 43,40 300 18,20 23,30 50 26,20 33,60 50 24,30 31,20 50



50 73,90 94,60

Aramis Lab Series for Men 101356 After Shave Balm 101357 Active Body Wash 101359 Age Rescue 101671 Night Recover Lotion

100 27,50 35,20 100 17,00 21,80 50 35,50 45,50 50 31,50 40,40

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 112

Catalogue 2013/14 Reference

Cosmetics Size Eur Chf

Biotherm – Skin care 5584 9723

Biothem Men – Normal Skin Homme Active hydratant 50 31,00 39,70 Homme Facial Cleansing gel 150 19,30 24,80


Shaving Homme Shaving Foam 200 15,40 19,80

5533 5601 5611

After Shave Homme After Shave Balm 100 29,90 Homme After Shave Repair 50 23,10 Homme Baume Apaisant Sans Alcool 100 29,50

100733 5783 11846 19534

Anti Aging Homme Age Fitness nuit 50 43,30 55,50 Homme Age Fitness 50 38,10 48,80 Homme Age Fitness Yeux 15 33,10 42,40 Homme Age Refirm 50 49,70 63,70

22241 15679 9735 127776

Moisturizing Homme Aquapower Body Lotion 250 25,40 32,60 Homme Aquapower Dry Skin 75 30,30 38,80 Homme Aquapower Ultra Moisturizing Care 75 30,50 39,10 Homme Aquapower Gel 100 27,30 35,00

17159 14025

Body Care Homme Déodorant Spray 150 15,60 20,00 Homme Vitalizing Showergel 200 18,90 24,20

9902 9905

Biotherm Ladies – B iotherm Anti Aging First Signs Age Fitness Creme normal skin 50 46,30 59,30 Age Fitness Yeux 15 33,75 43,20

38,30 29,60 37,80

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 113

Cosmetics Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Size Eur Chf

Biotherm – Skin care 127589 127590 127591 127592 132661

Biotherm Skin VIVO Reversive Anti-Aging NEW Anti Aging Creme Normal Combination Skin 50 54,20 69,40 Anti Aging Creme Dry Skin 50 54,20 69,40 Anti Aging Serum 50 60,60 77,60 Anti Aging Eye Gel 15 35,90 46,00 Anti Aging Night Cream with 2 active substances 50 54,40 69,70

122688 122690 122691 143898 143899 143900 156243 167097

Biotherm Moisturizing Aquasource Sensitive Normal Dry Skin 50 35,80 45,90 Aquasource Sensitive Dry & Very Dry Skin 50 35,80 45,90 Aquasource Sensitive Eye 15 30,20 38,70 Aquasource Cream Normal Skin 50 33,40 42,80 Aquasource Cream Dry Skin 50 33,40 42,80 Aquasource Gel Normal Skin 50 33,40 42,80 Aquasource Nuit 50 33,80 43,30 Aquasource Deep Serum 50 44,10 56,50

Biotherm Eye Cleaner 9583 Biocils Bi-Fase Lotion Eyecleaner 125 20,00 25,60 136104 Biocils Anti-Chute 125 20,00 25,60 4421 4419 29027 14129 122683

Biotherm Body Care Déodorant Pure Creme 75 14,50 Déodorant Pure Roll-on 75 14,50 Eau Vitaminee Bath & Showergel 200 17,80 Eau Vitaminée Body Lotion 200 21,80 Cleansing Shower Milk 200 15,80

168853 168854

Aquasource BB NEW Aquasource BB Fair to Medium 30 19,90 25,50 Aquasource BB Dark 30 19,90 25,50

161417 161414 161415 161416 165173

Biotherm Blue Therapy (Visible signs of aging repair) Therapy Serum, 30 46,00 58,90 Therapy Serum 50 55,00 70,40 Therapy Dry Skin 50 49,50 63,40 Therapy Normal & Combination Skin 50 49,50 63,40 Therapy Eyes 15 34,90 44,70

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 114

18,60 18,60 22,80 28,00 20,30

Catalogue 2013/14 Cosmetics Reference

The Body Shop

Size Eur Chf


Chocomania (Don‘t Eat!) 166323 Body Crème (Body Butter) Edition de Luxe 200 11,00 14,10 166324 Body Scrub (Perfumy Peeling) 200 11,00 14,10 166325 Shower Cream 250 4,40 5,70 166326 Body Lotion 250 8,80 11,30 166327 Lip Butter 10 5,00 6,40

Hugo Boss 102488 108378

Boss Skin Revitalizing Moisture Gel 50 23,50 30,10 Déodorant Stick 75 11,00 14,10

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 115

One. With the power of Two. NEW

Double Serum® Complete Age Control Concentrate

Inspired by Clarins plant science and powered by 20 of the most powerful anti-ageing pure plant extracts, Double Serum®’s innovative, two-phase system targets all aspects of skin ageing in one complete concentrate. Immediately skin is more radiant. After 4 weeks, skin appears rmer, wrinkles are reduced and pores less visible*. A double anti-ageing performance.

90 of women agree that Double Serum® is more effective than their regular serum. Find out why**. %

Clarins, No.1 in European luxury skin care***. *Satisfaction test – 197 women. **Satisfaction test – 126 women – 4 weeks. ***Source: European Forecasts.

Shop at www.clarins.com

Catalogue 2013/14 Cosmetics Reference

Size Eur Chf

Clarins 14230 136527 136528 142263 142264 142265 142266 148148 165737

Face Care Beauty Flash Balm – Mask 50 27,30 35,00 Vital Light Day 50 63,00 80,70 Vital Light Night 50 65,90 84,40 Vital Light Day Lightweight 50 63,00 80,70 Vital Light Night Lightweigth 50 65,90 84,40 Vital Light Day Spf 15 50 63,00 80,70 UV Plus Spf 40 Neutral 30 28,30 36,30 Vital Light Serum 30 62,60 80,20 Double Serum 30 55,50 71,00

14898 14907 142267 142268 123623

Body Care & Moisturizing Moisture Rich – Body Lotion 200 25,00 32,00 Hand & Nail Treatment – Handcream 100 14,70 18,90 Extra Firming Bodycream 200 36,50 46,80 Extra Firming Bodylotion 200 36,50 46,80 Foot beauty Treatment 125 17,50 22,40

Hydraquench NEW 154364 Clarins Hydraquench Cream-Gel 50 31,70 40,60 158871 Clarins Hydraquench Intensive Serum 30 37,00 47,40 166856 Clarins Hydraquench Intensive Serum 50 48,00 61,50 166156 Clarins Hydraquench Cream Dry Skin 50 31,70 40,60 166157 Clarins Hydraquench Rich Very Dry Skin 50 31,70 40,60 166158 Clarins Hydraquench SPF 15 Dry Skin 50 31,70 40,60 166160 Clarins Hydraquench Cream Mask 75 26,10 33,50 142267 142268 154359 154360 154361 154362 154363

Extra Firming Clarins Extra-Firming Bodycream 200 36,90 Clarins Extra-Firming Bodylotion 200 36,90 Clarins Extra Firming Day All Skin 50 51,30 Clarins Extra Firming Day Dry Skin 50 51,30 Clarins Extra Firming Day Lotion 50 51,30 Clarins Extra Firming Night All Skin 50 53,60 Clarins Extra Firming Night Dry Skin 50 53,60

47,30 47,30 65,70 65,70 65,70 68,70 68,70

123618 123619 123620 166154

Face Cleansing Clarins Gentle Foam Cleans normal skin 125 16,40 Clarins Gentle Foam Cleans dry skin 125 16,40 Clarins Gentle Foam Cleans oily skin 125 16,40 Gentle Eye Make-Up Remover 125 15,70

21,00 21,00 21,00 20,10


Sun Treatment NEW After sun Moisturizer 400 20,75 26,60

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 117


Catalogue 2013/14

Valuepack Clinique

110399 Clinique Anti-blemish 3-step System set Valuepack 180 Eur 27,00 34,60 Chf * Clarifying Lotion 60 & Facial Soap 30 & DDM Lotion 50ml

120111 Clinique Moisture Surge set Valuepack 120 Eur 46,00 58,90 Chf 1) Extended Thirst Relief Gel-Creme, 2) Face Spray, 3) Refreshing Eye Gel

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 118

Catalogue 2013/14 Cosmetics Valuepack Clinique

118860 Clinique Compact Colour Palet *** Eur 27,00 34,60 Chf

118891 Long Last Glossware – Sunset/Airkiss/ Kissyfit/Mystiuc/Fireberry Eur 27,00 34,60 Chf

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 119

© Clinique Laboratories, LLC

The beauty of a second chance. Meet Repairwear Laser Focus for face, and now for eyes. It started with the face serum that delivers 63% of the visible wrinkle-reducing power of a dermatologist’s laser.* It’s not the same thing, but the results are impressive. Now we focus on giving your entire eye area a smoother, younger look in 4 weeks. Going beyond our usual clinical testing, we invented a unique test** to prove eye-area ‘smile lines’ are 54% less visible in 12 weeks. Real women, real results at clinique.com

*Clinically tested on 40 women. **Tested on 31 women.

Catalogue 2013/14 Cosmetics Reference

Size Eur Chf

Clinique 8168 8214 24405 110399 120111 118860 118891 141750 141751 141752 141753 141754 161314

Clinique Skincare 3 little soaps mild 150 15,00 19,20 Facial soap mild 150 14,50 18,60 Liquid facial soap mild 200 14,50 18,60 AB 3-step System set – Value Pack 180 27,00 34,60 Moisture Surge set – Value Pack 120 46,00 58,90 Compact Colour Palette 27,00 34,60 Long Last Glossware (Sunset/Airkiss/Kissyfit/Mystiuc/Fireberry) 27,00 34,60 Clarifying Lotion 1 200 15,90 20,40 Clarifying Lotion 2 200 15,90 20,40 Clarifying Lotion 3 200 15,90 20,40 Clarifying Lotion 4 200 15,90 20,40 Mild Clarifying Lotion 200 15,90 20,40 Even Better Dark Sopt 10 31,40 40,20

154401 150225 165104

Repairwear Repairwear Uplift Dry & Combination Skin 50 54,00 69,20 Repairwaer Laser Focus Face Treatment 50 64,00 82,00 Repairwear Laser Focus Eye treatment 15 33,00 42,30


Clinique Moisturizing Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel 125 37,00


124184 124185 132662 132663

Clinique Youth Surge Age Decelerating Moisturizer SPF 15 Dry Combination Skin 50 43,00 SPF 15 Combination Oily Skin 50 43,00 Night Dry Skin 50 43,00 Night Dry Comnbination Skin 50 43,00

55,10 55,10 55,10 55,10

8445 8966 13840

Clinique Skin Care 7-day face scrub 100 19,75 Antipers deo roll on 75 13,40 All about lips 12 18,90

25,30 17,20 24,20

135955 15630 7102 13822 7112

Clinique Eye care All about eyes Serum 15 22,30 Gentle eye make-up remover 75 15,20 Rinse-off eye make-up 125 16,50 Rinse-off foam 150 16,50 Take the day off – Eyecleaner 125 15,20

28,60 19,50 21,20 21,20 19,50

20918 9230

Clinique Men Men maximum hydrator 50 30,70 Men M-lotion 100 28,80

39,30 36,90

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 121

Cosmetics Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Size Eur Chf

Christian Dior 123608 127537 142366 165368 165370 165371 165372 165373 19140 104454 24632 156407 156408 156409 156410 156411

C. Dior Skincare – Capture Totale Capture Totale Serum Finition 50 104,90 Capture Totale Rescue Eyes 15 74,10 Capture Totale One Essential 50 84,70 Capture Totale Multi-Perfection Serum 50 145,00 Capture Totale Multi-Perfection Eye Anti Fatigue 15 70,00 Capture Totale Multi-Perfection Rich Creme 60 120,00 Capture Totale Multi-Perfection Creme 60 120,00 Capture Totale Multi-Perfection Spf20 60 120,00 Capture Sculpt 10 Firming Creme 50 69,10 Capture Sculpt 10 Eyecreme 15 43,60 Capture Sculpt Night 50 72,70 Capture XP Night 50 79,00 Capture XP Serum 50 87,20 Capture XP Dry Skin 50 71,00 Capture XP Normal Skin 50 71,00 Capture XP Eye 15 45,00

135013 135014 135016 135017 135018 137811 145572 158727

Hydralife – Anti Aging Serum Serie NEW Hydralife Pro Youth Sorbet Creme Normal and Mixed Skin 50 40,10 51,40 Hydralife Pro Youth Confort Creme Normal and Dry Skin 50 40,10 51,40 Hydralife Pro Youth Protective Cream SPF 15 Normal & Dry Skin 50 40,90 52,40 Hydralife Pro Youth Sorbet Eye Creme 15 32,40 41,50 Hydralife Skin Energizer 50 46,80 60,00 Hydralife Extreme Dry Skin 50 40,10 51,40 Hydralife Skin Performance Pore Refining 50 46,80 60,00 Hydralife BB Creme 50 40,10 51,40

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 122

134,30 94,90 108,50 185,60 89,60 153,60 153,60 153,60 88,50 55,90 93,10 101,20 111,70 90,90 90,90 57,60

Catalogue 2013/14 Cosmetics Reference

Size Eur Chf

Guerlain 114375 114376 122219

Guerlain Skincare – Super Aqua Day Super Aqua Day Comfort SPF12 50 70,60 90,40 Super Aqua Day Refreshing Gel-Creme 30 43,00 55,10 Super Aqua Eye 15 57,60 73,80

137069 164949 142169 149394

Orchidée Impériale Orchidée Impériale Rich 50 265,00 Orchidée Impériale Creme 50 272,00 Orchidée Impériale Eye & Liptreatment 15 112,00 Orchidée Imperiale 30 300,00

142150 142151 142152 149393 161173 161174 167965

Abeille Royale NEW Abeille Royale Normal-Dry Skin 50 85,00 108,80 Abeille Royale Normal Skin 50 85,00 108,80 Abeille Royale Night 50 99,00 126,80 Abeille Royale Eye Care 15 69,00 88,40 Abeille Royale Intense Day Restoring Lift 50 100,00 128,00 Abeille Royale Intense Night Restoring lift 50 120,00 153,60 Abeille Royale Serum 30 80,00 102,40

339,20 348,20 143,40 384,00

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Catalogue 2013/14 Cosmetics Reference

Size Eur Chf

Guerlain Guerlain Make-Up NEW Terracotta Bronze Powder Terra 00 10 32,80 Terracotta Bronze Powder Terra 01 10 32,80 Terracotta Bronze Powder Terra 02 10 32,80 Terracotta Bronze Powder Terra 03 10 32,80 Terracotta Bronze Powder Terra 04 10 32,80 Terracotta Bronze Powder Terra 05 10 32,80 Terracotte Skin Foundation 01 30 32,80 Terracotte Skin Foundation 02 30 32,80 Terracotta Light Powder 02 – Blondes 10 32,80 Terracotta Light Powder 03 – Brunette 10 32,80 Terracotta Light Powder 04 – Sun Blondes 10 32,80 Terracotta Light Powder 05 – Sun Brunettes 10 32,80 Terracotta 4 Seasons – 08 – Ebony 10 44,00 Terracotta 4 Seasons – 02 – Naturel Blondes 10 44,00 Terracotta 4 Seasons – 03 – Naturel Brunettes 10 44,00 Terracotta 4 Seasons – 04 – Moyen Blondes 10 44,00 Terracotta 4 Seasons – 05 – Moyen Brunettes 10 44,00 Terracotta 4 Seasons – 00 – Nude 10 44,00

42,00 42,00 42,00 42,00 42,00 42,00 42,00 42,00 42,00 42,00 42,00 42,00 56,40 56,40 56,40 56,40 56,40 56,40

11673 11347 11681 11762 21747

Lancôme Skincare – Lancôme Bocage Bocage Déocreme 50 16,70 Bocage Déodorant Roller 40 16,70 Bocage Déodorant Stick 40 16,70 Bocage Dry Déodorant Spray 125 16,70 Bocage Trio – Value Pack 150 45,00

21,40 21,40 21,40 21,40 57,60


Lancôme Clarte Clarte galateis 200 19,20 24,60

12378 12459 12525

Lancôme Confort Confort galatee 200 19,20 24,60 Confort galatee 400 27,20 34,90 Confort tonique lotion 400 27,20 34,90

12475 12505

Lancôme Tonique Tonique douceur 200 19,20 Tonique douceur 400 27,20

143456 143457 143458 143459 143460 143461 143462 143463 156523 156524 156525 156526 166939 167019 167020 167021 167022 167023


24,60 34,90

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Catalogue 2013/14


Size Eur Chf

108534 Duo Hypnose/Definicils Eur 44,30 56,80 Chf Valuepack 2 x Mascara Black

117870 Duo Virtuose / Hypnose Eur 44,30 56,80 Chf Valuepack 2 x Mascara Black

21747 Bocage Trio 150 Eur 45,00 57,60 Chf Valuepack

136082 Lancome Fly & Kiss Eur 17,70 22,70 Chf Value Pack 1xCrayon Noir Mini & Bi-Facil & Hypnose Noir Mini & Juice Tube Fraise & 2x Mascara Black

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 126

Catalogue 2013/14 Cosmetics Reference

Size Eur Chf

Lancôme 107867 107869 107871 124667 124668 124669 124670 135991 135992 105767 121772 29319

Lancôme Hydra Zen De-stressing & Hydrating NEW Neurocalm Dry Skin 50 41,40 53,00 Neurocalm Night creme 50 43,20 55,30 Neurocalm Eyecreme 15 32,30 41,40 Hydra Zen Gel Creme 50 41,40 53,00 Hydra Zen Tinted Moisturiser 02 50 24,30 31,20 Hydra Zen Tinted Moisturiser 03 50 24,30 31,20 Hydra Zen Tinted Moisturiser 04 50 24,30 31,20 Hydra Zen Creme SPF15 50 41,40 53,00 Hydra Zen Fluide SPF30 50 41,40 53,00 Nutrix Royale 50 45,20 57,90 Nutrix Royal Hands 100 20,60 26,40 Nutrix Tube 125 50,00 64,00

28134 19774 28132 142532

Lancôme Renergie – Anti wrinkle Renergie 50 69,80 89,40 Renergie nuit 50 78,50 100,50 Renergie Yeux (Eyes) 15 43,60 55,90 Renergie Multi Lift Eye 15 56,00 71,70

127639 134763 127638 167715 167716 167717

Lancôme Genifique NEW Genifique Day Cream 50 57,20 73,30 Genifique Night Cream 50 62,20 79,70 Genifique Eyes Cream 15 44,60 57,10 Genifique Advanced Serum 30 63,00 80,70 Genifique Advanced Serum 50 83,00 106,30 Genifique Advanced Serum 100 115,00 147,20


Genifique Nutrix Genifique Nutrix Day Cream 50 57,20



Genifique Men Men Genifique HD Anti Aging Fluid


156295 166402 166403 166404 166405 166406 166407 166408

Lancôme Absolue NEW Absolue L‘Extrait 50 230,00 294,40 Absolue Oleo Serum 30 140,00 179,20 Absolue BX Night 75 149,00 190,80 Absolue BX Cream 50 125,00 160,00 Absolue BX Eyes 20 68,00 87,10 Absolue Precious Cells Day 50 147,00 188,20 Absolue Precious Cells Night 50 160,00 204,80 Absolue Precious Cells Eye 20 80,00 102,40



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Cosmetics Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Size Eur Chf

Lancôme 151591 151592 151594 151595 151596

Lancôme Blanc Expert NEW Ultimate Brightening Replumping Night Cream 50 61,00 78,10 Ultimate Brightening Hydrating Day Cream 50 61,00 78,10 Ultimate Brightening Replumping Beauty Lotion 200 37,00 47,40 Ultimate Whitening Purifying Foam 125 29,00 37,20 Crystal Brightness Activating Essence 30 80,00 102,40

Lancôme Make up 37052 13889 13890 22137 110757 126998 134754 147745 156645 156645 156647

Mascara Definicils Black 01 23,40 30,00 Hypnose Black 501 23,40 30,00 Hypnose Brown 502 23,40 30,00 Hypnose Waterproof Black 501 23,40 30,00 Virtuose Black 01 23,40 30,00 Hypnose Drama 01 Black 23,40 30,00 Hypnose Precious Cells 1 Densifying Black 23,40 30,00 Hypnose Doll Eyes 01 – Black NEW 23,40 30,00 Hypnose Doll Eyes Waterproof 01 – Black NEW 23,40 30,00 Hypnose Drama 014 Strass Black silver shimmer NEW 23,40 30,00 Hypnose Doll Eyes 011 Noir intense NEW 23,40 30,00

108534 117870 136082

Valuepacks Duo Hypnose/Definicils 44,30 56,80 Valuepack 2xMascara Black NEW Duo Virtuose / Hypnose 44,30 56,80 Valuepack 2xMascara Black NEW Lancome Fly & Kiss 17,70 22,70 Valuepack: 1x Crayon Noir Mini & Bi-Facil & Hypnose Noir Mini & Juice Tube Fraise & 2xmascara Black

138409 138410 138411 138412 138413 138414 147754 147755 40925

Foundation Teint Miracle Foundation 001 Beige Albatre 30 29,10 37,30 Teint Miracle Foundation 002 Lys Rose 30 29,10 37,30 Teint Miracle Foundation 003 Beige Diaphane 30 29,10 37,30 Teint Miracle Foundation 004 Beige Nature 30 29,10 37,30 Teint Miracle Foundation 045 Sable Beige 30 29,10 37,30 Teint Miracle Foundation 005 Beige Noisette 30 29,10 37,30 Teint Miracle Compact Foundation 04 Beige Nature 9 32,30 41,40 Teint Miracle Compact Foundation 03 Beige Diaphane 9 32,30 41,40 Poudre Majeur Translucide 01 31,80 40,80

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 128

Catalogue 2013/14 Cosmetics Reference

Size Eur Chf

Estée Lauder 127244 127245 136470 170816 170817 170818 170819

Advanced Night Repair ANR Synchronised Recovery Complex 50 72,00 ANR Synchronised Recovery Complex 100 115,00 ANR Synchronised Recovery Complex Eyes 15 39,00 ANR Synchronized II 50 70,40 ANR Synchronized II 100 112,00 ANR Synchronized II & Eye Serum Vpack 65 98,20 ANR Synchronized II & Eye Gel Vpack 65 94,80

139214 139215 139216 139217

Re-Nutrive Ultimate Lift 50 180,00 230,40 Lift X-Rich 50 180,00 230,40 Lift Youth Eye creme 15 88,00 112,70 Lift Serum 30 167,00 213,80

132649 132650

Hydrationist Hydrationist Normal Skin 50 37,00 47,40 Hydrationist Dry Skin 50 37,00 47,40

165070 165071 165072 165073 165074

Advanced Time Zone NEW Line/Wrinkle Reversing Normal & Combination Skin Crème 50 56,00 71,70 Line/Wrinkle Reversing Dry Skin 50 56,00 71,70 Line/Wrinkle Hydrating Gel 50 56,00 71,70 Line/Wrinkle Night Creme 50 63,00 80,70 Line/Wrinkle Eye Creme 15 37,90 48,60

92,20 147,20 50,00 90,20 143,40 125,70 121,40

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 129







Catalogue 2013/14 Cosmetics Reference

Size Eur Chf

L‘Oreal 20075 20069 20068 20077 20071 143256 166207

L‘Oreal Men Expert Men Expert Foaming Cleansing 150 7,40 Men Expert Hydra Energetics Lotion 50 9,20 Men Expert Pure & Mat Moisturising Gel 50 8,70 Men Expert Showergel Gel 200 4,60 Men Expert Wrinkle Decrease 50 11,00 Men Expert Vita Lift 5 50 12,40 Men Expert Vita Lift Revitalizing Serum 13,30

9,50 11,80 11,20 5,90 14,10 15,80 17,00

11317 5520 5521 133700

Age Perfect – Mature skin programm Age Perfect eyes 15 13,80 Age Perfect Day 50 13,80 Age Perfect night 50 13,80 Age Reperfect Intense 50 16,20

17,70 17,70 17,70 20,80

1616 1696 1707

L‘Oreal Deep anti aging Dermo-Expertise revitalift 50 11,00 Dermo-Expertise revitalift eyes 15 11,00 Dermo-Expertise revitalift night 50 12,00

14,10 14,10 15,40

4382 1519

L‘Oreal Cleansing Cleansing wipes 3,70 4,80 Eye make-up remover 125 4,80 6,20


L‘Oreal Active Hydrating Hydrafresh normal skin 50 8,30

133697 133698 143262 143263

L‘Oreal Youth Code NEW Day Cream 50 14,70 18,90 Eye Cream 15 14,70 18,90 Night Cream 50 14,70 18,90 Serum 30 16,20 20,80

143234 122476 133670

L‘Oreal Mascara Lash Architect 4D Black01 13,00 Extra Volume Collagen Black 01 13,00 Extra Volume Million Black 01 13,00


Mascara Valuepacks Duo Extra Volume Million Valuepack 25,70 **2 Mascara Black


16,70 16,70 16,70


www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 131





Catalogue 2013/14 Cosmetics Reference

Size Eur Chf

L‘Oreal 133684 11777 4100

L‘Oreal Lip Treatment Valuepacks Trio Color Riche Classic- 3 pieces – Valuepack 33,00 Trio Timeless Classic of Color, **Tender Rose 303, Rose Creme 453, Parline beige 102, Free Telescopic Carbon black Mascara Age Perfect Programm Valuepack 115 36,80 **Day Cream 50 – Eye Cream 15 – Night Cream 50ml Dermo Expertise Revitalift Valuepack 115 32,00 **Daycream 50 – Eyecream 15ml – Nightcream 50ml


L‘Oreal Eyeliner Superliner Black 9,20


166202 166203 166204

L‘Oreal Age Perfect Cell NEW Cell Renew Serum 30 17,70 Cell Renew Day 50 16,20 Cell Renew Night 50 17,00

22,70 20,80 21,80




www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 133



Catalogue 2013/14


Size Eur Chf

Valuepack L’Oréal

11777 L’Oreal Age Perfect Programm Valuepack 115 Eur 36,80 46,00 Chf * Daycream 50 – Eye cream 15ml – Nightcream 50ml

Age Perfect Programme Day 50 ml + Eye 15 ml + Night 50 ml

elp fight against

The perfect set to firm up the fabric of the skin, regenerate and deeply nourish the epidermis. Anti-age spots.




Page 1

Derma Genesis Programme

Revitalift Programme

Day 50 ml + Eyes 15 ml + Night 50 ml

Day 50 ml + Eyes 15 ml + Night 50 ml

Discover a new way to rejuvenate your skin ! This 24/24 set combines naturally derived Pro-Xylane and Hyaluronic Acid to help the renewal of surface skin cells for younger looking skin. Re-plumped, tautened, illuminated, your skin looks radiantly younger.

8 days to firmer skin, 4 weeks to reduce wrinkles. Discover the complete programme to fight the signs of ageing.

4100 L’Oreal Set Dermo Expertise Revitalift Valuepack *** Eur 32,70 40,90 Chf * Daycream 50 – Eye cream 15ml – Nightcream 50ml

Age Perfect Serum

Age Perfect Programme

Skin Support Intensive Serum. Our serum contains Soya Bean extract to help fight against sagging, drying and dullness.

Day 50 ml + Eye 15 ml + Night 50 ml The perfect set to firm up the fabric of the skin, regenerate and deeply nourish the epidermis. Anti-age spots.



Catalogue 2013/14 Cosmetics Reference

Size Eur Chf

Mascara Valuepack

133681 Duo Extra Volume Million Eur 25,70 32,90 Chf 2 Mascara + Free Contour Kh么l

133684 Lip Treatment Valuepack Eur 33,00 42,30 Chf Trio Timeless Classic of Color **Tender Rose 303,Rose Cr猫me 453, Parline beige 102, Free Telescopic Carbon black Mascara

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 135

Cosmetics Reference

Catalogue 2013/14 Size Eur Chf

L‘Occitane 103167 103169 103170

Almond Almond Firming Milk Body Lotion 200 33,20 42,50 Almond Body & Shower Oil 250 13,50 17,30 Almond exfoliating Paste Bodyscrub 200 24,70 31,70

103172 103173 103175 103179 117457 119413 124009

Immortelle Immortelle Balm Eyes 15 27,00 34,60 Immortelle Precious Cream 50 37,80 48,40 Immortelle Precious Fluid 30 30,00 38,40 Immortelle Cleansing Foam 150 16,60 21,30 Immortelle Very Precious Cream 50 54,70 70,10 Immortelle Water Face Lotion 200 13,90 17,80 Immortelle Precious Protection 50 38,10 48,80

132646 140102 140103

Immortelle Divine Anti Aging Immortelle Divine Cream Immortelle Divine Eyes Immortelle Divine Serum

103181 103182 103183 103186 103187 103190 103191 132645

Shea Butter Shea Butter Cream Hands 150 16,60 21,30 Shea Butter Cream Feet 150 16,60 21,30 Shea Butter Cream Hands 30 5,80 7,50 Shea Butter Pure Body Cream 150 24,70 31,70 Shea Butter Rich Body Cream 200 25,90 33,20 Shea Butter Body Lotion 250 17,60 22,60 Shea Butter Lip Balm 5 6,00 7,70 Butter Serum 30 27,80 35,60


Men Men Cade Shower Cream 150 13,80 17,70

103213 103214

Verbena Verbena Body & Showergel 250 10,80 13,90 Verbena Body Lotion 250 17,60 22,60


50 15 30

64,80 40,10 65,50

83,00 51,40 83,90

Green Tea 103217 Green Tea Showergel 250 11,20 14,40 157065 Green Tea Body Lotion 250 17,80 22,80

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Catalogue 2013/14 Cosmetics Reference

Size Eur Chf

L‘Occitane 103232 121887 121888

Aromachology Aromachology Body Oil 100 13,90 17,80 Aromachology Repair Shampoo 300 12,70 16,30 Aromachology Volume Shampoo 300 12,40 15,90

124414 157059

L ‘Occitane Hand & Foot Kit 150 24,50 Hand Cream 75ml & Foot Cream 75ml Lip Balm Trio 3 pcs 16,80

117459 117460

Cherry Blossom Cherry Blossom Showergel 250 10,80 Cherry Blossom Body Lotion 250 17,80

31,40 21,60

13,90 22,80

Angelica NEW 168392 Sublime Skin Serum 30 37,70 48,30 168393 BB Medium ( Creme de Beaute Sublime ) 40 22,25 28,50 168394 BB Light ( Creme de Beaute Sublime ) 40 22,25 28,50

Helena Rubinstein 120271 149510 161420 122564 122565 134844 144668 144669 147674 147675 156225 156226 156228 164421


Prodigy – Premium Skin Treatment Re-plasty Concentrate – Serum 40 181,00 231,70 Re-plasty Laser Spot 40 63,80 81,70 Re-plasty Profiller 30 188,50 241,30 Extreme Face Cream 50 159,00 203,60 Extreme Eye & Lip 15 94,50 121,00 Powercell Serum 30 65,00 83,20 Powercell Creme Normal Skin 50 87,00 111,40 Powercell Eye Cream 15 55,40 71,00 Powercell Serum 75 90,00 115,20 Powercell Night Shot 20 64,80 83,00 Eye 15 77,70 99,50 Cream Dry Skin 50 147,10 188,30 Cream Normal & Combination Skin 50 147,10 188,30 Night 50 162,00 207,40

www.diplomaticsupplyeurope.eu 137

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