Hydration Overview

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CULINARY & BREAKROOM SOLUTIONS Contact Us: www.directedonline.com 917.589.8900 info@directedonline.com “The Best in Business Practice”


Establishing a dedicated area where employees enjoy some downtime during the workday is a strategic move that can reap many positive benefits for the company and workers alike.

The basic principle of an employee break room is for employees to temporarily disengage from the steady stream of daily tasks. It only takes a brief respite in this work free zone for people to relax and recharge, a combination that brings with it a greater level of productivity, job satisfaction and general health. Some companies have elevated the concept of workplace break rooms to such a level that employees almost feel as though they've been treated to a spa day during their lunch hour. From mood lighting to nature sounds, plants to distilled drinking water, and cushioned floor pads to massage recliners, a growing trend is to create an oasis where people can refresh with meditation, short naps or light exercise.


Engaging in any activity without a break, whether enjoyable or laborious, makes it difficult for the mind and body to relax and regain balance. This is particularly true in the workplace, where stress can be constant and relief options minimal.




Our focus is on putting the finest filtered water at people’s sides. Easily accessible, beautiful to drink, and significantly boosting performance.personalBut never adding more plastic to world waste.





Connected units send reminders to check levels of pouches, filters and CO2 to help determine when it’s time to replace them.

DispenserBeverageTouchlessSmartwell® FLOOR STANDING UNIT DIRECTED

Conveniently monitor units, track touchless dispense data and manage orders, all from computers, smartphones or tablets. SMART REFILL


•Reduce the amount of stainless steel that needs to be manufactured to build our system, which will reduce our carbon footprint.

Vivreau uses a sub-micron activated carbon block filter. This filter allows us to remove over 99% of contaminants while leaving the minerals intact. Vivreau has eliminated the need for UV sterilization. We use higher quality carbon filters that will remove anything that UV would kill. UV will also become less effective over time and could allow bacteria or cysts to pass through whereas the Vivreau filter will not.



•Remove over 99% of contaminants while leaving the minerals intact.

•Reduce the amount of electricity consumed.

Our Story Vivreau began life in the UK nearly four decades ago. At the time, European bottled water companies were taking the world by storm, carving out a niche for their products by selling images of pristine, snow capped mountains and idyllic spas. The notion was that their water was somehow much better than your water and the lifestyle afforded to its drinkers became Ultimately,aspirational.however,these products still required millions upon millions of bottles to package and left a significant footprint as they made their way to markets around the globe. Consumers began selecting water that had travelled from thousands of miles away rather than leverage local sources and landfills began to see significant quantities of single serve bottled product refuse despite the growth of recycling infrastructure. Enter Vivreau, a progressively minded company that embraced this simple idea: local water can be transformed to be every bit as good as the heavily marketed bottled stuff, but with a tiny fraction of the footprint. Through advanced filtration, chilling, carbonation and touch-of-a-button or pull-of-a-handle convenience, Vivreau offered a responsible, intuitive, and above all else, enjoyable, water solution.

In 2008, Vivreau was brought to the US and Canada. It quite literally originated a new category in the marketplace: premium table water dispensing. Up until Vivreau’s arrival on the scene, the market offered only low output point of use systems or massive commercial units that required complex hardwiring into the venue’s infrastructure. Vivreau’s ease of use and broad range of systems with custom configurable components meant that clients could select a system ideal for their venue, with minimal effort. Meanwhile, Vivreau’s signature, proprietary glass bottles permitted a powerful new brand extension for the continent’s top companies and soon became a fixture in boardrooms and VIP lounges from coast to BRITAcoast.SEis

Vivreau’s parent company and is a global leader in the provision of water purifying products for consumers and businesses. Vivreau, and by extension, Vivreau clients, benefit significantly from BRITA’s ongoing program of cutting-edge research and development, technological innovation, and excellence in engineering.




Water, always ready to be dispensed into glasses, bottles or flasks, at home, in the office, in bars, restaurants, canteens, and any public space. Making all of this possible through water coolers that are on the cutting edge in terms of their construction, performance, design and respect for the environment - this is the task we set ourselves. Certifications (see official listing) Compliance with European directives Product electrical safety certification based on the technical European standards Product electrical safety certification based on the technical Brazilian standards Certification that product is 100% made in Italy American certification of purity and quality of the dispensed water French certification that ensures the safety of materials that enter into contact with water for human consumption Compliance to the European directive 2011/65/UE + D.D. 2015/863/EU 5000805 Electrical safety certification for U.S. and Canada markets 9001:2015 Compliance of the environmental management standards 14001:2015 Compliance of the quality management systems SISTEMA DI GESTIONE CERTIFICATOUNI EN ISO D.M. 174/04 System compliance to the D.M. 174/04 regulation CB Electrical safety International certificate WMK26566WMTSWMK26241105:2016AS/NZS3718:2005 Certification for Australia and New Zealand confirming the safety of the materials that come into contact with water for human consumption

Luca Costantini & Gianni Grottini

ABOUT US “Water and other resources of the planet are the most precious goods that we humans possess. How we preserve them for our future generations depends on the actions of today. By choosing one of our mains supply water coolers not only you are making the right choice from the ecologic point of view, we are also making a hygienically safe and intelligently economic choice. With our main supply water coolers you have the convenience of a continuous, large quantity of cold, still and sparkling water at your finger-tips without harming the environment. We have come up with impeccably designed water-coolers that are 100% made in Italy and 100% stylishly Italian. At the beginning it was an objective, today it is a commitment and one which makes us really proud.”











The Vitro range of professional hot beverage machines is designed with attention to every detail. After investigating the current design trends in the coffee industry and finding out what consumers and operators expect from an automatic coffee machine, we believe we’ve created a machine Which combines our experience as manufacturers with a contemporary, aesthetic and timeless design. Every aspect of Vitro enhances the user experience, the culmination of which sets the range apart from other beverage systems. Thanks to our uncompromising focus on continuous development and innovation, we’ve fused our growing knowledge with the demands of a fast changing world. We’ve focused on what’s most important: offering the best machine and the best product; taking care of the smallest details and giving un mistakeable personality and identity to the whole Vitro range.





Erica Russo is our General manager and Director of all Catering Operations provide amazing culinary experiences for all your events. an expert in Cuisine, Chef Russo is committed to educating the public about food and philosophy using all 5 senses. Erica Russo General erica@directedonline.com201.299.7991Manager


Edward Sanders is the CEO and Founder of DIRECTED We provide amazing culinary experiences for all your events. Breakfast, Lunch, Executive Dinners, Events featuring Ethnic Themes, Vegan, Pescatarian, Gluten Free, Vegetarian and everything in between! Edward ed@directedonline.com917.589.8900CEOSanders



we gravitate towards the most basic simplistic corporateenvironmenresponsiblesustainableideastallyfriendlystrategicefficientsolutionsDIRECTED Online 917.589.8900directedonline.cominfo@directedonline,comLLC.

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