Diplomat & International Canada - Fall 2020

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‘A state that listens to the voice of the people’ fair trial, as well through support and development of as freedom of reli- SMEs; fair competition; increased producgion, speech and tivity; complexity and technological effecaldinov am K assembly. And tiveness of the economy; development of E: M NA LAST the optional pro- human capital; “greening” of the economy h Kazak CITIZENSHIP: tocol gives the through environmental protection; as well TIALS AS EN ED United Nations as adoption of well-grounded decisions by CR D PRESENTE the right to hear the state and responsibility for them before : OR AD AMBASS from victims of society. 18 20 , June 29 n violations of In his address, Tokayev pointed out ig re fo y ut SITIONS: Dep the protocol.) that a new model of government should PREVIOUS PO to ambassador F u r t h e r r e - be introduced. He highlighted that “reminister and forms include forms in this area should be carried out Japan strengthening systematically. Let’s start by changing legislation on the approaches to public administration, the right to political rallies and developing personnel policy, decision-making systems une 2020 marked one year since a multi-party system. and responsibility for their implementaKassym-Jomart Tokayev became In September 2020, Tokayev delivered tion.” The government will create an president of Kazakhstan. During his annual address to the nation, this agency for strategic planning and reforms, his first year in power, Tokayev ensured time titled “Kazakhstan in the new real- which will become the central link of a smooth and stable transfer of power, ity: Time to act.” The speech highlighted the entire system of state planning. He which is a key condition for political seven key principles of the new economic also outlined the creation of a supreme and economic development of the councourse for the country: equitable distri- presidential council for reforms, whose try. The period of political transition in bution of benefits and responsibilities; a decisions will be final. And he noted that Kazakhstan has coincided with global leading role for private entrepreneurship a reboot of the civil service system is rechanges and challenges and Tokayev had to look for new solutions while also sticking with his general strategy for Kazakhstan’s reforms and development. As part of this strategy, he has established internal political initiatives with such slogans as: “a state that hears,” “different opinions; one nation,” “successful economic reforms are impossible without modernization of the country’s socio-political life,” “strong president; influential Parliament; accountable government.” One of the key points of Tokayev’s presidential agenda was the creation of the National Council of Public Trust, which includes well-known politicians, public figures, economists and intellectuals. The work of the council is carried out in political, social and economic arenas, with the most urgent and acute issues of state development included on its agenda. Based on the results of several meetings with the president, the council developed and adopted a package of important political reforms with amendments to the laws on peaceful assembly, elections, political parties and enshrining in practice the principles of political pluralism. The reforms include accession to the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The Ak Orda Presidential Palace in Astana — the official workplace of the president of Kazakhstan (The covenant guarantees right to life, — is one of many architectural jewels in the new portion of the capital. electoral rights, rights to due process and






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